NeuroTran online demo - dosadašnji primjeri prevođenja s engleskog na hrvatski
Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti dosadašnje primjere prevođenja proizvoljnih rečenica koje su izabrali naši korisnici.
Klikom na bilo koju rečenicu vidjet ćete animaciju prevođenja te rečenice u realnom vremenu upotrebom našeg NeuroTran softvera. Animacije su rađene u animiranom GIF formatu i potrebno je da vaš web preglednik (browser) ima uključen prikaz slika i animacija. Ukoliko imate sporu vezu na Internet bit će potrebno malo pričekati kako bi se animacije učitale.
Napomena: Navedena vremena potrebna za prijevod bez pomoći NeuroTran softvera odnose se na osobe koje vrlo dobro znaju strani jezik i u stanju su brzo tipkati. U praksi to vrijeme ovisno o stručnosti osobe koja prevodi (naročito u slučaju potrebe za pisanim rječnikom) može trajati i znatno više.
Ako korisnik ne zna prevesti neku kraticu ili neku riječ vrlo je lako moguće potrošiti više sati tražeći prijevod samo jedne riječi. Ponekad to može potrajati i više dana a ponekad korisnik nikada neće moći prevesti tu riječ.
Demo rečenica |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja stručne osobe bez pomoći NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss) |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® Professional softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) |
Ušteda u slučaju da osoba nije vrlo dobar poznavatelj stranog jezika (%) |
Your relatives in Croatia think it's strange if you are not married by the age of 18.
00:58 |
00:25 (57%) |
00:21 (64%) |
100% |
To boldly go where no one has gone before. Beyond which lies a great, unexplored mass of the galaxy.
01:42 |
00:51 (50%) |
00:41 (61%) |
100% |
A term that refers to future events, such as future returns or prospects of a company.
01:00 |
00:32 (47%) |
00:24 (60%) |
100% |
The digits represent the axis motion (in microns) per handwheel increment.
01:02 |
00:36 (42%) |
00:32 (49%) |
100% |
Inert gas system inoperative. Technical assistance needed. Suspect scrubber fault. ETA Rotterdam September 30th. Arrange technician on arrival.
02:55 |
01:24 (52%) |
01:24 (52%) |
100% |
The earliest signals were directly operated by a signalman on the basis of his knowledge of the line ahead.
01:01 |
00:29 (53%) |
00:24 (61%) |
100% |
Lorem Ipsum is simple dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. It has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
02:54 |
01:10 (60%) |
00:59 (67%) |
100% |
Now is the time to obtain a final commitment. During this phase, the client might still have some objections to your suggestions.
01:00 |
00:28 (54%) |
00:23 (62%) |
100% |
A comprehensive view of patient information from a single point of access, providing cardiologists with information for confident diagnostic decisions.
01:21 |
00:37 (55%) |
00:31 (62%) |
100% |
Unfortunately, the payment method on file for your account declined our attempt to collect payment for your .WS domain now that your free trial has ended.
01:54 |
00:43 (63%) |
00:39 (66%) |
100% |
Life is ever unfolding from within, and revealing itself to the light, and thoughts engendered in the heart at last reveal themselves in words, actions, and accomplishments.
02:10 |
00:49 (63%) |
00:42 (68%) |
100% |
Anarchist labor unions have only a shell of resemblance to the type of labor unions that existed in the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States.
01:01 |
00:33 (46%) |
00:30 (51%) |
100% |
The first part of this series of articles covers the non-modifying sequence operations, the second part talks about the mutating sequence operations, and the third discusses sorting and related operations.
02:09 |
01:02 (52%) |
00:51 (61%) |
100% |
Teenager David Bolton has just put $9000 in the bank, after only six months of part-time work as a computer consultant.
00:56 |
00:18 (68%) |
00:18 (68%) |
100% |
With SpamGuard turned on, Yahoo Mail will deliver suspected spam to this folder and delete them after one month.
01:34 |
00:55 (42%) |
00:51 (46%) |
100% |
Leadership is the next step in social evolution. Above all, there always had to be a leader. The strongest, the more daring, and the cleverest was the leader, a chief to lead and organize the group.
01:37 |
00:48 (51%) |
00:42 (57%) |
100% |
There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away. Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting.
02:00 |
00:59 (50%) |
00:51 (57%) |
100% |
The Government of Slovenia hereby approves the creation and establishment of The Global Open University at Ljubljana.
01:02 |
00:19 (70%) |
00:17 (73%) |
100% |
The shipping taxes are included in the price so you don't have to pay nothing extra. It is a german car with german documents.
01:21 |
00:41 (50%) |
00:39 (52%) |
100% |
Each folder may contain multiple sites, which contain all the necessary information about how to connect to a single host and any necessary security control information and options.
01:57 |
01:02 (48%) |
00:54 (54%) |
100% |
In 1954 the championship returned to Formula One regulation. New regulations allowed 2.5 litre athmospheric engines. This change brought an end to the Italian domination of the sport.
01:55 |
00:49 (58%) |
00:43 (63%) |
100% |
Responsible to manage the outside accounting Company and regular accounting tasks such as: payments, invoices, payrolls and financial reports.
01:42 |
00:46 (55%) |
00:39 (62%) |
100% |
Guidance and counselling by faculty advisors, assistance with finding accommodation, cultural programme in the introductory phase and during the course of studies, arrangement of periods of practical training in industry and research.
02:11 |
00:44 (67%) |
00:40 (70%) |
100% |
Different surveys have been carried out on the plasma activities of different glycosidases in patients with insuline dependent diabetes mellitus, but research on urinary glycosidases in this disease is scanty and incomplete.
02:45 |
01:11 (57%) |
01:03 (62%) |
100% |
As we have already said our experience and our contacts initiate success and quality of the insider tips, which we have in our offer.
01:15 |
00:40 (41%) |
00:32 (58%) |
100% |
I will let you know when we will send you those parts. Prices will be the same like before. Regards.
00:59 |
00:31 (49%) |
00:24 (60%) |
100% |
All things are now possible, the result is up to you - it is all dependent on just how much you want it.
01:05 |
00:28 (57%) |
00:25 (62%) |
100% |
Part of the brand new, multi-function Branimir centre, which is bringing new life to the drab neighbourhood just east of the main railway station.
02:06 |
00:49 (62%) |
00:45 (65%) |
100% |
Grubby but unbowed, the mud-spattered army on the plinth makes its long march up the slope of history.
01:12 |
00:34 (53%) |
00:32 (56%) |
100% |
The principle behind the mutagenesis is misincorporation of bases at "random" positions.
00:54 |
00:21 (62%) |
00:16 (71%) |
100% |
The sought-after food tablets for all fresh water and marine fish, and many invertebrates, consist of each 50% high quality flake food and vacuum freeze-dried food.
01:53 |
01:02 (46%) |
00:52 (54%) |
100% |
You are currently using 'simple mode'. When you click 'enter my data' your card will preview on the next screen.
01:44 |
00:54 (49%) |
00:48 (54%) |
100% |
RAW capture, an option that is available on many cameras, saves data off the image sensor without internal camera processing. The camera only applies the ISO, shutter speed, and aperture that you set on the camera.
03:21 |
01:27 (57%) |
01:14 (64%) |
100% |
Chile is a country of startling contrasts and extreme beauty, with attractions ranging from the towering volcanic peaks of the Andes to the ancient forests of the Lake District.
02:11 |
00:50 (62%) |
00:44 (66%) |
100% |
If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by e-mail at the address shown.
01:41 |
00:48 (53%) |
00:42 (59%) |
100% |
The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed, which means that the list is sorted.
01:38 |
00:47 (53%) |
00:43 (57%) |
100% |
The successful tenderer will be expected to complete the Works within the period stated in the Tender Data and Appendix to Tender from the date of commencement of the Works.
02:01 |
00:56 (54%) |
00:49 (60%) |
100% |
Fretting corrosion is corrosion that can occur on the load bearing contact surface between mating material.
01:21 |
00:41 (50%) |
00:37 (55%) |
100% |
If possible, please be kind to send back the items which had problems to us so that we can check them and avoid the problems in the future.
01:22 |
00:45 (46%) |
00:41 (50%) |
100% |
NeuroTran® Professional
Ako uz pomoć NeuroTran
®-a želite dobiti točniji i precizniji prijevod, preporučujemo NeuroTran
® Professional.
Bez obzira čime se bavi Vaša tvrtka, organizacija, ili Vi osobno, analizom čestoće pojavljivanja termina/fraza moguće je utvrditi terminologiju
koja je specifična za djelatnost kojom se bavite. Česti termini u nekoj djelatnosti mogu npr. biti: "bilanca dobitaka", "upravno pravni postupak",
"imovinskopravni odnosi", "prenatalna diagnostika", "odobrenje za puštanje u promet", "matičarstvo", "matični ured", "stupna dizalica", "vitlo mačke",
"Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju", "Ministarstvo europskih integracija"... itd. Dodavanjem svih najčešćih termina/fraza s njihovim
prijevodima u NeuroTran-ovu bazu znanja ti termini bit će uvijek točno prevedeni.
® Professional se izrađuje prema zahtjevima naručitelja. Naručitelj mora dostaviti tekstove s kojima se često susreće
ili samo nazive web stranica njegove ili srodnih djelatnosti. Na temelju dostavljenog teksta naša ekipa lingvista vrši optimizaciju softvera
što omogućava:
- brže i preciznije prevođenje
- fiksiranje terminologije - tko god prevodi istu vrstu tekstova ima točno određene prijevode pa ih ne mora tražiti ili izmišljati
Optimizacija traje 1-3 tjedna ovisno o količini i formatu dostavljenog teksta te o dostupnosti stručnjaka određenog područja i potrebne literature.
Za optimizaciju su potrebni:
- adresa web stranice/a koje sadrže primjere izvornog i ciljnog teksta (npr.,, ili
- primjeri izvornog i ciljnog teksta na CD-u ili
- rječnik stručnih riječi (ako postoji)
- dokumenti u elektronskom formatu ili u papiru koji sadrže stručnu terminologiju
Godišnja nadogradnja
® se stalno usavršava u sljedećem:
- povećanju broja riječi i fraza
- povećanju riječi i fraza iz specijaliziranih područja (npr. gospodarstvo, informatika, građevina, medicina, ...)
- točnijim gramatičkim pravilima za prevođenje
- bržem izvršavanju softvera
- lakšem korištenju softvera
® Professional se može kupiti samo sa godišnjom pretplatom (plaćanje po ugovoru). Prije dobivanja licencnog broja za NeuroTran
® Professional treba potpisati i poslati ugovor o godišnjoj pretplati. Za više informacija o NeuroTran
® Professional izdanju molimo nazovite na telefon: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015.
Ako želite saznati više informacija o našim proizvodima i uslugama koje rade na drugim platformama, molimo izaberite ovdje:
Translation Experts Hrvatska d.o.o.
Šeferova 6
10 000
Tel: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015