NeuroTran online demo - dosadašnji primjeri prevođenja s engleskog na hrvatski
Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti dosadašnje primjere prevođenja proizvoljnih rečenica koje su izabrali naši korisnici.
Klikom na bilo koju rečenicu vidjet ćete animaciju prevođenja te rečenice u realnom vremenu upotrebom našeg NeuroTran softvera. Animacije su rađene u animiranom GIF formatu i potrebno je da vaš web preglednik (browser) ima uključen prikaz slika i animacija. Ukoliko imate sporu vezu na Internet bit će potrebno malo pričekati kako bi se animacije učitale.
Napomena: Navedena vremena potrebna za prijevod bez pomoći NeuroTran softvera odnose se na osobe koje vrlo dobro znaju strani jezik i u stanju su brzo tipkati. U praksi to vrijeme ovisno o stručnosti osobe koja prevodi (naročito u slučaju potrebe za pisanim rječnikom) može trajati i znatno više.
Ako korisnik ne zna prevesti neku kraticu ili neku riječ vrlo je lako moguće potrošiti više sati tražeći prijevod samo jedne riječi. Ponekad to može potrajati i više dana a ponekad korisnik nikada neće moći prevesti tu riječ.
Demo rečenica |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja stručne osobe bez pomoći NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss) |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) |
Prosječno vrijeme prevođenja uz pomoć NeuroTran® Professional softvera (mm:ss, ušteda %) |
Ušteda u slučaju da osoba nije vrlo dobar poznavatelj stranog jezika (%) |
We constantly search for the most useful and interesting CAD, CAM and CAE features, reviews and tutorials existing on the Internet and send them to you every Wednesday.
01:52 |
00:48 (58%) |
00:44 (61%) |
100% |
This paper considers the film "Behind Enemy Lines", made before 11th September 2001 but rush released soon after, as a cultural and commercial product which provides insights into American geopolitical culture.
02:21 |
00:57 (60%) |
00:50 (65%) |
100% |
They describe the administrative arrangements/procedures for coordinating EIA within or between jurisdictions (for example within a federal state or among countries of a region where there are transboundary impacts).
02:15 |
00:45 (66%) |
00:39 (72%) |
100% |
Learn about the programs Windows XP contains, including systems, accessories, and communications and entertainment programs.
01:02 |
00:38 (39%) |
00:34 (46%) |
100% |
There are 11 hospital wards, according to the different medical subject (for example department for viral hepatitis, department for respiratory tract infections, department for urinary tract infections etc.)
02:11 |
00:48 (64%) |
00:42 (68%) |
100% |
With its additional chiseling function, the TE 16-C offers increased versatility, making it also suitable for light chiseling work on masonry and concrete.
01:54 |
01:02 (46%) |
00:51 (57%) |
100% |
The treatment of heart disease in the presence of thyrotoxicosis is no different from its treatment when thyrotoxicosis is absent, but may be more difficult.
01:14 |
00:27 (64%) |
00:22 (71%) |
100% |
The protozoans, minute aquatic creatures, each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life.
01:32 |
00:21 (78%) |
00:18 (81%) |
100% |
The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe.
00:47 |
00:12 (75%) |
00:09 (81%) |
100% |
The enhanced X-Window petrophysical reservoir evaluation software system, eXpress, is integrated log analysis software running on UNIX workstations using industry standards (OSF/Motif and X-Window).
02:24 |
00:56 (62%) |
00:49 (66%) |
100% |
Visualisation technologies offer functionality to improve the display of 3-D models with smooth flythrough and selective component manipulation and animation.
01:58 |
00:41 (70%) |
00:36 (66%) |
100% |
Through the excellent networking capability in combination with the plug-in features it offers the industry a maximum automation of the prepress job preparation and accurate mounting and proofing.
03:03 |
01:01 (66%) |
00:57 (69%) |
100% |
We are pleased that the interface update and re-launch went well and would like to thank you for all your replies and feedback, which we are now processing and evaluating.
02:47 |
01:23 (51%) |
01:08 (60%) |
100% |
This was followed by four years of fighting before the majority of Serbian forces left Croatia.
00:59 |
00:32 (46%) |
00:26 (57%) |
100% |
The sociological concern with education has not been limited to the western hemisphere.
00:34 |
00:12 (65%) |
00:12 (65%) |
100% |
Hear now the word of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here.
00:36 |
00:19 (48%) |
00:16 (56%) |
100% |
The natural attributes of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, as well as uniqueness and sensibility of that phenomenon, deserve a full attention of our visitors.
01:41 |
00:34 (66%) |
00:27 (74%) |
100% |
For us, the genealogies prove that true worship has its foundation in facts and not in myth. The names and places mentioned confirm the record to be factual and real.
01:46 |
00:49 (54%) |
00:43 (60%) |
100% |
In order to keep the size of the download file small, help and manual files have been excluded from this version.
01:02 |
00:34 (46%) |
00:29 (54%) |
100% |
About 60 percent of respondents said they had trouble sleeping and felt depressed.
00:42 |
00:24 (43%) |
00:22 (48%) |
100% |
Use the simple present tense to report repeated actions.
00:41 |
00:18 (57%) |
00:14 (66%) |
100% |
When you have decided on what you want to photograph, you can focus your subject by turning the focus control.
00:58 |
00:28 (52%) |
00:23 (61%) |
100% |
I have now decided that I would like to retire from the Bank at the end of 2005, after almost 3 years, to return to the private sector.
01:09 |
00:33 (53%) |
00:28 (60%) |
100% |
Most of our books have call numbers, but a small portion of them (about 1/6 at present) do not.
01:05 |
00:32 (51%) |
00:29 (56%) |
100% |
The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you should adjust your browser settings.
00:47 |
00:22 (54%) |
00:19 (61%) |
100% |
NeuroTran® Professional
Ako uz pomoć NeuroTran
®-a želite dobiti točniji i precizniji prijevod, preporučujemo NeuroTran
® Professional.
Bez obzira čime se bavi Vaša tvrtka, organizacija, ili Vi osobno, analizom čestoće pojavljivanja termina/fraza moguće je utvrditi terminologiju
koja je specifična za djelatnost kojom se bavite. Česti termini u nekoj djelatnosti mogu npr. biti: "bilanca dobitaka", "upravno pravni postupak",
"imovinskopravni odnosi", "prenatalna diagnostika", "odobrenje za puštanje u promet", "matičarstvo", "matični ured", "stupna dizalica", "vitlo mačke",
"Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju", "Ministarstvo europskih integracija"... itd. Dodavanjem svih najčešćih termina/fraza s njihovim
prijevodima u NeuroTran-ovu bazu znanja ti termini bit će uvijek točno prevedeni.
® Professional se izrađuje prema zahtjevima naručitelja. Naručitelj mora dostaviti tekstove s kojima se često susreće
ili samo nazive web stranica njegove ili srodnih djelatnosti. Na temelju dostavljenog teksta naša ekipa lingvista vrši optimizaciju softvera
što omogućava:
- brže i preciznije prevođenje
- fiksiranje terminologije - tko god prevodi istu vrstu tekstova ima točno određene prijevode pa ih ne mora tražiti ili izmišljati
Optimizacija traje 1-3 tjedna ovisno o količini i formatu dostavljenog teksta te o dostupnosti stručnjaka određenog područja i potrebne literature.
Za optimizaciju su potrebni:
- adresa web stranice/a koje sadrže primjere izvornog i ciljnog teksta (npr.,, ili
- primjeri izvornog i ciljnog teksta na CD-u ili
- rječnik stručnih riječi (ako postoji)
- dokumenti u elektronskom formatu ili u papiru koji sadrže stručnu terminologiju
Godišnja nadogradnja
® se stalno usavršava u sljedećem:
- povećanju broja riječi i fraza
- povećanju riječi i fraza iz specijaliziranih područja (npr. gospodarstvo, informatika, građevina, medicina, ...)
- točnijim gramatičkim pravilima za prevođenje
- bržem izvršavanju softvera
- lakšem korištenju softvera
® Professional se može kupiti samo sa godišnjom pretplatom (plaćanje po ugovoru). Prije dobivanja licencnog broja za NeuroTran
® Professional treba potpisati i poslati ugovor o godišnjoj pretplati. Za više informacija o NeuroTran
® Professional izdanju molimo nazovite na telefon: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015.
Ako želite saznati više informacija o našim proizvodima i uslugama koje rade na drugim platformama, molimo izaberite ovdje:
Translation Experts Hrvatska d.o.o.
Šeferova 6
10 000
Tel: (00 385) (0)1 2313 015