Business |
Gospodarstvo |
Sarkozy and Brown join to attack US
Sarkozy i Brown se udružuju za napad na SAD
Health |
Zdravlje |
The quest for immortality
Potraga za besmrtnosti
My Stroke of Insight by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor - part 4
Moždani udar spoznaje, dr. Jill Bolte Taylor - četvrti dio
Technology |
Tehnologija |
Fiction for robots
Fikcija za robote
Medicine |
Medicina |
Why are checklists important?
Zašto su važni kontrolni popisi?
Education |
Obrazovanje |
Embark on a PhD adventure!
Upustite se u avanturu doktorskog studija!
The Natural History Museum studentship 2010
Stipendija Prirodoslovnog Muzeja za 2010. godinu
Cuisine |
Kulinarstvo |
Chicken 'en pissaladiere'
Piletina 'en pissaladiere'
Sarkozy and Brown join to attack US
Nicolas Sarkozy and Gordon Brown joined forces yesterday to attack the US for alleged protectionism in its handling of a $50bn military tender that looks likely to be awarded to Boeing.
The French president believes the rules of the tender to provide refuelling tankers to the US air force were skewed against EADS, the Franco-German aerospace and defence group.
He said: "I did not appreciate this decision. This is not the right way to behave." Speaking in Downing Street after talks with the British prime minister, Mr Sarkozy accused the US of double standards.
"If they want to be heard in the fight against protectionism, they should not set the example of protectionism."
Mr Brown was also unusually forthright in his criticism of the US.
"I, too, am disappointed by the American decision and we have made our views known." EADS, parent company of Airbus, withdrew this week from the long-running competition.
It was jointly bidding for the contract with Northrop Grumman, a US defence contractor.
The tensions come at a difficult time for transatlantic trade relations, with the US accusing the Europeans of erecting barriers to hedge funds - including those based in New York - operating in the...

Sarkozy i Brown se udružuju za napad na SAD
Nicolas Sarkozy i Gordon Brown jučer su udružili snage za napad na SAD zbog navodnog protekcionizma u svom rukovanju s 50 milijardi dolara vrijednim vojnim natječajem koji će vjerojatno biti dodijeljen Boeingu.
Francuski predsjednik smatra da su pravila natječaja za osiguravanje punjenja tankera gorivom za ratno zrakoplovstvo SAD-a iskrivljena protiv EADS-a, francusko-njemačke aeronautičke i obrambene grupe.
On je rekao: "Ja nisam cijenio ovu odluku. To nije pravi način ponašanja." Govoreći u Downing Streetu nakon razgovora s britanskim premijerom, gospodin Sarkozy je optužio SAD za dvostruke standarde.
"Ako oni žele da ih se čuje u borbi protiv protekcionizma, ne bi trebali postavljati primjer protekcionizma."
Gospodin Brown je također bio neobično izravan u kritici SAD-a.
"Ja sam također razočaran američkom odlukom i mi smo svoje poglede obznanili." EADS, matična kompanija Airbusa, se ovaj tjedan povukla iz dugoročnog natjecanja.
To je bilo zajedničko licitiranje za ugovor s Northrop Grummanom, izvođačem za vojnu industriju SAD-a.
Napetost je došla u teško vrijeme za transatlantske trgovinske odnose, SAD su optuživale Europljane za podizanje prepreka za visokorizične fondove - uključujući i one sa sjedištem u New Yorku - koji djeluju u...

The quest for immortality
Jellyfish usually die after propagating but "Turritopsis nutricula" reverts to a sexually immature stage after reaching adulthood and is capable of rejuvenating itself.
The 4-5 mm diameter creature, technically known as a hydrozoan, is the only known animal that is capable of reverting to its juvenile polyp state.
The jellyfish and its reversal of the ageing process is now the focus of research by marine biologists and geneticists.
The switching of cell roles is usually seen only when parts of an organ regenerate.
However, it appears to occur normally in the Turritopsis life cycle.
It appears to have cheated death and hence transformed itself into a perpetually immortal being!
The key lies in a process called transdifferentiation, where one type of cell is transformed into another type of cell.
Some animals can undergo limited transdifferentiation and regenerate organs, such as salamanders, which can regrow limbs.
Turritopsi nutricula, on the other hand, can regenerate its entire body over and over again.
Researchers are studying the jellyfish to discover how it is able to reverse its aging process.
Not surprisingly, the immortal Turritopsi are spreading.
Native to the Caribbean oceans, Turritopsi have now been identified in waters near Spain, Italy, Japan, and the Atlantic side of Panama.
Even though specimens...

Potraga za besmrtnosti
Meduze obično umiru nakon razmnožavanja ali "Turritopsis nutricula" se vraća u spolno nezrelu fazu nakon dosezanja zrele dobi i sposobna je pomladiti se.
Stvorenje od 4-5 mm u promjeru, tehnički poznato kao vodenpolip, jedina je poznata životinja koja je sposobna vratiti se u svoje mladenačko polip stanje.
Meduza i njeno obrtanje procesa starenja je sada fokus istraživanja morskih biologa i genetičara.
Zamjena staničnih funkcija se obično vidi samo kada se dijelovi organa regeneriraju.
Međutim, izgleda da se ona odvija normalno u životnom ciklusu Turritopsis-a.
Čini se da je prevarila smrt i zato se transformirala u vječno besmrtno biće!
Ključ je u procesu po imenu transdiferencijacija, gdje se jedan tip stanice pretvara u drugi tip stanice.
Neke životinje mogu proći ograničenu transdiferencijaciju i regenerirati organe, poput daždevnjaka kojima mogu ponovo izrasti udovi.
Turritopsi nutricula, s druge strane, može regenerirati svoje cijelo tijelo iznova i iznova.
Istraživači proučavaju meduzu kako bi otkrili kako ona može vratiti proces starenja unatrag.
Nimalo začuđujuće, besmrtne Turritopsi se šire.
Autohtone u karipskim oceanima, Turritopsi su sada identificirane u vodama blizu Španjolske, Italije, Japana i atlantske strane Paname.
Iako primjerci s...

My Stroke of Insight by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor - part 4
As my cognitive mind searched for an explanation about what was happening anatomically inside my brain, I reeled backward in response to the augmented roar of the water as the unexpected noise pierced my delicate and aching brain.
In that instant, I suddenly felt vulnerable, and I noticed that the constant brain chatter that routinely familiarized me with my surroundings was no longer made of a predictable and constant flow of conversation.
Instead, my verbal thoughts were now inconsistent, fragmented, and interrupted by an intermittent silence.
When I realized that the sensations outside of me, including the remote sounds of a bustling city beyond my apartment window, had faded away, I could tell that the broad range of my natural observation had become constricted.
As my brain chatter began to disintegrate, I felt an odd sense of isolation.
My blood pressure must have been dropping as a result of the bleeding in my brain because I felt as if all of my systems, including my mind's ability to instigate movement, were moving into a slow mode of operation.
Yet, even though my thoughts were no longer a constant stream of chatter about the external world and my relationship to it, I was conscious and constantly present within my mind.
Confused, I searched...

Moždani udar spoznaje, dr. Jill Bolte Taylor - četvrti dio
Kako je moj spoznajni um tražio objašnjenje o tome što se anatomski događalo unutar mog mozga, ja sam zateturala unatrag kao odgovor na povećani huk vode dok je neočekivana buka probadala moj nježni i bolni mozak.
U tom trenutku, odjednom sam se osjetila ranjiva, primijetila sam da se konstantna moždana aktivnost koja me rutinski upoznavala s mojim okruženjem više nije sastojala od predvidljivog i stalnog toka razgovora.
Umjesto toga, moje verbalne misli su sada bile nedosljedne, fragmentirane, i prekidane povremenom tišinom.
Kada sam shvatila da su osjetilni podražaji izvan mene, uključujući udaljeni zvuk užurbanog grada van prozora mog stana, izblijedili, mogla sam razaznati da je široki raspon mog prirodnog promatranja postao sužen.
Kad se moja moždana aktivnost počela raspadati, osjetila sam čudan osjećaj izolacije.
Mora da je moj krvni tlak padao kao rezultat krvarenja u mom mozgu jer sam se osjećala kao da su se svi moji sustavi, uključujući sposobnost mog uma da potiče pokret, prebacivali u spori način rada.
Pa ipak, iako moje misli više nisu bile stalni protok govora o vanjskom svijetu i mog odnosa s njim, bila sam svjesna i konstantno prisutna unutar mog uma.
Zbunjena, pretraživala sam...

Fiction for robots
How does a computer program read a novel?
We spoke to Jon Adams to find out.
Jon Adams, critic of literary criticism, is a researcher at the London School of Economics.
You fed the novel The Kilburn Social Clubby Robert Hudson into a text analysis program.
I wanted to see how a computer program that is usually used to analyse and summarise factual would cope with a work of fiction.
The program I used was called Alceste, which works by looking at how often words occur near each other.
What was the result?
It managed to identify the central themes of the novel - football, business and romance.
But it couldn't distinguish between setting and plot; the fourth theme it picked out was "walking in London", as the characters spend a lot of time walking around the city discussing philosophical ideas.
Would the program be able to distinguish between literary works like Shakespeare and popular fiction such as Dan Brown's novels?
No, the program is only capable of telling you what the book is about.
That's fine for factual prose or some works of fiction when the book is actually about what it's nominally about, but many novels have multiple layers of meaning.
Could we ever program a computer or robot to read between the lines to find the layered meanings in a novel?
It's starting to happen now.
You can do...

Fikcija za robote
Kako računalni program čita roman?
Kako bi saznali razgovarali smo s Jonom Adamsom.
Jon Adams, kritičar književne kritike, je istraživač u Školi ekonomije u Londonu.
Ubacili ste roman The Kilburn Social Clubby od Roberta Hudsona u program za analizu teksta.
Htio sam vidjeti kako će se računalni program koji je obično korišten za analizu i sažimanje činjenica nositi s fikcijom.
Program koji sam koristio se zvao Alceste, koji djeluje tako da gleda koliko se često riječi pojavljuju jedna kraj druge.
Koji je bio rezultat?
Uspio je identificirati središnje teme romana - nogomet, posao i romantika.
Ali nije mogao razlikovati mjesto radnje i zaplet; četvrta tema koju je pokupio bila je "hodanje u Londonu", zato što su likovi potrošili dosta vremena hodajući gradom raspravljajući filozofske ideje.
Hoće li program biti sposoban razlikovati između književnih djela Shakespearea i popularne fikcije kao što su romani Dana Browna?
Ne, program je samo sposoban reći o čemu se radi u knjizi.
To je u redu kod činjenične proze ili neka djela fikcije kada je knjiga zapravo o tome o čemu nominalno je, ali mnogi romani imaju višestruke slojeve značenja.
Hoćemo li ikada moći programirati računalo ili robot za čitanje između redaka kako bi pronašlo slojevita značenja u romanu?
To se počinje događati sada.
Možete učiniti nešto...

Why are checklists important?
Atul Gawande is a surgeon at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine.
He will explain why checklists are a vital tool in medicine and can even save lives during surgery.
Why do we need checklists?
On the one hand they are memory aids.
If you go shopping, a list doesn't tell you about every single step you take to the grocery store, it reminds you of what you might forget, The second aspect of a checklist is that it can help you perform well when you are working with many people on a complex procedure.
What gave you the idea of putting a checklist into practice in medicine?
I've written about fallibility in complex systems like medicine, and I'm a surgeon.
The World Health Organization asked me to work out how to reduce deaths in surgery, We have the tools - specialisation and technology.
But why do we continue to fail when we have trained surgeons who have access to technology?
So I started thinking that the trouble must be with complexity - the complexity of what we know exceeds an individual's ability to deliver results correctly and safely.
In other complex fields, such as aviation, they use checklists.
How do you go about writing a checklist to cover all medical procedures?
A checklist...

Zašto su važni kontrolni popisi?
Gospodin Atul Gawande je kirurg u Bigham i Woman's bolnici u Bostonu, profesor kirurgije na medicinskom fakultetu Harvard, u Bostonu, kolumnist u časopisu New Yorker.
On će objasniti zašto su kontrolni popisi vitalni alat u medicini i čak mogu spasiti živote tijekom operacije.
Zašto nam trebaju kontrolni popisi?
U jednu ruku pomažu pamćenju.
Ako idete u kupovinu, popis vam ne govori o svakom koraku koji morate napraviti do trgovine, on vas podsjeća na ono što ćete možda zaboraviti, drugi dio kontrolnog popisa je da vam može pomagati da dobro obavljate posao kada radite s mnogo ljudi na složenom postupku.
Kako ste došli na ideju da stavite kontrolni popis u praksu u medicini?
Ja sam pisao o pogrešivosti u složenim sustavima kao što je medicina, i ja sam kirurg.
Svjetska Zdravstvena Organizacija me zamolila da smislim kako smanjiti smrtnost u kirurgiji, imamo alate - specijalizaciju i tehnologiju.
Ali zašto i dalje ne uspijevamo kad imamo uvježbane kirurge koji imaju pristup tehnologiji?
Tako sam počeo razmišljati da problem mora biti u kompleksnosti - kompleksnost onoga što znamo prelazi sposobnost pojedinca da dostavi rezultate ispravno i sigurno.
U ostalim složenim područjima, kao na primjer u zrakoplovstvu, koriste se kontrolni popisi.
Kako da napišete kontrolni popis koji će pokriti sve medicinske postupke?
Kontrolni popis...

Embark on a PhD adventure!
Not all students are locked up in the lab, some are sailing the oceans, or brushing up on their Swahili.
We find out how to prepare for a PhD in a foreign country.
Fancy trekking through the Malaysian rainforest?
Spending months on ice in Antarctica?
Then you may want to consider an exotic location like one of these for your PhD.
There is much to be gained from carrying out your research in another country.
You'll need to be highly focused, and have the skills to manage your research.
You'll often find yourself alone, and your supervisor won't be there to help.
Careful planning is the key to success.
New Scientist has spoken to students who have lived through the experience, to find out how you can get the most from your time abroad.
The unfamiliar culture and climate – and language barriers - can be difficult to cope with.
If, despite the difficulties, the thought of studying abroad appeals, the most important question you'll have to ask yourself is what you expect to get out of your time.
So what are the benefits?
After spending three years stuck in the library and the lab, you might find that you want to broaden your horizons.
By taking advantage of the different research facilities in a foreign country, you'll develop an understanding of how science operates globally.
The best way to...

Upustite se u avanturu doktorskog studija!
Nisu svi studenti zaključani u laboratoriju, neki jedre oceanima, ili uče Svahili.
Saznat ćemo kako se pripremiti za doktorski studij u stranoj zemlji.
Želite li hodati malezijskom prašumom?
Provoditi mjesece na ledu na Antarktici?
Onda bi možda htjeli uzeti u obzir egzotično mjesto kao jedno od ovih za vaš doktorski studij.
Puno toga se može steći obavljanjem vašeg istraživanja u drugoj zemlji.
Morat ćete biti jako fokusirani i imati vještine za upravljanje vašim istraživanjem.
Često ćete biti sami, bez pomoći vašeg mentora.
Pažljivo planiranje je ključ uspjeha.
New Scientist je pričao sa studentima koji su proživjeli to iskustvo, kako bi otkrio kako možete dobiti najviše od vremena provedenog u inozemstvu.
Nepoznata kultura i klima – i jezične barijere - mogu biti teške za savladavanje.
Ako vam je, unatoč teškoćama, misao o studiranju u inozemstvu privlačna, najvažnije pitanje koje si morate postaviti je što biste htjeli postići s vašim vremenom.
Koje su pogodnosti?
Nakon što ste potrošili tri godine zaglavljeni u knjižnici i laboratoriju, možda shvatite kako želite proširiti svoje horizonte.
Iskorištavanjem različitih istraživačkih ustanova u stranoj zemlji, razvit ćete razumijevanje o tome kako znanost funkcionira na globalnoj razini.
Najbolji način da...

The Natural History Museum studentship 2010
The Natural History Museum is offering one three-year, full-time, paid PhD studentship to start October 2010.
Based at the Museum, the student will be registered externally at a UK university.
Candidates are sought for the following projects:
Resolving the Azores diversity enigma.
2. Vegetative diaspore ontogeny and liberation mechanisms: towards resolving major problems in moss systematics and phylogeny.
3. DNA profiling of insect herbivory in tropical forests.
Further details of...

Stipendija Prirodoslovnog Muzeja za 2010. godinu
Prirodoslovni Muzej nudi jednu trogodišnju, punu, plaćenu stipendiju za doktorski studij koji počinje u listopadu 2010. godine.
Radeći u muzeju, student će biti upisan izvan muzeja na nekom sveučilištu u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
Tražimo kandidate za sljedeće projekte:
Rješavanje enigma raznolikosti na Azorskom otočju.
Kontakt: 2.
Vegetativna dijasporna ontogeneza i mehanizmi oslobođenja: prema rješavanju velikih problema u sistematici i filogenezi mahovine.
Kontakt: 3.
DNK profiliranje kukaca biljojeda u tropskoj šumi.
Dodatne pojedinosti o...

Chicken 'en pissaladiere'
The pissaladiere is the Niçoise pizza that is made of a bread dough coated with slow-cooked onions and criss-crossed with anchovy fillets and olives.
Once the chicken is jointed, this is a very easy dish indeed.
Serves four.
1 small roasting chicken with Olive oil 3 medium onions 4 garlic cloves with thyme 9 anchovy fillets 1 glass dry white wine (optional) A generous pinch of chilli flakes 2 tbs black olives 1 tbs chopped parsley
Joint the chicken.
Cut down between the legs and the breast, turn the bird over and remove the legs, taking care to remove the little muscle at the top of the leg that buries itself in the backbone.
Cut the legs in half.
Remove the wishbone, scraping it clean and then prising it out.
Placing the bird breast-side down, separate the crown (separate the two breasts on the bone) from the backbone by cutting between the neck and the breasts.
Place the crown breast side up and push down to break the breastbone.
Cut off the two wings, taking a fat piece of breast with each wing, and cut off a triangular piece at the top of the crown.
Cut the remaining piece of breast in half.
You should now have nine joints, all with bone attached and of approximately equal size.
Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a wide sauté pan and put in the seasoned chicken pieces, skin side "down".
Adjust the gas to...

Piletina 'en pissaladiere'
Pissaladiere je pizza iz Nice koja je napravljena od tijesta za kruh obloženog sa sporo-kuhanim lukom, pomiješanim s filetima inćuna i maslinama.
Jednom kad je pile narezano, to je zaista vrlo jednostavno jelo.
Poslužuje se za četiri osobe.
1 malo pile za pečenje s maslinovim uljem 3 srednje velika luka 4 češnja češnjaka s timijanom 9 fileta inćuna 1 čaša suhog bijelog vina (neobvezno) Velik prstohvat pahuljica čilija 2 žlice crnih maslina 1 žlica nasjeckanog peršina
Narežite pile.
Režite između nogu i prsa, preokrenite pile i odrežite noge, pazeći da se ukloni mali mišić na vrhu noge koji se spaja s kralježnicom.
Prerežite noge popola.
Uklonite jadac, očistite ga struganjem te izvadite.
Postavite pile s prsima prema dolje, odvojite krunu (odvojite prsa s kosti) od kralježnice rezanjem između vrata i prsa.
Postavite krunu prsima prema gore te ju stisnite kako biste slomili prsnu kost.
Odsijecite krila, zajedno s debelim komadom prsa sa svakim krilom, te odrežite trokutasti komad na vrhu krune.
Preostali komad prsa prerežite na pola.
Sada biste trebali imati devet komada, svi s kostima koje se drže za njih i približno jednake veličine.
Zagrijte žlicu maslinovog ulja u širokoj tavi za pirjanje te stavite začinjene pileće komade, stranu s kožom okrenite prema dolje.
Prilagodite plin na...
