NeuroTran - Primjeri rečenica

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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 80% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

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NeuroTran® prijevodi:

Molimo Vas da nam osim Vašeg kontakta (telefon, mobitel, e-mail) pošaljete i kontakt svake osobe koja će nas kontaktirati u svezi s uslugama.
We kindly ask you that besides your contact (telephone, mobile phone, e-mail) you also send us the contact of every person that will contact us with regard to your services.

Slobodno vrijeme mladih je vrijeme kada nisu u školi. Tada uče, gledaju TV, igraju se, druže se sa prijateljima i izlaze.
Free time of teenagers is the time when they are not at school. In this period they learn, watch TV, play, associate with friends and go out.

Tijekom proučavanja ljudi koji su pokušali ubiti javnog dužnosnika ili zvijezdu u zadnjih 50 godina u SAD-u, Tajna služba je otkrila da niti jedan nije prijetio.
During the study of people which attempted to kill a public official or a star in last 50 years in the USA, the Secret Service has discovered that none of them made threats.

Još od djetinjstva imamo neke želje. Kao mala imala sam veoma bujnu maštu; da budem učiteljica, doktorica ili nešto drugo.
Since childhood we have some wishes. As a little girl I had a very rich imagination; to be a teacher, a doctor or something else.

Ja dolazim iz Nizozemske. Tamo sam živjela i radila tri godine. Radila sam kao sobarica u jednom luksuznom hotelu.
I come from the Netherlands. I have lived and worked for three years there. I worked as a room attendant in one luxurious hotel.

Suvremene potrebe za upravljanjem i vođenjem u vodnom gospodarstvu postaju sve značajnije. Mogući korisnici su elektroprivreda, vodno gospodarstvo, poljoprivreda, transportni sustavi, rekreacijski sustavi i dr.
Current needs for the control and management in water resources are becoming more and more significant. Possible users are the electric-power industry, water resources management, agriculture, transportation systems, recreational systems and others.

Ovo društvo je osnovano sa ciljem da se potaknu događaji u privredi grada, regije i šire.
This association has been established with the goal to encourage events in the economy of the town, region and further.

Navarivanje čeličnog lijeva i tvrdo lemljenje čeličnog lijeva te odabir elektroda i dodatnih materijala za tvrdo navarivanje i tvrdo lemljenje.
Welding of a steel casting and hard soldering of the steel casting as well as the choice of electrodes and additional materials for hard welding and hard soldering.

Skretničke komponente se sastoje od nosača vodilica, prijevodnica i srca te su pričvršćene elektrotermitskim zavarima na šiljak srca i glavu glavne tračnice.
Switch components consist of guide carriers, points and frogs and they are attached with electrothermic welding seams to the frog spike and the head of the main rail.

Izrada i prijedlog planskih dokumenata za razvoj lučkog sustava na unutarnjim vodama, briga o realizaciji planskih dokumenata, stručni poslovi u vezi s davanjem koncesije za obavljanje lučkih djelatnosti.
The creation and proposal of the planned documents for the development of the port system on inner waters, looking after the implementation of the planned documents, expert works in connection with the giving of the concession for the execution of port activities.

Naše dugogodišnje iskustvo na ovom području jamstvo je da možemo profesionalno riješiti sve probleme u svezi lakiranja.
Our longtime experience in this area is a guarantee that we can professionally resolve all the problems regarding varnishing.

Tržišno natjecanje jedno je od 35 poglavlja pregovora za koje je Hrvatska u Bruxellesu započela screening, detaljnu analizu usklađenosti zakonodavstva.
Market competition is one of the 35 Chapters of the negotiations in Bruxelles for which Croatia has started screening, detailed analysis of coordination of legislature.

Amortizacija za osobne automobile i druga sredstva za osobni prijevoz priznaje se do 400 000 kuna troška nabave po jednom sredstvu za osobni prijevoz.
Amortization for cars and the other means of private transport is acknowledged up to 400 000 kuna of the acquisition cost per each means of private transport.

U drugoj četvrtini igrači iz Pazina dominiraju i polovicom druge četvrtine prvi put stvaraju prednost od sedam bodova.
In the second quarter players from Pazin dominate and at the half of the second quarter for the first time they create an advantage of seven points.

Poštovani, podnosim svoju zamolbu u svezi s natječajem objavljenim na vašim internetskim stranicama.
Dear Sir/Madam, I submit my application regarding a public tender published on your Internet pages.

U sklopu projekta radio sam na izmjenama i dopunama postojećih poslovnih procesa, te definiranju novih.
As the part of the project I worked on amendments of existing business processes, as well as on defining new ones.

Djelatnik je zadužen za digitalni tisak novina na A3 formatu koristeći PC, specijalizirani software i opremu za digitalni tisak.
The employee is responsible for digital printing of newspapers on an A3 format using a PC, specialized software and the equipment for digital printing.

Naša tvrtka se između ostalih proizvoda također bavi i izradom kreveta. Smatramo da bi navedeni proizvod mogao biti ugrađen u naše proizvode.
Our company inter alios products also deals with the production of beds. We think that the mentioned product could be integrated in our products.

Sastanak zamjenika Državnog odvjetnika Republike Hrvatske i zamjenika županijskog Državnog odvjetnika u vezi zauzimanja stavova u pojedinim predmetima.
Meeting of the Deputy State Attorney of Republic of Croatia and the County Deputy State Attorney in connection with assuming attitudes in particular subjects.

Bankina na kolničkoj konstrukciji ne sadrži propuste, dok se na mosnoj konstrukciji nalaze vijenci uz sam rub pješačkih staza.
Hard shoulder on the pavement structure does not contain any defaults, while on the bridge construction there are wreaths beside the edge of crosswalks.

Molim da mi odobrite kreditnu liniju koju smo dogovorili na našem zadnjem sastanku. U međuvremenu poslat ću Vam traženu dokumentaciju.
Please allow me a credit line which we have arranged on our last meeting. Meanwhile I will send you a required documentation.

PBZ je jedna od najvećih banaka u Hrvatskoj. U ovoj kampanji PBZ želi svojim novim ali i postojećim klijentima pružiti jednu novu pogodnost.
PBZ is one of the largest banks in Croatia. In this campaign PBZ wants to offer to its new and existing clients a new facility.

Nesreća se dogodila kada se vozač osobnog automobila, pretičući kamion na ravnom dijelu ceste, izravno sudario s drugim automobilom.
An accident happened when the car driver, while passing the truck on the straight part of the road, directly crashed into the other car.

Prijevod je brz i točan. Ova usluga je lako dostupna svima.
Translation is fast and correct. This service is easiliy accessible to everyone.

U cilju mjera racionalizacije u školskom sustavu i osiguranja provedbe Zakona o srednjem školstvu, pravilnika o normi rada te Kolektivnog ugovora za zaposlenike u srednjoškolskim ustanovama, dostavljamo vam upute s dokumentacijom.
For the purpose of rationalisation measures in the school system and the guarantee of enforcement of the Act on the secondary-school system, the book of regulations about the standard of work as well as the Collective agreement for employees in secondary-school institutions, we deliver instructions with the documentation.

Osjećam se tako glupo i ekstravagantno da socijalizam mojih riječi ne može ublažiti bol jutarnjih suza.
I feel so stupid and extravagant that the socialism of my words cannot ease the pain of my morning tears.

U proteklim godinama specijalizirali smo se za pripremu toplih obroka, utvrdili smo asortiman koji kvalitetno možemo održavati, a kuharstvo ne smatramo samo obavezom pa shodno tome stalno radimo na unapređivanju naše ponude.
In the past years we have specialized in the preparation of warm meals, we have determined an assortment that we can maintain at a quality level, and we do not consider cooking as just our obligation and therefore in accordance with that we constantly work on improving our offer.

Na webu želimo nuditi dnevne sadržaje i otvoriti kontakt s vama. U poslovnim novinama, tjedniku modernog dizajna, prodirat ćemo "iza vijesti", nuditi analize i razotkrivati život hrvatske poslovne scene.
On the web we want to offer daily content and open a contact with you. In our business newspaper, modern design weekly, we will break through "behind the news", offer analysis and reveal the life of the Croatian business scene.

Kao i obično, na kraju mjeseca šaljem vam izvještaj o bonus programu za kredite.
As usual, at the end of the month I will send you the report about the bonus program for the loans.

Pokušali smo popraviti sigurnosne ventile i redukcijski ventil, ali popravak redukcijskog ventila nije uspio.
We have tried to repair the safety valves and the reductional valve, but the repair of the reductional valve did not succeed.

Uprava namjerava udvostručiti proizvodnju u Hrvatskoj, ali i dio asortimana proizvoditi u Kini.
The Management intends to double production in Croatia, but also to produce a part of its assortment in China.

Radni odnos se zasniva na neodređeno vrijeme uz probni rad od 3 mjeseca.
Employment is established for an unlimited period with a trial period of 3 months.

Osim što sadrže vlastitu deoksiribonukleinsku kiselinu, zanimljivi su po tome što su obavijeni s dvije membrane koje ih odvajaju od stanične citoplazme.
Except that they contain their own deoxyribonucleic acid, they are interesting in terms of that they are wrapped with two membranes which separate them from the cell cytoplasm.

Trenutno završavamo dogradnju modernog i suvremenog wellness centra sa zatvorenim bazenom i završili smo grube radove na dogradnji kongresnog centra.
At the moment we are finishing the upgrade of the modern and state-of-the-art wellness centre with a closed pool and we have finished rough works on the upgrade of the conference centre.

Smokve su rijetke biljke na ovim prostorima pa je potrebno povećati sadnju.
Figs are rare plants in this region so we need to increase planting.

Radila sam na poslovima obračuna plaća, obračuna poreza na dodanu vrijednost i sastavljanja statističkih izvještaja.
I have worked on jobs such as payroll accounting, value added tax calculations and drawing up of statistical reports.

Brušenje i lakiranje podova u 3 sloja, zamjena gazišta na stepenicama, brušenje i lakiranje stepeništa, popravak i lakiranje ograde na stepeništima, dostava i ugradnja rubnih lajsni na podovima, uklanjanje uočenih nedostataka na podovima, stepeništu i ogradi.
Sanding and varnishing of floors in 3 layers, replacement of treads on stairs, sanding and varnishing of stairs, repair and varnishing of fences on stairs, delivery and fitting of edge battens on floors, removal of observed flaws on floors, stairs and fences.

Temeljem Vaše ponude od 12.09.2005. godine, molimo da nam dostavite specifikaciju proizvoda koji su uključeni u ponudu, kao i popis svih ovlaštenih servisa za navedenu opremu.
Based on your offer from 12 September 2005, we request delivery of the specifications of the products that are included in your offer, as well as a list of all licenced services for the mentioned equipment.

Energetski transformator snage 20 MVA s regulacijskom sklopkom za reguliranje napona pod teretom u rasponu od +12x1.66% i -8x1.66% višeg napona, ugrađuje se u trafo stanice distribucijskih mreža 110 kV.
A power transformer with a strength of 20 MVA with a regulatory switch for the regulation of voltage under load in a range of +12x1.66% and -8x1.66% of higher voltage is built into transformer stations of 110 kV distribution networks.

Pitam se da li ovo zaista radi :) Izgleda da moram upisati više teksta.
I wonder if this really works :) Seems that I must enter more text.

Molim Vas pošaljite mi današnje cijene. Sutra ću vam poslati potvrdu o plaćanju.
Please send me your current prices. I will send you the confirmation of payment tomorrow.

Dobar dan! Treba mi program za prijevod dokumenta sa francuskog na srpski.
Good afternoon! I need a program for translation of a document from French to Serbian.

Ja živim u maloj kući. Kuća ima 5 soba. Kada se uđe u hodnik sa lijeve strane je dnevna soba sa garniturom za sjedenje i televizorom.
I live in a small house. The house has 5 rooms. When you enter the corridor from the left there is a living room with a sitting set and a television.

Pozvan sam da potpišem fotokopirani komad papira u kojem pristajem na raskid Ugovora o radu, što sam odbio.
I was invited to sign a photocopied piece of paper in which I agree to terminate my Employment Contract, which I refused.

Hrvatska taekwondo reprezentacija nastupit će na Vašem međunarodnom turniru u sastavu 18 sportaša, 2 trenera, 3 suca i 1 vođe puta.
The Croatian taekwondo representation will play on your international tournament as a part of a team of 18 athletes, 2 coaches, 3 referees and 1 travel leader.

Nudimo apartmane u Zadru cca 50 metara od obale s pogledom na more. Lokacija je dobra, a apartmani su za maksimum 6 osoba.
We offer apartments in Zadar approximately 50 meters from the coast with a seaside view. The location is good, and the apartments are for a maximum of 6 people.

U skladu sa Zakonom o izmjenama i dopunama zakona o deviznom poslovanju, molimo da odgovorite na naše pismo od 23. kolovoza 2005.
In accordance with the Act on the Amendments of the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations, we ask for your response to our letter from the 23rd August 2005.

Nakon svih priprema, pojačanog učenja u školi i sviranja klavira ustajemo, provjeravamo jesu li sve stvari spremljene i krećemo u Australiju.
After all the preparations, intensified learning at school and playing of piano we get up, check if all the things are prepared and head for Australia.

Odmah po preuzimanju opreme potrebno je započeti s montažom kako bi se ispoštovali rokovi.
Immediately after the takeover of equipment it is required to start assembling in order to fulfill deadlines.

Preporučujemo NeuroTran demo CD, kojeg možete naručiti pozivom na 01/2313-015. Cijena CD-a iznosi 49 kn (poštarina uključena).
We recommend the NeuroTran demo CD, which you can order by calling 01/2313-015. The price of the CD is 49 HRK (postage included).

Slano jezero ne samo da je poznato zbog svoje lokacije, nego i zbog svoga ljekovitoga učinka.
The salt lake is not just famous because of its location, but also because of its healing effect.

Navečer ćemo ići do grada malo na piće i malo do diskoteke. Ponijeti ćemo rječnik ako nešto zatreba da se možemo sporazumijeti.
In the evening we will go to the town for a drink and to the discotheque. We will bring a dictionary in case we need it so that we can understand each other.

Nakon povratka radia s popravka pokušao sam namjestiti radio-stanice automatskim traženjem i memoriranjem stanica, ali je radio pronašao samo jednu stanicu - 101 MHz i više niti jednu. Ponovio sam postupak, pa je drugi put pronašao samo 98 MHz. Nadam se da ćete uspjeti locirati i ukloniti kvar.
After returning the radio from the repair I have tried to adjust the radio stations by automatic searching and memorising the stations, but radio found only one station - 101 MHz and no more. I have repeated the procedure, so next time it found only 98 MHz. I hope that you will succeed to locate and repair the malfunction.

Dobar dan! Što radite danas?
Good afternoon! What are you doing today?

M.P. (1951), novinar i publicist, dragovoljac Domovinskog rata, bio je pripadnik 117. brigade, 145. borbene grupe HV, pričuvni natporučnik HV, predsjednik Udruge branitelja, invalida i udovica Domovinskog rata koprivničke Podravke. Dosad je u zemlji i inozemstvu priredio pedesetak samostalnih izložbi fotografija na temu Domovinskog rata.
M.P. (1951), journalist and publicist, volunteer of Croatian War Of Independence, has been the member of 117th brigade, 145th taskforce of Croatian Army, reserve first lieutenant of Croatian Army, president of the association of defenders, disabled persons and widows of Croatian War Of Independence of Podravka from Koprivnica. So far, nationally and abroad, he has organized about fifty independent exhibitions of photos on the subject of Croatian War of Independence.

Na konferenciji će biti govora o trogodišnjim planovima prodaje i marketinškim aktivnostima. Za kvalitetno planiranje treba uzeti u obzir sve makro i mikro čimbenike.
At the conference we will discuss about three-year plans for sales and marketing activities. For quality planning we need to take into consideration all macro and micro factors.

Na cesti po dalmatinskoj obali u smjeru Splita događa se zanimljiva kampanja plakatima. Hrvatski vojnik, očiju u sjeni generalske kape, salutira.
On the road along the Dalmatian coast in the direction of Split an interesting poster campaign is happening. A Croatian soldier, with eyes in the shadow of a general's cap, salutes.

Do dobi od godinu dana puzala je, hodala bočno uz pridržavanje i rotirala.
By the age of one year she crawled, walked sideways with support and rotated.

Iskreno zahvaljujem na ljubaznom pozivu za učešće na konferenciji "Religija i svjetske pravne tradicije". Nažalost, u periodu koji je predviđen za održavanje konferencije moje obaveze su već zakazane.
I wish to sincerely thank you for your kind invitation for my participation at the "Religions and world judicial traditions" conference. Unfortunately, during the period designated for holding the Conference my obligations are already scheduled.

Je li moguće da u ovom trenutku globalno tajno bratstvo kuje plan za nadzor svijeta?
Is it likely that at this moment a global secret brotherhood is devising a plan for surveillance of the world?

Koliko godina traje osnovno obrazovanje u našoj zemlji?
How many years does elementary education in our country last?

Pribavljanje financijskih sredstava i financiranje djelatnosti su osnovni uvjet uspješnosti poslovanja svakog pravnog lica u tržišnoj privredi.
Acquiring of resources and financing of activities are the basic requirements for business operations success of every judical person in the market economy.

Direkcija za upravljanje ljudskim resursima proslijedila je Vaš poziv svim izvršnim direktorima sektora.
The Board for management of human resources has passed on your invitation to all executive directors of the sector.

Projekt primjene mjera energetske učinkovitosti u KB Osijek predstavlja Pilot projekt za modernizaciju energetskih sustava u bolnicama po ESCO modelu.
Project of application of energy efficiency measures in the KB Osijek represents the pilot project for modernization of energy systems in hospitals according to the ESCO model.

Osim mene sigurna sam da znam bar još jednu osobu koja bi sigurno koristila ovu uslugu.
Besides me I am sure that I know at least one more person which would definitely use this service.

Pokušaj da se prevede ovaj tekst sa hrvatskog jezika na engleski jezik.
Attempt to translate this text from Croatian to English language.