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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 80% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran® softveru možete doznati na web stranici: http://www.tranexp.hr/NeuroTran.html
NeuroTran® prijevodi:
Obavještavanje korisnika o novom sadržaju na web mjestu odvija se kroz najavu dotičnog web mjesta.
Informing the user about new content on the web is carried out through an announcement of the particular web destination.
Svaka fizička i pravna osoba može biti nositeljem prava vlasništva, a i drugih stvarnih prava: prava služnosti, prava iz stvarnoga tereta, prava građenja i založnoga prava na svemu što može biti objektom tih prava, ako zakonom nije drukčije određeno.
Every natural and legal person can be a holder of ownership rights, and other property rights: easement rights, rights from a real encumberence, building rights and collateral rights on everything that can be an object of these rights, if the law does not specify otherwise.
Europski povjerenik Olli Rehn izjavio je da EU mora postići dogovor o institucionalnoj reformi što prije, do vremena kada će sljedeća država biti spremna za ulazak u EU te izrazio nadu da će Hrvatska biti spremna za punopravno članstvo do kraja desetljeća.
The European commissioner Olli Rehn stated that the EU must reach an agreement on institutional reform as soon as possible, before the time when the next country will be ready for EU accession and expressed hope that Croatia will be ready for the full membership by the end of the decade.
Poštovani! Ja sam novi voditelj servisa i zamolio bih vas za pomoć.
Dear Sir/Madam! I am the new service manager and I would like to ask you for your help.
Uvaženi gospodin je znao da će mu ovaj rječnik pomoći da nauči francuski jezik.
The distinguished gentleman knew that this dictionary will help him to learn French.
Priložena je potrebna dokumentacija o proizvodnji staklenih stijena prema postojećem stanju u proizvodnom pogonu.
Enclosed is the necessary documentation for the production of glass walls according to the existing state in the production facility.
Moj brat i ja smo se dogovorili da ćemo provesti čitav dan u logorovanju na planini blizu naše kuće.
My brother and I made an arrangement that we will spend an entire day camping on the mountain near our house.
Križarski ratovi su trajali 165 godina. To su bili najkrvaviji ratovi na svijetu.
The Crusades lasted for 165 years. They were the bloodiest wars in the world.
Tehnička dokumentacija projekta bit će dostupna svakom zainteresiranom korisniku.
The project technical documentation will be available to every interested user.
Mislim da je gledanje TVa prilično korisno.
I think that watching TV is pretty useful.
Dobar dan, htio bih vam poslati faks. Da li ste dobili moj račun? Molim pošaljite mi predračun.
Good afternoon, I would like to send you a fax. Did you get my invoice? Please send me your proforma invoice.
Kotači su od impregnirane gume, što znači da se ne mogu probušiti, a i ne troše se lako.
The wheels are made of impregnated rubber, which means that they cannot be perforated, and they also do not wear out easily.
Prema pravilima kvalitete i zahtjevima kupaca, za svaki proizvedeni komad mora se dati jamstvo koje odgovara specifikacijama.
According to quality regulations and customer requirements, for each produced unit a guarantee must be provided which corresponds to specifications.
Moja prijateljica ima dijabetes od rođenja. To nije jako opasna bolest, ali uzrokuje mnogo napora i odricanja.
My friend has diabetes from birth. This is not a very dangerous disease, but causes a lot of effort and self-sacrifice.
Odgovor ćete dobiti putem e-mail poruke pa zato molimo unesite svoju e-mail adresu u zadano polje.
You will receive our answer via an e-mail message and therefore we kindly ask you to enter your e-mail address in the specified field.
Javljam Vam da je sve u redu u vezi s pismom od grada (o kojem smo razgovarali telefonom).
I am notifying you that everything is fine regarding the letter from the city (about which we talked over the telephone).
Ja putujem sutra. Poslije praznika bit ću opet kod kuće.
I travel tomorrow. After the holidays I will be at home again.
U prilogu Vam šaljemo specifikacuju i molimo Vas da nam pošaljete potvrdu o tome što imate na skladištu.
In the attachment we are sending the specification and we kindly ask you to send a confirmation what you have in stock.
Beskrajne gradske pješčane plaže sastoje se od najsitnijih zrnaca sivkastog i toplog pijeska.
Endless sand beaches of the city consist of the finest grains of greyish and warm sand.
Osnovna djelatnost tvrtke je razvoj osnovnog računalnog softvera poput operacijskih sustava, razvojnih alata, uredskih programa, baza podataka, itd.
Core business of the company is a development of the basic computer software like operating systems, development tools, office programs, databases, etc.
Volim raditi, pouzdan sam, susretljiv, komunikativan i brzo učim. Voljan sam se prilagoditi svakom novom radnom okruženju. Poznajem rad na računalu i imam vozačku dozvolu B kategorije.
I like to work, I am reliable, friendly, communicative and learn quickly. I am willing to adjust to every new working environment. I am familiar with computing and have a B category driver's licence.
U trećem slalomu sezone održanom u talijanskoj Alta Badiji, šveđanin Markus Larrson je nakon prve vožnje slavio ispred amerikanca Teda Ligetyja i najboljeg hrvatskog skijaša.
In the third slalom of the season held in Italian Alta Badia, Swede Markus Larrson has after the first run celebrated in front of the American Ted Ligety and the best Croatian skier.
Treba izgraditi privremeni priključak autoputa budući da se petlje neće izvoditi u to vrijeme.
It is required to construct a temporary motorway connection since cloverleaf junctions will not be performed at that time.
Razvodni ormar je napravljen za glavni priključak objekta na niskonaponsku električnu mrežu.
The distribution cabinet has been made for the main connection of the building to the low-voltage electricity supply network.
Ovim Kolektivnim ugovorom uređuju se prava i obveze radnika iz rada i po osnovi rada, zaposlenih kod poslodavca, te prava i obveze poslodavca prema radnicima koji za njega rade.
This Collective Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of employees from work and on the basis of work, employed at the employer, and rights and obligations of the employer to employees which work for him.
Mnogi ljudi još nisu ni svjesni posljedica pušenja, a pušenje se sve više predstavlja kao normalna stvar.
Many people are not even aware of smoking consequences, and smoking is more and more presented as a normal thing.
Vjeruješ li svemu što piše u novinama? Rođen sam u Londonu ali sam većinu djetinjstva proveo na selu.
Do you believe everything that is written in the newspapers? I was born in London but the majority of my childhood I spent in the countryside.
Droga u sportu i borba protiv droge bila je i bit će tema za diskusiju također i u budućnosti.
Drugs in sport and the fight against drugs has been and will be a discussion theme also in the future.
Slika prikazuje skupni portret vojne postrojbe.
The photograph shows a collective portrait of a military unit.
Moje najljepše ljetovanje desilo se ovoga ljeta u Hrvatskoj. Prvi dan ljetovanja započeo je razgledavanjem grada Zagreba.
My most beautiful summer vacation occured this summer in Croatia. My first day of summer vacation started with sight-seeing of Zagreb.
Tvrtka se zalaže za poboljšanje drušvenog standarda društvene zajednice.
The company advocates the improvement of the living standards of the community.
Ovdje je sad hladnije. Prošlo je ljeto i već je pao prvi snijeg.
Here, it is colder now. The summer passed and the first snow has already fallen.
Molimo da napravite preinaku cjevovoda rashladne vode od kompresora zraka na način da svaka sisaljka može raditi za oba kompresora.
We kindly ask that you make a modification of the cooling water pipeline of the air compressor in a way that every pump can work for both compressors.
Draga Nancy, molim Vas da nam pošaljete skripte i račun za b09. Molimo da nam informairate o datumu isporuke.
Dear Nancy, please send us the scripts and an invoice for b09. Please inform us of the delivery date.
Ako želite da i Vaša rečenica bude uključena u sljedeću verziju NeuroTran demo softvera, molimo ulijepite više od 10, a manje od 50 riječi engleskog ili hrvatskog teksta u tekst polje. Odgovor ćete dobiti putem e-mail poruke.
If you wish that your sentence is included in the following version of NeuroTran demo software, we kindly ask you to paste more than 10, and less than 50 words of an English or Croatian text in the text field. You will get the answer via the e-mail message.
Bruno je htio ići s prijateljima na kampiranje.
Bruno wanted to go with his friends on a camping trip.
Poštovani gospodine Smith, molim Vas da mi odgovorite imate li korištenu kabinu za auto dizalicu od proizvođača Liebherr. Godina proizvodnje 1992.
Dear Mr. Smith, please can you let me know if you have a used cabin for a car crane manufactured by Liebherr. The production year 1992.
Provodeći vrijeme zajedno, mladi ostvaruju kolektivni smisao za suživot, te međusobnim interakcijama pomažu jedno drugome.
Spending time together, young people achieve a collective sense for a common life, and with mutual interactions they help each other.
Ove godine je Vaš promet s našom tvrtkom bio veći od 50 eura.
This year your turnover with our company has been greater than 50 euros.
Skoro svi vojni ordinarijati iz Europe su bili prisutni - vojni biskupi, generalni vikari i delegati. Također, sudjelovali su i predstavnici zemalja koji još nemaju vojne ordinarijate, ali imaju duhovnu skrb za oružane snage u svojim zemljama.
Almost all military ordinariates from Europe had been present - military bishops, general vicars and delegates. Also, the representatives of countries which do not yet have military ordinariates, but have spiritual care for the armed forces in their countries had participated.
Poštovani, u prilogu Vam dostavljamo tražene podatke o poslovnim zonama. S poštovanjem.
Dear Sir/Madam, in the attachment you can find the requested data about business zones. Best regards.
Nostrifikacija hrvatske diplome Fakulteta za defektologiju. U kojim europskim zemljama se priznaju hrvatske diplome?
Recognition of croatian diploma of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation. In which European countries croatian diplomas are recognised?
Poštovani, glede moga zahtjeva za vizu željela bih Vam obrazložiti razlog mog putovanja. Jedna tvrtka me namjerava sponzorirati.
Dear Sir/Madam, regarding my requirement for the visa I would like to explain you the reason of my journey. One company would like to sponsor me.
Volim biti u prirodi i gledati planine. Moj otac radi u šumi.
I like to be in nature and watch the mountains. My father works in the forest.
Ja sam danas bio na izložbi pasa u Njemačkoj, kod bake i djeda u dvorištu.
Today I have been on a dog-show in Germany, at my grandmother and grandfather's in their yard.
Išao sam popraviti bicikl kod majstora za bicikle namijenjene ženama i djeci.
I went to fix the bicycle at the repairman for bicycles intended for women and children.
Car je samodopadni vladar kojemu nije bilo stalo do vođenja svoje zemlje, već su mu njegove privilegije koristile samo za zadovoljavanje svojih strasti za lijepom odjećom.
Emperor is a self-contented ruler who did not care about leading his country, but he used his privileges only for satisfying his passion for beautiful clothes.
Poštovani, podnosim svoju zamolbu u svezi s natječajem, objavljenim na internet stranici www.moj-posao.hr, za radno mjesto pravnog suradnika u T-Mobile Hrvatska d.o.o.
Dear Sir/Madam, I submit my application regarding the job opening, published on the Internet site www.moj-posao.hr, for the employment position of legal associate in T-Mobile Hrvatska Ltd.
Zvonimir ide sutra u školu koja se nalazi u Sesvetama. Sutra mora pisati zadaću.
Zvonimir goes tomorrow to school which is located in Sesvete. Tomorrow he must write his homework.
Ponuda vrijedi tijekom prosinca i do isteka zaliha. Nadamo se da ćete prepoznati pravu prigodu i iskoristiti ovaj popust.
The offer is valid during December and untill all products are out of stock. We hope that you will recognize this good opportunity and take benefit from this discount.
Drago mi je što sam upoznala i druge zemlje, ali trenutno najveća želja mi je vratiti se u rodni grad i napokon sresti svoj jezik i kulturu.
I am glad that I have met other countries too, but at the moment my biggest wish is to return to my home town and finally meet my language and culture.
Njihova svrha je minimiziranje i disperzija rizika, profesionalno upravljanje i racionalizacija troškova fonda kako bi svojim ulagačima osigurali prihvatljiv prinos uz relativno nizak rizik.
Their purpose is minimisation and dispersion of risk, professional management and fund expenditure rationalisation in order to ensure the acceptable rate of return with a relatively low risk for our investors.
Prije godinu dana počela sam raditi kao tajnica. Sada radim u Odjelu za normizaciju - Odsjek za tehničku pripremu normi.
One year ago I started to work as a secretary. Now I work in the Standardization Department - Section for Technical Preparation of Standards.
Beogradski režim ga je u tome sprječavao. Različitim radikalnim potezima on nije dopuštao slobodno jačanje hrvatskog nacionalnog identiteta.
The Belgrade regime prevented him in that. By making different radical moves it did not allow free strengthening of the Croatian national identity.
Dioničko društvo je registrirano rješenjem kantonalnog suda. Registracija promjene osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje društva u općinskom sudu također je izvršena.
The stock corporation was registered by the decision of the cantonal court. The registration of the change of the individual authorized for representing the corporation at the municipal court was also performed.
Idem na sastanak, a nakon toga ću doći na utakmicu. Poslije utakmice ići ću u restoran.
I am going to the meeting, and afterwards I will come to the game. After the game I will go to the restaurant.
Ja radim svoj diplomski rad, a dečko će me ostaviti večeras.
I am working on my graduation thesis, and my boyfriend will leave me tonight.
Molim vas da mi isporučite naručenu robu do božićnih praznika. Unaprijed zahvljujem.
Please could you deliver the ordered merchandise before the Christmas holidays. Thank you in advance.
Uvjereni smo da bi uvrštenje naše destinacije u vaše planove pridonijelo obogaćenju vaše cjelokupne ponude te pozitivno utjecalo na financijske rezultate za obje strane u konačnici.
We are convinced that including our destination in your plans would contribute to enriching your complete offer and would positively influence financial results for both sides.
Mobiteli su postali jedan od najvažnijih sredstava za komunikaciju.
Mobile phones have become one of the most important devices for communication.
Moj idealni odmor bio bi onaj na kojem bih mogla uživati u čarima prirode.
My ideal vacation would be the one in which I could be able to enjoy in nature's charms.
Javljam Vam se povodom našeg razgovora o arhitektima u Zagrebu.
I am contacting you regarding our conversation regarding architects in Zagreb.
Molim Vas da mi dostavite dopis o naručivanju proizvoda iz vaših proizvodnih pogona na području Austrije.
Please could you send more information for ordering your products from your production facilites in Austria.
Bezuljni vijčani kompresori s frekventnim pretvaračima se koriste u industriji gdje je zahtjev u pogledu kvalitete stlačenog zraka stroži od klase 1, tj klasa 0, kada se traži stlačeni zrak u potpunosti bez tragova ulja.
The oil-free screw compressors with frequency converters are used in the industry where the requirement with regards to quality of the compressed air is stricter than Class 1, i.e. Class 0, when there is a requirement for compressed air without any traces of oil.
Ja ću vam vratiti ček, jer nema pologa na banci u Kanadi.
I will return the check, because there is no deposit in the bank in Canada.
U tiskovne medije ubrajaju se časopisi, novine i slično. Izlaze svakog dana, tjedna ili mjeseca.
In printed media we count magazines, newspapers and similar. They come out every day, every week or every month.
Jutros sam rano ustao, tako da nisam zakasnio na posao.
This morning I got up early, so I was not late to work.
S vrha planine pruža se nevjerojatan pogled na obližnje otoke i gradove.
From the mountain top there is an incredible view of the nearby islands and towns.
Nisam spreman prihvatiti posao, možda na proljeće. Moje je mišljenje da je plaća nedovoljna za tu vrstu posla.
I am not ready to accept the job offer, maybe in the spring. It is my opinion that the salary is insufficient for this kind of work.
Pore - duboko u svakom folikulu, lojne stanice rade na proizvodnji sebuma, supstance koja održava vašu kožu hidriranom i gipkom.
Pores - deep in every follicle, fat cells work on sebum production, the substance which keeps your skin hydrated and flexible.
Teretovnica se odnosi na hipoteku, pravo nazadkupa, prvokupa, najma i zakupa.
The liability certificate refers to the mortgage, the right to repurchase, preempt, rent and lease.
Završila sam Pomorski Fakultet. Nakon toga zaposlila sam se u špediciji. Obavljala sam poslove vezane za kontejnerski promet.
I have finished the Faculty of Maritime Studies. After this I was employed in freight forwarding. I have performed work related to container traffic.
Upis na poslijediplomski doktorski studij obavlja se na temelju natječaja koji raspisuje Fakultetsko vijeće.
Registration for the postgraduate doctoral degree is performed based on a call for proposals announced by the College Council.
Premda je prirođeni nagon presudno važan za lov, ipak svakog psa treba uvježbavati.
Although the hereditary instinct is crucially important for hunting, every dog still needs training.
Konstrukcija zgrade je vrlo kompleksna i nacrti su vrlo sadržajni i opširni.
Construction of the building is very complex and design plans are very rich and extensive.
Volio bih znati kako prevoditi engleski jezik bez vaše pomoći.
I would like to know how to translate English without your help.
Dobar dan. Pokušavam te dobiti na stari broj telefona, javi ako imaš novi broj. Ja dolazim u ponedjeljak.
Good afternoon. I am trying to reach you at the old telephone number, let me know if you have a new number. I am coming on Monday.
Ovo ste odlično napravili, čestitam Vam i želim Vam mnogo uspjeha u Vašem radu. Pozdrav i sretno.
You did this very well, I congratulate you and wish you much success in your work. Greetings and good luck.
Lutkarstvo ima iznimno bogatu povijest pogotovo u Europi, a počeci su mu u najstarijim civilizacijama.
Puppetry has an extremely rich history especially in Europe, and its beginnings are in oldest civilizations.
Varikap dioda je poluprovodnička dioda koja se koristi kao električni kondenzator upravljan naponom.
A varicap diode is a semiconductor diode which is used as a voltage-controlled electrical capacitor.
Upravo to je razlog izdvajanja ovih kutija iz mnoštva sličnih proizvoda - velik broj mogućnosti kod izbora vanjskog izgleda kutije.
Exactly this is the reason for singling out these boxes from a large number of similar products - large number of possibilities for choosing the appearance of the box.
Danas želim pisati Borisu na engleskom jeziku.
Today I want to write to Boris in English.
Molim Vas da mi pošaljete konosman i paking liste, najkasnije do utorka. Ovo je hitno. Isplata će biti obavljena po isporuci.
Please send me the bill of lading and packing lists, at the latest until Tuesday. This is urgent. Payment will be made on delivery.
Molimo Vas da nam kažete da li možemo utovariti više od 22 tone u kontejner i koliko točno.
Please tell us, can we load more than 22 tons into the container and how much exactly.
Poštovani, u skladu s našim dogovorom dužan sam Vas obavijestiti da nisam u mogućnosti ispuniti Vaše traženje.
Dear Sir/Madam, in accordance with our agreement I am obliged to inform you that I am not able to fulfill your request.
Ovog ljeta nisam bila na moru. Radi toga mi praznici nisu bili osobito zanimljivi.
This summer I did not go to the seaside. Therefore my holidays were not particularly interesting to me.
Otok Hvar je kroz povijest bio mamac za različite države i svojom ljepotom je očarao mnoge narode čiji se kulturološki utjecaj očituje na različitim dijelovima pojednih znamenitosti.
The island of Hvar through history was a lure for different states and with its beauty it has fascinated many nations whose cultural influence is manifested in different parts of particular sights.
Jezgru madraca čini izuzetno udobna i elastična termoaktivna pjena u kombinaciji s hladno lijevanom pjenom.
The core of the bedspring is made of exceptionally comfortable and elastic thermoactive foam in combination with cold cast foam.
San većine djevojaka je da se udaju, imaju djecu i žive sretno do kraja života.
The dream of the majority of girls is to get married, have children and live happily ever after.
Da bi se shvatio odnos između pojedinca i društva, neophodno je objasniti kako autoritarna društvena klima i demokratska društvena klima utječu na razvoj i strukturu ličnosti.
In order to understand the relationship between individual and society, it is necessary to explain how the authoritarian social climate and the democratic social climate influence the development and structure of the personality.
Mi planiramo puno agresivniju kampanju prodaje, s više ulaganja vlastitog vremena, sredstava i vašeg sudjelovanja kroz gratis proizvode. Vjerujemo kako je to dobar put za zauzimanje značajnijeg dijela našeg tržišta.
We plan a much more aggressive sales campaign, with more investment of our own time, funds and your participation through free products. We believe this is a good way for capturing a more significant part of our market.
Aluminijska skela za vanjske radove na fasadama, krovovima i ostale građevinske radove.
Aluminum scaffold for exterior works on facades, roofs and other construction works.
Izvođač ovim putem suglasno prihvaća da su svi dokumenti, podaci i informacije predočene Izvođaču i/ili Povezanim osobama vezano uz Sporazum.
The Contractor hereby accepts that all documents, data and information have been presented to the Contractor and/or Associated individuals related to the Agreement.
Vrlo sam odgovorna i iskrena osoba koja voli timski rad, a ako zatreba mogu donositi odluke i za njih snositi odgovornost.
I am a very responsible and sincere person who likes teamwork, and if needed I can make decisions and bear responsibility for them.
Trenutačno ne vidim nikakve indikacije da se plagiranje u znanosti smanjuje.
Currently I do not see any indications that plagiarizing in science is being reduced.
Ja sam proizvođač batata u Hrvatskoj. Zanima me da li je moguće naručiti sadnice od Vas i poslati ih u Hrvatsku.
I am a manufacturer of sweet potatoes in Croatia. I am interested if it is possible to order seedlings from you and send them to Croatia.
Svjesno falsificiranje izjava i informacija ili zadržavanje relevantnih informacija može diskvalificirati pravno lice u procesu izdavanja dozvole.
Conscious falsification of statements and information or holding relevant information can disqualify a legal entity in the permit issuing process.
Ovaj statut regulira odredbe o nazivu, sjedištu, zastupanju, ciljevima i djelatnostima udruge.
This statute regulates the provisions about the name, headquarters, representation, goals and activities of the association.
Razmjena signalizacijskih poruka između čvorova mreže vrši se u cilju upravljanja pozivima.
Exchange of signalazing messages between network nodes is performed for the purpose of call management.
Udruga je dobrovoljna i neprofitna organizacija koja udružuje članove na osnovi zajedničkog strukovnog interesa.
The association is a volunteer and non-profit organization which puts together members on the basis of joint professional interest.
Ovo je samo provjera efikasnosti kompjuterskog prevođenja koje bi mi bilo izuzetno korisno u svakodnevnom komuniciranju sa stranim partnerima.
This is only a test of computer translation efficiency which would be exceptionally useful to me in everyday communication with foreign partners.
Dobar dan! Kako ste? Drago mi je da smo stupili u kontakt.
Good afternoon! How are you? I am glad that we are now in contact.
Ja idem u Njemačku kod žene, tamo ću biti kod nje.
I am going to Germany to my wife, there I will stay at her place.
Primila sam tvoje pismo ali ti nisam mogla odmah odgovoriti jer sam bila prezaposlena.
I have received your letter but I could not immediately answer because I have been too busy.
Definiran je kao skup aktivnosti usmjeren na zadovoljenje potreba korisnika uz ostvarivanje ciljeva organizacije kroz procese razmjene na tržištu.
It is defined as a group of activities aimed at satisfying user needs together with the achievement of organisation goals through exchange processes in the market.
Bio sam kod kuće kad je on došao k meni.
I was at home when he came to me.
Molim pošaljite nam nekoliko uzoraka vaših proizvoda za naše kupce u Hrvatskoj, kako bismo im mogli pokazati proizvod.
Please send us a few samples of your products for our buyers in Croatia, so that we can show them the product.
Molim te da mi dostaviš cjenike za parkete od bambusa. Ako trebaš dodatne informacije, molim te nazovi me.
Please send me the price lists for bamboo parquets. If you need additional information, please call me.
Život se može razumjeti samo unatrag, ali se mora živjeti unaprijed.
Life can be understood only backwards, but must be lived forwards.
Unatoč dodatnom jačanju konkurencije na regionalnom tržištu, Banka je zadržala svoj visoki udio u svim tržišnim segmentima zahvaljujući usavršavanju postojećih i stalnom uvođenju novih proizvoda.
In spite of additional strengthening of competition on the regional market, the Bank has held onto its high share in all market segments thanks to the improvement of the existing and the constant introduction of new products.
Bila je zaista sretna kada je on došao kući.
She was really happy when he came home.
U prilogu Vam šaljemo transportnu listu i plan obilaska lokacija za tehnički obilazak.
Enclosed please find the transportation list and tour plan of locations for the technical visit.
Sudjelovao je također i u aktivnostima vezanim uz prezentiranje i demonstraciju softverskih rješenja.
He also participated in activities related to presentation and demonstration of software solutions.
Lov, ribolov, planinarenje i vožnja kočijom na ovom prostoru pružaju izniman doživljaj bliskosti čovjeka i prirode.
Hunting, fishing, hiking and carriage riding in this area provide an exceptional experience of closeness between man and nature.
Hotel Dalmina pruža hotelsko-ugostiteljske usluge sukladno Općim uvjetima korištenja usluge, a prema potvrdi i specifikaciji svake pojedine rezervacije.
Hotel Dalmina provides hotel-catering services in accordance with General terms and conditions of service, and according to the confirmation and specification of each particular reservation.
Vlada svojom odlukom o raspisivanju natječaja ili javnog prikupljanja ponuda iz stavka 1. ovog članka određuje područje zone, djelatnosti koje će se obavljati u zoni te uvjete i mjerila za davanje koncesije.
The government with its Decision on Publishing of Calls for Proposals or Public Collection of offers from Paragraph 1 of this Article determines the area of the zone, activities which will be performed in the zone and conditions and measures for giving the concession.
Prilikom našeg zadnjeg susreta dogovorili smo se kako ćemo više komunicirati, no zbog velikih poslova i zdravstvene situacije to baš nije lako ostvariti. Imam velikih problema sa desnim bubregom i sa srcem. Stoga sam neprestano kod liječnika.
During our last meeting we have agreed that we will communicate more, but because of great number of business activities and health situation this is not very easy to achieve. I have big problems with my right kidney and with my heart. Therefore I am constantly at the doctor's office.
Obavještavamo Vas da smo sklopili ugovor o preuzimanju obveze kredita između Mate i Ante.
We hereby inform you that we have concluded a takeover contract of the loan obligations between Mate and Ante.
Kako dobiti posao na brodu u Americi i ostati tamo duže vrijeme?
How to get a job on a ship in America and stay there for a longer time period?
Sva navedena oprema je instalirana u skladu s kanadskim standardom.
All the mentioned equipment has been installed in accordance with the Canadian standard.
Cijenjeni gospodine Malin, molim da nam dostavite tekst deklaracija na engleskom jeziku, za svaki proizvod, kako bismo mogli pripremiti hrvatsku verziju teksta.
Dear Mr. Malin, please provide us with the text declaration on English language, for each product, so that we could prepare the Croatian version of the text.
Poštovani Gospodine, ljubazno molimo da nam pošaljete naša dugovanja kako bismo izbalansirali obostrana terećenja na kontnim listama.
Dear Sir, we kindly ask you to send us our liabilities so that we can balance our mutual liabilities on our account lists.
Turistička Hrvatska jučerašnjim je danom ušla u špicu sezone od koje se očekuje pet milijuna turista u narednih šest tjedana što iznosi polovicu očekivanog turističkog prometa za ovu godinu.
Tourist Croatia has yesterday entered its peak season, from which expects expect five million tourists in the next six weeks which amounts to half of the expected tourist traffic for this year.
Kabinet za električnu opremu izveden iz dekapiranog čeličnog lima obrađen termo postupkom termičkog lakiranja.
Cabinet for electrical equipment derived from pickled steel sheet metal processed with a thermo procedure of thermal varnishing.
Izveden za montažu na zid i prihvat kabelskih vodova p/ž u zoni svoda kabineta.
Manufactured for fitting on the wall and reception of cable conduits under plaster in the zone of the cabinet vault.
Nadam se da me moje znanje i prije svega moja velika želja za daljnjim napredovanjem i aktivnim zalaganjem u uspješnoj sredini poput Žito doo Osijek čine zanimljivim potencijalnim članom vašeg tima.
I very much hope that my knowledge and first of all my great wish for further progress and active dedication in a successful business environment like Žito Ltd. Osijek makes me an interesting potential member of your team.
The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures for identifying training needs and achieving competence of all personnel performing activities affecting product quality.
Organizacija će utvrditi i održati dokumentirane postupke za utvrđivanje potreba obučavanja i postizanje stručnosti svih službenih vršenja aktivnosti utječući na kvalitetu proizvoda.
Novi model CROTIS-a je unešen i prema potrebi se mijenja u bazi podataka PostgreSQL.
The new model of CROTIS is entered and is being modified in the PostgreSQL database as required.
Anketa sama po sebi nije dovoljna i ona će biti podloga za daljnje akcije kako bi se problemi ublažili.
The poll per se is not sufficient and will be the basis for further actions in order to ease the problems.
Izjavljujem pod materijalnom i krivičnom odgovornošću da živim u obiteljskoj kući za koju sam ostvario stambeni kredit.
Under material and criminal responsibility I state that I live in a family house for which I recieved a housing loan.
Moj je suprug koristio lijek "Nivagerin" koji proizvodite. Više ga ne možemo nigdje kupiti, pa Vas molimo za informaciju možemo li Nivagerin naručiti kod Vas, Vašeg distributera ili negdje drugdje.
My husband has used the medicine "Nivagerin" which you manufacture. We cannot buy it anywhere anymore, so we ask you for information on if can we order Nivagerin from you, your distributor or somewhere else.
To su sapuni od maslinovog ulja sa eteričnim uljima od unikatnog bilja iz Dalmacije.
These are soaps made from olive oil with essential oils from unique plants from Dalmatia.
Hrvatska se nalazi u jugoistočnoj Europi.
Croatia is located in the South-East Europe.
Odabrala sam ovaj fakultet jer mi mama nije dala da idem u Zagreb studirati grafički dizajn.
I have chosen this faculty because my mum did not allow me to go to Zagreb study graphic design.
Ovdje je jako vruće, gosti uživaju u moru i suncu.
It is very hot here, the guests are enjoying the sea and sun.
Želim ići na tečaj u sedmom mjesecu ove godine.
I want to go to a course in July of this year.
Posjedujem traženo trgovačko iskustvo kao trgovački predstavnik i prezentator te kao direktna veza između proizvoda i kupca.
I possess the required commercial experience as a sales representative, presenter and as a direct connection between the product and the customer.
Ja se zovem Anja i želim znati hoćeš li ti doći kod mene u Hrvatsku?
My name is Anja and I want to know if you will come to visit me in Croatia?
Problemi se odnose na lisnato tijesto i proizvode od njega.
Problems refer to puff pastry and products from it.
Danas je temperatura dosegla 34 stupnja u termometru, a vjerojatno će i sutra biti slično vrijeme.
The today temperature has reached 34 degrees on the thermometer and tomorrow will probably be the similar weather.
Danas sam imao prilično loš dan.
Today I had a rather bad day.
U fazi smo izgradnje velikog shopping centra u samom centru Sarajeva.
We are in the constructing phase of a large shopping center in the very center of Sarajevo.
Sa zadovoljstvom mogu reći da je naš susret bio obostrano koristan.
I can with satisfaction say that our meeting has been mutually useful.
Oplate za izradu rovova u građevinarstvu sežu do visine šest metara.
Panels for trench production in civil engineering reach up to a height of six meters.
Jučerasnji jak zemljotres, čiji je epicentar bio u blizini Grčke, osjetili su i stanovnici crnogorskog primorja.
Yesterday's strong earthquake, whose epicenter was near Greece, was also felt by inhabitants of Montenegro coastal regions.
Jako sam komunikativan u odnosu s ljudima, a profesionalni cilj mi je daljnja edukacija i usavršavanje.
I am very communicative in relationship with people, and my professional goal is further education and improvement.
Njemački muzej je pun remek djela prirodne znanosti i tehnologije.
The German museum is full of masterpieces of natural science and technology.
Mi smo tvrtka koja je generalni uvoznik motocikala za Hrvatsku i zainteresirani smo za poslovnu suradnju.
We are a company which is the general importer of motorcycles for Croatia and we are interested in business cooperation.
Sporna stvar je što servis niti ovlašteni zastupnik do danas nisu nabavili originalnu boju.
The doubtful point is that neither the repair shop nor the authorized representative have not acquired the original color to-date.
Politička komunikacija nastaje u naponskom polju između vlasti i političke javnosti, odnosno između političkog polja i civilnog sektora društva.
Political communication emerges in a tensional field between the government and the political public, i.e. between a political field and the civil sector of society.