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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 80% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran® softveru možete doznati na web stranici: http://www.tranexp.hr/NeuroTran.html
NeuroTran® prijevodi:
Mehanička brtva i pumpe vode propuštaju. Potrebno je izmijeniti ispušni kolektor.
The mechanical gasket and water pumps leak. It is necessary to replace the exhaust collector.
Najbolji izbor za svakog čovjeka je biti dosljedan u svemu što radi u životu.
The best choice for every man is to be consistent in everything what he does in life.
Zvao sam banku i rekli su mi da je moja kartica u redu i da na njoj imam novac.
I called my bank and they told me that my card is OK and that I have money on it.
Rad u modernoj kompaniji koja cijeni svoje zaposlenike te im omogućava razvoj svojih potencijala zadovoljavajući potrebe obiju strana.
Work in a modern company which appreciates its employees and allows them to develop their potential by satisfying the needs of both sides.
Kada zdravstveno osoblje zauzima prepotentan stav i ne poštuje osnovne elemente uljudnog ponašanja korištenje zdravstvenih usluga postaje mora osobama s invaliditetom.
When health staff takes an arrogant attitude and does not respect essential elements of courtesy, the use of medical services becomes a nightmare for the disabled.
Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu i ovime potvrđujemo rezervaciju za noćenje za sedam osoba.
Thank you for your enquiry and with this we confirm your reservation per night for seven people.
Želimo Vas obavijestiti da Vam možemo rezervirati apartman u tom periodu.
We would like to inform you that we can book the apartment for you in that period.
Tada još nismo imali stabilnu verziju, a trebali smo vam pokazati prvu verziju s osnovnim funkcijama.
At that time, we did not have a stable version, and we should have shown you the first version with basic functions.
Ja sam te konstantno zvala ali se ti nisi htjela javiti.
I called you constantly but you did not want to answer.
Prirodna ulja (bademovo, ricinusovo i maslinovo ulje) su važne sirovine u kemijskoj i farmaceutskoj industriji.
Natural oils (almond, ricinus and olive oil) are important raw materials in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
Prilikom istraživanja, projektni tim je došao do statistika koje su svjedočile kako je posljednjih godina više od 18% raka dojke otkriveno u osoba mlađih od 50 godina.
During research, the project team has obtained statistics which testify that in recent years more than 18% of breast cancer was discovered in individuals younger than 50.
Molimo da nam u što kraćem roku dostavite popis ovlaštenih osoba koje će zastupati Vašu tvrtku na sjednici.
Please send us, in the shortest time possible, a list of authorised personnel who will represent your company at the meeting.
Ovaj video snimak je vrlo poučan i riječi u njemu svako razumije.
This video recording is very educational and it's words are understood by everyone.
Kako bi mogli zadržati cijene iz naše ponude, molimo vas uplatite iznos avansa od minimalno 1% ukupno ponuđenog iznosa.
In order to keep the prices from our offer, please pay a minimal advance payment of 1% of the total offered amount.
Plazma nitriranje je postupak površinske termičke obrade čelika u plazmi, kod kojega je programiranjem parametara procesa moguće prilagoditi karakteristike nitriranog sloja traženoj primjeni.
Plasma nitriding is a method of surface heat treatment of steel in plasma, in which by programming the process parameters it is possible to adapt the
characteristics of the nitrided layer for the required use.
Po uplati vašeg avansa, napravit ćemo posebnu ponudu za svako vozilo, te time vama osigurati ponuđene cijene i vozila koja su na free market-u.
Upon receiving your advance payment, we will make a special offer for each vehicle, and thereby provide prices and vehicles which are on the free market.
Želio bih naučiti svirati jazz glazbu i spreman sam vježbati i učiti 10 sati dnevno.
I would like to learn to play jazz music and I am ready to exercise and learn 10 hours a day.
U ovim smo napisima isticali kako otok Brač ima neobično mnogo predromaničkih i ranoromaničkih crkava.
In this articles we have been pointing out how the island of Brač has unusually many pre-Romanesque and early Romanesque churches.
Želio bih znati točan podatak o rezultatima ispitivanja rešetkastog nosača za stranog naručitelja.
I would like to know the correct data on the testing results of the lattice girder for a foreign customer.
Na prvoj slici on joj kupuje ružu, na drugoj gledaju zalazak sunca a na trećoj jedu desert. Možete primjetiti da je ona vrlo sretna.
On the first picture he buys her a rose, on the second they watch the sunset and on the third they eat a dessert. You can notice that she is very happy.
Kuća se nalazi pet minuta od mora i grada u mirnom dijelu što ju čini idealnom za odmor. Kuća ima četiri balkona, dvije veće terase i dva podruma.
The house is located five minutes from the sea and the city in a peaceful part which makes it ideal for vacation. The house has four balconies, two larger terraces and two basements.
Nadam se da ćete nastaviti uljepšavati naš život još mnogo, mnogo godina jer nikada neću zaboraviti što ste za nas napravili do sada.
I hope that you will continue to brighten our life for many, many years because I will never forget what you have done for us until now.
Narod sudi sam sebi preko onih svojih sugrađana koji se kao njegovi zastupnici imenuju slobodnim izborom.
The people judge themselves through their fellow-citizens who as their representatives are appointed by free choice.
Po prijemu Vašeg dopisa a uvidom u kartice analitike ustanovili smo da naše i vaše saldo kartice nisu identične, te da naše dvije tvrtke nisu u 2006 godini izvršile poravnanje.
After the receipt of your official letter and after reviewing the analytics cards we have found that our and your balance cards are not identical, and that our two companies did not perform settling in 2006.
U prilogu ćete naći cjenik oglasnog prostora, a za sva dodatna pitanja i/ili prijedloge stojimo Vam na raspolaganju.
In the attachment you will find the advertising space price list, and for all additional questions and/or suggestions we stand at your disposal.
Molim vas da mi kažete koja bi bila sveukupna cijena kada bi mi roba stigla sutra, a u slučaju da mi cijena odgovara i da je danas naručim.
Please tell me what would the total price be if the goods would arrive tomorrow, in case that the price is acceptable to me and that I order today.
Zbližili su ih slični pogledi na košarku, sličan sportski razvojni put i slične naravi i karakteri.
They were brought together by similar views on basketball, a similar sports development path and similar tempers and personalities.
Poslije srednje škole odslužio sam vojni rok i od tada sam u potrazi za poslom.
After secondary school I completed my military service and since then I am looking for work.
Nitko iz računovodstva mi se nije javio te Vas stoga molim da opet proslijedite moj zahtjev za uplatu 27 kredita skidanjem sredstava s mog računa.
Nobody from the accounting department contacted me so I ask you to again forward my request for payment for 27 loans by debiting funds from my account.
Papir je materijal koji se upotrebljava za pisanje, crtanje, tisak, pakiranje, itd. Proizvodi se uglavnom od drveta ili celuloze.
Paper is a material which is used for writing, drawing, printing, packaging, etc. It is produced mostly from wood or cellulose.
Možete li mi dostaviti stanje računa na telefaks? Can you send me the balance of my account by fax?
Djeca koja žele posjedovati oružje imaju niže samopouzdanje, a oružje im je dokaz samovrijednosti.
Children who want to possess weapons have a lower self-confidence, and weapons are their proof of self-value.
Bio je liječnik i znao je mnogo toga o umiranju. Nije htio da njegova obitelj i prijatelji propate zajedno s njim.
He was a doctor and he knew a lot about dying. He did not want his family and friends to suffer together with him.
Ja živim u Križevcima. To je malen i lijep grad s oko 15 000 stanovnika. Krase ga obnovljene crkve i lijepo uređeni parkovi.
I live in Križevci. It is a small and beautiful city with around 15 000 inhabitants. It is decorated by renovated churches and nicely arranged parks.
Drveni stupovi konstrukcije su učvršćeni na podesivim ankerima u armirano betonskom platou. Krovna knostrukcija izvedena je također od drvenih greda.
Wooden structure columns are fastened on adjustable anchors in the reinforced concrete plateau. The roof structure is also constructed from wooden beams.
Oni trebaju mnogo bolje uvjete za život i nikako ih se ne bi trebalo tretirati na ovaj način.
They need much better living conditions and they should in no way be treated like this.
Mnogi ljudi svoje probleme rješavaju na "normalan" način, ali drugi bježeći od problema upadaju u još veće probleme.
Many people solve their problems in "a normal" way, but others by running away from problems fall into even larger problems.
Iako su do sada sve njihove reklame bile dobre, ova joj je osobito zapela za oko.
Although until now all their advertisements were good, this one particularly caught her eye.
Pod životnom sredinom podrazumijeva se određen prostor sa sveukupnim utjecajima koji na živa bića djeluju na onom mjestu na kojem oni žive i bez kojih bi njihov opstanak bio nemoguć.
Under the living environment we presume a specific space with complete influences which affect living beings in the place in which they live and without which their survival would be impossible.
Predmet ovog ugovora je izrada dolje navedenih tehnoloških rješenja i proračuna.
The subject of this contract is the creation of technological solutions and calculations mentioned below.
Za večeru smo imali neku juhu koja se nikome nije svidjela pa smo morali otići u pizzeriju.
For supper we had some kind of soup which nobody liked so we had to go to the pizzeria.
Kada bi me upitali što mislim o životinjama, rekla bih vam da su to prekrasna bića i da ih obožavam.
If you would ask me what do I think about animals, I would say that they are gorgeous creatures and that I adore them.
Postanak putničke, odnosno turističke agencije vezan je za ime čovjeka koji je prvi shvatio i iskoristio značenje mogućnosti masovnog prijevoza.
The origin of the travelling or tourist agency is connected with the name of a man who first understood and used the meaning of mass transport potential.
Zbog toga se ekonometrijski model može definirati kao skup simultanih jednadžbi koji daje približan uvid u neki sustav.
Therefore the econometric model can be defined as a group of simultaneous equations which provides approximate insight of a certain system.
Jedino me zora, poput najvjernije žene, svako jutro čeka raširenih ruku.
Only dawn, like the most faithful wife, awaits me every morning with wide-open arms.
Svaka će sekcija započeti sa uvodnim izlaganjem u cilju prezentacije osnovne problematike koju tretira.
Every section will start with an introductory statement for the purpose of presentation of the basic problem area which it treats.
Zahvaljujemo na vašem upitu. Imamo slobodnu sobu. Ako želite možemo vam je rezervirati.
Thank you for your inquiry. We have a free room. If you wish we can book it for you.
Prije analiziranja i proračuna stroja, prvo je bilo potrebno vidjeti da li je uopće potrebno osmisliti i konstruirati takav stroj s obzirom na upotrebu samog uređaja i cijenu njegove izrade.
Before analysing and designing the machine, it was first necessary to see if such a machine needed at all to be designed and constructed considering the use of the device itself and the price of its construction.
Dok sam šetao ulicom sinoć vidio sam da se gradi nova kuća u mom susjedstvu.
While I was walking down the street last night I saw that a new house is being built in my neighbourhood.
Sjedinjene američke države su u principu, gledano s globalne perspektive, u superiornoj poziciji.
The United States of America in principle, looked from a global perspective, are in a superior position.
Jako sam zainteresirana za taj posao, ali ne mogu pristati dok ne znam sve uvjete.
I am very interested in this job, but I cannot accept it until I know all the terms.
Svjetska privreda rasla je u protekloj godini impresivnim tempom uprkos oštrom porastu cijena nafte.
The world economy has grown at an impressive pace during the past year in spite of the sharp price increase of oil.
Ako imate 12 svojih zuba i želite ih izvaditi, prvo ožiljci moraju zacijeliti, a za to je potrebno više od mjesec dana.
If you have 12 of your own teeth and wish to remove them, scars must heal first, and more than one month is required for this.
Znala je da je opasno hodati duž te rijeke ali je morala da bi preživjela.
She knew that it is dangerous to walk alongside this river but she had to in order to survive.
On je prvi potpredsjednik i voditelj strukturiranih financija za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i prehranu, a ima preko petnaest godina radnog iskustva.
He is the first Vice President and Manager of Structured Finances for agriculture, forestry and food, and has more than fifteen years of work experience.
Molim vas da mi pošaljete popis vaših dobavljača iz Kine kako bih stupila u kontakt s njima. Zahvaljujem.
Please send me the list of your suppliers from China so that I can get in touch with them. Thank you.
On je bio poprilično uzbuđen novonastalom situacijom, a istodobno je bio usredotočen na primanje osjetilnih informacija.
He was rather excited with the newly developed situation, and simultaneously he was concentrated on the reception of sensory information.
Budući da smo bili zadovoljni vašim angažmanom u našem zadnjem projektu, željeli bismo vam ponuditi ulogu u našem novom projektu.
Since we were satisfied with your engagement in our last project, we would like to offer you a role in our new project.
Ovo je provjera načina na koji program u vašoj ponudi funkcionira. Nadam se da će prijevod biti korektan.
This is a test of way in which the program in your offer operates. I hope that the translation will be correct.
Vokalni ansambl "Milka Trnina" osnovan je 1976 godine pri istoimenoj Osnovnoj glazbenoj školi i djeluje kontinuirano do danas.
The vocal ensemble "Milka Trnina" was established in 1976 at the same-named Elementary Musical School and is active continuously until today.
Uz direktnu i godišnju financijsku korist, možemo bolje gospodariti zalihama i produljiti rok trajanja nekim sirovinama koje do sada nismo skladištili u preporučenim režimima zbog manipulacije.
With a direct and a yearly financial benefit, we can manage supplies better and extend the lifetime of some raw materials which until now we did not store under the recommended regimes because of handling.
Rizici za koje postoji mala vjerojatnost da će se pojaviti, a koji bi pritom mogli imati posljedice koje bi egzistenicijalno mogle ugroziti banku ili leasing-društvo i čije bi se otklanjanje pokazalo kao izuzetno skupo, mogu putem police osiguranja biti preneseni na treća lica.
Risks for which there is a small chance that they will appear, and which could at the same time have consequences which could existentially endanger the bank or leasing-company and whose removal could prove to be exceptionally expensive, can be carried over to third parties via an insurance policy.
Imamo problema sa glavnim strojem. Senzor temperature ispušnih plinova je postavljen na krivom mjestu.
We have problems with the main engine. The temperature sensor of exhaust gases is placed in the wrong location.
Jako mi je drago što smo se upoznali jer se činiš kao jako dobra osoba.
I am very glad that we met because you seem to be a very nice person.
Vijci u drvenim konstrukcijama koriste se kao konstruktivna spajala.
Bolts in wooden structures are used as structural connectors.
Zanimaju me svi modeli, jer svi jako dobro izgledaju i jedina stvar koja mi je bitna je da imaju dvostruki ekran.
I am interested in all models, because they all look very good and the only thing important to me is that they have a dual screen.
Kamatne stope su snižene, a kreireani su i posebni programi za male poduzetnike.
Interest rates have been decreased, and special programs for small business owners have been created as well.
Radim u prehrambenoj industriji. Volim crtati i slušati muziku.
I work in the food processing industry. I like drawing and listening to music.
Ponekad kada smo tužni i nismo raspoloženi za komunikaciju palimo televizor i u tom trenutku uključujemo se u razgovor.
Sometimes when we are sad and not in a good mood for communication we switch on the television and at this point join in the conversation.
Molimo dostavite nam građevinske skice izgleda objekta u koji će navedena oprema biti smještena.
Please deliver to us the construction drawings of the appearance of the building in which mentioned equipment will be placed.
Molim vas da mi kažete da li postoji tvornička garancija za vaše motore i da li imate rezervne dijelove za njih.
Please tell me do you have a factory guarantee for your engines and do you have spare parts for them.
U središtu ove napete priče o glasovitoj aferi Watergate koja je sedamdesetih godina uzdrmala Ameriku su dvojica novinara Washington Posta.
At the center of this tense story regarding the famous Watergate affair which shook America during the seventies are two journalists from the Washington Post.
Želio bih vam predstaviti jednu fantastičnu poslovnu mogućnost koja može donijeti izuzetnu zaradu u vrlo kratkom roku uz minimalna ulaganja.
I would like to present to you a fantastic business opportunity which can bring you an exceptional profit in a very short time period with minimum investments.
Polazak autobusom u tri sata, uz kraća usputna zaustavljanja radi odmora.
Departure by bus at three o'clock, with shorter stops on the way for the resting purposes.
Kako mogu naručiti softver na svoju adresu u Bosni i Hercegovini, ukoliko mi bude odgovarao?
How can I order the software to my address in Bosnia and Hercegovina, in case it suits me?
Dolaskom u Sarajevo i u svoju novu radnu sredinu samo sam djelomično rastjerao crne slutnje koje me okupiraju duže vrijeme.
By arriving in Sarajevo and my new working environment I have only partially dispersed dark thoughts which have occupied me for a while.
Molimo vas javite nam najmanju količinu po artiklu, rok isporuke i cijenu. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo.
Please let us know the minimum amount per article, date of delivery and price. Thank you in advance.
U mojoj ulici nalaze se dvije zgrade, jedna pekara i tri picerije. Preko puta pekare nalazi se nekoliko kafića, trgovina i butika.
In my street there are two buildings, one bakery and three pizzerias. Across the bakery there are several cafés, shops and boutiques.
Molimo vas da nam proslijedite dokumentaciju i plan rada za sastanak kako je predviđeno. Molimo precizirajte još jednom vaše ciljeve i želje.
Please forward us your documentation and workplan for the meeting as planned. Please specify your goals and wishes once again.
Trenutačno sam zaposlena u tvrtci koja pruža usluge digitalnog kolor tiska.
I am currently employed in a company which offers digital color printing services.
Za svoj rad i utrošeno vrijeme želimo biti plaćeni što je više moguće, a iz raspoloživog novca želimo dobiti najveću moguću vrijednost.
For our work and spent time we want to be paid as much as possible, and from the available money we want to get the largest possible value.
Ukoliko promatramo potencijalne posljedice takvih dokumenata, možemo sa sigurnošću tvrditi da je većina tih dokumenata kreirana u kontekstu promocije određene političke ideje ili opcije.
If we observe the potential consequences of such documents, we can with certainty claim that the majority of these documents was created in the context of the promotion of a specific political idea or option.
Danas sam bio u ribarnici i kupio sam 2 kg ribe. Cijena je bila 60 kuna po kilogramu.
Today I was in the fish market and I bought 2 kg of fish. The price was 60 kuna per kilogram.
Svi mi većinom jedemo brzu hranu, ali svatko od nas ima svoje omiljeno jelo.
We all mostly eat fast food, but everyone of us has his favourite food.
Prirodne znamenitosti i ljepote otoka Mljeta opisali su mnogi povjesničari, pisci i pjesnici.
Natural sights and beauties of the island of Mljet were described by many historians, writers and poets.
Taj sistem čini plaćanje goriva unaprijed nepotrebnim, smanjuje knjigovodstvenu administraciju, optimizira gotovinske izdatke i omogućava punu kontrolu transportnih troškova tvrtke.
This system makes paying for fuel in advance unnecessary, reduces the accounting administration, optimizes cash outlays and enables the full control of the company's transportation expenditures.
Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom primjenjuje se na izvođenje građevinskih radova u niskogradnji, komunalne infrastrukture, te izgradnji vodozaštitnih objekata.
The quality-management system is applied to the execution of construction works in the low-rise construction, public utility installations, and construction of water-protection facilities.
Informirali su me da mi pod tim uvjetima mirovinski staž ne bi išao i ne bih imala zdravstveno osiguranje jer nisam u radnom odnosu a to mi nikako ne bi odgovaralo.
They have informed me that under these conditions my pensionable years of service would not be counted and I would not have health insurance because I am not employed and this would in no way suit me.
Molim Vas da mi pošaljete točne dimenzije stroja zbog cijene prijevoza brodom. Koje su luke u Vašoj blizini?
Please send me the correct dimensions of the machine because of the shipping price. Which harbours are in your proximity?
Samsung je predstavio najnoviji modni telefon SGH-E500, koji je u cijelosti orijentiran prema pripadnicama ljepšeg spola.
Samsung has presented the latest fashion phone SGH-E500, which is entirely oriented towards members of the female gender.
Želja mi je obavijestiti vas da su pregovori s jednom kvalitetnom tvrtkom glede našeg zajedničkog posla započeli.
I wish to inform you that the negotiations with a professional company regarding our joint business have started.
Uža specijalnost naše tvrtke su zemljišta različitih namjena, bilo da je u pitanju stambena odnosno apartmanska izgradnja ili pak hoteli i njihovi prateći sadržaji.
A narrow expertise of our company are land plots for different purposes, regardless of whether we talk about residential or apartment construction or hotels and their accompanying services.
Imamo njihovu usmenu potvrdu dolaska na turnir ali bez njihove pismene suglasnosti ne želimo ih svrstati među ekipe koje su prihvatile učešće.
We have their verbal confirmation of arrival for the tournament but without their written consent we do not wish to place them into teams which have accepted participation.
Na pitanje koji su im potencijalni partneri, te da li će to biti HSP, s obzirom da je HSP-HSS-HSLS koalicija pobijedila u Slavonskom Brodu, Friščić nije želio konkretizirati.
To the question who are their potential partners, and will this be HSP, given that the HSP-HSS-HSLS coalition won in Slavonski Brod, Friščić did not want to elaborate.
Oni inzistiraju da se ovaj izvještaj mora napisati tijekom ovog tjedna.
They insist that this report must be written during this week.
Pridržavajući se pravilne prehrane očuvat ćemo svoje zdravlje, povećat ćemo radnu sposobnost i produžit ćemo svoj životni vijek.
By following a regular diet we will preserve our health, increase our working ability and extend our lifetime.
Mislim da je dobra ideja da bi CD trebao zamijeniti udžbenik jer bi tako učenicima bilo lakše učiti.
I think that it is a good idea that a CD should replace the textbook because in this way students would learn more easily.
Javljam se na objavljeno radno mjesto Voditelj građenja međunarodnih građevinskih projekata za područje bivše Jugoslavije.
I am applying for the advertised position of Manager of Building International Construction Projects for the area of ex-Yugoslavia.
Nikada ne povlačite vodič i ne rukujte opremom dok nije izvršena prikladna ugradnja vodiča za uzemljenje.
Never drag the conductor and do not handle the equipment until an appropriate installation of conductors for grounding is carried out.
Nadam se da vam to nije problem. Želim vam uspješnu organizaciju izložbe. Za sve ostale informacije slobodno me kontaktirajte.
I hope that this is not a problem for you. I wish you a successful organisation of the exposition. For all other information please feel free to contact me.
Kako biste se uprkos godinama dulje osjećali mladi i dobro izgledali, neće vam pomoći samo redovno vježbanje.
In order to feel young longer and look good in spite of your age, you will not be helped by only regularly exercising.
Stanica je temeljna strukturna i funkcijska jedinica svih živih organizama.
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
Utvrđuje se da je taj sustav izrađen u skladu s "Pravilnikom o provedbi obvezatnih mjera radi smanjenja mikrobioloških i drugih onečišćenja mesa i mesnih proizvoda".
We have determined that the system is built in accordance with the "Regulation on the Implementation of Compulsory Measures for the Purpose of Decreasing Microbiological and other Contamination of Meat and Meat Products".
To je procjena parametara i rigorozno modeliranje horizontalnog dvoslojnog tla s lokalnom nehomogenošću uporabom složene metode odslikavanja.
This is an evaluation of parameters and rigorous modelling of the horizontal two-layered soil with local inhomogeneity through the use of the complex reflection method.
Molimo da vrijedne stvari pohranite u sef hotela, jer za nestale osobne stvari ne odgovaramo.
Please deposit your valuables in the hotel safe, because we are not liable for missing belongings.
U privitku se nalazi novi cjenik Toshiba prijenosnika, te novi cjenik modela na rasprodaji.
Enclosed is the new price list for Toshiba notebooks, and the new price list for models on sale.
Mi smo agencija za posredovanje u međunarodnoj trgovini te smo zainteresirani za distribuciju vaših proizvoda.
We are an agency for international trade brokerage and we are interested in distribution of your products.
Ja sam dobra osoba i imam dvije prekrasne kćerke koje volim više od bilo čega na svijetu.
I am a good person and I have two gorgeous daughters which I love more than anything in the world.
Kompozicijsko ustrojstvo romana nagoviješteno je specifičnom segmentacijom teksta koja počinje od prve stranice.
The compositional structure of the novel is announced by the specific segmentation of the text starting from the very first page.
To su uvjeti pod kojima se opasne robe primaju na prijevoz, pakiranje i obilježavanje.
These are terms under which dangerous goods are accepted for transport, packaging and labelling.
Dobra večer, kako ste se proveli na izletu u prirodi danas?
Good evening, how did you spend your outdoor trip today?
Nadam se da ste primili naš e-mail i da ste svi dobro i zdravo kao što smo i mi.
I hope that you received our e-mail and that all of you are well and healthy as we are.
Obala je okružena mediteranskom vegetacijom koja tvori tunele od isprepletenih grana, impresivne stijene, neistražene spilje i životinjski svijet.
The coastline is surrounded by Mediterranean vegetation which forms tunnels of intertwined branches, impressive rocks, unexplored caves and wildlife.
Dijagnosticirali smo klasični poremećaj misli, depresiju, akutno-stresni poremećaj, izmijenjeni osjećaj sebe, bipolarni poremećaj, poremećaj uzimanja tvari i granični poremećaj ličnosti.
We diagnosed a classic thought disorder, depression, acute-stressful disorder, altered sense of oneself, bipolar disorder, disorder of substance taking and boundary disorder of personality.
Glavni izvođač je izrazio interes da izgradi i opremi objekt u skladu sa zahtjevom Investitora i da otkloni sve eventualne nedostatke u gradnji.
The main contractor has expressed interest to build and equip the facility as required by the Investor, and to remove all possible insufficiencies in construction.
Poštovani, naša tvrtka je među vodećim tvrtkama u prodaji ručnog alata u jugoistočnoj europi.
Dear Sir/Madam, our company is among the leading companies in sales of manual tools in the South-East Europe.
Molim vas pošaljite mi ponudu za cipele u cjenovnom razredu do 50 USD.
Please send me your offer for shoes in the price range up to 50 USD.
Makedonski MUP zatražio je obnavljanje istrage povodom ubojstva bivšeg predsjednika.
The Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs has requested the reopening of the investigation in connection with the murder of the former president.
Smatram da radom u brzorastućoj farmaceutskoj industriji pomažemo drugima.
I consider that by working in the fast-growing pharmaceutical industry we help others.
Uzroci zbog kojih nastaju grube pogreške su nepažnja, nemarnost, loša pomagala i nedovoljno stručno znanje.
Causes because of which serious mistakes occur are lack of attention, negligence, bad instruments and insufficient expert knowledge.
Danas sam klizao, jer sam htio naučiti kako klizati.
Today I ice-skated, because I wanted to learn how to ice-skate.
Kada budemo imali sve potrebne podatke moći ćemo, na puno efikasniji način, zajednički definirati potrebne aktivnosti u cilju daljnjeg rada na ovim projektima.
When we will have all the required information we will be able to, in a much more efficient manner, jointly define the required activities for the purpose of further work on these projects.
Danas imamo naš prvi poslovni sastanak, pa vas molim za razumijevanje.
Today we have our first business meeting, so I kindly ask for your understanding.
Svima je poznato da su kontinuirano učenje i usavršavanje za nas jedini način da budemo uspješni.
It is well-known that continuous learning and improvement is the only way for us to be successful.
Obavezno vodite računa o postojanju znakova upozorenja i njihovom pravilnom postavljanju i pričvršćivanju.
Do not forget to bear in mind the existence of warning signs and their correct placement and attachment.
Ako imate pravo prolaza ili pravo na promjenu kursa, dajte drugoj jedrilici dovoljno vremena da se pripremi.
If you have the right of way or right to change course, give the other sailing boat enough time to prepare.
Molimo fakturirajte troškove prijevoza na odvojenu fakturu jer u suprotnom mi plaćamo sva carinska davanja i na troškove prijevoza i na robu.
Please invoice the transport costs on a separate invoice because on the contrary we pay all customs duties on transport costs as well as on goods.
Oni nisu u roku od četiri mjeseca od isteka zakonom odredenog razdoblja oporezivanja podnijeli Prijavu poreza na dobit za 2004. godinu.
They did not, within four months from the expiration of the taxation period defined by law, submit their profit tax application for 2004.
Budući da smo svojom ponudom iskazali interes za suradnjom molimo vas da nam dostavite status naše ponude kako bismo mogli planirati naše buduće poslovne aktivnosti.
Since we have with our offer expressed interest in cooperating please send us the status of our offer so that we can plan our future business activities.
Osnovni cilj je otvoriti nove prostore za razmišljanje i potaknuti kreativnost djece i mladih ljudi uz edukaciju.
The primary objective is to open new areas for thinking and stimulate the creativeness of children and young people with education.
Organski uvjetovane promjene psihičkih funkcija pokazuju više nivoa ekspresije, od globalne kognitivne deterioracije do suptilnih ispada kognicije.
Organically conditioned changes of mental functions show more levels of expression, from global cognitive deterioration to subtle failure of cognition.
Karlovac se nalazi u središnjoj Hrvatskoj, a okružen je rijekama Mrežnicom, Kupom, Koranom i Dobrom.
Karlovac is located in central Croatia, and is surrounded by the Mrežnica, Kupa, Korana and Dobra rivers.
Pohađao je specijalistički seminar pod nazivom "Održiva i ekološka proizvodnja voća" iz područja voćarstva.
He attended the specialist seminar named "Sustainable and environmental fruit production" from the area of fruit-growing.
Ja sam već bila u vašem poduzeću na psihološkom testiranju i nisam zadovoljna svojim pokazanim znanjem i vještinama.
I have already been in your company for psychological testing and I am not satisfied with my presented knowledge and skills.
Dodao bih da sam rođen u Ljubljani i da sam živio ovdje deset godina. Vrlo sam zainteresiran za taj posao i nadam se da ćete me uzeti u razmatranje.
I would add that I was born in Ljubljana and that I lived here for ten years. I am very interested in this job and I hope that you will take me into consideration.
Film "Ghost Rider", u kojem Nicholas Cage prodaje dušu vragu i pretvara se u fantoma na motoru, bio je najgledaniji proteklog vikenda u američkim kinima.
The movie "Ghost Rider", in which Nicholas Cage sells his soul to the devil and transforms into a phantom on a motorcycle, was the most watched last weekend in American cinemas.
Udžbenici se trenutno postupno prilagođavaju novom nastavnom planu i programu.
Textbooks are currently gradually being adjusted for the new teaching curriculum.
Ljudi koji su se bavili sportom kao djeca, nisu pogrbljeni i nesposobni za kretanje u starosti.
People who were active in sport as children, are not hunched and incapable for movement in old age.
Želio bih ovim putem pozdraviti sve slušatelje vašeg radija i zaželiti im ugodan ostatak dana.
I would like to hereby greet all listeners of your radio and wish them a pleasant rest of the day.
Palača treba biti sačuvana od gradnje bilo kakvih objekata u njoj i oko nje.
The palace must be saved from construction of any facilities inside it and around it.
Jedno kolo prije kraja prvog dijela Eurolige, samo su tri ekipe u skupini B sigurne za plasman u TOP16.
One round before the end of the first part of the Euroleague championship, only three teams in group B have a sure placement in the TOP16.
Oružje djeluje tako što ispaljuje masu nabijenih čestica koje velikom brzinom udaraju u metu uzrokujući vrlo veliku štetu.
The weapon functions in a way that it fires a mass of charged particles which at high speed hit the target causing very large damage.
S druge strane ova se usluga bavi jednom od bitnih odrednica hrvatskoga identiteta, a to je hrvatski jezik.
On the other hand this service deals with one of the important characteristics of Croatian identity, and that is the Croatian language.
Nisam uspio na vrijeme riješiti test. Nadam se da ću sljedeći put biti uspješniji.
I did not manage to solve the test on time. I hope I will be more successful next time.
To je termometar i regulator za regulaciju temperature i tlaka u procesu dobivanja mokre pare.
It is a thermometer and regulator for regulation of temperature and pressure in the process of obtaining wet steam.
Dnevna potrošnja goriva za glavni motor i pomoćne strojeve iznosi oko 45 kubnih metara.
Daily fuel consumption for main engine and auxiliary engines amounts to about 45 cubic metres.
Koliko košta automobil marke Daichu koji je bio na izložbi u Kopenhagenu?
What is the price of a car of Daichu brand which was at the show in Copenhagen?
Budući da sam znao da ti imaš jaku obranu, pretpostavio sam da će tebe gađati.
Since I knew that you have a strong defense, I supposed that they will take aim at you.
Sirota djevojčica je izložena nepotrebnoj publikaciji u tolikoj mjeri da to može veoma štetno utjecati na njezino mentalno zdravlje.
The poor girl is exposed to unnecessary publication insomuch that this can affect her mental health very bad.
Vaše prisustvo kao predstavnika Direktorata i posebnog gosta-sudionika konferencije bilo bi nam vrlo značajno.
Your presence as a representative of the Directorate and a special guest-participant of the conference would be very important to us.
Molimo da nas kontaktirate jer smo našli zemljište koje nas interesira, pa trebamo vaš savjet.
We kindly ask that you contact us because we have found the land which interests us, and therefore we need your advice.
Planirana ulaganja INA-e u idućih pet godina iznosit će 2.5 milijardi dolara, što će rezultirati većom vrijednosti dionica INA-e.
Planned investments of INA in next five years amount to 2.5 billion dollars, which will result in a increased value of INA's shares.
Primili smo vaš odgovor o statusu cijevne stijene. Molimo vas dostavite nam precizni plan izrade.
We have received your answer regarding the status of the tube wall. Please send us a precise manufacturing plan.
Mourinho je medijima prenio riječi svog pouzdanog igrača kojega je prije potpisa novog ugovora upitao planira li ostati u klubu.
Mourinho told the media the words of his reliable player which he asked, before signing of his new contract, if he plans to stay in the club.
Poštovani, lijepo molimo Vašu ponudu za smještaj 5-10 ljudi, u dvokrevetnim sobama ili apartmanima, polupansion.
Dear Sir/Madam, we kindly ask for your offer for the accommodation of 5-10 people, in double rooms or apartments, half-board.
Zovem se Branislav i radim u odvjetničkoj kancelariji koja se nalazi u Crnoj Gori.
My name is Branislav and I work in the lawyer's office which is located in Montenegro.
Želimo stupiti u kontakt sa Vama kako bismo uspostavili vezu za proširenje Vašeg i našeg poslovanja u Makedoniji.
We wish to get in touch with you in order to establish a connection for expanding of your and our business activities in Macedonia.
Posjedujem dugogodišnje iskustvo u izvedbi informatičkih projekata i ekspertno poznavanje poslovnih procesa.
I have many years of experience in construction of IT projects and an expert knowledge of business processes.
Alat za fotogrametriju u programu ARCHline.XP omogućava da projektant transformira fotografiju (koja je perspektivni prikaz) u frontalnu sliku u stvarnom mjerilu.
The photogrammetry tool in the ARCHline.XP program enables the designer to transform the photograph (which is a perspective illustration) into a frontal picture in actual scale.