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[Thu Jan 29 09:33:41 2004]
Medutim, znacajne kulturne manifestacije i aktivnosti održavaju se i u drugim poznatim gradovima Hrvatske, npr Dubrovnik (tradicionalne dubrovacke ljetne igre:
However, important cultural manifestations and activities also take place in other famous towns of Croatia, for example in Dubrovnik (traditional Dubrovnik Summer Festival:

[Thu Jan 29 09:33:41 2004]
festival kazališta i muzickih koncerata), Pula (tradicionalni filmski festival) Varaždin (kazališni i muzicki, operni centar) , Split (muzicki i kazališni festivali), Rijeka (tradicionalno kazalište, opera, balet), Osijek itd .
festival of theatres and musical concerts), Pula (traditional Film Festival) Varaždin (theater and musical, opera centre), Split (musical and theater festivals), Rijeka (traditional theatre, opera, ballet), Osijek etc.

[Thu Jan 29 09:49:58 2004]
U Hrvatskoj je u 2002 godini djelovalo ukupno 26 profesionalnih kazališta u kojima je održano 3.443 kazališne predstave, te 37 amaterskih i 10 dječjih kazališta u kojima je održano 1.107 amaterskih i 2.206 dječjih predstava.
In total, 26 professional theatres which staged were active 3,443 performances, 37 amateur and 10 child theatres staged 1,107 amateur and 2,206 child performances were active in Croatia in 2002.

[Thu Jan 29 09:49:58 2004]
Svi podaci kulturnih aktivnosti imaju stalni godišnji pozitivni trend rasta.
All data of cultural activities have a continuous positive yearly trend of growth.

[Thu Jan 29 10:01:38 2004]
U Hrvatskoj je ukupno 146 kinematografa u kojima se u 2002 godini održalo 48.956 predstava.
There was a total of 146 cinemas which showed 48.956 films in 2002 in Croatia.

[Thu Jan 29 10:03:59 2004]
Hrvatska kinematografija i 13 TV centara proizveli su 2000 godine ukupno 195 kratkometražnih i dugometražnih filmova, 2001 godine 189 filmova, a 2002 godine taj je broj bio niži i iznosio je 131 film.
Croatian cinematography and 13 TV centres produced in 2000 a total of 195 short and feature-length films, 2001 189 films in 2001, and in 2002 that number was smaller and it amounted to 131 films.

[Thu Jan 29 10:03:59 2004]
Prema neslužbenim podacima u 2003 godini broj proizvedenih filmova u Hrvatskoj je bio ponovo u porastu.
According to the unofficial data, the number of produced films in Croatia was rising once again in 2003.

[Thu Jan 29 10:06:04 2004]
U Hrvatskoj se u 2002 godini u vlastitim studijima proizvelo 77.323 sata televizijskog programa.
323 hours of television programme were produced in private studios in 2002.

[Thu Jan 29 10:13:42 2004]
Svi ovi podaci upućuju na zaključak da u Hrvatskoj postoji potencijalno tržište visokokvalitetne profesionalne kozmetike, jer je Hrvatska zemlja s tradicionalno razvijenom kulturom i velikim brojem kulturnih objekata i kulturnih događaja.
All these data indicate that there is a potential market of high-quality professional cosmetics in Croatia, because Croatia is a country with a traditionally developed culture and many cultural objects and cultural events.

[Thu Jan 29 10:13:42 2004]
Osim toga, mentalitet hrvatskih potrošača već desetljećima gravitira zapadnoevropskim kulturološkim navikama i modnim trendovima.
Furthermore, the mentality of Croatian consumers have been inclined for decades towards West European cultural habits and fashion trends.

[Thu Jan 29 10:29:23 2004]
Kao najbitnije naglašavamo da u Hrvatskoj još uvijek ne postoji niti jedan visokospecijalizirani salon vrhunske i profesionalne kozmetike (tek je u pripremi prvi veliki specijalizirani salon kojeg otvara L'oreal u Zagrebu).
As most importantly we are stressing out that there is still not a single highly specialized salon of top-quality and professional cosmetics in Croatia (since recently, there is a first large specialized salon under preparation which will be opened by L'oreal in Zagreb).

[Thu Jan 29 10:39:10 2004]
Treba svakako naglasiti da je nakon Slovenije i Hrvatske svakako najzanimljivije i najatraktivnije tržište Srbije.
It certainly needs to be to stress that Serbia is certainly the most interesting and most attractive market after Slovenia and Croatia.

[Thu Jan 29 10:43:14 2004]
Srbija je trenutno država s velikim privrednim problemima i niskim životnim standardom.
Serbia is at the moment a state with big economic problems and a low standard of living.

[Thu Jan 29 10:48:39 2004]
Međutim, Srbija je najveća država u regiji, sa najvećim brojem stanovnika i vrlo velikim potencijalom razvoja.
However, Serbia is the largest state in the region, with the largest population size and a very good potential of development.

[Thu Jan 29 10:48:39 2004]
Glavni grad Beograd bio je najveći i najrazvijeniji jugoslavenski glavni grad, sa najrazvijenijom kadrovskom, privrednom i kulturnom infrastrukturom i najvećim stupnjem razvijenosti.
Belgrade, the capital city, was the largest and most developed Yugoslav capital, with a most developed personnel, economic and cultural infrastructure and with the highest level development.

[Thu Jan 29 11:06:08 2004]
Unatoč još uvijek teškim uvjetima poslijeratnog privrednog razvoja, u Srbiji se i danas proizvodi najveći broj filmova i najveći broj međunarodnih koprodukcija.
Even today, Despite still present difficult conditions of the postwar economic development, the biggest number of films and international co-productions are being made in Serbia.

[Thu Jan 29 11:09:52 2004]
Kulturološke navike i potreba za praćenjem modnih trendova imaju u srpskoj tradiciji vrlo duboko uporište.Unatoč materijalnim ograničenima na nacionalnoj razini, u ovoj su državi prisutne velike potrebe za održanjem i praćenjem suvremenih svjetskih kulturnih i modnih trendova.
Cultural habits and the need to follow fashion trends have deep roots in the Serbian tradition. Despite being financially limited on a national level, big needs for continuing and following modern cultural and fashion trends in the world are there present.

[Thu Jan 29 11:09:52 2004]
Snaga i temperament srpskog naroda i upornost i iskrena predanost srpskih intelektualnih i kulturnih krugova, čine Srbiju i danas vrlo aktivnom na kulturnoj, i modnoj sceni regije i istočne Evrope.
Force and temperament of the Serbian nation, persistence and sincere commitment of Serbian intellectual and cultural circles, render Serbia also today very active on the cultural, and fashion scene of the region and east Europe.

[Thu Jan 29 11:13:52 2004]
Stoga je Beograd nakon Ljubljane i Zagreba prva slijedeća potencijalna lokacija MAC salona, a osnovni je preduvjet da se srpsko zakonodavstvo uskladi i etablira na nivou koji pruža odgovarajući stupanj sigurnosti stranim ulagačima.
Belgrade is thus after Ljubljana and Zagreb the first next potential location of MAC salons, and fundamental is precondition to have the Serbian law coordinated and established on the level which provides an adequate safety level to foreign investors.

[Thu Jan 29 11:15:04 2004]

[Thu Jan 29 11:15:31 2004]
osnivanje specijaliziranog poduzeća u Sloveniji
establishment of the specialized company in Slovenia

[Thu Jan 29 11:21:12 2004]
Ja, Tina Andrejevič Lasić i moj muž Goran Andrejevič od 1998 godine imamo vlastitu tvrtku Prodec u kojoj je moj muž direktor
I, Tina Andrejevič Lasić and my husband Goran Andrejevič have been owners of the company Prodec since 1998, where my husband works as a manager

[Thu Jan 29 11:30:27 2004]
ˇ U 2003 godini Prodec je ostvario ukupni promet od cca 900.000 EUR.
In 2003 Prodec made a total turnover of approximately 900,000 EUR.

[Thu Jan 29 11:30:27 2004]
Međutim, Prodecova osnovna djelatnost je promet automobilima.
However, Prodec's main activity is the car business.

[Thu Jan 29 11:39:29 2004]
Smatramo da Prodec, zbog predmeta svog poslovanja, nije primjerena firma za poslovanje MAC kozmetikom, pa smo upravo u postupku registracije firme pod imenom EUROART, sa osnivačkim kapitalom u cash iznosu 50.000 EUR.
we believe that Prodec, because of the object of its business, is not a suitable company for business operations with MAC cosmetics, so we are currently in progress of registering the company under the name EUROART, with the initial cash capital in the amount of 50,000 EUR.

[Thu Jan 29 11:39:29 2004]
Taj smo capital namijenili razvoju MAC projekta.
This capital has intended for the development of the MAC project.

[Thu Jan 29 11:45:31 2004]
ima osiguran poslovni prostor za sjedište firme, u našem vlasništvu, u Ljubljani
has a sure office space for its corporate headquarters, in our ownership, in Ljubljana

[Thu Jan 29 12:00:55 2004]
kadrovsko ekipiranje poduzeća i projekta
Supplying the company and project with personnel

[Thu Jan 29 12:05:10 2004]
prodaja u vlastitim kozmetičko-prodajnim salonima
selling in company's cosmetic-showrooms

[Thu Jan 29 12:06:53 2004]
kozmetičkim sektorima pri filmskim projektima, kazalištima, TV cenarima i sličnim medijima
cosmetic sectors of film projects, theatres, TV centres and similar media

[Thu Jan 29 12:08:19 2004]
prodaja specijaliziranim kozmetičko-distributivnim centrima i trgovačkoj mreži
selling specialized cosmetic-distributive centres and trade network

[Thu Jan 29 12:30:24 2004]
Osnovnu kadrovsku strukturu smo u mogućnosti ekipirati vrlo uspješno, jer smo u svakodnevnom profesionalnom kontaktu s potencijalnim kadrovima kako na slovenskom, tako i na Hrvatskom tržištu.
We are able to equip the basic personnel structure very successfully, as we are in everyday professional contact with potential personnel on the Slovenian, as well as on the Croatian market.

[Thu Jan 29 12:30:24 2004]
Osobe s kojima smo obavili prethodne razgovore vrlo su zainteresirane za angažman na ovakvom projektu
Persons with whom we talked earlier are very interested in becoming involved in such a project

[Thu Jan 29 12:43:42 2004]
otvaranje prva dva kozmetičko prodajna MAC salona u ljubljani i zagrebu (uvodni period razvoja projekta)
opening of first two MAC beauty shops in Ljubljana and Zagreb (preliminary period of the project development)

[Thu Jan 29 12:51:43 2004]
Izrada koncepcije i organizacije rada prodajno kozmetških salona, uređenje i opremanje prostora (prostor za salon u Ljubljani već je lociran i načelno dogovoren
Preparing the conception and organization of business in beauty shops, decoration and equipping of the space (space for the salon in Ljubljana has already been found and arranged in general

[Thu Jan 29 14:22:45 2004]
Nama, kao potencijalnim organizatorima MAC projekta u ovoj aktualnoj fazi nisu poznati kriteriji poslovanja MAC salona i MAC zastupnika, pa ne znamo da li postoje određeni uvjeti s vaše strane koji bi nam unaprijed i u startu odredili količinske ili financijske obaveze poslovanja tokom prvih mjeseci, odnosno tokom prve godine poslovanja.
We, the potential organizers of the MAC project in this current phase, are not familiar with the business criteria of MAC salons and MAC agents, and we do not know whether there are some conditions on your part which would, in advance and in the beginning, set quantitative or financial obligations of business operations in the first months, that is during the first year of business operations.

[Thu Jan 29 14:23:52 2004]
Mi ćemo stoga predočiti određene naše prijedloge i koncepcije, koje naravno podliježu korekciji.
We therefore will present some of our proposals and conceptions, which of course are subject to change.

[Thu Jan 29 14:31:25 2004]
Najprije smatramo da je za naše uvjete potrebno primjeniti tzv uvodni period od cca godinu dana.
First of all we believe that for our conditions it would be necessary to apply the so-called introductory period of approximately one year.

[Thu Jan 29 14:31:25 2004]
To znači da nam MAC u tom periodu nebi trebao utvrditi fiksne količinske, financijske ili asortimanske obaveze uvoza, odnosno prodaje na novom tržištu.
This means that MAC in that period should not define fixed quantitative, financial or goods responsibilities of import, that is of selling on the new market.

[Thu Jan 29 14:51:52 2004]
Činjenica je da bi ovo bio prvi slovenski i hrvatski projekt ponude visokospecijalizirane i profesionalne kozmetike prema vrhunskim svjetskim standardima.
It is a fact is that this would be the first Slovenian and Croatian project of offering highly specialized and professional cosmetics according to top-quality world standards.

[Thu Jan 29 14:54:48 2004]
Stoga ocjenjujemo da je potreban uvodni period u kojem bi se ovdašnji korisnici, kupci, trgovci, make-up artisti i ostali profesionalci u glavnim gradovima Slovenije I Hrvatske ( u Ljubljani i u Zagrebu, a posredno i u ostalim gradovima) upoznali s karakteristikama MAC ponude.
Therefore our estimation is that the introductory period is necessary in which was regional users, buyers, traders, make-up artists and other professionals in Slovenian and Croatian capital cities (in Ljubljana and Zagreb, and indirectly also in other towns) would get acquainted with the characteristics of a MAC offer.

[Thu Jan 29 14:54:48 2004]
U tom periodu bi se iskustveno utvrdila struktura asortimana i količine koje odgovaraju zahtjevima ovog tržišta.
In that period, the structure of goods and quantity, which meets standards of this market, would be experientially established.

[Thu Jan 29 15:03:39 2004]
Uz našu intenzivnu reklamu, edukaciju i demonstracije, ovdašnje bi se potrošačke navike u tom periodu trebale prilagoditi ponudi kozmetičke kolekcije MAC i njenom sistemu prodaje.
With our intensive advertisement campaign, education and demonstrations, regional consumer habits should in that period adjust to the offer of MAC cosmetic collection and its sale system.

[Thu Jan 29 15:03:55 2004]
Naglašavamo da na ovom tržištu još nije primjenjen suvremeni sistem prodaje visokokvalitetne profesionalne kozmetike - mislimo na prodaju kozmetičkih proizvoda uz neposredno profesionalno šminkanje potencijalnih kupaca.
We are emphasizing that on this market has yet not been applied modern sale system of the high quality professional cosmetics we are refering to the sale of cosmetic products with a direct professional make-up of prospective buyers.

[Thu Jan 29 15:03:55 2004]
To će biti apsolutna i vrlo poželjna novost na našem tržištu.
That will be an absolute and very desirable news on our market.

[Thu Jan 29 15:11:25 2004]
Ovisno o brzini adaptacije tržišta na MAC kolekciju i na novi sistem ponude, te ovisno o brzini ostvarivanja pozitivnih komercijalnih efekata prodaje, završio bi se uvodni (testing) period.
Depending upon the speed of adaptation of the market to the MAC collection and to the new offer system, and depending upon the speed of achieving positive commercial sales effects, the introductory (testing) period would end.

[Thu Jan 29 15:16:11 2004]
Nakon toga bi EUROART bio spreman pristupiti drugoj fazi projekta, tj fazi ugovaranja ekskluzivnog statusa i preuzimanja količinskih i financijskih obaveza ekskluzivnog distributera za istočno-evropsku regiju;
After this EUROART would be ready to enter the second phase of the project, that is the phase of making an exclusive status and of taking over quantitative and financial obligations of exclusive distributor for East-European region;

[Thu Jan 29 15:16:11 2004]
najprije Sloveniju i Hrvatsku, a zatim i ostale zemlje bivše Jugoslavije i ostale države regije, a prema standardima i kriterijima tvrtke MAC.
first Slovenia and Croatia, and then other countries of the former Yugoslavia and other countries in this region, according to the standards and criteria MAC company.

[Thu Jan 29 15:29:34 2004]
Smatramo da tome slijedi širenje mreže vlastitih prodajno-kozmetičkih punktova i otvaranje novih vlastitih kozmetičko-prodajnih salona u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji, uz organiziranje prateće infrastructure (marketing, reklama, edukacija).
We believe that this will be followed by the expansion of the network of the company's beauty salon locations-and opening of new beauty-salons in Croatia and Slovenia, with the arrangement of accompanying infrastructure (marketing, advertisement, education).

[Thu Jan 29 15:29:46 2004]
U tom pravcu mi već sada, u fazi idejne razrade, imamo potvrđenu spremnost najpoznatijeg Slovenskog shopping lanca Mercator da će nam osigurati samostalne prostore unutar njihovih shopping centara za MAC-ove prodajno-kozmetičke salone.
Already now, in the phase of ideological elaboration, we have the willingness of the most famous Slovenian shopping chain Mercator confirmed to supply us with independent areas inside their shopping centres for MAC beauty salons.

[Thu Jan 29 15:30:58 2004]
Postoji (desetak?)
There are (about ten?)

[Thu Jan 29 15:30:58 2004]
takvih shoping centara u svim većim gradovima Slovenije, Hrvatske, BIH I Jugoslavije, što je komercijalno vrlo atraktivna mogućnost.
) such shopping centres in all larger towns in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia, which represents a commercially very attractive possibility.

[Thu Jan 29 15:36:20 2004]
Paralelno s širenjem mreže vlastitih kozmetičko-prodajnih centara, prodajni odjel EUROART bi paralelno širio trgovačku mrežu ostalih kategorija kupaca (neporedna distribucija profesionalcima, distribucija širokom tržištu putem velikih parfumerija i drogerija i njihovih kozmetičkih departme.
Together with the expansion of the network of the company's beauty salons-, EUROART sales department would parallelly expands the trade network of other categories of buyers (indirect distribution to professionals, distribution to broader market through large parfume shops and drugstores and their cosmetic departments.

[Wed Jan 07 14:34:37 2004]
U avionskoj, brodograđevnoj i automobilskoj industriji gdje u projektiranju cjeline (aviona, rakete, raketoplana, broda, automobila) u dizajnu sudjeluju mnogi timovi stručnjaka bilo je potrebno konstrukciju kako zbog veličine i kompleksnosti, tako i zbog omogućavanja brzih promjena geometrije i strukture, pa i koncepcije pojedinih dijelova, razdvojiti na podkonstruktivne sustave, koji potom djeluju kao superelementi u cijelost konstrukcije.
In airplane, shipbuilding and car industry, where many teams of experts take part in designing units (planes, rockets, rocket airplanes, ships, cars), because of its size and complexity, and in order to enable the quick changes of geometry and structure, and even conceptions of some parts, the structure had to be separated into substructural systems, which then act as superelements in the entirety of the structure.

[Wed Jan 07 14:47:18 2004]
konstrukcija aviona razdvaja se na konstrukciju trupa, konstrukciju krila, konstrukciju stajnog trapa, konstrukciju repa, motorne gondole i druge elemente, kako bi svaka grupa projektanata i eksperata mogla usavršiti svoj dio posla.
For example, an airplane structure is divided into the fuselage structure, wing structure, under-carriage structure, tail structure, motor gondola structure and other elements, in order for each group of designers and experts to perfect their part of the work.

[Wed Jan 07 14:47:18 2004]
Ovi se elementi podkonstrukcija od kojih je jedna glavna podkonstrukcija (main) kao posebni FE modeli, koji se preko veznih (glavnih) čvorova vežu za ostale čvorove podkonstrukcija
These substructural elements, with one main substructure, as special FE models throgh connecting (main) nodes are linked with other nodes of the substructure

[Wed Jan 07 15:00:01 2004]
Moguće je nekoliko razina substrukturiranja modela.
Several levels of model substructuring are possible.

[Wed Jan 07 15:01:55 2004]
Omogućuje se time posebne i brze izmjene pojedinih podkonstrukcija, njihovu optimizaciju, inovacije, a sve bez diranja u ostale elemente cjeline konstrukcije.
This enables special and quick modifications of particular substructures, their optimization, innovations, and all that without interfering in other elements of the structural entirety.

[Wed Jan 07 15:08:59 2004]
Također, primjenjuje se i opise modela u parametarskim oblicima, jer se time omogućuju vrlo fleksibilne izmjene.
Also, model descriptions in parametric shapes are used, because this enables very flexible alterations.

[Wed Jan 07 15:10:34 2004]
Ovaj način još nije usvojen u analizama građevinskih konstrukcija i ako se mogu zamisliti koordinirani timovi konstruktora koji razmatraju npr. skelet (ili dijelove skeleta), stropne ploče, složene temelje (i temeljne konstrukcije) i samo tlo.
This method has not yet been adopted in the analyses of building structures, altough we can imagine coordinated teams of constructors which analyze e.g. the skeleton (or parts of the skeleton), floor slabs, complex foundations (and foundation structures) and the ground.

[Wed Jan 07 15:10:34 2004]
Svaki od tih entiteta može se prikazati u parametarskom modelu, pa potom analizirati sve skupa kao jednu cjelinu
Each of these entities can be presented in the parametric model, and then everything can be analyzed as one unit

[Wed Jan 07 15:26:01 2004]
Građevinari konstruktori još nisu došli do te razine, a substrukturiranje koriste samo kao pomoć kod FE modela s mnogo čvorova i elemenata, kojih ima previše za ograničeni kapacitet hardvera i softvera.
Building constructors have not reached that level yet, and they use substructuring only as help with FE models with many nodes and elements, too many for the limited capacity of hardware and software.

[Wed Jan 07 15:26:58 2004]
Iako smo u praksi dizajna drvenih konstrukcija mnogo puta koristili substrukturiranje, zbog korištenja ograničene verzije COSMOS/M paketa (48 KE), velike mogućnosti realnog FE paketa COSMOS/M (pogotovo uvođenjem brzih solvera - FS) prestalo se koristiti ograničenu verziju, pa time i substrukturiranje.
Although in the practice of wooden structures design we have often used substructuring, because of the limited version of COSMOS/M of package (48 FE), large possibilities of real FE package COSMOS/M (especially with the introduction of fast solvers - FS) we stopped using the limited version, and also the substructuring.

[Wed Jan 07 15:28:20 2004]
U modulu GEOSTAR postoji mogućnost substrukturiranja.
In GEOSTAR module there is the possibility of substructuring.

[Wed Jan 07 15:29:18 2004]
U novijim verzijama modul MODSTAR i nije više dostupan.
In more recent versions, the MODSTAR module is not available anymore.

[Wed Jan 07 15:29:18 2004]
U mojim skriptama primjene programa COSMOS/M ima primjera primjene substrukturiranja kod velikih FE modela drvenih konstrukcija
In my lecture notes for using the program COSMOS/M there are examples of using substructuring with large FE models of wooden structures

[Wed Jan 07 15:31:40 2004]
Tipično substrukturiranje (u FE modeliranju aviona)
Typical substructuring (in FE modeling of an airplane)

[Wed Jan 07 15:42:08 2004]
U edukacijskom smislu još se i danas insistira na odvojenim proračunima pojedinih entiteta, kako se to godinama zbog jednostavnosti proračuna provodilo u inženjerskim proračunima konstrukcija.
In the educational sense, even today many insist on separated calculations of single entities, as it has been carried out in engineering structure calculations for years, because of the simplicity of calculation.

[Wed Jan 07 15:50:11 2004]
To su još odrazi vremena kad su se rješenja i modeli pojednostavljivali, kako bi se u racionalnom vremenu moglo odgovoriti zahtjevima građevinske projektantske prakse.
These are still reflections of times when solutions and models were simplified, in order to respond to the requirements of construction designing in rational time.

[Wed Jan 07 15:50:56 2004]
Tako se u drvenim konstrukcijama i danas još u projektima promatraju prvo podrožnice, pa vjetrovni i stabilizacijski vezovi, potom glavni nosači, onda stupovi, pa na koncu temelji - i to naravno kao posebne ravninski definirane konstrukcije.
So in wooden structures, even today yet in designing purlins are analyzed first, then wind and stability binders, then main carriers, then columns, and in the end foundations - naturally, as special plane-defined structures.

[Wed Jan 07 15:54:23 2004]
Umjesto da se cijele konstrukcije odjednom formiraju s konačnim elementima (u poželjnom parametarskom obliku).
Instead of entire structures being formed at once with finite elements (in the desired parametric shape).

[Wed Jan 07 15:56:47 2004]
Možda izgleda pretenciozno insistirati na ovoj metodologiji promatranja cjelovitih 3D FE modela, ali to je jedina metodologija proračuna koja će preživjeti u modeliranju i FEA CAD proračunavanju građevinskih konstrukcija.
It may seem pretentious to insist on this methodology of viewing the integral 3D FE model, but this is the only methodology of calculation which will survive in the modeling and FEA CAD calculation of building structures.

[Wed Jan 07 15:56:47 2004]
Često baš prostorno FE modeliranje i rješavanje problema primjenom suvremenih FEA programa otkriva greške i pogrešne pretpostavke djelovanja pojedinih entiteta konstrukcija u cjelovitom konstruktivnom sustavu
Very often, spatial FE modeling and problem solving by using the modern FEA programs reveals errors and wrong assumptions of how individual structural entities behave in the integral structural system

[Wed Jan 07 16:06:54 2004]
Katkad je potrebno modelirati medij tekućinu:
In some cases the liquid medium must be modeled:

[Wed Jan 07 16:06:54 2004]
npr. za modeliranje obalnih zidova, gatova u lukama, pilotima ili građevinama u moru, za razmatranje ponašanja tekućina u kontejnerima
for modeling quay walls, piers in ports, piles or buildings in the sea, for analyzing behavior of liquids in containers

[Wed Jan 07 16:08:43 2004]
Prema radovima Dr.
According to the works of Dr.

[Wed Jan 07 16:08:43 2004]
Znidaršića može se uzeti da je volumenski modul stlačivosti
Znidaršić, the volume bulk modulus can be taken to be

[Wed Jan 07 16:10:11 2004]
Stlačivost vode je pritom
Compressibility of water is in this case

[Wed Jan 07 16:18:26 2004]
Obzirom da se radi samo o isječku medija (u XY ravnini), to je bočna (u smjeru Z) deformacija spriječena, pa se tu onda radi o PLANE STRAIN elementima.
Since this is only a segment of the medium (in XY plane), lateral (in Z direction ) strain is prevented, so here we have PLAN STRAIN elements.

[Wed Jan 07 16:23:12 2004]
Ako su u mediju piloti koji su diskretno raspoređeni u smjeru Z osi, onda ih se može formulirati kao PLANE FRAME ili PLANE STRESS određene debljine.
If there are piles in the medium, discretely positioned in the direction of Z axis, then they can be formulated as PLANE FRAME or PLANE STRESS of specific thickness.

[Wed Jan 07 16:23:12 2004]
Treba pritom biti vrlo pažljiv, i razmotriti nekoliko alternativnih modela
In doing so, we must be very careful, and consider several alternative models

[Wed Jan 07 16:31:11 2004]
U COSMOS/M programu može se direktno formulirati konačni element fluida.
In COSMOS/M program, we can directly to formulate the finite element of fluid.

[Wed Jan 07 16:31:11 2004]
Tako se može razmatrati fluid u kontejneru koji rotira, koji je podložan ubrzanju, silama retardacijskog usporenja, potresu i sličnim dinamičkim poremećajima, pa promatrati utjecaj tih sila na tekućinu ali i na sam kontejner
So we can analyze fluid in a container that rotates, taht is subjected to acceleration, to forces of retardative deceleration, earthquake and similar dynamic disorders, and observe the influence of those forces on liquid, and also on the container

[Wed Jan 07 16:34:16 2004]
Daje se primjer rotacije valjkaste posude s tekućinom oko podužne osi posude.
Here is an example of the rotation of a cylindrical container with liquid around its longitudinal axis.

[Wed Jan 07 16:35:14 2004]
Razmatra se samo jedan aksisimetrični isječak (1 rad).
Only one axisymmetric segment is analyzed (1 work).

[Wed Jan 07 16:36:07 2004]
Os Y koordinatnog sustava smješta se u os posude.
Y axis of the coordinate system is placed in the axis of the container.

[Wed Jan 07 16:38:15 2004]
Na toj osi se uzimaju fiksni ležajevi.
Fixed bearings are taken on this axis.

[Wed Jan 07 16:39:20 2004]
Na suprotnom rubu uz materijal suda uzimaju se klizni ležajevi.
On the opposite edge with the material of the vessel, sliding bearings are taken.

[Wed Jan 07 16:42:57 2004]
Na suprotnom rubu uz materijal suda uzimaju se klizni ležajevi sa slobodom proklizavanja u Y smjeru.
On the opposite edge with the material of the vessel, sliding bearings are taken with the freedom of sliding in Y direction.

[Wed Jan 07 16:43:33 2004]
S donje strane (dno posude) uzima se da je MKE fiksno oslonjena.
From the lower side (the bottom of the container) it is assumed that FEM is fixedly supported.

[Wed Jan 07 16:43:33 2004]
Modeliranje se radi s MODSTAR-om COSMOS/M paketa
Modelling is carried out with MODSTAR of the COSMOS/M package

[Wed Jan 07 16:47:24 2004]
Primjer je uzet iz priručnika za COSMOS/M i služi verifikaciji analize
The example is taken from the COSMOS/M manual and it serves to verify the analysis

[Wed Jan 07 16:56:40 2004]
određuje ishodište inercijskog sustava u odnosu na globalni Cartezijev koordinatni sustav
determines the origin of the inertial system in relation to the global Cartesian coordinate system

[Wed Jan 07 17:01:35 2004]
nalogom ANALYSIS zadaje se uključivanje centrifugalnih sila (slovo C), te gravitacijskih sila (slovo G), dakle zajedničko djelovanje (slova CG) u statičkoj analizi problema (STATIC, dakle usvajanjem ponuđene opcije S)
command ANALYSIS is used to include the centrifugal forces (letter C), and gravitational forces (letter G), therefore the joint action (letters CG) in the static analysis of the problem (STATIC, therefore by adopting the given option S)

[Thu Jan 08 09:27:51 2004]
Prikazuje se ispis rezultata analize naprezanja u tekućini
Here are the results of the analysis of stress in liquid

[Thu Jan 08 09:33:15 2004]
Sa FEA programom COSMOS/M mogu se provesti vrlo složene linearne i nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize vrlo složenih konstruktivnih sustava (makro i mikrosustava), te analize ponašanja fluida, magnetske rezonancije i drugih fizikalnih fenomena
With the FEA program COSMOS/M we can carry out very complex linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analyses of very complex structural systems (macro and microsystems), as well as the analyses of fluid behavior, magnetic resonance and other physical phenomena

[Thu Jan 08 09:35:55 2004]
Rotacija posude s tekućinom.
Rotation of a container with liquid.

[Thu Jan 08 09:35:55 2004]
Tekućina se smatra nestlačivom
The liquid is considered incompressible

[Thu Jan 08 09:50:29 2004]
Prikazani tekstovi su pomagalo za svladavanje ABECEDE COSMOS/M programa za analize struktura, postupkom konačnih elemenata.
The texts presented are an aid in mastering the ABC's of COSMOS/M program for structure analyses, with the procedure of finite elements.

[Thu Jan 08 09:50:29 2004]
Kako bi se lakše svladale opsežne mogućnosti cjelovitog programa FEA COSMOS/M, uputa je usmjerena u prvom redu na vježbanje s OGRANIČENOM VERZIJOM (LIMITED VERSION) COSMOS/M-a, koja je ograničena na analize strukture s najviše 48 elemenata i 120 čvorova
In order to master the extensive possibilities of the integral program FEA COSMOS/M with ease, the instructions were directed mainly to practice with the LIMITED VERSION of COSMOS/M, which is limited to analyses with maximally 48 elements and 120 nodes

[Thu Jan 08 10:07:11 2004]
Međutim, u GEOSTAR modelaru nema tog ograničenja, te se mogu modelirati strukture s daleko većim brojem konačnih elemenata i čvorova.
However, in GEOSTAR modeler there is no such limitation, so structures with much more finite elements and nodes can be modeled.

[Thu Jan 08 10:11:17 2004]
Na taj način mogu se problemi modelirati i prikazati grafički, te prirediti za provedbu na punoj verziji FEA programa COSMOS/M.
In this way problems can be modeled and presented graphically, and prepared for solving in the full version of the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Thu Jan 08 10:11:17 2004]
Stoga je prvenstvena svrha ove upute svladavanje vokabulara naloga COSMOS/M-a, kako bi se onda na punoj verziji mogli rutinski analizirati složeniji problemi
Therefore the primary purpose of these instructions is to master the vocabulary of COSMOS/M commands, in order to routinely analyze more complex problems in the full version

[Thu Jan 08 10:14:50 2004]
Analiza konačnih elemenata je inženjerski alat koji omogućuje analiziranje kompjutorskih proračunskih modela inženjerske konstrukcije, opterećenih raznim opterećenjima (statičkim silama i tlakovima, dinamičkim i termalnim opterećenjima).
Finite elements analysis is an engineering tool which enables the analysis of computer calcuation models of engineering structures, loaded with various loads (static forces and pressures, dynamic and thermal loads).

[Thu Jan 08 10:22:49 2004]
FEA (finite element analysis) omogućava inženjerima brzo modeliranje proračunskih modela, kako bi ih analizirali, izvršili potrebne izmjene, provjerili njihov integritet i, ako je potrebno, redizajnirali ih i/ili optimizirali, i na taj način došli do rezultata koji mogu bitno smanjiti troškove gradnje i provjere prototipova i cijelih objekata.
FEA (finite element analysis) enables engineers to quickly model calculation models, in order to analyze them, carry out necessary modifications, check their integrity and, if necessary, redesign and/or optimize them, and in this way obtain the results which can substantially cut costs of building and testing prototypes and entire objects.

[Thu Jan 08 10:22:49 2004]
Naravno, rezultati su točni toliko, koliko su točno predstavljeni proračunski modeli
Naturally, the results are accurate to that extent in which calculation models are correctly presented

[Thu Jan 08 10:26:27 2004]
Danas postoji velik broj FEA programa od kojih je jedan COSMOS/M.
Many FEA programs are available today, and COSMOS/M is one of them.

[Thu Jan 08 10:26:36 2004]
Ovaj sustav je kreiran i opsežno testiran u korporaciji STRUCTURAL RESEARCH and ANALYSIS CORP.
This system was created and detailedly tested in the corporation STRUCTURAL RESEARCH and ANALYSIS CORP.

[Thu Jan 08 10:27:23 2004]
, Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 200, Santa Monica, California 90404, USA.
, Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 200, Santa Monica, California 90404, USA.

[Thu Jan 08 10:27:23 2004]
Program je prošao opsežna testiranja
The program went through extensive tests

[Thu Jan 08 10:31:06 2004]
Demo (ili LIMITED) verzija programa sastoji se od dva neovisna dijela:
Demo (or LIMITED) version of the program consists of two independent parts:

[Thu Jan 08 10:31:53 2004]
demo programa i ograničene verzije, koja se sastoji od dva modula:
demo program and the limited version, which consists of two modules:

[Thu Jan 08 10:32:23 2004]

[Thu Jan 08 10:32:23 2004]
Stara puna verzija COSMOS/M-a sastojala se isto iz ta dva neovisna interaktivna modula
The old full version of COSMOS/M also consisted of those two independent interactive modules

[Thu Jan 08 10:37:54 2004]
Nova verzija COSMOS/M programa sadrži također ta dva modula, ali su oni integralno vezani u jednu cjelinu, tako da se FE problem (proračunski model) kreira i analizira u GEOSTAR modulu.
The new version of COSMOS/M also contains those two modules, but they are integrally joined in one unit, so FE problem (calculation model) is created and analyzed in the GEOSTAR module.

[Thu Jan 08 10:37:54 2004]
Istina je da se problemi mogu i kreirati i analizirati u MODSTAR modulu, ali to izgleda nepraktično, jer je modul GEOSTAR daleko komunikativniji CAD orijentirani modul
It is true that problems can be created and analyzed in the MODSTAR module, but that seems impractical, because GEOSTAR is far more communicative CAD oriented module

[Thu Jan 08 10:39:13 2004]
za CAD modeliranje proračunskih modela
for CAD modeling of calculation models

[Thu Jan 08 10:39:31 2004]
interaktivni preprocesor
interactive preprocessor

[Thu Jan 08 10:41:53 2004]
modul za analizu vlastitih vrijednosti
module for the analysis of intrinsic values

[Thu Jan 08 10:44:48 2004]
modul za nelinearne analize
module for nonlinear analysis

[Thu Jan 08 10:45:12 2004]
modul za termalne i elektromagnetske analize
module for thermal and electromagnetic analyses

[Thu Jan 08 10:45:25 2004]
strukturalne optimizacije
structural optimizations

[Thu Jan 08 10:50:47 2004]
Većina CAD sustava i modelara solida može komunicirati s FEA COSMOS/M programom, putem razmjene datoteka (IGES ili DXF transfer, ANSIS Prep 7 ili Patran Neutralnog file inputa)
Most CAD systems and solid modelers can communicate with the FEA COSMOS/M program, through file exchange (IGES or DFX transfer, ANSIS Prep 7 or PATRAN Neutral file input)

[Thu Jan 08 11:06:34 2004]
Da bi se mogla instalirati legalna, za 100 USA$ kupljena, na 48 konačnih elemenata ograničena verzija COSMOS/M-a, potrebno je imati IBM kompatibilni AT, PS/2, 386 PC, s matematičkim koprocesorom (80287 ili 80387) ili 486 PC kompjutor, DOS 3.0 ili višu verziju operativnog sustava s minimalno 640 K byta memorije (na 286 ili 386 strojevima), od kojih mora biti slobodno 575 K byta (provjeriti s CHKDSK DOS nalogom).
In order to instal the legal version of COSMOS/M, that costs 100$, and is limited to 48 finite elements, you need an IBM compatible AT, PS/2, 386 PC, with the math coprocessor (80287 or 80387) or 486 PC , DOS 3.0 or higher version of the operating system with minimum 640 KB of memory (on 286 or 386 engines), with at least 575 KB free (check with CHKDSK DOS command).

[Thu Jan 08 11:07:06 2004]
Potrebno je na tvrdom disku imati najmanje 10 MB slobodnog prostora.
You need at least 10 MB free space on hard disk.

[Thu Jan 08 11:07:19 2004]
Za rad s GEOSTAR-om potrebno je instalirati kolor grafičku karticu:
For work with GEOSTAR, you need to install a color graphics card:

[Thu Jan 08 11:08:25 2004]
VGA (640 x 480 s 16 boja) ili PGA (800 x 600 s 256 boja).
VGA (640 x 480 with 16 colors) or PGA (800 x 600 with 256 colors).

[Thu Jan 08 11:09:04 2004]
Svakako, potreban je miš:
Naturally, a mouse is required:

[Thu Jan 08 11:09:58 2004]
Microsoft serijski, ili PS/2 miš, ili Logitech C7 miš, ili bilo koji drugi koji emulira navedene.
Microsoft serial, or PS/2 mouse, or Logitech C7 mouse, or any other that emulates them.

[Thu Jan 08 11:10:11 2004]
Opcijske su prirode ispisne jedinice pisači ili ploteri.
Printers or plotters are optional printing units.

[Thu Jan 08 11:13:20 2004]
Od pisača:

[Thu Jan 08 11:13:36 2004]
Epsonov iglični (crno bijeli ili kolor printer), JDL 850 (EWS), IBM 5182 kolor, HP LaserJet II ili HP PaintJet, Citizen Swift 24/A4 kolor, ili STAR LC24-200 kolor, ili Epsonu kompatibilni pisač.
Epson dot-matrix (black and white or color printer), JDL 850 (EWS), IBM 5182 color, HP LaserJet II or HP PaintJet, Citizen Swift 24/A4 color, or OLD LC24-200 color, or Epson compatible printer.

[Thu Jan 08 11:13:39 2004]
Od plotera;

[Thu Jan 08 11:13:39 2004]
HP 7475, HP 7550, ili HP Colorpro
HP 7475, HP 7550, or HP Colorpro

[Thu Jan 08 11:17:07 2004]
Poželjno je imati proširenje na barem 4 MB memorije.
It would be good to have at least 4 MB of extra memory.

[Thu Jan 08 11:17:14 2004]
Instalacija programa prikazana je u publikaciji:
The program setup is shown in the brochure:

[Thu Jan 08 11:17:50 2004]
Introduction to COSMOS/M Finite Element System, SRAC, 1989.
Introduction to COSMOS/M Finite Element System, SRAC, 1989

[Thu Jan 08 15:56:50 2004]
Svaki proračunski FE model kreiran u GEOSTAR-u može se preko datoteke ime_datoteke.SES ili ime_datoteke.GFM transferirati s ograničene na kompletnu verziju COSMOS/M FEA program, koji je instaliran na katedri za drvene konstrukcije
Each calculation FE model created in GEOSTAR can be transfered, through file_name.SES or file_name.GFM files, from the limited to the full version of COSMOS/M FEA program, which is installed at the Department of wooden structures

[Thu Jan 08 16:14:57 2004]
COSMOS/M i COSMOS/FFE moduli i prevodioci.
COSMOS/M and COSMOS/FFE modules and translators.

[Thu Jan 08 16:16:03 2004]
Zatamnjeno se odnosi na osnovni sustav (Basic System).
Shaded areas relate to basic system.

[Thu Jan 08 16:17:19 2004]
Sve komunikacije s programom i programskim okružjem izvode se u CAD modulu GEOSTAR.
All communication with the program and program environment is carried out in the CAD module GEOSTAR.

[Thu Jan 08 16:20:21 2004]
U ograničenoj verziji programa (Evaluation ili Limited Version) može se kreirati modele do 1000 čvorova, ali se rješavanje problema ograničava na modele s 50 čvorova.
In the limited version of the program (Evaluation or Limited Version) it is possible to create models up to 1000 nodes, but problem solving is limited to models with 50 nodes.

[Thu Jan 08 16:21:37 2004]
Verzija Explorer-a ograničena je na 5.000 čvorova, i isporučuje se sa svim modulima osim FFE i HFS modula.
Explorer version is limited to 5.000 nodes, and it is provided with all modules apart from FFE and HFS.

[Thu Jan 08 16:22:16 2004]
Puna verzija prema želji može biti ograničena na 64.000, 128.000 ili 256.000 čvorova.
The full version can be limited to 64.000, 128.000 or 256.000 nodes, as desired.

[Thu Jan 08 16:24:19 2004]
Puna verzija sadrži sve po izboru kupljene module.
The full version contains all selected and bought modules.

[Thu Jan 08 16:24:19 2004]
FFE - označava FE brzi (fast) solver koji mnogostruko ubrzava rješavanje analize problema
FFE - stands for FE fast solver which manifoldly accelerates problem solving analysis

[Thu Jan 08 16:29:23 2004]
Izgled radnog ekrana GEOSTAR modula FEA programa COSMOS/M.
Working screen of the GEOSTAR module of the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Thu Jan 08 16:29:23 2004]
Za više informacija i slobodni download programa pogledati web stranicu SRAC-a
For more information and free download of the program see SRAC web site

[Thu Jan 08 16:32:50 2004]

[Thu Jan 08 16:33:16 2004]
skočni i padajući meniji naloga.
pop-up and drop-down command menus.

[Thu Jan 08 16:33:16 2004]
Pristup nalozima GEOSTAR-a
Access to GEOSTAR commands

[Thu Jan 08 16:34:31 2004]
Ekran, radna površina
Screen, working surface

[Thu Jan 08 16:38:48 2004]
Okvir za dijaloge.
Dialogue frame.

[Thu Jan 08 16:38:48 2004]
Pokazuje aktivne naloge, geometrijske koordinate i programske poruke
It shows active commands, geometrical coordinates and program messages

[Thu Jan 08 16:39:21 2004]
Objašnjenje trenutnog naloga
Explanation of current command

[Thu Jan 08 16:40:23 2004]
Legenda, verzija, ime problema, vrijeme rada
Legend, version, problem name, time of work

[Thu Jan 08 16:52:38 2004]
Ukoliko je ikona aktivirana omogućuje hvatanje točaka (snap) na aktivnom rasteru, korištenjem miša
If the icon is activated it enables to snap the points on the active screen, using the mouse

[Thu Jan 08 16:54:09 2004]
Ako je ikona aktivirana omogućuje ponavljanje posljednjeg naloga putem miša ili ENTER tipke
If the icon is activated it enables to repeat the last command with the mouse or ENTER key

[Fri Jan 09 09:30:40 2004]
Novi panel FEA COSMOS/M za Windowse.
New FEA COSMOS/M panel for Windows.

[Fri Jan 09 09:32:45 2004]
Nalozi su samo nadopunjeni.
The commands are only updated.

[Fri Jan 09 09:33:12 2004]
I ovdje numeracija kombinacija opterećenja počinje od 51 na dalje.
The numeration of load combinations starts from 51 onward.

[Fri Jan 09 09:33:12 2004]
U program je ugrađen brzi FFE solver
A fast FFE solver is incorporated in the program

[Fri Jan 09 09:39:20 2004]
Primjer novih mogućnosti COSMOS/M - WIN verzije.
An example of the new possibilities of the COSMOS/M - WIN version.

[Fri Jan 09 09:44:26 2004]
Prikazuje se rezultat analize kutnog spoja dvaju drvenih panelnih elemenata spojenih s dva drvena čepa, problem koji se često javlja u stolarstvu.
It shows the results of the analysis of an angle connection of two wooden panel elements connected with two wooden stoppers, a problem often encountered in carpentry.

[Fri Jan 09 09:48:38 2004]
Prikazana su glavna naprezanja (2 i 3) u čepu, a u reški između elemenata (ploča), a po odabranom obodu čepa.
Principal stresses (2 and 3) in the stopper are shown, and in the joint between elements (plates), and along the selected perimeter of the stopper.

[Fri Jan 09 09:51:11 2004]
Dijagrami prikazuju promjenu stanja glavnih naprezanja po obodu (kružnici) čepa.
Diagrams present the change of principal stresses state along the perimeter (circle) of the stopper.

[Fri Jan 09 09:53:29 2004]
Obodi su označeni na crtežima KE kružnicama.
Perimeters are marked with FE circles on drawings.

[Fri Jan 09 09:53:29 2004]
Na WIN1 prozoru pokazuje se samo detalj KE čepa (odabir KE i čvorova pomoću naloga (SEL_EL i SEL_ND)
WIN1 window shows only a detail of the FE stopper (the selection of FEs and nodes using the commands (SEL_EL and SEL_ND)

[Fri Jan 09 10:01:07 2004]
Ponekad će biti potrebno unijeti manje korekcije jer mnogih naloga, očito je, nema u ograničenoj verziji.
Sometimes it will be necessary to enter some corrections because there are many commands which are, obviously, not contained in the limited version.

[Fri Jan 09 10:08:31 2004]
Međutim, i tako je osnovna svrha korištenja ograničene verzije vježbanje u korištenju velikog broja naloga za kreiranje geometrijskog i proračunskog FE modela.
However, the basic purpose of using the limited version is to practice using the great number of commands for creating geometric and calculation FE models.

[Fri Jan 09 10:08:31 2004]
S druge strane i ako je FE analiza ograničene verzije COSMOS/M-a ograničena na 48 KE, moguće je riješiti i mnogo veće proračunske modele (veće od 48 KE), korištenjem naloga za Substrukturiranje, kojima se veći model razbija na manje entitete (svaki od 48 KE), koji se rješavaju kao strukturalni podsustavi i glavni entitet
On the other, even though the FE analysis of the limited version of COSMOS/M is limited to 48 FE, it is possible to solve much larger calculation models (with more than 48 FEs), using the command for Substructuring, which breaks large models into smaller entities (each containing 48 FEs), which are then solved as structural subsystems and the main entity

[Fri Jan 09 10:20:47 2004]
Jedini nedostatak ovog postupka je taj, što se istovremeno na ekranu ne mogu prikazati svi podmodeli jednovremeno.
The only disadvantage of this procedure is that all submodels cannot be shown on the screen at the same time.

[Fri Jan 09 10:20:47 2004]
Naravno, u punoj verziji COSMOS/M FEA programa postoji mogućnost substrukturiranja, čime se mogu rješavati vrlo veliki i složeni problemi, koji mogu istovremeno modelirati i optimirati različite grupe inženjera projektanata
Naturally, in the full version of COSMOS/M FEA program there is the possibility of substructuring, which can be used to solve very large and complex problems, that can be can synchronously modeled and optimized by different groups of design engineers

[Fri Jan 09 10:28:20 2004]
Neki proračunski modeli prikazuju se kao ilustracije primjene pune verzije, i ne mogu se uopće kreirati i analizirati na limitiranoj verziji programa.
Some calculation models are shown to illustrate the use of the full version, and they cannot at all be created and analyzed in the limited version of the program.

[Fri Jan 09 10:29:43 2004]
To se odnosi na neke složene dinamičke analize, nelinearne analize, i druge složene analize raznih inženjerskih problema.
This relates to some complex dynamic analyses, nonlinear analyses, and other complex analyses of various engineering problems.

[Fri Jan 09 10:35:51 2004]
Neki primjeri primjene nekih modula pune verzije COSMOS/M-a nisu ovdje uopće prikazani.
Some examples of using some modules of the full version of COSMOS/M are not even shown here.

[Fri Jan 09 10:36:02 2004]
Oni studenti konstruktorskog i drugih smjerova koji su zainteresirani za tu materiju, mogu naći ilustrativne primjere tih modula u opsežnom broju ilustrativnih primjera koji se nalaze u 4 opsežna prateća priručnika:
Students majoring in construction and students with other majors interested in this matter can find illustrative examples of those modules in a vast number of examples in 4 extensive accompanying manuals:

[Fri Jan 09 10:36:02 2004]

[Fri Jan 09 10:48:32 2004]
Svake se godine za studente četvrte godine studija visoke spreme Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organiziraju i održavaju (dvodnevni) tečajevi primjene FEA programa COSMOS/M u kompjutorskoj učionici, kao studentske radionice za svladavanje tog inženjerskog alata.
Every year, senior students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb can attend two-day courses for using the FEA program COSMOS/M, in the computer lab, as student workshops for mastering that engineering tool.

[Fri Jan 09 10:53:49 2004]
Osim toga, postoji i tiskani priručnik s uputama i primjerima primjene.
Apart from this, there is a printed manual with instructions and examples of use.

[Fri Jan 09 10:56:44 2004]
Priručnik za primjenu Cosmosa je jako skraćeni prijevod službenog priručnika, nadopunjen s izrađenim primjerima, koje je izradio autor sa ekipom odjela.
Manual for using the COSMOS is an abridged translation of the official manual, with some examples added, made by the author with the department team.

[Fri Jan 09 10:57:50 2004]
Priručnik je internog karaktera i može se posuditi u biblioteci fakulteta.
The manual is of internal character and it can be borrowed from the university library.

[Fri Jan 09 11:00:43 2004]
Slični se tečajevi održavaju za studente četvrte godine i za FEA program M-STRUDL.
There are similar courses for senior students in connection with the FEA program M-STRUDL.

[Fri Jan 09 11:00:43 2004]
Ove se godine (1998) uvelo i tečajeve iz primjene CAD sustava SOFISTIK, koji omogućuju široku razmjenu CAD naloga između sudionika procesa građenja
This years (1998) courses in using the CAD system SOFISTIK were introduced, and they enable a broad exchange of CAD commands between participants in the construction process

[Fri Jan 09 11:08:11 2004]
U navedenim 'padajućim' okvirima navedeni su samo nalozi koji uglavnom pokrivaju područje formuliranja problema, generacije mreže KE, linearne i nelinearne statike i dinamike.
In the mentioned 'drop-down' frames mentioned only those commands are mentioned that mainly cover the area of problem formulation, FE mesh generation, linear and nonlinear statics and dynamics.

[Fri Jan 09 11:14:34 2004]
Područje hidraulike, magnetizma nije obuhvaćeno.
The area of hydraulics and magnetism is not covered.

[Fri Jan 09 11:14:34 2004]
Objašnjenja svakog od tih naloga može se dobiti pritiskom na tipku F1 ili aktivacijom ikone HELP u gornjem desnom uglu ekrana
Explanations of each of those commands can be obtained by pressing the key F1, or by activating the HELP icon in the upper right corner of the screen

[Fri Jan 09 11:30:58 2004]
FE program COSMOS/M omogućava upis ortotropnih (dapače i anizotropnih) materijalnih konstanti, te se ta svojstva mogu diktirati u specifičnim smjerovima, izborom koordinatnog sustava elemenata (ECS - element coordinate system).
FE program COSMOS/M enables the entry of orthotropic (and even anisotropic) material constants, and those properties can be dictated in specific directions, by selecting the element coordinate system (ECS).

[Fri Jan 09 11:35:28 2004]
Tako se npr. ukoliko se umrežava neka proizvoljna regija (RG definirana s konturama CT) trokutastim konačnim elementima, treba jednostavno prije postupka odrediti svojstva određene grupe trokutnih konačnih elemenata u globalnom cartezijevom koordinatnom sustavu (umjesto da se iste upisuje u lokalnom sustavu elemenata zasnovanom na smjeru definiranja prve stranice preko čvorova elemenata, odnosno definicije prvih dviju točaka (PT) kod odredbe površine SF), treba samo izdati nalog (ACTSET, ECS, 0 prije postupka određenog umrežavanja geometrijskog entiteta - tj. prethodno definirane regije ili površine.
So if, for example, some arbitrary region (RG defined with contours CT) is meshed with triangular finite elements, before the procedure properties of the certain group of triangular finite elements should be determined in the global Cartesian coordinate system (instead of being entered in the local system of elements based on the direction of defining the first side through the nodes of elements, i.e. the definition of the first two points (PT) when determining surface (SF), the command should be given (ACTSET, ECS, 0 before the procedure of meshing some geometrical entity - i.e. previously defined region or surface.

[Fri Jan 09 11:35:28 2004]
Mogu se koristiti nalozi za upis realnih konstanti za specifične materijale i za upis kuta rotacije naspram ECS (koordinatnog sustava elemenata), a koji su npr. koincidentni CS 0
Commands for entering real constants can be used for specific materials and for entering the rotation angle in relation to to ECS, that are, for example, coincidental CS 0

[Fri Jan 09 11:55:23 2004]
U tom smislu je za demonstraciju korišten FEM lamelirane grede u kojoj je lijeva strana simetrične grede definirana s regijom (RG), a desna s površinom (SF).
To that effect, FEM of a laminated beam was used for demonstration, where left side of the symmetrical beam is defined with region (RG), and right side with surface (SF).

[Fri Jan 09 12:01:42 2004]
Kod odredbe regije odabrana je i veličina stranice KE (s upisom size = 20 cm).
When defining the region, the size of the FE page was selected (entering size = 20 cm).

[Fri Jan 09 12:02:08 2004]
Prije zahtjeva za umrežavanjem regije RG odabran je za umrežavanje lijeve strane koordinatni sustav elemenata EC=0.
Before the command for meshing the region RG, element coordinate system was selected to mesh the left side - EC=0.

[Fri Jan 09 12:06:08 2004]
Potom je izvršeno umrežavanje nalogom M_RG.
Then meshing was executed with the command M_RG.

[Fri Jan 09 12:09:03 2004]
Kod umrežavanja površine (SF) desne strane modela koristi se konvencionalni koordinatni sustav elemenata EC=-1 ili EC=0.
When meshing the surface (SF) of the right side of the model, conventional element coordinate system is used, EC=-1 or EC=0.

[Fri Jan 09 12:16:47 2004]
Vidljivo je iz rezultata analize da su rezultati proračuna naprezanja simetrični.
It is clear from the analysis results that the results of stress calculation are symmetrical.

[Fri Jan 09 12:16:47 2004]
Prikazuje se naprezanja paralelno vlaknima drveta (Sigma_X), mreža KE (s lijeve strane umrežena s trokutnim konačnim elementima, a s desne elementima s 4 čvora, također se prikazuju i posmična naprezanja (Tau_XY)
Stresses parallel to wood fibers are shown (Sigma_X), FE mesh (on the left side meshed with triangular finite elements, and on the right side with elements with 4 nodes), shear stresses are also shown (Tau_XY)

[Fri Jan 09 12:21:39 2004]

[Fri Jan 09 12:27:13 2004]
MKE nosača TIP4 gore i ojačanog CFK lamelama dolje.
FEM of the carrier TIP4 on top, and reinforced with CFK plates on the bottom.

[Fri Jan 09 12:27:13 2004]
Relativno složen
Relatively complex

[Fri Jan 09 12:30:04 2004]
Rezultati FEA analize s FEA programom COSMOS/M.
Results of the FEA analysis with the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Fri Jan 09 12:30:25 2004]
Poprečna naprezanja TIP 4;
Transversal stresses TIP 4;

[Fri Jan 09 12:30:25 2004]
CFK ojačani nosač je prikazan dolje
CFK reinforced beam is shown bellow

[Fri Jan 09 12:34:47 2004]
Blok drvenih višekatnih 'combo' stambenih kuća u Vancouveru
A block of wooden multistorey 'combo' dwelling-houses in Vancouver

[Fri Jan 09 12:35:29 2004]
Paraboloidna konstrukcija drvenog krova crkve u Vancouveru
Paraboloid structure of the wooden roof of a church in Vancouver