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[Fri Jan 16 10:22:00 2004]
Za modele analizirane s MKE, to se može provesti korištenjem odgovarajućih modula:
For models analyzed with FEM, this can be carried out by using the appropriate modules:

[Fri Jan 16 10:22:32 2004]
E i G (odnosno za ravninske probleme upisom odgovarajućih modula:
E and G (that is, in case of planar problems, by entering appropriate modules:

[Fri Jan 16 10:23:10 2004]
EX, EY, GXY modula, a za 3D modele s upisom odgovarajućih modula:
EX, EY, GXY modules, and for 3D models, by entering the appropriate modules:

[Fri Jan 16 10:25:17 2004]
EX, EY, EZ, GXY, GXZ i GYZ), i proračunom ukupnih deformacija za propisana opterećenja.
EX, EY, EC, GXY, GXZ and GYZ), and by calculating total deformations for regulated loads.

[Fri Jan 16 10:26:32 2004]
Provjera se može, i preporuča se, provesti i sa STEP 5 programom za analizu i provjeru progiba nosača, koji je dan i presliku formulara u prilogu.
A check can be, as it is recommended, carried out with the STEP 5 program for the analysis and testing of girder deflections, and this program is given in the copy of the enclosed form.

[Fri Jan 16 10:26:46 2004]
U koliko se radi o konstrukcijama zgrada (i ureda) potrebno je provjeriti i vlastita titranja konstrukcija (npr.
In case of building (and offices) structures, intrinsic structure vibrations should be checked (e.g.

[Fri Jan 16 10:28:03 2004]
grednih nosača podova, spregnutih konstrukcija podova i sl.)
beam supports of floors, composite structures of floors etc.)

[Fri Jan 16 10:28:03 2004]
korištenjem FE programa za dinamičke analize konstrukcija (R_frequency analiza), ali i odgovarajućim programom STEP 5 za analize i provjere titranja konstrukcija prema EC5 standardima
) by using the FE program for dynamic structure analyses (R_frequency analysis), and also with the appropriate program STEP 5 for analyses and testing of structure vibrations according to EC5 standards

[Fri Jan 16 10:35:36 2004]
Prikaz MKE lamelirane grede s podrožnicama i sa spregom.
FEM of a laminated beam with purlins and with connections.

[Fri Jan 16 10:36:29 2004]
Opterećenje je priloženo na podrožnice.
Load is attached to purlins.

[Fri Jan 16 10:36:29 2004]
Lamelirana greda je inicijalno zakrivljena izvan ravnine spojnice ležajeva, čime se zadovoljava uvjet EC 5 standarda
The laminated beam is initially curved outside the plane of bearing connectors, which satisfies the requirement of the EC 5 standard

[Fri Jan 16 10:39:33 2004]
Prikaz kreiranja modela KE lamelirane grede u prostoru, s opisom postupaka građenja proračunskog modela
Presentation of creating the FE model of a laminated beam in space, with the description of procedures of creating the calculation model

[Fri Jan 16 10:57:35 2004]
generira se točka na crti u blizini
a point is generated on the line near

[Fri Jan 16 11:07:08 2004]
lamelirano drvo
laminated timber

[Fri Jan 16 11:19:39 2004]
odabiru se elementi ukrutnih vezova
elements of stiffening binders are selected

[Fri Jan 16 11:32:40 2004]
Prikaz modela u fazi kreiranja točaka (PT), krivulja (CR) i točaka orijentacije y osi grednih elemenata
Model in the phase of creating points (PT), curves (CR) and orientation points of y axis of beam elements

[Fri Jan 16 11:42:05 2004]
Prikaz PARAMETARSKOG UPISA podataka za GLULAM nosač u prostoru s osvrtom na traženje EC5 propisa o netočnosti izvođenja nosača
Presentation of PARAMETRIC DATA INPUT for GLULAM structure in space, with reference to EC5 regulations about imprecision of execution of girders

[Fri Jan 16 11:49:54 2004]
Parametarskim načinom upisa jednom se za svagda projektira proračunski model i mreža KE sustava (ili samo jednog) nosača.
The parametric method of data input once for all designs the calculation model and the FE mesh of girder systems (or only one girder).

[Fri Jan 16 11:49:54 2004]
Mijenjaju se samo upisi podataka
Only data inputs are changed

[Fri Jan 16 12:59:10 2004]
Ispis parametara:
Printout of parameters:

[Fri Jan 16 13:02:08 2004]
redni broj, ime/naziv, tip (ili je realni broj ili cjelobrojni), pripisana vrijednost parametru (u ovom rješenju).
ordinal number, name/title, type (either real or whole number), value attributed to the parameter (in this solution).

[Fri Jan 16 13:02:08 2004]
Upisani su raspon L, visina nad ležajem HA, visina u sredini raspona nosača HM, inicijalno nadvišenje nosača F, razmak nosača RAZMAK, debljina nosača DEB, opterećenje podrožnica OPTER, visina presjeka H, širina podrožnica B
span L, height above the bearing HA, height in the middle of the girder HM, initial camber of the girders F, girder spacing SPACING, girder thickness THI, load on purlins LOAD, section height H, width of purlins B

[Fri Jan 16 14:10:10 2004]
GLULAM nosač s podrožnicama
GLULAM structure with purlins

[Fri Jan 16 14:10:55 2004]
Nosač je inicijalno zakrivljen izvan ravnine nosača
The girder is initially curved outside the girder plane

[Fri Jan 16 14:14:51 2004]
Generacijom KE lameliranog nosača i generacijom podrožnica model se može proširivati.
By generating laminated girder FEs and by generating purlins, the model can be expanded.

[Fri Jan 16 14:14:51 2004]
Postoji i druga mogućnost upisa kojom se odmah pripisuje broj n multiplikacije generiranih entiteta
There is another option of input in which the number of n multiplication of generated entities is immediately attributed

[Fri Jan 16 14:17:07 2004]
Parametarski FE model lameliranog nosača s podrožnicama i vezovima
Parametric FE model of a laminated girder with purlins and binders

[Fri Jan 16 14:37:30 2004]
Primjer generacije jednog spregnutog T presjeka.
Example of generating one composite T section.

[Fri Jan 16 14:40:16 2004]
Razmatra se samo polovina nosača.
Only one half of the girder is analyzed.

[Fri Jan 16 14:41:16 2004]
Elementi betonske ploče definirani kao SHELL4 KE dok su KE drvenog rebra definirani s SHELL4L elementima.
Elements of the concrete plate are defined as SHELL4 FEs, while FEs of the wooden rib are defined with SHELL4L elements.

[Fri Jan 16 14:43:52 2004]
Ploča je smoždena s gredom.
The plate is connected to the beam with dowels.

[Fri Jan 16 14:47:21 2004]
Čvorovi mreže KE ploče i rebra spojeni su na određenim mjestima čeličnim štapovima ili štapnim moždanicima prikazanim kao PIPE KE.
FE mesh nodes of the plates and the rib are connected, in particular places, with steel members or bar dowels, shown as PIPE FEs.

[Fri Jan 16 14:47:59 2004]
Treba obratiti pažnju na uvjete simetriji u osi nosača, te ostale rubne/pridržajne uvjete.
Attention must be paid to symmetry conditions in the girder axis, and other boundary/supporting conditions.

[Fri Jan 16 14:52:46 2004]
Prikazani način je samo jedan od mnogih načina kreiranja proračunskog modela.
The present method is only one of many ways of creating calculation models.

[Fri Jan 16 14:53:11 2004]
Da bi se bolje razumjelo CAD postupak kreiranja FE modela treba pročitati upute i priručnik za FEA modeler GEOSTAR programa COSMOS/M, koji je kao priručnik skripta izdan kao interno izdanje Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
In order to understand the CAD procedure of FE model designing more clearly, one should read instructions and the manual for the FEA modeler of the GEOSTAR program COSMOS/M, which was published by the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, as an internal manual/lecture notes.

[Fri Jan 16 14:53:11 2004]
I ovaj problem se mogao definirati parametarski
This problem could also be defined in a parametric manner

[Fri Jan 16 15:00:52 2004]

[Fri Jan 16 15:05:21 2004]

[Fri Jan 16 15:05:43 2004]

[Fri Jan 16 15:05:43 2004]

[Fri Jan 16 15:09:47 2004]
Modeliranje moždanika s KE PIPE
Modeling of a dowels with FE PIPE

[Fri Jan 16 15:17:01 2004]
Modeliranje proračunskog modela grede.
Modeling of the calculation model of a beam.

[Fri Jan 16 15:19:17 2004]
Ovakav model može se kreirati u parametarskom obliku.
Such model can be created in the parametric shape.

[Fri Jan 16 15:19:41 2004]
Njime se može brzo analizirati niz sličnih entiteta raznih dimenzija i različito opterećenih nosača.
It can be used to quickly analyze series of similar entities of various dimensions and variously loaded structures.

[Fri Jan 16 15:20:15 2004]
Rezultati analize entiteta raznih dimenzija i različito opterećenih nosača.
Results of the analysis of entities of various dimensions and variously loaded structures.

[Fri Jan 16 15:20:21 2004]
Rezultati analize mogu se predstaviti NEURALNOJ MREŽI u tabličnom obliku (npr.
Analysis results can be presented in a NEURAL NETWORK in the tabular form (e.g.

[Fri Jan 16 15:33:12 2004]
u EXCEL-u).
in EXCEL).

[Fri Jan 16 15:33:45 2004]
Nakon što se NM istrenira s predočenoj joj podacima i testira optimalna mreža, može se načiniti RUN-TIME verzija NM i cijeli problem spregnutih nosača svesti na upisivanje podataka i trenutačni ispis rezultata.
After the NN is trained with presented data, and the optimal network is tested, RUN-TIME version of NN can be made and the entire problem of composite girders can be reduced to the input of data and the momentary printout of results.

[Fri Jan 16 15:33:45 2004]
Ovakav aplet može se potom smjestiti na Web, kao inteligentno tablično pomagalo
Such applet can be then placed on the Web, as an intelligent tabular aid

[Fri Jan 16 15:50:00 2004]
Prikazuje se još upis podataka za proračunski model KE drvenog paraboloida u modul MODSTAR FEA programa COSMOS/M.
Here is also the presentation of data input for the calculation FE model of a wooden paraboloid in the MODSTAR module of the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Fri Jan 16 15:50:16 2004]
Radi se o paraboloidu deltoidne osnove opterećenog kontinuiranim jednolikim opterećenjem po površini KE.
It is a paraboloid with the deltoid base, loaded with continuous uniform load along the FE surface.

[Fri Jan 16 15:52:06 2004]
Paraboloid je oslonjen po rubovima.
The paraboloid is supported along the edges.

[Fri Jan 16 15:52:06 2004]
Prikazuje se .SES datoteka kretanja modela
SES file of model movement is also shown

[Fri Jan 16 16:11:41 2004]
Sličan proračunski model paraboloida kreiran je s CAD modelarom GEOSTAR nove verzije COSMOS/M.
The similar calculation model of a paraboloid was created with the CAD modeler GEOSTAR of the new COSMOS/M version.

[Fri Jan 16 16:16:36 2004]
Ljuska paraboloida je umrežena s SHELL4L uslojenim elementima s dva sloja dasaka debljine 1.5 cm.
The paraboloid shell is meshed with SHELL4L layered elements with two layers of panels that are 1.5 cm thick.

[Fri Jan 16 16:18:16 2004]
Ova se ljuska oslanja na rubne elemente koji su kreirani s SHELL4 konačnim elementima.
This shell is supported by boundary elements which are created with SHELL4 finite elements.

[Fri Jan 16 16:18:38 2004]
Paraboloid je oslonjen na četiri vršne točke rubnih elemenata.
The paraboloid is supported by four peak points of boundary elements.

[Fri Jan 16 16:35:57 2004]
Rubni elementi su dimenzija 50x20 cm.
The dimensions of boundary elements are 50x20 cm.

[Fri Jan 16 16:36:43 2004]
Opterećenje je približno u izabranim unutrašnjim točkama mreže KE ljuske paraboloida (koristi se naloge INITSEL i SELWIN s odabirom omče-poligona).
The load is approximate in the selected internal points of the FE meshe of the paraboloid shell (using the commands INITSEL and SELWIN, with the selection of the loop-polygon).

[Fri Jan 16 16:36:43 2004]
Vidi se elegancija rada s modelerom GEOSTAR
You can see the elegance of work with GEOSTAR modeler

[Fri Jan 16 16:54:33 2004]
Paralelno s ovim kreacijama proračunskih modela sačinjen je i proračunski model s ICES STRUDL2 IBM verzijom.
Parallel with this calculation model design, a calculation model with ICES STRUDL2 IBM version was also created.

[Fri Jan 16 16:54:33 2004]
Na žalost, ova verzija instalirana u RC INUG-a više nije operabilna - čak i nije poznato gdje se danas taj program nalazi
Unfortunately, this version installed in the computer center of INUG is not operable anymore - we do not even know where this program can be found today

[Mon Jan 19 09:23:28 2004]
Rezultat analiza raspodjela SIGMA-X naprezanja na plohi paraboloida
Results of analyses of distribution of SIGMA-X stresses on the paraboloid surface

[Mon Jan 19 09:26:59 2004]
Hipar od drveta.
Wooden hyperbolic paraboloid.

[Mon Jan 19 09:27:04 2004]
Rad studenata II.
Work of sophomore students

[Mon Jan 19 09:27:21 2004]
BT-smjera Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Kumasiju (Ghana)
Work of sophomore students from the Faculty of Architectonics in Kumasi (Ghana)

[Mon Jan 19 09:32:11 2004]
O paraboloidima je bilo dovoljno rečeno, ali nikad dovoljno, jer se te konstrukcije u nas malo (ili nikako) izvode.
A lot has been said about paraboloids, but never enough, because in our country those structures are rarely (or almost never) executed.

[Mon Jan 19 09:32:51 2004]
Unatoč tome, te bi se konstrukcije mogle izvoditi, u koliko bi se arhitekte moglo nagovoriti da ih i projektiraju.
Nonetheless, those structures could be built, if architects were persuaded to design them.

[Mon Jan 19 09:37:15 2004]
Paraboloidi od drveta, zapravo su pravi izraz za taj materijal.
Wooden paraboloid is actually a correct expression for that material.

[Mon Jan 19 09:37:15 2004]
Ljuske, membrana paraboloida može biti složena iz nekoliko slojeva dasaka, može biti složena od jednog sloja sjekomice (na razmaku) složenih platica s pokrovnim slojem od dasaka, ili od materijala (ploča) na osnovi drveta
Shells, paraboloid membranes may consist of several layers of panels, they may consist of one layer of perpendicularly (at a distance) arranged planks with the covering layer of panels, or of material (plates) on the basis of wood

[Mon Jan 19 09:41:29 2004]
Iz priloženog je vidljivo da se tu ne radi o nekom velikom CAD problemu, a ni o izvedbenim problemima.
From all this it is clear that this is not work a complex CAD problem, nor the executional problems.

[Mon Jan 19 09:41:29 2004]
O detaljima od metala, vidjeti skripta 'Nosive strukture' ili skripta 'Drvene konstrukcije' autora
About details from metal, see the lecture notes 'Bearing structures' or lecture notes 'Wooden structures' by the author

[Mon Jan 19 09:43:58 2004]
Modeliranje bačvaste ljuske
Modeling of a barrel shell

[Mon Jan 19 09:49:47 2004]
Prikazuje se analiza jedne bačvaste ljuske, duljine 16.0 m, koja je opterećena stalnim opterećenjem, svedenim na masu ljuske.
This is the analysis of a barrel shell, that is 16.0 m long and loaded with permanent load, reduced to the mass of the shell.

[Mon Jan 19 09:50:26 2004]
Polumjer ljuske je 10.0 metara.
Radius of the shell is 10.0 meters.

[Mon Jan 19 09:50:58 2004]
Centralni kut je 80 stupnjeva.
The central angle is 80 degrees.

[Mon Jan 19 09:55:15 2004]
Poradi simetrije razmatra se samo jedna četvrtina ljuske.
Because of the symmetry, only one quarter of the shell is analyzed.

[Mon Jan 19 09:55:15 2004]
Za kreiranje koordinata koristi se cilindrični koordinatni sustav s nalogom
To create coordinates, a cylinder coordinate system is used with the command

[Mon Jan 19 10:00:17 2004]
U Cartezijski sustav se preko naloga ACTIVE,CS,0 gdje je
In the Cartesian system through the command ACTIVE,CS,0 where

[Mon Jan 19 10:00:41 2004]
opcija aktivacije Cartezijskog koordinatnog sustava
is the option for theactivation of Cartesian coordinate system

[Mon Jan 19 10:02:43 2004]
Aktiviranje gravitacionog opterećenja u smjeru Z dano je nalogom ACEL, a u nalogu za opcije ANALIZE aktivira se opcijom G
Activation of gravitational load in the direction Z is given with the command ACEL, and in the command for options ANALYSES, it is activated with the option G

[Mon Jan 19 10:14:32 2004]
Za više podataka o opisu upisa podataka za analizu sa COSMOS/M treba pogledati priručnike za korištenje COSMOS/M paketa.
For more information about the description of data input for analyses with COSMOS/M, you should check the manuals for COSMOS/M.

[Mon Jan 19 10:14:32 2004]
Ovdje se želi samo pokazati smisao modeliranja za kompjutorsku analizu struktura, a ne samo korištenje COSMOS/M-a
Here we only want to show the meaning of modeling for the computer structure analysis, and not just the use of COSMOS/M

[Mon Jan 19 10:27:53 2004]
Prikazat ćemo i postupak modeliranja i analize izbočivanja ploče s otvorom.
We shall demonstrate the procedure of modeling and analyzing the protrusion of a plate with an opening.

[Mon Jan 19 10:27:53 2004]
Ploča je pridržana s dvije strane, a s druge je izložena aksijalnim silama u ravnini ploče
The plate is supported on two sides, and on the other side it is exposed to axial forces in the plane of the plate

[Mon Jan 19 10:35:15 2004]
Prvo će se definirati mreža KE.
Firstly, the FE mesh will be determined.

[Mon Jan 19 10:35:55 2004]
Kao što je razvidno, zbog simetrije, može se promatrati samo jedna četvrtina ploče.
As you see, because of symmetry, we can analyze only one quarter of the plate.

[Mon Jan 19 10:40:48 2004]
Simetrija se, naravno, definira rubnim uvjetima.
Symmetry is, naturally, defined with boundary conditions.

[Mon Jan 19 10:42:03 2004]
Ploča je iz čelika, no, može biti iz bilo kojeg materijala, pa i uslojenog drveta (šper, sendvič ili slično rješenje).
The plate is made of steel, but it can be made from any material, and even layered wood (ply-wood, sandwich or a similar solution).

[Mon Jan 19 10:44:09 2004]
Ovaj problem rješavan je analizom MKE s programom IBM ICES STRUDL2.
This problem was solved with the FEM analysis, with the program IBM ICES STRUDL2.

[Mon Jan 19 10:45:46 2004]
Isti problem mogao se riješiti COSMOS/M-om ili ANSIS-om, odnosno bilo kojim programom za nelinearne analize konstrukcija.
The same problem could be solved with COSMOS/M or ANSIS, that is, any program for nonlinear structure analyses.

[Mon Jan 19 10:46:15 2004]
Jednostavnim pozivom COMPUTE LINEAR BUCKLING dobije se kritična sila izvijanja i mod izvijanja.
With a simple call, COMPUTE LINEAR BUCKLING, you receive the critical force of buckling and the buckling mode.

[Mon Jan 19 10:47:58 2004]
Najsloženiji dio opisa problema je generacija mreže KE.
The most complex part of the problem is the generation of FE mesh.

[Mon Jan 19 10:52:24 2004]
Ovaj dio postupka je u COSMOS/M sustavu sasvim automatiziran:
This part of the procedure is completely automatized in the COSMOS/M system:

[Mon Jan 19 10:54:48 2004]
preko GEOSTAR modula se interaktivno nacrtaju (na zaslonu) konture modela, a zatim se pozivom AUTOMECH-era automatski generira mreža KE.
through GEOSTAR module, the contours of the model are interactively drawn (on the screen), and by calling AUTOMECH, the FE mesh is automatically generated.

[Mon Jan 19 10:54:48 2004]
Analizom izvijanja mogu dobiti modovi izvijanja, sile izvijanja, a pozivom RUN_PLOT i crteži modova, te animacija pojedinih modova
With buckling analysis you can obtain buckling modes, buckling forces, and by calling RUN_PLOT, the drawings of modes, and the animation of some modes

[Mon Jan 19 11:07:39 2004]
Daje se opis upisa modela modelerom ICES STRUDL2 sustava.
Here is the description of model input with the modeler of the ICES STRUDL2 system.

[Mon Jan 19 11:09:19 2004]
Treba biti pažljiv i kod primjene sila u čvorovima, jer one moraju biti raspodijeljene tako da se opterećenje po rubu 5, 10, 15, 20 raspoređuje jednoliko, kako je to i zadano.
You must be careful when applying forces in nodes, because they must be arranged in a way that load is uniformly distributed along edges 5, 10, 15, 20, as it is assigned.

[Mon Jan 19 11:09:19 2004]
Rezultat analize je kritično opterećenje
The result of the analysis is critical load

[Mon Jan 19 11:30:11 2004]
Prikazuje se mod izvijanja ploče za opterećenje
Plate buckling mode is shown, for the load

[Mon Jan 19 11:43:21 2004]
Isti problem rješavan je COSMOS/M sustavom i automatskim generatorom mreže KE.
The same problem was solved with COSMOS/M system and automatic FE mesh generator.

[Mon Jan 19 11:46:18 2004]
Da bi se to postiglo, prvo se moraju zadati parametri KE.
In order to achieves that, FE parameters must be defined first.

[Mon Jan 19 11:49:12 2004]
Odabran je KE SHELL4 i to QUAD4 koji je bolje formuliran od QUAD2 elementa.
FE SHELL4 was chosen, more precisely, QUAD4 which is better formulated than QUAD2 element.

[Mon Jan 19 11:49:25 2004]
Zatim se zadaju rubne točke površine koja će se automatski podijeliti na konačne elemente.
Then marginal points are set of the area which will automatically be divided into finite elements.

[Mon Jan 19 11:49:25 2004]
To su točke 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
These are points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

[Mon Jan 19 11:53:45 2004]
Sa EG nalogom definiraju se KE:
With EG command, FEs are defined:

[Mon Jan 19 11:57:15 2004]

[Mon Jan 19 11:57:39 2004]
Zatim se definira E modul nalogom EX,1,2.1E7, te realne konstante (debljinu ploče) za KE SHELL4 sa nalogom RC,1,1,2.
Then E module is defined with the command EX,1,2.1E7, and the real constants (the thickness of the plate) for FE SHELL4, with the command RC,1,1,2.

[Mon Jan 19 11:57:39 2004]
, te aktivira cilindrični koordinatni sustav odabirom CS,1 nalogom ACTIVE,CS,1
, and then the cylinder coordinate system is activate by selecting CS,1 command ACTIVE,CS,1

[Mon Jan 19 12:01:03 2004]
Definira se valjak polumjera R=50.
A cylinder with radius R=50 is defined

[Mon Jan 19 12:01:44 2004]
, koji će se 'izrezati' iz ploče, s nalogom SF,1,1,1,50.
A cylinder with radius R=50 is defined, which will be 'cut out' from the plate, with the command SF,1,1,1,50.

[Mon Jan 19 12:01:44 2004]
Ponovno se aktivira Cartezijev koordinatni sustav ACTIVE,CS,0
Cartesian coordinate system is activated again - ACTIVE,CS,0

[Thu Jan 29 10:03:11 2004]
U Sloveniji ima ukupno 26 profesionalnih pozorišta u kojima se održava 3372 predstave godišnje, te 74 kinematografa u kojima se održava 41000 filmskih predstava godišnje
In Slovenia, there are 26 professional theatres which present 3372 shows per year, and 74 cinemas with 41000 shows per year

[Thu Jan 29 10:12:05 2004]
Slovenska nacionalna kinematografija, filmska distribucija i proizvodna formirane su 1945 godine i od tada imaju tradiciju kontinuiranog razvoja.
The Slovenian national film industry, distribution and production were formed in 1945, and since then they have had a tradition of continuous development.

[Thu Jan 29 10:12:05 2004]
Kadrovi se regrutiraju iz slovenske Akademije za film i umjetnost u Ljubljani
People are recruited from the Slovene Academy of theatre, radio, film and television in Ljubljana

[Thu Jan 29 10:25:08 2004]
Danas je slovenski film zapravo drugo ime za manju srednjeevropsku kinematografiju.
Today, Slovene film actually stands for a smaller central European film industry.

[Thu Jan 29 10:25:08 2004]
To potvrđuje podatak da u maloj Sloveniji postoji čak 26 produkcijskih kuća i 3 filmska studija koji su u 2001 godini proizveli 69 filmova, u 2002 godini 28 filmova, a u 2003 godini 55 filmova (u tome 19 dugometražnih)
This is confirmed by the fact that in a small country like Slovenia there are 26 production companies and 3 film studios, which in 2001 produced 69 films, in 2002 28 films, and in 2003 55 films (19 of them were feature-length)

[Thu Jan 29 10:32:38 2004]
Od 2001 godine Slovenija je postala član evropskog koprodukcijskog fonda EUROIMAGES nakon čega su nastali brojni veliki filmski projekti koji su dobili velika međunarodna proiznanja uključujući Oscara, beneškog Lava, španjolsku Zlatnu Palmu, berlinskog Zlatnog medvjeda te desetine drugih prestižnih međunarodnih priznanja
In 2001, Slovenia became a member of a European co-production fund EUROIMAGES, which resulted in numerous great film projects which received important international awards, including the Academy Award, Lion from Venice, Golden Palm from Spain, Golden Bear from Berlin, and dozens of other prestigious international awards

[Thu Jan 29 10:39:47 2004]
Zbog tradicionalno razvijene filmske infrastrukture, brojnih visokospecijaliziranih filmskih kadrova, te iznimno lijepe slovenske prirode, uređenih i održavanih brojnih parkova prirode i estetski uređenih slovenskih naselja, brojne su koprodukcije s ostalim zemljama bivše Jugoslavije, kao i s američkom i drugim zapadnoevropskim producentima
Because of traditionally developed film infrastructure, numerous highly educated film professionals, and exceptionally beautiful Slovene nature, as well as nature parks that are well taken care of, and Slovene towns that are arranged in an aesthetic manner, there are many co-productions with other countries of former Yugoslavia, as well as with American and other Western European producers

[Thu Jan 29 10:45:13 2004]
Slovenija ima 35 TV stanica iz kojih se godišnje emitira vlastitog programa ukupno 268.580 sati.
Slovenia has 35 TV stations, which broadcast a total of 268.580 hours of their own programme, per year.

[Thu Jan 29 10:45:13 2004]
Najveći broj TV centara lociran je u Ljubljani, a svaki veći slovenski grad ima vlastitu TV stanicu.
The majority of TV centres are located in Ljubljana, and every larger Slovenian town has its own TV station.

[Thu Jan 29 10:52:17 2004]
Kvalitetniji uvid u situaciju na tržišu kozmetičkih proizvoda Slovenije daju podaci iz dviju anketa koje prilažemo u nastavku.
Information obtained from two surveys that are given hereinafter will provide a better insight into the situation in the market of cosmetic products in Slovenia.

[Thu Jan 29 11:06:11 2004]
Između 5 država bivše Jugoslavije, nakon ekonomski najrazvijenije Slovenije, Hrvatska je slijedeća po stupnju ekonomske i kulturne razvijenosti.
Among 5 countries of former Yugoslavia, after the most developed Slovenia, Croatia is the next in the level of economic and cultural development.

[Thu Jan 29 11:06:11 2004]
Možda to treba povezati s povijesnom činjenicom da su Hrvatska i Slovenija bile sastavni dio austro-ugarske monarhije, što daje prepoznatljivo zapadnoevropsko kulturološko obilježje ovim dvjema susjednim državama
Perhaps this could be connected with the historical fact that Croatia and Slovenia used to be component parts of Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which gives a recognizably Western European cultural mark to these two neighbouring countries

[Thu Jan 29 11:13:59 2004]
Makar su nakon završetka rata u Hrvatskoj (koji je trajao od 1991 do 1993 godine), svi makroekonomski pokazatelji hrvatskog gospodarstva u stalnom pozitivnom trendu godišnjeg rasta, nivo razvijenosti hrvatskog gospodarstva još uvijek nije dosegao svoj zavidni prijeratni nivo iz 1990 godine.
Though since the end of war in Croatia (which lasted from 1991 to 1993 ), all macroeconomic indicators of Croatian economy have been in the continuous positive trend of yearly growth, the level of development of Croatian economy still has not reached its remarkable pre-war level from 1990.

[Thu Jan 29 11:14:16 2004]
Ekonomski teoretičari tvrde da će Hrvatska u vrlo skorom periodu nadoknaditi izgubljeno i ostvariti nivo razvijenosti srednjoevropske zemlje, poput Slovenije.
Theoreticians of economy believe that Croatia will very soon compensate for the lost, and achieve the level of development of a Central European country, like Slovenia.

[Thu Jan 29 11:14:16 2004]
Svi bitni makroekonomski pokazatelji upućuju na takav zaključak
All essential macroeconomic indicators point to such conclusion

[Thu Jan 29 11:17:37 2004]
Osnovni makroekonomski pokazatelji
Basic macroeconomic indicators

[Thu Jan 29 11:20:57 2004]
Hrvatska ima 4.437.000 stanovnika, ukupno 6.747 naselja, 123 grada među kojima je 20 većih gradova.
000 inhabitants, with the total of 6.747 settlements, 123 towns, 20 of which are large cities.

[Thu Jan 29 11:20:57 2004]
Najveći glavni grad Zagreb ima oko 1 miljon stanovnika
The largest city is the capital Zagreb, with around 1 million inhabitants

[Thu Jan 29 11:30:17 2004]
Poslovna aktivnost se ostvaruje u ukupno 201.786 poslovnih subjekata.
Business activity is realized in the total of 201.786 business entities.

[Thu Jan 29 11:30:17 2004]
Društveni bruto proizvod u 2002 godini iznosi 22.435 mln US $, a bruto društveni proizvod po stanovniku za 2002 godinu iznosi 5.056 US$
Gross domestic product in 2002 was 22.435 million USD, and GDP per capita in 2002 was 5.056 USD

[Thu Jan 29 11:36:46 2004]
Tržište kozmetike u Hrvatskoj:
Cosmetics market in Croatia:

[Thu Jan 29 11:36:46 2004]
proizvodnja, uvoz, potrošnja
production, import, consumption

[Thu Jan 29 11:42:44 2004]
U Hrvatskoj je registrirano 62 proizvođača kozmetike, ali najveći dio proizvodnje proizvodi samo 6 velikih proizvođača :
There are 62 registered manufacturers of cosmetic products in Croatia, but most of the production is covered by only 6 large manufacturers:

[Thu Jan 29 11:42:44 2004]
Neva, Saponia, Belupo, Jadran galenski laboratorij, Labud i Wachem
Neva, Saponia, Belupo, Jadran galenski laboratorij, Labud and Wachem

[Thu Jan 29 11:54:54 2004]
U ukupnoj količinskoj proizvodnji kozmetike Hrvatske, na dekorativnu kozmetiku se odnosi samo 0,45 % proizvodnje, na njegu kože 31,1 %, a ostalo na toaletne proizvode, parfeme, njegu kose i dr
In the entire production of cosmetics in Croatia, the manufacture of makeup makes only 0,45%, skin care products 31,1 %, and the rest goes on toiletries, perfumes, hair care products, etc.

[Thu Jan 29 12:06:58 2004]
Ukupna proizvodnja hrvatskog sektora kozmetičke proizvodnje (dekorativna i njega kože - bez parfema, toaletnih proizvoda, proizvoda za njegu kose, brijanje, kupanje, dezodoransa i dr) u 1990 godini (prije rata) iznosila je 6.436 tona, a 2000 godine 2.784 tone, što je pad od cca 57%.
Total output of the Croatian sector of cosmetics manufacture (makeup and skin care - without perfumes, toiletries , hair care, shaving and bathing products, deodorants, etc.) in 1990 (before the war) was 6.436 tons, and in 2000 it was 2.784 tons, which is a drop of approximately 57%.

[Thu Jan 29 12:06:58 2004]
Stoga, nakon rata Hrvatsko tržište svoje potrebe za kozmetičkim proizvodima podmiruje najvećim dijelom iz uvoza
So, after the war, Croatian market satisfies its needs for cosmetic products mainly from import

[Thu Jan 29 12:14:35 2004]
Da bi zadovoljila potrebe svog tržišta, Hrvatska je 1990 godine uvozila kozmetičkih proizvoda (dekorativna i njega tijela) u vrijednosti 1.182.000 US$.
In order to satisfy the needs of its market, in 1990 Croatia imported cosmetic products (makeup and body care) worth 1.182.000 USD.

[Thu Jan 29 12:14:37 2004]
Godine 2000 taj uvoz je iznosio 24.119.000 US$ ili 20 puta više nego 1990 (rast od 2000 %), a 2002 godine uvoz je iznosio 36.373.000 US$ što je 50% više nego 2000.
000 USD, or 20 times more than in 1990 (the increase of 2000%), and in 2002 it was 36.373.000 USD, which is 50 % more than in 2000.

[Thu Jan 29 12:24:43 2004]
Očit je zaključak da hrvatsko tržište ima izrazite potrebe za povećanom potrošnjom kozmetičkih proizvoda i da najveći dio tih potreba namiruje iz uvoza
The conclusion is obvious - Croatian market has extraordinary needs for the increased consumption of cosmetic products, and those needs are, in the largest part, satisfied from the import

[Thu Jan 29 12:34:19 2004]
Rast potrošnje kozmetičkih proizvoda u EU u 2002 godini iznosi 3,7%.
There is an increase of 3,7% in the consumption of cosmetic products in EU, in 2002.

[Thu Jan 29 12:36:30 2004]
Najveći rast bilježi Španjolska od 6,9%, najmanji Italija 1%.
The largest increase of 6,9% is noted in Spain, and the smallest in Italy - 1%.

[Thu Jan 29 12:47:07 2004]
Njemačko tržište je u padu za 0,7%, a Hrvatska ostvaruje ekstremno visoku stopu rasta potrošnje.
In the German market there is a drop of 0,7 %, and Croatia achieves an extremely high rate of consumption growth.

[Thu Jan 29 12:48:59 2004]
Međutim, sadašnju visoku stopu rasta potrošnje kozmetičkih proizvoda u Hrvatskoj (cca 20% godišnje) treba sagledavati kao posljedicu stagnacije ove potrošnje u vrijeme rata zbog pada proizvodnje i pada životnog standarda, tj niske baze usporedbe.
However, the current high rate of the increase of the consumption of cosmetic products in Croatia (approximately 20% per year) should be viewed as the consequence of stagnation of this consumption during the war, because of the drop in manufacture and the decline of the standard of living, i.e. low base of comparison.

[Thu Jan 29 12:48:59 2004]
Ipak, činjenica je da navike i potrebe hrvatskih potrošača postoje i to se očitava kroz ubrzani rast potrošnje zadnjih godina
However, the fact is that habits and needs of Croatian consumers exist, and this is reflected through the accelerated growth of consumption in the past few years

[Thu Jan 29 13:00:23 2004]
Usporedni podaci o potrošnji kozmetike po stanovniku EU i Hrvatskoj pokazuju da Hrvatska još nije nadoknadila svoj zastoj i da je realno očekivati daljnji intenzivni rast kozmetičke potrošnje
Comparative data about consumption of cosmetic products per capita in EU and Croatia show that Croatia has not yet compensated for its stagnation, and that it is realistic to expect a further intensive growth of cosmetics consumption

[Thu Jan 29 14:10:43 2004]
Potrošnja kozmetike po stanovniku u EU za 2002.
Consumption of cosmetic products per capita in EU, in 2002

[Thu Jan 29 14:11:46 2004]
godinu iznosi 125 E.
Consumption of cosmetic products per capita in EU, in 2002 is 125.

[Thu Jan 29 14:11:46 2004]
U Hrvatskoj za 2002 godinu potrošnja kozmetike po stanovniku iznosi 90 EUR/stan
In Croatia, the consumption of cosmetic products in 2002 is EUR90 per person.

[Thu Jan 29 14:24:55 2004]
Iz podataka o usporedbi tržišta EU i Hrvatske prema grupama kozmetičkih proizvoda proizlazi da je u strukturi potrošnje u Hrvatskoj nešto veća zastupljenost toaletnih proizvoda i proizvoda za njegu kože, a nešto niža proizvoda za njegu kose, parfema i dekorativne kozmetike.
Data from the comparison of EU and Croatian markets, based on groups of cosmetic products, show that in the structure of consumption in Croatia, toiletries and skin care products are represented somewhat more than hair care products, perfumes and makeup.

[Thu Jan 29 14:24:55 2004]
Obzirom na relativno niski apsolutni nivo potrošnje po stanovniku, ovi podaci su vrlo logični, jer upućuju na prioritetno zadovoljavanje osnovnih kozmetičko-toaletnih potreba
Considering the relatively low absolute level of consumption per capita, these data make a lot of sense, because they indicate priority satisfying of basic cosmetic and hygienic needs

[Thu Jan 29 14:31:40 2004]
Hrvatska je država s prepoznatljivom kulturnom tradicijom, pa u svim njenim većim gradovima postoje profesionalna i amaterska kazališta, koncertne dvorane, kinematografi, TV centri.
Croatia is a country with a recognizable cultural tradition, and in all of its larger cities there are professional and amateur theatres, concert halls, cinemas, TV centres.

[Thu Jan 29 14:43:28 2004]
Ipak, budući gotovo 1 stanovnika živi u zoni glavnog grada, to je u Zagrebu najveća koncentracija kulturnih događaja, objekata i aktivnosti
However, since almost 1/4 of the population live in the area of the capital city, majority of cultural events, activities and facilities are located in Zagreb.

[Fri Jan 30 11:07:07 2004]
udaljenost centra posmika S.C.
distance of shear center S.C.

[Fri Jan 30 11:07:07 2004]
u odnosu na težište presjeka pri točki 1
in relation to the center of gravity at the point 1

[Fri Jan 30 11:20:15 2004]
udaljenost točke S.P.
distance of the point S.P.

[Fri Jan 30 11:20:15 2004]
u kojoj se traži proračun naprezanja u odnosu na težište presjeka
in which stress calculation in relation to the center of gravity is looked for

[Fri Jan 30 11:27:32 2004]
Realne konstante R21 do R27 traže se samo za nesimetrične presjeke greda
Real constants R21 to R27 are required only for unsymmetrical sections of beams

[Fri Jan 30 11:37:04 2004]
Navest će se i primjer jedne jednostavne formulacije ekscentričnosti ploče u odnosu na os kod T betonskog presjeka konzole štapa u upisu za analizu s programom COSMOSM i potom modeliranja sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom
We will give an example of a simple formulation of plate eccentricity in relation to the axis at T concrete section of a member cantilever in the input for the analysis with the program COSMOSM, and then modeling with ICES STRUDL2s system

[Fri Jan 30 12:00:33 2004]
Ploču predočavamo konačnim elementima SHELL4L (debela ljuska s 4 čvora), a greda s BEAM3D elementima grede.
The plate is shown with finite elements SHELL4L (thick shell with 4 nodes), and the beam with BEAM3D beam elements.

[Fri Jan 30 12:00:33 2004]
Težište je presjeka grede udaljeno od neutralne osi presjeka za DY
Center of gravity of the beam section is at DY distance from the neutral axis of the section

[Fri Jan 30 12:08:13 2004]
Upis modela KE.
Input of the FE model.

[Fri Jan 30 12:09:11 2004]
Stvaranje modela "T" presjeka u GEOSTARU-u.
Creation of a "T" section model in GEOSTAR.

[Fri Jan 30 12:11:53 2004]
Ispis TPRESJ.SES datoteke i prikaz nekih od rezultata proračuna za BEAM3D KE.
Printout of the TPRESJ.SES file and some analysis results for BEAM3D FE.

[Fri Jan 30 12:13:00 2004]
Prikaz nekih rezultata naprezanja u ploči.
Some results of stresses in the plate.

[Fri Jan 30 12:13:00 2004]
Rezne sile u gredi (M, N, T) nisu prikazane
Section forces in the beam (M, N, T) are not shown

[Fri Jan 30 12:20:08 2004]
Cijeli problem može predstaviti s GEOSTAR modelerom (alatom za 3D modeliranje) i automatskim generatorom MKE, što je naravno lagani i ugodni zadatak prikazan na slici.
The entire problem can be presented with GEOSTAR modeler (the tool for 3D modeling) and automatic FEM generator, which is, naturally, an easy and pleasant task, shown on Figure.

[Fri Jan 30 12:20:08 2004]
Treba pogledati priručnik
You should check the manual

[Fri Jan 30 12:22:26 2004]
Isti će se problem opisati upisom za analizu sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom
The same problem will be described with the input for the analysis with ICES STRUDL2 system

[Fri Jan 30 12:29:03 2004]
Za više informacija o upisu treba pogledati načine upisa podataka za ICES STRUDL2 (bilo UNIVAC ili IBM verziju).
For more information about the input, you should see the methods of data input for ICES STRUDL2 (UNIVAC or IBM version).

[Fri Jan 30 12:36:32 2004]
Identični su i upisni nalozi MSTRUDL-a.
Input commands of MSTRUDL are identical.

[Fri Jan 30 12:37:09 2004]
Na žalost, do nedavno nije bilo moguće vizualizirati upisne vrijednosti i rezultate analize s ICES STRUDL2 FE programima, jer nije bilo (i još ga nema) priključene grafičke stanice s ploterom.
Unfortunately, until recently it was not possible to visualize input values and result of analyses with ICES STRUDL2 FE programs, because there was no (and there still is not) a connected graphic station with a plotter.

[Fri Jan 30 12:37:09 2004]
Danas su ti programi arhivirani i više se ne koriste
Today, these programs are archived and are no more used

[Fri Jan 30 12:42:31 2004]
Ovdje smo imali za cilj skrenuti pažnju na ispravno modeliranje sustava u kojima neki elementi nisu priključeni za druge u njihovu težištu, što nedvojbeno treba pri modeliranju uzeti u obzir
Our goal here was to turn the attention to the proper modeling of a system in which some elements are not linked with others at their center of gravity, which should, certainly, be taken into consideration during modeling

[Fri Jan 30 12:53:07 2004]
Velika je greška, ukoliko se modelira srpasta greda od uslojenog lijepljenog drveta, a modeliranje se nastoji provesti konačnim štapastim elementima (konstantnog presjeka ili varijabilno promjenjivog presjeka) na primjer, bez obzira koristilo se pri tome i nalozima za definiciju štapova kao PRISMATIC ili VARIABLE.
It is a big mistake, if a sickle-shaped beam from layered glued wood is modeled, and modeling is being carried out with final member elements (of a constant section or inconstantly variable section), for example, whether or not using the commands for definition of members, as PRISMATIC or VARIABLE.

[Fri Jan 30 12:53:07 2004]
O tome se u praksi često ne vodi dovoljno računa
In practice, this is often neglected

[Fri Jan 30 13:01:58 2004]
Prikaz modela triju različitih greda od lameliranog drveta.
Presentation of a model of three different beams from laminated wood.

[Fri Jan 30 13:01:58 2004]
Sve se tri grede mogu analizirati istodobno jer su međusobno vezane s fiktivnim štapnim TRUSS elementima kojim su povezani ležajevi grede
All three beams can be analyzed at the same time, because they are mutually connected with fictive member TRUSS elements, with which bearings of the beam are connected

[Fri Jan 30 14:23:22 2004]
FE model triju greda koje se mogu proučavati u jednom potezu analize.
FE model of three beams which can be studied in one analysis move.

[Fri Jan 30 14:23:44 2004]
Prikaz mogućnosti istovremene FE analize nekoliko tipova lameliranih lijepljenih nosača istog raspona s FEA programom COSMOS/M (modul GEOSTAR).
Presentation of a possibility of simultaneous FE analysis of several types of laminated glued girders with the same span, with the FEA program COSMOS/M (GEOSTAR modulus).

[Fri Jan 30 14:26:06 2004]
Ležajevi svih nosača međusobno su spojeni relativno krutim TRUSS KE.
Bearings of all girders are mutually connected with relatively rigid TRUSS FE.

[Fri Jan 30 14:28:22 2004]
Za mrežu KE grede koriste se SHELL4L (uslojeni elementi s jednim slojem) i upisom modula EX, EY, GXY.
For the FE mesh of the beam, SHELL4L (layered elements with one layer) are used, and the input of modules EX, EY, GXY.

[Fri Jan 30 14:29:04 2004]
Na taj se način mogu paralelno i istovremeno promatrati posljedice djelovanja sila na stanje naprezanja i deformacije konstrukcije.
In this way, you can parallelly and at the same time observe the consequences of actions of forces on stress state and structure deformations.

[Fri Jan 30 14:29:26 2004]
Prikazuju se i promjene TAUXY posmičnih naprezanja u označenom presjeku (0-1).
Variations of TAUXY shear stresses are shown in the marked section (0-1).

[Fri Jan 30 14:29:27 2004]
Model je izradio Mr.
The model was created by

[Fri Jan 30 14:30:46 2004]
The model was created by M.

[Fri Jan 30 14:35:46 2004]
Haiman kako bi usporedio svoja laboratorijska ispitivanja s rezultatima analize s KE.
, in order to compare his lab tests with results of analysis with FE.

[Fri Jan 30 14:35:46 2004]
U kutu se nalazi dijagram TXY naprezanja u označenom izabranom presjeku (0-1) ispod mjesta djelovanja sile
In the corner, there is the diagram of TXY stress in the indicated selected section (0-1), below the place of force action

[Fri Jan 30 14:38:43 2004]
Dobiveno s ICES STRUDL-om u okviru diplomskog rada F.
Obtained with ICES STRUDL in the graduation thesis of F.

[Fri Jan 30 14:38:43 2004]
Plohla (1984)
Plohl (1984)

[Fri Jan 30 14:40:21 2004]
lamelirani nosač raspona 10 metara
laminated girder with the 10 meter span

[Fri Jan 30 14:41:15 2004]
dijagram napona u presjeku
pressure diagram in the section

[Fri Jan 30 14:42:05 2004]
tjemeni presjek
crown section

[Fri Jan 30 14:57:21 2004]
U okviru nekoliko diplomskih radova modeliran je vrlo opsežan srpasto oblikovan lijepljeni nosač od uslojenog drveta, u kojemu su bile simulirane i lamele i slojevi ljepila.
Within several graduation thesis, a very extensive, sickle-shaped glued girder from layered wood was modeled, with simulated plates and layers of glue.

[Fri Jan 30 14:58:17 2004]
Rezultati analize MKE pomoću ICES STRUDEL2 sustava pokazali su izvanrednu sukladnost s konvencionalnim teoretskim proračunima naprezanja u pojedinim presjecima nosača, kao i s navedenim posebnim programom za analize stanja naprezanja i deformacija takvih nosača, pisanim za računalo SVI 328 SPECTRAVIDEO.
Results of the FEM analysis using ICES STRUDEL2 of the system, showed an extraordinary conformity with the conventional theoretical stress calculations in certain girder sections, as well as with the mentioned special program for analyses of stress states and deformations of such girders, written for the computer SVI 328 SPECTRAVIDEO.

[Fri Jan 30 14:58:46 2004]
Program je imao implementirane standarde, te je mogao interpretirati te standarde.
The program had implemented standards, and it could interpret those standards.

[Fri Jan 30 14:58:49 2004]
Prikazuju se nekoliko dijagrama dobivenih tzv.
Several diagrams obtained with the so-called

[Fri Jan 30 14:58:49 2004]
HELP rutinama
Several diagrams obtained with the so-called HELP routines

[Fri Jan 30 15:08:18 2004]
Kasnije su razvijeni programi za automatski dizajn takvih nosača, ekspertni sustavi za to dimenzioniranje, a zatim ekspertni sustavi za dimenzioniranje i dizajn jednobrodnih hala od lameliranog lijepljenog uslojenog drveta (dipl.
Later, programs for automatic design of such girders were developed, as well as expert systems for that kind of dimensioning, and then expert systems for dimensioning and design of one bay from laminated glued layered wood (graduation thesis

[Fri Jan 30 15:14:29 2004]
Later, programs for automatic design of such girders were developed, as well as expert systems for that kind of dimensioning, and then expert systems for dimensioning and design of one bay from laminated glued layered wood (graduation thesis of

[Fri Jan 30 15:14:41 2004]
g. Petrinića i Miljka), te ekspertni sustav za 'inteligentni' dizajn jednobrodnih hala od lameliranih drvenih lijepljenih nosača na čeličnim I stupovima i betonskim temeljima, korištenjem ekspertne ljuske (shell) GURU (dipl.
Petrinić and Miljko), and the expert system for the 'intelligent' design of one bay frames from laminated wooden glued girders on steel I pillars and concrete foundations, using the expert shell GURU (graduation

[Fri Jan 30 15:14:48 2004]
rad g. D.
Petrinić and Miljko), and the expert system for the 'intelligent' design of one bay frames from laminated wooden glued girders on steel I pillars and concrete foundations, using the expert shell GURU (graduation thesis of Mr. D.

[Fri Jan 30 15:32:12 2004]

[Fri Jan 30 15:40:41 2004]
Kod potonjeg ekspertnog sustava korišteni su i implementirani novi prijedlozi EUROCODE5 standarda za dizajn drvenih konstrukcija po graničnim stanjima nosivosti i upotrebljivosti.
The latter expert system used and implemented new proposals of EUROCODE5 standards for the design of wooden structures along marginal bearing states and usabilities.

[Fri Jan 30 15:40:41 2004]
Iz zadanih gabarita hale i cijena drveta, lameliranog drveta, čelika i betona ekspertni sustav određuje dimenzije hale po cjenovnom pristupu
From the given profiles of the hall and the price of wood, laminated wood, steel and concrete, the expert system determines dimensions of the hall, according to the price approach

[Fri Jan 30 15:47:18 2004]
Rezultati provjere (FEM) sa ICES STRUDL 2 jednog lameliranog drvenog nosača.
Results of a test (FEM) with ICES STRUDL 2 of one laminated wooden girder.

[Fri Jan 30 15:47:31 2004]
U obzir su uzeti i anizotropija, debljine lamela i filma ljepila.
Anisotropy, plate thickness and glue film are taken into consideration.

[Fri Jan 30 15:47:38 2004]
Iz diplomskog rada P.
From the graduation thesis of P.

[Fri Jan 30 15:47:38 2004]
Plohla (1984)
Plohl (1984)

[Fri Jan 30 15:49:26 2004]
'Ekspertni sustav' za proračun lijepljenih nosača od uslojenog drveta
'Expert system' for the calculation of glued girders from layered wood

[Fri Jan 30 15:52:44 2004]
Dio prikaza ekrana pri pozivu HELP rutina
Part of the screen display when calling HELP routines

[Wed Jan 07 10:22:48 2004]
To što je "klasična" građevinska industrija zatvorena u svoje kompresivne materijale, godinama istovjetnu (i neracionalnu) proizvodnju i primjenu klasičnih materijal i njihovu propagandu pod svaku cijenu, te ponekad, u svojoj narcisoidnosti, okrenuta i uvozu onoga (konstrukcija, proizvodnju i tehnologije) što se i kod nas suvereno može proizvoditi i dapače izvoziti, i što ju ne zanimaju lagane i ultralagane konstrukcije - nije nikakav indikator vrijednosti ili bezvrijednosti laganih konstrukcija.
That " classic " building industry is closed into its pressure materials, long-lasting unchanged (and irrational) production and the use of classic materials and their advertising at any price, and sometimes, in her narcissism, turned towards the import of that (construction, production and technology) which we can masterfully produce and even export, and that it is not concerned with lightweight and ultralight constructions - is not at all an indicator of value or insignificance of lightweight constructions.

[Wed Jan 07 10:22:48 2004]
To samo upućuje na nesređeno stanje u našem graditeljstvu danas
It only point to disorganized state of our current building construction

[Wed Jan 07 10:33:07 2004]
Na Fakultetu građevinskih znanosti u Zagrebu i na Građevinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, u okviru nekoliko diplomskih i magistarskih radova (koji su u tijeku), rađeni su pokusi s pneumatskim diskovima, gredama i jastucima.
At the Faculty of Civil Engineering Sciences in Zagreb and at Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb, within the framework of several graduation and postgraduation theses (who are currently in progress), there were some experiments with pneumatic discs, beams and cushions.

[Wed Jan 07 10:40:21 2004]
To su, u načelu, ultralagane konstrukcije koje su u našoj praksi posve zanemarene.
They are, in principle, ultralight constructions which which are in our practice completely neglected.

[Wed Jan 07 10:42:18 2004]
Pokazalo se da te konstrukcije ne moraju biti izrađene baš od trevire već i od tankog metala, a noviji pokusi ukazuju da je u njima moguće primijeniti i višeslojne furnirske ploče (na primjer kod pneumatskih greda).
It turned out that these constructions do not have to be made only from TREVIRA, but also from thin metal, and newer experiments indicate that it is also possible to use multilayer veneer sheetings (for example, with pneumatic beams).

[Wed Jan 07 10:43:33 2004]
Na slici je prikazan model (studentski rad) pneumatskog diska od trevire s obodnim dvojnim prstenom od uslojenog lijepljenog drveta, oslonjenog na stupove (od drveta, ili metala ili armiranog betona).
The Figure shows the model (student work) of a pneumatic disc made from TREVIRA with the double brim ring of layered glued wood, supported with columns (wood, metal or reinforced concrete).

[Wed Jan 07 10:43:33 2004]
Bitno je da se prsten dovoljno ukruti izvan ravnine prstena, jer unutrašnje tlačne sile u prstenu nastoje izviti prsten izvan ravnine prstena
It is important that the ring is sufficiently stiffened outside of the ring plane, because internal compression forces in the ring tend to bend the ring outside of the ring plane

[Wed Jan 07 10:45:12 2004]
Čvor geodetske kupole (heksagonski čvor), kupole LIO
Node of a geodetic dome (hexagonal node), LIO dome

[Wed Jan 07 10:52:04 2004]
Na slici se vidi da je takvo izbočivanje prstena spriječeno obodnom metalnom rešetkom koja smanjuje slobodne duljine izvijanja luka izvan ravnine luka.
The Figure shows that such protuberance of the ring is prevented by the brim steel truss which diminishes free effective lengths of an arch outside of the arch surface.

[Wed Jan 07 10:52:04 2004]
U načelu, danas s programom ANSIS ili COSMOS/M proračun izvijanja cijelih sustava ne predstavlja više problem za konstruktore
In principle, with today's ANSIS or COSMOS/M programs calculation of bending of entire systems does no longer present a problem to constructors

[Wed Jan 07 10:56:03 2004]
Proračunski model konačnih elemenata rađen je na radnoj stanici PRIME-COMPUTERVISION (ing.
Calcuation model of finite elements was made on PRIME-COMPUTERVISION workstation (civil engineer

[Wed Jan 07 10:56:03 2004]
Calcuation model of finite elements was made on PRIME-COMPUTERVISION workstation (civil engineer Josipović)

[Wed Jan 07 10:57:13 2004]
Slika 16.45.
Figure 16.45.

[Wed Jan 07 10:57:13 2004]
Kompjutorski crtež LIO mrežaste hale od aluminijskih cijevnih profila i ovješene trevire (Žagar, Baljkas).
Computer drawing of a LIO reticular hall made from aluminum pipe profiles and suspended trevira membranes (Žagar, Baljkas).

[Wed Jan 07 11:03:46 2004]
Na 486 PC sa COSMOS/M modelirana je u okviru jednog diplomskog rada i pneumatska greda od u više smjerova spiralno uvijene ulijepljene višeslojne furnirske cijevi.
On 486 PC with COSMOS/M a pneumatic beam was modelled within the framework of a graduation thesis, from multidirectional spirally curled glued multilayer veneer pipe.

[Wed Jan 07 11:10:59 2004]
Proračunski model pokazuje da je moguće ostvariti tu ideju i u praksi.
Calcuation model shows that it is possible to realize this idea in practice.

[Wed Jan 07 11:12:01 2004]
Unutrašnji tlak u gredi unosi u stjenke grede (cijevi) vlačno prednaprezanje, koje anulira tlačna naprezanja uzrokovana savijanjem grede od vanjskog opterećenja.
The internal pressure in the beam introduces tensile prestressing into the beam walls (pipes), which annuls compressive stresses caused by beam bending of the exterior load.

[Wed Jan 07 11:12:01 2004]
Osim toga unutarnji tlak u gredi daje efikasnu zaštitu sustava od izbacivanja stjenke cijevi
Besides, the internal pressure in the beam provides efficient system protection from the ejection of a pipe wall

[Wed Jan 07 11:13:40 2004]
Konstrukcije od napetih tkanina, pogodne za pokrivanje prostora
Constructions from stretched fabrics, suitable for space covering

[Wed Jan 07 11:23:39 2004]
Model pneumatskog diska od trevire, s obodnim prstenom od lameliranog drveta na drvenim stupovima.
Model of a pneumatic trevira disc, with circumferential ring made from laminated wood on wooden columns.

[Wed Jan 07 11:26:30 2004]
Rad studenata.
Student work.

[Wed Jan 07 11:26:43 2004]
Model je izrađen u sklopu vježbi iz predmeta Drvene konstrukcije II, na Fakultetu građevinskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Model was made as an exercise in Wooden structures II, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb.

[Wed Jan 07 11:27:03 2004]
Promjer modela je 1 metar.
Model diameter is 1 meter.

[Wed Jan 07 11:27:31 2004]
Stvarni rasponi se kreću od 10 do 30 metara promjera.
Actual ranges are from 10 to 30 meters diameter.

[Wed Jan 07 11:28:03 2004]
Ove su konstrukcije pogodne za poljoprivredne potrebe, izložbene hale, višenamjenske prostore, skladišta.
These constructions are suitable for agricultural needs, exhibition halls, multipurpose spaces, warehouses.