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[Wed Jan 07 11:28:39 2004]
Sastavni dio konstrukcije je kompresor, rezervni kompresor, sustav ventila i manometara, električne sklopke.
Component part of a construction is a compressor, reserve compressor, system of valves and manometres, electrical switches.
[Wed Jan 07 11:30:51 2004]
Gornja i donja trevira imaju debljinu od oko 1mm ili manje, ovisno o promjeru diska.
Upper and lower trevira have thickness of about 1mm or less, depending on disc diameter.
[Wed Jan 07 11:31:24 2004]
Prednost ovih konstrukcija pred ostalim pneumatskim konstrukcijama je u tome da se tlačenje zraka u disku odvija samo povremeno kao kod pneumatika.
Advantage of these constructions compared to the other pneumatic constructions is that the air compression in the disc occurs only periodically as with pneumatics.
[Wed Jan 07 11:36:53 2004]
Lagana rešetkasta konstrukcija oboda sprječava izvijanje lameliranog prstena izvan ravnine prstena.
Lightweight brim framework prevents the bending of a laminated ring outside of the ring plane.
[Wed Jan 07 11:37:38 2004]
Pogodno je kod skladišnih prostora da je visina te rešetke jednaka ili nešto veća od polovice visine trbuha diska, jer se na taj način sprečava eventualno probijanje donje membrane diska pri manipulacijama vozila s većim gabaritima.
In warehouses, it is suitable that the height of that trusses is equal or slightly larger than half of the height of disc belly, because that prevents the possible penetration of a lower disc membrane with manipulations of a vehicle with larger profiles.
[Wed Jan 07 11:37:38 2004]
Donji rub nosača/rešetke je mjera visinskog gabarita konstrukcije
Lower edge of a beam/truss is the measure of a height profile of a construction
[Wed Jan 07 11:49:30 2004]
Moguće je stanjiti debljinu cijevi umetanjem sloja ulijepljene staklene tkanine, koja kao ulijepljeni proslojak bitno doprinosi vlačnoj čvrstoći višeslojne furnirske cijevi.
It is possible to decrease the pipe thickness by inserting a layer of glued glass fabric, which considerably contributes to the tensile strength of a multilayer veneer pipe.
[Wed Jan 07 11:51:08 2004]
Prikazuje se moguća primjena pneumatskih greda za natkrivanje prostora.
Here is a presentation of a possible use of pneumatic beams for roofing of spaces.
[Wed Jan 07 12:17:13 2004]
Budući da su pneumatskoj gredi od trevire ili metala potrebni široki oslonci, to se može postići oslanjanjem greda na postrane prostore hale koje natkrivaju.
Since pneumatic trevira beam or metal beam requires wide supports, this can be achieved by supporting the beams on lateral spaces of a hall they are covering.
[Wed Jan 07 12:20:07 2004]
Preko sustava pneumatskih greda navučena je meka nosiva UV otporna trevira (debljine cca 0.3 mm ili 300 gr/m2 folija), koja se remenjem i oprugama pričvršćuje za armiranobetonsku, čeličnu ili drvenu konstrukciju
A soft bearing UV resistent trevira is pulled over the system of pneumatic beams (thickness approximately 0.3 mm or 300 gr/m2 foil), which is by straps and springs fastened to the reinforced concrete, steel or wooden structure
[Wed Jan 07 12:21:27 2004]
Unutrašnjost BC stadiona u Vancouveru.
Interior of the BC stadium in Vancouver.
[Wed Jan 07 12:21:47 2004]
To je jedna od najvećih pneumatskih hala na svijetu.
This is one of the largest pneumatic halls in the world.
[Wed Jan 07 12:21:47 2004]
Masa tkanine je cca 600 gr/m
Fabric mass is approximately 600 gr/m
[Wed Jan 07 12:24:23 2004]
Pogonski ventilatori za upuhivanje zraka u pneumatsku konstrukciju hale BC stadiona.
Power-generating fans for inflating the air into ray into pneumatic hall construction of the BC stadium.
[Wed Jan 07 12:24:23 2004]
Prikazana su dva ventilatora
Two fans are presented here
[Wed Jan 07 12:26:48 2004]
[Wed Jan 07 12:29:46 2004]
Pneumatske grede je moguće izvoditi od trevire, tankog lima ali i od višeslojnih spiralno unakrst namotanih kontinuiranih međusobno lijepljenih tankih furnira.
Pneumatic beams can be made from trevira, from tin metal sheet, but also from multilayer spiral crosswise rolled continuous mutually glued thin veneers.
[Wed Jan 07 12:30:35 2004]
Neprodušnost takvih greda osigurava se plastičnom dušicom.
Imperviousness of such beams is insured by plastic inside balloon structure.
[Wed Jan 07 12:30:35 2004]
Proračunski modeli pokazuju da je moguća realizacija i korištenje takvih laganih konstruktivnih elemenata u kojima unutrašnji tlak ima funkciju vlačnog prednaprezanja
Calcuation models show that it is possible to realize and to use such lightweight constructive elements in which the internal pressure has a function of tensile prestressing
[Wed Jan 07 12:39:48 2004]
U našim radovima o pneumatskim gredama objavljenim u časopisu Građevinar 3 (1990) i (Pneumatske grede od tankog lima) u časopisu Građevinar 9 (1990), kao i u časopisu Bauingenieur 62 (1987) opisana su naša istraživanja pneumatskih greda pomoću MKE (ICES STRUDL2) i laboratorijska istraživanja ponašanja pneumatskih greda od trevire i tankog lima, kao i materijala od kojih su te grede bile sačinjene.
In our works on pneumatic beams published in the Civil Engineer 3 magazine (1990) and (Pneumatic beams made from tin metal sheet) in the Civil Engineer 9 magazine (1990), as well as in the Bauingenieur 62 magazine (1987) there is a description of our research of pneumatic beams with th help of FEM (ICES STRUDL2) and laboratory research of behavior of pneumatic trevira beams and tin metal sheets, as well as materials from which those beams were composed.
[Wed Jan 07 12:39:48 2004]
PG od tankog lima ispitana je na kompjutorskom modelu KE analizom sa ICES STRUDL2 i COSMOSM sustavom, a temeljito je ispitana i u laboratoriju Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku FGZ u Zagrebu
PB made from tin metal sheet were tested on the computer model by FE analysis with ICES STRUDL2 and COSMOSM systems, and it was thoroughly examined in laboratory of the Department for Engineering Mechanics FGZ in Zagreb
[Wed Jan 07 12:44:14 2004]
U pneumatskim gredama koristi se unutrašnji tlak da bi se stabiliziralo cijevi i opiralo pojavi destabilizirajućih tlačnih napona.
In pneumatic beams we use the internal pressure in order to stabilize the pipes and to resist the destabilizing compression stresses.
[Wed Jan 07 12:45:34 2004]
Time dobivamo vrlo tanke kružne presjeke, pa se znatno štedi na količinama materijala.
By this, we obtain very thin circle cuts, so we considerably save on material quantities.
[Wed Jan 07 12:45:34 2004]
Unutrašnjim tlakom stabilizira se tanka stjenka cijevi od izvijanja, te nisu potrebna nikakva poprečna ukrućenja stjenka nosača
The internal pressure stabilizes the thin pipe wall from bending, and there is no need for any cross braces of beam walls
[Wed Jan 07 12:49:22 2004]
U nosivim sustavima ograničenima na oblike cijevi, nosiva konstrukcija sastoji se od niza paralelno složenih pneumatskih greda pokrivenih UV rezistentnim napetim pokrovom od trevire, koji treba smatrati potrošnim materijalom (trajnosti cca 14 godina).
In bearing structures limited to pipe forms, bearing structure comprises from a row of parallelly aligned pneumatic beams covered with UV resistent strained trevira cover, which should be considered as the expendable material (its durability is approximately 14 years).
[Wed Jan 07 12:49:22 2004]
Tim pokrovom su zaštićene trevirne PG od UV zračenja
This covering protects trevira PB from UV radiation
[Wed Jan 07 12:52:26 2004]
Kod proizvodnje pneumatskih greda nema problema ukoliko se one izvode od trevire (PVC impregnirana poliesterska tkanina), jer se šavovi lako ostvaruju konvencionalnim VF zavarivanjem pod pritiskom.
In production of pneumatic beams there are no problems if they they are made from trevira (PVC impregnated polyester fabric), because seams can be easily achieved by conventional VF welding under pressure.
[Wed Jan 07 12:53:17 2004]
Materijal je podatljiv i lako je njime manipulirati, transport je uobičajen, grede se mogu namatati i na licu mjesta razmotati i napumpati.
Material is pliant and easily manipulated, transportation is ordinary, beams can be roll up, and unwrapped and inflated on the spot.
[Wed Jan 07 12:56:50 2004]
Kod pneumatskih greda od tankog lima za sad su neriješeni problemi zavarivanja, a i transportiranja:
With pneumatic beams made from tin metal sheets there are still some unsolved problems with welding and transportation:
[Wed Jan 07 13:00:40 2004]
grede se moraju transportirati u već unutrašnjim tlakom stabiliziranom obliku.
beams must be transported in the state already stabilized by internal pressure.
[Wed Jan 07 13:00:40 2004]
Tu treba tehnološki riješiti i neke bitne probleme izvođenja elemenata
This requires technological solutions of some important problems of elements execution
[Wed Jan 07 14:09:31 2004]
Pneumatske grede (i lukovi) od trevire su sigurni kandidati za pokrivanje velikih raspona s minimumom jeftinog materijala.
Pneumatic trevira beams (and arches) are certain candidates for covering of large ranges with the minimum of cheap material.
[Wed Jan 07 14:10:17 2004]
O njihovoj primjeni ne bi trebalo biti dileme.
There should not be any dilemma about their use.
[Wed Jan 07 14:12:53 2004]
One se lako proizvode, lako transportiraju i na licu mjesta brzo tlakom stabiliziraju.
They are easily produced, easily transported and quickly stabilized with pressure on the spot.
[Wed Jan 07 14:12:53 2004]
Potrebni su kompresori za eventualna naknadna upumpavanja zraka za održavanje konstantnog tlaka u PG, ali to je danas već nešto uobičajeno.
Compressors for potential additional air inflation are required for maintenaning constant pressure in PB, but this is already a usual practice.
[Wed Jan 07 14:14:51 2004]
U brzim obnovama industrijskih (i drugih pogona i namjena) pneumatske konstrukcije su jedini kandidati za brzo i efikasno pokrivanje srednjih i većih prostora kao što su sportske dvorane, kino dvorane i sl
In fast reconstructions of industrial (and other facilities and purposes) pneumatic constructions are the only candidates for quick and efficient covering of mid-sized and larger spaces, such as sport halls, movie theaters, etc
[Wed Jan 07 14:17:44 2004]
Na konferenciji TRADA 1991 (International Timber Engineering Conference, London) B.
At the TRADA conference in 1991 (International Timber Engineering Conference, London) B.
[Wed Jan 07 14:18:45 2004]
Matthews sa Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education, iznio je patent proizvodnje cijevi od unakrsno motanih lijepljenih kontinuiranih tankih furnira.
Matthews from the Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education, presented the production patent of pipes made from cross-reeled glued continuous thin veneers.
[Wed Jan 07 14:21:13 2004]
Njegova istraživanja odnose se na nosivost tih cijevi, laboratorijske pokuse i usporedbe s nosivošću cijevi od drugih materijala.
His research refer to the bearing capacity of these pipes, laboratory experiments and comparisons with the bearing capacity of pipe made from other materials.
[Wed Jan 07 14:21:13 2004]
Već na samoj konferenciji ukazao sam mu na mogućnost korištenja tog novog produkta za pneumatske cjevaste konstrukcije, povodeći se za našim laboratorijskim ispitivanjima i proračunima rađenim s IBM verzijom ICES STRUDL2 sustava i verzijom COSMOS/M sustava
At that conference, I have pointed out to him to the usage possibility of this new product for pneumatic tubiform constructions, according to our lab testings and calculations performed with the IBM version of ICES STRUDL2s system and COSMOS/M system version
[Wed Jan 07 14:23:23 2004]
Tablica odnosa sile sloma i težine cijevi pri savijanju cijevi od raznih materijala
Tables presents the relations breaking forces and pipe weight at bending the pipes of different materials
[Wed Jan 07 14:25:48 2004]
Višeslojna lamelirana furnirska cijev
Multilayered laminated veneer pipe
[Wed Jan 07 14:34:56 2004]
U okviru diplomskog rada Z.
In the graduation thesis of Z.
[Wed Jan 07 14:41:43 2004]
Trifunovića detaljno se ispitao proračunski model pneumatske grede od unakrst uslojenih slijepljenih kontinuirano namotanih tankih furnira (PGUSKNF).
Trifunović, there was a detailed test of a calcuation model of a pneumatic beam made from crosswise layered glued continuous rolled thin veneers (PGUSKNF).
[Wed Jan 07 14:41:43 2004]
Sama pneumatska greda (PGUSKNF), naravno, nije neprodušna, stoga se u nju mora staviti neprodušna dušica od trevire ili najlona, koja ima nešto veće dimenzije nego unutarnji volumen grede, kako bi se, kad je dušica napuhana tlačnim zrakom, posvuda oslonila na stjenke (PGUSKNF)
The pneumatic beam (PGUSKNF), of course, is not impervious, so therefore the impervious trevira or nylon balloon structure must be put into it, which must be slightly larger than the internal beam volume, so that, when the inside balloon structure is inflated with the compression air, it is completely supported on walls (PGUSKNF)
[Wed Jan 07 14:51:28 2004]
Pokazalo se tokom modeliranja i proračunavanja modela PG, da čela (PGUSKNF) moraju biti izvedena od čeličnih kalota, jer tlak koji djeluje na čela (kružne plohe) predstavlja nerješiv problem za eventualne drvene lamelirane kružne ploče.
During the modelling and calculation of a PB model, it appeared that heads (PGUSKNF) must be made from steel calottes, because pressure which functions on foreheads (circle surfaces) presents the insoluble problem for possible wooden laminated cycle plates.
[Wed Jan 07 14:51:59 2004]
Na taj problem se nailazi i kod svake boce za plin ili za spray.
This problem is also encountered in every gas or spray bottle.
[Wed Jan 07 14:51:59 2004]
Kalota može biti konveksna ili konkavna, a to ovisi samo o općoj arhitekturi PG
Calotte may be convex or concave, which depends only on general architecture of a PB
[Wed Jan 07 15:05:27 2004]
Na osnovu preliminarnih proračuna koristeći se formulama za dimenzioniranje parnih kotlova određene su preliminarne dimenzije promjera i stjenke pneumatske grede.
Based on preliminary calculations in the use of formulas for dimensioning of steam boilers, preliminary diameter dimensions and pneumatic beam walls were determined.
[Wed Jan 07 15:06:16 2004]
Po preliminarnim proračunima za raspon od 15 metara, potreban je promjer (PGUSKNF) od 100 cm debljine stjenke od 15 mm (5 slojeva od po 3 mm furnira) respektirajući napone višeslojnih furnirskih ploča.
According to preliminary calculations for the range of 15 meters, there must be a 100 cm diameter (PGUSKNF), with walls 15 mm thick (5 layers of 3 mm veneer), respecting the stresses of multilayer veneer sheetings.
[Wed Jan 07 15:06:38 2004]
Greda je proračunata na maksimalno opterećenje snijegom od 1200 N/m2 (t.j.
Beam is calculated at the maximum snow load of 1200 N/the m2 (i.e.
[Wed Jan 07 15:12:14 2004]
kontinuirano od 1200 N/m).
continuously of 1200 N/m).
[Wed Jan 07 15:18:29 2004]
Po preliminarnim proračunima debljina stjenke od 1.5 cm zadovoljavala bi nosivost sustava.
According to preliminary calculations, a wall which is 1.5 cm thick would satisfy the bearing capacity of a system.
[Wed Jan 07 15:18:29 2004]
Prema prethodnim iskustvima s laboratorijskim ispitivanjima proračunskih modela od trevire i tankog (0.3 mm) lima, znalo se da stvarno stanje u pneumatskim gredama unekoliko odstupa od ovog približnog proračuna po teoriji parnog kotla.
Based on previous experience with lab testings of calcuation models made from trevira and thin (0.3 mm) sheet metal, we knew that the actual state in pneumatic beams somewhat departs from this approximate calculation according to the theory of a steam boiler.
[Wed Jan 07 15:36:43 2004]
Za proračun MKE koristilo se tada raspoloživu PC verziju COSMOS/M sustava, koja omogućava proračunavanje uslojenih KE:
For the FEM calculation we have used at that point available PC version of COSMOS/M system, which enables the calculation of layered FE:
[Wed Jan 07 15:37:24 2004]
za generaciju MKE koristilo se automesh GEOSTAR modula, a za proračun se koristilo MODSTAR modul.
for generation of FEM we have used the automesh GEOSTAR module, and for calculation we have used MODSTAR module.
[Wed Jan 07 15:38:11 2004]
Za grafičke prikaze koristio se PLOTSTAR modul.
PLOTSTAR module was used for graphic presentations.
[Wed Jan 07 15:38:34 2004]
Rađena su dva modela:
Two models were being constructed:
[Wed Jan 07 15:39:21 2004]
puni model grede i simetrični model (L/2) sa smanjenim brojem konačnih elemenata.
a full model of a beam and a symmetrical model (L/2) with reduced number of finite elements.
[Wed Jan 07 15:47:31 2004]
Puni model je imao 816 čvorova i 832 elementa.
Full model had 816 nodes and 832 elements.
[Wed Jan 07 15:49:29 2004]
U njemu se vlačna sila (od kalote) predavala centrično na debljinu stjenke od višeslojnog furnira.
In the full model, tensile force (from the calotte) was submitted centrically to the thickness of a multilayered veneer wall.
[Wed Jan 07 15:50:15 2004]
Kod drugog modela, modeliralo se rubni prsten od 3D KE (SOLID), na koji se priložilo tu vlačnu silu u središtu tih elemenata, kao što je i u realnosti.
In the other model, the marginal ring was modeled from 3D FE (SOLID), on which that tensile force was put at the center of these elements, as is the case in reality.
[Wed Jan 07 15:51:15 2004]
To uvodi na rubovima grede prstenaste momente.
This introduces ringlike torques to the edges of a beam.
[Wed Jan 07 15:52:32 2004]
Može se reći da je taj model nešto vjerniji od prethodnog.
We can say that this model is a bit more exact than the previous one.
[Wed Jan 07 15:52:32 2004]
Također se ispitalo čeličnu kalotu kao posebni entitet
Likewise, the steel calotte was tested as a special entity
[Wed Jan 07 16:01:14 2004]
Kod proračuna (PGUSKNF) koristilo se uslojeni KE tip SHELL4L koji ima mogućnost formiranja uslojenih elemenata s posebnim karakteristikama svakog sloja.
At the calculation (PGUSKNF) we have used layered FE type SHELL4L, which has the possibility of forming layered elements with special characteristics of each layer.
[Wed Jan 07 16:02:10 2004]
Obzirom da su svojstva furnira različita u dva ortogonalna smjera, a smjerovi su namotanih slojeva furnira jedan prema drugom naklonjeni za 45 stupnjeva, to se sve moglo modelirati u tom tipu konačnih elemenata.
Since characteristics of a veneer differ in two orthogonal directions, and directions of rolled veneer layers are bent towards each other at 45 degrees, it was possible to model all that with this type of finite elements.
[Wed Jan 07 16:02:10 2004]
Ljepilo kao zasebni sloj nije uzeto u obzir
Glue as a separate layer was not taken into consideration
[Wed Jan 07 16:03:10 2004]
S druge strane formulacija KE tipa SHELL4L omogućila je i proračun interlaminarnog posmika
On the other hand, the formulation of FE SHELL4L type has enabled the calculation of interlaminar shear
[Wed Jan 07 16:06:42 2004]
Analiza MKE pokazuje da se kod (PGUSKNF) sustava javljaju na kritičnim mjestima (uz oslonce), naprezanja veća od dopuštenih za furnirske ploče te se na tim mjestima mora dodati (namotati) sloj staklene tkanine
Analysis of FEM shows that in (PGUSKNF) system there are, on critical spots (alongside supports), stresses larger than allowed for veneer sheets, so a layer of glass fabric must be added (rolled) on these spots
[Wed Jan 07 16:08:29 2004]
Presjek kroz uslojeni SHELL4L KE.
Cut through a layered SHELL4L FE.
[Wed Jan 07 16:09:24 2004]
realne konstante upisa
real registration constants
[Wed Jan 07 16:14:12 2004]
Taj bi se sloj mogao namotati između zadnjeg i predzadnjeg sloja furnira, i bitno bi pripomogao nosivosti grede.
This layer could be rolled up between the last and the penultimate veneer layer, and it would significantly help the bearing capacity of a beam.
[Wed Jan 07 16:14:12 2004]
Dapače, ukoliko bi se sloj staklene tkanine namotao i ulijepio po cijeloj duljini grede, to bi omogućilo i smanjenje broja slojeva u križ namotanog furnira
Indeed, if layer of glass fabric would be rolled up and glued along the entire length of a beam, it would enable the decrease of a number of layers of the cross - coiled plywood
[Wed Jan 07 16:17:50 2004]
Uvidom u interlaminarni posmik uvidjelo se da je taj posmik najveći između zadnjeg i predzadnjeg vanjskog sloja furnira.
Insight into the interlaminar shear shows that this shear is the biggest between the last and the penultimate outer veneer layer.
[Wed Jan 07 16:18:36 2004]
Interlaminarni posmik je u tom sloju znatno veći no u drugim međuslojevima i to u oba smjera.
The interlaminar shear is considerably larger in this layer than in other interlayers, and it goes in both directions.
[Wed Jan 07 16:19:10 2004]
Stoga bi to bilo i pogodno mjesto umetanja sloja staklene tkanine.
Therefore, it would be a suitable place for insertion of a glass fabric layer.
[Wed Jan 07 16:21:22 2004]
Iz priloženih podataka vidljiva je prednost korištenja staklene tkanine.
The accompanying data show the advantage of using glass fabrics.
[Wed Jan 07 16:21:39 2004]
Eventualno se umjesto proslojka staklene tkanine može i povećati promjer PG.
Possibly, instead of a glass fabric layer we can increase the PB diameter.
[Wed Jan 07 16:21:39 2004]
Progibi i naprezanja su u dopuštenim granicama
Deflections and stresses are within the allowed limits
[Wed Jan 07 16:22:15 2004]
Čvrstoća MN/m2
Strength MN/m2
[Wed Jan 07 16:22:23 2004]
[Wed Jan 07 16:22:32 2004]
Modul elastičnosti
Elastic module
[Wed Jan 07 16:22:32 2004]
Izduženje pri slomu
Elongation at break
[Wed Jan 07 16:24:55 2004]
Odnos opterećenja i izduženja staklene tkanine;
Ratio of load and elongation of glass fabric;
[Wed Jan 07 16:24:55 2004]
prema IL15
according to IL15
[Wed Jan 07 16:40:24 2004]
Čelična metalna sferna kapa proračunata je s KE PLANE2D aksisimetričnim elementom sa znatno većom debljinom stjenke od potrebne, te se zaključuje da bi bilo potrebno uz te geometrijske uvjete (promjer 100 cm, s polumjerom zakrivljenja sfere R=100 cm) sferu izvesti od 7 mm debelog čelika, zadržavajući sigurnost u dopuštenim granicama.
Steel metal spheric cap is calculated with FE PLANE2D axisymmetric element with considerably larger wall thickness than is necessary, so we conclude that it would be necessary, with those geometric conditions (100 cm diameter, radius of sphere hook R100= cm),he to construct a sphere from 7 mm thick steel, maintaining the safety within the allowed limits.
[Wed Jan 07 16:41:34 2004]
Na čelima rubnih sfera treba izvesti otvore s poklopcima pričvršćenim vijcima za ulaz (PGUSKNF) zbog uvlačenja dušice, njene kontrole i eventualne zamjene.
On heads of marginal spheres there must be slots with lids attached with screws to the entrance (PGUSKNF) because of pulling in the inside balloon structure, its control and potential replacement.
[Wed Jan 07 16:41:34 2004]
Ovi se otvori zatvaraju specijalno izrađenim poklopcima koji se vijcima pritežu za sferu.
These slots are closed with specially constructed lids which are tightened to the sphere with screws.
[Wed Jan 07 16:45:40 2004]
Nepobitno je da se PG i druge pneumatske konstrukcije mogu brzo izvoditi i montirati.
It is beyond a doubt that PB and other pneumatic constructions can be quickly constructed and installed.
[Wed Jan 07 16:47:36 2004]
To su jeftine i efikasne velikorasponske konstrukcije.
They are cheap and efficient long-range constructions.
[Wed Jan 07 16:47:51 2004]
Jedina novost kod pneumatskih greda je uvođenje kompresorskog uređaja s automatskim uključivanjem pri padu tlaka (manometar/senzor).
The only novelty in pneumatic beams is the introduction of compression appliance with automatic start at the pressure loss (manometer/sensor).
[Wed Jan 07 16:47:58 2004]
No, to je već danas potpuno prihvaćeno (npr.
But, this is today completely accepted (e.g.
[Wed Jan 07 16:48:02 2004]
u automobilskoj industriji i cestovnom transportu:
in the car industry and road transport:
[Wed Jan 07 16:48:02 2004]
[Wed Jan 07 16:51:03 2004]
Naravno, za proizvodnju PGUSKNF treba tek razraditi proizvodni proces te izvršiti potrebna laboratorijska, a onda i in situ ispitivanja.
Of course, for the of production PGUSKNF we must yet develop production process and carry out the necessary laboratory and in situ tests.
[Wed Jan 07 16:52:08 2004]
No, prednost je višestruka:
But, advantage is multiple:
[Wed Jan 07 16:52:55 2004]
štedi se materijal drvo, primjenjuje ga se u novom obliku, rješava se problem prostorne stabilnosti konstrukcije.
it saves the wood, applies it in new shape, solves the problem of spatial stability of a construction.
[Wed Jan 07 16:53:58 2004]
Za sada je o primjeni PGUSKNF još preuranjeno govoriti.
It is still premature to talk about the use of PGUSKNF.
[Wed Jan 07 16:53:58 2004]
Sigurno je, međutim, da se PG od trevire ili sličnog materijala mogu odmah primijeniti
It is certain, however, that PB made from trevira or some similar material can be instantly applied
[Wed Jan 07 17:06:44 2004]
Kompjutorska analiza pneumatske grede od tankog lima.
Computer analysis of a pneumatic beam made from tin metal sheet.
[Wed Jan 07 17:06:54 2004]
Deformacija PG pod vertikalnim kontinuiranim opterećenjem gornje plohe PG.
Deformation of PB under the vertical continuous load of the upper surface of a PB.
[Wed Jan 07 17:07:24 2004]
Kompjutorski proračunski model konačnih elemenata.
Computer calcuation model of finite elements.
[Wed Jan 07 17:07:35 2004]
Analiza je rađena sa COSMOS/M sustavom MKE, na radnoj stanici PRIME u PRIME Division, "R.
Analysis was made with COSMOS/M system FEM, on the workstation PRIME in PRIME Division, " R.
[Wed Jan 07 17:07:41 2004]
Končara" u Zagrebu (inž.
Končar" in Zagreb (civil engineer
[Wed Jan 07 17:08:49 2004]
Končar" in Zagreb (civil engineer Josipović).
[Wed Jan 07 17:09:45 2004]
Ove su analize pratile laboratorijska ispitivanja rađena u okviru dvaju diplomskih radova.
These analyses were followed by laboratory tests within the framework of two graduation theses.
[Wed Jan 07 17:10:13 2004]
Crtež se odnosi na ispitivanje PG od tankog 0.2 mm čeličnog lima.
Sketch relates to testing of PB made from 0.2 mm thin steel sheet.
[Wed Jan 07 17:11:47 2004]
Duljina grede je 1800 mm, a promjer grede 200 mm.
Length of a beam is 1800 mm, and diameter of a beam is 200 mm.
[Wed Jan 07 17:11:47 2004]
Rezultati istraživanja objavljeni su u časopisu Građevinar
Results of a research were published in Civil Engineer magazine
[Thu Jan 08 10:09:21 2004]
Prikaz nekih naponskih stanja u PG od tankog (0.2 mm debelog) lima.
Presentation of some voltage conditions in PB from thin (0.2 mm thick) sheet metal.
[Thu Jan 08 10:09:25 2004]
Proračun sa MKE paketom COSMOS/M na radnoj stanici PRIME/Computervision, rađen u PRIME Division "R.
Calculation with FEM COSMOS/M package on TAKES/Computervision workstation, made in PRIME Division "R.
[Thu Jan 08 10:10:15 2004]
Končara" u Zagrebu.
Končar" in Zagreb.
[Thu Jan 08 10:10:15 2004]
Prikaz distribucije napona SIGMAX, TAUXY i VON MISES
Presentation of stress distribution of SIGMAX, TAUXY and VON MISES
[Thu Jan 08 10:12:09 2004]
Mogućnost gradnje hala natkrivenih pneumatskim gredama od trevire.
Possibility of building the halls roofed over with pneumatic trevira beams.
[Thu Jan 08 10:13:15 2004]
Tehnologija izrade je dostupna.
Technology of construction is available.
[Thu Jan 08 10:19:48 2004]
Tehnologija izrade PG velikih promjera i dimenzija od tankog lima nije još razrađena.
Construction technology of PB with large diameters and dimensions from tin metal sheet is not yet developed.
[Thu Jan 08 10:20:18 2004]
Na konstrukciji PG od trevire mora se navući još jedna (potrošna) ultravioletno rezistentna trevira, koja se po obodu napinje oprugama.
On PB construction made from trevira there must be pulled on one more (expendable) ultraviolet resistent trevira, which is strained with springs along the brim.
[Thu Jan 08 10:20:18 2004]
Moguće je i natkrivanje većih prostora
It is also possible to cover larger spaces
[Thu Jan 08 10:21:33 2004]
UV zaštitna trevira
UV protective trevira
[Thu Jan 08 10:22:15 2004]
opružne veze
resilient straps
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:11 2004]
PG (u nizu)
PB (in succession)
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:24 2004]
UV zaštitna trevira (izmjenjivo)
UV protective trevira (alternating)
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:25 2004]
klasični tip A.
classic type of A.
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:29 2004]
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:50 2004]
[Thu Jan 08 10:23:50 2004]
K - centralni kompresorski i upravljački (+ rezerva) sustav
K - central compression and managing (+ reserve) system
[Thu Jan 08 10:29:07 2004]
Moguće je načiniti (proizvesti) pneumatske grede od višeslojno spiralno motanog furnira (debljine cca 3 mm).
It is possible to make (produce) pneumatic beams from multilayered spiral twisted round veneer (with thickness of approximately 3 mm).
[Thu Jan 08 10:38:47 2004]
Greda se proizvede određene duljine, i s krajeva zatvori prstenom i panelkom.
First a beam is of a particular length is produced, and its ends get closed with ring and block-board.
[Thu Jan 08 10:40:12 2004]
U gredu se stavlja dušica od TREVIRE (debljine cca 0.3 mm), koja ima nešto veće dimenzije no što su dimenzije pneumatske grede.
In the beam we put trevira balloon structure (with thickness of approximately 0.3 mm), which has slightly larger dimensions than those of a pneumatic beam.
[Thu Jan 08 10:43:54 2004]
Nakon što se krajevi greda zatvore, dušica se napumpa do određenog tlaka.
3 mm), which has slightly larger dimensions than those of a pneumatic beam. After the ends of a beam are closed, inside balloon structure is pumped up to a particular pressure.
[Thu Jan 08 10:45:18 2004]
Stoga što je dušica veća od unutrašnjih dimenzija grede potisak (tlak) zraka se prenosi direktno na furnirsku cijev i na panelska čela grede.
Therefore, if the inside balloon structure is larger than the internal dimensions of a beam, buoyancy (pressure) of the air transfers directly to the veneer pipe and to panel beam foreheads.Therefore what is the inside balloon structure larger from internal dimensions beams thrust (the pressure) the ray transfers directly on the veneer pipe and on panel foreheads beams.
[Thu Jan 08 10:45:18 2004]
Simulacija se može (i treba) provesti MKE
Simulation can (and must) be conducted by FEMSimulation was able (and needs) spend FEM
[Thu Jan 08 10:45:57 2004]
[Thu Jan 08 10:49:04 2004]
Patentirani postupak proizvodnje furnirskih cijevi B.
Patented manufacturing process of veneer pipes by B.
[Thu Jan 08 10:51:38 2004]
Matthew-a (Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education, U.K.)
Matthew (Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education, U.K.)
[Thu Jan 08 11:03:33 2004]
. Furniri se križno namataju i lijepe u nekoliko slojeva na matricu cijevi određenog promjera, čime se dobije višeslojna furnirska cijev.
Veneers are rolled up crosswise and glued in several layers to the pipe matrix of a particular diameter, whereby a multilayer veneer pipe is obtained.
[Thu Jan 08 11:04:20 2004]
Ovu cijev smo predmnijevali koristiti za PG od furnirske cijevi.
This pipe was intended for PB made from veneer pipe.
[Thu Jan 08 11:10:05 2004]
Rađen je proračunski model PG sa svim detaljima i simulacijama ponašanja.
There is a calcuation model of a PB with all the details and simulations of behavior.
[Thu Jan 08 11:13:09 2004]
Ustanovilo se da bočne strane MORAJU biti kalote od lima, jer se ovdje radi o relativno velikim unutrašnjim tlakovima.
It turned out that lateral sides MUST be sheet metal calottes, because here we deal with relatively large internal pressures.
[Thu Jan 08 11:13:36 2004]
Predmnijevamo da u jednom od slojeva među namotanim furnirom treba ugraditi (namotati) i jedan sloj staklene tkanine.
We presume that in one of the layers between spirally coiled plywood one layer of glass fabric should be built in (rolled on).
[Thu Jan 08 11:16:48 2004]
Proračunski model je rađen u okviru jednog diplomskog rada sa COSMOS/M paketom.
Calcuation model is made within the framework of one graduation thesis with COSMOS/M package.
[Thu Jan 08 11:16:58 2004]
U obzir je uzeta slojevitost furnirske cijevi i orijentacija vlakanaca slojeva furnira, kao i anizotropija materijala (u svakom od 5 slojeva debljine po 3 mm furnira).
We took into consideration the stratification of a veneer pipe and orientation of thin fibers in veneer layers, as well as the anisotropy of material (in each of 5 layers venneer thickness is 3 mm).
[Thu Jan 08 11:16:58 2004]
Korišteni su KE SHELL4L.
We have used FE SHELL4L.
[Thu Jan 08 15:21:18 2004]
[Thu Jan 08 15:21:22 2004]
čeona kalota
frontal calotte
[Thu Jan 08 15:21:22 2004]
inside balloon structure
[Thu Jan 08 15:25:58 2004]
Fleksibilne brane - prijedlog za zaštitu Venecije od mora.
Flexible dams - preposition for protection of Venice from the sea.
[Thu Jan 08 15:29:08 2004]
Zrak je iz brane ispušten:
Air is released from a dam:
[Thu Jan 08 15:29:08 2004]
kanalom mogu prolaziti brodovi s dubokim gazom
Deep draft ships can pass through canal
[Thu Jan 08 15:31:28 2004]
Osnovna širina brane je 30 m.
Basic width of a dam is 30 m.
[Thu Jan 08 15:31:46 2004]
U napuhanom stanju visina je brane 15 metara.
In inflated state, height of a dam is 15 m.
[Thu Jan 08 15:32:47 2004]
Brane su dimenzija:
Dimension of a dam are:
[Thu Jan 08 15:32:47 2004]
47 m duljine za kanal Malamoco, 550 m za Chioggiu i 980 m za Lido.
47 m in length for the Malamoco channel, 550 m for Chioggia and 980 m for Lido.
[Thu Jan 08 15:39:56 2004]
Kod visokog mora, upumpavanjem zraka postiže se maksimalna visina brane od 15 metara.
In high sea, pumping in of the air achieves the maximum height of a dam, which is 15 m.
[Thu Jan 08 15:40:02 2004]
Skice prema ENKA-Info skicama W.
Sketches are drawn according to ENKA-Info sketches of W.
[Thu Jan 08 15:40:02 2004]
[Thu Jan 08 15:41:46 2004]
FE model sustava pneumatskih lukova.
FE model of a system of pneumatic arches.
[Thu Jan 08 15:41:46 2004]
Prema prospektu G i D software-a
According to prospectus of G and D software
[Thu Jan 08 15:44:09 2004]
Aerodinamična analiza sustava (građevine) pneumatskih lukova.
Aerodynamic analysis of a system (building) of pneumatic arches.
[Thu Jan 08 15:46:35 2004]
Prikazane su površine (FEM) i zračne struje, te konturne linije pritisaka.
Presentation of surfaces (FEM) and air currents, and contour lines of pressures.
[Thu Jan 08 15:47:18 2004]
Prema prospektu 'G i D software-a' 'G i D' je sustav pred i postprocesora za prikaze ulaznih podataka i (svih zamislivih) rezultata FE proračuna.
According to prospectus of 'G and D software' 'G and D' is a system of pre- and postprocessors for presentation of incoming data and (all conceivable) results of FE calculation.
[Thu Jan 08 15:47:18 2004]
Web stranica CIMNE za G i D pre/post procesing i besplatnu akademsku verziju programa
Web page CIMNE for G and D pre/post processing and free academic version of the program
[Thu Jan 08 16:13:38 2004]
U to vrijeme već se u SAD-u koristio FE program STRESS (autor S.
At that time, in the USA they were already using FE STRESS program (author: S.
[Thu Jan 08 16:24:07 2004]
Fenves i njegova grupa s MIT), a niz znanstvenika već bio zaokupljen iznalaženja neuralnih mreža (otkrivene 1943.)
Fenves and his group from the MIT), and many scientists were already engaged in finding out neural networks (discovered in 1943)
[Thu Jan 08 16:26:09 2004]
. O tim kretanjima, u to vrijeme, na tim prostorima, nismo ovdje čuli niti riječi.
About these trends, at that time, on those territories, we did not hear a word.
[Thu Jan 08 16:28:23 2004]
Modeli o kojima se razgovaralo bili su jednostavni štapni okvirni sustavi (grede, rešetke, kontinuirani nosači, okviri, lukovi i sl.
Models that were talked about were simple bar frame systems (beams, trusses, continuous beams, frameworks, arches and similar
[Thu Jan 08 16:28:45 2004]
konstrukcije), pojednostavljeni do krajnjih granica prepoznavanja s realnim entitetima.
Models that were talked about were simple bar frame systems (beams, trusses, continuous beams, frameworks, arches and similar constructions), simplified to the utmost limits of recognition with real entities.
[Thu Jan 08 16:30:08 2004]
Slušali smo doajene naše znanosti:
We have listened to doyens of our science:
[Thu Jan 08 16:30:08 2004]
prof. Čališeva, prof. Wernera, prof. Andrejeva, prof. Erlicha, prof. Kostrenčića, prof. Tonkovića, dr. Modora i druge
professor Čališev, professor Werner, professor Andrejev, professor Erlich, professor Kostrenčić, professor Tonković, Sc.D. Modor, and others
[Thu Jan 08 16:37:20 2004]
Načini proračuna bili su zamašni i zamorni, numerički zahtjevni, rješavalo se niz jednadžbi (rješavanje triju jednadžbi s tri nepoznanice bio je tada problem), ili se služilo relaksacijskim postupcima Crossa (Čališev, Werner i drugi).
Methods of calculation were extensive and tiring, numerically demanding, we were solving multiple equations (solving three equations with three unknowns was then a problem), or we used relaxation procedures of Cross (Čališev, Werner and others).
[Thu Jan 08 16:39:54 2004]
Ovi su relaksacijski postupci bili "trn u oku" više teorijski orijentiranim nastavnicima (npr.
These relaxation procedures were the " eye-sore " of the more theoretically oriented teachers (e.g.
[Thu Jan 08 16:45:44 2004]
prof. Kuševiću i drugima), koji su forsirali (u znanstvenim krugovima opće prihvaćene) metode deformacija i metode sila.
professor Kuševiću and others), who pushed for (in scientific circles generally accepted) deformation methods and force methods.
[Thu Jan 08 16:46:15 2004]
Relaksacijski postupci primijenjeni na 2D koncepte relativno su brzo dovodili do cilja.
Relaxation procedures which were applied to 2D concepts led to the aim relatively quickly.
[Thu Jan 08 16:46:38 2004]
Osnove tih postupaka opisani su u knjigama Southwella:
Foundations of these procedures were described Southwell's books:
[Thu Jan 08 16:51:25 2004]
Relaxation methods in Engineering Science (prvo izdanje iz 1946.)
Relaxation methods in Engineering Science (the first edition from 1946.)
[Thu Jan 08 17:16:09 2004]
. Kod prof. Modora radili smo programe s relaksacijskim postupcima konačnih razlika.
With professor Modor, we were developing programs with relaxation procedures of final differences.
[Thu Jan 08 17:18:26 2004]
Uglavnom se služilo logaritmarom, logaritamskim tablicama.
We were mainly using slide rules and logarithmic tables.
[Thu Jan 08 17:18:56 2004]
Postojale su opsežne tablice i priručnici za olakšavanje proračuna i dimenzioniranje, niz formula i izraza.
There were detailed tables and manuals to facilitate calculations and dimensioning, numerous formulas and expressions.
[Thu Jan 08 17:18:56 2004]
Danas potpuno bezvrijedni papir
Today, those are completely worthless papers
[Thu Jan 08 17:27:26 2004]
Pomoć proračunu pružili su prvo mehanički računski strojevi, a potom električno pokretani mehanički strojevi (sjećate li se još netko Facit i TRS stolnih računalnih strojeva).
Aid in calculation was first offered by mechanical computers, and then by electrically operated mechanical engines (does anyone still remember Facit and TRS table computer engines).
[Thu Jan 08 17:27:26 2004]
Kod proračuna temeljne ploče 30000 t silosa za žito u Rijeci, koristio sam se prvi puta u proračunu 5 jednadžbi s 5 nepoznanica s mehaničkim električnim strojem za kalkulacije (zbrajanje, odbijanje, množenje, dijeljenje)
In calculation of floor slab 30000 t grain silo in Rijeka, I have, for the first time, used calculation of 5 equation with 5 unknowns with mechanical electric machine for calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
[Fri Jan 09 12:56:36 2004]
Obuzeti postupcima proračunavanja, studenti i inženjeri bili su zaokupljeni prvenstveno pojednostavljenjem proračunskih modela i nadasve "točnošću" tog proračuna, bez obzira na izvorne netočnosti modela, izvorne netočnosti opterećenja, netočnosti materijalnih konstanti.
Occupied with calculation processes, students and engineers were engrossed primarily in simplification of calcuation models and above all in the "accuracy" of that calculation, regardless of the original incorrectnesses of models, original incorrectnesses of loads, and incorrectnesses of material constants.
[Fri Jan 09 12:58:19 2004]
Uglavnom su se na studiju "izvršavali" zadaci iz vježbi koje su zadavali asistenti, bez neke dublje analize samog koncepta nosive konstrukcije i geneze opterećenja:
University tasks were mostly "performed" within exercises which were assigned by assistant lecturers, without some deeper analysis of the very concept of statical structure and load genesis:
[Fri Jan 09 13:12:46 2004]
njih su zadavali (generirali) asistenti, koji su "imali znanja" o tim opterećenjima.
they were assigned (generated) by student assistants, who "had the knowledge" of those loads.
[Fri Jan 09 13:14:05 2004]
Na taj se način godinama stvarao tip inženjera konstruktora, koji su sustavno proračunavali užasno pojednostavljene, velikom većinom (99%) 2D konstrukcije.
Thus a type of constructor engineers was being created for years, and they were systematically calculating awfully simplified, mostly (99%) 2D constructions.
[Fri Jan 09 13:20:59 2004]
Sve se je konstrukcije, ma kako bile složene, moglo na taj način proračunati:
All constructions, however complex, could be calculated in this way:
[Fri Jan 09 13:47:07 2004]
i okvire i grede i ploče i zidove sa i bez otvora, mostove i slične konstrukcije.
frameworks, beams, slabs, masonry with and without slots, bridges and similar constructions.
[Fri Jan 09 14:05:38 2004]
3D entitet se razlagao na jednostavnije 2D entitete koje se znalo proračunati.
3D entity was separated on simpler 2D entities which could be calculated.
[Fri Jan 09 14:23:07 2004]
Pri tome se zanemarivalo mnoge parametre, pa i prostorne veze elemenata, no visoki koeficijenti sigurnosti dopuštali su takve inženjerske izlete.
While doing so, many parameters were being neglected, as well as spatial connections of elements, but high safety factors allowed for such engineering excursions.
[Fri Jan 09 14:35:06 2004]
Prvenstveno je bilo bitno inženjeru (i projektnom birou) zadane konstrukcije proračunati u isplativom racionalnom vremenu.
Of primary importance to the engineer (and the project bureau) is to calculate given constructions in profitable rational time.
[Fri Jan 09 14:35:19 2004]
Zanemaruju se, pri tome, često i činjenice da neki modelski (proračunski) sustavi i baš ne odgovaraju stvarnom stanju.
In the process, we often neglect the fact that some model (calculation) systems do not really correspond to the actual condition.
[Fri Jan 09 14:49:44 2004]
For example,
[Fri Jan 09 15:02:15 2004]
Sasvim je sigurno da ne postoje betonske i čelične rešetke (TRUSS) već samo okvirne konstrukcije (FRAME), a i kod drvenih su to okvirne konstrukcije od kontinuiranih pojaseva s ispunama od štapova koji su elastično (ili plastično) priključeni za pojaseve okvirnog sustava.
Certainly there are no concrete and steel bars (TRUSS) but only frame structures (FRAME), and with wooden these frame structures made from continuous flanges with fillings made from bars which were elastically (or plastically) attached to flanges of the frame system.
[Fri Jan 09 15:04:55 2004]
No sile u razmatranim rešetkama se moglo proračunavati po postupcima grafostatike (Culman), analitički (metoda Ritter, Culman, ravnoteže čvorova), grafički (Cremona za proračun sila, Viliot za proračun pomaka), pa su se proučavali svi ti postupci.
But forces in studied bars could be estimated according to graphostatic procedures (Culman), analytically (the Ritter method, Culman, node balance), graphically (Cremona for force calculation, Viliot for movement calculation), so all these procedures were studied.
[Fri Jan 09 15:23:09 2004]
Također se obavezno razdvajala nadkonstrukcija od podkonstrukcije i temeljnog tla.
It was also necessary to separate superconstruction from subconstruction and subsoil.
[Fri Jan 09 15:36:54 2004]
Otkrićem i primjenom postupaka s konačnim elementima (KE = FE) nazori su se stubokom izmijenili.
Discovery and application of procedures with finite elements (FE) fundamentally changed our views.
[Fri Jan 09 15:41:06 2004]
No zasade prošlosti bile su i dalje korjenito učvršćene u načinima pojednostavljenja proračunskih sustava.
But principles of the past were still firmly implanted in methods of budget system simplification.
[Fri Jan 09 15:41:49 2004]
Struke koje nisu imale nesreću da bitno mogu pojednostavniti 3D oblike u asemblaže 2D entiteta, napredovale su u pogledu modeliranja proračunskih konstrukcija daleko brže no što je to konstruktorska struka.
Professions which did not have a misfortune to significantly simplify 3D shapes into the assemblages of 2D entities, have developed with regard to modeling budget constructions much faster than the construction profession.
[Fri Jan 09 16:11:04 2004]
Avioni, strojevi, automobili i brodovi nisu nikad bili predočeni kao 2D entiteti.
Airplanes, machines, automobiles and ships have never been presented as 2D entities.
[Fri Jan 09 16:11:04 2004]
I danas se u konstruktorskoj struci borimo sa usađenom (izdrilanom) sviješću da konstrukcije treba što više pojednostavniti, bez obzira što suvremeni FEA programi mogu u tren riješiti sustave s više desetaka tisuća nepoznanica (sloboda
Even today the construction profession struggles with implanted (well-drilled) awareness that constructions should be greatly simplified, despite the fact that contemporary FEA programs can instantly solve systems tens of thousands of unknowns (freedom
[Fri Jan 09 16:29:18 2004]
svaka konstrukcija, pa ma kako bila istovjetna ili bliska ili moguće izvediva iz neke druge slične, dakle srodna s drugom konstrukcijom izvorno se uvijek ponovno proračunava kao originalna konstrukcija.
each construction, however identical or similar or constructible from some other similar construction, and therefore related to the other construction, is originally always calculated as the original construction.
[Fri Jan 09 17:29:09 2004]
Umjesto da se koristi parametarski način prikaza ulaznih vrijednosti.
Instead of using the parametric way of presenting the incoming values.
[Tue Jan 13 10:35:06 2004]
Tome donekle doprinosi i način edukacije i obavljanja vježbi, gdje među studentima nema povezanosti pojedinaca ili grupa, te se na vježbama "svaki student bavi svojim određenim zadanim zadatkom", a asistenti zadaju i statičke entitete sisteme i sile (ili opterećenja).
This is partly due to the style of education and performing of student tasks, where there is no connection between individuals or groups among the students, and during the exercises "each student deals with their own specific task", and the assistant lecturers assign static entities, systems and forces (or loads).
[Tue Jan 13 10:37:07 2004]
Osim toga na studiju građevinarstva se sustavno, već godinama ne proučavaju modeli i modeliranje, te se studenti s tim pojmovima modeliranja susreću relativno kasno, na posljednjim godinama studija.
Besides, on the Faculty of Civil Engineering, for several years there was no systematic study of models and modeling, and the students meet with these modeling terms relatively late, on last years of their study.
[Tue Jan 13 10:38:06 2004]
Stoga i pri primjeni FEA programskih paketa nastaju greške u koncipiranju i cjelina i detalja, a koje imaju izvora u (pogrešno) naučenim simbolima sustavno korištenih tijekom studija:
Therefore, in the use of FEA software packages occur certain errors in planning of wholes and details, and which have their source in (incorrectly) learned symbols systematically used during the study:
[Tue Jan 13 10:38:07 2004]
na primjer detalj prikaza ležaja naučeni u mehanici (simboli ?
for example, a detail presenting the bearing learned in mechanics (symbols?
[Tue Jan 13 10:38:43 2004]
i ?
[Tue Jan 13 10:47:02 2004]
za prikaz ležajeva ili Ą za prikaz sila i opterećenja).
for the bearing illustration, or Ą for display of forces and loads).
[Tue Jan 13 10:56:10 2004]
Doslovna primjena ovih načina oslanjanja u na primjer realnim konstrukcijama (posebice drvenim elementima i drvenim konstrukcijama), dovodi do "ujedanja" i gnječenja vlakana drveta u grednim nosačima, jer je modul elastičnosti u smjeru vlakana (1100 kN/cm2) daleko veći od modula okomito na vlakna drveta (30 kN/cm2), a i čvrstoće materijala (drva) su BITNO različite u raznim smjerovima.
Literal use of these reinforcing methods in, for example, real constructions (especially wooden elements and wooden structures), leads to " biting " and mashing of wood fibers in beam trusses, because the elastic module in the direction of fibers (1100 kN/cm2) much larger than the module vertical to wood fibers (30 kN/cm2), and firmness of the material (wood) is SIGNIFICANTLY different in various directions.
[Tue Jan 13 10:59:19 2004]
Osim toga i deformacije koje su tako sračunate (na pogrešnom FE modelu) su bitno veće od realnih, jer uključuju i (stvarno u realnosti nepostojeće) gnječenje drveta pri ležaju.
Furthermore, deformations which are thus calculated (on wrong FE model) are substantially greater than the real ones, because they also include (in reality nonexisting) mashing of wood at the bearing.
[Tue Jan 13 11:08:20 2004]
Također se primjenom ovih modova oslanjanja dobivaju nerealne i nepostojeće koncentracije naprezanja.
Also, by using these modes of reinforcement we obtain unrealistic and nonexisting stress concentrations.
[Tue Jan 13 11:15:50 2004]
Unatoč objašnjenju ovih fenomena, i dalje se u projektima i proračunskim modelima konstrukcije uporno oslanjaju na realno nepostojeće "simbole" oslanjanja.
In spite of explanation of these phenomena, constructions still persistently rely on realistically nonexistent "symbols" of reinforcement in projects and calculation models.
[Tue Jan 13 11:35:33 2004]
Na stranu i to, da se često realne konstrukcije koje imaju svoje dimenzije zamjenjuju s štapastim konstrukcijama, a ne vodi se računa o ekscentricitetu oslanjanja.
We shall even put aside the fact, that real constructions, which have their own dimensions, are often replaced with bar constructions, without paying attention to the eccentricity of reinforcement.
[Tue Jan 13 11:38:50 2004]
Isto tako loš običaj da se 3D stvarne konstrukcije prikazuju kao asemblaže 2D entiteta, dovodi do smiješne situacije da se posebno proračunavaju podrožnice, posebno rogovi, posebno nosiva konstrukcija, posebno ukrutni vezovi i posebno temelji, umjesto da se načini jedan prostorni 3D FEA proračunski model kojega se optereti s realnim propisanim opterećenjima, na mjestima gdje ta opterećenja i djeluju.
Likewise, a bad habit to present 3D real constructions as assemblings of 2D entities, leads to a ridiculous situation in which roof purlines are calculated separately, rafters separately, statical structure separately, rigid embroideries separately and especially the foundations, instead of making one spatial 3D FEA calcuation model loaded with real regulated loads, on spots where those loads take effect.
[Tue Jan 13 11:38:50 2004]
Slična je situacija s odvajanjem temeljne konstrukcije (substructure) od nadkonstrukcije (structure) i posebnom proučavanju samog tla (soil), kad je moguće cjelokupni sustav konstrukcije i temelja i tla promatrati kao jedinstveni 3D sustav
Similar situation is with separation of basic construction (substructure) from superconstruction (structure) and with special study of ground (soil), when it is possible to observe the entire system of construction, foundation and grounds as a unique 3D system
[Tue Jan 13 11:45:47 2004]
U proračunu dinamički opterećenih konstrukcija i dalje se proučava kvazi dinamičko ponašanje konstrukcija uvođenjem tzv.
In the calculation of dynamically loaded constructions there are still studies of the quasi dynamic construction behaviour by introducing the so-called
[Tue Jan 13 11:51:31 2004]
dinamičkog faktora, umjesto da se koriste velike mogućnosti programa dinamičkih analiza i simulacija ponašanja konstrukcija pod prolaznim opterećenjima vozila.
In the calculation of dynamically loaded constructions there are still studies of the quasi dynamic construction behaviour by introducing the so-called dynamic factor, instead of using great possibilities of dynamic analyses programs and simulations of construction behaviour under transient vehicle load.
[Tue Jan 13 12:06:06 2004]
I ako smo u mogućnosti danas istražiti realno ponašanje konstrukcija u elastičnom i neelastičnom području, pod statičkim i dinamičkim opterećenjima, proučavati gubitak stabilnosti i nosivosti konstrukcija, rijetko se u praksi primjenjuju ti postupci:
Although today we are able to explore real construction behaviour in elastic and non-elastic area, under static and dynamic loads, studying of stability loss and bearing capacities of constructions, those procedures are rarely applied in practice:
[Tue Jan 13 12:10:12 2004]
radije se koriste gotovi obrasci i izrazi izvedeni za neke sasvim simplificirane slučajeve.
completed patterns and expressions derived for some entirely simplified cases are much rather used.
[Tue Jan 13 12:10:41 2004]
Poznate su tablice Angera i Rittera (GK, 1951.)
There are renowned tables of Anger and Ritter (GK, 1951.)
[Tue Jan 13 12:11:02 2004]
, Kleinlogela, Ulickog (Kijev, 1972.)
), Kleinlogel, Ulicky (Kiev, 1972.)
[Tue Jan 13 12:11:02 2004]
, Molčanova, Marčelje i druge inženjerske tablice i priručnici.
), Molčanov, Marčelja, and some other engineering tables and manuals.
[Tue Jan 13 12:14:16 2004]
Ovdje se za ilustraciju navodi samo jedan primjer priručnika za proračun reznih sila u okvirima.
For illustation purposes, I shall only give one example of a manual for section-forces calculation in frameworks.
[Tue Jan 13 12:14:16 2004]
Za primjer će se uzeti jedan sasvim jednostavni okvir.
The example will be based on one quite simple framework.
[Tue Jan 13 12:17:18 2004]
Klajnlogela "Rahmenformeln - Gebrauchfertige formeln" koja je 1953.
Klajnlogel " Rahmenformeln - Gebrauchfertige formeln " which was in 1953.
[Tue Jan 13 12:17:55 2004]
prevedena i izdana od izdavača Građevinska knjiga (Beograd, ćirilica!)
translated and published by Građevinska knjiga (Belgrade, Cyrillic!)