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[Tue Jan 13 12:18:53 2004]
, kao "primjenjiva za sve statičke veličine i praktične oblike ramova s jednim poljem od armiranog betona, čelika i drveta".
), as " usable for all static sizes and practical shapes of frames with one field made from the reinforced concrete, steel and wood ".
[Tue Jan 13 12:21:17 2004]
U knjizi je sadržano 114 parametarski opisanih oblika okvira svaki s određenim brojem opterećenja.
The book contains 114 parametrically described shapes of frameworks, each with particular number of loads.
[Tue Jan 13 12:21:17 2004]
Prirodno je onda da će inženjeri nastojati primjenjivati takve u knjizi navedene i rješive okvire
Naturally, engineers will make efforts to apply such solvable frameworks as were mentioned in the book
[Tue Jan 13 12:25:02 2004]
Za okvir br. 35, "jednokraki okvir s vertikalnim, ukliještenim stupom, horizontalnom prečkom koja je zglobno oslonjena na kraju i s kosim štapom u uglu" prvo se proračunavaju opći koeficijenti koje ovdje navodim kao ilustraciju (danas bi mogli reći inženjerskih zastranjenja)
35, " one-sided framework with vertical, gripped column, horizontal bar hingedly supported on end and with tilted bar in corner " first we calculate general coefficients which are quoted here as an illustration (today we could say that it is an illustration of engineering deviations)
[Tue Jan 13 12:26:04 2004]
Prema oznakama u slici 20.1 izračunavaju se:
According to marks in Figure 20.1 we calculate:
[Tue Jan 13 12:33:03 2004]
Nakon čega uz definiranje modula elastičnosti E, termalnog koeficijenta izduljenja e i definiranja promjene temperature t , te definiranja (slikovno) danih opterećenja P, q=q(x) i sl.
After that, with defining the elastic module E, thermal coefficient of stretching e and definition of temperature change t, and defining (figuratively) given loads P, q=q(x) etc.,
[Tue Jan 13 12:33:03 2004]
(ukupno 6 predočenih opterećenja), mogu se iz prilično zamršenih izraza dobiti vrijednosti reakcija, momenata poprečnih i uzdužnih sila te neodređene veličine X1 i X2 (za taj slučaj razmatranog okvira)
, (totally 6 presented loads), out of considerably tangled expressions we can obtain values of reactions, torques of transversal and axial forces, and unspecified sizes X1 and X2 (framework considered specifically for this case)
[Tue Jan 13 12:36:19 2004]
[Tue Jan 13 12:36:20 2004]
za okvir opterećen vertikalnom silom na početku grede, kod priključka za kosi štap ti su izrazi izgledali ovako
for the framework loaded by vertical force at the front-end of a beam, with the connection to tilted bar, these expressions were
[Tue Jan 13 12:37:26 2004]
Te izrazi za momente savijanja:
And expressions for bending moments:
[Tue Jan 13 12:46:55 2004]
Ovo prikazano treba promatrati kao sliku i ilustraciju, a ne kao izraze proračunavanja statičkih vrijednosti za jedan određeni tip okvira i za jedno određeno opterećenje.
This presentation should be observed as picture and illustration, and not as expressions of calculations of static values for one particular type of framework and for one particular load.
[Tue Jan 13 12:48:51 2004]
Vjerojatno je da se tim izrazima danas nitko neće koristiti.
It is likely that no one would use these expressions today.
[Tue Jan 13 12:52:37 2004]
Iako su svojevremeno bili "hit" u konstruktorskoj praksi.
Although, they were once a "hit" in construction practice.
[Tue Jan 13 12:52:54 2004]
Navedeni primjer, je i stvarno trivijalni statički problem kojega danas rješavamo s nekim od modernih FEA programa praktički trenutno.
The mentioned example, is actually a trivial static problem which is today solved with some modern FEA programs practically momentarily.
[Tue Jan 13 12:54:49 2004]
Na slici 20.1.
Figure 20.1.
[Tue Jan 13 12:56:22 2004]
prikazano je za ilustraciju rješenje tog problema opisanog u parametarskom obliku s FEA programom COSMOS/M.
shows the illustration of that problem solution, described in parametric shape with FEA program COSMOS/M.
[Tue Jan 13 14:07:55 2004]
I konačno, takav primjer je stvarno rijedak u praksi, a i nikada ne dolazi "izrezan" iz svojeg okoliša - 3D konstrukcije.
And finally, such example is really rare in practice, and it is never "cut out" from its environment - 3D construction.
[Tue Jan 13 14:09:13 2004]
Međutim, ovakvi opisani izrazi bili su pogodni i za jednostavna programiranja, te je pojavom ručnih programabilnih računala tipa TEXAS Instr.
However, such described expressions were also suitable for simple programming, and with appearance of manual programmable computers of type TEXAS Instr.
[Tue Jan 13 14:14:41 2004]
Ili HP računala nastalo niz malih programa za ta računala, a kasnije programa pisanih u BASIC-u ili MsBASIC-u za DOS operativne sustave na stolnim i PC računalima.
or HP computers there emerged a series of small programs for those computers, and later the programs written in BASIC or MsBASIC for DOS operating systems on desk and PC computers.
[Tue Jan 13 14:16:01 2004]
U taj "dead end" bilo je uloženo mnogo truda i mnogo energije - nažalost
Unfortunately, much effort and energy was invested into this " dead end "
[Tue Jan 13 14:29:22 2004]
Za dalju ilustraciju navedenog, moguće je napisati za FEA program parametarski upis za taj navedeni okvir (naravno i druge okvire), te načiniti bazu podataka (mijenjanjem parametara i bilježenjem rezultata proračuna), pa onda tu bazu predočiti kao set za treniranje neuralne mreže, neuralnoj mreži i naučiti neuralnu mrežu da u trenu odgovori na postavljene parametre.
For further illustration of the abovementioned, it is possible to write for the FEA program a parametric entry for this quoted framework (and other frameworks, too), and create a database (by changing the parameters and recording the analysis results), and then present this base as a set for training the neural network, and to teach the neural network to instantly reply to a set of parameters.
[Tue Jan 13 14:30:37 2004]
Time su se tablice preselile u neusporedivo bogatiju neuralnu mrežu, koja se opet može smjestiti na WEB i biti dostupna svim inženjerima.
By this, the tables have moved to incomparably richer neural network, which can again be placed on the WEB and be accessible to all engineers.
[Tue Jan 13 14:30:37 2004]
No besmisao je sam po sebi taj, da ovakvi jednostavni okviri u praksi ne postoje
But the absurdity is in the fact that such simple frameworks do not exist in practice
[Tue Jan 13 15:04:08 2004]
Pojavom Crossovog postupka (1938.)
With the arrival of Cross procedure (1938.)
[Tue Jan 13 15:05:38 2004]
te kasnije Czonkovog i Wernerovog postupka relaksacije, nastalo je kod statičara jedno olakšanje u zametnim proračunima okvirnih konstrukcija, jer su se rezne sile (momenti i poprečne sile) mogle dobiti direktno praktički jednostavnim postupcima relaksacije, a uzdužne i poprečne sile indirektno, a isto tako posebnim postupcima s virtualnim opterećenjima i pomaci i deformacije sustava okvirnih nosača.
) and later with Czonk's and Werner's procedure of relaxation, structural engineer felt a relief in tiring calculations of frame structures, because cutting forces (torques and shear forces) could be obtained directly practically by simple procedures of relaxation, and longitudinal and shear forces indirectly, and likewise, by special procedures with virtual loads and shifts and deformations of structural frame systems.
[Tue Jan 13 15:06:43 2004]
Do toga vremena koristila se metoda sila ili metoda deformacija.
By that time, we were using force methods or deformation methods.
[Tue Jan 13 15:07:23 2004]
Obje su rezultirale s nizom jednadžbi koje nije bilo lako riješiti bez strojne podrške.
Both resulted in series of equations which were not easily solved without the machine support.
[Tue Jan 13 15:08:11 2004]
Značajno je napomenuti da su u USA proračune po Crossu (tj.
It is important to mention that in the USA calculations according to Cross (i.e.
[Tue Jan 13 15:09:27 2004]
relaksacije momenata po određenoj shemi) radili tehničari a ne inženjeri.
relaxations of torques according to a particular scheme) were performed by technicians, and not engineers.
[Tue Jan 13 15:15:22 2004]
Crossov postupak bio je svojevremeno jako omiljen među statičarima koji su proračunavali višekatne okvirne sustave.
Cross procedure was once very popular among structural engineers who have performed calculations of multistorey frame systems.
[Tue Jan 13 15:16:20 2004]
Još se sjećam proračuna betonske konstrukcije niza objekata, na kojima sam surađivao i koristio te postupke (npr.
I still remember the calculation of a concrete construction which consisted from series of objects, on which I have cooperated and used those procedures (e.g.
[Tue Jan 13 15:16:24 2004]
Koncertna dvorana, Centar za rehabilitaciju invalida u Dubravi i drugi objekti, u suradnji s kolegom V.
the Concert hall, the Centre for rehabilitation of disabled persons in Dubrava, and other objects, in cooperation with my colleague V.
[Tue Jan 13 15:16:59 2004]
[Tue Jan 13 15:17:00 2004]
Također je manje popularan bio i relaksacijski postupak konačnim razlikama (R.
Also, less popular was relaxation procedure with finite differences (R.
[Tue Jan 13 15:17:05 2004]
[Tue Jan 13 15:17:05 2004]
[Tue Jan 13 15:21:53 2004]
Ovdje treba napomenuti još i činjenicu, da je to vrijeme otkrića Crossovog postupka (1940 - 1950) rezultiralo i koincidiralo s otkrićem osnovama analogije rada živčane stanice i modelom neurona i perceptrona (Pitt i McCulloh), također zasnovanog na nekoj vrsti relaksacijskog postupka pronalaska "težina" veza među neuronima neuronske mreže
I should also mention the fact, that this was the time of discovery of Cross procedure (1940 1950) which resulted and coincided with the discovery of fundamentals of the analogy of neural cell function and the model of neuron and perceptron (Pitt and McCulloh), also established on some sort of relaxation procedure of discovery of " heaviness " of connections between neurons in the neural network
[Tue Jan 13 15:26:03 2004]
Sve je to prošlost, ali je ona oblikovala svijest inženjera, koji su zbog simplifikacije proračuna (koji mora biti isplativ u određenom vremenu rada) nastojali konstrukcije pojednostavniti
All this belongs to the past, but it has given form to the awareness of engineers, who, because of the calculation simplification (which must be profitable in determined period of work) tried to simplify the constructions
[Tue Jan 13 15:34:38 2004]
Slika 20.1.
Figure 20.1.
[Tue Jan 13 15:39:56 2004]
Prikaz primjera iz tablice Kleinlogela, opisanog ovdje u parametarskom obliku, oblikovanog s FEA programima COSMOS/M.
Example from the Kleinlogel table, described here in parametric shape, formed with the FEA programs COSMOS/M.
[Tue Jan 13 15:39:56 2004]
Prikazani su statički sustav, numeracija čvorova, elemenata, oslonci, opterećenje, deformacije i momenti savijanja, zajedno s pri CAD opisu u GEOSTAR-u generiranom *.SES datotekom.
Presentation of the statical system, numbering of nodes, elements, supports, load, deformations and bending moments, together with *.SES file generated in GEOSTAR, with CAD description.
[Wed Jan 14 10:31:01 2004]
Da bi studente odvikli od naučenih (u dobroj namjeri pogrešnih) principa modeliranja mi na našoj katedri Drvenih konstrukcija, nastojimo studente upoznati što ranije (na četvrtoj godini studija !)
In order to break students' habit of the learned (good intentionally wrong) principles of modeling, the professors at the department section of Wooden structures, try to familiarize the students as early as possible (on the fourth year of studies!)
[Wed Jan 14 10:31:09 2004]
, s principima modeliranja 3D konstrukcija i korištenja kompleksnih FEA paketa kao što su to COSMOS-M (od 1992.)
), with principles of modeling 3D constructions and with the use of complex FEA packages, such as COSMOS-M (from 1992.)
[Wed Jan 14 10:42:14 2004]
, M-STRUDL i SOFISTIK (od prošle godine).
), M-STRUDL and SOFISTIK (of the year before).
[Wed Jan 14 10:43:27 2004]
Postoji u opticaju na fakultetu još i drugih programa manjih i sličnih opsega i manjih i sličnih mogućnosti.
At the faculty there are also other programs of smaller and similar volume and of smaller and similar possibilities.
[Wed Jan 14 10:47:13 2004]
Mnogima se, međutim, i dalje sviđaju programi s manjim mogućnostima:
Many, however, still prefer the programs with smaller possibilities:
[Wed Jan 14 10:48:59 2004]
po prirodnom zakonu, da "voda uvijek teče nizbrdo".
after the law of nature, according to which "water always flows downhill".
[Wed Jan 14 10:57:17 2004]
U svim tim (velikim) FEA paketima moguć je ulaz s CAD programima.
In all those (large) FEA packages there is a possibility of entrance with CAD programs.
[Wed Jan 14 11:09:47 2004]
Posebice je zanimljiv FEA program SOFISTIK, jer se u njemu na "seamless" način nadovezuju CAD i izrada dokaznica mjera i troškovnika.
Particularly interesting is the FEA program SOFISTIK, because it in a "seamless" manner adds CAD and creation of measure certificates and bills of expenses.
[Wed Jan 14 11:26:02 2004]
No naravno da je upoznavanje s tim programima prekasno na četvrtoj godini studija, i ako nije nikad prekasno za (skupo) osobno doškolovanje.
Of course, learning these programs comes too late - on the fourth year of studies, although it is never too late for (expensive) personal additional education.
[Wed Jan 14 11:46:04 2004]
Seminari koje smo održavali studentima (četvrte godine) izvan redovne satnice nastave dobro su bili posjećeni, i bili su otvoreni mlađim generacijama studenata, no njih zapravo na tim seminarima i nije bilo.
Seminars which were held for the students (fourth year of the studies) outside of the regular timetable were well attended, and have been opened younger generations of students, but they were not present at these seminars.
[Wed Jan 14 11:53:50 2004]
Sada je uveden kurs objašnjenja SOFISTIK programa, na drugoj godini studija, ali bez iskonskih i osnovnih pravila ispravnog modeliranja konstrukcija.
We have recently introduced the explanatory course of SOFISTIK program, on the second year of the studies, but without primal and basic rules of correct structural modeling.
[Wed Jan 14 11:55:41 2004]
Problemi su kod prikaza dodira, vezanja i interakcije elemenata konstrukcije uz one napomenute za prikaz ležajeva, opterećenja, promjenjivih presjeka, formuliranja položaja osi nosača i sličnih detalja o kojima ovisi ponašanje konstrukcije.
Problems arise with display of contact, fastening and interaction of construction elements along with those mentioned with bearing illustration, loads, variable sections, formulation of beam axis position and similar details on which depends the construction behavior.
[Wed Jan 14 11:57:59 2004]
Studij predmeta mehanike, kinematike, dinamike i nauke o otpornosti materijala moraju se povezati s osnovama FE modeliranja u najranijoj fazi studija tih predmeta.
Study of mechanics, kinematics, dynamics and material strength must be associated with basics of FE modeling in the earliest phase of studies of these objects.
[Wed Jan 14 11:57:59 2004]
Dapače treba ukinuti zadavanje sila koje djeluju na konstrukciju, a generiranje opterećenja treba usko povezati s realnim opterećenjem i standardima za opterećenja konstrukcija (EC1)
Indeed, we must stop assigning forces which affect the construction, and generation of load must be closely tied with the real load and construction load standards (EC1)
[Wed Jan 14 12:18:10 2004]
Zanimljivo je napomenuti, da smo modeliranje i proračune konstrukcija s FEA programom STRESS, uveli još davne 1971.
It is interesting to mention that modeling and construction calculations with FEA STRESS program were introduced in distant 1971
[Wed Jan 14 12:29:01 2004]
godine, kad se za studentske vježbe proračuna konstrukcija mostova koristilo računalo IBM 1130 na ETF fakultetu i u RC bivšeg Jugomonta uz pomoć kolege Bandića.
It is interesting to mention that modeling and construction calculations with FEA STRESS program were introduced in distant 1971, when IBM 1130 were used for student exercises of construction calculations of bridges 1130 on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, and in computer center of former Jugomont, with the aid of colleague Bandić.
[Wed Jan 14 12:33:16 2004]
S tim se programom moglo proračunati samo štapaste modele konstrukcija.
With that program it is possible to calculate only bar models of constructions.
[Wed Jan 14 12:36:49 2004]
Postupno se nabavio i moćni FEA integralni inženjerski sustav ICES STRUDL2 i SAPIV, koji su bili instalirani na main frame kompjuterima UNIVAC i IBM u RC SRCE-a, a zbog bolje suradnje s privredom montirana je ICES STRUDL2 IBM verzija i na RC INUG-a, a potom moderna UNIVAC verzija u RC SRCE-a.
We have ultimately acquired the powerful FEA integral engineering system ICES STRUDL2 and SAPIV, which were installed on the main frame computers UNIVAC and IBM in computer center SRCE, and for better cooperation with the economy the ICES STRUDL2 IBM version was installed in computer center INUG, and then the modern UNIVAC version in computer center SRCE.
[Wed Jan 14 12:50:15 2004]
U RC INJUG-u bili su instalirani i FEA programi za linearne i nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize konstrukcija SD2-A i SD2-B na računalu FUJICU-FACOM.
In computer center INJUG FEA programs were installed for linear and nonlinear static and dynamic analyses of the SD2-A and SD2-B constructions on the FUJICU-FACOM computer.
[Wed Jan 14 14:05:22 2004]
Ovi su programi instalirani na INUG-u, kasnijom zamjenom FF računskih strojeva s IBM računalom "izumrli".
These programs that were installed in INUG, "become extinct" because of later replacement of FF computers with the IBM computer.
[Wed Jan 14 14:06:38 2004]
Za inženjere iz prakse organizirani su tečajevi za korištenje svih tih programa i napisani odgovarajući priručnici.
Courses were organized for construction engineers for the use of all these programs, and suitable manuals were written.
[Wed Jan 14 14:06:46 2004]
Te smo tečajeve organizirali preko DGI u Zagrebu, u IPZ-u u Zagrebu, Industrogradnji, a i u RC Đ.
Those courses were organized through DGI in Zagreb, in IPZ in Zagreb, in Industrogradnja, and in computer center Đ.
[Wed Jan 14 14:07:19 2004]
Đakovića u Sl.
Đaković in Slavonski
[Wed Jan 14 14:12:52 2004]
Brodu, u Osijeku, i u RC Energoinvesta u Sarajevu.
Đaković in Slavonski Brod, in Osijek, and in computer center of Energoinvest in Sarajevo.
[Wed Jan 14 14:13:45 2004]
U praksi i na vježbama i u diplomskim radovima Koristio se i programe SAP IV i kasnije naprednije verzije tog programa.
In practice, on exercises and in graduation theses SAP IV program was used, and later the more advanced versions of that program.
[Wed Jan 14 14:19:12 2004]
Osnovni nedostaci tih (velikih) programskih paketa bili su u nedostatku komunikacijske opreme za grafičke prikaze ulaza i izlaznih rezultata.
Basic disadvantages of those (large) software packages were in the absence of communication equipment for graphic presentations of input and output results.
[Wed Jan 14 14:22:31 2004]
Programi su istina imali taj input-output grafički (CAD) međusklop, ali nikada nisu bile nabavljene ulazne i izlazne grafičke jedinice!
It is true that the programs had the input-output graphic (CAD) interface, but input and output graphic units were never acquired!
[Wed Jan 14 14:22:42 2004]
U nekim slučajevima putovalo se čak u RC Međimurje u Čakovcu, da bi se "isplotali" rezultati analiza dobiveni s programom ICES STRUDL(!)
In some cases we even traveled to computer center Međimurje in Čakovec, in order to "plot" the results of analysis obtained with the ICES STRUDL program (!)
[Wed Jan 14 14:29:36 2004]
. Npr.
For example,
[Wed Jan 14 14:29:38 2004]
kod prikaza simulacije zarašćivanja kirurški zbrinutih kostiju olecranona (suradnja s ekspertima KB Rebro:
For example, in presenting the simulation of healing of sugically fixed bones of the olecranon (in collaboration with the experts at clinical hospital Rebro:
[Wed Jan 14 14:38:16 2004]
[Wed Jan 14 14:49:37 2004]
. Program je dakle bio "slijep", bez CAD podrške.
The program is, therefore, "blind", without CAD support.
[Wed Jan 14 14:50:00 2004]
Prvotno se i unos podataka radio preko sustava bušenih kartica, koje su se bušile posebnim bušilicama, a kasnije s tastature (u INUG-u).
Originally, the input of data was done through the systems of perforated cards, which were drilled with special drills, and later it was done with keyboards (in INUG).
[Wed Jan 14 14:57:37 2004]
Te se bušilice danas mogu vidjeti u Tehničkom muzeju.
Those drills can today be seen in Technical museum.
[Wed Jan 14 14:58:46 2004]
No unatoč tim nedostacima, analizirane su razne (i vrlo) složene 3D konstrukcije i danas nezamislivo složeni FE detalji:
But in spite of these flaws, different (and very) complex 3D constructions were analyzed, as well as some still inconceivably complex FE details:
[Wed Jan 14 15:13:16 2004]
no nikome nije ni padalo na pamet koristiti raščlambe 3D konstrukcije na 2D entitete.
but nobody has ever thought of using the analyses of 3D constructions to 2D entities.
[Wed Jan 14 15:16:16 2004]
Pojavom džepnih računara s mogućnostima programiranja, pa stolnih računara, te na kraju PC računala, zamrlo je korištenje "velikih" paketa, a koristili su se isprva manji paketi ograničenih mogućnosti, primjenjivim mogućnostima tih malih računara, a što je modeliranje konstrukcija vratilo uvelike unatrag.
With the arrival of pocket computers with programming possibilities, desktop computers, and finally PC computers, ceased the using of "large" packages, and at first smaller packages with limited possibilities were used, with applicable possibilities of these small computers, which has significantly reversed structural modeling.
[Wed Jan 14 15:31:28 2004]
Sada nakon cca 30 i više godina, ponovno smo tamo gdje smo bili pred cca 10 i više godina.
Today, after more than 30 years, we are back where we were more than 10 years ago.
[Wed Jan 14 15:34:11 2004]
Nastojimo studente naučiti modelirati stvarne konstrukcije, za razliku od onog što su učili na idealnim konstrukcijama, te ih odučiti od "navada" naučenog.
We are trying to teach our students to model real constructions, unlike that which they were taught on ideal constructions, and to break their "habits" form what they have learned.
[Wed Jan 14 15:36:29 2004]
U tome nam "pomažu" i novi EUROCODE propisi, koji zahtijevaju prilično složene provjere, koje je nemoguće obaviti priručnim alatima (tools).
New EUROCODE regulations "help" us with that, but they demand rather complex verifications, which are impossible to execute with manual tools.
[Wed Jan 14 15:37:44 2004]
S obzirom na složenost tih novih propisa uvjereni smo da je potrebno razvijati ekspertne sustave koji će ih predočavati i zamijeniti u proračunima konstrukcija.
Regarding the complexity of these new regulations, we are convinced that it is necessary to develop expert systems which will present them and replace them in construction calculations.
[Wed Jan 14 16:08:10 2004]
Jedan takav sustav razvija dr. Bjelanović, za prikaz i primjenu EC5 standarda, za dizajn drvenih konstrukcija.
Bjelanović is developing one such system, for presentation and use of EC5 standard, for design of wooden structures.
[Wed Jan 14 16:10:39 2004]
Na studiju primjenjujemo i jedan takav u EXCEL-u pisan program STEP 5 za provjeru EC5 standarda za projektiranje i provjere drvenih konstrukcija i detalja spojeva.
Our students are using one such program, STEP5, written in EXCEL, for verification of the EC5 standard for design and checking of wooden structures and connection details.
[Wed Jan 14 16:11:09 2004]
Bez tog programa studenti bi bili "izgubljeni" u primjeni složenih i zahtjevnih EC5 standarda pri izradbi vježbi iz drvenih konstrukcija.
Without this program our students would be "lost" in the use of complex and demanding EC5 standards in the performance of exercises in wooden structures.
[Wed Jan 14 16:11:17 2004]
U mojoj knjizi Modeliranje konstrukcija ( ŠK Zagreb,1993.)
In my book Structural modelling (ŠK Zagreb,1993)
[Wed Jan 14 16:11:54 2004]
, i Drvenim konstrukcijama II i III (PRETEI, Zagreb, 2000.)
In my book Structural modelling (ŠK Zagreb,1993), and Wooden structures II and III (PRETEI, Zagreb, 2000ž)
[Wed Jan 14 16:27:43 2004]
pokušavam ukazati na ispravno FE modeliranje konstrukcija, posebice drvenih konstrukcija.
In my book Structural modelling (ŠK Zagreb,1993), and Wooden structures II and III (PRETEI, Zagreb, 2000ž) I have tried to point out the correct FE structural modelling, especially of wooden structures.
[Wed Jan 14 16:37:00 2004]
Oslonjen na dva u računskoj učionici instalirana programa nastojim u knjizi i u skriptama objasniti moderno modeliranje konstrukcija, prvenstveno konstrukcija u prostoru, jer se i stvarne konstrukcije nalaze u prostoru a ne u ravnini ekrana.
On the basis of two programs installed in the computer classroom, I have tried in my book and lectures to explain modern structural modeling, primarily construction modeling in space, because real constructions are situated in space, and not on the flat surface of computer screen.
[Wed Jan 14 16:51:07 2004]
Detalji nisu nužno ograničeni na građevinske konstrukcije:
Details are not necessarily restricted to building structures:
[Wed Jan 14 16:55:06 2004]
u nedavnom još aktualnom istraživačkom radu proučava se tako npr. spoj dvaju elemenata pločastih materijala na osnovi drveta s drvenim čepovima (spoj prefabriciranih elemenata namještaja).
in recent, still topical research, there is study of the connection of two elements of plate materials, based on wood and with wooden corks (the connection of prefabricated elements of furniture).
[Wed Jan 14 16:59:33 2004]
Ovi računarski pokusi (vođeni s FEA paketom COSMOS2) zahtijevaju niz konstanti koje treba ispitati u laboratoriju na uzorcima korištenih materijala.
These computer experiments (conducted with FEA package COSMOS2) demand a number of constants which must be tested in laboratory on samples of used materials.
[Wed Jan 14 16:59:34 2004]
Također se u okviru istražnih radova ispituju neki entiteti drvenih lameliranih konstrukcija armiranih folijama od ugljikovih vlakana (Haiman), i spregnutih konstrukcija od drveta i laganog polimer-betona, kao proračunski modeli, ali i realni (whole scale) laboratorijski eksperimenti (Rajčić), te spojevi namještaja iz drvenih pločastih materijala (Ivelić).
Also, in the framework of research work, there are testings of certain entities of wooden laminated constructions reinforced with foils made from carbon fibers (Haiman), and composite constructions made from wood and lightweight polymer-concrete, as calcuation models, and also as real (whole scale) laboratory experiments (Rajčić), and furniture connections made from wooden plate materials (Ivelić).
[Wed Jan 14 17:13:31 2004]
Nedostatak opreme, dobrih projektora (npr.
Lack of the equipment, of good projectors (e.g.
[Wed Jan 14 17:15:51 2004]
DLP projektora) i laptop računala otežava prikaze modela i sam čin modeliranja.
DLP projector) and laptop computers aggravates model presentations but also the very act of modeling.
[Wed Jan 14 17:18:53 2004]
Prenošenje računala i video topa u predavaonicu, demontaža i montaža multimedijskih računala je suviše zametan posao.
Transfer of computers and video tops in lecture halls, dismantling and assembling of multimedia computers is a very strenuous job.
[Wed Jan 14 17:21:25 2004]
Također nedostaje opreme za prikaze virtualne stvarnosti, a bez koje je teško ponekad razumijevati složenije konstrukcije i s arhitektonskog i konstruktorskog naziranja.
There is also a lack of equipment for displaying virtual reality, and without which it is sometimes difficult to understand more complex constructions, both from architectonic and constructionals point of view.
[Wed Jan 14 17:25:15 2004]
Nekako se posljednjih godina informatički zanos "ispuhao", i malo se dalje radi na osuvremenjivanju računarske i druge opreme.
In recent years, the information enthusiasm has somehow " deflated ", and ther is little further work on modernization of computer and other equipment.
[Wed Jan 14 17:25:17 2004]
U naglom napredovanju informatičke tehnologije taj zastoj je jednak vraćanju u (bolju?)
In sudden progress of the Information Technology this halt is equivalent to going back to a (better?)
[Wed Jan 14 17:27:21 2004]
) past.
[Wed Jan 14 17:27:21 2004]
Na sreću Znanstveno nastavno vijeće je nedavno odlučilo da se predmete informacijske tehnologije (IT)uvede na ranim godinama studija građevinarstva
Fortunately, the Scientific teaching council has recently decided to introduce the subjects of the information technology (IT) in early years of Civil engineering studies
[Fri Jan 16 10:23:25 2004]
Nažalost, iz dostupnih realnih projekata vidljivo je da samo modeliranje nije jedina bolna točka projektne dokumentacije.
Unfortunately, it is visible from the available real projects is that the modeling itself is not the only painful point of project documentation.
[Fri Jan 16 10:24:08 2004]
Unatoč sve veće primjene programskih paketa (dakle programskih mogućnosti proračuna), u projektnoj dokumentaciji koja mi dolazi kao revidentu drvenih konstrukcija u ruke, vidi se jedan totalni nered u prezentiranju potrebne projektne dokumentacije.
In spite of the growing use of software packages (therefore, programmatical calculation possibilities), in project documentation which comes to me as the reviser of wooden structures, we can see a total disorder in presentation of the necessary project documentation.
[Fri Jan 16 10:25:12 2004]
Pače i nerazumijevanje rezultata.
Moreover, there is also the lack of result comprehension.
[Fri Jan 16 10:26:04 2004]
Ovakav nered u dokumentaciji je nezamisliv u europskim zemljama, a ukazuje na nizak stupanj veze naših projektanata s inozemnim okružjem.
Such disorder in documentation is inconceivable in European countries, and it points to low degree of connection between our planners with foreign environment.
[Fri Jan 16 10:27:50 2004]
U Njemačkoj postoji točan propisan i normiran način prezentacije proračuna u projektu.
In Germany there is precisely regulated and standardized way of presentation of project calculation.
[Fri Jan 16 10:28:57 2004]
On mora biti elektronski čitljiv i dostupan revidentu, a primjedbe revidenta samo dostupne projektantu.
It must electronically readable and accessible to the reviser, and reviser's remarks should be accessible only to the planning engineer.
[Fri Jan 16 10:30:20 2004]
Koriste se uobičajeni word procesori s posebnim protokolom (tzv.
The regular Word processors with special protocol are used (so-called
[Fri Jan 16 10:32:40 2004]
obojeni tekst), kako bi se zaštitilo autorstvo projekta i tajnost odnosa projektanta i revidenta prema ostaloj javnosti.
The regular Word processors with special protocol are used (so-called colored text), in order to protect the project authorship and the secrecy of relationship between the planning engineer and the reviser towards the rest of the public.
[Fri Jan 16 10:34:20 2004]
U praksi od zadnjih sedam godina, još nisam naišao na dokumentaciju koja bi bila barem u prezentaciji dolična standardima zapadnih europskih zemalja.
In the last seven years of practice, I have not yet come across the documentation which would at least in its presentation meet the standards of Western European countries.
[Fri Jan 16 10:35:56 2004]
To ukazuje da generacije treba školovati ne samo u smislu korištenja modernih saznanja modeliranja proizvoda, već ih treba u toku studija "drilati" u smislu normativnog prikaza tehničke dokumentacije.
This indicates that generations must be educated not only in the sense of using modern understandings of product modeling, but that during the study they must be " drilled " in the sense of normative presentation of technical documentation.
[Fri Jan 16 10:35:56 2004]
Zanimljivo je pri tome to, da su svi diplomski radovi uglavnom prezentirani na europskoj razini prikaza, a da u praksi imamo potpuno suprotnu situaciju
In this regard it is interesting, that all graduation theses mainly were presented on the European level of presentation, but that in practice have a totally oposite situation
[Fri Jan 16 10:40:06 2004]
Često se postavlja pitanje kompleksnosti modela.
The question of model complexity is often raised.
[Fri Jan 16 10:40:22 2004]
[Fri Jan 16 10:41:21 2004]
modeliranje da, ali na razini realnog ponašanja.
modelling - yes, but on the level of real behavior.
[Fri Jan 16 10:41:46 2004]
Ako je potrebno i FE model treba (i mora) biti vrlo kompliciran.
If necessary, the FE model needs (and must) be very complex.
[Fri Jan 16 10:42:26 2004]
Konačno, danas postoje automatski umreživači linija površina, volumena, kontura i regija.
Finally, today there are automatic networkers of surface lines, volume, contours and regions.
[Fri Jan 16 10:45:50 2004]
Komplicirani modeli su bez grafičkih kontrola pogubni jer su nekontrolabilni.
Complex models are unsafe without graphic controls because they are uncontrollable.
[Fri Jan 16 10:47:41 2004]
Svi današnji moderni programi imaju mogućnosti grafičkih prezentacija, neki imaju i ugrađene programe i module za dimenzioniranje po EC standardima, pa su stoga vrlo prijateljski kontrolabilni.
All present-day modern programs have possibilities of graphic presentations, some also have built-in programs and modules for dimensioning according to EC standards, so therefore they are very easily controllable.
[Fri Jan 16 10:50:39 2004]
S obzirom da se rješava naša dilema oko prihvata EC propisa, svaki projekt rađen s takvim programima prihvatljiv je u svim zemljama EZ.
Since our dilemma about the acceptance EC regulations is being solved, each project carried out with such programs is acceptable in all EC countries.
[Fri Jan 16 10:50:39 2004]
Nije mi jasno što se tu toliko čekalo i još čeka?
I do not understand what were we waiting for so long, and what do we still wait for?
[Fri Jan 16 10:52:49 2004]
Dakle, modeliranje je potrebno, ono je neizostavno, krećemo se od kompleksnih 3D modela ka prividnoj stvarnosti (VR).
Therefore, modeling is necessary, it is unavoidable, we are moving from complex 3D models towards virtual reality (VR).
[Fri Jan 16 10:53:05 2004]
Napredak je vrlo brz.
The progress is very rapid.
[Fri Jan 16 10:54:58 2004]
Svako zaostajanje je pogubno za struku.
Every delay is fatal for the profession.
[Fri Jan 16 10:54:58 2004]
Zato, mnoge novitete treba uvesti što ranije i što brže, kako bi se izbjegle zamke prošlosti i usmjerilo se k tehnološki neizvjesnoj ali svakako zanimljivijoj i kompleksnijoj budućnosti
For this reason, many novelties must be introduced as soon and as fast as possible, in order to avoid the traps of the past and to direct ourselves toward technologically uncertain, but surely more interesting and more complex future
[Fri Jan 16 10:56:17 2004]
Nastojao sam prikazati neke osnove, dileme i lutanja u adekvatnom modeliranju proizvoda.
I have tried to present some basics, dilemmas and wanderings in the adequate product modeling.
[Fri Jan 16 10:57:23 2004]
Da li jednostavno ili komplicirano.
Whether it is simple or complex.
[Fri Jan 16 10:57:23 2004]
I konačno, što je to modeliranje proizvoda i gdje se taj predmet proučava?
And finally, I have tried to explain what is product modeling and where is this subject studied?
[Fri Jan 16 11:07:53 2004]
Iz iskustva revizija projekata primijećeno je da se kod metalnih i drvenih konstrukcija malo računa vodi o stabilnosti pojedinih dijelova i cjeline konstrukcija koje su obično vrlo vitke.
The experience of project revision shows that in metal and wooden structures little attention has been paid to stability of individula parts and wholes of constructions which are usually very slim.
[Fri Jan 16 11:11:13 2004]
Većina konstruktora izgleda smatra da se izvijaju samo tlačni elementi, a zaboravljaju na efekte izbočenja i gubitka stabilnosti zbog efekta izbočenja.
It seems that most constructors believes that only compression members bend, and they are forgetting the buckling effects and stability loss on account of those effects.
[Fri Jan 16 11:21:36 2004]
Zaboravlja se na to, da je često kriterij nosivosti stabilnost, a ne model sloma konstrukcije zbog iscrpljivanja nosivosti materijala.
They are forgetting that, criterion for bearing capacity is often the stability, and not the model of construction break on account of exhaustion of the material bearing capacity.
[Fri Jan 16 11:26:53 2004]
Pogotovo je bitno kod provjera stabilnosti proračunskog modela konstrukciju proračunske modele uvesti izvedbene netočnosti, zavisne o proizvođaču, a i o lokaciji proizvođača, a što izrijekom traže i EC propisi.
Particularly important in stability checks of calcuation model is to bring execution incorectness into the calculation model construction, which depend on the manufacturer, and as well as on location of the manufacturer, and which is explicitly requested by EC regulations.
[Fri Jan 16 11:27:38 2004]
A sve su te analize u dosegu današnjih mogućnosti analiza konstrukcija.
And all those analyses are within reach of present-day possibilities of construction analyses.
[Fri Jan 16 11:28:19 2004]
Proračunski modeli koji se koriste za proračune stabilnosti su (ili trebaju biti) istovjetni onima za statičke analize.
Calcuation models which are used for stability calculations are (or should be) identical to those for static analyses.
[Fri Jan 16 11:30:37 2004]
Uvođenjem krivulja naprezanja/rel.
Introduction of stress curves/rel.
[Fri Jan 16 11:33:07 2004]
deformacije umjesto konstantnih modula elastičnosti na istom se proračunskom modelu mogu istražiti statička i dinamička nelinearna ponašanja konstrukcija u vremenu.
deformation instead of constant elastic modules on the same calcuation model we can examine static and dynamic nonlinear construction behaviour in time.
[Fri Jan 16 11:33:07 2004]
To se danas malo koristi, ali se predviđa koristiti u skoroj budućnosti.
This is today scarcely used, but there are predictions of more frequent use in the near future.
[Fri Jan 16 11:41:17 2004]
Naravno, da je teško pri edukaciji razmrvljenoj po predmetima, edukaciju sinteze obuhvatiti u jednom predmetu.
Of course, when education is crumbled into subjects, it is difficult to comprise the education of synthesis into one subject.
[Fri Jan 16 11:41:17 2004]
To će se eventualno postići "on line" suradnjom na promišljenim zajedničkim projektima u kojima se koriste IT tehnologije, u kojima se CAD sučeljava s FE modeliranjem i FE postupcima analize, pa i izvedbi (engineering & construction) same konstrukcije i daljinskim učenjem
Perhaps this will be achieved by " on line " cooperation on deliberate united projects in which IT technologies would be used, in which CAD would face faces FE modeling and FE analysis procedures, and even execution (engineering & construction) of the construction itself and the distance learning
[Fri Jan 16 11:44:26 2004]
Pojednostavljenje u modelima prometnih objekata dovelo je do današnjeg naziranja na mostove kao utilitarne prometne objekte.
Simplification in models of traffic objects has brought to the present-day comprehension of bridges as utilitarian traffic objects.
[Fri Jan 16 11:44:54 2004]
Svi su ti objekti utilitarni i koriste prometnim modovima:
All these objects are utilitarian and useful to traffic modes:
[Fri Jan 16 11:46:01 2004]
željezničkom, cestovnom, usmjerenom pješačkom prometu.
railroad, road, guided pedestrian traffic.
[Fri Jan 16 11:48:07 2004]
Podređeno jednostavnom modeliranju greda, roštilja, lukova, zauzdanim i ovješenim sustavima.
They are subordinate to plain modeling of beams, grates, arches, bridled and suspended systems.
[Fri Jan 16 11:48:24 2004]
Zanesenost povećavanjem raspona, korištenja novih materijala i novih tehnologija, sve većom smjelošću i današnjim mogućnostima proračuna i izvođenja zaboravilo se na osnovne elemente:
Enthusiasm with the increase of ranges, uses of new materials and new technologies, growing boldness and today's possibilities of calculation and execution, we have forgotten about the basic elements:
[Fri Jan 16 11:49:00 2004]
ekonomičnost izvedbe i održavanja i svrhu njihove izgradnje:
economy of performance and maintenance, and the purpose of their construction:
[Fri Jan 16 11:49:00 2004]
povezivanja života prekinutog nekom umjetnom ili prirodnom barijerom
connecting the life interrupted by some artificial or natural barrier
[Fri Jan 16 11:59:33 2004]
Da je tome tako, pokazano je već dosta davno (u mojim skriptama Nosive strukture, iz 1972.)
That this is so, has been shown a long time ago (in my lecture notes Bearing structures, from 1972)
[Fri Jan 16 12:31:26 2004]
gdje se u okviru vježbi predmeta Nosive strukture na Saobraćajnom međufakultetskom studiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pokazalo da se simulacijama gradnje multisadržajnog višerazinskog objekta može objekt tako dizajnirati i određeni sadržaji optimizirati, da se pogodnim izborom sadržaja dobije maksimizacija u gradnju uložene dobiti.
where the exercises from the subject of Bearing structures on Traffic intercollegiate studies at the University of Zagreb had shown that with simulations of building a multicontent multilevel object the object can be designed and particular contents optimized in such a way, that with the appropriate choice of contents we can obtain maximization of the profit invested in building.
[Fri Jan 16 12:33:35 2004]
Matematička osnova tih analiza svodi se na maksimizaciju dobiti uloženog kapitala, od očekivane rente po jedinici vremena u ograničenjima tržišta
Mathematical base of those analyses comes down to the profit maximization of capital input, from the expected annuity per time unit in market limitations
[Fri Jan 16 12:36:53 2004]
a koju objektivnu funkciju treba maksimirati, podložno ograničenjima:
and the objective function must be maximized, according to limitations of:
[Fri Jan 16 12:37:00 2004]
tržišta, zoninga, odlukama projektiranja, količini raspoloživog budžeta.
market, zoning, designing decisions, amount of the available budget.
[Fri Jan 16 12:37:00 2004]
U toj su jednadžbi
In this equation
[Fri Jan 16 12:38:48 2004]
površine katova namjene i, na razini j, arhitektonske kakvoće k
surfaces of floors i, on the level j, of the architectual quality k
[Fri Jan 16 12:42:42 2004]
su cijene jediničnih površina namjene i, na razini j, arhitektonske kakvoće k
are prices of purposive unit areas i, on the level j, of the architectual quality k
[Fri Jan 16 12:43:44 2004]
je renta po jediničnoj površini za jedinicu vremena, a za namjene i, na razini j, arhitektonske kakvoće k
is the annuity per unit area for time unit, and for purposes i, on the level j, of the architectual quality k
[Fri Jan 16 12:44:49 2004]
je vjerojatnost rentiranja ili prodaje prostora namjene i, na razini j, arhitektonske kakvoće k
is the probability of renting or selling the purpose space i, on the level j, of the architectual quality k
[Fri Jan 16 12:46:43 2004]
je vjerojatnost mogućnosti da se ne iznajmi ili ne proda prostor namjene i, na razini j, arhitektonske kakvoće k
is the probability of not renting or not selling the purpose space i, on the level j, op the architectural quality k
[Fri Jan 16 12:51:00 2004]
Ovaj je model ispitan i detaljno opisan u mojim skriptama Nosive strukture, I dio (iz 1979), a i u knjizi Drveni mostovi (PRETEI, Zgb, 2001.)
This model was tested and described in detail in my lecture notes Bearing structures, part I (from 1979), and also in my book Wooden bridges (PRETEI, Zgb, 2001.)
[Fri Jan 16 12:54:28 2004]
. Ekonometrijski model je bio razradio u svojem diplomskom radu ing.
The econometric model was elaborated in graduation thesis of civ. engineer
[Fri Jan 16 14:02:30 2004]
Majić, s Međufakultetskog prometnog studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), a na uzorku projekta i stvarne evaluacije stanja višenamjenske konstrukcije RTV centra u Ljubljani koji ima ukupno 10 etaža (3 podzemne i 7 nadzemnih etaža) i 10 namjenskih prostora.
engineer Majić, from the Interfaculty of Traffic and Transportation Study at the University of Zagreb), on the project sample and real evaluation of the state of multipurpose structure of the radio-television centre in Ljubljana, which has 10 levels (3 underground levels and 7 above-ground levels) and 10 specified-purpose areas.
[Fri Jan 16 14:03:20 2004]
Međutim, koliko sam upoznat naša se tadašnja netržišna praksa nije zanimala za taj model, jer u to vrijeme kod nas nije bilo tržišta.
However, as far as I know, our contemporary nonmarket practice was not interested in this model, because we did not have a market at that time.
[Fri Jan 16 14:05:59 2004]
Postavke tog modela dali su R.
Propositions of that model were given by R.
[Fri Jan 16 14:06:08 2004]
Aguilar u "System Analysis and Design in Engineering, Architecture, Construction and Planning", R.
Aguilar in his "System Analysis and Design in Engineering, Architecture, Construction and Planning", R.
[Fri Jan 16 14:06:10 2004]
[Fri Jan 16 14:06:11 2004]
Stark i T.
Stark and T.
[Fri Jan 16 14:06:36 2004]
[Fri Jan 16 14:07:52 2004]
Nichols u "Mathematic Foundation for Design in Civil Engineering Systems", kao i de Neufville i Stafford u "System Analysis for Engineers and Managers".
Nichols in "Mathematic Foundation for Design in Civil Engineering Systems", as well as by de Neufville and Stafford in "System Analysis for Engineers and Managers".
[Fri Jan 16 14:09:59 2004]
Ti modeli opisani u navedenim i ostalim knjigama koje tretiraju tu materiju, moraju prethoditi strukturalnim proračunskim modelima.
These models, described in the abovementioned and some other books which treat this subject, must precede the structural calculation models.
[Fri Jan 16 14:12:28 2004]
U koliko se takvi ekonometrijski modeli ne prouče i analiziraju, strukturalni modeli optimizacije i dizajna konstrukcije postaju besmisleni i irelevantni, ma koliko bili precizni i dorađeni.
If such econometric models are not studied and analyzed, structural models of optimization and structural design become would become pointless and irrelevant, however precise and improved they might be.
[Fri Jan 16 14:13:06 2004]
Neki novi primjeri natječaja za integralne objekte (za nove mostove preko Temze u Londonu) ukazuju i na nove putove dizajna tih objekata.
Some new examples of applications for integral objects (for new bridges across Thames in London) indicate to the new paths of designs for those objects.
[Fri Jan 16 14:14:33 2004]
No pitanje je kako te dvije kategorije modeliranja uskladiti:
But the question is how to synchronize those two modeling categories:
[Fri Jan 16 14:15:31 2004]
ekonometrijski modeli spadaju u sferu ekonomije u kojoj ekonomisti ništa ne znaju o graditeljstvu a drugi, strukturalni modeli pripadaju u sferu inženjerskog modeliranja i ekonomske djelatnosti i djelotvornosti o kojoj građevinari malo ili ništa od toga ne znaju.
econometric models belong to the sphere of economy in which economists know nothing about the construction, and the other, structural models belong to the sphere of engineering modeling and economic activity and efficacy about which civil engineers know little nothing about.
[Fri Jan 16 14:17:46 2004]
Rješenje je samo u uskoj suradnji struka i razmjenama podataka.
Solution lies only in close cooperation of professions and in the exchange of data.
[Fri Jan 16 14:18:41 2004]
Na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (a i drugdje) postoji Odsjek za organizaciju građenja, koji treba prebroditi ove prepreke, no on se edukacijski suviše vremenski kasno integrira u djelatnosti ostalih odsjeka.
At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb (and elsewhere) there is a Department for construction organization, which needs to overcome these obstacles, but educationally it integrates too late into the activities of other departments.
[Fri Jan 16 14:21:27 2004]
A da se ništa ne navede o prekasnom uvođenju CAD-a i srodnih arhitektonskih disciplina u građevinsku edukaciju.
And not to mention the belated introduction of CAD and similar architectual disciplines into the building education.
[Fri Jan 16 14:21:39 2004]
Da navedem, da mi na odsjeku Drvenih konstrukcijama sustavno uvodimo studente u modeliranje (drvenih) konstrukcija na našem predmetu tek u četvrtoj godini studija!
To mention, on our department of Wooden structures we are systematically initiating students into modeling of (wooden) structures in our subject as late as in the fourth year of the studies!
[Fri Jan 16 14:21:39 2004]
A što je sigurno suviše kasno
And that is certainly too late
[Fri Jan 16 14:26:52 2004]
Konačno u najskorije vrijeme pred nama je integracija IT djelatnosti:
Finally, in the forthcoming period we are facing the integration of IT activities:
[Fri Jan 16 14:26:52 2004]
CAD-a i prividne stvarnosti (VR), ekonometričkih modeliranja svrsishodnosti gradnje objekata i CAD modeliranja i proračunavanja iz primjenu ekspertnih sustava (ES), kao i modeliranje robotskog načina građenja, te i održavanja objekata u vremenu njihova eksploatiranja, a sve to u okružju umreženosti Interneta i WEB-a, te daljinske E-suradnje
CAD and virtual reality (VR), econometric modeling of the object building expedience and CAD modeling and calculation with application of the expert systems (ES), as well as the modeling of robotic method of building, and maintenance of objects in period of their exploatation, and all this in the network environment of the Internet and the WEB, and the remote E-cooperation
[Fri Jan 16 14:29:35 2004]
Sve je to povezano s našom integracijom u EU .
All that is connected with our integration into the EU.
[Fri Jan 16 14:32:06 2004]
Bez tih integrativnih tendencija u edukaciji nemoguće je očekivati našu buduću konkurentnost građevinske djelatnosti na europskom i svjetskom tržištu.
Without those integrative tendencies in education it is impossible to expect the future competitiveness of our building activity on European and world market.
[Fri Jan 16 14:34:57 2004]
Meni se čini, da će za našu građevinsku (i projektantsku) industriju i djelatnost uključivanje u EU biti vrlo bolno, jer se naša praksa (ako to možemo zvati praksom), razlikuje od prakse zemalja EU, koje su zemlje godinama sustavno razvijale praksu A-D-E integralnog dizajna i izvođenja.
It seems to me, that for our building (and planning) industry and activity joining the EU will be very painful, because our practice (if we can call it a practice), differs from the experience of the EU countries, which were for years systematically developing the practice of the A-D-E of integral design and execution.
[Fri Jan 16 14:34:57 2004]
Na žalost mi nismo u Hrvatskoj iskoristili u tom smislu jedinstvene šanse koje su nam se pružale u obnovi uništenih i razorenih objekata tijekom domovinskog rata, a koje bi nas, da smo ih iskoristili, bile lansirale u treći milenij
Unfortunately, we did not make use of the exceptional opportunities which were given to us in the reconstruction of destroyed and wrecked objects during the Croatian War of Independence, and which would, if we had used them, launch us into the third millennium
[Fri Jan 16 14:36:50 2004]
. Simulacijski FE model tenis hale u Varaždinu.
. Simulation FE tennis hall model in Varaždin.
[Fri Jan 16 14:38:52 2004]
Glavni su nosači GLULAM trozglobni lukovi.
Main girders are GLULAM tree-hinged arches.
[Fri Jan 16 14:39:17 2004]
Pokrov je membrana od TREVIRE debljine 0,3 mm, koja je po sredini polja nategnuta čeličnim žičanim zategama.
Covering is the trevira membrane with thickness of 0,3 mm, which is streched along the midfield with steel wire tie rods.
[Fri Jan 16 14:40:00 2004]
Vjetrovni vezovi su od nategnutih čeličnih žica, a podrožnice (vertikale vezova) su od lameliranog drveta.
Wind binders are made from tense steel wires, and purlins (binder verticals) are from the laminated wood.
[Fri Jan 16 14:40:25 2004]
Prikazano je opterećenje jednog dijela polja TREVIRE.
There is a presentation of load on one part of TREVIRA field.
[Fri Jan 16 14:40:50 2004]
Prikazani su rubni uvjeti oslanjanja.
There are also boundary conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 14:41:21 2004]
Razmatrana su samo tri polja.
Only three fields have been considered.
[Fri Jan 16 14:41:32 2004]
Ispitana je nosivost i stabilnost konstrukcije.
The bearing capacity and stability of the structure has been tested.
[Fri Jan 16 14:41:49 2004]
Konstrukcija je uvezena iz Italije.
The structure is imported from Italy.
[Fri Jan 16 14:41:51 2004]
a) opterećenje snijegom (jedne zone membrane);
a) the snow load (one membrane zone);
[Fri Jan 16 14:42:03 2004]
b) rubni uvjeti oslanjanja;
b) boundary conditions;
[Fri Jan 16 14:42:13 2004]
c) membrana - 'trevira' 0,3 mm (KE SHELL4);
c) membrane - 'trevira' 0,3 mm (FE SHELL4);
[Fri Jan 16 14:42:36 2004]
d) GLULAM - trozglobni lukovi (KE SHELL4T);
d) GLULAM - three-hinged arches (FE SHELL4T);
[Fri Jan 16 14:42:36 2004]
e) čelično uže za prednapinjanje membrane (KE TRUSS3D s KE GAP.
e) membrane prestressing cable (FE TRUSS3D with FE GAP.
[Fri Jan 16 14:49:04 2004]
Simulacijski FE model tenis hale u Varaždinu.
Simulation model of the FE tennis hall in Varaždin.
[Fri Jan 16 14:49:22 2004]
Ground plan.
[Fri Jan 16 14:50:20 2004]
Glavni su nosači GLULAM trozglobni lukovi.
Main girders are GLULAM tree-hinged arches.
[Fri Jan 16 14:50:41 2004]
Pokrov je membrana od TREVIRE debljine 0,3 mm, koja je po sredini polja nategnuta čeličnim žičanim zategama.
Covering is the trevira membrane with thickness of 0,3 mm, which is stretched along the midfield with steel wire tie rods.
[Fri Jan 16 14:51:19 2004]
Vjetrovni vezovi su od nategnutih čeličnih žica, a podrožnice (vertikale vezova) su od lameliranog drveta.
Wind binders are made from tense steel wires, and purlins (binder verticals) are from the laminated wood.
[Fri Jan 16 14:51:35 2004]
Prikazano je opterećenje jednog dijela polja TREVIRE.
There is a presentaion of load on one part of TREVIRA field.
[Fri Jan 16 14:51:59 2004]
Prikazani su rubni uvjeti oslanjanja.
There are also boundary conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 14:52:35 2004]
Razmatrana su samo tri polja.
Only three fields have been considered.
[Fri Jan 16 14:52:45 2004]
Ispitana je nosivost i stabilnost konstrukcije.
The bearing capacity and stability of the structure have been tested.
[Fri Jan 16 14:53:07 2004]
Konstrukcija je uvezena iz Italije.
The structure is imported from Italy.
[Fri Jan 16 14:53:17 2004]
a) vjetrovno - stabilizacijski vez (TRUSS3D s GAP KE);
a) wind-stability binder (TRUSS3D with GAP FE);
[Fri Jan 16 14:53:17 2004]
b) čelično uže za prednapinjanje membrane (KE TRUSS3D s KE GAP).
b) membrane prestressing cable (FE TRUSS3D with FE GAP).
[Fri Jan 16 14:54:47 2004]
Simulacijski FE model tenis hale u Varaždinu.
Simulation FE model of tennis hall in Varaždin.
[Fri Jan 16 14:55:08 2004]
[Fri Jan 16 14:55:51 2004]
Glavni su nosači GLULAM trozglobni lukovi.
Main girders are GLULAM tree-hinged arches.
[Fri Jan 16 14:56:08 2004]
Pokrov je membrana od TREVIRE debljine 0,3 mm, koja je po sredini polja nategnuta čeličnim žičanim zategama.
Covering is the trevira membrane with thickness of 0,3 mm, which is stretched along the midfield with steel wire tie rods.