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[Fri Jan 16 14:56:56 2004]
Vjetrovni vezovi su od nategnutih čeličnih žica, a podrožnice (vertikale vezova) su od lameliranog drveta.
Wind binders are made from tense steel wires, and purlins (binder verticals) are from the laminated wood.
[Fri Jan 16 14:57:20 2004]
Prikazano je opterećenje jednog dijela polja TREVIRE.
There is a presentaion of load on one part of TREVIRA field.
[Fri Jan 16 14:57:38 2004]
Prikazani su rubni uvjeti oslanjanja.
There are also boundary conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 14:57:54 2004]
Razmatrana su samo tri polja.
Only three fields have been considered.
[Fri Jan 16 14:58:01 2004]
Ispitana je nosivost i stabilnost konstrukcije.
The bearing capacity and stability of the structure have been tested.
[Fri Jan 16 14:58:08 2004]
Konstrukcija je uvezena iz Italije.
The structure is imported from Italy.
[Fri Jan 16 14:58:08 2004]
a) razuporne drvene podrožnice (KE BEAM3D)
a) bracing wooden purlins (FE BEAM3D)
[Fri Jan 16 15:00:14 2004]
. Simulacijski FE model tenis hale u Varaždinu.
Simulation FE model of tennis hall in Varaždin.
[Fri Jan 16 15:00:33 2004]
Detalj pokrova, zatege za napinjanje membrane, vjetrovnog veza i podrožnica.
Detail of the covering, tie rod for membrane streching, wind binder and purlins.
[Fri Jan 16 15:01:10 2004]
Glavni su nosači GLULAM trozglobni lukovi.
Main girders are GLULAM tree-hinged arches.
[Fri Jan 16 15:01:28 2004]
Pokrov je membrana od TREVIRE debljine 0,3 mm, koja je po sredini polja nategnuta čeličnim žičanim zategama.
Covering is the trevira membrane with thickness of 0,3 mm, which is stretched along the midfield with steel wire tie rods.
[Fri Jan 16 15:02:18 2004]
Vjetrovni vezovi su od nategnutih čeličnih žica, a podrožnice (vertikale vezova) su od lameliranog drveta.
Wind binders are made from tense steel wires, and purlins (binder verticals) are from the laminated wood.
[Fri Jan 16 15:02:38 2004]
Prikazano je opterećenje jednog dijela polja TREVIRE.
There is a presentation of load on one part of TREVIRA field.
[Fri Jan 16 15:02:55 2004]
Prikazani su rubni uvjeti oslanjanja.
There are also boundary conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 15:03:13 2004]
Razmatrana su samo tri polja.
Only three fields have been considered.
[Fri Jan 16 15:03:21 2004]
Ispitana je nosivost i stabilnost konstrukcije.
The bearing capacity and stability of the structure have been tested.
[Fri Jan 16 15:03:26 2004]
Konstrukcija je uvezena iz Italije.
The structure is imported from Italy.
[Fri Jan 16 15:03:34 2004]
a) razuporne drvene podrožnice (KE BEAM3D);
a) bracing wooden purlins (FE BEAM3D);
[Fri Jan 16 15:03:34 2004]
b) čelično uže za prednapinjanje membrane (KE TRUSS3D s KE GAP).
b) membrane prestressing cable (FE TRUSS3D with FE GAP).
[Fri Jan 16 15:04:39 2004]
Simulacijski FE model tenis hale u Varaždinu.
Simulation FE model of tennis hall in Varaždin.
[Fri Jan 16 15:04:58 2004]
Trozglobni luk.
Three-hinged arch.
[Fri Jan 16 15:04:59 2004]
Naprezanja u luku.
Stresses in the arch.
[Fri Jan 16 15:05:12 2004]
[Fri Jan 16 15:06:00 2004]
naprezanja oko tjemenog zgloba nosača.
stresses around the crown hinge of a girder.
[Fri Jan 16 15:06:43 2004]
Glavni su nosači GLULAM trozglobni lukovi.
Main girders are GLULAM tree-hinged arches.
[Fri Jan 16 15:06:57 2004]
Pokrov je membrana od TREVIRE debljine 0,3 mm, koja je po sredini polja nategnuta čeličnim žičanim zategama.
Covering is the trevira membrane with thickness of 0,3 mm, which is stretched along the midfield with steel wire tie rods.
[Fri Jan 16 15:07:20 2004]
Vjetrovni vezovi su od nategnutih čeličnih žica, a podrožnice (vertikale vezova) su od lameliranog drveta.
Wind binders are made from tense steel wires, and purlins (binder verticals) are from the laminated wood.
[Fri Jan 16 15:07:28 2004]
Prikazano je opterećenje jednog dijela polja TREVIRE.
There is a presentation of load on one part of TREVIRA field.
[Fri Jan 16 15:07:43 2004]
Prikazani su rubni uvjeti oslanjanja.
There are also boundary conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 15:07:58 2004]
Razmatrana su samo tri polja.
Only three fields have been considered.
[Fri Jan 16 15:08:09 2004]
Ispitana je nosivost i stabilnost konstrukcije.
The bearing capacity and stability of the structure have been tested.
[Fri Jan 16 15:08:09 2004]
Konstrukcija je uvezena iz Italije.
The structure is imported from Italy.
[Fri Jan 16 15:09:17 2004]
Građenje jednog hotela s prodajnim centrom u blizini Vancouvera (Canada).
Construction of one hotel with selling centre near Vancouver (Canada).
[Fri Jan 16 15:09:59 2004]
Prizemlje je iz betona, a nadogradnja iz drvenih panela (2'x4').
Ground floor is made from concrete, and the upgrade is made from wooden panels (2'x4').
[Fri Jan 16 15:09:59 2004]
U Kanadi nikom ni ne pada na pamet građenje rezidencijalnih objekata ciglom i betonom
In Canada, nobody even considers the construction of residential objects made from brick and concrete
[Fri Jan 16 15:19:09 2004]
Sve se više služimo računalima i programskim paketima, te sustavima za proračunavanje konstrukcija pomoću računala, a u posljednje doba sve više i ekspertnim sustavima, kao dijelom umjetne inteligencije (AI) koju primjenjujemo na određena područja znanja
We are increasingly using computers and software packages, and systems for construction calculation with the help of computers, and lately we are increasingly using the expert systems, as a part of artificial intelligence (AI) which we apply to specific areas of knowledge
[Fri Jan 16 15:27:42 2004]
Većina je poznatih programskih paketa i općenito programa kojima se koristimo u analizama konstrukcija, zasnovana na metodi konačnih elemenata (MKE).
Most of the common software packages and generally the programs which we use in construction analyses, are based on finite element method (FEM).
[Fri Jan 16 15:32:50 2004]
Većina tih programa razmatra ponašanje konstrukcija u linearnom području, no sve više ih je koji u obzir uzimaju i nelinearna ponašanja materijala i konstrukcija.
Most of those programs analyzes the construction behaviour in linear area, but there is a growing number of programs which consider nonlinear behaviour of materials and structures.
[Fri Jan 16 15:33:07 2004]
Na osnovu programa kojima se može analizirati ponašanje konstrukcija, ove se mogu optimirati, može im se zatim proučiti ponašanje u vremenu, pod raznim uvjetima opterećenja.
Based on programs which are able to analyze the construction behaviour, these can be optimized, their behavior in time can also be studied, under various load conditions.
[Fri Jan 16 16:27:08 2004]
Mogu se analizirati detalji kao i cjeline.
We can analyze details, as well as units.
[Fri Jan 16 16:27:08 2004]
Teži se trodimenzionalnom modeliranju konstrukcije, jer današnji programi i znanje koje je u njih ukomponirano, omogućuje da dvodimenzionalne predodžbe, kojima smo do sada robovali zamijenimo kompleksnijim trodimenzionalnim predodžbama
There is a tendency towards three-dimensional structure modeling, because present-day programs and the knowledge which is installed into them, enables us to replace two-dimensional ideas, to which we have been slaves so far, with the more complex three-dimensional ideas
[Fri Jan 16 16:28:58 2004]
Ovo desetljeće u pogledu znanosti i iskustva predstavlja eksploziju znanja.
This decade presents the explosion of knowledge in respect of science and experience.
[Fri Jan 16 16:29:54 2004]
Danas smo u mogućnosti eksperimentirati pomoću kompjutera pa i tamo gdje su laboratorijske opreme nemoćne.
Today we are able to experiment with computers even there where the laboratory equipment is helpless.
[Fri Jan 16 16:30:00 2004]
Govorimo o modeliranju i simulacijama, za razliku od prošlih vremena kada se govorilo o statičkim proračunima.
We are talking about modeling and simulations, unlike past times when talked about static calculations.
[Fri Jan 16 16:30:00 2004]
To vrijeme je nedvojbeno iza nas
That time is undoubtedly behind us
[Fri Jan 16 17:35:01 2004]
Međutim, treba odmah naglasiti da je osnova simulacije, modeliranje procesa, ma što se pod oba pojma podrazumijevalo.
However, it should immediately be pointed out that the basis of simulation, is the process modeling, whatever it is that those two terms imply.
[Fri Jan 16 17:38:11 2004]
Opasnost na koju treba obratiti najveću pozornost može se definirati terminom Ptolomejeve zablude.
Danger to which we must pay most of the attention can be defined by the term Ptolomaic fallacy.
[Fri Jan 16 17:46:10 2004]
Termin Ptolomejeva zabluda potiče iz vremena kada je Ptolomej smatrao da je Zemlja središte svemira i da se Sunce, svi planeti i zvijezde okreću oko Zemlje, sve dok to nije opovrgao Kopernik 1543.
Term Ptolomaic fallacy originates from the time when Ptolemy believed that the Earth is the centre of the universe and that the Sun, all the planets and the stars revolve around the Earth, until Copernicus refuted that theory in 1543
[Fri Jan 16 17:49:10 2004]
Term Ptolomaic fallacy originates from the time when Ptolemy believed that the Earth is the centre of the universe and that the Sun, all the planets and the stars revolve around the Earth, until Copernicus refuted that theory in 1543.
[Fri Jan 16 17:53:13 2004]
Ptolomejev geocentrični model mogao je točno predvidjeti kretanje planeta, položaje zvijezda, pomrčine mjeseca i Sunca, slagao se sa astronomskim zapažanjima, a u suštini je bio pogrešan jer je smatrao Zemlju središtem svemira.
Ptolomaic geocentric model could accurately predict movements of the planets, positions of the stars, eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, it had conformed to astronomic observations, and yet essentially it was incorrect, because has considered that the Earth was in the centre of the universe.
[Fri Jan 16 17:54:53 2004]
Zato je modeliranju potrebno posvetiti veliku pažnju, kako bi se izbjegli i pogrešni modeli i pogrešni zaključci.
That is why it is necessary to pay great attention to modeling, in order to avoid and erroneous models and false conclusions.
[Fri Jan 16 17:54:53 2004]
Pogrešni modeli, i varljiva pojednostavljenja u modelima predstavljaju veliku opasnost za znanje i znanstveni integritet
Incorrect models, as well as misleading simplifications in models, present a great danger to knowledge and to scientific integrity
[Mon Jan 19 11:14:27 2004]
Druga se opasnost modeliranja krije u prevelikom usložavanju modela, koji se možda, u suštini može riješiti i na vrlo jednostavan manualni način, jednostavnom grafikom i numerikom, i bez pomoći kompjutora
The other danger in modeling hides in too large model adjustment, which maybe, in essence can be solved in very simple manual way, by simple graphics and calculation, and without the help of computers
[Mon Jan 19 11:22:16 2004]
Postoji i još jedna opasnost u modeliranju, a ta izvire iz činjenice, da se u praksi često primjenjuju neprovjereni programi, ili programi koji ne zadovoljavaju potrebe analiza, ali se ipak primjenjuju jer nema drugih programa 'pri ruci', pa se zbog tog razloga model strukture prilagođava takvom programu kojeg se instaliralo na dostupnom računaru.
But there is yet another danger in modeling, and it arises from the fact, that in practice we often apply unverified programs, or programs which do not satisfy requirements of the analyses, but are nevertheless applied because there are no other programs 'at hand', so for that reason the structure model adjusts to such program which is installed on the available computer.
[Mon Jan 19 11:22:50 2004]
Tu se naravno, postavlja pitanje korištenja programa ili programskog paketa.
Of course, this raises the question of the use of program or software package.
[Mon Jan 19 11:23:07 2004]
Jedan od izvora grešaka je i pogrešno opisivanje opterećenja.
One of the sources of errors is also the wrong load description.
[Mon Jan 19 11:23:07 2004]
Često se brkaju lokalni i globalni koordinatni sustavi
We often confuse local and global coordinate systems
[Mon Jan 19 11:28:37 2004]
Moramo biti svjesni činjenice o postojanju programa koji se koriste za istraživanje i programa koji se koriste u praktične svrhe.
We must be aware that there are programs which are used for research and programs which are used for practical purposes.
[Mon Jan 19 11:30:15 2004]
Postoje i hibridni programi koji mogu koristiti i jednoj i drugoj svrsi.
There are also hybrid programs which can be used for both purposes.
[Mon Jan 19 11:30:41 2004]
Osnovna razlika između primjene kompjutora u istraživanju i u praksi je u tome, da se pri rješavanju istraživačkih radova ima dovoljno vremena na raspolaganju i ekspertize nisu skupe.
The basic difference between the use of computers in research and in practice is, that in solving of research work there is enough times at disposal and expert's reports are not expensive.
[Mon Jan 19 11:31:05 2004]
U praksi je obrnuto:
In practice it is vice versa:
[Mon Jan 19 11:32:22 2004]
rokovi predstavljaju stalni presing, a ekspertize su vrlo skupe.
deadlines present the constant pressure, and expert's reports are very expensive.
[Mon Jan 19 11:35:35 2004]
Također moramo biti svjesni činjenice da mi zapravo analiziramo proračunski model ili simuliramo proračunski tok, a ne simuliramo samu stvarnost.
We must also be aware of the fact that we are actually analyzing the calculation model or simulating the calculated flow, and not simulating the reality itself.
[Mon Jan 19 11:39:31 2004]
Težimo pri tome, da proračunski model približimo stvarnosti, uključujući što veći broj poznatih činjenica, parametara i detalja kojima taj proračunski model nastojimo što bolje opisati i tako ga što više približiti stvarnosti.
Our aim is to, bring the calculation model closer to reality, including the larger number of known facts, parameters and details, which helps us to better describe the calculation model, and in that way to bring it closer more to the reality.
[Mon Jan 19 11:39:31 2004]
Treba biti jasno, da simuliranje pomoću kompjutora neće nikada zamijeniti ni teoriju ni eksperimentiranje, jer se za sada i ne nazire nikakva znanost u kojoj kompjutori izmišljaju i provode eksperimente i donose zaključke o pokusima
It should be clear, that computer simulation will never replace neither the theory, nor the experiments, because, for now, there is no science in which computers can invent and carry out the experiments and bring conclusions about them
[Mon Jan 19 11:42:16 2004]
Ovdje će se nastojati objasniti neke činjenice iz iskustva s modeliranjem struktura.
There is an effort to explain some facts based on the experience with structure modeling.
[Mon Jan 19 11:43:50 2004]
Pri tome, to ne znači uopće, da se područje strukturalnog modeliranja iscrpilo.
That does not does mean at all that the area of structural modeling has been exhausted.
[Mon Jan 19 11:49:08 2004]
To što se zna upisivati brojeve i zna koristiti neke programe (upisivanjem činjenica i brojeva u za to određena mjesta i kolone, ili upisivati odgovore na postavljena pitanja), uopće ne znači da se proračunski model takvim opisom i ispravno formulirao.
The knowledge of entering numbers and using particular programs (registration of facts and numbers into particular places and columns, or registration of answers to certain questions), does not mean that the calculation model was properly formulated by such description.
[Mon Jan 19 11:55:33 2004]
Opis modela koji će se koristiti za proračun ili simulaciju, uopće ne mora biti pogodan, a niti mora predstavljati sliku realnosti koju želimo analizirati tim modelom.
Description of the model which will be used for calculation or simulation, does not need to be appropriate at all, and it does not need to present the real picture which we want to analyze with that model.
[Mon Jan 19 11:58:06 2004]
U oblikovanju modela velikog utjecaja ima naše edukativno naslijeđe, koje se stvaralo kod većine stručnjaka tijekom edukacije u predkompjutorsko doba, kada se vrlo često služilo pojednostavljenjima, koja su onda omogućavala proračune sustava, na relativno jednostavan (ili barem jednostavniji, manualni), vremenski racionalan način.
Our educational heritage has great influence on the model shaping, and that heritage has formed for most of the experts during their education in the precomputer era, when simplifications were often applied, which then proviede for the system calculations, in a relatively simple (or at least simpler, manual), temporally rational way.
[Mon Jan 19 11:59:02 2004]
Utjecala su, naravno, i prethodna (predkompjutorska) iskustva modeliranja struktura.
The influence was, of course, also exerted by previous (precomputer) experiences of structure modeling.
[Mon Jan 19 11:59:52 2004]
Predkompjutorsko edukaciono naslijeđe još će dugo biti prisutno na sceni modeliranja i proračunavanja konstrukcija.
The precomputer educational heritage will be present for a long time in modeling and in construction calculation.
[Mon Jan 19 11:59:52 2004]
Ono će još dugo vremena opterećivati konstruktorsku struku.
It will be a burden for the construction profession for a long time.
[Mon Jan 19 12:10:26 2004]
Moramo uvijek biti svjesni činjenice, da će se opisom procesa, konstrukcije, kreiranjem modela i simulacijama ponašanja, dobiti rezultate proračuna, koji će uvelike ovisiti kako o ispravnom upisu podataka, tako i o ispravnom opisu modela i ispravnom opisu fenomena opterećenja.
We must always be aware of the fact, that description of process, structure, model creation and behavior simulations, will produce the analysis results, which will considerably depend on proper data input, and on proper model description and on correct description of load phenomenon.
[Mon Jan 19 12:12:39 2004]
Često se suviše vjeruje ispisima rezultata proračuna i rezultatima simulacija, jer kompjutor pri obradi podataka ne javlja grešku.
We often believe too much to calculation printouts and simulation results, because the computer does not inform us about the error in data processing.
[Mon Jan 19 12:13:20 2004]
To, što će rezultati proračuna biti možda točni, približno točni ili sasvim pogrešni, ovisi o pretpostavkama koje se uzelo u obzir pri opisu proračunskog modela i o 'umijeću' opisa proračunskog modela.
The fact that, the analysis results will perhaps be correct, approximately correct or completely incorrect, depends on the assumptions taken into consideration in the description of calculation model, as well as on the 'skill' of description of calculation model.
[Mon Jan 19 12:18:18 2004]
Na žalost se o 'umijeću' kreiranja proračunskih modela još malo toga zna, o tome se još ne uči dovoljno na edukacijskim ustanovama, kako bi umijeće modeliranja postalo uobičajenom inženjerskom rutinom.
Unfortunately, the 'skill' of creating calculation models is still rather unknown, it is not taught enough in educational institutions, so that the modeling skill is still not the common engineering routine.
[Mon Jan 19 12:18:18 2004]
Za sada to 'umijeće' ovisi o individualnom pristupu inženjera, njegovoj rutini i iskustvu u korištenju računala
For now, that 'skill' depends on the individual approach of the engineer, and on his routine and experience in the computer use
[Mon Jan 19 12:20:44 2004]
Svakodnevno se susrećemo s činjenicom da su uglavnom sve inženjerske konstrukcije trodimenzionalne tvorbe.
Every day we meet with the fact that almost all engineering structures are three-dimensional formations.
[Mon Jan 19 12:21:23 2004]
To je činjenica, pa izgleda da ju ne treba posebno naglašavati.
That is the fact, so it seems that it does not need to be particularly emphasized.
[Mon Jan 19 12:23:09 2004]
Međutim, u građevinskoj konstruktorskoj praksi, proračunavanje 3D entiteta je novijeg datuma i povezano s kompjutorskim proračunima.
However, in the building constructor practice, calculation of the 3D entity is of newer date, and it is connected with computer calculations.
[Mon Jan 19 12:23:09 2004]
Uglavnom se u praksi nastoje trodimenzionalne tvorbe svesti na sumu dvodimenzionalnih entiteta
Mostly in practice we try to reduce the three-dimensional formations to the sum of two-dimensional entities
[Mon Jan 19 12:29:10 2004]
Pitanje modeliranja prostornih konstrukcija ovisi kako o našem trodimenzionalnom zoru, mogućnostima sagledavanja trodimenzionalne cjeline strukture, tako i raspoloživom softveru i hardveru.
Question of modeling spatial structures depends on our three-dimensional point of view, possibilities of perceiving three-dimensional structure unit, so the available software and hardware.
[Mon Jan 19 12:31:27 2004]
Naravno, moguće je trodimenzionalnu tvorevinu razbiti na asemblažu dvodimenzionalnih tvorevina:
Of course, it is possible to break the three-dimensional creation into the assemblage of two-dimensional creations:
[Mon Jan 19 12:32:31 2004]
tako se radilo desetljećima i tako su desetljećima konstruktori pojednostavljivali 'statičke' proračune konstrukcija.
this was done for decades, and for decades the constructors were simplifying 'static' construction calculations.
[Mon Jan 19 12:33:15 2004]
Samo je pitanje, koliko smo onda daleko od realiteta, i kolika je sigurnost takvih konstrukcija.
There is only the question, of how far are we from the reality, and how big is the safety of such structures.
[Mon Jan 19 12:34:04 2004]
U praksi se zaista nailazi na najčudnije dvodimenzionalne opise trodimenzionalnih konstrukcija, čudne opise i čudna pojednostavljenja.
In practice, we comes across the strangest two-dimensional descriptions of three-dimensional structures, strange description and strange simplifications.
[Mon Jan 19 12:34:04 2004]
Ponekad poprilično daleko od realiteta kojeg se provjerava ili proračunava (dimenzionira)
Sometimes they are considerably far from the reality which is being checked or calculated (dimensioned)
[Mon Jan 19 12:37:31 2004]
Ponovno se mora naglasiti;
Once more we must emphasize;
[Mon Jan 19 12:44:09 2004]
s krivim se ulaznim parametrima mogu dobiti pogrešni rezultati, ali i s krivim ulaznim podacima u određenom slučaju mogu se dobiti i ispravni rezultati (Ptolomejeva zabluda).
with wrong input parameters we can obtain wrong results, but also, with wrong input data in some particular cases we can obtain accurate results (Ptolomaic fallacy).
[Mon Jan 19 12:45:45 2004]
Da li to onda unosi nemir, nesigurnost i dovodi u pitanje naše povjerenje u kompjutore, kompjutorske modele i ispravnost rezultata proračuna i simulacija?
Does that then create the unrest and uncertainty, and does it call into question our reliance into computers, computer models and the accuracy of the calculation results and simulations?
[Mon Jan 19 12:45:45 2004]
Uglavnom, pri analizi rezultata proračuna, mora se biti skeptičan, sve dok se ne dokaže, da su rezultati proračuna ispravni
Mostly, in the analysis of calculation results, one must be skeptical, until it is proved, that calculation results are correct
[Mon Jan 26 12:38:58 2004]
Author's Motivation
Author's Motivation
[Mon Jan 26 12:41:02 2004]
Kroz posljednjih nekoliko godina intenzivno sam se bavio postratnim temama i razlieitim ljudskim traumama prozašlim iz rata na podrueju bivše Jugoslavije.
During the last couple of year I have intensely dealt with post-war themes and various human traumas that emerged from the war on the territory of former Yugoslavia.
[Mon Jan 26 12:42:43 2004]
To su bile teme poput iskopavanja masovnih grobnica i traženja u ratu nestalih osoba ("Exhuming the Truth", 1999, producer/writer/director), ili, potrage izbjeglica za novom domovinom u zapadnoeuropskim zemljama kao što je Nizozemska ("Profession:
Those were the themes like excavation of massive tombs and searching for persons that went missing during the war (" Exhuming the Truth ", 1999, producer/writer/director), or, the refugees searching for the new homeland in Western European countries, such as Netherlands (" Profession:
[Mon Jan 26 12:42:55 2004]
Refugee", 2000, producer), ili, rat protiv zaostalih mina i traume njihovih nedužnih civilnih žrtava kao svojevrstan "rat poslije rata" (My Landmine", 2001, co-writer, producer).
Refugee ", 2000, producer), or, the warfare against the mines that were left behind, and the traumas of their innocent civil victims as a specific " war after the war " (My Landmine ", 2001, co-writer, producer).
[Mon Jan 26 12:43:49 2004]
Poeetkom 2003.
At the beginning of 2003.
[Mon Jan 26 12:43:54 2004]
poeeo sam se zanimati za temu tzv.
I became interested in the subject of the so-called
[Mon Jan 26 12:45:23 2004]
I became interested in the subject of the so-called asylum seekers.
[Mon Jan 26 12:46:10 2004]
Zapoeeo sam istraživanje u poeetku bez sasvim jasne ideje kakav bih film želio napraviti.
I began to investigate, at first without a completely clear ideas of what kind of a film I wanted to make.
[Mon Jan 26 12:49:04 2004]
Tragao sam za prieom, a priea je na kraju pronašla mene.
I was searching for the story, and the story had ultimately found me.y
[Mon Jan 26 12:49:49 2004]
Kad sam prvi put susreo Haidarija u Azilnom centru Šašna greda kraj Siska (Hrvatska), odmah sam ostao zapanjen snagom i zastrašujuaom jednostavnošau njegove životne priee.
y When I met Haidari for the first time in the Asylum centre Šašna greda near Sisak (Croatia), I was right away astounded by the power and the terrible simplicity of his life story.
[Mon Jan 26 12:50:54 2004]
Zato što je neka politika tako odlueila, on je strpan u zatvor.
Because someone's politics decided so, he has been put into prison.
[Mon Jan 26 12:52:10 2004]
Zato što je neka druga politika tako odlueila, njegova zemlja Afganistan je napadnuta i njegova obitelj je izbjegla na zapad.
Because someone else's politics has decided so, his country, Afghanistan, was attacked and his family fled to the West.
[Mon Jan 26 12:52:43 2004]
Zato što neka treaa politika danas tako odlueuje, Haidari je odvojen od svoje žene i sedmero djece.
Because some third-party politics decided so, Haidari is now separated from his wife and his seven children.
[Mon Jan 26 12:54:30 2004]
Ne može im se pridružiti u Amsterdamu, jer aktualna nizozemska politika želi smanjiti broj stranih imigranata.
He cannot join them in Amsterdam, because the current Dutch politics wants to reduce the number of foreign immigrants.
[Mon Jan 26 12:56:09 2004]
Njegov je slueaj vea više od pola godine u rukama nekog službenika u Den Haagu koji poput Boga odlueuje o ljudskim sudbinama.
His case is for more than six months in the hands of some clerk in Hague, who, playing God, decides about people's destinies.
[Mon Jan 26 12:56:59 2004]
Svi se nadamo da ae dotieni Bog ovaj puta ipak biti milostiv.
We all hope that this "God" will be merciful this time.
[Mon Jan 26 12:58:13 2004]
Film sam poeeo snimati odmah, vlastitim novcem i bez ieije pomoai.
I started to film this story right away, with my own money and without enybody's help.
[Mon Jan 26 13:00:23 2004]
Ne zato što želim napraviti odliean film, nego zato što želim pomoai Haidariju da se pridruži svojoj obitelji.
Not because I wanted to make a great film, but because I wanted to help Haidari to reunite with his family.
[Mon Jan 26 13:06:58 2004]
Ubrzo smo snimatelj i ja odlueili.
Soon, my cameraman and I have decided.
[Mon Jan 26 13:07:12 2004]
Ukoliko Haidari u dogledno vrijeme ne dobije odgovor, ili pak dobije negativan odgovor, zajedno aemo ilegalno prijeai granicu Hrvatske i Europske Unije i dovesti ga k obitelji u Amsterdam, gdje aemo od me?unarodnih organizacija za zaštitu ljudskih prava zatražiti pomoa.
If Haidari in the near future does not get the answer, or gets the negative answer, we shall, together with Haidari, illegally cross the border between Croatia and the European Union and bring him to his family in Amsterdam, and there we shall ask? for help of the international organizations for the protection of human rights.
[Mon Jan 26 13:12:15 2004]
No, za sada još eekamo.
But, we are still waiting.
[Mon Jan 26 13:13:51 2004]
U me?uvremenu, angažirao sam i snimatelja u Amsterdamu koji paralelno snima ostatak obitelji Haidari, tako da smo takvim naeinom snimanja dobili neobieno zanimljive snimke, poput izravnih telefonskih razgovora izme?u Haidarija i njegove obitelji, ili pak proslave Bajrama iste veeeri kod Haidarijeve obitelji u njihovom stanu u Amsterdamu i kod njega u baraci u Šašnoj gredi sa sudruzima azilantima iz Iraka, Irana, Sudana.
, I have employed a cameramen in Amsterdam who parallelly shoots the rest Haidari family, so that with such method of shootings we have produced unusually interesting recordings, such as direct telephone conversations between?Haidari and his family, or the celebration of Bairam the same evening in Haidari's family in their apartment in Amsterdam, and in his shack in Šašnoj greda with asylum companions from Iraq, Iran, Sudan.
[Mon Jan 26 13:13:53 2004]
Kao što je vidljivo, ovu prieu iz dana u dan piše sam život, a ja je samo pratim i bilježim.
As can be seen, this story is written, from day to day, by the life itself, and I merely follow and record it.
[Mon Jan 26 13:14:08 2004]
Moja motivacija je jednostavna.
My motivation is simple.
[Mon Jan 26 13:15:12 2004]
Baš kao i Haidarijev problem.
Just as is Haidari's problem.
[Mon Jan 26 13:20:46 2004]
Sve su to razlozi zašto je ovu prieu nemoguae unaprijed predvidjeti i napisati.
This are all reasons why it is impssible to predict and write this story in advance.
[Mon Jan 26 13:22:04 2004]
Zato priloženi sinopsis i treatment, što sam ih napisao kad sam poeeo raditi na ovom filmu, predstavljaju iskljueivo moju želju da snimim jedan tužan film sa sretnim završetkom, nešto kao dokumentarnu melodramu, a nipošto ne ocrtavaju stvarni tok zbivanja i konaenu radnju filma, jer bih za tako nešto morao biti vidovit.
Therefore the enclosed synopsis and the treatment, which I wrote when I started to work on this film, represent exclusively my desire to record one sad films with the happy ending, something like documentary melodrama, and on no account do they outline the real flow of events and the final plot, because, to so somethin like that, I'd have to be a clairvoyant.
[Mon Jan 26 13:24:51 2004]
U tom slueaju sve bi bilo lakše, eak bih i Haidariju onda možda mogao bolje pomoai.
If that was the case, everything would be easier, then maybe I would even be able to better help Haidari.
[Wed Jan 28 17:05:30 2004]
[Wed Jan 28 17:05:40 2004]
[Wed Jan 28 17:05:59 2004]
[Wed Jan 28 17:06:04 2004]
[Wed Jan 28 17:06:04 2004]
[Wed Jan 28 17:10:27 2004]
Osnovna namjera ove studije je kratki prikaz tržišta kozmetičkih proizvoda u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i ostalim državama bivše Jugoslavije, koje su dio istočnoevropske regije za koju tvrtka EUROART, vlasništvo Gorana Andrejević i Tine Lasić-Andrejevič iz Ljubljane, Slovenija, traže zastupstvo MAC kozmetičke kolekcije
The basic purpose of this study is the short illustration of cosmetic products market in Slovenia, Croatia and the other countries of former Yugoslavia, which are part of the East European region for which EUROART, the company in the possession of Goran Andrejević and Tine Lasić-Andrejevič from Ljubljana, Slovenia, seeks dealership for the cosmetic collection MAC
[Wed Jan 28 17:13:59 2004]
Tina Lasić Andrejević je profesionalni make-up artist, školu je završila u Hollywoodu, USA i radi kao slobodni umjetnik na filmu, televiziji i advertising industriji u Sloveniji, ali je kroz razne koprodukcije i čak kroz neposredne angažmane također profesionalno angažirana i u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Austriji, zapravo na cijelom području regije
Tina Lasić- Andrejević is a professional make-up artist, she graduated in Hollywood, USA, and works as a freelance artist on film, television and advertising industry in Slovenia, but through various co-productions and even direct engagements she is also professionally engaged in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, and indeed on the entire territory of that region
[Wed Jan 28 17:18:25 2004]
U obavljanju svoje profesije koristi MAC kozmetiku, sa kojom je izuzetno zadovoljna, kako ona tako i njeni suradnici, kolege i prijatelji.
She professionally uses MAC cosmetics, with which she is exceptionally pleased, as are also her coworkers, colleagues and friends.
[Wed Jan 28 17:18:25 2004]
MAC kozmetika se ne može kupiti u ovom dijelu Evrope, jer ne postoji zastupstvo MAC-a, nego se ista nabavlja posredno, iz Munchena
MAC cosmetics cannot be bought in this part of Europe, because there is no MAC dealership, so that MAC products have to be purchased indirectly, from Munich
[Wed Jan 28 17:22:35 2004]
Poznavajući dobro tržište kozmetike, tvrtka EUROART, odnosno Tina i Goran Andrejević su se odlučili na pioniorski korak u pravcu realizacije projekta zastupanja MAC proizvoda u istočnoevropskoj regiji, uvjereni da na ovom tržištu postoji ekonomska opravdanost za takav projekt
As an expert in cosmetic market, EUROART company, that is, Tina and Goran Andrejević have decided to take a pioneer step in the direction of realization the project MAC products dealership in Eastern European region, and they are deeply convinced that this market has the economic legitimacy for such project
[Wed Jan 28 17:24:36 2004]
Stoga ova studija sadržava niz podataka na osnovu kojih nadležne osobe tvrtke MAC mogu dobiti uvid u situaciju na ovom tržištu i procijeniti opravdanost projekta
Therefore this study comprises numerous data on the basis of which the competent persons of MAC company can get the insight into the situation on this particular market, and estimate the justification of such project
[Wed Jan 28 17:29:40 2004]
Pod tačkom 1 daje se komparativni pregled tržišta bivše Jugoslavije, a pod točkama 2,3, i 4 posebno se obrađuju tržišta Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije.
Clause 1 provides the comparative market review of former Yugoslavia, and clauses 2,3, and 4 separately analyze the markets in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.
[Wed Jan 28 17:29:40 2004]
Budući se radi o 3 različite države, podaci se obrađuju po različitim metodologijama, pa zato nismo bili u mogućnosti dati komparativni pregled svih podataka na jednom mjestu
Since 3 different countries are being treated here, the data are analyzed according to different methodologies, so therefore we were not able to provide the comparative review of all data at one place
[Wed Jan 28 17:35:01 2004]
U točki 2, gdje se obrađuje tržišna situacija u Sloveniji, dat je također prikaz rezultata dvije provedene ankete u Sloveniji.
Clause 2, wich treats the market situation in Slovenia, also presents illustration the results of two conducted surveys in Slovenia.
[Wed Jan 28 17:37:33 2004]
Ove ankete provedene su ovih tjedana s isključivom namjerom da njihovi podaci posluže izradi ove studije, budući nismo bili uvjereni da su postojeći statističi podaci dovoljni za meritorno zaključivanje.
These surveys were conducted in recent weeks with the exclusive intention to provide data for this study, because we were not convinced that the existing statistical data were sufficient for bringing competent conclusions.
[Wed Jan 28 17:38:38 2004]
Ankete su provedene pretežno U Ljubljani, ali i širom Slovenije, na bazi 500 ispitanika za prvu anketu s korisnicima, te drugu anketu s 50 profesionalacima make-up artista.
The surveys were carry out mainly in Ljubljana, but also on broader Slovenian territory, and were based on 500 people for the first survey with the users, and the second survey with 50 professional make-up artists.
[Wed Jan 28 17:38:38 2004]
U namjeri smo ovakvu anketu organizirati i na hrvatskom tržištu
We also intend to organize such survey on Croatian market
[Wed Jan 28 17:44:14 2004]
Konačno, u točki 5 obradili smo project u organizacionom, kadrovskom, financijskom i razvojnom smislu, vrlo aproksimativno.
Finally, clause 5 discusses the project in organizational, personnel, financial and developmental sense, very approximately.
[Wed Jan 28 17:44:14 2004]
Dali smo određene naše prijedloge, ali ti svi prijedlozi naravno, podliježu korekcijama MAC-a.
We have also provided certain suggestions, but they are all, naturally, subject to corrections of MAC staff.
[Thu Jan 29 13:09:43 2004]
[Thu Jan 29 13:13:00 2004]
Uočljivo je iz navedenih osnovnih pokazatelja da je ekonomski položaj istočnih zemalja bivše Jugoslavije još uvijek obilježen posljedicama rata.
It is evident from the qouted basic indicators that the economic situation of the eastern countries of former Yugoslavia still bears the war consequences.
[Thu Jan 29 13:17:34 2004]
Slovenija je i prije rata bila privredno najrazvijenija jugoslavenska republika.
Even before the war, Slovenia was economically the most developed Yugoslav republic.
[Thu Jan 29 13:18:42 2004]
Budući nije učestvovala u jugoslavenskom ratu, njen privredni razvoj imao je neprekinuti kontinuitet, što je evidentno iz pokazatelja o njenoj sadašnjoj ekonomskoj razvijenosti, koji je na nivou srednje razvijene evropske zemlje.
Because it did not participate in the Yugoslav war, its economic development had the unbroken continuity, which is evident from the indicators of its current economic development, which is on the level of averagely developed European country.
[Thu Jan 29 13:18:42 2004]
To potvrđuje i činjenica da Slovenija kao najrazvijenija zemlja ove regije upravo ulazi u EU
This is also confirmed by the fact that Slovenia, as the most developed country of this region, is about to enter the EU
[Thu Jan 29 13:22:01 2004]
Hrvatska, koja je prije rata bila kulturno središte bivše Jugoslavije, sada je država koja je u fazi napornog, postupnog, ali uspješnog privrednog oporavka i koja ulaže velike napore da se uskladi s evropskim trendovima, dok će ostalim zemljama bivše Jugoslavije trebati još neko vrijeme da se privredno i kulturno oporave.
Croatia, which was the cultural center of former Yugoslavio before the war, is currently in the phase of strenuous, progressive, but successful economic recovery, and it invests great efforts to adjust with the European trends, while the other countries of former Yugoslavia will need more time to economically and culturally recover.
[Thu Jan 29 13:32:48 2004]
Već na osnovu gore navedenih osnovnih makroekonomskih pokazatelja, može se grubo procijeniti, da je u prvoj fazi uvođenja MAC kozmetike u ovu regiju realno da se komercijalno obradi tržište Slovenije i Hrvatske.
Based on the abovementioned elementary macroeconomic indicators, it can be roughly estimated, that in the first phase of introduction of the MAC cosmetics in this region it would be realistic to commercially manage the Slovenian and Croatian markets.
[Thu Jan 29 13:37:07 2004]
Tržište Srbije, konkretno Beograd nesumnjivo treba biti prva slijedeća lokacija.
Serbian market, or more precisely, Belgrade, certainly should be the first subsequent location.
[Thu Jan 29 13:37:07 2004]
Ostale države i gradovi bivše Jugoslavije treba pripremati još par godina i ovisno o njihovom trendu razvoja, ocjenit će se pravi momenat za izlazak MAC kolekcije i na to tržište.
The other countries and towns of former Yugoslavia need a couple of years of preparation and, depending on their trend of development, the moment to place the MAC collection to that market shall be decided.
[Thu Jan 29 13:38:01 2004]
Potrošnja kozmetike u EU, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj po stanovniku u 2002 godini
Per capita consumption of cosmetics in EU, Slovenia and Croatia in 2002
[Thu Jan 29 13:40:17 2004]
Slovenija je država koja ima 2 mln stanovnika, ukupno 5.996 naselja i 30 gradova, u tome 5 većih.
Slovenia is country with 2 million citizens, with the total of 5.996 settlements and 30 towns, of which 5 towns are larger.
[Thu Jan 29 13:40:17 2004]
Najveći je glavni grad Ljubljana s 300.000 stanovnika.
The largest is the capital Ljubljana with 300.000 inhabitants.
[Thu Jan 29 13:42:21 2004]
Registrirano je 140.413 poslovnih subjekata, a BDP je 22 mlrd US$.
413 registered business entities, and GDP is 22 billion US.
[Thu Jan 29 13:42:26 2004]
Stopa rasta u zadnje 3 godine iznosila je 4,6 % u 2000.
Growthrate in the last 3 years was 4,6 % in 2000.
[Thu Jan 29 13:42:36 2004]
Growthrate in the last 3 years was 4,6 % in 2000,
[Thu Jan 29 13:44:01 2004]
, 3,0% u 2001 godini i 3,2% u 2002 godini.
0 % in 2001 and 3.2 % in 2002.
[Thu Jan 29 13:44:01 2004]
S ukupno 11.026 $ BDP po stanovniku, Slovenija se svrstava u red srednje razvijenih zemalja Europe.
026 $ GDP per capita, Slovenia belongs to the group of the averagely developed European countries.
[Thu Jan 29 13:44:27 2004]
Kozmetička proizvodnja i uvoz
The cosmetic production and import
[Thu Jan 29 13:54:24 2004]
U Sloveniji tradicionalno postoje određeni proizvođači kozmetičkih proizvoda, međutim, ni po veličini proizvodnje, niti po asortimanu, domaća kozmetička proizvodnja ne zadovoljava potrebe slovenskog tržišta.
Slovenia has a tradition of manufacturers of cosmetic products., However, the size of production, and the selection of products, their domestic cosmetics production does not satisfy the needs of Slovenian market.
[Thu Jan 29 13:54:24 2004]
Ovaj se zaključak odnosi na tržište toaletne kozmetike, a što se tiče visokokvalitetne ili profesionalne dekorativne kozmetike, ukupne potrebe se namiruju iz uvoza, jer niti jedan slovenski proizvođač ne zadovoljava kriterije vrhunske kozmetike.
This conclusion refers to the market of toiletries, and in respect to high quality professional decorative cosmeticses, the overall needs are covered from the import, because none Slovenian manufacturer meets the criteria of the first-rate cosmetics.
[Thu Jan 29 13:54:50 2004]
Trgovačka djelatnost i distribucija
Commercial activity and distribution
[Thu Jan 29 14:11:37 2004]
U tim dućanima u 2000 godini ukupna vrijednost prodaje kozmetike i toalete iznosila je 18376 mio sit, 2001 promet je iznosio 222390, a 2002 godine 29129 mio sit ($)
In those stores, in the year 2000 the total value of cosmetics and toiletries sale amounted to 18376 million SIT, in 2001 the turnover was 222390, and in 2002 29129 million SIT ($)
[Thu Jan 29 14:12:16 2004]
Kulturne ustanove i aktivnosti
Cultural institutions and activities
[Thu Jan 29 14:15:35 2004]
Slovenija je država evroskog kulturološkog nivoa razvijenosti, koja se činjenica odražava na svim aspektima:
Slovenia is the country on the European cultural level of development, and that fact reflects at all aspects:
[Thu Jan 29 14:15:35 2004]
od broja i vrste kulturnih objekata po stanovniku, do učestalosti i broja kulturnih događaja i aktivnosti na nacionalnom i međunarodnom planu
from number and type of cultural objects per capita, to frequency and number of cultural events and activities on national and international level
[Thu Jan 29 17:48:00 2004]
Neke se rezultate proračuna može odmah nakon proračuna provjeriti i usporediti s onim koji su već poznati iz teorije i iskustva proračunavanja konstrukcija.
Some calulation results can be checked immediately after the calculation and compared with those which are already familiar from the theory and experience of construction calculation.