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[Mon Feb 02 09:39:08 2004]
Pisano za SVI 328, a potom i za PC računalo (BASIC).
Written for the SVI 328, and then also for the PC computer (BASIC).
[Mon Feb 02 09:40:25 2004]
Pisano za SVI 328, a potom i za PC računalo (BASIC).
Written for the SVI 328, and then also for the PC computer (BASIC).
[Mon Feb 02 09:40:51 2004]
a) Ortotropni zakrivljeni trapezasti D.L.
a) Orthotropic curved trapezial D.L.
[Mon Feb 02 09:41:06 2004]
nosači, vlak+, tlak -;
girders, tension+, pressure - ;
[Mon Feb 02 09:41:10 2004]
b) dijagrami napona u poprečnom presjeku SL=1;
b) pressure diagrams in the cross section SL=1;
[Mon Feb 02 09:41:10 2004]
c) dijagrami napona u poprečnom presjeku D.L.
c) pressure diagrams in the cross section D.L.
[Mon Feb 02 09:41:42 2004]
d) raspodjela sigma gornjeg ruba;
d) distribution of upper edge sigmas;
[Mon Feb 02 09:42:03 2004]
e) raspodjela sigma za donji rub;
e) distributions of lower edge sigmas;
[Mon Feb 02 09:42:08 2004]
f) raspodjela tau II;
f) distribution of the tau II;
[Mon Feb 02 09:42:08 2004]
raspodjela sigma +.
distributions of sigmas +.
[Mon Feb 02 09:45:40 2004]
Ravnoteža konačnog elementa trapezaste grede .
Finite element balance of trapezial beams.
[Mon Feb 02 09:46:14 2004]
smjer lamelacije
lamination direction
[Mon Feb 02 09:47:32 2004]
Raspodjela posmičnih naprezanja na presjecima
Distribution of shear stress on sections
[Mon Feb 02 09:51:26 2004]
Obzirom da se u STRESS-u i u ICES STRUDL-u i nekim drugim sličnim programima za iznalaženje naponskih stanja sumiraju izrazi N/AX s M/SZ dobije se ukupni proračunski napon:
Since in the STRESS, ICES STRUDL and some other similar programs for finding voltage conditions, expressions N/AX with M/NW are summed up, we get the total calculated tension:
[Mon Feb 02 09:54:30 2004]
pa se ne vodi računa o koeficijentu omega kao ni o tome da se sračunati naprezanja tlaka ili vlaka ne mogu simulirati direktno s naprezanjima od savijanja.
so we do not take into account neither the omega coefficient nor that calculated pressure stresses or tensions cannot be simulated directly with bending stresses.
[Mon Feb 02 09:57:51 2004]
Kod tlaka je komparativni napon
Comparative voltage with pressure is
[Mon Feb 02 10:03:45 2004]
što se ne može dobiti direktnim korištenjem analiza s ovim programima.
which cannot be obtained by the direct utilization of analyses with these programs.
[Mon Feb 02 10:03:45 2004]
Za to postoje modificirani programi ili posebno za takve provjere pisani programi
For this purpose, there are modified programs programs written specially for such testings
[Mon Feb 02 10:10:27 2004]
Ove se provjere mogu raditi i s navedenim programima, ali pri tome treba ponoviti analize s modificiranim presjecima štapova.
These testings can also function with the mentioned programs, but then analyses with modified sections of members have to be repeated.
[Mon Feb 02 10:11:04 2004]
Također moramo biti svjesni činjenice da se nikako ne može sa štapnim modelom dobiti raspodjela naponskih stanja koji nastaje zbog različito ukošenih rubova bridova nosača.
We also must be aware of the fact that it is possible at all to get the distribution of voltage conditions with the bar model which occurs because of differently slanted borders of girder edges.
[Mon Feb 02 10:17:11 2004]
Poznata je nelinearnost te raspodjele.
The nonlinearity of such distribution is known.
[Mon Feb 02 10:17:11 2004]
Izrazi koji se dobiju analizom štapastog modela ne mogu dati te promjene, jer se zanemaruju skretne sile koje uzrokuju napone raslojavanja okomito na os presjeka nosača.
Expresses that are obtained by the bar model analysis cannot cause these changes, because deviation forces are neglected which cause stratification tensions that are vertical on the axis of girder sections.
[Mon Feb 02 10:22:38 2004]
Utjecaj zakošenja rubova lameliranog nosača i odgovarajuća naponska stanja (loše modeliranje štapnim K.
Effect of edge slanting of the laminated girder and appropriate voltage conditions (bad modeling with bar F.
[Mon Feb 02 10:22:53 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 10:22:53 2004]
Loš model.
Bad model.
[Mon Feb 02 10:26:17 2004]
S druge strane samo se posebnim programima može izvršiti kompleksna provjera kompleksnih naprezanja.
On the other hand, complex testing of complex stresses can only be carried out with special programs.
[Mon Feb 02 10:28:45 2004]
Zato je i napisan posebni program za takve provjere.
Which is why the special program for such testings has been written.
[Mon Feb 02 10:28:45 2004]
Iako je to zametno i složeno, a za praksu nedostupno zbog novčanih razloga, naponska se stanja u takvim nosačima mogu dobiti MKE.
Although it is that strenuous and complex, and unavailable for the profession because of financial reasons, tensional states in such girders can have FEM.
[Mon Feb 02 10:32:02 2004]
Također treba navesti da su lukovi posebni entiteti.
We also have to mention that these arches represent special entities.
[Mon Feb 02 10:32:44 2004]
Istina, te strukture se mogu zamijeniti poligonom štapova s velikim brojem stranica.
It is true, that these structures can be replaced by a polygon of members that has a number of sides.
[Mon Feb 02 10:33:49 2004]
Tako se to obično i modelira kad koristimo programe koji mogu analizirati samo štapaste strukture.
It is usually modelled in such a way when we use program which can analyze only bar structures.
[Mon Feb 02 10:37:14 2004]
No, pogreška je zamjena strukture luka poligonom s malim brojem stranica.
But, mistake is the replacement for the structure of an arch with a polygon that has few sides.
[Mon Feb 02 10:38:31 2004]
Podnošljiva je zamjena nekog luka s 20 i više poligonalnih segmenata, ali je nedopustivo zamijenit luk s npr. svega 8 segmenata.
The replacement of an arch with 20 and more polygonal segments is all right, but the replacement of an arch with, for example, only 8 segments could not be accepted.
[Mon Feb 02 10:41:51 2004]
To onda više nije konstrukcija luka već je to konstrukcija poligona.
then we are not dealing anymore with the structure of an arch but instead we get a structure of the polygon.
[Mon Feb 02 10:44:03 2004]
Rezne sile i naprezanja u luku i takvom poligonu su sigurno u velikom raskoraku.
There is surely a big discrepancy of section forces and stresses in the arch and in such polygon.
[Mon Feb 02 10:44:03 2004]
Nikako se to ne može pravdati razlogom da se raspolaže samo programom koji može računati samo ograničeni broj štapova.
It can in no way be justified with the reason that we only have a program which can calculate only a limited number of members.
[Mon Feb 02 10:50:31 2004]
Primjenom MKE i SHELL4 (ili SHELL4L ili SHELL4T) konačnih elemenata s velikim brojem elemenata, razina modeliranja lukova i svodova bitno se unaprjeđuje.
By using the FEM and SHELL4 (or SHELL4L or SHELL4T) of finite elements with a number of elements, the level of modeling arches and vaults gets improved essentially.
[Mon Feb 02 10:54:08 2004]
Primjenom tih elemenata moguće je relativno vjerno simulirati ponašanje lukova od drveta, metala i betona, ali simulirati lukove i svodove od kamena i cigle.
By using those elements, it is possible to simulate a relatively real behavior of wooden, metal and concrete arches, but also of arches and vaults made from stone and brick.
[Mon Feb 02 10:55:52 2004]
Pri tome se u modeliranju kamenih lukova i lukova od cigle te modeliranju svodova pokazalo da se reške između kamena u luku trebaju simulirati s GAP KE koji se rastvaraju i gube međusobnu vezu pri pojavi vlačnih naprezanja.
In that process of modeling stone and brick arches and the of modeling vaults, it appears that the joints between the stone in the arch need to be simulated with the GAP FE which open and lose their interconnection when tensile stresses appear.
[Mon Feb 02 10:55:52 2004]
Karakteristike tih GAP elemenata trebaju biti one mortova koji se uzimaju kao vezivo između kamena ili opeka.
Characteristics of those GAP elements need to be those those made from mortar which are taken as a binder between the stone or brick.
[Mon Feb 02 11:01:08 2004]
Trenje u reškama svoda je moguće simulirati preko GAP KE, ali isto tako i pomoću TRUSS elemenata koji spajaju dijagonalno (unutar reške) čvorove mreže KE žbuke.
Friction in the joints of the vault can be simulated through the GAP FE, but also through the use of TRUSS elements which connect mesh nodes of FE plasters diagonally (inside the joint).
[Mon Feb 02 11:02:01 2004]
Ujedno je moguća i analiza gubitka stabilnosti, eventualna dinamička analiza, a i eventualno, razne nelinearne analize ponašanja struktura.
It is also possible to carry out the analysis of the stability loss, possible dynamic analysis, and perhaps different analyses of structure behaviors.
[Mon Feb 02 11:02:30 2004]
Ovisno o željenim i potrebnim razinama analiza.
It depends on wanted and necessary levels of analyses.
[Mon Feb 02 11:02:50 2004]
To je prikazano u radu autora i M.
It is represented in the work of M.
[Mon Feb 02 11:02:55 2004]
Haimana objavljenog u časopisu Građevinar, od veljače 1997.
Haiman published in Građevinar magazine, from February 1997.
[Mon Feb 02 11:03:56 2004]
49, broj 2) str. 77-86.
49, issue 2) pg. 77-86.
[Mon Feb 02 11:06:29 2004]
Pri tome se koristilo modeler GEOSTAR i FEA program COSMOS/M.
Modeler GEOSTAR and FEA program COSMOS/M were used there.
[Mon Feb 02 11:06:35 2004]
Zanimljivi su i rezultati analiza svodova i lukova od opeke obrađeni u magistarskom radu ing.
Interesting is and results of analyses of vaults and arches made from brick discussed in the master's thesis of B.Sc.
[Mon Feb 02 11:06:35 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 11:57:16 2004]
Razine modeliranja lukova:
Levels of arch modeling:
[Mon Feb 02 11:57:16 2004]
štapni model i model s KE
bar model and model with the FE
[Mon Feb 02 11:58:23 2004]
Prikaz von Mises naprezanja
Illustration of the von Mises stress
[Mon Feb 02 11:59:35 2004]
Mreža KE konstrukcije luka:
FE mesh of an arch structure:
[Mon Feb 02 12:01:32 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 12:01:32 2004]
Umjesto TRUSS2D KE moglo se GAP element formirati s uključenjem trenja
GAP element could have been formed with the introduction of friction, instead of the TRUSS2D FE
[Mon Feb 02 12:02:25 2004]
tlačni element;
compression member;
[Mon Feb 02 12:02:25 2004]
b) vlačni element
b) tension member
[Mon Feb 02 12:08:33 2004]
Modelirati se može i utjecaj provlaživanja na rezne sile i na deformacije drvenih nosača.
Even the effect of wetting on cutting forces and on deformations of wooden girders can be modelled.
[Mon Feb 02 12:10:32 2004]
Taj se efekt, kao i efekti puzanja i stezanja mogu tretirati kao promjene temperature KE, a prethodno treba uspostaviti relacije između promjene temperature medija i efekta bubrenja, stezanja i puzanja.
This effect, as well as effects of creep and contraction can be treated as changes of FE temperatures, and the relations between the change of temperature of the medium and the effect of inflation, contraction and creep, have to be established in advance.
[Mon Feb 02 12:14:09 2004]
Na jednom primjeru se prikazuju rezultati takve jedne simulacije dugotrajnog provlaživanja zone pri lijevom gornjem uglu dvozglobnog okvira od lijepljenog uslojenog drveta.
You can see on one example the results of one such simulation of long wetting of the zone in the left upper corner of the two-hinged framework made from the glued layered wood.
[Mon Feb 02 12:15:01 2004]
Ovakvo provlaživanje je realno moguće pri oštećenju pokrova hale ili začepljenju oluka kod lošeg održavanja.
such wetting is realistically possible when the covering of a hall gets damaged or roof gutter clogged in case of bad maintenance.
[Mon Feb 02 12:15:01 2004]
Ova simulacija je rađena s KE, a korištena je IBM verzija ICES STRUDL2 sustava.
This simulation was carried out with the FE, and an IBM version ICES STRUDL2 of the system was used.
[Mon Feb 02 12:19:35 2004]
Na sličan način se simulacijama mogu proučiti vrlo kompleksni i vremenski zavisni efekti požara drvene konstrukcije:
Similarly, simulations can be used in studying of very complex and temporally dependent fire effects of wooden structures:
[Mon Feb 02 12:20:39 2004]
presjeci se požarom smanjuju uz stalni porast temperature elemenata sve do karbonizacije profila.
sections get riduced in fire with a constant temperature rise of elements until the profile is carbonized.
[Mon Feb 02 12:22:54 2004]
Ovakva je simulacija provedena unutar dvaju diplomskih radova.
such simulation was carried out as a part of two graduation theses.
[Mon Feb 02 12:24:50 2004]
Pokazalo se boljim na konstrukciji imati kontinuirane podrožnice, položene na nosače, no podrožnice umetnute između nosača.
It turned out that it is better to have continuous purlins on the structure, placed on girders, where purlins should be put between the girders.
[Mon Feb 02 12:24:50 2004]
Moglo se na taj način simulacijama proučiti razvoj požara sve do gubitka nosivosti drvene hale s X čeličnim ukrutama.
in such way the simulations could be used for studying of fire growth until the bearing capacity of wooden hall with X steel bracings is lost.
[Mon Feb 02 12:32:48 2004]
S druge strane, simulacijama se mogu pratiti i vremenski zavisni biomehanički procesi zarašćivanja kostiju.
On the other hand, simulations can also be used to follow temporally dependent biomechanical processes of bone healing.
[Mon Feb 02 12:32:56 2004]
Tako je s ekspertima KBC Rebro u Zagrebu (Prof.
It's the same with experts of the Clinical hospital Rebro in Zagreb (prof.
[Mon Feb 02 12:33:07 2004]
Hančević, Prof.
Hančević, prof.
[Mon Feb 02 12:33:37 2004]
Davila, Mr.
Davila, M.Sc..
[Mon Feb 02 12:38:53 2004]
Antoljak i drugi) uz suradnju s M.
Antoljak and others) in cooperation with M.
[Mon Feb 02 12:39:49 2004]
Haimanom sa Građevinskog fakulteta proučavani vremenski zavisni procesi zarašćivanja, s metalnim kopčama kirurški zbrinutih prijeloma olecranona, a također i neki drugi biomehanički problemi statike kostiju, i statike metalnih fiksatora za kirurško zbrinjavanje prijeloma kostiju.
Haiman with the Faculty Of Civil Engineering healing processes dependent on time were studied, with metal sutures of olecranon fractures which were treated surgically, and also some other biomechanical problems with bone statics, and statics of metal fixators for the surgically treated of bone fractures.
[Mon Feb 02 12:39:49 2004]
Ova istraživanja provedena su također MKE koristeći ICES STRUDL2 sustav.
This research are also the FEM carried out with the ICES STRUDL2 system.
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:08 2004]
Skupljanje i bubrenje drveta u odnosu na promjenu vlažnosti.
Shrinkage and swelling of wood as compared to the change of humidity.
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:17 2004]
a) tangencijalno ALjt - četinari ;
and) tangentially ALjt pine wood;
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:23 2004]
b) tangencijalno ALjt - hrast i bukva;
b) tangentially ALjt oak and beech;
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:32 2004]
c) radijalno ALjr - četinari;
c) radially ALjr pine woods;
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:39 2004]
d) radijalno ALjr - hrast i bukva;
d) radially ALjr oak and beech;
[Mon Feb 02 12:53:39 2004]
e) u smjeru vlakanaca ALjpar - četinari
e) in the direction of thin fibers ALjpar pine woods
[Mon Feb 02 12:55:05 2004]
higroskopno područje
hygroscopic area
[Mon Feb 02 12:57:30 2004]
Prikaz raspodjele naprezanja po visini poprečnog presjeka prije i poslije provlaživanja u centroidu KE.
Illustration of the stress distribution along the height of the cross section before and after the wetting in the centroid FE.
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:02 2004]
a) područje nosača zahvaćeno provlaživanjem;
a) area of girders affected by the wetting;
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:17 2004]
b) raspodjela naprezanje bez utjecaja provlaživanja;
b) stress distribution without the wetting effect;
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:21 2004]
c) raspodjela naprezanja sa utjecajem provlaživanja;
c) stress distributions with the wetting effect;
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:23 2004]
d) presjek 1-1;
d) section 1-1;
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:26 2004]
e) presjek 2-2;
e) section 2-2;
[Mon Feb 02 12:58:33 2004]
f) presjek 3-3.
f) section 3-3.
[Mon Feb 02 13:01:56 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 13:01:56 2004]
zbog preglednosti raspodjele naprezanja po visini poprečnog presjeka naprezanja nisu iscrtana u istom mjerilu i posebno označena.
because of a good layout of the stress distribution along the height of the cross section the stress are not lined in the same measure and specially marked.
[Mon Feb 02 14:26:32 2004]
Navodimo još jedan primjer uspješnog modeliranja realnog željezničkog armiranobetonskog mosta, oslonjenog na zakošene rubove preko neoprenskih ležajeva.
We will mention another example of successful modelling of a real rail reinforced concrete bridge, supported on inclined edges across neoprene bearings.
[Mon Feb 02 14:26:55 2004]
Obzirom da sustav nije bio sidren za opornjak, postojala je dilema oko geometrijske stabilnosti položaja konstrukcije pod prometnim opterećenjem.
Since the system was not anchored for the abutment, there was a dilemma about geometrical stabilities of structure positions under traffic load.
[Mon Feb 02 14:27:19 2004]
Model se modelirao na nekoliko razina:
Model was modelled on a few levels:
[Mon Feb 02 14:28:33 2004]
kao štapni model i kao asemblaža konačnih elemenata.
as a bar model and as well as an assemblage of finite elements.
[Mon Feb 02 14:28:57 2004]
Za generaciju pokretnog prolazećeg opterećenja mostom koristio se generator pokretnih opterećenja ICES STRUDL2 sustava.
For the generation of mobile passing load over the bridge uses the generator of moving loads of ICES STRUDL2 system was used.
[Mon Feb 02 14:28:57 2004]
Prikazuje se dio štapnog modela.
A part of the bar model is shown.
[Mon Feb 02 14:31:19 2004]
Prikaz modela mosta s kosim neoprenskim ležajevima
Illustration of a bridge model with inclined neoprene bearings
[Mon Feb 02 14:32:58 2004]
O modeliranju bi još samo trebalo reći nekoliko važnih pravila, kojih se (u načelu) treba pridržavati
There are another few important rules to be mentioned about the modelling, which (in principle) should be followed
[Mon Feb 02 14:34:57 2004]
Nikad ne koristiti modele koji su složeniji nego li je to potrebno.
Never use models which are complex more than it is necessary.
[Mon Feb 02 14:34:57 2004]
Obično su najjednostavniji proračunski modeli i najbolji
the simplest calculation models are usually the ones bests
[Mon Feb 02 14:37:25 2004]
Rezultate analize treba smatrati pogrešnim, dok se ne dokaže da su rezultati ispravni
Analysis results need to be considered incorrect, until the results are proven correct
[Mon Feb 02 14:41:18 2004]
Ako je jedan efekt uključen u analitički model, onda se o tom efektu mora voditi računa pri dokazu naprezanja i dimenzioniranju presjeka.
If one effect is included in the analytic model, then this effect must be taken into account in the process of proving the stress and dimension of of the section.
[Mon Feb 02 14:41:18 2004]
Na primjer, ako je deformacija savijanja uključena u proračun sila rešetke, onda se o tim momentima mora voditi računa pri dimenzioniranju presjeka i veza
For example, if the bending deformation is included in the calculation of truss forces, then these moments must be taken into account when dimensioning the sections and connections
[Mon Feb 02 14:45:35 2004]
Ako su sve provjere ravnoteže i kompatibilnost deformacija u čvorovima provedene, to još ne znači da su rezultati proračuna točni i suglasni s realnošću
If all tests of balance and deformation compatibility in nodes have been carried out, that still does not mean that the analysis results are accurate and consistent with the reality
[Mon Feb 02 14:47:29 2004]
Ne treba pokušavati modelirati detalj kao dio velikog modela.
One should not try to model the detail as a part of the large model.
[Mon Feb 02 14:47:29 2004]
Detalj treba ekstrahirati i kreirati model svojstven tom detalju
The detail has to be extracted and create the model typical for that detail
[Mon Feb 02 14:54:03 2004]
Ovdje se htjelo ukazati na samo neke elemente lošeg i dobrog modeliranja.
Here we wanted to point out only some elements of a bad and good modelling.
[Mon Feb 02 14:55:38 2004]
Kako je u uvodu rečeno, modeliranje je više umjetnost nego znanost.
As it was said in the introduction, the modelling is more art than science.
[Mon Feb 02 14:57:20 2004]
Za modeliranje konstrukcija i detalja potrebna su analitička znanja o ponašanju konstrukcija i znanja o ponašanju kako materijala, tako i sličnih modela, ali i osjećaj za modeliranje konstrukcija.
For the modelling of structures and details, analytic knowledge about the structure behaviour and knowledge about the behavior of the material, as well as of similar models, but also the feeling for the structural modelling are necessary.
[Mon Feb 02 14:57:20 2004]
Stoga je možda potreba današnjice da se takav predmet uvede u najranijim godinama na odgovarajuće studije
Therefore maybe the need of the present time is to have such object introduced in the earliest years of corresponding studies
[Mon Feb 02 15:06:25 2004]
Naravno da sličnih problema modeliranja ima i u drugim predmetima graditeljske struke.
Of course that there are also similar problems with modelling in other subjects of the building profession.
[Mon Feb 02 15:06:26 2004]
Tim je više potrebno uvođenje predmeta u kojem bi se studente upoznalo s mogućnostima modeliranja ali i zamkama u modeliranju proračunskih modela
All the more reason for the necessary introduction of subjects in which student would become acquainted with modelling possibilities but also of traps in the modelling of calculation models
[Mon Feb 02 15:08:29 2004]
Termičke analize konusa svemirskog taksija
Thermal analyses of cones of a space taxi
[Mon Feb 02 15:09:45 2004]
Naravno da je dinamička analiza konstrukcija složenija od statičke analize.
Of course the dynamic analysis of a structure is more complex than the static analysis.
[Mon Feb 02 15:09:45 2004]
Naime, rješava se diferencijalna jednadžba titranja masa eksitiranih vanjskim uzrocima
In other words, the differential equation of mass vibration of the excited outer causes is solved
[Mon Feb 02 15:14:17 2004]
matrica masa, [K] matrica krutosti sustava, [d] matrica prigušenja, F(t) poremećajne sile, y su pomaci, dy/dt su brzine, a d2y/dt2 ubrzanja.
mass matrix, [K] system rigidity matrix, (^ d] attenuation matrix, Ft disturbing forces, y represent displacements, dy/dt represent speeds, and d2y/the dt2 accelerations.
[Mon Feb 02 15:14:17 2004]
Ovdje se, dakle, mora voditi računa ne samo o ispravnom strukturalnom modelu, već i o opisu prigušenja, početnih uvjeta, poremećajnim uzrocima, pa sve to adekvatno opisati
Here, therefore, not only the proper structural model must be taken into account, but also the description of the attenuation, initial conditions, disturbing causes, and describe all that adequately
[Mon Feb 02 15:16:09 2004]
početni se uvjeti mogu opisati nalogom
initial conditions can be described with the command
[Mon Feb 02 15:19:38 2004]
Na taj se način može modelirati udar mase u zid simuliran mrežom KE:
The impact of a mass into the wall simulated by an FE, mesh can be modelled in this way:
[Mon Feb 02 15:20:04 2004]
masa m=100.
mass m=100.
[Mon Feb 02 15:20:28 2004]
udara u zid brzinom dUx=85.
hits the wall with the speed of dUx=85.
[Mon Feb 02 15:21:10 2004]
pa je impuls px=85*100=8500.
so the impulse is px=85*100=8500.
[Mon Feb 02 15:21:10 2004]
Predočen je mali dio mreže KE, s udarom mase u točki 20 MKE
A small part of the mesh is illustrated, with the impact of a mass in the point 20 FEM
[Mon Feb 02 15:23:20 2004]
Udar projektila u zid
Impact of a missile into the wall
[Mon Feb 02 15:36:27 2004]
Isto tako se može prikazati udarac dviju opružno vezanih masa na gredu koja se formulirala nizom KE
Impact of two resiliently connected masses on the beam which was formulated by the FE series, can be presented in the same way
[Mon Feb 02 15:47:44 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da je masa m1=3.
Let's assume that the mass is m1=3.
[Mon Feb 02 15:48:02 2004]
, a masa m2=1.
, and the mass m2=1.
[Mon Feb 02 15:48:35 2004]
Brzine obje mase su dUy=5.
Speeds of both masses are dUy=5.
[Mon Feb 02 15:48:39 2004]
Stoga je impuls na gredu (u čvoru 11) smjeru Y osi:
Therefore, the impulse on the beam (in node 11) is in the direction of Y axis:
[Mon Feb 02 15:48:39 2004]
za masu (1) u točki
for the mass (1) in the point
[Mon Feb 02 15:49:47 2004]
Prikazuje se skica na
There is the illustration of the sketch on
[Mon Feb 02 15:50:54 2004]
simulacija pada mase na konstrukciju grede.
simulation of the mass falling on the beam structure.
[Mon Feb 02 15:51:08 2004]
a) os elementa;
a) axis of the element;
[Mon Feb 02 15:51:11 2004]
b) čvorovi na osi grede;
b) nodes on beam axes;
[Mon Feb 02 15:51:11 2004]
c) opruga (TYPE SPRING
c) spring (TYPE SPRING
[Mon Feb 02 16:02:11 2004]
Obično okviri podložni eksitacijama mogu se relativno jednostavno opisati (uopće za ovo objašnjenje nije bitno da li je to 2D ili 3D tvorba ili okvir ili ploča ili rešetka ili kombinacije elemenata kojima se struktura može opisati
usually the frameworks liable to excitations can be described relatively easy (for this explanation is not at all important whether it is 2D or 3D formation or framework or plate or truss or combination of elements whose structure can be described
[Mon Feb 02 16:03:58 2004]
Pretpostavimo okvir, koji se poradi simetrije može razmatrati kao poluokvir.
Let's imagine a framework, which because of the symmetry can be analyzed as a half-frame.
[Mon Feb 02 16:03:58 2004]
Os simetrije je linija
Axis of symmetry is the line
[Mon Feb 02 16:08:34 2004]
Simulacija dinamičke pobude mase.
Simulation of the dynamic excitation of the mass.
[Mon Feb 02 16:08:42 2004]
Koristi se simetrija okvira.
Symmetry of the framework is used.
[Mon Feb 02 16:08:43 2004]
a) detalji;
a) details;
[Mon Feb 02 16:08:43 2004]
b) rubni uvjeti
b) boundary conditions
[Mon Feb 02 16:11:46 2004]
mijenja impulsno kao što je prikazano dijagramom na gornjoj slici, upis se opisuje na sljedećoj slici
changes impulsively as shown in the diagram in the Figure above, the entry is described in the following figure
[Mon Feb 02 16:13:07 2004]
čelični profili iz tablica
steel sections taken from tables
[Mon Feb 02 16:14:27 2004]
sila se zadaje kao određeni intenzitet u određenom vremenu
force is defined as a determined intensity in the determined period
[Mon Feb 02 16:15:14 2004]
prvo se zadaju vremenske točke, a zatim intenzitet sile
first timepoints are defined, and then the intensity of the force
[Mon Feb 02 16:15:47 2004]
integracioni korak
integration step
[Mon Feb 02 16:18:40 2004]
Kao što se vidi opis dinamičke sile je ovdje zadan preko vremenskih točaka i intenziteta sile, što je samo jedan od načina zadavanja sila (ili akceleracije ili akceleracije temelja ili brzine
As it can be seen, the description of the dynamic force is here specified with timepoints and the intensity of the force, which is only one of methods of defining the force (or acceleration or acceleration of the basis or speed
[Mon Feb 02 16:22:23 2004]
Za jedan sličan okvir prvo će se povijest promjena ubrzanja pohraniti na disk, a zatim će se definirati topologija okvira
For one similar framework first the history of changes of accelerations will be saved on the disc, and then the topology of framework will be defined
[Mon Feb 02 16:23:41 2004]
Odgovor sustava na određenu elasitaciju temelja
System's answer to certain elasity of the basis
[Mon Feb 02 16:26:48 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 16:29:51 2004]
Još će se razmotriti jedan primjer u kojem su stupovi okvira u ravnini spojeni krutom prečkom
Another example in which pillars of framework are connected with a rigid bar in the plane, will be observed
[Mon Feb 02 16:30:38 2004]
Dinamička analiza okvira.
Dynamic analysis of the framework.
[Mon Feb 02 16:30:42 2004]
a) kruto tijelo;
a) rigid body;
[Mon Feb 02 16:30:45 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 16:30:45 2004]
c) okvir sa krutom prečkom
c) framework with the rigid bar
[Mon Feb 02 16:31:07 2004]
Upis podataka za proračunski model
Data input for the calculation model
[Mon Feb 02 16:31:39 2004]
[Mon Feb 02 16:59:07 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 09:19:39 2004]
Treći izvor grešaka je neodgovarajuće modeliranje ležaja, kojeg se modeliralo na u inženjerstvu prethodno dobro naučeni način (sa sječivom, okrenutim k materijalu grede).
Third source of errors is an inappropriate modelling of bearing, which was modelled in the engineering profession in a previously well learned way (with a cutting edge, facing the beam material).
[Tue Feb 03 09:20:54 2004]
Takav proračunski zahvat prikaza ležaja može dovesti do usijecanja ležaja (sječiva) u drvo i do neslućene koncentracije napona na tom dijelu, pa onda i do ekscesivnih deformacija kojima veliki dio doprinosi 'ujedanje' sječiva (ležaja) u drvo!
Such calculated intervention of the bearing illustration can cause the cutting of bearing (cutting edges) into the wood and incredible concentration of tension on that part, and also excessive deformations which are helped to a big extent by the 'biting' of cutting edges (bearing) into the wood!
[Tue Feb 03 09:20:54 2004]
U svemu je očito, da se razmatranjem ovog modela neće doći do realnih rezultata
In all that it is very obvious, that the analysis of this model will not give any real results
[Tue Feb 03 09:26:46 2004]
Prvo, konačni elementi pojaseva moraju se fizički odvojiti od konačnih elemenata pojasa.
First, finite elements of flanges must be physically separated from finite elements of a flange.
[Tue Feb 03 09:28:01 2004]
Treba se modelirati priljubljivanje elemenata u čvorovima i reškama sljubljivanja.
assimilation of elements has to be modelled in nodes and joints of joining.
[Tue Feb 03 09:30:07 2004]
To su tri odvojene mreže konačnih elemenata, koje će komunicirati preko spajala (ovdje vijak) i preko dodirnih sljubnica.
Those are three separated finite element meshes, which will communicate through fasteners (here called a screw) and through contact joints.
[Tue Feb 03 09:30:10 2004]
Sami KE elementi vijaka moraju se modelirati tako da se KE TYPE PLANE FRAME spoje s konačnim elementima mreže pojaseva i hrpta (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) preko tzv.
FE screw elements themselves must be modelled so that FE TYPE PLANE FRAME get connected with finite elements of the mesh of flanges and web (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) through so-called.
[Tue Feb 03 09:32:06 2004]
opružnih (spring) elemenata:
resilient (spring) elements:
[Tue Feb 03 09:33:47 2004]
TYPE SPRING, ili preko u sljubnice umetnutih sasvim malih 'dodirnih' štapastih elemenata (TYPE PLANE TRUSS), preko kojih KE elementi vijaka komuniciraju s elementima mreže pojaseva i hrpta, ili umetnutih GAP KE.
TYPE SPRING, or through very small inserted 'contact' bar elements (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) in joints, through which FE screw elements communicate with mesh components of flanges and web or with inserted GAP FE.
[Tue Feb 03 09:33:47 2004]
U svakom slučaju je povoljnije koristiti opružne SPRING ili GAP elemente, jer su njihova svojstva takva, da mogu spajati dva nezavisna čvora sa istim geometrijskim koordinatama, što uveliko smanjuje rad na kreiranju mreža konačnih elemenata.
In any case it is more convenient to use resilient SPRING or GAP elements, because their characteristics are such, that they can connect two independent nodes with same geometrical coordinates, which reduces the work on the design of finite element mesh to a considerable amount.
[Tue Feb 03 09:38:51 2004]
Spring elementi imaju elastične karakteristike u i oko x, y i z osi:
Spring elements are elastic in and around x, y and z axes:
[Tue Feb 03 09:39:41 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 09:40:38 2004]
Ovdje, u ovom modelu složenog I drvenog nosača, koristit će se samo KF karakteristike opružnog elementa.
Here, in this model of the complex and wooden girder, only KF characteristic of a spring element will be used.
[Tue Feb 03 09:42:31 2004]
Kod zamjenjujućeg 'dodirnog' elementa, stvari se malo kompliciraju;
With a replaceable 'contact' element, things get a little bit complicated;
[Tue Feb 03 09:45:15 2004]
prvo moramo imati posebne točke mreže KE vijka, koje spajamo na mjestu dodira vijka s mrežom KE hrpta i pojaseva.
first we must have special points of FE meshes of a screw, which get connected in the contact point of the screw with the FE mesh of web and flanges.
[Tue Feb 03 09:50:40 2004]
U tu svrhu treba generirati/kreirati točke osi vijka, malo translatorno (u X globalnom smjeru) pomaknuto, za cca D/2 u odnosu na postojeću mrežu KE hrpta i pojasa.
For that purpose, the points of a screw axis have to be generated/created, moved slightly translatively (in X global direction), for approximately D/2 in respect to the existing FE mesh of web and flange.
[Tue Feb 03 09:51:44 2004]
Pri tome treba zadržati iste točke mreže vijka i pojasa na mjestima glave i matice vijaka, kao zajedničke točke MKE TYPE PLANE FRAME i mreže KE TYPE PLANE TRUSS.
In this matter the same points of the mesh of the screw and flange have to remain in the place of the head and screw nut, as shared points of the FEM TYPE PLANE FRAME and the mesh of the FE TYPE PLANE TRUSS.
[Tue Feb 03 09:54:30 2004]
Karakteristike su 'dodirnih' elemenata koji spajaju elemente vijka s MKE pojaseva s hrptom treba riješiti na isti način:
Characteristics of 'contact' elements that connect the screw element with FEM flanges with the web have to be dealt with in the same way:
[Tue Feb 03 09:54:52 2004]
umetanjem opružnih elemenata između tih odvojenih mreža KE, što je relativno jednostavno, ili umetanjem 'dodirnih' zamjenjujućih štapova između obih odvojenih mreža KE, što traži prethodno translatorno razdvajanje tih mreža na mjestima dodira za jednu minimalnu vrijednost, npr. za cca 0.1 mm.
by inserting spring elements between these separated FE meshes, what is relatively simple, or by inserting 'contact' replaceable members between both separated FE meshes, which requires a previously translative separation of these meshes in contact points for one minimum value, e.g. for approximately 0.1 mm.
[Tue Feb 03 09:54:53 2004]
To je međutim zametno
However, this is tiring
[Tue Feb 03 10:07:34 2004]
U slučaju korištenja 'spring' elemenata, navode se karakteristike KFX i KFY, dok u slučaju primjene 'dodirnih' elemenata moramo navesti AX=a2*dx, gdje je a2 debljina tanjeg elementa (ovdje je to hrbat), a dx je pripadni razmak rastera MKE u X smjeru.
In case of the utilization of 'spring' elements, characteristics of KFX and KFY are specified, while in case of the use of 'contact' elements we must specify AX=a2*dx, where A2 represents thickness of a thinner element (here called the web), whereas dx is the associated distance of screens FEM in X direction.
[Tue Feb 03 10:07:44 2004]
Ukoliko se želi uračunati i trenje između hrpta i pojaseva treba umetnuti i odgovarajući 'dodirni' (približno horizontalni) element odgovarajućih svojstava.
If we want to include also the friction between the web and flanges we must also inset a corresponding 'contact' (approximately horizontal) element of corresponding characteristics.
[Tue Feb 03 10:07:58 2004]
Takvi elementi postoje u COSMOS/M sustavu.
Such elements exist in the COSMOS/M system.
[Tue Feb 03 10:08:06 2004]
Postoje i tzv.
There are also so-called.
[Tue Feb 03 10:08:06 2004]
GAP elementi, elementi sa trenjem i sl
GAP elements, elements with friction etc.
[Tue Feb 03 10:11:27 2004]
Prikaz veze neovisnih mreža KE pojasa i KE hrpta, spojenih s opružnim elementima TYPE STRING ili GAP.
Illustration of the connection of the independent FE flange mesh and FE web, connected with spring elements TYPE STRING or GAP.
[Tue Feb 03 10:11:44 2004]
a) reška;
a) joint;
[Tue Feb 03 10:11:51 2004]
b) MKE pojasa;
b) FEM of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 10:12:10 2004]
c) MKE hrpta;
c) FEM of the web;
[Tue Feb 03 10:12:10 2004]
d) iste koordinate čvorova mreže KE ali drugi identifikatori
d) same coordinates of mesh nodes FE but different identifiers
[Tue Feb 03 10:23:42 2004]
Problem ležaja ne rješava se simuliranjem ležaja kao sječice, što je zapravo samo simbol za oznaku ležaja u mehanici, već umetanjem kladice od nekog materijala (npr.
Bearing problem cannot be solved with the simulation of bearing in the shape of an abscissa, which is actually only the symbol for the bearing sign in the mechanics, but by inserting blocks of some material (e.g.ž
[Tue Feb 03 10:23:42 2004]
od tvrdog drveta, ili neoprena), dakle kreiranjem dodirne mreže od KE na mjestu samog oslanjanja ili stvarnom simulacijom ležaja s mrežom KE
ž of hard wood, or neoprene), therefore by designing a contact mesh of FE in the point of the bearing itself or by a real simulation of bearing with the FE mesh
[Tue Feb 03 10:25:15 2004]
Prikaz mreže KE pojasa i hrpta uz primjenu dodirnih elemenata TYPE PLANE TRUSS.
Illustration of the FE mesh of flange and web with the use of contact elements TYPE PLANE TRUSS.
[Tue Feb 03 10:25:50 2004]
a) reška;
a) joint;
[Tue Feb 03 10:26:16 2004]
b) MKE pojasa;
b) FEM of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 10:26:24 2004]
c) razne koordinate uz razmak od cca 0,1 mm;
c) various coordinates with the distance of approximately 0,1 mm;
[Tue Feb 03 10:26:24 2004]
d) MKE hrpta
d) FEM of the web
[Tue Feb 03 10:28:43 2004]
U ovom slučaju na primjer, nasumce odabrani čvorovi .
In this case for example, nodes chosen randomly.
[Tue Feb 03 10:29:47 2004]
.. imaju koordinate xji, 28.
have coordinates xji, 28.
[Tue Feb 03 10:29:48 2004]
, dok čvorovi .
, while nodes.
[Tue Feb 03 10:30:42 2004]
.. imaju koordinate xji, 28.01, dakle za .01 u Yg smjeru posmaknute u odnosu na prethodne koordinate mreže KE.
01, therefore for.01 in Yg direction moved in relation to previous coordinates of the FE mesh.
[Tue Feb 03 10:33:22 2004]
Prikaz modeliranja vijka i nalijeganja vijka, kod primjene opružnih SPRING elemenata.
Illustration of screw modelling and of screw leaning, when using resilient SPRING elements.
[Tue Feb 03 10:33:27 2004]
a) reška;
a) joint;
[Tue Feb 03 10:33:36 2004]
b) MKE pojasa;
b) FEM of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 10:37:59 2004]
c) iste koordinate ali drugi identifikatori;
c) same coordinates but different identifiers;
[Tue Feb 03 10:37:59 2004]
d) MKE hrpta
d) FEM of the web
[Tue Feb 03 10:46:05 2004]
Detalj prikaza modeliranja nalijeganja vijka na "meso" nosača.
Detail of the modelling illustration of screw leaning on the "meat" of the girder.
[Tue Feb 03 10:46:12 2004]
a) zajednički čvor;
a) shared node;
[Tue Feb 03 10:46:39 2004]
b) MKE pojasa nosača;
b) FEM of the girder flange;
[Tue Feb 03 10:46:39 2004]
c) detalj prikaza nalijeganja vijka preko spring elemenata ili 'dodirnih' elemenata
c) detail of the illustration of the screw leaning through spring elements or 'contact' elements
[Tue Feb 03 10:54:29 2004]
Može se pojednostavljeno smatrati da je između različitih elemenata (pojasevi, hrbat, spajala) umetnut jedan medij (nešto kao sloj vrlo tankog papira), kojeg zamjenjujemo s opružnim (TYPE SPRING) elementima ili pak konektivnim (tip rešetke TYPE TRUSS) elementima ili GAP KE.
In simple terms, we can consider one medium (something like a layer of a very thin paper) inserted between different elements (flanges, web, fasteners), which is replaced by resilient (TYPE SPRING) elements or some connective (TYPE TRUSS) elements or GAP FE.
[Tue Feb 03 10:54:29 2004]
Time se sasvim vjerno simulira prilijeganje elemenata na element(e)
This totally authentically simulates the adherence of elements on element(s)
[Tue Feb 03 10:59:39 2004]
Prikazuje se cjeloviti dio takvog modela, kojeg se treba razmatrati u nekoliko slojeva:
whole part of such model is shown, which needs to be analyzed through several layers:
[Tue Feb 03 11:00:25 2004]
sloj mreže konačnih elemenata drvenih dijelova (pojas, hrbat, pojas i vezni spring elementi), sloj spajala od čelika (kao štapni elementi okvira TYPE PLANE FRAME, vezani s opružnim elementima na čvorove prethodne mreže).
mesh layer of woodwork finite elements (flange, web, flange and binding spring elements), layer of fasteners made from steel (such as bar elements of framework TYPE PLANE FRAME, connected with spring elements on nodes of the previous mesh).
[Tue Feb 03 11:05:00 2004]
Ustanovili smo da slojeviti prikaz MKE najbolje vizualizira mehaničku situaciju složenih veza KE.
We established that the stratified illustration FEM visualizes best a mechanical situation of complex connections FE.
[Tue Feb 03 11:05:42 2004]
Uz to treba imati što gušću mrežu KE, a elementi ne trebaju imati odnos stranica veći od 1:2, iako smo ustanovili da se i kod jako izduljenih elemenata dobivaju rezultati, koji se dobro podudaraju s teoretskim rezultatima.
Furthermore we need to have the FE mesh as dense as possible, and elements do not need to have the ratio of sides bigger than 12:, although we established that also very long elements give results, which well match theoretical results.
[Tue Feb 03 11:12:10 2004]
Treba paziti na smjerove modela elastičnosti drveta EX, EY.
One should takes care of EX, EY directions of the model to the wood flexibility.
[Tue Feb 03 11:12:10 2004]
Kao što se vidi, ukoliko se na ležaju ne primjeni neki drugi materijal s bitno manjim modulom E, doći će do fenomena upetosti nosača u podlogu, što naravno nikako ne želimo ostvariti, jer to je jedan bitni poremećaj
As it can be seen, if some other material with an essentially smaller modulus E is not applied on the bearing, the fixity phenomenon of girders in the base will occur, which we, of course, in no way want to perform, because it represents a very important imbalance
[Tue Feb 03 11:18:34 2004]
Prikaz modela i sastavljenog nosača:
Illustration of the model and compound girders:
[Tue Feb 03 11:19:07 2004]
prvi sloj mreže KE.
first mesh layer FE.
[Tue Feb 03 11:19:58 2004]
Mreže KE, MKE1, MKE2, MKE3, imaju modul EEjdrvo.
Meshes FE, FEM1, FEM2, FEM3 have the modulus EEjwood.
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:11 2004]
a) MKE1 pojasa;
and) FEM1 of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:20 2004]
b) MKE2 hrpta;
b) FEM2 of the web;
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:24 2004]
c) MKE3 pojasa;
c) FEM3 of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:26 2004]
d) 'jastuk', ležaj, E2;
d) 'cushion', bearing, E2;
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:37 2004]
e) ležajevi;
e) bearings;
[Tue Feb 03 11:20:42 2004]
f) detalj A MKE1;
f) detail A FEM1;
[Tue Feb 03 11:21:47 2004]
g) dodirni spring ili konektivni element;
g) contact spring or connective element;
[Tue Feb 03 11:21:58 2004]
h) zazor 0,1 mm;
h) gap of 0,1 mm;
[Tue Feb 03 11:22:03 2004]
i) detalj B MKE2;
i) detail B FEM2;
[Tue Feb 03 11:23:00 2004]
l) detalj svih čvorova reške između MKE pojasa i hrpta I nosača
l) detail of all joint nodes between the FEM of the flange, web and girder
[Tue Feb 03 11:25:49 2004]
Također se prikazuje i drugi sloj te mreže KE u kojem su kao primarni prikazani vijci/trnovi.
Also another layer of that FE mesh is shown in which screws/spikes are shown as primary.
[Tue Feb 03 11:29:10 2004]
Vijci su prikazani kao štapovi (TYPE PLANE FRAME).
Screws are illustrated as members (TYPE PLANE FRAME).
[Tue Feb 03 11:30:59 2004]
Ukoliko se primjenjuju vezni elementi (TYPE SPRING), onda čvorovi mreže štapova (vijaka/trnova) mogu imati iste koordinate podudarne s koordinatama prethodne mreže, a ukoliko se koriste opružni elementi (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) onda čvorovi mreže štapova (vijaka/trnova) moraju imati malo (za polovinu promjera vijka) pomaknute Xg koordinate u odnosu na prethodni sloj MKE.
If binding elements are applied (TYPE SPRING), then mesh nodes of members (screws/spikes) can have same coordinates that match coordinates of the previous mesh, and if spring elements are used (TYPE PLANE TRUSS) then mesh nodes of members (screws/spikes) must have (half of the screw diametre) Xg coordinates slightly moved in comparison with the previous layer FEM.
[Tue Feb 03 11:30:59 2004]
Na taj se način zatim ostvaruje veza prethodne mreže ME sa mrežom KE vijaka (spajala).
In this way, the connection of the previous mesh EM with the FE mesh of screws (fasteners) is achieved.
[Tue Feb 03 11:32:49 2004]
Modeliranje oslanjanja vijka.
Modelling of screw leaning.
[Tue Feb 03 11:33:04 2004]
MKE4 ima modul EEjčelik.
FEM4 has the EEjstel modulus.
[Tue Feb 03 11:33:13 2004]
a) MKE1 pojasa;
a) FEM1 of the flange;
[Tue Feb 03 11:33:17 2004]
b) MKE2 hrpta;
b) FEM2 of the web;
[Tue Feb 03 11:34:02 2004]
d) MKE3 pojasa.
d) FEM3 of the flange.
[Tue Feb 03 11:34:02 2004]
Zbog preglednosti nisu prikazani GAP KE
Because of the good layout, GAP FE are not illustrated
[Tue Feb 03 11:36:01 2004]
Detalji spajanja TYPE PLANE FRAME elemenata vijaka/trnova sa MKE koja prikazuje drvo prikazuje se na sljedećoj skici
Joining details TYPE PLANE FRAME of elements of screws/spikes with FEM which represents the wood is illustrated in the following drawing
[Tue Feb 03 11:37:26 2004]
Aksonometrijski "blow up" prikaz modela složene I grede od drveta
Axonometrical " blow up " illustration of the model of a complex and wooden girder
[Tue Feb 03 11:38:02 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 11:56:39 2004]
Detalj modeliranja veze vijka s MKE drveta.
Modelling detail of screw connections with FEM of the wood.
[Tue Feb 03 11:57:21 2004]
a) MEMBER RELEASE za štap vijka;
a) MEMBER RELEASE for the screw member;
[Tue Feb 03 11:57:35 2004]
b) mreža konačnih elemenata pojasa MK1;
b) finite element mesh of MF1 flange;
[Tue Feb 03 11:57:53 2004]
c) zazor cca 0,1 mm;
c) approximately 0,1 mm gap;
[Tue Feb 03 11:59:05 2004]
d) mreža konačnih elemenata hrpta MK2;
d) finite element mesh of MF2 web;
[Tue Feb 03 11:59:28 2004]
e) vijak (TYPE PLANE FRAME);
e) screw (TYPE PLANE FRAME);
[Tue Feb 03 12:02:21 2004]
f) mreža konačnih elemenata pojasa MK3;
f) finite element mesh of MF3 flange;
[Tue Feb 03 12:02:29 2004]
g) ako se koristi kontaktni element TYPE PLANE TRUSS umjesto SPRING elementa, treba modelirati vezu sa PLANE STRESS MKE i TYPE PLANE FRAME gdje su 'k' i 'j' čvorovi koji kod primjene PLANE TRUSS elemenata imaju različite X koordinate, a 'd' je promjer vijka;
g) if the contact element TYPE PLANE TRUSS is used instead of SPRING element, then the connection with PLAN STRESS FEM and TYPE PLANE FRAME needs to be modelled with 'k' and 'j' nodes which have different X coordinates when the PLANE TRUSS of elements is used, and 'd' is the diameter of the screw;
[Tue Feb 03 12:02:29 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 12:07:32 2004]
Na vrlo sličan način može se modelirati sastavljeni I drveni štap u kojem su elementi od drveta spojeni čavlima.
in a very similar way we can model the compound and wooden bar where wooden elements are connected with nails.
[Tue Feb 03 12:08:11 2004]
Analogno iznesenom, predstavlja se ovaj model sastavljenog štapa.
This model of the compound member is represented similarly to the already stated.
[Tue Feb 03 12:08:11 2004]
Treba paziti na korektne smjerove za EX, EY i GXY module elastičnosti
Correct directions for EX, EY and GXY elastic moduli have to be taken care of
[Tue Feb 03 12:15:22 2004]
Prvi sloj mreže KE:
first layer of the mesh FE:
[Tue Feb 03 12:16:47 2004]
formulacija materijala drva i formulacija kontaktnih elemenata.
formulation of wood material and formulation of contact elements.
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:09 2004]
1) 'Blow up' model za proračun sastavljenog I nosača.
1) 'Blow up' model for the calculation of the compound I girder.
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:17 2004]
2) Detalj spoja pojasa i hrpta:
2) Detail of the joint of flange and web:
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:21 2004]
prvi sloj MKE.
first layer FEM.
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:24 2004]
a) pojas;
a) flange;
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:25 2004]
b) hrbat;
b) web;
[Tue Feb 03 12:17:54 2004]
d) nije u mjerilu;
d) not in proportion;
[Tue Feb 03 12:18:05 2004]
e) MKE gornjeg pojasa, THICKNESS b1;
e) FEM of top flange, THICKNESS b1;
[Tue Feb 03 12:18:11 2004]
f) zazor cca 0,1 mm;
f) approximately 0,1 mm gap;
[Tue Feb 03 12:18:46 2004]
g) kontaktni elementi TYPE TRUSS ili opružni elementi TYPE SPRING;
g) contact elements TYPE TRUSS or spring elements TYPE SPRING;
[Tue Feb 03 12:19:53 2004]
h) mreža KE hrpta, THICKNESS b2, dio elemenata;
h) FE mesh of web, THICKNESS B2, part of elements;
[Tue Feb 03 12:19:53 2004]
i) razmak/hod mreže KE
i) distance/the stroke of FE mesh
[Tue Feb 03 15:18:42 2004]
Kontaktni elementi su ili TYPE SPRING ili TYPE PLANE TRUSS ili GAP elementi.
Contact elements are either TYPE SPRING or TYPE PLANE TRUSS or GAP elements.
[Tue Feb 03 15:18:42 2004]
Ako su to elementi ravninske rešetke, onda im je površina
If they are elements of a plane truss, then their surface is
[Tue Feb 03 15:19:36 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 15:21:07 2004]
Za modul tih konektivnih elemenata (ako su TYPE TRUSS) treba uzeti EEjdrvojtra, dakle E okomito na vlakna drveta, tj. EY modul
For the modulus of those connective elements (if they are TYPE TRUSS) EEjdrvojtra has to be taken, therefore E vertically on wood fibers, i.e. to the EY modulus
[Tue Feb 03 15:24:10 2004]
Prikazuje se zatim formuliranje detalja spoja pojasa i hrpta:
The formulation of details of flange and web joint is then shown:
[Tue Feb 03 15:24:10 2004]
to je drugi sloj MKE
this is the second FEM layer
[Tue Feb 03 15:26:32 2004]
Modeliranje čavla u drugom sloju MKE.
Nail modelling in the second FEM layer.
[Tue Feb 03 15:26:58 2004]
Nisu prikazani konektivni elementi koji su već ranije prikazani u prvom sloju mreže KE.
Connective elements that were already previously presented in the first FE mesh layer, are not shown.
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:04 2004]
a) glava čavla, zajednički čvor prvog i drugog sloja mreža KE;
a) nail head, shared node of the first and second layer of FE meshes;
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:10 2004]
b) MKE gornjeg pojasa;
b) FEM of top chord;
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:18 2004]
c) čavli, PLANE FRAME elementi;
c) nails, PLANE FRAME elements;
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:39 2004]
d) zazor cca 0,1 mm;
d) approximately 0,1 mm gap;
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:52 2004]
e) mreža KE hrpta, dio elemenata;
e) FE web mesh, part of elements;
[Tue Feb 03 15:27:52 2004]
f) razmak/hod mreže KE
f) distance/stroke of the FE mesh
[Tue Feb 03 15:30:03 2004]
Prikazan je jedan način modeliranje samog čavla s TYPE PLANE FRAME konačnim elementima:
One way of modelling the nail itself with TYPE PLANE FRAME with finite elements is shown:
[Tue Feb 03 15:30:18 2004]
detalji obiju mreža konačnih elemenata, te njihove međusobne veze, preko dodirnih elemenata, koji mogu biti:
details of both finite element meshes, their interrelations, through contact elements, which can be as follows:
[Tue Feb 03 15:30:18 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 15:32:38 2004]
Konektivni elementi između elementa čavla i čvora mreže drveta su ili SPRING (opružni) element ili TYPE PLANE TRUSS element s površinom
Connective elements between the element of nail and mesh node of the wood are either SPRING (resilient) elements or TYPE PLANE TRUSS elements with the surface
[Tue Feb 03 15:35:33 2004]
Modeliranje I složenog drvenog štapa spojenog čavlima.
Modelling of I complex wooden bar, connected with nails.
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:14 2004]
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:18 2004]
b) MKE gornjeg pojasa;
b) FEM of top flange;
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:21 2004]
c) PLANE FRAME, čavli;
c) PLANE FRAME, nails;
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:22 2004]
d) kontaktni elementi ili opružni elementi:
d) contact elements or spring elements:
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:30 2004]
spring ili truss;
spring or truss;
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:52 2004]
e) zazor cca 0,1 mm;
e) approximately 0,1 mm gap;
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:55 2004]
f) mreža KE hrpta MK2 (b2);
f) FE web mesh MF2 (b2);
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:58 2004]
g) detalj;
g) detail;
[Tue Feb 03 15:36:58 2004]
h) MEMBER RELEASE za čavao
h) MEMBER RELEASE for the nail
[Tue Feb 03 15:39:26 2004]
Ukoliko bi se razmatrao isti I složeni drveni lijepljeni štap, tada bi se model mogao razmatrati kao jedinstvena cjelina bez razbijanja modela na tri mreže KE.
If the same I complex wooden glued member would be analyzed, then the model could analyzed as the integral whole without breaking of models into three FE meshes.
[Tue Feb 03 15:41:08 2004]
Čak i nije potrebno simulirati sloj ljepila.
It is not even necessary to simulate the layer of glue.
[Tue Feb 03 15:41:59 2004]
Dovoljno je uzeti samo tri različite debljine mreža KE:
It is enough to take only three different thicknesses of FE meshes:
[Tue Feb 03 15:41:59 2004]
za gornji pojas (b1), hrbat (b2) i donji pojas (b3=b1), sa dosljednom simulacijom ležajeva, kako je ranije opisano
for the top flange (b1), web (the B2) and bottom flange (b3b1=), with the consistent simulation of the bearing, as it was described earlier
[Tue Feb 03 15:48:45 2004]
Ukoliko se žele dobiti naponska stanja u sloju (filmu) ljepila između hrpta i pojasa može se I složeni nosač modelirati s odvojenim mrežama KE (jedna mreža KE za gornji pojas, jedna za hrbat i jedna za donji pojas).
If you want to have voltage conditions in the layer (film) of the glue between the web and flange, the I complex girder can be modelled with separated FE meshes (one FE mesh for the top flange, one for the web and one for the bottom flange).