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[Thu Feb 05 11:14:11 2004]
Zatim, jednostavne kontrole, kao što je kontrola da suma projekcija opterećenja i suma projekcija reakcija moraju biti u ravnoteži, mogu se koristiti pri kontrolama proračuna.
Then, simple controls, such as the control that makes sure that the sum of load projections is in balance with the sum of reaction projections, can be use in budgetary controls.
[Thu Feb 05 11:15:48 2004]
ICES STRUDL, M-STRUDL, ROBOT, SOFISTIK, NASTRAN, DIANA i drugi suvremeni FEA programi, provode kontrolu priloženih sila u čvorovima strukture automatski.
ICES STRUDL, M-STRUDL, ROBOT, SOFISTIK, NASTRAN, DIANA and other modern FEA programs, automatically carry out the control of accompanying forces in the nodes of the structure.
[Thu Feb 05 11:15:48 2004]
Te se sile u čvorovima proračunavaju preko proračunom dobivenih pomaka i deformacija čvorova modela, pa je to zaista efikasan način kontrole kompatibilnosti i priloženog opterećenja.
These forces in nodes are calculated through the calculation of received displacements and deformations of model nodes, then this is really an efficient control method of compatibility and applied load.
[Thu Feb 05 11:21:53 2004]
Postoje i drugi efikasni načini kontrole proračuna.
There are also other efficient methods of the calculation control.
[Thu Feb 05 11:22:00 2004]
Kontrola deformacija i slične kontrole su vrlo korisne provjere.
deformation control and similar controls are very useful for testing.
[Thu Feb 05 11:24:39 2004]
provjera sume reakcija i sume opterećenja.
testing of reaction sum and load sum.
[Thu Feb 05 11:46:24 2004]
Ako su deformacije neracionalne i distorzije elemenata velike, ili su kutovi zaokreta sumnjivo veliki, očito se pogriješilo u modeliranju ili izboru dimenzija, elemenata, modeliranju kontinuiteta i sl.
If the deformations are irrational and distortions of elements big, or turning angles are doubtfully big, then apparently a mistake has been made in the modelling or choosing of dimensions, elements, modelling of continuity etc..
[Thu Feb 05 11:47:48 2004]
Vrlo često se u 'šumi' upisanih podataka pogriješi pri upisu podataka.
When entering data in the 'forest' of registered data, a mistake is very often made.
[Thu Feb 05 11:47:48 2004]
Grafičke kontrole upisa i rezultata proračuna su stoga nešto, bez čega se u suvremenim načinima proračuna više ne može raditi, istraživati i poslovati
Graphic controls of entries and analysis results are therefore something, without which in modern methods of calculation is no longer possible to work, research and be in business
[Thu Feb 05 11:53:28 2004]
Geometrija se najlakše može kontrolirati vizualizacijom na ekranu, ploteru ili printeru, rotacijama strukturalnog modela i njegovim razgledavanjem u prostoru, zumiranjem i sličnim grafičkim mogućnostima vizualizacije modela.
Geometry can most easily be controlled by an onscreen visualization, data plotter or printer, rotations of structural model and its examining in the space, zooming and similar graphic possibilities of model visualization.
[Thu Feb 05 11:53:36 2004]
Isto tako je poželjno vizualizirati sve rubne elemente, sva opterećenja (sile i rubne uvjete) i ako je moguće, karakteristike presjeka.
It is also desirable to visualize all boundary elements, all loads (forces and boundary conditions) and if possible, section characteristics.
[Thu Feb 05 11:57:54 2004]
Sve ostale kontrole (naprezanja, deformacija i sl.
All other controls (stresses, deformation etc..
[Thu Feb 05 11:59:18 2004]
izlaznih rezultata proračuna) su otežane bez vizualnog sučelja.
of outgoing analysis results) are made difficult when there is no visual frontage.
[Thu Feb 05 12:00:12 2004]
Pa i nakon provedenog vizualnog sučelja, postoji još uvijek neiscrpni izvor grešaka modeliranja.
Even after executed visual frontage, there is still an inexhaustible source of modelling errors.
[Thu Feb 05 12:00:12 2004]
Dobro je provesti opciju animacije deformiranog oblika strukture
It is all right to execute the animation option of deformed form of the structure
[Thu Feb 05 12:03:46 2004]
Ovdje će se nastojati pobrojiti neke od tih općih i čestih izvora pogrešaka strukturalnog modeliranja.
Here we will try to list some of those general and frequent source of structural modelling errors.
[Thu Feb 05 12:03:49 2004]
O ovim temama modeliranja postoji opsežna dostupna literatura (npr.
about these modelling subjects There is an extensive available literature (e.g.
[Thu Feb 05 12:05:15 2004]
[Thu Feb 05 12:05:15 2004]
Analytical modelling of structural system, a i opsežni prijevod sa ilustrativnim primjerima modeliranja za primjenu ICES STRUDL2 sustava), kao i skripta autora
Analytical modelling of structural system, and a detailed translation with illustrative modelling examples for the usage of the ICES STRUDL2 system), as well as the author's lecture notes
[Thu Feb 05 12:15:40 2004]
Vrlo česta greška modeliranja je zanemarivanje ekscentričnosti međusobnih priključaka elemenata u čvoru, kao i zanemarivanje krutih zona elemenata pri priključcima, na primjer kod priključka grede na zid, ili općenito kod priključaka elementa za element.
A very common modelling error is neglecting the eccentricity of mutual connections of elements in the node, as well as neglecting rigid zones of elements at connection points, for example when connecting beams to a wall, or generally when connecting an element to an another element.
[Thu Feb 05 12:18:15 2004]
Jedna od ključnih grešaka je i pogrešni odabir tipa konačnog elementa.
One of major errors is also a wrong selection of a finite element type.
[Thu Feb 05 12:19:23 2004]
Moderni, noviji programi nastoje to eliminirati ugradnjom takvih elemenata, koji su automatski kompatibilni s drugim elementima iz biblioteke konačnih elemenata programa, 'automeshingom' (automatskim generiranjem mreža KE).
Modern, newer programs try to eliminate it by introducing such elements, which are automatically compatible with other elements from the library of finite element programs, by 'automeshing' (automatic generation of FE meshes).
[Thu Feb 05 12:19:23 2004]
Unatoč tome može doći do greške u odabiru konačnog elementa
In spite of that, when selecting a finite element errors can still occur
[Thu Feb 05 12:33:54 2004]
Ako zamislimo da je sustav greda (roštilj od prostornih grednih elemenata, TYPE SPACE FRAME), spojen (ili spregnut), sa na roštilju, ležećom pločom, predočenom rasterom konačnih elemenata (TYPE THIN PLATE ili TYPE THIN SHELL), onda nije svejedno koji se KE odabrao iz bogate 'riznice' biblioteke konačnih elemenata.
If we assume that the beam system (grid made from spatial beam elements, TYPE SPACE FRAME), is connected (or composite), to the grillage, with a bearing plate, which is illustrated by a grill to the finite elements (TYPE THIN PLATE or TYPE THIN SHELL), then it is important which FE was chosen from a rich 'treasury' of the to the finite elements library.
[Thu Feb 05 12:36:35 2004]
Ako se kojim slučajem odabrao KE koji ima stupnjeve slobode:
If by chance was chosen the FE which has degrees of release:
[Thu Feb 05 12:38:56 2004]
uz=u3, rotx=u4, roty=u5 i rotz=u6, onda će se sigurno dobiti pri proračunu s tim elementima sasvim pogrešni rezultati proračuna, jer se zanemarilo bitne deformacije ploče u uzdužnom i poprečnom smjeru roštilja prostornih greda.
uz=u3, rotx=u4, roty=u5 and rotz=u6, then totally incorrect analysis results will be definitely made in the calculation with these elements, because essential deformations of the plate have been neglected in a longitudinal and transversal direction of the grillage of space beams.
[Thu Feb 05 12:39:01 2004]
Rezultati su takvog proračuna bezvrijedni i pogrešni, dapače, realno i opasni, ali poruke o greški proračuna nema, jer je numerička točnost zadovoljena:
The results of such calculation are useless and incorrect, and also, dangerous actually, but a message about the calculation error does not exist, because the numerical accuracy has been satisfied:
[Thu Feb 05 12:40:10 2004]
proračunski model je, međutim moguć, ali - neodgovarajući.
calculation model is, however possible, but - inappropriate.
[Thu Feb 05 12:42:12 2004]
Sustav kojeg se na taj način proračunalo, uopće ne bi odgovarao fenomenu sprezanja ploče s roštiljem.
System calculated in this way, would not correspond at all the to the phenomenon of a plate conjugation with the grillage.
[Thu Feb 05 12:42:33 2004]
Proračunao bi se model u kojem je sustav ploča nevezano oslonjen za sustav roštilja na kojem ploča leži.
The model in which the plate system freely leans against the grillage system on which plate lies would be calculated.
[Thu Feb 05 12:43:16 2004]
Promjenom tipa elementa (tj.
By changing the element type (i.e.
[Thu Feb 05 12:43:16 2004]
imena elementa) dobit će se ispravno rješenje problema
element name) we will get a correct solution of the problem
[Thu Feb 05 12:49:38 2004]
Prikaz proračunskih modela i dijagrama reznih sila rešetkastog nosača izvedenog i in situ testiranog 1959.
Illustration of calculation models and diagrams of section forces of a truss executed and tested in situ in 1959.
[Thu Feb 05 12:49:43 2004]
, a proračunatog STRESS-om 1971.
, and calculated with the STRESS in 1971.
[Thu Feb 05 12:49:45 2004]
Iz rada:
From the work:
[Thu Feb 05 12:49:51 2004]
Žagar, Analiza lijepljenog krovnog vezača
Žagar, Analysis of glued roof truss
[Thu Feb 05 12:52:42 2004]
lijepljeni rešetkasti nosači u fazi montaže.
glued trusses in the assembly phase.
[Thu Feb 05 12:54:20 2004]
Prva primjena lijepljenja spojeva rešetki u nas.
First use of truss joints gluing in Croatia.
[Thu Feb 05 12:54:51 2004]
Proračunski model je svestrano ispitan.
Calculation model completely examined.
[Thu Feb 05 12:54:51 2004]
Primijenjene su razne pretpostavke modeliranja modela KE
Various modelling assumptions of FEmodels used
[Thu Feb 05 12:56:08 2004]
Pripreme za ispitivanje nosača.
Preparations for girder testing.
[Thu Feb 05 12:56:57 2004]
Ispitane su deformacije i izmjerena naprezanja u presjecima elemenata.
Deformations tested and stresses measured in element sections.
[Thu Feb 05 12:58:26 2004]
50% nosača je bilo čavlano, a 50% lijepljeno, prema odluci Revizijske komisije ŽTP-a.
50% of girders was nailed, and 50% glued, according to the decision of the Revisory commission of the Railroad Transport Company.
[Thu Feb 05 13:03:23 2004]
Stoga je bilo moguće izvršiti mjerenja na identičnim nosačima spojenih različitim spojnim sredstvima i spajalima, te izvući zaključke o djelovanju raznih spajala (lijepljenih i čavlanih spojeva).
Therefore it was possible to execute measurements on identical girders, connected with different joining means and fasteners, and to make conclusions about the effect of various fasteners (of glued and nailed joints).
[Thu Feb 05 14:17:22 2004]
Nedvojbeno je ustanovljeno da lijepljena konstrukcija djeluje kao okvir, a čavlana je bliže djelovanju rešetke.
It was undoubtedly determined that a glued structure functions as a framework, and a nailed one is closer to functioning of a truss.
[Thu Feb 05 14:17:22 2004]
Progibi pokazuju kod lijepljenih nosača linearnost sile i progiba, dok se kod čavlanih izmjerilo veliku nelinearnost između sile i deformacija kojoj je uzrok podatljivost spajala
In glued girders, deflections show a linearity of force and deflection, while in nailed girders, a big nonlinearity between force and deformations, caused by the pliancy of fasteners, was measured
[Thu Feb 05 14:25:26 2004]
Prikaz ispravnog i neispravnog modeliranja roštilja s pločom.
Illustration of the correct and incorrect modelling of a grillage with a plate.
[Thu Feb 05 14:26:04 2004]
1) sudjelovanje ploče u nosivosti roštilja;
1) participation of the plate in grillage capacities;
[Thu Feb 05 14:26:53 2004]
2) ploča ne sudjeluje u nosivosti roštilja;
2) plate does not participate in grillage capacities;
[Thu Feb 05 14:27:01 2004]
a) element ploče type shallow shell "sbcr";
a) plate element of type shallow shell " SBCR ";
[Thu Feb 05 14:27:11 2004]
b) grede type space frame;
b) beams of type space frame;
[Thu Feb 05 14:27:11 2004]
c) element ploče type plane stress
c) plate element of type plane stress
[Thu Feb 05 14:29:41 2004]
Umjesto KE 'SBCR' mogao se uzeti i "SBCRCSH" ili "SSHQ2" sa komponentama ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty.
Instead of FE 'SBCR' also " SBCRCSH " or " SSHQ2 " with components ux, uy, uz, rotx, roty can be used.
[Thu Feb 05 14:29:41 2004]
Naravno da se uvijek može koristiti asemblaža trodimenzionalnih KE "opeka" TYPE TRIDIMENSIONAL npr. elementi "IPLS" ili "IPLSCSH", te SHELL4 ili SHELL4L KE
Of course, one can always was use the assembling of three-dimensional FE "brick" TYPE TRIDIMENSIONAL e.g. elements " IPLS " or " IPLSCSH ", and SHELL4 or SHELL4L FE
[Thu Feb 05 14:32:18 2004]
Prikaz razlike odabira konačnog elementa tanke ljuske na rezultate proračuna strukture (KE iz biblioteke ICES-STRUDL).
Illustration of difference in selection of a thin shell finite element on analysis results of the structure (FE from the library ICES-STRUDL).
[Thu Feb 05 14:32:50 2004]
a) element ploče ljuske koji može preuzeti uzdužne sile;
a) plate element of the shell which can receive axial forces;
[Thu Feb 05 14:32:50 2004]
b) element ploče ljuske koji ne može preuzeti uzdužne sile
b) plate element of the shell which cannot receive axial forces
[Thu Feb 05 14:35:40 2004]
a) os Yglobal;
a) Yglobal axis;
[Thu Feb 05 14:35:49 2004]
c) sustav prostornih greda TYPE SPACE FRAME;
c) system of space beams TYPE SPACE FRAME;
[Thu Feb 05 14:36:17 2004]
e) ležaj (SUPPORT);
e) bearing (SUPPORT);
[Thu Feb 05 14:36:31 2004]
f) X1 lokalna os i Xglobal (os ploče) g) ekscentrični priključak MEMBER ECCENTRICITIES GLOBAL Y e1;
f) X1 local axis and Xglobal (plate axis) g) eccentric connection MEMBER ECCENTRICITIES GLOBAL Y e1;
[Thu Feb 05 14:36:31 2004]
h) ekscentrični priključak ležaja za roštilj (sustav prostornih greda
h) eccentric connection of bearing to the grillage (system of space beams
[Thu Feb 05 14:46:16 2004]
Pri tome to nije jedini od mogućih izvora grešaka modeliranja.
Therefore this is not the only possible source of modelling errors.
[Thu Feb 05 14:49:27 2004]
Ako se razmotri isti primjer, onda je očito da se osi elemenata prostornih elemenata (roštilja) ne podudaraju sa osima konačnih elemenata ploče (tanke ljuske).
If we consider the same example, then it is obvious that axes of spatial elements (grillage) do not match the axes of finite elements of the plate (thin shells).
[Thu Feb 05 14:49:27 2004]
Katastrofalne će posljedice uzrokovati ne uzimanje u obzir činjenice da je srednja ravnina ploče prema osi elemenata roštilja priključena ekscentrično
Disastrous consequences will neglect the fact that the middle plane of the plate is connected eccentrically according to the axis of grillage elements
[Thu Feb 05 14:51:47 2004]
Ekscentricitet priključka se obvezatno mora uzeti u obzir.
Connection eccentricity must necessarily be taken into consideration.
[Thu Feb 05 14:53:34 2004]
S druge strane, vidljiva je ekscentričnost međusobnog položaja osi roštilja i ležaja.
On the other hand, the eccentricity of mutual positions of grillage and bearing axes is visible.
[Thu Feb 05 14:53:34 2004]
Ova se činjenica desetljećima praktički zanemarivala, ali se u ovakvim detaljnim simulacijama ponašanja struktura, ta ekscentričnost priključka ležaja prema osi greda (ili obratno, a što je isto) mora obvezatno uzeti u obzir
This fact has been really neglected for decades, but in such detailed simulations of structure behaviors, this connection eccentricity of bearing on the beam axis (or vice versa, which is the same) must necessarily be taken into account
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:12 2004]
Uzimanje u obzir ekscentričnog priključka ploče i roštilja.
Taking the eccentric connection of the plate and grillage into consideration.
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:15 2004]
1) armirani beton;
1) reinforced concrete;
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:32 2004]
a) os ploče;
a) plate axis;
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:36 2004]
b) os grede;
b) beam axis;
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:44 2004]
c) ab ploča;
c) ab plate;
[Thu Feb 05 14:56:44 2004]
d) os grede
d) beam axis
[Thu Feb 05 14:57:51 2004]
Ekscentricitet priključaka se uključuje nalogom (u ICES STRUDL-u ili MSTRUDL-u) sa
connection Eccentricity is included by a command (in ICES STRUDL-or MSTRUDL-) with
[Thu Feb 05 15:03:54 2004]
U slučajevima koji su prikazani na slici ekscentricitet se može opisati kao 'global' (globalni) u smjeru globalne Y osi, a i kao 'local' (lokalni), ovisno o smjeru lokalnih koordinata elementa.
In cases which are shown in the figure, the eccentricity can be described as 'global' () in the direction of global Y axis, and as 'local' (), depending on the direction of local coordinates of the element.
[Thu Feb 05 15:04:43 2004]
Ne uključivanje tog ekscentriciteta je katastrofalna greška u modeliranju.
It is a disastrous modelling error if the eccentricity is not included.
[Thu Feb 05 15:08:14 2004]
Rezultati koji bi se dobili bili bi bezvrijedni brojevi, jer bi priključak bio u težištu nosača roštilja!
The results would be useless numbers, because the connection would be in the center of gravity of the grillage girders!
[Thu Feb 05 15:08:14 2004]
O modeliranju samih ležajeva, te ekscentričnosti ležajeva u odnosu na osi nosivog sustava treba isto voditi računa
The modelling of the bearings themselves and the eccentricity of bearings in respect to the axis of bearing structure also need to be taken into account
[Thu Feb 05 15:19:09 2004]
Greške zanemarivanja ekscentričnog priključka ploče za rebro.
Error of neglecting of eccentric connection of the plate for the rib.
[Thu Feb 05 15:19:09 2004]
To sigurno ima odraza na rezultate proračuna
Effect of this can surely be seen on analysis results
[Thu Feb 05 15:35:45 2004]
Još jedna pogreška koja se sustavno provodi, a kojoj je geneza u osnovama statike konstrukcija ili u mehanici, sastoji se u tome što se tradicionalni proračun 'rešetkastih nosača' sustavno primjenjuje kod proračuna modela rešetke (kao TYPE PLANE TRUSS ili kao TYPE SPACE TRUSS), umjesto proračuna rešetke kao modela okvira (TYPE PLANE FRAME ili TYPE SPACE FRAME).
Another mistake which has been systematically made, and whose genesis is in the base of structure statics or in the mechanics, is that a traditional calculation of 'trusses' has been systematically used in the calculation of grid models (as TYPE PLANE TRUSS or TYPE SPACE TRUSS), instead of the calculation of truss as a frame model (TYPE PLANE FRAME or TYPE SPACE FRAME).
[Thu Feb 05 15:37:36 2004]
Ukoliko se radi o rešetki s vitkim štapovima ili o rešetki sa stvarnim zglobnim vezama u čvorovima rešetke, naravno da je pretpostavka proračuna sustava rešetke (TYPE TRUSS) opravdan ali ako je to neka zavarena čelična rešetka ili čak armiranobetonska rešetka, onda je ta pretpostavka pogrešna i apsurdna, jer su to onda tipični okviri (TYPE FRAME), i pretpostavke proračuna kako rešetke mogu realno ugroziti sigurnost i nosivost sustava.
If we deal with the truss with slender members or with the truss with real hinge joints in grid nodes, of course that the assumption of the system calculation of truss (TYPE TRUSS) is then justified but if we deal with a welded steel truss or even reinforced concrete truss, then this assumption is wrong and absurd, because those are then typical frameworks (TYPE FRAME), and the assumption of the calculation that trusses can in fact endanger the safety and bearing capacity of the system.
[Thu Feb 05 15:37:36 2004]
Pretpostavka proračuna rešetki kao konstrukcije sastavljene od zglobno spojenih štapova datira iz vremena proračuna sila u štapovima po Ritteru, Culmanu, i pomaka čvorova po Cremoni i drugim autorima predkompjutorske ere, i pretpostavke vitkih štapova i zglobnih veza elemenata.
Assumption of the calculation of trusses as structures composed of jointed connected members date from the time of calculating forces in members according to Ritter, Culman, and node dislocations according to Cremona and other authors of the precomputer era, and the assumption of slender members and hinge joints of elements.
[Thu Feb 05 15:45:21 2004]
Danas se eventualno, drvena lamelirana rešetka kojoj su pojasevi od lamelirane/uslojene građe pričvršćeni podatljivim vezama za pojaseve, može proračunati s modelom u kojem su pojasevi prikazani kao štapovi okvira (TYPE PLANE FRAME), a štapovi ispune kao štapovi rešetke (TYPE PLANE TRUSS), ukoliko se zanemare podatljivosti veza spajala štapova ispune za pojaseve.
Today perhaps, wooden laminated truss in which the flanges are made from laminated/layered materials is fastened with pliant connections to flanges, can be calculated with the model in which flanges are shown as frame members (TYPE PLANE FRAME), and diagonal bars as truss members (TYPE PLANE TRUSS), if connection pliancies of fasteners of diagonal bars for flanges are neglected.
[Thu Feb 05 15:45:21 2004]
Kod FEA programa COSMOS/M treba koristiti BEAM2D ili BEAM3D KE za pojaseve, a TRUSS2D ili TRUSS3D za štapove ispune (slike 21.9 i 21.10
With FEA program COSMOS/M one should use BEAM2D or BEAM3D FE for flanges, and TRUSS2D or TRUSS3D for diagonal bars (figures 21.9 and 21.10
[Thu Feb 05 15:49:27 2004]
Iz prakse je poznato da su neke od takvih konstrukcija proračunavane kao rešetke uz pretpostavku centričkog priključka štapova u čvorovima srušile, jer npr. niti jedan od navedenih uvjeta proračuna nije bio ispunjen.
From experience, we know that some of such structures, calculated as trusses with the assumption of central connection of members in nodes, collapsed because e.g. neither one of the mentioned calculation requirements was fulfilled.
[Thu Feb 05 15:49:27 2004]
Pojasevi su bili kontinuirani, a dijagonale su bile pričavlane za pojaseve ekscentrično, a što nije u proračunu bilo uzeto u obzir (slika
Flanges were continuous, and diagonals nailed eccentrically to flanges, and which in the calculation was not taken into consideration (the Figure
[Thu Feb 05 15:59:06 2004]
Ekscentrični priključak dijagonala u čvorovima uzrokovao je u pojasevima momente sa strmom linijom momenata, dakle velikom poprečnom silom u pojasu na mjestu čvora (T=dM/dx), koja je naprosto presjekla pojasni štap u samom čvoru.
Eccentric connection of diagonals in nodes caused moments with a steep line of moments in flanges, therefore with a great shear force in the flange in the node point (TdM=/dx), which simply cut the cord member in the node itself.
[Thu Feb 05 15:59:35 2004]
Ispravnim modeliranjem to se moglo predvidjeti i na vrijeme izbjeći urušenje konstrukcije.
By a correct modelling this could have been predicted and could avoid the collapse of the structure on time.
[Thu Feb 05 16:00:08 2004]
Takvi problemi koncentracije naprezanja i složenog naponskog stanja postoje u čvorovima čeličnih i armiranobetonskih rešetkastih nosača.
Such problems of stress concentrations and complex voltage condition exist in nodes of steel and reinforced concrete trusses.
[Thu Feb 05 16:00:08 2004]
Ta naponska stanja mogu se danas vizualizirati primjenom raznih naloga
These voltage conditions can today be visualized by using various commands
[Thu Feb 05 16:06:33 2004]
Pri revizijama nosivosti i stabilnosti suočavamo se s problemom da neki projektanti krivo koriste naloge za opterećenja štapova okvira.
When revising bearing capacities and stabilities we sometimes face with a problem that some architects use commands for loading frame members incorrectly.
[Thu Feb 05 16:07:13 2004]
Neka se opterećenja štapova okvira pogrešno zadaju u lokalnom koordinatnom sustavu (štapa), umjesto da se zadaju u globalnom koordinatnom sustavu.
Some loads of frame members are incorrectly set in the local coordinate system (of the member), instead of being set in the global coordinate system.
[Thu Feb 05 16:07:49 2004]
Tako treba razlikovati opterećenja stalnim opterećenjem, snijegom i vjetrom.
There one should distinguish loads of dead load, snow and wind.
[Thu Feb 05 16:08:04 2004]
U programu STRESS opterećenja štapova mogu biti zadana u lokalnom i globalnom sustavu.
In the program STRESS of the load of members they can be specified in both local and global system.
[Thu Feb 05 16:09:01 2004]
Opterećenja čvorova zadana su u globalnom koordinatnom sustavu.
node Loads are specified in the global coordinate system.
[Thu Feb 05 16:09:18 2004]
U M-STRUDL programu opterećenja štapova okvira mogu biti zadana u lokalnom sustavu, globalnom sustavu i mogu biti projicirana, ovisno o karakteristikama opterećenja.
In M-STRUDL program, the loads of frame members can be specified in the local system, while in the global system they can be projected, depending upon load characteristics.
[Thu Feb 05 16:10:13 2004]
Opterećenja čvorova zadana su globalnom koordinatnom sustavu.
node Loads are specified in the global coordinate system.
[Thu Feb 05 16:10:55 2004]
Slično se tako opterećenja zadaju i definiraju u SOFISTIK-u, ROBOT-u i COSMOS/M-u i sličnim sofisticiranim programima.
So loads are similarly set and defined in SOFISTIK, ROBOTand COSMOS/M and other similar sophisticated programs.
[Thu Feb 05 16:11:39 2004]
U potonjima se to vizualizira iscrtavanjem položaja i smjera opterećenja.
In the latter ones this is visualized by drawing a position and direction of the load.
[Thu Feb 05 16:11:58 2004]
Neki programi sami generiraju određena opterećenja ovisno o ugrađenim kodovima opterećenja (djelovanja) pojedinih zemalja (npr.
Some programs generates certain loads on their own depending upon installed codes of loads (actions) of different countries (e.g.
[Thu Feb 05 16:11:58 2004]
STRUDL za Windows, ROBOBAT, TOWER i drugit
STRUDL for Windows, ROBOBAT, TOWER and other
[Thu Feb 05 16:16:08 2004]
Velik, nenamjeran uzrok grešaka definiranja opterećenja je u praksi uobičajena analiza parcijalnih konstrukcijskih dijelova i transfera opterećenja s jednog strukturalnog entiteta na drugi.
Great, unintentional cause of errors of defining loads is in practice a common analysis of partial constructional parts and transfers of load with one structural entity to another.
[Thu Feb 05 16:20:18 2004]
podrožnice se u praksi obično proračunavaju i provjeravaju manualno, pa se onda tako proračunate reakcije, kao sile prenose na 2D okvirnu (ili rešetkastu) krovnu konstrukciju.
purlins in practice are usually calculated and checked manually, and so then calculated reactions, as forces, are transferred to 2D a frame (latticed) roof structure.
[Thu Feb 05 16:22:02 2004]
Bolje je prikazati cijeli 3D entitet s ukomponiranim (nagnutim) podrožnicama i okvirnom podkonstrukcijom krovne konstrukcije te određena opterećenja konstrukcije generirati na onim strukturalnim entitetima na koja ta opterećenja i djeluju (na podrožnice).
It is better to show the entire 3D entity with inserted (inclined) purlins and frame substructure of a roof structure and specific loads structures generated on those structural entities to which those loads actually take effect (on purlins).
[Thu Feb 05 16:22:02 2004]
Zašto konstrukcije rastavljamo na strukturalne elemente
Why are structures disassembled into structural elements
[Thu Feb 05 16:24:59 2004]
Modeliranje rešetke od drveta s ekscentrično priključenim štapovima ispune
Modelling of a wooden truss with eccentrically connected bars of a spandrel
[Thu Feb 05 16:25:31 2004]
Ekscentrični priključak uzrokuje i momente i poprečne sile
Eccentric connection also causes moment and shear forces
[Thu Feb 05 16:26:07 2004]
os stvarne rešetke
real truss axis
[Thu Feb 05 16:29:55 2004]
Također treba napomenuti, da su u priručnicima za primjenu pojedinih programa (ili programskih paketa) napisana i ograničenja tih programa.
It also needs to be mentioned, that in manuals for the use of single programs (or software packages), also limitations of those programs are written.
[Thu Feb 05 16:31:52 2004]
Prečesto se tim ograničenjima ne obraća dovoljna pažnja.
Too often these limits are not given enough attention.
[Thu Feb 05 16:35:07 2004]
Kada sve zakaže, onda se u ruke uzimaju priručnici, koje se nije do tada dočitalo i proučilo!
When everything fails, then manuals are taken into hands, which till then have not been read through and even studied!
[Thu Feb 05 16:35:07 2004]
To može imati neželjenih posljedica pri korištenju rezultata proračuna, npr. pri automatskom odabiru presjeka armature, kad se više i ne ispisuju veličine unutrašnjih reznih sila u presjecima elemenata, već se direktno dimenzioniraju presjeci i armatura
when automatically choosing a reinforcement section, when sizes of internal section forces in element sections are no longer seen, but sections and reinforcements are directly dimensioned
[Thu Feb 05 16:39:03 2004]
Svojedobno, radeći s postprocesorom za automatski dizajn armiranobetonskih presjeka, vezanim uz 'stari' program STRESS za analizu štapnih sustava, ustanovili smo, da takav automatski post-procesing može biti i opasan po korisnika, koji nije proučio upute za korištenje STRESS-a.
At one time, working with a postprocessor for the automatic design of reinforced concrete sections, connected to the 'old' program STRESS for the analysis of bar systems, we determined, that such automatic post-processing can also be dangerous for the user, that has not studied the instructions of how to use STRESS-.
[Thu Feb 05 16:40:32 2004]
Međutim, upute za korištenje STRESS-a su u tom pogledu i jasne i izričite.
However, instructions for the use of STRESS are in that respect clear and precise.
[Thu Feb 05 16:40:52 2004]
Kasnije smo putem časopisa Građevinar obavijestili korisnike STRESS-a na ta ograničenja broja razina dopuštenih kombinacija opterećenja:
later in Građevinar magazine we informed STRESS users- about these limitations of different levels of allowed load combinations:
[Thu Feb 05 16:42:21 2004]
generiranje kombinacija od prethodno kombiniranih kombinacija.
generation of combination from previously combined combinations.
[Thu Feb 05 16:42:21 2004]
Pitanje je koliko korisnika programa čita upute i to upozorenje upućeno korisnicima STRESS-a
The question is how many users of the programs read instructions and the warning directed STRESS to the users-
[Fri Feb 06 09:02:20 2004]
Također, uspoređujući proračunate rezultate istih (identičnih) proračunskih modela struktura rađenih s programom SAPIV i s programskim paketom ICES STRUDL2 uočilo se da su proračunski rezultati identični, ali se kod proračuna sa ICES STRUDL2 sustavom ponekad javlja upozorenje o neuravnoteženosti priloženih sila sa silama koje su dobivene proračunom iz sračunatih pomaka čvorova mreže konačnih elemenata, a što je važno upozorenje, koje upućuje korisnika programa na oprez i potrebu izmjene mreže KE.
Also, comparing calculated results of the same (identical) calculation models of structures made with the program SAPIV and with the software package ICES STRUDL2 we noticed that the calculated results are identical, but in the calculation with ICES STRUDL2 system there is sometimes a warning about the unbalance of accompanying forces with forces obtained by calculating node dislocations of finite element meshes, and which is an important warning, that warns the program users about caution and necessity to modify Fe meshes.
[Fri Feb 06 09:02:20 2004]
Takvo upozorenje je od značenja, jer govori korisniku da sa odabirom mreže KE ili s unesenim podacima nešto možda i nije u redu
such warning is important, because it informs the user that there is something wrong with the choice of and FE mesh or with the inserted data
[Fri Feb 06 09:10:00 2004]
Što onda reći o nizu programa koji kolaju raznim kanalima i za koje nismo sigurni, unatoč zalaganju autora, da su dovoljno provjereni i točni.
What say then about a series of programs which circulate through various canals and of which are not certain, in spite of the author's dedication to make them, verified and correct enough.
[Fri Feb 06 09:10:37 2004]
Vrednovanje programa je danas jedno od ključnih pitanja, koje si samo velike kuće za izradu programske podrške mogu priuštiti.
Evaluation of the program is today one of major issues, which only big companies that make program support can afford.
[Fri Feb 06 09:11:28 2004]
Jedna od referenci COSMOSM paketa kao i ICES STRUDL2 (ili MSTRUDL) paketa te poznatih paketa ANSIS, NASTRAN, ROBOBAT, DIANA, SOFISTIK i sl.
One of the references of a COSMOSM package as well as of ICES STRUDL2 (MSTRUDL) package and known packages ANSIS, QUEER, ROBOBAT, DIANA, SOFISTIK etc..
[Fri Feb 06 09:11:28 2004]
, te drugih, sličnih velikih paketa je upravo stalna provjera i vrednovanja tih programa
, and others, similar great packages is actually a permanent testing and evaluation of those programs
[Fri Feb 06 09:19:07 2004]
Također se primijetilo da se običaji iz uobičajenih proračuna armiranobetonskih konstrukcija prenose i na modele i proračune drvenih i metalnih konstrukcija.
We can also notice that the practice from the customary calculation of reinforced concrete structures is also transferred to models and calculations of wooden and metal constructions.
[Fri Feb 06 09:19:46 2004]
Na žalost, uobičajeno je u praksi projektiranja, da se u drvenim i metalnim konstrukcijama ne proračunavaju detalji, spajala i spojevi, već se projektanti zadovoljavaju statičkim proračunima sustava i pronalaženjem reznih sila i deformacija.
Unfortunately, it is customary in design practice not to calculate details, fasteners and joints in wooden and metal constructions, but architects get satisfied with static calculations of the system and with finding section forces and deformations.
[Fri Feb 06 09:21:27 2004]
To je izuzetno loše, jer o detaljima ovisi nosivost takvih konstrukcija.
This is really bad, because the bearing capacity of such structures depends on details.
[Fri Feb 06 09:23:20 2004]
Također se, u praksi, i ne provjerava stabilnost drvenih i metalnih konstrukcija, zaboravljajući na velike vitkosti tih konstrukcija.
Even the stability of the wooden and metal constructions is not checked in practice, neglecting great slenderness of those structures.
[Fri Feb 06 09:25:23 2004]
Smatra se, da se treba samo provjeriti izvijanje tlačenih stupova i tlačenih elemenata.
It is considered that only the bending of pressed pillars and pressed elements needs to be checked.
[Fri Feb 06 09:26:24 2004]
To je nadasve krivo razmišljanje.
This is above all false thinking.
[Fri Feb 06 09:27:04 2004]
Rijetko kad će se izbočiti armiranobetonski nosač.
A reinforced concrete girder will rarely protrude.
[Fri Feb 06 09:29:59 2004]
No, to je sasvim moguće kod drvenih lameliranih nosača.
But, that is entirely possible in wooden laminated girders.
[Fri Feb 06 09:31:38 2004]
Lamelirani drveni nosači su obično izuzetne vitkosti, te je počesto vrlo teško takav nosač prikazati kao štapni element (TYPE PLANE FRAME), a što se nastoji u nedostatku određenih programa 'progurati' u projektima.
laminated wooden girders are usually exceptionally slender, and it is often very show such girder as a bar element (TYPE PLANE FRAME), which is tried to be 'pushed through' in projects in the absence of certain programs.
[Fri Feb 06 09:33:05 2004]
Provjere stabilnosti cjeline i dijelova treba u proračunima obavezno provesti.
Stability testing of units and parts has to be necessarily performed in calculations.
[Fri Feb 06 09:34:52 2004]
Nije dovoljno samo provjeriti stavke standarda, jer se takve provjere odnose samo na najjednostavnije slučajeve kontrole stabilnosti.
It is not enough to only check the paragraphs of a standard, because such testings refer only to simplest cases of stability control.
[Fri Feb 06 09:38:48 2004]
U smislu propisa novog EC5 standarda pri provjerama stabilnosti treba uzeti izvorno deformirani nosač, a provjere treba provesti s propisanim E modulima.
In the sense of regulating a new Ec5 of standard in stability testing, an originally deformed girder has to be used, and testings need to be carried out with prescribed E moduli.
[Fri Feb 06 09:38:48 2004]
Pri tome se izvorna netočnost izvedbe propisuje i uzima kao izvjesna deformacija nastala od opterećenja koje djeluje na nosač i za kojeg se izvodi provjera stabilnosti
While doing so, original imprecision of performance is prescribed and used as a certain deformation that occured because of a load which takes effect on the girder and for which the stability testing is done
[Fri Feb 06 09:54:57 2004]
Nepoznavanje principa modeliranja, nepoznavanje dometa primjene pojedinih programa, te pogrešna interpretacija rezultata proračuna, često su argumenti protivnika korištenja računala u proračunima i analizama struktura.
Not knowing the modelling principle, range of the use of single programs, and the misinterpretation of analysis results, are often arguments of those who are against the use of computers in calculations and structure analyses.
[Fri Feb 06 09:54:57 2004]
Za priznati je da je tih sve manje
But we have to admit that their number has become smaller
[Fri Feb 06 10:01:31 2004]
Što da se kaže na u praksi uobičajeno konzistentno odvajanje temeljnog sustava konstrukcija (tzv.
What is it said in practice about a common consistent detachment of elementary structure system (so-called.
[Fri Feb 06 10:02:24 2004]
'substrukture'= substructure) od njenog nadtemeljnog dijela (tzv.
'substructure'=) from its part above foundation (so-called.
[Fri Feb 06 10:06:53 2004]
'superstrukture'= superstructure), koje je uveo Terzaghi u cilju uvođenja nove nauke geomehanike i naglašavanja uloge te nove znanosti.
'superstructures'), which was introduced by Terzaghi for the purpose of introducing a new science - soil mechanics and for pointing out its purpose.
[Fri Feb 06 10:11:18 2004]
Naravno, da se danas više ne može ni razmišljati o tome da se odvoji temeljna struktura od same konstrukcije, već se ne može i ne smije ni odvojiti tlo od cijelog strukturalnog kompleksa.
Of course, today is not only impossible to separate the elementary structure from the structure itself, but it is also impossible to separate the ground from the entire structural complex.
[Fri Feb 06 10:11:35 2004]
Druga je stvar što počesto nije dostupna adekvatna geomehanička interpretacija rezultata ispitivanja tla, u smislu rezultata potrebnih za formuliranje karakteristika mreže konačnih elemenata.
It is another thing that an adequate geomechanical interpretation of results of grounds research is often unavailable, in the sense of results necessary for the formulation of finite element mesh characteristics.
[Fri Feb 06 10:11:35 2004]
Pogotovo trodimenzionalne (3D) mreže
Especially of a three-dimensional (3D) mesh
[Fri Feb 06 10:37:23 2004]
Što se tiče opsežnosti poslova u kreiranju mreža KE, danas postoje odgovarajući, moćni, generatori mreža konačnih elemenata, pa danas već i svaki bolji FEA program posjeduje takve generatore MKE, a generirane mreže se mogu preko datoteka prenositi s jednog sustava na druge sustave.
As for the complexity of activities in the creation of FE meshes, there are today adequate, powerful generators of finite element meshes, so every better FEA program already has such FEM generators, and generated meshes can be transferred through files from one system to another.
[Fri Feb 06 10:38:19 2004]
Jedan takav sustav je COSMOS/M sa modelerom GEOSTAR, kojim se tijelo koje se dizajnira može kompletno u CAD modeleru vizualizirati i zatim, automesherom stvoriti odgovarajuća optimalna mreža KE, kojoj se zatim mogu pridodati svojstva materijala, rubni uvjeti, opterećenja i cijelu datoteku prepustiti MODSTAR modulu, s kojim se sustav dalje proračunava, odabirom načina proračuna:
One such systems is COSMOS/M with a GEOSTAR modeler, in which the matter that is being designed can completely in CAD modeler be visualized and then, by a automesher create a corresponding optimal FE mesh, to which can then be added material properties, boundary conditions, loads and entire file is then transferred to MODSTAR modulus, with is used fot further calculation of the system, by choosing a calculating method:
[Fri Feb 06 10:42:03 2004]
statika, naponsko stanje, vlastite frekvencije, izvijanje, nelinearno ponašanje strukture, dinamika (linearno ponašanje i nelinearno ponašanje), transfer topline, interakcija raznih medija i drugo.
statics, voltage condition, natural frequencies, bending, nonlinear structure behavior, dynamics (linear and nonlinear behavior), heat transfer, interactions of different media and other.
[Fri Feb 06 10:42:22 2004]
Rezultati proračuna su odmah dostupni preko PLOT modula, a moguća je animacija ponašanja, rotacija, translacija, zumiranje, mijenjanje pogleda, 'ulaz' u sam materijal ('ljuštenjem' konačnih elemenata), te mogući prikazi zavisnosti pojedinih varijabli pozivom rutina za grafičke interpretacije u nekom od XYZ koordinatnih sustava.
Analysis results are immediately accessible through a PLOT modulus, and it is possible to have behavioral animation, rotations, translation, zooming, changing of view, 'entering' the material itself ('by peeling' finite elements), and possible dependence illustrations of single variables by calling routines for graphic interpretations in some of XYZ coordinate systems.
[Fri Feb 06 10:42:22 2004]
Sve je to danas integrirano
Today, everything is integrated
[Fri Feb 06 10:50:54 2004]
Neke slične mogućnosti uz automatski dizajn armiranobetonskih klasičnih i prednapregnutih konstrukcija i automatski dizajn čeličnih konstrukcija ima i PC verzija MSTRUDL-a, koja je više građevinski praktično orijentirana.
Some similar possibilities, beside the automatic design of the reinforced concrete of classical and prestressed structures and automatic design of steel structures also exist in PC version of the MSTRUDL-, which is more oriented to practical building.E
[Fri Feb 06 10:55:26 2004]
Slične takve mogućnosti ima i FEA program ROBOBAT, DIANA, LUSAS, a posebice sustav SOFISTIK.
E Even FEA programs ROBOBAT, DIANA, LUSAS have similar possibilities, and especially the SOFISTIK system.
[Fri Feb 06 10:57:47 2004]
Iako su možda danas u velikim programskim paketima neke od tih pogrešaka modeliranja eliminirane (jer se na ekranu interaktivno gradi strukturalni model u 3D prostoru), još uvijek se zbog niza jednostavnijih programa kojih ima u opticaju u građevinskoj praksi, treba upozoriti na neke opće greške, koje se kontinuirano događaju u praksi.
Although maybe today some of those modelling mistakes are eliminated (because the structural model in 3D the area is built interactively on the screen) in big software packages, it still needs to be warned against some common errors, which continuously occur in practice, because of series of simpler programs which circulate in the building practice.
[Fri Feb 06 10:57:47 2004]
Na primjer, već sama činjenica da se većini modela zanemaruje torzija, te utjecaj poprečnih sila, a ponekad i anizotropija korištenih materijala, može dovesti do nepoželjnih efekata, te prevelike ili pak nedovoljne sigurnosti objekta, pogotovo u proračunu drvenih konstrukcija
For example, even the fact the torsion of majority of models is neglected, and the influence of shear forces, sometimes even anisotropy of used materials, can lead to undesirable effects, and to too large or even insufficient object safety, especially in the wooden structure calculation
[Fri Feb 06 11:07:11 2004]
Danas neki konstruktori plaćaju svoj dug simplifikacijama proizašlim iz metode Crossa, Naylora, Müller-Breslawa, Cremone, Rittera, Culmana, Villiota i drugih bardova konstruktorske znanosti.
Today some builders pay their debt to simplifications that resulted from the method of Cross, Naylor, Müller-Breslawa, Cremone, Ritter, Culman, Villiot and other bards of constructor science.
[Fri Feb 06 11:08:44 2004]
Njihova uloga je velika, ali se prodorom kompjutora mnogo štošta izmijenilo:
Their role is great, but the computer development has changed many things:
[Fri Feb 06 11:11:11 2004]
vrijede, dakle, sve OSNOVE proračunavanja konstrukcija, zakoni nauke o otpornosti i zakona fizike, ali su se BITNO izmijenile metode proračuna:
, therefore, all BASICS of construction calculations, laws of strength of material sciences and physical laws are valid, but calculation methods have SIGNIFICANTLY changed:
[Fri Feb 06 11:12:20 2004]
nije potrebno simplificirati probleme i time ih komplicirati, kad je danas moguće obuhvatiti strukturu u svoj njenoj cijelosti i sveobuhvatnosti i takvu je analizirati i interpretirati.
it is not necessary to simplify problems and complicate them in such a way, when today it is possible to include the structure in whole and in general and analyzes and interpret it as such.
[Fri Feb 06 11:12:20 2004]
A mnogo toga, nekoć aktualnog, spada u povijest građenja
And many things, long ago topical, belong to building history today
[Fri Feb 06 11:18:28 2004]
Kad smo se moja grupa i ja još 1976.
When my group and I back in 1976.
[Fri Feb 06 11:18:31 2004]
godine bili opredijelili za sustav ICES STRUDL2, tada operabilan na UNIVAC-u, već smo imali velika iskustva sa SAP-om, STRAN-om, DRAIN/SD2A (za statičku i dinamičku linearnu analizu 3D zgrada) i SD2B/TABS programom za dinamičke elastoplastične analize ravninskih okvirnih sustava i naravno sa STRESS-om (od 1972.
decided on the system ICES STRUDL2, which was then operable on UNIVAC, we had already had a lot of experience with SAP, FOREIGN-, DRAIN/SD2A (for static and dynamic linear analysis of 3D buildings) and SD2B/TABS program for dynamic elastoplastic analyses of planar frame systems and of course with STRESS-(from 1972.
[Fri Feb 06 11:24:58 2004]
Od svih tadašnjih programa održali su se i nadogradili su se STRESS, SAP, ICES STRUDL, ANSIS I COSMOS, te neki drugi, koje nismo koristili.
Of all the programs of that time, the STRESS, SAP, ICES STRUDL, ANSIS I COSMOS, and some other programs, which we did not use, have remained and become upgraded
[Fri Feb 06 11:47:30 2004]
Također, ima ugrađen generator pokretnog opterećenja na mostovima i kranskim stazama, ima i mogućnost automatskog dizajna čeličnih i armiranobetonskih konstrukcija, te ugrađene mogućnosti statičke i dinamičke analize, kao i u ono doba nagovještaje ugradbe nelinearnih analiza i analiza izvijanja sustava.
Also, there is also the a moving load generator built-in bridges and crane paths, and it has a possibility of automatically design steel and reinforced concrete structures, and installed possibilities for static and dynamic analysis, like in time when the installation of nonlinear analyses and buckling analyses of the system were announced.
[Fri Feb 06 11:47:30 2004]
Potonje je ostvareno u IBM verziji ICES STRUDL2 te PC verziji MSTRUDL-a i ROBOBAT-u, te G-STRUDL-u
The latter was achieved in the IBM version of the ICES STRUDL2 and in the PC version of the MSTRUDL, ROBOBAT and G-STRUDL
[Fri Feb 06 11:54:37 2004]
Nažalost, nikad nije bila kupljena radna stanica vezana za mainframe sustav na kojem je ICES STRUDL2 bio instaliran, pa se najvažniji dio vizualizacije ulaznih podataka i interpretacija izlaznih rezultata nije do 1991.
Unfortunately, has never been bought workstation bound to the mainframe system on which the ICES STRUDL2 was installed, so the most important part of visualization of input data and interpretation of exit results had not been realized in Zagreb until 1991.
[Fri Feb 06 11:57:59 2004]
To je dostupno tek instalacijom PC verzije MSTRUDL-a, dakle nakon više od petnaest (15) izgubljenih godina.
That is available only the through the installation of PC version of the MSTRUDL-, therefore after more than fifteen (15) lost years.
[Fri Feb 06 11:59:20 2004]
U međuvremenu se pribavilo ograničenu verziju (100 čvorova i 46 elemenata) i demo verziju COSMOSM paketa, pa je moguća analiza i vizualizacija relativno jednostavnijih sustava.
Meanwhile, a limited version (100 nodes and 46 elements) and a demo version of the COSMOSM package was acquired, so the analysis and visualization of relatively simpler systems were possible.
[Fri Feb 06 12:00:02 2004]
Sam GEOSTAR modul ograničene verzije može generirati mreže i do 1000 čvorova, ali je proračun 'demo' verzije ograničen navedenim ograničenjem.
GEOSTAR modulus of the limited version can generate meshes up to 1000 nodes, but the calculation of 'the demo' version is limited by the mentioned limitation.
[Fri Feb 06 12:00:42 2004]
Međutim, primjenom tog programa 'otvara se cijeli novi svijet' pred konstruktorsku struku.
However, the use of that program 'opens the whole new world' before the construction profession.
[Fri Feb 06 12:00:51 2004]
O oba ova paketa više informacija će biti dano naknadno.
More information on both packages will be given later on.
[Fri Feb 06 12:04:53 2004]
Potom je 1992.
Then in 1992.
[Fri Feb 06 12:05:50 2004]
nabavljena i puna verzija FEA programa COSMOS/M zaslugom Ministarstva znanosti RH.
a full version of the FEA program COSMOS/M was acquired through the merit of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia.
[Fri Feb 06 12:06:10 2004]
Sada raspolažemo s COSMOS/M za Windowse.
Now have the COSMOS/M for Windows at disposal.
[Fri Feb 06 12:06:10 2004]
Stariju verziju više i ne koristimo
The older version is no longer used
[Fri Feb 06 12:10:49 2004]
Priprema proračunskog modela za primjenu Crossovog postupka.
preparation of the calculation model for the Cross procedure application.
[Fri Feb 06 12:11:41 2004]
Tradicionalne proračunske sheme mogu biti katastrofalno porazne po 'točnost' rezultata:
Traditional calculated schemes can be disastrously devastating for the 'accuracy" of results:
[Fri Feb 06 12:11:43 2004]
a) zid s okvirom i b) nedopustiva simplifikacija kod modeliranja za korištenje programa STRESS i sličnih programa za proračun štapastih sustava.
a) wall with framework and b) impermissible simplification in the modelling for use of the STRESS program and similar programs for the calculation of truss or frame systems.
[Fri Feb 06 12:11:48 2004]
1) osnovni sustav;
1) basic system;
[Fri Feb 06 12:11:53 2004]
2) reducirani sustav;
2) reduced system;
[Fri Feb 06 12:12:05 2004]
b) okvir;
b) framework;
[Fri Feb 06 12:12:18 2004]
c) temelj zida;
c) wall foundation;
[Fri Feb 06 12:12:21 2004]
d) temelj okvira;
d) framework foundation;
[Fri Feb 06 12:12:24 2004]
e) upeto;
e) fixed;
[Fri Feb 06 12:12:24 2004]
f) ležaj
f) bearing
[Fri Feb 06 12:16:22 2004]
Kao prvu pogrešku modeliranja može se navesti zanemarivanje utjecaja uzdužnih sila u okvirima konstrukcija, a što je direktna posljedica pogrešne primjene modeliranja struktura za primjenu Crossovog postupka.
As a first modelling mistake we can mention the neglect of effects of axial forces in structure frameworks, and which is a direct consequence of modelling misusage of structures for the Cross procedure application.
[Fri Feb 06 12:16:49 2004]
Ako zamislimo zid na koji se priključuje okvir, onda je za primjenu Crossovog postupka dopustivo okvir zamijeniti sa sustavom upetih ležajeva.
If we imagine a wall to which the framework is attached, then for the Cross procedure application it is tolerable to replace the framework with the system of restraint abutments.
[Fri Feb 06 12:22:14 2004]
Pri tome zanemarujemo utjecaj uzdužnih sila.
When doing so, the impact of axial forces is neglected.
[Fri Feb 06 12:22:14 2004]
Korištenjem npr. STRESS-a to se ne može izbjeći, ili se može izbjeći opasnim doskočicama (stavljanjem AY površine = 0.0), koje je bolje ne provoditi
the STRESS, this cannot be avoided, or dangerous tricks can be avoided (by setting the AY of the surface = 0.0), which should not be performed
[Fri Feb 06 12:25:15 2004]
Element grede (štapa okvira) 'k' u ravnini ima po definiciji 6 sloboda.
beam Element (frame member) 'k' has 6 releases in the plane according to the definition.
[Fri Feb 06 12:26:20 2004]
Tri s lijeve i tri s desne strane:
Three on the left and three on the right:
[Fri Feb 06 12:26:43 2004]
po dva translatorna pomaka (u x i z smjeru) i jedan rotacioni pomak (oko z osi).
two translative displacements (in x and z direction) and one rotational displacement (around the z axis).
[Fri Feb 06 12:27:44 2004]
Lokalna x os podudara se s definicijom osi štapa:
Local x axis corresponds to the definition of member axis:
[Fri Feb 06 12:27:44 2004]
k i j, gdje je s 'i' označen lijevi (START), a s 'j' označen desni (END) kraj štapa
k and j, where is 'i' indicates left (START), and 'j' right (END) end of the member
[Fri Feb 06 12:28:53 2004]
Promjena uzdužne sile u stupu okvira.
Change of axial forces in the pillar of the framework.
[Fri Feb 06 12:29:15 2004]
1) sustav;
1) system;
[Fri Feb 06 12:29:18 2004]
2) dijagram uzdužnih sila u stupu okvira;
2) axial forces diagram in the pillar of the framework;
[Fri Feb 06 12:29:21 2004]
b) okvir
b) framework
[Fri Feb 06 12:30:38 2004]
Definiranje lokalnog koordinatnog sustava i slobode štapa okvira u ravnini.
Defining local coordinate system and releases of the frame member in the plane.
[Fri Feb 06 12:30:38 2004]
Definicija spojnica i koordinatnog sustava
Definition of connectors and coordinate system
[Fri Feb 06 12:31:17 2004]
Rješavanjem sustava jednadžbi
By solving the equation system
[Fri Feb 06 12:33:08 2004]
automatski se dobivaju i pomaci čvorova (to je i suština matrične metode deformacija), i sile u čvorovima:
we automatically get node dislocations (this is also the essence of a matrix method of deformations), and force in nodes:
[Fri Feb 06 12:34:50 2004]
uzdužna sila, poprečna sila i moment savijanja na kraju svakog elementa štapa.
axial force, shear force and bending moment at the end of each member element.
[Fri Feb 06 12:34:50 2004]
Nesporno je da uzdužna sila raste od vrha okvira prema osnovi, pa se stoga kumulativno sumiraju i uzdužne deformacije stupa, te je najveća uzdužna deformacija u točki n sustava
Indisputably the axial force grows from the top of the framework towards the basis, and therefore axial strains of a pillar are summed up cumulatively, and the biggest axial strain is in n point of the system
[Fri Feb 06 12:50:30 2004]
Time se postiže sasvim neželjeno 'ovješavanje' etaža okvira o upete ležajeve, i generira momente, kojih tu u stvari nema, a ako ih ima imaju drugačije vrijednosti (i predznake)!
Thereby a totally unwanted 'suspension' of levels of frameworks on fixed bearings is achieved, and generates moments, which in fact do not exist, but if they do, they have different values (and signs)!
[Fri Feb 06 12:55:44 2004]
Simplifikacija prikazana na slici 143b) je opasna, a i u stvari nepotrebna, jer se cijeli sustav može riješiti tako, da se zid predstavi mrežom KE (TYPE PLANE STRESS), a okvirni štapovi s elementima ravninskog okvira (TYPE PLANE FRAME), i sustav riješi kao jedinstvena cjelina.
Simplification shown in figure 143b) is dangerous, and in fact unnecessary, because the whole system can be solved so, that the wall is presented with an FE mesh (TYPE PLANE STRESS), and frame members with elements of planar framework (TYPE PLANE FRAME), and the system gets solves as an integral whole.