Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten
je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju
u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje
uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova
od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran®
softveru možete doznati na web stranici:
NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Wed Feb 18 15:51:03 2004]
Problems with Installation of a software
Problemi s instaliranjem softwarea
[Wed Feb 18 15:51:15 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 15:52:39 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 15:52:51 2004]
In order to help you please supply us with the following information for each and
Da bismo Vam mogli pomoći, molimo Vas, javite nam sljedeće informacije za svaki pojedini
[Wed Feb 18 15:52:53 2004]
every machine that you wish to install the software on:
stroj na koji želite instalirati software:
[Wed Feb 18 15:52:56 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:04 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:05 2004]
- CPU (e.g.
- CPU (npr.
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:15 2004]
Pentium 700 MHz)
Pentium 700 MHz)
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:16 2004]
- RAM memory (e.g.
- RAM memorija (npr.
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:36 2004]
128 MB)
128 MB)
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:37 2004]
- free hard disk memory (e.g.
- slobodna memorija na tvrdom disku (npr.
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:38 2004]
200 MB)
200 MB)
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:41 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:49 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 15:53:57 2004]
- operating system (e.g.
- operativni sustav (npr.
[Wed Feb 18 15:54:30 2004]
Wndows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, Macintosh, Linux, etc.)
Wndows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, Macintosh, Linux, itd.)
[Wed Feb 18 15:54:31 2004]
- version number of the operating system if applicable (e.g.
- broj verzije operativnog sustava, ako je moguće (npr.
[Wed Feb 18 15:54:32 2004]
Mac OS 9.0)
Mac OS 9.0)
[Wed Feb 18 16:02:08 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:09:41 2004]
system tray
sistemska ladica
[Wed Feb 18 16:09:51 2004]
Do you have any programs installed in system tray?
Imate li ikakav program instaliran u sistemskoj ladici?
[Wed Feb 18 16:10:00 2004]
If so, which ones?
Ako imate, koji?
[Wed Feb 18 16:10:33 2004]
If possible
Ako je moguće,
[Wed Feb 18 16:11:26 2004]
disable all of the ones that you can.
Ako je moguće, onesposobite sve programe u ladici koje možete.
[Wed Feb 18 16:12:52 2004]
- move and hold for a few seconds your mouse cursor over each and every icon in this area
- držite nekoliko sekundi kurzor miša iznad svake pojedine ikone u tom području
[Wed Feb 18 16:13:36 2004]
- right mouse click on every icon
- kliknite desnom tipkom miša na svaku ikonu
[Wed Feb 18 16:13:51 2004]
- click on Exit, Close, Unload or something similar to this
- kliknite na Exit, Close, Unload ili nešto slično tome
[Wed Feb 18 16:14:28 2004]
- now please try to install our software
- sada pokušajte instalirati naš software
[Wed Feb 18 16:14:29 2004]
- most programs need to be completely uninstalled, not just disabled.
- većina programa mora biti potpuno deinstalirana, a ne samo onesposobljena.
[Wed Feb 18 16:15:20 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:16:04 2004]
more information on the steps you took to install our software
Više informacija o postupcima koje ste izvršili pri instaliranju našega softwarea
[Wed Feb 18 16:16:52 2004]
In order to solve your problem we need to know the exact
Da bismo riješili Vaš problem, moramo znati točan
[Wed Feb 18 16:17:08 2004]
steps you took when the problem occurred.
postupak koji ste izvršili kada se pojavio problem.
[Wed Feb 18 16:17:56 2004]
If you can please
Ako nam, molimo Vas, možete
[Wed Feb 18 16:18:31 2004]
send us a step-by-step description of what you did and what
poslati detaljan opis svih postupaka i onoga što
[Wed Feb 18 16:18:33 2004]
you saw happen that would be most helpful.
ste opazili, to bi nam bilo od iznimne koristi.
[Wed Feb 18 16:18:39 2004]
For example:
Na primjer:
[Wed Feb 18 16:18:50 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:18:53 2004]
I did this .
Učinio sam.
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:14 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:15 2004]
I saw this happen.
Na monitoru sam vidio.
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:18 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:25 2004]
...Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:32 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:38 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:19:38 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:06 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:09 2004]
Software sale through the internet
Prodaja softwarea posredstvom Interneta
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:16 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:18 2004]
Problems with Windows
Problemi s Windowsima
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:29 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:23:34 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 16:24:57 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:25:00 2004]
if you get messages mentioning "external DLL's" or other Windows programs are not working as they should
ako Vam se pojavljuju poruke u kojima se spominje " vanjski DLL " ili ako ostali Windows programi ne rade kako bi trebali
[Wed Feb 18 16:25:01 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:25:03 2004]
Windows 95/98/Me:
Windowsi 95/98/Me:
[Wed Feb 18 16:25:16 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:26:14 2004]
Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->ScanDisk->select C:
Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-ScanDisk- odaberite C:
[Wed Feb 18 16:26:18 2004]
drive from the listbox, check the option:
drive iz listbox-a, provjerite opciju:
[Wed Feb 18 16:26:30 2004]
"thorough" and
" thorough " i
[Wed Feb 18 16:26:35 2004]
check the option:
provjerite opciju:
[Wed Feb 18 16:26:37 2004]
"automatically fix errors"
" automatically fix errors "
[Wed Feb 18 16:27:14 2004]
"automatically fix errors"2.
[Wed Feb 18 16:27:36 2004]
run all the actions under point number 1.
izvršite sve postupke opisane pod točkom 1.
[Wed Feb 18 16:27:47 2004]
the second time on , i.e.
po drugi put, tj.
[Wed Feb 18 16:27:50 2004]
ponovite sve te postupke
[Wed Feb 18 16:28:41 2004]
ponovite sve te postupke3.
[Wed Feb 18 16:28:42 2004]
run all the actions under point number 1 for all your hard disks
izvršite sve postupke opisane pod točkom 1 za sve tvrde diskove na Vašem računalu
[Wed Feb 18 16:29:29 2004]
izvršite sve postupke opisane pod točkom 1 za sve tvrde diskove na Vašem računalu4.
[Wed Feb 18 16:29:31 2004]
reboot your PC
ponovo pokrenite Vaše računalo (reboot)
[Wed Feb 18 16:29:35 2004]
Windows 2000/XP:
Windows 2000/XP:
[Wed Feb 18 16:30:28 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:31:04 2004]
go to Windows Explorer->right mouse click on c:
otiđite u Windows Explorer->kliknite desnom tipkom miša na C:
[Wed Feb 18 16:31:34 2004]
drive->Properties->Tools->Check Now->check the options:
drive->Properties->Tools->Check Now->provjerite opcije:
[Wed Feb 18 16:31:51 2004]
"automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"->OK
"automatically fix file system errors" i "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"->OK
[Wed Feb 18 16:32:22 2004]
"automatically fix file system errors" i "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"->OK2.
[Wed Feb 18 16:32:31 2004]
do the same as above for d:
izvršite isti postupak i za d:
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:23 2004]
drive (not if d:
drive (ne ako je d:
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:24 2004]
drive is a CD-ROM drive) if you have it and for all other drives if you have more
drive CD-ROM drive) ako ga imate, te za sve druge drive-ove ukoliko ih imate
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:42 2004]
drive CD-ROM drive) ako ga imate, te za sve druge drive-ove ukoliko ih imate3.
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:43 2004]
reboot your PC
ponovo pokrenite Vaše računalo (reboot)
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:49 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:33:51 2004]
damaged Windows
oštećeni Windowsi
[Wed Feb 18 16:34:36 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:34:38 2004]
if first SOLUTION show above does not work then this is probably the problem.
ako prvo RJEŠENJE opisano iznad nije pomoglo, tada je vjerojatno problem u sljedećem.
[Wed Feb 18 16:34:57 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:35:14 2004]
reinstall your Windows operating system:
ponovo instalirajte Vaš Windows operativni sustav:
[Wed Feb 18 16:35:16 2004]
Windows 95/98/Me:
Windows 95/98/Me:
[Wed Feb 18 16:35:47 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:35:49 2004]
insert your Windows installation CD into your CD-ROM drive->Install Windows
umetnite Windows instalacijski CD u Vaš CD-ROM drive->Install Windows
[Wed Feb 18 16:36:11 2004]
umetnite Windows instalacijski CD u Vaš CD-ROM drive->Install Windows2.
[Wed Feb 18 16:36:13 2004]
just follow the on screen instructions
jednostavno slijedite upute na zaslonu
[Wed Feb 18 16:36:17 2004]
Windows 2000/XP:
Windows 2000/XP:
[Wed Feb 18 16:37:45 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:37:56 2004]
insert your Windows installation CD into your CD-ROM drive->Install Windows 2000/XP->"Upgrade to Windows 2000 (Recommended)"
umetnite Windows instalacijski CD u Vaš CD-ROM drive->Install Windows 2000/XP-> "Upgrade to Windows 2000 (Recommended)"
[Wed Feb 18 16:38:13 2004]
umetnite Windows instalacijski CD u Vaš CD-ROM drive->Install Windows 2000/XP-> "Upgrade to Windows 2000 (Recommended)"2.
[Wed Feb 18 16:38:21 2004]
just follow the on screen instructions
jednostavno slijedite upute na zaslonu
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:03 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:16 2004]
You must select "Upgrade to Windows 2000" and not "Install a new copy of Windows 2000 (Clean install)"
Morate odabrati opciju "Upgrade Windows 2000", a ne "Install a new copy of Windows 2000 (Clean install)"
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:21 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:39 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:44 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:39:44 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:41:43 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:41:45 2004]
Software sale through the internet
Prodaja softwarea posredstvom Interneta
[Wed Feb 18 16:42:10 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:42:12 2004]
Unable to Install a New Software
Nemogućnost instaliranja novoga softwarea
[Wed Feb 18 16:42:23 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:43:09 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 16:44:22 2004]
It seems that the problem is in programs running in your system tray.
Čini se da je problem u programima unutar Vaše sistemske ladice.
[Wed Feb 18 16:44:38 2004]
Can you please close (disable) all program in your system tray, except Windows system programs
Može li, molimo Vas, zatvoriti (onesposobiti) sve programe koji se nalaze u sistemskoj ladici, osim Windows sistemskih programa
[Wed Feb 18 16:44:50 2004]
(volume, keyboard, etc.)
(glasnoća, tipkovnica, itd.)
[Wed Feb 18 16:44:51 2004]
and then try to install our software.
) a zatim pokušajte instalirati naš software.
[Wed Feb 18 16:45:26 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:45:28 2004]
look into your system tray (bottom right hand corner of your screen)
pregledajte Vašu sistemsku ladicu (donji desni kut vašeg zaslona)
[Wed Feb 18 16:45:59 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:00 2004]
move and hold for a few seconds your mouse cursor over each and every icon in this area
držite nekoliko sekundi kurzor miša iznad svake pojedine ikone u tom području
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:20 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:21 2004]
right mouse click on every icon
kliknite desnom tipkom miša na svaku ikonu
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:38 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:39 2004]
click on Exit, Close, Unload or something similar to this
kliknite na Exit, Close, Unload ili nešto slično tome
[Wed Feb 18 16:46:51 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:33 2004]
now please try to install our software
sada pokušajte instalirati naš softwaremo
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:35 2004]
Most programs need to be completely uninstalled, not just disabled.
Većina programa mora biti potpuno deinstalirana, a ne samo onesposobljena.
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:39 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:45 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:50 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:47:50 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:49:05 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:49:07 2004]
Software sale through the internet
Prodaja softwarea posredstvom Interneta
[Wed Feb 18 16:49:13 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:49:16 2004]
Installation of Additional Fonts
Instalacija dodatnih fontova
[Wed Feb 18 16:49:31 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:50:12 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 16:50:16 2004]
Please check whether you can use the #NAME# fonts in other programs
Molimo, provjerite možete li koristiti #IME# fontove u ostalim programima
[Wed Feb 18 16:50:35 2004]
(Word or Notepad).
(Word ili Notepad).
[Wed Feb 18 16:50:36 2004]
If you cannot, please follow these steps:
Ako ne možete, molimo slijedite ove upute:
[Wed Feb 18 16:50:43 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:05 2004]
go to:
idite na:
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:10 2004]
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Fonts
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Fonts
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:30 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:33 2004]
go to File -> Install New Font.
idite na File -> Install New Font.
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:50 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:51:54 2004]
check the checkbox "Copy fonts to Fonts folder"
provjerite checkbox "Copy fonts to Fonts folder"
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:29 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:33 2004]
Restart your computer again (Start -> Shut Down.
Isključite i ponovo uključite svoje računalo (Start -> Shut Down.
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:39 2004]
.. -> Restart)
-> Restart)
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:45 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:51 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:56 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:52:56 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:53:57 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:53:59 2004]
Software sale through the internet
Prodaja softwarea posredstvom Interneta
[Wed Feb 18 16:54:43 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:54:46 2004]
Problems with the Download of a Software
Problemi sa skidanjem podataka (downloadiranjem) softwarea
[Wed Feb 18 16:54:56 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:55:57 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 16:56:00 2004]
We are sorry to hear that you cannot download #SOFTWARE#.
Žao nam je što ne možete downloadirati #SOFTWARE#.
[Wed Feb 18 16:56:44 2004]
The problem
[Wed Feb 18 16:56:46 2004]
can be due to a bad Internet connection from your computer to our web site.
se možda pojavio uslijed loše Internet veze od Vašeg računala do naše web stranice.
[Wed Feb 18 16:57:41 2004]
Solution 1:
Rješenje 1:
[Wed Feb 18 16:57:46 2004]
One possible solution is to use software from by going to:
Jedno moguće rješenje je upotrijebiti software od koji se nalazi na:
[Wed Feb 18 16:57:50 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:59:04 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 16:59:42 2004]
and then downloading their software which will enable you to resume download
a zatim downloadirati njihov software koji će Vam omogućiti da nastavite downloadirati
[Wed Feb 18 16:59:45 2004]
of InteractiveTran after a bad or lost Internet connection.
a zatim downloadirati njihov software koji će Vam omogućiti da nastavite downloadirati InteractiveTran nakon loše ili izgubljene Internet veze.
[Wed Feb 18 17:00:26 2004]
Solution 2:
Rješenje 2:
[Wed Feb 18 17:00:36 2004]
If "Solution 1" does solve your problem then we can send you a CD-ROM in
Ako " Rješenje 1 " nije pomoglo riješiti Vaš problem, tada Vam možemo poslati CD-ROM putem pošte
[Wed Feb 18 17:01:14 2004]
the mail.
Ako " Rješenje 1 " nije pomoglo riješiti Vaš problem, tada Vam možemo poslati CD-ROM putem pošte.
[Wed Feb 18 17:01:30 2004]
If you opt for this solution please send us your postal address.
Ako se odlučite za ovo rješenje, molimo pošaljite nam Vašu poštansku adresu.
[Wed Feb 18 17:01:36 2004]
More information:
Dodatne informacije:
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:00 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:05 2004]
Pricing information and on-line order form:
Informacije o cijenama i on-line narudžbenice:
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:07 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:10 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:16 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:21 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:02:21 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:04:13 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:04:15 2004]
Software sale through the internet
Prodaja softwarea posredstvom Interneta
[Wed Feb 18 17:04:49 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:04:51 2004]
No Support for the Old Versions
Ne postoji podrška za stare verzije
[Wed Feb 18 17:05:03 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:05:38 2004]
Dear Mr #NAME#,
Poštovani gospodine #IME#,
[Wed Feb 18 17:05:48 2004]
You have our very old #SOFTWARE# that we
Vi posjedujete vrlo staru verziju našega softwarea #SOFTWARE# koju mi
[Wed Feb 18 17:06:08 2004]
no longer support.
Vi posjedujete vrlo staru verziju našega softwarea #SOFTWARE# koju mi ne više ne podržavamo.
[Wed Feb 18 17:07:00 2004]
We recommend that you purchase the
Predlažemo Vam da kupite
[Wed Feb 18 17:07:12 2004]
lastest version of #SOFTWARE# that we
najnoviju verziju #SOFTWARE# koju sada
[Wed Feb 18 17:08:11 2004]
now offer and fully support.
Predlažemo Vam da kupite najnoviju verziju #SOFTWARE# koju sada nudimo i potpuno podržavamo.
[Wed Feb 18 17:08:13 2004]
More information about our software can be found by going to:
Dodatne informacije o našem softwareu možete pronaći na web stranici:
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:12 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:19 2004]
More information:
Dodatne informacije:
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:39 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:45 2004]
Pricing information and on-line order form:
Informacije o cijenama i on-line narudžbenice:
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:46 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:51 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Srdačan pozdrav,
[Wed Feb 18 17:09:59 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:10:04 2004]
[Wed Feb 18 17:10:04 2004]
[Fri Feb 20 13:11:57 2004]
increasingly large increments of labor are needed to produce additional output.
potreban je veliki porast rada da bi se proizvelo još dodatnih proizvoda.
[Fri Feb 20 13:11:57 2004]
Consequently, when the MPPL curve slopes downward, the MCSR curve slopes upward
Isto tako, kada MPPL krivulja padne prema dolje, MCSR krivulja poraste
[Fri Feb 20 13:21:03 2004]
production functions, a common situation is one in which initially there are increasing marginal returns, but eventuaHy diminishing marginal returns set in (the so-called law of diminishing returns).
proizvodnja funkcionira, uobičajena situacija je ona u kojoj u početku postoje povećani granični prinosi, no s vremenom se pojave opadajući granični prinosi (tzv. zakon opadajućih prinosa).
[Fri Feb 20 13:24:26 2004]
Once diminishing marginal returns set in, however, the short-run marginal curve rises
Međutim, jednom kad se uspostave opadajući granični prinosi,, kratkoročna granična krivulja raste
[Fri Feb 20 13:31:33 2004]
When marginal returns initially increase, then hold constant, and then diminish, short-run marginal cost follows the opposite pattern
Kada granični prinosi u početku rastu, zatim stoje na konstanti, a zatim se smanje, kratkoročni granični trošak slijedi suprotni obrazac
[Fri Feb 20 13:36:21 2004]
We saw in Chapter 7 that average cost also plays an important role in the firm's output choice.
U Poglavlju 7 smo vidjeli da prosječni trošak također ima važnu ulogu u proizvodnom izboru tvrtke.
[Fri Feb 20 13:38:16 2004]
When making a short-run shutdown decision, the relevant measure of average cost is short-run average cost, defined as the short-run total cost divided by the number of units being produced.
Pri donošenju kratkoročne odluke o obustavi rada, značajan stupanj prosječnog troška je kratkoročni prosječni trošak, definiran kao kratkoročni ukupni trošak podijeljen brojem proizvedenih jedinica.
[Fri Feb 20 13:38:16 2004]
Using ACSR to denote short-run average total cost of producing x units
Pomoću ACSR možemo označiti kratkoročni prosječni ukupni trošak proizvodnje x jedinica
[Fri Feb 20 13:41:56 2004]
Just like short-run marginal cost, short-run average cost can be related to the underlying technology when the firm is a price taker in factor markets.
Kao i kratkoročni marginalni troškovi, kratkoročni prosječni troškovi mogu povezati s temeljnom tehnologijom kada je tvrtka primatelj cijene na tržištu faktora.
[Fri Feb 20 13:43:24 2004]
Consider the production function shown in the first three columns of Table 9.1.
Razmotrimo proizvodnu funkciju prikazanu u prva tri stupca Tablice 9.1.
[Fri Feb 20 13:45:21 2004]
This production function shows how the Garyman Landscape Company can combine labor (measured in workers per month) and tractors to provide landscaping services to homeowners.
Ova proizvodna funkcija pokazuje kako Garyman Landscape Company može kombinirati rad (mjeren mjesečnim brojem radnika) i traktore za pružanje usluga uređenja okoliša vlasnicima kuća.
[Fri Feb 20 13:47:01 2004]
As shown in column 4, this production function exhibits increasing marginal returns to labor for all input levels-total output rises at an increasing rate as more labor is hired.
Kao što je prikazano u stupcu 4, ova proizvodna funkcija donosi povećan granični prinos u radu za sve razine unosa - ukupna proizvodnja raste povećanom stopom s unajmljivanjem većeg broja radnika.
[Fri Feb 20 13:47:01 2004]
Dividing column 1 by column 3 gives us the average amount of labor used per unit of output, which is reported in column 5.
Dijeljenjem stupca 1 sa stupcem 3 dobivamo prosječan broj radnika korištenih za jedicu proizvoda, što prikazano u stupcu 5.
[Fri Feb 20 13:48:36 2004]
The results in column 5 indicate that the average amount of labor per unit of output falls as the.
Rezultati iz stupca 5 pokazuju da prosječan broj radnika po jedinici proizvoda opada kada
[Fri Feb 20 13:50:38 2004]
firm increases its output level.
Rezultati iz stupca 5 pokazuju da prosječan broj radnika po jedinici proizvoda opada kada tvrtka poveća svoju razinu proizvodnje.
[Fri Feb 20 13:53:28 2004]
Intuitively, because the marginal physical product of labor is increasing, as the firm produces more output, it needs fewer and fewer units of labor per additional unit of output.
Intuitivno, zbog povećanja graničnog fizičkog proizvoda rada, kada tvrtka poveća proizvodnju, potrebno je sve manje i manje jedinica rada po dodatnoj jedinici proizvoda.
[Fri Feb 20 13:53:28 2004]
Since each additional unit of output requires less labor than did the earlier units of output, the average amount of labor per unit of output fails as the output level rises.
Budući da svaka dodatna jedinica proizvoda zahtijeva manju količinu rada od prethodnih jedinica proizvoda, prosječna količina rada po jedinici proizvoda slabi ako razina proizvodnje raste.
[Fri Feb 20 14:02:48 2004]
The fact that the expenditure .on labor is the only element of short-run economic cost is used in Table 9.2 to calculate both short-run total and average costs.
Činjenica da je izdatak za radnika jedini element kratkoročnih gospodarskih troškova je korištena u Tablici 9.2 za izračunavanje kratkoročnih ukupnih i prosječnih troškova.
[Fri Feb 20 14:03:35 2004]
Since the firm is a price taker in the labor market and the expenditure on labor is the only element of short-run cost, it follows that short-run total cost is found by multiplying the total number of workers (column 2) by the wage rate (column 3).
Budući da je tvrtka primatelj cijene na tržištu rada, te da je izdatak na radnika jedini element kratkoročnog troška, iz toga slijedi da kratkoročne ukupne troškove možemo izračunati množenjem ukupnog broja radnika (stupac 2) s visinom nadnice (stupac 3).
[Fri Feb 20 14:04:01 2004]
For example, the short-run economic total cost of 3 landscapes is 2 x $1 ,000 = $2,000, as recorded in column 4.
Na primjer, kratkoročna gospodarska ukupna cijena 3 krajolika je 2 x $1,000 = $2,000, kao što piše u stupcu 4.
[Fri Feb 20 14:04:01 2004]
Short-run average cost can be calculated
Kratkoročni prosječni trošak može se izračunati
[Fri Feb 20 14:09:06 2004]
When the Garyman Landscape Company's production function exhibits increasing marginal returns to labor, the average amount of labor used per unit of output produced falls as the level of output rises
Kada proizvodna funkcija tvrtke Garyman Landscape Company pokaže povećane granične prinose rada, prosječan broj radnika korištenih po jedinici izlaznih proizvoda pada ako razina proizvodnje raste
[Fri Feb 20 14:11:47 2004]
In the short run, the expenditure on labor is the only element of total and average costs.
Kratkoročno gledano, izdaci za radnike su jedini element ukupnih iznosa i prosječnih troškova.
[Fri Feb 20 14:12:27 2004]
[Fri Feb 20 14:12:27 2004]
if MPPL increases with output, short-run average cost falls.
Stoga, ako se MPPL poveća s proizvodnjom, kratkoročni prosječni troškovi će opasti.
[Fri Feb 20 14:16:19 2004]
First, we can compute it simply by dividing the short-run total cost figures in column 4 of Table 9.2, by the corresponding output figures in column 1.
Prvo, možemo to jednostavno izračunati ako podijelimo iznose kratkoročnih ukupnih troškova u stupcu 4 Tablice 9.2, s odgovarajućim iznosima u stupcu 1.
[Fri Feb 20 14:17:22 2004]
For example, when the output level is 3 landscapes, ACSR = $2,000/3, or $667, as indicated in column 5 of Table 9.2.
Na primjer, kada je razina proizvodnje 3 krajolika, ACSR = $2,000/3, ili $667, kao što je prikazano u stupcu 5 Tablice 9.2.
[Fri Feb 20 14:18:16 2004]
Alternatively, we can calculate short-run average cost by multiplying the entries in column 5 of Table 9.1 by the wage.
S druge strane, možemo izračunati kratkoročne prosječne troškove množenjem unosa u stupcu 5 Tablice 9.1 s nadnicom.
[Fri Feb 20 14:21:00 2004]
This is, of course, the same average cost level that we find in column 5 of Table 9.2.
To je, naravno, ista razina prosječnog troška koju nalazimo u stupcu 5 Tablice 9.2.
[Fri Feb 20 14:22:22 2004]
The reason for considering this alternative way of finding short-run average cost is that it helps us understand the shape of the average cost curve.
Razlog za razmatranje ove alternativnog načina izračunavanja kratkoročnih prosječnih troškova je taj što nam to pomaže razumjeti oblik krivulje prosječnih troškova.
[Fri Feb 20 14:24:19 2004]
Therefore, our second method of calculating the short-run average cost tells us that, when there are increasing marginal returns, average cost should fall as output rises.
Stoga, naša druga metoda izračunavanja kratkoročnog prosječnog troška govori nam da, kada postoje povećavani granični troškovi, prosječni troškovi bi trebali opadati ako proizvodnja raste.
[Fri Feb 20 14:25:14 2004]
This result is verified in column 5 of Table 9.2.
Ovaj rezultat je provjeren u stupcu 5 Tablice 9.2.
[Fri Feb 20 14:25:14 2004]
The corresponding short-run average cost curve is graphed in Panel A of Figure 9.6.
Odgovarajuća krivulja kratkoročnog prosječnog troška prikazana je grafom na Prikazu A Slike 9.6.
[Fri Feb 20 14:30:14 2004]
Things are much different when the firm's technology is characterized by diminishing marginal product at all levels.
Stvari su bitno drugačije kada je tehnologija tvrtke obilježena opadanjem graničnog proizvoda na svim razinama.
[Fri Feb 20 14:31:52 2004]
In this case, the firm needs more and more units of labor per unit o(output as total output rises.
U tom slučaju, tvrtka treba sve više jedinica rada po jedinici proizvoda kada ukupna proizvodnja raste.
[Fri Feb 20 14:31:52 2004]
Therefore, short-run average cost rises as output rises, as indicated in Panel B of Figure 9.6.
Stoga, kratkoročni prosječni trošak raste s porastom proizvodnje, kao što je izloženo Prikazom B Slike 9.6.
[Fri Feb 20 14:34:42 2004]
Draw the short-run average cost curve for a price-taking firm whose production function is characterized by constant marginal returns to labor at all levels
Nacrtajte krivulju kratkoročnog prosječnog troška za tvrtku-primatelja cijene čija je proizvodna funkcija obilježena stalnim graničnim prinosima rada na svim razinama
[Fri Feb 20 14:50:56 2004]
Short-run average cost is equal to the average amount of labor used per unit of output times the wage rate.
Kratkoročni prosječni trošak jednak je prosječnom broju radnika korištenih po jedinici proizvoda puta visina nadnice.
[Fri Feb 20 14:52:00 2004]
Therefore, if a firm's technology is characterized by increasing marginal product at all levels, short-run average cost falls as the output level rises (Panel A).
Stoga, ako je tehnologija tvrtke obilježena rastućim graničnim proizvodom na svim razinama, kratkoročni prosječni trošak pada ako razina proizvodnje raste (Prikaz A).
[Fri Feb 20 14:52:00 2004]
If the firm's technology is characterized by diminishing marginal product at all levels, then average cost rises as output rises (Panel B).
Ako je tehnologija tvrtke obilježena opadajućim graničnim proizvodom na svim razinama, tada prosječni trošak raste s porastom proizvodnje (Prikaz B).
[Fri Feb 20 14:53:09 2004]
The Relationship between Short-Run Marginal Cost and Short-Run Average Cost
Odnos između kratkoročnih graničnih troškova i kratkoročnih prosječnih troškova
[Fri Feb 20 15:09:29 2004]
Given that the marginal and average total cost curves are derived from the same total cost curve, you might guess that the two curves must somehow be related.
Pod pretpostavkom da su krivulje graničnog i prosječnog ukupnog troška dobivene iz iste krivulje ukupnih troškova, mogli biste pretpostaviti da su te dvije krivulje na neki način povezane.
[Fri Feb 20 15:10:09 2004]
The fact that this guess is correct is verified in Table 9.3, which shows the short-run costs for the Off-the-Deep-End Pool Company.
Činjenica da je takva pretpostavka točna dokazana je u Tablici 9.3, koja prikazuje kratkoročne troškove za tvrtku s lošim poslovanjem.
[Fri Feb 20 15:10:09 2004]
Notice the following relations between marginal cost and average cost in the table
Uočite sljedeće odnose između graničnih troškova i prosječnih troškova u tabeli
[Fri Feb 20 15:25:25 2004]
These phenomena are not coincidences;
Ove pojave nisu slučajne;
[Fri Feb 20 15:26:45 2004]
they hold for any marginal and average cost curves that are derived from the same total cost curve.
one vrijede za sve krivulje graničnih i prosječnih troškova koje su dobivene iz iste krivulje ukupnih troškova.
[Fri Feb 20 15:28:28 2004]
In fact, they hold for any marginal and average curves at all as long as they are derived from the same total curve.
Ustvari, one vrijede za sve granične i prosječne krivulje pod uvjetom da su dobivene iz iste ukupne krivulje.
[Fri Feb 20 16:57:34 2004]
For instance, they hold for marginal and average revenue curves that are derived from the same total revenue curve.
Na primjer, vrijede za krivulje graničnih i prosječnih prihoda koje su dobivene iz iste krivulje ukupnog prihoda.
[Fri Feb 20 16:57:57 2004]
To see why this relationship between marginal and average curves must hold, consider the heights of the members of the Hellenic Hoopsters basketball team, Athena, Aphrodite, Hera, Iris, Persephone, and Venus.
Da bismo vidjeli zašto taj odnos između granične i prosječne krivulje mora vrijediti, uzmimo u ubzir visine članova helenske Hoopsters košarkaške ekipe, Atenu, Afroditu, Heru, Iris, Persephonu, i Veneru.
[Fri Feb 20 17:04:30 2004]
A running calculation of the average heights of team members is given in column 3.
Tekući izračunavanje prosječnih visina članova tima nalazi se u stupcu 3.
[Mon Feb 23 12:10:30 2004]
Short-run average cost is equal to short-run total cost divided by the number of pools produced.
Kratkoročni prosječni troškovi jednaki su kratkoročnim ukupnim troškovima podijeljenim s brojem proizvedenih zaliha.
[Mon Feb 23 12:10:31 2004]
Short-run marginal cost is equal to the additional short-run cost that must be incurred to produce one more pool.
Kratkoročni granični troškovi jednaki su na dodatnim kratkoročnim troškovima koji će morati nastati radi proizvodnje još jedne zalihe.
[Mon Feb 23 12:16:13 2004]
Whenever the person who is added to the team is taller than the earlier average, the average height increases.
Svaki put kada se ekipi pridruži igrač čija je visina veća od ranijeg prosjeka, prosječna visina se poveća.
[Mon Feb 23 12:16:13 2004]
Whenever the latest person to be added is shorter than the average of the existing average, the average height falls
Svaki put kada je posljednja osoba koja se priključi ekipi niža od postojećeg prosjeka, prosječna visina igrača se smanji
[Mon Feb 23 12:19:53 2004]
the other hand, whenever the latest person to be added is shorter, the average height falls.
S druge strane, svaki put kada se ekipi priključi igrač koji je niži, prosječna visina ekipe se smanji.
[Mon Feb 23 12:20:40 2004]
Thinking of the last person added to the team as the "marginal" player, we see that whenever the marginal player's height is less than the average height, the average falls.
Ako posljednju osobu koja se priključi ekipi smatramo "graničnim" igračem " ", uviđamo da svaki put kada je visina graničnog igrača manja od prosječne visine, prosjek opada.
[Mon Feb 23 12:24:19 2004]
Returning to problems closer to home, think about what happens when the cost of last unit, the marginal unit, is below the average cost of the earlier units.
Vraćajući se problemima koji su nam bliskiji, razmislimo što se događa kada cijena posljednje jedinice, granične jedinice, padne ispod prosječnog troška prethodnih jedinica.
[Mon Feb 23 12:25:32 2004]
When this marginal unit is included in the average, it pulls the average down from its old level-the average cost curve is downward sloping.
Kada je ta granična jedinica uključena u prosjek, ona povuče prosjek prema dolje s njegove stare razine - krivulja prosječnih troškova pada.
[Mon Feb 23 12:28:36 2004]
At all output levels less than xs, the marginal cost curve lies below the average cost curve, and the average cost curve is falling.
Na svim razinama proizvodnje koje su manje od xs, krivulja graničnih troškova trošak krivulja leži ispod krivulje prosječnih troškova, a krivulja prosječnih troškova pada.
[Mon Feb 23 12:28:36 2004]
On the other hand, at all output levels greater than xs the marginal cost curve lies above the average cost curve, and the average cost curve is rising.
Međutim, na svim razinama proizvodnje koje su veće od xs krivulja graničnih troškova leži iznad krivulje prosječnih troškova, pa krivulja prosječnih troškova raste.
[Mon Feb 23 12:34:57 2004]
There is another important fact that will prove useful when we examine the firm's supply decision in the next two chapters.
Postoji još jedna važna činjenica koja će se pokazati korisnom kada promotrimo odluku tvrtke o zalihama u naredna dva poglavlja.
[Mon Feb 23 12:38:23 2004]
Whenever marginal cost is below average cost, average cost falls.
Kada god je granični trošak ispod prosječnog troška, prosječni trošak pada.
[Mon Feb 23 12:40:39 2004]
Whenever marginal cost is above average cost, average cost rises.
Kada god je granični trošak iznad prosječnog troška, prosječni trošak raste.
[Mon Feb 23 12:40:39 2004]
The short-run marginal cost-curve crosses the short-run average cost curve at the point where average cost is at a minimum
Krivulja kratkoročnih graničnih troškova ukršta se s krivuljom kratkoročnih prosječnih troškova u točki gdje su prosječni troškovi minimalni
[Mon Feb 23 12:42:50 2004]
It follows that the intersection of these two curves occurs at the lowest point on the average cost curve
Iz toga slijedi da je sjecište tih dvaju krivulja na najnižoj točki krivulje prosječnih troškova
[Mon Feb 23 12:44:22 2004]
The short-run marginal cost curve crosses the short-run average cost curve at the point where average cost is at the minimum
Krivluja katkoročnih graničnih troškova siječe krivulju kratkoročnih prosječnih troškova u točki gdje su prosječni troškovi na minimumu
[Mon Feb 23 12:47:58 2004]
Although we have looked at the specific case of short-run marginal and average cost curves, it is worth noting that these properties are equally valid for long-run cost curves, as well as for any other marginal and average curves that are derived from the same total curve
Iako smo promatrali specifičan slučaj krivulja kratkoročnih graničnih i prosječnih troškova, vrijedi napomenuti da ta svojstva jednako vrijede i za krivulje dugoročnih troškova, kao i za sve ostale granične i prosječne krivulje koje su izvedene iz iste ukupne krivulje
[Mon Feb 23 12:56:29 2004]
In the short run, there is only one variable factor, and the firm's input decision consists of making sure that it hires just enough of the variable factor to produce the desired output, given the amount of the fixed input it has on hand.
Kratkoročno gledano, postoji samo jedan promjenjivi faktor, a odluka tvrtke o ulaganjima sastoji se od osiguravanja angažiranja dovoljno promjenjivih faktora da bi se ostvarila željena proizvodnja, s obzirom na iznos fiksnih ulaganja kojim tvrtka raspolaže.
[Mon Feb 23 12:57:42 2004]
The resulting expenditure on the variable input is the short-run total cost.
Rezultirajuća potrošnja po varijabilnom ulaganju je kratkoročni ukupni trošak.
[Mon Feb 23 12:59:14 2004]
Because we are measuring economic cost, short-run total cost does not include any charges for fixed factors.
Budući da mi mjerimo gospodarski trošak, kratkoročni ukupni troškovi ne uključuju nikakve izdatke za nepromjenjive faktore.
[Mon Feb 23 13:00:58 2004]
By definition, fixed factors cannot be put to any alternative uses in the short run, and they have zero opportunity cost;
Prema definiciji, nepromjenjivi faktori ne mogu se kratkoročno staviti niti u kakvu alternativnu uporabu, i imaju nulti oportunitetni trošak;
[Mon Feb 23 13:00:58 2004]
The short-run marginal and average cost schedules can both be derived from the short-run total cost schedule
Raspored kratkoročnih graničnih i prosječnih troškova mogu se dobiti iz rasporeda kratkoročnih ukupnih troškova
[Mon Feb 23 13:06:02 2004]
Given a long enough planning horizon, a firm can adjust the levels of all of its inputs.
Uz dovoljno dugačak horizont planiranja, tvrtka može prilagoditi razine svih svojih ulaganja.
[Mon Feb 23 13:06:56 2004]
When the firm's time frame for a decision is sufficiently long that all of the inputs are variable and none is fixed, we say that the firm is making a long-run decision.
Kada tvrtka ima dovoljno dug vremenski okvir za donošenje odluka tako da su sva ulaganja promjenjiva, a ni jedno nepromjenjivo, kažemo da tvrtka donosi dugoročnu odluku.
[Mon Feb 23 13:06:56 2004]
Two important implications of all factors' being variable in the long run are the following
Dvije važne implikacije svih faktora koji su dugoročno promjenjivi su sljedeće
[Mon Feb 23 13:08:50 2004]
[Mon Feb 23 13:09:20 2004]
Since all factors are variable in the long run, the (explicit and imputed) expenditures on all
Budući da su svi faktori dugoročno promjenjivi, (eksplicitni i uračunati) izdaci za sve
[Mon Feb 23 13:09:20 2004]
factors are economic costs in the long run
faktore su dugoročni gospodarski troškovi
[Mon Feb 23 13:16:53 2004]
The possibility of factor substitution means that, in the long run, the firm has real choices to make when picking a factor mix.
Mogućnost zamjene faktora znači da, dugoročno gledano, tvrtka ima stvarne mogućnosti odabira pri biranju mješavine faktora.
[Mon Feb 23 13:16:53 2004]
How does a profit-maximizing firm make these choices
Kako tvrtka koja ostvaruje maksimalan profit vrši te odabire
[Mon Feb 23 13:18:34 2004]
In order to maximize its profit, the firm must choose the cheapest combination of inputs that can produce the desired level of output.
Da bi maksimalno povećala svoju dobit, tvrtka mora odabrati najjeftiniju kombinaciju ulaganja koja može ostvariti željenu razinu proizvodnje.
[Mon Feb 23 13:19:52 2004]
That is, the firm must make an economically efficient input choice.
To jest, tvrtka mora donijeti ekonomično djelotvoran izbor.
[Mon Feb 23 13:21:36 2004]
In order to solve the firm's problem graphically, the first step is to represent the set of factor combinations that can be used to produce the desired output.
Da bi se grafički riješio problem tvrtke, prvi korak je predstaviti skup kombinacija faktora koji se mogu upotrijebiti da bi se ostvarila željena proizvodnja.
[Mon Feb 23 13:22:39 2004]
This is exactly what an isoquant curve does.
To je upravo ono što čini krivulja izokvante.
[Mon Feb 23 13:23:25 2004]
The second step is to rank the costs of the alternative factor combinations that can produce the required level of output.
Drugi korak je poredati troškove kombinacija alternativnih faktora koji mogu ostvariti potrebnu razinu proizvodnje.
[Mon Feb 23 13:23:25 2004]
At this point, what we are missing is a way to compare the costs of the different input combinations
Na ovom stupnju, ono što nam nedostaje je način usporedbe troškova različitih kombinacija ulaganja
[Mon Feb 23 13:36:48 2004]
To compare the costs of different input combinations, imagine that we wanted to graph all the combinations of robots and labor that cost the firm $300,000 per day.
Da bismo usporedili troškove različitih kombinacija ulaganja, zamislimo da želimo nacrtati graf sa svim kombinacijama robota i radnika koji koštaju tvrtku $ 300,000 dnevno.
[Mon Feb 23 13:39:24 2004]
Continue to assume that the firm is a price taker in factor markets at a daily wage for labor of $100 and a daily user cost per robot of $200.
Dalje pretpostavimo da je tvrtka primatelj cijene na tržištima faktora po dnevnoj nadnici od $ 100 i dnevnoj korisničkoj cijeni po robotu od $ 200.
[Mon Feb 23 13:40:06 2004]
Then if the firm hires L units of labor and K robots, its total factor expenditures are $100 x L + $200 x K.
Prema tome, ako tvrtka unajmi L jedinica rada i K robota, njezini ukupni faktorski izdaci su 100 x L + 200 x K.
[Mon Feb 23 13:41:15 2004]
Therefore, the combinations of L and K that cost the firm $300,000 (given the prices of labor and robots) must satisfy the equation $100 x L + $200 x K = $300,000.
Stoga, kombinacije L i K koje koštaju tvrtku $ 300,000 (s obzirom na cijene rada i robota) moraju zadovoljiti jednadžbu 100 x L + 200 x K = $ 300,000.
[Mon Feb 23 13:41:47 2004]
As we saw in our look at household budget constraints (Chapter 2), this equation defines a line.
Kako smo vidjeli pri promatranju proračunskih ograničenja u domaćinstvu (Poglavlje 2), ova jednadžba definira liniju.
[Mon Feb 23 13:43:12 2004]
This line is drawn in Figure 9.8, where it is labeled IC 300,000.
Ta linija je prikazana na Slici 9.8, gdje je označena kao IC 300,000.
[Mon Feb 23 13:44:30 2004]
It has a vertical intercept of 1,500 and a slope of -1/2.
Ima okomito sjecište od 1,500 i kosinu od - 1/2.
[Mon Feb 23 13:44:30 2004]
Because this line represents all combinations of capital and labor that cost the firm the same amount (in this case, $300,000), it is referred to as an isocost line
Budući da ova linija predstavlja sve kombinacije sredstava i rada koje koštaju tvrtku jednaku svotu (u ovom slučaju, 300,000), tu liniju nazivamo linijom jednakih troškova
[Mon Feb 23 13:51:38 2004]
Note that, in absolute value, the slope of the isocost line is equal to the ratio of the input prices, here 1/2.
Uočimo da je, pri apsolutnoj vrijednosti, kosina linije jednakih troškova jednaka omjeru troškova ulaganja, što ovdje iznosi 1/2.
[Mon Feb 23 13:52:21 2004]
More generally, if the price of labor is w and the price of capital is r, then the absolute value of the slope of the isocost line is w/r .This result should seem familiar to you;
Općenitije rečeno, ako je cijena rada w, a cijena sredstava r, tada je apsolutna vrijednost kosine linije jednakih troškova w/r. Ovaj bi vam rezultat trebao biti poznat;
[Mon Feb 23 13:53:17 2004]
it is just like the one for a household's budget constraint.
isti je kao i onaj za proračunska ograničenja domaćinstva.
[Mon Feb 23 13:55:57 2004]
A household's budget constraint and a firm's isocost line do the same thing;
Proračunsko ograničenje domaćinstva i tvrtkina linija jednakih troškova čine istu stvar;
[Mon Feb 23 13:58:11 2004]
each one tells us the combinations of goods (final goods for a consumer, inputs for a firm) that can be purchased with a given total amount of money.
i jedna i druga nam daju kombinacije dobara (konačni proizvod za potrošača, ulaganja za tvrtku) koja se mogu kupiti ukupnom svotom novca.
[Mon Feb 23 14:00:54 2004]
Of course, the firm does not have to limit itself to spending exactly $300,000 on inputs.
Naravno, tvrtka se ne mora ograničiti na potrošnju točno $ 300,000 za ulaganja.
[Mon Feb 23 14:01:35 2004]
The equation for the $200,000 isocost line is $100 x L + $200 x K = $200,000, which is graphed in Figure 9.8 as IC200,000.
Jednadžba za $ 200,000 linije jednakih troškova je $ 100 x L + 200 x K = 200,000, što je prikazano grafom na Slici 9.8 kao IC200,000.
[Mon Feb 23 14:01:58 2004]
Notice the following characteristics of this new isocost line.
Uočimo sljedeće karakteristike te nove linije jednakih troškova.
[Mon Feb 23 14:03:43 2004]
First, like IC300,000, it has a slope of -1/2.
Prvo, kao i IC300,000, i ona ima kosinu od - 1/2.
[Mon Feb 23 14:04:58 2004]
This is no surprise - the slope of the isocost line reflects the rate at which the market permits the firm to trade one input for the other, and this has not changed.
To nije iznenađujuće - kosina linije jednakih troškova odražava stopu po kojoj tržište dozvoljava tvrtki da mijenja jedno ulaganje za drugo, i to se nije promijenilo.
[Mon Feb 23 14:06:06 2004]
Second, the new isocost line is closer to the origin than the old one is.
Drugo, nova linija jednakih troškova bliža je ishodištu nego što je to stara linija.
[Mon Feb 23 14:06:06 2004]
Intuitively, the firm can purchase fewer inputs with $200,000 than with $300,000
Intuitivno, tvrtka može steći manja ulaganja s $ 200,000 nego s $ 300,000
[Mon Feb 23 14:15:59 2004]
Draw the isocost line corresponding to an expenditure of $400,000 on inputs
Nacrtajte liniju jednakih troškova koja odgovara izdatku od $ 400,000 na ulaganja
[Mon Feb 23 14:25:33 2004]
A Factor Increase Pivots the Isocost Lines Inward
Povećanje faktora naginje liniju jednakih troškova prema unutra
[Mon Feb 23 14:29:37 2004]
When the price of tabor rises, the isocost line pivots around the intercept for robots, the factor whose price stayed constant
Kada cijena rada poraste, linija jednakih troškova vrti se oko sjecišta za robote, faktora čija je cijena ostala nepromijenjena
[Mon Feb 23 14:34:01 2004]
We can now make these generalizations:
Sada možemo donijeti ove opće zaključke:
[Mon Feb 23 14:34:46 2004]
(1) for any set of input prices, there is a whole family of isocost lines, the isocost map;
(1) za bilo koji skup cijena ulaganja, postoji cijela grupa linija jednakih troškova, koju nazivamo mapom jednakih troškova;
[Mon Feb 23 14:37:07 2004]
(2) the farther an isocost line is from the origin, the greater the expenditure it represents;
(2) što je linija jednakih troškova dalje od ishodišta, veći su uzdaci koje ona predstavlja;
[Mon Feb 23 14:37:07 2004]
and (3) for a price-taking firm, all of the isocost lines have the same slope (which, in absolute value, is the ratio of the factor prices).
i (3) za tvrtku-primatelja cijene, sve linije jednakig troškova imaju istu kosinu (koja je, za apsolutnu vrijednost, omjer cijena faktora).
[Mon Feb 23 14:40:28 2004]
We next examine what happens to a firm's isocost curves when the price of an input changes.
Zatim promatramo što se događa s tvrtkinim linijama jednakih troškova kad se cijena ulaganja promjeni.
[Mon Feb 23 14:41:21 2004]
Suppose that initially the daily wage rate is $100 and the daily cost of a robot is $200.
Pretpostavimo da je početna stopa dnevne nadnice $ 100 a dnevna cijena robota $ 200.
[Mon Feb 23 14:42:11 2004]
The corresponding $300,000 isocost line is drawn again in Figure 9.9, where it is labeled IC300.000.
Odgovarajuća $ 300,000 linija jednakih troškova ponovo je prikazana na Slici 9.9, gdje je nazvana IC300.000.
[Mon Feb 23 14:43:23 2004]
What happens to this isocost line when the price of labor rises to $150 per day?
Što se događa s tom linijom jednakih troškova kada cijena rada poraste na $ 150 dnevno?
[Mon Feb 23 14:43:47 2004]
The slope of each isocost line (in absolute value) is the wage rate divided by the price of capital.
Kosina svake linije jednakih troškova (za apsolutnu vrijednost) jest visina nadnice podijeljena s cijenom sredstava.
[Mon Feb 23 14:44:16 2004]
When the wage rate rises, this ratio increases from 1/2 to 3/4.
Kada visina nadnica poraste, ovaj omjer se poveća sa 1/2 na 3/4.
[Mon Feb 23 14:46:16 2004]
Thus, the isocost line becomes steeper.
Stoga, linija jednakih troškova postaje strmija.
[Mon Feb 23 14:48:42 2004]
At the same time, we know that the vertical intercept of the new isocost line is unchanged - because the price of robots has not changed, the firm can still purchase 1,500 robots if it spends the entire $300,000 on them.
Istovremeno, znamo da je okomito siječenje nove linije jednakih troškova nepromijenjeno - s obzirom da se cijena robota nije promijenila, tvrtka može kupiti još 1,500 robota ako potroši čitavih $ 300,000 na njih.
[Mon Feb 23 14:50:27 2004]
Putting these results together gives us the new $300,000 isocost, IC'300.000 in Figure 9.9.
Spajanje ovih rezultata daje nam novu $ 300,000 liniju jednakih troškova, IC' 300.000 na Slici 9.9.
[Mon Feb 23 14:50:27 2004]
Comparing the old and new isocost lines, we see that when the price of labor rises, the isocost line pivots around the intercept for robots, the factor whose price stayed constant
Uspoređivanjem starih i novih linija jednakih troškova, vidimo da kada cijena rada raste, linija jednakih troškova vrti se oko sjecišta za robote, faktora čija cijena je ostala nepromijenjena
[Mon Feb 23 14:55:10 2004]
Another way to remember that the isocost line must pivot is this:
Drugi način podsjećanja da se linija jednakih troškova mora vrtjeti je sljedeći:
[Mon Feb 23 14:56:01 2004]
Thus, when the price of labor rises, the vertical intercept is unchanged but the horizontal intercept moves inward
Stoga, kada cijena rada raste, okomito sječenje je nepromijenjeno, ali vodoravno sječenje se pomiče prema unutra
[Mon Feb 23 14:59:20 2004]
Suppose that the daily wage rate is $100 and the initial cost of a robot is $200 per day.
Pretpostavimo da je dnevna nadnica $ 100 i da je početna cijena robota $ 200 dnevno.
[Mon Feb 23 14:59:20 2004]
Show what would happen to the isocost map if the price of robots rose to $250 per day
Prikažite što bi se dogodilo na mapi jednakih troškova kada bi cijena robota narasla na $ 250 dnevno
[Mon Feb 23 15:03:35 2004]
We are now ready to use isocost lines to find the long-run, least-cost combination of inputs to produce a given level of output.
Sada smo spremni za uporabu linija jednakih troškova da bismo pronašli dugoročnu, najjeftiniju kombinaciju ulaganja za ostvarivanje zadane razine proizvodnje.
[Mon Feb 23 15:05:39 2004]
Suppose that National Motors wishes to produce 200 cars per day.
Pretpostavimo da National Motors želi proizvesti 200 automobila dnevno.
[Mon Feb 23 15:07:38 2004]
In Figure 9.10, the isoquant labeled x200 represents all the combinations of capital and labor that can produce cars at this rate in the long run.
10, izokvanta označena kao x200 predstavlja sve kombinacije sredstava i rada koje mogu proizvesti automobile po ovoj stopi na dugi rok.
[Mon Feb 23 15:09:04 2004]
Next, we superimpose the family of isocost lines over the isoquant.
Zatim, grupu linija jednakih troškova stavimo iznad izokvante.
[Mon Feb 23 15:10:48 2004]
Now suppose that the managers at National Motors are considering whether to use the input combination represented by point a on the diagram.
Sada pretpostavimo da menadžeri National Motors-a razmišljaju bi li upotrijebili kombinaciju ulaganja prikazanu točkom a na dijagramu.
[Mon Feb 23 15:11:13 2004]
Combination a can produce 200 cars per day - it is on the x200-isoquant - but is a the least expensive way to do it?
Kombinacija a može proizvesti 200 automobila dnevno - nalazi se na izokvanti x200 - no je li a najjeftiniji način da se to učini?
[Mon Feb 23 15:11:53 2004]
To answer this question, consider input combination b.
Da bismo odgovorili na ovo pitanje, razmotrimo kombinaciju ulaganja b.
[Mon Feb 23 15:12:06 2004]
It also lies on the x200-isoquant, so it also can produce 200 cars per day.
Ona također leži na izokvanti x200, što znači da i ta kombinacija može proizvesti 200 automobila dnevno.
[Mon Feb 23 15:12:16 2004]
But b is cheaper than a.
No b je jeftinije od a.
[Mon Feb 23 15:13:16 2004]
How do we know?
Po čemu to znamo?
[Mon Feb 23 15:14:42 2004]
Because b lies on an isocost line that is closer to the origin.
Po tome što b leži na liniji jednakih troškova koja je bliža ishodištu.
[Mon Feb 23 15:14:42 2004]
We conclude that a is definitely not the cost-minimizing way to produce 200 cars
Zaključujemo da a definitivno nije cijenovno-minimizirajući način za proizvodnju 200 automobila