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od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran®
softveru možete doznati na web stranici:
NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:04 2004]
Dear Mr #IME#,
Dear Mr #NAME#,
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:06 2004]
Moguce je kupiti druge #PROIZVOD# po povoljnim cijenama preko nase Internet stranice na:
You can buy our other #PRODUCT# at reasonable prices through our Internet site on:
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:07 2004]
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:12 2004]
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:17 2004]
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:17 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:07:46 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:07:54 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:09:36 2004]
30 cm novog snijega
30 cm of new snow
[Mon Mar 08 08:12:01 2004]
U Lici je jučer palo oko 30 cm novog snijega, pa je zabranjen promet kamionima s prikolicama.
Yesterday fell about 30 cm of new snow in Lika, so the traffic was forbidden for trailer trucks.
[Mon Mar 08 08:12:02 2004]
Na dionici Udbina - Gornja ploča su kamioni koji su pokušali proći usprkos zabrani jučer oko 20 sati izazvali zastoj.
On the passage Udbina - Gornja ploča the trucks which tried to pass through in spite of forbidding caused the the traffic halt yesterday about 8 p.m.
[Mon Mar 08 08:12:04 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:12:39 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:14:32 2004]
premijera filma "Duga mračna noć"
Premiere of the film "Long dark night"
[Mon Mar 08 08:16:40 2004]
Premijerom filma "Duga mračna noć" završila je stanka od 14 godina u karijeri jednog do najcjenjenijih hrvatskih redatelja Antuna Vrdoljaka.
With the premiere of the film " Long dark night " ended a 14 year long pause in the career of one of the most esteemed Croatian film directors, Antun Vrdoljak.
[Mon Mar 08 08:17:26 2004]
Jednom od najambicioznijih hrvatskih filmova kritičar Jutarnjeg lista zamjera osjećaj da je trosatni ep nastao mehaničkim spajanjem dva prvotno odvojena projekta.
To one of the most ambitious Croatian films a critic of Jutarnji list resents the feeling that this three-hour long epic was created by mechanical joining of two originally separated projects.
[Mon Mar 08 08:18:02 2004]
Film će se prikazivati i kao tv-serija s 13 nastavaka.
The film will also be showed as a TV serial of 13 episodes.
[Mon Mar 08 08:18:04 2004]
(Jutarnji list, page 36)
[Mon Mar 08 08:18:36 2004]
Blanka Vlašić:
Blanka Vlašić:
[Mon Mar 08 08:19:07 2004]
osvojila bronzu
won bronze medal
[Mon Mar 08 08:20:57 2004]
Blanka Vlašić osvojila je brončanu medalju u skoku u vis na dvoranskom Svjetskom prvenstvu u atletici u Budimpešti.
Blanka Vlašić won the bronze medal in the high jump on the indoor World Championship in athletics in Budapest.
[Mon Mar 08 08:20:58 2004]
Pobijedila je Ruskinja Jelena Slesarenko s preskočenih 204 cm, ispred zemljakinje Ane Čičerove s 200, dok je Blanka stala na 197 cm.
The gold went to Russian athlete Jelena Slesarenko who jumped 204 cm, and her compatriot Ana Čičerova jumped 200 cmhile Blanka stopped at 197 cm.
[Mon Mar 08 08:21:00 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:21:15 2004]
Formula 1:
Formula 1:
[Mon Mar 08 08:22:46 2004]
pobjeda Schumachera
Schumacher's victory
[Mon Mar 08 08:24:18 2004]
Nova sezona natjecanja za Svjetsko prvenstvo formule 1 počelo je pobjedom svjetskog prvaka Michaela Schumachera, ispred kolege iz ekipe Ferrarija Rubensa Barrichella.
New season of competitions for World Championship in Formula 1 started with the victory of a world champion Michael Schumacher, who is ahead of a colleague from the Ferrari team Rubens Barrichelo.
[Mon Mar 08 08:24:22 2004]
Šesterostruki prvak svijeta pobijedio je na Velikoj nagradi Australije u Melbournu, na stazi na kojoj je trijumfirao već četiri puta u pet godina.
A six-time world champion won at the Great prize of Australia in Melbourn, on the same road on which he has triumphed four times in five years.
[Mon Mar 08 08:25:14 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 08:25:53 2004]
pretežno oblačno, u većini krajeva povremeno sa snijegom, a u Slavoniji i s kišom.
mostly cloudy, with occasional snow in most regions, and rain in Slavonia.
[Mon Mar 08 08:25:53 2004]
Na Jadranu umjereno do znatno oblačno, povremeno s kišom.
On Adriatic moderately to considerably cloudy, wotj periodical rain.
[Mon Mar 08 09:31:01 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 09:31:59 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 09:42:13 2004]
odgođeno potpisivanje novog ustava
Postponed signing of new constitution
[Mon Mar 08 09:43:41 2004]
U Bagdadu je u petak u posljednji čas odgođeno potpisivanje novog iračkog ustava, nakon što su predstavnici šijita pred samu svečanost zatražili nove uvjete.
The signing of new Iraqui constitution in Bagdad has been postponed in the last moment on Friday, after the Shiite representatives posed new requirements before the ceremony.
[Mon Mar 08 09:44:18 2004]
Šijiti se protive federalnom ustroju zemlje, koji bi Kurdima dao autonomiju.
Shiites are against federal organization of the country, which would give the autonomy to Kurds.
[Mon Mar 08 09:45:44 2004]
(subota, Večernji list, stana 11)
(Saturday, Večernji list, page 11)
[Mon Mar 08 09:47:15 2004]
European Union:
[Mon Mar 08 09:52:01 2004]
Mađarska vlada će zabraniti zapošljavanje građana iz 13 članica Unije
Hungarian government shall prohibit employment of citizens from 13 member states of EU
[Mon Mar 08 09:55:03 2004]
Mađarska vlada je najavila da će nakon ulaska u EU, na razdoblje od sedam godina zabraniti zapošljavanje građana iz 13 članica Unije, kao odgovor na istu mjeru koju su te zemlje prihvatile prema građanima 10 novih članica.
Hungarian government has announced that after they enter EU, they shall prohibit employment of citizens from 13 EU member states for the period of seven years, as an answer to the same measure which those countries adopted regarding the citizens of 10 new member states.
[Mon Mar 08 09:55:10 2004]
O sličnoj mjeri razmišlja i slovenska vlada, a izuzele bi se samo Velika Britanija i Irska, koje su slobodu zapošljavanja novih sugrađana u EU ograničile na dvije godine.
Slovenian government is considering a similar measure, with the exception of Great Britain and Ireland, which limited the freedom of employment for new EU fellow-citizens at two years.
[Mon Mar 08 09:55:11 2004]
(subota, Večernji list, strana 11)
(Saturday, Večernji list, page 11)
[Mon Mar 08 09:56:19 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 09:58:23 2004]
tečaj prema euru vratio iznad razine od $1,24 za euro
exchange rate towards euro has returned above the level of $ 1,24 for euro
[Mon Mar 08 10:00:18 2004]
Razočaravajući podaci o tek 21.000 novih radnih mjesta u SAD-u u veljači srušili su cijenu dolara u petak, pa se tečaj prema euru vratio iznad razine od $1,24 za euro.
000 new workplaces in USA in February have knocked down the price of dollar on Friday, so the exchange rate towards euro has returned above the level of $ 1,24 for euro.
[Mon Mar 08 10:00:19 2004]
Podaci su se danima nestrpljivo čekali, a analitičari su očekivali čak 125.000 novih radnih mjesta, nakon niza povoljnih makroekonomskih pokazatelja proteklih tjedana, te oporavka tečaja dolara.
This information was impatiently awaited for days, and analysts anticipated no less than 125.000 new workplaces, after a series of favourable macroeconomic indicator in the past weeks, and the recovery of dollar exchange rate.
[Mon Mar 08 10:00:28 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 10:01:01 2004]
[Mon Mar 08 10:01:51 2004]
HZZO - Croatian Health Insurance Board:
[Mon Mar 08 10:05:08 2004]
daljnji razvoj afere u zdravstvu
Further development of health care affair
[Mon Mar 08 10:06:07 2004]
Nakon što je ministar zdravstva Andrija Hebrang najavio smjenu člana Upravnog vijeća HZZO-a Mladena Kovačića, zbog afere s ponudom plaćene suradnje novinarima, Kovačić je u subotu podnio ostavku.
After the Minister of Health, Andrija Hebrang, has announced replacement of HZZO member Mladen Kovačić, because his offer of a paid cooperation to the journalists, Kovačić has resigned on Saturday.
[Mon Mar 08 10:07:17 2004]
Hebrang je najavio i da nova Vlada želi prekinuti praksu angažiranja novinara na popularizaciji projekata.
Hebrang has also announced and that new Government wants to stop the practice of engaging journalists for popularization of projects.
[Mon Mar 08 10:07:20 2004]
Ministarstvo zdravstva još nije objavilo 11 ranijih ugovora, jer se s tim moraju složiti njihovi potpisnici.
Ministry of Health has not yet announced 11 earlier contracts, because thier signer have to agree with that.
[Mon Mar 08 10:07:57 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik, strana 2)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 2)
[Mon Mar 08 10:08:05 2004]
Gradska poduzeća:
Town companies:
[Mon Mar 08 10:09:43 2004]
Štrajk najavljen za srijedu
Strike announced for Wednesday
[Mon Mar 08 10:12:28 2004]
Traženo povećanje plaća zaposlenih u gradskim poduzećima se teško može prihvatiti, jer će povećanje pasti na teret građana, ocijenila je gradonačelnica Vlasta Pavić.
The required increase of salary for employees in town companies is difficult to accept, because the increase will burden the citizens, said the mayoress Vlasta Pavić.
[Mon Mar 08 10:13:31 2004]
Sindikati 10 gradskih trgovačkih društava najavljuju štrajk za srijedu, kojim žele izboriti 17% veću osnovicu, dok im Grad nudi 3%.
Trade unions of 10 town companies are announcing the strike for Wednesday, by which they want to gain 17 % larger basic salary, while the city government offers them only 3 %.
[Mon Mar 08 10:13:39 2004]
Prosječna plaća u ovim društvima je lani bila 4711 kuna, približno petinu iznad prosjeka u zemlji.
Average salary in these companies was 4711 kuna last year, which is approximately one fifth above the country average.
[Mon Mar 08 10:13:39 2004]
(Jutarnji list, strana 17)
(Jutarnji list, page 17)
[Tue Mar 09 08:06:24 2004]
[Tue Mar 09 08:07:14 2004]
Besplatna knjiga:
Book for free:
[Tue Mar 09 08:12:05 2004]
roman "Ime ruže" Umberta Eca
Novel "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco
[Tue Mar 09 08:14:35 2004]
Uz današnji Jutarnji list, kupci na dar dobivaju i roman "Ime ruže" Umberta Eca, koji je s nakladom od 150.000 primjeraka postao jedna od najtiražnijih knjiga u povijesti Hrvatske.
With today's issue of Jutarnji list, buyers will get a novel "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco as a gift, which, with the edition of 150.000 copies, became one of the best selling books in Croatia's history.
[Tue Mar 09 08:16:49 2004]
EPH će svaki tjedan kupcima lista nuditi po jedan novi naslov, po cijeni od 29 kuna.
Europa Press Holding will each week offer the buyers of Jutarnji list list one new title, at the price of the 29 kuna.
[Tue Mar 09 08:16:51 2004]
Sličnu akciju je pokrenuo i Večernji list, koji se odlučio za izdanja domaćih autora, izbjegavši time obvezu kupnje licence za projekt i stranih autorskih prava za knjige.
Similar action was also initiated by Večernji list, which opted for editions of Croatian authors, thereby avoiding the commitment of purchasing license for the project and foreign copyrights for books.
[Tue Mar 09 08:16:55 2004]
(razni izvori)
(various sources)
[Tue Mar 09 08:21:14 2004]
[Tue Mar 09 08:21:20 2004]
oblačno, mjestimice sa snijegom, a na Jadranu kišom, koji će tijekom dana slabiti, a do kraja dana i prestati.
cloudy, in places with snow, and on the Adriatic with rain, which will weaken during the day, and stop by the end of it.
[Tue Mar 09 08:22:39 2004]
Stock market:
[Tue Mar 09 08:23:47 2004]
natraženije dionice Ericsson Nikola Tesle
The most wanted are the shares of Ericsson Nikola Tesla
[Tue Mar 09 08:26:17 2004]
Dionica Ericssona Nikole Tesle bila je najtraženija prvog tjedna ožujka, izvijestila je Varaždinska burza.
The shares of Ericsson Nikola Tesla were the most wanted in the first week in March, reported Varaždinska stock market.
[Tue Mar 09 08:30:39 2004]
Dionici je cijena od početka godine porasla 31,36%, a samo prošli tjedan 10%.
From the begining of this year, the price of those shares increased for 31,36 %, and only in the last week for 10 %.
[Tue Mar 09 08:30:43 2004]
ETK će u četvrtak objaviti rezultate poslovanja, a zagrebački analitičar slovenske Ilirike Petar Brkić smatra da ulagači očekuju daljnji rast cijene, između ostalog i zbog glasina da će se ponovno smanjivati temeljeni kapital isplatom 100 kn po dionici.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla shall on Thursday release its business results, and Zagreb's analyst of Slovenian Ilirika, Petar Brkić, believes that investors expect further increase of the share prices, partially because of the rumors that base capital shall again decrease by payment of 100 kuna per share.
[Tue Mar 09 08:30:45 2004]
[Tue Mar 09 08:32:31 2004]
[Tue Mar 09 08:36:18 2004]
opovrgnuta tvrdnja Ljubljanske o visini duga IPK Osijek
Refuted statement of Ljubljanska bank about the amount of IPK Osijek debt
[Tue Mar 09 08:36:59 2004]
Glavnica duga IPK Osijek prema Ljubljanskoj banci iznosi 40 mil.
according to the Ljubljanska bank, debt principal of IPK Osijek amounts to 40 mil
[Tue Mar 09 08:37:38 2004]
kuna, a dug potječe iz razdoblja prije početka rata 1991.
according to the Ljubljanska bank, debt principal of IPK Osijek amounts to 40 mil kuna, and the debt originates from the period before the beginning of war in 1991.
[Tue Mar 09 08:41:08 2004]
, izvijestio je čelnik IPK Ivan Bačić.
, reported Ivan Brkić, the leader of IPK Osijek.
[Tue Mar 09 08:41:09 2004]
LB je prekjučer objavila kako je zagrebački Visoki trgovački sud presudio u njenu korist protiv IPK, te da je iznos duga s kamatama veći od duga prema štedišama, koji, prema drugim procjenama, premašuje 170 mil.
Two days ago, Ljubljanska bank announced that High commercial court in Zagreb judged in its benefit against IPK Osijek, and that is the overdraft with interest bearing is greater than debt towards depositors, and that, according to other estimates, this debt exceeds 170 mil.
[Tue Mar 09 08:41:20 2004]
Two days ago, Ljubljanska bank announced that High commercial court in Zagreb judged in its benefit against IPK Osijek, and that is the overdraft with interest bearing is greater than debt towards depositors, and that, according to other estimates, this debt exceeds 170 mil euro.
[Tue Mar 09 08:41:24 2004]
(Vjesnik, strana 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Tue Mar 09 08:41:54 2004]
Investicijski fondovi:
Investment funds:
[Tue Mar 09 08:44:37 2004]
prepoznavanje povećano
Increased recognition
[Tue Mar 09 08:45:25 2004]
Istraživanje GfK centra o prepoznavanju investicijskih fondova pokazalo je slične rezultate kao i istraživanje sredinom 2002.
Research of GfK, a Center for Market Research, on recognition of investment funds has shown similar results as the research from mid 2002.
[Tue Mar 09 08:47:36 2004]
, uz pad broja građana koji za njih nisu nikad čuli sa 17% na 12%.
, with the decrease of the number of citizens who had never heard of them from 17 % to 12 %.
[Tue Mar 09 08:47:39 2004]
Daljnjih 37% ispitanika je čulo za fondove ali o njima ne zna ništa, 38% zna malo, a tek 13% građana smatra da je dobro upoznato s konceptom ulaganja i poslovanja investicijskih fondova.
Further 37 % of respondents has heard about the funds, but they do not know anything about them, 38 % knows a little, and only 13 % of citizens think that they are well acquainted with the concept of investments and business of investment funds.
[Tue Mar 09 08:47:39 2004]
(Vjesnik, strana 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)
[Wed Mar 10 08:04:00 2004]
[Wed Mar 10 08:12:35 2004]
[Wed Mar 10 08:23:15 2004]
Američki Zavod za patente poništio je patent tvrtke Eolas Technology na softver za pretraživanje Interneta, čije je prisvajanje prošle godine donijelo sudsku presudu protiv Microsofta, uz odštetni zahtjev od $521 mil.
US patent office has invalidated the patent of Eolas Technology for the Internet browsing software, whose usurpation last year brought the ruling against Microsoft, with the infringement request of 521 mil.
[Wed Mar 10 08:23:15 2004]
Eolas je patentirao način na koji Internet Explorer radi s multimedijskim programima Quick Time i Flash, a Microsoft sad neće morati uvoditi promjene u rad IE-a.
Eolas has patented the method by which Internet Explorer operates with multimedia programs Quick Time and Flash, and now Microsoft will not have to introduce changes in the operation of IE.
[Wed Mar 10 08:23:18 2004]
[Wed Mar 10 08:23:44 2004]
[Wed Mar 10 08:28:17 2004]
sutra u Zagrebu jednosatni štrajk
One-hour strike in Zagreb tomorrow
[Wed Mar 10 08:31:04 2004]
Zaposlenici 12 poduzeća u vlasništvu Grada Zagreba sutra će održati jednosatni štrajk, kao prvu u nizu akcijama kojima žele izboriti povećanje osnovice za plaće od 17,7%.
Employees of 12 companies owned by the City of Zagreb will tomorrow will conduct a one-hour strike, as the first in a series of actions with which they want to win the salary base increase of 17,7 %.
[Wed Mar 10 08:33:46 2004]
ZET će tramvaje iz spremišta izvesti sat kasnije nego inače, a sve će tvrtke koje sudjeluju u štrajku u petak potpuno obustaviti rad.
ZET (Zagreb electric tram) tram will start its routes one hour later than usual, and all companies which participates in strike will halt their work completely on Friday.
[Wed Mar 10 08:33:49 2004]
Ne postigne li se dogovor, u ponedjeljak bi trebao početi opći štrajk do ispunjenja zahtjeva.
If they do not achieve the agreement, a general strike should start on Monday, and last until fulfillment of their requests.
[Wed Mar 10 08:33:52 2004]
(Vjesnik, strana 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)
[Wed Mar 10 08:34:35 2004]
[Wed Mar 10 08:34:35 2004]
djelomice sunčano, na Jadranu pretežno sunčano.
partially sunny, and on the Adriatic predominantly sunny.
[Thu Mar 11 08:05:44 2004]
[Thu Mar 11 08:06:14 2004]
[Thu Mar 11 08:10:46 2004]
stotine tužbi protiv spamera
Hundreds of law suits against spamers
[Thu Mar 11 08:11:18 2004]
AOL, Microsoft, Earthlink i Yahoo su podnijeli stotine tužbi američkim sudovima protiv skupina koje se bave slanjem neželjene elektronske pošte, tzv.
AOL, Microsoft, Earthlink and Yahoo pressed hundreds of charges on American courts against groups which send junk messages, the so-called
[Thu Mar 11 08:16:05 2004]
spama, iskoristivši mogućnost koju su im pružili novi američki zakoni.
AOL, Microsoft, Earthlink and Yahoo launched hundreds of lawsuits on American courts against groups who send junk messages, the so-called spams, exploiting the possibility which they were given by new American laws.
[Thu Mar 11 08:16:06 2004]
Iako se procjenjuje da spam čini najmanje 40% sve elektronske pošte, udruga Spamhaus tvrdi da se 90% poruka može pripisati oko 200 spamerskih skupina.
Although it is estimated that spam makes up at least 40 % of all e-mails, Spamhaus claims that 90 % of the message can be attributed to about 200 spammer groups.
[Thu Mar 11 08:16:10 2004]
[Thu Mar 11 08:16:26 2004]
[Thu Mar 11 08:19:14 2004]
nova usluga širokopojasnog Interneta MAXadsl
New service of broadband Internet MAXadsl
[Thu Mar 11 08:20:29 2004]
Htnet od jučer nudi novu uslugu širokopojasnog Interneta MAXadsl, koja će do lipnja biti dostupna na postojećim lokacijama u osam gradova, a do kraja godine će se proširiti na cijelu Hrvatsku.
As from yesterday, Htnet offers new service of broadband Internet MAXadsl, which will until June be available on existing locations in eight towns, and by the end of the year it will expand on entire Croatia.
[Thu Mar 11 08:20:32 2004]
Najjeftiniji model će stajati 181,78 kuna mjesečno, a u promotivnom dvomjesečnom razdoblju se cijena neće povećavati, neovisno o količini primljenih i poslanih podataka.
The cheapest model will cost 181,78 kuna per month, and during the promotive two-month period the price will not increase, regardless of the quantity of received and sent data.
[Thu Mar 11 08:20:35 2004]
(Vjesnik, strana 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Thu Mar 11 08:22:42 2004]
[Thu Mar 11 08:22:42 2004]
djelomice sunčano, do kraja dana u zapadnim i središnjim krajevima, te na Jadranu naoblačenje s mjestimičnim slabim oborinama.
partly sunny, by the end of the day in western and central areas, and on the Adriatic cloudy with occurring weak precipitation.
[Fri Mar 12 08:10:41 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:13:57 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:15:48 2004]
kritičan MS Outlook sigurnosni propust - odmah preuzmite zakrpe!
Critical MS Outlook security flaw - immediately install patches!
[Fri Mar 12 08:17:25 2004]
Microsoft je promijenio ocjenu opasnosti nedavno otkrivenih sigurnosnih propusta u Microsoft Outlooku s važno na kritično, preporučivši korisnicima da odmah preuzmu zakrpe.
Microsoft has changed the estimation of risk of recently discovered security flaws in Microsoft Outlook from significant to critical, recommending its users to immediately download and install paches.
[Fri Mar 12 08:17:26 2004]
Propust je prvi put objavljen u ovotjednom biltenu, a omogućava ulazak u računalo preko spomenutog programa za elektronsku poštu.
The oversight was first announced in this week's bulletin, and it enables entrance into computer through the mentioned e-mail program.
[Fri Mar 12 08:17:28 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:17:42 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:20:25 2004]
jednodnevni štrajk u Zagrebu
One-day strike in Zagreb
[Fri Mar 12 08:22:04 2004]
Zaposlenici većine zagrebačkih gradskih poduzeća danas će održati jednodnevni štrajk kojim se bore za povećanje osnovice za plaće od preko 17%.
Employees of most Zagreb's town companies will today conduct a one-day strike with which they want to attain a base pay increase bases of more than 17 %.
[Fri Mar 12 08:22:57 2004]
Štrajk će se odvijati u prvoj smjeni, pa ZET neće voziti od 3:30 do 5:00, dok će Čistoća i Autobusni kolodvor raditi sa smanjenim kapacitetima.
The strike proceed throughout the first shift, and ZET (Zagreb Electric Tram) will not drive its routes from 330: to 500:, while City sanitation department and Bus terminal will operate at reduced capacities.
[Fri Mar 12 08:23:10 2004]
Sutra će u štrajku biti i radnici Zagreb parkinga, između ostalih.
Tomorrow, workers of Zagreb car parking will join the strike, among others.
[Fri Mar 12 08:23:15 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:23:34 2004]
[Fri Mar 12 08:23:34 2004]
ujutro pretežno oblačno, ponegdje sa slabim oborinama, tijekom dana razvedravanje.
in the morning predominantly cloudy, in some places with weak precipitation, during the day clearing up.
[Mon Mar 15 08:18:56 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 08:19:56 2004]
The Hague:
[Mon Mar 15 08:21:40 2004]
generali Mladen Markač i Ivan Čermak izjasnili se da nisu krivi
Generals Mladen Markač and Ivan Čermak pleaded not guilty
[Mon Mar 15 08:25:31 2004]
Umirovljeni generali Mladen Markač i Ivan Čermak izjasnili su se pred Haaškim sudom kako nisu krivi za ono što ih tereti optužnica.
Retired generals Mladen Markač and Ivan Čermak pleaded not guilty before the Hague Tribunal for charges the indictment accuses them.
[Mon Mar 15 08:27:16 2004]
Odvjetnici su predali zahtjeve za obranu sa slobode, kojima su priložena osobna i Vladina jamstva.
Their attorneys submitted the requests for the defense from the freedom, to which personal and Government guarantees are enclosed.
[Mon Mar 15 08:27:20 2004]
Sudac koji vodi postupak je ocijenio da ima dovoljno razloga za privremeno puštanje optuženika, čiji odvjetnici procjenjuju da suđenje neće početi prije pojave Ante Gotovine.
The judge who leads the procedure has estimated that there are sufficient reasons for temporary release of the accused, whose lawyers estimate that trial will not start before the appearance of Ante Gotovina.
[Mon Mar 15 08:33:17 2004]
(subota, HTV)
(Saturday, HTV)
[Mon Mar 15 08:33:43 2004]
Protuobavještajna agencija:
Counter Intelligence Agency:
[Mon Mar 15 08:34:43 2004]
ravnatelj Franjo Turek podnio ostavku
Director Franjo Turek resigned
[Mon Mar 15 08:38:28 2004]
Ravnatelj Protuobavještajne agencije Franjo Turek zatražio je razrješenje s te dužnosti, iz osobnih razloga.
Director of the Counter Intelligence Agency Franjo Turek has requested to be released from duty, on account of personal reasons.
[Mon Mar 15 08:39:07 2004]
Predsjednik Mesić je opovrgnuo medijske najave da će sa svojih mjesta otići i ravnatelji Obavještajne i Vojnoobavještajne agencije, rekavši da su sve službe dobro radile proteklih godina, kad u njima nije bilo afera.
President Mesić has refuted media announcements that directors of Inteligence and Military Inteligence agencies will also withdraw from their positions, announcing that all departments have done well during the recent years, when there was no affairs.
[Mon Mar 15 08:39:15 2004]
Turekov odlazak se u medijima ranije vezivao uz slučaj generala Gotovine.
Turek's withdrawal was earlier connected with the case of general Gotovina.
[Mon Mar 15 08:39:16 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list, stran 2)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Mon Mar 15 08:41:00 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 08:42:29 2004]
Vlada je u petak prihvatila popis od 15 sorti koje sadrže GMO, čiji se sastojci mogu nalaziti u prehrambenim proizvodima na tržištu.
The Government accepted on Friday the list of 15 sorts which contain GMO, the ingredients of which are allowed to be present in foodstuffs on the market.
[Mon Mar 15 08:43:43 2004]
Iste sorte genetski izmijenjenog kukuruza, soje, uljane repice i pamuka dozvoljene su i u EU.
The same sorts of genetically modified corn, soy, rape and cotton are also permitted in the EU.
[Mon Mar 15 08:44:03 2004]
Zabranjena je uporaba bilo kakvog genetski modificiranog sjemena, dok će se prisutnost GMO-a u hrani morati jasno označiti ako prelazi 0,9%.
However, the use of any genetically modified seed is prohibited, while the presence of GMO in the food will have to be clearly indicated if it exceeds 0,9 %.
[Mon Mar 15 08:46:37 2004]
(Saturday,Jutarnji list, page 7)
[Mon Mar 15 08:57:15 2004]
Predstavnici grada Zagreba i sindikata gradskih poduzeća, osim ZET-a, dogovorili su rast plaća od 8,5%, uz još 7,5% povišice osnovice tijekom sljedeće godine.
Representatives of the City of Zagreb and trade unions of town companies, except ZET (Zagreb Electric Tram), agreed upon the salary growth of 8,5 %, with another 7,5 % of base pay increase during the following year.
[Mon Mar 15 08:57:24 2004]
Gradski HNS je optužio koalicijskog partnera SDP za manipulaciju, jer ih je smjenom njihovog pregovarača doveo u nezavidan položaj, nakon što su danima tvrdili da nema prostora za povećanje iznad 3% bez poskupljenja komunalija.
Zagreb's HNS (Croatian People's Party) representatives accused their coalitional partner SDP (Social Democratic Party) for manipulation, because the removal of their negotiator has put them into uncomfortable position, after claiming for days days that there is no room for the increase above 3 % without price increase of municipal services.
[Mon Mar 15 08:57:36 2004]
ZET i dalje najavljuje štrajk za ponedjeljak.
ZET still announces the strike for Monday.
[Mon Mar 15 08:57:38 2004]
(Sunday, HTV)
[Mon Mar 15 08:59:29 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:01:17 2004]
Slovenska vlada je dovršila prijedlog kupnje hrvatske polovice NE Krško, a otvoreno je još pitanje cijene, rečeno je u Ljubljani.
Slovenian government has completed the proposal for purchase of Croatian half of Krško nuclear power plant, but the question of price is still open, it was announced in Ljubljana.
[Mon Mar 15 09:01:56 2004]
HEP je dosad za udjel tražio $900, da bi zahtjev spustio na $700 mil.
HEP has at first asked for the share of $ 900, but has now lowered the requirement down to $ 700 mil.
[Mon Mar 15 09:02:21 2004]
, dok se Slovenci, prema neslužbenim vijestima, spremaju ponuditi samo $700 mil.
, while Slovenians, according to unofficial information, are prepared to offer only $ 700 mil.
[Mon Mar 15 09:03:18 2004]
(Sunday,Večernji list, page 3)
[Mon Mar 15 09:03:36 2004]
Gradnja 92 km autoceste na hrvatskom dijelu koridora Vc počet će 2006.
Construction of 92 km of motorway on Croatian part of Vc corridor will begin in 2006,,
[Mon Mar 15 09:04:13 2004]
a završiti do kraja 2007.
, and finish by the end of 2007.
[Mon Mar 15 09:04:36 2004]
, najavljeno je na osječkoj sjednici Vlade u petak.
, it was announced on Government meeting in Osijek on Friday.
[Mon Mar 15 09:04:42 2004]
Cesta će koštati 414 mil.
The road construction will cost 414 mil. euro.
[Mon Mar 15 09:06:44 2004]
Za ovu godinu je na tom području najavljena gradnja blizu 23 km zapadne i južne obilaznice Osijeka.
For this year, on that area of there will be construction of nearly 23 km of western and southern detour near Osijek.
[Mon Mar 15 09:08:11 2004]
(Saturday,Večernji list, page 7)
[Mon Mar 15 09:09:15 2004]
Vlada je u petak odlučila da će se na domaćem tržištu zadužiti za još 150 mil.
The Government has decided on Friday that it will incur a debt of another 150 mil. euro on the home market,
[Mon Mar 15 09:09:47 2004]
eura, izdanjem obveznica uz iste uvjete kao i kod izdanja od prije mjesec dana, 5,5% kamate i rok od 10 godina.
euro on the home market, , by issuing bonds with the same requirements as for the issue of one month ago, 5,5 % interest rates and a 10 year deadline.
[Mon Mar 15 09:10:06 2004]
Prikupljena sredstava će se iskoristiti za otplatu drugih zaduženja.
Collected funds will be used for the repayment of other debts.
[Mon Mar 15 09:13:36 2004]
(Saturday,Jutarnji list, page 3)
[Mon Mar 15 09:15:18 2004]
Direkcija za privatizaciju Republike Srpske do kraja ožujka planira raspisati natječaj za prodaju Banjolučke mljekare, za koju su, prema tvrdnjama tamošnjih medija koje prenosi Vjesnik, zainteresirani Vindija i britanski fond Salford, veliki kupac državnih mljekara u Srbiji.
Board for privatization of Republika Srpska plans to invite tenders for the sale of Banja Luka dairy by the end of March, for which, according to local media information reported by Vjesnik, Vindija and British fund Salford are interested. Salford is a large buyer of state dairies in Serbia.
[Mon Mar 15 09:15:33 2004]
Među kandidatima se neslužbeno vode i Lura i Ljubljanske mlekarne, vlasnici tvrtki u Livnu i Tuzli, čiji se interes ne drži ozbiljnim.
Among unofficial candidates are also Lura and Ljubljanske mlekarne (Ljubljana dairies), the owners of companies in Livno and Tuzla, whose interest is not considered very serious.
[Mon Mar 15 09:16:21 2004]
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Mon Mar 15 09:19:13 2004]
Podravka i izraelski Unifood razmatraju mogućnost osnivanja zajedničke tvrtke u Hrvatskoj, koja bi otvorila i predstavništvo u Srbiji.
Podravka and Israel's Unifood are considering the possibility of founding the joint company in Croatia, which would open a representation in Serbia, too.
[Mon Mar 15 09:19:32 2004]
Izraelci u Srbiji za Podravku kupuju povrće preko svoje tvrtke Agro-Unifood, dok za kooperante koprivničke tvrtke ove godine kod Umaga trebaju izvesti pokusni projekt navodnjavanja.
Israelis are buying vegetables in Serbia for Croatian Podravka through their company Agro-Unifood, while this year, for subcontractors of Koprivnica company, they are supposed to carry out an experimental project of watering near Umag.
[Mon Mar 15 09:19:34 2004]
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 7)
[Mon Mar 15 09:20:52 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:23:27 2004]
Španjolska vlada je u subotu navečer objavila kako je primila video vrpcu s izjavom u kojoj Al Qaida preuzima odgovornost za napad u Madridu, čija se autentičnost ispituje.
Spanish government has on Saturday evening announced to have received a video tape with the statement in which Al-Qaida assumes the responsibility for the attack in Madrid. The authenticity of the tape is still under examination.
[Mon Mar 15 09:23:29 2004]
Vlada se tijekom vikenda našla pod valom kritika u kojima je optužene za uskraćivanje informacija o napadu i pretjerano isticanje mogućnosti da iza napada stoji ETA, kojim je htjela osnažiti podršku pred nedjeljne izbore.
The government found itself during the weekend under a wave of criticism which accuses it for denying the information about the attack and excessive emphasis of the possibility that ETA stands behind the attack, by which it wanted to strengthen its support before Sunday elections.
[Mon Mar 15 09:25:21 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:26:55 2004]
Policija Republike Srpske u BiH provela je u subotu veliku akciju potrage za Radovanom Karadžićem na području Bratunca, koja zasad nije dala rezultata.
The police of Republika Srpska carried out a large search in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Saturday for Radovan Karadžić in the area of Bratunac, but the search did not give any results.
[Mon Mar 15 09:27:11 2004]
Vlasti RS-a drže da ovom akcijom pokazuju da surađuju s Haaškim sudom, a premijer Dragan Mikerović je odbio tvrdnje da znaju gdje se krije Karadžić.
Authorities of Republika Srpska believe that with this action they showed their cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, and the prime minister Dragan Mikerović has rejected statements that claim that they know where Karadžić is hiding.
[Mon Mar 15 09:28:17 2004]
(Sunday, Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Mar 15 09:30:19 2004]
U akciji povećanja prisutnosti na području gdje bi se trebao skrivati i Osama bin Laden surađuju i pakistanske vlasti.
In the action of increased presence in the area where Osama Bin Laden is allegedly hiding, Pakistani authorities are also cooperating.
[Mon Mar 15 09:30:44 2004]
U eksploziji u središtu iračkog Tikrita poginula su dva, a ranjena četiri američka vojnika.
In the explosion at the heart of Iraqi Tikrita died two American soldiers, while four are wounded.
[Mon Mar 15 09:31:06 2004]
Amerikanci nisu objavili uzrok eksplozije.
The Americans have not yet announced the cause of the explosion.
[Mon Mar 15 09:31:34 2004]
Sunday, Vjesnik, page 2)
[Mon Mar 15 09:31:50 2004]
Manjak na tekućem računu bilance plaćanja SAD-a u 2003.
Deficit on the current account of the US payment balance in 2003
[Mon Mar 15 09:32:20 2004]
je dosegao rekordne $542 mlrd.
Deficit on the current account of the US payment balance in 2003 has reached a record of $ 542 billion.
[Mon Mar 15 09:32:29 2004]
, prema ranijem rekordu iz prethodne godine od $481 mlrd.
, in comparison to the earlier record from the previous year of $ 481 billion
[Mon Mar 15 09:33:56 2004]
, in comparison to the earlier record from the previous year of $ 481 billion deficit.
[Mon Mar 15 09:33:57 2004]
Iako je deficit smanjen u zadnjem tromjesečju, analitičari vjeruju da se ne radi o preokretu, pa se, uz raniji podatak o deficitu u trgovinskoj razmjeni s inozemstvom, najavljuje mogućnost daljnjeg pada tečaja dolara.
Although the deficit was reduced in the last quarter, analysts believe that this is not the reversal, so that, with the earlier information about the deficit in trade exchange with the foreign countries, they announce the possibility of further fall of dollar course.
[Mon Mar 15 09:35:02 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:37:23 2004]
Prema pisanju Financial Timesa, Roman Abramovič pregovara o prodaji polovice svog udjela od 92% u ruskoj naftnoj kompaniji Sibneft, a među mogućim kupcima se spominju Shell, Chevron Texaco i Total.
According to Financial Times, Roman Abramovič is negotiating about sale od half of his share of 92 % in Russian oil company Sibneft, and among prospective buyers are Shell, Chevron Texaco and Total.
[Mon Mar 15 09:37:25 2004]
Abramovič se već neko vrijeme povlači iz većine svojih ruskih poslova, a Sibneftu je svojedobno propalo i spajanje s Yukosom, nakon uhićenja čelnika druge kompanije Mihaila Hodorkovskog.
Abramovič has for some time now been withdrawing from most of his Russian businesses, and Sibneftu has once failed in joining with Yukos, after the arrest of the director of the other company, Mihail Hodorkovsky.
[Mon Mar 15 09:37:33 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:39:39 2004]
[Mon Mar 15 09:40:27 2004]
Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje povisio je imovinski cenzus za oslobađanje od participacije u cijeni pružanja zdravstvenih usluga na 1516 kuna po članu obitelji mjesečno tijekom protekle godine, s dosadašnjih 1330 kuna.
Croatian Health Insurance Board has increased the proprietary census for release from participation in price of medical services on 1516 kuna per family member a month during the previous year, from the former 1330 kuna.
[Mon Mar 15 09:40:51 2004]
Cenzus za umirovljenike samce povišen je s 1730 kuna na 1939 kuna.
Census for senior citizens who live alone is increased from 1730 kuna to 1939 kuna.
[Mon Mar 15 09:41:38 2004]
(Saturday, Večernji list, page 2)
[Mon Mar 15 09:43:31 2004]
Američka rock grupa Fun Lovin' Criminals privukla je oko dvije tisuće ljudi na svoj koncert u zagrebačkoj Tvornici.
American rock band Fun Lovin' Criminals attracted about two thousands people to their concert in Zagreb's Tvornica.
[Mon Mar 15 09:44:37 2004]
Newyorški glazbenici su dvosatnim nastupom oduševili publiku, prošetavši kroz razne pravce, od jazza i hip.hopa, do punka.
New York musicians thrilled the audience with the two-hour performance, taking them on a tour through various music directions, from jazz and hip hop, to punk.
[Mon Mar 15 09:45:05 2004]
Kritičar Večernjeg lista je primijetio neujednačenost kvalitete izvođenja i požalio se na loš razglas i ventilaciju u rasprodanoj Tvornici.
One critic of Večernji list has noticed the uneven quality of performance and complained about bad sound and ventilation in crowded Tvornica.
[Mon Mar 15 09:45:05 2004]
(Jutarnji list, page 85; Večernji list , page 97)
[Wed Mar 17 08:16:42 2004]
Američka središnja banka:
US Central Bank:
[Wed Mar 17 08:18:51 2004]
zadržala nisku kamatnu stopu od 1%
Keeping the low interest rate of 1 %
[Wed Mar 17 08:20:23 2004]
Američka središnja banka je očekivano zadržala nisku kamatnu stopu na kratkoročne pozajmice od 1%, najnižu od 1958.
As expected, the US Central Bank has kept stays the low interest rate of 1% on short-term loans 1 %, the lowest since 1958
[Wed Mar 17 08:24:04 2004]
, koja stoji od lipnja prošle godine.
As expected, the US Central Bank has kept stays the low interest rate of 1% on short-term loans 1 %, the lowest since 1958, which stands from June last year.
[Wed Mar 17 08:24:06 2004]
U izvješću je rečeno kako proizvodnja nastavlja rasti čvrstim tempom, ali i da zaostaje stvaranje novih radnih mjesta.
The report said that the output continues to expand at a solid pace, but that the job creation is still lagging behind.
[Wed Mar 17 08:24:15 2004]
[Wed Mar 17 08:24:37 2004]
[Wed Mar 17 08:25:22 2004]
Zadarsko zaleđe:
Zadar hinterland:
[Wed Mar 17 08:26:37 2004]
napadnut srpski porvatnik Nikola Javor
Attack on Serbian returned emigrant Nikola Javor
[Wed Mar 17 08:29:46 2004]
U novom međunacionalnom incidentu u zadarskom zaleđu u svojoj je kući napadnut srpski povratnik Nikola Javor.
In new international incident in Zadar hinterland, Serbian returned emigrant Nikola Javor was attacked.
[Wed Mar 17 08:29:54 2004]
Javora su pred zoru napala dvojica nepoznatih muškaraca, pri čemu je zadobio lakše ozlijede, a napadači su mu porazbijali prozore i vrijeđali ga na nacionalnoj osnovi.
Javor was attacked by two unknown men early in the morning, by which he gained several light injuries, and the attackers smashed the windows on his house and made insulted him him on national basis.
[Wed Mar 17 08:29:56 2004]
(Večernji list strana 3)
(Večernji list, page 3)
[Wed Mar 17 08:30:08 2004]
Jutarnji list:
Jutarnji list:
[Wed Mar 17 08:33:41 2004]
rasprodao Nabokovljevu "Lolitu"
Nabokov's "Lolita" sold out
[Wed Mar 17 08:35:26 2004]
Jutarnji list je bez poteškoća rasprodao Nabokovljevu "Lolitu" kao prvi naslov iz istovremene akcije Jutarnjeg i Večernjeg lista koji se nije dijelio besplatno, što se držalo prvim pravim testom uspješnosti.
Jutarnji list easily soold out Nabokov's " Lolita " as the first book of simultaneous action of Jutarnji and Večernji list which was distributed for free, which was the first true test of successfulness.
[Wed Mar 17 08:35:32 2004]
Zanimanje je nadmašilo i najoptimističnija očekivanja, pa u listu najavljuju kako će "Starac i more" tiskati u nakladi od 200.000 primjeraka.
The interest surpassed even the most optimistic expectations, so the newspaper announces that Hemingway's " The old man and the sea " will be printed in 200.000 copies.
[Wed Mar 17 08:35:35 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 4)
(Jutarnji list, page 4)
[Wed Mar 17 08:35:48 2004]
[Wed Mar 17 08:35:48 2004]
pretežno sunčano i razmjerno toplo.
mostly sunny and relatively warm.
[Thu Mar 18 08:08:08 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:08:56 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:09:58 2004]
nastavlja vojnu kampanju potpomognutom helikopterskim napadima
Continuing with the military campaign aided with air strikes
[Thu Mar 18 08:10:33 2004]
Izraelska vojska nastavila je kampanju započetu nakon nedjeljnog samoubilačkog napada ulaskom u izbjeglički logor Rafah, a u dva helikopterska napada ubijena su četiri Palestinca.
The Israeli army has continued the campaign initiated after the Sunday suicidal attack with the entry into the refugee camp Rafah, and in two helicopter attacks four Palestinians have been killed.
[Thu Mar 18 08:10:34 2004]
Izraelske oružane snage su objavile da su akcije usmjerene protiv struktura Islamskog džihada.
The Israeli armed forces have announced that are the actions were directed against the structures of the Islamic jihad.
[Thu Mar 18 08:10:36 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:11:10 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:12:49 2004]
će povisiti procjenu svijetskog gospodarskog rasta s 4% na 4,6%
Increasing the assessment of world economic growth from 4 % to 4,6 %
[Thu Mar 18 08:13:49 2004]
Prema njemačkom listu Handelsblatt kojeg prenosi BBC, MMF će u travanjskom izvješću povisiti procjenu gospodarskog rasta u svijetu sa 4% na 4,6%.
According to German Handelsblatt reported by BBC, IMF will in its April report increase the assessment of world economic growth from 4 % to 4,6 %.
[Thu Mar 18 08:14:30 2004]
Prognoza za eurozonu je ostala 1,9% rasta, dok je predviđanje rasta američkog BDP-a podignuto s 3,9% na 4,6%.
Forecast for the eurozone is still 1,9 % growth, while forecast of the growth of US GDP was increased from 3,9 % to 4,6 %.
[Thu Mar 18 08:14:31 2004]
Sljedeće godine bi eurozona trebala ostvariti rast od 2,5%.
Next year the eurozone should accomplish the increase of 2,5 %.
[Thu Mar 18 08:14:39 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:14:41 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:15:19 2004]
Ministarstvo kulture:
Ministry of Culture:
[Thu Mar 18 08:19:15 2004]
Prvu nagradu "Marin Držić" osvojila drama "Žaba" Dubravka Mihanovića
First prize "Marin Držić" went to the play Žaba (Frog) by Dubravko Mihanović
[Thu Mar 18 08:20:10 2004]
Prvu nagradu "Marin Držić" na natječaju Ministarstva kulture za nove dramske tekstove osvojila je drama "Žaba" Dubravka Mihanovića, dok su drugu nagradu podijelili "Aristotel u Bagdadu" Amira Bukvića te "Zabranjeno smijanje" Mire Gavrana.
First prize " Marin Držić " on the contest of the Ministry of Culture for new drama texts went to the play " Žaba " by Dubravko Mihanović, while the second prize shared " Aristotel u Bagdadu " (Aristotle in Baghdad) by Amir Bukvić and " Zabranjeno smijanje " (Forbidden Laughter) by Miro Gavran.
[Thu Mar 18 08:20:17 2004]
Povjerenstvo je nagradilo još dva teksta, te ih još deset preporučilo za izvođenje.
The committee has rewarded two more texts, and recommended ten other for performance.
[Thu Mar 18 08:20:20 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 52)
(Jutarnji list, page 52)
[Thu Mar 18 08:20:26 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 08:20:26 2004]
pretežno sunčano i toplo
mostly sunny and warm
[Thu Mar 18 14:15:51 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 14:15:55 2004]
current main distribution 250A transformer measurement
current main distribution 250A transformer measurement
[Fri Mar 19 08:10:07 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 08:10:57 2004]
sedam poginulih u napadu na bagdadski hotel Libanon
Seven killed in the attack on the Baghdad hotel Lebanon
[Fri Mar 19 08:14:22 2004]
Američki vojni izvori objavili su da je u napadu na bagdadski hotel Libanon poginulo sedam, a ne skoro 30 osoba kako se tvrdilo u prvim izvješćima.
American military sources reported that in the attack on the Baghdad hotel Lebanon seven people died, and not 30 as it was claimed in first reports.
[Fri Mar 19 08:14:24 2004]
U novom napadu automobilom bombom u Basri su poginula četiri civila, dok su u minobacačkim napadima kod granice sa Sirijom i na vojni logor blizu Bagdada poginula tri američka vojnika.
In the new car bomb attack in Basra four civilians were killed, while in rocked launcher attacks near Syrian border and on the military camp near Baghdad three American soldiers were killed.
[Fri Mar 19 08:14:25 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 08:16:23 2004]
Europska komisija:
European Commission:
[Fri Mar 19 08:17:13 2004]
očekuje se kažnjavanje Microsofta zbog vezivanja multimedijskih programa i Windowsa
Expected penalization of Microsoft because of bundling of multimedia programs and Windows
[Fri Mar 19 08:20:26 2004]
Povjerenik Europske komisije za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja Mario Monti najavio je za 24.
Commissioner of the European Commission for market competition safety, Mario Monti, has announced for 24
[Fri Mar 19 08:21:09 2004]
ožujka objavu odluke u slučaju Microsoft, koji je saslušavan zbog vezivanja multimedijskih programa i operativnog sustava Windows.
Commissioner of the European Commission for market competition safety, Mario Monti, has announced for 24 March the decisions in the case of Microsoft, which was questioned due to bundling multimedia programs and Windows operating system.
[Fri Mar 19 08:21:10 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da će Microsoft biti kažnjen, no američka kompanija je već najavila žalbu.
It is assumed that Microsoft will be fined, but the US company has already announced the complaint.
[Fri Mar 19 08:21:19 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 08:21:20 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 08:22:03 2004]
Ministarstvo kulture:
Ministry of Culture:
[Fri Mar 19 08:23:15 2004]
prijedlog novog zakona o pitanju kulturnih vijeća
Motion for the new legislation regarding the question of cultural committees
[Fri Mar 19 08:24:54 2004]
Ministarstvo kulture pripremilo je prijedlog novog zakona koji će urediti pitanja kulturnih vijeća, a Vlada će ga uputiti u Sabor na prvo čitanje.
Ministry of Culture has prepared the motion for the new legislation which will regulate the question of cultural committees, and the Government will refer it to the Parliament on the first reading.
[Fri Mar 19 08:25:24 2004]
Ministarstvo više neće biti dužno obrazlagati zašto je odbilo mišljenje nekog od vijeća za sufinanciranje određenog kulturnog programa, a neka će se vijeća ukinuti.
The Ministry will no more be obliged to explain why it has refused the opinion of any committee for the co-financing of the particular cultural program, and some committees will be annuled.
[Fri Mar 19 08:25:30 2004]
Kulturna vijeća će morati osnovati sve županije i gradovi s više od 40.000 stanovnika.
Cultural committees will have to established in all counties and towns with more than 40.000 inhabitants.
[Fri Mar 19 08:25:34 2004]
(Večernji list strana 20)
(Večernji list, page 20)
[Fri Mar 19 08:26:08 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 08:26:31 2004]
sunčano, mjestimice s umjerenom naoblakom.
sunny, in some places moderately cloudy.
[Fri Mar 19 08:26:31 2004]
Za vikend djelomice sunčano.
The weekend will be partly sunny.
[Fri Mar 19 10:26:31 2004]
Pitanje svih pitanja je ono o čovjeku?
The question of all questions is that about man?
[Fri Mar 19 10:27:48 2004]
Humanističke analize sadašnjeg trenutka pokazuju da je čovjek postao preopterećen i umoran.
Humanistic analyses of current moment show that man become overburdened and exhausted.
[Fri Mar 19 10:28:53 2004]
Usporedno s čitavom naprednom i sofisticiranom tehnikom, čovjekove duhovne kretnje su postale usporene, a vrijednosna orijentacija pomućena.
Parallelly with the whole advanced and sophisticated technology, man's spiritual movements have slowed down, and the value orientation became complicated.
[Fri Mar 19 10:32:35 2004]
Nije li to nužna posljedica povijesnog razvoja ranije naznačenih događaja?
Isn't that necessary consequence of a historical development of formerly indicated events?
[Fri Mar 19 10:33:30 2004]
Onih, naime, događaja koji su iz prirodoznanstvene aktivnosti sve više potiskivali kontemplaciju istine, grleći pritom, objeručke, svijet prirode kao totalno raspoloživ, kao potrošnu robu, stvorivši tehnokratsku ideologiju pragmatizma koja je najviše naškodila upravo čovjeku.
That is,, those events which from natural-scientific activity increasingly started to repress the contemplation of truth, and in the process embracing, with both hands, the world of nature as utterly available, as consumer goods, creating the technocratic ideology of pragmatism which harmed man himself the most.
[Fri Mar 19 10:34:00 2004]
Konačni rezultat tog dramatičnog razvoja je moguće lapidarno sročiti ovako:
The final result of that dramatic development is possible to precisely formulate as follows:
[Fri Mar 19 10:34:02 2004]
Ťprirodne znanosti su oslobođene od tiranije istineť (J.
Ťnatural sciences are free from the tyranny of truthť (J.
[Fri Mar 19 10:36:54 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 10:37:09 2004]
I doista, gubitak smisla za kontemplaciju istine danas se može golom rukom pipati, primjerice, u posljedicama ekološke krize što nagriza i prijeti totalnim uništenjem prirodnoga svijeta.
And indeed, the loss of meaning for the contemplation truths can today be the felt with a bare hand, for example, in effects of ecological crisis which gnaws and threatens with the total destruction of natural world.
[Fri Mar 19 10:38:04 2004]
I ne samo njega.
And not only the world.
[Fri Mar 19 10:38:34 2004]
U pitanje je stavljen opstanak samoga čovjeka.
The survival of man is in question here.
[Fri Mar 19 10:39:36 2004]
Je li to prava istina o čovjeku i njegovom svijetu u koju bi trebali vjerovati?
Is that the real truth about man and his world in which we should believe?
[Fri Mar 19 10:39:54 2004]
Sve to možda ne bi izgledalo tako zastrašujuće da je realno moguće odvojiti pitanje o istini od pitanja o smislu.
Maybe all this would not seem so frightening if it was realistically possible to separate the question about the truth from the question about the meaning.
[Fri Mar 19 10:40:26 2004]
To nije moguće čak ni logički.
That is not possible even logically.
[Fri Mar 19 10:40:40 2004]
Pretenciozno odricanje od istine rezultira u samoponižavajući gubitak smisla.
Pretentious renoucement of the truth results in self-degrading loss of the meaning.
[Fri Mar 19 10:41:59 2004]
Što je, dakle, istina?
What is, therefore, the truth?
[Fri Mar 19 10:41:59 2004]
Ono što se gordo posjeduje, ono u što se slijepo vjeruje ili ono za čim se kontinuirano traga?
That which is proudly possessed, that which is blindly believed in or that which is continuously sought for?
[Fri Mar 19 10:46:14 2004]
To su samo neki, nasumce odabrani razlozi koji govore u prilog potrebi zapodijevanja partnerskog dijaloga (Ivan Pavao II.)
Those are only some, randomly chosen reasons which speak for the need of starting a partnership dialogue (John Paul II.)
[Fri Mar 19 10:48:03 2004]
između religije (teologije) i prirodnih znanosti u našem dobu.
) between religion (theology) and natural sciences in our era.
[Fri Mar 19 10:49:25 2004]
Nekome se ta potreba može činiti suvišnom, nekome pretencioznom, a nekome čak besmislenom.
To someone, this need can seem redundant, pretentious to someone else, and to someone even meaningless.
[Fri Mar 19 10:49:48 2004]
Ipak, bit ovog problema ne čine ni zakoni, ni teorije, ni koncepti, ni definicije, ni kategorije, ni istina uzeta sama za sebe.
However, the essence of this problem is made neither of laws, nor theories, nor concepts, nor definitions, nor categories, nor the truth taken alone for itself.
[Fri Mar 19 10:50:58 2004]
Bit ovog problema je čovjek sa svojim interesima.
The essence of this problem is man with his interests.
[Fri Mar 19 10:50:59 2004]
Partnerski dijalog bi stoga trebao biti Ťrazgovor čovjeka s čovjekom o bitnim interesima čovjeka radi njega samogať (V.
Partnership dialogue should therefore be Ťa conversation of a man man to a man about important interests of a man for the sake of man himselfť (V.
[Fri Mar 19 10:51:19 2004]
[Fri Mar 19 10:51:19 2004]
Sasvim solidna idejna platforma za zapodijevanje partnerskog dijaloga između religije (teologije) i prirodnih znanosti
Entirely sound ideological platform for beginning of partnership dialogue between religion (theology) and natural sciences
[Fri Mar 19 10:55:32 2004]
Radilo bi se o velikom propustu kad bi se zanemarila konstatacija o važnosti odluke Uredništva Filozofskih istraživanja da po prvi puta otkako časopis postoji odškrine njegova vrata za prijem ovakve vrste intelektualnih pothvata.
It would be a great oversight if we would neglect the observation about the importance of decision of Philosophical Research Editorship that for the first time since the magazine exists opens slightly its door to acceptance of such kind of intellectual undertakings.
[Fri Mar 19 10:55:56 2004]
Ovo spada također u svojevrsni pionirski pokušaj u našem društvu uopće.
This also belongs to certain ground-breaking attempt in our society in general.
[Fri Mar 19 10:57:53 2004]
Ipak, ne treba pretjerivati.
Nevertheless, we should not overdo it.