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[Tue Mar 02 09:17:37 2004]
TITLE I Measures to encourage the cessation of farming and the reallocation for the purposes of structural improvement of the agricultural area thus released
NASLOV I Mjere poticanja prestanka poljodjelstva i preraspodjele u svrhu strukturalnog poboljšanja poljoprivrednog sektpra prema tome objavljene
[Tue Mar 02 09:21:32 2004]
utilized agricultural area thus released
primijenjenog poljoprivrednog područja koje je prema tome objavljeno
[Tue Mar 02 09:31:27 2004]
Member States may, acting in accordance with the general provisions to be adopted hereafter by the Council under the procedure laid down in Article 43 of the Treaty:
Države članice mogu, postupajući u skladu s općim odredbama u nastavku moraju biti prihvaćene od strane Vijeća prema postupku izloženom u Članku 43 Ugovora:
[Tue Mar 02 09:35:19 2004]
- vary according to region the amount of the financial incentives provided for in Article 2;
- mijenjati u skladu s regijom iznos novčanih poticaja koji su predviđeni Člankom 2;
[Tue Mar 02 09:35:19 2004]
- refrain from applying in certain regions all or some of the measures provided for in Article
- suzdržavati se od primjene u određenim regijama svih ili neki mjera koje su predviđene Člankom
[Tue Mar 02 09:50:59 2004]
The measures provided for in Article 1 shall comprise:
Mjere predviđene Člankom 1 obuhvaćaju:
[Tue Mar 02 09:51:06 2004]
(a) the grant, subject to the conditions as to eligibility for assistance laid down below, of an annuity to farmers applying therefor aged between fifty-five and sixty-five who practice farming as their main occupation.
(a) dodjelu, koja je podložna uvjetima koji se tiču prava za pomoć izloženi niže u tekstu, anuiteta poljoprivrednicima što podrazumijeva starost između pedeseto-pet i šezdeset-pet godina čije je glavno zanimanje poljodjeljstvo.
[Tue Mar 02 09:52:11 2004]
Member States may:
Države članice mogu:
[Tue Mar 02 09:54:44 2004]
- substitute for such annuity an equivalent lump sum payment;
- zamijeniti za takav anuitet jednaku jednokratnu isplatu;
[Tue Mar 02 09:54:44 2004]
- on the ground of age or means of the prospective beneficiary, vary the amount of or refuse to grant the annuity
- na temelju godiina ili sredstava potencijalnog korisnika, mijenjati iznos anuiteta ili odbiti dodjelu istog anuiteta
[Tue Mar 02 10:00:57 2004]
Annuities shall be eligible for assistance from the Guidance Section of the EAGGF, up to the amount of 900 units of account per year in the case of a married farmer or 600 units of account in the case of a single farmer
Anuiteti su prikladne za potporu od strane Odsjeka za savjetovanje pri EAGGF-u, do iznosa od 900 obračunskih jedinica godišnje u slučaju oženjenog poljoprivrednika ili 600 obračunskih jedinica u slučaju neoženjenog poljoprivrednika
[Tue Mar 02 10:14:49 2004]
However, during the first five years following implementation of this Directive, the only expenditure eligible shall be that in respect of:
Međutim, tijekom prvih pet godina nakon usvajanja ove Direktive, jedini prikladni izdaci bit će oni koji se odnose na:
[Tue Mar 02 10:14:49 2004]
- farmers who practise farming as their main occupation and who are aged between sixty and sixty-five, and that in respect of persons of like age coming within subparagraph
- Poljoprivrednike kojima je poljodjelstvo glavno zanimanje i koji imaju između šezdeset i šezdeseto-pet godina, te oni koji se odnose na osobe istih godina u smislu podparagrafa
[Tue Mar 02 10:30:29 2004]
farmers who practise farming as their main occupation and who are at least fifty-five years old, where:
poljoprivrednika kojima je poljodjelstvo glavno zanimanje i koji imaju barem pedeseto-pet godina, ako:
[Tue Mar 02 10:30:29 2004]
(i) in Member States which, on the date when this Directive enters into force, have a working agricultural population of more than 15 % of their total working population, the area of the farm concerned does not exceed 15 hectares
(i) u Državama Članicama koje, na datum stupanja ove Direktive na snagu, imaju broj radnu poljoprivrednu stanovništvo veći od 15% od ukupne radnog stanovništva, područje određenog poljoprivrednog gospodarstva nije veće od 15 hektara
[Tue Mar 02 10:32:33 2004]
farming has become the main occupation of such farmers through the decease of their spouse
poljodjelstvo je postalo glavno zanimanje tih poljoprivrednika zbog smrti supružnika
[Tue Mar 02 10:35:26 2004]
such farmers are more than 50 % disabled
su ti poljoprivrednici osobe s invaliditetom većim od 50%
[Tue Mar 02 10:39:59 2004]
An annuity shall not be eligible for assistance if it is granted to a farmer at a time when there is being implemented in respect of his farm a development plan as referred to in Article 4 of the Council Directive of 17 April 1972 1 on the modernization of farms
Anuitet neće biti prikladan za potporu ako je dodijeljeno poljoprivredniku u vrijeme usvanjaja s obzirom na njegovo poljoprivrednog gospodarstva razvojnog plana kako je navedeno u Članku 4 Direktive Vijeća od 17 travnja 1972 1 o modernizaciji poljoprivrednih gospodarstava
[Tue Mar 02 10:52:04 2004]
the grant of a premium, which shall not be eligible for assistance and shall be calculated by reference to the utilized agricultural area released, to farmers applying therefor;
dodjelu premije, koja nije prikladan za potporu te se izračunava upućivanjem na objavljeno korišteno poljoprivredni područni, poljoprivrednicima koja se primijenjuje u tu svrhu;
[Tue Mar 02 10:55:37 2004]
Member States may:
Države članice mogu:
[Tue Mar 02 10:55:37 2004]
- in the light of the objectives set in pursuance of the Directive on the modernization of farms, or on the ground of the age or means of the prospective beneficiary, vary the amount of or refuse to grant the premium
- s obzirom na ciljeve određene u skladu s Direktivom o modernizaciji poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, ili na temelju godina ili imovinskog stanja potencijalnog korisnika, mijenjati iznos ili odbiti dodjelu premije
[Tue Mar 02 10:57:19 2004]
pay the premium in instalments
isplatiti premiju u ratama
[Tue Mar 02 11:00:25 2004]
refuse to grant all or part of the premium to any person receiving an annuity as provided for in subparagraph
odbiti dodjelu cijele ili dio premije bilo kome tko prima anuitet kako je predviđeno podparagrafom
[Tue Mar 02 11:06:54 2004]
the grant of annuities as provided for in subparagraph (a) to permanent hired or family workers applying therefor aged between fifty-five and sixty-five who undertake to cease working in agriculture and who:
dodjela anuiteta kako je predviđeno podparagrafom (a) stalno zaposlenim ili radnicima iz obitelji što se odnosi u tu svrhu na one između pedeseto-pet i šezdeseto-pet godina koji prestaju raditi u poljoprivredi i koji:
[Tue Mar 02 11:06:54 2004]
- are employed on farms on which the farmer benefits from any measure provided for under
- su zaposleni na poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima na kojima poljoprivrednik ima koristi od bilo koje mjere koja je predviđena točkom
[Tue Mar 02 11:19:44 2004]
are covered by the social security system
osigurani sustavom socijalne sigurnosti
[Tue Mar 02 11:55:54 2004]
As regards grants under this head, assistance from the Guidance Section of the EAGGF shall for each farm ceasing business be in respect of a single annuity only and in an amount not exceeding 600 units of account per annum
Što se tiče dodjela iz ovog poglavlja, potpora od strane Odsjeka za savjetovanje pri EAGGF-u za svako poljoprivredni gospodarstvo koje prestaje poslovati iznosi u vezi sa jednim anuiteta samo i u iznosu koji ne prelazi 600 obračunskih jedinica godišnje
[Tue Mar 02 12:05:22 2004]
Grants as provided for in paragraph 1 shall be subject to the condition that the recipient cease working in agriculture and that, where the recipient is a farmer, the utilized agricultural area farmed by him be reallocated in accordance with Article
Dodjele predviđene odlomkom 1 podložne su uvjetu da primatelj prestane raditi u poljoprivredi i da, ako primatelj je poljoprivrednik, korišteno poljoprivredni područni koje on obrađuje se prenamijene u skladu sa Člankom
[Tue Mar 02 12:17:06 2004]
Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the social security benefits which recipients of annuities or premiums as provided for in paragraph 1 would have received had they not ceased to farm are not reduced, and that the contributions made by them to social security funds are not unduly increased
Države Članice će poduzeti sve nužne mjere kako bi zajamčile da povlastice socijalnog osiguranja koje bi primatelji anuiteta ili premija predviđene odlomkom 1 primali da se nisu prestavili baviti na poljodjeljstvom ne smanjuju, te da se doprinosi koje oni uplaćuju u fondove socijalnog osiguranja neprimjereno ne povećavaju
[Tue Mar 02 12:21:10 2004]
Where the recipient of an annuity as provided for in paragraph 1 (c) is receiving unemployment benefit, Member States may reduce the annuity accordingly
Ako primatelj anuiteta kako je predviđeno odlomkom 1 (c) prima naknade za nezaposlene, države Članice mogu sukladno tome smanjiti anuitet
[Tue Mar 02 12:24:03 2004]
Member States shall define:
Države članice određuju:
[Tue Mar 02 12:25:41 2004]
(a) what is meant by "farmer".
(a) značenje pojma " poljoprivrednik ".
[Tue Mar 02 12:33:09 2004]
For the purposes of this Directive there may in respect of any utilized area of agricultural land be one farmer only;
U svrhu ove Direktive s obzirom na bilo kakvog korišteno područja poljoprivredno zemljište može postojati samo jedan poljoprivrednik;
[Tue Mar 02 12:36:47 2004]
(b) what is meant for the purposes of this Directive by "practising farming as a main occupation".
(b) značenje rečenice "obavljanje poljoprivredne djelatnosti kao glavno zanimanje" u svrhe ove Direktive.
[Tue Mar 02 12:43:23 2004]
Definitions shall at least include the following conditions in respect of the person concerned:
Definicije barem obuhvaćaju sljedeće uvjete koji se odnose na dotičnu osobu:
[Tue Mar 02 12:46:48 2004]
- he must have worked in agriculture for a period of at least five years before submitting an application for an annuity.
- mora imati radno iskustvo u poljoprivredi u trajanju od barem pet godina prije podnošenja zahtjeva za anuitetom.
[Tue Mar 02 12:46:48 2004]
Persons to whom Article 2 (1) (a) (ii) applies shall not be required to satisfy this condition if their spouse satisfied it
Osobe na koje se odnosi Članak 2 (1) (ii) ne moraju udovoljavati ovom uvjetu ako mu je udovoljio njihov supružnik
[Tue Mar 02 12:51:35 2004]
he must during that period have devoted at least 50 % of his working hours to work in agriculture
morao je u tom razdoblju posvetiti barem 50% svog radnog vremena radu u poljoprivredi
[Tue Mar 02 12:53:25 2004]
he must during that period have derived at least 50 % of his earned income from work in agriculture
morao je u tom razdoblju ostvarivati barem 50% svoje zarađene dobiti od rada u poljoprivredi
[Tue Mar 02 13:00:15 2004]
they must have worked in agriculture on the farm ceasing business for at least the last two years preceding submission of their application
morali su raditi u poljoprivredi na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu koje prestaje s poslovanjem barem zadnje dvije godine koje su prethodile podnošenju zahtjeva
[Tue Mar 02 14:30:36 2004]
the conditions under which farming shall be deemed to have ceased, and in particular Member States shall specify the maximum area of land which may be retained by a person benefiting from the financial incentive provided for in Article 2 (a) and (b), given that the arrangements made must, as a minimum, guarantee that all agricultural activity leading to the marketing of produce will cease
uvjete prema kojima će se poljoprivredna djelatnost smatrati obustavljenom, te posebno države Članice određuju maksimalno područje zemljišta kojeg moći održavati osoba koja se koristi novčanim poticajima koji su predviđeni Člankom 2 (a) i (b), pod pretpostavkom da donešeni propisi moraju, barem, jamčiti da će svaka poljoprivredna aktivnost koja dovodi do plasiranja proizvoda prestati
[Tue Mar 02 14:39:49 2004]
Member States shall make provision debarring from the grant of the annuity provided for in Article 2 (1) (a) any farmer whose farm has decreased significantly in area over the last few years preceding his application, save where this has been due to expropriation or to acquisition in the public interest
Države Članice donose odredbu isključujući iz dodjele anuiteta koji je predviđen Člankom 2 (1) (a) svakog poljoprivrednika čije poljoprivredno gospodarstvo se smanjilo znatno površinom preko zadnjih nekoliko godina koje prethode njegovom zahtjevu, osim ako do toga nije došlo zbog izvlaštenja ili stečevine od javnog interesa
[Tue Mar 02 14:53:14 2004]
At least 85 % of the utilized agricultural area released by persons benefiting under the measures provided for in Article 2 (1) (a) and (b) must either:
Barem 85% korištenog poljoprivrednog područje kojeg su prenijele osobe koje primaju naknadu ??? prema mjerama koje su predviđene Člankom 2 (1) (a) i (b) mora ili:
[Tue Mar 02 14:53:14 2004]
(a) be leased for a minimum period of twelve years, or convey in absolute ownership or by way of emphyteutic lease, to farmers benefiting from incentives given under Article 8 of the Directive on the modernization of farms
biti unajmljeno na razdoblje od najmanje dvanaest godina, ili predano u apsolutno vlasništvo ili u najam zemljišta uz uvjet obrađivanja, poljoprivrednicima koji se koriste poticajima koje su određene prema Članku 8 Direktive o modernizaciji poljoprivrednih gospodarstava
[Tue Mar 02 15:01:00 2004]
be withdrawn from agricultural use permanently, in particular by being reallocated for afforestation, recreational activities public health or other public purposes
povučeno iz korištenja u poljoprivredne svrhe trajno, posebno tako da se prenamijeni za pošumljavanje, rekreacijske aktivnosti, javno zdravstvo ili za druge javne svrhe
[Tue Mar 02 15:07:16 2004]
However, if no farmers as referred to in paragraph 1 (a) can be found, the utilized agricultural area released may, on conditions to be laid down by Member States, be reallocated to other farms
Međutim, ako se ne može pronaći nijedan poljoprivrednik, kako je navedeno u odlomku 1, korištena se ustupljena poljoprivredna površina može, prema uvjetima koje su izložile od države Članice, preraspodijeliti ostalim poljoprivredna gospodarstva
[Tue Mar 02 15:12:07 2004]
The utilized agricultural area released may also be offered, either on lease for at least twelve years or for sale, to land agencies appointed by Member States for the purpose of reallocation in accordance with paragraph 1.
Korištena ustupljena poljoprivredna površina također može se ponuditi, ili na iznajmljjivanje na barem dvanaest godine ili na prodaju, zemljišnim zastupništvima koje imenuju države Članice u svrhu preraspodjele u skladu s odlomkom 1.
[Tue Mar 02 15:12:07 2004]
These agencies may lay down conditions for the temporary use of such land
Ta zastupništva mogu postaviti uvjete za privremenu korištenje takvog zemljišta
[Tue Mar 02 15:13:20 2004]
Financial and general provisions
Financijske i opće odredbe
[Tue Mar 02 15:14:17 2004]
The measures provided for in this Directive constitute common measures within the meaning of Article 6 (1) of Council Regulation
Mjere predviđene ovom Direktivom predstavljaju zajedničke mjere u smislu Članka 6 (1) Uredbe Vijeća
[Tue Mar 02 15:20:06 2004]
The estimated time required for carrying out the common measures is ten years.
Procijenjeno vrijeme potrebno za provedbu zajedničkih mjera je razdoblje od deset godina.
[Tue Mar 02 15:20:06 2004]
Four years after this Directive takes effect, the aforesaid measures shall be re-examined by the Council upon a proposal from the Commission, but without prejudice to commitments as to assistance entered into during that period
Četiri godina nakon stupanja ove Direktive na snagu, spomenute mjere se ponovo ispituju od strane Vijeća na prijedloga Komisije, ali ne dovodeći u pitanje obveze koje se tiču potpore koja je započeta u tijekom tog razdoblja
[Tue Mar 02 15:24:10 2004]
The total contribution by the EAGGF to the cost of the common measures is estimated at 288 million units of account for the first five years
Ukupan doprinos EAGGF-a iznosu zajedničkih mjera procijenjuje se na 288 milijuna obračunskih jedinica za prvih pet godina
[Tue Mar 02 15:27:01 2004]
The provisions of Article 6 (5) of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70 shall apply to this Directive
Odredbe po Članku 6 (5) Uredbe (EEC) Br 729/70 se primjenjuju na ovu Direktivu
[Tue Mar 02 15:30:53 2004]
Member States shall forward to the Commission:
Države članice poslijeđuju Komisiji:
[Tue Mar 02 15:36:34 2004]
- drafts of all laws, regulations or administrative provisions which they propose to adopt in pursuance of this Directive;
- nacrte svih zakona, uredbi ili administrativnih propisa koje predlažu da se donesu prema ovoj Direktivi;
[Tue Mar 02 15:36:34 2004]
- the texts of any provisions effectively implementing this Directive existing prior to the date on which it takes effect
- tekstove bilo kakvih odredbi učinkovito provedeći ovu Direktivu koja postoji prije datuma svog stupanja na snagu
[Tue Mar 02 15:42:23 2004]
When submitting, pursuant to paragraph 1, drafts of laws, regulations or administrative provisions or the texts of existing provisions, Member States shall also submit an explanatory memorandum showing the relationship at regional level between the measure in question and economic and structural conditions
Kod predavanja, prema odlomku 1, nacrta zakona, uredbi ili administrativnih propisa ili tekstova postojećih odredbi, države Članice također predaju opisni memorandum ??? kojim upućuju na odnos na regionalnoj razini između sporne mjere i gospodarskih i ustrojnih ??? uvjeta
[Tue Mar 02 15:53:28 2004]
The Commission shall examine drafts forwarded in accordance with the first indent of paragraph 1 for the purpose of determining whether, having regard to the objectives of this Directive and to the need for a proper connection between the various measures, such drafts comply with the Directive, and thus satisfy the conditions for financial contribution by the Community to common measures within the meaning of Article 6.
Komisija ispituje proslijeđene nacrte u skladu s prvim indentom paragrafa 1 u svrhu odlučivanja, s obzirom na ciljeve ove Direktive i na potrebu za ispravnom vezom među različitim mjerama, udovoljavaju li takvi nacrti Direktivi, te tako ispunjavaju uvjete za financijski doprinos Zajednice zajedničkim mjerama u smislu Članka 6.
[Tue Mar 02 15:53:28 2004]
Within two months following receipt of any draft the Commission shall, after consulting the Standing Committee on Agriculture Structure, issue an opinion thereon
U roku od dva mjeseca nakon primitka bilo kojeg nacrt Komisija, nakon savjetovanja sa Stalnim odborom o poljoprivrednom ustrojstvu, objavljuje stajalište o tome
[Tue Mar 02 15:56:15 2004]
Member States shall, on the adoption of any law, regulation or administrative provision as referred to in paragraph 3, forward the text thereof to the Commission
Države Članice, kod usvajanju bilo kakvog zakona, uredbe ili administrativnog propisa kako je navedeno u odlomku 3, proslijediti teksta o tome Komisiji
[Tue Mar 02 16:06:01 2004]
With regard to provisions the texts of which are forwarded pursuant to the second indent of Article 8 (1) or to Article 8 (4), the Commission shall examine whether, having regard to the objectives of this Directive and to the need for a proper connection between the various measures, such provisions satisfy the conditions for financial contribution by the Community to common measures within the meaning of Article 6.
S obzirom na odredbe, tekstovi koji su proslijeđeni u skladu s drugom indentom Članka 8 (1) ili Članka 8 (4), Komisija ispituje, s obzirom na ciljeve ove Direktive i na potrebu za ispravnu vezu među različitim mjerama, udovoljavaju li te odredbe uvjetima za financijski doprinos Zajednice zajedničkim mjerama u smislu Članka 6.
[Tue Mar 02 16:06:01 2004]
Within two months following receipt of any text, the Commission representative shall, after consulting the EAGGF Committee on the financial aspects of the provision, submit a draft decision thereon to the Standing Committee on Agricultural Structure
U roku od dva mjeseci nakon primitka bilo kakvog tekst, predstavnik Komisije, nakon savjetovanja s Komisijom EAGGF-a o financijskim značajkama odredbe, predaje nacrt odluka o tome Povjerenstvo za poljoprivredno ustrojstvo
[Wed Mar 03 10:21:47 2004]
Please find enclosed your statement of account as at #DATE# this year.
U prilogu se nalazi Vaš bankovni izvadak na dan #DATUM# ove godine.
[Wed Mar 03 10:21:47 2004]
If the balance of #NUMBER# is cleared within the next seven days, you can deduct a #NUMBER# per cent cash discount.
Ako bilanca u iznosu od #BROJ# plaćena unutar sljedećih sedam dana, možete odbiti popust na gotovinu od #BROJ# posto.
[Wed Mar 03 10:26:39 2004]
We have pleasure in enclosing our Postal Order/Cheque/bank draft for #AMOUNT# EUR in payment of your statement/ Invoice No.
Drago nam je što u prilogu možemo dostaviti svoju poštanski doznaka/ček/mjenice za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR u plaćanja vaše izvješća/Računa Br.
[Wed Mar 03 10:26:39 2004]
#NUMBER# dated #DATE#.
#BROJ# od dana #DATUM#.
[Wed Mar 03 10:29:25 2004]
I have instructed my bank, today, to transfer #NUMBER# to your account in payment of your #DATE# statement.
Dao sam nalog svoj banku, danas, da prebaci #BROJ# na Vaš račun za plaćanju Vašeg izvješća od dana #DATUM#.
[Wed Mar 03 10:34:05 2004]
We have drawn a postal cheque for #AMOUNT# EUR in payment of your Invoice No.
Ispostavili smo poštanski ček za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR za plaćanje Vašeg računa br.
[Wed Mar 03 10:35:05 2004]
#NUMBER# dated #DATE#.
#BROJ# od dana #DATUM#.
[Wed Mar 03 10:35:05 2004]
This can be cashed at any Post Office, or paid into your account.
On se može unovčiti u bilo kojem poštanskom uredu, ili uplatiti na Vaš račun.
[Wed Mar 03 10:39:53 2004]
Thank you for your prompt delivery.
Zahvaljujemo na Vašoj brzoj isporuci.
[Wed Mar 03 10:40:19 2004]
Please find enclosed our draft for #AMOUNT# EUR drawn on #NAME# Bank, #CITY#.
U prilogu se nalazi naši mjenica za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR ispostavljena na ime #IME# Banke, #GRAD#.
[Wed Mar 03 10:40:19 2004]
Could you please acknowledge receipt?
Možete li potvrditi primitak?
[Wed Mar 03 10:43:36 2004]
We would like to inform you that we have arranged for a credit transfer through our bank, the #NAME# bank, #CITY#.
Obavještavamo Vas da smo dogovorili da se prijenos izvrši putem naše banku, #IME# banka, #GRAD#.
[Wed Mar 03 10:43:43 2004]
The transfer is for #AMOUNT# EUR in payment of invoice No.
Prijenos je za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR za plaćanje računa Br.
[Wed Mar 03 10:47:30 2004]
[Wed Mar 03 10:47:30 2004]
Could you confirm the transfer has been made as soon as the correspondent bank advises you?
Molimo Vas da potvrdite prijenos čim Vas korespondentna banka o tome obavijesti?
[Wed Mar 03 10:51:23 2004]
We have pleasure in enclosing our bank draft for #AMOUNT# EUR as payment on pro- forma invoice No.
Drago nam je što u prilogu možemo dostaviti svoju mjenica za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR kao plaćanje po predračunu- br.
[Wed Mar 03 10:52:46 2004]
[Wed Mar 03 10:52:47 2004]
Please advise us when the goods will be shipped and are likely to reach #CITY#.
Molimo Vas da nas obavijestite nas kada će roba biti otpremljena te kada bi mogla stići do #GRAD#.
[Wed Mar 03 11:00:21 2004]
You will be pleased to hear that we have accepted your bill and now have the documents.
Drago nam je što Vas možemo obavijestiti da smo prihvatili Vaš račun te sada imamo dokumente.
[Wed Mar 03 11:00:21 2004]
We shall collect the consignment as soon as it arrives in #CITY# and honour your draft at maturity.
Podići ćemo pošiljku čim stigne u #GRAD# i isplatiti Vaš mjenicu po dospjeću.
[Wed Mar 03 11:04:39 2004]
Our bank informs us that they now have the shipping documents, and will be transferring the proceeds of our letter of credit to your account.
banka nas je obavijestila da su robnootpremni dokumenti stigli, te će utržak naše vjerodajnice prenijeti na Vaš račun.
[Wed Mar 03 11:18:11 2004]
Thank you for your Postal Order Cheque/draft/credit transfer/postal cheque for #AMOUNT# EUR in payment of our statement/invoice No.
Zahvaljujemo na vašu poštanski doznaka čeka/mjenice/virmana/poštanski ček za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR za plaćanje naše izvješća/računa br.
[Wed Mar 03 11:18:11 2004]
#NUMBER#.dated #DATE#
od dana# #DATUM#
[Wed Mar 03 11:24:31 2004]
Our bank advised us today that your transfer of #AMOUNT# EUR was credited to our account.
banka nas je obavijestila danas da vaš prijenos u iznosu od #IZNOS# EUR doznačen naš račun.
[Wed Mar 03 11:24:31 2004]
Thank you for paying so promptly, and we hope to hear from you again soon.
Zahvaljujemo na brzom plaćanju, te se nadamo da ćemo uskoro ponovo surađivati.
[Wed Mar 03 11:32:01 2004]
We received your Giro slip today informing us that you had paid #AMOUNT# EUR into our account in settlement of Invoice No.
smo primili vaše žiro slip danas kojm nas obaviještavate da ste uplatili iznos od #IZNOS# EUR na naš račun za podmirenje računa br.
[Wed Mar 03 11:33:19 2004]
[Wed Mar 03 11:33:19 2004]
Thank you for letting us know, and we look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Zahvaljujemo na obavijesti, te se nadamo ponovnoj suradnji u skoroj budućnosti.
[Wed Mar 03 11:40:31 2004]
Thank you for sending your draft for invoice No.
Zahvaljujemo na brzom slanju mjenice za račun br.
[Wed Mar 03 11:42:47 2004]
We hope you like the consignment and look forward to your next order.
Nadamo se da ste zadovoljni pošiljkom te očekujemo Vašu sljedeću narudžbu.
[Wed Mar 03 11:50:10 2004]
We received an advice from our bank this morning that your transfer for invoice No.
smo primili dopis od banke jutros da vaš prijenos za račun Br.
[Wed Mar 03 11:53:02 2004]
#NUMBER# has been credited to our account.
#BROJ# doznačen naš račun.
[Wed Mar 03 11:53:02 2004]
We would like to thank you, and ask you to contact us if you need anything else in menswear, or any information about #PRODUCT# in this country.
Zahvaljujemo Vam na tome, te Vas molimo da nas kontaktirate ako Vam je potrebno još nešto iz muške ponude, ili bilo koji podatak o #PROIZVOD# u ovoj zemlji.
[Wed Mar 03 12:01:23 2004]
Our bank informed us today that you accepted our bill No.
Banka nas je danas obavijestila da ste prihvatili naš račun br.
[Wed Mar 03 12:01:52 2004]
#NUMBER# and the documents have been handed to you.
#BROJ# te da su Vam dokumenti predani.
[Wed Mar 03 12:01:52 2004]
We are sure you will be pleased with the consignment.
Sigurni smo da ćete biti zadovoljni pošiljkom.
[Wed Mar 03 12:05:21 2004]
The #NAME# Bank in #CITY# have told us that the proceeds of your letter of credit have been credited to our account.
#IME# banka u #GRAD# nam je saopćila da je utržak vaše vjerodajnice dostavljen na naš račun.
[Wed Mar 03 12:05:44 2004]
Thank you for your custom
Zahvaljujemo na Vašoj narudžbi
[Wed Mar 03 12:06:56 2004]
and we hope you will write to us again.
te se nadamo da ćete nam se uskoro ponovo javiti.
[Wed Mar 03 12:06:56 2004]
We are enclosing our #MONTH# catalogue which we are sure will interest you.
U prilogu se nalazi naš katalog od mjeseca #MJESEC# koji će Vas zasigurno zanimati.
[Wed Mar 03 12:23:57 2004]
I am sorry that I was not able to clear my #MONTH# account.
Žao mi je što nisam bio u mogućnosti podmiriti svoj račun od mjeseca #MJESEC#.
[Wed Mar 03 12:57:48 2004]
We regret we were unable to send a cheque to settle our account for the last quarter.
Žao nam je nismo bili u mogućnosti poslati ček za podmirenje našeg računa za posljednji kvartal.
[Wed Mar 03 14:25:11 2004]
The dock strike which has been in operation for the past #PERIOD# has made it impossible to ship our products, and as our customers have not been able to pay us, we have not been able to clear our own suppliers' accounts yet.
Štrajk na brodskom doku koji je na snazi zadnjih #RAZDOBLJE# onemogućava slanje naših proizvoda, i budući da nam klijenti nisu u mogućnosti platiti, još nismo u mogućnosti podmiriti račune naših vlastitih dobavljača.
[Wed Mar 03 14:25:11 2004]
Once the strike has been settled, which should be within the next few days, we will tie able to clear the balance.
Čim štrajk bude riješen, što bi trebali biti u roku od nekoliko idućih dana, bit ćemo u mogućnosti podmiriti bilancu.
[Wed Mar 03 14:35:09 2004]
A #EVENT# destroyed the majority of the components that were to be fitted into #PRODUCT#.
#NEZGODA# je upropastila većinu sastavnih dijelova koji su se trebali ugraditi u #PROIZVOD#.
[Wed Mar 03 14:36:10 2004]
We are waiting for our insurance company to settle our claim so that we can renew our stock and pay our suppliers.
čekamo da osiguravajuće društvo riješiti našu reklamaciju da bismo mogli obnoviti zalihe i platiti našim dobavljačima.
[Wed Mar 03 14:36:50 2004]
As soon as the insurance company sends us compensation we will settle the account.
Čim nam osiguravajuće društvo pošalje naknadu podmirit ćemo račun.
[Wed Mar 03 14:36:50 2004]
We expect this to be within the next two weeks.
Vjerujemo da će se to riješiti unutar sljedeći dva tjedna.
[Wed Mar 03 14:44:29 2004]
We were not able to settle the account because of the #EVENT# of one of our main customers, who we hoped would have cleared his balance with us.
Nismo bili u mogućnosti podmiriti račun zbog #NEZGODA# jednog od naših glavnih klijenata, za kojeg smo se nadali da će podmiriti svoju bilancu kod nas.
[Wed Mar 03 14:44:29 2004]
The debt was considerable and its loss has made it difficult for us to pay our suppliers.
Dug je bio značajan, te je njegov gubitak otežao plaćanje našim dobavljačima.
[Wed Mar 03 14:47:48 2004]
We will try to clear your invoice within the next few weeks.
Pokušat ćemo podmiriti Vaš račun unutar sljedećih nekoliko tjedana.
[Wed Mar 03 14:47:48 2004]
Meanwhile the enclosed cheque for #AMOUNT# EUR is part payment on account.
U međuvremenu u prilogu Vam dostavljamo ček za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR kao dio plaćanje na račun.
[Wed Mar 03 14:54:31 2004]
Thank you for your letter concerning the outstanding balance on your account.
Zahvaljujemo Vam na pismu koji se tiče neplaćene bilance na Vašem računu.
[Wed Mar 03 14:55:17 2004]
I sympathize with the problem you have had in clearing the balance and am willing to extend the credit for another six weeks.
Shvaćam problem kojeg ste imali s podmirivanjem bilance te sam spreman produljiti zajam na sljedećih šest tjedana.
[Wed Mar 03 14:55:17 2004]
Would you please confirm that the credit will be settled then?
Molim Vas da potvrdite da će tada zajam biti plaćen?
[Wed Mar 03 15:01:45 2004]
I was sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting components to complete orders from other suppliers, and realize that without sales it is difficult to settle outstanding accounts.
Žao mi je čuti da ste imali poteškoća u nabavljanju sastavnih dijelova za ispunjenje narudžbe od ostalih dobavljača, te razumijem da je bez prodaje teške podmiriti neplaćene račune.
[Wed Mar 03 15:01:45 2004]
Therefore your account has been extended another month, but I will have to insist on payment by the end of #MONTH#.
Stoga Vaš račun produžen za još jedan mjesec, no moram inzistirati na plaćanju do kraja mjeseca #MJESEC#.
[Wed Mar 03 15:11:00 2004]
Thank you for your letter explaining why you cannot clear your January statement for #AMOUNT# EUR.
Zahvaljujemo Vam se na pismo u kojem objašnjavate zašto ste u nemogućnosti podmiriti svoju siječanjsku uplatu za iznos od #AMOUNT# EUR.
[Wed Mar 03 15:11:33 2004]
I certainly appreciate your difficulty but we ourselves have to pay our own suppliers and therefore must insist on payment within the next ten days.
Svakako uvažavam Vaše poteškoće, no i mi moramo isplatiti vlastite dobavljače te stoga moramo inzistirati na plaćanju unutar sljedećih deset dana.
[Wed Mar 03 15:11:33 2004]
We look forward to receiving your remittance.
Očekujemo primitak Vaše doznake.
[Wed Mar 03 16:04:39 2004]
With reference to your letter of #DATE# in which you explained why the outstanding invoice, No.
S obzirom na Vaš pismo od dana #DATUM# u kojem ste objasnili zašto neplaćeni račun, br.
[Wed Mar 03 16:08:26 2004]
#NUMBER#, has not been cleared, we understand the problems you have been facing in the current recession.
#BROJ#, nije podmiren, razumijemo probleme s kojima se suočavate u trenutnoj recesiji.
[Wed Mar 03 16:09:24 2004]
However, it was in consideration of the present economic climate that we allowed you a two-month period to settle, and while we would like to offer you more time to clear the balance, our own financial position makes this impossible.
Međutim, s obzirom na sadašnju gospodarsku klimu koja odobrili smo razdoblje od dva mjeseca za podmirenje, i iako bismo voljeli na Vam možemo ponuditi više vremena da podmirite bilancu, naša vlastita financijska situacija nam to onemogućava.
[Wed Mar 03 16:09:24 2004]
Therefore we must ask you to settle the account within the next fortnight.
Stoga Vas moramo zamoliti da podmirite račun u roku od sljedeća dva tjedna.
[Wed Mar 03 16:21:14 2004]
We are writing concerning the outstanding #MONTH# account for #AMOUNT# EUR, a copy of which is enclosed and which should have been cleared last month.
Javljamo Vam se u vezi s neplaćenim računom iz mjeseca #MJESEC# u iznosu od #IZNOS# EUR, čiji se primjerak nalazi u prilogu i koji je trebao biti podmiren prošli mjesec.
[Wed Mar 03 16:21:14 2004]
Please let us know why the balance has not been paid.
Molimo Vas da nam kažete zašto bilanca nije plaćena.
[Wed Mar 03 16:25:34 2004]
With reference to your invoice, No.
U vezi sa Vašim računom, br.
[Wed Mar 03 16:26:26 2004]
#NUMBER#, for #AMOUNT# EUR, see attached copy which we expected to be cleared three weeks ago, we still have not yet received your remittance.
#BROJ#, za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR, pogledajte priložen primjerak koji iako je trebao biti podmiren prije tri tjedna, još uvijek nije primljena Vaša doznaka za njega.
[Wed Mar 03 16:26:26 2004]
Would you please either let us have your cheque, or an explanation of why the invoice is still outstanding?
Molimo Vas da nam ili dostavite ček, ili objasnite zašto je račun još neplaćen?
[Wed Mar 03 16:30:11 2004]
We think you may have overlooked invoice No.
mislimo da ste možda predvidjeli račun br.
[Wed Mar 03 16:30:51 2004]
#NUMBER# for #AMOUNT# EUR, see copy, which was due last month.
#BROJ# za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR, pogledajte kopiju, čije je dospijeće bilo prošli mjesec.
[Wed Mar 03 16:31:35 2004]
Please could you let us have your cheque to clear the amount?
Molimo Vas da nam dostavite ček za podmirenje iznosa?
[Wed Mar 03 16:31:35 2004]
If, however you have already sent a remittance, then please disregard this letter.
Ako, međutim ste već ste poslali doznaku, tada Vas molimo da zanemarite ovo pismo.
[Wed Mar 03 16:39:20 2004]
We wrote to you on #DATE# concerning our #January# statement which is still outstanding.
Javili smo Vam se dana #DATUM# u vezi s Vašim #MONTH# dugovanjem koje je još uvijek nepodmireno.
[Wed Mar 03 16:39:20 2004]
Enclosed you will find a copy of the statement and our letter.
U prilogu se nalazi kopija dugovanja i naše pismo.
[Wed Mar 03 16:41:44 2004]
This is the second letter I have sent you with regard to your #MONTH# account which has not been cleared.
Ovo je drugo pismo koje Vam šaljem u vezi s Vašim računom iz mjeseca #MJESEC# koji nije podmiren.
[Wed Mar 03 16:41:44 2004]
My first letter dated #DATE# asked why the account had not been paid.
Moj prvo pismo poslano dana #DATUM# sadržavalo je upit zašto račun nije bio podmiren.
[Wed Mar 03 16:47:58 2004]
Since I wrote I have not received either a reply or remittance from you.
Javljam Vam se budući da od Vas nisam primio niti odgovor niti doznaku.
[Wed Mar 03 16:49:04 2004]
I would like to know why you have neither replied nor sent a cheque to clear the outstanding balance.
Želio bih znati zašto niste niti odgovorili niti je poslali ček za podmirenje neplaćene bilance.
[Wed Mar 03 16:50:37 2004]
In your reply to my letter of #DATE# you promised that the account would be cleared by the end of #MONTH#, yet I have not received your remittance or an explanation.
U vašem odgovoru na moje pismo od dana #DATUM# ste obećali da će račun biti podmiren do kraja mjeseca #MJESEC#, no ipak nisam primio Vašu doznaku niti objašnjenje.
[Thu Mar 04 08:51:24 2004]
We must now insist that you clear this account within the next seven days, or at least offer an explanation for not paying it.
moramo u ovom trenutku inzistirati da podmirite ovaj računa unutar sljedeći sedam dana, ili barem ponudite objašnjenje za njegovo neplaćanje.
[Thu Mar 04 08:53:13 2004]
As we have traded for some time, we have not pressed for payment.
Budući da smo trgovali na neko vrijeme, nismo požurivali plaćanje.
[Thu Mar 04 08:53:13 2004]
However, we must now insist that either you settle the account or offer a reasonable explanation for not doing so.
Međutim, moramo sada inzistirati da ili platite račun ili ponudite razumno objašnjenje zašto to niste napravili ne.
[Thu Mar 04 09:13:15 2004]
I would like your remittance by return of post, or failing that, your reasons for not clearing this account.
Molim Vas da dostavite doznaku prvom poštom, ili ako Vam to ne odgovara, razloge za nepodmirivanje ovog računa.
[Thu Mar 04 09:14:47 2004]
We feel that you have been given sufficient time to clear this balance and now insist on payment within the next ten days.
Smatramo da smo Vam dali dovoljno vremena za podmirenje ove bilance, te sada inzistiramo na plaćanju unutar sljedećih deset dana.
[Thu Mar 04 09:17:30 2004]
We must now press you to clear this outstanding account.
Sada moramo inzistirati na podmirivanju ovog neplaćenog računa.
[Thu Mar 04 09:17:30 2004]
Please send your remittance immediately.
Molim Vas da odmah pošaljete doznaku.
[Thu Mar 04 09:19:49 2004]
We were disappointed that you did not bother to reply to either of our letters asking you to clear your account, and you have left us no alternative but to take legal action.
smo bili razočarani što se niste vi pobrinuli da odgovorite ni na jedno naše pismo u kojem Vas tražimo da podmirite svoj račun, i nam niste ostavili drugu altrenativu nego da podnesemo tužbu.
[Thu Mar 04 09:21:34 2004]
We are giving you a further seven days to send your remittance after which the matter will be dealt with byour solicitors.
Dajemo Vam daljnjih sedam dana za slanje doznake nakon čega će predmet rješavati Vaši odvjetnici.
[Thu Mar 04 09:25:26 2004]
I am writing with reference to Order No.
Javljam Vam se u vezi s narudžbom br.
[Thu Mar 04 09:25:26 2004]
#NUMBER# which we received yesterday.
#BROJ# koju mi smo primili jučer.
[Thu Mar 04 09:26:50 2004]
This is the #NUMBER# time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer.
Ovo je #BROJ# put da se ova pogreška ponovila te smo jako nezadovoljni uslugom koju nudite.
[Thu Mar 04 09:28:38 2004]
Unless you can fulfil our orders efficiently in the future we will have to consider other sources of supply.
Ako ubuduće nećete moći izvršavati naše narudžbe učinkovito, morat ćemo razmotriti druge izvore kapitala.
[Thu Mar 04 09:29:36 2004]
Please ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again.
Molim Vas da se pobrinite da se ovaj problem više ne ponavlja.
[Thu Mar 04 09:29:58 2004]
The mistake must be corrected as soon as possible.
Pogreška se mora ispraviti što je prije moguće.
[Thu Mar 04 09:30:48 2004]
There appears to be an error on the statement.
Čini se da je postoji pogreška u izvješću.
[Thu Mar 04 09:33:11 2004]
There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding terms of discount.
Čini se da je došlo do nekog nesporazum glede uvjeta popusta.
[Thu Mar 04 09:33:19 2004]
Discount is deducted from net prices, not c.i.f.
Popust je odbijen od neto cijena, ne od c.i.f.
[Thu Mar 04 09:33:19 2004]
[Thu Mar 04 09:34:41 2004]
The mistake could not have originated here, and must be connected with the despatch of the goods.
Pogreška nije mogla nastati ovdje, već je vjerojatno povezana sa slanjem robe.
[Thu Mar 04 09:43:22 2004]
The best solution would be for me to return the wrong articles to you, postage and packing forward.
Za mene je najbolje rješenje da Vam vratim neispravne proizvode, poštarina i pakiranje plaćeni unaprijed.
[Thu Mar 04 09:46:12 2004]
Rather than send a credit note, you could send six replacements which would probably be easier than adjusting our accounts.
Umjesto slanja izvješća o odobrenju kredita, biste mogli poslati šest zamjenskih što je vjerojatno jednostavnije od usklađivanja naših računa.
[Thu Mar 04 09:55:33 2004]
While we cannot give you an explanation at present, we can promise you that we are looking into the matter and will write to you again shortly.
Budući da Vam mi trenutno ne možemo dati objašnjenju, jamčimo Vam da ispitujemo predmet te ćemo Vam se uskoro ponovo javiti.
[Thu Mar 04 09:58:22 2004]
As we are sending out orders promptly, I think these delays may have something to do with the haulage contractors and I am making investigations at the moment.
Budući da šaljemo narudžbe odmah, smatram da su ova kašnjenja u vezi s prijevoznicima i ja provodim o tome istragu.
[Thu Mar 04 10:01:12 2004]
There appears to have been some confusion in our addressing system, but this has been adjusted.
Čini se da je došlo neka zabune u našem sustava adresiranju, no to je sad popravljeno.
[Thu Mar 04 10:02:58 2004]
It is unusual for this type of error to arise, but the problem has now been dealt with.
neobično je što je došlo do te greške, no problem je sada sređen.
[Thu Mar 04 10:05:52 2004]
We have now checked our accounts and find that we have indeed been sending you the wrong statement due to a confusion in names and addresses.
smo provjerili naše račune te smo otkrili da doista smo Vam slali krivo izvješće zbog zabune u imenima i adresama.
[Thu Mar 04 10:10:56 2004]
The computer has been reprogrammed and there should be no more difficulties.
Računalo je ponovo programirano i poteškoće se ne smijele više pojavljivati.
[Thu Mar 04 10:10:56 2004]
Please contact us again if any similar situation arises, and once more thank you for pointing out the error.
Molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate ako se neka slična situacija pojavi ponovo, te Vam još jednom zahvaljujemo za ukazivanje na grešku.
[Thu Mar 04 10:19:45 2004]
The reason for the weakness in the units you complained about was due to a faulty manufacturing process in production.
Uzrok je osjetljivosti proizvoda na koje ste se žalili loš proizvodni postupak.
[Thu Mar 04 10:19:45 2004]
This is being corrected at the moment and we are sure you will be completely satisfied with the replacement units we will be sending you in the next few weeks.
To se trenutno popravlja te smo sigurni da ćete biti potpuno zadovoljni sa zamjenskim proizvodima koje ćemo Vam poslati u sljedećih nekoliko tjednima.
[Thu Mar 04 10:26:43 2004]
We have closely compared the articles you returned with our samples and can see no difference between them, and in this case we are not willing to either substitute the articles or offer a credit.
Izbliza smo usporedili proizvode koje ste nam vratili s našim uzorcima i ne vidimo nikakvu razlika među njima, te u ovom slučaju nećemo na zamijeniti proizvode niti ponuditi zajam.
[Thu Mar 04 10:49:23 2004]
Our engineer has examined the machine you complained about and in his report tells us that the machine has not been maintained properly.
Naš je inženjer pregledao stroj na koji ste se žalili te nam u svom izvještaju kaže da stroj nije bio valjano održavan.
[Thu Mar 04 10:49:23 2004]
If you look at the instruction booklet on maintenance that we sent you, you will see that it is essential to take care of #PRODUCT, COMPONENT#.
Ako pogledate u knjižicu s uputstvima o održavanju koju sam Vam poslao, ćete vidjeti da je najvažnije voditi računa o #PROIZVOD, DIO#.
[Thu Mar 04 10:52:58 2004]
Our factory has now inspected the #PRODUCT# unit you returned last week, and they inform us that it has been used with the wrong #PRODUCT, COMPONENT# and this had overloaded the circuits.
Naša tvornica je ispitala proizvod #PROIZVOD# koji ste vratili prošli tjedan, i obavijestila nas da je bio korišten s pogrešnim #PROIZVOD, DIO# pa je preopteretio strujne krugove.
[Thu Mar 04 10:52:58 2004]
We can repair the machine, but you will have to pay for the repairs as misuse of the unit is not included under our guarantee.
možemo popraviti stroj, ali ćete morati plati za popravke budući da krivo krištenje proizvoda nije uključeno u naše jamstvo.
[Thu Mar 04 11:09:34 2004]
In closing we would like to apologize for the inconvenience, and also point out that this type of fault rarely occurs in the #PRODUCT#.
Na kraju bismo se htjeli ispričati za neugobnosti, i naglasiti da se ovakva pogreška rijetko pojavljuje kod #PROIZVOD#.
[Thu Mar 04 11:13:56 2004]
Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely to occur again.
Naposljetku, napominjemo da je to bila iznimna pogreška te je malo vjerojatno da će se ponoviti.
[Thu Mar 04 11:13:56 2004]
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Molim Vas da prihvatite naše isprike za neugodnost.
[Thu Mar 04 11:21:47 2004]
The replacements of the faulty articles are on their way to you and you should receive them within the week.
Zamjenski dijelovi za neispravne proizvode su na putu prema Vama te biste ih trebali primiti unutar tjedan dana.
[Thu Mar 04 11:23:19 2004]
We are sure that you will be satisfied with them and there will be no repetition of the faults.
smo sigurni da vi ćete biti zadovoljan s njima te da se neće ponovljati pogreške.
[Thu Mar 04 11:23:19 2004]
Thank you for your patience in this matter, and we look forward to hearing from you again.
Zahvaljujemo na Vašem strpljenju, te očekujemo Vaše ponovno javljanje.
[Thu Mar 04 11:29:47 2004]
Undercharge on invoice #NUMBER#.
Premalo terećenje računa #BROJ#.
[Thu Mar 04 11:31:07 2004]
#BROJ# proizvoda #IZNOS# EUR svaki = #IZNOS# EUR, NE #IZNOS# EUR Račun br.
[Thu Mar 04 11:31:07 2004]
#NUMBER#, one line omitted viz. NUMBER# #PRODUCT# at #AMOUNT# EUR each = #AMOUNT# EUR
#BROJ#, jedan niz izostavljen npr. #BROJ# #PROIZVOD# u iznosu od #IZNOS# EUR svaki = #IZNOS# EUR
[Thu Mar 04 11:32:58 2004]
VAT should have been calculated at #NUMBER#%, NOT #NUMBER#% Difference = #AMOUNT# EUR
PDV je trebao biti izračunan prema postotku od #BROJ#%, NE #BROJ#%razlika = #IZNOS# EUR
[Thu Mar 04 11:34:16 2004]
We would like to apologize for the mistake on invoice No.
Željeli bismo se ispričati za pogrešku na računu br.
[Thu Mar 04 11:34:48 2004]
#NUMBER#, which was due to an oversight.
#BROJ#, do koje je došlo zbog propusta.
[Thu Mar 04 11:34:55 2004]
Please could you send us the balance of #AMOUNT# EUR?
Molimo Vas da nam pošaljete bilanca u iznosu od #IZNOS# EUR?
[Thu Mar 04 11:34:55 2004]
Thank you.
[Thu Mar 04 12:08:46 2004]
I am sorry to trouble you, particularly since you were so prompt in settling the account, but I would be grateful if you would let us have the additional amount of #AMOUNT# EUR as itemized on the enclosed debit note.
Ispričavam se na smetnji, naročito što ste bili tako brzo podmirili račun, ali bih bio zahvalan ako biste nam mogli dostaviti dodatni iznos od #IZNOS# EUR kako se navodi u priloženom izvještaju o zaduženju.
[Thu Mar 04 12:17:22 2004]
I regret that we miscalculated the VAT and must now ask you to forward the difference of #AMOUNT# EUR.
Ispričavam se što sam pogrešno izračunao PDV te Vas sad moram zamoliti da pošaljete razliku u iznosu od #IZNOS# EUR.
[Thu Mar 04 12:20:10 2004]
Please find enclosed our credit note No.
U prilogu se nalazi nalaz naše izvješće o odobrenju kredita br.
[Thu Mar 04 12:20:27 2004]
#NUMBER# for #AMOUNT# EUR which is a refund for the overcharge on invoice No.
#BROJ# za iznos od #IZNOS# EUR što je povrat novca za preveliko terećenje računa br.
[Thu Mar 04 12:21:38 2004]
[Thu Mar 04 12:22:27 2004]
As you pointed out in your letter, the trade discount should have been #NUMBER#%, not #NUMBER#%, of the gross price.
Kao što ste istaknuli u svom pismu, trgovinski popust je trebao biti umanjen za #BROJ#%, ne za #BROJ#%, od bruto cijene.
[Thu Mar 04 12:22:27 2004]
We apologize for the inconvenience.
se ispričamo zbog neugodnosti.
[Thu Mar 04 12:38:09 2004]
I am writing to ask if it would be possible for us to have credit facilities in the form of payment by #NUMBER#-day bill of exchange.
Javljam Vam se s molbom ako je moguće da nam odobrite kreditne pogodnosti u obliku plaćanja mjenicom s datumom od #BROJ# dana.
[Thu Mar 04 12:43:02 2004]
Thank you for your catalogue and letter.
Zahvaljujem Vam na katalogu i pismu.
[Thu Mar 04 12:43:02 2004]
As there was no indication of your credit terms could you let me know if you would allow us to settle on monthly statements?
Budući da niste naveli svoje uvjete kreditiranja molim Vas da mi javite biste li nam dozvolili nas podmirivanje koje se temelji na mjesečnim izvještajima?
[Thu Mar 04 12:52:36 2004]
We appreciate your answering our enquiry so promptly.
cijenimo Vaš brz odgovor na naš upit.
[Thu Mar 04 12:52:36 2004]
As I pointed out in my letter to you, our suppliers usually allow us open account facilities with quarterly settlements, and I hope that this method of payment will be acceptable to you also.
Kao što sam istaknuo u svojem pismu, naši nam dobavljači obično odobravaju pogodnosti otvorenog računa s kvartalnim podmirenjima, te Nadam se da će takva metoda plaćanja biti prihvatljiva i Vama.
[Thu Mar 04 13:00:27 2004]
As we have been dealing with you for more than a year we feel that you know us well enough to grant our request.
Budući da poslujemo s Vama više od godine dana smatramo da nas poznajete prilično dobro da biste nam odobrili naš zahtjev.
[Thu Mar 04 13:03:27 2004]
We believe we have established our reliability with you over the past #NUMBER# months and would now like to settle accounts on a quarterly basis.
Mi vjerujemo mi smo ostvarili povjerenje u našu pouzdanost zadnjih #BROJ# mjeseci te bi sada željeli podmirivati račune prema kvartalnoj osnovi.
[Thu Mar 04 14:19:12 2004]
During the past few months of our transactions we have always settled promptly, and therefore we feel we can ask for better credit facilities from you.
Tijekom prošlih nekoliko mjeseci našeg poslovanja uvijek smo platili odmah, pa stoga smatramo da možemo tražiti bolje kreditne pogodnosti od Vas.
[Thu Mar 04 14:22:00 2004]
We are a well-established firm and can offer references if necessary.
Mi smo stabilna tvrtka te možemo ponuditi preporuke ako to bude potrebno.
[Thu Mar 04 14:26:05 2004]
We can certainly pay on the due dates, but if you would like confirmation concerning our credit-worthiness then please contact any of the following who will act as our referees:
možemo svakako platiti u rokovima dospijeća, no ako želite potvrdu glede naše kreditne sposobnosti tada Vas molimo da kontaktirate bilo koga sa sljedećeg popisa tko će biti naša preporuka:
[Thu Mar 04 14:26:05 2004]
[Thu Mar 04 14:38:10 2004]
We deal with most of our suppliers on a quarterly settlement basis and you may contact any of those listed below for a reference.
Mi poslujemo s većinom naših dobavljača na osnovi kvartalnog sporazum pa možete kontaktirati bilo koga od niže navedenih za preporuku.
[Thu Mar 04 14:49:53 2004]
As we have been trading for over a year references will not be necessary and you may clear your accounts by #NUMBER#-day bill of exchange which will be sent to #NAME# Bank #BANK ADDRESSE# with shipping documents for your acceptance.
Budući da poslujemo zajedno više od godinu dana preporuke neće biti potrebne te možete podmiriti svoje račune plaćanjem mjenicom s datumom od #BROJ# dana ##-koja će biti poslana #IME# banci #ADRESA BANKE# s robnootpremnim dokumentima za Vaš akcept.
[Thu Mar 04 14:57:29 2004]
We are pleased to inform you that the credit facilities you asked for are acceptable, and knowing the reputation of your company there will be no need for us to contact any referees.
Drago nam je da Vas možemo obavijestiti da su kreditne pogodnosti koje ste tražili prihvatljive, te s obzirom na poznavanje ugleda Vaš tvrtke neće biti potrebno kontaktirati Vaše preporuke.
[Thu Mar 04 14:57:53 2004]
Just to confirm what has been agreed - settlement will be made against monthly statements.
Samo da potvrdimo ono što je dogovoreno plaćanje će se vršiti prema mjesečnim obračunima.
[Thu Mar 04 14:57:53 2004]
We look forward to receiving your next order.
Očekujemo Vašu sljedeću narudžbu.
[Thu Mar 04 15:02:04 2004]
We have now received the necessary references and are pleased to say that from your next order payment can be made on a quarterly basis against statements.
smo primili potrebne preporuke te Vas obaviještavamo da se nakon Vaš sljedeće narudžbe plaćanje može vršiti na kvartalnoj osnovi prema obračunima.
[Thu Mar 04 15:04:51 2004]
The referees you gave us have replied and we are able to tell you that as from next month you may settle your account on a documents against acceptance basis by #NUMBER#.
Preporuke koje ste nam dali odgovorile su nam te Vas obaviještavamo da od idućeg mjeseca možete podmirivati vaš račun na osnovi dokumenata po uručenju mjenice prema #BROJ#.
[Thu Mar 04 15:09:12 2004]
Thank you for your letter of #DATE# in which you asked to be put on open account terms.
Zahvaljujemo Vam se na pismu od dana #DATUM# u kojem tražite prebacivanje na uvjete otvorenog računa.
[Thu Mar 04 15:10:14 2004]
Unfortunately, we never allow credit facilities to customers until they have traded with us for over a year.
Nažalost, nikad ne odobravamo kreditne pogodnosti klijentima dok s njima ne trgujemo više od godinu dana.
[Thu Mar 04 15:10:14 2004]
We really are sorry that we cannot be more helpful in this case.
Jako nam je žao što ne možemo biti od veće koristi u ovom slučaju.
[Thu Mar 04 15:16:03 2004]
We regret that we are unable to offer open account terms to customers as our products are competitively priced and with small profit margins it is uneconomical to allow credit facilities.
Žao nam je što nismo u mogućnosti ponuditi uvjete otvorenog računa klijentima budući da naši proizvodi imaju kompetitivnu cijenu te bi s niskim maržama profita bilo neekonomično odobriti kreditne pogodnosti.
[Thu Mar 04 15:17:36 2004]
We are sorry that we cannot offer credit facilities of any kind at present owing to rising inflation.
Žao nam je što trenutno nismo u mogućnosti ponuditi kreditne pogodnosti bilo koje vrste zbog rastuće inflacije.
[Thu Mar 04 15:17:36 2004]
However, perhaps if things settle in future we may be able to reconsider your request.
Međutim, ako stvari se srede u budućnost možda ćemo moći ponovo razmotriti vaš zahtjev.