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[Mon Mar 29 16:02:06 2004]
Because x and y can take on both positive and negative values, the polarities of the major loops can shift back and forth.
Budući da i x i y mogu poprimiti pozitivne i negativne vrijednosti, polariteti se glavnih petalja mogu premještati naprijed-nazad.
[Mon Mar 29 16:02:35 2004]
For particular values of the parameters, this stock-and-flow feedback structure exhibits deterministic chaos and extreme sensitivity to initial conditions (?
Za određene vrijednosti parametra, ova struktura povratne informacije stoka-i-toka prikazuje deterministički kaos i krajnju osjetljivost na početne uvjete ?
[Mon Mar 29 16:02:35 2004]
= 10, r= 28, b = 8/3 is one such parameter set.
= 10, r= 28, b = 8/3 je jedna takva skupina parametara.
[Mon Mar 29 16:05:12 2004]
The loop diagram is shown in figure 2:
dijagram Petlja je prikazan na slici 2:
[Mon Mar 29 16:05:43 2004]
The output shown in figure 3, for example for Y, is the classic behavior of deterministic chaos that Lorenz discovered back in 1963.
rezultat prikazan na slici 3, na primjer za Y, je klasično ponašanje determinističkog kaosa kojeg je Lorenz je otkrio još 1963.
[Mon Mar 29 16:05:43 2004]
A Vensim model for the Lorenz equations is included in Appendix A
Vensim model za Lorenzove jednadžbe uključen je u dodatak A
[Mon Mar 29 16:09:12 2004]
As Richardson concludes, "nonlinear models can endogenously change dominant structure -we now face the likelihood that the enormous range of feedback systems social sciences have observed includes structures that can endogenously generate unpredictable behavior
mijenjati dominantnu strukturu -we sada se suočavamo s mogućnošću da velik raspon sustava povratne informacije koje su društvene znanosti proučavale obuhvaća strukture koje mogu endogenosno ? proizvesti nepredvidljivo ponašanje
[Tue Mar 30 08:12:12 2004]
slightly varying initial values
neznatno promjenljivim početnim vrijednostima
[Tue Mar 30 08:13:20 2004]
Relative strength and weaknesses of the two modeling disciplines
Relativna snaga i slabosti dviju disciplina modeliranja
[Tue Mar 30 08:15:53 2004]
The major differences between the modeling techniques also mark their relative strengths and weaknesses.
Glavne razlike između tehnika modeliranja označuju i njihove relativne snage i slabosti.
[Tue Mar 30 08:16:57 2004]
Agent-based modeling focuses on individuals who interact on the basis of generally simple rules.
-Učesničko modeliranje se usredotočuje na pojedince koji komuniciraju na temelju općenito jednostavnih pravila.
[Tue Mar 30 08:18:53 2004]
The resulting emergent behavior of such agents as a complex system is the basic unit of analysis.
Rezultat novonastalog ponašanja takvih učesnika kao složenog sustava osnovni je element analize.
[Tue Mar 30 08:21:42 2004]
The approach is inductive.
Pristup je induktivan.
[Tue Mar 30 08:21:42 2004]
The researcher may modify rules and environmental parameters and then try to understand what the resulting outcomes are with regard to the emergent behavior of the overall system.
Istraživač može promijeniti pravila i ekološke parametre a zatim pokušati shvatiti kakvi su nastali rezultati u vezi s novonastalim ponašanjem cjelokupnog sustava.
[Tue Mar 30 08:30:52 2004]
As long as rules are known or can be discovered by some sort of observation, the modeling and testing of such emergent structures is a relatively straightforward process.
Sve dok su pravila poznata ili se mogu otkriti nekom vrstom promatranja, modeliranje i testiranje takvih novonastalih struktura je relativno jednostavan proces.
[Tue Mar 30 08:30:52 2004]
However, once the reverse direction of study is employed, that is, a complex aggregate behavior of a system has been observed, and now its agents and the rules by which they interact shall be identified, the process can be anything but straightforward
Međutim, jednom suprotan smjer proučavanja je upotrebljen, odnosno, složeno ukupno ponašanje sustava se promatra, te će se sada utvrditi njegovi učesnici i pravila kojima komuniciraju, proces može biti sve samo ne jednostavan
[Tue Mar 30 08:38:33 2004]
Discovering" agents and rules and then building a model which in turn is capable of mimicking the previously observed dynamic behavior can become a very tedious avenue of research.
Otkrivajući " učesnici i pravila te zatim izgradnja modela koji naizmjence može oponašati ranije primijećeno dinamično ponašanje može postati vrlo dosadna put istraživanja.
[Tue Mar 30 08:38:33 2004]
If rules and agents are identified, leverage points can be found at an individual level that may influence the complex aggregate behavior of a system significantly
Ako pravila i učesnici su utvrđeni, točke poluge može se mogu pronaći na zasebnoj razini koja bitno može utjecati na složeno ukupno ponašanje sustava
[Tue Mar 30 08:43:04 2004]
In SD modeling the feedback loop is the unit of analysis as seen earlier.
U SD modeliranju, petlja povratne veze je jedinica analize kao što smo ranije vidjeli.
[Tue Mar 30 08:43:57 2004]
Dynamic systems are deductive, in that they are described by their feedback structure at an aggregate level.
Dinamični sustavi su deduktivni, budući da su opisani svojom strukturom povratne informacije na ukupnoj razini.
[Tue Mar 30 08:46:00 2004]
That is, individual agents or events do not matter much in SD models, since the dynamics of the underlying structures are seen as dominant.
Odnosno, pojedinačni učesnici ili događaji nisu od velike važnosti u SD modelima, s obzirom da se dinamika temeljnih struktura smatra dominantnom.
[Tue Mar 30 08:46:34 2004]
Feedback structures, for example in social-science fields of study, can become subject to controversy since perspectives on a
Strukture povratne informacije, na primjer u društveno-znanstvena specijalističkim područjima, mogu postati podložne kontroverziji budući da se stajališta o
[Tue Mar 30 08:51:28 2004]
Constructing models, hence, is a process in which expert consensus regarding the feedback structure is essential to the credibility of any given model.
Izgradnja je modela, stoga, proces u kojem je suglasnost vještaka s obzirom na strukturu povratne informacije ključna za vjerodostojnost bilo kojeg danog modela.
[Tue Mar 30 08:53:07 2004]
If the feedback structure of a model captures the structure of a system insufficiently, the resulting insights may be faulty, even if the model matches historical data of the modeled system to some degree.
Ako strukture povratne informacije modela nedovoljno prikaže strukturu sustava, rezultirajuće bi spoznaje mogle biti netočne, čak i ako model donekle odgovara povijesnim podacima modeliranog sustava.
[Tue Mar 30 08:55:31 2004]
On the other hand, if the model does represent the systemic problem sufficiently, leverage points for intervention can be identified fairly effectively.
S druge strane, ako model pak dobro opiše sistemski problem, točke se poluge za intervenciju mogu prilično uspješno prepoznati.
[Tue Mar 30 08:55:48 2004]
This, however, is not possible at an individual rather than an
To, međutim, nije moguće na zasebnoj za razliku od
[Tue Mar 30 08:55:48 2004]
aggregate level
ukupne razine
[Tue Mar 30 09:00:36 2004]
Both techniques aim at discovering leverage points in complex aggregate systems, modelers of agent-based models seek them in rules and agents, while SD modelers do so in the feedback structure of a system
Cilj je obje tehnike da pronađu točke poluge u složenim ukupnim sustavima, modelatori učesničkih-modeli traže ih u pravilima i učesnicima, dok SD modelatori to čine u strukturi povratne informacije sustava
[Tue Mar 30 09:02:42 2004]
How do the two modeling techniques fit together
Kako se dvije tehnike modeliranja povezuju
[Tue Mar 30 09:10:38 2004]
As Steven Phelan recently stated upon analyzing similarities and divergences between the complexity school and the System Dynamics track:
Kao što je Steven Phelan nedavno izjavio o sličnostima i različitostima analiziranja među škole kompleksnosti i smjera Dinamike Sustava:
[Tue Mar 30 09:11:00 2004]
"As a complexity scientist, I was both surprised and embarrassed to find such an extensive body of literature virtually unacknowledged in the complexity literature" [9, 237].
" Kao znanstvenik kompleksnosti, ostao sam i iznenađen i posramljen pronalaskom da takvo opširna literatura virtualno nepriznat u literaturi kompleksnosti " [9, 237].
[Tue Mar 30 09:13:26 2004]
Indeed, the same holds true vice versa.
Štoviše, ista vrijedi i obratno.
[Tue Mar 30 09:13:26 2004]
It may be time to overcome this mutual partial blindness, since both tracks have a lot in common and a capacity to complement each other in various ways
Možda je došlo vrijeme da se prevlada ova uzajamna djelomična zasljepljenost, budući da oba smjera imaju puno toga zajedničkog te mogućnost da se nadopune međusobno na različite načine
[Tue Mar 30 09:17:24 2004]
One problem of understanding on behalf of complexity theorists is obviously to find a clear distinction between System Dynamics and the various schools of "systems theory".
jedan je problem shvaćanja teoretičara kompleksnosti je očito pronalaženje jasne razlike među Dinamike sustava i različitih škola " teorije sustava ".
[Tue Mar 30 09:19:06 2004]
From a complexity theory standpoint, this distinction seems non-existent.
Sa stajališta teorije kompleksnosti, čini se da ta razlika ne postoji.
[Tue Mar 30 09:21:36 2004]
Phelan, for example, subsumes SD and systems theory into one uniform body of understanding, while most of his comments obviously relate specifically to System Dynamics.
Phelan, na primjer, spaja SD i teoriju sustava u jedno usklađeno tijelo shvaćanja, dok se većina njegovih komentara očito odnosi na naročito na Dinamiku sustava.
[Tue Mar 30 09:22:05 2004]
As mentioned earlier, Richardson gave a full account of the unfolding of feedback thinking in social and other sciences in which he particularly described overlaps and fundamental
Kao što je ranije spomenuto, Richardson je iscrpno izvjestio raširivanju mišljenja povratne informacije u društveni i ostale znanosti u kojima je posebno opisao preklopanja i temeljne
[Tue Mar 30 09:22:05 2004]
differences between System Dynamics and the "system theory" schools
razlike između Dinamike sustava i škola " teorije sustava "
[Tue Mar 30 09:27:16 2004]
As Phelan notes, "Several terms carry virtually the same definition in both theories, including system, emergence, dynamic, nonlinear, adaptive and hierarchy.
Kao što Phelan konstatira, " Nekoliko pojmova virtualno ima istu definiciju u jednoj i drugoj teoriji, uključujući pojmove sustav, pojavljivanje, dinamičan, nelinearan, prilagodljiv i hijerarhija.
[Tue Mar 30 09:27:16 2004]
Both theories also share a belief that there are universal principles underlying the behavior of all systems
Obje teorija osim toga dijeli mišljenje da postoji univerzalna načela koja su temelj ponašanja svih sustava
[Tue Mar 30 09:32:54 2004]
This has led some commentators to suggest that the two fields are substantially similar-" [9, 238].
To je navelo neke komentatore da sugeriraju da ta dva područja vrlo slična- " [9, 238].
[Tue Mar 30 09:34:39 2004]
In Phelan's view, system theory/SD is mainly focused on "confirmatory analysis" and is a "problem solving perspective".
S Phelanovog stajališta, teorija sustava/SD uglavnom se usredotočuje na " potvrdnu analizu " te označuje " perspektivu za rješavanje problema ".
[Tue Mar 30 09:35:27 2004]
He identifies one of SD's objectives as "generating shared understanding and consensus one requires to improve the system" [9, 238-239].
Utvrđuje da je jedan od SD ciljeva " stvaranje zajedničkog shvaćanja i suglasnosti koji su potrebni za poboljšanje sustava " [9, 238-239].
[Tue Mar 30 09:35:27 2004]
As opposed to SD's confirmatory type of analysis, complexity theory typically focuses on exploratory research
Za razliku od Sd-ove potvrdne vrste analize, teorija kompleksnosti tipično se usredotočuje na istraživačko istraživanje
[Tue Mar 30 09:44:22 2004]
Another major point of departure between complexity theory and System Dynamics in his view is marked by the fact that though SD models can generate extremely complex models, the building blocks "at the disposal of the modeler are basically limited to stocks and flows, with flows representing either positive or negative feedback in a given element in the model" and he concludes, "One of the weaknesses of the approach is that stocks and flows invariably refer to the quantity rather than to the quality (or any other characteristic) of an element (or its attributes
Drugo značajno točka razdvajanja između teorije kompleksnosti i Dinamike sustava prema njegovom mišljenju se odlikuje činjenicom da iako SD modeli mogu generirati krajnje složene modeli, komponente " koje su modelatoru na raspolaganju su u osnovi ograničene na stokove i tokove, gdje tokovi predstavljaju ili pozitivnu ili negativnu povratnu informaciju u danom elementu u modelu " pa zaključuje, " Jedna od slabih točaka pristupa je da se stokovi i tokovi konstantno odnose na količinu a ne na kakvoću (ili bilo koju drugu karakteristiku) elementa (ili njegovih svojstva
[Tue Mar 30 09:51:57 2004]
It seems clear from this statement, that the expectation what a model must be able to do is driven from an individual-based rather than an aggregate modeling point of view.
Iz ove se izjave čini jasno, da očekivanje što model mora moći učiniti proizlazi sa stajališta koje se temelji zazebnom a ne na ukupnom modeliranju.
[Tue Mar 30 09:54:18 2004]
Most importantly, the statement does not acknowledge the principle of feedback which underlies the aggregate structures.
Ono što je najvažnije jest da, izjava ne priznaje načelo povratne informacije koja je temelj ukupnih struktura.
[Tue Mar 30 09:56:04 2004]
Phelan also states that, by and large, SD models lack the capacity to modify themselves structurally, which is one of the capacities of agent-based models.
Phelan također kaže da, sve u svemu, SD modelima nedostaje sposobnost da se strukturno mijenjaju, što je jedna od sposobnosti učesničkih-modela.
[Tue Mar 30 09:56:42 2004]
Holland makes this point even clearer:
Holland još jasnije to ustvrđuje:
[Tue Mar 30 09:57:09 2004]
"- there is no easy way to predict the overall behavior by looking at the behavior of an "average" individual.
" - nema lakog načina da bi se predvidjelo cjelokupno ponašanje promatranjem ponašanje " prosječnog " pojedinca.
[Tue Mar 30 09:59:01 2004]
increases enormously when individual agents can learn or adapt.
postaje još veći kad pojedinačni učesnici mogu naučiti ili se prilagođavaju.
[Tue Mar 30 09:59:01 2004]
Then an agent's strategy is not only conditioned by the current situation, it can also change over time
Tada strategija učesnika nije samo uvjetovana trenutnom situacijom, već se može i mijenjati s vremenom
[Tue Mar 30 10:12:56 2004]
We also find Phelan's assertion conclusive, that SD models have difficulty to explain for example production and decisions at an individual level.
I Phelanova je tvrdnja uvjerljiva, da SD modeli teže objašnjavaju na primjer proizvodnja i odluke na pojedinoj razini.
[Tue Mar 30 10:12:56 2004]
What both Holland and Phelan may not be aware of is that SD models have a capacity to model "learning effects" and are able to explain dynamics in what occurs as "environment" to individual agents, which these may have no capability to influence according to their limited rules
Ono čega ni Holland ni Phelan možda nisu biti svjesni je da SD modeli mogu modelirati " učinke učenja " i mogu objasniti dinamiku onoga što se čini kao " okruženje " pojedinačnim učesnicima, na koje ne mogu na utjecati zbog svojih ograničenih pravila
[Tue Mar 30 10:25:07 2004]
At the very least, it will be insightful to compare the aggregate behavior and emergent influence on the environment of agent-based models with the predictions of aggregate-level feedback models regarding the same subject area
Ako ništa drugo, dobit ćemo uvid u usporedbu ukupnog ponašanja i novonastalog utjecaj na okruženje učesničkih-modela s predviđanjima modela ukupne-razine povratne informacije s obzirom na istu ispitnu površinu
[Tue Mar 30 10:34:00 2004]
This is by no means far-fetched.
To nipošto nije pretjerano.
[Tue Mar 30 10:35:47 2004]
Looking at some topics in the portfolio of complexity theory such as the tragedy of the commons [13], predator-and-prey [14], deer management [15], to name a few, to a system dynamicist this would all look like a déja vu.
Promatrajući neke teme u mapi teorije kompleksnosti kao na primjer tragediju hrane [13], grabežljivac-i-plijen [14], rukovođenje jelenima [15], da ne navodimo ostale, dinamičaru bi se sustava ovo učinilo kao već ranije viđeno.
[Tue Mar 30 10:35:47 2004]
It should be a fruitful undertaking to compare both sides' results and discuss the insights
Uspoređivanje bi rezultata obaju strana i raspravljanje o zaključcima bili plodan poduhvat
[Tue Mar 30 10:37:29 2004]
However, there are even more striking areas of collaboration.
Međutim, postoji još upadljivija područja suradnje.
[Tue Mar 30 10:48:23 2004]
All models - as Richardson is fond of saying - are wrong [16].
Svi su modeli - kako Richardson voli reći - krivi [16].
[Tue Mar 30 10:51:33 2004]
Scientists who use models because they can cope with high degrees of non-linearity and enormous search spaces also face the problem of validating their models.
Znanstvenici koji koriste modele jer mogu se nositi s visokim stupnjevima ne-linearnosti i goleme razmaci u istraživanju prostori također se suočavaju s problemom potvrđivanja svojih modela.
[Tue Mar 30 10:53:16 2004]
Validation of complex models is inherently difficult [17].Miller proposes to use computer-based Active Nonlinear Tests (ANTs) that are capable of performing multivariate sensitivity analysis, model breaking and validation, extreme cases, and policy discovery.
Miller predlaže uporabu-Aktivnih nelinearni testova (ANT) koji se temelje na računalu koji mogu izvesti viševarijantnu analizu osjetljivosti, lomljenje modela i potvrđivanje, ekstremne slučajevi, i otkrivanje smjernica.
[Tue Mar 30 10:53:16 2004]
"ANTs search across sets of parameter values, they are capable of detecting important nonlinear relationships among the parameters - relationships that typically go unnoticed using standard techniques
" ANT testovi pretražuju kroz više vrijednosti parametra, mogu otkriti važne nelinearne odnose među parametrima odnosima taj tipično prolaze nezapaženo kad se koriste standardne tehnike
[Tue Mar 30 11:01:07 2004]
Miller further describes ANTs algorithms such as hill-climbing and Holland's genetic algorithms that use the two genetic operators of crossover and mutation (in fact, an agent-based algorithm), combined with simple random algorithms which subsequently search for new populations of solutions.
Mlinar nadalje opisuje ANT algoritmi kao na primjer-planinarenje i Hollandove genetske algoritme koji koriste dva genetskih operatera prijelaza i promjene (zapravo, učesnički-algoritam), koji su povezani jednostavnim nasumičnim algoritmima koji nakon toga traže nove populacije rješenja.
[Tue Mar 30 11:03:03 2004]
"Solutions" in this sense can be those that shatter and break the model.
" Rješenja " u ovom smislu mogu biti ona koja uništavaju i razbijaju model.
[Tue Mar 30 11:05:25 2004]
By means of ANTs, Miller was able to show that the famous SD model WORLD3 [18, 19] exposes extreme sensitivities to at least two parameters.
Pomoću ANT-a, Miller uspio pokazati da slavni SD model WORLD3 [18, 19] krajnje je osjetljiv na barem dva parametra.
[Tue Mar 30 11:05:47 2004]
Due to the influence of these two parameters and opposed to Meadows's conclusions from the model, ANTs were able to demonstrate that the model was able to produce significantly different results than those Meadows et al.
Zbog utjecaja tih dva parametra i suprotno Meadowsovim' zaključcima iz modela, ANT-i pokazali da model može stvoriti bitno različite rezultate od onih koje su te Meadows i ostali.
[Tue Mar 30 11:07:13 2004]
[Tue Mar 30 11:07:13 2004]
Miller makes clear that his interest is not one of denouncing Meadows's model as flawed rather than to demonstrate the potential of ANTs
Mlinar objašnjava da njegov interes nije da osuditi Meadowsov' model kao pogrešan nego da prikaže mogućnost ANT-a
[Tue Mar 30 11:22:22 2004]
In fact, when it comes to rigorous model testing, both modeling techniques share a common interest.
Zapravo, kada se radi o preciznom testiranju modela, obje tehnike modeliranja imaju zajednički interes.
[Tue Mar 30 11:22:22 2004]
As Miller notes, "ANTs can be used to discover worst (or best) case scenarios and therein give the user an idea about which parameters should either be altered (if possible) or most closely monitored
Kako Miller uočava, " ANT-i se mogu koristiti za otkrivanje najgorih (ili najboljih) scenarija i tako dati korisniku ideja o tome koji bi se parametri trebati ili mijenjati (ako je moguće) ili izbliza promatrati
[Tue Mar 30 11:25:11 2004]
Where on the continuum between positivism and post-modernism/constructivism do the two fields stand
Gdje se na kontinuumu između pozitivizma i post-modernizma/konstruktivizma nalaze ta dva područja
[Tue Mar 30 11:29:14 2004]
According to Phelan, complexity scientists view their discipline as a positivist theory.
Prema Phelanu, znanstvenici kompleksnost doživljavaju svoju disciplinu kao pozitivističku teoriju.
[Tue Mar 30 11:29:56 2004]
They believe that rules and equations can explain the observable complexity of the world as it really is (in the meaning "really is").
vjeruju da pravila i jednadžbe mogu objasniti uočljivu kompleksnost svijeta onakav kakav uistinu jest (u značenju " uistinu jest ").
[Tue Mar 30 11:32:01 2004]
Positivist theory, however, in the wake of chaos theory has suffered from "an attack from within".
, Međutim, pozitivistička je teorija kao posljedica kaosa teorije pretrpila "napad iznutra".
[Tue Mar 30 11:33:42 2004]
If minute initial differences as shown above in the Lorenz model can produce huge alterations in outcome, then, so the argument goes, the positivist "clockwork" view does not hold.
Ako neznatan početni razlike kao što prikazano gore u Lorenzovom modelu mogu prouzročiti velike promjene u rezultatu, tada, takva je tvrdnja, pozitivistički stav " mehanizma sata " ne može održati.
[Tue Mar 30 11:33:42 2004]
Complexity theorists though argue, that chaos theory helped discover hidden orders, and that most complex systems stay on the edge of chaos in a rather regular state
iako teoretičari Kompleksnost dokazuju, da teorija kaos je pomagla otkriti skrivene redove, te da kompleksan sustavi su na rub kaosa u prilično ispravnom stanju
[Tue Mar 30 11:44:30 2004]
In view of complexity theory, System Dynamics is located toward the constructivist end of the continuum, since feedback mechanisms are "constructed", sometimes by group consensus, which leaves them on a less rigorous foundation than agent-based models in their view.
S obzirom na teoriju kompleksnost, dinamika sustava je okrenuta prema konstruktivističkom kraju kontinuum, budući da mehanizmi povratne informacije " su sastavljeni ", ponekad grupnom suglasnošću, koji ih ostavlja na manje rigoroznom temelju od učesničkih-modela prema njihovom mišljenju.
[Tue Mar 30 11:45:15 2004]
Feedback thinkers (many of whom also believe to sit on the positivist end of the spectrum) could argue that the definition of agents and rules is equally deliberate as the definition of feedback appears, and that similar emergent behaviors could be accomplished with different agents and rules.
Proučavatelji povratnih informacija (od kojih mnogi također smatraju da sjede na pozitivističkom kraju spektra) bi mogli tvrditi da je definicija učesnika i pravila podjednako promišljen kao što se čini da je definicija povratne informacije, te da se slična novonastala ponašanja mogu ostvariti različitim učesnicima i pravila.
[Tue Mar 30 11:45:15 2004]
By virtue of this argument, the two disciplines are seen in close vicinity
Zahvaljujući ovoj tvrdnji, dvije se discipline čine vrlo bliskima
[Tue Mar 30 11:50:50 2004]
Agent-based modeling and complexity theory on the one hand, and System Dynamics on the other hand, have both produced rich bodies of research and literature on widely overlapping fields of application.
Učesničko-modeliranje i teorija kompleksnost s jedne strane, te Dinamika Sustava s druge strane, su stvorili bogate materijale istraživanja i literaturu o uvelike podudarnim područjima primjene.
[Tue Mar 30 11:51:38 2004]
Both have a high capacity of explanatory power.
I jedan i drugi imaju veliku sposobnost objašnjavanja.
[Tue Mar 30 11:52:32 2004]
The cross study of these bodies of literature is overdue.
Unakrsno proučavanje te literature kasni.
[Tue Mar 30 11:53:57 2004]
Results on identical or neighboring research topics must be compared.
Rezultati istih ili sličnih istraživačkim tema moraju se usporediti.
[Tue Mar 30 11:55:25 2004]
Individual-based modeling and aggregate feedback modeling may complement each other in ways that are unimagined from today's perspective.
Pojedinačno-modeliranje i ukupna modeliranje povratne informacija mogu se dopuniti međusobno na načine koji se s današnjeg stajališta ne mogu niti zamisliti.
[Tue Mar 30 11:55:25 2004]
The comparison of results in the same subject areas will most probably lead to some fine insights
Usporedba rezultata u isto tematskim površinama najvjerojatnije će dovesti do nekih dobrih uvida
[Tue Mar 30 12:01:41 2004]
It would also be desirable to see an agent-based implementation of some other SD classics such as the "beer game" (Senge, 1990) which, in particular, may have the potential to become a classic in the agent-based modeling field as well.
Također bi bilo poželjan vidjeti učesničku-implementaciju nekih drugih SD klasika kao na primjer " pivska igra " (Senge, 1990) koji, posebno, bi mogla imati mogućnost da postane klasičan primjer također na području učesničkog-modeliranja.
[Tue Mar 30 12:03:04 2004]
Testing techniques are a starting point for more active and mutually influential collaboration.
tehnike Testiranje su polazište za aktivniju i obostrano utjecajnu suradnju.
[Tue Mar 30 12:06:45 2004]
The epistemological and ontological standpoints (whether differing or not) cannot preclude the practical benefits of having a working relationship.
i ontološka gledišta (razlikovale se one ili ne) ne mogu spriječiti da praktične pogodnosti imaju funkcionalni odnos.
[Tue Mar 30 12:07:20 2004]
As Phelan remarks, agent-based models could be set up in a way, that they mimic individuals "with different perceptions of an underlying ontological reality-Agent-based methods may thus go some way toward operationalizing the constructivist worldview."
Kako primjećuje Phelan, učesnički-modeli bi mogli biti sastaviti na način, da oponašaju pojedince " s različitim percepcijama temeljne ontološke reality-Agent-Učesničke metode bi mogle krenuti nekako prema operacionaliziciji konstruktivističkog svjetonazor."
[Tue Mar 30 12:07:20 2004]
One would most probably arrive at some exciting insights
" Najvjerojatnije bismo došli do nekih uzbudljivih zaključaka
[Tue Mar 30 12:20:57 2004]
System Dynamics models help trace the patterns of behavior of a dynamic system to its feedback structure.
modeli Dinamika sustava pomažu pri praćenju uzoraka ponašanja dinamičnog sustava do strukture njegove povratne informacije.
[Tue Mar 30 12:22:48 2004]
The models are formal, employing differential equations, i.e.
Modeli su formalni, koriste diferencijalne jednadžbe, tj..
[Tue Mar 30 12:24:28 2004]
, they are rigorously quantitative.
, strogo su kvantitativni.
[Tue Mar 30 12:24:28 2004]
In the SD view, feedback structures are seen as intrinsic in real systems
Prema SD stajalištu, strukture povratne informacije se doživljavaju kao intrinzične u stvarnim sustavima
[Thu Mar 04 15:16:21 2004]
bizamski štakor
[Thu Mar 18 14:20:39 2004]
round iron 10 mm
oko željeza 10 mm
[Thu Mar 18 14:32:27 2004]
attachable piece for mast 3-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 3-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:34:22 2004]
attachable piece for mast 4-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 4-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:34:26 2004]
attachable piece for mast 3-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 3-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:34:28 2004]
attachable piece for mast 4-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 4-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:35:18 2004]
matching part for mast, single
odgovarajući dio za jarbol, samac
[Thu Mar 18 14:35:19 2004]
headlight HIT-DE 130W
svjetlo POGOĐENO-DE 130W
[Thu Mar 18 14:35:40 2004]
headlight 250W
svjetlo 250W
[Thu Mar 18 14:36:23 2004]
central battery system
središnji baterijski sustav
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:10 2004]
tributary station
pomoćna postaja
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:26 2004]
attachable piece for mast 3-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 3-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:26 2004]
attachable piece for mast 4-fold
pričvrstiv komad za jarbol 4-savije
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:27 2004]
matching part for mast, single
odgovarajući dio za jarbol, samac
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:27 2004]
headlight HIT-DE 130W
svjetlo POGOĐENO-DE 130W
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:27 2004]
headlight 250W
svjetlo 250W
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:28 2004]
central battery system
središnji baterijski sustav
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:28 2004]
tributary station
pomoćna postaja
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:30 2004]
light carrier 1x58W, EVG, emergency light
svjetlo prijevoznika 1x58W, EVG, hitno svjetlo
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:32 2004]
trapeze-shaped reflector 1x58W
trapezasto-oblikovan reflektor 1x58W
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:34 2004]
trapeze-shaped reflector 2x58W
trapezasto-oblikovan reflektor 2x58W
[Thu Mar 18 14:41:42 2004]
light carrier 2x58W, EVG, emergency light
svjetlo prijevoznika 2x58W, EVG, hitno svjetlo
[Mon Mar 29 14:21:30 2004]
[Mon Mar 29 14:24:04 2004]
How do the two modeling techniques fit together?
Kako se ove dvije tehnike modeliranja slažu?
[Mon Mar 29 14:31:27 2004]
As Steven Phelan recently stated upon analyzing similarities and divergences between the complexity school and the System Dynamics track:
Kao Steven Phelan nedavno je izjavio na analiziranja sličnosti i razilaženja među kompleksnosti školom i Dinamikom Sustava staza:
[Mon Mar 29 14:32:07 2004]
"As a complexity scientist, I was both surprised and embarrassed to find such an extensive body of literature virtually unacknowledged in the complexity literature" [9, 237].
" Kao kompleksnost znanstvenik, oba ja sam bio iznenađen i je doveo u neugodnu situaciju prema nalazu takvo opsežno tijelo literature praktički nepriznat u kompleksnosti literaturi " [9, 237].
[Mon Mar 29 14:34:45 2004]
[Mon Mar 29 14:34:46 2004]
How do the two modeling techniques fit together?
Kako dva modeliranja tehnike prilagode zajedno?
[Mon Mar 29 14:34:48 2004]
As Steven Phelan recently stated upon analyzing similarities and divergences between the complexity school and the System Dynamics track:
Kao Steven Phelan nedavno je izjavio na analiziranja sličnosti i razilaženja među kompleksnosti školom i Dinamikom Sustava staza:
[Mon Mar 29 14:34:55 2004]
"As a complexity scientist, I was both surprised and embarrassed to find such an extensive body of literature virtually unacknowledged in the complexity literature" [9, 237].
" Kao kompleksnost znanstvenik, oba ja sam bio iznenađen i je doveo u neugodnu situaciju prema nalazu takvo opsežno tijelo literature praktički nepriznat u kompleksnosti literaturi " [9, 237].
[Mon Mar 29 14:39:24 2004]
Indeed, the same holds true vice versa.
Doista, isto ima istinito obratno.
[Mon Mar 29 14:43:24 2004]
One problem of understanding on behalf of complexity theorists is obviously to find a clear distinction between System Dynamics and the various schools of "systems theory".
Jedno problem razumijevanja od strane teoretičara kompleksnosti je očito prema nalazu jasna razlika među Dinamikom Sustava i različite škole " sustava teorije ".
[Mon Mar 29 14:48:59 2004]
From a complexity theory standpoint, this distinction seems non-existent.
Od kompleksnosti teorije gledišta, ova razlika se čini nepostojeći.
[Mon Mar 29 14:57:38 2004]
Phelan, for example, subsumes SD and systems theory into one uniform body of understanding, while most of his comments obviously relate specifically to System Dynamics.
Phelan, na primjer, uključuje u sebi SD i sustavi teorija u jedno usklađen tijelo razumijevanja, dok većina njegovi komentari očito ispričaju posebno prema Dinamici Sustava.
[Mon Mar 29 15:03:01 2004]
As Phelan notes, "Several terms carry virtually the same definition in both theories, including system, emergence, dynamic, nonlinear, adaptive and hierarchy.
Kao Phelan primijetiti, " nekoliko uvjeti nose praktički ista definicija u objema teorija, uključujući sustav, pojava, dinamičan, nelinearan, prilagodljiva i hijerarhija.
[Mon Mar 29 15:06:04 2004]
Both theories also share a belief that there are universal principles underlying the behavior of all systems.
Obje teorija također dijeli vjerovanje koje postoji univerzalna načela biti temelj ponašanja svih sustava.
[Mon Mar 29 15:10:45 2004]
This has led some commentators to suggest that the two fields are substantially similar-" [9, 238].
Ovaj su naveli neke komentatore sugerirati da dva područje su u osnovi similar- " [9, 238].
[Mon Mar 29 15:13:37 2004]
In Phelan's view, system theory/SD is mainly focused on "confirmatory analysis" and is a "problem solving perspective".
U stavu Phelan's, teorija sustava/SD je uglavnom usredotočiti na na " potvrdnu analizu " i je " rješavanje problema stajalište ".
[Mon Mar 29 15:16:16 2004]
He identifies one of SD's objectives as "generating shared understanding and consensus one requires to improve the system" [9, 238-239].
On identificira jedan ciljeva SD's kao " stvaranje zajednički razumijevanje i suglasnost jedan zahtijeva poboljšati sustav " [9, 238-239].
[Mon Mar 29 15:50:58 2004]
It seems clear from this statement, that the expectation what a model must be able to do is driven from an individual-based rather than an aggregate modeling point of view.
Ono činiti jasno od ove tvrdnje, da očekivanje kakav model mora moći obavljati je vožen od pojedinačno-bazirano radije nego ukupno modeliranje stajalište.
[Mon Mar 29 15:53:26 2004]
Most importantly, the statement does not acknowledge the principle of feedback which underlies the aggregate structures.
Najznačajnije, tvrdnja ne prizna načelo povratne informacije koja je temelj ukupne strukture.
[Mon Mar 29 15:59:13 2004]
Phelan also states that, by and large, SD models lack the capacity to modify themselves structurally, which is one of the capacities of agent-based models.
Phelan također kazati da, uglavnom, SD modeli nedostaju sposobnost izmijeniti se strukturno, koji je jedan sposobnosti agenta-bazirani modeli.
[Mon Mar 29 15:59:28 2004]
Holland makes this point even clearer:
Holland napravi ovaj pokaže čak jasnije:
[Mon Mar 29 16:03:43 2004]
"- there is no easy way to predict the overall behavior by looking at the behavior of an "average" individual.
" - nema lakšeg načina predviđati općenit ponašanje do promatrajući ponašanje " prosječnog " pojedinca.
[Mon Mar 29 16:11:09 2004]
We also find Phelan's assertion conclusive, that SD models have difficulty to explain for example production and decisions at an individual level.
Također mi nađemo tvrdnja Phelan's uvjerljiv, da SD modeli imaju poteškoća objasniti na primjer izrada i odluke u pojedinačnoj razini.
[Tue Mar 02 11:15:44 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 11:41:08 2004]
The Committee shall issue its opinion within a time limit to be fixed by the Chairman according to the urgency of the matters for examination.
Odbor će objaviti svoje mišljenje unutar vremenskog ograničenja da bude utvrđeno od strane Predsjedatelja prema hitnosti predmeta za razmatranje.
[Tue Mar 02 11:41:13 2004]
It shall decide by a majority of twelve votes, the votes of Member States being weighted as laid down in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty.
Odluka će biti donijeta uz pomoć većine od dvanaest glasova, a glasovi država Članica biti će procijenjeni prema postupku navedenom u Članku 148 (2) Ugovora.
[Tue Mar 02 11:41:13 2004]
The Chairman shall not vote.
Predsjedavajući neće glasovati.
[Tue Mar 02 11:41:57 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 11:47:10 2004]
The Commission shall adopt the decision.
Komisija će usvojiti odluku.
[Tue Mar 02 11:52:14 2004]
The Council, voting as provided in Article 43 (2) of the Treaty, may within that month adopt a different decision.
Vijeće, glasajući kako je propisano Člankom 43 (2) Ugovora, može unutar toga mjeseca usvojiti drugu odluku.
[Tue Mar 02 11:52:29 2004]
Article 10
Članak 10
[Tue Mar 02 11:57:13 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 11:59:54 2004]
(a) The expenditure incurred by Member States for the purposes of any measure taken under Article 2 (1) (a) or (c) shall be eligible for assistance from the Guidance Section of the EAGGF, up to the amounts hereinbefore specified, and in so far as the utilized agricultural areas released have been reallocated in accordance with Article 5 (1) or (3).
(a) Izdaci nastali od strane država Članica za potrebe bilo koje mjere poduzete u skladu s Člankom 2 (1) (a) ili (c) će se odobriti za pomoć od Odsjeka za savjetovanje pri EAGGF-u, do iznosa specificiranih u gornjem tekstu, i u onoj mjeri u kojoj su korištena razriješena poljoprivredna područja preraspodijeljena u skladu s Člankom 5 (1) ili (3).
[Tue Mar 02 11:59:54 2004]
However, where Member States act under Article 5 (3), the eligible expenditure will only be reimbursed upon proof that the utilized agricultural area released has been reallocated for one of the purposes provided for in Article 5 (1).
Međutim, tamo gdje države Članice djeluju prema Članku 5 (3), odobreni izdaci biti će samo nadoknađeni na temelju dokaza da je korišteno razriješeno poljoprivredno područje preraspodijeljeno zbog jednoga od ciljeva navedenih u Članku 5 (1).
[Tue Mar 02 12:06:44 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:10:12 2004]
The Guidance Section of the EAGGF shall refund to Member States 25 % of the expenditure eligible for assistance.
Odsjek za savjetovanje pri EAGGF-u nadoknaditi će državama Članicama 25 % izdataka odobrenih za pomoć.
[Tue Mar 02 12:11:26 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:14:04 2004]
- the gross domestic product per capita at factor cost is lower than the Community average.
- bruto domaći proizvod po glavi stanovnika po faktorskoj cijeni je niže od prosjeka Zajednice.
[Tue Mar 02 12:15:08 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:15:25 2004]
Article 11
Članak 11
[Tue Mar 02 12:17:30 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:17:31 2004]
Measures taken by Member States shall not be eligible to benefit from financial contribution by the Community unless a favourable decision under Article 9 has been given in respect of the provisions relating thereto.
Mjere poduzete od strane država Članica neće biti odobren za korist financijskom doprinosu od strane Zajednice, osim ukoliko je ostvarena povoljna odluka prema Članku 9 s obzirom na odredbe vezane uz to.
[Tue Mar 02 12:19:56 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:20:30 2004]
Article 12
Članak 12
[Tue Mar 02 12:21:55 2004]
Članak 121.
[Tue Mar 02 12:22:25 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:22:49 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:23:37 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:24:15 2004]
Article 13
Članak 13
[Tue Mar 02 12:27:13 2004]
Članak 131.
[Tue Mar 02 12:28:33 2004]
They shall inform the Commission of the steps taken and shall in particular regularly notify it of the state of administrative or judicial proceedings relating thereto.
One će obavijestiti Komisiju o poduzetim koracima i poglavito će redovito obavještavati Komisiju o stanju administrativnih ili sudskih postupaka vezanih uz to.
[Tue Mar 02 12:30:45 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:31:59 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:32:38 2004]
[Tue Mar 02 12:42:21 2004]
Article 14
Članak 14
[Tue Mar 02 12:42:44 2004]
Article 15
Članak 15
[Tue Mar 02 12:45:12 2004]
Članak 151.
[Tue Mar 02 12:48:13 2004]
If necessary, it shall, acting under the procedure laid down in Article 43 of the Treaty, adopt appropriate provisions.
Ako je potrebno, Vijeće, djelujući u skladu s postupkom izloženim u Članku 43 Ugovora, donosi odgovarajuće odredbe.
[Tue Mar 02 12:49:29 2004]
Article 16
Članak 16
[Tue Mar 02 12:51:37 2004]
Article 17
Članak 17
[Tue Mar 02 12:51:53 2004]
Article 18
Članak 18
[Tue Mar 02 12:51:53 2004]
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Ova Smjernica glasi na države Članice.
[Tue Mar 02 18:01:35 2004]
Article 16
Članak 16
[Thu Mar 18 14:36:26 2004]
current main distribution 250A transformer measurement
glavna raspodjela struje 250A mjerenje transformatora
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:30 2004]
current main distribution 250A transformer measurement
glavna raspodjela struje 250A mjerenje transformatora
[Thu Mar 18 14:38:44 2004]
current main distribution 100A direct measurement
glavna raspodjela struje 100A izravno mjerenje
[Thu Mar 18 14:39:19 2004]
current sub-distribution
pod-raspodjela struje
[Thu Mar 18 14:39:33 2004]
rubber-tube wiring H07 RN-F 5x6 mm2
ožičenje gumenim cijevima H07 RN-F 5x6 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 14:39:38 2004]
CEE plug 63A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 63A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:39:43 2004]
CEE plug 32A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 32A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:40:48 2004]
CEE plug 16A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 16A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:41:35 2004]
earthing contact-type plug 16A 3-pole L/N/PE
kontaktna utičnica za uzemljenje 16A 3-polarna L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:41:40 2004]
Schuko-type coupling piece 16A 3-pole L/N/PE
šuko spojka 16A 3-polarna L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:41:43 2004]
halogena rasvjeta točkasta 500W
halogena rasvjeta točkasta 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:43:27 2004]
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:45:13 2004]
current sub-distribution
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:46:25 2004]
halogena rasvjeta točkasta 500W
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:47:46 2004]
current main distribution 250A transformer measurement
glavna raspodjela struje 250A mjerenje transformatora
[Thu Mar 18 14:47:54 2004]
current main distribution 100A direct measurement
glavna raspodjela struje 100A izravno mjerenje
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:03 2004]
current sub-distribution
pod-raspodjela struje
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:11 2004]
rubber-tube wiring H07 RN-F 5x6 mm2
ožičenje gumenim cijevima H07 RN-F 5x6 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:19 2004]
CEE plug 63A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 63A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:28 2004]
CEE plug 32A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 32A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:36 2004]
CEE plug 16A 5-pole 3L/N/PE
CEE utičnica 16A 5-polarna 3L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:43 2004]
earthing contact-type plug 16A 3-pole L/N/PE
kontaktna utičnica za uzemljenje 16A 3-polarna L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:51 2004]
Schuko-type coupling piece 16A 3-pole L/N/PE
šuko spojka 16A 3-polarna L/N/PE
[Thu Mar 18 14:48:58 2004]
halogena rasvjeta točkasta 500W
halogena rasvjeta točkasta 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:50:07 2004]
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
halogena rasvjeta široki snop 500W
[Thu Mar 18 14:50:15 2004]
emergency power unit 400 kVA
električna jedinica za hitne slučajeve 400 kVA
[Thu Mar 18 14:53:01 2004]
mobile transformer station
pokretna trafo-stanica
[Thu Mar 18 14:53:11 2004]
cartridge D01 up to 16A
punjenje D01 do 16A
[Thu Mar 18 14:54:29 2004]
cartridge D03 up to 100A
punjenje D03 do 100A
[Thu Mar 18 14:54:41 2004]
fuse wire pull in NH2 up to 200A
fitiljni žičani vlak u NH2 do 200A
[Thu Mar 18 14:55:02 2004]
fuse wire pull in NH2 up to 200A
fitiljni žičani vlak u NH2 do 200A
[Thu Mar 18 14:56:37 2004]
station container
spremnik stanice
[Thu Mar 18 14:56:39 2004]
medium-voltage switchboard
srednje-voltažna razvodna ploča
[Thu Mar 18 14:57:21 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 14:58:26 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 14:58:46 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 800x500 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 800x500 mm
[Thu Mar 18 14:59:00 2004]
base 800x500x100 mm
baza 800x500x100 mm
[Thu Mar 18 14:59:06 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 1200x500 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 1200x500 mm
[Thu Mar 18 14:59:40 2004]
base 1200x500x100 mm
baza 1200x500x100 mm
[Thu Mar 18 15:00:55 2004]
CU-bus-bar system 2000 A, 4-pole, L1-L3/PEN
CU-sabirni-štapasti sustav 2000 A, 4-polarni, L1-L3/PEN
[Thu Mar 18 15:02:00 2004]
CU-bus-bar system 1250 A, 4-pole, L1-L3/PEN
CU-sabirni-štapasti sustav 1250 A, 4-polarni, L1-L3/PEN
[Thu Mar 18 15:02:24 2004]
automatic circuit-breaker 1600A with motor drive
automatski prekidač strujnog kruga 1600A s motornim pogonom
[Thu Mar 18 15:03:11 2004]
automatic circuit-breaker 1250A with motor drive
automatski prekidač strujnog kruga 1250A s motornim pogonom
[Thu Mar 18 15:05:28 2004]
automatic circuit-breaker 400A
automatski prekidač strujnog kruga 400A
[Thu Mar 18 15:08:10 2004]
Multimess universal measuring instrument
Multimess univerzalni mjerni instrument
[Thu Mar 18 15:09:07 2004]
instrument transformer for Measerment and Kompensation
transformator instrumenata za mjerenje i kompenzaciju
[Thu Mar 18 15:09:25 2004]
NH3-fuse-strip disconnectors
NH3-fitiljni tračni rastavljači
[Thu Mar 18 15:09:41 2004]
NH2-fuse-strip disconnectors
NH2-fitiljni tračni rastavljači
[Thu Mar 18 15:09:53 2004]
NH1-fuse-strip disconnectors
NH1-fitiljni tračni rastavljači
[Thu Mar 18 15:13:15 2004]
NH00-fuse-strip disconnectors
NH00-fitiljni tračni rastavljači
[Thu Mar 18 15:14:21 2004]
surge arrester, coarse protection, 3-pole
zaustavljači na pumpama, gruba zaštita, 3-polarni
[Thu Mar 18 15:14:43 2004]
switch cabinet fan
ventilator za kućište sklopke
[Thu Mar 18 15:15:02 2004]
field partition
pregrada polja
[Thu Mar 18 15:15:45 2004]
voltage control relay
relej za kontrolu voltaže
[Thu Mar 18 15:18:13 2004]
connecting relay, 3 switching contacts, coil voltage =24V
spojni relej, 3 kontakta prekidača, navojna voltaža =24V
[Thu Mar 18 15:18:41 2004]
multifunction relay for activation- or deactivation delay
višefunkcijski relej za aktiviranje- ili deaktiviranje odgode
[Thu Mar 18 15:18:46 2004]
plug-in relay 11-pole, with base
relej za priključenje 11-polarni, s bazom
[Thu Mar 18 15:19:15 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 15:19:25 2004]
contactor with auxiliary contact block, 4-pole, 230V/10A
kontaktor s pomoćnom blokadom kontakta, 4-polarni, 230V/10A
[Thu Mar 18 15:20:37 2004]
built-in control LED
ugrađeni kontrolni LED
[Thu Mar 18 15:21:09 2004]
cam switch for door mounting 10A
razvodni prekidač za montiranje vrata 10A
[Thu Mar 18 15:21:25 2004]
cam switch for door mounting 10A, as key switch
razvodni prekidač za montiranje vrata 10A, kao ključni prekidač
[Thu Mar 18 15:22:34 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 600x400 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 600x400 mm
[Thu Mar 18 15:23:31 2004]
line-up terminal 4mm2
centrirani terminal 4mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:23:41 2004]
N - spacing terminal 4 mm2
N - terminal s razmacima 4 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:23:48 2004]
PE line-up terminal 4 mm2
PE centrirani terminal 4 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:24:03 2004]
line-up terminal 6-16 mm2
centrirani terminal 6-16 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:24:09 2004]
N spacing terminal 6-16 mm2
N - terminal s razmacima 6-16 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:24:31 2004]
PE line-up terminal 6-16 mm2
PE centrirani terminal 6-16 mm2
[Thu Mar 18 15:24:40 2004]
circuit breaker LS 13 A/C 1-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 13 A/C 1-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:24:53 2004]
circuit breaker LS 16 A/C 1-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 16 A/C 1-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:25:02 2004]
circuit breaker LS 13 A/B 3-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 13 A/B 3-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:25:14 2004]
circuit breaker LS 16 A/B 3-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 16 A/B 3-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:25:24 2004]
circuit breaker LS 20 - 25 A/B 3-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 20 - 25 A/B 3-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:25:43 2004]
circuit breaker LS 32 A/B 3-pole characteristic
prekidač LS 32 A/B 3-polarna karakteristika
[Thu Mar 18 15:26:33 2004]
fuse element 3-pole 35 - 63 A
fitiljni element 3-polarni 35 - 63 A
[Thu Mar 18 15:26:48 2004]
earth-leakage circuit breaker 40/0,03A-0,1A 4-pole
prekidač za propuštanje u zemlju 40/0,03A-0,1A 4-polarni
[Thu Mar 18 15:27:01 2004]
earth-leakage circuit breaker 63/0,03A-0,1A 4-pole
prekidač za propuštanje u zemlju 63/0,03A-0,1A 4-polarni
[Thu Mar 18 15:27:16 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 800x400 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 800x400 mm
[Thu Mar 18 15:27:30 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 1000x400 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 1000x400 mm
[Thu Mar 18 15:28:27 2004]
attachable floor-type distributor 1200x400 mm
pričvrstivi podni razvodnik 1200x400 mm
[Thu Mar 18 15:28:37 2004]
distributor rack IP54 540 PE
stalak razvodnika IP54 540 PE
[Thu Mar 18 15:28:47 2004]
field partition
pregrada polja
[Thu Mar 18 15:28:54 2004]
NH00-fuse-strip disconnectors
NH00-fitiljni tračni rastavljači
[Thu Mar 18 15:29:06 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 15:29:14 2004]
contactor 4-pole 230 V / 63 A
kontaktor 4-polarni 230 V / 63 A
[Thu Mar 18 15:29:25 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 15:29:31 2004]
contactor 4-pole 230 V / 40 A
kontaktor 4-polarni 230 V / 40 A
[Thu Mar 18 15:29:38 2004]
[Thu Mar 18 15:30:10 2004]
contactor 4-pole 230 V / 20 A
kontaktor 4-polarni 230 V / 20 A
[Thu Mar 18 15:30:30 2004]
impulsing switch 1-pole 220 V / 16 A
impulsni prekidač 1-polarni 220 V / 16 A
[Thu Mar 18 15:30:51 2004]
surge arrester, medium protection
zaustavljač na pumpi, srednja zaštita
[Thu Mar 18 15:32:04 2004]
voltage supervision relay
relej za nadziranje voltaže
[Thu Mar 18 15:32:40 2004]
connecting relay, 3 switching contacts, 10A contact rating
spojni relej, 3 kontakta prekidača, 10A kontaktna vrijednost
[Thu Mar 18 15:32:59 2004]
twilight switch
prekidač za slabo svijetlo
[Thu Mar 18 15:33:12 2004]
digital time switch, 4 channels
digitalni vremenski prekidač, 4 kanala
[Thu Mar 18 15:33:31 2004]
digital time switch, 2 channels
digitalni vremenski prekidač, 2 kanala
[Thu Mar 18 15:35:57 2004]
CU bus-bar system 250A, 4-pole, L1-L3/PEN
CU sabirni štapasti sustav 250A, 4-polarni, L1-L3/PEN
[Thu Mar 18 15:36:23 2004]
NHXH-E 90 3 x 2,5 mm2, CU 72, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 3 x 2,5 mm2, CU 72, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:36:47 2004]
NHXH-E 90 5 x 2,5 mm2, CU 120, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 5 x 2,5 mm2, CU 120, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:37:09 2004]
NHXH-E 90 4 x 16 mm2, CU 614, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 4 x 16 mm2, CU 614, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:37:35 2004]
NHXH-E 90 4 x 35 mm2, CU 1344, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 4 x 35 mm2, CU 1344, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:37:58 2004]
NHXH-E 90 4 x 50 mm2, CU 1920, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 4 x 50 mm2, CU 1920, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:39:24 2004]
NHXH-E 90 4 x 95 mm2, CU 3648, laid on the surface, with spacing clips
NHXH-E 90 4 x 95 mm2, CU 3648, položen na površinu, sa štipaljkama za razmake
[Thu Mar 18 15:40:56 2004]
draw in Ym 252 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 252 Ge/Gr
[Thu Mar 18 15:41:03 2004]
draw in Ym 352 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 352 Ge/Gr
[Thu Mar 18 15:41:09 2004]
draw in Ym 502 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 502 Ge/Gr
[Thu Mar 18 15:41:14 2004]
draw in Ym 702 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 702 Ge/Gr
[Thu Mar 18 15:41:22 2004]
draw in Ym 952 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 952 Ge/Gr
[Thu Mar 18 15:41:22 2004]
draw in Ym 1202 Ge/Gr
nacrt u Ym 1202 Ge/Gr
[Mon Mar 29 14:26:01 2004]
In recent years, the "Science of Complexity", as promoted by the Santa Fe Institute, has been recognized by mainstream scholars in prominent scientific disciplines ranging from physics over economics and computer science to the social sciences.
Posljednjih godina, "Znanost o kompleksnosti", kako ju je promicao Institut Santa Fe, bila je prepoznata od strane srednjestrujaških znanstvenika u istaknutim znanstvenim disciplinama u rasponu od fizike preko ekonomije i računarstva do društvenih znanosti.
[Mon Mar 29 14:27:13 2004]
In various reviews, it appears, however, as if Complexity Theory and techniques such as agent-based modeling are unique in their capacity of modeling nonlinear systems.
U različitim osvrtima, čini se, međutim, da je Teorija kompleksnosti i tehnike kao što su učesnički modeli jedinstveni u svojoj sposobnosti modeliranja nelinearnih sustava.
[Mon Mar 29 14:30:53 2004]
These reviews overlook that such systems have been modeled and simulated at least since the late 1950s, e.g.
Ovi osvrti previđaju da su takvi sustavi bili modelirani i simulirani barem od kasnih 1950-ih, npr.
[Mon Mar 29 14:32:59 2004]
, by the research track known as System Dynamics, a discipline with a rich body of literature.
, putem istraživačkoga puta poznatog pod nazivom Dinamika sustava, discipline s bogatim sadržajem literature.
[Mon Mar 29 14:35:39 2004]
It tries to identify areas in which the two modeling traditions complement each other, and where they overlap.
Esej pokušava identificirati područja u kojima se dvije tradicije modeliranja međusobno nadopunjuju, i gdje se preklapaju.
[Mon Mar 29 14:35:39 2004]
The paper concludes that cross study and joint research are overdue.
Esej zaključuje da su unakrsna studija i zajedničko istraživanje u zakašnjenju.