Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten
je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju
u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje
uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova
od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran®
softveru možete doznati na web stranici:
NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Thu Apr 22 08:13:04 2004]
potpuno nerealnom, a smatraju da će za ispunjavanje kriterija trebati pet godina.
completely unrealistic, and believe that will need the five years will be needed for the fulfillment of criteria.
[Thu Apr 22 08:14:35 2004]
Izvori koje spominje više hrvatskih listova, a najvjerojatnije se radi o istom izvoru s tehničkog briefinga EK, tvrde da rok od 2007.
Sources mentioned by more Croatian newspapers, and these are most probably the same source from EC technical briefing, claim that the 2007 deadline
[Thu Apr 22 08:14:38 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 3, Jutarnji list stranica 3, Vjesnik stranica 3)
(Večernji list page 3, Jutarnji list page 3, Vjesnik page 3)
[Thu Apr 22 08:16:38 2004]
Jacques Wunenburger smatra da je ulazak do 2007.
Jacques Wunenburger considers the admission by 2007
[Thu Apr 22 08:20:47 2004]
To što se predviđa dugoročno rješavanje nekih hrvatskih problema ne znači da se članstvo u Europskoj Uniji ne može dosegnuti već 2007.
The expectancy of a long-term solving of some Croatian problems does not mean that the membership in the European Union cannot be realized already in 2007.
[Thu Apr 22 08:20:59 2004]
, ocijenio je predstavnik Europske komisije u Zagrebu Jacques Wunenburger.
, Jacques Wunenburger, European Commission representative in Zagreb, has evaluated.
[Thu Apr 22 08:22:17 2004]
Ulazak do 2007.
Entrance till 2007.
[Thu Apr 22 08:22:21 2004]
je, po Wunenbureru, veliki izazov, ali brzinu približavanja drži ovisnom isključivo o Hrvatskoj, koja je u boljoj startnoj poziciji od svojedobno Bugarske ili Litve.
is, according to Wunenburger, a big challenge, but the approaching speed depends only on Croatia, which has a better starting position than Bulgaria or Lithuania once.
[Thu Apr 22 08:22:21 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)
[Thu Apr 22 08:24:17 2004]
Jacques Wunenburger smatra da če Hrvatska dobiti status kandidata u lipnju
Jacques Wunenburger considers that Croatia will be given a candidate status in June
[Thu Apr 22 08:26:48 2004]
Wunenburger se nada da će mišljenje Komisije rezultirati statusom kandidata u lipnju.
Wunenburger hopes that the Commission opinion will result in the candidate status in June.
[Thu Apr 22 08:27:41 2004]
Dokument Europsko partnerstvo za Hrvatsku nazvao je putokazom, a od Vlade se očekuje nacionalni program s konkretnim zakonima koje treba izmijeniti i odgovornostima za provođenje izmjena.
He has called the European partnership for Croatia document a sign, and from the Government expect a national program with definite laws which needs to be changed also with responsibilities for the modification execution.
[Thu Apr 22 08:27:46 2004]
Hrvatska je već riješila 10 od 29 poglavlja o kojima treba pregovarati, no Wunenburger drži da je najteže teme tek čekaju.
Croatia has already solved 10 of 29 chapters which need to be negotiated, but Wunenburger thinks that the most difficult subjects are only to come.
[Thu Apr 22 08:27:46 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 3)
(Jutarnji list, page 3)
[Thu Apr 22 08:33:45 2004]
Potpisan memorandum o gradnji dionice auto-ceste od Okučana do Banja Luke
Memorandum on building parts of motorway from Okučani to Banja Luka signed
[Thu Apr 22 08:35:23 2004]
Potpredsjednik Vlade Božidar Kalmeta i ministar prometa BiH Branko Dokić potpisali su u Trebinju memorandum o gradnji dionice auto-ceste od Okučana do Banja Luke, na kojoj se Hrvatska obvezala izgraditi 9 km autoceste i sufinancirati gradnju mosta preko Save.
The Vice President of the Government Božidar Kalmeta and Minister of Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina Branko Dokić signed in Trebinje the memorandum on the building parts of motorway-from Okučani to Banja Luka, by which Croatia obliges itself to build 9 km motorways and co-finance the building of a bridge over Sava.
[Thu Apr 22 08:35:25 2004]
Na sastanku u Trebinju se razgovaralo o trasi jadransko-jonske autoceste, za koju je Crna Gora zatražila da prođe Popovim poljem kroz BiH.
At the meeting in Trebinje the Adriatic-Ionian motorway route was also discussed, for which Montenegro Government asks it passes Popovo polje through Bosnia and Herzegovina.
[Thu Apr 22 08:35:25 2004]
[Thu Apr 22 08:37:31 2004]
[Thu Apr 22 08:38:40 2004]
novi projekti javno-privatnog partnerstva u Hrvatskoj
new projects of public-private partnership in Croatia
[Thu Apr 22 08:40:25 2004]
Prema izvorima Večernjeg lista iz Vlade, premijer Sanader će do kraja tjedna javno pozvati strane ulagače da se, prema objavljenim kriterijima, uključe u nove projekte javno-privatnog partnerstva u Hrvatskoj.
According to Večernji list sources from the Government, Prime Minister Sanader will by the end of the week publicly invite foreign investors to, based on published criteria, include in new projects of public-private partnership in Croatia.
[Thu Apr 22 08:40:30 2004]
Partnerstva će sličiti projektu koji je za Sunčani Hvar pripremio kapitalni fond Quaestus, a Vlada time želi zadržati dio nadzora nad imovinom i nakon njene privatizacije.
The partnerships will resemble the project which for Sunčani Hvar was prepared by Quaestus capital reserves, by which the Government thereby wants to keep the part of supervision over the property after its privatization.
[Thu Apr 22 08:40:30 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 9)
(Večernji list, page 9)
[Thu Apr 22 08:43:57 2004]
priprema prodaju korporativnih obveznica
prepares the selling of corporate bonds
[Thu Apr 22 08:44:02 2004]
Agrokor je angažirao Deutsche Bank za pripremu i prodaju korporativnih obveznica, proširenjem postojeće emisije kojom je prije dvije godine prikupio 130 mil.
Agrokor has hired Deutsche Bank for the preparation and selling of corporate bonds, by expanding the existing issues which two years ago collected 130 million
[Thu Apr 22 08:45:06 2004]
Predstavljanje izdanja će se obaviti sljedeći tjedan, sa završetkom u Zagrebu 3.
Presentation the issues will be done next week, ending in Zagreb on 3
[Thu Apr 22 08:45:10 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Thu Apr 22 08:46:37 2004]
Komisija za vrijednosne papire:
Securities Commission:
[Thu Apr 22 08:48:42 2004]
Helios osiguranju i turističkoj tvrtki Vodičanka moraju uvrstiti svoje dionike na domaću burzu
Helios Insurance and tourist company Vodičanka must include their shares in the domestic stock exchange
[Thu Apr 22 08:49:41 2004]
Komisija za vrijednosne papire naložila je osiguravatelju Helios da uvrsti svoje dionice u JDD kotaciju neke od domaćih burza, a isto je rješenje izdano i za turističku tvrtku Vodičanka, u većinskom državnom vlasništvu.
Securities Commission has ordered Helios Insurance company to includes their shares in JDD quotation some of domestic stock exchanges, and the same resolution has been issued also for the tourist company Vodičanka, mostly owned by the Governmet.
[Thu Apr 22 08:49:43 2004]
U kotaciji JDD svoje dionice moraju uvrstiti sva društva s preko 100 dioničara i 30 mil.
In the JDD quotation their shares they must include all companies with more than 100 stockholders and 30 million.
[Thu Apr 22 08:49:48 2004]
kuna temeljnog kapitala.
kuna of base capital.
[Thu Apr 22 08:49:48 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Thu Apr 22 12:11:24 2004]
[Thu Apr 22 12:14:16 2004]
Čestitamo na izboru elektronskog pikada CYBERDINE Turnir Darts, službenog aparata na EDU (European Dart Union) turnirima
We would like to congratulate you on choosing of the electronic darts CYBERDINE Tournament Darts, official machine at EDU (European Dart Union) tournaments
[Thu Apr 22 12:20:04 2004]
Sigurni smo da će Vam ovaj aparat podariti mnoge ugodne trenutke koje ćete provesti sa svojim prijateljima na Vašem omiljenom okupljalištu.
We are certain that this machine will create many pleasant moments which you will spend with your friends in your favourite meeting place.
[Thu Apr 22 12:22:51 2004]
Mi iz CYBERDINE-a uložili smo maksimum napora kako bi ponudili aparat čiji su dizajn, kvaliteta, izbor igara, mogućnosti i zabava razvijeni posebno radi pružanja zadovoljstva igračima.
We from CYBERDINE-have invested the maximum of our efforts to offer a machine whose design, quality, game selection, possibilities and entertainment have been designed specially to offer a special satisfaction to players.
[Thu Apr 22 12:26:22 2004]
Želimo vam puno sreće i slobodnog vremena da biste čim više uživali s našim aparatima.
We wish you a lot of luck and free time to enjoy playing with our machines as much as possible.
[Thu Apr 22 12:26:22 2004]
Ova Uputstva za uporabu sadrže mnoge važne informacije o sigurnosti i korištenju aparata pa Vas molimo da ih dobro proučite.
This manual contains many important information on safety and use so we would like to ask you to study it carefully.
[Thu Apr 22 12:35:29 2004]
Cjelokupni sadržaj Uputstava za uporabu je ekskluzivno vlasništvo CYBERDINE d.o.o. u smislu Zakona koji se odnose na autorska prava te Zakona koji se odnose na intelektualno vlasništvo kao i patente.
All contents in the Manual are the property of exclusive property of CYBERDINE Ltd... in the sense of Law which refers to copyrights and Law which refers to intellectual property as well as to patents.
[Thu Apr 22 12:36:02 2004]
Niti jedan dio ovih Uputstava za uporabu ne može biti korišten, reproduciran, umnožen na bilo koji način, objavljen na bilo kojem mediju, ukratko dan na uvid trećim osobama bez naše pisane suglasnosti.
Neither one part of the Manual may be used, reproduced, multiplied in any way, published in any medium, in short submitted to third parties without our written consent.
[Thu Apr 22 12:36:02 2004]
Zadržavamo pravo djelovanja u smislu zakona.
We reserve the right to act in the sense of law.
[Thu Apr 22 12:45:46 2004]
Opisi, tehnički podatci i ilustracije sadržane u ovim Uputstvima za uporabu, iako višestruko rigorozno kontrolirane, nisu obvezujuće.
Descriptions, technical information and illustrations contained in the manual, although many times rigorously controlled, are not binding.
[Thu Apr 22 12:45:46 2004]
CYBERDINE d.o.o. zadržava pravo, zadržavajući osnovne karakteristike aparata, da u bilo kojem trenutku, bez prethodne najave, napravi bilo kakvu izmjenu koju smatra potrebnu radi unapređenja aparata.
reserves the right, without changing basic features of the machine, to at any given moment, without a previous announcement, make any modification which it considers necessary in order to improve the machine.
[Thu Apr 22 12:48:59 2004]
[Thu Apr 22 12:51:42 2004]
CYBERDINE osigurava garanciju u svim Državama u kojima je ona obavezna, osiguravajući popravak o svom trošku svih nepravilnosti, čak i skrivenih, u slučaju da je korisnik u stanju demonstrirati pogrešku
CYBERDINE Ltd covers the guarantee in all States in which it is obliged to do so, insuring the repair on its cost of all irregularities, even those that are hidden, if the user can prove the error
[Thu Apr 22 13:00:38 2004]
CYBERDINE garantira da će aparat funkcionirati u skladu s Uputama za uporabu unutar perioda od jedne (1) godine od dana prodaje aparata sa besplatnim rezervnim djelovima i ljudskim radom, u slučaju da je Certifikat o garanciji uredno popunjen u trenutku prodaje i ovjeren pečatom i datumom od strane prodavača.
CYBERDINE Ltd guarantees that the machine will function according to the Manual within the period from one (1) year of the day of the sale with free reserve parts and human operation, if the guarantee Certificate was regularly filled out in the moment of sale and verified by the seal and date by the salesman.
[Thu Apr 22 13:00:38 2004]
Garancija ne vrijedi za bilo koji aparat koji je kupljen u drugoj Državi u kojoj vrijede druge norme sigurnosti od one u kojoj se koristi, a za kojeg kupac odbije provesti odgovarajuće modifikacije o svom trošku da bi ga se dovelo u stanje sukladnosti sa važećim normama
Guarantee does not include any machine bought in some other State in which other safety standards different from those used in the state of the sale, and for which the buyer refuses to make adequate modifications at his own expense in order to adjust the machine to valid standards
[Thu Apr 22 14:30:00 2004]
normalno trošenje uzrokovano radom aparata
normal wearing out caused by the operation of the machine
[Thu Apr 22 14:31:55 2004]
rastavljanje koje nije predviđeno Uputstvom za uporabu
disassembling not specified in the Manual
[Thu Apr 22 14:38:15 2004]
priključak na električnu mrežu čiji napon ne odgovara podacima koji se nalaze u Uputstvu za uporabu
connecting to the power grid whose voltage does not correspond information from the Manual
[Thu Apr 22 14:38:54 2004]
udarci i/ili padovi
knocks and/or falls
[Thu Apr 22 14:42:44 2004]
uporaba aparata na način koji nije opisan u Uputstvu za uporabu te vandalski odnos prema aparatu
use of the machine in a way which is not described in the Manual and vandal handling of the machine
[Thu Apr 22 14:46:18 2004]
CYBERDINE nije odgovoran za materijalne troškove ili nesreće koje su posljedica instalacije aparata na način koji je u suprotnosti sa važećim sigurnosnim normama Države u kojoj će aparat biti korišten.
CYBERDINE Ltd will not be held responsible for material costs or accidents as results of machine installation in a way which is contrary to valid safety standards of the State in which the machine will be used.
[Thu Apr 22 14:46:18 2004]
Niti u kojem slučaju ova Garancija ne daje pravo na odštetu
In neither case this Guarantee does not give the right to indemnity
[Thu Apr 22 14:47:28 2004]
troškovi putovanja, najam i transport prouzročeni kvarom aparata
travel expenses, lease and transportation caused by the machine failure
[Thu Apr 22 15:06:39 2004]
nadoknadu štete prema trećim osobama
reparation to third parties
[Thu Apr 22 15:06:50 2004]
nadoknadu štete prema trećim osobama
indemnification to third parties
[Thu Apr 22 15:08:24 2004]
Aparat je sukladan normama koje se odnose na ograničenje radio smetnji
The machine complies with standards which refer to the restriction radio disturbances
[Thu Apr 22 15:57:34 2004]
uzemljenjem pa shodno tome koristite utičnice sa zaštitnim uzemljenjem (šuko).
grounding so appropriately that use sockets with protective grounding (Schuko).
[Fri Apr 23 08:16:38 2004]
Aparat ne sadrži niti jedan dio koji bi laik bio u stanju popraviti.
The machine does not contain any part which an amateur could fix.
[Fri Apr 23 08:16:38 2004]
Ako je potreban popravak aparata obratite se najbližem servisu ili direktno u naše sjedište
If it is necessary to repair the machine please contact your nearest service shop or directly our headquarters
[Fri Apr 23 08:21:56 2004]
Različiti otvori koji se nalaze na gornjem dijelu tijela aparata, na zadnjoj strani i na postolju služe za provjetravanje i ventilaciju unutrašnjosti kao i za hlađenje.
Different openings which are on the upper part of the machine, in the back and on the pedestal are used for the airing and ventilation of the inner part as well as for cooling.
[Fri Apr 23 08:21:56 2004]
Da biste osigurali ispravan rad Vašeg aparata te da biste spriječili pregrijavanje istog ti otvori moraju stalno biti slobodni
In this way you insure a proper running of your machine and in order to prevent its overheating openings must be free all the time
[Fri Apr 23 08:27:15 2004]
Nikakav metalni dio ili slično ne smije dospjeti u unutrašnjost aparata kroz jedan od otvora na tijelu aparata.
No metal part or the like can in no way enter the inner part of the machine through one of the openings on the machine.
[Fri Apr 23 08:27:15 2004]
U tom slučaju može doći u kontakt sa dijelovima pod naponom te prouzročiti kratak spoj ili čak požar
In that case it could come into the contact with parts under voltage and cause short circuit or even fire
[Fri Apr 23 08:33:03 2004]
Aparat ne smije stajati u blizini jakih izvora topline
The machine must not stand close to extreme sources of heat
[Fri Apr 23 08:38:16 2004]
Potrebno je u svakom slučaju izbjegavati prolijevanje bilo kakve tekućine po aparatu (vino, pivo, kava-).
Anyway, it is necessary to avoid the spilling of any liquid on the machine (wine, beer, coffee-).
[Fri Apr 23 08:38:16 2004]
U slučaju da se to ipak dogodi obavezno je provjeriti ispravnost aparata od strane stručne osobe (obratite se najbližem servisu ili našem sjedištu
If that still happens, it is necessary that a qualified person check the correctness of the machine (contact your nearest service shop or our headquarters
[Fri Apr 23 08:42:30 2004]
Aparat je potrebno skladištiti i/ili postaviti u prostorijama bez pretjerane vlage ili na otvorenom
the machine it is necessary to store and/or put in areas without too much humidity or outside
[Fri Apr 23 08:46:13 2004]
Unutar aparata nema napona koji bi predstavljali opasnost po život, svi sklopovi koriste napone 5V ili 12V
There are no life-threatening voltages inside the machine, all the assemblies use 5V or 12V voltage
[Fri Apr 23 08:56:25 2004]
[Fri Apr 23 09:12:51 2004]
je elektronski, zabavni, sportski pikado sa elektronskim zbrajanjem bodova i strelica koji omogućuje igranje tradicionalnih igara (301, Cricket.
is an electronic, entertaining, sport darts with electronic calculation of points and arrows which makes the playing of traditional games possible (301, Cricket.
[Fri Apr 23 09:14:37 2004]
..), a aparat ima i sve moderne i nove igre, kao i opcije za te igre.
), and the machine has all modern and new games, as well as options for these games.
[Fri Apr 23 09:14:58 2004]
Sam pikado je bezopasna, atraktivna i nadasve zabavna sportska igra rasprostranjena u cijelom svijetu.
The darts itself is a harmless, tempting and above all amusing sports game spread worldwide.
[Fri Apr 23 09:15:14 2004]
Pikado je jedna od najstarijih zabavnih, sportskih igara.
It is one of the oldest, amusing, sports games.
[Fri Apr 23 09:15:44 2004]
Prvi tradicionalni turnir datira još iz 1927.
First traditional tournament goes back to 1927.
[Fri Apr 23 09:16:21 2004]
godine, a zvao se 'New of the World', dok je na turniru u Londonu 1948.
, and it was called 'New of the World', while at the tournament in London in 1948.
[Fri Apr 23 09:18:32 2004]
godine sudjelovalo preko 300.000 igrača.
more than 300,000 players participated.
[Fri Apr 23 09:18:32 2004]
Epoha elektronskih pikada je počela sredinom 80-ih godina, a popularnost elektronskih pikada je u stalnome porastu i uveliko je nadmašila popularnost tradicionalnog pikada
The era of electronic darts started in the mid 80s, and its popularity has been constantly growing and considerably exceeded the popularity of traditional darts
[Fri Apr 23 09:28:47 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo:
State prosecutor's office:
[Fri Apr 23 09:30:12 2004]
pristalo na nagodbu s obitelji Levar
Agreed to settle with the Levar family
[Fri Apr 23 09:31:29 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo je pristalo na nagodbu s obitelji Levar, kojoj će isplatiti 550.000 kuna kao odštetu za ubojstvo Milana Levara, koji je 2000.
State prosecutor's office has agreed to settle with the Levar family, that will be paid the amount of 550.000 kuna as the indemnity for the murder of Milan Levar, who is 2000.
[Fri Apr 23 09:34:17 2004]
Levar je bio svjedok o gospićkim događajima 1991.
Levar was a witness in Gospić incidents from 1991.
[Fri Apr 23 09:34:40 2004]
, a država je priznala odgovornost jer mu nije omogućila zaštitu, koju je još 1998.
, and the state has admitted the responsibility because it did not provide for his safety, which still 1998.
[Fri Apr 23 09:37:15 2004]
Splitsko gradsko vijeće:
Split City Council:
[Fri Apr 23 09:42:01 2004]
gradonačelnik Miroslav Buličić nije smijenjen
Mayor Miroslav Buličić not replaced
[Fri Apr 23 09:46:18 2004]
Splitsko gradsko vijeće nije uspjelo smijeniti gradonačelnika Miroslava Buličića, jer je stranka Hrvatska proljeća odlučila da ipak neće glasati za njegovu smjenu, iako je bila jedna od potpisnica tog zahtjeva.
Split city council had no luck in replacing Mayor Miroslav Buličić, because the Croatian Spring Movement Party decided not to vote for his replacement, although it was one of the signers of its request.
[Fri Apr 23 09:46:22 2004]
Buličićevu smjenu je tražila skupina zastupnika HDZ-a i desnice, a on je sam član Libre, koja u vijeću uopće nije zastupljena, što splitsku podjelu vlasti dodatno usložnjava promatračima sa strane.
Buličić's replacement was requested by a group of Croatian Democratic Union representatives and right wing, and he himself was a member the Party of Liberal Democrats, which has no representatives in the council at all, which makes the Split delegation of power more complicates to autonomous observers.
[Fri Apr 23 09:46:22 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 16)
(Večernji list, page 16)
[Fri Apr 23 09:47:44 2004]
u prvom tromjesječju prihod 431,62 mil.
in the first quarter income of 431,62 mil.
[Fri Apr 23 09:47:45 2004]
kuna i dobit 28,93 mil.
kuna and profit of 28,93 mil.
[Fri Apr 23 09:49:04 2004]
Ericsson Nikola Tesla ostvario je u prvom tromjesečju godine 16% manju dobit od istog razdoblja lani, odnosno 28,93 mil.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla is achieved in this year's first quarter a 16%less profit than in the same period last year, that is 28,93 mil.
[Fri Apr 23 09:49:58 2004]
Ukupni prihod je povećan za 60 mil.
Total income has been increased by 60 mil.
[Fri Apr 23 09:51:39 2004]
Manja dobit se objašnjavanja negativnim utjecajem tečajnih razlika krajem prvog kvartala, a rezultati su bolji od planiranih.
smaller profit is explained by a negative effect of currency adjustment by the end of the first quarter, so the results are the better than expected.
[Fri Apr 23 09:51:39 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)
[Fri Apr 23 09:55:10 2004]
Osnovana poslovna udruga Hrvatski izvoznici
Business association of Croatian exporters established
[Fri Apr 23 09:59:24 2004]
U Zagrebu je prema najavama osnovana poslovna udruga Hrvatski izvoznici, u koju se već učlanilo 1283 gospodarstvenika.
As it was announced, a business association of Croatian exporters was established in Zagreb, which 1283 businessmen have already joined.
[Fri Apr 23 10:00:58 2004]
Za predsjednika je izabran čelnik Končara Darinko Bago, koji je istakao da će udruga od države tražiti zaštitu izvoznika u prijelaznom razdoblju do potpunog ukidanja subvencija.
Director of Končar, Darinko Bago, has been elected president who emphasized that the association would ask from the state to protect exporters in the transitional period until a complete canceling of subventions.
[Fri Apr 23 10:01:03 2004]
Skup je izazvao veliko zanimanje gospodarstvenika, pa ih je u hotel Opera stiglo oko 1.500.
The meeting created a big interest among businessmen, so approximately 1,500 of them arrived in the Opera hotel.
[Fri Apr 23 10:01:03 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Jutarnji list, page 10)
[Fri Apr 23 10:05:49 2004]
u prvom tromjesječju povećala cijene goriva 11%
Fuel prices increased by 11% in the first quarter
[Fri Apr 23 10:09:05 2004]
Ina je u prvom tromjesečju godine povećala cijene goriva 11%, dok su cijene derivata na mediteranskom tržišta u posljednje vrijeme rasle 31%, rekao je čelnik Ine Tomislav Dragičević, izostavivši učinak više travanjskih Ininih poskupljenja.
INA increased prices fuels by 11% in the first quarter the year, while prices of derivatives in Mediterranean markets have recently been increased by 31%, Director of INA, Tomislav Dragičević, said, without having mentioned the effect of a number of Ina's price increases in April.
[Fri Apr 23 10:09:11 2004]
Dragičević je procijenio kako cijene derivata neće dalje rasti, a očekuje i pad američkog dolara.
Dragičević estimated that prices of derivatives would not longer increase, and that the fall of American dollar is expected.
[Fri Apr 23 10:09:11 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)
[Fri Apr 23 10:15:03 2004]
nudi dionice Belja
Offering Belje stocks
[Fri Apr 23 10:15:13 2004]
HFP je najavio da će u srijedu ponuditi udjel od 66,83% dionica Belja na javnoj dražbi, po nominalnoj cijeni od 368,8 mil.
Croatian Privatization Fund has announced that on Wednesday will offer the share of 66.83% of Belje stocks on a public auction, at a nominal price of 368.8 million
[Fri Apr 23 10:20:17 2004]
Ne očekuje se da će po toj cijeni biti zainteresiranih, a procjenjuje da bi se, nakon spuštanja cijene, u natječaj mogli uključiti Agrokor, te osječka tvrtka Žito.
It is expected that this price will not find interested parties, and it has been estimated that, after reducing the price, Agrokor and Žito company from Osijek could join the competition.
[Fri Apr 23 10:20:22 2004]
Vjesnik prenosi da je za mljekarski sektor Belja zainteresirana Lura, dok se Žito ranije izjasnilo da ih zanimaju klaonički kapaciteti.
Vjesnik says that for the dairy sector of Belje is interested Lura, while Žito earlier stated its interest in slaughter facilities.
[Fri Apr 23 10:20:22 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Fri Apr 23 10:52:17 2004]
Aparat je konstruiran tako da olakša igraču samu igru i vodi ga kroz igru svjetlosnim i zvučnim efektima.
The machine is designed so that makes easier for the player the game itself and lead him through the game with light and sound effects.
[Fri Apr 23 10:52:17 2004]
Glavne značajke koje CYBERDINE SPIDER PIKADO ima, a olakšavaju eksploataciju su
Main characteristics of CYBERDINE SPIDER DARTS, which make the exploitation easier, are
[Fri Apr 23 11:03:12 2004]
Uključivanje kredita sa ključem ili različitim tipovima žetonjera, mogućnost daljinskog uključenja kredita
Switching the credit on with a key or different types of coin selector, possibility of remote switching of credits
[Fri Apr 23 11:04:16 2004]
Nagradna igra
award game
[Fri Apr 23 11:09:04 2004]
Stojeća i zidna verzija
Standing and wall model
[Fri Apr 23 11:16:02 2004]
razigravanje igrača sa istim brojem bodova
competition of player with the same number of points
[Fri Apr 23 11:49:10 2004]
Utičnica za spoj na električnu mrežu
Socket for connecting to the power grid
[Fri Apr 23 12:11:08 2004]
Ovaj pargraf je namjenjen osobama koje imaju prethodno iskustvo sa elektronskim pikadom i sastavljen je kao mali podsjetnik na operacije koje treba napraviti da bi se odmah započelo s igrama
This paragraph is intended for persons who have a previous experience with electronic darts and is written as a small reminder of actions which need to be made in order to right away starts with games
[Fri Apr 23 12:32:29 2004]
Halogena lampa
The halogenous lamp
[Fri Apr 23 12:58:27 2004]
[Fri Apr 23 14:36:59 2004]
Nepažljivo i neoprezno rukovanje metom i njenim dijelovima može uzrokovati štetu i izazvati oštećenja na meti ili njezinim dijelovima.
Careless and incautious handling of the target board and its parts can break and cause damage on the target board or its parts.
[Fri Apr 23 14:36:59 2004]
Za sigurno rastavljanje mete pratite korak-po-korak redoslijed dolje navedenih operacija
For secure disassembling of the target board follow the step-by-step procedure of actions mentioned below
[Mon Apr 26 08:24:37 2004]
radi načina tiska ovih Uputa boje ne odgovaraju stvarnom stanju) koji je optimiziran da daje sve potrebne informacije igraču npr. o broju bodova postignutih u jednom krugu, brojeve u igri Cricket, kredite -.
for printing reasons this Manual does not color correspond to the real arrangement) which has been optimized for supplying with all necessary information the player e.g. with the number of points achieved in one round, numbers in the Cricket game, credits -.
[Mon Apr 26 08:24:37 2004]
Uz sve to nisu zaboravljeni atraktivan design displaya te velika preglednost i čitljivost.
Beside all that attractive design of the display, the good layout and visibility have also been taken into account.
[Mon Apr 26 08:33:32 2004]
a prije početka igara naziv odabrane igre
and the name of a chosen game before the games start
[Mon Apr 26 08:36:28 2004]
ministrica Grabar-Kitarović smatra kako je rok od 2007 godine nije realan
Minister Grabar-Kitarović believes that the 2007 deadline is not real
[Mon Apr 26 08:39:27 2004]
Hrvatska 2007.
Croatia in 2007
[Mon Apr 26 08:40:52 2004]
vjerojatno neće ući u Europsku Uniju, ali je to godina koju je Vlada sebi nametnula kao rok do kojeg treba postići punu spremnost za integriranje, rekla je ministrica Grabar-Kitarović u Poreču.
Croatia will probably not enter the European Union in 2007, but that is the year which the Government has set as the deadline by which the country needs to be completely ready for the integration, Minister Grabar-Kitarović has said in Poreč.
[Mon Apr 26 08:43:41 2004]
To je prva izjava iz Vlade kojom se priznaje da je trogodišnji rok za pridruživanje Uniji u praksi teško ostvariv.
That is the first statement from the Government which admits that the three-year deadline for the integration into the Union will be difficult to achieve in practice.
[Mon Apr 26 08:43:46 2004]
Ministrica smatra i da su nedovoljno iskorištena dosadašnja sredstva dobivena za pripremu pridruživanja.
The minister believes also past means given for the integration preparation have not been completely used.
[Mon Apr 26 08:43:46 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 26 08:48:46 2004]
Asylum seekers:
[Mon Apr 26 08:52:52 2004]
problemi s gradnjom centra za azilante u Stubičkoj Slatini
problems with the building of a centre for asylum seekers in Stubička Slatina
[Mon Apr 26 08:53:50 2004]
Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Mlinarić nije uspio uvjeriti mještane Stubičke Slatine u Hrvatskom zagorju da popustljiviji stav prema gradnji centra za azilante u tamošnjoj napuštenoj vojarni.
Minister of interior affairs Mlinarić did not succeed in convincing town-inhabitants of Stubička Slatine in Hrvatsko Zagorje for a more relenting stand towards the building of a centre for asylum seekers in local deserted barracks.
[Mon Apr 26 08:53:57 2004]
Građani se boje da će im azilanti donijeti kriminal i egzotične bolesti, zbog čega će im propasti turizam i gospodarstvo, dok Vlada tvrdi da azilanti nisu kriminalci i teroristi.
Citizens fear that asylum seekers will bring crime and exotic diseases, which will ruin tourism and economy, while the Government claims that asylum seekers are not criminals and terrorists.
[Mon Apr 26 08:53:57 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Mon Apr 26 08:57:36 2004]
uskoro sljedeća faza privatizacije
next privatization phase soon
[Mon Apr 26 08:57:56 2004]
Prema izvorima Vjesnika bliskim Vladi, sljedeća faza privatizacije Ine vjerojatno će se odgoditi za najmanje nekoliko mjeseci.
Based on the Vjesnik sources from the Government, next privatization phase of INA will probably be postponed for a few months at least.
[Mon Apr 26 09:01:51 2004]
Vlada će tu odluku objaviti do 10.
The Government that decision will announce until 10.
[Mon Apr 26 09:04:30 2004]
svibnja, kad istječe rok za drugu fazu privatizacije, koja je trebala uključivati ponudu 15% dionica na burzi, što bi za 30 dana slijedila prodaja po 7% dionica radnicima i ratnim stradalnicima.
May, when the deadline for the second privatization phase finishes, which supposed to include an offer of 15%of shares on the stock exchange, which would be followed by the sale of 7% of shares to workers and war sufferers in 30 days.
[Mon Apr 26 09:04:36 2004]
Odgoda se tumači neusklađenim zahtjevima ovih kupaca po povlaštenim uvjetima.
The postponement is interpreted by uncoordinated requests of these buyers on preferential terms.
[Mon Apr 26 09:04:36 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 26 09:08:31 2004]
Vrijednost kune u odnosu na euro pala više od 1% prošli tjedan
Value of kuna in comparison to euro fell more than 1% last week
[Mon Apr 26 09:08:49 2004]
Kuna je prošli tjedan oslabila prema euru više od 1%, u tjednu kad je zabilježena i dodatno povećana kunska likvidnost, što je ponovno znatno smanjilo prosječnu kamatnu stopu na tržištu novca.
Kuna fell last week in comparison to euro by more than 1%, in the week when an additionally increased liquidity with respect to kuna has also been noticed, which once more considerably reduced an average rate of interest in the money market.
[Mon Apr 26 09:10:02 2004]
Prosječna kamata je pala 1,53 postotnih bodova, na samo 2,93%.
Average interest rate fell by 1,53 percentage points, to only 2,93%.
[Mon Apr 26 09:10:21 2004]
Povećana kunska likvidnost potakla je i HNB da nakon četiri mjeseca održi dvije aukcije blagajničkih zapisa, kojima je s tržišta povukla 106 mil.
increased liquidity with respect to kuna has induced also Croatian National Bank to hold after four months two auctions of treasury bills, which from the market withdrew 106 mil.
[Mon Apr 26 09:11:05 2004]
kuna, uz 2,5% kamate, a odbila je 228 mil.
kuna, with 2,5%interest rates, and rejected 228 mil.
[Mon Apr 26 09:11:09 2004]
kuna ponuda, za koje se tražila znatno viša kamata.
kuna of offers, for which a considerably higher interest rate was requested.
[Mon Apr 26 09:11:09 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Mon Apr 26 09:14:12 2004]
Croatia banka:
Croatia Bank:
[Mon Apr 26 09:16:15 2004]
oglas u tisku je neovlašteni čin nepoznatih osoba
advertisement in the press is an unauthorized act of unknown individuals
[Mon Apr 26 09:17:45 2004]
Croatia banka je upozorila da je nedavno objavljeni oglas u tisku o sazivanju glavne skupštine neovlašteni čin nepoznatih osoba, koji nema veze s upravom.
Croatia Bank has warned that the recently published advertisement in the press about the convocation a general assembly is an unauthorized act of unknown individuals, which has nothing to do with the management board.
[Mon Apr 26 09:19:46 2004]
U oglasu se predlaže izbor novog Nadzornog odbora i izdavanje dionica vrijednih 120 mil.
the advertisement suggests the election of a new Supervisory board and share emission valuable 120 mil.
[Mon Apr 26 09:20:03 2004]
kuna, a iz banke upozoravaju da su dionice imatelja koji sazivaju skupštinu poništene u državnoj sanaciji banke 1999.
kuna, and the Bank warns that shares of holders who convene the assembly were annulled in the governmental recovery of banks in 1999.
[Mon Apr 26 09:20:08 2004]
, što ovi dioničari inače osporavaju.
, which these stockholders actually deny.
[Mon Apr 26 09:20:08 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Mon Apr 26 09:22:44 2004]
Socijaldemokrat Heinz Fischer pobjednik na predsjedničkim izborima
Social democrat Heinz Fischer wins the presidential elections
[Mon Apr 26 09:23:48 2004]
Socijaldemokrat Heinz Fischer porazio je na austrijskim predsjedničkim izborima kandidatkinju vladajuće konzervativne koalicije, ministricu vanjskih poslova Benitu Ferrero-Waldner.
Social democrat Heinz Fischer has won in Austrian presidential elections the candidate of the ruling conservative coalition, minister of foreign affairs Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
[Mon Apr 26 09:23:49 2004]
Predsjednik u Austriji ima uglavnom protokolarne ovlasti, no Fischerova pobjeda se drži porukom birača o nezadovoljstvu vladinom politikom.
Austria President has mainly protocol authorities, but Fischer's victory is seen as a message of voters about their dissatisfaction with the governmental politics.
[Mon Apr 26 09:27:27 2004]
Najveći irački naftni terminal je zatvoren nakon pokušaja napada u subotu, kad su se napadači pokušali gliserom zabiti u terminal, u čemu ih je spriječila američka Obalna straža.
largest Iraqi oil terminal has been closed after an attack attempt on Saturday, when attackers tried with a speedboat crash into the terminal, but were prevented by the US Coast-guard.
[Mon Apr 26 09:28:49 2004]
Pri tom su poginula tri američka mornara, a još je jedan vojnik poginuo u eksploziji nedaleko Bagdada.
Three US mariners died in the attack, and another one soldier died in the explosion near Baghdad.
[Mon Apr 26 09:28:50 2004]
Koalicijske vlasti su optužile šijite u Najafu za nagomilavanje oružja, čime bi se mogla stvoriti eksplozivna situacija.
Coalition authorities have accused the Shiite in Najaf for the accumulation of weapons, which could create an unstable situation.
[Mon Apr 26 09:28:50 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:29:48 2004]
Sjeverna Koreja:
North Corea:
[Mon Apr 26 09:30:54 2004]
novi podatci o željezničkoj nesreći
new information on the rail accident
[Mon Apr 26 09:32:33 2004]
Prema najnovijim podacima, u eksploziji koju je izazvala željeznička nesreća u Sjevernoj Koreji poginula je 161 osoba, dok ih je više od 1.300 ozlijeđeno.
According to the latest information, in the explosion which was caused by the rail accident in North Corea 161 persons have died, while more than 1.300 has been hurt.
[Mon Apr 26 09:33:10 2004]
Prvi podaci su govorili o skoro 3.000 poginulih, da bi se kasnije pojavile procjene diplomata da je žrtava najmanje nekoliko stotina.
000 killed, but which appear later the evaluation of diplomats indicated that the number casualities at least a few hundred.
[Mon Apr 26 09:33:11 2004]
Eksplozija je oštetila zgrade u radijusu od 4 kilometra od mjesta nesreće.
The explosion damaged buildings in the radius of 4 kilometers from the place of the accident.
[Mon Apr 26 09:41:29 2004]
postignuti preliminarni sporazum s MMF-om
preliminary agreement with the IMF achieved
[Mon Apr 26 09:42:26 2004]
Vlada Srbije postigla je preliminarni sporazum s MMF-om, koji upravni odbor Fonda treba potvrditi u lipnju, a predviđa smanjenje proračunskog deficita središnje države s planiranih 3,6% na 2,5% BDP-a.
Serbian Government has achieved a preliminary agreement with the IMF, which managing board of the Fund needs to confirm in June, and which predicts a decrease of budget deficit of the central state from the planned 3,6%to 2,5% of the GDP.
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:14 2004]
MMF će Srbiji omogućiti povlačenje dvije tranše kredita vrijedne $140 mil.
The IMF will allow Serbia to withdraw two installments of loans whose value is 140 mil.
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:15 2004]
, a u vladi procjenjuju da je sporazum važna poruka stranim ulagačima o većoj fiskalnoj disciplini nove vlade.
, and in the government estimates that the agreement is an important message to foreign investors about a better fiscal discipline of the new government.
[Mon Apr 26 09:44:54 2004]
prihvatila neprijateljsku ponudu od 55 mlrd.
accepted hostile offer of 55 billion.
[Mon Apr 26 09:48:30 2004]
Francuska farmaceutska kompanija Aventis prihvatila je jučer iznenada raniju neprijateljsku ponudu konkurenta Sanofija, koju je već bila odbila u veljači.
French pharmaceutic company Aventis suddenly accepted an earlier hostile offer by their competition Sanofi yesterday, which it had already refused in February.
[Mon Apr 26 09:48:44 2004]
Na promjenu strategije je utjecala ponuda švicarskog Novartisa koja se pojavila u međuvremenu, pa se Aventis odlučio na manje zlo.
the change of the strategy influenced Offer of the Swiss Novartis which appeared in the meantime, so Aventis decide on the lesser of two evils.
[Mon Apr 26 09:49:28 2004]
Sanofi-Synthelabo je povećao ponudu na 55 mlrd.
Sanofi-Synthelabo increased the offer to 55 billion.
[Mon Apr 26 09:49:28 2004]
eura, udvostručivši pritom dio koji bi se isplatio u gotovini.
euro, doubling in that way the part which was to be paid in cash.
[Mon Apr 26 09:49:28 2004]
(Financial Times)
(Financial Times)
[Mon Apr 26 09:51:14 2004]
Zagrebačka Tvornica:
Zagreb Factory:
[Mon Apr 26 09:52:45 2004]
nastupio američki sastav Violent Femmes
US band Violent Femmes on stage
[Mon Apr 26 09:56:13 2004]
U subotu je u rasprodanoj zagrebačkoj Tvornici nastupio američki sastav Violent Femmes, na vrhuncu kreativne snage početkom osamdesetih godina.
On Saturday in sold out Zagreb Tvornica the US band Violent Femmes had a concert, whose culmination of creative power had been at the beginning of the eighties.
[Mon Apr 26 09:56:18 2004]
Usprkos oduševljenom prijemu domaće publike koja ih je tek sada vidjela po prvi put, koji je iznenadio i same glazbenike, kritičar Jutarnjeg lista drži da Femmesi nisu uspjeli nadmašiti status relikvije osamdesetih, čemu je pridonio i loš razglas.
In spite of the enthusiastic acceptance by the domestic audience which saw them for the first time, which surprised even the musicians themselves, critic from Jutarnji list thinks that the Femmes did manage surpass the status of the eighties relics, to which contributed also a bad loudspeaker.
[Mon Apr 26 09:56:18 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 35)
(Jutarnji list, page 35)
[Mon Apr 26 09:58:38 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:59:47 2004]
postao prvak Engleski
English champion
[Mon Apr 26 10:00:41 2004]
Nogometaši londonskog Arsenala postali su novi prvaci Engleske, nakon što su u gradskom derbiju odigrali 2:2 s gradskim rivalom Tottenhamom.
Footballers of London Arsenal have become new English champions, after they played 2:2 with the Tottenham in town derby.
[Mon Apr 26 10:00:54 2004]
Arsenal tri kola prije kraja ima 10 bodova prednosti pred Chelseaom, ovo mu je drugi naslov prvaka u zadnje tri godine, te 13.
Arsenal three rounds before the end has 10 points of advantages in front of Chelsea, and this is theis second champion title in the last three years, 13th
[Mon Apr 26 10:02:05 2004]
Arsenal je do titule stigao bez poraza, što više od 100 godina nije uspjelo ni jednom engleskom klubu.
Arsenal has reached the title without any defeat, which none of English clubs has managed. in more than 100 years
[Mon Apr 26 10:04:00 2004]
Prvenstvo Formule 1:
Formula 1 Championship:
[Mon Apr 26 10:06:40 2004]
Michael Schumacher ostvario četvrtu uzastopnu pobjedu
Michael Schumacher achieved his fourth victory in a row
[Mon Apr 26 10:07:51 2004]
Michael Schumacher ostvario je i četvrtu uzastopnu pobjedu od početka novog prvenstva Formule 1, trijumfom u Imoli, u utrci za Veliku nagradu San Marina.
Michael Schumacher has achieved his fourth victory in a row since the beginning of the new Championship Formulas 1, by triumphing in Imola, in the race for San Marino Gran Prix.
[Mon Apr 26 10:08:00 2004]
Iza svjetskog prvaka su na cilj stigli Button i Montoya, a Schumacher već ima 16 bodova prednosti u ukupnom poretku, ispred klupskog kolege iz Ferrarija, Barrichella.
Behind the world champion are on the finish arrive Button and Montoya, whereas Schumacher already has 16 points of advantages in the total order, before his club-mate from Ferrari, Barrichello.
[Mon Apr 26 10:10:56 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 42)
(Večernji list, page 42)
[Mon Apr 26 10:11:25 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 10:11:25 2004]
pretežno sunčano, u Lici, Slavoniji i Dalmaciji prijepodne mogući kratki pljuskovi.
mostly sunny, in Lika, Slavonia and Dalmatia possible showers in the morning.
[Mon Apr 26 11:00:26 2004]
U standardnoj verziji CYBERDINE TURNIR PIKADA ponuđene su žetonjere ALBERICI AL03_1 K xx.
the standard version of CYBERDINE TOURNAMENT DARTS offers ALBERICI AL03_1 K xx coin selectors.
[Mon Apr 26 11:01:07 2004]
ALBERICI AL03_1 K xx je elektronska žetonjera i kreditor koja se može programirati na samom aparatu bez ikakve dodatne opreme.
ALBERICI AL03_1 K xx is an electronic coin selector and creditor that can be programmed on the machine itself without any additional accessory.
[Mon Apr 26 11:02:06 2004]
Programiranje je vrlo jednostavno i upute se nalaze na samom aparatu.
programming is very simply and instructions come together with the machine.
[Mon Apr 26 11:02:06 2004]
Žetonjera ima 6 kanala i može se programirati na 12 različitih vrsta kovanica ili žetona
The coin selector has 6 channel and can be programmed for 12 different types of coins or tokens
[Mon Apr 26 11:05:10 2004]
Mnoge funkcije elektronskog pikada mogu se modificirati na terenu od strane korisnika.
Many functions of electronic darts can be modified by the user.
[Mon Apr 26 11:07:05 2004]
U tu svrhu služe mikroprekidači.
Microswitches are used for that purpose.
[Mon Apr 26 11:07:05 2004]
Da biste ispravno namjestili Vaš aparat molimo da pažljivo pročitate slijedeće stranice i slijedite opisanu proceduru.
In order to correctly instal your machine please read the following pages carefully and follow the described procedure.
[Mon Apr 26 11:09:27 2004]
Na CPU ploči u donjem lijevom kutu se nalazi 8 mikroprekidača.
8 microswitches can be found on the CPU board in the lower left angle.
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:10 2004]
Oni služe za ulazak u različite menije (test, podešavanje parametara.
They are used for the access into different menus (test, adjustment of parameters.
[Mon Apr 26 11:13:19 2004]
..). Imaju dva položaja, ON ili OFF.
They have two positions, ON or OFF.
[Mon Apr 26 11:15:20 2004]
U položaju ON je mikroprekidač aktiviran, a u položaju OFF je isključen.
The microswitch is activated in ON position, and switched off in OFF position.
[Mon Apr 26 11:15:20 2004]
Da bi ušli u jedan od slijedećih menija moramo aparat isključiti i prebaciti željeni mikroprekidač za željeni meni u položaj ON i onda aparat uključiti
In order to access one of the following menus must the machine must be switched off and the wanted microswitch for the wanted menu must be switched to ON position and then the machine can be switched on
[Mon Apr 26 11:17:33 2004]
Glavno knjigovodstvo
main bookkeeping
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:25 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:22:51 2004]
Moguće je u bilo kojem trenutku postaviti parametre definirane od strane proizvođača (u slučaju da se nestručnim rukovanjem promjene ili da se postave neodgovarajuće vrijednosti ili da se zaboravi procedura) inicijalizacijom E-eproma i RAM-a tako da se aparat isključi, mikroprekidač br.7 postavi u položaj ON i aparat ponovo uključi.
It is possible at any moment to set parameters defined by the manufacturer (if changed by unprofessional handling or inappropriate values are set or the procedure is forgotten) by E-eprom and RAM initialization so that the machine gets switched off, microswitch n.7 set in the ON position and the machine switched on again.
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:42 2004]
Zatim je potrebno pritisnuti tipku Team i držati pritisnutu cca.
Then it is the necessary to press the button Team and hold it for about
[Mon Apr 26 11:24:04 2004]
Time su preddefinirani parametri postavljeni (paragraf 5.8
With that predetermined parameters have been set (paragraph 5.8
[Mon Apr 26 11:31:43 2004]
Da bi se ušlo u TEST meni potrebno je aparat isključiti, mikroprekidač br 1.
In order to access the TEST menu the machine must be switched off, microswitch n. 1.
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:20 2004]
postaviti u položaj ON te aparat ponovo uključirti.
set in the ON position and the machine switched on again.
[Mon Apr 26 11:34:29 2004]
U test meniju možemo ispitati funkcionalnost aparata te perifernih jedinica i pojedinih segmenata.
In the TEST menu you can test the functionality of the machine as well as of peripheral units and single segments.
[Mon Apr 26 11:34:29 2004]
Kad smo aktivirali test meni (mikroprekidač br. 1 postavljen u položaj ON) na displayu se pojavi ispis
Once the TEST menu is activated (microswitch no. 1 is set in the ON position) appears on the display the message
[Mon Apr 26 12:22:26 2004]
. Ako se zvuk javlja neprekidno onda je senzor prejak, a ako se senzor ne aktivira u razini crnog kruga oko mete onda je preslab pa se treba podesiti trimer na samome senzoru tako da se zvučni signal javlja u razini crnog kruga ispod mete.
. If the sound continues to be heard then the sensor too strong, and if the sensor does not get activated on the level of the black round around the target then it is too weak so the trimer needs to be adjusted on the sensor itself so that the sound signal is heard at the level of the black round below the target.
[Mon Apr 26 12:23:32 2004]
Senzor se pojačava okretajući trimer u smjeru kazaljke na satu, a u suprotnom smjeru se smanjuje jačina senzora.
Sensor increases by turning the trimer clockwise, while the intensity of the sensor decreases in the opposite direction.
[Mon Apr 26 12:23:32 2004]
Sa tipkom Team izlazimo iz podmenija Za ostala podešavanja infra senzora vidi paragraf
With the Team button you exit the submenu. for other adjustments of infra sensors see paragraph
[Mon Apr 26 12:42:01 2004]
treba provjeriti mrežni kabel koji mora imati uzemljenje
a network cable, which must have a grounding, should be checked
[Tue Apr 27 08:14:40 2004]
Velika Britanija odlučila je nastaviti proces ratifikacije SSP-a s Hrvatskom
Great Britain's decision to continue the process of ratification of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Croatia
[Tue Apr 27 08:15:39 2004]
Velika Britanija odlučila je nastaviti proces ratifikacije SSP-a s Hrvatskom u svom parlamentu, objavio je ministar Žužul.
Great Britain has decided to continue the process of ratification of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement-with Croatia in its Parliament, Minister Žužul has said.
[Tue Apr 27 08:15:42 2004]
Ministar je nedavno najavio da će jedna od tri zemlje koje još nisu ratificirale SSP to vrlo skoro učiniti.
Minister recently informed that one of the three countries which still had not ratified the Stabilisation and Association Agreement would do so very soon.
[Tue Apr 27 08:19:10 2004]
Ministarsko vijeće općih poslova EU pozdravilo je mišljenje o statusu kandidata
EU Ministerial council of general work greets the opinion on the candidate status
[Tue Apr 27 08:20:15 2004]
Ministarsko vijeće općih poslova EU pozdravilo je mišljenje Europske komisije da Hrvatskoj treba dati status kandidata za pridruživanje, a britanski ministar vanjskih poslova Jack Straw je objavio kako od Zagreba do lipnja očekuje nastavak distanciranja od Ante Gotovine.
EU Ministerial council of general work has greeted the opinion of the European Commission that Croatia has to be the given the candidate status for the integration, and the British minister of foreign affairs Jack Straw has said that from Zagreb until June expects to distance even more from Ante Gotovina.
[Tue Apr 27 08:20:20 2004]
Prema izvoru Večernjeg lista, Ministarsko vijeće će zaključak o kandidaturi najvjerojatnije donijeti sredinom lipnja, kad će Hrvatska vjerojatno dobiti i datum početka pregovora.
Accoriding to the source from Večernji list, Ministerial council the conclusion on the candidacy most probably will make by the middle of June, when Croatia will probably be given also a starting date of negotiation.
[Tue Apr 27 08:20:20 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list, page 2)
[Tue Apr 27 08:29:59 2004]
[Tue Apr 27 08:31:44 2004]
ukupni izdaci za subvencije poljoprivredi mogli bi premašiti dvije milijarde kuna
total outlays for agriculture subventions could exceed two billion kuna
[Tue Apr 27 08:32:00 2004]
Nakon rebalansa proračuna, može se očekivati da ukupni izdaci za subvencije poljoprivredi premaše dvije milijarde kuna, ocijenio je ministar Čobanković na sastanku s poduzetnicima kojima je predstavio rezultate pregovora o Protokolu 7.
After budget revisions, total outlays for agriculture subventions could exceed two billion kuna, Minister Čobanković has estimated at the meeting with businessmen who were presented the results of negotiation about Protocol 7.
[Tue Apr 27 08:32:02 2004]
Za poticaje poljoprivredi se sada izdvaja 1,91 mlrd.
For agriculture incentives to the now separates 1,91 billion.
[Tue Apr 27 08:34:06 2004]
Ministar je otkrio i da Hrvatska ima rok EU od dvije godine za uspostavu agencije za izravnu isplatu poticaja poljoprivredi.
The Minister has also revealed that Croatian deadline for the establishment of an agency for direct payment of agriculture incentives from the EU is two years.
[Tue Apr 27 08:34:06 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Tue Apr 27 08:36:23 2004]
objavljen poziv dioničarima na Glavnu skupštinu
Invitation to the stockholders for the General assembly made
[Tue Apr 27 08:38:15 2004]
Adris grupa je objavila poziv dioničarima na Glavnu skupštinu, na kojem će im predložiti isplatu dividende od 40 kuna, što je 10 kuna više nego godinu dana ranije.
Adris group has invited the stockholders to the General assembly, at which they will be proposed with the payment of dividends in the amount of 40 kuna, 10 kuna more than the year before.
[Tue Apr 27 08:39:13 2004]
U predloženom dnevnom redu se ne spominju događaji vezani uz pregovore o prodaji TDR-a, o čemu se već mjesecima neslužbeno govori u medijima.
Proposed agenda does not mention developments in relation with negotiations about the TDR sale, which has been unofficially discussed in media for months.
[Tue Apr 27 08:39:18 2004]
Grupa će uskoro objaviti tromjesečne rezultate, za koje se iz Rovinja tvrdi da će biti iznenađujuće dobri.
Group soon will release its three-month results, for which Rovinj claims that they will be surprisingly good.
[Tue Apr 27 08:39:18 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Vjesnik, page 8)
[Tue Apr 27 08:41:22 2004]
kupio 78% u Kerametalu za 17,3 mil.
78%in Kerametalu bought for 17,3 mil.
[Tue Apr 27 08:44:31 2004]
Zagrebački Petrokov, trgovac grijačima i rashladnim uređajima, kupio je transakcijom preko Zagrebačke burze za 17,3 mil.
Zagreb Petrokov, company of heaters and cooling appliances, has bought with transaction iin the Zagreb Stock Exchanges for 17.3 mil.
[Tue Apr 27 08:45:41 2004]
kuna udjel od 78% u Kerametalu, trgovačkom poduzeću koje se uglavnom bavi kućanskim aparatima i sličnom tehnikom.
kuna the share of 78% in Kerametal, trade company which mainly deals with housewares and similar technology.
[Tue Apr 27 08:45:41 2004]
Najveći pojedinačni dioničar Kerametala je tvrtka Samoborka, s 18% udjela, dok su osim dvojice većih pojedinačnih ulagača, ostale dionice bile u rukama 300 malih dioničara.
biggest single stockholder of Kerametal is Samoborka company, with 18%of share, while beside two other bigger single investors, other shares belong to 300 small shareholders.
[Tue Apr 27 08:45:41 2004]
[Tue Apr 27 08:51:20 2004]
iznenađen odustajanjem MORH-a od projekta tenka Degman
surprised by the withdrawal of the Croatian Ministry of Defense from the Degman tank project
[Tue Apr 27 08:54:53 2004]
Uprava Đure Đakovića izrazila je iznenađenje odlukom MORH-a da odustane od projekta tenka Degman, koji je došao u završnu fazu pripreme proizvodnje.
Board of directors of Đuro Đaković has expressed its surprise by the decision of the Croatian Ministry of Defense - to withdraw from the Degman tank project, which has reached its final phase in the production preparation.