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[Tue Apr 27 08:56:43 2004]
U Đakoviću nisu zadovoljni najavom proizvodnje oklopnog vozila točkaša za HV, za koju kažu da je tek u pripremnoj fazi, a Degman im se ne isplati proizvoditi bez veće narudžbe.
Đuro Đaković is not the satisfied with the announcement of the production of armored vehicle for Croatian Army, which is yet in the preparatory phase, and Degman is not profitable for production without a bigger order.
[Tue Apr 27 08:56:44 2004]
Rečeno je kako će im MORH-ov potez ugroziti opstanak, a slično se tvrdilo i nakon najave usporavanja modernizacije HŽ-a.
They say that -move from the Croatian Ministry of Defense will jeopardize their survival, and the similar was claimed too after announcement of the modernization slowdown of Croatian Railways.
[Tue Apr 27 08:56:44 2004]
[Tue Apr 27 09:00:03 2004]
u Zagrebu predstavili svoj program
in Zagreb Presented its program
[Tue Apr 27 09:00:32 2004]
Skupina poslovnih ljudi hrvatskog podrijetla Grupa100 predstavila je u Zagrebu svoj program, koji će supokroviteljstvom podržati i Vlada.
Thr group of businessmen of Croatian origin Grupa100 has presented in Zagreb its program, which which will also be sponsored by the Government.
[Tue Apr 27 09:03:11 2004]
Grupa 100 planira u Hrvatskoj osnovati banku koja će odobravati zajmove malim poduzetnicima, a nudit će im i savjetodavne usluge.
Group 100 plans in Croatia to set up a bank which will give loans to small business owners, and offer them also consulting services.
[Tue Apr 27 09:03:16 2004]
Iseljenici su ocijenili i kako do dolaska sadašnje vlade nije bilo uvjeta za osnivanje takve udruge, jer smatraju da ih prošla nije voljela.
Emigrants have evaluated also until the arrival of the current government there were no conditions for the foundation of such an association, because according to them they were not liked by the former government.
[Tue Apr 27 09:03:16 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 5)
(Jutarnji list, page 5)
[Tue Apr 27 09:05:17 2004]
Zlatni rat:
Zlatni rat:
[Tue Apr 27 09:05:19 2004]
prošle godine 52 mil.
last year 52 million.
[Tue Apr 27 09:06:24 2004]
Bolski Zlatni rat ostvario je prošle godine 52 mil.
Bol Zlatni rat achieved last year 52 million
[Tue Apr 27 09:07:07 2004]
kuna dobiti, koju će iskoristiti za pokriće gubitaka iz proteklih godina.
Bol Zlatni rat achieved last year 52 million kuna of profits, which will be used for covering the losses from passed years.
[Tue Apr 27 09:07:13 2004]
Većinski vlasnik bračke turističke tvrtke je Lucidus, čija je javna ponuda za preostale dionice upravo u tijeku.
Majority owner of Brač tourist company is Lucidus, whose the public offer for remaining shares has right now been under way.
[Tue Apr 27 09:07:13 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 6)D
(Vjesnik, page 6D)
[Wed Apr 28 08:22:44 2004]
Ustavni sud:
Constitutional court:
[Wed Apr 28 08:25:42 2004]
danas odluka o ustavnosti Zakona o trgovini o zabrani rada nedjeljom
Decision on the constitutionality of the Law on trade of working hours restriction on Sundays today
[Wed Apr 28 08:27:05 2004]
Ustavni sud bi danas trebao odlučiti o ustavnosti odredbi Zakona o trgovini o zabrani rada nedjeljom, nakon što je već jednom odgodio sjednicu s tom temom.
Constitutional court should today decide on the constitutionality of the legal provision on trade of working hours restriction on Sundays, after having already put off the meeting on that subject.
[Wed Apr 28 08:27:09 2004]
Prema neslužbenim vijestima više medija, većina sudaca je sklona mišljenju kako je zabrana protuustavna, pa bi se zakon trebao ponovno naći pred Saborom.
According to the unofficial news of a number of media, most judges think that the restriction is unconstitutional, so the law should once more ne presented to the Parliament.
[Wed Apr 28 08:27:09 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 3)
(Jutarnji list, page 3)
[Wed Apr 28 08:31:45 2004]
razmatra mogućnost nagodbe s odvjetnicima obitelji Zec
Settlement possibility with lawyers of the Zec family under consideration
[Wed Apr 28 08:31:47 2004]
Premijer Sanader je potvrdio da Vlada razmatra mogućnost da postigne nagodbu s odvjetnicima obitelji Zec i isplati im odštetu od 1,08 mil.
Prime Minister Sanader has confirmed that the Government is considering the possibility of settling with lawyers of the Zec family and paying them the indemnity of 1,08 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 08:37:16 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo je nedavno odbilo prijedlog izvansudske nagodbe, uz obrazloženje koje je osupnulo dio medija i javnosti, kako nije utvrđeno da je zločin počinjen prilikom obavljanja dužnosti.
State prosecutor's office has recently rejected the proposal of out-of-court settlement, with the explanation which astonished a part of media and public, that it was determined whether the crime had been committed under duty.
[Wed Apr 28 08:37:17 2004]
Odvjetnik obitelji drži i da Vlada ne želi da se u postupku dokazuje odgovornost tadašnjeg režima.
The family's lawyer also believes that the Government does not want that the procceedings to prove the responsibility of that time regime.
[Wed Apr 28 08:37:17 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 2)
(Večernji list page 2)
[Wed Apr 28 08:43:49 2004]
na graničnim prijelazima posebni trakovi za hrvatske građane
Special lanes for Croatian citizens at border crossings
[Wed Apr 28 08:45:26 2004]
Nakon izjave čelnika slovenske policije da na graničnim prijelazima s Hrvatskom nije predviđen poseban trak za hrvatske građane koju je prenio Novi list, iz MVP-a je rečeno kako su od slovenske strane izviješteni da će se na svim prijelazima gdje je to moguće ipak biti postavljeni posebni trakovi.
After the statement from the leader of Slovenian police, published by Novi list, that a special lane for Croatian citizens at border crossings with Croatia has not been foreseen, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that Slovenian side has informed that special lanes will still be placed at all crossings where possible.
[Wed Apr 28 08:45:34 2004]
Iz MVP-a ističu kako suradnju pokazuje skoro zajedničko otvaranja prijelaza u Rupama predsjednika Drnovšeka i Mesića.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs-has emphasizes that the cooperation indicates soon joint opening of border crossing in Rupe of by both presidents Drnovšek and Mesić.
[Wed Apr 28 08:45:34 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 3)
(Vjesnik, page 3)
[Wed Apr 28 08:47:51 2004]
[Wed Apr 28 08:47:55 2004]
Ruska Vnješekonom banka potpisala sporazum o vraćanju $1,29 mlrd.
Russian Vnješekonom Bank signs the agreement on returning 1,29 the billion.
[Wed Apr 28 08:50:46 2004]
Ruska Vnješekonom banka potpisala je sporazum s bankama s područja bivše SFRJ o vraćanju duga od 1,29 mlrd.
Russian Vnješekonom Bank has signed the agreement with banks from the territory of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on repaying the debt of 1,29 the billion.
[Wed Apr 28 08:53:08 2004]
Banke se moraju međusobno odgovoriti o raspodjeli novca, hrvatski zastupnik u sporazumu je, prema FoNetu, Hrvatska poštanska banka, dok ostale predstavljaju središnje banke.
Banks must mutually respond on money allocation, the Croatian representative in the agreement is, according to FoNet, Croatian Postal Bank, while other banks are represented by central banks.
[Wed Apr 28 08:54:42 2004]
Hercegovačka banka:
Herzegovinian Bank:
[Wed Apr 28 08:56:16 2004]
pristigla ponuda za preuzimanje
Takeover offer arrived
[Wed Apr 28 08:56:18 2004]
Konzorcij od osim hrvatskih tvrtki predao je ponudu za preuzimanje mostarske Hercegovačke banke, koja je pod prinudnom upravom već tri godine, a prodaje se za 57 mil.
Consortium of eight Croatian companies has delivered the takeover offer for Mostar Herzegovinian Bank, which has been under receivership already three years, and for sale for 57 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 09:00:02 2004]
Konzorcij zastupa FCT varaždinske brokerske kuće Fima, odakle ističu da neće ponovno pokretati Hercegovačku banku, već preuzeti njenu imovinu i obveze.
The consortium is represented by FCT Varaždin brokerage house Fima, which emphasizes that again start the Herzegovinian Bank, but take over its property and liability.
[Wed Apr 28 09:00:07 2004]
Konzorcij čini skupina tvrtki u rasponu od Francka i Leda do Školske knjige i HUP-a Zagreb.
The consortium is made up of groups of companies ranging from from Franck and Ledo to Školska knjiga and HUP Zagreb.
[Wed Apr 28 09:00:07 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Jutarnji list, page 10)
[Wed Apr 28 09:08:39 2004]
ponovo aktiviran plan o spajanju HPB-a i Croatia banke
Plan of merging Croatian Postal Bank and Croatia Bank active again
[Wed Apr 28 09:09:25 2004]
Prema neslužbenim vijestima Dnevnika, Vlada je ponovno aktivirala plan o spajanju HPB-a i Croatia banke, kojoj bi se u velikoj državnoj banci trebala pridružiti i Fina.
According to the unofficial information from Dnevnik, the Government has once more activated the plan of merging Croatian Postal Bank and Croatia Bank, to which Fina should also join in a big state bank.
[Wed Apr 28 09:12:19 2004]
Projekt navodno razrađuje državni tajnik za strategiju razvoja Ante Babić.
The project allegedly has been developed by the Secretary of State for development strategy Ante Babić.
[Wed Apr 28 09:12:24 2004]
Večernji list prenosi neslužbene vijesti o skoroj smjeni predsjednika Uprave HPB-a Josipa Slade, kojem se zamjera nedovoljno razvijanje financijskih proizvoda kakve je nudila konkurencija.
from Večernji list the unofficial news reports on the forthcoming shift of the President of the Board of the Croatian Postal Bank- Josip Slade, who has been criticized for unsatisfactory development of financial products which were offered by competition.
[Wed Apr 28 09:12:24 2004]
(Dnevnik, Večernji list stranica 6)
(Dnevnik, Večernji list, page 6)
[Wed Apr 28 09:15:05 2004]
Europska investicijska banka:
European Investment Bank:
[Wed Apr 28 09:16:22 2004]
mogućnost izdavanja obveznica za hrvatsko tržište
possibility of issuing bonds for Croatian market
[Wed Apr 28 09:17:32 2004]
Europska investicijska banka razmatra mogućnost izdavanja obveznica za hrvatsko tržište, denominiranih u kunama, ali vjerojatno ipak i s valutnom klauzulom.
European Investment Bank has been considering the possibility of bond issues for Croatian market, denominated in kuna, but probably still and with foreign currency clause.
[Wed Apr 28 09:17:37 2004]
EIB još nije odredio datum izdavanja obveznica, a izdanje bi moglo biti vrijedno 100 mil.
EIB yet has not set the date of issuing bonds, whereas the issue can have the value of 100 million
[Wed Apr 28 09:17:43 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Wed Apr 28 09:23:40 2004]
studije utjecaja na okoliš projekta DružbAdia završene
research studies on environment impact of DružbAdia project finished
[Wed Apr 28 09:25:50 2004]
JANAF je izviješten da je svih 15 znanstvenih ustanova uključenih u izradu studije utjecaja na okoliš projekta DružbAdia završilo posao.
JANAF has been informed that all 15 scientific institutions included in making a research study on environment impact of DružbAdia project have completed the work.
[Wed Apr 28 09:25:55 2004]
Zagrebački Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet će parcijalne studije objediniti, no JANAF još ne zna kad će o rezultatima izvijestiti Vladu.
Zagreb Mining-geologic-oil University will unite these partial studies, but JANAF still does not know when the Government will be given the results.
[Wed Apr 28 09:25:55 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 8)
(Jutarnji list, page 8)
[Wed Apr 28 09:29:37 2004]
Željezara Split:
Split Iron and Steel Plant:
[Wed Apr 28 09:29:39 2004]
traži novo jamstvo od 88 mil.
looking for a new guarantee of 88 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 09:31:03 2004]
Željezara Split dostavila je Vladi novi poslovni plan, u kojem se traži novo jamstvo od 88 mil.
Split Iron and Steel Plant has delivered to the Government a new business plan, in which it requests a new guarantee of 88 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 09:31:34 2004]
kuna za zaduženje kojim bi se osigurala obrtna sredstva.
kuna for the debt with which it would insure current assets.
[Wed Apr 28 09:32:41 2004]
Vlada je svojedobno uložila 22 mil.
The Government previously invested 22 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 09:32:44 2004]
eura u obnovu Željezare, uz još 8 mil.
euro in the reconstruction of the plant, with another 8 mil.
[Wed Apr 28 09:38:12 2004]
eura dodatnih ulaganja.
euros of additional investments.
[Wed Apr 28 09:38:13 2004]
U Željezari najavljuju da će do kolovoza doseći proizvodnju od 70% kapaciteta, a sljedeće godine i punu proizvodnju, za koju vjeruju da će pronaći i tržište.
the Plant announces that by August will reach the production will reach 70%capacity, and next year also a full production, for which they believe it will find its market.
[Wed Apr 28 09:38:13 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik page 11)
[Thu Apr 29 08:28:20 2004]
Ustavni sud:
Constitutional Court:
[Thu Apr 29 08:31:33 2004]
ukinuo odredbe Zakona o trgovini nedjeljom
Legal provisions on trade on Sundays abrogated
[Thu Apr 29 08:35:37 2004]
Prema najavama, Ustavni sud je ukinuo odredbe Zakona o trgovini koja je uređivala koje trgovine mogu raditi nedjeljom.
Based on announcements, Constitutional Court has abrogated legal provisions on trade which regulated which working hours on Sundays.
[Thu Apr 29 08:38:11 2004]
Sud je ocijenio da je načinom na koji je to određeno povrijeđen Ustavom zajamčeni jednakopravan položaj sudionika na tržištu.
Court has evaluated that the method in which that was regulated violated by the Constitution guaranteed an equal position of participants in the market.
[Thu Apr 29 08:38:12 2004]
Iz Caritasa, koji je bio jedan od pokretača zabrane, ocijenjeno je da je Sud zaboravio na malog čovjeka, žrtvu trgovačkih lanaca.
Caritas, one of the initiators of the prohibition, evaluated that the Court forgot about ordinary men, victims of commercial chains.
[Thu Apr 29 08:38:12 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 5)
(Jutarnji list page 5)
[Thu Apr 29 08:44:48 2004]
Hrvatska može smatrati da je postupak ratifikacije SSP-a gotova stvar, rečeno je iz nizozemskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova.
Croatia can consider the procedure of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement ratification-a done deal, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said.
[Thu Apr 29 08:44:49 2004]
Nizozemci su najavili da se radi o nekoliko tjedana, u kojima treba potpisati instrument ratifikacije i proslijediti ga Vijeću EU.
The Dutch say they are referring to the period of a few weeks, when needs to be signed the ratification instrument and forwarded to the EU Council.
[Thu Apr 29 08:44:49 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik page 1)
[Thu Apr 29 08:46:46 2004]
[Thu Apr 29 08:47:04 2004]
otvoren granični prijelaz Jelšane uređen po pravilima Schengenskog sporazuma
opened border crossing Jelšane and arranged according to of Schengen agreement rules
[Thu Apr 29 08:49:00 2004]
Predsjednici Mesić i Drnovšek otvorili su granični prijelaz Jelšane, jedan od tri prijelaza uređenih po pravilima Schengenskog sporazuma.
Presidents Mesić and Drnovšek opened the border crossing Jelšane, one of three crossings arranged according to of Schengen agreement rules.
[Thu Apr 29 08:49:20 2004]
Drnovšek je na pitanje o posebnom prolazu za hrvatske građane odgovorio kako mu nisu poznate tehničke pojedinosti, ali da se režim ne bi trebao razlikovati od dosadašnjeg.
Drnovšek has not been on the question about the special routes for Croatian citizens answered he was not familiar with technical details, but that regulations should remain as they were.
[Thu Apr 29 08:49:24 2004]
Dvije su države zadržale postojeći režim malograničnog prometa.
Two countries have kept the existing regime of border traffic.
[Thu Apr 29 08:53:05 2004]
Zagrebačka gradonačelnica Vlasta Pavić zatražila je od dogradonačelnika Milana Bandića ispriku
Zagreb Mayor Vlasta Pavić demands an apology from Deputy Mayor Milan Bandić
[Thu Apr 29 08:56:05 2004]
Zagrebačka gradonačelnica Vlasta Pavić zatražila je od dogradonačelnika Milana Bandića ispriku zato što ju je u utorak izvrijeđao na sjednici Gradske skupštine.
The Zagreb mayor Vlasta Pavić has requested an apology from Deputy Mayor Milan Bandić because he offended her at a town assembly meeting on Tuesday.
[Thu Apr 29 08:57:40 2004]
Vjesnik tvrdi da gradonačelnica razmišlja o ostavci, a zagrebačka čelnica je dio svog SDP-a optužila da je već dvije godine pokušavaju prikazati kao nesposobnu.
Vjesnik claims that the mayor is considering the resignation, and the Zagreb leader has accused her part of Social Democratic Party that it has been trying to declare her incompetent already for two years.
[Thu Apr 29 08:57:41 2004]
Do sukoba s Bandićem je došlo zbog slučaja zemljišta Zagrepčanke koje je kupio grad, a sud ga nedavno dodijelio vinkovačkoj tvrtki Krma.
the conflict with Bandić was a result because of the case of Zagrepčanke estate bought by the town, and the court recently allocated it the Vinkovci company Krma.
[Thu Apr 29 08:57:41 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 19)
(Vjesnik page 19)
[Thu Apr 29 09:02:15 2004]
Proizvodi u kojima su pronađeni GMO su povučeni s tržišta ali ih se neće otkrivati javnosti
Products with GMO withdrawn from the market but will not be made known to the public
[Thu Apr 29 09:04:13 2004]
Proizvodi u kojima su pronađeni GMO su povučeni s tržišta, a Vlada ih neće otkrivati javnosti, rekao je ministar zdravstva Andrija Hebrang.
Products with GMO hves been withdrawn, and the Government will not make it known to the public, Minister of Health Care Andrija Hebrang has said.
[Thu Apr 29 09:05:10 2004]
Vlada svoj potez objašnjava poukom iz slučaja Pipo, kad je ta tvornica nakon objave da je u njihovoj salami Poli nađena soja s GMO, zapala u velike poslovne poteškoće.
Government its move explains with the lesson in the Pipo case, when in that factory after the announcement that their salami Poli contained soya with GMO, fell in big business difficulties.
[Thu Apr 29 09:05:11 2004]
Hebrang je otkrio da se radi o proizvodima od mesa do peciva koji sadrže soju.
Hebrang has said that these products range from the meat to baked goods which contain soya.
[Thu Apr 29 09:05:11 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list page 2)
[Thu Apr 29 09:07:59 2004]
ponudio paket od 66,83% dionica Belja
offer of the package of 66.83% Belje shares
[Thu Apr 29 09:08:13 2004]
HFP je na Zagrebačkoj burzi ponudio paket od 66,83% dionica Belja, za koje, kako se i očekivalo, po nominalnoj cijeni od 369 mil.
Croatian Privatization Fund at Zagreb Stock Exchange has offered the package of 66,83% Belje shares, for which, as it was predicted, on the nominal price of 369 mil.
[Thu Apr 29 09:08:40 2004]
kuna nije bilo zainteresiranih.
kuna there was noone interested.
[Thu Apr 29 09:09:48 2004]
Paket će se uz popust od 5% na burzi nuditi do 5.
The package with the discount of 5%at the stock exchange will be offered until 5.
[Thu Apr 29 09:09:53 2004]
svibnja, potom se očekuje pravi natječaj, kad će se Belje nuditi po posebnim uvjetima, uz program ulaganja i preuzimanje obveza.
May, when a real public tender is expected, when Belje will be offered on special conditions, with the investment program and liability takeover.
[Thu Apr 29 09:09:53 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Thu Apr 29 09:12:33 2004]
[Thu Apr 29 09:13:41 2004]
preuzeo 50% dionica u osječkoj Tvornici mlijeka Mia
Taking over 50% of shares in Osijek milk factory Mia
[Thu Apr 29 09:15:40 2004]
Njemački Meggle preuzeo je od IPK Kandit udjel od 50% dionica u osječkoj Tvornici mlijeka Mia, u kojoj sad drži udjel od 81%.
German Meggle has taken over from IPK Kandit a 50% share in Osijek milk factory Mia, in which now has the share of 81%.
[Thu Apr 29 09:15:43 2004]
Cijena transakcije nije objavljena, a Meggle je proteklih mjeseci imao veliku podršku zaposlenih i sindikata, koji su zahtijevali da mu se proda većinski udjel.
The price of transaction have have not been made known, and Meggle in past months received a big support from its employees and trade unions, who demanded it be sold the majority share.
[Thu Apr 29 09:15:43 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Jutarnji list page 10)
[Thu Apr 29 09:19:48 2004]
prihvaćen prijedlog provedbe nezavisne revizije poslovanja
proposal of performing independent audits of business operations accepted
[Thu Apr 29 09:33:33 2004]
Skupština dioničara Exportdrva nije prihvatila prijedlog Validusa da se u društvu provede nezavisna revizija poslovanja, pa će Validus to zatražiti na Trgovačkom sudu.
Assembly of stockholder of Exportdrva has not accepted the proposal from Validusa to in the company perform independent audit of business operations, so Validus will request it in the Commercial Court.
[Thu Apr 29 09:33:37 2004]
Zahtjevu Validusa, koji drži 19% dionica, pridružilo se nešto više od 8% dioničara, što oni ipak drže pokazateljem da nisu usamljeni u zahtjevu za transparentnijim poslovanjem Exportdrva, u čije iskazane rezultate poslovanja sumnjaju.
Request Validus, which holds 19% of shares, has been joined by more than 8% of stockholders, which is considered the indication that they are not only in the request for more transparent business operations of Exportdrva, whose shown businesses results they doubt.
[Thu Apr 29 09:38:17 2004]
Američka vojska je i jučer nastavila ograničeno vojno djelovanje u sjeveroistočnom dijelu iračkog grada Falluje, pri čemu su ponovno korištene zračne topovnjače AC 130.
The US army also yesterday continued limited military activity in the northeast part of Iraqi town Falluja, using are once more air gunboats AC 130.
[Thu Apr 29 09:39:15 2004]
Predsjednik Bush je najavio kako će vojska uskoro cijeli grad staviti pod nadzor, pa se procjenjuje da pobunjenici namjeravaju izbjeći frontalni sukob.
President Bush has announced that the army would soon the entire town will put under surveillance, so it has been estimated that rebels intend to avoid a frontal conflict.
[Thu Apr 29 09:39:17 2004]
U zasjedi u poljskom sektoru ubijen je jedan ukrajinski vojnik.
One Ukrainian soldier has been killed from ambush in the field sector.
[Thu Apr 29 09:40:40 2004]
[Thu Apr 29 09:41:24 2004]
sukob s pobunjenicima na jugu zemlje
Conflict with rebels in the south of the country
[Thu Apr 29 09:44:43 2004]
Tajlandska vlada je ocijenila da je 107 ubijenih pobunjenika na islamskog jugu zemlje nisu pripadali organiziranim islamističkim skupinama, već se radilo o razbojnicima.
The Thai government has evaluated that 107 killed rebels in the Islamic south of the country were not a part of any organized Islamic groups, but bandits.
[Thu Apr 29 09:44:44 2004]
Pobunjenici su u srijedu pred zoru napali više stanica snaga sigurnosti na jugu zemlje, gdje postoji pokret za odvajanje od Tajlanda, no vojska je skupine mladića naoružane mačetama spremno dočekala.
On Wednesday, the rebels attacked more stations of security forces in the south of the country before dawn, where the movement for the separation from Thailand is, but the army met the group of young men armed with machetes readily.
[Thu Apr 29 09:46:06 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju prihod 17,8 mlrd.
in the first quarter Income of 17,8 billion.
[Thu Apr 29 09:46:07 2004]
eura i neto dobit 1,2 mlrd.
euro and net profit of 1,2 billion.
[Thu Apr 29 09:47:19 2004]
Siemens je objavio da je u prvom tromjesečju poslovne godine ostvario 1,2 mlrd.
Siemens has said to have achieved in the first quarter of the business year 1,2 billion.
[Thu Apr 29 09:47:25 2004]
eura neto dobiti, prema 568 mil.
euro of the net profit, in comparison to 568 mil.
[Thu Apr 29 09:47:32 2004]
eura u istom razdoblju prošle godine.
euro from the same period last year.
[Thu Apr 29 09:48:45 2004]
No, čak je 836 mil.
But, even 836 mil.
[Thu Apr 29 09:49:02 2004]
eura dobiti ostvareno prodajom 21% udjela u Infineonu, pa analitičari rezultate drže ispod očekivanja.
euros of profit was achieved by selling 21% of shares in Infineon, so analysts consider the result lower than expected.
[Thu Apr 29 09:49:57 2004]
Prihod od prodaje je pao 2,2% na 17,8 mlrd.
Sales revenue has decreased by 2,2% to 17,8 billion.
[Thu Apr 29 09:50:04 2004]
eura, a najveći preokret je napravljen u proizvodnji opreme za fiksnu telefoniju, gdje je gubitak od 147 mil.
euro, whereas the biggest turn was made in the production for fixed telephony equipment, where the loss of 147 mil.
[Thu Apr 29 09:50:13 2004]
eura pretvoren u 37 mil.
euro was turned into 37 mil.
[Thu Apr 29 09:50:14 2004]
of profit.
[Thu Apr 29 09:53:09 2004]
Marulovih dana u Splitu
Marulo's ?? days in Split
[Thu Apr 29 09:55:27 2004]
Najviše nagrada žirija 14.
A biggest jury prizes of 14.
[Thu Apr 29 09:57:05 2004]
Marulovih dana u Splitu dobile su predstave splitskog HNK "Otok sv. Ciprijana" po tekstu Lade Martinac, te "Božanska glad" zagrebačkog Teatra ITD, po romanu Slavenke Drakulić.
Marulovih days in Split have been given performances from Split Croatian National Theatre " Island of St. Ciprijan " based on the text by Lada Martinac, and " Divine hunger " from Zagreb Theater ITD, based on the novel by Slavenka Drakulić.
[Thu Apr 29 09:57:15 2004]
Beogradski Atelje 212 dobio je nagradu publike za svoju izvedbu teksta "Dvije" Tene Štivičić, kojom se uvrstio u festival dana hrvatskog kazališta.
Belgrade Atelier 212 received the audience prize for its performance of the text " Dvije " by Tena Štivičić, which is included into the festival of Croatian theatre days.
[Thu Apr 29 09:57:15 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 45)
(Jutarnji list, page 45)
[Thu Apr 29 10:01:05 2004]
Američki sastav Lambchop nastupio u kino-dvorani zagrebačkog SC-a
US band Lambchop performed in the movie theater of Zagreb student center
[Thu Apr 29 10:03:25 2004]
Američki sastav Lambchop, eklektičnog glazbenog izraza koji se najčešće dotiče americane i alter-countryja, nastupio je u rasprodanoj kino-dvorani zagrebačkog SC-a, pred više od 1000 obožavatelja.
The US band Lambchop, with an eclectic musical expression which most often refers to American and alter-country, peformed in the sold movie theater of Zagreb student center, in front of more than 1000 fans.
[Thu Apr 29 10:03:29 2004]
Kritičar Jutarnjeg lista nastup ocjenjuje koncertom kakav se pamti do kraja života, a primjećuje da je završio niz od pet većih koncerata u Zagrebu u 10 dana, za koji su karte usprkos razmjerno visokim cijenama rasprodane.
Critic of Jutarnji list says the concert was a performance to be remembered for life, and notices that the concert concluded a ten-days series of five greater concerts in Zagreb 10, for which tickets in spite of relatively high prices were sold out.
[Thu Apr 29 10:03:29 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 45)
(Jutarnji list, page 45)
[Thu Apr 29 10:05:19 2004]
[Thu Apr 29 10:06:05 2004]
reprezentacija Hrvatske svladala je u Skopju s 1:0 ekipu Makedonije
Croatian team beat Macedonian team with the result of 1:0 in Skopje
[Thu Apr 29 10:08:08 2004]
Nogometna reprezentacija Hrvatske svladala je u Skopju s 1:0 ekipu Makedonije, pogotkom Klasnića u prvom poluvremenu.
Croatian football team of Croatia beat in Skopje with 10: the team of Macedonia, with Klasnić's score in the first halftime.
[Thu Apr 29 10:08:11 2004]
Prijateljski susret je odigran u sklopu priprema za EP u Portugalu, a na vratima Hrvatske je u drugom poluvremenu debitirao Australac hrvatskih korijena Joey Didulica.
The friendly match was played as a part of preparations for European Championship in Portugal, and Croatian goal in the other halftime was defended by Australian Croatian Joey Didulica who made his debut yesterday.
[Fri Apr 30 09:35:49 2004]
moguće povlačenje američke vojske iz Falluje
US army retreat from Falluja possible
[Fri Apr 30 09:37:24 2004]
Zapovjednik američki vojske na terenu najavio je kako će se njegove snage poveći iz Falluje, koju će kao irački problem prepustiti tamošnjim vojnim snagama, što još nije potvrđeno u Washingtonu.
US army commanding officer on the field has announced that his forces could retreat from Falluja, which as Iraqi problem would be given to local military forces, but that has still not been confirmed in Washington.
[Fri Apr 30 09:37:26 2004]
Odustajanje od pokušaja da se uhite pobunjenici koje Amerikanci drže odgovornim za ubojstvo četvero civila na radu za oružane snage bi moglo predstavljati i početak nove taktike u Iraku.
Abandoning the attempt to arrest rebels that the Americans hold responsible for the murder of four civilians at work could present for armed forces a start of new tactics in Iraq.
[Fri Apr 30 09:37:26 2004]
[Fri Apr 30 09:41:17 2004]
Usprkos najavama povlačenja, američki vojni zrakoplovi su i jučer bombardirali Falluju.
Despite the retreat announcements, US military planes are also yesterday bombed Falluja.
[Fri Apr 30 09:43:17 2004]
U više odvojenih napada, među kojima je najveći bio izveden automobilom bombom u Bagdadu, poginulo je 10 američkih vojnika, pa je broj Amerikanca stradali u Iraku tijekom travanjske eskalacije sukoba premašio 120.
In a number of separated attacks, among whichbiggest one was executed by a car bomb in Baghdad, 10 US soldiers died, so the number of US casualties in Iraq has exceeded the number of 120 during April conflict escalations.
[Fri Apr 30 09:43:17 2004]
Američku vojsku je pogodio i skandal s prijavom protiv šest vojnika zbog zlostavljanja zarobljenih Iračana u zatvoru kraj Bagdada.
The US army has also been influenced by a scandal with the report against six soldier for the abuses of captured Iraqis in jail near Baghdad.
[Fri Apr 30 09:46:26 2004]
inicijalna ponuda dionica će vrijediti $2,7 mlrd.
initial share offer will be worth $ 2.7 billion
[Fri Apr 30 09:48:48 2004]
Internetska tražilica Google najavila je da će njena inicijalna javna ponuda dionica, koja se već mjesecima očekuje s nestrpljenjem, nominalno vrijediti $2,7 mlrd.
Internet search engine Google has announced that its initial public offering of shares, already for months expected with impatience, will have a nominal value of $ 2.7 billion.
[Fri Apr 30 09:49:06 2004]
Google je na prijelazu iz privatnog u javni vlasnički oblik morao objaviti i poslovne rezultate, koje čine nešto manje od milijardu dolara prihoda i $106 mil.
Google at the changing point from private into a public form had to release also its business results, which make the amount of slightly less than one billion dollar of income and $ 106 million
[Fri Apr 30 09:50:01 2004]
Googlova tržišna kapitalizacija bi, po nekim procjenama, nakon dražbe za dionice mogla dosegnuti $20 mlrd.
Google's market capitalization could, according to some estimates, after the share auction reach the amount of 20 billion.
[Fri Apr 30 09:50:01 2004]
[Fri Apr 30 09:53:17 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju rast BDP-a od 4,2%
Growth of 4,2% of GDP in the first quarter
[Fri Apr 30 09:55:15 2004]
Američki BDP rastao je u prvom tromjesečju godine po stopi od 4,2% prema istom razdoblju prethodne godine, što je ipak oko 0,8 postotnih bodova ispod predviđanja većine analitičara.
US GDP increased in the first quarter years according to the rate of 4,2%in comparison to the same period last year, which is still approximately 0,8 percentage points below the prediction of majority of analyst.
[Fri Apr 30 09:56:32 2004]
Kako rast nije znatno veći od onog u prethodnom kvartalu, ne očekuje se da će FED sljedećeg utorka podići nisku kamatnu stopu od 1%.
Since the growth is not significantly bigger than the one from the last quarter, it is not expected that the FED will increase the low 1% rate of interest after next Tuesday.
[Fri Apr 30 09:56:33 2004]
Među podacima se ističe i porast od 16% državne potrošnje za obranu.
Among the facts is noticeable and Increase of 16% of government spending for the defense.
[Fri Apr 30 09:58:55 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju neto dobit 111 mil.
in the first quarter net profit of 111 mil.
[Fri Apr 30 10:00:10 2004]
Druga po veličini njemačka banka HVB, vlasnica Splitske banke, ostvarila je u prvom tromjesečju godine 111 mil.
Second largest German bank HVB, owner of Split bank, achieced in the first quarter of the year 111 million
[Fri Apr 30 10:01:13 2004]
eura u istom razdoblju lani.
euro same period last year.
[Fri Apr 30 10:01:18 2004]
Banka je bolje rezultate obrazložila manjim rezervacijama za pokriće rizika i smanjenim troškovima poslovanja.
The Bank better results has explained with fewer reservations for risk cover of and reduced operating costs.
[Fri Apr 30 10:01:18 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Fri Apr 30 10:04:08 2004]
Njemački auto-klub ADAC ocjenio dva hrvatska tunela nezadovoljavajućim
German Automobile Association ADAC evaluates two Croatian tunnels inadequate
[Fri Apr 30 10:04:42 2004]
Njemački auto-klub ADAC uvrstio je dva hrvatska tunela među tri od 27 testiranih europskih cestovnih tunela koji nisu zadovoljili sigurnosne standarde.
The German Automobile Association-ADAC has included two Croatian tunnels among three of 27 tested European road tunnels which do satisfy safety standards.
[Fri Apr 30 10:05:17 2004]
Na ispitu su pali Učka i Tuhobić, uz njemački Wattkopf kraj Stuttgarta.
Učka and Tuhobić, together German Wattkopf near Stuttgart, failed the test.
[Fri Apr 30 10:05:57 2004]
Hrvatskim tunelima nedostaju izlazi za nuždu i dobro obučeni vatrogasci, a Učka ima i oštećen kolnik.
Croatian tunnels lack emergency exits and well trained firemen, whereas Učka has also a damaged track.
[Fri Apr 30 10:06:01 2004]
Nisu testirani talijanski tuneli, jer to Italija nakon lanjskih loših ocjena nije dozvolila.
Have not been tested Italian tunnels, because Italy after last year's bad reviews did not allow it.
[Fri Apr 30 10:06:01 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 32)
(Vjesnik, page 32)
[Fri Apr 30 10:07:25 2004]
Diego Maradona otpušten iz bolnice
Diego Maradona released from hospital
[Fri Apr 30 10:08:19 2004]
Nekadašnji argentinski nogometaš Diego Maradona otpušten je iz bolnice nakon 12 dana.
former Argentinean football player Diego Maradona has been released from hospital after 12 days.
[Fri Apr 30 10:09:06 2004]
Maradona se žalio na probleme sa srcem i plućima, a tvrdilo se i da mu je život bio ugrožen.
Maradona complained about problems with heart and lungs, and there are claims that his life was in danger.
[Fri Apr 30 10:09:07 2004]
Neko vrijeme je proveo i priključen na respirator, a dio medija je probleme povezao s Maradoninim problemima s drogom.
Some time he spent connected on the respirator, and a part of the media the problem connected with his drug problems.
[Fri Apr 30 10:15:08 2004]
na sjeveru zemlje djelomice sunčano, drugdje umjereno do znatno oblačno.
in the north Partially sunny, elsewhere moderately to considerably cloudy.
[Fri Apr 30 10:15:08 2004]
Za vikend promjenljivo, na sjeveru svježije.
For the weekend unstable, in the north cooler.
[Thu Apr 01 15:49:34 2004]
Dear Sir or Madam,
[Thu Apr 01 15:50:39 2004]
Dolaskom proljeća i novih modnih kolekcija odlučili smo se na organiziranje velike modne revije koja bi prikazala novitete kolekcija modne marke Polo Sport, Schisser, Tommy Hilfinger i Armani Jeans.
With the arrival of spring and new fashion collections we have decided to organize a large fashion-show which would present new collections of fashion- brand Polo Sport, Schisser, Tommy Hilfinger and Armani Jeans.
[Thu Apr 01 15:51:08 2004]
Cijela modna revija osmišljena je kao prikaz casual stila odjevanja za mlade pa i sve one koji se tako osjećaju.
The entire fashion-show is imagined as an illustration of casual fashion- style for the young and everyone they who so feels that way.
[Thu Apr 01 15:51:14 2004]
Modna revija održala bi se 28.04.2004.
Fashion-show would be kept on 28 April 2004,
[Thu Apr 01 15:52:48 2004]
u cocktail i lounge baru Hemingway.
Fashion-show would be kept on 28 April 2004, in cocktail and lounge bar Hemingway.
[Thu Apr 01 15:54:00 2004]
Sama revija imala bi četiri izlaska u kojima bi prikazali sportsko- ležerni stil modne marke Polo u muškoj i ženskoj kolekciji;
The show itself would have four outings which would present sporty- casual style of fashion brand Polo in male and female collection;
[Thu Apr 01 15:55:45 2004]
drugi izlaz marke donjeg rublja Schisser također u oba dvije kolekcije te treći izlaz poznate modne marke Tommy Hilfinger, te Armani Jeans.
the second outing of underwear brand Schisser also in both collections, and the third outing of the famous fashion brand Tommy Hilfinger, and Armani Jeans.
[Thu Apr 01 15:56:47 2004]
Sa dvadeset modela napravili bi vrlo zanimljivu koreografiju koja bi na jako interesantan način prikazala sve mogućnosti odjevanja sportsko- casual- ležernog stila.
With twenty models we would make a very interesting choreography which would, in very interesting way, present all possible ways of wearing sporty- casual- style.
[Thu Apr 01 16:00:06 2004]
U show programu između izlazaka nastupao bi mladi perspektivni izvođač Luka Nižetić te iluzionist Luka Vidović.
In the show program, between the outings, young and promising singer Luka Nižetić and the illusionist Luka Vidović would perform.
[Thu Apr 01 16:01:38 2004]
Voditelj cijele modne revije biti će poznati maldi glumac Robert Bošković, a modeli koji će biti uključeni u samu reviju su mnogi poznati Misteri i Miss-ice Hrvatske, Misteri i Miss-ice Turizma i poznati manekeni i manakenke naše modne scene.
The host of this fashion-show will be famous young actor Robert Bošković, and the models who participate in the show are numerous well-known Misters and Beauty queens of Croatia, Misters and Beauty queens of Tourism and renowned models, both male and female, of our fashion scene.
[Thu Apr 01 16:01:55 2004]
Revija će biti medijski dosta popraćena od starne raznih domaćih modnih časopisa.
Fashion show will be considerably accompanied by the media by various Croatian fashion magazines.
[Thu Apr 01 16:03:01 2004]
Glavni medijski pokrovitelj biti će časopis Extra.
The main media sponsor will be the Extra magazine.
[Thu Apr 01 16:03:12 2004]
Uz njih biti će i ekipa emisije Po ure torture iz Splita, te Nov@
With them there will also be the crew of a TV show broadcasts Po ure torture (Half an Hour of Torture) from Split, and Nov@
[Thu Apr 01 16:03:59 2004]
TV za emisije Red Carpet i Modelle.
With them there will also be the crew of a TV show broadcasts Po ure torture (Half an Hour of Torture) from Split, and Nov@TV for TV shows Red Carpet and Modelle.
[Thu Apr 01 16:04:52 2004]
Uz njih očekujemo i dolazak časopisa Story, Gloria, Tena, Mila, i mnogih drugih.
Apart from them, we also expect the arrival of journalists from magazines Story, Gloria, Tena, Mila, and many others.
[Thu Apr 01 16:06:08 2004]
Da bi se takav veliki event mogao održati potrebna su i velika financijska sredstva.
In order to keep such a great event and large financial resources are required.
[Thu Apr 01 16:06:17 2004]
U to ulazi plaćanje prostora, scenografije, modela, izvođača, vizažista, frizera, svijetla, scene i još mnogo drugih stvari.
This includes the cost of space, scenery, models, contractors, makeup artists, hair stylists, lightning, stage and many other things.
[Thu Apr 01 16:06:53 2004]
Iznos ovog projekta je 60 000 kuna.
The cost of this project is 60 000 kuna.
[Thu Apr 01 16:07:42 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:08:06 2004]
ˇ 2 banner - a viseća
ˇ2 hanging banners
[Thu Apr 01 16:08:25 2004]
ˇ logotip u časopisu Extra
ˇlogotype in the Extra magazine
[Thu Apr 01 16:08:42 2004]
ˇ logotip uklopljen u scenografiju
ˇlogotype incorporated in the scenery
[Thu Apr 01 16:08:56 2004]
ˇ logotip na pozivnicama
ˇlogotype on invitations
[Thu Apr 01 16:11:03 2004]
ˇ 2 hostese za promo materijale
ˇ2 hostesses for promotive material
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:07 2004]
ˇ izloženi proizvodi unutar bara
ˇexhibited products inside the bar
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:09 2004]
ˇ ostali način promocije po dogovoru
the other ways of promotion are subject to agreement
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:17 2004]
ˇ 5 V.I.P.
ˇ5 V.I.P.
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:27 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:39 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:15:52 2004]
ˇ 1 banner stojeći
ˇ1 standing banner
[Thu Apr 01 16:16:20 2004]
ˇ logotip u časopisu Extra
ˇlogotype in Extra magazine
[Thu Apr 01 16:16:37 2004]
ˇ logotip uklopljen u scenografiju
ˇlogotype incorporated in the scenery
[Thu Apr 01 16:16:48 2004]
ˇ logotip na pozivnicama
ˇlogotype on invitations
[Thu Apr 01 16:17:17 2004]
ˇ 1 hostesa za promo materijale
ˇ1 hostess for the promotive material
[Thu Apr 01 16:17:19 2004]
ˇ ostali način promocije po dogovoru
the other ways of promotion are subject to agreement
[Thu Apr 01 16:17:24 2004]
ˇ 3 V.I.P.
ˇ3 V.I.P.
[Thu Apr 01 16:17:38 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:17:50 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:18:07 2004]
ˇ 1 banner stojeći
ˇ1 standing banner
[Thu Apr 01 16:18:16 2004]
ˇ logotip u časopisu Extra
ˇlogotype in Extra magazine
[Thu Apr 01 16:18:31 2004]
ˇ logotip na pozivnicama
ˇlogotype on invitations
[Thu Apr 01 16:18:55 2004]
ˇ 1 hostesa za promo materijale
ˇ1 hostess for the promotive material
[Thu Apr 01 16:18:56 2004]
ˇ ostali način promocije po dogovoru
ˇ the other ways of promotion are subject to agreement
[Thu Apr 01 16:19:01 2004]
ˇ 2 V.I.P.
ˇ2 V.I.P.
[Thu Apr 01 16:19:54 2004]
[Thu Apr 01 16:21:02 2004]
Cijeli projekt vezan je uz promociju mode za mlade i za sve one koji se tako osjećaju.
The entire project is connected with the promotion of fashion for the young and for all those who feel young.
[Thu Apr 01 16:21:50 2004]
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas da i Vi svojim sponzorstvom uđete u realizaciju ovog projekta.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to enter with your sponsorship into the realization of this project.
[Thu Apr 01 16:22:15 2004]
Drago nam je što ćete se uključiti i odazvati se na naš poziv i postati dio projekta.
We are glad that you will join us and accept our invitation, and in that way become a part of this project.
[Thu Apr 01 16:23:06 2004]
Za sve daljnje infromacije slobodno nam se obratite.
For all further information please feel free to contact us.
[Thu Apr 01 16:23:06 2004]
U očekivanju Vašeg pozitivnog odgovora, srdačno Vas pozdravljamo i želimo ugodan ostatak dana.
In anticipation of your positive answer, we heartily greet you and wish you a pleasant day.
[Fri Apr 02 08:18:52 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 08:21:25 2004]
lanjski prihod 5,78 milijardi kuna i profit 32,15 milijuna kuna
Last year's income 5.78 billion kuna and profit 32.15 million kunas
[Fri Apr 02 08:21:43 2004]
Najveći hrvatski maloprodajni lanac Agrokorov Konzum povećao je lani ukupni prihod na 5,78 milijardi kuna što je 1,67 milijardi više nego u 2002.
The biggest Croatian retail chain, Agrokor's Konzum, has increased last year its comprehensive income at 5,78 billion kuna, which is 1,67 billion more than in 2002.
[Fri Apr 02 08:22:10 2004]
, a neto dobit je gotovo udvostručena na 32,15 milijuna kuna.
, and the net gain is almost doubled at 32,15 million kunas.
[Fri Apr 02 08:22:17 2004]
Prihodi od prodaje su porasli 41%.
Sales revenues have grown for 41 %.
[Fri Apr 02 08:22:20 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Fri Apr 02 08:22:44 2004]
PBZ Invest:
PBZ Invest:
[Fri Apr 02 08:23:40 2004]
planira pokrenuti PBZ Equity fond
Plans for PBZ Equity fund
[Fri Apr 02 08:24:30 2004]
PBZ Invest, društvo koje upravlja s pet otvorenih investicijskih fondova, planira ove godine pokrenuti i šesti dionički fond pod imenom PBZ Equity fond.
PBZ Invest, a company which operates with five open investment funds, plans for this year to start the sixth stock fund under the name PBZ Equity fund.
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:00 2004]
PBZ-ovi fondovi upravljaju imovinom vrijednom više od 796 milijuna kuna, a njihov Euro novčani fond je u 2003.
PBZ funds control the property worth more than 796 million kunas, and their Euro money supply has in 2003
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:07 2004]
ostvario najveći prinos od svih novčanih fondova u Hrvatskoj s 5,37%.
PBZ funds control the property worth more than 796 million kunas, and their Euro money supply has in 2003 realized the greatest contribution of all money supplies in Croatia with 5,37 %.
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:09 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:10 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:12 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 08:25:30 2004]
On 24
[Fri Apr 02 08:26:43 2004]
travnja odvojeni referendumi o ujedinjenju Cipra
On 24 April separated referendums about the uniting of Cyprus
[Fri Apr 02 08:28:08 2004]
Propali su grčko-turski pregovori o ujedinjenju Cipra na federalnoj osnovi te je glavni tajnik UN-a Kofi Annan odlučio za 24.
The Greek-Turkish negotiations about the uniting of Cyprus on the federal basis have failed, so the secretary-general of the UN, Kofi Annan, has
[Fri Apr 02 08:30:13 2004]
travnja raspisati odvojene referendume, na kojima će se ciparski Grci i Turci izjasniti o UN-ovom planu.
The Greek-Turkish negotiations about the uniting of Cyprus on the federal basis have failed, so the secretary-general of the UN, Kofi Annan, has announced separate referendums for 24 April, when Cyprus Greeks and Turks should declares themselfs about the UN plan.
[Fri Apr 02 08:30:20 2004]
Prema ispitivanjima javnog mnijenja, 90% ciparskih Grka odbacuje plan, dok Turci imaju pozitivniji stav jer su im izmjenama plana napravljeni neki ustupci.
According to results of opinion polls, 90 % of Cyprus Greeks rejects the plan, while the Turks have a more positive attitude because plan modifications created some concessions for them.
[Fri Apr 02 08:30:22 2004]
(Večernji list strana 11)
(Večernji list, page 11)
[Fri Apr 02 08:30:52 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 08:34:34 2004]
neuspjela akcija hvatanja Radovana Karađića
Unsuccessful action of catching Radovan Karadžić
[Fri Apr 02 08:35:34 2004]
Pripadnici SFOR-a su na Palama u noći sa srijede na četvrtak izveli još jednu neuspjelu akciju hvatanja Radovana Karadžića u kojoj su ranjeni pravoslavni paroh i njegov sin.
Members of the SFOR have at night between Wednesday and Thursday on Pale carried out another unsuccessful action of catching Radovan Karadžić, in which the Eastern Orthodox parson and his son were wounded.
[Fri Apr 02 08:37:26 2004]
Nagađa se da se Karadžić u Parohijskom domu trebao sastati sa kćerkom Sonjom.
There are speculations that Karadžić was supposed to meet with his daughter Sonja in the parochial house.
[Fri Apr 02 08:37:32 2004]
Glasnogovornik SFOR-a Dave Sullivan kaže da su imali vrlo pouzdane informacije da je Karadžić bio na Palama te da je operacija ispunila svoj cilj jer je SFOR sada za korak bliži Karadžiću.
Spokesman of the SFOR, Dave Sullivan, says that they had very reliable information according to which Karadžić was on Pale, and that the operation has fulfilled its goal, because the SFOR is now one step closer to Karadžić.
[Fri Apr 02 08:37:37 2004]
(HRT, Večernji list strana 11)
(HRT, Večernji list, page 11)
[Fri Apr 02 08:38:19 2004]
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Grupa:
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Group:
[Fri Apr 02 08:40:34 2004]
lanjski prihod 56,05 milijardi eura i dobit 343,6 milijuna eura
Last year's income 56,05 billion euros and profit 343,6 million euros
[Fri Apr 02 08:41:28 2004]
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Grupa (RZB) ostvarila je lani 41,6% rast dobiti prije oporezivanja na 343,6 milijuna eura, prije svega zahvaljujući tržištima srednje i istočne Europe.
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Group (RZB) has last year realized profit increase of 41,6 % before taxation of 343,6 million euros, primarily on the markets of central and eastern Europe.
[Fri Apr 02 08:41:55 2004]
Podružnice na tim tržištima, obuhvaćene holding kompanijom Raiffeisen International (RI), ostvarile su 58% veću dobit prije oporezivanja od 276,7 milijuna eura.
RZB's branch offices on those markets, encompassed by a holding company Raiffeisen International (RI), have realized 58 % greater profit before taxation of 276,7 million euros.
[Fri Apr 02 08:42:01 2004]
Ukupna bilanca RZB-a se povećala za 20,8% na 56,05 milijardi eura.
The total balance of the RZB has increased for 20,8 % to 56,05 billion euros.
[Fri Apr 02 08:42:11 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 10)
(Vjesnik, page 10)
[Fri Apr 02 08:42:19 2004]
Vrh stranice
Top of the page
[Fri Apr 02 08:46:19 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 08:49:56 2004]
Gmail će ponuditi jedan gigabajt prostora za pohranu podataka, znatno više od konkurencije, te ugrađeni pretraživač pomoću kojeg korisnici mogu traženu informaciju iz mailboxa pronaći u samo nekoliko sekundi.
Gmail shall offer one gigabyte for data storage, which is a lot more than its competitors are offering, and also a built-in searcher with which the users will be able to find desired information from their mailbox in only a few seconds.
[Fri Apr 02 08:51:06 2004]
(BBC, Dnevnik)
(BBC, Dnevnik)
[Fri Apr 02 08:51:41 2004]
Zimski školski praznici od iduće će godine biti podijeljeni u dva dijela, odlučio je ministar prosvjete Dragan Primorac.
Winter school holidays shall from the next year be split in two parts, decided the Minister of Education Dragan Primorac.
[Fri Apr 02 08:51:51 2004]
Prvi će dio praznika biti vezan uz božićne i novogodišnje blagdane i trajat će od 24.
The first part of the holidays shal relate to Christmas and New Year's holidays and last from 24
[Fri Apr 02 08:51:54 2004]
prosinca do 2.
The first part of the holidays shal relate to Christmas and New Year's holidays and last from 24 December till 2
[Fri Apr 02 08:52:32 2004]
siječnja 2005.
The first part of the holidays shal relate to Christmas and New Year's holidays and last from 24 December till 2 January 2005.
[Fri Apr 02 08:53:54 2004]
, a potom će nakon tri tjedna škole učenici imati još tjedan zimskih praznika.
, and then after three week of school students shall have one more week of winter holidays.
[Fri Apr 02 08:54:06 2004]
Početak nastave u idućoj školskoj godini pomaknut je sa 6.
The first day of a school year is moved from 6
[Fri Apr 02 08:54:20 2004]
na 1.
The first day of a school year is moved from 6 September to 1
[Fri Apr 02 08:55:05 2004]
The first day of a school year is moved from 6 September to 1 September
[Fri Apr 02 08:55:11 2004]
, a uvode se i dodatna dva dana praznika za blagdan Svih Svetih.
The first day of a school year is moved from 6 September to 1 September, and additional two holidays are introduced for All Saints' Day.
[Fri Apr 02 08:56:58 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 2)
(Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Fri Apr 02 09:05:09 2004]
U Zagrebu je u Domu HDLU-a otvoren 27.
In Zagreb, is in HDLU (Croatian Association of Visual Artists) opened 27th
[Fri Apr 02 09:08:50 2004]
Salon mladih s izloženim radovima 52 mlada umjetnika.
In Zagreb, is in HDLU (Croatian Association of Visual Artists) opened 27th Salon of the Young Artists with exhibition of 52 works.
[Fri Apr 02 09:08:57 2004]
Kritičarka Jutarnjeg lista ocjenjuje ovaj Salon boljim od onih iz prošlih godina jer su nakon dugo vremena u prvi plan izašla umjetnička djela, Salon nije isključiv, a u selekciji su zastupljeni svi mediji.
Critic of Jutarnji list appraises this Salon to be better than those of previous years because after a long time in the the works of art are in the foreground, the Salon is not exclusive, and all media are represented in the selection.
[Fri Apr 02 09:08:58 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 58)
(Jutarnji list, page 58)
[Fri Apr 02 09:09:22 2004]
[Fri Apr 02 09:09:22 2004]
Djelomice sunčano i malo toplije.
Partly sunny and slightly warmer.
[Fri Apr 02 09:56:29 2004]
Svečana promocija albuma DVD-a svijetskog touringa freestyle-a u kristalnoj dvorani hotela Opere
Solemn promotion of a DVD album of world touring freestyle in the crystal hall of the hotel Opera
[Fri Apr 02 09:57:32 2004]
Novogodišnji spektakl popraćen revijom poznatih marki
New Year's spectacle followed by a fashion show of renowned fashion brands
[Fri Apr 02 10:00:40 2004]
Svi naši eventi, su i će biti medijski pokriveni od mnogih časopisa i novina Republike Hrvatske.
All our events, are and will be covered by the media by many Croatian magazines and newspapers.
[Fri Apr 02 10:00:40 2004]
Postoji i mugućnost prisutnosti televizije, HRT, NOVA-TV, CCN, OTV, BBC, EURO SPORT.
There is also a possibility of a TV cover, HRT, NOVA-TV, CCN, OTV, BBC, EURO SPORT.
[Fri Apr 02 10:02:48 2004]
Taj novac bi se isključivo iskoristi u svrhe
That money would be used exclusively for the purposes of
[Fri Apr 02 10:10:38 2004]
Mi vama nudimo za uzvrat, da objavimo ili postavimo logo HT-a uz ime naše firme na svim projektima koje ćemo mi raditi, prikazati će se i spomenti Vas, kao glavnog sponzora naše firme
In return, we are offering you, to advertise the logo of HT next to the name our company at all our projects, and we will always present and mention you, as the main sponsor of our company
[Fri Apr 02 10:13:37 2004]
Službenim interview-ima za novine i časopise Republike Hrvatske.
Formal interviews for Croatian newspapers and magazines.
[Fri Apr 02 10:13:37 2004]
Prvi intervju bi se održao za 2 tjedna od danas za časopis extra po pitanju naše firme i projekte koje vodimo
The first interview is scheduled in 2 weeks from today for Extra magazine, on account of our company and our projects
[Fri Apr 02 10:14:43 2004]
Na službenom autu
On the our company's car
[Fri Apr 02 10:17:05 2004]
Na svim buducim ugovorima s kojima cemo sklapati, suradnje, parterstva daljnja sponzorstva za projekte
In all our future contracts, cooperations, partnerships, and further project sponsorships
[Fri Apr 02 10:18:19 2004]
Projektima koji će se izvoditi, u obliku zastava, plakata ili slično, ovisno o dogovoru
Projects which will be carried out, in the form of banners, posters or the like, depending on the agreement