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[Fri Apr 02 10:20:13 2004]
Na službenim pozivnicama za evente, koje bi bile upućivane određenim ljudima sa estrade, politike, sporta, itd
On formal invitations for events, which would be addressed to certain people from the showbusiness, politics, sport, etc

[Fri Apr 02 10:20:45 2004]
Eventima, intreview-ima, naših klijenata
Events, intreviews, our clients

[Fri Apr 02 10:23:11 2004]
Molio Vas da nam se javite sa Vašom pozitivnom odukom na gore navedenu e-mail adresu ili broj mobitela najkasnije do 09.04.2004.
We expect your positive reply on the abovementioned e-mail address or the mobile phone not later than 9 April 2004.

[Fri Apr 02 10:23:11 2004]
ili ranije.
or earlier.

[Fri Apr 02 10:24:12 2004]
Za sve daljnje infromacije slobodno nam se obratite
For all further information, please feel free to contact us

[Fri Apr 02 10:25:06 2004]
U očekivanju Vašeg pozitivnog odgovora, srdačno Vas pozdravljamo i želimo ugodan ostatak dana.
In anticipation of your positive reply, we greet you and wish you a pleasant day.

[Fri Apr 02 10:56:50 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 10:56:58 2004]
Last year's income of 5.78 billion kunas and profit of 32.15 million kunas
Comfort year's income of 5.78 billion kunas and the profit of 32.15 million kunas

[Fri Apr 02 10:57:13 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:15 2004]
lanjski prihod 5,78 milijardi kuna i profit 32,15 milijuna kuna
the last year's income 5,78 the billion kuna and profits 32,15 million kunas

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:19 2004]
Najveći hrvatski maloprodajni lanac Agrokorov Konzum povećao je lani ukupni prihod na 5,78 milijardi kuna što je 1,67 milijardi više nego u 2002.
The greatest Croatian retail chain Agrokor's Konzum has enlarged let him blab the comprehensive income on 5,78 the billion kuna what is 1,67 billion more than in 2002.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:21 2004]
, a neto dobit je gotovo udvostručena na 32,15 milijuna kuna.
, and the net gain is almost are doubled on 32,15 million kunas.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:24 2004]
Prihodi od prodaje su porasli 41%.
Sales revenues grow 41 %.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:25 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 11)
(Vjesnik side 11)

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:27 2004]
PBZ Invest:
PBZ Invest:

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:34 2004]
planira pokrenuti PBZ Equity fond
plans started PBZ Equity fund

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:39 2004]
PBZ Invest, društvo koje upravlja s pet otvorenih investicijskih fondova, planira ove godine pokrenuti i šesti dionički fond pod imenom PBZ Equity fond.
PBZ Invest, society which operates with five open investment funds, plans this year will move and sixth stock fund under name PBZ Equity funds.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:43 2004]
PBZ-ovi fondovi upravljaju imovinom vrijednom više od 796 milijuna kuna, a njihov Euro novčani fond je u 2003.
PBZ-these funds operates the property valuable more than 796 million kunas, and their Euro money supply is in 2003.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:44 2004]
ostvario najveći prinos od svih novčanih fondova u Hrvatskoj s 5,37%.
is realized the greatest contribution than all money supplies in Croatia with 5,37 %.

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:45 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 11)
(Vjesnik side 11)

[Fri Apr 02 11:02:46 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:04:52 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:04:55 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:05:14 2004]
travnja odvojeni referendumi o ujedinjenju Cipra
April separated referendums about the uniting of Cyprus

[Fri Apr 02 11:05:23 2004]
Propali su grčko-turski pregovori o ujedinjenju Cipra na federalnoj osnovi te je glavni tajnik UN-a Kofi Annan odlučio za 24.
Have been ruined Greek-Turkish negotiations about the uniting of Cyprus on the federal basis and the secretary-general of UN of Pails Annan choose 24.

[Fri Apr 02 11:08:59 2004]
travnja raspisati odvojene referendume, na kojima će se ciparski Grci i Turci izjasniti o UN-ovom planu.
April announce separated referendums, on which Cyprus Greeks and Turks declares herself about UN -this burst into flame.

[Fri Apr 02 11:09:00 2004]
Prema ispitivanjima javnog mnijenja, 90% ciparskih Grka odbacuje plan, dok Turci imaju pozitivniji stav jer su im izmjenama plana napravljeni neki ustupci.
According to the testing of public opinion, 90 % Cyprus Greek throws away the plan, while Turks have the more positive attitude because them modifications of plan have been made some concessions.

[Fri Apr 02 11:09:01 2004]
(Večernji list strana 11)
(Večernji list side 11)

[Fri Apr 02 11:11:31 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:14:05 2004]
neuspjela akcija hvatanja Radovana Karađića
failed actions of catchings Are made happy Karađića

[Fri Apr 02 11:14:09 2004]
Pripadnici SFOR-a su na Palama u noći sa srijede na četvrtak izveli još jednu neuspjelu akciju hvatanja Radovana Karadžića u kojoj su ranjeni pravoslavni paroh i njegov sin.
Members of SFOR is on Palls at night with the Wednesday on the Thursday do not go for a ride yet one the failed action catchings Are made happy Karadžića in which have been wounded the Eastern Orthodox parson and his son.

[Fri Apr 02 11:14:19 2004]
Nagađa se da se Karadžić u Parohijskom domu trebao sastati sa kćerkom Sonjom.
Guessed that Karadžić in the Parish home needs will meet with the daughter Sonja.

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:20 2004]
Glasnogovornik SFOR-a Dave Sullivan kaže da su imali vrlo pouzdane informacije da je Karadžić bio na Palama te da je operacija ispunila svoj cilj jer je SFOR sada za korak bliži Karadžiću.
Spokesman of SFOR Dave Sullivan says that have had very reliable information that Karadžić has been on Palls and also that the operation has filled the all aim because SFOR now for the step has approached Karadžiću.

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:22 2004]
(HRT, Večernji list strana 11)
(HRT, Večernji list side 11)

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:23 2004]
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Grupa:
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Group:

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:31 2004]
lanjski prihod 56,05 milijardi eura i dobit 343,6 milijuna eura
the last year's income 56,05 the billion euro and profits 343,6 the million euro

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:37 2004]
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Grupa (RZB) ostvarila je lani 41,6% rast dobiti prije oporezivanja na 343,6 milijuna eura, prije svega zahvaljujući tržištima srednje i istočne Europe.
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Group (RZB) is realized let her blab 41,6 % the growth profits before taxation on 343,6 the million euro, first of all thanks to markets of the medium and Eastern Europe.

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:40 2004]
Podružnice na tim tržištima, obuhvaćene holding kompanijom Raiffeisen International (RI), ostvarile su 58% veću dobit prije oporezivanja od 276,7 milijuna eura.
Branches on those markets, encompassed holding company Raiffeisen International (RI), are realized 58 % the greater profit before taxation than 276,7 the million euro.

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:40 2004]
Ukupna bilanca RZB-a se povećala za 20,8% na 56,05 milijardi eura.
The total balance RZB-and increases for 20,8 % on 56,05 the billion euro.

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:41 2004]
(Vjesnik strana 10)
(Vjesnik side 10)

[Fri Apr 02 11:15:49 2004]
Vrh stranice
Above the page

[Fri Apr 02 11:16:36 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:16:46 2004]
Gmail će ponuditi jedan gigabajt prostora za pohranu podataka, znatno više od konkurencije, te ugrađeni pretraživač pomoću kojeg korisnici mogu traženu informaciju iz mailboxa pronaći u samo nekoliko sekundi.
Gmail offers the one gigabyte of areas for the data storage, considerable more than competitions, and the built-in searcher using which users can the wanted information from mailboxa find in only a few second.

[Fri Apr 02 11:18:05 2004]
(BBC, Dnevnik)
(BBC, Dnevnik)

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:11 2004]
Zimski školski praznici od iduće će godine biti podijeljeni u dva dijela, odlučio je ministar prosvjete Dragan Primorac.
Winter school holidays than the next year will be shared two-part, has decided minister enlightens Dragan Coast dweller.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:12 2004]
Prvi će dio praznika biti vezan uz božićne i novogodišnje blagdane i trajat će od 24.
The first part of holiday be attached Christmas and New Year's holidays and last than 24.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:20 2004]
prosinca do 2.
December to 2.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:23 2004]
siječnja 2005.
January 2005.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:44 2004]
, a potom će nakon tri tjedna škole učenici imati još tjedan zimskih praznika.
, and then after three week schools students will have yet week winter holidays.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:44 2004]
Početak nastave u idućoj školskoj godini pomaknut je sa 6.
Start classes in the next school year move with 6.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:45 2004]
na 1.
on 1.

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:48 2004]

[Fri Apr 02 11:19:49 2004]
, a uvode se i dodatna dva dana praznika za blagdan Svih Svetih.
, and introduce and additional two given holidays for the holiday of All Saints' Days.

[Fri Apr 02 11:22:26 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 2)
(Jutarnji list side 2)

[Fri Apr 02 11:22:30 2004]
U Zagrebu je u Domu HDLU-a otvoren 27.
In Zagreb is in Home HDLU- and are opened 27.

[Fri Apr 02 11:25:13 2004]
Salon mladih s izloženim radovima 52 mlada umjetnika.
Drawing room of youths with the displayed work 52 young artists.

[Fri Apr 02 11:25:14 2004]
Kritičarka Jutarnjeg lista ocjenjuje ovaj Salon boljim od onih iz prošlih godina jer su nakon dugo vremena u prvi plan izašla umjetnička djela, Salon nije isključiv, a u selekciji su zastupljeni svi mediji.
Critic of Jutarnji list appraises this Drawing room to the better than those from last years because after until the cows come home in the first plan have come out artworks, Drawing room is not exclusive, and in the selection have been represented all media.

[Fri Apr 02 11:25:18 2004]
(Jutarnji list strana 58)
(Jutarnji list side 58)

[Mon Apr 05 08:08:30 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:08:33 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:08:50 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:09:09 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:09:15 2004]
novi sukobi
New sukobi

[Mon Apr 05 08:09:27 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:09:44 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:10:56 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:11:56 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:12:24 2004]
novi sukobi
New conflicts

[Mon Apr 05 08:13:23 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:13:24 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:13:59 2004]
novi sukobi
New conflicts

[Mon Apr 05 08:17:37 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:17:43 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:19:20 2004]
novi sukobi
New conflicts

[Mon Apr 05 08:20:39 2004]
U sukobima iračkih prosvjednika i koalicijskih vojnika u Najafu je poginulo oko 20 ljudi, a među njima po jedan američki i salvadorski vojnik iz kontingenta pod španjolskom komandom.
In conflicts between Iraqi protesters and coalition soldiers in Najaf about 20 people died, and among them were one American and Salvadorian soldier from the contingent under Spanish command.

[Mon Apr 05 08:21:46 2004]
Šijiti su u Najafu prosvjedovali nakon vijesti o uhićenju jednog od svojih vođa, a radi se o njihovom dosad najvećem sukobu s koalicijom.
Shiites protested in Najaf after they heard the news about the arrest of one of their leaders, and this is their biggest their conflict with the coalition so far.

[Mon Apr 05 08:21:48 2004]
U zasjedi u šijitskoj četvrti Bagdada ubijeno je sedam američkih vojnika.
In ambush in Shiitic disctrict of Baghdad seven American soldiers were killed.

[Mon Apr 05 08:21:49 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:22:14 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:24:27 2004]
poginuo navodni organizator nedavnih terorističkih napada
Alleged organizer of recent terrorist attacks killed

[Mon Apr 05 08:24:57 2004]
U akciji španjolske policije u Madridu je poginuo navodni organizator nedavnih terorističkih napada na madridske vlakove, poznat pod nadimkom Tunižanin, nakon što je u stanu koji je okružila policija detoniran eksploziv.
In the action of Spanish police in Madrid died the alleged organizer of recent terrorist attacks on Madrid trains, who was known under a nickname Tunisian, after detoanation of an explosive in the flat which has surrounded by police.

[Mon Apr 05 08:26:18 2004]
U eksploziji je poginuo i jedan policajac te još tri pripadnika terorističke skupine.
In the explosion one policeman and three other members of terrorist group were killed.

[Mon Apr 05 08:26:19 2004]
Policija je sinoć objavila kako je pronašla još jedno tijelo, te da nastavlja potragu za drugim sumnjivcima.
Last night the police announced that they found another body, and that they will continue the search for other suspects.

[Mon Apr 05 08:26:20 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:28:14 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:29:06 2004]
na referendumu o izbrisanim 94,7% glasalo protiv zakona o povratu prebivališta
On the referendum about erased citizens 94,7 % voted against the law on the return of residence

[Mon Apr 05 08:30:28 2004]
Na slovenski referendum o vraćanju prava na stalno prebivalište tzv.
On Slovenian referendum on reversion on the residence to the so-called

[Mon Apr 05 08:31:29 2004]
izbrisanima izašlo je samo 31,4% građana, kojih je 94,7% glasalo protiv vladinog prijedloga zakona o povratu prebivališta.
On Slovenian referendum on reversion on the residence to the so-called erased citizens only 31,4 % of the citizens participated, 94,7 % of which voted against the government bill on the return of residence.

[Mon Apr 05 08:33:30 2004]
Oko 18.000 građana izgubilo je pravno na slovenske dokumente jer nisu uzeli slovensko državljanstvo.
000 citizens lost their legal right on Slovenian documents because they did not assume Slovenian citizenship.

[Mon Apr 05 08:33:38 2004]
Vlada je referendum nazvala apsurdnim, te svojevrsnom predizbornom kampanjom stranaka desnice.
The government proclaimed this referendum preposterous election campaign of right-wing parties.

[Mon Apr 05 08:33:53 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:34:22 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:35:46 2004]
osvojio 32,7% glasova u prvom krugu predsjedničkih izbora
32,7 % of votes in the first circle of presidential elections

[Mon Apr 05 08:37:11 2004]
Bivši slovački premijer Vladimir Mečijar osvojio je iznenađujuće prvo mjesto s 32,7% glasova u prvom krugu predsjedničkih izbora.
Former Slovakian prime minister Vladimir Meciar won the surprising first place with 32,7 % of votes in the first circle of presidential elections.

[Mon Apr 05 08:38:13 2004]
Uz Mečijara je u drugi krug ušao bivši stranački kolega, Hrvat Ivan Gašparovič, s 22,3% glasova, a ispao je najveći favorit, ministar vanjskih poslova Eduard Kukan.
Beside Meciar, in the second circle entered his party colleague, a Croat Ivan Gašparovič, with 22,3 % of votes, and the biggest favorite, minister of foreign affairs Edward Kukan, dropped out.

[Mon Apr 05 08:38:15 2004]
Mečijarovu vlada je devedesetih godina EU kritizirala zbog nepoštivanja pravne države, a predsjednik u Slovačkoj nema većih ovlasti.
Meciar's government was is the nineties criticized by the EU because of the disregard of constitutional state, and the president in Slovakia does not have any larger authorities.

[Mon Apr 05 08:38:23 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:38:40 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:41:47 2004]
Michael Schumacher pobjedio na utrci za Veliku nagradu Bahreina
Michael Schumacher won the race for the Bahrain Grand Prix

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:01 2004]
Svjetski prvak Michael Schumacher nastavio je pobjedom na utrci za Veliku nagradu Bahreina svoj pobjednički niz u ovogodišnjem prvenstvu Formule 1.
The world champion Michael Schumacher by triumph on the race for the Bahrain Grand Prix continued his victorious series in this year championship of Formula 1.

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:31 2004]
Schumacheru je ovo treća pobjeda, ostvarena ispred klupskog kolege iz Ferrarija Barricchella, dok je treći ponovno bio iznenađenje ove sezone, Button iz BAR-Honde.
This is his third victory, accomplished before his Ferrari club-mate Barricchello, while the third place was once more a surprise of this seasons, Button from BAR-Honda.

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:36 2004]
Isti je redoslijed i u ukupnom poretku.
The same sequence is in the total order.

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:37 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 27)
(Jutarnji list, page 27)

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:48 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 08:44:48 2004]
umjereno do pretežno oblačno, mjestimice s kišom.
moderately to predominantly cloudy, in places with rain.

[Mon Apr 05 09:03:07 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:03:10 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:07:49 2004]
novi sukobi
new conflicts

[Mon Apr 05 09:07:56 2004]
U sukobima iračkih prosvjednika i koalicijskih vojnika u Najafu je poginulo oko 20 ljudi, a među njima po jedan američki i salvadorski vojnik iz kontingenta pod španjolskom komandom.
In conflicts of Iraqi protester and coalition soldiers in Najafu dies the eye 20 men, and among them according to one American and salvadorski soldiers from the shipment under Spanish command.

[Mon Apr 05 09:10:31 2004]
Šijiti su u Najafu prosvjedovali nakon vijesti o uhićenju jednog od svojih vođa, a radi se o njihovom dosad najvećem sukobu s koalicijom.
Shiites are in Najafu protest after the news about the arrest one than one's leaders, and it concerns their so far the greatest conflict with the coalition.

[Mon Apr 05 09:10:32 2004]
U zasjedi u šijitskoj četvrti Bagdada ubijeno je sedam američkih vojnika.
Perdue in the shiitic quarter of Baghdad has been killed seven American soldiers.

[Mon Apr 05 09:10:33 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:10:36 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:11:23 2004]
poginuo navodni organizator nedavnih terorističkih napada
die the alleged organizer of the recent terrorist attacks

[Mon Apr 05 09:11:27 2004]
U akciji španjolske policije u Madridu je poginuo navodni organizator nedavnih terorističkih napada na madridske vlakove, poznat pod nadimkom Tunižanin, nakon što je u stanu koji je okružila policija detoniran eksploziv.
In the action of Spanish police in Madrid dies the alleged organizer of the recent terrorist attacks on Madrid tensions, familiar under nadimkom Tunižanin, after in the flat which has surrounded police are detonated the explosive.

[Mon Apr 05 09:12:18 2004]
U eksploziji je poginuo i jedan policajac te još tri pripadnika terorističke skupine.
In the explosion dies and one policeman and yet three members of terrorist groups.

[Mon Apr 05 09:12:18 2004]
Policija je sinoć objavila kako je pronašla još jedno tijelo, te da nastavlja potragu za drugim sumnjivcima.
Police are last night announce how has found yet the one body, and also that continues the search for other suspected persons.

[Mon Apr 05 09:12:19 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:20 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:28 2004]
na referendumu o izbrisanim 94,7% glasalo protiv zakona o povratu prebivališta
on the referendum about erased 94,7 % blackball the law about the refund residences

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:33 2004]
Na slovenski referendum o vraćanju prava na stalno prebivalište tzv.
On the Slovene referendum about the reversion on the domicile so called.

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:37 2004]
izbrisanima izašlo je samo 31,4% građana, kojih je 94,7% glasalo protiv vladinog prijedloga zakona o povratu prebivališta.
erased has come out only 31,4 % citizens, which 94,7 % has blackballed the government bill about the refund residences.

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:43 2004]
Oko 18.000 građana izgubilo je pravno na slovenske dokumente jer nisu uzeli slovensko državljanstvo.
000 citizens has lost legal on Slovene documents because have not taken the Slovene citizenship.

[Mon Apr 05 09:13:44 2004]
Vlada je referendum nazvala apsurdnim, te svojevrsnom predizbornom kampanjom stranaka desnice.
Rules is referendum name absurd, and the specific election campaign of parties right hands.

[Mon Apr 05 09:14:43 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:01 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:34 2004]
osvojio 32,7% glasova u prvom krugu predsjedničkih izbora
conquer 32,7 % voted in the first circle of presidential choices

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:41 2004]
Bivši slovački premijer Vladimir Mečijar osvojio je iznenađujuće prvo mjesto s 32,7% glasova u prvom krugu predsjedničkih izbora.
The Slovak prime minister Vladimir Mečijar conquers surprisingly the first place with 32,7 % voted in the first circle of presidential choices.

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:48 2004]
Uz Mečijara je u drugi krug ušao bivši stranački kolega, Hrvat Ivan Gašparovič, s 22,3% glasova, a ispao je najveći favorit, ministar vanjskih poslova Eduard Kukan.
Beside Mečijara is in the other circle enters the party colleague, Croatian Ivan Gašparovič, with 22,3 % voted, and has dropped out the greatest favorite, minister of foreign affairs Edward Kukan.

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:48 2004]
Mečijarovu vlada je devedesetih godina EU kritizirala zbog nepoštivanja pravne države, a predsjednik u Slovačkoj nema većih ovlasti.
Mečijarovu rules is nineties of years EU criticize because of the disregard of law-based state, and the president in Slovakia there is no greater authorities.

[Mon Apr 05 09:16:49 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:17:08 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:22 2004]
Michael Schumacher pobjedio na utrci za Veliku nagradu Bahreina
Michael Schumacher pobjedio on the race for the Great prize of Bahrain

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:30 2004]
Svjetski prvak Michael Schumacher nastavio je pobjedom na utrci za Veliku nagradu Bahreina svoj pobjednički niz u ovogodišnjem prvenstvu Formule 1.
The world champion Michael Schumacher has continued the victory on the race for the Great prize of Bahrain one's victorious series in the of this year priority Formulas 1.

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:32 2004]
Schumacheru je ovo treća pobjeda, ostvarena ispred klupskog kolege iz Ferrarija Barricchella, dok je treći ponovno bio iznenađenje ove sezone, Button iz BAR-Honde.
Schumacheru is this third victory, are achieved in front of the club-mate from Ferrari Barricchella, while third once more surprises this seasons, Button from BAR-Honde.

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:33 2004]
Isti je redoslijed i u ukupnom poretku.
Same is the order and in the total order.

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:34 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 27)
(Jutarnji list page 27)

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:36 2004]

[Mon Apr 05 09:18:36 2004]
umjereno do pretežno oblačno, mjestimice s kišom.
moderately to predominant cloudy, here ad there with the rain.

[Wed Apr 07 08:11:10 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:11:27 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:13:06 2004]
nastavljeni sukobi
Conflicts continue

[Wed Apr 07 08:14:37 2004]
Iračka šijitska milicija Muqtada al-Sadra nastavila je jučer sukobe s koalicijskim snagama, u kojima je od subote poginulo 13 koalicijskih vojnika, od kojih 11 američkih.
The Iraqi shiitic militia of Muqtad al-Sadro continued yesterday conflicts with coalition forces, in which since Saturday died 13 coalition soldiers, 11 of which were American.

[Wed Apr 07 08:15:59 2004]
Al Sadrove pristaše su jučer nadzirale sve vladine zgrade u Najafu, a borbe s milicijom, za koju se drži da je pod utjecajem iranskih klerika, vodile su se i drugdje.
Al Sadro's supporters yesterday controled all government buildings in Najaf, and conflicts with the militia, which is considered to be under the influence of Iranian clerics, were fought in other places, too.

[Wed Apr 07 08:16:03 2004]
U oživjelim sukobima u sunitskom trokutu Amerikanci su kod Ramadija izgubili do 12 vojnika.
In revived conflicts in Sunnite triangle the Americans lost 12 soldiers near Ramadi.

[Wed Apr 07 08:16:12 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:16:31 2004]
The Hague:

[Wed Apr 07 08:17:32 2004]
Carla del Ponte iznenadno posjetila BiH
Carla del Ponte unexpectedly visited Bosnia and Herzegovina

[Wed Apr 07 08:18:56 2004]
Haaška tužiteljica Carla del Ponte jučer je iznenada stigla u kratku radnu posjetu BiH, gdje se sastala samo sa zapovjedništvom SFOR-a.
The Hague prosecutor Carla del Ponte yesterday paid unexpected short working visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she met only with commanders of the SFOR.

[Wed Apr 07 08:18:57 2004]
Kako se nije susrela s predstavnicima međunarodnih i domaćih vlasti, pretpostavlja se da je posjet bio vezan uz SFOR-ove akcije na hvatanju Radovana Karadžića.
As she did not meet with the representatives of international and domestic authorities, it is assumed that her visit was related to SFOR's actions of catching Radovan Karadžić.

[Wed Apr 07 08:18:58 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:19:37 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:20:53 2004]
cijene dionica pale 18,6% u jednom dana zbog lošijih rezultata
Stock prices fell for 18,6 % in one day because of poor results

[Wed Apr 07 08:22:12 2004]
Cijene dionica Nokije na Wall Streetu su se sinoć strmoglavile 18,6%, nakon što je finska kompanija objavila lošije rezultate od plana.
Stock prices of Nokia on Wall Street last night plunged for 18,6 %, after the Finnish company has announced results worse than were planned.

[Wed Apr 07 08:22:13 2004]
Prodaja je u prvom tromjesečju pala 2%, zbog lošije prodaje mobilnih telefona, a Nokia je objasnila kako zbog nekih nedostataka u rasponu ponude neće iskoristiti povoljna kretanja na tržištu.
Sale in the first quarter fell for 2 %, because of the poor sale of mobile phones, and Nokia explained that because of some disadvantages in the offer range they will not make use of favourable movements on the market.

[Wed Apr 07 08:22:20 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:28:00 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:29:08 2004]
Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo:
Croatian society of natural sciences:

[Wed Apr 07 08:30:43 2004]
GMO proizvodi nisu opasniji niti rizičniji od uobičajenih
GMO products are not more dangerous nor riskier than regular products

[Wed Apr 07 08:32:47 2004]
Genetički preinačeni prehrambeni proizvodi nisu opasniji niti rizičniji od uobičajenih, rečeno je na konferenciji za medije Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog društva.
Genetically modified foodstuffs are not more dangerous nor riskier than regular products, it was announced on the media conference of Croatian society of natural sciences.

[Wed Apr 07 08:32:56 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 7)
(Večernji list, page 7)

[Wed Apr 07 08:33:40 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:36:19 2004]
rekordnih 84.682 gledatelja filma "Pasija" Mela Gibsona
682 viewers of Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ

[Wed Apr 07 08:36:47 2004]
U prva četiri dana prikazivanja film Mela Gibsona "Pasija" skupio je 84.682 gledatelja, što je, prema distributeru Blitzu, dosad rekordan broj gledatelja u Hrvatskoj za prvi vikend prikazivanja.
In the first four days of presentation, Gibson's " The Passion of Christ " attracted 84.682 viewers, which is, according to the distributor Blitz Film, so far the record number of viewers in Croatia for the first weekend of presentation.

[Wed Apr 07 08:38:02 2004]
Dosadašnji rekord je držao "Gospodar prstenova:
The former record has held by " The Lord of the Rings:

[Wed Apr 07 08:38:11 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list, page 2)

[Wed Apr 07 08:38:33 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:40:03 2004]
Chelsea i Monaco iznenađujući polufinalisti Lige prvaka
Chelsea and Monaco surprising semi-finalists of Champions League

[Wed Apr 07 08:41:38 2004]
Prvi polufinalisti Lige prvaka jučer su iznenađujuće postali Chelsea i Monaco, nakon što su u uzvratnim susretima četvrt-finala eliminirali favorizirane ekipe Arsenala odnosno Reala.
The first semi-finalists of Champions League yesterday surprisingly became Chelsea and Monaco, after they eliminated in return matches of quarter-final favored teams Arsenal and Real.

[Wed Apr 07 08:42:27 2004]
Slično je bilo i u Londonu, gdje je Arsenal poveo s 1:0, ali je izgubio 2:1, nakon 1:1 u prvom susretu.
Similarl was in London, where Arsenal took the lead with 10:, but lost with 21:, after 11: in the first match.

[Wed Apr 07 08:42:28 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:42:36 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:42:36 2004]
promjenjivo oblačno sa sunčanim razdobljima.
changeably cloudy with sunny periods.

[Wed Apr 07 08:57:57 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 08:58:41 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 09:01:11 2004]
novi četvrti krug pregovora tjedan nakon Uskrsa
New fourth circle of negotiations a week after Easter

[Wed Apr 07 09:03:26 2004]
Pregovori o Prokolu 7 između Vlade i Europske komisije sinoć nisu donijeli konačan dogovor, pa će se održati i četvrti krug, tjedan nakon Uskrsa, objavio je ministar Čobanković.
Negotiations about Protocol 7 between the Government and European Commissions last night did not bring the final agreement, and there will be the fourth circle, a week after Easter, announced the Minister of Agriculture Čobanković.

[Wed Apr 07 09:03:33 2004]
Dogovor je, pretpostavlja se, izostao oko kvota za mlijeko i mliječne proizvode, meso, mineralnu vodu i još neke proizvode, a dogovoren je povećani izvoz hrvatske ribe i prerađevina u Europsku Uniju.
It is assumed that the agreement failed about quotas for milk and dairy products, meat, mineral water and some other products, but they managed to agree on the increased export of Croatian fish and manufactured products into the European Union.

[Wed Apr 07 09:03:39 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 09:03:54 2004]
The Hague:

[Wed Apr 07 09:06:42 2004]
Ademiju bi se moglo suditi u Hrvatskoj
Ademi could be put on trial in Croatia

[Wed Apr 07 09:07:52 2004]
Izvori Večernjeg lista bliski Vladi tvrde da će se suđenje za zločine u Medačkom džepu generalu Ademiju održati u Hrvatskoj, a ne u Haagu, a u istom postupku će suditi i generalu Norcu.
Sources of Večernji list which are close to the Government claim that the trial for crimes in Medački džep to general Ademi will be held in Croatia, and not in the Hague, and that general Norac will be put on trial in the same process.

[Wed Apr 07 09:08:51 2004]
Izvori tvrde da bi u listopadu trebala stići optužnica protiv Tomislava Merčepa, vjerojatno za događaje u Vukovaru 1991.
Sources claim that in October there should arrive an indictment against Tomislav Merčep, probably for events in Vukovar in 1991.

[Wed Apr 07 09:08:57 2004]
Svih šest optuženih Hrvata iz BiH izjasnilo se pred Haaškim sudom da nisu krivi za ono što ih se optužuje.
All six accused Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina declared themselves not guilty before the Hague Tribunal.

[Wed Apr 07 09:08:59 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 4)
(Večernji list, page 4)

[Wed Apr 07 09:09:28 2004]
Trade unions:

[Wed Apr 07 09:12:41 2004]
barem jednom mjesečno ministri će razgovarati sa sindikatima
At least once a month the ministers will talk to trade unions

[Wed Apr 07 09:16:09 2004]
Ministri će barem jednom mjesečno izravno razgovarati s predstavnicima sindikata, dogovoreno je na izvanrednom sastanku premijera Sanadera i čelnika sindikalnih središnjica.
Ministers shall at least once a month speak directly with trade unions representatives, it was arranged on the extraordinary general meeting between Croatian prime minister Sanader and leaders of trade union head offices.

[Wed Apr 07 09:16:37 2004]
Sindikati su naročito nezadovoljni ministrom gospodarstva Vukelićem, koji ni jednom nije došao na sastanke GSV-a.
The trade unions are particularly unsatisfied with the Minister of Economy Vukelić, who has never appeared on meetings of Economic Social Council.

[Wed Apr 07 09:16:42 2004]
Na sljedećem sastanku GSV-a raspravljat će se o gospodarskom razvoju.
On the following ESC meeting they will discuss the economic development.

[Wed Apr 07 09:16:43 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)

[Wed Apr 07 09:16:45 2004]

[Wed Apr 07 09:17:35 2004]
Ministarstvo financija:
Ministry of Finance:

[Wed Apr 07 09:18:20 2004]
pokušat će se zaduživati u zemlji
We will try to incur debts in the country

[Wed Apr 07 09:19:37 2004]
Ministarstvo financija shvaća problem vanjskog duga i spremno je više se zaduživati na domaćem tržištu, najavila je državna tajnica Martina Dalić.
Ministry of Finance understands the problem of external debt and it is ready to incur debts on the home market, announced the state secretary Martina Dalić.ž

[Wed Apr 07 09:20:20 2004]
Ministarstvo se spremno ove godine u Hrvatskoj zadužiti za 1,5 do 2,5 mlrd.
ž Ministry is prepared to raise a debt of 1.5 to 2.5 billion kunas in Croatia this year

[Wed Apr 07 09:22:12 2004]
kuna, što je jednu do dvije milijarde manje od prijedloga HNB-a.
5 billion kunas in Croatia this year , which is one to two billions less than was suggested by the Croatian National Bank.

[Wed Apr 07 09:22:18 2004]
Domaće zaduženje u nedavnim istupima sugerirano je i iz MMF, a državna tajnica je ostavila otvorenom ranije najavljenu mogućnost izdavanja samurajskih obveznica.
Domestic debt was in recent declarations suggested also from the IMF, and the state secretary has left open previously announced possibility of issuing Samurai bonds.

[Wed Apr 07 09:22:22 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 8)
(Večernji list, page 8)

[Wed Apr 07 09:22:43 2004]
Hotel Baška Voda:
Hotel Baška Voda:

[Wed Apr 07 09:23:37 2004]
duguje Vladi 130 mil.
Owes the Government 130 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:24:35 2004]
kuna i tri mjeseca ne plaća dobavljače niti radnike
Owes the Government 130 million kunas and three months of unpaid suppliers and workers

[Wed Apr 07 09:26:30 2004]
Vlada će pokušati hitno riješiti slučaj tvrtke Baška Voda, čiji je vlasnik Vladi dužan 130 mil.
The Government will try to urgently solve the case of Baška Voda company, whose owner owes the Government 130 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:28:24 2004]
kuna i tri mjeseca ne plaća dobavljače ni radnike, najavio je čelnicima sindikalnih središnjica premijer Sanader.
The Government will try to urgently solve the case of Baška Voda company, whose owner owes the Government 130 million kunas and did not pay suppliers and workers for three months, announced the prime minister Sanader to the leaders of union head offices.

[Wed Apr 07 09:28:28 2004]
Većinski vlasnik Hotela Baška Voda je tvrtka Alex Aeterna litvanske obitelji Čumak, koja ju je preuzela sredinom prošle godine, a inače se bavi naftnim poslovanjem.
Majority owner of Hotel Baška Voda is the company Alex Aeterna, owned by Lithuanian family Čumak, who took over the company last year, and is otherwise occupied with the oil business.

[Wed Apr 07 09:28:30 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)

[Wed Apr 07 09:28:51 2004]
Strana ulaganja:
Foreign investments:

[Wed Apr 07 09:29:32 2004]
prošle godine $1,712 mlrd.
712 billion last year

[Wed Apr 07 09:30:33 2004]
Prošle godine je ostvareno $1,712 mlrd.
712 billion was realized last year

[Wed Apr 07 09:31:40 2004]
stranih ulaganja, od čega 40% otpada na reinvestiranu dobit banaka, HT-a, Plive i drugih, objavila je HNB.
712 billion was realized last year from foreign investments, 40 % of which goes to the reinvested profit of banks, HT, Pliva and others, announced the Croatian National Bank.

[Wed Apr 07 09:32:05 2004]
Prošla godina je očekivano bila rekordna, čemu je pridonijela i prodaja udjela u Ini od $505 mil.
Last year was expectingly record-breaking, to which contributed the sales of portion in Ina worth 505 million.

[Wed Apr 07 09:32:37 2004]
Iz Hrvatske je uloženo tek $62,42 mil.
From Croatia only 62,42 million was invested

[Wed Apr 07 09:32:41 2004]
, gotovo polovicu u SiCG, a 31% u BiH.
From Croatia only 62,42 million was invested, almost half in Serbia and Montenegro, and 31 % in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

[Wed Apr 07 09:32:43 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik, page 10)

[Wed Apr 07 09:33:00 2004]
Allianz osiguranje:
Allianz insurance:

[Wed Apr 07 09:33:14 2004]
lanjski prihod 454 mil.
Last year's income 454 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:33:22 2004]
kuna i neto dobit 2,26 mil.
Last year's income 454 million kunas and net gain 2,26 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:33:59 2004]
26 million kunas

[Wed Apr 07 09:34:43 2004]
Allianz osiguranje ostvarilo je lani skromnih 2,26 mil.
Allianz insurance realized last year modest 226 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:35:37 2004]
kuna neto dobiti i povećalo premijske prihode 15,4% na 454 mil.
Allianz insurance realized last year modest 226 million kunas of net gain and increased premium incomes 15.4 % to 454 million

[Wed Apr 07 09:37:00 2004]
kuna, što mu je donijelo 7,5% udjela na tržištu i treće mjesto na ljestvici najvećih osiguravatelja.
4 % to 454 million kunas, which brought it 7,5 % of the market share and the third place on the scale of largest insurers.

[Wed Apr 07 09:37:07 2004]
Najveći rast je ostvaren na tržištu životnih osiguranja, gdje su premije s 39% povećanja više nego dvostruko nadmašile rast tržišta od 17,5%.
The largest growth was achieved on the life insurance market, where premiums with 39 % increase more than twice surpassed the market growth markets of 17,5 %.

[Wed Apr 07 09:37:07 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)

[Thu Apr 08 10:17:14 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:17:17 2004]
nudi robnu kuću Prima 3 za 9,5 mil.
Offering shopping mall Prima for 9.5 million euro

[Thu Apr 08 10:19:13 2004]
5 million euros

[Thu Apr 08 10:19:18 2004]
Vjerovnici splitskog Jadrantekstila spustili su cijenu robne kuće Prima 3 za milijun eura, pa će se na javnom nadmetanju ponuditi po 9,5 mil.
Creditors of Split's Jadrantekstil lowered the price of shopping mall Prima 3 for one million euros, so on the public auction it shall be offered at the price of 9.5 million

[Thu Apr 08 10:21:25 2004]
5 million euros.

[Thu Apr 08 10:21:30 2004]
Na prošlom nadmetanju nije bilo zainteresiranih, a neslužbeno se i dalje spominje zanimanje Keruma i Safira, te Euroshopa.
On the last competition there were no interested parties, and the interest of Kerum, Safir and Euroshop is still unofficial.

[Thu Apr 08 10:21:31 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)

[Thu Apr 08 10:21:32 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:21:55 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:24:52 2004]
nastavak sukoba
Continuation of conflicts

[Thu Apr 08 10:29:27 2004]
U Iraku su nastavljene dosad najveće borbe snaga koalicije nakon kraja rata, protiv Al-Sadrove šijitske milicije i sunitskih pobunjenika u Falluji.
In Iraq continue the biggest conflicts between coalition forces after the end of war, and Al-Sadr's Shiite militia and Sunnite rebels in Falluja.

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:18 2004]
Američka vojska je potvrdila da je prekjučer u Ramadiju poginulo 12 vojnika, od ukupno najmanje 30 koalicijskih žrtava u zadnja tri dana.
The American army confirmed that 12 soldiers died in Ramadi the day before yesterday 12, out of the total of at least 30 coalition victims in the last three days.

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:19 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:26 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:26 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:34 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:35 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:45 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:33:47 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:34:24 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:37 2004]
Europska Unija je upozorila da bi ove godine čak polovica od 12 zemalja eurozone mogla prekršiti pravilo o proračunskom manjku od 3% BDP-a, čemu će pridonijeti spori gospodarski rast.
European Union warned that this year no less than 6 Eurozone countries could violate the rule about the budget deficit of 3 % GDP, to which slow economic growth will contribute.

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:38 2004]
Prema procjeni u Bruxellesu, Francuskoj i Njemačkoj će se pridružiti Nizozemska, Grčka i Portugal, te vjerojatno Italija, čiji bi manjak mogao doseći 3,2%.
According to Bruxelles approximations, Netherlands, Greece and Portugal will join France and Germany, Greece and Portugal, and probably Italy, whose deficit could reach 3,2 %.

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:39 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:45 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:46 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:50 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:38:52 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:44:08 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:45:56 2004]
7% pala prodaja nosača zvuka u svijetu
Worldwide music sales sales fell for 7%

[Thu Apr 08 10:47:07 2004]
Prodaja nosača zvuka pala je prošle godine u cijelom svijetu 7% prema prethodnoj godini, objavila je strukovna udruga IFPI.
Last year's worldwide music sales sales fell for 7 % compared to the year before, announced the professional association IFPI.

[Thu Apr 08 10:49:29 2004]
Pad je na više važnih tržišta dosegao dvoznamenkast udjel, pa je tako u Njemačkoj iznosio čak 19%.
The fall on numerous important markets reached a two-digit number, so in Germany it amounted to 19 %.

[Thu Apr 08 10:49:48 2004]
Analitičari se nisu složilo što je izazvalo pad, dok jedni tvrde da je uzrok nelegalna razmjena datoteka preko Interneta, drugi drže da se to ne može potkrijepiti statističkim podacima.
Analysts did not agree on what caused this fall, so while the ones claim that the reason lies in illegal exchange of files via the Internet, the others believe that it cannot be substantiated with statistical data.

[Thu Apr 08 10:49:48 2004]
(BBC, Hollywood Reporter)
(BBC, Hollywood Reporter)

[Thu Apr 08 10:50:03 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:50:11 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:50:12 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:50:35 2004]
Health care:

[Thu Apr 08 10:53:22 2004]
veledrogerije prestale isporučivati lijekove zbog nelikvidnosti
Wholesale pharmacies ceased delivering medicines on account of the insolvency

[Thu Apr 08 10:54:24 2004]
Belupo, Krka i Lek prestali su isporučivati lijekove veledrogerijama, dok Plivinih lijekova ima za još mjesec dana, kaže se u priopćenju Udruženja veledrogerija, koje tvrdi da bi opća nelikvidnost u sustavu opskrbe lijekovima mogla imati nesagledive posljedice.
Belupo, Krk and Lek ceased delivering medicines to the wholesale pharmacies, while supplies of Pliva's medicines can last for one more month, it was announced by the Association of wholesale pharmacies, which claims that the general insolvency in the system of medicine supplies could have immeasurable consequences.

[Thu Apr 08 10:54:28 2004]
Iz Vlade je rečeno da će država podmiriti sve svoje obveze, te da nema opasnosti od nestašica.
The Government said that the state will settle all its liabilities, and that there is no danger of medicine shortage.

[Thu Apr 08 10:54:30 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 3)
(Jutarnji list, page 3)

[Thu Apr 08 10:55:02 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:56:42 2004]
senzacionalna pobjeda Deportiva nad Milanom
Sensational victory of Deportivo over Milan

[Thu Apr 08 10:58:30 2004]
Iznenađenja u četvrt-finalu Lige prvaka nastavljena su i jučer, senzacionalnom pobjedom Deportiva nad Milanom od 4:0, nakon što su Talijani prvi susret dobili s 4:1.
Surprises in the quarter-finals of the Champions League continued yesterday, with sensational victory of Deportivo over Milan by 4:0 score, after the Italian team won the first match with 4:1.

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:18 2004]
Španjolci se u polufinalu sastaju s Portom, jedinom ekipom koja je s 2:2 u Lyonu obranila prednost od 2:0 iz prvog četvrtfinalnog susreta.
In the semifinals, the Spanish will with Porto, the only team which with 2:2 score in Lyon defended the advantage of 2:0 from the first quarter-finals meeting.

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:18 2004]
Drugi polufinalni par čine Chelsea i Monaco.
The second semi-final pair make Chelsea and Monaco.

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:19 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:25 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:26 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:43 2004]

[Thu Apr 08 10:59:43 2004]
djelomice sunčano s promjenjivom naoblakom.
partly sunny with changeable cloudiness.

[Fri Apr 09 08:22:21 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:25:04 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:29:32 2004]
pobunjena šijitska milicija preuzela nadzor nad dijelom Najafa
Rebellious Shiite militia units took over the supervision of the part of Najaf

[Fri Apr 09 08:30:37 2004]
Koalicijske snage u Iraku priznale su da je pobunjena šijitska milicija preuzela nadzor nad dijelom Najafa, te cijelim Kukom, odakle su se povukli poljski vojnici.
Coalition forces in Iraq admitted that rebellious Shiite militia units took over the supervision of the part of Najaf, and the entire Kut, from where field soldiers have withdrawn.

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:20 2004]
Amerikanci drže da će povratiti nadzor nad Najafom, dok se stanje u sunitskoj Falluji drži najozbiljnijim.
The Americans believe that they will return the supervision over Najaf, while the situation in Sunnite Falluja is the most serious.

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:21 2004]
Procjenjuje se da je u sukobima od ponedjeljka samo u Falluji poginulo više od 300 Iračana, a u cijeloj zemlji najmanje 30 koalicijskih vojnika.
It is estimated that in conflicts from Monday only in Falluji died more than 300 Iraqis, and in the whole country at least 30 coalition soldiers.

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:22 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:29 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:30 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:31:51 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:34:43 2004]
više slučajeva otimanja stranca
More cases of kidnapping foreign civilians

[Fri Apr 09 08:38:54 2004]
U Iraku je jučer izvedeno i više akcije otimanja stranaca, što dosad nije bila praksa.
Yesterday in Iraq there were several cases of kidnapping foreign civilians, which was not the paractice until now.

[Fri Apr 09 08:40:31 2004]
Oteti su, pa pušteni južnokorejski misionari, dok je televizija Al Jazeera prikazala dramatične snimke troje otetih Japanaca, čiji otmičari, dosad nepoznati Odredi mudžahedina prijete da će ih ubiti ako japanske trupe ne napuste Irak.
, South Korean missionaries were kidnapped and then released, and Al Jazeera television showed dramatic photographs of three abducted Japaneses, whose kidnappers, still unknown mujahedin Squads, threaten to kill them if the Japanese troops do not pull their troops out of Iraq.

[Fri Apr 09 08:40:31 2004]
Uz Japance su oteta još dva strana državljana.
Beside the three Japanese, two more foreign citizens were kidnapped.

[Fri Apr 09 08:40:32 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:40:43 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:40:44 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:41:58 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:44:27 2004]
gospodarski oporavak počeo utjecati na tržište rada
Economic recovery starts to influence the labor market

[Fri Apr 09 08:45:59 2004]
Podaci američke vlade o broju ljudi koji su prvi put prijavili zahtjev za pomoć za nezaposlene potvrdili su zaključak da se gospodarski oporavak napokon počeo utjecati i na tržište rada.
Information from the American government about a number of people who for the first time registered the for the dole confirmed the conclusion that the economic recovery finally starts to influence the labor market.

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:12 2004]
Nakon nedavnog povećanja broja novih radnih mjesta, vlada je iznenadila analitičare i padom broja zahtjeva za pomoć od 14.000, na najnižu razinu u zadnje tri godine.
After recent increase of the number of new workplaces, the government surprised the analysts with decrease in the number of requests for the help on 14.000, the lowest level in the last three years.

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:12 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:27 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:32 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:39 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:46:45 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:47:38 2004]
Europski sud za ljudska prava:
European Court for Human Rights:

[Fri Apr 09 08:48:24 2004]
nadležan za rješavanje tri tužbe hrvatskih štediša Ljubljanske banke
Authorized for solving three complaints of Croatian savers in Ljubljanska banka

[Fri Apr 09 08:48:40 2004]
Europski sud za ljudska prava u Strasbourgu proglasio se nadležnim za rješavanje tri tužbe hrvatskih štediša Ljubljanske banke.
European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg declared itself authorized for resolving three complaints of Croatian savers in Ljubljanska banka.

[Fri Apr 09 08:49:32 2004]
Sud je odredio 11.
The Court determined 11

[Fri Apr 09 08:51:24 2004]
lipnja za krajnji rok za moguću nagodbu štediša i Slovenije, koja je tužena zbog povrede prava vlasništva.
The Court determined 11 June as the final deadline for possible settlement between the savers and Slovenia, which was sued on account of violation of property rights.

[Fri Apr 09 08:51:29 2004]
Proglasi li sud Sloveniju krivom, morat će svakom od 130.000 štediša koji podnesu tužbu ispatiti odštetu od najmanje 10.000 eura.
If the Court declares Slovenia guilty, it will have to pay the indemnity of at least 10.000 euro to each of 130.000 savers who file the charges.

[Fri Apr 09 08:51:56 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 8)
(Jutarnji list, page 8)

[Fri Apr 09 08:52:24 2004]
Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs:

[Fri Apr 09 08:53:49 2004]
pilot projekt testiranja vozača na opojne droge
Pilot project of testing the drivers for narcotic drugs

[Fri Apr 09 08:54:46 2004]
MUP će uskoro početi provoditi pilot projekt testiranja vozača na opojne droge, kao dio šire akcije suzbijanja zlouporabe droga.
Croatian Ministry of Internal Affairs will soon start implementing a pilot project of testing drivers for narcotic drugs, as a part of broader action of suppressing the drug abuse.

[Fri Apr 09 08:54:47 2004]
Kazna za drogirane za volanom bit će ista kao i za alkoholizirane, 500 kuna i tri mjeseca bez vozačke dozvole.
Penalty for drugged drivers will be same as well as for alcoholized ones, 500 kuna and three months without driver's licences.

[Fri Apr 09 08:54:53 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 08:56:48 2004]
Slovenska policija:
Slovenian police:

[Fri Apr 09 08:57:54 2004]
ušla je na hrvatski teritorij u pokušaju zaustavljanja prekršitelja
Entered on the Croatian territory in the attempt to stop a law offender

[Fri Apr 09 08:59:16 2004]
U incidentu na graničnom prijelazu Macelj, slovenska policija ušla je na hrvatski teritorij u pokušaju zaustavljanja automobila s hrvatskim tablicama koji je počinio prometni prekršaj.
In the incident on the border crossing Macelj, Slovenian police entered on the Croatian territory in the attempt of stopping a car with Croatian plates, and whose driver committed a traffic violation.

[Fri Apr 09 08:59:34 2004]
Dva slovenska policajca lakše su ozljeđena kad su razbili stakla prozora i nasilno izvukli prekršitelja iz automobila, a akciju je prekinuo dolazak hrvatske policije.
Two Slovenian policemen were easily hurt when they smashed the car windows and violently pulled the offender out of the car, and the action was interrupted with the arrival of Croatian police.

[Fri Apr 09 08:59:39 2004]
Slovenski MUP je najavio ispriku.
Slovenian Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced their apology.

[Fri Apr 09 08:59:40 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 23)
(Večernji list, page 23)

[Fri Apr 09 09:00:10 2004]

[Fri Apr 09 09:01:04 2004]
pretežno oblačno, ponegdje s maglom.
predominantly cloudy, in some places foggy.

[Fri Apr 09 09:01:04 2004]
Kiša će se tijekom dana širiti prema istoku zemlje.
During the day rain will spread eastward thorugh the country.

[Wed Apr 14 09:08:21 2004]

[Wed Apr 14 09:09:32 2004]

[Wed Apr 14 09:10:27 2004]
u zatočeništvu 40 stranih državljana
40 foreign citizens in captivity

[Wed Apr 14 09:12:34 2004]
Irački pobunjenici su jučer u zatočeništvu držali ukupno 40 stranih državljana, objavljeno je iz Koalicije.
Yesterday the Iraqi rebels held in captivity 40 foreign citizens, it was announced from the Coalition.

[Wed Apr 14 09:13:40 2004]
Američke snage započele su akciju čili je cilj hvatanje šijitskog vođe Al Sadra u Najafu i militanta Al Zarqawija u Falluji, koje drže organizatorima posljednjeg velikog vala nasilja u Iraku.
The US forces initiated the action with the aim of catching the Shiite leader Al Sadr in Najaf and the militant Al Zarqawi in Falluja, because they are believed to be the organizers of the last surge of violence in Iraq.

[Wed Apr 14 09:13:41 2004]
U ponedjeljak navečer su kod Falluje ubijena dva američka vojnika, a tri su ozlijeđena u obaranju vojnog helikoptera.
On Monday night near Falluja 2 American soldiers were killed, and three were injured in shooting down a military helicopter.

[Wed Apr 14 09:13:42 2004]

[Wed Apr 14 09:14:03 2004]

[Wed Apr 14 09:17:49 2004]
uhićeni Palestinac i dvojica Sirijaca
One Palestinian and two Syrians arrested