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[Wed Apr 14 09:20:05 2004]
Mađarska policija je opovrgla ranije vijesti da su uhićeni Palestinac i dvojica Sirijaca pripremali atentat na izraelskog predsjednika Katsava, koji je jučer stigao u Budimpeštu kako bi prisustvovao otvaranju Muzeja holokausta.
Hungary police refuted the earlier the news that the arrested Palestinian and two Syrians were preparing the attempt on the Israeli president Katsav, who yesterday arrived in Budapest in order to attend the opening of Holocaust museum.
[Wed Apr 14 09:20:06 2004]
Uhićeni Palestinac je policiji priznao da je pripremao bombaški napad na Muzej, a izraelska diplomacija je opovrgla prijašnja izvješća da je zbog sigurnosne prijetnje mijenjala vrijeme predsjednikove posjete Mađarskoj.
The arrested Palestinian confessed to the police that he was preparing a bombing attack on the museum, and the Israeli diplomacy refuted the earlier reports that because of the safety threat it changed the time of president's visit to Hungary several times.
[Wed Apr 14 09:21:26 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:21:37 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:22:27 2004]
1,8% porast trgovine na malo
1,8 % increase of retail trade
[Wed Apr 14 09:23:56 2004]
Trgovina na malo u SAD-u porasla je u ožujku 1,8% prema prethodnom mjesecu, objavilo je američko Ministarstvo trgovine.
Retail trade in the USA grew in March by 1,8 % in comparison to the previous month, announced the US Ministry of Trade.
[Wed Apr 14 09:24:30 2004]
Rast je triput veći od očekivanja, a novi je pozitivni pokazatelj američkog gospodarstva, nakon nedavnih vijesti o konačnom pokretanju stvaranja većeg broja novih radnih mjesta.
The growth is three times greater than was expected, and it is the new positive indicator of the US economy, after the recent news about the final creation of a large number of new workplaces.
[Wed Apr 14 09:24:31 2004]
Rast trgovine na malo u veljači je iznosio 1%, prema prethodnom mjesecu.
Growth of the retail trade in February amounted to 1 %, in comparison to January.
[Wed Apr 14 09:24:32 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:24:47 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:24:50 2004]
lanjska neto dobit 550 mil.
Last year's net gain 550 million
[Wed Apr 14 09:26:20 2004]
Last year's net gain 550 million euro
[Wed Apr 14 09:26:39 2004]
Nizozemski Phillips je ostvario rast prihoda od prodaje od 2% u prvom tromjesečju godine, što mu je pomoglo da se vrati pozitivnom poslovanju.
Dutch company Phillips realized the income increase from the sale of 2 % in the first quarter of the year, which helped it to restore the positive business operations.
[Wed Apr 14 09:27:00 2004]
Neto dobit je dosegla čak 550 mil.
Net gain reached as much as 550 million
[Wed Apr 14 09:27:03 2004]
eura, prema gubitku od 69 mil.
Net gain reached as much as 550 million euro, in comparison to the loss of 69 million
[Wed Apr 14 09:27:04 2004]
eura u istom razdoblju prošle godine.
Net gain reached as much as 550 million euro, in comparison to the loss of 69 million euro in the same period last year.
[Wed Apr 14 09:27:12 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:27:44 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:28:07 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:30:10 2004]
nova Google email usluga krši privatnost
New Google e-mail service violates privacy
[Wed Apr 14 09:31:54 2004]
Kalifornijska senatorica Liz Figueroa najavila je pokretanje zakonske zabrane nove Googleove usluge, Gmail, jer je smatra povredom privatnosti.
Californian senator Liz Figueroa announced launching of legal prohibition of the new Google service, Gmail, because she believes that it violates privacy.
[Wed Apr 14 09:33:19 2004]
Senatorica drži da je nedopustivo da se pošta pretražuje prema ključnim riječima, a potom se prema njima određuje ciljano oglašavanje.
Senatorica thinks that it is impermissible to search the e-mail based on key words, and then according to those words the aimed advertizing is determined.
[Wed Apr 14 09:33:20 2004]
Google je uz Gmail korisnicima ponudio 100 puta više prostora na poslužitelju od konkurenata, a cinični komentari tvrde da je jasno za što će poslužiti.
Google offered the Gmail users 100 times more space than competitors' servers, and cynical comments argue that it is clear what it will serve for.
[Wed Apr 14 09:33:28 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:34:32 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:37:14 2004]
stanje izvanredne obrane od poplave jer se Una izlila a Sava i dalje raste
The state of extraordinary defense from the flood because Una flooded and Sava water level still grows
[Wed Apr 14 09:38:23 2004]
Nakon izlijevanja Une, u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici je proglašeno stanje elementarne nepogode, a građani zečjim nasipima pokušavaju spriječiti prodor vode u središte mjesta.
After Una flooded, in Hrvatska Kostajnica the state of natural disaster was declared, and the citizens building dams in trying to prevent the water penetration to the town center.
[Wed Apr 14 09:40:10 2004]
Sava kod Jasenovca i dalje raste, pa vrijedi stanje izvanredne obrane od poplave.
Water level of Sava near Jasenovac is still growing, so there is the state of extraordinary defense from flood.
[Wed Apr 14 09:40:14 2004]
Vodostaj Cetine je u utorak opao za tri centimetra, a stanovnici ličkog Gackog polja se žale da su im u poplavi kojoj je doprinijelo i topljenje snijega uništeni usjevi.
Water level of Cetina declined for three centimeters on Tuesday, and the inhabitants of Gacko polje in Lika complain that the flood to which contributed the melting of snow destroyed their crops.
[Wed Apr 14 09:40:15 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Vjesnik, page 1)
[Wed Apr 14 09:41:01 2004]
[Wed Apr 14 09:41:23 2004]
umjereno do znatno oblačno, ponegdje prijepodne s malo kiše.
Moderately to considerable cloudy, in some places a weak rain in the morning.
[Wed Apr 14 09:41:23 2004]
Na Jadranu u kasnijem dijelu dana djelomice sunčano.
On Adriatic later during the day partly sunny.
[Thu Apr 15 08:04:30 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:05:06 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:06:50 2004]
natavlja se tragedija taoca
Hostage tragedy continues
[Thu Apr 15 08:08:04 2004]
Prema vijestima televizije Al Jazeera, irački pobunjenici su jučer ubili prvog od četiri talijanska taoca, nakon što je istekao rok da početak povlačenja talijanske vojske iz Iraka.
According to the Al Jazzera television news, yesterday the Iraqi rebels killed the first of four Italian hostages, after the deadline to start withdrawing Italian army from Iraq.
[Thu Apr 15 08:09:16 2004]
Pobunjenici su oslobodili otetog francuskog novinara, a Rusija je najavila da šalje zrakoplove kojima će evakuirati sve svoje državljane koji žele otići.
Rebels liberated the abducted French journalist, and Russia announced that it will send airplanes to evacuate all the citizens who want to leave.
[Thu Apr 15 08:09:20 2004]
Američki predsjednik Bush je preksinoć potvrdio da će se vlast predati Iračanima 30.
The US president George Bush confirmed two nights ago that the control will be handed over to Iraqis on 30
[Thu Apr 15 08:09:21 2004]
The US president George Bush confirmed two nights ago that the control will be handed over to Iraqis on 30 June.
[Thu Apr 15 08:09:59 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:10:16 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:12:52 2004]
Predsjednik Bush podržao plan izraelskog premijera Sharona
President Bush supports the plan of Israeli Prime Minister Sharon
[Thu Apr 15 08:14:10 2004]
Predsjednik Bush je nakon sastanka u Washingtonu podržao plan izraelskog premijera Sharona, koji predviđa povlačenje židovskih naselja iz Pojasa Gaze i dijela Zapadne obale, uz zadržavanje dijela teritorija koje Palestinci drže svojim.
After the meeting in Washington, president Bush supported the plan of Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, which predicts the withdrawal of Jewish settlements from Gaza Strip and a part of the West Coast, with retaining the part of the territory that Palestinians deem their own.
[Thu Apr 15 08:14:52 2004]
Bush je objavio kako ne podržava palestinski zahtjev prava na povratak izbjeglica protjeranih 1948.
Bush said that he does not support the Palestinian request of the right of return of refugees who were banished in 1948
[Thu Apr 15 08:14:53 2004]
, a palestinska vlada je Sharonov plan zasad odbacila.
Bush said that he does not support the Palestinian request of the right of return of refugees who were banished in 1948, and the Palestinian government is Sharonov has for now rejected the plan.
[Thu Apr 15 08:14:55 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:15:23 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:16:08 2004]
izvoz u veljači 4% viši
Exports in February higher by 4 %
[Thu Apr 15 08:20:59 2004]
Američki izvoz je u veljači porastao 4%, što je najveći mjesečni rast od listopada 1996.
The US exports have increased in February by 4 %, which is the largest monthly growth from the October 1996.
[Thu Apr 15 08:24:17 2004]
Istovremeno je i indeks potrošačkih cijena u ožujku povećan 0,5% prema veljači, što je iznad predviđanja, zahvaljujući višoj cijeni benzina.
At the same time, the Consumer Price Index increased in March by 0,5 % in comparison to February, which is above all predictions, as a result of the higher petrol prices.
[Thu Apr 15 08:24:18 2004]
Procjenjuje se da bi ubrzanje rasta cijena moglo potaći američki Fed da ranije nego što se očekivalo povisi referentnu kamatnu stopu koja već dugo stoji na niskih 1%.
It is estimated that the acceleration of price increase could urge the US Fed to increase a reference interest rate earlier than was planned, because it has long been on low 1 %.
[Thu Apr 15 08:24:21 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:26:17 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:27:47 2004]
u prvom tromjesječju prihod $8,1 mlrd i dobit $1,7 mlrd
1 billion income and $ 1.7 billion profit in the first quarter
[Thu Apr 15 08:29:10 2004]
Proizvođač mikroprocesora Intel objavio je veliki rast dobiti za prvo tromjesečje ove godine od 89%, pa je dobit dosegla $1,7 mlrd.
Microprocessor manufacturer Intel announced a large profit increase in the first quarter this year by 89 %, so the profits reached $ 1.7 billion.
[Thu Apr 15 08:29:17 2004]
Povećana svjetska potrošnja na informatičku tehnologiju pomogla je Intelu da poveća kvartalni prihod na $8,1 mlrd, što je $1,35 mlrd.
Enlarged world consumption of the Information Technology helped Intel to increase its quarter income on $ 8.1 billion, which is $ 1.35 billion
[Thu Apr 15 08:29:18 2004]
više od prvog kvartala prošle godine.
35 billion more than the first quarter last year.
[Thu Apr 15 08:29:26 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:29:44 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:31:35 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:35:53 2004]
Una, Kupa i Sava rastu i plave
Water levels of rivers Una, Kupa and Sava increasing and flooding
[Thu Apr 15 08:37:09 2004]
Vodostaj Une nastavio je rasti, a zbog izlijevanja rijeke zatvorena je cesta između Dvora i Kostajnice, dok je jedno selo potpuno odsječeno.
Water level of river Una continues to grow, and due to the flood the road between Dvor and Kostajnica is closed, whereas one village is completely cut off.
[Thu Apr 15 08:37:52 2004]
Kupa je poplavila područje od oko dva četvorna kilometra kod Jamničke Kiselice, a Sava se počela izlijevati na poljoprivredno područje kod Županje.
River Kupa flooded the area than of about two square kilometers near Jamnička Kiselica, and river Sava started to flood the agricultural area near Županja.
[Thu Apr 15 08:37:53 2004]
Mjere izvanredne obrane od poplave su uvedene za više slivnih područja kod Slavonskog Broda.
Measures of extraordinary defense from flood were introduced for several precipitation areas near Slavonski Brod.
[Thu Apr 15 08:37:55 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:38:37 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:41:43 2004]
finalu nogometnog kupa igraju Varteks i Dinamo
Varteks and Dinamo in soccer cup finals
[Thu Apr 15 08:42:54 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:43:47 2004]
[Thu Apr 15 08:43:47 2004]
početkom dana uglavnom oblačno, kasnije djelomice sunčano i toplije.
early in day mainly cloudy, later partly sunny and warmer.
[Fri Apr 16 09:31:47 2004]
Croatian Government:
[Fri Apr 16 09:50:15 2004]
neće graditi prateću infrastrukturu u Sesvetama
No financing of supporting utilities in Sesvete
[Fri Apr 16 09:51:02 2004]
Vlada je odlučila kako neće financirati gradnju prateće infrastrukture, osim škole u zagrebačkim Sesvetama, za naselje iz programa POS-a s 2739 stana.
The government decided not to finance the building of supporting utilities, except for a school in Zagreb's suburb Sesvete, for the settlement of the POS program with 2739 apartments.
[Fri Apr 16 09:52:04 2004]
Zagrebačko poglavarstvo je ranije najavljivalo da će u tom slučaju infrastrukturu financirati grad.
The Zagreb government has earlier announced that in that case the city would finance the infrastructure.
[Fri Apr 16 09:52:59 2004]
Lokalne vlasti u Sesvetama umjesto stanova bi na toj lokaciji radije vidjele gospodarske objekte.
Local authorities in Sesvete would rather see economic objects on this location instead of apartments.
[Fri Apr 16 09:53:05 2004]
U gradnju infrastrukture bi trebalo uložiti oko 550 mil.
About 550 million kuna would need to be invested in the building of infrastructure
[Fri Apr 16 09:53:12 2004]
About 550 million kuna would need to be invested in the building of infrastructure.
[Fri Apr 16 09:53:12 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 2)
(Vjesnik, page 2)
[Fri Apr 16 09:53:15 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 09:53:26 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 09:56:03 2004]
nova audio snimka Osame bin Ladena
New audio tape of Osama Bin Laden
[Fri Apr 16 09:58:49 2004]
Na dvije arapske televizije je emitirana nova audio snimka Osame bin Ladena, na kojoj šef Al Qaide nudi europskim zemljama obećanje da neće biti napadane, ukoliko same neće sudjelovati u akcijama u islamskim zemljama.
Two Arabian televisions broadcasted a new audio tape of Osama Bin Laden, on which the leader of Al-Qaida promises the European countries not to be attacked, if they were not involved military actions in Islamic countries.
[Fri Apr 16 09:59:36 2004]
Bin Laden je najavio i osvetu za svojedobnu izraelsku likvidaciju osnivača Hamasa, šeika Jasina.
Bin Laden also announced revenge for the past Israeli assassination of founder of the Hamas, sheik Jasin.
[Fri Apr 16 09:59:36 2004]
Snimka se drži autentičnom, a iz Europske komisije je već odbačena mogućnost bilo kakvog pogađanja s teroristima.
The tape is believed to be authentic, and the European Commission has already rejected the possibility of any negotiation with terrorists.
[Fri Apr 16 09:59:37 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 09:59:48 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:01:46 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue
[Fri Apr 16 10:02:25 2004]
Dan nakon što je objavljeno kako su SAD od Irana zatražile posredovanje u sukobu s iračkim šijitima, u Iraku je ubijen iranski diplomat, drugi po rangu službenik veleposlanstva u Bagdadu.
A day after it was announced that the US requested from Iran to intervene in the conflict with Iraqi Shiites, Iranian diplomat was killed in Iraq, who was the second-ranking officer of the embassy in Baghdad.
[Fri Apr 16 10:02:26 2004]
Otmičari su oslobodili troje japanskih talaca, a talijanska vlada je potvrdila da je jedan od talijanskih talaca ubijen.
The kidnappers set free three Japanese hostages, and the Italian government confirmed that one Italian hostage was killed.
[Fri Apr 16 10:02:27 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:03:42 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:05:44 2004]
nastavlja se u prvom tromjesječju ubrzani rast BDP-a od 9,7% s inflacijom od 2,4%
Accelerated GDP increase of 9.7 % with the inflation of 2.4 % continues in the first quarter
[Fri Apr 16 10:07:50 2004]
Kinesko gospodarstvo je nastavilo neumoran rast, koji razmjerima već neko vrijeme zabrinjava dio analitičara, zbog mogućnosti naglog zaustavljanja i izazivanja krize u azijskoj ekonomiji.
Chinese economy continues its the steady growth, the proportions of which have for some time been worrying the analysts, because of the possibility of a sudden stop and provocation of crisis in Asian economy.
[Fri Apr 16 10:08:12 2004]
Kineski BDP je u prvom tromjesečju porastao 9,7% prema istom razdoblju lani, industrijska proizvodnja i dalje raste po dvoznamenkastim stopama, u ožujku od 19%, dok je izvoz povećan 43%.
7 % in the first quarter 9,7 % compared to the same period last year, the industrial production is still increasing by two-digit rates, in the March by 19 %, while the export was enlarged by 43 %.
[Fri Apr 16 10:08:13 2004]
Inflacija je pritom ostala na umjerenih 2,4%.
Inflation remained at reasonable 2,4 %.
[Fri Apr 16 10:08:15 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:08:41 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:09:01 2004]
kvartalni prihod $21,5 mlrd.
Quarter income $ 21.5 billion
[Fri Apr 16 10:10:24 2004]
i neto dobit $5,27 mlrd.
5 billion and net profit $ 5.27 billion
[Fri Apr 16 10:11:05 2004]
Neto dobit najveće svjetske financijske grupacije Citigroup u prvom tromjesečju godine dosegla je $5,27 mlrd.
Net profit of Citigroup, the largest world financial affiliation, reached $ 5.27 billion in the first quarter of the year
[Fri Apr 16 10:11:54 2004]
, što je 29% više od istog razdoblja lani i iznad očekivanja analitičara.
27 billion in the first quarter of the year, which is by 29 % more than in the same period last year and above all expectations of the analysts.
[Fri Apr 16 10:11:55 2004]
Kvartalni prihod Citigroupa je rastao 16%, na $21,5 mlrd.
Quarter income of Citigroup grew by 16 %, so it reached $ 21.5 billion.
[Fri Apr 16 10:11:56 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:12:28 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:13:03 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju dobit $46 mil.
$ 46 million profit in the first quarter
[Fri Apr 16 10:13:16 2004]
Apple je u prvom tromjesečju godine ostvario $46 mil.
Apple achieved $ 46 million profit in the first quarter of the year
[Fri Apr 16 10:13:28 2004]
dobiti, prema $14 mil.
Apple achieved $ 46 million profit in the first quarter of the year , compared to $ 14 million
[Fri Apr 16 10:15:05 2004]
dobiti iz istog razdoblja prošle godine.
Apple achieved $ 46 million profit in the first quarter of the year , compared to $ 14 million profit in the same period last year.
[Fri Apr 16 10:15:49 2004]
Ukupni prihod je porastao 29%, a u Appleu su procijenili da je znatno bolja prodaja iPod računala donijela barem polovicu ovog rasta.
Comprehensive income grew by 29 %, and the Apple experts estimate that significantly better sale of iPod computers brought at least half of this increase.
[Fri Apr 16 10:15:49 2004]
Prodaja Macintosha je povećana 5%.
Sale of Macintosh computers increased by 5 %.
[Fri Apr 16 10:16:00 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:16:15 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:17:23 2004]
Croatian Government:
[Fri Apr 16 10:20:56 2004]
ukidaju se komforne kamate
Revoke of comfortable interest rates
[Fri Apr 16 10:22:13 2004]
Vlada je s jučerašnjoj sjednici Saboru proslijedila tumačenje Zakona o zateznim kamatama, kojim se ukida dosadašnja praksa konformnog načina obračuna zateznih kamata i njihovog pribrajanja glavnici, već će se nakon godinu dana kamate obračunavati po prostom obračunu.
The government from the yesterday's meeting passed on to the Parliament an interpretation of Law on interest rates, which revokes the past practice of comfortable method calculation of interest rates and their adding to the capital, and after a year the interest rates will be calculated according to simple statement of accounts.
[Fri Apr 16 10:22:18 2004]
Osobe kojima je zadnjih pet godina zaračunavana kamata po staroj metodi moći će tražiti mišljenje o mogućoj obnovi postupka.
Persons who for the last five years were charged the interest rates according to the old method will be able to ask the opinion on possible renewal of procedure.
[Fri Apr 16 10:22:26 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 7)
(Jutarnji list, page 7)
[Fri Apr 16 10:22:58 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:26:23 2004]
vodostaji nisu dalje rasli
Water levels did not increase
[Fri Apr 16 10:29:00 2004]
Vodostaji svih rijeka jučer nisu rasli, osim Save kod Županje, no i tamo se u sljedeća 24 sata očekuje smirivanje stanja.
Water levels of all rivers did not increase yesterday, except that of Sava near Županja, but calming down of the situation there is expected in the following 24 hours.
[Fri Apr 16 10:29:01 2004]
U više mjesta su ukinute mjere izvanredne obrane od poplave, jer ne prijeti opasnost iz izravnog izlijevanja rijeka, dok štete nanose visoke podzemne vode i njihov prodor u neodržavane kanalske mreže.
In several places the measures of extraordinary defense from flood were revoked, because there is no more a danger from a direct river flood, while damages are inflicted by high ground-waters and their penetration into the unkept canal networks.
[Fri Apr 16 10:29:02 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:31:25 2004]
[Fri Apr 16 10:31:25 2004]
postupno naoblačenje, kiša će se sredinom dana iz Gorskog kotara i Like proširiti na veći dio zemlje, dok će se djelomice sunčano zadržati u Podravini i Slavoniji.
gradual development of cloudiness, during the day rain from Gorski Kotar and Lika will spread over a larger part the country, while partly sunny weather will remain in Podravina and Slavonia.
[Mon Apr 19 08:11:09 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:11:38 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:13:22 2004]
mišljenje o hrvatskoj molbi za članstvo u Europskoj uniji objavit će se u utorak
Opinion on Croatian request for the membership in the EU will be announced on Tuesday
[Mon Apr 19 08:14:39 2004]
Predviđeno je da ćemo se hrvatskom molbom baviti tijekom našeg predsjedanja, kad ćemo donijeti odluku kako nastaviti dalje, rekao je irski ministar vanjskih poslova Brian Cowen.
It is predicted that the Croatian request will be dealt with during our presidency, when we will make a decision on how to proceed, said Brian Cowen, the Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs.
[Mon Apr 19 08:16:51 2004]
Irski mandat predsjedanja EU istječe krajem lipnja, kad se Zagreb nada da će dobiti odluku o datumu početka pregovora.
The Irish mandate of presiding over the EU runs out by the end of June, when Zagreb hopes to receive a decision on the starting date of negotiations.
[Mon Apr 19 08:16:58 2004]
Mišljenje Europske komisije će se, prema najavama, objaviti u utorak.
According to announcements, the opinion of the European Commissions will be released on Tuesday.
[Mon Apr 19 08:19:31 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 5)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 5)
[Mon Apr 19 08:26:27 2004]
Predsjednik Mesić se namjerava kandidirati na sljedećim predsjedničkim izborima
President Mesić intends will run for the office on the following presidential elections.
[Mon Apr 19 08:32:40 2004]
Predsjednik Mesić je potvrdio da se namjerava kandidirati i na sljedećim predsjedničkim izborima, a očekuje da će njegovu kandidaturu podržati više stranaka, koje nije imenovao.
President Mesić confirmed his intention to run for the office on the following presidential elections, and he expects that his candidacy will get support from several parties, which he did not name.
[Mon Apr 19 08:32:46 2004]
Mesić je opovrgnuo tumačenja da se zbog unutarnjih problema u HNS-u takvom kandidaturom želi distancirati od stranke, u kojoj je zamrznuo članstvo nakon što je izabran za predsjednika.
Mesić denied the commentaries that because of internal problems in HNS (Croatian Popular Party) he wishes to distance himself from the party by this candidacy, in which he froze his membership after he was elected for the president.
[Mon Apr 19 08:32:47 2004]
(nedjelja,HTV, Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Sunday,HTV, Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 19 08:34:21 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:36:19 2004]
Britanski ministar za EU Dennis MacShane u ponedjeljak će posjetiti Zagreb
British Minister for Europe Dennis MacShane visiting Zagreb on Monday
[Mon Apr 19 08:37:07 2004]
Britanski ministar za EU Dennis MacShane u ponedjeljak će posjetiti Zagreb, gdje će s hrvatskim dužnosnicima razgovarati o pripremama za pridruživanje Uniji.
The British minister for Europe, Dennis MacShane, will visit Zagreb on Monday, where he will talk with Croatian state officials about preparations for joining the European Union.
[Mon Apr 19 08:38:07 2004]
MacShane je nedavno najavio da bez rješavanja slučaja Gotovina, London neće podržati hrvatski zahtjev za kandidaturu.
MacShane has recently announced that without solving the case of General Gotovina, London will not support the Croatian request for the candidacy.
[Mon Apr 19 08:38:14 2004]
Ministar će predstaviti i program suradnje Britanije i Hrvatske sljedeće godine.
Minister will also present program of cooperation for the following year between Great Britain and Croatia.
[Mon Apr 19 08:38:15 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 19 08:38:16 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:38:26 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:40:18 2004]
završeni pregovori o Protokolu 7
Completed negotiations about Protocol 7
[Mon Apr 19 08:41:14 2004]
U petak su u Bruxellesu, prema ranijim najavama, završeni pregovori o Protokolu 7, koji uređuje trgovinu prehrambenim proizvodima s EU nakon ulaska novih članica.
According to earlier announcements, negotiations about Protocol 7 were concluded in Bruxelles on Friday, which regulate the trade of foodstuffs with the EU after entrance of new member states.
[Mon Apr 19 08:42:50 2004]
Hrvatska je dobila veće kvote za vino i ribu, koje dosad nije u potpunosti koristila.
Croatia received greater quotas for wine and fish, which it had not fully used so far.
[Mon Apr 19 08:43:09 2004]
Uvozne kvote za sladoled i voćne jogurta su smanjene na četvrtinu, povećana je kvota za mineralnu vodu, na račun one ranije dogovorene sa Slovenijom.
Import quotas for ice-cream and fruit yogurts were reduced on one quarter, and the quota for mineral water was enlarged, on account of the quota formerly arranged with Slovenia.
[Mon Apr 19 08:43:09 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Mon Apr 19 08:45:35 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:47:41 2004]
dogovorene kvote u Protokolu 7
Agreed quotas in Protocol 7
[Mon Apr 19 08:48:25 2004]
Kvota za uvoz sira je dogovorena na 1150 tona, prema 1800 tona koliko bi bio zbroj dosadašnjih kvota i onih novih članica, a na tu kvotu neće biti izvoznih subvencija.
Quota for import of cheese was agreed on 1150 tons, compared to 1800 tons as would be the sum of past quotas and those new member states, and no export subsidies will be applied on this quota.
[Mon Apr 19 08:49:52 2004]
Smanjenje su kvote za uvoz mesnih konzervi, dok je izvozna kvota za junetinu ostala ista.
Quotas for import of meat cans were reduced, whereas the export quota for young beef remained the same.
[Mon Apr 19 08:49:58 2004]
Ni jedna uvozna kvota ne prelazi količinu koju bi dalo zbrajanje dosadašnjih kvota EU i novih članica, ocijenio je premijer Sanader.
Neither of the import quotas exceeds the quantity which would be given by addition of past quotas of the EU and new member states, estimated the Croatian Prime Minister Sanader.
[Mon Apr 19 08:49:59 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Mon Apr 19 08:50:10 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 08:50:59 2004]
većinski vlasnik Dinove
Majority owner of Dinova
[Mon Apr 19 08:52:41 2004]
Nakon preuzimanja Podravkinih 10% udjela u Dinovi, Gavrilović je postao većinski vlasnik trgovačkog lanca s udjelom od 56%.
After taking over of Podravka's 10 % share in Dinova, Gavrilović became the majority owner of commercial chain with the share of 56 %.
[Mon Apr 19 08:53:19 2004]
Prema neslužbenim saznanjima Jutarnjeg lista, Gavrilović planira preuzeti i udjele ostala tri vlasnika, te potom Dinovu spojiti sa svojim maloprodajnim kapacitetima.
According to unofficial information of Jutarnji list, Gavrilović plans to take over the shares of the other three owners, and to merge Dinova with its retail capacities.
[Mon Apr 19 08:53:36 2004]
Dinova će u otpremnine 321 radnika uložiti 20 mil.
Dinova will invest 20 million kuna in severance pays of 321 workers
[Mon Apr 19 08:53:56 2004]
kuna, uz još 35 mil.
Dinova will invest 20 million kuna in severance pays of 321 workers , with additional 35 million
[Mon Apr 19 08:54:02 2004]
kuna ulaganja u osuvremenjivanje trgovina.
Dinova will invest 20 million kuna in severance pays of 321 workers , with additional 35 million kuna of investment into the modernization of stores.
[Mon Apr 19 08:58:09 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 10)
[Mon Apr 19 09:01:07 2004]
Bečkog instituta za međunarodna ekonomska istraživanja:
Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies:
[Mon Apr 19 09:07:09 2004]
za tri godine hrvatski vanjski dug mogao bi premašiti BDP
In three years Croatian external debt could exceed GDP
[Mon Apr 19 09:08:42 2004]
Nastavi li hrvatski vanjski dug rasti sadašnjim tempom od 7% do 8% godišnje, za tri godine bi mogao premašiti BDP, tvrdi analiza Vladimira Gligorova s Bečkog instituta za međunarodna ekonomska istraživanja.
If Croatian external debt continues to grow at a current pace of 7 % to 8 % per year, in three years it could exceed GDP, claims the analysis of Vladimir Gligorov from the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies.
[Mon Apr 19 09:08:47 2004]
Gligorov drži da Hrvatska zbog dobre likvidnosti nema problema sa servisiranjem duga, ali bi se mogao pojaviti problem solventnosti.
Gligorov believes that Croatia, on account of its good liquidity, has no problem with debt servicing, but there could appear a problem of solvency.
[Mon Apr 19 09:08:55 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 19 09:09:42 2004]
Robna kuća Prima 3:
Department store Prima 3:
[Mon Apr 19 09:10:07 2004]
drugo javno nadmetanje nije privuklo zainteresirane
Second open competition did not attract interested parties
[Mon Apr 19 09:10:30 2004]
Ni drugo javno nadmetanje za splitsku robnu kuću Prima 3 po cijeni od 9,5 mil.
Neither the second open competition for Split's department store Prima 3 at the price of 9,5 million
[Mon Apr 19 09:11:52 2004]
eura nije privuklo zainteresirane.
Neither the second open competition for Split's department store Prima 3 at the price of 9,5 million euros attracted the interested parties.
[Mon Apr 19 09:12:57 2004]
Prima 3 je od prvog neuspješnog nadmetanja pojeftinila milijun eura, a broj radnika koje kupac mora zadržati smanjen je s 95 na 83.
Prima 3 has reduced its price for 1 million euros since the first unsuccessful competition, and the number of employees which the buyer must keep was reduced from 95 to 83.
[Mon Apr 19 09:13:02 2004]
Neslužbeno se kao potencijalni kupci spominju Safir, Kerum i Euroshop.
According to the unofficial information information, prospective buyers are Safir, Kerum and Euroshop.
[Mon Apr 19 09:13:04 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 8)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 8)
[Mon Apr 19 09:13:15 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:13:27 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:
[Mon Apr 19 09:19:25 2004]
Izraelska vojska usmrtila novoimenovanog vođu Hamasa
Israeli army killed the newly appointed leader of Hamas
[Mon Apr 19 09:23:30 2004]
Izraelska vojska je projektilom ispaljenim iz helikoptera usmrtila novog vođu Hamasa, Abdelaziza Rantisija, koji je naslijedio šeika Jasina, likvidiranog u ožujku.
The Israeli army killed the new leader of Hamas with a projectile fired from the helicopter, Abdelaziz Rantisi, who replaced sheik Jasin, asssassinated in March.
[Mon Apr 19 09:23:31 2004]
Napad je izveden ubrzo nakon što je premijer Sharon osigurao američku političku podršku planu djelomičnog povlačenja židovskih naselja, a nagađa se je li Hamasov odgovor nakon Jasinovog ubojstva izostao zbog nemogućnosti izvođenja napada ili taktičkih razloga.
The attack was performed soon after the Prime Minister Sharon secured the American political support to the plan of partial withdrawal of Jewish settlements, and there are speculations that there was no reply from Hamas answer after Jasin's murder because of the impossibility to carry out the attack or because of tactical reasons.
[Mon Apr 19 09:23:33 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:23:41 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:25:31 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue
[Mon Apr 19 09:26:57 2004]
Irački pobunjenici su iz zatočeništva tijekom vikenda pustili još dvojicu otetih Japanaca, a objavljena je i snimka prvog otetog američkog vojnika.
Iraqi rebels released two more kidnapped Japanese citizens during the weekend, and the video tape with the first kidnapped American soldier was broadcasted.
[Mon Apr 19 09:28:26 2004]
Američka vojska je okružila grad Najaf u kojem se nalazi Al Sadrova šijitska milicija, a i dalje pokušava izbjeći politički osjetljiv izravan sukob u tom gradu.
The American army surrounded Najaf in which Al Sadr's Shiite militia are situated, and they still try to evade politically delicate direct conflict in the town.
[Mon Apr 19 09:28:32 2004]
Sunitska Falluja, gdje se također pregovara, bila je izložena napadu iz zraka, pri čemu je poginulo 15 Iračana.
Sunnite town of Falluja, where there are also negotiations, was exposed to an air-raid, at which occassion 15 Iraqis were killed.
[Mon Apr 19 09:28:33 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 11, BBC)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 11, BBC)
[Mon Apr 19 09:28:55 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:31:06 2004]
poginulo tri pripadnika međunarodne policije UNMIK
Three members of the international police UNMIK killedž
[Mon Apr 19 09:34:20 2004]
U oružanom sukobu u zatvoru u Kosovskoj Mitrovici poginulo je najmanje troje pripadnika međunarodne policije UNMIK, a još ih je 11 ranjeno, od čega petero vrlo teško.
During an armed conflict in jail in Kosovska Mitrovica died at least three members of the international police UNMIK, and 11 were wounded, five of whom suffered very bad injuries.
[Mon Apr 19 09:34:26 2004]
Pripadnici UNMIK-a su se sukobili međusobno, neslužbeno se tvrdi da se radilo o Jordancima i Amerikancima, a među ubijenima su navodno dvije američke policajke.
Members of UNMIK entered the mutual conflict, and according to the unofficial information they were Jordanian and American soldiers, and allegedly two American female police officers were killed.
[Mon Apr 19 09:34:28 2004]
(nedjelja, Večernji list stranica 7)
(Sunday, Večernji list, page 7)
[Mon Apr 19 09:35:15 2004]
Srbija i Crna Gora:
Serbia and Montenegro:
[Mon Apr 19 09:36:41 2004]
Vuk Drašković imenovan novim ministrom vanjskih poslova
Vuk Draškovic appointed as the new Mminister for Foreign Affairs
[Mon Apr 19 09:37:43 2004]
Skupština Srbije i Crne Gore prihvatila je prijedlog da čelnik SPO-a Vuk Drašković postane novi ministar vanjskih poslova savezne vlade.
Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro accepted the proposal that leader of SPO (Serbian Renewal Movement) Vuk Drašković becomes the new Minister for Foreign Affairs of federal government.
[Mon Apr 19 09:39:44 2004]
Draškovićeva stranka, u koaliciji s Novom Srbijom, sudjeluje i u novoj vladi Srbije.
Draškovic's party, in coalition with New Serbia, participates in the new Serbian government.
[Mon Apr 19 09:40:05 2004]
U Vijeće ministara SiCG su istovremeno izabrana još dva nova člana.
At the same time, two new members were elected in the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro.
[Mon Apr 19 09:40:06 2004]
(Saturday,Vjesnik, page 10)
[Mon Apr 19 09:40:24 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:41:13 2004]
industrijska proizvodnja u ožujku neočekivano pala 0,2%
Industrial production in March unexpectedly fell by 0,2 %
[Mon Apr 19 09:42:24 2004]
Američka industrijska proizvodnja pala je u ožujku 0,2% prema veljači, dok su analitičari predviđali da će rasti 0,3%.
The American industrial production fell in March by 0,2 % compared to February, while the analysts anticipated that it would increase by 0,3 %.
[Mon Apr 19 09:42:24 2004]
Podaci su iznenadili nakon nedavnog niza dobrih vijesti iz američkog gospodarstva, posebno jer se razlikuju od drugih pokazatelja u proizvodnom sektoru.
This came as a surprise after a recent series of good news from the American economy, especially because it differs from other indicators in production sector.
[Mon Apr 19 09:42:25 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:42:43 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:43:56 2004]
16% niža dobit u prvom tromjesečju godine
16 % lower profits in the first quarter of the year
[Mon Apr 19 09:46:02 2004]
Nakon nedavne najave lošijih rezultata od planiranih, finska Nokia je objavila 16% nižu dobit u prvom tromjesečju godine prema istom razdoblju lani, odnosno $816 mil.
After the recent announcement of worse results than was expected, Finnish Nokia proclaimed 16 % lower profits in the first quarter of the year in comparison to the same period last year, that is, $ 816 million.
[Mon Apr 19 09:46:04 2004]
Prodaja Nokijinih mobitela rasla je 19%, dok je ukupni rast prodaje u svijetu bio 29%, što je iz kompanije ranije objašnjeno slabijom usklađenošću ponuđenih modela s onima za kojima je povećana potražnja.
The sale of Nokia mobile phones increased by 19 %, while the total sale increase around the world amounted to 29 %, what the company previously explained by weaker coordination of offered models with those for which there is increased demand.
[Mon Apr 19 09:46:05 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:46:07 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 09:47:18 2004]
Grad Zagreb:
City of Zagreb:
[Mon Apr 19 09:47:34 2004]
nema novaca za za prateće objekte POS-a u Sesvetama
There is no money for accompanying objects of POS (Subsidized housing construction) in Sesvete
[Mon Apr 19 09:50:03 2004]
Grad Zagreb neće dati 300 mil.
City of Zagreb will not give 300 million
[Mon Apr 19 09:51:02 2004]
kuna za prateće objekte POS-a u Sesvetama, te možda i u Podbrežju, jer zbog drugih velikih projekata u dvije do tri godine neće moći osigurati taj novac, objavila je gradonačelnica Vlasta Pavić.
City of Zagreb will not give 300 million kuna for the buildong of accompanying objects of POS in Sesvete, and maybe even in Podbrežje, because on account of the other large projects in two to three years they will not be able to guarantee the funds, announced the mayoress Vlasta Pavić.
[Mon Apr 19 09:51:18 2004]
Zagreb je spreman izdvojiti 240 mil.
Zagreb is willing to give 240 million
[Mon Apr 19 09:52:48 2004]
kuna za gradnju komunalne infrastrukture, javne rasvjete i prilazne ceste.
Zagreb is willing to give 240 million kuna for the building of communal infrastructure, public lighting and an entrance ramp.
[Mon Apr 19 09:52:54 2004]
Dodatni objekti su srednja škola, dva vrtića i sportska dvorana.
Additional objects are a secondary school, two kindergartens and a sports hall.
[Mon Apr 19 09:54:30 2004]
(subota, Večernji list stranica 15)
(Saturday, Večernji list, page 15)
[Mon Apr 19 09:55:22 2004]
Judicial system:
[Mon Apr 19 09:55:57 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo je odbilo prijedlog izvansudske nagodbe o tužbi obitelji Zec
State attorney's office refused the proposal of out-of-court settlement on the complaint of the Zec family
[Mon Apr 19 09:56:14 2004]
Državno odvjetništvo je odbilo prijedlog izvansudske nagodbe o tužbi obitelji Zec, vrijedan 2,16 mil.
State attorney's office refused the proposal of out-of-court settlement on the complaint of the Zec family, worthy 2.16 million kunas
[Mon Apr 19 09:57:16 2004]
16 million kunas.
[Mon Apr 19 10:00:10 2004]
Obitelj Zec je tužila državu zbog poznatog slučaja ubojstva troje članova obitelji 1991.
Zec family sued the state on account of the well-known murder case of three family members in 1991
[Mon Apr 19 10:00:14 2004]
, a Odvjetništvo drži da na sudu treba razjasniti jesu li pripadnici pričuvnog sastava koji su priznali zločin, taj zločin počinili za vrijeme i u vezi s obavljanjem svoje dužnosti.
Zec family sued the state on account of the well-known murder case of three family members in 1991, and the attorney's office believes that it needs to be clarified in court whether the members of reserve group who confessed to the crime, committed this crime during and in respect of their proffessional duty.
[Mon Apr 19 10:00:17 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 10:00:39 2004]
[Mon Apr 19 10:02:02 2004]
Cibona se plasirala u finale Goodyear lige
Cibona placed itself in the finals of a Goodyear league
[Mon Apr 19 10:03:44 2004]
Košarkaši Cibone plasirali su se u finale završnog turnira Goodyear lige, koji se igra u Zagrebu, pobjedom protiv ljubljanske Union Olimpije.
Cibona players placed themselves in the finals of the closing Goodyear league tournament, which will be played in Zagreb, by a victory over Ljubljana's Union Olympia.
[Mon Apr 19 10:06:04 2004]
U finalu se sastaju s beogradskim Reflexom, koji je u polufinalu, nakon dva produžetka, svladao Crvenu zvezdu.
In finals they will meet with the Belgrade's Reflex, which in the semifinals, after two overtimes, defeated Crvena zvezda.
[Mon Apr 19 10:06:11 2004]
Na parkiralištu hotela Opera osam napadača pretuklo je sportskog direktora Zvezde Igora Žeželja, što se svojedobno nedaleko Opere, na sličan način, desilo i ljudima u pratnji Partizana.
On the parking lot of the hotel Opera eight attackers beat the sport manager of Crvena zvezda, Igor Žeželj, which formerly not far away from the same hotel, in a similar manner, happened to the people who were accompanying Partisan players.
[Mon Apr 19 10:06:11 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 90)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 90)
[Tue Apr 20 10:51:38 2004]
Badel 1862:
Badel 1862:
[Tue Apr 20 10:51:56 2004]
lanjski prihod 321,86 mil.
Last year's income 321.86 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:51:57 2004]
kuna i neto dobit 3,74 mil.
86 million kuna and net profit 3.74 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:52:26 2004]
74 million kuna
[Tue Apr 20 10:52:42 2004]
Badel 1862 je prošle godine ostvario samo 3,74 mil.
Badel 1862 achieved last year only 3.74 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:53:08 2004]
kuna neto dobiti, prema 53 mil.
74 million kuna of net profit, in comparison to 53 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:53:42 2004]
kuna dobiti iz prethodne godine.
74 million kuna of net profit, in comparison to 53 million kuna profit in the previous year.
[Tue Apr 20 10:53:51 2004]
Badelov prihod je lani također drastično smanjen, a dosegao je 321,86 mil.
Badel's income was also drastically reduced last year, and reached 321.86 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:54:05 2004]
kuna, što je 118,1 mil.
86 million kuna, which is 118.1 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:54:13 2004]
kuna manje nego 2002.
1 million kuna less than in 2002.
[Tue Apr 20 10:58:53 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Tue Apr 20 10:59:08 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba:
Lošinjska plovidba Ltd.:
[Tue Apr 20 10:59:09 2004]
lanjski gubitak 20,74 mil.
Last year's loss 20.74 million
[Tue Apr 20 10:59:59 2004]
74 million kuna
[Tue Apr 20 11:00:25 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba smanjila je lani gubitak 26,3%, na 20,74 mil.
Lošinjska plovidba reduced last year its loss by 26.3 %, to 20.74 million
[Tue Apr 20 11:01:14 2004]
kuna, zahvaljujući manjim operativnim troškovima i jeftinijem dolaru.
74 million kuna, as a result of smaller running costs and cheaper dollar price.
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:00 2004]
Tvrtka je gubitak ipak objasnila tečajnim razlikama i nepovoljnom situacijom na međunarodnom tržištu.
The company nevertheless explained the loss with the currency translation gains and losses and the unfavourable situation on the international market.
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:04 2004]
Splitski Jadroplov je nedavno objavio da mu je povoljna situacija na međunarodnom tržištu omogućila pretvaranje 38 mil.
Split's Jadroplov recently announced that the favourable situation on the international market enabled it to convert 38 million
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:11 2004]
kuna gubitka iz 2002.
Split's Jadroplov recently announced that the favourable situation on the international market enabled it to convert 38 million kuna of loss from 2002.
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:13 2004]
, u 92 mil.
, into 92 million
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:17 2004]
kuna lanjske dobiti.
, into 92 million kuna of last year's profit.
[Tue Apr 20 11:02:18 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Jutarnji list, page 9)
[Tue Apr 20 11:04:25 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:07:35 2004]
ponovno podigla cijene goriva
Fuel prices increased again
[Tue Apr 20 11:08:09 2004]
Ina je ponovno podigla cijene goriva, na nove rekordno visoko razine, pri čemu će benzin u prosjeku poskupiti još 2,9%, a dizel 3,4%.
Ina once more increased the fuel prices, to new record-breaking levels, by which petrol will averagely become more expensive by 2.9 %, and diesel fuel by 3.4 %.
[Tue Apr 20 11:08:14 2004]
Litra Supera 98 stajat će 7,62 kune, a Supera 95 7,04 kune.
One liter of Super 98 will cost 7.62 kuna, and Super 95 7.04 kuna.
[Tue Apr 20 11:08:17 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list, page 2)
[Tue Apr 20 11:08:19 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:09:05 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:10:19 2004]
predsjednik Bush je izrazio žaljenje zbog najave povlačenja španjolskih vojnika iz Iraka
President Bush expressed the regret because of the announcement of withdrawal of Spanish soldiers from Iraq
[Tue Apr 20 11:14:36 2004]
Američki predsjednik Bush je izrazio žaljenje zbog najave povlačenja španjolskih vojnika iz Iraka, koje bi se, po procjenama Madrida, moglo obaviti za manje od šest tjedana.
US president Bush has expressed regrets because of the announcement of withdrawal of Spanish soldiers from Iraq, which could, according to estimates from Madrid, completed in less than six weeks.
[Tue Apr 20 11:15:37 2004]
Američka vojska je postavila uvjete za prekid opsade Falluje, gdje od pobunjenika traži da predaju sve teško naoružanje.
The US army has laid down conditions for suspension of siege of Falluja, and where they demand from the rebels to turn over all heavy ammunition.
[Tue Apr 20 11:15:37 2004]
Uvest će se zajedničke iračko-američke ophodnje, skratiti policijski sat i poboljšati pristup humanitarnoj pomoći.
Joint Iraqi-American patrols will be introduced, the curfew will be shortened, and the access to humanitarian aid will be improved.
[Tue Apr 20 11:15:39 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:16:03 2004]
Sony Ericsson:
Sony Ericsson:
[Tue Apr 20 11:16:08 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju bruto dobit 97 mil.
In the first quarter 97 million euro of gross profit
[Tue Apr 20 11:16:57 2004]
In the first quarter 97 million euro of gross profit
[Tue Apr 20 11:17:24 2004]
eura bruto dobiti, prema 113 mil.
Sony Ericsson, joint company for the production of mobile phones of Japanese and Swedish electronic giants, accomplished 97 million euro gross profit in the first quarter of the year, compared to 113 million
[Tue Apr 20 11:18:37 2004]
eura gubitaka u istom razdoblju lani.
Sony Ericsson, joint company for the production of mobile phones of Japanese and Swedish electronic giants, accomplished 97 million euro gross profit in the first quarter of the year, compared to 113 million euro of losses in the same period last year.
[Tue Apr 20 11:18:38 2004]
Rezultat je dvostruko bolji od predviđanja analitičara, a u tvrtki su ocijenili da su povećali udjel na svjetskom tržištu s 6% na 7%.
The result is twice better than the analysts predicted, and the company estimates that they have increased the share on the world market from 6 % to 7 %.
[Tue Apr 20 11:18:43 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:19:46 2004]
Mađarski MOL:
Hungarian MOL:
[Tue Apr 20 11:21:09 2004]
tražit će dozvolu dioničara za 50% povećanje temeljnog kapitala radi daljih akvizicija u regiji
Asking the stockholders' permission for 50 % capital increase because of further acquisitions in the region
[Tue Apr 20 11:21:53 2004]
Uprava mađarskog MOL-a će na skupštini dioničara krajem travnja zatražiti dozvolu da do 2009.
Management board of Hungarian MOL will on the stockholders assembly at the end of April ask the permission that before 2009
[Tue Apr 20 11:22:47 2004]
provede 50% povećanja temeljnog kapitala, koji sada iznosi $515 mil.
Management board of Hungarian MOL will on the stockholders assembly at the end of April ask the permission that before 2009 it carries out 50 % of capital increase, which now amounts to $ 515 million
[Tue Apr 20 11:24:28 2004]
Pretpostavlja se kako će se novcem od dokapitalizacije financirati akvizicije u regiji.
Management board of Hungarian MOL will on the stockholders assembly at the end of April ask the permission that before 2009 it carries out 50 % of capital increase, which now amounts to $ 515 million It is assumed that with the money obtained by additional capitalization they will finance the acquisitions in the region.
[Tue Apr 20 11:24:32 2004]
MOL se natječe za češki Unipetrol i rumunjski Petrom, dok spajanje s poljskim PKN ugrožava smjena poljske vlade koja o tome mora odlučiti.
MOL competes for Czech Unipetrol and Romanian Petrom, while merger with Polish PKN iz jeopardized by the change of Polish government which must decide on that question.
[Tue Apr 20 11:24:34 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik, page 9)
[Tue Apr 20 11:26:06 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:27:49 2004]
Kubanski pjevač Ibrahim Ferrer nastupio je u zagrebačkom Domu sportova
Cuban singer Ibrahim Ferrer has performed in Zagreb's Dom sportova
[Tue Apr 20 11:30:38 2004]
Kubanski pjevač Ibrahim Ferrer nastupio je u zagrebačkom Domu sportova, gdje je, praćen sastavom u kojem su bili i poznati gitarist Manuel Galban, te basist Cachaito Lopez, oduševio oko pet tisuća posjetitelja.
Cuban singer Ibrahim Ferrer has performed in Dom sportova in Zagreb, where, accompanied by a band in which were a famous guitar player Manuel Galban, and bass player Cachaito Lopez, delighted approximately five thousands of visitors.
[Tue Apr 20 11:30:43 2004]
Kako su se ulaznice za nastup prodavale po cijeni od 200 do 240 kuna, odlična posjeta svjedoči da se domaća publika još nije zasitila cubane, te da je spremna za velike koncertne događaje.
As the tickets for the concert were being sold at the price of 200 to 240 kuna, the excellent attendance rate testifies that Croatian audience is not yet tired of cubana, and that it is prepared for great concert events.
[Tue Apr 20 11:31:11 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 15)
(Vjesnik, page 15)
[Tue Apr 20 11:32:32 2004]
Diego Maradona u bolnici zbog srčanih tegoba i problema s disanjem
Diego Maradona in hospital because of heart difficulties and respiration problems
[Tue Apr 20 11:34:18 2004]
Stanje argentinskog nogometaša Diega Maradone, koji je primljen u bolnicu u Buenos Airesu zbog srčanih tegoba i problema s disanjem, poboljšalo se, ali mu je život i dalje ugrožen.
Condition of Argentinean footballer Diego Maradona, who was admitted to a hospital in Buenos Aires because of heart difficulties and respiration problems, has improved, but his life is still in danger.
[Tue Apr 20 11:34:58 2004]
Maradona im povišen krvni tlak, liječnici sumnjaju i da ima upalu pluća, a zasad je opovrgnuto da se radi o prekomjernoj dozi kokaina.
Maradona has a high blood pressure, the doctors suspect that he has a pneumonia, and they still deny that he was admitted because of cocaines overdose.
[Tue Apr 20 11:34:59 2004]
Maradona se posljednjih godina borio s problemom ovisnosti o drogi.
In recent years Maradona was fighting the drug addiction problem.
[Tue Apr 20 11:35:01 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:35:28 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:35:28 2004]
umjereno do pretežno oblačno, u većini krajeva povremeno i s kišom.
Moderately to predominantly cloudy, in most regions occasional rain.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:10 2004]
Badel 1862:
Badel 1862:
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:11 2004]
lanjski prihod 321,86 mil.
the last year's income 321,86 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:12 2004]
kuna i neto dobit 3,74 mil.
kuna and net gain 3,74 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:12 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:13 2004]
Badel 1862 je prošle godine ostvario samo 3,74 mil.
Badel 1862 last year is realized only 3,74 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:14 2004]
kuna neto dobiti, prema 53 mil.
kuna of net gains, according to 53 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:15 2004]
kuna dobiti iz prethodne godine.
kuna derives from previous years.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:16 2004]
Badelov prihod je lani također drastično smanjen, a dosegao je 321,86 mil.
Badelov income has been blabbed also drastically are reduced, and has reached 321,86 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:16 2004]
kuna, što je 118,1 mil.
kuna, what is 118,1 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:17 2004]
kuna manje nego 2002.
kuna fewer than 2002.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:17 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 9)
(Vjesnik page 9)
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:18 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba:
Lošinjska navigation:
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:19 2004]
lanjski gubitak 20,74 mil.
the last year's loss 20,74 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:20 2004]
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:21 2004]
Lošinjska plovidba smanjila je lani gubitak 26,3%, na 20,74 mil.
Lošinjska navigation has reduced let her blab the loss 26,3 %, on 20,74 mil.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:29 2004]
kuna, zahvaljujući manjim operativnim troškovima i jeftinijem dolaru.
kuna, thanks to smaller running costs and cheaper dollar.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:34 2004]
Tvrtka je gubitak ipak objasnila tečajnim razlikama i nepovoljnom situacijom na međunarodnom tržištu.
Company is loss nevertheless explain currency translation gains and losses and unfavourable situation on the international market.
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:39 2004]
Badel 1862:
Badel 1862:
[Tue Apr 20 11:39:39 2004]
lanjski prihod 321,86 mil.
the last year's income 321,86 mil.