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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Fri Apr 23 11:13:14 2004]
Nagradni krediti se ne zbrajaju sa knjigovodstvom.
Bonus credits do not add to the bookkeeping.
[Fri Apr 23 11:14:22 2004]
Sa Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 biramo izmedju 00 i 30.
With Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we choose between 00 and 30.
[Fri Apr 23 11:14:36 2004]
Sa 00 ukidamo opciju lutrije, a sa izborom drugih brojeva biramo postotak šanse dobivanja nagradnih kredita.
With 00 we cancel the lottery option, and with the choice of other numbers we choose the percentage of chance of gettings bonus credits.
[Fri Apr 23 11:15:26 2004]
Nula 00 i jedan 01 vide se na TEMPORAL displayu.
Zero 00 and one 01 are shown on TEMPORAL display.
[Fri Apr 23 11:15:26 2004]
Kada smo završili programiranje lutrije, da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti moramo pritisnuti tipku Team.
When we have finished programming the lottery, in order to confirm and store the values we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:18:48 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set opt' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set opt' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:19:19 2004]
Unutar ovog podizbora možemo uključiti ili isključiti automatsko pamćenje opcija koje smo izabrali za igru prilikom završetka te igre.
Inside this submenu we can switch on or off the automatic memory of options which we chose for the game at the end of that game.
[Fri Apr 23 11:19:19 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednost trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
Inorder to confirm and store the value, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:22:54 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set dem' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the displayu shows 'set dem' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:23:27 2004]
U ovom podizboru imamo mogućnost uključenja ili isključenja demo melodije kad je aparat u demo modu.
In this submenu we have the possibility of swithchin on or off the demo melody when the device in the demo mode.
[Fri Apr 23 11:23:27 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednost treba pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:26:43 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set ret' pritisnemo tipku Team U toku igre program omogućava vraćanje jedne strelice u svakoj rundi, pritiskajući zajedno tipke:
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set ret' we press the Team button. During the game the program allows returning of one dart in each round, by pressing simoultaneously the following buttons:
[Fri Apr 23 11:28:58 2004]
Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
[Fri Apr 23 11:46:55 2004]
Ta opcija je omogućena zbog slučajnog aktiviranja tup senzora.
This option is enabled because of a possible accidental activation of tup sensor.
[Fri Apr 23 11:46:55 2004]
Ako je odabrana vrijednost OFF opcija povratka strelice je deaktivirana, a sa ON aktivirana, Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
If the OFF value was chosen, the options of returning the dart is deactivated, and with ON it is activated., In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:51:14 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je ispisano na displayu 'set bul' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set bul' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 11:51:35 2004]
Ovaj podizbor nam omougćuje podešavanje vrijednost centra.
This submenu enables us to adjust the center value.
[Fri Apr 23 11:51:50 2004]
Sa tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 podešavamo vrijednosti od 01 do 04.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we set the values from 01 to 04.
[Fri Apr 23 11:51:50 2004]
Postoje 4 kombinacije vrijednosti:
There are 4 value combinations:
[Fri Apr 23 11:54:19 2004]
Da bi potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti pritisnemo tipku Team
In order to confirm and store the values, we press the Team button
[Fri Apr 23 11:59:03 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set pla' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set pla' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:00:51 2004]
Play off je opcija koja omogućava razigravanje za bolju poziciju igrača.
Play off is the option which enables the competition between players for the better position.
[Fri Apr 23 12:01:35 2004]
U slučaju da igrači po završetku igre imaju isti broj bodova oni razigravaju, svaki sa po jednom strelicom, a bolji je onaj koji napravi veći rezultat.
If players at the end of the game have the same number of points, then they enter the competition, each with one dart, and the better player is the one who scores a higher result.
[Fri Apr 23 12:01:41 2004]
Razigravati se može za bilo koju poziciju, za prvu, drugu.
Competition can be played for any position, the first, the second
[Fri Apr 23 12:02:51 2004]
.. ili zadnju.
Competition can be played for any position, the first, the second or the last.
[Fri Apr 23 12:04:23 2004]
Jedino kod završetka, u slučaju aktiviranja opcije EQUAL, broji se i strelica kojom je igrač završio igru.
Only at the end, in case of the activation of EQUAL option, we count the darts with which the player has finished the game.
[Fri Apr 23 12:06:02 2004]
Ako je jedan igrač završio igru s prvom strelicom, a drugi sa drugom ili trećom strelicom pobjednik je prvi igrač i oni ne razigravaju iako imaju isti broj bodova (000).
If one player finished the game with the first dart, and the other with the second or the third dart, the winner is the first player and they do not enter competition although they have the same number of points (000).
[Fri Apr 23 12:06:35 2004]
Sa izborom vrijednosti ON aktiviramo tu opciju, a sa izborom OFF je isključujemo.
By choosing the ON value we activate this option, and by choosing the OFF value we deactivate it.
[Fri Apr 23 12:06:35 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:09:27 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set bac' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set bac' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:10:02 2004]
Ovaj podizbor nam omogućava podešavanje jačine svjetlosti lampica u tipkama.
This submenu enables us to adjust the brightness of small lamps in the buttons.
[Fri Apr 23 12:10:29 2004]
Tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 pojačavamo ili smanjujemo jačinu od 02 (tamno) do 10 (svijetlo).
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we intensify or attenuate the intensity from 02 (dark) to 10 (bright).
[Fri Apr 23 12:10:29 2004]
Da bi potvrdili i pohranili vrijednost treba pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the value, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:14:17 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set inf' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the displayu shows 'set inf' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:14:35 2004]
U okviru ovog podizbora moguće je aktivirati i deaktivirati infracrveni senzor za automatsku zamjenu igrača.
In the frame of this submenu it is possible to activate and deactivate the infrared sensor for automatic player replacement.
[Fri Apr 23 12:15:48 2004]
Ponuđene su opcije od 00 do 05 sa povećanjem od 1.
The offered options from 00 to 05 with the increase of 1.
[Fri Apr 23 12:16:29 2004]
Opcija 00 deaktivira IR senzor i tada se prebacivanje igrača u toku igre obavlja ručno pritiskom na tipku Players.
The option 00 deactivates IR sensor and then the switching of players during the game is handled manually by pressing the Players button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:16:49 2004]
Opcije od 01 do 05 aktiviraju IR senzor sa različitom vremenskom konstantom za automatsku izmjenu igrača.
The options from 01 to 05 activate the IR sensor with different time constant for automatic player replacement.
[Fri Apr 23 12:17:18 2004]
Najbrža opcija je 01, a najsporija je 05.
The quickest option is 01, and slowest 05.
[Fri Apr 23 12:17:18 2004]
Kad smo podesili željenu vrijednost pritiskom na tipku Team potvrđujemo vrijednost i zatvaramo opciju.
When we have adjusted the desired value by pressinn the Team button we confirm the value and close the option.
[Fri Apr 23 12:20:29 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set acc' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set acc' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:22:51 2004]
Unutar ovog podizbora možemo mijenjati i utvrditi način prihvata kovanica (novca) u aparatu.
Inside this submenu we can change and determine the method of coin acceptance (money) into the machine.
[Fri Apr 23 12:23:45 2004]
Ovaj aparat napravljena je tako da se može povezati na sve kombinacije za prihvat kredita (ključ ili žetonjera) koje su do sada poznate.
This machine is made in such a way that it can be connected to all combinations for the credit acceptance (key or coin selector) which exist.
[Fri Apr 23 12:24:40 2004]
Brzina prihvatnika novca mijenja se tipkom Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
The speed of money receiver changes by pressing the buttons Double In, Will hear Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
[Fri Apr 23 12:25:58 2004]
Način prihvata kovanica vidi se na TEMPORAL displayu, a može se birati između opcija 1,2,3.
The method of coin acceptance can be seen on TEMPORAL display, and we can choose between the options 1,2,3.
[Fri Apr 23 12:25:58 2004]
Kada smo završili programiranje prihvatnika kredita, da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti moramo pritisnuti tipku Team.
When we have finished programming the credits receiver, in order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:31:18 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set ctm' pritisnemo tipku Team Ovom opcijom određujemo koliko minuta igre vrijedi jedan kredit.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set ctm' we press the Team button. This option determines how many minutes games on ecredit is worth.
[Fri Apr 23 12:32:52 2004]
U tom slučaju sve igre su besplatne a naplačuje se vrijeme igre.
In that case all games are free and the playtime is charged.
[Fri Apr 23 12:33:16 2004]
Ako je odabrana vrijednost 0 igre koštaju prema tablici cijena Tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
If the chosen value is 0 the games cost according to the price table. With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901
[Fri Apr 23 12:33:40 2004]
biramo koliko minuta vrijedi jedan kredit.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we choose how many minutes one credit is worth.
[Fri Apr 23 12:34:10 2004]
Moguće vrijednosti su od 0 do 30 u koracima po jedan.
Possible values are from 0 to 30 in one-by-one steps.
[Fri Apr 23 12:34:10 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:37:01 2004]
Sa tipkom Hi Score krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set bpr' pritisnemo tipku Double Out.
With the Hi Score button we move onward and when the display shows 'set bpr' we press the Double Out button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:37:42 2004]
Ova opcija određuje bonus kredite u postotcima, tako npr bonus od 20 posto daje dva kredita na 10 ubačenih, 3 na 15 ubačenih itd.
This option determines the bonus credits in percentages, so that for example bonus of 20 percent provides two credits on 10 inserted, 3 on 15 inserted, etc.
[Fri Apr 23 12:38:14 2004]
Moguće vrijednosti su od 0 do 30 u koracima po 5.
Possible values range from 0 to 30 in five-by-five steps.
[Fri Apr 23 12:38:42 2004]
Tipkama Hi Score i Scram povečavamo ili smanjujemo vrijednost bonusa.
With the buttons Hi Score and Scram we increse or downsize the bonus value.
[Fri Apr 23 12:38:42 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Double Out.
In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:48:32 2004]
Sa tipkom Double In, Cut Throat krećemo se prema naprijed i kad nam je na displayu ispisano 'set btr' pritisnemo tipku Team.
With the button Double In, Cut Throat we move onward and when the display shows 'set btr' we press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 12:50:42 2004]
Ova opcija određuje granicu kada će se početi djeliti bonus krediti tj od kojeg iznosa kredita na više se dodaju bonus krediti.
This option determines the limit after which the bonus credits will be assigned, i.e. from which credit amount on the bonus credits will be dispensed.
[Fri Apr 23 12:55:59 2004]
Ako je npr. izabran broj 10 neovisno o postotku bonusa (vidi paragraf 5.8.8.)
If for example number 10 was chosen independently of the bonus percentage (see paragraph 5.8.8.)
[Fri Apr 23 12:56:22 2004]
Moguće vrijednosti su 2 do 50.
Possible values range from 2 to 50.
[Fri Apr 23 12:56:38 2004]
Tipkama Double In, Cut Throat, i 180, 301, 501, 701, 901.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901
[Fri Apr 23 12:57:10 2004]
smanjujemo ili povećavamo granicu kredita.
With the buttons Double In, Cut Throat, and 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 we downsize or increase the credit limit.
[Fri Apr 23 12:57:10 2004]
Da bismo potvrdili i pohranili vrijednosti trebamo pritisnuti tipku Team.
In order to confirm and store the values, we must press the Team button.
[Fri Apr 23 15:25:43 2004]
Glasnoća demo melodije i zvučnih efekata može se podešavati po želji.
Volume of a demo melody and sound effects can be adjusted at will.
[Fri Apr 23 15:25:43 2004]
Da biste pojačali glasnoću zvuka potrebno je trimer R12 okrenuti u smjeru kazaljlke na satu a u slučaju da zvuk želite utišati okrenite trimer u suprotnom smjeru.
In order to increase the sound volume we need to turn the trimer R12 in clockwise direction, and if we want to decrease the volume we turn the trimer in the counterclockwise direction.
[Mon Apr 26 08:15:20 2004]
Igra za 1-4 igrača pojedinačno ili u timu.
A game for 1-4 players, individually or in a team.
[Mon Apr 26 08:22:36 2004]
Igrači počinju igru sa 180/301/501/701/901 bodova.
Players start the game with 180/301/501/701/901 points.
[Mon Apr 26 08:23:24 2004]
Svaka strelica odbija bodove prema 0.
Each dart deducts points according to 0.
[Mon Apr 26 08:26:01 2004]
Prvi igrač koji se spusti točno na 0 je pobjednik.
The first player who comes down exactly to 0 is a winner.
[Mon Apr 26 08:26:05 2004]
Prebacivanje nule se zove BUST i igrač se vraća na rezultat prethodne runde i ponovo pokušava slijedeći krug.
Transferring of zero is called BUST and the player returns to the result of a previous round and again tries to play the following round again.
[Mon Apr 26 08:26:25 2004]
Standardne vrijednosti rundi su:
Standard values of rounds are:
[Mon Apr 26 08:26:25 2004]
180 - 10, 301 - 10, 501 - 20, 701 - 30, 901 - 30, tri strelice po rundi.
180 - 10, 301 - 10, 501 - 20, 701 - 30, 901 - 30, three darts per round.
[Mon Apr 26 08:27:22 2004]
Igra za 1-4 igrača pojedinačno ili u timu.
A game for 1-4 players, individually or in a team.
[Mon Apr 26 08:27:41 2004]
Igrači počinju igru od nule.
Players start the game from zero.
[Mon Apr 26 08:28:59 2004]
Igra završava točno na 180, 301.
The game finishes exactly on 180, 301.
[Mon Apr 26 08:29:10 2004]
.. U slučaju prebacivanja broja radi BUST i od izlaznog broja 180, 301- mu se oduzima prebačeni broj.
in case of transferring the number because of BUST and from the exit number 180, 301- the transfered number is then deducted.
[Mon Apr 26 08:30:00 2004]
For example,
[Mon Apr 26 08:30:12 2004]
igrač koji ima 178 i pogodi 17 vraća se na 165 (178+17=195;
For example, the player who has 178 and hits 17, returns to 165 (178+17=195;
[Mon Apr 26 08:31:01 2004]
prebačaj je 15;
the transfer is 15;
[Mon Apr 26 08:31:33 2004]
180 - 15= 165) Kada igrač dođe na točan broj drugog igrača vraća ga na nulu.
180 15= 165) When the player comes to the exact number of the other player, he returns on zero.
[Mon Apr 26 08:31:33 2004]
Standardna vrijedenost rundi za 180 je 10, a za 301 je 10 rundi, tri strelice po rundi.
The standard value of a round for 180 is 10, and for 301 is the 10 rounds, three darts per round.
[Mon Apr 26 08:33:13 2004]
Igra za 1-4 igrača pojedinačno ili u timu.
A game for 1-4 players, individually or in a team.
[Mon Apr 26 08:33:47 2004]
Igrači počinju od nule.
Players start from zero.
[Mon Apr 26 08:35:42 2004]
Igrači gađaju brojeve od 15 do 20 i centar.
They aim at numbers from 15 to 20 and at the center.
[Mon Apr 26 08:36:44 2004]
Broj se zatvara kad se pogodi 3 puta (četverostruko vrijedi za 4 pogotka, trostruko vrijedi za 3, dvostruko za dva, a jednostruko za jedan).
The number closes after it is hit 3 times (fourfold applies for 4 hits, threefold for 3, twofold for 2, and onefold for 1 hit).
[Mon Apr 26 08:40:30 2004]
Pogotkom u svoj zatvoren broj dobivamo bodove sve dok ostali igrači ne zatvore taj broj.
By hitting his closed number, the player scores points as long as the other players do not close that number.
[Mon Apr 26 08:41:09 2004]
Prvi igrač koji zatvori sve brojeve i centar i ima najveći broj bodova je pobjednik, a ostalim igračima se zbrajaju popunjeni broj točki (3 točke popunjenog broja 17 vrijede 51 bod, a ako ima samo dvije točke popunjene dodaje mu se 34 boda) sa njegovim ukupnim rezultatom.
The first player who closes all numbers and the center, and who has the highest number of points is the winner, and for the other players the completed number of points is added (3 points of a completed number 17 are worth 51 point, and if only 2 points are completed, 34 points are added) with his total result.
[Mon Apr 26 08:42:01 2004]
Ostali igrači se rangiraju po ukupnom rezultatu (zbroj popunjenih točki i bodova).
The other players are ranked according to their total result (the sum of completed points and scores).
[Mon Apr 26 08:42:18 2004]
Što igrač ima veći broj bodova bolje je rangiran.
The higher number nof scores the player has, the better he is ranked.
[Mon Apr 26 08:42:18 2004]
Standardna vrijednost rundi je 20, tri strelice po rundi.
The standard value of rounds is 20, three darts per one round.
[Mon Apr 26 08:44:16 2004]
Ista pravila kao i za Cricket samo što bodove dobijaju igrači koji nisu zatvorili brojeve, a pobjednik je igrač koji zatvori sve brojeve i centar, a ima najmanji rezultat.
The same rules as for the Cricket, except that the points go to those players who did not close the numbers, and the winner is the player who closes all numbers and the bullseye, and has the lowest result.
[Mon Apr 26 08:45:10 2004]
Igra počinje kad se pogodi bilo koji dvostruki segment ili dvostruki centar.
A game starts when any double segment or the double bullseye is hit.
[Mon Apr 26 08:46:21 2004]
Igrač mora završiti igru s pogotkom u dvostruki segmenat ili dvostruki centar.
The player must finish the game by hitting the double segment or double bullseye.
[Mon Apr 26 08:48:34 2004]
Igrač mora završiti igru s pogotkom u dvostruki, trostruki segment ili centar.
The player must finish the game by hitting a double segment, a triple segment or bullseye.
[Mon Apr 26 08:51:15 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 08:51:54 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 08:53:56 2004]
upućen poziv ulagačima za projekt javno-privatnih partnerstva
Invitation to investors for the project of public-private partnerships
[Mon Apr 26 08:55:10 2004]
Vlada je sa sjednice u Rijeci uputila najavljeni poziv privatnim ulagačima da se uključe u projekt javno-privatnih partnerstva, no bez više konkretnih podataka.
The government has from the meeting in Rijeka sent the announced invitation to private investors to join the project of public-private partnerships, but without any specific information.
[Mon Apr 26 08:57:00 2004]
Neslužbeno se tvrdi da će osim Sunčanog Hvara, ovakvim partnerstvima biti privatizirani bivši vojni objekti kojima upravlja Club Adriatic.
There are unofficial claims that besides Sunčani Hvar, such partnerships will privatize former military objects which are under management of Club Adriatic.
[Mon Apr 26 08:57:06 2004]
Najavljena je i mogućnost skore ratifikacije SSP-u preostale tri članice EU, od kojih bi jedna to trebala vrlo brzo učiniti.
A possibility of forthcoming ratification SSP of the remaining three EU members has been announced, one of which should be rapidly done.
[Mon Apr 26 08:57:54 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 1 i 2)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 1 and 2)
[Mon Apr 26 08:58:11 2004]
Ivo Sanader ponovno je izabran za predsjednika HDZ-a
Ivo Sanader was chosen once again for the president of Croatian Democratic Union
[Mon Apr 26 08:58:40 2004]
Ivo Sanader ponovno je izabran za predsjednika HDZ-a na 9.
Ivo Sanader was chosen once again for the president of Croatian Democratic Union on 9.
[Mon Apr 26 09:00:18 2004]
općem saboru stranke u Rijeci, dok je Jadranka Kosor postala potpredsjednica.
general national assembly of the party in Rijeka, while Jadranka Kosor become the vice-chairwoman.
[Mon Apr 26 09:02:02 2004]
U Središnji odbor HDZ-a je izabrano 25 dužnosnika, a bila je prijavljena još samo jedna kandidatura, koja prethodno nije dogovorena s vodstvom stranke.
25 officials were elected into the Headquarters Committee of Croatian Democratic Union 25, and only one more candidacy has been reported, which was not previously arranged with the party leadership.
[Mon Apr 26 09:02:10 2004]
Saboru je od drugih stranaka prisustvovala samo čelnica DC-a Vesna Škare-Ožbolt.
From the other parties there was only Vesna Škare-Ožbolt, the president of Democratic Center.
[Mon Apr 26 09:02:11 2004]
(nedjelja, Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Sunday, Jutarnji list, page 9)
[Mon Apr 26 09:03:26 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:05:22 2004]
za pregled usklađenosti zakonodavstava s EU trebat će tri do četiri mjeseca
Inspection of coordination of legislations with the EU will take three to four months
[Mon Apr 26 09:05:36 2004]
Nakon što se donese odluka o početku pregovora s Hrvatskom, proces pregleda usklađenosti zakonodavstva će trajati tri do četiri mjeseca, ocijenila je pomoćnica ministrice za europske integracije Tamara Obradović.
Tamara Obradović, the under-secretary for European integrations, has evaluated that after the decision is brought about the start of negotiations with Croatia, the process of inspection of coordination of legislations will last three to four months.
[Mon Apr 26 09:06:36 2004]
Procijenila je da će do kraja 2004.
She has estimated that by the end of 2004
[Mon Apr 26 09:07:41 2004]
usklađeno biti 170 zakona, a da Hrvatska može dio zakonodavstva uskladiti i kao članica.
She has estimated that by the end of 2004 170 legislations will be coordinated, and that one part of legislation Croatia can coordinate as a member.
[Mon Apr 26 09:07:46 2004]
Iz EK je nedavno neslužbeno procijenjeno za će samo za pregled usklađenosti trebati do godinu dana.
From EC was recently unofficially estimated that just the inspection of coordination will take up to one year.
[Mon Apr 26 09:07:52 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 5)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 5)
[Mon Apr 26 09:08:08 2004]
Ministry of Internal Affairs:
[Mon Apr 26 09:08:32 2004]
u travnju 1998.
In the April 1998
[Mon Apr 26 09:08:50 2004]
dobio zahtjev Haaškog suda za zaštitu Milana Levara
In April 1998 received the request from the Hague Tribunal to protect Milan Levar
[Mon Apr 26 09:10:12 2004]
MUP je priznao da je u travnju 1998.
Ministry of Internal Affairs has admitted that in April 1998
[Mon Apr 26 09:13:45 2004]
dobio zahtjev Haaškog suda za zaštitu Milana Levara, te da taj zahtjev nikad nije proslijeđen PU Ličko-senjskoj.
Ministry of Internal Affairs has admitted that in April 1998 it received the request from the Hague Tribunal for protection of Milan Levar, and that this request was never passed on to police headquarters of Ličko-senjska County.
[Mon Apr 26 09:13:52 2004]
Levar je ubijen podmetnutom eksplozivnom napravom dvije godine kasnije, a MUP je izvijestio kako se neće provesti stegovni postupak zbog teže povrede službene dužnosti, jer je nastupila zastara.
Levar was killed by a placed explosive device two years later, and Ministry of Internal Affairs has reported that there will be no disciplinary procedure on account of heavy violation of official duty, because the statute of limitations.
[Mon Apr 26 09:13:53 2004]
(subota, Vjesnik stranica 1)
(Saturday, Vjesnik, page 1)
[Mon Apr 26 09:13:55 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:14:30 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:14:34 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju 27,4 mil.
4 million kuna in the first quarter
[Mon Apr 26 09:15:17 2004]
kuna dobiti
4 million kuna in the first quarter
[Mon Apr 26 09:15:55 2004]
Podravka je u prvom tromjesečju godine ostvarila 27,4 mil.
Podravka achieved a net gain of 27.4 million kuna in the first quarter of the year
[Mon Apr 26 09:16:00 2004]
kuna čiste dobiti, prema 23,7 mil.
4 million kuna in the first quarter of the year , as compared to 23.7 million
[Mon Apr 26 09:17:12 2004]
gubitka u istom razdoblju lani.
7 million loss in the same period last year.
[Mon Apr 26 09:18:32 2004]
Time je potvrđena najava solidnih rezultata u prvom kvartalu s nedavnog predstavljanja skromnih rezultata za prošlu godinu, izazvanih problemima na poljskom tržištu u prvom polugodištu.
That confirmed the announcement of solid results in the first quarter from the recent presentation of modest results for the last year, caused by problems on the Polish market in the first half of the year.
[Mon Apr 26 09:18:34 2004]
Prodaja Vegete je prestala padati i rasla je 12,3%, a ukupni prihod je rastao 2%, na 757 mil.
The sale of Vegeta stopped dropping and increasey by 12,3 %, and the total profits increased by 2 %, on 757 million
[Mon Apr 26 09:18:36 2004]
The sale of Vegeta stopped dropping and increasey by 12,3 %, and the total profits increased by 2 %, on 757 million kuna.
[Mon Apr 26 09:18:42 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:19:51 2004]
Croatian Bureau of Statistics:
[Mon Apr 26 09:21:21 2004]
Promet u trgovini na malo u veljači je porastao realno 1,9%
Traffic in retail trade effectively increased in February by 1.9 %
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:06 2004]
Promet u trgovini na malo u veljači je porastao realno 1,9%, a nominalno 2,1% prema prometu u siječnju, objavio je DZS.
Traffic in retail trade increased effectively in February by 1,9 %, and nominally by 2,1 % according to traffic in January, announced the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:07 2004]
Promet je prema veljači prošle godine bio realno 2,1%, a nominalno 3,8% veći, pa analitičari RBA primjećuju da se tako potvrđuje nastavak trenda usporavanja rasta prometa, što pripisuju obuzdavanjem osobne potrošnje zbog mjera HNB-a, kojim je ograničen rast kredita.
Compared to February last year, the traffic was effectively 2,1 %, and nominally 3,8 % higher, so that the RBA analysts notice the confirmation of the continued trend of slowdown in traffic increase, which they attribute to constraint of personal consumption because of the CNB measures, which restricted the credit growth.
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:09 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:23 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:41 2004]
On May 12
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:43 2004]
svibnja ponuda obveznica vrijednih 75 mil.
On May 12 the tender of bonds worth 75 million
[Mon Apr 26 09:25:57 2004]
On May 12 the tender of bonds worth 75 million euro
[Mon Apr 26 09:26:21 2004]
Pliva će 12.
Pliva will on May 12
[Mon Apr 26 09:26:23 2004]
svibnja na domaćem financijskom tržištu ponuditi izdanje obveznica vrijedno 75 mil.
Pliva will on May 12 on domestic financial market tender the issue of bonds worth 75 mil.
[Mon Apr 26 09:27:15 2004]
Pliva will on May 12 on domestic financial market tender the issue of bonds worth 75 million euro.
[Mon Apr 26 09:27:30 2004]
Obveznice će biti na rok od sedam godina, dok će se prinos odrediti na dan izdavanja.
The bonds will have a deadline of seven years, while the contribution will be determined on the day of issue.
[Mon Apr 26 09:27:30 2004]
Agenti i pokrovitelji će biti PBZ, RBA, i Zaba.
The agents and sponsors will be PBZ, RBA, and Zaba.
[Mon Apr 26 09:28:34 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:29:00 2004]
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia:
[Mon Apr 26 09:31:28 2004]
odustaje od projekta tenka Degman
Quitting the project of Degman tank
[Mon Apr 26 09:31:42 2004]
MORH je potvrdio kako odustaje od projekta tenka Degman, koji se proizvodi u Đuri Đakoviću, a preusmjerit će se na razvoj lakog borbenog vozila na kotačima, pri čemu bi Đaković mogao biti strateški partner.
MORH (Croatian Ministry of Defense) has confirmed the quitting from project of Degman tank, which is being manufactured in Đuro Đaković, and it will redirect on the development of light combat wheeled vehicles, in which Đaković could be their strategic partner.
[Mon Apr 26 09:32:37 2004]
Degman je stajao 2,1 mil.
Degman costed 2.1 million
[Mon Apr 26 09:35:44 2004]
eura, a razvijen je iz svojedobnog projekta JNA, Vihora.
1 million euro, and has been developed from Vihor (eng. Hurricane), the former project of Yugoslav Natioanl Army.
[Mon Apr 26 09:35:50 2004]
Đaković bi ga mogao nastaviti nuditi na međunarodnom tržištu, uz otegotnu okolnost da nije u sastavu vojske matične države.
Đaković could continue to tender it on the international market, with the aggravating circumstance of not being a part of the mother-state army.
[Mon Apr 26 09:35:58 2004]
(nedjelja, Jutarnji list stranica 5)
(Sunday, Jutarnji list, page 5)
[Mon Apr 26 09:36:29 2004]
Austrijski trgovački lanac Kika:
Austrian commercial chain Kika:
[Mon Apr 26 09:38:22 2004]
namjerava sljedeće godine ući na hrvatsko tržište
Intends to enter the Croatian army next year
[Mon Apr 26 09:39:41 2004]
Austrijski trgovački lanac za prodaju namještaja Kika namjerava sljedeće godine ući na hrvatsko tržište, gdje će prvo prodajno mjesto otvoriti u Zagrebu, rečeno je na bečkoj prezentaciji planova.
Kika, Austrian commercial chain for furniture sale, intends to enter the Croatian army next year, and to open its first outlet in Zagreb, it has been said on the Viennese plan presentation.
[Mon Apr 26 09:39:42 2004]
Širenje na istok obuhvatit će i Češku i Slovačku, a uslijedit će nakon uspješnog ulaska na mađarsko tržište lanca s godišnjim prometom od 1,17 mlrd.
Expansion to the east includes also Czech Republic and Slovakia, and will start after a successful entry on the Hungarian market of a chain with the annual turnover of 1.17 the billion
[Mon Apr 26 09:39:53 2004]
17 the billion euro.
[Mon Apr 26 09:39:54 2004]
(suboata, Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Satruday, Jutarnji list, page 9)
[Mon Apr 26 09:39:56 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:40:11 2004]
Sjeverna Koreja:
North Corea:
[Mon Apr 26 09:40:50 2004]
nove informacije o željezničkoj nesreći
New information on the rail accident
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:10 2004]
Sjeverna Koreja je potvrdila željezničku nesreću blizu granice s Kinom i zatražila pomoć međunarodne zajednice.
North Corea has confirmed the rail accident near Chinese border and asked for the help of the international community.
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:35 2004]
Potvrđena je smrt 154 ljudi, dok se ranije tvrdilo da ih je stradalo blizu 3.000, no ta bi se brojka mogla povećavati, jer Međunarodni crveni križ procjenjuje da je u eksploziji uništeno oko 8.000 okolnih stambenih jedinica.
The death of 154 people has been confirmed, whereas earlier reports claimed that there was almost 3,000 injured, although that number could increase, because the International Red Cross estimates that the explosion destroyed about 8,000 surrounding residential units.
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:36 2004]
(nedjelja, Jutarnji list stranica 9)
(Sunday, Jutarnji list, page 9)
[Mon Apr 26 09:43:44 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:44:46 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue
[Mon Apr 26 09:46:13 2004]
U valu nasilja u Iraku u petak je u više odvojenih incidenata poginulo ukupno 26 ljudi.
In the wave of violence in Iraq 26 people died in a number of separate incidents on Friday.
[Mon Apr 26 09:46:48 2004]
Na tržnicu u šijitskom predgrađu Bagdada Sadr Cityju je ispaljen projektil, pri čemu je poginulo 12 ljudi, dok je pet američkih vojnika poginulo u raketnom napadu na njihovu bazu sjeverno od Bagdada.
On the market in Sadr City, the Shiite suburb of Baghdad, a projectile has been fired, at which occasion 12 people what died 12, while five American soldiers were killed in the rocket attack on their base north of Baghdad.
[Mon Apr 26 09:46:49 2004]
Šijitski vođa Al Sadr zaprijetio je samoubilačkim napadima dođe li do oružane akcije protiv njegovih pristaša u Najafu.
Shiite leader Al Sadr has threatened with suicidal attacks if there comes to armed action against his followers in Najaf.
[Mon Apr 26 09:46:58 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:47:42 2004]
Bliski istok:
Middle East:
[Mon Apr 26 09:50:03 2004]
SAD od Sharona i dalje traže da ne napadne Jasera Arafata
USA still demand from Sharon not to attack Jaser Arafat
[Mon Apr 26 09:50:48 2004]
Pošto je izraelski premijer Sharon tamošnjoj televiziji rekao kako smatra da ga više ne obvezuje obećanje Bijeloj kući da neće fizički ugrožavati Jasera Arafata, SAD su od Sharona zatražile da ipak poštuje obećanje.
After the Israeli prime minister Sharon said on the local television that he does not any more consider himself obliged to his earlier promise to the White House not to physically endangers Jaser Arafat, the USA demanded from Sharona to nevertheless respect the promise.
[Mon Apr 26 09:50:54 2004]
Palestinski vođa je u međuvremenu naredio oko 200 pripadnika Fatahove brigade Al Aqsa da napuste njegovu rezidenciju u Ramali.
The Palestinian leader has meanwhile ordered about 200 members of Fatah brigade Al Aqsa to abandon his residence in Ramali.
[Mon Apr 26 09:50:56 2004]
(subota, Jutarnji list stranica 10)
(Saturday, Jutarnji list, page 10)
[Mon Apr 26 09:52:00 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:53:36 2004]
Ciparski Grci odbili su na referendumu prijedlog o ujedinjenju s turskim dijelom otoka
Cypriot Greeks voted against the proposition to unite with the Turkish part of the island
[Mon Apr 26 09:53:54 2004]
Ciparski Grci odbili su na referendumu tročetvrtinskom većinom prijedlog UN-a o ujedinjenju s turskim dijelom otoka, koji su ciparski Turci prihvatili.
Cyprus Greeks have declined on the referendum by a three-quarter majority the the UN proposition about uniting with the Turkish part of the island, which the Cypriot Turks have adopted.
[Mon Apr 26 09:54:19 2004]
Zbog toga će u EU 1.
Therefore on May 1
[Mon Apr 26 09:55:36 2004]
svibnja ući samo grčki dio Cipra, budući da turski dio nije međunarodno priznat.
Therefore on May 1 only the Greek part of Cyprus will enter the EU, since the Turkish part is not internationally recognized.
[Mon Apr 26 09:55:47 2004]
Grci su kao glavni razlog za odbijanje ujedinjenja naveli činjenicu da plan predviđa ostanak turske vojske na sjeveru otoka.
As a main reason for the refusal od uniting, the Greeks pointed out the the fact that the plan predicts the stay of Turkish army on the north of the island.
[Mon Apr 26 09:55:48 2004]
(nedjelja, Večernji list stranica 9, BBC)
(Sunday, Večernji list, page 9; BBC)
[Mon Apr 26 09:56:00 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 09:57:19 2004]
prihoda i $1,32 mlrd dobiti
32 billion profit in the first quarter
[Mon Apr 26 09:58:07 2004]
Microsoft je objavio 38% nižu dobit u prvom tromjesečju godine, odnosno trećem kvartalu svoje poslovne godine, a dobit je dosegla $1,32 mlrd.
Microsoft has announced 38 % lower profit in the first quarter of the year, i.e. in the third quarter of its business year, and the profit has reached $ 1.32 billion.
[Mon Apr 26 09:58:36 2004]
Na pad dobiti najviše su utjecale izvansudske nagodbe od $2,5 mlrd.
The fall of profits was mostly influenced by out-of-court settlements of $ 2.5 billion
[Mon Apr 26 09:58:56 2004]
, u postupcima tužbi za povredu patenta ili monopolskog položaja.
5 billion, in complaint procedures for violation of patents or for monopoly position.
[Mon Apr 26 09:59:50 2004]
Prihod od prodaje je rastao 17% na $9,18 mlrd.
Sales revenue grew by 17 % to $ 9.18 billion
[Mon Apr 26 09:59:52 2004]
, a smatra se da izuzetno likvidni Microsoft nagodbama otvara prostor za isplatu dividende i ulazak na nova tržišta.
18 billion, and it is believed that exceptionally liquid Microsoft by settlements opens the room for the dividend payment and entry on emerging markets.
[Mon Apr 26 09:59:53 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 10:01:35 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 10:02:54 2004]
Razmatra se preporuka Turističke zajednice da se od svibnja dozvoli rad trgovina nedjeljom
Consideration of the Tourist union recommendation to permit the shops to work on Sundays from May
[Mon Apr 26 10:04:21 2004]
Gradsko poglavarstvo Zagreba razmatra preporuku Turističke zajednice da od svibnja dozvoli rad trgovina nedjeljom.
Zagreb's Municipal authorities are considering the proposal of Tourist union to permit the shops to work on Sundays from May.
[Mon Apr 26 10:04:26 2004]
Zagreb bi se time pridružio više drugih gradova koji su zabranu rada trgovina zaobišli proglašenje trajne turističke sezone.
Zagreb would thereby join several other towns which avoided the prohibition of work on Sundays by announcing the permanent tourist season.
[Mon Apr 26 10:05:06 2004]
(nedjelja, Večernji list stranica 3)
(Sunday, Večernji list, page 3)
[Mon Apr 26 10:05:10 2004]
U 67.
Franjo Kajfež died in 67 year
[Mon Apr 26 10:05:20 2004]
godini je preminuo Franjo Kajfež
Franjo Kajfež died in 67 year
[Mon Apr 26 10:06:39 2004]
U 67.
Franjo Kajfež died in 67 year of life.
[Mon Apr 26 10:08:42 2004]
Kajfež je bio poznat po radu u farmaceutskim tvrtkama, gdje je kao istraživač sudjelovao u pronalasku molekule i postao vlasnik patenta za lijek Apaurin, a najširoj javnosti je vjerojatno najpoznatiji kao svojedobno vrlo eksponirani član hrvatske društvene scene i vlasnik dvorca Miljana.
Kajfež was well known after the work in pharmaceutic companies, where as researcher he participated in the discovery of a molecule and became the patentee for the medicament Apaurin, and to widest public he is probably most familiar as at one time a very exposed member of the Croatian social scene and the owner of Miljana castle.
[Mon Apr 26 10:08:42 2004]
(subota, Večernji list stranica 4)
(Saturday, Večernji list, page 4)
[Mon Apr 26 10:09:29 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 10:57:59 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:01:16 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:01:21 2004]
Za vrijeme igre igrač može prekinuti pojedinu igru i početi ispočetka tu istu igru ili neku drugu, istovremenim pritiskom na tipke:
During the game, the player can interrupt a single game and start from the beginning that same game or some game, by simultaneously pressing the buttons:
[Mon Apr 26 11:01:21 2004]
180, 301, 501, 701, 901 i Team
180, 301, 501, 701, 901 and Team
[Mon Apr 26 11:04:22 2004]
Procedura izbora igara i odgovarajućih opcija pojednostavljena je do krajnjih granica da bi se olakšao izbor igara.
Procedure of chosing the games and corresponding options has been simplified to upper limits in order to ease the choice of the games.
[Mon Apr 26 11:06:40 2004]
Tako na početku (nakon ubacivanja kredita) svijetle tipke svih igara.
Thus in the beginning (after inserting the credits) the buttons of all games are blinking.
[Mon Apr 26 11:06:40 2004]
Kad se odabere igra ostaju svijetliti samo ine tipke koje označavaju odgovarajuće opcije za tu igru
When the game is chosen, only those buttonsn which denote the adequate options for the game are still blinking
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:48 2004]
Kada bude ubačen kredit (kovanice ili žetoni ili preko ključa) tipke koje označavaju igre počinju svijetliti.
Aftert the credit is inserted (by coins or tokens or through the key) the buttons which denote the games start blinking.
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:58 2004]
Neke tipke nude mogućnost višestrukog izbora pa se tako višestrukim pritiskom na pojedinu tipku mjenjaju imena igara prikazana na TEMPORAL displayu.
Some buttons offer the possibility of multiple choice, and by multiple presses on a particular button names of the games displayed on TEMPORAL display are changed.
[Mon Apr 26 11:12:42 2004]
For example,
[Mon Apr 26 11:13:26 2004]
tri puta pritisnuvši tipku 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 ime igre se pojavljuje na TEMPORAL DISPLAYU (u našem primjeru 501).
For example, after pressing the button 180, 301, 501, 701, 901 for three times, name of the game appears on TEMPORAL DISPLAY (in our example 501).
[Mon Apr 26 11:14:03 2004]
Kada je odabrana igra ostaju svijetliti tipke koje pokazuju opcije za tu igru.
When the game is chosen, the buttons which show the options for that game remain blinking.
[Mon Apr 26 11:14:03 2004]
Opcije se mogu izabirati dok ne započne sama igra.
The options can be chosen until the game starts.
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:25 2004]
Tiskana pločica CPU - komplet
Printed CPU plate - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:32 2004]
Display - komplet
Display - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:42 2004]
Power supply
Power supply
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:45 2004]
TUP senzor - komplet
TUP sensor - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:49 2004]
Infra senzor - komplet
Infra sensor - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:49 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:57 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:18:59 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:06 2004]
Coin selector
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:11 2004]
Žičana forma
Wire form
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:15 2004]
Kabel s konektorom 14 pin
Cable with connector 14 pin
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:19 2004]
Kabel s konektorom 10 pin
Cable with connector 10 pin
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:55 2004]
Mrežni kabel 220 V
Network cable 220 V
[Mon Apr 26 11:19:55 2004]
Nosač kabela
Cable support
[Mon Apr 26 11:20:44 2004]
Meta - komplet
Bullseye - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:20:58 2004]
Meta - komplet plastike
Bullseye - plastic set
[Mon Apr 26 11:21:09 2004]
Jednostruki sektor - crveni
Single sector - red
[Mon Apr 26 11:21:23 2004]
Jednostruki sektor - plavi
Single sector - blue
[Mon Apr 26 11:21:33 2004]
Dvostruki sektor - crveni
Double sector - red
[Mon Apr 26 11:21:44 2004]
Dvostruki sektor - plavi
Double sector - blue
[Mon Apr 26 11:21:58 2004]
Trostruki sektor - crveni
Triple sector - red
[Mon Apr 26 11:22:08 2004]
Trostruki sektor - plavi
Triple sector - blue
[Mon Apr 26 11:22:22 2004]
Bullseye vanjski prsten - plavi
Bullseye outer ring - blue
[Mon Apr 26 11:22:47 2004]
Bullseye unutarnji - crveni
Bullseye internal ring - red
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:01 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:08 2004]
Folija za metu
Foil for bullseye
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:12 2004]
Guma za metu
Rubber for bullseye
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:23 2004]
Null sektor 1/5
Null sector 1/5
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:45 2004]
Leđa za metu
Back for bullseye
[Mon Apr 26 11:23:51 2004]
Drveni krug
Wooden ring
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:06 2004]
Vijak 5x60 mm
Screw 5x60 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:12 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:19 2004]
pločica 5x15x1,5 mm
Backplate 5x15x1.5 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:24 2004]
Vijak 4,8x16 mm
Screw 4.8x16 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:30 2004]
Vijak 3x12 mm
Screw 3x12 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:28:30 2004]
Krilna matica M5
Butterfly nut M5
[Mon Apr 26 11:30:50 2004]
Nosač halogene lampe - komplet
Halogenic lamp supporter - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:31:33 2004]
Grlo za halogenu lampu
Screw socket for halogenic lamp
[Mon Apr 26 11:31:51 2004]
Nosač grla halogene lampe
Screw socket supporter for halogenic lamp
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:02 2004]
Nosač halogene lampe
Halogenic lamp supporter
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:03 2004]
Halogena lampa
Halogenic lamp
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:05 2004]
Lampa T5
Lamp T5
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:16 2004]
Lampa T10 (za tipke)
Lamp T10 (for buttons)
[Mon Apr 26 11:32:16 2004]
Grlo za lampu T5
Screw socket for the lamp T5
[Mon Apr 26 11:33:22 2004]
[Mon Apr 26 11:33:30 2004]
Panti za crnu kutiju
Door-hinge for the black box
[Mon Apr 26 11:33:37 2004]
Vrata - komplet
Door - set
[Mon Apr 26 11:33:48 2004]
Vrata - drvo
Door - wood
[Mon Apr 26 11:33:54 2004]
Vrata - plexi
Door - plexi
[Mon Apr 26 11:34:08 2004]
Panti za vrata
Door-hinge for doors
[Mon Apr 26 11:34:18 2004]
Nosači panti
Door-hinge supporters
[Mon Apr 26 11:34:25 2004]
Matica M3
Nut M3
[Mon Apr 26 11:35:56 2004]
Podloška M3
Backplate M3
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:01 2004]
Vijak M6x30 mm
Screw M6x30 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:07 2004]
Vijak 4,2x13 mm
Screw 4.2x13 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:17 2004]
Vijak 3x12 mm
Screw 3x12 mm
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:21 2004]
Plexi ispod halogene lampe
Plexi below halogenic lamp
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:28 2004]
Plastika za žetonjeru
Plastics for coin selector
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:32 2004]
Bravica - kontakt
Fastener - contact
[Mon Apr 26 11:36:32 2004]
Bravica - duga
Fastener rainbow
[Mon Apr 26 11:44:15 2004]
Iako je kvaliteta ovog aparata najstrože kontrolirana i mi iz CYBERDINA možemo garantirati njegovu bezprijekornu ispravnost u trenutku izlaska iz tvornice (to uostalom kaže i garancija na naše proizvode) uvijek postoji vjerojatnost da se nešto pokvari za vrijeme transporta.
Although the quality of this machine has been most strictly inspected and the CYBERDIN guarantees the machine's impeccable faultlessness in the moment of leaving the factory (as it says on the guarantee of our products) there is always a possibility that something gets damaged during the transportation.
[Mon Apr 26 11:45:15 2004]
Iako je aparat bez pokretnih dijelova nije pošteđen trošenja (lampe, tasteri, -).
Although the machine has no moving parts, it is not exempted from wearing out (lamps, tasters, etc.).
[Mon Apr 26 11:46:18 2004]
Na aparatu postoje neke stvari koje laik ipak može dovesti u red.
However, there are some things on the machine which an unprofessional can put into order.
[Mon Apr 26 11:46:50 2004]
Ovdje navedena tablica služi kao pomoć prilikom utvrđivanja kvara te navodi najvjerojatniji uzrok nepravilnog rada pikada.
The table underneath serves as help during the establishing of breakdown, and quotes the most probable cause of irregular work of the machine.
[Mon Apr 26 11:46:50 2004]
U svakom slučaju možete se obratiti našem servisu.
In any case, you can always contact our service shop.
[Mon Apr 26 11:47:48 2004]
Pikado ne radi
Darts does not work
[Mon Apr 26 11:47:50 2004]
Pikado radi ali nema zvuka ili zvuk jako slab
Darts works, but there is no sound or the sound is very weak
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:00 2004]
Display ne radi
Display does not work
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:02 2004]
Neke sijalice ne rade (vidi paragraf 5.1.2.
Some light bulbs do not work (see paragraph 5.1.2.
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:10 2004]
za test light)
for the test light)
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:18 2004]
Halogena lampa ne radi
Halogen lamp does not work
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:27 2004]
Neki sektori na meti ne rade
Some sectors on the bullseye do not work
[Mon Apr 26 11:48:44 2004]
Neki tasteri ne rade
Some tasters do not work
[Mon Apr 26 11:49:10 2004]
Pikado 'krade' strelice
The machine 'steals' darts
[Mon Apr 26 11:49:24 2004]
Automatska izmjena igrača ne radi ispravno
Automatic replacement of players does not function properly
[Mon Apr 26 11:49:24 2004]
Žetonjera ne radi ispravno
Coin selector does not function properly
[Mon Apr 26 11:50:51 2004]
Pikado nije spojen na električnu mrežu
Darts is not connected to the power grid
[Mon Apr 26 11:51:04 2004]
Vrijednost napona ne odgovara
Value of voltage does not correspond
[Mon Apr 26 11:51:13 2004]
Prekidač u položaju OFF
Switch is in the OFF position
[Mon Apr 26 11:51:43 2004]
Pikado nije spojen na električnu mrežu
Switch is in the OFF position
[Mon Apr 26 11:52:16 2004]
Pikado nije spojen na električnu mrežu
Darts is not connected to the power grid
[Mon Apr 26 11:52:24 2004]
Vrijednost napona ne odgovara
Voltage does not correspond
[Mon Apr 26 11:52:33 2004]
Prekidač u položaju OFF
Switch is in the OFF position
[Mon Apr 26 11:54:29 2004]
Konektor na power supplyu odspojen
Connector on power supply is decoupled
[Mon Apr 26 11:54:39 2004]
Pregorjeli osigurač
The fuse burned
[Mon Apr 26 11:55:06 2004]
Pikado u turnir modu
Darts is set in tournament mode
[Mon Apr 26 11:56:12 2004]
Trimer R12 pogrešno podešen
Trimer R12 is incorrectly adjusted
[Mon Apr 26 11:56:30 2004]
Prekinuti kabeli do zvučnika
Loudspeaker cables are disconnected/cut off
[Mon Apr 26 11:57:06 2004]
Pregorio zvučnik
The loudspeaker burned
[Mon Apr 26 11:57:19 2004]
Konektor do displaya odspojen
Connector to display is decoupled
[Mon Apr 26 11:57:46 2004]
Lampe pregorjele
The lamps burned
[Mon Apr 26 11:57:59 2004]
Odspojen konektor na halogenoj lampi
The connector on the halogen lamp is decoupled
[Mon Apr 26 11:58:12 2004]
Pregorjela lampa
The lamp burned
[Mon Apr 26 11:58:15 2004]
Slomljeni vrhovi blokiraju metu
Broken tips block the bullseye
[Mon Apr 26 11:58:28 2004]
Tipka slomljena
Button is broken
[Mon Apr 26 11:58:39 2004]
Pogreška u tasteru
Error in taster
[Mon Apr 26 11:58:55 2004]
TUP senzor preosjetljiv
TUP sensor is oversensitive
[Mon Apr 26 11:59:14 2004]
Infra senzor pogrešno namješten
Infra sensor is incorrectly adjusted
[Mon Apr 26 11:59:14 2004]
Nova vrsta kovanica ili žetona
New type of coins or tokens
[Mon Apr 26 12:01:23 2004]
Spojite pikado pomoću kabela koji se nalazi u prostoru za kovanice
Connect the darts by using the cable inside the container for coins
[Mon Apr 26 12:01:25 2004]
Provjerite da li vrijednost napona odgovara onoj napisanoj u Uputama za uporabu Str.
Check if the voltage corresponds to that which is written in Instructions for use, page
[Mon Apr 26 12:01:53 2004]
Check if the voltage corresponds to that which is written in Instructions for use, page 3.
[Mon Apr 26 12:02:02 2004]
Prebacite prekidač u položaj ON (1).
Put the switch into the ON position (1).
[Mon Apr 26 12:02:27 2004]
Vidi sliku 2.
See picture 2.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:13 2004]
Ugasite aparat prije radova!
Switch the machine off before you start to work on it!
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:17 2004]
Otvorite prednja vrata i provjerite vodove i konektor koji idu od power supplya.
Open the front-door and check the conduits and the connector which go from the power supply.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:25 2004]
Vidi također sliku 3.
See also picture 3.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:34 2004]
Obratite se servisu.
Contact the service shop.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:42 2004]
Vidi paragraf 5.6.
See paragraph 5.6.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:46 2004]
Vidi paragraf 5.9.
See paragraph 5.9.
[Mon Apr 26 12:03:51 2004]
Obratite se servisu.
Contact the service shop.
[Mon Apr 26 12:04:18 2004]
Obratite se servisu.
Contact the service shop.
[Mon Apr 26 12:05:02 2004]
Ugasite aparat prije radova!
Switch the machine out before you start working on it!
[Mon Apr 26 12:05:08 2004]
Otvorite prednja vrata i provjerite vodove i konektore koji idu od CPU ploče do displaya.
Open the front-door and check the conduits and connectors which go from the CPU plate to display.
[Mon Apr 26 12:05:42 2004]
Vidi također sliku 3.
See also picture 3.
[Mon Apr 26 12:06:03 2004]
Ugasite aparat prije radova!
Switch the machine off before you start working on it!
[Mon Apr 26 12:06:11 2004]
Otvorite prednja vrata i zamjenite pregorjelu lampu.
Open the front-door and replace the burned lamp.
[Mon Apr 26 12:06:36 2004]
Vidi paragraf 8 za rezervne dijelove.
See paragraph 8 for spare parts.
[Mon Apr 26 12:07:08 2004]
Ugasite aparat prije radova!
Swith the machine off before you start working on it!
[Mon Apr 26 12:07:20 2004]
Demontirajte plexi ispod halogene lampe i provjerite grlo
Dismantle the plexi below the halogen lamp and check the screw socket
[Mon Apr 26 12:07:28 2004]
Vidi paragraf 8 za rezervne dijelove.
See paragraph 8 for spare parts.
[Mon Apr 26 12:07:41 2004]
Vidi paragraf 5.1.1.
See paragraph 5.1.1.
[Mon Apr 26 12:07:57 2004]
za test mete.
for bullseye test.
[Mon Apr 26 12:08:15 2004]
Vidi paragraf 4.2.
See paragraph 4.2.