NeuroTran - Primjeri rečenica

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Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten je od strane osobe koja je stručni prevoditelj. Greške koje se neminovno javljaju u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje uz pomoć NeuroTran-a može uštedjeti više od 85% vremena pri prevođenju tekstova od kratkih do dugih.

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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:22 2004]
za čišćenje mete.
for cleaning the bullseye.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:29 2004]
Vidi paragraf 8 za rezervne dijelove.
See paragraph 8 for spare parts.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:34 2004]
Vidi paragraf 8 za rezervne dijelove.
See paragraph 8 for spare parts.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:43 2004]
Obratite se servisu.
Contact the service shop.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:51 2004]
Vidi paragraf 5.1.5.
See paragraph 5.1.5.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:56 2004]
Vidi paragraf 5.1.4.
See paragraph 5.1.4.

[Mon Apr 26 12:08:56 2004]
Obratite se servisu.
Contact the service shop.

[Mon Apr 26 12:13:17 2004]
Različiti djelovi aparata međusobno su spojeni pomoću kabela i konektora.
Different parts of the machine are mutually connected with cable and connectors.

[Mon Apr 26 12:13:17 2004]
Da bismo olakšali snalaženje između pojedinih žica (iako je zamjena gotovo nemoguća radi korištenja žica različite dužine te različitih konektora ) u slijedećim tablicama navedeni su svi kabeli, konektori i mjesta koje oni spajaju.
In order to make the managing between particular wires easier (although the replacement is almost impossible because the wires of different length and different connectors) in the next tables all the cables are mentioned, as well as all connectors and positions which they connect.

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:17 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:19 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:19 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:23 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:24 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:24 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:25 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:27 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:28 2004]
narančasta- crna
orange- black

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:29 2004]
bijela - crna
white black

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:35 2004]
siva - crna
grey black

[Mon Apr 26 12:14:36 2004]
crvena - plava
red blue

[Mon Apr 26 12:15:08 2004]
žuta - zelena
yellow green

[Mon Apr 26 12:15:11 2004]
siva - blau
grey blue

[Mon Apr 26 12:15:16 2004]
crvena - crna
red black

[Mon Apr 26 12:15:19 2004]
žuta - crvena
yellow red

[Mon Apr 26 12:15:19 2004]
zelena - crvena
green red

[Mon Apr 26 12:16:26 2004]
Bravica s kontaktom
Fastener with contact

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:32 2004]
ljubičasta - crvena
purple - red

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:37 2004]
bijela - crvena
white - red

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:40 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:43 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:44 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:44 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:45 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:45 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:46 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:47 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:47 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:51 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:52 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:53 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:17:57 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:18:01 2004]
crvena - smeđa
red - brown

[Mon Apr 26 12:18:01 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:18:02 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:18:02 2004]

[Mon Apr 26 12:18:02 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:11:14 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:11:21 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:12:50 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Tue Apr 27 08:14:01 2004]
Iako su američki vojnici odgodili opći napad na irački grad Falluju, jučer su ih iz grada napali irački pobunjenici, pri čemu je poginulo osam napadača i jedan američki vojnik, prema američkoj vojsci.
Although the US soldiers have put off the general attack on the Iraqi town Falluja, they were attacked yesterday by the Iraqi rebels, at which occasion died eight attackers and one US soldier, according to the information from the US army.

[Tue Apr 27 08:14:02 2004]
Prilikom ispitivanja eksplozije skladišta Bagdadu poginula su još dva američka vojnika, dok su Španjolci usmrtili petoricu Iračana koji su pokušali napasti njihovu ophodnju.
During investigation of the explosion in Baghdad warehouse two more US were killed, while the Spanish have killed five Iraqis who have tried to attack their patrol.

[Tue Apr 27 08:14:19 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:14:32 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:17:29 2004]
spriječen teroristički napad
Prevented terrorist attack

[Tue Apr 27 08:18:44 2004]
Jordanska vlada je objavila da je spriječila veliki teroristički napad navodnih terorista Al Qaide, koje optužuje da su htjeli izazvati oblak otrovnih plinova iznad glavnog grada Amana.
Jordanian government has announced that they have prevented a big terrorist attack of the alleged Al-Qaida terrorists, whom they accuse accuses to have wanted to produce a cloud of toxic gases above the capital Aman.

[Tue Apr 27 08:20:03 2004]
Jordanci tvrde da su ciljevi napada trebali biti ured premijera, sjedište obavještajne službe i američko veleposlanstvo.
Jordanians claim that the targets of the attack should have been the Prime Minister's office, the headquarters of the intelligence agency and the US embassy.

[Tue Apr 27 08:20:04 2004]
Washington je zasad suzdržan u komentaru ove vijesti.
Washington is for now restrained in commenting this news.

[Tue Apr 27 08:20:05 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:21:17 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:27:25 2004]
podržana kupnja dionica Sibnefta od francuskog Totala
Supported acquisition of Sibneft shares of French Total

[Tue Apr 27 08:28:05 2004]
Ured ruskog predsjednika Putina podržao je želju francuske naftne kompanije Total da preuzme 25% udjela u kompaniji Sibneft Romana Abramoviča, tvrde izvori Financial Timesa.
The Russian President's office have supported the wish of the French oil company Total to takes over 25 % share in the Roman Abramovich's company Sibneft, claim the sources of the Financial Times.

[Tue Apr 27 08:29:25 2004]
Vrijednost udjela se procjenjuje na oko $4 mlrd.
The value of those shares is estimated at about $ 4 billion

[Tue Apr 27 08:29:26 2004]
, a izvješće tvrdi da je potez Kremlja razljutio Bijelu kuću, jer će Total preteći ChevronTexaco i ExxonMobile u pristupu velikim naftnim rezervama koje su im trebale biti alternativa bliskoistočnoj nafti.
The value of those shares is estimated at about $ 4 billion, and the report asserts that the Kremlin move infuriated the White House, because Total will outrun ChevronTexaco and ExxonMobile in the approach to great oil reserves which should have been the US alternative to the Middle East oil.

[Tue Apr 27 08:29:27 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:29:39 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:30:12 2004]
Partnerstvo za društveni razvoj:
Partnership for Social Development:

[Tue Apr 27 08:32:52 2004]
kuna u sustavima zdravstvene ili društvene skrbi troši se na mito
4 billion kuna in health-care or social-care systems is being spend on bribery

[Tue Apr 27 08:34:07 2004]
Petina sredstava u sustavima zdravstvene ili društvene skrbi koja je namijenjena nabavi i građevinskim radovima, ili oko 1,4 mlrd.
One fifth of health-care or social -care funds, which is intended for supply and construction works, or about 1.4 billion

[Tue Apr 27 08:38:26 2004]
kuna, prisvoje osobe koje sudjeluju u namještanju nelegalnih natječaja, procijenila je udruga Partnerstvo za društveni razvoj, na temelju ankete.
Based on survey, the asscoiation Partnership for Social Development has estimated that one fifth of health-care or social -care funds, which is intended for supply and construction works, or about 1.4 billion kuna, is being usurped by the individuals who participates in setting up of illegal public tenders.

[Tue Apr 27 08:38:31 2004]
Udruga tvrdi da skupine povezanih moćnika nadziru sve poslove u ingerenciji zagrebačkog poglavarstva, zbog čega su Državnom odvjetništvu podnijeli prijave protiv 30 osoba.
The association claims that groups of related powerful persons supervise all the work in jurisdiction of Zagreb government, whereby they have filed reports against 30 individuals to the Public prosecutor's office.

[Tue Apr 27 08:38:34 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 2)
(Jutarnji list, page 2)

[Tue Apr 27 08:39:16 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:40:18 2004]
zbog krijumčarenja kokaina hrvatski državljanin Ivan Skender osuđen na osam godina zatvora
On account of cocaine smuggling Croatian citizen Ivan Skender sentenced to eight years of prison

[Tue Apr 27 08:43:27 2004]
Sud u Grazu osudio je hrvatskog državljana Ivana Skendera na osam godina zatvora, zbog krijumčarenja kokaina.
The Court in Graz has sentenced Croatian citizen Ivan Skender to eight years of prison, on account of cocaine smuggling.

[Tue Apr 27 08:43:31 2004]
Skender je, zajedno sa suradnicima, uhićen u operaciji koju su izveli prikriveni agenti austrijske policije, a hrvatski ga mediji često proglašavaju jednom od najvažnijih osoba u trgovini drogom, na što je on odgovarao sudskim tužbama.
Skender was, together with his associates, arrested during the operation performed by undercover agents of the Austrian police, and Croatian media have often declared Skender as one of the most important person in drug traffic, to which he has responded by court suits.

[Tue Apr 27 08:43:46 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 20)
(Večernji list, page 20)

[Tue Apr 27 08:44:05 2004]
Hrvatski nogometni savez:
Croatian Soccer Association:

[Tue Apr 27 08:44:53 2004]
Disciplinska komisija kaznila je sportskog direktora Hajduka Igora Štimca
The disciplinary board punished the sport manager of Hajduk Igor Štimac

[Tue Apr 27 08:49:19 2004]
Disciplinska komisija Hrvatskog nogometnog saveza kaznila je sportskog direktora Hajduka Igora Štimca šestomjesečnom suspenzijom, zbog incidenta nakon utakmice s Rijekom.
The disciplinary board of the Croatian Soccer Association has punished the sport manager of Hajduk, Igor Štimac, to six-months of suspension, because of the incident after the game with Rijeka.

[Tue Apr 27 08:49:24 2004]
Štimac je nakon utakmice, tijekom koje ga je pomoćni sudac Miroslav Jedvaj udaljio s klupe, suca napao hvatanjem rukom za bradu, uz izražavanje mišljenja o suđenju rječnikom koji obično prati takve poteze.
After that game, during which the assistant referee Miroslav Jedvaj has removed him from the bench, Štimac attacked the referee by grasping him by the chin, and expressing his opinion about his work by using a vocabulary which usually accompanies such moves.

[Tue Apr 27 08:49:26 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 47)
(Jutarnji list, page 47)

[Tue Apr 27 08:49:51 2004]

[Tue Apr 27 08:49:51 2004]
djelomice sunčano, na sjevernom i srednjem Jadranu pretežno sunčano.
Partially sunny, on north and central Adriatic predominantly sunny.

[Wed Apr 28 09:01:27 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:01:38 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:03:56 2004]
sukobi se nastavljaju
Conflicts continue

[Wed Apr 28 09:05:22 2004]
Američke snage su sinoć žestoko bombardirale sjeverni dio iračkog grada Falluje, ali su opovrgle da se radi o početku velikog napada, već samo o djelovanju protiv lokacija s kojih je pucano na njih.
Last night the US forces have severely bombed the north part of Iraqi town Falluja, but have denied that it was the start of a large attack, but only the action against locations from which they were shot on.

[Wed Apr 28 09:05:23 2004]
Amerikanci su objavili i da su u prekjučerašnjem okršaju kod Najafa usmrtili 64 pripadnike šijitske milicije Al Sadra.
The Americans have also announced that in the action the day before near Najaf they have killed 64 members of Shiite Al Sadr's militia.

[Wed Apr 28 09:05:24 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:05:40 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:06:39 2004]
niz eksplozija u Damasku
Series of explosions in Damask

[Wed Apr 28 09:07:49 2004]
U diplomatskoj četvrti Damaska se sinoć čulo više eksplozija, koje je slijedila vatra iz automatskog oružja.
Last night in diplomatic disctrict of Damask there were several explosions, which were followed by fire from automatic weapons.

[Wed Apr 28 09:09:55 2004]
Vlasti su objavile kako je stanje pod nadzorom, a očevici tvrde da se čulo najmanje 15 detonacija.
The authorities have announced that the situation is under control, and the eyewitnesses claim that they have heard at least 15 detonations.

[Wed Apr 28 09:09:55 2004]
Neka izvješća su pretpostavljala da se radilo o napadu automobilom bombom na predstavništvo UN-a, no međunarodna organizacija je to opovrgla.
Some reports have assumed that it was the car-bomb attack on the UN headquarters, but the international organization has denied that information.

[Wed Apr 28 09:10:01 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:10:30 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:11:34 2004]
prošlo godišnja neto dobit pala 23%
Last years net profit fell by 23 %

[Wed Apr 28 09:12:06 2004]
Japanski Sony objavio je pad neto dobiti za prošlu poslovnu godinu od 23%, zbog slabije prodaje konzola za igre Playstation i troškova preustroja.
Japanese Sony has announced the fall of a net profit for the last commercial year by 23 %, because of weaker sale of Playstation consoles and costs of reorganization.

[Wed Apr 28 09:13:00 2004]
Dobit Sonyjeve divizije igara pala je 40%.
Profit of Sony's game division fell by 40 %.

[Wed Apr 28 09:13:01 2004]
Sonyjev konkurent Sharp je istovremeno objavio rast dobiti od 88% u proteklih 12 mjeseci, zahvaljujući većoj potražnji za televizorima s ravnim ekranima.
Sony's competitor Sharp has at the same time announced profit increase by 88 % in the past 12 months, thanks to a greater demand for televisions with flat screens.

[Wed Apr 28 09:13:02 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:21:28 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:23:21 2004]
tužba protiv Google-a zbog neovlaštenog korištenja njihovog zaštitnog znaka
Legal action against Google on account of unauthorized use of their trademark

[Wed Apr 28 09:27:00 2004]
Francuski osiguravatelj Axa pridružio se tvrtkama koje su najavile tužbu protiv internetske tražilice Google, zbog neovlaštenog korištenja njihovog zaštitnog znaka prilikom sponzoriranih internetskih pretraga.
French insurance company Axa joined the other companies that have announced a legal action against Internet search engine Google, on account of unauthorized use of their trademark during sponsored Internet searches.

[Wed Apr 28 09:27:01 2004]
Visina odštete koju će tražiti nije otkrivena, a procjenjuje se da bi niz ovakvih tužbi moglo donekle ugroziti Googleov način ostvarivanja prihoda, u godini u kojoj se očekuje njegov izlazak na burzu.
Amount of indemnity they will ask for has not yet been revealed, but there are estimates that a series of such accusations could to a certan degree jeopardize Google's method of income realization, in the year in which their entrance into the stock market is awaited.

[Wed Apr 28 09:27:02 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:28:12 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:28:45 2004]
Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo:
Croatian National Institute for Public Health:

[Wed Apr 28 09:37:38 2004]
više od 0,9% GMO-a u proizvodima mora biti označen
More than 0,9 % GMO in products must be labeled

[Wed Apr 28 09:38:59 2004]
Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo nije pronašao GMO u 19 proizvoda, već u toliko uzoraka istih ili sličnih vrsta proizvoda koji sadrže uvozni sojin izolat, rečeno je Vjesniku iz HZJZ-a.
The Croatian National Institute for Public Health reported for Vjesnik that they have not found GMO in 19 products, but in that many samples of same or similar types of products which contain imported soy isolate.

[Wed Apr 28 09:39:52 2004]
Više medija je proteklih dana objavilo neslužbene vijesti da su u novih 19 domaćih proizvoda nađeni genetski preinačeni organizmi.
Several media have in the past few days released the unofficial news that in 19 domestic products there were genetically modified organisms.

[Wed Apr 28 09:39:56 2004]
Pretpostavlja se da se radi o mesnim prerađevinama s istom uvoznom sojom koju je koristio i čakovečki Pipo.
It is assumed that those are meat products with the same imported soy which were used by Pipo from Čakovec.

[Wed Apr 28 09:40:00 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 5)
(Vjesnik, page 5)

[Wed Apr 28 09:40:14 2004]

[Wed Apr 28 09:40:14 2004]
pretežno sunčano i toplije.
Predominantly are sunned and warmer.

[Fri Apr 30 09:26:12 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 09:32:09 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 09:34:30 2004]
odlučila obitelji Zec isplatiti jednokratnu novčanu pomoć
Decision to pay the Zec family single financial aid

[Fri Apr 30 09:34:55 2004]
Vlada je odlučila kako će obitelji Zec isplatiti jednokratnu novčanu pomoć od milijun i po kuna, koja je namijenjena stvaranju preduvjeta za samostalan život dvoje preživjele djece.
Croatian Government has decided to pay the Zec family a single financial aid of 1.5 million kuna, which are intended for creating conditions for independent life of two remaining children.

[Fri Apr 30 09:36:13 2004]
Obitelj Zec traži 2,16 mil.
The Zec family is asking for indemnity of 2.16 million

[Fri Apr 30 09:39:15 2004]
kuna odštete od države, zbog poznatog slučaja trostrukog ubojstva 1991.
16 million from the state, on account of a nototrious triple-murder case from 1991

[Fri Apr 30 09:39:20 2004]
, a Vlada je formulacijom o pomoći za uzdržavanje izbjegla priznavanje prava na odštetu i drugim žrtvama sličnih postupaka pripadnika hrvatskih oružanih snaga.
16 million from the state, on account of a nototrious triple-murder case from 1991, and by formulation about the maintenance help the Government has avoided to recognize the right of compensation to other victims of similar procedures of Croatian armed forces members.

[Fri Apr 30 09:39:21 2004]
(Jutarnji list stranica 6)
(Jutarnji list, page 6)

[Fri Apr 30 09:40:31 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 09:41:01 2004]
neće biti posebnog traka za hrvatske državljane
There will be no separate lane for Croatian citizens

[Fri Apr 30 09:42:36 2004]
Hrvatski državljani će od 1.
From May 1 Croatian citizens

[Fri Apr 30 09:43:47 2004]
svibnja u Sloveniju ulaziti redovnim trakom, koji je namijenjen svim ostalim državljanima zemalja izvan EU, potvrdila je slovenska policija.
From May 1 Croatian citizens will be able to enter Slovenia on regular lane, which is intended for all the other citizens of non-EU countries, confirmed the Slovenian police.

[Fri Apr 30 09:44:48 2004]
Slovensko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova tvrdi da nije bilo nikakvih obećanja Zagrebu o posebnom traku, te da za takav aranžman mora dobiti odobrenje Unije.
The Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that there had been no promises to Zagreb about separate lane, and that such arrangement would have to be approved by the European Union.

[Fri Apr 30 09:44:53 2004]
Takvo je odobrenje na vrijeme osigurano za nastavak režima malograničnog prometa.
That approval was timely insured for continuation of border traffic regime.

[Fri Apr 30 09:44:54 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 3)
(Večernji list, page 3)

[Fri Apr 30 09:45:02 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 09:45:55 2004]
Hercegovačka banka:
The Herzegovinian Bank:

[Fri Apr 30 09:47:13 2004]
prihvatila ponudu konzorcija osam hrvatskih tvrtki
Accepted offer from consortium of eight Croatian companies

[Fri Apr 30 09:48:30 2004]
Prema izvoru Pincoma iz privremene uprave Hercegovačke banke, uprava je prihvatila ponudu konzorcija osam hrvatskih tvrtki za mostarsku Hercegovačku banku.
According to Pincom source from the interim administration of the Herzegovinian Bank, the administration has accepted the offer from the consortium of eight Croatian companies for the Mostar Herzegovinian bank.

[Fri Apr 30 09:48:31 2004]
Konzorcij bi time postao i vlasnik udjela u povezanim društvima kao što su Hercegovina osiguranje i Eronet, a cijena još nije objavljena.
Thereby the consortium would become the owner of a share in associated companies such as Herzegovina Insurance and Eronet, but the price has not yet been announced.

[Fri Apr 30 09:48:36 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 09:49:13 2004]
Slobodna Dalmacija:
Slobodna Dalmacija:

[Fri Apr 30 09:54:45 2004]
ako je EPH prekršio propis o dozvoljenoj koncentraciji onda novi poziv ulagačima
If EPH has violated the regulation about the allowed concentration then there will be a new invitation to the investors

[Fri Apr 30 09:57:30 2004]
Pokaže li se da bi se prodajom Slobodne Dalmacije EPH prekršili propisi o dozvoljenoj koncentraciji, Vlada će uputiti dodatan poziv ulagačima na privatizaciju splitske novinske kuće, koju svakako namjerava privatizirati do kraja godine.
If it turns out that sale of Slobodna Dalmacija EPH would violate the regulations about the allowed concentration, then the Government will send the additional invitation to the investors for privatization of the Split newspaper company, which it certainly intends to privatize by the end of the year.

[Fri Apr 30 09:57:34 2004]
Potpredsjednik Vlade Hebrang je najavio da će HFP u sljedećih deset dana odlučiti o prodaji SD-a, ako dotad dobije odluku Agencije za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja.
Vice-president of the Government, Andrija Hebrang, has announced that HFP will in the following ten days decide on the sale of Slobodna Dalmacija, if in that period it receives the decision of the Agency for the Protection of Market Competition.

[Fri Apr 30 09:58:23 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 4)
(Večernji list, page 4)

[Fri Apr 30 09:59:42 2004]
Ministar Hebrang neće objaviti listu proizvoda u kojima je nađen GMO
Minister Hebrang will not publicly announce the list of product in which GMO has been found

[Fri Apr 30 10:00:54 2004]
Hebrang je potvrdio da se javnosti neće objaviti u kojim su proizvodima nađeni GMO, a svi su proizvodi povučeni iz prodaje.
Minister Hebrang has confirmed that there will be no public announcement of the products which contained GMO, and that all those products have been withdrawn from the market.

[Fri Apr 30 10:05:20 2004]
Objavio je da je dosad uništena 31 tona proizvoda s GMO, dok 14 tona čeka uništenje.
He has declared that so far 31 tons of GMO products has been destroyed, while another 14 tons awaits the destruction.

[Fri Apr 30 10:05:25 2004]
Uvoznik soje Brenntag je izrazio iznenađenje viješću da proizvodi čekaju uništenje, objavivši da oni za soju u kojoj su nađeni GMO čekaju siguran izvoz, a ni Večernji list ni HTV nisu dobili informacije od trgovaca da je bilo povlačenja proizvoda.
Soy importer Brenntag was surprised by news that the products await the destruction, announcing that they expected definite export for the GMO soy, and neither Večernji list nor Croatian Television have the information from shopkeepers about withdrawal of products.

[Fri Apr 30 10:05:29 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 1;
(Vjesnik, page 1;

[Fri Apr 30 10:05:30 2004]
Večernji list stranica 2;
Večernji list, page 2;

[Fri Apr 30 10:05:31 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 10:06:10 2004]

[Fri Apr 30 10:07:52 2004]
odgođene druga faza privatizacije
Postponement of the second phase of privatization

[Fri Apr 30 10:08:45 2004]
Vlada je, kako se ranije neslužbeno najavljivalo, odgodila drugu fazu privatizacije Ine, koju je po zakonu trebala provesti do kraja travnja.
The Government, as it had been earlier unofficially announced, postponed the second phase of privatization of Ina, which should have been carried out by the end of April.

[Fri Apr 30 10:12:05 2004]
Druga faza je odgođena za čak godinu dana, a odluka je obrazložena niskom očekivanom cijenom Ininih dionica na burzi.
The second phase was postponed for one year, and the decision was explained by a low expected price of Ina's share on the stock market.

[Fri Apr 30 10:12:09 2004]
Najavljeno je da će se uskoro riješiti na način prodaje odnosno podjele dvaput po 7% dionica braniteljima i radnicima.
It has been announced that in the near future they will sell or dispense 7 % of the share to Croatian defenders and workers on two occasions.

[Fri Apr 30 10:12:36 2004]
(Večernji list stranica 4)
(Večernji list, page 4)

[Fri Apr 30 10:13:22 2004]
Croatian Bureau of Statistics:

[Fri Apr 30 10:15:58 2004]
u prvom tromjesečju rast izvoza 6,5 i rast uvoza 6,2%
Increase of export by 6.5 % and of import by 6.2 % in the first quarter

[Fri Apr 30 10:16:18 2004]
Izvoz je u prvom tromjesečju ostvario rast od 6,5%, na što su sa 16,3% utjecale i isporuke brodova, dok je uvoz rastao 6,2%, objavio je DZS.
The export has in the first quarter increased by 6,5 %, because of 16,3 % influence of shipping consignments, while the import increased by 6,2 %, announced the Croatian Bureau of Statistics.

[Fri Apr 30 10:16:50 2004]
Vanjskotrgovinski manjak je dosegao 11,141 mlrd.
Foreign-trade deficit has reached 11.141 billion

[Fri Apr 30 10:17:44 2004]
kuna, dok je pokrivenost uvoza izvozom bila 49,7%.
141 billion kuna, while the coverage of import by export was 49.7 %.

[Fri Apr 30 10:17:53 2004]
Zavod je objavio i da je u prvom tromjesečju ostvareno 20,5% više turističkih noćenja prema istom razdoblju lani.
The Bureau has also announced that in the first quarter there was 20.5 % more tourist overnight stays in comparison to the same period last year.

[Fri Apr 30 10:17:58 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 11)
(Vjesnik, page 11)

[Fri Apr 30 10:18:50 2004]
Croatian National Bank:

[Fri Apr 30 10:21:15 2004]
Stopa rasta plasmana banaka smanjena
Reduced growth rate of banks placement

[Fri Apr 30 10:23:11 2004]
Međugodišnja stopa rasta plasmana banaka, iz koje je isključen utjecaj tečajnih razlika, smanjena je u veljači na 12,1%, prema prosinačkih 13,3%, objavila je HNB.
Interannual of growth rate of banks placement, from which the influence of currency translation gains and losses has been eliminated, was reduced in February to 12.1 %, in comparison to 13.3 % in December, announced the CNB.

[Fri Apr 30 10:24:19 2004]
Analitičari središnje banke primjećuju da je u prvim mjesecima godine nastavljan trend sve manjeg rasta plasmana stanovništvu i poduzećima.
Analysts of the central bank have noticed that in the first months of the year there has been a continuous trend of decreasing placement to population and companies.

[Fri Apr 30 10:24:29 2004]
Krediti stanovništvu bili su krajem veljače veći 21,4% nego prije 12 mjeseci, dok su krediti poduzećima rasli tek 2,5%.
Credits to population have been by the end of February 21,4 % larger than 12 months ago, while credits to companies increased only by 2.5 %.

[Fri Apr 30 10:24:29 2004]
(Vjesnik stranica 10)
(Vjesnik, page 10)