Svi prijevodi dobiveni su uz pomoć NeuroTran-a. Interaktivni mod NeuroTran-a korišten
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u NeuroTran prijevodu stručni prevoditelj je automatski ispravljao. Prevođenje
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od kratkih do dugih.
Više o NeuroTran®
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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:
[Tue Sep 28 12:33:27 2004]
S obzirom na način na koji se određeni bioetički izazovi prezentiraju u medijima također bi se mogao uputiti prigovor, budući da šira javnost redovito nije upućena u svu problematiku bioetičkog izazova, tj. javnosti nisu poznati mnogi stručni i znanstveni detalji na temelju kojih bi se moglo shvatiti o čemu se tu radi.
With regard to the way in which particular bioethical challenges are presented in the media we could also raise the objection, since the general public is normally not acquainted with the entire problematics of bioethical challenge, i.e. the public does not know many professional and scientific details on the basis of which they could understand what is this all about.
[Tue Sep 28 12:37:10 2004]
Zbog toga se nerijetko događa da javnost reagira neutemeljeno, pri čemu je za to najmanje javnost kriva.
Hence it often happens that the public reacts inappropriately, and it is the least their fault.
[Tue Sep 28 12:39:32 2004]
Ono na što se ovdje želi skrenuti pozornost jest potreba za stručnim i znanstvenim praćenjem bioetičkih izazova u medijima, a o čemu se dosad malo vodilo računa u novinarskom cehu u Hrvatskoj.
What I am trying to point out here is the need for professional and scientific accompanying of bioethical challenges in the media, which was so far not taken into account in the journalist profession in Croatia.
[Tue Sep 28 12:44:16 2004]
Time se ne kaže da u Hrvatskoj ne postoje novinari pojedinci koji sustavno prate bioetičku problematiku, nego se samo skreće pozornost na nepostojanje ozbiljne interakcije između bioetičkih stručnjaka, s jedne, te novinara, s druge strane, a sve to u svrhu što boljeg i potpunijeg izvještavanja javnosti o bioetičkim izazovima.
This does not imply that in Croatia there are no journalists who systematically follow bioethical problematics, but only directs the attention to nonexistence of serious interaction between bioethical experts, on one, and journalists, on the other hand, and all for the purpose of the better and more complete informing of the public about bioethical challenges.
[Tue Sep 28 12:47:12 2004]
Istina, mediji su dosad pokazivali značajan stupanj otvorenosti i susretljivosti za bioetičke stručnjake kad se radilo o davanju izjava i objašnjavanju određene aktualne bioetičke teme.
True, the media have so far shown the significant degree of openness and attentiveness to bioethical experts when they were making statements and explaining certain topical bioethical issues.
[Tue Sep 28 12:48:56 2004]
No, sve to ne umanjuje ozbiljnost primjedbe na račun trenutnog stanja bioetike u masmedijskom prostoru koje nije zadovoljavajuće, a nije iz razloga što ne postoji ozbiljna i sustavna interakcija između već donekle stvorene bioetičke struke u Hrvatskoj i samih novinara.
But all this does reduce the seriousness of the remark regarding the current position of bioethics in the mass media which is not satisfactory, and the reason is not the lack of serious and systematic interaction between the already established bioethical profession in Croatia and the journalists themselves.
[Tue Sep 28 12:50:30 2004]
Jedan od razloga zašto je tomu tako zasigurno je nepostojanje adekvatne akademske bioetičke infrastrukture, pa su pojedini novinari i čitave redakcije jednostavno prisiljeni snalaziti se kako znaju i umiju.
One of the reasons why this is so is certainly the nonexistence of adequate academic bioethical infrastructure, so particular journalists and entire editorial offices are simply forced to manage any way they can.
[Tue Sep 28 12:50:30 2004]
To samo dokazuje da je, po našem sudu, većina hitnih bioetičkih problema u Hrvatskoj međusobno povezana nekim nevidljivim, a ipak postojećim silnicama akademske, društvene i medijske zapuštenosti bioetike kao ozbiljne discipline
This only proves that, according to our judgment, the majority of urgent bioethical problems in Croatia is interrelated by some invisible, but nevertheless existing lines of force in the academic, social and media neglect of bioethics as a serious discipline
[Tue Sep 28 12:55:19 2004]
Svi prethodni bioetički problemi proizlaze ili upućuju na relativno slabu akademsku etabliranost bioetike u Hrvatskoj.
All former bioethical problems emerge from or indicate to a relatively weak academic establishment of bioethics in Croatia.
[Tue Sep 28 12:56:24 2004]
Ovaj posljednji problem, tj. problem bioetičkog zakonodavstva otkriva jedno sasvim drugo lice bioetičke discipline u Hrvatskoj, naime lice društvene relevantnosti bioetike.
the problem of bioethical legislature, reveals a completely different face of bioethical discipline in Croatia, namely the face of social relevance of bioethics.
[Tue Sep 28 12:57:06 2004]
Hrvatska se ne razlikuje mnogo od drugih europskih zemalja glede kompleksnosti pojedinih bioetičkih izazova koji kucaju na vrata zakonodavne vlasti, zahtijevajući pravnu i zakonsku regulaciju.
Croatia is not very different from other European countries in regard to complexities of particular bioethical challenges which knocks on the door of legislative power, demanding judicial and legal regulation.
[Tue Sep 28 12:59:24 2004]
Kompleksnost pojedinih bioetičkih izazova izbija iz njihovih ideoloških, filozofskih, vjerskih, političkih, socijalnih i etičkih implikacija.
Complexity of particular bioethical challenges comes from their ideological, philosophical, religious, political, social and ethical implications.
[Tue Sep 28 14:07:41 2004]
Te implikacije, iako mnoge i raznolike, nisu glavna otežavajuća okolnost u rješavanju kompleksnosti pojedinog bioetičkog izazova, jer te implikacije omogućavaju svestrano i sveobuhvatno rasvjetljavanje pojedinog bioetičkog izazova.
Those implications, although numerous and diverse, are not the main aggravating circumstance in solving the complexity of a single bioethical challenge, because those implications enable a universal and comprehensive illumination of a single bioethical challenge.
[Tue Sep 28 14:09:55 2004]
Glavna otežavajuća okolnost u rješavanju kompleksnosti pojedinog bioetičkog izazova izbija iz društveno etabliranog činjeničnog pluralizma koji onemogućava da se metodom sveobuhvatnog i svestranog rasvjetljavanja pojedinog bioetičkog izazova dođe do jedinstvenog zakonskog rješenja koje bi barem minimalno zadovoljilo sve strane.
The main aggravating circumstance in solving the complexity of a single bioethical challenge comes out from socially established factual pluralism which prevents the method of comprehensive and universal illumination of a single bioethical challenge to provide unique legal solutions which would at least minimally satisfy all the parties concerned.
[Tue Sep 28 14:12:57 2004]
Zbog toga takozvano bioetičkog zakonodavstvo u Hrvatskoj uopće ne postoji, ako se pod bioetičkim zakonodavstvom misli na set zakona koji regulira medicinske zahvate tipa:
Because of this the so-called bioethical legislature does not exist at all in Croatia, if under bioethical legislature we mean the legislation which regulates medical operations such as:
[Tue Sep 28 14:26:02 2004]
pobačaj, izvantjelesna oplodnja, prenatalna genetička dijagnostika, surogatno majčinstvo, istraživanje na ljudskim embrijima, genska terapija, kloniranje, planiranje obitelji, sterilizacija, palijativna medicina i dr. Za razliku od tih zahvata, utvrđivanje trenutka smrti, transplantacija organa, zaštita okoliša te genetički modificirani organizmi/hrana imaju nešto bolji status unutar postojećega zakonodavstva, a razlog tome leži u njihovom manjem intenzitetu moralne i pravne kontroverzije.
abortion, in vitro fertilization, pre-natal genetic diagnostics, surrogate motherhood, research on human embryos, genetic therapy, cloning, family planning, sterilization, palliative medicine, etc. As opposed to these operations, establishing the moment of death, transplantations of organs, environmental protection and genetically modified organisms/food have somewhat better status inside the existing legislature, and the reason for this lies in their lesser intensity as moral and judicial controversies.
[Tue Sep 28 14:33:56 2004]
Rečeno ne bi trebalo odmah navesti na zaključak da se gore spomenute medicinske i znanstvenoistraživačke djelatnosti u Hrvatskoj odvijaju bez ikakvog pravnog pokrića, ali se može zaključiti da spomenute prakse uopće nisu pravno i zakonski regulirane na temeljima uobičajene demokratske zakonodavne procedure u demokratskim društvima.
All that has been said should not immediately lead to the conclusion that the abovementioned medical and scientific research activities in Croatia proceed without any judicial cover, but we can conclude that mentioned practices have are not at all juridically and legally are regulated on grounds of regular democratic legislative procedures in democratic societies.
[Tue Sep 28 14:35:52 2004]
Time se još ništa ne želi prejudicirati.
This should not lead to any premature conclusions.
[Tue Sep 28 14:35:52 2004]
Samo se konstatira da je u Hrvatskoj na snazi status quo kad je riječ o takozvanome bioetičkom zakonodavstvu koje podrazumijeva postojanje pravne i zakonske regulative gore spomenutih medicinskih i znanstvenoistraživačkih djelatnosti.
It only states that in Croatia there is a status quo when we talk about the so-called bioethical legislature which presuposses the existence of judicial and legislative regulations of the abovementioned medical and scientific research activities.
[Tue Sep 28 14:40:58 2004]
Jedan od glavnih razloga zašto se radije podržava status quo, nego li se pokreće postupak za donošenje novih zakonskih rješenja, koja bi bila rezultat demokratske zakonodavne procedure, za primjerice pobačaj ili izvantjelesnu oplodnju, dolazi iz društveno etabliranog činjeničnog pluralizma, ali i iz društvenog utjecaja pojedinih institucija.
Ones of the main reasons why there is a tendency to support this status quo, rather than to initiate the procedure for passing new legal solutions, which would be a result of democratic legislative procedures, for example the abortion or in vitro fertilization, comes from the socially established factual pluralism, but also from social influence of certain institutions.
[Tue Sep 28 14:41:37 2004]
Tu je na prvom mjestu utjecaj Katoličke crkve, kao dominantne konfesionalne zajednice u Hrvatskoj koja snažno utječe na stavove i uvjerenja dobrog dijela hrvatskih građana.
This is primarily the influence of the Catholic Church, as a predominant confessional community in Croatia who strongly influences the attitudes and beliefs of a great number of Croatian citizens.
[Tue Sep 28 14:46:37 2004]
U tome Hrvatska nije ni poseban ni originalan slučaj.
In this, Croatia is neither exceptional nor original example.
[Tue Sep 28 14:46:37 2004]
Ono u čemu Hrvatska ipak jest poseban i originalan slučaj u odnosu na ostale europske zemlje, posebno u odnosu na 25 članica Europske Unije, jest to da u Hrvatskoj uopće nije bilo zakonodavnih pokušaja u donošenju bioetičkog zakonodavstva, odnosno pojedinih zakona koji bi regulirali određene medicinske i znanstvenoistraživačke djelatnosti, ako se od toga izuzme rad nekih povjerenstava koja su radila na izradi nacrta prijedloga takvih zakona.
Nevertheless, Croatia is an exceptional and original example - as compared to other European countries, especially as compared to 25 members of the European Union -, of a country in which there were no legislative attempts whatsoever to pass bioethical legislation, that is, separate laws which would regulate specific medical and scientific research activities, if we exempt the efforts of some committees which worked on drafting the proposals for such laws.
[Tue Sep 28 14:50:41 2004]
Ti nacrti prijedloga zakona nikada nisu došli u parlamentarnu proceduru.
Those drafts have never made it into the parliamentary procedure.
[Tue Sep 28 14:51:19 2004]
Zanimljivo je da se i službena Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj drži dosta rezervirano spram zahtjeva za pravnim i zakonskim reguliranjem medicinske prakse, primjerice, pobačaja i izvantjelesne oplodnje.
It is interesting that the official Catholic Church in Croatia is rather reserved towards requests for judicial and legal regulation of medical practice, for example, the abortion and in vitro fertilization.
[Tue Sep 28 14:53:00 2004]
Bioetički izazovi zasigurno spadaju među najdelikatnije probleme koji se nameću pred zakonodavca.
Bioethical challenges certainly belong to the most delicate problems which are imposed before the legislator.
[Tue Sep 28 15:00:18 2004]
Činjenica da se u Hrvatskoj izbjegava pokretanje široke javne rasprave o spomenutim bioetičkim izazovima, kao prethodnici pokretanja zakonodavne procedure, upućuje na zaključak da ispod društvene površine, tj. među različitim društvenim skupinama i političkim strankama, tinjaju velike razlike glede načina pravnog i zakonskog rješavanja bioetičkih izazova.
The fact that in Croatia there is a tendency to avoid initiating a wide public discussion about mentioned bioethical challenges, as a precursor of launching the legislative procedure, leads to a conclusion that below the social surface, i.e. among various social groups and political parties, there are great differences concerning the way of judicial and legal solving of bioethical challenges.
[Tue Sep 28 15:04:33 2004]
Nerijetko se može čuti da se demokracija općenito te demokratska društvena svijest posebno najbolje oslikavaju u bioetičkom zakonodavstvu, tj. u načinu donošenja pojedinog zakona te kvalitete zakonskog rješenja pojedinog bioetičkog izazova.
One can often hear that democracy in general, and particularly democratic social conscience, can be be illustrated the best in bioethical legislature, i.e. in the way of passing a single law and quality of legal solution of a single bioethical challenge.
[Tue Sep 28 15:10:27 2004]
No, o tome bi se moglo raspravljati na dugo i široko.
But we could discuss on this topic at great length and detail.
[Tue Sep 28 15:13:56 2004]
Kako bilo, Hrvatsku očekuje mukotrpan put donošenja kompleksnog bioetičkog zakonodavstva.
Be that as it may, Croatia is about to take the toilsome journey of passing complex bioethical legislature.
[Tue Sep 28 15:14:46 2004]
Ne isplati se ništa prejudicirati, no sudeći prema postojećoj praksi u drugim europskim zemljama, neka pravna i zakonska rješenja se mogu već sada ekstrapolirati.
It would do no good to make premature conclusions, but judging by the existing practice in other European countries, some judicial and legal solutions can already be extrapolated.
[Tue Sep 28 15:14:46 2004]
Ali to nije tema ovog doprinosa.
But that is not the subject of this contribution.
[Tue Sep 28 15:21:12 2004]
Nekome se možda čini da izneseni bioetički problemi i izazovi u Hrvatskoj uopće nisu hitni, a još manje aktualni.
It may appear to some that the abovestated bioethical problems and challenges in Croatia are not at all urgent, and even less topical.
[Tue Sep 28 15:23:29 2004]
No, čini se da takvu primjedbu može polučiti svako pisanje koje se zasniva na slobodnom odabiru i slobodnom davanju prednosti jednog problema pred drugim.
But, it seems that such remark can be accomplished by any piece of writing which is based on free choice and free preferability of one problem before the other.
[Tue Sep 28 15:23:29 2004]
Bez obzira na nepotpunost pojedinog opisa, ipak, smatramo da iznesenih pet tematskih skupina obuhvaća sve najvažnije bioetičke probleme u Hrvatskoj
Nevertheless, regardless of the incompleteness of a particular description,, we believe that five thematic groups presented here include all the most important bioethical problems in Croatia
[Wed Sep 29 12:44:15 2004]
a taj je postupak ponovio još jedanput sljedećeg dana 08.06.2004.
and he has repeated the registration the following day, July 8, 2004.
[Wed Sep 29 12:44:47 2004]
Nakon te dvije serverske registracije gospodinu je još jednom putem e-maila izvršena registracija (14.06.2004.)
After those two server registrations, Mr. Dimacali received once more e-mail registration (July 14, 2004)
[Wed Sep 29 12:45:18 2004]
o kojoj također imamo sačuvane e-mail zapise.
Dimacali received once more e-mail registration (July 14, 2004) of which we also have e-mail recordings.
[Wed Sep 29 12:45:18 2004]
To znači da je gospodin uspješno instalirao naš program na barem tri različita kompjutera.
Dimacali successfully installed our program on at least three different computers.
[Wed Sep 29 12:52:47 2004]
Narudžbenica je primljena 07.09.04.
The order form was received on September 7, 2004,
[Wed Sep 29 12:53:39 2004]
, a sljedećeg dana 08.09.04.
The order form was received on September 7, 2004,, and the following day, September 8, 2004
[Wed Sep 29 12:55:31 2004]
poslane su instrukcije o downloadu i aktivaciji programa.
The order form was received on September 7, 2004,, and the following day, September 8, 2004 the instructions on downloading and activation of the program were sent to the buyer.
[Wed Sep 29 12:55:31 2004]
Na našem serveru nismo našli da se reigistrirala osoba pod gornjim imenom i sa e-mail adresom navedenom u narudžbenici.
Our server did not record a registration of the person with the above name and with the e-mail address quoted in the order form.
[Wed Sep 29 13:01:08 2004]
[Wed Sep 29 13:01:08 2004]
terećena u iznosu 1.168,11 kn, dana 28.06.04.
debited for the amount of 1.168,11 kn, on July 28, 2004.
[Wed Sep 29 13:03:33 2004]
Kupac je 28.06.04.
On july 28, 2004
[Wed Sep 29 13:04:24 2004]
naručio program za prevođenje InteractiveTran.
On july 28, 2004 the buyer placed an order for the InteractiveTran translation.
[Wed Sep 29 13:04:43 2004]
Istoga dana šaljemo mu upute za download i aktivaciju programa.
On that same day we sent him instructions for download and activation of the software.
[Wed Sep 29 13:09:53 2004]
Tog istog dana, 28.06.04.
The same day, July 28, 2004
[Wed Sep 29 13:10:24 2004]
kupac uspješno instalira program, što vidimo po zapisu na našem serveru i potom šalje 4 uzastopna e-maila tražeći da mu damo telefonski broj, zatim tvrdi da program radi na Windows 95, iako na našim stranicama i narudžbenici jasno piše da radi na svim Windows platformama, potom tvrdi da ne može deinstalirati program, a svaki je e-mail popraćen prijetnjama kako će otkazati kupovinu.
The same day, July 28, 2004 the buyer successfully installed the software, which is recorded on our server, and then sent us 4 e-mails asking for our telephone number, after which he claimed that the software cannot run on Windows 95, although on web site and the order form clearly state that it runs on all Windows platforms, then he claimed that he is unable to uninstall the software, and each e-mail contained threats of cancelling the purchase.
[Wed Sep 29 13:10:46 2004]
Sljedećeg mu dana 29.06.04.
The following day, July 29, 2004,
[Wed Sep 29 13:13:21 2004]
dajemo uputu kako može prevoditi cijele dokumente.
The following day, July 29, 2004, we sent him instructions of how to translate entire documents.
[Wed Sep 29 13:13:21 2004]
Te su upute inače unutar samog programa u Help datoteci i dostupne su korisniku u svakom trenutku
By the way, those instructions can be found in the software Help file, and are available to the user at any moment
[Wed Sep 29 13:15:51 2004]
On June 12, 2004
[Wed Sep 29 13:18:07 2004]
se ponovo javlja i otkazuje narudžbu jer nije dobio telefonski broj naše tvrtke i zato što program ne prevodi cijele dokumente.
On June 12, 2004 he contacted us again, canceling the order because he did not receive the telephone number of our company and because the software does not translate entire documents.
[Wed Sep 29 13:21:20 2004]
Ponovo mu objašnjavamo u 2 e-maila kako može prevoditi cijele dokumente, a te su iste upute u cjelini navedene u Help datoteci koju korisnik može u svakom trenutku otvoriti i pročitati.
Again, we explained in another 2 e-mails how to translate entire documents, and those same instructions could in entirety be found in the Help file which user can open and read at any moment.
[Wed Sep 29 13:23:42 2004]
Kao odgovor navodi da nije zadovoljan uslugom i da je dobio samo portugalsko-engleski a ne i englesko-portugalski jezični par što je apsolutno nemoguće jer uopće ne prodajemo rječnike u samo jednom smjeru.
In his answer he states that he is not satisfied with the service and that he received only Portuguese-English and not English-Portuguese language pair, which is absolutely impossible because we do not sell one-way dictionaries at all.
[Wed Sep 29 13:23:42 2004]
Također tvrdi da je dobio ŤPolish Speechť (izgovor poljskih riječi) što mi uopće nemamo u našoj ponudi
He also claimed that he received ŤPolish Speechť (the pronunciation of Polish words) althouh we do not offer that at all
[Wed Sep 29 13:28:28 2004]
Narudžbenica je stigla 30.07.04.
On June 30, 2004 we received the order form
[Wed Sep 29 13:29:33 2004]
za program pod nazivom InteractiveTran, upute za aktivaciju su poslane 02.08.04.
On June 30, 2004 we received the order form for InteractiveTran software, and the activation instructions were sent on August 2, 2004.
[Wed Sep 29 13:30:58 2004]
Istoga dana kupac se registrira što vidimo iz zapisa na našem serveru.
The buyer registered himself the same day, which can be seen in our server records.
[Wed Sep 29 13:32:51 2004]
Sljedećeg se dana kupac tuži da program ne prevodi dobro njegove web stranice i navodi primjere.
The following day the buyer complained that the software does not translate his web site well, and he gave the the examples of those translations.
[Wed Sep 29 13:33:24 2004]
Mi mu objašnjavamo da program radi interaktivno, zato se i zove InteractiveTran, a to znači da korisnik odabire između alternativnih prijevoda onaj prijevod koji najbolje odgovara kontekstu.
We explained that the software operates interactively, which is why it is called InteractiveTran, meaning that the user chooses between alternative translations that translation which best suits the given context.
[Wed Sep 29 13:34:11 2004]
Također mu objašnjavamo da korisnik može dodavati nove riječi i fraze.
We also explained that the user can add new words and phrases.
[Wed Sep 29 13:34:45 2004]
Kupac međutim insistira da mu se vrati novac.
However, the buyer insisted on being refunded.
[Wed Sep 29 13:34:45 2004]
Napominjemo da na našim web stranicama
I would here like to point out that our Web site
[Wed Sep 29 13:39:29 2004]
postoji animirani prikaz kako funkcionira InteractiveTran i nigdje nije navedeno da je to program za automatsko prevođenje web stranica.
gives the animated presentation of how InteractiveTran operates, and it nowhere says that it is the software for automatic translation of Web sites.
[Wed Sep 29 13:39:29 2004]
Također se jasno navodi da InteractiveTran prevodi riječ po riječ te da može pružiti samo grubi prijevod.
It also clearly says that InteractiveTran translates word by word, and that it can provide only the rough translation.
[Wed Sep 29 13:53:09 2004]
Smatramo da nas se ne bi smjelo teretiti jer su prigovori kupca neosnovani
We believe that we should not be charged because the buyer's complaints are unsubstantial
[Wed Sep 29 13:59:10 2004]
Kupac prigovara da se program briše kada istekne baterija, te da program svaki puta mora ponovo instalirati.
The buyer complains that the software is erased when the battery discharges, and that the software must be reinstalled each time must when this occurs.
[Wed Sep 29 14:00:42 2004]
however, this is the case with ALL SOFTWARE ON POCKET PCs.
[Wed Sep 29 14:00:42 2004]
Svaki se program briše iz memorije kada istekne baterija, ne samo naš program
All the other software is deleted from the memory when the battery discharges, not just our software
[Wed Sep 29 14:02:53 2004]
Drugi se prigovor odnosi na izdavanje licencnog broja.
The other complaint regards issuing of a licence number.
[Wed Sep 29 14:02:53 2004]
Licencni broj se može dobiti preko interneta u bilo koje doba i nije potrebna naša pomoć
The licence number can be obtained via the Internet at any time, and our direct help is not necessary
[Wed Sep 29 14:05:46 2004]
Neosnovan je prigovor kupca da je program InteractiveTran samo rječnik.
The buyer's complaint that InteractiveTran is just a dictionary is unfounded.
[Wed Sep 29 14:05:46 2004]
Na našim stranicama
On our Web site
[Wed Sep 29 14:09:52 2004]
postoji animirani prikaz funkcija InteractiveTran-a i vidi se da program može prevoditi cijele dokumente, ali riječ po riječ te da je rezultat samo grubi prijevod.
there is an animated presentation of how InteractiveTran operates,- and it can be seen that the software can translate entire documents, but on a word-by-word basis, and that it provides only a rough translation.
[Wed Sep 29 14:09:52 2004]
Površno čitanje web stranica ne može biti osnova za povrat novca
Superficial reading of our Web site cannot make the grounds did establish for the refund