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[Wed Dec 03 12:44:51 2003]
Svojevremeno je pred zgradom Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu izvedena jedna takva geodetska kupola, kostur od drvenih štapova bez membrane.
Some time before, there was constructed in front of the building of the Faculty Of Civil Engineering in Zagreb one such geodetic dome, skeleton of wooden bars without a membrane.
[Wed Dec 03 12:46:07 2003]
Izveli su je studenti treće godine tadašnjeg Interfakultetskog prometnog studija u sklopu vježbi predmeta Nosive strukture.
It was constructed by third-year students of the Interfaculty of traffic engineering of that time as a part of exercises the of Bearing structure subject.
[Wed Dec 03 12:47:12 2003]
O tome je snimljen i film, a cijeli posao montaže trajao je oko 2 sata.
Even a movie about it was made film, but the entire assembly work lasted the 2 hours.
[Wed Dec 03 12:47:12 2003]
Kasnije su je studenti rastavili i montirali u Karlovcu.
afterwards students disassembled it and reassembled it in Karlovac.
[Wed Dec 03 12:53:49 2003]
Pokušava se (bezuspješno) organizirati industrijska proizvodnja geodezijskih panelnih kupola za stambene potrebe, posebice za brzu izgradnju cijelih naselja visoke i srednje razine opremljenosti stanovanja).
There have been attempts (unsuccessful) to organize the industrial production of geodesic panel cupolas for home requirements, especially for fast construction of entire communities of high and middle levels of residence equipment).
[Wed Dec 03 13:44:52 2003]
Cijeli spektar ultralaganih prostornih konstrukcija u kojima je prostorno, na elemente sustava, podijeljen vlak i tlak na način da se vlak preuzima žicama, kabelima i fleksibilnim elementima, a tlak u sustavu preuzima "krutim" štapnim elementima, uopće nije u nas poznat.
With the whole spectrum of ultralight spatial structures in which are divided spatially, into system elements, tension and pressure in a way that the tension is received through (?) wires, cables and flexible elements, and pressure in the system through (?) " solid " bar elements, we are generally not familiar.
[Wed Dec 03 13:56:29 2003]
"Tensile-integrity" strukture ostale su izvan interesa i domašaja naših projektanata.
" Tensile-integrity " structures remain out of interest and scope of our planners.
[Wed Dec 03 13:59:37 2003]
Koliko znam, kod nas je samo izrađeno nekoliko školskih primjera modela takvih konstrukcija, par diplomskih radova i jedan doktorat znanosti.
As far as I know, by us only has been made a few school examples of such construction models have been constructed here, couple of theses and one Ph. D.
[Wed Dec 03 13:59:37 2003]
U inozemstvu se cijele ekipe eksperata bave unapređivanjem takvih ultralaganih konstrukcija, koje imaju velikih ekonomskih prednosti pred spektrom ostalih velikorasponskih konstrukcija daleko većih masa
There are whole teams of experts Abroad that deal with improvements of such ultralight structures, which have big economic advantages when compared to (?) the spectrum of other long-range constructions of far greater sizes
[Wed Dec 03 14:12:30 2003]
Također je poznato da su hipari od drveta vjerojatno jedna od najracionalnijih konstrukcija, a i oblikom su to osebujne i atraktivne konstrukcije.
It is also familiar that wooden hyperbolic paraboloids are probably one of the most rational constructions, which also have a particular and attractive shape.
[Wed Dec 03 14:15:49 2003]
Vrlo se malo hipara gradi u nas, a oni koji su sagrađeni (od armiranog betona!)
A very small number of hyperbolic paraboloids is built here, and those that are built (from reinforced concrete!)
[Wed Dec 03 14:16:48 2003]
su u stvari antipropaganda za ove oblike.
) actually represent antipublicity to these forms.
[Wed Dec 03 14:20:10 2003]
Hipari su pravčaste plohe, dakle najpovoljniji oblici za primjenu drveta (dasaka i tankih ploča).
Hyperbolic paraboloids are straight line generated structures, therefore the most suitable forms for wood application (boards and thin boards).
[Wed Dec 03 14:21:46 2003]
Hipar od armiranog betona na ulazu u Zagrebački velesajam je građen na hiparu-oplati od drvenih dasaka, čiji se otisci mogu jasno razabrati s donje strane betonske ljuske hipara.
Hyperbolic paraboloid from reinforced concrete at the entrance to Zagreb Fair was built on a hyperbolic paraboloid -paneling from wooden boards, whose traces can clearly be recognized at the lower side of the concrete shell of the hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Wed Dec 03 14:24:07 2003]
Jasno je dokazivo da se za istu cijenu betonskog hipara moglo izgraditi nekoliko atraktivnih drvenih hipara s ukrućujućim elementima od lameliranog drveta.
It is clearly provable that for the same price of concrete hyperbolic paraboloid a few attractive wooden hyperbolic paraboloid with stiffening elements from laminated trees could have been built.
[Wed Dec 03 14:24:07 2003]
Nastojimo uvesti hipare kao razigrane prostorne nosive strukture krovova stambenih jedinica i većih prostora, kao racionalne elemente gradnje i obnove krovova.
We've been trying to introduce hyperbolic paraboloids as playful spacial bearing roof structures of house units and larger spaces, as rational elemens for building and renewing roofs.
[Wed Dec 03 14:41:00 2003]
Slično je i s konstrukcijama oslonjenim na zrak.
It is also similar with constructions supported on the air.
[Wed Dec 03 14:47:05 2003]
Sve se te konstrukcije uz minimalna ulaganja mogu izvesti, no ne proizvode se jer nema početnog dizajna.
All these constructions can be built with minimal investments, but are not made because there is no initial design.
[Wed Dec 03 14:54:24 2003]
U nas nema ni nategnutih mekih membrana od trevire (trevira je tvornički naziv za PVC plastificirani poliesterski netkani tekstil).
We do not have neither tense soft trevira membranes (trevira is the trade name for PVC plasticized polyester unwoven textile).
[Wed Dec 03 14:54:51 2003]
Te su membrane izvanredno pogodne za male hale, za privremene (trajnost se trevire procjenjuje na 15 godina) i atraktivne pokrove hala raznih namjena.
These membranes are exceptionally suitable for small halls, for temporary (trevira's durability is estimated to 15 years) and attractive hall coverings of different purposes.
[Wed Dec 03 14:54:51 2003]
Te su membrane mase od 360 g/m2 do 600 g/m2.
These membranes range from 360 g/m2 to 600 g/m2.
[Wed Dec 03 15:04:42 2003]
U nas se cijele kategorije struktura ne izvode, jer se razmišlja u kategorijama gradnje opekom i armiranim betonom.
whole categories of structures are not performed here, because we think in terms of buildings with brick and reinforced concrete.
[Wed Dec 03 15:04:42 2003]
I eventualno se kod gradnje industrijskih hala razmišlja o građenju čelikom.
And possibly when building industrial halls we consider building with steel.
[Wed Dec 03 15:15:20 2003]
Uzroci sterilnosti nisu u našoj nemoći ili našem neznanju, već u sterilnosti neznanja o funkcioniranju takvih sustava, nepoznavanju mogućnosti izvedbe kod nas, u neznanju prikazivanja geometrijskih prostornih entiteta (tehničkih crteža i detalja) u izvedbenim nacrtima i bojazni od suočavanja s (nepostojećim) problemima u dizajnu.
Reasons for sterility are not to be found in our impotence or ignorance, but in ignorance sterility about functioning of such systems, ignorance of performance possibility here, in ignorance of presenting geometric spacial entities (engineering drawings and details) in execution drafts and in fear from dealing with (nonexisting) problems in designing.
[Wed Dec 03 15:17:36 2003]
Za to neznanje su krivi i tehnički odgoj i još postojeće neprivredno okruženje, nedostatak kontakata s inozemstvom, nepoznavanje razine mogućnosti suvremene znanosti i znanstvenih dostignuća.
Technical education and still existing noneconomic surrounding, lack of contacts with foreign countries, not knowing the level of possibilities of contemporary sciences and scientific achievements are all to be blamed for this ignorance.
[Wed Dec 03 15:17:36 2003]
To nepoznavanje rezultira "tunelskim pogledom" na stvarnost i na mogućnosti današnje znanosti i tehnologije i sprječava uvid u širinu mogućnosti koje nas okružuju.
This ignorance results in a " tunnel look " to reality and to possibilities of today's science and technologies and prevents the insight into the extent of possibilities that surround us.
[Wed Dec 03 15:27:26 2003]
Zatim, često se susrećemo s ustaljenom i sterilnim mišljenjima koja su često spojena s autoritetima vlasti.
Also, we often encounter determinated and sterile opinions that are often linked to governmental authorities.
[Wed Dec 03 15:28:48 2003]
Često se sprječava građenje drvetom jer se autoritetom vlasti insistira na "zapaljivosti" drveta.
Wooden building is often prevented because the governmental authority insists on " combustibility " of trees.
[Wed Dec 03 15:29:32 2003]
Tu, naravno, treba lučiti dvije stvari:
Here, of course, we need to separate two things:
[Wed Dec 03 15:31:02 2003]
jedna je zapaljivost drveta, a druga je ponašanje drveta u požaru.
one is of combustibility of trees, and the other behavior of trees in the fire.
[Wed Dec 03 15:42:46 2003]
Nepobitno je da drvena, ispravno dizajnirana konstrukcija u požaru otpornije djeluje od metalne i armirano-betonske konstrukcije.
It is a fact that a wooden, correctly designed construction in the fire has a greater resistance than metal and reinforced-concrete constructions.
[Wed Dec 03 15:43:16 2003]
U tom smislu je u svijetu i kod nas proveden velik broj ispitivanja dijelova i cijelih konstrukcija.
In this respect, a number of tests of parts and whole constructions has been performed here and in the world.
[Wed Dec 03 15:43:16 2003]
A i požarna iskustva to dokazuju.
And fire experiences prove them.
[Wed Dec 03 16:03:30 2003]
Kod tih "autoriteta" koji apriori odbacuju vatrootpornost drveta u požaru ne pomaže ni zorno ispitivanje požarne otpornosti konstrukcije u laboratoriju, kao što je nedavno takvo ispitivanje financirao DIP GAJ u Zavodu za toplinska istraživanja u Zagrebu.
With these "authorities" who apriori reject the firesafety of wood in the fire neither a clear testing of fire resistances of construction in the laboratory does not help, as one such testing was financed by DIP GAJ at the Department for Thermal Research in Zagreb not long ago.
[Wed Dec 03 16:03:30 2003]
Ako se malo razmisli, onda bi se došlo do zaključka, da takva ispitivanja treba prvenstveno zahtijevati i provoditi za konstrukcije od čelika i armiranog betona, jer su te konstrukcije manje otporne u požaru od drvenih konstrukcija!
If we thought about it a little, then we would come to the conclusion, that such testings need to be primarily demanded and performed for structures of steel and reinforced concrete, because these structures are less resistant in the fire than wooden structures!
[Wed Dec 03 16:34:23 2003]
Proizvodnja "GRAIM" rešetkastih nosača u Hrasniku (po licenciji GRAIMBAU GMbH Hildesheim, Njemačka).
Production of " GRAIM " trusses in Hrasnik (according to the GRAIMBAU GMbH Hildesheim license, Germany).
[Wed Dec 03 16:34:51 2003]
Industrijska proizvodnja rešetkastih nosača.
Industrial production of trusses.
[Wed Dec 03 16:35:14 2003]
Elementi se međusobno spajaju višeslojnim tankim pocinčanim limovima.
Elements are mutually connected by multilayer thin galvanized sheet metals.
[Wed Dec 03 16:35:20 2003]
Spajala su čavli.
Nails are fasteners.
[Wed Dec 03 16:35:59 2003]
Krovna konstrukcija skladišta "Dekorativne" u Ljubljani.
Roof structure " Decorative " warehouse in Ljubljana.
[Wed Dec 03 16:35:59 2003]
Faza montaže GRAIM rešetki.
Assembly phase of GRAIM bars.
[Wed Dec 03 16:43:02 2003]
Utrošak drveta kod punostjenog lameliranog nosača i kod HOWE nosača.
Consumption of wood with a GLULAM beam and a HOWE support.
[Wed Dec 03 16:43:02 2003]
Kod HOWE nosača se uvođenjem prednaprezanja u vertikale sustava eliminiraju sve moguće vlačne sile u dijagonalnim štapovima, čime se bitno pojednostavljuju detalji čvorova priključaka dijagonala za pojaseve rešetke.
In HOWE supports, when introducing prestressing in the verticals of a system, all the possible tensile forces in diagonal members are being eliminated, which simplifies knot details of connections of diagonals for grid flanges to a greater extent.
[Wed Dec 03 16:49:14 2003]
Kod lijepljenih lameliranih drvenih nosača koristimo skupi proizvod drveta i u zonama u kojima taj materijal i nije potreban.
With glued laminated wooden supports we use an expensive wood product and in zones in which that material is not really necessary.
[Wed Dec 03 16:50:13 2003]
Stoga propisi predviđaju korištenje I klase drveta u vanjskim petinskim zonama (H/5), a drvo druge klase drveta u srednjoj zoni visine 3H/5.
Therefore regulations anticipate the use of the first class of wood in outer areas fifth parts (?) (H/5), and wood of the second class in the middle height zone of 3H/5.
[Wed Dec 03 16:52:18 2003]
Također i novi standardi EUROCODE 5 predviđaju da se mogu koristiti razne klase čvrstoće drveta za lameliranje drvenih grednih nosača:
Also new standards EUROCODE 5 anticipate that different strength classes of wood for laminating wooden beam supports can be used:
[Wed Dec 03 16:52:18 2003]
mogu se kombinirati klase čvrstoća C4 i C1 (kod LH28), C6 i C2 (kod LH35), s tim da su najmanje dva sloja vanjski laminati više klase čvrstoće drveta, debljine obostrano po H/6.
classes of strength C4 and C1 (by LH28), C6 and C2 (by LH35), can be combined but at least two layers have to be outer laminates of the upper class of wood's strengths, and of thickness on both sides of H/6.
[Thu Dec 04 09:00:40 2003]
Međutim, potpuno je jasno da se primjenom rešetkastih nosača, na primjer sustava GRAIM, može postići ušteda u masi drvene građe, pri istoj nosivosti nosivog sklopa.
However, it is clear that with the use of trusses, for example with the GRAIM system, the lumber mass could be saved, when at the same structure bearing capacity.
[Thu Dec 04 09:05:01 2003]
Na isti način može se primijeniti i unaprijeđeni HOWE-ov sustav s prednapetim čeličnim vertikalama i pojasevima od lameliranog drveta.
The improved HOWE system with prestressed steel verticals and GLULAM timber belts can be also used in the same way.
[Thu Dec 04 09:08:26 2003]
Štapovi ispune tih kvazi-rešetkastih nosača obično su od piljene (monolitne) građe (što je jeftinije), a mogu biti i od lameliranog drveta (što je skuplje rješenje).
Diagonal bars of these quasi-trusses are usually made from sawn (monolithic) structures (which is cheaper), but can also be made from laminated wood (a more expensive solution).
[Thu Dec 04 09:08:26 2003]
Rešetkasti nosači su u građevinskoj praksi drvenih konstrukcija većih raspona danas poprilično zanemareni u korist skupljih lameliranih grednih i okvirnih nosivih sustava.
Today, in the wooden construction practice of larger proportions, trusses have been considerably ignored in favor of more expensive laminated beam and frame bearing structures.
[Thu Dec 04 09:11:19 2003]
lamelirano drvo
laminated wood
[Thu Dec 04 09:11:48 2003]
limene ploče
sheets of steel
[Thu Dec 04 09:13:41 2003]
piljena građa ili lamelirano drvo
sawn lumber or laminated wood
[Thu Dec 04 09:14:55 2003]
Revitalizacija HOWE-ovog rešetkastog nosača.
Revitalization of the HOWE-truss.
[Thu Dec 04 09:15:40 2003]
a) detalj čvora unaprijeđenog HOWE nosača:
but) knot detail of an improved HOWE support:
[Thu Dec 04 09:16:57 2003]
prednapete vertikale su BBRV kabeli od visokovrijednog čelika s tipskim kotvama;
prestressed verticals are BBRV cables made from high-priced steel with standard anchors;
[Thu Dec 04 09:17:33 2003]
b) strukturalni prikaz čvora za analizu metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE), na primjer s programom M-STRUDL.
b) the structural knot display for the analysis with the finite element method (FEM), for example with the M-STRUDL program.
[Thu Dec 04 09:17:52 2003]
Štapovi ispune priključuju se poluzglobovima za pojasne štapove;
Diagonal bars are attached with semijoints to cord members;
[Thu Dec 04 09:17:52 2003]
c) poprečni presjek kroz čvor nosača.
c) cross section through the support knot.
[Thu Dec 04 09:20:11 2003]
pojas od lameliranog drveta
laminated wood belt
[Thu Dec 04 09:24:19 2003]
Bez znanja o reologiji materijala, pogotovo reologiji drveta, termoplasta, duroplasta i elastomera, malo se može i pokušati učiniti u primjeni polimera u konstrukcijama.
Lacking the knowledge of material rheology, especially of rheology of the wood, thermoplastic, duroplasts and elastomers, little can be done in the use of polymers in constructions.
[Thu Dec 04 09:25:59 2003]
Osim suradnje s arhitektima i građevinarima, potrebna je i suradnja s kemičarima i fizičarima.
Apart from the collaboration with architects and building constructors, a collaboration with chemists and physicists is also necessary.
[Thu Dec 04 09:25:59 2003]
I pri protupožarnoj zaštiti drva također je potrebna takva interdisciplinarna suradnja eksperata.
Such interdisciplinary collaboration of experts is also necessary when dealing with the fire protection of the wood.
[Thu Dec 04 09:31:32 2003]
Primjena plastičnih masa u drvenim konstrukcijama je prirodna, a zapravo i stvar sadašnjeg vremena, pogotovo budućnosti.
The use of plastic masses in wooden constructions is natural, and actually also a matter of the present, especially of the future.
[Thu Dec 04 09:32:54 2003]
To su organski materijali prirodnog i umjetnog porijekla.
These organic materials have a natural and artificial origin.
[Thu Dec 04 09:33:28 2003]
Ali, pri primjeni polimera u konstrukcijama susrećemo se s problemima s kojima se, naravno, nismo ni mogli prije suočiti:
But, in the use of polymers in constructions we encounter problems which, of course, we could not have encountered before:
[Thu Dec 04 09:35:07 2003]
kada koristiti polietilen, polipropilen, polivinilklorid (PVC), polimetilmetakrilate, polikarbonate, celulozne acetobutirate, a kada poliestere i epokside, a kad poliuretane?
when to use the polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polymethyl methacrylates, polycarbonates, cellulosic acetobutirates, when polyesters and epoxides, but when polyurethanes?
[Thu Dec 04 09:36:31 2003]
Nužno je poznavati reologiju materijala, fizikalno-kemijska svojstva te mogućnosti i načine spajanja;
It is essential to be know the rheology of materials, physical-chemical properties and possibilities and methods of connecting;
[Thu Dec 04 09:37:49 2003]
da li primijeniti lijepljenje (da li se materijal uopće lijepi?)
whether to use gluing (could the material be glued at all?)
[Thu Dec 04 09:37:49 2003]
, da li treba primijeniti šivanje ili VF-postupak zavarivanja pod pritiskom i sl.
), whether to use the sewing or VF-welding method under the pressure and alike.
[Thu Dec 04 09:47:53 2003]
Tu se kod podatljivih membrana susrećemo ne samo s problemima spajanja elemenata u cjelinu, već i s problemima krojenja (povratak već zaboravljenim znanjima deskriptivne geometrije i vještinama krojenja).
with pliant membranes we encounter not only the problems of connecting the elements in the whole, but also the problems of tailoring (returning to already forgotten knowledge of descriptive geometry and to the tailoring skills).
[Thu Dec 04 09:47:53 2003]
Industrijski proizvod osnovnog materijala ponekad je određen dimenzijama koje proistječu iz proizvodnog procesa u tvornicama (na primjer širina tkanja, veličine preša i slično).
Industrial product made of a basic material is sometimes determined by dimensions which result from the production process in factories (for example by a weaving width, by the size of a press and alike).
[Thu Dec 04 09:55:05 2003]
Primjena MERO u drvenim prostornim rešetkama velikih raspona.
Use of MERO in wooden spacial bars of large spans.
[Thu Dec 04 09:55:42 2003]
Ovaj sustav je primijenjen na jednom mostu.
This system has been applied on one bridge.
[Thu Dec 04 10:02:14 2003]
Sustav MERO se razvio kao spojno sredstvo u čeličnim rešetkastim konstrukcijama.
MERO system has been developed as a joining instrument in steel frameworks.
[Thu Dec 04 10:04:00 2003]
Drveni štap od lamelirane ili rezane (piljene) građe spaja se na krajevima za cijevi od čelika, koje na svojim krajevima imaju konične nastavke, koji se mogu posebnim vijcima priključiti za MERO spojne čelične kugle.
Wooden bar made from laminated or cut (sawn) timber is connected to ends of steel pipes, who on their ends have conical joints, which can be with special screws joined to MERO joining steel spheres.
[Thu Dec 04 10:04:00 2003]
Čelične cijevi se s drvenim štapom spajaju sustavom ortogonalnih trnova.
Steel pipes are connected to the system of orthogonal spikes with a wooden bar.
[Thu Dec 04 10:09:45 2003]
a) aksonometrijski prikaz čvora;
a) axonometric illustration of a knot;
[Thu Dec 04 10:16:43 2003]
c) presjek kroz spoj cijevi i drvenog štapa;
c) section through a pipe joint and a wooden bar;
[Thu Dec 04 10:18:46 2003]
d) presjek kroz štap na mjestu spoja drvenog štapa cijevi;
d) section through a member at the point where a wooden bar of the pipe is connected;
[Thu Dec 04 10:18:46 2003]
e) moguće je izvesti i drveni štap okruglog presjeka pa imitirati u MERO sustavu uobičajene čelične cijevi.
e) it is also possible to make a round section wooden bar and then imitate usual steel pipes in the MERO system.
[Thu Dec 04 10:21:30 2003]
MERO/BAM sustav spajanja rešetkastih prostornih konstrukcija (patentirano)
MERO/BAM system of connecting lattice spatial structures (patented)
[Thu Dec 04 10:26:08 2003]
pritezna matica
screw nut
[Thu Dec 04 10:27:30 2003]
priključni vijak
connecting screw
[Thu Dec 04 10:29:20 2003]
lamelirani štap
laminated member
[Thu Dec 04 10:30:56 2003]
štap kružnog presjeka
member of circular section
[Thu Dec 04 10:39:39 2003]
Sustav TIBO (3.
TIBO System (3.
[Thu Dec 04 10:42:29 2003]
MAJ) kontejner kuća.
MAJ) container-house.
[Thu Dec 04 10:43:06 2003]
Korišteni su tzv.
were used so called.
[Thu Dec 04 10:49:27 2003]
Pogodno za "emergency habitat".
Suitable for "emergency habitat".
[Thu Dec 04 10:51:49 2003]
Moguće su razne kombinacije bungalova.
Different combinations of a bungalow are possible.
[Thu Dec 04 10:53:42 2003]
Prikazan je tip bungalova za 2 do 3 osobe, površine oko 32 m2.
Illustration of a 2-3 person bungalow, about 32 m2 surface.
[Thu Dec 04 10:56:50 2003]
Kod bungalova za 3 do 5 osoba površina je cca 48 m2, a sastoji se iz dvije jedinice sa izdvojenim (ali spojenim) mokrim čvorom.
surface of a 3-5 person bungalow 3 5 is approximately 48 m2, but it consists of two units with a separated (but joined) wet node.
[Thu Dec 04 10:59:40 2003]
Ovim konstrukcijama nisu potrebni masivni temelji, već se samo izravna tlo.
Massive foundations are not necessary for these structures, only the ground gets flattened.
[Thu Dec 04 10:59:40 2003]
Nekoliko se takvih jedinica može "stakirati" u više-etažni sustav.
A few such units can be " stacked " in a more-story system.
[Thu Dec 04 11:08:53 2003]
Na žalost, ovaj praktični sustav je i relativno skup jer materijal kontejnera (čelični okvir s limovima) nije strukturalno iskorišten.
Unfortunately, this practical system is also relatively expensive because the container material (steel framework with sheet metals) is not structurally used.
[Thu Dec 04 11:14:58 2003]
Konstrukcija bi mogla nositi daleko veće opterećenje nego što je to opterećenje snijegom (u krajevima gdje ima snijega) i vjetrom.
Structure could bear far greater load than that of the snow (in parts with snow) and wind.
[Thu Dec 04 11:14:58 2003]
No, brzina izvedbe je praktično trenutna, pa to daje prednost ovim kućicama, pogotovo u uvjetima poslijeratne obnove ili obnove nakon prirodnih katastrofa.
But, the execution speed is practically momentary, so this gives advantage to these little houses, especially in the conditions of postwar reconstructions or after natural disasters.
[Thu Dec 04 11:32:01 2003]
Treba za krojenje membrana poznavati vještine krojenja slobodnih oblika, treba znati ne samo dizajnirati konstrukciju već i znati načiniti odgovarajući kroj u osnovi kojeg treba uračunati i puzanje pod silom napinjanja u toku vremena, dakle u dizajn kroja uvesti i nelinearne analize konstrukcija i detalja.
To tailor membranes, it is necessary to know tailoring skills of free forms, not only how to design a structure but also how to make a matching pattern in whose basis the creep under the stressing force during the course of time also needs to be included, therefore nonlinear structure detail analyses have to be introduced in the pattern design also.
[Thu Dec 04 11:32:45 2003]
Treba poznavati CAD, ali treba i raspolagati programima za nelinearne analize konstrukcija membrana i uslojenih konstrukcija panela.
We need to know the CAD, but also have programs for nonlinear structure analysis of membranes and layered panel structures.
[Thu Dec 04 11:32:46 2003]
O tome je pisao i istraživač prof. J.
about it wrote also researcher prof. J.
[Thu Dec 04 11:32:46 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 11:38:13 2003]
Dva tipa laganih konstrukcija od drveta, metala i plastike na betonskim temeljima:
Two types of light structures of wood, metals and plastics on concrete foundations:
[Thu Dec 04 11:38:13 2003]
a) hiperbolični paraboloid od drveta, b) zrakom stabilizirana membrana pneumatskog diska
a) hyperbolic wooden paraboloid, b) air stabilized membrane of pneumatic disc
[Thu Dec 04 11:40:26 2003]
Industrijska proizvodnja stambenih jedinica od tipskih elemenata, koji se međusobno kombiniraju na razne načine.
Industrial production of home units from standard elements, which are mutually combined in different ways.
[Thu Dec 04 11:44:10 2003]
Napete membrane od trevire na čeličnim stupovima:
tighten trevira membranes on steel columns:
[Thu Dec 04 11:44:46 2003]
nadstrešnica za autobusne perone.
eaves for bus platforms.
[Thu Dec 04 11:44:46 2003]
Iz kataloga Strosmayera.
From Strosmayer's catalog.
[Thu Dec 04 11:49:40 2003]
Primjena pneumatskih jastuka pri pokrivanju velikih gradskih površina.
use of pneumatic cushions when covering large urban surfaces.
[Thu Dec 04 11:50:08 2003]
"Marlex Stern" krov od pneumatskih jastuka od DIOLEN-a.
"Marlex Stern" roof made from DIOLEN pneumatic cushions.
[Thu Dec 04 11:54:34 2003]
Izvedeno 1971.
Performed in 1971.
[Thu Dec 04 11:54:34 2003]
Prikazuje se presjek strukture, te pogled na konstrukciju, kao i dva rakursa izgleda krovne plohe sustava pneumatskih jastuka.
Shows structure section, view on the structure, as well as two camera angles of roof surface view of pneumatic cushions system are illustrated here.
[Thu Dec 04 12:04:38 2003]
Konstrukcija od napetih membrana trevire za prekrivanje prostora raznih namjena.
Structure made of tighten trevira membranes for covering areas of different purposes.
[Thu Dec 04 12:05:51 2003]
LIO mrežaste svođene konstrukcije od aluminijskih cijevnih štapova i ovješene membrane od trevire.
LIO netlike arched structures made from aluminic pipe members and suspended trevira membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 12:05:51 2003]
Serijski proizvod industrije LIO.
Mass-product of the LIO industry.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:08 2003]
Membranska konstrukcija krovišta stadiona u Rhyadhu (Saudijska Arabija), prema crtežima IABSE PERIODICA 2/1987.
Membrane roof structure of the stadium in Rhyadh (Saudi Arabia), based on IABSE PERIODICA 2/1987 drawings.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:32 2003]
Prikazuje se presjek jednog segmenta i tlocrtna dispozicija jednog polja konstrukcije.
Illustration of the one-segment section and ground-plan disposition of one field of the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 12:09:32 2003]
Taj se stadion smatra jednim od najljepših stadiona na svijetu.
This stadium is considered one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world.
[Thu Dec 04 12:13:53 2003]
ovjesni kabel
suspended cable
[Thu Dec 04 12:21:06 2003]
razboj kabel
loom cable
[Thu Dec 04 12:21:29 2003]
temelj kablova
base of cables
[Thu Dec 04 12:31:14 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:22 2003]
Tipske hale za tenis.
Standard tennis halls.
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:35 2003]
Lamelirani drveni lučni nosači podupiru membranu od trevire ili diolena.
Laminated wooden curved beams support trevira or diolen membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 12:33:41 2003]
Dimenzije hale:
Hall dimensions:
[Thu Dec 04 12:37:11 2003]
širina 18.24 m, duljina hale iznosi 35.10 m, strelica hale iznosi 7.23 m.
width 18,24 m, hall's length is 35,10 m, hall's arrow 7.23 m.
[Thu Dec 04 12:41:17 2003]
Površina hale iznosi oko 610 m2.
Hall's surface is around 610 m2.
[Thu Dec 04 12:43:22 2003]
Sustav se sastoji od 15 lameliranih drvenih nosača sa 7 podrožnica na koje je oslonjena TREVIRA (PVC impregnirana poliesterska tkanina) nosivosti 2750 N/(5 cm), prema DIN 4102 (teško goriva).
The system consists of 15 laminated wooden structures with 7 roof purlines on which TREVIRA leans (PVC impregnated polyester fabric) whose capacity is 2750 N/(5 cm), according to DIN. 4102 (heavy fuels).
[Thu Dec 04 12:43:22 2003]
Više se raspona može kombinirati na način da se GLULAM nosači mimoilaze međusobno.
More spans can be combined so that GLULAM structures pass each other mutually.
[Thu Dec 04 12:47:53 2003]
Lukovi L D
Arc L D
[Thu Dec 04 12:48:29 2003]
Presjeci laminatnih nosača
Sections of laminate structures
[Thu Dec 04 12:50:03 2003]
Sidrena ploča
anchor plate
[Thu Dec 04 12:51:21 2003]
Unutrašnjost tipske hale za tenis
Inside of the standard tennis hall
[Thu Dec 04 14:05:43 2003]
Unutrašnjost hale.
Inside of the hall.
[Thu Dec 04 14:12:10 2003]
Više hala može se međusobno kombinirati u jednu halu.
more halls can be mutually combined into one hall.
[Thu Dec 04 14:12:10 2003]
Pri tom treba riješiti kritičnu odvodnju oborinske vode u uvalama između svodova.
When doing so one has to solve the problem of the critical drainage of precipitation water in inlets between vaults.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:22 2003]
Primjer napete tkanine kao pokrova nad spojnim mostom ulaza.
Example of a stretched material as a covering above the connecting bridge of an entrance.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:31 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:33 2003]
bolnica u Erdinu u Austriji.
hospital in Erdin, Austria.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:36 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:41 2003]
Rappmansberger i Zlemski.
Rappmansberger and Zlemski.
[Thu Dec 04 14:18:43 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:31 2003]
Benesch, Stuttgart.
Benesch, Stuttgart.
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:32 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:34 2003]
Koitwerke H.
Koitwerke H.
[Thu Dec 04 14:20:46 2003]
Koch, Rimsting.
Koch, Rimsting.
[Thu Dec 04 14:21:10 2003]
Korištena DIOLEN tkanina.
DIOLEN material Used.
[Thu Dec 04 14:22:15 2003]
Ukupna natkrivena površina iznosi 42.0 x 11.4 = 480 m2.
The total roofed area is 42.0 x 11.4 = 480 m2.
[Thu Dec 04 14:22:18 2003]
Izvedeno 1975.
Performed in 1975.
[Thu Dec 04 14:30:12 2003]
Pneumatske konstrukcije japanskog paviljona na izložbi EXPO 70 (Murata).
Pneumatic structure of the Japanese pavilion at the EXPO 70 exhibition (Murata).
[Thu Dec 04 14:30:31 2003]
Na izložbi EXPO 70 podignuto je više paviljona konstruiranih na osnovi pneumatskih konstrukcija, s namjerom da se ti tipovi konstrukcija bolje uvriježe u graditeljskoj praksi.
A number of pavilions built on the basis of pneumatic structures were erected at the EXPO 70 exhibition, with the intention to make these structure types more frequent in the building practice.
[Thu Dec 04 14:31:15 2003]
Neki od tih paviljona imali su gigantske dimenzije.
Some of these pavilions were of gigantic dimensions.
[Thu Dec 04 14:31:15 2003]
Konstrukcija prikazanog paviljona sustav je međusobno povezanih pneumatskih lukova.
The structure of the illustrated pavilion is a system of interconnected pneumatic arches.
[Thu Dec 04 14:32:52 2003]
Pneumatska konstrukcija paviljona EXPO 70 (Murata).
Pneumatic structure of the EXPO 70 pavilion (Murata).
[Thu Dec 04 14:33:28 2003]
Presjek kroz paviljon.
Section through the pavilion.
[Thu Dec 04 14:33:28 2003]
Susrećemo se s prikazima 3D membranskih konstrukcija.
You can see 3D membrane structures illustrations.
[Thu Dec 04 14:36:58 2003]
Prikazi mogućih oblika pneumatskih i njima sličnih laganih i ultralaganih konstrukcija.
Illustrations of possible pneumatic forms and of those lightweight and ultralightweight structures similar to them.
[Thu Dec 04 14:39:03 2003]
Pokušaj sistematizacije laganih membranskih konstrukcija.
Attempt of lightweight membrane structures systematization.
[Thu Dec 04 14:39:03 2003]
Naša industrija je u mogućnosti izvesti niz prikazanih konstrukcija, no neke od njih, kao što su konstrukcije slobodnih ameboidnih oblika, te višeslojne membranske konstrukcije naša industrija za sada još nije u stanju izvesti.
Our industry is able to perform a series of the illustrated structures, but some of them, such as structures of free amoebaean forms, and multilayer membrane structures our industry for now cannot yet perform.
[Thu Dec 04 14:42:50 2003]
Hiperbolični paraboloid od drveta.
Hyperbolic wooden paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 14:44:30 2003]
Konstrukcija je izrađena na pokusnom poligonu Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta (UST) u Kumasiju 1970.
Structure made on the test polygon of the Faculty of Architecture of the University (UST) in Kumasi 1970.
[Thu Dec 04 14:44:41 2003]
Konstrukcija je izvedena u okviru vježbi studenata 3.
Structure was performed as a part of third-year student exercises
[Thu Dec 04 14:48:04 2003]
Materijal koji se koristio za konstrukciju je "vava" , vrsta vrlo mekanog i neotpornog drveta.
The material used for the structure is " vava ", a type of very soft and non-resistant wood.
[Thu Dec 04 14:50:00 2003]
Membrana se sastojala od dva sloja dasaka debljine 1/2 inča (oko 12.5 mm).
Membrane consisted of two layers of panels whose thickness was 1/2 inch (about 12,5 mm).
[Thu Dec 04 14:50:35 2003]
Spajala su čavli, a koristilo se i vijke na mjestima priključka stupova na rubni okvir.
Nails are fasteners, but also screws were used at connection points of pillars to the marginal frame.
[Thu Dec 04 14:52:12 2003]
Konstrukcija nije bila zaštićena.
The structure was not protected.
[Thu Dec 04 14:54:59 2003]
Konstrukciju se testiralo opterećenjem sloja vreća cementa, nakon čega je opterećenje povećano tako da se cijela grupa studenata popela na konstrukciju.
It was tested by the load of the layer cement bags, after which the burden was increased when the entire group of students climbed to the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 14:56:24 2003]
Pritom su bile mjerene deformacije konstrukcije.
Deformations of the structures were measured in this process.
[Thu Dec 04 14:56:25 2003]
Konstruktivni detalji opisani su u Žagar, Nosive konstrukcije, LIBER 1979.
Constructive details are described in Žagar's book, Bearing structures, LIBER 1979.
[Thu Dec 04 15:04:51 2003]
Hiperbolični paraboloid:
Hyperbolic paraboloid:
[Thu Dec 04 15:10:26 2003]
Pravčasta ploha, pogodna za izvedbu od slojeva dasaka.
Straight line generated structure, suitable for the construction with layers of panels.
[Thu Dec 04 15:11:00 2003]
Daske se nastavljaju na potrebitu duljinu pomoću zupčastog spoja.
Panels are added to the necessary length by using an indented joint.
[Thu Dec 04 15:13:36 2003]
Rubni elementi su od piljene građe ili lameliranog drveta.
Marginal are made from sawn timber or laminated wood.
[Thu Dec 04 15:15:53 2003]
Rubni element je posebno oblikovan, kako bi se prilagodio nagibima priključnih dasaka, zato je gornja ploha rubnih elemenata vitopera.
Marginal element is shaped in a special way, in order to adjust to slopes of joined panels, which is why the top of marginal elements is bent.
[Thu Dec 04 15:16:51 2003]
Ove konstrukcije vrlo su živopisne i prilikom njihova obilaska doživljavaju se razni optički efekti.
These structures are very bright so that one experiences various optic effects when going around them.
[Thu Dec 04 15:17:53 2003]
Prikazan je najjednostavniji pravokutno/kvadratni tlocrtni oblik hipara.
The illustration is of the simplest right-angled/square ground-plan shape of the hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 15:18:43 2003]
Razlikuju se visoke točke (VT) i niske točke (NT).
High points (HP) and low points (LP) are different.
[Thu Dec 04 15:18:43 2003]
Svaka od visokih i niskih točaka ne mora biti na istoj visini.
Every high and low points does not have to be at the same height.
[Thu Dec 04 15:24:59 2003]
Dapače, tri točke mogu biti na istoj razini, a samo jedna na višoj razini.
Quite the contrary, three points can on the same level, but only one is on a higher level.
[Thu Dec 04 15:27:05 2003]
Podupiranje paraboloida je u niskim točkama i potrebno je jednu visoku točku poduprijeti stupom, ili obje visoke točke fiksirati vlačnim užetom ili vitkim čeličnim profilom, kako bi se osigurala stabilnost konstrukcije.
paraboloids are supported at low points and one high point must be supported by the pillar, or both high points fixed by a tensile cord or a thin steel section, in order to insure the stability of the structure.
[Thu Dec 04 15:30:48 2003]
Ne preporučuje se upinjanje niskih točaka u temelje hipara, jer je to neekonomično.
Restraint of low points into foundations of the hyperbolic paraboloid is not recommended, because it is uneconomical.
[Thu Dec 04 15:32:27 2003]
Naravno da se cijeli hipar može osloniti po rubnim gredama, ali treba osigurati preuzimanje razupornih sila u niskim točkama hipara.
Of course the entire hyperbolic paraboloid can be supported along the marginal beams, but the receiving of bracing forces at low points of the hyperbolic paraboloid must be insured.
[Thu Dec 04 15:32:27 2003]
Daske se nastavljaju međusobno uobičajenim zupčastim vezom na potrebitu duljinu.
Panels are attached mutually by the usual indented joint to the required length.
[Thu Dec 04 15:38:38 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 15:39:22 2003]
na kraju visoka točka
at the end of a high point
[Thu Dec 04 15:39:59 2003]
[Thu Dec 04 15:41:17 2003]
zupčasti spoj
indented joint
[Thu Dec 04 15:49:41 2003]
Prikaz ispisa *.SES datoteke kreiranja FE modela hipara u modulu MODSTAR FA programa COSMOS/M.
SES file of the creation of FE hyperbolic paraboloid models in the MODSTAR FA module of COSMOS/M program.
[Thu Dec 04 15:51:26 2003]
prekopirati prikaz iz datoteke drvkonst1 materijali, str
copy the illustration from the file wooden structures1 materials, pg
[Thu Dec 04 16:03:59 2003]
Upis podataka za kreiranje FE modela hipara u modul Modstar FEA programa COSMOS/M.
Data input for the creation of FE hyperbolic paraboloid models in the Modstar module of FEA program COSMOS/M.
[Thu Dec 04 16:07:31 2003]
U novoj verziji FEA programa COSMOS/M FE modeli se kreiraju daleko jednostavnije i elegantnije u modulu GEOSTAR.
In the new version of FEA program, COSMOS/M FE models are created far easier and more elegantly in the GEOSTAR module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:07:31 2003]
U novoj verziji se više ne poziva modul MODSTAR već se i modeliranje i proračuni (analize) odvijaju u GEOSTAR modulu.
In the new version is not longer called the MODSTAR module but both models and budgets (analyses) run in the GEOSTAR to the module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:16:42 2003]
Prikaz VON MISES napona, te glavnih napona SIGMAZ, kao i linija razina VON MISES napona, s kolor kodom VON MISES napona.
Illustration of VON MISES stresses, and main SIGMAZ stresses, as well as a line of VON MISES stress levels, with a color code of VON MISES stresses.
[Thu Dec 04 16:17:23 2003]
Odabirom pogleda (VIEW) mogu se odabrati najzgodniji položaji strukture i elemenata za pojedine željene prikaze strukture, napona, deformacija i detalja.
By choosing the view (VIEW) most convenient positions of the structure and elements can be chosen for single wanted illustrations of the structure, stresses, deformations and details.
[Thu Dec 04 16:17:23 2003]
Prikazi se mogu zumirati, rotirati i translatirati unutar pojedinih prozora (WINDOW).
Illustrations can be zoomed, rotated and translated within single windows (WINDOW).
[Thu Dec 04 16:21:38 2003]
Prikazi raznih mogućih kombinacija grupa hipara.
illustration of different possible combinations of hyperbolic paraboloid groups.
[Thu Dec 04 16:21:38 2003]
Postižu se povoljni vizualni efekti uz vrlo racionalnu konstrukciju.
favourable visual effects can be achieved with a very rational structure.
[Thu Dec 04 16:22:22 2003]
Kombinacije hipara.
Hyperbolic paraboloid combinations.
[Thu Dec 04 16:24:26 2003]
Prikaz unutrašnjosti hale (Nancy-Halle, Karlsruhe, Njemačka), prekrivene hiparima kvadratne osnove.
Illustration of the inside of the hall (Nancy-Halle, Karlsruhe, Germany), covered with hyperbolic paraboloids of a square basis.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:12 2003]
Jedan (donji) sloj je od sjekomice postavljenih dasaka (gredica), a drugi (gornji) je izveden na uobičajeni način.
One (lower) layer is made from perpendicularly placed panels (joist), but the other (upper) is made in the usual way.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:18 2003]
Time je postignut povoljan vizualni efekt, ali i povećana krutost membrane hipara.
A favorable visual effect is achieved in this way, but also the increased stiffness of a hyperbolic paraboloid membrane.
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:21 2003]
Dizajn i struktura:
Design and structure:
[Thu Dec 04 16:26:21 2003]
prof. Schelling, Karlsruhe.
Schelling, Karlsruhe.
[Thu Dec 04 16:28:36 2003]
Prikazuje se upis hipara od drveta.
Illustration of the input of a wooden hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Thu Dec 04 16:37:21 2003]
Prvi je samo običan upis s danas napuštenim MODSTAR modulom, a druga dva pokazuju mogućnosti modula GEOSTAR.
The first one is only the usual input with the MODSTAR module that is no longer used today, and other two illustrate possibilities of a GEOSTAR module.
[Thu Dec 04 16:37:21 2003]
Radi se o hiparu od drveta s dvoslojnom membranom (stoga se koristi SHELL4L - uslojene KE) od dasaka debljine 1.5 cm, koji se umrežuju na površini (SF1) dobivenoj generacijom plohe od 4 obodne krivulje nalogom SF4CR, te rubnim elementima koji su ekstradirani iz obodnih krivulja CR1 do CR4 formiranjem površina SF2 do SF5.
It is about the wooden hyperbolic paraboloid with a two-ply membrane (hence is used SHELL4L layered FE) of 1.5 cm panels 1.5, that connects into the net on the surface (SF1) obtained by the generation of the surface of 4 brim curves by the SF4CR command, and marginal elements which are extradited from brim curves CR1 to CR4 by forming the surfaces SF2 to SF5.
[Fri Dec 05 09:28:31 2003]
Ovi su konačni elementi pripadni grupi KE2:
These finite elements belong to the group KE2:
[Fri Dec 05 09:29:39 2003]
SHELL4, određene zadane debljine.
SHELL4 group, determined by the given thickness.
[Fri Dec 05 09:30:59 2003]
Kao što je vidljivo oblik je hipara sasvim proizvoljan.
As it is clear, the form of a hyperbolic paraboloid is entirely arbitrary.
[Fri Dec 05 09:31:58 2003]
Sile FY su priložene u čvorovima i generirane su nalogom FSF po površini SF1.
FY forces are included in nodes and generated by the FSF order along the SF1 surface.
[Fri Dec 05 09:31:58 2003]
Koristi se SHELL4L-KE zbog mogućnosti upisa modula EX i EY.
SHELL4L- FE is used because of an input possibility of EX and EY modules.
[Fri Dec 05 09:40:00 2003]
Kako bi se generirane mreže KE entiteta spojile po rubovima ploha potrebno (i obavezno) se koriste nalozi NMERGE i NCOMPRESS.
In order to connect generated KE entity networks along planes edges, the use of NMERGE and NCOMPRESS orders is necessary (and obligatorily).
[Fri Dec 05 09:40:01 2003]
Rubni uvjeti su zadani po rubovima s DND nalogom i restrikcijom pomaka ux, uy, uz.
Marginal conditions are specified along the edges with DND order and displacement restriction of ux, uy, uz.
[Fri Dec 05 09:44:06 2003]
Rezultat nije pokazan.
Result has not been shown.
[Fri Dec 05 09:46:54 2003]
Može se provesti statička analiza s pozivom R-STATIC te analiza gubitka stabilnosti R-BUCKLING.
The static analysis, by calling the R-STATIC, and the R-BUCKLING analysis of stability loss can be performed
[Fri Dec 05 09:47:13 2003]
Statička analiza generira pomake, animaciju i stanja naprezanja na nedeformiranom ili deformiranom sustavu, a analiza izvijanja generira mod izvijanja i koeficijent s kojim se priloženo opterećenje mora umnožiti da bi se došlo do efekta gubitka stabilnosti konstrukcije.
The static analysis, by calling the R-STATIC, and the R-BUCKLING analysis of stability loss can be performed Static analysis generates displacements, animation and states of stress in an undeformed or deformed system, but the buckling analysis generates the buckling mode and coefficient with which the applied load must be multiply in order to have the effect of structure stability loss.
[Fri Dec 05 09:47:13 2003]
R_FREQUENCY analiza generira modove titranja.
R_FREQUENCY analyses generates vibration modes.
[Fri Dec 05 09:53:57 2003]
Međutim, kako bi se jednom za uvijek stalo na kraj POJEDINAČNIM projektiranjima u tlocrtu pravokutnih hipara s ravnim obodnim rubnim elementima koristi se PARAMETARSKI upis elemenata hipara.
However, in order to put an end to SINGLE designs in the ground plan of rectangular hyperbolic paraboloids with flat brim marginal elements once and for all, the PARAMETRIC input of hyperbolic paraboloid elements is used.
[Fri Dec 05 09:55:47 2003]
Odredi se parametarski upis rubnih čvorova PT paraboloida parametarskim zadavanjem koordinata:
The parametric input of marginal nodes of PT paraboloids is determined by parametrical assignment of coordinates:
[Fri Dec 05 09:56:56 2003]
X1, Y1, Z1, s kojima se zadaju točke (PT) uglova membrane paraboloida.
X1, Y1, Z1, which are used for setting the (PT) points of paraboloid membrane corners.
[Fri Dec 05 09:58:41 2003]
Isto tako se parametarski zadaje broj slojeva uslojenog KE SHELL4L.
In the same way, the number of layers of the layered FE SHELL4L is determined parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:00:13 2003]
Odabrana su 2 sloja parametarskim zadavanjem parametra n i pridruživanjem n=2.
2 layers are selected parametrically by setting the n parameter and by joining n=2.
[Fri Dec 05 10:00:13 2003]
Mogla se zadati parametarski i mjera umrežavanja.
Even the networking measure could have been set parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:07:05 2003]
Ovdje u primjeru uzeto je 10 u oba smjera za mjeru umrežavanja površine SF1 dobivene kreiranjem iz crta CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4, korištenjem naloga za kreiranje površine od 4 krivulje:
In this example, 10 is taken in both directions for the measure of SF1 surface networking, obtained by designing from lines CR1, CR2, CR3, CR4, by using the command for designing a 4 curve surface:
[Fri Dec 05 10:09:24 2003]
Elementi paraboloida su od drveta.
paraboloid Elements are made from wood.
[Fri Dec 05 10:09:24 2003]
Membrana je uslojena i definirana s n slojeva (n=2) dasaka okrenutih jedna na drugu pod kutom od 90 stupnjeva.
The membrane is layered and defined with n layers (n2=) of panels which are turned one to the other under 90 degree angle.
[Fri Dec 05 10:32:18 2003]
Stoga su i zadani EX, EY, GXY moduli drveta (meka građa).
Hence EX, EY, GXY modules of the wood (soft substance) are also specified.
[Fri Dec 05 10:33:42 2003]
Rubni elementi su visine H i debljine B i kreirani su ekstradiranjem rubnih krivulja paraboloida CR1 do CR4.
Marginal elements are heights H and thickness B and are created by extraditing the marginal curve of paraboloids ranging from CR1 to CR4.
[Fri Dec 05 10:43:21 2003]
Time su dobivene plohe SF2 do SF5, koje umrežujemo s KE SHELL4.
Surfaces ranging from SF2 to SF5, which are networked with FE SHELL4, are obtained with that.
[Fri Dec 05 10:45:04 2003]
Moglo se uzeti i KE SHELL4T (debele ljuske, više prispodobne rubnom elementu paraboloida).
Even FE SHELL4T (thick shells, more comparative marginal element of paraboloids) could have been taken.
[Fri Dec 05 10:45:59 2003]
Opterećenje je zadano u smjeru Y osi kao sile u čvorovima mreže intenziteta PND zadanog parametarski.
Load is determined in the direction of Y axis as force in network nodes of PND intensity which is specified parametrically.
[Fri Dec 05 10:48:01 2003]
Sile su generirane i priložene u čvorovima mreže KE membrane paraboloida.
Forces are generated and included in network nodes of a FE membrane of paraboloids.
[Fri Dec 05 10:48:01 2003]
Rubni uvjeti su zadani za samo tri čvora oslanjanja konstrukcije.
Marginal conditions are specified only for three nodes of support of structures.
[Fri Dec 05 10:51:03 2003]
Za te čvorove spriječeni su pomaci ux, uy i uz.
Ux, uy and uz displacements have been prevented for these nodes.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:16 2003]
Proračun nije prikazan.
Budget is not illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:58 2003]
sada kada se parametarski zadalo elemente za projektiranje hipara, moguće je brzo projektiranje svakog paraboloida izmjenom parametara u *.SES datoteci direktorija COSWORK u kojem se kreiraju sve datoteke geometrije, materijala, konekcija KE, upisa i ispisa proračuna.
Now when the elements for the hyperbolic paraboloid design have been specified parametrically, a fast designing of every paraboloid is possible by changing the parameters in the*.SES file of the COSWORK directory in which all files of geometry, material, FE connections, inputs and calculation printings are created.
[Fri Dec 05 10:57:58 2003]
Osnovni nalozi upisa FEA COSMOS/M prikazuju se u knjizi 2.
Basic commands of an FEA COSMOS/M input are illustrated in the book number 2.
[Fri Dec 05 11:07:35 2003]
Parametarski upis za dizajn MKE i konstrukcija, kao i opterećenja, definiranja materijalnih konstanti, rubnih uvjeta i svih dimenzija, moguć je za svaki tip konstrukcije izborom iz parametarskog padajućeg izbornika.
The parametric input for the design of FEM and structures, as well as loads, definings of material constants, marginal conditions and all dimensions, is possible for every structural type by choosing from a parametric falling menu.
[Fri Dec 05 11:08:16 2003]
Time se konstruktor oslobađa zamornog ponovnog projektiranja istog ili sličnog entiteta.
With this the constructor liberated from a tiring repeated designing of the same or similar entity.
[Fri Dec 05 11:10:00 2003]
Parametarski dizajn omogućava racionalno korištenje vremena konstruktora.
The parametric design makes rationally the use of the constructor's time possible.
[Fri Dec 05 11:24:23 2003]
Posebne konstrukcije su i geodetske kupole koje natkrivaju (ili zatvaraju) volumene s najmanjom mogućom količinom materijala.
Even geodetic domes which cover (or close) volumes with the smallest possible amount of material are special structures.
[Fri Dec 05 11:24:23 2003]
Mogu biti štapaste i panelne.
They can be bar-like and panel-like.
[Fri Dec 05 11:32:06 2003]
U edukaciju o suvremenim drvenim konstrukcijama uklopili smo i osnovna znanja ove materije, kako bi se ostvarilo sinergetski pristup cjelokupnoj materiji koju proučavamo:
When teaching about modern wooden structures integrate also basic knowledges of this matter, in order to realize a synergetic access to entire substance which is the subject of our study:
[Fri Dec 05 11:32:06 2003]
od reologije, proučavanja oblika, do modeliranja za digitalno proračunavanje konstrukcija, pa sve do izrade modela.
from the rheology, form research, to the modelling for the digital structure calculation, and all the way to the production of the model.
[Fri Dec 05 11:34:53 2003]
Mreže podjele sfere geodetske kupole:
Division networks of geodetic dome spheres:
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:04 2003]
2F, 3F, 4F podjela sfere.
2F, 3F, 4F division of spheres.
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:17 2003]
Osnovna mreža sfernog ikoseadra dijeli se na frekvencije, kako bi se mjere trokuta geodetske kupole prilagodile raspoloživim materijalima.
The basic network of the spheric icosahedral is divided into frequencies, so that the measuring of a triangle of the geodetic dome are adjusted by available materials.
[Fri Dec 05 11:37:17 2003]
Prikaz sfernog trokuta.
Spheric triangle illustration.
[Fri Dec 05 11:38:09 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 11:39:57 2003]
Za geometriju kupola i njihov dizajn više informacija se može dobiti putem weba, posebice stranica R.
about the geometry of domes and their design More information can be obtained on the web, especially site R.
[Fri Dec 05 11:39:57 2003]
Buckminster Fullera:
Buckminster Fuller Institute:
[Fri Dec 05 11:41:00 2003]
kao i stranicu Buckminster Fuller Institute
as well as the Buckminster Fuller Institute Institute website
[Fri Dec 05 11:41:23 2003]
te stranica o sinergiji i sinergetskom dizajnu
and the site about the synergy and synergetic design
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:16 2003]
proizvođača kupola i konstrukcija:
dome and structure manufacturers:
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:16 2003]
Dome manufacturers
Dome manufacturers
[Fri Dec 05 11:42:44 2003]
te web stranici Geodesic domes and other inventions
and on the web site Geodesic domes and other inventions
[Fri Dec 05 11:43:34 2003]
i stranici o geodetskim kupolama
and on the website on geodetic domes
[Fri Dec 05 11:44:26 2003]
kao i Richard Hawkinsovoj stranici digitalnog arhiva o geometrijskim kupolama
as well as on Richard Hawkins's website of digital archive about geometric domes
[Fri Dec 05 11:46:01 2003]
te preko linkova s tih stranica.
and with links on these sites.
[Fri Dec 05 11:46:01 2003]
*Također se proučavaju i pneumatske konstrukcije.
*Pneumatic structures are also studied.
[Fri Dec 05 12:12:38 2003]
Prikaz osnovnog panela geodetske kupole za stambenu jedinicu.
Illustration of the basic panel of a geodetic dome for a home unit.