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[Wed Dec 17 16:19:32 2003]
odabere se specifično opterećenje generirano s jediničnim opterećenjem
specific load generated with unit load is selected

[Wed Dec 17 16:21:24 2003]
odredi se lokacija mjesta na kojem se želi utjecajna krivulja
location of the influence curve is selected

[Wed Dec 17 16:24:00 2003]
Principi nelinearnih analiza:
Principles of nonlinear analyses:

[Wed Dec 17 16:24:00 2003]
provedba s FEA COSMOS/M programom
execution with the FEA program COSMOS/M

[Wed Dec 17 16:35:09 2003]
Razmatra se primjer nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize prolaza jedne sile s mostom s tri raspona.
We shall looks into an example of nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of a force passing over the bridge with three spans.

[Wed Dec 17 16:35:48 2003]
Prikazan je prvotno upis elemenata za kvazi dinamičku analizu jednog mosta po kojem se kreće jedna sila.
We shall present the original input of elements for quasi-dynamic analysis of a bridge with a force moving over it.

[Wed Dec 17 16:36:09 2003]
Taj je primjer samo ilustrativan i recimo instruktivan.
This example is only illustrative and, let's say, instructive.

[Wed Dec 17 16:38:49 2003]
Na njemu je prikazana metodologija upisa podataka u GEOSTAR-u.
It shows the methodology of data input in GEOSTAR.

[Wed Dec 17 16:38:49 2003]
Kasnije će se provesti realna nelinearna dinamička analiza istog problema
Later, we will carry out real nonlinear dynamic analysis of the same problem

[Wed Dec 17 16:43:17 2003]
Odredi se geometrija strukture
Geometry of the structure is determined

[Wed Dec 17 16:48:25 2003]
odredi se potrebne karakteristike grede
required characteristics of the beam are determined

[Wed Dec 17 17:00:27 2003]
uspostavljaju se veze među generiranim čvorovima na tri krivulje i prenumerira se numeracija čvorova mreže KE
connections are established between generated nodes on three curves, and numeration of FE mesh nodes is renumbered

[Wed Dec 17 17:02:07 2003]
Definiraju se krivulje opterećenja.
Load curves are defined.

[Wed Dec 17 17:03:12 2003]
Ovih krivulja ima onoliko koliko ih treba.
There are as many curves as needed.

[Wed Dec 17 17:06:27 2003]
Ovdje je rađeno s 9 krivulja, koje imitiraju prolazeće opterećenje.
Here we have 9 curves, which imitate passing load.

[Wed Dec 17 17:07:10 2003]
Generiranje krivulja ne mora ići redom, iako je unos redom prirodniji od onog unošenjem nasumično.
Curves need not be generated one after another, although such input is more natural than random input.

[Wed Dec 17 17:12:17 2003]
Krivulje opterećenja se upisuju nalozima CURDEF.
Load curves are entered with commands CURDEF.

[Wed Dec 17 17:12:17 2003]
Svaka krivulja ima svoj pripadni broj, te opis ordinata opterećenja ili čimbenika s kojim se množi opterećenje u vremenu
Each curve has its own number, and the description of ordinates of load or factors with which load in time is multiplied

[Wed Dec 17 17:18:23 2003]
sve do iscrpljenja opisa krivulje
until curve description is depleted

[Wed Dec 17 17:30:57 2003]
Da bi se krivulje pridružile opterećenju (silama F), mora se svaki puta aktivirati krivulja i upisati iznos opterećenja.
In order for curves to join the load (forces F), a curve must be activated every time, and the amount of load must be entered.

[Wed Dec 17 17:30:57 2003]
Nalozi aktiviranja seta krivulja su ACTSET, TC, i, gdje su TC oznaka za TIME CURVE, a i odgovarajući pripadni broj krivulje definirane s CURDEF nalogom (u točki 7).
Commands for activating the set of curves are ACTSET, TC, where TC denotes TIME CURVE, as well as the corresponding associated number of the curve defined with CURDEF command (in point 7).

[Wed Dec 17 17:36:02 2003]
Potom se zadaje opterećenje nalogom za opis opterećenja, ovdje nalogom FND za unos koncentrirane sile u smjeru FY, određenog smjera i iznosa (-300).
After that, the load is given, with the command for load description, here the command FND for the input of the concentrated force in the direction FY, with the determined direction and amount (-300).

[Wed Dec 17 17:36:02 2003]
Ukupno ima 9 takvih krivulja koje se pridružuju opterećenjima (silama FY)
There are 9 such curves in total, which are associated with loads (forces FY)

[Thu Dec 18 09:34:42 2003]
Unose se rubni uvjeti oslanjanja UX i UY na ležajevima kontinuirane grede, nalozima DND
Boundary conditions UX and UY on bearings of the continuous beam are entered, with commands DND

[Thu Dec 18 09:40:48 2003]
Bitan je nalog za opciju ispisa grafa.
The command for the option of graph printout is important.

[Thu Dec 18 09:40:48 2003]
Zbog velikog mnoštva podataka i proračuna, treba se organizirati ispis deformacija pojedinih točaka
Because of the large amount of data and calculations, the printout of deformations of certain points should be organized

[Thu Dec 18 09:52:35 2003]
Aktiviramo renumeraciju (ovdje nije potrebno, ali je uobičajeno, ne zaboraviti)
We activate the renumeration (it is not necessary here, but it is customary, it should not be forgotten)

[Thu Dec 18 09:54:48 2003]
Ako nismo unijeli akceleraciju u Y smjeru, treba ju sada unijeti nalogom ACEL
If we have not entered acceleration in Y direction, it should now be entered with the command ACEL

[Thu Dec 18 09:56:17 2003]
Treba specificirati cjelokupno vrijeme u kojem će se promatrati problem.
Total time in which problem will be observed should be specified.

[Thu Dec 18 09:56:17 2003]
TIME nalog ukazuje na vrijeme početka proračuna, vrijeme završetka proračuna i vremenski korak integracije
TIME command indicates the time of the start of calculation, time of completion of calculation, and time step of integration

[Thu Dec 18 10:08:00 2003]
Odabiremo opciju nelinearne statičke analize s A_NONLINEAR,S, odgovarajući na pitanja iz izbornika za tu analizu
We select the option of nonlinear static analysis with A_NONLINEAR,S, answering the questions from the menu for that analysis

[Thu Dec 18 10:20:22 2003]
Upis podataka (CAD-GEOSTAR-a FE programa COSMOS/M za analizu dinamičkog prolaza pokretnog opterećenja (s jednom silom) nosačem mosta
Data input (of CAD-GEOSTAR FE program COSMOS/M, for the analysis of dynamic passing of moving load (with one force) through the beam of the bridge

[Thu Dec 18 10:29:47 2003]
proračun frekvencija
calculation frequency

[Thu Dec 18 10:37:22 2003]
Modeliranje utjecaja promjene intenziteta l pokretne sile u vremenu T.
Modelling of the influence of change of intensity and moving force in time T.

[Thu Dec 18 10:38:21 2003]
Ako se sila kreće nosačem brzinom v, a čvorovi mreže KE su međusobno na razmaku ?X onda je vremenski odsječak ?t=?x/v.
If force moves through the beam at the speed v, and FE mesh nodes are at mutual distance?X, then the time segment is ?t=?x/v.

[Thu Dec 18 10:42:45 2003]
B je utjecajna širina (ili razmak nosača).
B is the influence width (or beam span).

[Thu Dec 18 10:42:45 2003]
Princip formuliranja krivulje opterećenja je sličan onom kod statičkog formuliranja djelovanja indirektnog opterećenja prijenosa sila na nosač
Principle of load curve formulation resembles the one in static formulation of the effect of indirect load of transfering forces to the beam

[Thu Dec 18 11:04:35 2003]
Još odabiremo podatke za crtanje deformacija u vremenskim točkama 10, 20, 50 i 100-tom koraku analize
We are still selecting data for drawing deformations in timepoints 10, 20, 50, and in the 100th step of the analysis

[Thu Dec 18 11:08:19 2003]
Pogledajmo rezultate proračuna i dijagrame ponašanja konstrukcije pod prolazećim opterećenjem
Let us look at the analysis results and diagrams of structure behavior under passing load

[Thu Dec 18 11:10:53 2003]
Aktiviramo padajući meni RESULTS i izaberemo ACTIVATE, pa DISPLACEMENTS te zatim PLOT DISPLACEMENTS za korake 20, 50 i 100
We activate the drop-down menu RESULTS, choose ACTIVATE, then DISPLACEMENTS, and then PLOT DISPLACEMENTS for steps 20, 50 and 100

[Thu Dec 18 11:12:20 2003]

[Fri Dec 19 09:57:10 2003]
Vidi se u dijagramu vrijeme/deformacije (obilježba grafa 6N2) ponašanje točke 2 pod prolazećim opterećenjem
In the diagram time/deformations (marking of graph 6N2) we can see the behavior of the point 2, under passing load

[Fri Dec 19 10:14:14 2003]
Zatim provedemo analizu vlastitih titranja za prva 4 moda titranja nalogom A_FREQUENCY, te odabire prema izborniku.
Then we carry out the analysis of own vibrations for the first 4 modes of vibrations with the command A_FREQUENCY, and selections according to the menu.

[Fri Dec 19 10:24:06 2003]
Za ovu analizu prethodno se OBVEZNO mora u MATERIAL PROPERTIES (MPROP) nalogu zadati gustoća (DENSITY), a zatim i nalog za akceleraciju ACEL.
For this analysis, IT IS NECESSARY TO previously set density (DENSITY) in THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES (MPROP) command ,and then THE command for acceleration ACEL.

[Fri Dec 19 10:24:06 2003]
Ako to nije urađeno, treba to uraditi prije naloga R_FREQUENCY
If IT has not been done earlier, it should be done before the command R_FREQUENCY

[Fri Dec 19 10:28:14 2003]
Zadani nalog R_FREQUENCY pokrenut će analizu vlastitih titranja sustava.
The given command R_FREQUENCY will start the analysis of system's own vibrations.

[Fri Dec 19 10:28:14 2003]
Proračun daje frekvencije
The calculation gives frequencies

[Fri Dec 19 10:39:13 2003]
Sad je sve spremno za prvu dinamičku nelinearnu analizu mosta pod prolazećim opterećenjem
Everything is ready now for the first dynamic nonlinear analysis of a bridge under moving load

[Fri Dec 19 10:46:07 2003]
Postavljamo i početne rubne uvjete u vremenu t=0.
We set the starting boundary conditions in time t=0.

[Fri Dec 19 10:46:08 2003]
Nalogom INITIAL, DISP (pomake), koji su u početku =0 u svim smjerovima
With the command INITIAL, DISP (displacements), which are at the beginning =0 in all directions

[Fri Dec 19 11:05:39 2003]
Izdaje se nalog A_NONLINEAR, D za dinamičku analizu, i odabiremo iz ponuđenog izbornika ostale elemente potrebne proračunu
We give the command A_NONLINEAR, D for dynamic analysis, and from the offered menu we select other elements required for the calculation

[Fri Dec 19 11:07:53 2003]
Konačno, nalogom R_NONLINEAR pokrećemo dinamičku nelinearnu analizu
Finally, with the command R_NONLINEAR we start the dynamic nonlinear analysis

[Fri Dec 19 11:38:14 2003]
Pogledamo rezultate grafičkih prikaza pomaka točke 6 u smjeru 2 (=uy) u vremenu.
We check the results of graphic presentations of displacements of point 6 in the direction 2 (=uy) in time.

[Fri Dec 19 11:38:40 2003]
Pogledamo rezultate proračuna sa EDIT, (ime_datoteke), OUT.
We check the results of calculation with EDIT, (file_name), OUT.

[Fri Dec 19 11:38:40 2003]
Time je posao analiza dovršen
This concludes the analyzing process

[Fri Dec 19 11:51:23 2003]
Prikazani su samo neki dijagrami pomaka za linearnu analizu i za modove titranja
Only some diagrams of displacement for linear analysis and for modes of vibration are presented

[Fri Dec 19 12:04:18 2003]
Dobiveni rezultati proračuna dinamičke analize.
Results obtained with dynamic analysis calculation.

[Fri Dec 19 12:04:18 2003]
Prikaz modova titranja i pomak čvora 6 (6N) u smjeru Y (smjer 2), označen oznakom 6N2 pri prolazu sile nosačem prikazanim na sl
Presentation of vibration modes of and displacement of node 6 (6N) in the direction Y (direction 2), marked with 6N2, when force passes through the beam shown in Figure

[Fri Dec 19 12:34:40 2003]
U zornom primjeru opisat će se još jedan primjer za edukaciju u smislu primjene nelinearnih statičkih analiza.
Another example shall vividly show education in the sense of using nonlinear static analysis.

[Fri Dec 19 12:41:39 2003]
Radi se o ploči koja se sastoji od 3x3 KE i s gornje strane je upeta, a s donje strane joj je priloženo opterećenje p.
It is a plate which consists of 3x3 FE, it is fixed from the upper side, with the load p applied from the bottom side.

[Fri Dec 19 12:42:02 2003]
Zadane su krivulje promjene sile u vremenu i krivulja koja definira nelinearno ponašanje materijala ploče.
Curves of force variation in time are given, as well as the curve which defines nonlinear behaviour of plate material.

[Fri Dec 19 12:46:18 2003]
Cijeli postupak je građen u OGRANIČENOJ VERZIJI GEOSTAR-a i MODSTAR-a.
The entire procedure is carried out in the LIMITED VERSION of GEOSTAR and MODSTAR.

[Fri Dec 19 12:46:18 2003]
Naravno, u ograničenoj verziji COSMOS/M-a ne može se provesti sama nelinearna analiza, ali se mogu u tim verzijama pripremiti datoteke za upis u KOMPLETNU verziju COSMOS/M FEA programa i time steći rutina formulacije problema nelinearne analize
Of course, in the limited version COSMOS/M-and not was able carry out the alone nonlinear analysis, but can in that versions prepare files for the entry in the COMPLETE version COSMOS/M FEA of program and thereby acquire the routine of formulation of problem of nonlinear analysis

[Fri Dec 19 14:21:26 2003]
Nelinearna statička analiza pravokutne ploče koja je upeta na gornjem rubu ploče i kojoj je opterećenje priloženo na donjem rubu ploče.
Nonlinear static analysis of a rectangular plate which is fixed on the upper plate edge, with the load applied to the bottom plate edge.

[Fri Dec 19 14:21:26 2003]
Model KE, formulacija zakona promjene opterećenja u vremenu i formulacija zakona promjene modula elastičnosti (bilinearni materijalni model)
Model FE, formulations of the law of load variation in time and formulation of the law of elastic modulus variation (bilinear material model)

[Fri Dec 19 14:23:19 2003]
Ime problema u GEOSTAR-u je EPL.
The title of the problem in GEOSTAR is EPL.

[Fri Dec 19 14:23:19 2003]
Prikazuje se modeliranje u GEOSTAR-u, datoteka EPL.SES
Modeling in GEOSTAR is presented, file EPL.SES

[Fri Dec 19 14:40:14 2003]
Sada se dodaju dodatni nalozi u MODSTAR modulu, koji se odnose na upise karakteristika materijala i opis krivulje opterećenja, te aktivaciju opterećenja p kao i izbor vremena integracije te izbor podataka za crtanje krivulje deformacije, a koji se nisu mogli zadati u GEOSTAR-u ograničene verzije COSMOS/M-a
Now we give additional commands in the MODSTAR module, which relate to input of material properties and the description of load curve, and the activation of load p, as well as the selection of integration time and the selection of data for drawing of the deformation curve, which could not be set in GEOSTAR of COSMOS/M limited version

[Fri Dec 19 14:46:38 2003]
Upisuje se TANGENTNI modul EXTAN, za materijal 1, kojem je vrijednost 5000
TANGENT module EXTAN is entered, for material 1, with the value 5000

[Fri Dec 19 14:48:13 2003]
Upisuje se izbornikom za upis EXTAN
It is entered with the input menu EXTAN

[Fri Dec 19 14:51:09 2003]
Upisuje se granica popuštanja SIGYLD, bilinearnog ponašanja materijala, a prema izborniku
Yield point SIGYLD, of bilinear material behaviour is entered, in accordance with the menu

[Fri Dec 19 14:56:20 2003]
Upisuje se default vrijednost za NUXY.
Default value for NUXY is entered.

[Fri Dec 19 14:56:20 2003]
Nije potrebno upisati Poissonov broj osim ako to ne zahtijevaju specifikacije materijala, što rezultira nalogom
Poisson's number does not have to be entered, unless material specifications require so, which results in the command

[Fri Dec 19 15:06:26 2003]
Definira se totalno vrijeme integracije.
Total integration time is defined.

[Fri Dec 19 15:06:53 2003]
Direktna integracija po vremenu uzeta je za rješavanje nelinearnih jednadžbi.
Direct integration per time is taken for solving nonlinear equations.

[Fri Dec 19 15:08:45 2003]
Za nelinearne statičke analize moramo procijeniti vremenski korak kako bi se doseglo konačno opterećenje.
For nonlinear static analyses, we must estimate the time step in order to reach the final load.

[Fri Dec 19 15:10:21 2003]
Ne postoji provjereno pravilo za odabir ovih vrijednosti, jer su to problemsko zavisni problemi.
There is no such thing as a tested rule for selection of these values, because these issues are problem-dependent problems.

[Fri Dec 19 15:11:03 2003]
Bolja se aproksimacija postiže praksom.
Better approximation is achieved through experience.

[Fri Dec 19 15:21:36 2003]
Vidi o tome u poglavlju u kojem se govori o ekspertnim sustavima za taj odabir.
See more in the chapter about expert systems for this selection.

[Fri Dec 19 15:22:42 2003]
Kao heurističko pravilo treba početi s malim brojem vremenskih koraka i postupno povećavati broj vremenskih koraka sve dok rezultat ne konvergira.
As a heuristic rule, we should start with the small number of time steps and gradually increase the number of time steps until the result converges.

[Fri Dec 19 15:23:34 2003]
Međutim treba pokušati uniformni vremenski korak tijekom proračuna.
However, we should try the uniform time step during calculation.

[Fri Dec 19 15:23:38 2003]
Odredimo ukupno vrijeme vremena rješenja s nalogom TIME.
We determine the total time of solving time with the command TIME.

[Fri Dec 19 15:32:22 2003]
Upisujemo i vremenski korak integracije DT sa DTIME nalogom
We enter and time step of integration DT with DTIME command

[Fri Dec 19 15:38:57 2003]
Da bi se definirala krivulja vrijeme-opterećenje prikazana na slici, treba upisati 5 vremenskih točaka.
In order to define the time-load curve shown in the picture, we must enter 5 timepoints.

[Fri Dec 19 15:39:34 2003]
Krivulju definiramo s TIMC nalogom.
We define the curve with the TIMC command.

[Fri Dec 19 15:42:18 2003]
S najviše do 20 točaka može se odrediti ova krivulja.
We can define this curve with up to 20 points.

[Fri Dec 19 15:43:09 2003]
Svaki TIMC nalog definira po najviše četiri točke na krivulji.
Every TIMC command defines maximally four points on the curve.

[Fri Dec 19 15:43:32 2003]
To nije tako u punoj verziji GEOSTAR-a COSMOS/M-a.
This is not the case in the full version of COSMOS/M GEOSTAR.

[Fri Dec 19 15:44:21 2003]
Nalog se po potrebi ponavlja.
The command is repeated if necessary.

[Fri Dec 19 15:45:07 2003]
Za ovaj problem treba definirati pet točaka krivulje vrijeme-opterećenje.
In this problem, five points of time-load curve must be defined.

[Fri Dec 19 15:46:29 2003]
Stoga je nalog TIMC zadan dva puta:
Therefore, the TIMC command is given twice:

[Fri Dec 19 15:46:29 2003]
u prvom nalogu opišu se 4 točke, a u drugom peta točka
in the first command, 4 points are described, and in the second, the fifth point

[Fri Dec 19 15:54:17 2003]
Bilo koji broj krivulja može se definirati.
Any number of curves can be defined.

[Fri Dec 19 15:54:17 2003]
Krivulje se trebaju pridružiti priloženim silama i opterećenjima i stoga ih treba aktivirati prije definiranja krivulji asociranog opterećenja
Curves should be associated with applied forces and loads, and therefore they should be activated before defining load associated with the curve

[Fri Dec 19 16:00:41 2003]
Aktiviranje krivulje 1 postiže se aktiviranjem krivulje br. 1 koja je maločas definirana nalogom
Activation of curve 1 is achieved by activating the curve no. 1 which was a short while ago defined with the command

[Fri Dec 19 16:13:10 2003]
Prekontroliramo konektivitete KE modela pozivom naloga ELIST, a zatim tražimo i objašnjenje upisa naloga za upis p opterećenja
We check the connectivities of the FE model by calling the command ELIST, and then we request the explanation for entering the command for load p

[Fri Dec 19 16:22:31 2003]
Upisuje se točno određeno traženo mjesta pomaka i napona.
Precisely defined locations of displacements and tensions are defined.

[Fri Dec 19 16:24:16 2003]
COSMOS/M piše ispise za sve čvorove mreže KE sustava.
COSMOS/M gives printouts for all FE mesh nodes of the system.

[Fri Dec 19 16:25:53 2003]
Međutim mi smo zainteresirani samo za pomake slobodnog ruba ploče.
However, we are interested only in displacements of the free edge of the plate.

[Fri Dec 19 16:26:23 2003]
Stoga se definira grupe čvorova na rubu gdje se želi ispis pomaka.
Therefore, node groups are defined at the edge where printout of displacements is needed.

[Fri Dec 19 16:26:23 2003]
To se radi izbornikom NODSET naloga
This is done using the menu of the NODSET command

[Fri Dec 19 16:34:27 2003]
Definiramo brojeve čvorova za koje želimo crtanje krivulja reakcije (responsa).
We define the numbers of nodes for which we want the curves of reaction (response) to be drawn.

[Fri Dec 19 16:34:27 2003]
Koristimo RESGRPH nalog i odgovarajući izbornik tog naloga
We use the RESGRPH command and the corresponding menu of that command

[Fri Dec 19 16:41:00 2003]
Upisuje se default vrijednost za NUXY.
Default value for NUXY is entered.

[Fri Dec 19 16:41:00 2003]
Nije potrebno upisati Poissonov broj osim ako to ne zahtijevaju specifikacije materijala, što rezultira nalogom
Poisson's number does not have to be entered, unless material specifications require so, which results in the command

[Fri Dec 19 17:19:01 2003]
Odabiremo analizu, nelinearnu statičku, i broj reformacija između koraka iteracija, a tolerancijom točnosti 0.001 u 15 iteracija, što je u ovom slučaju dovoljno
We select the analysis, nonlinear-static, and number of reformations between iteration steps, with the accuracy tolerance 0.001 in 15 iterations, which is, in this case, enough

[Mon Dec 22 09:29:36 2003]
Time je problem riješen u domeni statičke nelinearne analize.
This solves the problem in the domain of static nonlinear analysis.

[Mon Dec 22 09:30:30 2003]
Ako se želi dinamička nelinearna analiza, potrebno je provesti analizu vlastitih titranja sa A_FREQUENCY, odabrati prve 3 ili 4 frekvencije, zatim provesti analizu s R_FREQUENCY.
If we want a dynamic nonlinear analysis, we must carry out the analysis of own vibrations with A_FREQUENCY, select first 10 or 4 frequencies, then carry out the analysis with R_FREQUENCY.

[Mon Dec 22 09:30:30 2003]
Potom se može odrediti parametre dinamičke nelinearne analize sa A_NONLINEAR,D, te nalogom R_NONLINEAR provesti nelinearnu dinamičku analizu
Then we can determine parameters of the dynamic nonlinear analysis with A_NONLINEAR,D, and with the command R_NONLINEAR, conduct the nonlinear dynamic analysis

[Mon Dec 22 09:36:13 2003]
Ovaj mali primjer je dovoljno očit da bi se uvidjele mogućnosti programa.
This small example is obvious enough in order to understand the possibilities of the program.

[Mon Dec 22 09:36:13 2003]
Naravno, cijeli je postupak puno jednostavnije formulirati u GEOSTAR-u cjelovite profesionalne verzije COSMOS/M FEA programa
Naturally, it is much more simply to formulate the entire procedure in GEOSTAR of the integral professional version of the COSMOS/M FEA program

[Mon Dec 22 09:38:33 2003]
Prikazuje se formulacija istog problema u punoj verziji GEOSTAR
Formulation of the same problem in full version of GEOSTAR

[Mon Dec 22 09:43:15 2003]
Prikaz dinamičke nelinearne analize:
Presentation of the dynamic nonlinear analysis:

[Mon Dec 22 09:43:15 2003]
vrijeme / progib

[Mon Dec 22 10:02:42 2003]
Iscrt von Mises naprezanja u određenom vremenskom koraku nelinearne analize.
Drawing of von Mises stresses in a certain time step of nonlinear analysis.

[Mon Dec 22 10:05:10 2003]
Ovaj se graf definira pozivom naloga u GEO Panelu:
This graph is defined by calling the command in GEO Panel:

[Mon Dec 22 10:05:10 2003]
Results > PLOT> Stress (STRPLOT) i odredbom vremenskog koraka (Time step number), te definicije komponente naprezanja (VON), sloja u kojem se traži iscrt naprezanja, izborom koordinatnog sustava i odredbom naprezanja u čvorovima MKE (Nodal stress)
Results > PLOT > Stress (STRPLOT) and by determining the time step (Time step number), and defining the stress component (VON), the layer in which drawing of stresses is required, by selecting the coordinate system and by regulating stresses in FEM nodes (Nodal stress)

[Mon Dec 22 10:14:16 2003]
Iscrt varijacije von Mises naprezanja duž odabrane presječene crte:
The drawing of von Mises stresses variations along the selected intersected line:

[Mon Dec 22 10:14:35 2003]
na apscisi je prikazan relativni odnos duljine presječnice ( 0 - 1 ), a na ordinati su prikazana naprezanja.
on the abscissa, relative ratio of transversal length (0 - 1) is shown, and on the ordinate, stresses are presented.

[Mon Dec 22 10:15:53 2003]
Ovaj se dijagram dobiva pozivom naloga u Geo Panelu;
This diagram is obtained by calling the command in Geo Panel;

[Mon Dec 22 10:15:53 2003]
Results > PLOT > Path Graph (LSECTPLOT) i upisom čvorova na presječnoj crti, konkretno ovdje čvorova 2 i 14
Results > PLOT > Path Graph (LSECTPLOT) and by entering nodes on the transverse line, in this case, nodes 2 and 14

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:13 2003]
U COSMOS/M FEA programu za proračun lančanica koristimo IMPIPE ili CABLE KE.
In COSMOS/M FEA program for the calculation of catenaries, we use IMPIPE or CABLE FEs.

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:54 2003]
On se može koristiti s KE bove, plutače BUOY KE i s drugim KE, kako bi se mogle simulirati složene konstrukcije, koje se nalaze u nekim medijima (fluidu) određenih svojstava.
It can be used with BUOY FEs, and with other FEs, in order to simulate complex structures, which are found in some media (fluid) of certain properties.

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:54 2003]
Opisujemo ukratko karakteristike upisa podataka za te elemente
We shall briefly describe the characteristic of data input for those elements

[Mon Dec 22 10:27:14 2003]
IMPIPE ili CABLE KE je trodimenzionalni element kabla ili cijevi sa 6 stupnjeva slobode, a ako je definiran opcijom za CABLE element kabla u prostoru s 3 stupnja slobode.
IMPIPE or CABLE FE is a three-dimensional element of a cable, or pipe, with 6 degrees of freedom, and if it is defined with the option for CABLE element of the cable in space with the 3 degrees of freedom.

[Mon Dec 22 10:28:08 2003]
Koordinatni sustav elemenata definiran je programom.
Coordinate system of elements is defined by the program.

[Mon Dec 22 10:30:03 2003]
Koristi se u modeliranju cijevi/kabela uronjenih u medij fluida.
It is used in modelling pipes/cables immersed in fluid medium.

[Mon Dec 22 10:30:26 2003]
Koristi se i kao KE cijevi ili kabla ako je kretanje razine tekućine (WMTDEF) nedefinirano.
It is aslo used as FE of the pipe or cable, if movement of liquid level (WMTDEF) is indefinite.

[Mon Dec 22 10:30:41 2003]
Karakteriziraju ga veliki pomaci.
It is characterized by large displacements.

[Mon Dec 22 10:32:23 2003]
Materijalna svojstva mogu zavisiti o temperaturi.
Material properties may depend upon the temperature.

[Mon Dec 22 10:32:30 2003]
Opterećenje su:
The load is:

[Mon Dec 22 10:32:33 2003]
koncentrirane sile, termalna i gravitacijska opterećenja.
concentrated forces, thermal and gravitational loads.

[Mon Dec 22 10:32:33 2003]
Specijalna opterećenja su hidrostatička i hidrodinamička
Special loads are hydrostatic and hydrodynamic

[Mon Dec 22 10:37:37 2003]
Karakteristike BUOY KE su trodimenzionalnost mase sfernog oblika uronjene u fluid.
Characteristics of BUOY FE are the three-dimensional quality of the spheric-shaped mass immersed in fluid.

[Mon Dec 22 10:37:47 2003]
Ima 6 sloboda pomaka.
It has 6 freedoms of displacements.

[Mon Dec 22 10:37:57 2003]
Koristi se s IMPIPE ili CABLE KE.
It is used with IMPIPE or CABLE FE.

[Mon Dec 22 10:37:57 2003]
Opterećenja su koncentrirane sile i gravitacijska opterećenja, a specijalna opterećenja su hidrostatička i hidrodinamička
Loads are concentrated forces and gravitational loads, and special loads are hydrostatic and hydrodynamic

[Mon Dec 22 10:39:00 2003]
Polazi se od osnovne diferencijalne jednadžbe titranja mase
It starts from the basic differential equation of vibration of mass

[Mon Dec 22 10:46:22 2003]
dubina + rasap
depth + disintegration

[Mon Dec 22 10:50:19 2003]
Kod upisa realnih konstanti upisuje se
Input of real constants goes as follows

[Mon Dec 22 11:01:41 2003]
Broj realnih konstanti koje će se definirati
Number of real constants which will be defined

[Mon Dec 22 11:12:27 2003]
Z koordinata slobodne površine fluida u cijevi
Z coordinate of the free surface of fluid in the pipe

[Mon Dec 22 11:14:44 2003]
gustoća vanjske izolacije cijevi
thickness of the external pipe insulation

[Mon Dec 22 11:16:46 2003]
koeficijent sile uzgona
coefficient of buoyancy force

[Mon Dec 22 11:18:48 2003]
koeficijent inercijskih sila tekućine
inertial fluid force coefficient

[Mon Dec 22 11:25:11 2003]
koeficijent potezanja okomito na os kabela
Pull coefficient perpendicular to the axis of the cable

[Mon Dec 22 11:26:40 2003]
koeficijent tangencijalnog potezanja
Coefficient of tangential pull

[Mon Dec 22 11:28:02 2003]
koeficijent prednaprezanja kabela
coefficient of cable prestressing

[Mon Dec 22 11:34:23 2003]
odabir teorije valova s malom amplitudom
selection of the theory of waves with small amplitude

[Mon Dec 22 11:40:51 2003]
koeficijent korekcije uzdužnog napona
coefficient of longitudinal tension correction

[Mon Dec 22 11:47:31 2003]
koeficijent uzgona
lift coefficient

[Mon Dec 22 11:48:26 2003]
koeficijent inercijskih sila tekućine
inertial fluid force coefficient

[Mon Dec 22 12:06:00 2003]
Još se navodi jedan primjer upisa u GEOSTAR-u, lančanice opterećene s jednom i s dvije koncentrirane sile za provedbu nelinearne analize.
Another example of input in GEOSTAR is given, of a catenary loaded with one and with two concentrated forces, for conducting the nonlinear analysis.

[Mon Dec 22 12:06:51 2003]
Pretpostavlja se isprva ravna crta, koja pod utjecajem sila formira lančanicu.
First, a straight line is assumed, which under the influence of forces, forms the catenary.

[Mon Dec 22 12:09:24 2003]
Provedite primjer ili obradite sličan primjer s COSMOS/M FEA programom.
Go through this or similar example with COSMOS/M FEA program.

[Mon Dec 22 12:09:24 2003]
Prilaže se i primjer nelinearne analize kupole, kao i primjer dinamičke analize mosta - Langerove grede
There is also an example of the nonlinear analysis of a dome, as well as the example of the dynamic analysis of a bridge - Langer truss

[Mon Dec 22 12:12:43 2003]
Nelinearna analiza lančanice modeliranjem s IMPIPE KE.
Nonlinear analysis of a catenary with modelling with IMPIPE FE.

[Mon Dec 22 12:15:47 2003]
Zakon promjene sile u vremenu definiran je dijagramom sila/vrijeme definicijom odgovarajuće krivulje CURDEF.
Law of variation of force in time is defined with the force/time diagram, with the definition of a corresponding curve CURDEF.

[Mon Dec 22 12:17:25 2003]
Početni položaj kabla može biti proizvoljan (no trebao bi biti realno moguć položaj kabela u prostoru).
The starting position of the cable may be arbitrary (but it should be a possible position of the cable in space).

[Mon Dec 22 12:17:25 2003]
Kod nelinearnih analiza mora se analiza provoditi u vremenu uz odgovarajuće zadane vremenske odsječke
With nonlinear analyses, the analysis must be conducted in time, with appropriately assigned time segments

[Mon Dec 22 12:22:32 2003]
Konačna konfiguracija lančanice
Final configuration of a catenary

[Mon Dec 22 12:26:23 2003]
Definiranje sile u vremenu (time) sa
Defining force in time with

[Mon Dec 22 12:39:33 2003]
Primjer ispisa upisa podataka (SES-datoteka), nelinearne statičke i dinamičke analize ponašanja jedne kupole, formulirane s PLANE2D (axisymetric) KE s 8 čvorova u GEOSTAR CAD okruženju.
Example of printout of data input (SES-file) of a nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of a dome behaviour, formulated with PLANE2D (axisymetric) FE with 8 nodes in GEOSTAR CAD environment.

[Mon Dec 22 12:40:25 2003]
U načelu se nalozi obaju datoteka razlikuju u predzadnjem redu ispisanih naloga (slova S i D).
In principle, the commands of both files differ in the penultimate sequence of written commands (letters S and D).

[Mon Dec 22 12:40:25 2003]
U dijagramu tijeka ponašanja jednog čvora kupole vidljiva je razlika između linearne i nelinearne dinamičke analize
In the diagram of course of behavior of a dome node, you can see the difference between linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis

[Mon Dec 22 12:47:54 2003]
Realne konstante se odnose na ovaj crtež konačnih elemenata.
Real constants relate to this drawing of finite elements.

[Mon Dec 22 12:47:56 2003]
Prikaz MKE mosta.
Presentation of FEM of a bridge.

[Mon Dec 22 12:48:16 2003]
Čvorovi i elementi.
Nodes and elements.

[Mon Dec 22 12:48:16 2003]
Modeliranje langerovog nosača mosta
Modelling of a Langer truss of the bridge

[Mon Dec 22 14:22:17 2003]
Prikazuje se jedno od mogućih modeliranja proračunskog modela mosta (Langerove grede).
One of the possible ways of modelling the calculation model of a bridge (breastsummer) is presented.

[Mon Dec 22 14:22:17 2003]
Kao što se vidi, model se može modelirati u Geostaru ograničene verzije, ali se ne može proračunati u MODSTAR-u, pa generirani most.SES treba očitati u punoj verziji COSMOS/M-a nalogom FILEINPUT, te potom proračunati
As it can be seen, the model can be modeled in the limited version of GEOSTAR, but it cannot be calculated in MODSTAR, so the generated bridge.SES should be read in the full version of COSMOS/M, with the command FILEINPUT, and then it should be calculated

[Mon Dec 22 14:34:31 2003]
Prikazuje se model mosta i način generiranja pokretnih opterećenja koja se kreću mostom, a što se može provesti u NELINEARNOJ analizi (ili DINAMIČKOJ NELINEARNOJ analizi modela.
It presents the bridge model and the method of generating moving loads that move across the bridge, which can be carried out in NONLINEAR analysis (or DYNAMIC NONLINEAR analysis of the model).

[Mon Dec 22 14:44:00 2003]
Neke se krivulje mogu eliminirati, jer se pažljivim razmatranjem prolaza vozila mogu aktivirati već prethodno definirane krivulje!
Some curves can be eliminated, because with a careful examination of vehicle passing, previously defined curves can be eliminated!

[Mon Dec 22 14:46:37 2003]
Primjer proračuna progiba mosta (Langerova greda) pod prolaznim opterećenjem koje prolazi mostom brzinom v
An example of calculating deflection of a bridge (breastsummer) under temporary load which is passing across the bridge at the speed v

[Mon Dec 22 14:49:58 2003]
Modeliranje geometrije mosta i strukture KE, rubnih uvjeta i sl.
Modelling of geometry of the bridge and structure of FE, boundary conditions etc.

[Mon Dec 22 14:57:17 2003]
Ovdje prikazani upis rezultat je akcije kreiranja modela u GEOSTAR CAD modulu FEA programa COSMOS/M.
The input shown here is the result of the action of creating the model in GEOSTAR CAD module of the FEA program COSMOS/M.

[Mon Dec 22 15:01:02 2003]
Naravno da se FE model mogao kreirati i na neki drugi način.
Naturally, the FE model could have been created in some other way.

[Mon Dec 22 15:02:08 2003]
Prema tome, samo upisivanje ovdje ispisanih naloga putem tipkovnice nema mnogo smisla, jer se time obezvrjeđuje izvanredne mogućnosti CAD modula GEOSTAR-a.
Therefore, the input of commands written here via the keyboard would not make much sense, because it would belittle outstanding possibilities of GEOSTAR CAD module.

[Mon Dec 22 15:05:02 2003]
Ovi podaci ovdje otisnuti su samo kao ilustracija jednog mogućeg opisa konstrukcije.
Data presented here serve only as an illustration of one possible description of the structure.

[Mon Dec 22 15:06:57 2003]
Na žalost, brojne krivulje djelovanja (u vremenu) moraju se upisati, a isto tako se mora upisati i brojne naloge za njihovo aktiviranje u određenom trenutku u vremenu.
Unfortunately, numerous curves of action (in time) must be entered, as well as numerous commands for their activation at a particular point in time.

[Mon Dec 22 15:06:57 2003]
To je vjerojatno najopsežniji posao upisa naloga za dinamičku simulaciju prolaza vozila modulom.
This is probably the most extensive work in entering commands for the dynamic simulation of vehicle passing with the module.

[Mon Dec 22 15:10:19 2003]
Aktiviranje i deaktiviranje setova krivulja opterećenja koja se nalaze na mostu u određenim vremenskim intervalima
Activation and deactivation of sets of load curves which are on the bridge at specific time intervals

[Mon Dec 22 15:14:09 2003]
O analitičaru ovisi hoće li primijeniti linearnu ili nelinearnu analizu.
It depends upon the analyst whether they will use linear or nonlinear analysis.

[Mon Dec 22 15:16:04 2003]
Sami materijali i karakteristike materijala upisani su u datoteku materijala programa COSMOS/M, te se mogu pozvati iz te datoteke.
Materials and material properties are written in the file of materials of the program COSMOS/M, and they can be called from that file.

[Mon Dec 22 15:16:04 2003]
Pri tom treba paziti na primjenu (usvojene) dimenzije (koje moraju korespondirati s opisom modela).
During that, the application of the adopted dimensions (which must correspond with the model description) should be taken into account.

[Mon Dec 22 15:21:53 2003]
Prikaz rezultata proračuna prolaza zadanog tereta (vozila) mostom
Results of the calculation of the given load (vehicle) passing across the bridge

[Mon Dec 22 15:24:39 2003]

[Mon Dec 22 15:37:16 2003]
Da bi mogli analizirati velike konstrukcije u okviru ograničene memorije PC računala ili razmatrati samo neke dijelove konstrukcija koje treba redizajnirati, složeni se sustavi razlažu na manje sustave, makroelemente ili substrukture, postupkom substrukturiranja.
In order to be able to analyze large structures within the limited memory of a PC, or to analyze only some parts of structures which need to be redesigned, complex systems are disassembled into smaller systems, macroelements or substructures, with the procedure of substructuring.

[Mon Dec 22 15:37:57 2003]
Pritom se neki određeni dijelovi konstrukcije smatraju substrukturama, jedan od njih glavnom konstrukcijom (tzv.
Within that, some parts of the structure are considered to be substructures, one of them the main structure

[Mon Dec 22 15:43:04 2003]
Substrukturiranje se koristi kod kompleksnih konstrukcija koje se logički mogu podijeliti na manje dijelove (cjeline), kako bi se provela efikasnija analiza.
Substructuring is used with complex structures which can be logically divided into smaller parts (units), in order to conduct a more efficient analysis.

[Mon Dec 22 15:51:12 2003]
konstrukcija aviona podijelila bi se na dijelove trupa, krila, rep, podvozje i sl.
For example, an airplane structure would be divided into fuselage, wings, tail, understructure etc.

[Mon Dec 22 15:51:37 2003]
Armirana betonska zgrada se može podijeliti na okvire ili više okvira (po smjerovima ili po etažama) i ploče, koje kao substrukture koristimo repetitivno, podrumsku etažu i sl.
The building made from reinforced concrete can be divided into the frame or more frames (according to directions or floors) and plates, which are used repetitively as substructures, basement level, etc.

[Mon Dec 22 15:51:37 2003]
No, sve se na kraju promatra kao cjelina
But, in the end, everything is observed as a whole

[Mon Dec 22 16:10:25 2003]
Kod korištenja ograničene verzije COSMOS/M-a, koja je u MODSTAR-u (modulu za proračun) ograničena na svega 100 čvorova i 48 elemenata, substrukturiranjem se mogu proračunati daleko opsežnije konstrukcije.
When using the limited versions of COSMOS/M, which is in MODSTAR (module for calculation) limited to only 100 nodes and 48 elements, substructuring can be used to calculate far more complex structures.

[Mon Dec 22 16:10:25 2003]
Substrukturirati se može i odabrana substruktura, dakle substrukturiranje se može provesti na nekoliko razina
The selected structured can also be structured, so, substructuring can be carried out on several levels

[Mon Dec 22 16:13:29 2003]
koristi se prednost nezavisnog numeriranja u velikim konstrukcijama, iako numeracija može biti za cijelu konstrukciju i cjelovita
uses the advantage of independent numeration in large structures, although the numbering may be for the whole structure and integral

[Mon Dec 22 16:15:34 2003]
koristi se prednost nezavisnog numeriranja u velikim konstrukcijama, iako numeracija može biti za cijelu konstrukciju i cjelovita
the advantage of independent numeration in large structures is used, although numeration may be integral for the entire structure

[Mon Dec 22 16:16:10 2003]
nezavisne analize generiraju zasebne substrukture (makroelemente)
independent analyses generate separate substructures (macroelements)

[Mon Dec 22 16:19:03 2003]
potrebno je manje rada u oblikovanju modela, modeli su jednostavniji i pregledniji, potrebno je manje kompjutorskog vremena za proračune
it takes less work for model formation, models are simpler and clearer, less computing time is needed for calculations

[Mon Dec 22 16:22:08 2003]
Repetitivni se dijelovi generiraju samo jednom (substrukture se mogu i rotirati)
Repetitive parts are generated only once (substructures can be rotated)

[Mon Dec 22 16:26:27 2003]
Može se razdvojiti dijelove koji se ponašaju elastično od dijelova koji se ponašaju neelastično
Parts that behaves elastically can be separated from parts that behave nonelastically

[Mon Dec 22 16:30:05 2003]
Izoliraju se dijelovi koje treba prepraviti, redizajnirati od ostalih dijelova.
Parts that need to be remodeled and redesigned are isolated from other parts.

[Mon Dec 22 16:30:05 2003]
Takve redizajnirane dijelove uklapa se kao makroelemente u analize kompleksnih struktura
Such redesigned parts are incorporated as macroelements into analyses of complex structures

[Mon Dec 22 16:31:31 2003]
Koraci u COSMOS/M analizi podkonstrukcija provode se na osnovu nekoliko koraka
Steps in COSMOS/M analysis of substructures are carried out on the basis of several steps

[Mon Dec 22 16:34:43 2003]
Definiraju se subkonstrukcije.
Substructures are defined.

[Mon Dec 22 16:35:23 2003]
Konstrukcija se podijeli na podkonstrukcije definiranjem superelemenata.
A structure is divided into substructures by defining the superelements.

[Mon Dec 22 16:39:34 2003]
Svaka se substruktura smješta u svoj lokalni (pogodni) koordinatni sustav.
Each substructure is placed into its local (appropriate) coordinate system.

[Mon Dec 22 16:39:34 2003]
Numeracija čvorova i elemenata konstruktivne cjeline može se pritom zadržati ili promijeniti
The numeration of nodes and elements of the structural unit can be, in this process, either preserved or changed

[Mon Dec 22 16:42:35 2003]
Kreiranje zasebnih matrica superelemenata i vektora sila (opterećenja) i njihovo pridruživanje višim matricama.
Creating separate matrices and vectors of forces (loads), and their integration with higher matrices.

[Mon Dec 22 16:42:35 2003]
Provedba FE analiza za pojedine superelemente
Conducting FE analysess for individual superelements

[Mon Dec 22 16:45:06 2003]
Provedba konačne FE analize sa superelementima.
Conducting the final FE analysis with superelements.

[Mon Dec 22 16:45:06 2003]
Asembliranje matrica superelemenata i matrica glavne (main) konstrukcije
Assembling superelement matrices and matrices of the main structure

[Mon Dec 22 16:48:16 2003]
Proračun pomaka, reznih sila i napona u superelementima.
Calculation of displacements, section forces and tensions in superelements.

[Mon Dec 22 16:48:16 2003]
Ispisi i grafičke predodžbe za svaki superelement i za glavnu (main) konstrukciju
Printouts and graphic presentations for each superelement and for the main structure

[Mon Dec 22 17:00:14 2003]
Osnove proračuna su poznate iz analiza konstrukcija, pa se samo ovlaš navode
The basics of calculation are known from structure analyses, so they are given only roughly

[Mon Dec 22 17:01:49 2003]
Formulacija linearne subkonstrukcije izvodi se iz
The formulation of a linear substructure is derived from

[Tue Dec 23 09:31:11 2003]
odgovarajuće slobode rubnih točaka super točaka
appropriate freedoms of marginal points of supernodes

[Tue Dec 23 09:33:55 2003]
koju se može repetitivno primijeniti na sve substrukture
which can be repetitively applied to all substructures

[Tue Dec 23 09:36:43 2003]
Matrica krutosti sustava je
System stiffness matrix is

[Tue Dec 23 09:42:57 2003]
Za svaku se podkonstrukciju na uobičajen način formira model, a zatim se u MODSTAR-u navede nalog
For every substructure, the model is formed in a usual way, and then the command is given in MODSTAR

[Tue Dec 23 09:45:57 2003]
za povrat i proračun deformacija, sila i napona
for return and calculation of deformations, forces and tensions

[Tue Dec 23 09:50:50 2003]
Nalogom SPELE definira se konektivitet superelementa za druge dijelove konstrukcije, za druge superelemente i za glavnu konstrukciju.
The command SPELE defines the connectivity of superelements for other parts of the structure, for other superelements and for the main structure.

[Tue Dec 23 09:51:13 2003]
Može se definirati u jednom nalogu samo 8 superčvorova.
It can be defined in one command with only 8 supernodes.

[Tue Dec 23 09:51:56 2003]
Za više čvorova treba upotrijebiti više SPELE naloga.
For more nodes, more SPELE commands must be used.

[Tue Dec 23 09:51:56 2003]
Inače, ukupan broj superčvorova ograničen je po elementu na 125 čvorova
Otherwise, the total number of supernodes is limited to 125 nodes per element

[Tue Dec 23 09:56:16 2003]
Te superčvorove moguće je generirati (nalogom SPENG), izostavljati (nalogom SPEDEL), rotirati (nalogom SPEROT) i izlistati (nalogom SPELIST), a ti se nalozi s objašnjenjima nalaze u meniju SUPERELEMENATA u MODSTAR-u.
Those supernodes can be generated (with the command SPENG), omitted (with the command SPEDEL), rotated (with the command SPEROT) and listed (with the command SPELIST), and these commands with explanations are found in the menu of SUPERELEMENTS in MODSTAR.

[Tue Dec 23 09:56:16 2003]
U novoj verziji COSMOS/M-a, oni se nalaze u pul-down meniju GEOSTAR
In the new version of COSMOS/M, they are in the pull-down menu of GEOSTAR

[Tue Dec 23 09:59:03 2003]
Prikaz globalne konstrukcije tornja (iz primjera za testiranje COSMOS/M paketa)
Global structure of a tower (from the example for testing the COSMOS/M package)

[Tue Dec 23 10:03:32 2003]
Jedan primjer koji se nalazi u priručniku COSMOS/M programa i u test primjeru, izrađen je ograničenom (limited) verzijom MODSTAR-a, pa se prikazuju cjelina, superelementi (substrukture:
One example which is found in the manual of COSMOS/M program, and in the test example, is created with the limited version of MODSTAR, so it presents the unit, superelements (substructures:

[Tue Dec 23 10:09:31 2003]
1, 2, 3, 4 i main), koje se postupno tim redoslijedom proračunavaju.
1, 2, 3, 4 and main), which are gradually calculated in that order.

[Tue Dec 23 10:09:31 2003]
Nakon provedenog proračuna za main konstrukciju, poziva se svaki od prethodnih problema s NEWPROB nalogom citirajući prethodni problem, pa se za svaki od njih provede analiza nalogom RUN_STATIC, RUN_STRESS, pregleda rezultat EDIT nalogom, i pregleda deformacije i napone RUN_static nalogom, za svaki superelement
After the calculation for the main structure has been carried out, each of the previous problems is called with the NEWPROB command, quoting the previous problem, and the analysis is conducted for each of them with the command,RUN_STATIC, RUN_STRESS, results are checked with the EDIT command, deformations and tensions are checked with the RUN_static command, for every superelement

[Tue Dec 23 10:13:21 2003]
Konstrukcija rešetkastog tornja podijeljena je na 5 podkonstrukcija
The structure of a lattice tower is divided into 5 substructures

[Tue Dec 23 10:17:22 2003]

[Tue Dec 23 10:37:38 2003]
Time se pokazalo kako i veći problem koji je inače nerješiv možemo riješiti pomoću ograničene (limited) verzije COSMOS/M-a
This showed that extensive problems which are usually unsolvable can be solved with the limited version of COSMOS/M

[Tue Dec 23 10:43:47 2003]
Problemi substrukturiranja se mogu rješavati u limitiranoj verziji GEOSTAR-a, kreiranjem zasebnih substruktura, te zatim za svaku kreiranu substrukturu treba kreirati ime(i).MOD datoteku (i=1,2,.
Problems of substructuring can be solved in the limited version of GEOSTAR, by creating separate substructures, and then, for each created substructure, name(i).MOD file (i=1,2,.

[Tue Dec 23 10:45:24 2003]
Zatim treba izaći iz GEOSTAR-a EXIT nalogom.
Then we should exit GEOSTAR, with the EXIT command.

[Tue Dec 23 10:45:33 2003]
Urediti datoteku ime(1).MOD s ED ime(i).MOD izbrisati RUN_STATIC generirani nalog.
MOD with ED name(i).MOD, and delete the RUN_STATIC generated command.

[Tue Dec 23 10:52:43 2003]
Izaći iz editora.
Exit the editor.

[Tue Dec 23 10:52:43 2003]
Otvoriti MODSTAR pozivom iz COSWORK direktorija (upisati naloge SUBSTR i SPELE pozivom iz glavnog menija MODSTAR-a (SPECIAL TOPICS, ako ti nalozi prethodno nisu kreirani editorom), te provesti RUN_STATIC analizu s F10 izaći iz MODSTAR-a, ući u GEOSTAR, kreirati drugu substrukturu, kreirati ime2.MOD itd
Open MODSTAR by calling it from COSWORK directory, (enter the commands SUBSTR and SPELE by calling it from the main menu of MODSTAR - SPECIAL TOPICS, if these commands were not previously created with the editor), and carry out RUN_STATIC analysis, with F10 exit MODSTAR, enter GEOSTAR, create another substructure, create name2.MOD etc.

[Tue Dec 23 10:57:16 2003]
Treba još navesti, da se prilikom rješavanja problema substrukturiranja na disku pohranjuju svi podaci i sve matrice o svim substrukturama i o glavnoj konstrukciji
It should be noted that, that during solving substructuring problems, all data and all matrices about all substructures and the main structure are stored on the disk

[Tue Dec 23 11:05:05 2003]
Substrukturiranje građevinskih konstrukcija nije uobičajena tehnologija analiza konstrukcija.
Substructuring of building structures is not the usual technique of structure analysis.

[Tue Dec 23 11:06:25 2003]
Odavno postoji običaj da se odijele nad-konstrukcije (ma što to značilo) od podkonstrukcije (temeljne konstrukcije).
A long time ago, there was a custom to separate superstructures (whatever that meant) from substructures (basic structures).

[Tue Dec 23 11:08:26 2003]
Zatim se uobičajilo posebno razmatrati tlo, a posebno temeljnu konstrukciju.
Then it became a custom to analyze ground separately, and basic structure separately.

[Tue Dec 23 11:09:03 2003]
Naravno da je to bilo potrebno u predkompjutorskoj eri, kad nije bilo alata kojim bi se cjelokupni problem mogao rješavati u jednoj jedinoj analizi.
Naturally, this was necessary in the precomputer era, when there were no tools that could solve the entire problem in only one analysis.

[Tue Dec 23 11:12:21 2003]
Danas se konstrukcije, temelji i tlo smatraju jedinstvenim entitetima cjelovite konstrukcije.
Today, structure, foundations and ground are considered unique entities of the integral structure.

[Tue Dec 23 11:21:39 2003]
U drvenim konstrukcijama uobičajilo se razmatrati posebno glavnu konstrukciju (obično kao ravninski entitet), potom zasebno podrožnice, te vjetrovne i stabilizacijske vezove, a posebno temelje u odnosu na rezultate geomehaničkih ispitivanja.
In wooden structures, it became usual to analyze the main structure separately (usually as a planar entity), then purlins separately, as well as wind and stability binders, and foundations separately in relation to the results of geomechanical testing.

[Tue Dec 23 11:21:39 2003]
Iako su svi ti dijelovi jedinstveno uvezani u nosivu konstrukciju tek se u novije vrijeme prikazuje i razmatra 3D modele drvenih konstrukcija
Although all these parts are uniquely tied in a load carrying structure, only recently 3D models of wooden structures have been showed and analyzed

[Tue Dec 23 11:35:29 2003]
Promišljanja o znanju i mudrosti u kontekstu partnerskog dijaloga prirodnih znanosti i teologije
Reflections on knowledge and wisdom in the context of a partnership dialogue between natural sciences and theology

[Tue Dec 23 11:38:22 2003]
Partnerski dijalog prirodnih znanosti i teologije bi trebao povesti računa o činjenici da se suvremena znanstveno-tehnička civilizacija oslanja na pretpostavci stopljenosti prirodnih znanosti s tehnikom.
Partnership dialogue between natural sciences and theology should take into account the fact that contemporary scientific-technical civilization lies on the assumption of natural sciences being merged with technology.

[Tue Dec 23 11:38:59 2003]
Ta činjenica je odigrala, a još uvijek igra presudnu ulogu u poimanju ljudskoga znanja, kao i kvantitativnom uvećavanju i vrednovanju tih znanja.
That fact has played, and it still plays a crucial role in the comprehension of human knowledge, as well as the quantitative expansion and valuation of that knowledge.

[Tue Dec 23 11:40:11 2003]
Odvijanje i način života suvremenoga čovjeka je gotovo nezamisliv bez tih znanja.
Modern man's way and progress of life is almost inconceivable without these knowledges.

[Tue Dec 23 11:41:53 2003]
No, problem nije znanje kao takvo, već isključivo vrednovanje znanja u skladu s kriterijima znanstveno-tehničke učinkovitosti i koristi.
But, knowledge as such is not the problem, the problem is only the evaluation of knowledge according to the criteria of scientific-technical efficiency and benefit.

[Tue Dec 23 11:41:53 2003]
U takvim se uvjetima posve izgubio smisao za mudrost i usmjerenost znanja k mudrosti i iskustvu koji se ne mogu podvrgnuti mjernim kriterijima znanstveno-tehničke učinkovitosti i koristi
In such circumstances, the sense of wisdom has been lost completely, as well as the inclination of knowledge toward wisdom and experience which cannot be submitted to measuring criteria of scientific-technical efficiency and benefit

[Tue Dec 23 11:47:09 2003]
Logično je da znanstveno-tehnička civilizacija brižljivo vrednuje znanje postignuto u okvirima znanstvene i tehničke djelatnosti.
It is logical that scientific-technical civilization carefully evaluates knowledge achieved within scientific and technical activities.

[Tue Dec 23 11:47:43 2003]
Međutim, nije normalno stanje kad se prešutno podržava zaborav mudrosti, tj. zaborav znanja i iskustava koji svoj izvor imaju u religiji, vjeri i iskustvu transcendencije.
However, it is not normal when forgetting of wisdom is tacitly supported, that is, forgetting knowledge and experience that have their source have in religion, faith and transcendental experience.

[Tue Dec 23 11:49:01 2003]
Danas ima puno znanja, ali očito nedostaje mudrosti.
There is plenty of knowledge today, but obviously not enough wisdom.

[Tue Dec 23 11:49:49 2003]
Čovjek je zatrpan znanjima i informacijama koji se sve više fragmentiraju.
The man is showered with knowledges and information that become more and more fragmented.