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[Thu Dec 04 11:13:46 2003]
Detalj oslanjanja GLULAM nosača prostorne konstrukcije krovišta crkve u Zaprešiću
Detail of reinforcement of GLULAM structure of a spatial roof structure of a church in Zaprešić

[Thu Dec 04 11:15:03 2003]
Montaža drvene višekatne zgrade u Švedskoj.
Assembly of a wooden multistorey building in Sweden.

[Thu Dec 04 11:15:03 2003]
Faza montaže stropne konstrukcije.
Assembly phase of ceiling components.

[Thu Dec 04 11:18:33 2003]
Nabrojat će se samo neki sustavi, koji će sigurno unaprijediti dizajn drvenih konstrukcija od lameliranog drveta
We will mention only some systems, which will surely improve the design of wooden laminated structures

[Thu Dec 04 11:21:57 2003]
PARALLAM je proizvod od "drvenih rezanaca", dobivenih posebnom tehnologijom.
PARALLAM is a product made of "wooden threads", obtained by a special technology.

[Thu Dec 04 11:21:57 2003]
Ovi rezanci su automatski orijentirani u smjeru vlakana i posebnim postupkom prešani u četvrtaste grede, koje se piljenjem u poprečnom i uzdužnom smjeru dovode na određenu zahtijevanu duljinu
These threads are automatically oriented towards fibers and pressed into square beams by a special procedure, and then sawn transversally and longitudinally until they acquire a particular length

[Thu Dec 04 11:23:10 2003]
Opisuje se postupak, prema podacima proizvođača PARALLAM greda
The procedure is described, according to data of PARALLAM beams manufacturer

[Thu Dec 04 11:24:13 2003]
Kao sirovina koristi se drvo bora, jele ili smreke
The raw material used for this purpose is pine, fir or spruce

[Thu Dec 04 11:25:25 2003]
Nakon uobičajenog zaparivanja (kuhanja) obla se građa ljušti u furnirske listove.
After the usual steaming (cooking), the round structure is peeled into veneer sheets.

[Thu Dec 04 11:25:25 2003]
Furnirske ploče se suše i selektiraju
Veneer sheets are then dried and selected

[Thu Dec 04 11:31:44 2003]
U posebnom stroju se iz furnira istiskuje isijecanjem iverje (rezanci od drveta), duljine do 30 cm i debljine cca 2 do 3 mm
Special machine cuts out splinters from the veneer (threads of wood), long up to 30 cm, and thick approximately 2 to 3 mm

[Thu Dec 04 11:32:44 2003]
Patentiranim se postupkom odstranjuju defekti.
Patented procedure removes defects.

[Thu Dec 04 11:32:44 2003]
Dodaje se vodootporno ljepilo i drugi dodaci za zaštitu drveta
Then the waterproof glue and other supplements for wood protection are added

[Thu Dec 04 11:35:04 2003]
Posebnim se postupkom vlakna orijentiraju u jednom smjeru i prešanjem oblikuju grede.
By a special procedure fibers are orientated to one direction and pressed to form beams.

[Thu Dec 04 11:35:19 2003]
Pritom se ljepilo stabilizira i suši VF (mikrovalnom energijom).
During that process, glue is stabilized and dried on HF (microwave energy).

[Thu Dec 04 11:35:19 2003]
Postupak je kontinuiran
The procedure is continuous

[Thu Dec 04 11:37:02 2003]
Cijeli proces se automatski prati i upravlja programiranim strojevima, čime se osigurava kvaliteta:
The entire process is monitored automatically and operated by programmed machines, which insures the quality:

[Thu Dec 04 11:37:02 2003]
konzistencija, gustoća, čvrstoća, kontrolira se vlaga (oko 11%), te izgled
consistency, density, strength, controlled humidity (around 11 %), and appearance

[Thu Dec 04 11:39:14 2003]
PARALLAM PSL je fabriciran u duljinama do 20 metara i pili se na određene, standardne dimenzije (za sada u anglosaksonskim mjerama)
PARALLAM PSL is manufactured in lengths up to 20 meters, and sawn into predetermined, standard dimensions (for now, those are Anglo-Saxon measures)

[Thu Dec 04 11:40:30 2003]
Dimenzije elemenata za stupove
Dimensions of elements for columns

[Thu Dec 04 11:45:40 2003]
Postupak je patentiran.
The procedure is patented.

[Thu Dec 04 11:46:14 2003]
U razvoj je utrošeno oko 20 godina istraživanja i oko 100 milijuna dolara (MacMillan Bloedel).
About 20 years of research and about 100 million dollars (Macmillan Bloedel) was invested into the development.

[Thu Dec 04 11:46:14 2003]
U SAD postoje dvije tvornice sa oko 40 distributivnih centara u SAD i Kanadi
In the USA, there are two factories with around 40 distributive centres in the USA and Canada

[Thu Dec 04 11:47:29 2003]
Proizvodnja KERTA-LVL mnogoslojnih lijepljenih furnirskih greda je isto postupak zasnovan na proizvodnji multiplex ploča
Production of KERTA-LVL multi-layer glued veneer beams is also a procedure based on production of multiplex panels

[Thu Dec 04 11:53:50 2003]
Zaparena (24 sata kuhano) obla građa siječe se na 2 metra duge komade
Steamed (24-hour cooked) lumber is cut into 2 meter long lots

[Thu Dec 04 11:55:02 2003]
Zatim se rotaciono ljušti furnir na ploče duljine oko 3.2 mm
After that, veneer is rotationally peeled into panels about 3.2 mm long

[Thu Dec 04 11:58:41 2003]
Vrši se kontrola i selekcija te nastavljanje furnirskih ploča i formiranje određene dimenzije
After control and selection, veneer sheets are proceeded and specific dimension are formed

[Thu Dec 04 11:59:12 2003]
Furnirske se ploče suše toplim zrakom
Veneer sheets are dried on warm air

[Thu Dec 04 12:03:12 2003]
Na ploče se jednostrano nanosi fenol formaldehidno ljepilo koje je priređeno prema britanskom standardu BS 1204 dio 2, iz 1979.
Panels are singlefacedly coated with phenol formaldehyde glue, which is prepared according to the British standard BS 1204 part 2, from 1979.

[Thu Dec 04 12:04:31 2003]
Furnirske se ploče automatskim postupkom slažu s vlaknima orijentiranim u jednom smjeru
By an automatic procedure, veneer sheets are arranged with fibers oriented in one direction

[Thu Dec 04 12:04:51 2003]
Vruće prešanje na 150oC
Hot pressing at 150oC

[Thu Dec 04 12:06:21 2003]
Poprečno isijecanje na određene dimenzije (duljine maksimalno do 23 metra)
Transversal cutting into particular dimensions (maximum length up to 23 m)

[Thu Dec 04 12:06:50 2003]
Uzdužno isijecanje na standardizirane dimenzije
Longitudinal cutting into standardized dimensions

[Thu Dec 04 12:07:04 2003]
Uskladištenje i isporuka
Storage and delivery

[Thu Dec 04 12:08:50 2003]
KERTA-LVL se za sada proizvodi u Finskoj, Švedskoj, Danskoj, Norveškoj, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj, Nizozemskoj, Kanadi i SAD.
KERTA-LVL is presently produced only in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, France, Netherlands, Canada and the USA.

[Thu Dec 04 12:09:25 2003]
Kerta LVL ima vlačnu čvrstoću određenu zupčastim lijepljenim spojem.
Kerta LVL has a tensile strength determined by a finger joint.

[Thu Dec 04 12:09:53 2003]
Lagano je obradiv i vrlo otporan.
It is easily processed and very resistant.

[Thu Dec 04 15:05:35 2003]
Može se naravno lijepiti.
Of course, it can be glued.

[Thu Dec 04 15:06:09 2003]
Najveća konstrukcija u kojoj je novi materijal korišten za elemente je velika geodetska kupola sportske dvorane u OOLU u Finskoj.
The largest construction where new material were used for elements is large geodetic dome of a sports hall in OOLU in Finland.

[Thu Dec 04 15:06:09 2003]
Čvorovi ove kupole su na licu mjesta betonirani posebnim postupkom
Nodes of that dome are concreted on the spot the with special procedure

[Thu Dec 04 15:14:06 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 15:14:24 2003]
kao grede
as beams

[Thu Dec 04 15:14:43 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 15:15:33 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 15:16:49 2003]
na lice furnira
on the obverse side of a veneer

[Thu Dec 04 15:17:12 2003]
na rub furnira
on the edge of a veneer

[Thu Dec 04 15:17:28 2003]
Posmik paralelno vlaknima
Shear parallel to grains

[Thu Dec 04 15:18:00 2003]
Naprezanja i moduli
Stresses and modules

[Thu Dec 04 15:20:58 2003]
Slika 15.1.
Figure 15.1.

[Thu Dec 04 15:21:00 2003]
Proizvodnja PARALAM greda:
Production of PARALAM beams:

[Thu Dec 04 15:40:48 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 15:41:01 2003]
drvo se obara, 2.
tree is knocked down, 2.

[Thu Dec 04 15:41:18 2003]
ljušti, 3.
it is peeled off, 3.

[Thu Dec 04 16:19:14 2003]
pretvara u rezance (3x10x300 mm), 4.
it is cut into threads (3x10x300 mm), 4.

[Thu Dec 04 16:21:31 2003]
u stroju se automatski nanosi ljepilo i lijepi u kontinuirane profile, 5.
inside the machine, glue is automatically coated and glued on continuous profiles, 5.

[Thu Dec 04 16:21:45 2003]
pod elektronskom kontrolom proizvoda, te 6.
under the electronic product control, and 6.

[Thu Dec 04 16:22:21 2003]
pili u određene dimenzije.
sawn into specific dimensions.

[Thu Dec 04 16:22:21 2003]
Racionalnije korištenje drveta u građevinskoj industriji nosivih dijelova.
More rational use of timber in building industry of bearing parts.

[Thu Dec 04 16:23:49 2003]
Slika 15.2.
Figure 15.2.

[Thu Dec 04 16:24:36 2003]
Proizvodnja KERTA-LVL greda.
Production of KERTA-LVL beams.

[Thu Dec 04 16:27:09 2003]
Drvo se pili na određene duljine (1), ljušti se u oko 3 mm tanke furnirske ploče (2).
Timber is sawn into specific lengths (1), it is peeled into about 3 mm thin veneer sheets (2).

[Thu Dec 04 16:27:18 2003]
Furnir se isijeca, kontroliraju se greške (3), suši se u toplom zraku (4), nakon čega se na furnir nanosi ljepilo (5), i slaže u kontinuiranom procesu u višeslojnu kontinuiranu traku (6), koja se pod pritiskom i VF sušenjem (7) pretvara u ploču (8), koja se pili (9) u određene dimenzije (10).
Veneer is cut, faults are controled (3), it is dried on warm air (4), after which the veneer is coated with glue (5), and arranged in continuous process into multilayer continuous band (6), which, under pressure and VF drying (7) turns into a panel (8), which is sawn (9) into specific dimensions (10).

[Thu Dec 04 16:27:36 2003]
Proizvodnja je automatski regulirana i kontrolirana.
Production is automatically regulated and controlled.

[Thu Dec 04 16:27:39 2003]
Tablica svojstava građevinskih ploča:
Table of characteristics of building panels:

[Thu Dec 04 16:27:39 2003]
iverica i vlaknatica
plywoods and fiberboards

[Thu Dec 04 16:28:37 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:28:57 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:29:51 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:30:54 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:32:01 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:32:02 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:32:18 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:32:29 2003]
posmik okomito na ravninu
shear vertically to flat surface

[Thu Dec 04 16:32:29 2003]
posmik u ravninu
shear into flat surface

[Thu Dec 04 16:33:23 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:33:23 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:33:31 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:33:31 2003]
posmik okomito na ravninu
shear vertically to flat surface

[Thu Dec 04 16:33:57 2003]
Tablica modifikacijskih faktora
Modification factor table

[Thu Dec 04 16:34:35 2003]
Piljena građa, lamelirano drvo, furnirske ploče
Sawn lumber, laminated tree, veneer sheets

[Thu Dec 04 16:34:59 2003]
Visoko-nosive OSB ploče klase 3 i 4
High-bearing OSB panels of class 3 and 4

[Thu Dec 04 16:36:03 2003]
OSB iverice za nosive dijelove Kl 2.
OSB plywoods for bearing parts Kl 2.

[Thu Dec 04 16:36:03 2003]
tvrde, nosive u vlazi
hard, bearing in humid areas

[Thu Dec 04 16:36:19 2003]
Nosive iverice u
Bearing plywoods in

[Thu Dec 04 16:36:19 2003]
suhim uvjetima
dry conditions

[Thu Dec 04 16:37:18 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:37:21 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:37:25 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:37:30 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:37:30 2003]

[Thu Dec 04 16:38:27 2003]
Tablica mehaničkih karakteristika višeslojnih furnirskih ploča
Table of mechanical characteristics of multilayer veneer plates

[Thu Dec 04 16:40:12 2003]
Tip karakteristične čvrstoće
Type of characteristic strength

[Thu Dec 04 16:41:43 2003]
S - furnirske ploče od bukovine nebrušene (švedske)
S - beechen veneer plates, unpolished (Swedish)

[Thu Dec 04 16:42:19 2003]
FIN - furnirske ploče od brezovine brušene (danske)
FIN - birch veneer sheets, polished (Denmark)

[Thu Dec 04 16:42:48 2003]
US - furnirske ploče nebrušene (USA)
US - veneer sheets, unpolished (USA)

[Thu Dec 04 16:42:54 2003]
CAN - furnirske ploče od duglazije nebrušene (kanadske)
CAN - douglas fir veneer sheets, unpolished (Canadian)

[Thu Dec 04 16:42:54 2003]
D - furnirske ploče
D - veneer sheets

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:19 2003]
Tip karakteristične čvrstoće
Type of characteristic strength

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:30 2003]
S - furnirska ploča
S - veneer plate

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:39 2003]
FIN - furnirska ploča
FIN - veneer plate

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:49 2003]
US - furnirska ploča
US - veneer plate

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:59 2003]
CAN - furnirska ploča
CAN - veneer plate

[Thu Dec 04 16:45:59 2003]
D - furnirska ploča
D - veneer plate

[Thu Dec 04 16:47:02 2003]
Slika 15.3.
Figure 15.3.

[Thu Dec 04 16:47:02 2003]
Višeslojna furnirska ploča s m slojeva furnira
Multilayer veneer plate with m of veneer layers

[Thu Dec 04 16:49:03 2003]

[Fri Dec 05 11:22:30 2003]
Novi materijali i njihovi kompoziti sve se više uvode u inženjersku praksu, pa i u gradnju mostova.
New materials and their composites are being increasingly introduced in the engineering practice, and even in the building of bridges.

[Fri Dec 05 11:22:48 2003]
Prvi mostovi u kojima se koristilo napredne kompozite realizirani su pred desetak godina u USA, Bugarskoj, Izraelu i Kini.
The first bridges for which advanced composites were used have been realized ten years ago in the USA, Bulgaria, Israel and China.

[Fri Dec 05 11:23:42 2003]
Cestovni most Beijing-Miyum sagrađen je 1982.
Road bridge Beijing-Miyum was built in 1982.

[Fri Dec 05 11:24:50 2003]
Dužina mu je svega 20 metara, širina 7 metara, a visina nosača iznosi 1.67 m.
It is only 20 meters long, 7 meters wide, and the girder depth is 1.67 meters.

[Fri Dec 05 11:31:17 2003]
Most je izveden od 5 prefabriciranih sekcija koje su međusobno slijepljene na gradilištu.
Bridge was constructed of 5 prefabricated sections which were pasted together on the site.

[Fri Dec 05 11:32:00 2003]
Težina mosta je samo 300 kN, a to je svega 80% težine klasičnog armiranobetonskog mosta iste nosivosti.
Bridge weigth is only 300 kN, which is only 80 % of the weight of classic reinforced concrete bridge of the same bearing capacity.

[Fri Dec 05 11:33:04 2003]
Nema podataka o dugotrajnim promatranjima ponašanja tih konstrukcija.
There are no data about continuous monitoring of behavior of these constructions.

[Fri Dec 05 11:33:04 2003]
Smatra se da će tek u budućnosti razviti sasvim novi materijal svojstava koja će premašiti svojstva današnjih materijala
It is considered that in the future there will develop a brand-new material with characteristics which will exceed the characteristics of today's materials

[Fri Dec 05 11:38:51 2003]
Vlakna visokih modula imaju danas module elastičnosti između 480 i 700 GPa.
Fibers witih high modules today have the elastic modules between 480 and 700 GPa.

[Fri Dec 05 11:40:46 2003]
Ovi će se materijali koristiti u kabelima budućih visećih i zauzdanih mostova, za armiranje membrana i ojačanje postojećih konstrukcija.
These materials will be used in cables of future pending and bridled bridges, for reinforcing of membranes and strengthening of the existing constructions.

[Fri Dec 05 11:40:46 2003]
Već se danas armiranobetonske konstrukcije ojačavaju naljepljivanjem kabela (sloja ugljikovih niti u epoksidnoj matrici) direktno na vlačnu zonu betona
Reinforced concrete constructions are already being strengthened by pasting of cables (a layer of carbon threads in epoxy matrix) directly onto the tensile zone of a concrete

[Fri Dec 05 11:54:56 2003]
Navode se neke orijentacijske vrijednosti komercijalnih proizvoda na osnovu ugljikovih vlakana u armiranim plastikama (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics = CFRT)
There are some orientational values of commercial products based on carbon fibers in reinforced polymers (Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics = CFRT)

[Fri Dec 05 11:55:59 2003]
Vlačna čvrstoća
Tensile strength

[Fri Dec 05 11:56:13 2003]
Modul elastičnosti
Elastic modulus

[Fri Dec 05 11:56:49 2003]
Modul termalne ekspanzije
Modulus of thermal expansion

[Fri Dec 05 12:01:47 2003]
Prema pokusima
According to tests

[Fri Dec 05 12:09:38 2003]
Iz navedenog slijedi da ovi materijali imaju svoju buduću primjenu.
What follows from the abovementioned is that these materials will have their use in the future.

[Fri Dec 05 12:26:57 2003]
Za sada su vrlo skupi, ali se vremenom očekuje sniženje cijena.
For the present, they are very expensive, but in time we can expect price reduction.

[Fri Dec 05 12:27:56 2003]
Međutim, i danas su kabeli od CFRP niti kompetitivni kabelima od visokovrijednog čelika, ako se u cijenu gotovog ugrađenog proizvoda uračunaju cijene prijevoza i manipulacije, koje su zbog manje gustoće CFRP kabela bitno manje nego kod čeličnih kabela.
However, today the cables made from CFRP threads are competitive to cables made from highly valuable steel, if the price of finished installed product includes transportation and handling prices, which are considerably lower because of the lower density of CFRP cables compared to steel cables.

[Fri Dec 05 12:27:56 2003]
Trajnost tih današnjih materijala procjenjuje se na oko 80 do 100 (pa i više godina)
Durability of these current materials is estimated to about 80 to 100 (and even more)

[Fri Dec 05 12:32:03 2003]
Tablica podataka za Sika CarboDur laminate na osnovi ugljikovih niti.
Tables of data for Sika CarboDur laminate based on carbon threads.

[Fri Dec 05 12:33:24 2003]
Osnova ugljikova vlakna armirana epoksi matricom
Basic carbon fibers reinforced with epoxy matrix

[Fri Dec 05 12:35:33 2003]
Sadržaj vlakana u volumenu
Fiber elements in volume

[Fri Dec 05 12:36:23 2003]
Trajnost pohrane
Permanence of storing

[Fri Dec 05 12:36:39 2003]

[Fri Dec 05 12:42:56 2003]
Mehaničke karakteristike dobivene su mjerenjima u smjeru karbonskih vlakana
Mechanical characteristics are obtained by measuring in the direction of carbon fibers

[Fri Dec 05 12:54:47 2003]
Ove se folije lijepe adhezivima Sikadur - 30 za druge materijale, kao što su beton, drvo, zidovi od cigle, metali.
This foils are glued with adhesives Sikadur - 30 for other materials, such as concrete, wood, brick walls, metals.

[Fri Dec 05 12:54:51 2003]
Ova se ljepila nanose po posebno propisanom postupku.
These glues are coated on specially prescribed procedure.

[Fri Dec 05 12:54:53 2003]
Komponenta A:
Component A:

[Fri Dec 05 12:55:06 2003]
bijela, komponenta B:
white, component B:

[Fri Dec 05 12:55:31 2003]
crna, komponenta A+B:
black, component A+B:

[Fri Dec 05 12:55:57 2003]
svjetlo siva (ovisno o omjeru A i B komponente.
light grey (depending on proportion of components A and B.

[Fri Dec 05 12:56:44 2003]
Adhezijska čvrstoća (mokra prema F.I.P.)
Adhesive strength (wet according to F.I.P.)

[Fri Dec 05 12:58:20 2003]
pri slomu betona 4 (N/mm2).
) at fracture of concrete 4 (N/the mm2).

[Fri Dec 05 12:58:28 2003]
Otvoreno vrijeme vezanja 30 minuta (pri 35oC), skupljanje (prema F.I.P.)
Open time of fastening is 30 minutes (at 35oC), shrinkage (according to F.I.P.)

[Fri Dec 05 12:58:28 2003]
iznosi 0.04%
) amounts to 0.04 %

[Fri Dec 05 13:00:40 2003]
Ojačanje zidova s karbonskim trakama (EMPA-pokusi)
Strengthening of walls with carbon bands (EMPA-tests)

[Fri Dec 05 14:12:18 2003]
Rezultati ispitivanja posmične čvrstoće neojačanog panela i panela ojačanog naljepljivanjem karbonskih traka (trake od ugljikovih vlakana) (Empa-pokusi)
Testing results of shear strength of non-reinforced panel and panel which is strengthened by pasting carbon bands (bands with carbon fibers) (EMPA-tests)

[Fri Dec 05 14:12:58 2003]
Slom panela ojačanog trakama od ugljikovih niti (EMPA-pokusi)
Fracture of panel strengthened with bands which are made from carbon threads (EMPA-tests)

[Fri Dec 05 15:27:16 2003]
godine, dva kabela od ugljikovih vlakana (CFRP) ugrađena u sustav čeličnih ovjesnih kabela na mostu Storchenbrücke u Švicarskoj.
In 1996, two cables made from carbon fibers (CFRP) are installed into the system of steel suspensive cables on the Storchenbrücke bridge in Switzerland for the first time.

[Fri Dec 05 15:32:39 2003]
Most Storchenbrücke je moderni betonski željeznički most s više kolosijeka, raspona 63+61.
Storchenbrücke bridge is a modern concrete rail bridge with many tracks, and with the range of 63 + 61.

[Fri Dec 05 15:33:27 2003]
Konstrukcija mosta ovješena je s lepezastim kabelima o stup mosta.
Bridge structure is suspended with fanlike cables on the pier.

[Fri Dec 05 15:33:59 2003]
Dva od ukupno 24 kabela su od CFRP materijala, a ostali su konvencionalni čelični kabeli.
Two of 24 cables are made from CFRP material, and the rest are conventional steel cables.

[Fri Dec 05 15:34:32 2003]
CFRP kabel se sastoji od 241 paralelne žice promjera 5 mm.
CFRP cable is comprised from 241 parallel wires with 5 mm diameter.

[Fri Dec 05 16:05:45 2003]
Kabeli su ispitani u laboratoriju EMPA u Švicarskoj.
Cables were tested in EMPA laboratory in Switzerland.

[Fri Dec 05 16:05:56 2003]
Zbog različitih koeficijenata termalne ekspanzije čelika i CFRP zanimljivo je dugoročno i kontinuirano promatranje i studija teoretskog i praktičnog ponašanja opterećenih kabela, kao i progibanja konstrukcije mosta.
Because of different thermal expansion coefficients of steel and CFRP, it is interesting to continuously monitor and study theoretical and practical behavior of loaded cables, as well as deflection of bridge structure.

[Fri Dec 05 16:05:56 2003]
Most je instrumentiran i stalno promatran
Bridge is instrumented and constantly monitored

[Fri Dec 05 16:07:25 2003]
Most Storchenbrücke, uzdužna dispozicija.
Storchenbrücke Bridge, longitudinal disposition.

[Fri Dec 05 16:07:25 2003]
Prikazan je položaj CFRP kabela
Position of CFRP cable is shown here

[Fri Dec 05 16:11:09 2003]
Ojačanje mosta na autoputu A10.
Bridge strengthening on motorway A10.

[Fri Dec 05 16:12:50 2003]
Betonska konstrukcija mosta ojačava se naljepljivanjem S & P CFK laminata.
Concrete bridge structure is strengthened by gluing S & P CFK laminates.

[Fri Dec 05 16:12:55 2003]
Ukupno je nalijepljeno 13000 m CFK laminata.
In total, 13000 m of CFK laminates was glued.

[Fri Dec 05 16:12:55 2003]
S & P (Clever Reinforcement Company)
S & P (Clever Reinforcement Company)

[Fri Dec 05 16:13:40 2003]
Blok drvenih višekatnih kuća u Frankfurtu
Block of wooden multistorey houses in Frankfurt

[Fri Dec 05 16:24:16 2003]
Drvena konstrukcija RKT Crkve Saint Thomas More u Brookingu, Južna Dakota, USA.
Wooden structure RKT of Saint Thomas More Church in Brooking, South Dakota, USA.

[Fri Dec 05 16:24:18 2003]
Izvedba Western Archrib:
Constructed by Western Archrib:

[Fri Dec 05 16:24:34 2003]

[Fri Dec 05 16:24:34 2003]
Iz prospektnog materijala firme
From prospect material of the company

[Mon Dec 08 10:19:27 2003]
U literaturi o modernim drvenim konstrukcijama malo se spominju drvene rešetke s vlačnim čeličnim vertikalama, a HOWE drvene rešetke s prednapregnutim čeličnim vertikalama se malo ili nikako ne spominju.
The literature about modern wooden structures mentions little of trellisworks with tensile steel verticals, and HOWE trellisworks with prestressed steel verticals are hardly mentioned at all.

[Mon Dec 08 10:23:06 2003]
Međutim ti su se nosači prije 2.
However, those beams were mostly used before

[Mon Dec 08 10:23:58 2003]
svjetskog rata relativno najviše primjenjivali, da bi poslijeratni primat preuzele rešetke s patentnim moždanicima i naravno kasnije i danas lamelirani nosači.
However, those beams were mostly used before the Second World War, and after the war the trusses with patented connectors took over the domination. Today, laminated beams are used the most.

[Mon Dec 08 10:29:21 2003]
Postoje naravno mnoga suvremena unapređenja izvođenja drvenih rešetkastih nosača:
There are, of course, many contemporary advancements of wooden trusses:

[Mon Dec 08 10:32:25 2003]
Vertikale su se nekoć izvodile od okruglih čeličnih profila s vijčanim navrtkama na krajevima, a danas bi se kod HOWE nosača mogle izvoditi od visokovrijednih čeličnih šipki ili čeličnih (npr.
Verticals were formerly constructed from round steel sections with bolted nuts on ends, and today they could be constructed in HOWE girders from highly valuable steel bars or steel (e.g.

[Mon Dec 08 10:33:07 2003]
BBWR ili drugih) kablova.
BBWR or other) cables.

[Mon Dec 08 10:34:24 2003]
Detalji su HOWE nosača sasvim jednostavni te ih svako tesarsko poduzeće može izvesti.
Details of HOWE girders are quite simple and every carpenter company construct them.

[Mon Dec 08 10:36:36 2003]
Jedina prava skrb kod izvođenja mora se posvetiti prednapinjanju vertikala, čime se izbjegava svaka moguća pojava vlaka u dijagonalama rešetke.
The only real concern in the execution must be dedicated to prestressing of verticals, which would avoid every possible appearance of tension in grid diagonals.

[Mon Dec 08 10:41:10 2003]
Cijela genijalnost ideje i jest u tome da su onemogućavanjem pojave vlaka u štapovima ispune, tlačne veze između štapova pojasa i ispune potpuno pojednostavljene.
The whole ingenuity of the ideaa is in preventing the appearance of tension in diagonal bars, compression straps between sticks of flanges, and enirely simplified spandrel.

[Mon Dec 08 10:42:41 2003]
Time se izvođenje čvorova BITNO pojednostavljuje, izbjegnuta je upotreba modernih spajala kao što su to razni patentni moždanici (koja zahtijevaju veliku točnost izvođenja), ili mnoštvo trnova, vijaka ili čavala.
This SUBSTANTIALLY simplifies the construction of knots, and avoids the use of modern fasteners, such as various patented connectors (which demand extreme accuracy in execution), or multitude of spikes, screws or nails.

[Mon Dec 08 10:42:41 2003]
S druge strane se kod drvenih rešetki bolje iskorištava skupo lijepljeno drvo pojasnica, jer su one izložene samo vlaku ili tlaku, te im je presjek potpuno (ili bolje) iskorišten
On the other hand, trellisworks make better use of the expensive GLULAM flange, because they are exposed only to tension or pressure, and their cut is completely (or better) used

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:00 2003]
Detalj spoja dijagonala, čelične vertikale i pojasa HOWE rešetke.
Detail of diagonal connection, steel vertical and flange of HOWE truss.

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:06 2003]
a) U - profil;
a) U - profile;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:08 2003]
b) glava za prednapinjanje;
b) head for prestressing;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:17 2003]

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:27 2003]
d) kladica;
d) chump;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:30 2003]
e) trn;
e) spike;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:34 2003]
f) piljena građa;
f) sawn lumber;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:37 2003]
g) čelik VV;
g) steel VV;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:43 2003]
h) III kabel;
h) III cable;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:46 2003]
i) zasjek;
i) cut;

[Mon Dec 08 10:45:46 2003]
j) dijagonale.
j) diagonals.

[Mon Dec 08 10:51:08 2003]
Također se i piljena građa ispune može izvoditi iz kraćih komada građe koja se nastavlja lijepljenjem zupčastim vezom po cijelom profilu presjeka.
Moreover, sawn lumber spandrels can be constructed from shorter pieces of material which is continued by pasting jagged bracing along the entire profile of the cut.

[Mon Dec 08 10:51:29 2003]
Umjesto raznih spajala, limova i sl.
Instead of various fasteners, sheet metals and similar

[Mon Dec 08 10:52:00 2003]
elemenata koristi se čelične šipke ili jednostavno prednapinjanje čeličnih vertikala.
Instead of various fasteners, sheet metals and similar elements, we use steel bars or simple prestressing of steel verticals.

[Mon Dec 08 11:01:44 2003]
Uzroci neprimjenjivanja mogu biti razni:
Reasons for not applying this can vary:

[Mon Dec 08 11:02:27 2003]
nepoznavanje tradicija izvođenja, strah od noviteta (pa i kod renomiranih proizvođača drvenih konstrukcija), nedovoljna reklama, ili pak prevelika reklama proizvođača raznih patentnih moždanika, koje direktno ugrožavaju primjene rešetki s čeličnim vertikalama, HOWE (ili CRUCIANO) sustavi.
not knowing the traditions of construction, fear from innovation (even by respectable manufacturers of wooden structures), insufficient advertizing, or overly advertizad patented connectors, which directly jeopardize the use of trusses with steel verticals, HOWE (or CRUCIANO) systems.

[Mon Dec 08 11:02:27 2003]
Kod CRUCIANO sustava, prednapregnute su dijagonale, a vertikale su od drveta
In CRUCIANO systems, the diagonals are prestressed, and verticals are made from wood

[Mon Dec 08 11:04:08 2003]
Osnove proračuna
Basics of calculation

[Mon Dec 08 11:15:07 2003]
U koliko se promatra savijanje GLULAM nosača, jasno je da su bolje iskorištena vlakna drveta bliže rubova nosača, a da je praktično neiskorišteno skupo lamelirano drvo srednjeg dijela nosača oko neutralne osi.
If observing the bending of GLULAM structure, it is clear that there is a better use of wood fibers which are closer to edges of beams, and that the expensive laminated wood in the central part of a beam, around the neutral axis, is practically unused.

[Mon Dec 08 11:15:49 2003]
Kod drugih materijala razvile su se stoga ideja primjena rešetki, ili T presjeka, spregnutih presjeka, konačno i prednapinjanje.
For that reason, the idea developed for using trusses, or T cuts, yoked cuts, and finally prestressing in other materials.

[Mon Dec 08 11:23:49 2003]
Kod drveta se neka slična rješenja ne mogu primijeniti:
Similar solutions cannot be applied to wood:

[Mon Dec 08 11:24:29 2003]
osim kod rešetki, a u novije doba i pokusi s prednaprezanjem ili sprezanjem s drugim materijalima, a sve u težnji smanjenja količine drveta.
except for trusses, and recently the tests which include the prestressing or compositing with other materials, and all in desire to decrease the quantity of wood.

[Mon Dec 08 11:25:12 2003]
Naravno da je materijal rešetke bolje iskorišten no kod GLULAM nosača.
Of course, the truss material is better used than in GLULAM structure.

[Mon Dec 08 11:25:12 2003]
Ali je i visina rešetkastog nosača je nešto veća no visina GLULAM nosača.
But the truss height is somewhat larger than the height of GLULAM structure.

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:01 2003]
Visine GLULAM nosača i rešetki u odnosu na raspone nosača.
Heights of GLULAM structures and trusses in relation to scopes of beam.

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:02 2003]
a) lamelirani nosači;
a) laminated beams;

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:08 2003]
b) rešetkasti nosači;
b) trusses;

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:09 2003]
c) lamelirano drvo;
c) laminated wood;

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:15 2003]
d) Howe;
d) Howe;

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:17 2003]
e) Rešetke s čeličnim vertikalnim štapovima.
e) Trusses with steel vertical members.

[Mon Dec 08 11:27:17 2003]
C-tlak, T-vlak
C-pressure, T-tension

[Mon Dec 08 11:35:24 2003]
Uz nešto veću visinu rešetkastog nosača (oko L/6) bolje se u njima koristi skuplje lamelirano drvo pojaseva, dok se za ispunu koristi jeftinija piljena građa (monolitno drvo).
With somewhat greater height of trusses (around L/6) we can better use more expensive laminated wood for flanges, while for spandrel we use cheaper sawn lumber (monolithic wood).

[Mon Dec 08 11:37:28 2003]
Kod ležajeva se nosač dimenzionira takve visine, koliko to traže uvjeti zadovoljavanja posmičnih naprezanja.
In bearings, beam is dimensioned for such heights, as is demanded by the conditions of satisfying shear stresses.

[Mon Dec 08 11:45:58 2003]
Nažalost ni jedan od tih postupaka se ne koristi kod nas u industriji proizvodnje lameliranih nosača.
Unfortunately, neither of these procedures is used in our industry of production of laminated beams.

[Mon Dec 08 11:46:18 2003]
Utrošak čelika je kod HOWE nosača nešto veći nego li kod običnih drvenih rešetki u kojima se primjenjuju patentni moždanici ili druga spajala, ali je njegovo konstruiranje, glede utroška radne snage u proizvodnji manje od onoga kod lameliranih nosača.
The use of steel in HOWE girder is somewhat greater than in common trelliswork with patented connectors or other fasteners, but its construction, with regard to the work force in production, is smaller than the construction of laminated beams.

[Mon Dec 08 11:47:54 2003]
Osim toga oni su lakši od drvenih lameliranih lijepljenih nosača.
Besides, they are lighter than wooden laminated glued beams.

[Mon Dec 08 11:48:19 2003]
Nije toliko bitno da li se koriste HOWE nosači ili drugi tipovi rešetki s čeličnim vertikalama.
It is not so important whether we use HOWE girders or other types of trusses with steel verticals.

[Mon Dec 08 11:48:19 2003]
Konačna cijena konstrukcije je uglavnom presudna činjenica
The final construction price is the decisive fact

[Mon Dec 08 11:51:30 2003]
Poznato je da su količine drveta i čelika dane koeficijentima kd i kc za skoro sve tipove konstrukcija.
We know that quantities of wood and steel are given by coefficients kd and kc for almost all types of constructions.

[Mon Dec 08 11:51:30 2003]
S koeficijentom kd se sračunava preliminarna težina nosača, a koeficijent kc pokazuje postotak težine čelika u odnosu na masu drveta nosača
With coefficient kd we calculate the preliminary weight of a beam, and coefficient kc shows the percentage of steel weight in relation to wooden mass of a beam

[Mon Dec 08 11:52:08 2003]
Kod lameliranih grednih nosača
In laminated beam trusses

[Mon Dec 08 11:52:25 2003]
Kod rešetki s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama
In trusses with steel tensile verticals

[Mon Dec 08 11:52:44 2003]
Kod HOWE rešetki su
In HOWE trusses

[Mon Dec 08 11:54:23 2003]
Preliminarna vlastita težina pojedine konstrukcije može se izračunati na osnovi tih koeficijenata prema izrazu
The preliminary dead load of a single construction can be calculated based on these coefficients according to the expression

[Mon Dec 08 11:55:52 2003]
masa stalnog tereta po metru (pokrov, podgled, vezovi, podrožnice i sl.)
mass of constant burden per meter (covering, underside view, bracings, roof purlines, etc.)

[Mon Dec 08 11:55:52 2003]
pripadnog nosaču
) inherent to beam

[Mon Dec 08 11:57:01 2003]
masa pokretnog tereta po metru na pripadni nosač
mass of movable burden per meter to the inherent beam

[Mon Dec 08 11:57:35 2003]
raspon konstrukcije u m
construction range in meters

[Mon Dec 08 12:07:50 2003]
Nakon projektiranja trebalo bi ponovno proračunati koeficijent kd na osnovu utvrđene projektirane vlastite težine, a prema izrazu
After designing, we should recalculate the coefficient kd, based on determined projected dead load, and according to the expression

[Mon Dec 08 12:09:24 2003]
i utvrditi razliku težina između projektirane i stvarne težine nos
and determine the difference of weight between projected and actual beam weight

[Mon Dec 08 12:11:30 2003]
No težina konstrukcije i nije uvijek presudni čimbenik, ali je ona u nekoj relaciji s cijenom konstrukcije:
The design weight is not always crucial factor, but it is in certain relation with the construction price:

[Mon Dec 08 12:11:30 2003]
cijenama materijala, rada, transporta i montaže
price of material, work, transport and assembly

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:28 2003]
O ovom svemu se ne bi niti pisalo, kad nam iskustva iz prakse ne bi ukazala da se lamelirani drveni nosači često koriste i tamo gdje bi ih trebalo i ne bi trebalo koristiti.
All this would not be written about, if our practical experience would not indicate that laminated wooden beams are often used where they should, but also where they should not be used.

[Mon Dec 08 12:29:30 2003]
Ako se arhitekti ne slažu s izgledom rešetkastih nosača, onda se bočne strane rešetki mogu maskirati nekim pločama kao što su to gips ploče, furnirske ploče ili sl.
If architects disagree with the appearance of trusses, then lateral sides of trusses can be masked with certain sheets such as plaster cast sheets, veneer sheets or similar

[Mon Dec 08 12:30:51 2003]
If architects disagree with the appearance of trusses, then lateral sides of trusses can be masked with certain sheets such as plaster cast sheets, veneer sheets or similar materials.

[Mon Dec 08 12:36:43 2003]
Oblaganje gips pločama je i u skladu s protupožarnom zaštitom i drveta i metala.
Covering with plaster cast sheets is in accordance with fire protection of wood and metal.

[Mon Dec 08 12:45:15 2003]
Detalji tih konstrukcija su izvanredno jednostavni.
Details of these constructions are remarkably simple.

[Mon Dec 08 12:45:15 2003]
Osim toga za nastavljanje i monolitne drvene građe može se koristiti lijepljenje s zupčastim spojem te time uštedjeti na otpadnoj građi drveta, preostaloj od piljenja elemenata na određene duljine
Besides, for the continuation of monolithic woodwork we can apply pasting with jagged connection, and thereby save the exhaust wood material, which remained from sawing of units in specific lengths

[Mon Dec 08 12:50:02 2003]
O proračunu rešetki s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama nema se što bitno navesti
There is nothing particularly important to say about the calculation of trusses with steel tensile verticals

[Mon Dec 08 12:52:17 2003]
Proračun HOWE rešetki može se provesti pojednostavljeno, a potom se ti rezultati mogu obraditi sa jednim od FEA programa.
Calculation of HOWE trusses can be executed in a simle manner, and then these results can be treated with one of the FEA programs.

[Mon Dec 08 12:52:17 2003]
Pojednostavljeni proračun je relativno jednostavan
Simplified calculation are relatively plain

[Mon Dec 08 12:58:38 2003]
HOWE rešetka se promatra kao superpozicija slučaja A) nosača koji nema opterećenje već je samo opterećen priteznim silama čeličnih vertikala sa B) rešetkom koja je opterećena samo vanjskim silama i kod koje vertikale nisu pritegnute.
HOWE truss is observed as a superposition of case A) of a beam, which does not have a load, but is only loaded by compression forces of steel verticals with B) truss, which is loaded only by outer forces, and which does not have tightened verticals.

[Mon Dec 08 12:59:00 2003]
Sam slučaj A) razmatra se potom kao superpozicija dvaju rešetki:
Case A) is then considered as a superposition of two trusses:

[Mon Dec 08 14:07:08 2003]
(1) i (2), kako je to u slici prikazano.
(1) and (2), as is presented by the Figure.

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:00 2003]
Pri tome se pritezne sile u vertikalama smatraju vanjskim silama VS(i).
By that, the tightening forces in verticals are considered to be the outer forces VS(i).

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:17 2003]
Uz priklon dijagonala pod kutom ?
With the lean of diagonals under the angle?

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:17 2003]
, može se razmatrati sile u štapovima rešetke
, we can examine the forces in truss members

[Wed Dec 10 14:15:42 2003]
Slika 19.3 Osnovni proračunski sustavi
Figure 19.3 Basic budget systems

[Wed Dec 10 14:17:04 2003]
Nosač bez težine i bez opterećenja, samo s priteznim silama
Weightless and loadless beam, with onl< the compression forces

[Wed Dec 10 14:17:34 2003]
Nosač s priloženim opterećenjima bez priteznih sila
Beam with applied loads, without the compression forces

[Wed Dec 10 14:18:03 2003]
a sile u gornjem i donjem pojasu su
and the forces in upper and bottom flange are

[Wed Dec 10 14:24:33 2003]
Superpozicija oba stanja daje sile u rešetki od opterećenja zatezanja vertikala.
Superposition of both states provides forces in the truss because of the load of streching the verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:24:33 2003]
Štapovi gornjeg i donjeg pojasa su zatezani, a štapovi dijagonala su samo tlačeni
Rods of the upper and the bottom flange are strained, and the rods of diagonals are just pressed

[Wed Dec 10 14:27:36 2003]
Rešetku s vanjskim silama promatramo opet kao superpoziciju dvaju rešetki, one sa uzlaznim dijagonalama i one sa silaznim dijagonalama
Truss with the outer forces is observed as a superposition of two trusses, the one with rising diagonals and the one with descending diagonals

[Wed Dec 10 14:28:47 2003]
Općenito su sile u štapovima u slučaju (b):
In general, the forces in rods in case of (b):

[Wed Dec 10 14:32:10 2003]
Oznake su sile za čvor n:
Markings of force for the knot n are:

[Wed Dec 10 14:32:10 2003]
U -uzlazne dijagonale, V -vertikale, G -gornji pojas i D -donji pojas
U - rising diagonals, V - verticals, G - upper flange and D - bottom flange

[Wed Dec 10 14:33:03 2003]
Slika 19.4.
Figure 19.4.

[Wed Dec 10 14:33:12 2003]
Superpozicija dvaju sustava:
Superposition of two systems:

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:01 2003]
s ulaznim i sa silaznim dijagonalama.
with incoming and descending diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:01 2003]
Na svaku rešetku priložena je polovina ukupnog vertikalnog opterećenja cjelovite rešetke
A half of the total vertical load of integral truss is applied on each truss

[Wed Dec 10 14:36:47 2003]
Oznake sila u štapovima o indeksima (b) i (c)
Markings of force in rods on indexes (b) and (c)

[Wed Dec 10 14:38:31 2003]
Oznake su sila za neki čvor n, ili polje n-1, n, n+1 dane indeksima uz oznake štapova:
Markings of force for particular knot n, or for field n-1, n, n1+ are given by indexes alongside bar marks:

[Wed Dec 10 14:38:31 2003]
S -silazne dijagonale, V -vertikale, te G - gornji i D -donji pojas
S - descending diagonals, V - verticals, and G - upper and D - bottom flange

[Wed Dec 10 14:44:16 2003]
Svaku svornicu (vertikalu) HOWE nosača treba pritegnuti tako da je u njoj nastala vlačna sila po izrazu jednaka algebarskoj sredini poprečnih sila prosto oslonjenog nosača u polju lijevo i desno od nje.
Every bolt (vertical) of the HOWE support must be tightened so that it develops tensile force with the expression equal to algebraic center of shear forces of supported beam in the field left and right of the bolt.

[Wed Dec 10 14:46:20 2003]
Naime, treba eliminirati svaku i moguću pojavu vlačnih sila u dijagonalama rešetke.
In other words, we must eliminate every possible appearance of tensile forces in grid diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 14:49:31 2003]
Time je spoj kladice s dijagonalama jednoznačno određen.
This unambiguously determines is the connection between chump and diagonals.

[Wed Dec 10 15:04:22 2003]
Isto tako i zasjek kladice u lamelirane pojaseve HOWE nosača.
Also, a dovetail of a chump in laminated flanges of the HOWE support.

[Wed Dec 10 15:15:34 2003]
Problem prijenosa pritezne sile rješava se preko krutog metalnog (uobičajeno U čeličnog) profila.
Problem of transition of tightening force is solved through stiff metal (usually U steel) profile.

[Wed Dec 10 15:16:00 2003]
Treba paziti da je krutost tog profila dovoljna.
We must ensure that the solidity of the profile is sufficient.

[Wed Dec 10 15:16:35 2003]
Ponekad se umjesto U profila stavljala poprečna kladica.
Sometimes instead of the U profile we use the transversal chump.

[Wed Dec 10 15:18:41 2003]
Vertikale mogu biti od običnog okruglog čelika, ali mogu to biti i šipke od VV čelika, ili BBWR kablovi s posebnim priteznim glavama.
Verticals can be made from ordinary round steel, but they can also be bars made from VV steel, or BBWR cables with special anchor heads.

[Wed Dec 10 15:19:07 2003]
U prošlosti se koristilo okrugle čelične profile s navojima s obje strane.
Formerly we used round steel sections with coils on both sides.

[Wed Dec 10 15:19:07 2003]
Vertikale nad ležajem su uvijek od drveta
Verticals above the bearing are always made from wood

[Wed Dec 10 15:27:09 2003]
To sve ovisi o arhitekturi same rešetke, da li su pojasevi dvodijelni, jednodijelni ili čak kod velikih raspona višedijelni
All this depends on architecture of the truss itself, whether flanges are two-part, one-part or even, at large ranges, multipart

[Wed Dec 10 15:31:19 2003]
Sada kad se ima preliminarne sile pritezanja vertikala, može se sustav riješiti FEA postupkom.
Now that there are preliminary forces of vertical stretching, we can solve the system by the FEA procedure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:34:14 2003]
Pri tome se u proračunskom modelu pojasevi tretiraju kao kontinuirani štapovi okvira (FRAME), te se kod pritezanja ponašaju kao grede na elastičnom mediju (elastični medij su dijagonalna ispuna i sama krutost pojaseva).
By this, in the calcuation model flanges are treated as continuous frame legs (FRAME), and during stretching they behave as beams on the elastic medium (elastic medium is the diagonal spandrel and the hardness of flanges).

[Wed Dec 10 15:38:32 2003]
Za štapove ispune uvodi se sustav čvorova s poluzglobovima, tako da su štapovi ispune (dijagonale i vertikale) uzete kao štapovi rešetke sa zglobovima na oba kraja svakog štapa (TRUSS KE ili FRAME KE s oslobađanjem momenata na krajevima štapova), kako je to na priloženoj skici i prikazano.
For diagonal bars the system of knots with semijoints was introduced, so that the diagonal bars (diagonals and verticals) are taken as truss members with hinges on both ends of each bar (TRUSS FE or FRAME FE with releasing of torques on the bar ends), as is shown on the accompanying Figure.

[Wed Dec 10 15:38:32 2003]
Za materijale elemenata unose se pripadni moduli elastičnosti, i dimenzije elemenata, a kod štapova vertikala i koeficijenti linearne termičke ekspanzije
For element materials we add associated elastic modules, and dimensions of elements, and for vertical bars we also add coefficients of linear thermal expansion

[Wed Dec 10 15:39:11 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 15:43:33 2003]
Opterećenje od prednapinjanja čeličnih vertikala treba uvesti preko njihovih deformacija (skraćenja štapova), što je moguće simuliranjem promjena (snižavanja) temperatura vertikale za odgovarajući iznos
Load from prestressing of steel verticals needs to be introduced through their deformations (shortening of bars), which is possible by simulating the changes (lowering) of temperature in verticals for appropriate amount

[Wed Dec 10 15:48:06 2003]
sa silom prednapinjanja V(i), modulima elastičnosti čelika Eč, površinom štapa vertikale Fi i koeficijentom termalne ekspanzije ač, materijala vertikale.
with the prestressing force V(i), elastic steel modules Eč, surface of bar verticals Fi and thermal expansion coefficient ač, material of vertical.

[Wed Dec 10 15:48:25 2003]
No sile V(i) u vertikalama mogu se zadati i kao vanjske sile u čvorovima rešetke na sustavu rešetke bez čeličnih vertikala.
But forces V(i) in verticals can be specified also as outer forces in grid nodes on truss system without steel verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 15:50:16 2003]
Vertikale iznad ležajeva su od drveta i one se ne prednapinju.
Verticals above bearings are made from wood and they do not prestress.

[Wed Dec 10 15:50:16 2003]
No s obzirom da se radi o interaktivnom sustavu, u simulaciji je pogodnije unositi sile preko promjena temperature vertikala, ili izravnim pozivom prednapinjanja, ako takav nalog postoji u FEA programu kojega se primjenjuje
But, since this is an interactive system, in simulation it is appropriate to introduce forces through temperature changes of verticals, or through direct prestressing, if such order exists in the FEA program which is being applied

[Wed Dec 10 15:52:45 2003]
Kod provjere elemenata pojaseva potrebno je uzeti u obzir neto presjek pojasa, kao i ekscentricitet sile u pojasu u odnosu na idealne osi štapova
In checking the elements of flanges we must take into consideration the net cut of a flange, as well as the force eccentricity in a flange as compared to the ideal bar axes

[Wed Dec 10 15:53:34 2003]
Slika 19.6.
Figure 19.6.

[Wed Dec 10 15:53:34 2003]
Detalj priključka ispune za pojasne štapove.
Detail of a spandrel connection for cord members.

[Wed Dec 10 15:58:04 2003]
Načelno se FE proračun HOWE rešetke provodi u dva prolaza.
Basically, the FE calculation of the HOWE truss is executed in two passages.

[Wed Dec 10 15:58:31 2003]
U prvom prolazu ustanove se maksimalne sile (envelope sila) u svim štapovima statički neodređenog sustava (dakle sustava s uključenim vertikalama).
In the first passage, we establish the maximum forces (envelop force) in all bars of hyperstatic system (a system which includes verticals).

[Wed Dec 10 16:00:23 2003]
Potom se sile u vlačnim dijagonalama projiciraju na smjer vertikala.
After that, the forces in tensile diagonals project on the direction vertical.

[Wed Dec 10 16:02:12 2003]
Ova projekcija sile pomnoži se jednim koeficijentom (obično je to 1.3), te se ta sila uzme kao sila s kojom se prednapreže vertikala u drugom prolazu proračuna.
This projection of a force is multiplied with one coefficient (usually it is 1.3), and this force is then taken as a force for prestressing of the a vertical in the second passing of a calculation.

[Wed Dec 10 16:02:12 2003]
Ponekad je potrebno provesti proračun i po treći put, kako bi se elastični sustav uravnotežio
Sometimes it is necessary to conduct a calculation three times, in order to bring the elastic system into balance

[Wed Dec 10 16:09:41 2003]
Mi smo radili takve provjere u okviru vježbi studenata iz predmeta Drvene konstrukcije na Građevinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu.
We have done such checks within the framework of student exercises for the subject Wooden structure, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb.

[Wed Dec 10 16:09:41 2003]
Bitno je odrediti maksimalne očekivane sile pa za njih raditi provjere
It is important to determine maximum expected forces and to do checks for them

[Wed Dec 10 16:11:53 2003]
Kod izvođenja, u koliko je to moguće kladica se može izvesti kao sastavni dio lameliranog pojasa.
In the execution, if it is possible, chump can be executed as a component part of a laminated flange.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:08 2003]
To se može izvesti i kod obične rešetke s lameliranim pojasevima, monolitnim dijagonalama i s čeličnim vertikalama.
This can also be executed with the ordinary truss with laminated flanges, monolithic diagonals and with steel verticals.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:08 2003]
Na taj se način izbjegava ekscentricitet priključka u čvorovima, kao i zasijecanje lameliranog pojaseva, i bolje koristi drvo pojasa nosača
This way we avoid the eccentricity of connection in nodes, as well as cutting into laminated booms, and we can better use the wood of a girder flange

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:56 2003]
Slika 19.7.
Figure 19.7.

[Wed Dec 10 16:13:56 2003]
Mogući načini priključka dijagonale za pojasni štap
Possible ways of diagonal connection to cord member

[Wed Dec 10 16:14:30 2003]

[Wed Dec 10 16:14:30 2003]
kladica lamelirana s pojasom
chump laminated with a flange

[Wed Dec 10 16:23:55 2003]
S tim u svezi trebalo bi i napomenuti, da u koliko se već ide u smjeru smanjenja težina konstrukcija i opće uštede materijala, da bi trebalo razmatrati i novije tipove potpuno laganih pa i translucentnih pokrova zasnovanih na pneumatskim jastucima ili sustavima pneumatskih greda, i grijanju u njih upuhivanog zraka.
In connection to this, we shoul also mention, that if we are heading in the direction of decreasing the weight of constructions and general materials saving, we should consider newer types of very light and translucent coverings based on pneumatic cushions or systems of pneumatic beams, and heating of the air that is being blown into them.

[Wed Dec 10 16:25:04 2003]
Membrane pneumatskih jastuka, s translucentnim membranama od mayara ili trevire debljine su svega 0.3 do 1 mm (oko 300 gr/m2).
Membranes of pneumatic cushions, with translucent membranes made from mayar or trevira, have a thickness of only 0.3 to 1 mm (about 300 gr/m2).

[Wed Dec 10 16:27:44 2003]
Kod ovih pokrova opterećenje snijegom se bitno smanjuje, jer se snijeg topi, te je sveukupno opterećenje konstrukcije bitno smanjeno.
With these coverings, snow load is considerably diminished, because snow melts, and the total burdening of a construction is significantly reduced.

[Wed Dec 10 16:28:21 2003]
Potpuno je besmisleno koristiti se teškim klasičnim krovnim pokrovnim sustavima, kod modernih suvremenih konstrukcija.
It is entirely pointless to use heavy classic roof covering systems, in modern contemporary constructions.

[Wed Dec 10 16:56:24 2003]
Rešetke s čeličnim vlačnim vertikalama i HOWE nosači ne moraju imati paralelne ravne pojaseve, gornji i donji pojas mogu biti blago zakrivljeni, i obično su međusobno paralelni, Međutim, i svaki drugi oblik rešetke je moguć, ali se pri tom mora imati na umu da su onda ponekad ovisno o obliku rešetke i dijagonale različitih duljina, što zamršuje posao izvođenja.
Trusses with steel tensile verticals and HOWE supports do not need to have parallel straight flanges, upper and bottom flange can be mildly curved, and they are usually mutually parallel. However, every other shape of a truss is possible, but we must keep in mind that sometimes, depending on their shape, trusses and diagonals are of different lengths, which complicates the work realization.

[Wed Dec 10 16:56:52 2003]
Kod dvozglobnih rešetki-lukova primjenjuje se u praksi gradnje skela sustav CRUCIANO kod kojega su prednapete sve čelične dijagonale, dok se vertikale izvode od monolitnog (ili lameliranog) drveta Za pojaseve kod tih nosača se koristi lamelirano drvo ili Delormove ili Emmyeve lukove od međusobno začavlanih ili zalijepljenih i začavlanih dasaka.
In two-hinged trusses-arches, in the practice of scaffold building, CRUCIANO system is often applied, where all steel diagonals are prestressed, while vertical ones are constructed from monolithic (or laminated) wood For flanges of those beams we use laminated wood or Delorme's or Emmy's arches, which are made from mutually nailed or glued and nailed boards.

[Wed Dec 10 16:57:40 2003]
Prikazuje se i detalj Cruciano drvene rešetke.
Figure also shows a detail of Cruciano trellisworks.

[Wed Dec 10 16:57:40 2003]
Kladica se izvodi naknadno, a moguće ju je izvesti i za vrijeme lamelacije pojaseva
Chump is constructed subsequently, and it is possible to construct it during lamination of flanges

[Wed Dec 10 16:58:40 2003]
Detalj CRUCIANO nosača.
Detail of a CRUCIANO beam.