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[Wed Dec 17 11:55:12 2003]
Uglavnom naša iskustva pokazuju da treba paziti na izvijanje rubnih prstena i njihovo izbočenje izvan ravnine prstena diska.
Generally, our experiences shows that we must pay attention to bending of marginal rings and to their buckling outside of the disc ring surface.
[Wed Dec 17 11:58:54 2003]
Prsteni mogu biti od lameliranog drveta ili od čelika.
Rings can be made from laminated wood or from steel.
[Wed Dec 17 11:58:54 2003]
Da bi se ilustrirala efikasnost tih konstrukcija, može se navesti da su debljine tih membrana pri promjerima od 15 do 20 metara svega oko 1 do 2 mm, a kod čeličnih limova oko 0.5 mm
In order to illustrate the efficiency of these constructions, was can mention that thickness of these membranes at diameters from 15 to 20 m is only about 1 to 2 mm, and with steel sheets it is about 0.5 mm
[Wed Dec 17 12:09:07 2003]
Za armiranobetonske konstrukcije tog raspona trebalo bi načiniti neku betonsku "membranu" debljine barem 8 do 10 cm koju bi se gradilo na relativno složenoj skeli i oplati ili u montažnoj izvedbi.
Reinforced concrete constructions of this range should have a concrete "membrane" at least 8 to 10 cm thick, which would be built on relatively complex scaffold and formwork, or in compositional construction.
[Wed Dec 17 12:09:07 2003]
Samo taj podatak je dovoljan da se zamislimo nad efikasnošću pneumatskih diskova
This information is enough to make us ponder upon the efficiency of pneumatic discs
[Wed Dec 17 12:27:02 2003]
Umjesto pneumatskih diskova mogu se načiniti pneumatski jastuci ili serija pneumatskih jastuka u koje se upuhuje zrak.
Instead of pneumatic discs, we can also make pneumatic cushions or series of pneumatic cushions into which the air is inflated.
[Wed Dec 17 12:27:32 2003]
Također se ovi pneumatski jastuci (trokutastog, heksagonalnog, pentagonalnog, romboidnog oblika, kao i njihove kombinacije) mogu integrirati s mrežastim konstrukcijama geodetskih kupola, "tensile-integrity" kupola, mrežastih svodova, tako da zajedno djeluju kao sinergetski sklop u preuzimanju opterećenja.
Also, these pneumatic cushions (of triangular, hexagonal, pentagonal, and rhomboid shape, as well as their combinations) can be integrated with mesh structures of geodetic domes, "tensile-integrity" domes, and meshed vault systems, so that they operate as a synergetic complex in taking over the load.
[Wed Dec 17 12:37:11 2003]
Ponekad se mogu koristiti samo kao živopisni pokrovi mrežastih konstrukcija.
Sometimes can they can be used only as lively coverings of mesh structures.
[Wed Dec 17 12:37:13 2003]
Također se dalje ovakve sinergetske strukture mogu iznutra stabilizirati tlakom zraka, koji može varirati u širokom izboru granica tlaka (npr.
Likewise, such synergetic structures can be stabilized from within by the atmospheric pressure, which can vary in wide choice of pressure limits (e.g.
[Wed Dec 17 12:37:18 2003]
od 0.
from 0
[Wed Dec 17 12:40:13 2003]
cm do 5.
a water column from 0 to 5
[Wed Dec 17 12:52:35 2003]
i više cm vodenog stupca) ovisno o opterećenju.
a water column from 0 to 5 cm and more) depending on the load.
[Wed Dec 17 12:53:02 2003]
Obavijesti o opterećenju dostavljaju regulacijskom elektronskom mehanizmu obodni senzori za detekciju opterećenja, koji preko specijalnih programa uklapaju sklopke za pogon kompresora.
Peripheral load detection sensors send information about the load to regulatory electronic mechanism, and integrate switches for compressor operation through special programs.
[Wed Dec 17 14:15:42 2003]
Čitav spektar zanimljivih konstrukcija od membrana (diolen, trevira i sličnih tkanina ili folija), velikog i malog raspona, izmiče danas našoj pažnji.
The entire spectrum of interesting membrane constructions (diolen, trevira and similar fabrics or foils), of large and small range, is now escaping our attention.
[Wed Dec 17 14:31:38 2003]
Većini tih inženjera klasičnog odgoja je poimanju bliska ista takva forma konstrukcija ali iz armiranog betona (!)
Most of these classically educated constructors are familiar with such construction forms, but made from the reinforced concrete (!)
[Wed Dec 17 14:48:29 2003]
. I tu je jedan od nesporazuma u primjeni materijala i novih konstruktivnih principa.
And that is one of the misunderstandings in the use of materials and new constructive principles.
[Wed Dec 17 14:55:38 2003]
O tim problemima primjena treba pogledati opsežni opus Otta Freya i njegovih suradnika oko projekta ILL
These application problems are dealt with in the extensive opus of Otto Frey and his coworkers about the ILL project
[Wed Dec 17 15:00:12 2003]
Dakako, u sadašnjoj fazi naše proizvodnje ima i problema, na primjer s toplinskom izolacijom takvih konstrukcija.
Of course, there are some problems in present phase our production, for example with thermal insulation of such constructions.
[Wed Dec 17 15:04:26 2003]
Tih problema izolacije nema kod dvostrukih membrana u koje je upuhan zrak, koji je sam po sebi dobar izolator.
There are no such insulation problems with double air-inflated membranes, because air is a good insulator.
[Wed Dec 17 15:17:20 2003]
Na području proizvodnje takvih laganih konstrukcija u koje je moguće integrirati i solarne folije kao integralni dio membranske konstrukcije vodi Laing Dietz.
Laing Dietz is the leading manufacturer of such lightweight constructions in which it is possible to integrate solar foils as an integral part of a membrane structure.
[Wed Dec 17 15:17:20 2003]
Energetska bilanca je kod takvih konstrukcija izrazito povoljna, pa je kod napuhanih balona približno danas jednaka utrošku energije za rasvjetu hala
Energy balance is highly favorable in such constructions, so in inflated balloons it is approximately equal to the energy use for lighting of large workshops
[Wed Dec 17 15:19:22 2003]
Slika 16.21.
Figure 16.21.
[Wed Dec 17 15:20:54 2003]
Pneumatske konstrukcije, radomi.
Pneumatic structures, radomes.
[Wed Dec 17 15:20:54 2003]
a) osnovne dimenzije i ravnoteža sila i tlaka i sidrenih obodnih sila, b) jedan princip temeljenja i zaptivanja, c) kalota, d) polukugla
a) basic dimensions and equilibrium of forces and pressure, and of the anchored peripheral forces, b) one principle of foundation and sealing, c) calotte, d) hemisphere
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:00 2003]
suma projekcija svih Py na membranu
sum of projections of every Py on the membrane
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:01 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:02 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:07 2003]
ground plan
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:08 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:12 2003]
ground plan
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:12 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:22:50 2003]
Slika 16.22.
Figure 16.22.
[Wed Dec 17 15:23:25 2003]
Jednostavne pneumatske strukture.
Simple pneumatic structures.
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:16 2003]
Mogu se projektirati i bez poznavanja CAD-a i MKE.
They can be designed and without knowledge of the CAD and FEM.
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:16 2003]
Prilikom krojenja treba paziti na šavove između tijela valjka i tijela kalote, jer tu je šav prilično krut, a promjena sila uzrokuje veće rastezanje tkanine valjka od tkanine kalote
During tailoring, we must pay attention to seams between the body of roller and body of a calotte, because the seam rather stiff there, and the change of forces causes greater stretching of roller fabric than the calotte fabric
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:47 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:49 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:50 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:26:51 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 15:27:03 2003]
unutarnji tlak
inner pressure
[Wed Dec 17 15:27:18 2003]
površina presjeka hale
sectional area of a workshop
[Wed Dec 17 15:27:36 2003]
(projekcija površine kalote)
(projection of calotte surface)
[Wed Dec 17 15:27:36 2003]
opseg šava
seam volume
[Wed Dec 17 15:29:19 2003]
Slika 16.23.
Figure 16.23.
[Wed Dec 17 15:29:19 2003]
Serija pneumatskih športskih hala.
Series of pneumatic sport halls.
[Wed Dec 17 15:30:09 2003]
Slika 16.24.
Figure 16.24.
[Wed Dec 17 15:30:09 2003]
Pneumatska hala plivačkog bazena Interijer hale.
Pneumatic swimming pool hall. Interior of a hall.
[Wed Dec 17 15:35:39 2003]
Osim plastificiranih poliesterskih folija danas se u svijetu proizvode i nove pogodnije folije, a neke od njih se navodi u tablici.
Apart from plasticized polyester foils, there is a worldwide production of new and more appropriate foils, some of which are mentioned in the table.
[Wed Dec 17 15:35:39 2003]
Za sada ih nema na našem tržištu.
For now, they are not available on our market.
[Wed Dec 17 16:05:13 2003]
Za sve folije treba imati na umu da osjetljivost na UV (ultravioletno) zračenje i utjecaj UV zračenja na čvrstoću folije, kao i voditi računa o klimatskim uvjetima eksploatacije folija.
We must bear in mind the sensitivity to UV (ultraviolet) radiation of each foil, and the influence of UV radiation to the foil strength, as well as pays attention to climatic conditions of foil exploitation.
[Wed Dec 17 16:05:13 2003]
Ako o tim elementima vodimo računa kod projektiranja (na primjer prema normama DIN 4134 za na zrak oslonjene konstrukcije), onda se može govoriti o trajnim objektima
If we carefully consider these elements in the design (for example according to DIN 4134 standards for air-supported structures), then we can talk about durable objects
[Wed Dec 17 16:08:21 2003]
Slika 16.25.
Figure 16.25.
[Wed Dec 17 16:19:05 2003]
Hipar s "krutom" membranom od više slojeva dasaka, ili panelki, ili armiranog poliestera, ili iverica, ili višeslojnih furnirskih ploča, ili od sličnog materijala (pa i tankog lima).
Hyperbolic paraboloid with " stiff " membrane made from multiple board layers, or block-boards, or reinforced polyester, or the plywood, or multilayer veneer sheetings, or from some similar material (even from tin metal sheet).
[Wed Dec 17 16:19:17 2003]
Rubni elementi (RE) od lameliranog drveta, ili od armirane plastike, ili od čelika ili sličnih materijala.
Boundary elements (BE) from laminated wood, or from reinforced polymers, or from steel or similar materials.
[Wed Dec 17 16:21:31 2003]
Stabilizacijski elementi (1) su stupovi ili čelična užad.
Stabilization elements (1) are columns or cables.
[Wed Dec 17 16:21:31 2003]
Temelji u niskim točkama (T) preuzimaju razuporne sile od rubnih elemenata u smjeru dijagonalne spojnice niskih točaka
Bases at low points (T) take the bracing forces from boundary elements in direction of diagonal link of low points
[Wed Dec 17 16:22:49 2003]
Slika 16.27.
Figure 16.27.
[Wed Dec 17 16:28:18 2003]
Slika 67.
Figure 67.
[Wed Dec 17 16:36:37 2003]
Hipar s podatljivom membranom od trevire koja je pričvršćena za rubne elemente po principu "zamjene" krute membrane (koja može preuzeti vlačne i tlačne napone), podatljivom trevirom (koja može preuzeti SAMO vlačne napone).
Hyperbolic paraboloid with pliant trevira membrane, which is attached to boundary elements on the principle of "replacement" of stiff membrane (which can take over tensile and compression stresses), pliant trevira (which can take over ONLY the tensile stresses).
[Wed Dec 17 16:36:40 2003]
Prikazana je prostorna raspodjela opterećenja rubnih elemenata (RE) hipara, koji su izravni rezultat primjene i načina pričvršćenja podatljive membrane koja ne može preuzeti nikakve vlačne napone.
The Figure presents spatial load distribution of boundary elements (BE) of a hyperbolic paraboloid, which are a direct result of use and method of attaching the pliant membrane, which cannot take over any tensile stress.
[Wed Dec 17 16:36:43 2003]
Za rubne elemente:
For boundary elements:
[Wed Dec 17 16:39:49 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 16:39:53 2003]
Rubni element je izrazito nepovoljno opterećen opterećenjem koje u njemu uzrokuje i tlak i savijanje rubnog elementa.
Boundary element is highly unfavorably loaded with the load which causes pressure and bending of boundary element.
[Wed Dec 17 16:42:41 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 16:43:48 2003]
"Oslobođenje" podatljive membrane trevire od rubnog elementa, vraća funkciju RE u prvobitno stanje.
"Releasing" of pliant trevira membrane from the boundary element, returns the BE function to its primary condition.
[Wed Dec 17 16:44:14 2003]
Podatljiva membrana od trevire ovješena je za rubnu užad po obodu hipara.
Pliant trevira membrane is suspended on boundary ropes on the periphery of a hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Wed Dec 17 16:48:03 2003]
Užad je pričvršćena za spojnice RE.
Ropes are attached to BE links.
[Wed Dec 17 16:48:32 2003]
U rubnom elementu postoji sada samo tlačna sila.
Now there is only a compression force in a boundary element.
[Wed Dec 17 16:49:09 2003]
Trevira se vješa za rubnu užad.
Trevira is suspended on boundary ropes.
[Wed Dec 17 16:49:10 2003]
a) ovjes za uže, b) i c) detalji ovjesa membrane od trevire.
a) rope suspension, b) and c) details of trevira membrane suspension.
[Wed Dec 17 16:49:30 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 16:51:30 2003]
Stabilizacija membrana od trevire bez rubnih elemenata.
Stabilization of trevira membranes without boundary elements.
[Wed Dec 17 16:52:24 2003]
Umjesto rubnih elemenata uvedena su rubna užad oslonjena na jarbole i na niske temelja.
Instead of boundary elements, there are boundary ropes supported on masts and on low bases.
[Wed Dec 17 16:52:32 2003]
a) kod ovjesa za čelično uže, b) kod ovjesa membrane za uže od najlona.
a) at cable suspension, b) at membrane suspension for plastic rope.
[Wed Dec 17 16:52:57 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 16:55:34 2003]
j - jarbol, u - užad, (1) stabilizacijska užad jarbola.
m mast, r ropes, (1) stabilization mast ropes.
[Wed Dec 17 16:56:23 2003]
Prikazan je detalj stabilizacije ovjesa membrane pomoću opružnog amortizera u točki C, sa stabilizacijskom užadi (1).
A detail of membrane suspension stabilization by using resilient shock absorber in point C, with stabilization ropes (1).
[Wed Dec 17 16:56:23 2003]
Ovim stabilizacijskim sustavom postiže se trajna napetost membrane hipara
This stabilization system achieves permanent tension of a hyperbolic paraboloid membrane
[Wed Dec 17 16:57:42 2003]
[Wed Dec 17 17:01:34 2003]
spirala (opruga)
coil (spring)
[Wed Dec 17 17:01:55 2003]
shock absorber
[Wed Dec 17 17:03:56 2003]
Slika 16.28.
Figure 16.28.
[Wed Dec 17 17:04:25 2003]
Objašnjenje razlike između HP s membranom od materijala koji može preuzeti tlačna i vlačna naprezanja i membrane od tekstila koja može preuzeti samo vlačna naprezanja.
Explanation of difference between HP with membrane made from a material which can take over compression and tensile stresses, and membrane made from textile which can take over only tensile stresses.
[Wed Dec 17 17:04:39 2003]
Objašnjenje se nastavlja na prethodnu sliku.
Explanation continues to the previous Figure.
[Wed Dec 17 17:05:30 2003]
a) Hipar kao pravčasta ploha.
a) Hyperbolic paraboloid as a straight line generated structure.
[Wed Dec 17 17:05:30 2003]
b) Princip nosivosti membrane hipara od materijala koji može preuzeti vlačne i tlačne napone
b) Bearing capacity principle of a hyperbolic paraboloid membrane made from a material which can take over tensile and compression stresses
[Wed Dec 17 17:06:50 2003]
formiraju se tlačne (konveksne) i vlačne (konkavne) parabole.
compression (convex) and tensile (concave) parabolic arcs are formed.
[Wed Dec 17 17:06:57 2003]
c) Rubni elementi imaju vitoperne priključne plohe.
c) Boundary elements have buckled connecting surfaces.
[Wed Dec 17 17:09:34 2003]
d) Tlocrt hipara.
d) Ground plan of a hyperbolic paraboloid.
[Wed Dec 17 17:49:18 2003]
Prikazane su tlačne i vlačne parabole koje se priključuju na rubne elemente (RE).
An illustration of compression and tensile parabolas which are attached to boundary elements (BE).
[Thu Dec 18 11:08:37 2003]
U rubnim elementima formiraju se tlačne sile koje se od vrha prema dnu kumuliraju u niskim točkama (NT).
Compression forces which cumulate in low points (LP) from top towards bottom form in boundary elements.
[Thu Dec 18 11:09:33 2003]
e) Kod membrane od tkanine, mogu se formirati samo vlačne parabole (lančanice) različitih visina strelica.
e) In the fabric membrane, only the tensile parabolic arcs (catenaries) of different arrow heights can form.
[Thu Dec 18 11:10:37 2003]
najveća strelica je kod parabole dijagonalnog smjera koja spaja visoke točke (VT).
The biggest arrow is at the parabola whic has a diagonal direction and which connects high points (HP).
[Thu Dec 18 11:11:09 2003]
Zbog toga se u rubnom elementu javljaju kumulativne tlačne sile, ali i horizontalne komponente od priključnih sila vlačnih parabola.
Because of that, cumulative compression forces appear in the boundary element, but also the horizontal components of connecting forces of tensile parabolic arcs.
[Thu Dec 18 11:13:08 2003]
Ove sile uzrokuju savijanje RE.
These forces cause the bending of BE.
[Thu Dec 18 11:15:17 2003]
f) Prikaz dijagrama ponašanja tkanine (trevire).
f) A diagram shows the fabric behavior (trevira).
[Thu Dec 18 11:16:56 2003]
g) Uvođenje rubnog užeta za koje se pričvršćuje membrana rješava problem nepovoljnog opterećenja RE.
g) Introduction of marginal cord to which a membrane is attached solves the problem of unfavourable BE load.
[Thu Dec 18 11:17:02 2003]
Problem premošćivanja zazora između užeta i RE rješava se uvođenjem "flaps" kompenzacijskog elementa.
Problem of bridging the clearance between the cord and the BE is solved by introduction of "flaps" compensational element.
[Thu Dec 18 11:17:15 2003]
Slika 16.29.
Figure 16.29.
[Thu Dec 18 11:28:41 2003]
Hipar od drva.
Hyperbolic paraboloid made from wood.
[Thu Dec 18 11:28:41 2003]
Rad studenata BT Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Kumasiju
Work of students BT from the Faculty of Architectonics in Kumasi
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:41 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:43 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:46 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:49 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:50 2003]
.smjer dasaka
direction of boards
[Thu Dec 18 11:29:51 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:30:47 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:30:50 2003]
.od vlaka
from tension
[Thu Dec 18 11:30:53 2003]
od tlaka
from pressure
[Thu Dec 18 11:30:56 2003]
.membrana od trevire
trevira membrane
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:00 2003]
samo vlačne (lančanice)
only tensile (catenaries)
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:06 2003]
? vlak
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:07 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:13 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:14 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:20 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:21 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:22 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:23 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:43 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 11:31:46 2003]
membrana iz trevire
trevira membrane
[Thu Dec 18 11:32:05 2003]
vlačno uže
tensile rope
[Thu Dec 18 11:32:05 2003]
tlačni element (može biti cijev ?)
compression member (it can be a tube?)
[Thu Dec 18 11:34:10 2003]
Slika 16.30.
Figure 16.30.
[Thu Dec 18 11:34:26 2003]
Kompleksna užadi i jarbolima stabilizirana membrana.
Complex membrane stabilazed with ropes and masts.
[Thu Dec 18 11:34:36 2003]
Primjena za izložbene prostore i slične namjene:
Used for showrooms and similar purposes:
[Thu Dec 18 11:34:53 2003]
javne priredbe, manifestacije i sl.
public events, manifestations, etc.
[Thu Dec 18 11:35:17 2003]
U ovoj konstrukciji sastavni dijelovi su:
Component parts of this construction are:
[Thu Dec 18 11:35:17 2003]
membrana od trevire, jarboli, užad i lagani temeljni blokovi.
trevira membrane, masts, ropes and lightweight elementary blocks.
[Thu Dec 18 11:37:02 2003]
Slika 16.31.
Figure 16.31.
[Thu Dec 18 11:41:08 2003]
Kod primjene novih konstrukcija potrebno je osloboditi se i naučenih krutih pravila i već viđenih predložaka.
In the use of new constructions it is necessary to let go of the learned rigid rules and the already seen models.
[Thu Dec 18 12:22:38 2003]
Besmisleno je laganu ovješenu napetu konstrukciju membrane oslanjati ili vješati za masivne ukopane temeljne blokove od betona.
It is pointless to support or suspend a lightweight strained membrane construction to massive digged in elementary concrete blocks.
[Thu Dec 18 12:22:55 2003]
Racionalnije je s potrebnom stabilizacijskom masom izgraditi prostore na površini tla i koristiti ih onda u utilitarne rentabilne svrhe, kao kioske, prodavaonice, radionice, zgrade i slične namjenske prostore, koji se mogu koristiti i iznajmljivati i donositi dobit.
It is more rational to build objects on ground surface with necessary stabilization mass, and then use them for utilitarian profitable purposes, as kiosks, shops, workshops, buildings and similar appropriated objects, which can be used and rented, and which can bring profit.
[Thu Dec 18 12:25:08 2003]
Primjera ima više:
There are many examples:
[Thu Dec 18 12:25:31 2003]
tako su u upornjacima mostova korišteni prostori za razne namjene:
in this way, spaces in bridge abutments were used for different purposes:
[Thu Dec 18 12:25:40 2003]
kiosci, prodavaonice, kafići i sl.
kiosks, shops, cafés, and similar
[Thu Dec 18 12:26:19 2003]
kiosks, shops, cafés, and similar contents.
[Thu Dec 18 12:26:19 2003]
Kod višenamjenskih skloništa umjesto mrtvih prostora mogu se rentirati visoko rentabilni sadržaji.
In multipurpose shelters, instead of dead spaces one can rent highly profitable contents.
[Thu Dec 18 12:28:02 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:29:23 2003]
Slika 16.32.
Figure 16.32.
[Thu Dec 18 12:29:23 2003]
Atraktivna konstrukcija napete membrane od trevire, užadi i jarbola
Attractive construction of strained membrane made from trevira, ropes and masts
[Thu Dec 18 12:33:13 2003]
Slika 16.33.
Figure 16.33.
[Thu Dec 18 12:41:08 2003]
Projekt pokusnog objekta ovješene membrane od trevire.
Project for experimental object of suspended trevira membrane.
[Thu Dec 18 12:41:08 2003]
Prednapinjanje membrane održavano protu-utegom pri niskim točkama uvala i kabelima na jarbolima od drveta ili metala.
Membrane prestressing was maintained by counter-support at low inlet points and cables on wooden or metal masts.
[Thu Dec 18 12:43:14 2003]
eventualna dinamika napinjanja
possible straining dynamics
[Thu Dec 18 12:44:28 2003]
Slika 16.34.
Figure 16.34.
[Thu Dec 18 12:44:28 2003]
Načini mogućeg pričvršćenja membrane za noseće uže.
Methods of possible membrane attachments for bearing rope.
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:02 2003]
Slika 16.35.
Figure 16.35.
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:02 2003]
Nekoliko skica tipova mogućih oblika struktura sastavljenih od jarbola, užadi, membrana, lukova i okvira
Some sketches of possible structure shapes composed from masts, ropes, membranes, arches and frameworks
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:39 2003]
Slika 16.36.
Figure 16.36.
[Thu Dec 18 12:46:54 2003]
Pneumatski diskovi kao pokrov "MERO" - sustava.
Pneumatic discs as covering for the "MERO" system.
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:36 2003]
Dimenzije pneumatskog jastuka 9 x 9 m, s trbuhom od 2.5 m.
Dimensions of pneumatic cushion: 9 x the 9 m, with belly of 2.5 m.
[Thu Dec 18 12:47:36 2003]
Unutarnji tlak u jastuku je 500 do 1000 Pa
Inner pressure in the cushion is 500 to 1000 Pa
[Thu Dec 18 12:48:09 2003]
Slika 16.37.
Figure 16.37.
[Thu Dec 18 12:48:17 2003]
Pneumatski disk.
Pneumatic disc.
[Thu Dec 18 12:48:18 2003]
a) Pogled i presjek.
a) View and cut.
[Thu Dec 18 12:48:20 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:48:44 2003]
membrana, 2.
membrane, 2.
[Thu Dec 18 12:49:00 2003]
obodni prsten od lameliranog drveta ili od čelika, stabiliziranog obodnom rešetkom, 3.
circumferential ring made from laminated wood or from steel, stabilized with a brim truss, 3.
[Thu Dec 18 12:49:29 2003]
kompresori s uređajima za reguliranje tlaka u jastuku;
compressors with regulation devices for cushion pressure;
[Thu Dec 18 12:49:29 2003]
b) Gore, obodni čelični prsten, dolje, prsten od lameliranog drveta.
b) Up, circumferential steel ring, down, laminated wooden ring.
[Thu Dec 18 12:50:13 2003]
Slika 16.38.
Figure 16.38.
[Thu Dec 18 12:50:29 2003]
Uz proračun pneumatskog diska:
With the calculation of pneumatic disc:
[Thu Dec 18 12:50:29 2003]
geometrija diska.
disc geometry.
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:05 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:10 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:11 2003]
pneumatski disk
pneumatic disc
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:12 2003]
obodni prsten
circumferential ring
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:12 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:51:12 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:54:52 2003]
Slika 16.39.
Figure 16.39.
[Thu Dec 18 12:54:52 2003]
Igra sila u obodnom prstenu
Play of forces in circumferential ring
[Thu Dec 18 12:55:20 2003]
obodni prsten
circumferential ring
[Thu Dec 18 12:55:26 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 12:55:26 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 14:06:59 2003]
Slika 16.40.
Figure 16.40.
[Thu Dec 18 14:07:04 2003]
Laboratorijska ispitivanja pneumatskih diskova (diplomski rad).
Lab testings of pneumatic discs (graduation thesis).
[Thu Dec 18 14:07:06 2003]
Lijevo, uređaj i model.
Left, device and model.
[Thu Dec 18 14:07:31 2003]
[Thu Dec 18 14:10:34 2003]
tren opterećenja prije sloma konstrukcije prstena.
load moment before the break of ring construction.
[Thu Dec 18 14:13:07 2003]
Vidljivo je izvijanje obodnog prstena pneumatskog diska IZVAN ravnine prstena (1).
Bending of circumferential ring of pneumatic disc OUTSIDE OF the ring plane (1).
[Thu Dec 18 14:25:30 2003]
U donjoj membrani pri tome naponi ostaju konstantnim, jer regulacijski ventili reguliraju unutarnji tlak u jastuku diska i otpuštaju prekomjerni višak zraka.
In the lower membrane the stresses remain constant, because adjusting valves regulate the inner pressure in the disc cushion and discharge the excessive air.
[Thu Dec 18 14:25:30 2003]
Naravno da su obodni prsteni pri vanjskom opterećenju nepovoljnije opterećeni, jer oni prenose cijelo vanjsko opterećenje na stupove konstrukcije
Of course, circumferential rings at the exterior load are more unfavorably loaded, because they convey the entire exterior load on the construction columns
[Fri Dec 19 11:48:18 2003]
Slika 16.41.
Figure 16.41.
[Fri Dec 19 11:48:19 2003]
Laboratorijski uređaj za reguliranje i mjerenje tlaka u pneumatskom disku.
The laboratory device for regulation and measuring of pressure in pneumatic disc.
[Fri Dec 19 11:48:20 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 11:48:21 2003]
disk, 2.
disc, 2.
[Fri Dec 19 11:54:05 2003]
kompresor, 3.
compressor, 3.
[Fri Dec 19 11:59:53 2003]
cijevni tlakomjer s obojenom tekućinom, 4.
pipe manometer with colored liquid, 4.
[Fri Dec 19 12:00:29 2003]
regulacijski ventili za reguliranje i mjerenje tlaka u disku.
adjusting valves for regulation and measurement of pressure in the disc.
[Fri Dec 19 12:00:29 2003]
Pokusi su rađeni u laboratoriju za tehničku mehaniku Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
Tests were made in the laboratory for engineering mechanics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb.
[Fri Dec 19 12:02:44 2003]
Slika 16.42.
Figure 16.42.
[Fri Dec 19 12:03:03 2003]
Uz proračun obodnog prstena pneumatskog diska.
With the calculation of circumferential ring of pneumatic disc.
[Fri Dec 19 12:29:29 2003]
Membrana je najopterećenija kad na njoj nema vanjskog opterećenja!
Membrane is most loaded when it has no exterior load!
[Fri Dec 19 12:29:29 2003]
Trbuh jastuka može se regulirati primjenom raznih materijala (razni moduli elastičnosti, ili razne debljine tkanina) za gornju i donju membranu pneumatskog jastuka.
Cushion belly can be regulated by using different materials (various elastic modules, or fabrics of various thickness) for upper and lower membrane of pneumatic cushion.
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:16 2003]
obodni prsten
circumferential ring
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:17 2003]
T sila = H sila x r
T force = H force x r
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:18 2003]
Ground plan
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:28 2003]
obodni prsten
circumferential ring
[Fri Dec 19 12:30:28 2003]
oslonci prstena
ring supports
[Fri Dec 19 12:31:29 2003]
Slika 16.43.
Figure 16.43.
[Fri Dec 19 12:31:30 2003]
Rezultati ispitivanja pneumatskog diska (PD).
Test results of pneumatic disc (PD).
[Fri Dec 19 12:31:37 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 12:31:45 2003]
za simetrično opterećenje, desno:
for symmetrical load, right:
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:13 2003]
za nesimetrično opterećenje PD.
for asymmetrical load PD.
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:16 2003]
Mjerni tlak (visina vodenog stupca) i progib u odnosu na vrijeme (t u minutama) i priloženo opterećenje (q).
Gauge pressure (the water column height) and deflection in relation to time (t in minutes) and applied load (q).
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:17 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:19 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:21 2003]
za gornju membranu, 2.
for the upper membrane, 2.
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:23 2003]
za donju membranu PD, 3.
for the lower membrane PD, 3.
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:25 2003]
tlak u PD, 4.
pressure in PD, 4.
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:25 2003]
opterećenje PD.
load PD.
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:50 2003]
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:50 2003]
visina vodenog stupca
water column height
[Fri Dec 19 12:34:50 2003]
visina vodenog stupca
water column height
[Fri Dec 19 12:48:32 2003]
Pritom se pri opterećenju snijegom ovo opterećenje (prema DIN 1055), ako se te hale kontinuirano zagrijavaju na 12oC, ili ako se previdi u njima uređaj za pulsirajuće uklanjanje snijega s membrane, ne treba uračunati kao opterećenje hale.
During the snow load, if those halls are being continuously warmed up at 12°C, or if device for pulsating snow removal from the membrane is overlooked, this load (according to DIN 1055) does not need to be included as the hall load.
[Fri Dec 19 12:51:19 2003]
Međutim, naravno, da to može predstavljati rasipanje energije, ako halu općenito nije potrebno zagrijavati.
However, naturally, this can bring to dissipation of the energy, if the hall generally does not need to be heated.
[Fri Dec 19 12:56:34 2003]
Zato se mogu ugraditi posebni uređaji koji iznutra zagrijavaju membranu samo u slučaju snježnih oborina.
For this reason, special appliances which heat the membrane from inside can be built in, but only in case of snow precipitation.
[Fri Dec 19 12:56:35 2003]
Potrebni su senzori za mjerenje razine snijega i komandni uređaji za uključivanje energije kad je to potrebno.
When necessary, there have to be sensors for measuring the snow level and controlling appliances for plugging the energy.
[Fri Dec 19 14:15:04 2003]
Naravno, da je situacija s opterećenjem mnogo povoljnija u područjima bez snijega.
Of course, the situation with load is much more favourable in areas without snow.
[Fri Dec 19 14:16:37 2003]
Međutim, u tim krajevima treba ugrađivati dvostruke membrane, zbog zaštite od insolacije i zagrijavanja prostora hale.
However, we need to build double membranes in these areas, for the protection of insolation and heating of the hall.
[Fri Dec 19 14:17:39 2003]
U tim krajevima racionalno je ugraditi fleksibilne solarne grijače (npr.
In these areas, it is rational to build flexible solar heaters (e.g.
[Fri Dec 19 14:20:10 2003]
Također se mogu ugraditi i raspršivači vode na membranu.
Also, water sprayers can be built into the membrane.
[Fri Dec 19 14:20:10 2003]
Postoje razna rješenja za smanjenje insolacije sunca i zagrijavanja zraka u hali
There are different solutions for decreasing of sun insulation and air heating in the hall
[Fri Dec 19 14:23:25 2003]
O mijenjanju dimenzija pod utjecajem promjena temperature treba voditi računa već pri projektiranju i krojenju membrane pneumatske hale ili membrane pokrova
Change of dimensions under the influence of temperature changes must be taken into account during the design and tailoring of pneumatic hall membrane or of covering membrane
[Fri Dec 19 14:27:13 2003]
Iskustva pri projektiranju sustava geodezijskih kupola i nekih drugih membranskih konstrukcija (iz LIO trevire) za poljoprivredne potrebe (nadstrešnice za kombajne i remont strojeva, LIO hala i skladišta) pokazuju da su te konstrukcije izvanredno efikasne i relativno jeftine ako se serijski proizvode, a montaža im je brza i jednostavna
Experiences acquired during designing of geodesic dome systems and some other membrane structures (from LIO trevira) for agricultural needs (eaves for combines and engine repairs, LIO halls and warehouses) show that these constructions are very efficient and relatively cheap if they are mass-produced, and their assembling is quick and simple
[Fri Dec 19 14:30:01 2003]
Tablica fizikalno mehaničkih svojstava nekih folija
Table of physical mechanical characteristics of some foils
[Fri Dec 19 14:30:56 2003]
Tip folije
Type of foil
[Fri Dec 19 14:31:16 2003]
Gustoća pri 25 oC (g/cm3)
Density at 25°C (g/cm3)
[Fri Dec 19 14:31:31 2003]
Vlačna čvrstoća (N/mm2) pri temperaturi:
Tensile strength (N/mm2) at temperature of:
[Fri Dec 19 14:31:31 2003]
Razvlačenje (%) pri temperaturi:
Distension (%) at temperature of:
[Fri Dec 19 14:34:05 2003]
Mora se spomenuti i njihova podložnost namjernim oštećenjima, a i njihova trajnost koja se za sada procjenjuje na oko 15 godina
There is also their mention liability to intentional damages, and their durability which is for now estimated to about 15 years
[Fri Dec 19 14:39:12 2003]
U posljednje vrijeme, osim geodezijskih kupola i mrežastih konstrukcija svodova od aluminijskih cijevi i/ili piljene građe o koje se vješa membrane od trevire, nastojimo izraditi i sustave mrežastih svodova od drvenih kosnica na koje će se trevira (ili kontinuirani pneumatski jastuci od trevire) direktno osloniti.
Recently, apart from geodesic domes and meshed arch structures from aluminium pipes and/or sawed timber on which trevira membranes are suspended, we are trying to build meshed vault systems from wooden lattices on which trevira (or continuous pneumatic trevira cushions) will be directly leaned against.
[Fri Dec 19 14:40:00 2003]
U tom se cilju istražuju pneumatski diskovi, pneumatske grede i pneumatski jastuci, te razni oblici nategnutih membrana.
For that purpose we investigate pneumatic discs, pneumatic beams and pneumatic cushions, and various shapes of tense membranes.
[Fri Dec 19 14:41:27 2003]
Te su konstrukcije kao modeli i izvedeni objekti istraženi i opisani u literaturi (npr.
These constructions, as models and built objects, are explored and described in literature (e.g.
[Fri Dec 19 14:41:27 2003]
kao serija IL knjiga, informacije Instituta za lagane konstrukcije Univerziteta u Stuttgartu, direktor Frei Otto)
as a series IL books, information of the Institute for Lightweight Constructions at Stuttgart University, whose manager is Frei Otto)
[Fri Dec 19 15:06:47 2003]
Kada se govori o laganim membranskim konstrukcijama, to što su one slične konstrukcijama tendi, šatora i cirkuskim šatorima ni u kojem slučaju ne umanjuje njihovo značenje.
When we talk about lightweight membrane structures, the fact that they are similar to awning constructions, tents and circus tents, by no means diminishes their significance.
[Fri Dec 19 15:07:13 2003]
Ako promislimo, njihova jeftinoća, veliki rasponi, mogućnost brzog pokrivanja velikih prostora i površina, oduvijek im je i bila prednost pred drugim konstrukcijama.
If we think about it, their cheapness, large ranges, possibility of quick covering of large areas and surfaces, were always their advantage over other constructions.
[Fri Dec 19 15:19:42 2003]
One su jeftine, transportabilne, lagane, demontabilne i lako se mogu montirati i s priučenim radnicima.
They are cheap, transportable, lightweight, demountable and can be easily installed by semi-skilled workers.
[Fri Dec 19 15:40:45 2003]
Po mojem sudu je bolje investirati u sadržaj, koji naravno, mora biti rentabilan, nego li investirati velika novčana sredstva u prestižnu ovojnicu proizvodnog procesa.
In my opinion, it is better to invest in contents, which, of course, must be profitable, than invest large financial resources into the prestigious envelope of production process.
[Fri Dec 19 15:42:59 2003]
Veliki dio propulzivne industrije Zapada nalazi se u baš takvim laganim konstrukcijama.
A large part of a propulsive Western industry is situated in such lightweight constructions.
[Fri Dec 19 15:44:26 2003]
Mnogi bazeni i igrališta, te sportske dvorene i cijeli gradski i trgovački kompleksi pokriveni su takvim laganim konstrukcijama.
Many pools and playgrounds, sports halls and entire urban and commercial complexes are covered with such lightweight constructions.
[Fri Dec 19 16:25:27 2003]
Da se u nas prije razmišljalo na razini analiza cijena investicija i istinskih cost/benefit analiza, vjerojatno bi se razvila pokoja industrija više (jer se ne bi djelomice "pojele" investicije u građevine), a i danas bi se poneka od nerentabilnih investicija, da je smještena u ovakvim prostorima, lakše demontirala.
If we had earlier thought in terms of investment price analyses and real costs/benefit analyses, we would probably develop some additional industry (because the investments in civil engineering would not be partially "eaten"), and today some unprofitable investment, if situated in such spaces, would have been more easily disassembled.
[Fri Dec 19 16:25:27 2003]
No ta su razmišljanja svojstvena privatnom kapitalu, pa onda i nisu na ovim prostorima mogla ranije egzistirati
But that sort of thinking is typical for private capital, so they actually could not exist on these territories
[Fri Dec 19 16:54:07 2003]
Dakako, u primjeni takvih konstrukcija treba biti racionalan, a ne euforičan:
Of course, in use of such constructions we must be rational, and not euphoric:
[Fri Dec 19 17:02:01 2003]
sve ima svoje primjene i svoj spektar racionalnosti u primjeni.
everything has its use and its rationality spectrum in use.
[Fri Dec 19 17:37:34 2003]
To što velik broj tih konstrukcija izgleda dosadno, ponekad ružno i nemaštovito, to je samo još jedna izazovna prilika više za "velike krojače" da se ogledaju u dizajnu, krojenju i proračunima stabilnosti i upotrebljivosti pa i izvođenju tih konstrukcija.
The fact that many of these constructions appears dull, sometimes ugly and uncreative, presents yet another challenging opportunity for "large tailors" to test their skills in designing, tailoring and calculations of stability and usability, and also in execution of these constructions.
[Fri Dec 19 17:43:19 2003]
Ovdje se bez kompjutorske pomoći u dizajnu (CAD) ne može, ali se i uz to ponekad mora pribjeći laboratorijskim eksperimentima na velikim modelima.
It would not be possible to do thos without computer aided design (CAD), but sometimes we must resort to laboratory experiments on large models.
[Fri Dec 19 17:45:30 2003]
For example,
[Fri Dec 19 17:47:47 2003]
kroj se kompliciranih 3D oblika može dizajnirati i proračunati sa CAD-om, ali se još uvijek pribjegava krojenju na izvedbenim modelima od gipsa, koji se u tekućem stanju ulijeva na membranu položenu u vodi.
For example, pattern of complicated 3D shapes can be designed and calculated with CAD, but we still resort to tailoring on plaster models, which is, in fluid form, poured on the membrane laid down in water.
[Fri Dec 19 17:58:00 2003]
Na takav se model lijepe posebne prozirne rasterizirane folije, a mjere krojenja membranskih traka očitavaju se snažnim povećalima.
Special transparent rasterized foils are pasted on such models, and tailoring measures of tympanic bands are read by powerful magnifiers.