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[Fri Dec 05 12:15:13 2003]
Panel je sastavljen od rubnih gredica koje čine kruti okvir i pokrovnog panela od vodootporne panelke, iverice ili višeslojne furnirske ploče.
Panel consists of marginal joists which make a stiff framework and of a covering panel made from a waterproof block-board, plywood or multilayer veneer sheeting.
[Fri Dec 05 12:17:29 2003]
Unutar panela nalazi se sloj mineralne ili staklene vune.
There is a mineral or glass wool layer inside the panel.
[Fri Dec 05 12:18:07 2003]
Rubni elementi su piljeni iz monolitnih gredica tako da su gredice raspiljene pod kutom od oko 7o, kako bi se u montaži paneli priljubili jedan uz drugoga.
Marginal elements are sawn from monolithic joists so that the joists are sawn up under about a 70 degree angle so that the panels press against eachother in the assembly process.
[Fri Dec 05 12:23:41 2003]
Sve mjere za spajala panela moraju se mjeriti od vrhova trokuta.
All measures for panel fasteners must be measured from the peaks of triangles.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:09 2003]
Obično se vrhovi trokuta zatupljuju, a nakon montaže i labavog pritezanja spojnih vijaka, u čvorove među vrhovima panela, zabije se konični posebno pripravljeni čep od drveta, nakon čega su svi vijci konačno pritegnu.
The peaks of the triangles are usually made blunt, and after the assembly and loose fastening of joining screws, in nodes between the panel tops, a specially prepared wooden conical cork is nailed in, after which all screws are finally fastened.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:11 2003]
Time se postiže dobro zaptivanje elemenata.
A good sealing of elements is achieved in this way.
[Fri Dec 05 12:24:22 2003]
Oplata (furnirske ploče ili panelke);
Paneling (veneer sheets or block-boards);
[Fri Dec 05 12:26:33 2003]
ispune (izolacija), npr. stiropor, mineralna vuna i sl.
fillings (isolation), expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and alike.
[Fri Dec 05 12:26:33 2003]
Mjere prema tablicama.
Measures according to tables.
[Fri Dec 05 12:30:40 2003]
iverica ili panelka
plywood or the block-board
[Fri Dec 05 12:31:06 2003]
izolacija okipor s alufolijom
okipor isolation with aluminium foil
[Fri Dec 05 12:31:30 2003]
naknadno prikucani panel
extra nailed panel
[Fri Dec 05 12:32:14 2003]
pokrov od karbofil folije, aluminijske ili bakrene folije
carbophil foil covering, aluminic or copper foils
[Fri Dec 05 12:32:56 2003]
kostur panela
panel skeleton
[Fri Dec 05 12:37:22 2003]
Stambena geodetska kupola iz programa BFD kupola ing.
housing geodetic dome from the BFD dome program by.
[Fri Dec 05 12:39:31 2003]
Baljkas, B.S.E.
[Fri Dec 05 12:41:17 2003]
Ove se stambene kupole mogu graditi od panela koji su sastavljeni od trokuta kako je opisano u opisu slike 132.
These residential domes can be built with panels composed of triangles as described in the description of the Figures 132.
[Fri Dec 05 12:41:59 2003]
, a paneli se mogu izvesti i od laganog stiropor betona, čime se eliminira relativno komplicirana zaštita površina od atmosferilija.
, and panels can also be made from a lightweight polystyrene concrete, which eliminates a relatively complicated protection of atmospheric surfaces.
[Fri Dec 05 12:44:02 2003]
Bilo bi bitno za razvoj tih objekata ustaliti proizvodnju tzv.
It would be very important for the development of these objects to stabilize the production of a so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 12:45:10 2003]
mokrog ili energetskog čvora koji bi se industrijski proizvodio kao kontejnerski blok, kojeg se direktno priključuje na odgovarajuće instalacije:
wet or energy node which would industrially be produced as a container block, which is directly attached to corresponding installations:
[Fri Dec 05 12:45:10 2003]
vodu, kanalizaciju, struju, telefon, plin, toplovod i sl.
water, sewerage, electricity, telephone, gas, heating pipe and alike.
[Fri Dec 05 12:49:58 2003]
Mreža geodezijske kupole sastavljena od panela:
geodesic dome net composed of panels:
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:26 2003]
3F podjela.
3F division.
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:26 2003]
Rađeno s ograničenom verzijom COSMOS/M FEA paketa.
Built with the limited version of the COSMOS/M FEA package.
[Fri Dec 05 12:50:49 2003]
sferni dodekaedar
spheric dodecahedron
[Fri Dec 05 12:52:00 2003]
Sve ostale mjere i izmjere zasnivaju se na ovoj podjeli
All other measures and measurements are based on this division
[Fri Dec 05 12:52:30 2003]
Generiranje osnovnog sfernog trokuta geodetske kupole u modulu GEOSTAR
Generation of a basic spheric triangle of a geodetic dome in the GEOSTAR module
[Fri Dec 05 14:11:21 2003]
Sve ostale generacije dobiju se pogodnim rotacijama u lokalnim koordinatnim sustavima.
All other generations are obtained by appropriate rotations in local coordinate systems.
[Fri Dec 05 14:13:13 2003]
Struktura naloga PTGEN je sljedeća:
The structure of a PTGEN commands is as follows:
[Fri Dec 05 14:13:13 2003]
ponoviti n puta, početna točka, završna točka, inkrement, flag, translacija, rotacija.
repeat n times, starting point, end point, increment, flag, translation, rotation.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:15 2003]
Prikaz generiranih krivulja CR i točaka PT.
Illustration of generated CR curves and PT points.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:30 2003]
Prikazan je osnovni sferni trokut.
Basic spheric triangle is illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 14:17:30 2003]
GEOSTAR ograničene verzije COSMOS/M-a.
GEOSTAR limited versions of the COSMOS/M-.
[Fri Dec 05 14:18:47 2003]
Spajala štapastih drvenih geodetskih kupola (do promjera 10 metara).
fastener of bar wooden geodetic domes (to a 10 meter diameter 10).
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:30 2003]
Detalj drvene kupole (E.
wooden dome Detail (E.
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:31 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:19:31 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:21:34 2003]
Industrijski proizvedeni sendvič paneli.
Sandwich panels created industrially.
[Fri Dec 05 14:21:34 2003]
Kupola dolazi na gradilišta u paketu elemenata.
Dome arrives at building sites as a package of elements.
[Fri Dec 05 14:25:41 2003]
Stambena jedinica "iz kutije" - emergency habitat.
Residential unit "from the box" - emergency habitat.
[Fri Dec 05 14:26:42 2003]
Paneli su kolor-kodirani i slažu se po posebnom planu montaže.
Panels are color-coded and match according to the special assembly plan.
[Fri Dec 05 14:27:16 2003]
Prethodno se izvode mokri čvor (ili tzv.
wet nodes are performed prior to that (or so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 14:27:16 2003]
"ognjište" - energetski i mokri čvor jedinice).
" fireplace " energy and wet node of unit).
[Fri Dec 05 14:30:57 2003]
Ponašanje tzv.
Behavior of a so-called.
[Fri Dec 05 14:37:17 2003]
tensigrity strukture u kojoj je sjedinjen ali i razdvojen vlak i tlak.
tensigrity structure in which tension and pressure are both united but also separated.
[Fri Dec 05 14:38:03 2003]
Vlačne sile preuzimaju vlačni vitki štapovi ili žice, a tlačne sile preuzimaju kruti štapovi;
Tensile slender members or wires receive tensile forces, while rigid members receive pressure forces;
[Fri Dec 05 14:43:02 2003]
a) struktura od štapova i žica;
a) structure made from members and wires;
[Fri Dec 05 14:44:39 2003]
b) poznati princip, pratip tensigrity konstrukcija, poduprto i napeto uže za vješanje rublja.
b) known principle, architype of tensigrity structure, supported and tight washing line.
[Fri Dec 05 14:45:04 2003]
U krutim štapovima može se pojaviti samo tlak, a u fleksibilnim žicama samo vlak.
Only pressure could appear in rigid members, and only tension in flexible wires.
[Fri Dec 05 14:46:31 2003]
Tlak i vlak su funkcionalno razdijeljeni ali i integrirani u jedinstvenu strukturu.
Pressure and tension are functionally divided but also integrated in a unique structure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:46:31 2003]
Problem je izvanredno teško vizualizirati i najbolje je načiniti fizički model konstrukcije, kako bi se konstrukciju bolje upoznalo.
The problem is exceptionally difficult to visualize and the best solution would be to make a physical model of the structure, in order to get to know the structure better.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:10 2003]
Osnovna mreža konstrukcija tensigrity konstrukcije.
Basic structure net of the tensigrity structure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:19 2003]
Vlak prenose žice, a tlak prenose štapovi.
Wires transfer tension, while members transfer pressure.
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:21 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:52:41 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 14:54:22 2003]
Ove su konstrukcije ultralagane i vrlo elastične.
These structures are ultralight and very elastic.
[Fri Dec 05 15:01:09 2003]
Konstrukcije koje smo izveli sa studentima BT smjera Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Kumasiju (Gana), prikazuju da su konstrukcije i vrlo otporne na vanjska opterećenja.
Structures has performed with the students of BT main subject of the Faculty of Architecture of University in Kumasi (Ghana), illustrate that the structures are also very resistant to external loads.
[Fri Dec 05 15:01:37 2003]
Jedna se neusidrena konstrukcija promjera oko 5 metara, tokom noći, pod naletom vjetra, odšetala-odskakutala s mjesta montaže za oko 50 metara, bez ikakvih oštećenja.
One structure not anchored of about 5 meter diameter 5, in the night, under a gust of wind, wandered -hopped away from the assembly location for about 50 meters, without any damages.
[Fri Dec 05 15:02:11 2003]
Struktura koja je prikazana sastoji se od svega dva različita elementa:
The illustrated structure consists of only two different elements:
[Fri Dec 05 15:02:11 2003]
štapa DDB (omjeri 0.3249*R i 0.3091*R) i štapa DBB (omjeri 0.3091*R i 0.2596*R).
3249*R and 0.3091*R) and DBB member (proportions 0.3091*R and 0.2596*R).
[Fri Dec 05 15:11:35 2003]
Ako se bojom kodiraju točke D (plava) B (crvena), vrlo se lagano snalazimo pri montiranju konstrukcije.
If points D (blue) B (red) are codified bya color , we can manage very easily the assembling of the structure.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:01 2003]
Automatski se slažu štapovi tako da crveno markirane (B) točke dolaze u čvoru zajedno, kao što se i plavo markirane točke (D) pridružuju ostalim plavim markacijama.
Automatically The members match so that (B) points marked with red come in a node together, just as points (D) marked with blue are joined with other blue markings.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:43 2003]
Žica je pričvršćena na jednom i drugom kraju istog štapa ali prolazi kroz priključni štap u čvoru priključka štapa.
The wire is fastened at both ends of the same member but goes through a connecting member in the connecting node of the member.
[Fri Dec 05 15:13:43 2003]
Pri montaži se konstrukcija automatski "namješta" u sferu.
The structure is automatically "set" into the sphere during the assembly.
[Fri Dec 05 15:16:10 2003]
osnovni sferni trokut
basic spheric triangle
[Fri Dec 05 15:21:41 2003]
Detalj tensile-integrity (tensegrity) konstrukcije geodetske sfere (prema R.
Detail of the tensile-integrity (tensegrity) structure of a geodetic sphere (according to R.
[Fri Dec 05 15:23:23 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:24:54 2003]
Žice prolaze kroz probušene otvore tlačnih štapova.
Wires go through drilled holes of compression members.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:17 2003]
Konstrukcija se podešava geometrijom priloženom sustavu sila.
Structure adapt to the (?) enclosed force systems with geometry.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:27 2003]
Fascinantna ultralagana konstrukcija, velikih potencijalnih mogućnosti.
Fascinating ultralight structure, of great possibilities.
[Fri Dec 05 15:25:32 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:26:32 2003]
Nosive strukture I, II, III, LIBER, 1979.
Bearing structures I, II, III, LIBER, 1979.
[Fri Dec 05 15:29:01 2003]
Moguće je konstruirati i višeslojne (i međusobno povezane) prostorne tensegrity mreže, vrlo kompleksnih matrica.
It is also possible to make multilayer (and interconnected) spacial tensegrity nets, of very complex matrices.
[Fri Dec 05 15:29:52 2003]
Vjerojatno je modelski i CAD pristup prikazu tih konstrukcija jedina moguća vizualna prezentacija tih struktura.
Probably both the model and CAD access to the illustration of these structures is the only possible visual presentation of these structures.
[Fri Dec 05 15:30:04 2003]
Preporučuje se pokušati izvesti jednu takvu strukturu (loptu), pa zaključiti o elastičnosti ovih konstrukcija.
It is recommendable to try to make one such structure (ball), and then conclude about the flexibility of these structures.
[Fri Dec 05 15:30:04 2003]
One se i stvarno ponašaju kao lopte.
They really do behave as balls.
[Fri Dec 05 15:38:55 2003]
Pokrivanje takvih fizičkih struktura sa skrojenim plaštem od trevire ili diolena.
Covering of such physical structures with the cut out trevira or diolen mantle.
[Fri Dec 05 15:39:26 2003]
Na konstrukcije koje smo izvodili u nekim selima Gane (u okolici Kumasija) ove se konstrukcije opletalo dugom travom, kao praktički besplatnom, a efikasnom zaštitom od oborina tropskog pojasa.
Some structures which were built in some villages of Ghana (in surroundings of Kumasi) were braided with long grass, actually free, which was also an efficient protection from the precipitations of the tropical belt.
[Fri Dec 05 15:39:26 2003]
Moguće je konstruirati i višeslojne (i međusobno povezane) tensegrity mreže.
It is also possible to make multilayer (and interconnected) tensegrity nets.
[Fri Dec 05 15:41:17 2003]
Nova generacija ultralaganih 3D konstrukcija:
New generation of ultralight 3D structures:
[Fri Dec 05 15:41:28 2003]
tensegrity strukture:
tensegrity structures:
[Fri Dec 05 15:42:16 2003]
a) konstrukcija i shema spajanja;
a) structure and connection diagram;
[Fri Dec 05 15:43:26 2003]
b) princip pričvršćenja fleksibilne membrane od trevire ili diolena.
b) principle of fixing of flexible trevira or diolen membrane.
[Fri Dec 05 15:44:51 2003]
U ovoj konstrukciji nije poštivano razdvajanje vlaka i tlaka, jer su elementi u čvoru vezani posebnim vezama.
The division of tension and pressure is not respected in this structure, because the elements in the node are tied by special connections.
[Fri Dec 05 15:46:36 2003]
Na konstrukciju se s unutrašnje strane može ovjesiti unutrašnju membranu.
Internal membrane can be hanged to the structure from the inside.
[Fri Dec 05 15:46:36 2003]
Prikazana je samo jedna od mnoštva mogućih varijacija pričvršćenja trevire za kostur konstrukcije.
Only one of many possible variations of fixing trevira to the skeleton of the structure is illustrated.
[Fri Dec 05 15:47:31 2003]
po redu
in order
[Fri Dec 05 15:47:45 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:48:08 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 15:50:51 2003]
Tensiti tetraedar:
Tensity tetrahedron:
[Fri Dec 05 15:51:11 2003]
a) osnovni element;
a) basic element;
[Fri Dec 05 15:52:48 2003]
b) rotacije osnovnog elementa - prikazi geometrije solida;
b) rotations of the basic element illustrations of geometry of solids;
[Fri Dec 05 15:52:48 2003]
c) mogućnosti slaganja prostornih struktura s bazičnim elementima tetraedra.
c) possibilities for composition of spacial structures with the basic elements of the tetrahedron.
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:32 2003]
Tensiti oktaedar:
Tensity octahedron:
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:38 2003]
dvije skice:
two sketches:
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:42 2003]
a) tlocrt;
a) ground plan;
[Fri Dec 05 15:53:42 2003]
b) pogled.
b) view.
[Fri Dec 05 15:55:10 2003]
Vlačne čvrstoće nekih građevinskih materijala
Tensile strengths of some construction materials
[Fri Dec 05 15:58:41 2003]
granica proporcionalnosti
proportional limit
[Fri Dec 05 15:59:11 2003]
mrežom armirani polimeri
net reinforced polymers
[Fri Dec 05 16:01:29 2003]
Neki suvremeni materijali od ugljikovih niti i polimerne matrice imaju daleko veće čvrstoće od do sada poznatih materijala.
Some modern materials made of carbon threads and polymeric matrices have far great strength than materials known by now.
[Fri Dec 05 16:02:09 2003]
vlačne čvrstoće
tensile strengths
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:22 2003]
Promjena oblika ovisna je o razini naprezanja polimera.
Change of a form depends on the polymer stress level.
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:35 2003]
polyvinyl chloride
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:44 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 16:06:56 2003]
celulozni acetobutirat
cellulosic acetobutirate
[Fri Dec 05 16:07:05 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 16:10:18 2003]
brzina razvlačenja
speed of distension
[Fri Dec 05 16:13:01 2003]
Ovisnost promjene modula posmika u odnosu na temperaturne promjene za neke polimerne materijale.
Dependence of change of shear modulus in relation to temperature changes for some polymeric materials.
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:25 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:39 2003]
djelomično kruti
partly rigid
[Fri Dec 05 17:05:52 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:06:04 2003]
amorfni termoplasti
amorphous thermoplastics
[Fri Dec 05 17:06:14 2003]
[Fri Dec 05 17:07:33 2003]
Prihvaćeni reološki model polimera (Maxwel-Kelvinov model).
Accepted rheological model of polymers (Maxwel-Kelvin's model).
[Fri Dec 05 17:09:42 2003]
Ovaj model uglavnom zadovoljava sve karakteristike plastičnih masa:
This model mainly satisfies all characteristics of plastic masses:
[Fri Dec 05 17:09:42 2003]
kratkotrajne i dugotrajne efekte pod silom, i dinamičko-reološke efekte.
short-lasting and long-lasting effects under influence of force, and dynamic-rheological effects.
[Mon Dec 08 08:58:31 2003]
Ilustracija problema krojenja membrana od polimera (trevire ili diolena).
Illustration of the polymer membrane tailoring problem (trevira or diolen).
[Mon Dec 08 09:00:37 2003]
Potrebno je dizajnirati oblik koji obično ima slobodne forme.
It is necessary to design a form who usually has free forms.
[Mon Dec 08 09:02:13 2003]
Trevira se proizvodi u beskonačnim trakama širine oko 140 cm, ponekad širine 250 cm.
Trevira is made in endless bands of about 140 cm width, sometimes about 250 cm width.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:25 2003]
Posebnim metodama krojenja potrebno je od tog materijala sastaviti konstrukciju (ponekad značajnih dimenzija).
It is necessary to compose a structure (sometimes of important dimensions) from this material by the use of special tailoring methods.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:57 2003]
Krojenje na modelu je praktički nemoguće bez CAD-a i triangulacije plohe pomoću KE.
Tailoring on the model is in fact impossible without the CAD and triangulations of a plane by means of FE.
[Mon Dec 08 09:04:57 2003]
Ponekad su potrebna modelska istraživanja kroja.
Sometimes the model research of a pattern is necessary.
[Mon Dec 08 09:08:26 2003]
Kod krojenja treba štedjeti na materijalu.
The material has to be saved in the tailoring process.
[Mon Dec 08 09:09:16 2003]
Treba voditi računa o smjeru tkanja i istezanju tkanine.
Weaving and stretching direction of a fabric has to be considered.
[Mon Dec 08 09:10:07 2003]
Zatim je potrebno model kroja pretočiti u realnost.
Then the model of a pattern needs to be transformed into a real form.
[Mon Dec 08 09:15:58 2003]
Krojenje se često radi na stolovima koji istežu tkaninu prilikom krojenja.
Tailoring is often performed on tables which stretch the fabric during the tailoring process.
[Mon Dec 08 09:16:33 2003]
U tvorničkoj hali se VF zavarivanjem pod pritiskom iz osnovnih elemenata sastavljanja konstrukcija membrane.
Membrane structure is composed in the factory hall by HF welding under pressure from basic elements.
[Mon Dec 08 09:28:09 2003]
Za to je potreban detaljni plan zavarivanja.
A detailed welding plan is necessary for this.
[Mon Dec 08 09:28:09 2003]
To su problemi koji zahtijevaju visoku stručnost i specijalizaciju kao i poznavanje MKE i CAD-a, a zahtijevaju i empirijsko iskustvo.
These are the problems that require the high expertise and specialization as well as knowledge of the FEM and CAD, and require empiric experience.
[Mon Dec 08 09:33:27 2003]
krojenje elemenata iz trake širine Š
tailoring of elements from a band of a width W
[Mon Dec 08 09:33:44 2003]
sastavljanje elemenata
composition of elements
[Mon Dec 08 09:34:01 2003]
zatvoriti skupa
close together
[Mon Dec 08 09:35:30 2003]
metodom konačnih elemenata dizajnira se mreža
net is designed by the finite element method
[Mon Dec 08 09:36:10 2003]
prikaz pojedinih elemenata kroja strukture
illustration of separate elements of a structure pattern
[Mon Dec 08 09:36:57 2003]
Sustav ALLPLAN FT - CAD sustav za arhitektonsko i strukturalno projektiranje građevina.
ALLPLAN FT system CAD system for architectonic and structural design of buildings.
[Mon Dec 08 09:37:47 2003]
Prikaz modeliranja okvirne konstrukcije sa SCIA programom koji sjedinjuje CAD - CAM - CIM aplikacije.
Illustration of frame structure modelling with SCIA program which combines CAD CAM CIM applications.
[Mon Dec 08 09:40:46 2003]
Ekrani oblikovanja i provjera konstrukcija jedne hale s FEA CAD programom ESA-Prima Win.
Formation screens and structure testing of a hall with FEA CAD program ESA-Prima Win.
[Mon Dec 08 09:40:46 2003]
Program omogućuje dizajn, provjere, razradu detalja, linearne i nelinearne analize s velikim bogatstvom opcija.
The program enables the design, testing, elaboration of details, linear and nonlinear analyses with many options possible.
[Mon Dec 08 09:42:33 2003]
Pneumatska greda:
Pneumatic beam:
[Mon Dec 08 09:43:07 2003]
a) sustav;
a) system;
[Mon Dec 08 09:43:43 2003]
b) skica hale pokrivene sustavom pneumatskih greda;
b) sketch of a hall covered with a pneumatic beam system;
[Mon Dec 08 09:44:22 2003]
c) principi proračuna nosivosti pneumatske grede.
c) calculations principles of pneumatic beam bearing capacity.
[Mon Dec 08 09:44:22 2003]
Pneumatske grede se mogu izvesti od trevire, tankog lima pa i spiralno uslojenog višeslojnog furnira.
Pneumatic beams can be made from trevira, tin metal sheet and even from spirally layered multilayered veneer.
[Mon Dec 08 09:47:38 2003]
Uobičajene pneumatske konstrukcije zasnovane na sferi kugle.
Usual pneumatic structures based on a ball sphere.
[Mon Dec 08 09:47:50 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 09:49:36 2003]
Ravnoteža sila:
equilibrium of forces:
[Mon Dec 08 09:53:45 2003]
rezultanta sume projekcija tlaka na membranu (r2*?
sum resultant of pressure projection on the membrane (r2*?
[Mon Dec 08 09:54:07 2003]
*p) mora biti jednaka obodnim sidrenim silama (2*r*?
*p) must be equal to peripheral anchored forces (2*r*?
[Mon Dec 08 09:55:19 2003]
*N), uz odgovarajući faktor sigurnosti.
*N), with a corresponding safety factor.
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:17 2003]
Način temeljenja/sidrenja i zaptivanja pneumatske konstrukcije;
Foundation/anchorage and sealing method of pneumatic structures;
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:31 2003]
p je unutarnji tlak izražen u Mpa ili u visini vodenog stupca?h.
p represents the inner pressure expressed in Mpa or in the height of a water column?h.
[Mon Dec 08 09:56:31 2003]
N - sidrene sile.
N anchorage forces.
[Mon Dec 08 09:58:27 2003]
suma projekcija svih Py na membranu
sum of projections of all Py on the membrane
[Mon Dec 08 09:58:40 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 09:59:29 2003]
Dio vrlo složene tensile-integrity konstrukcije ulaznog trijema Sveučilišta Fraser u Vancouveru (B.
Part of a very complex tensile-integrity structure of the entrance porch at the Fraser University in Vancouver (B.
[Mon Dec 08 10:02:44 2003]
. Konstrukcija se sastoji od drvenog prostornog roštilja i metalnih cijevi te prednapetih žica.
Structure consists of from wooden spacial barbecues, metal pipes and prestressed wires.
[Mon Dec 08 10:08:33 2003]
U sklopu provedenih istraživanja na Fakultetu građevinskih znanosti u Zagrebu, ispitalo se dvije pneumatske grede od 350 gr.
Within the conducted research at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, were examined two pneumatic beams of 350 gr.
[Mon Dec 08 10:13:48 2003]
Blizne grede temeljito su ispitane u okviru nekoliko diplomskih radova.
Double close beams were thoroughly examined within the framework of a few theses.
[Mon Dec 08 10:17:35 2003]
Obzirom da se za taj materijal nisu mogle zalijepiti mjerne trake, načinjena je i jedna pneumatska greda od tankog pocinčanog lima (debljine 0.2 mm), duljine 180 cm i promjera 20 cm.
Since measuring bands for this material could not be glued, another pneumatic beam from thin galvanized sheet metal was made (0.2 mm thick), 180 cm long and of 20 cm diameter.
[Mon Dec 08 10:17:37 2003]
Ova pneumatska greda svestrano je laboratorijski ispitana u laboratoriju Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku FGZ u Zagrebu, a teoretski analizirana s COSMOS/M programskim sustavom za analizu MKE, na radnoj stanici COMPUTERVISION/PRIME u bivšem E-labu R.
This pneumatic beam wholly examined in the laboratory of the Department for engineering mechanics FGZ Zagreb, and theoretically analyzed with COSMOS/M program system for the FEM analysis, on the COMPUTERVISION/TAKE workstation in former E-lab of the R.
[Mon Dec 08 10:19:10 2003]
Končara (ing.
Končar (ing.
[Mon Dec 08 10:19:10 2003]
Josipović, B.S.E.).
[Mon Dec 08 10:21:37 2003]
O ovim ispitivanjima pisano je u časopisu Građevinar u br. 3.
About these tests It was written in the Building constructor magazine no. 3.
[Mon Dec 08 10:33:35 2003]
Ispitivanja su pokazala da konvencionalni izvodi naponskih stanja u kojima se ne uzima u obzir utjecaje lokalnih napona od priloženog opterećenja, nisu u skladu s rezultatima mjerenja i kompjutorskih analiza.
The tests showed that conventional executions of voltage conditions in which the influence of local voltages from the applied load was not taken into consideration, did not match the data and computer analyses.
[Mon Dec 08 10:36:15 2003]
Obzirom da je opterećenje na gredu bilo priloženo direktno na gornji dio plašta pneumatske grede, a ne s donje strane, kako bi se konvencionalnom analizom pretpostavilo.
Since the load on the beam was put directly on the top of the pneumatic beam jacket, and not on the lower side, as it would be assumed by the conventional analysis.
[Mon Dec 08 10:36:15 2003]
Ako se razmotre deformacije pneumatske grede, to je potpuno razvidno, jer se gornji dio grede ponaša kao greda/ploča na elastičnoj podlozi (ovdje na u gredi stlačeni zrak).
If are examined the deformations of the pneumatic beam, then this is apsolutely obvious, because the top of the beam behaves as a beam/panel on an elastic ground (here on air compressed in the beam).
[Mon Dec 08 10:41:06 2003]
Nosivost te pneumatske limene grede je spektakularna u odnosu na vlastitu masu pneumatske grede i raspon.
Bearing capacity and a pneumatic tin beams is spectacular in relation to its own size of the pneumatic beam and span.
[Mon Dec 08 10:43:36 2003]
U tim gredama je unutrašnjim tlakom u gredi RIJEŠEN problem stabilnosti tankog plašta (stjenke) grede.
In these beams the stability problem of thin jacket of the (wall) beam has been SOLVED by the inner pressure in the beam.
[Mon Dec 08 10:45:42 2003]
Ona se ne može izviti dokle god je unutrašnji tlak dovoljan da to izvijanje spriječi.
The beam can be bent as long as the inner pressure is sufficient to prevent this twisting.
[Mon Dec 08 10:45:42 2003]
To onda pobuđuje ideje o drugačijem pristupu regulacije stabilnosti hrptova nosača od lima i plastičnih masa.
This then produces ideas about a different approach to stability regulation of dorsal support made from sheet metal and plastic masses.
[Mon Dec 08 10:48:43 2003]
Pneumatski disk:
Pneumatic disc:
[Mon Dec 08 10:49:08 2003]
a) presjek kroz strukturu;
a) section through the structure;
[Mon Dec 08 10:49:08 2003]
b) način ovjesa membrane za čelični prsten.
b) suspension method of the membrane for a steel ring.
[Mon Dec 08 10:56:30 2003]
Obzirom da se nije raspolagalo alatima za formiranje rubnih polulopti od tankog lima, korištene su plitke kalote, koje su onda bile izvorom koncentracije napona na spoju plašta i kalote, a što se primjenom rubnih polulopti može u potpunosti izbjeći.
As tools for forming marginal hemispheres from tin metal sheet were not available, shallow calottes were used, which were then the source of voltage concentration at the point where the jacket and calotte joined, and which could be completely avoided by the use of marginal hemispheres.
[Mon Dec 08 11:01:07 2003]
Ovakve konstrukcije od trevire i od tankog lima zasigurno imaju svoju budućnost primjene za ultralagane pokrove hala.
Such structures made from trevira and tin metal sheet certainly have their future in the use for ultralight hall coverings.
[Mon Dec 08 11:01:07 2003]
Bilo da se primjenjuje trevira ili tanki lim, pokrovi ovih konstrukcija moraju biti od UV rezistentne trevire, koju povremeno (svakih 10 do 15 godina) treba zamijeniti, ne dirajući u integritet osnovne nosive pneumatske konstrukcije.
Either the use of trevira or tin metal sheet, the coverings of these structures must be made from UV resistent trevira, which needs to be replaced occasionally (every 10 to 15 years), without interfering with the integrity of the basic bearing pneumatic structure.
[Mon Dec 08 11:09:37 2003]
S malo mašte, može se pretpostaviti i dizajn pneumatske grede od križno spiralno namotanog uslojenog furnira u obliku cijevi sa čelima od višeslojnih kružnih panelskih poklopaca.
With a bit of imagination, we can even assume the design of a pneumatic beam made from a layered veneer wound cross spirally in the shape of a pipe with a front made from multilayer circular panel lids.
[Mon Dec 08 11:12:35 2003]
U cijev je prethodno ugurana dušica od trevire koja je volumenski i geometrijski skrojena tako da je veća od unutrašnjih dimenzija pneumatske grede.
Trevira balloon structure was previously inserted into a pipe, whose volume and geometry are formed so that the structure is bigger than the inner dimensions of the pneumatic beam.
[Mon Dec 08 11:13:02 2003]
Napuhavanjem dušice (kao nogometne lopte), ukrućuje se cijev od višeslojnog u križ namotanog furnira.
By inflating the structure (as a soccer ball), the pipe made from multilayer stiffens in the shape of a cross spirally coiled plywood.
[Mon Dec 08 11:17:45 2003]
Time se u stvari dobila neprodušna drvena (furnirska) pneumatska greda.
In this way we actually get an impervious wooden (veneer) pneumatic beam.
[Mon Dec 08 11:20:20 2003]
Obzirom da je spiralno namatanje furnira na kružnu cijev riješeno i patentirano, možemo se nadati i proizvodnji takvih greda kao nosivih strukturalnih sustava, male mase, a velike nosivosti.
As the spiral winding of the veneer on the circular pipe is solved and patented, we can also hope to see the production of such beams as bearing structural systems, of small sizes, but of great bearing capacities.
[Mon Dec 08 11:23:43 2003]
U tim gredama dušica je zaštićena furnirskim "oklopom" od akcidentalnog oštećenja.
In these beams the inside balloon structure is protected by a veneer " armor " from an accidental damage.
[Mon Dec 08 11:23:43 2003]
Planiramo istraživanje takvih modela analizama MKE i u laboratoriju.
A research of such models by the FEM analyses and in the laboratory has been planned.
[Mon Dec 08 11:28:08 2003]
Kada se govori o drvetu, pa i lameliranom drvetu, furnirskim pločama i pločastim proizvodima od drveta;
When we talk about the wood, even laminated wood, veneer sheets and tabular wooden products;
[Mon Dec 08 11:30:50 2003]
kao što su to ploče iverice, vlaknatice, višeslojne furnirske ploče, medijapan ploče, multipleks-ploče, kompozitni materijali i sendviči od tih i drugih materijala, susrećemo se sa spektrom dosta poznatih i standardiziranih materijala i njihovih svojstava, koja su obično anizotropna.
such as plywood boards, fiberboards, multilayer veneer sheetings, mediapan boards, multiplex-boards, composite materials and sandwiches made from these and other materials, we come across a spectrum of very common and standardized material and their characteristics, which are usually anisotropic.
[Mon Dec 08 11:31:05 2003]
Svojstva ovise o smjerovima vlakanaca drveta, načinima slaganja materijala, a ta opet ovise o smjerovima godova, položaju vlakanaca i načinima piljenja ili ljuštenja furnira.
The characteristics depend on grain directions of the wood, on ways of material assembly, and they again depends on directions of annual rings, position of thin fibers and methods of sawing or peeling of veneer.
[Mon Dec 08 11:31:05 2003]
Slično je i s drugim laminatima i sendvičima.
It is similar with other laminates and sandwiches.
[Mon Dec 08 11:38:24 2003]
Sve do nedavno, takvi se kompoziti nisu mogli adekvatno analizirati, je nismo raspolagali "alatima" za takve analize.
Until recently, such composites could not be adequately analyzed, because we did not have "tools" for such analyses.
[Mon Dec 08 11:44:34 2003]
Danas je to moguće primjenom MKE i ugrađenih teorija višeslojnih KE.
Today, this is this possible by the use of FEM and of built-in theories of multilayered FEs.
[Mon Dec 08 11:44:39 2003]
Sa COSMOS/M sustavom mogu se analizirati uslojeni konačni elementi ljuske (SHELL4L) koji mogu imati i do 50 slojeva anizotropije (smjerovi 1 i 2 koji moraju biti ortogonalni), odgovarajućim modulima EX(i), EY(i) i GXY(i), GXZ(i) i GYZ(i), Poissonovim odnosima NUXY(i), NUYZ(i), NUXZ(i), debljini sloja (i) i njegovom položaju u panelu ri i termičkim karakteristikama, koeficijentima termalne ekspanzije ALPX(i) i ALPY(i) kao i vlačnim čvrstoćama materijala u 1.
With COSMOS/M system can can be analyzed layered finite elements of the shell (SHELL4L) which can have up to 50 anisotropy layers (directions 1 and 2 which must orthogonal), by matching modules EXi, EYi and GXYi, GXZi and GYZi, Poisson's ratios NUXYi, NUYZi, NUXZi, thickness of layer (i) and its position in the panel ri and thermal characteristics, thermal expansion coefficients ALPXi and ALPYi as well as tensile strength of the material in 1st.
[Mon Dec 08 11:45:34 2003]
SIGXT(i), SIGYT(i), tlačnim čvrstoćama materijala u smjerovima 1 i 2:
SIGXTi, SIGYTi, compressive strengths of the material in directions 1 and 2:
[Mon Dec 08 11:45:34 2003]
SIGXC(i) i SIGYC(i), kao i vlačnoj posmičnoj čvrstoći između slojeva laminata SIGXYT(i) te tlačnoj posmičnoj čvrstoći između slojeva laminata SIGXYC(i).
SIGXCi and SIGYCi, as well as on the tensile shear strenght between laminate layers SIGXYTi and on the pressure shear strenght between laminate layers SIGXYCi.
[Mon Dec 08 11:54:11 2003]
Receptura tih KE formulirana je prema suvremenim teorijama T.
The formula of these FEs was formulated according to modern theories of T.
[Mon Dec 08 11:54:19 2003]
Belytschkova, H.
Belytschkov, H.
[Mon Dec 08 11:54:21 2003]
Stolarskog i N.
Stolarski and N.
[Mon Dec 08 11:54:23 2003]
Carpentera, D.
Carpenter, D.
[Mon Dec 08 11:54:28 2003]
Allmana i C.
Allman and C.
[Mon Dec 08 12:05:57 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 12:06:51 2003]
Time je definitivno uklonjena granica u analizama uslojenih ljusaka, pod pretpostavkom da se poznaju mehanička svojstva laminata.
Thereby, the limit in analyses of layered shells is definitely eliminated, on the assumption that mechanical characteristics of laminates are known.
[Mon Dec 08 12:06:51 2003]
Ti podaci su kod furnirskih ploča za sada prilično oskudni.
Such information about veneer sheets are rather poor for now.
[Mon Dec 08 12:07:48 2003]
Konačni elementi SHELL3L i SHELL4L, X,Y,Z - globalne osi.
Finite elements SHELL3L and SHELL4L, X,Y,Z global axes.
[Mon Dec 08 12:08:27 2003]
x,y,z - lokalne koordinatne osi KE.
x,y,z local coordinate axes FE.
[Mon Dec 08 12:09:23 2003]
O - identifikacijski broj lica KE za prilaganje pritiska (Pressure load).
O identification number of FE faces for Pressure load.
[Mon Dec 08 12:09:26 2003]
Konvencija označavanja slojeva.
Convention of layer marking.
[Mon Dec 08 12:09:39 2003]
N - ukupni broj slojeva.
N total number of layers.
[Mon Dec 08 12:09:39 2003]
Konvencija označavanja temperaturne raspodjele.
Convention of marking temperature distribution.
[Mon Dec 08 12:16:52 2003]
Upuštajući se u područje kompozita od plastičnih masa, susrećemo jedno veoma široko područje koje nam omogućava i nove mogućnosti oblikovanja struktura, s oblicima o kojima do sada nismo ni razmišljali.
When dealing with the area of plastic mass composites, we come across a very wide area which also makes new possibilities of structure formations possible, with forms which we have not even thought about so far.
[Mon Dec 08 12:17:57 2003]
Novi se kompoziti već industrijski proizvode i očekivati je da se pojave na našem tržištu.
New composite are already being produced industrially and we can expect them to appear in our market.
[Mon Dec 08 12:20:50 2003]
Samo je pitanje vremena njihove aplikacije u graditeljstvu.
It is only a matter of time of their application in the building process.
[Mon Dec 08 12:20:50 2003]
U priloženoj tablici navedena su neka komparativna svojstva tih materijala.
Some comparative characteristics of these materials are indicated in the inserted table.
[Mon Dec 08 12:22:05 2003]
Modul E drveta ovisan je o kutu ?
E Module of the wood depends on the angle?
[Mon Dec 08 12:22:05 2003]
, ovisno o smjeru vlakanaca uzorka.
, depending on the grain direction of a sample.
[Mon Dec 08 12:23:04 2003]
Tablica svojstava vlakanaca za armiranje polimera.
Tables of thin fiber characteristics for reinforcing polymers.
[Mon Dec 08 12:29:15 2003]
Svojstva drveta ovisna su o piljenju lamele iz debla drveta.
Characteristics of wood depend on sawing a plate from a wood trunk.
[Mon Dec 08 12:30:41 2003]
Tablica tipičnih svojstava vlakana armiranih kompozita.
Tables of typical fiber characteristics of reinforced composites.
[Mon Dec 08 12:38:01 2003]
Tablica tipičnih svojstava vlakana armiranih kompozita
Table of typical fiber characteristics of reinforced composites
[Mon Dec 08 12:39:51 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 12:40:06 2003]
za usporedbu
for comparison
[Mon Dec 08 12:50:15 2003]
Tablica podataka za ComBAR rebrastu armaturu od staklenih vlakana proizvođača SCHÖCK i usporedba s podacima za rebrasti nehrđajući čelik.
Table with figures for ComBAR ribbed armature made from glassfibre by the SCHÖCK manufacturer and comparison with figures for ribbed stainless steel.
[Mon Dec 08 12:53:12 2003]
Granica razvlačenja
Yield point
[Mon Dec 08 12:54:08 2003]
E-modul savijanja
E-bending modulus
[Mon Dec 08 12:56:38 2003]
Tablica svojstava vlakanaca za armiranje polimera.
Tables of thin fiber characteristics for reinforcing of polymers.
[Mon Dec 08 14:21:30 2003]
Tlačna čvrstoća
Compressive strength
[Mon Dec 08 14:21:30 2003]
vlačna čvrstoća
tensile strength
[Mon Dec 08 14:29:32 2003]
Trajna dinamička čvrstoća
Permanent dynamic strength
[Mon Dec 08 14:31:03 2003]
širina pojasa titranja
bandwidth of vibration
[Mon Dec 08 14:36:09 2003]
istezanje pri lomu
extension in case of breaking
[Mon Dec 08 14:36:29 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 14:37:07 2003]
Provodljivost topline
Thermal conductance
[Mon Dec 08 14:37:57 2003]
Električni otpor
[Mon Dec 08 14:38:10 2003]
Kemijska otpornost
The chemical resistance
[Mon Dec 08 14:39:11 2003]
[Mon Dec 08 14:46:57 2003]
Stalnim padom cijena proizvodnje već se naslućuju i primjene kompozita (i u obliku sendviča) na osnovama tih novih materijala, ne samo u zrakoplovnoj industriji, početnih primjena u industriji automobila i sportske opreme, već uskoro i u graditeljskoj industriji (negdje oko 1990.
With constant dropping in production prices already there have been indications of uses of composites (also in the form of a sandwich) based on these new materials, not only in the aircraft industry, initial uses in the car sporting equipment industry, but soon in the building industry also (somewhere around 1990.
[Mon Dec 08 14:46:57 2003]
godine, kad počinje "boom" dolazeće revolucije plastičnih masa).
, when the " boom " of the coming revolution of plastic masses started).
[Mon Dec 08 14:54:31 2003]
U suvremenim drvenim konstrukcijama i konstrukcijama od plastičnih masa uvodi se i prednapinjanje, kako bi se smanjile deformacije, reguliralo unutrašnje napone, smanjilo presjeke.
In modern wooden structures and structures from plastic masses also the prestressing is being introduced, in order to reduce deformations, regulate internal voltages, reduce sections.
[Mon Dec 08 14:58:15 2003]
Tako su na velesajmu u Celovcu izgrađene dvije hale u kojima je primijenjeno prednaprezanje drveta.
So, two halls in which the prestressing of the wood was used were built at a fair in Celovec.
[Mon Dec 08 14:58:56 2003]
Jedna je pokrovna konstrukcija hale izvedena kao roštiljni sustav od lameliranih dvojnih greda koje su prednapete čeličnim kabelima, a druga je izvedena kao prostorni rešetkasti sustav kojem je čeličnim kabelima prednapet donji pojas.
One covering structure of the hall was performed as a grill system from laminated double beams which were prestressed by steel cables, whereas the other one was performed as a spatial latticed system whose bottom flange was prestressed by steel cables.
[Mon Dec 08 14:59:09 2003]
Pokusi s armiranjem lameliranih nosača čeličnim kabelima rađeni su svojedobno i u Krivaji (inž.
Tests with reinforcing of laminated supports by steel cables were performed at one time and in Krivaja (
[Mon Dec 08 15:13:50 2003]
Armiranje drveta, lijepljenjem kabela od staklenih niti, ili proslojaka staklenog voala, ili uljepljivanjem tankih čeličnih limova u vlačnoj zoni izvodi se, ali još uvijek se taj postupak smatra eksperimentom, a mišljenja o ekonomskim beneficijama tih postupaka se razilaze.
Reinforcing of wood is stil performed, by gluing of glass fiber cables, or of glass voal layers, or by gluing thin steel sheets in the tension zone, but this procedure is still considered experimental, and opinions about economic benefits of these procedures differ.
[Mon Dec 08 15:14:15 2003]
Smatra se da drvo ionako u smjeru vlakanaca ima veliku vlačnu čvrstoću, pa ga stoga nije u tom smjeru potrebno armirati, a da bi armiranje imalo smisla kad bi se armiralo smjer okomito na vlakna drveta, dakle smjer u kojem su tlačna, a pogotovo vlačna čvrstoća drveta okomita na vlakna drveta, male.
It is considered that wood has a great tensile strength in the direction of thin fibers anyway, therefore it is not necessary to to reinforce it in this direction, and for reinforcing to make sense if the direction on wood fibers is reinforced vertically, that is the direction in which compressive, and especially tensile strengths of the wood are vertical to wood fibers, is small.
[Mon Dec 08 15:17:33 2003]
Međutim, za sada je to teško izvedivo.
However, for now this has been hard to achieve.
[Mon Dec 08 15:18:34 2003]
Ima pokušaja da se armiraju nalijepljenim staklenim voalom bočne stranice zakrivljenih i srpastih lijepljenih lameliranih drvenih nosača, kako bi se preuzelo radijalne vlačne napone okomito na vlakanca drveta.
There have been attempts to reinforce the lateral sides of bent and sickle glued laminated wooden structures by the glued glass voal, in order to receive radial tensile voltages vertically on thin fibers of the wood.
[Mon Dec 08 15:19:39 2003]
No, sve je to još u eksperimentalnoj fazi ispitivanja na uzorcima prirodne veličine (Larsen).
But, all this is still in an experimental phase of testing on real-life samples (Larsen).
[Mon Dec 08 15:19:39 2003]
U Zagrebu se takvi eksperimenti upravo provode na Građevinskom fakultetu.
There are such experiments being performed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb at the moment.
[Mon Dec 08 15:22:49 2003]
Kod konstrukcija od polimera, vjerojatno ne bi trebalo slijepo primjenjivati iskustva s prednapinjanjem betona.
With polymer structures, probably should not be blindly used experiences with prestressing of concrete.
[Mon Dec 08 15:23:52 2003]
Konstrukcije od tih materijala, kao i velikorasponske konstrukcije od lameliranog drveta trebalo bi prednapinjati "organski" i prirodno.
Structures from these materials, as well as long-range structures from laminated wood should be prestressed " organically " and naturally.
[Mon Dec 08 15:25:00 2003]
Osnove kinetičkih i kibernetskih konstrukcija su mehanizmi zasnovani na predodžbama reagiranja živih bića.
Basics of kinetic and cybernetic structures are mechanisms based on ideas of reactions of living beings.
[Mon Dec 08 15:32:52 2003]
Organsko prednapinjanje oponaša kibernetski mehanizam živih bića, dakle prednaprezanje se izvodi u realnom vremenu (R-time), prema dojavama senzorskih obavijesti mjerenja deformacija i napona u konstrukciji (ili elementima konstrukcije), a u skladu s aktivnim programima i ekspertnim sustavima koje provode u konstrukciju integrirana računala (mikroračunala, posebno orijentirana računala, neurokompjutori, ili sl.)
Organic prestressing imitates the cybernetic mechanism of living beings, therefore the prestressing is performed in real time (R-time), based on reports of the sensory measuring notifications of deformation and voltage in the structure (or elements of the structure), and according to active programs and expert systems of which integrated computers (microcomputers, specially oriented computers, neurocomputers, or alike) transform into a structure
[Mon Dec 08 15:37:58 2003]
Dio senzora može (da li i mora?)
One part of sensors can (but does it have to?)
[Mon Dec 08 15:41:47 2003]
biti raspoređen izvan perimetra strukture, kako bi se obavijesti o nailasku opterećenja proslijedilo pravovremeno upravljačkom sustavu za prednapinjanje.
) be arranged outside the perimeter of the structure, in order to pass on the information on the arrival of the load in time to the operating prestressing system.
[Mon Dec 08 15:42:39 2003]
Prednapinjanje strukture podrazumijeva kako prednapinjanje kabela, tako i upuhivanje zraka u konstrukciju kako bi se djelovalo kontra nailazećim opterećenjima.
The prestressing of the structure implies both prestressing of a cable, and blowing the air in the structure in order to act against forthcoming loads.
[Mon Dec 08 15:47:46 2003]
Na nekoliko crteža prikazane su osnovne zamisli takvih kibernetskih sustava.
Basic ideas of such cybernetic systems are illustrated in a few sketches.
[Mon Dec 08 15:47:46 2003]
U poglavlju o primjeni ekspertnih sustava i poglavlju prikaza suvremenih tendencija kretanja u dizajnu mostova, prikazani su neki modeli takvih kibernetskih struktura koje smo razvili kao kompjuterske modele operabilne na osobnim računalima.
Some models of such cybernetic structures, which were developed as computer models operable on personal computers, are illustrated in the chapter on the expert system application and in the chapter describing modern trend tendencies in the design of bridges.
[Mon Dec 08 15:58:47 2003]
Prirodno, prednapinjanje se postiže primjenom kreativnih konstruktivnih sustava, na primjer lukova, prostornih ljuski, pajantnih sustava s ekscentrično postavljenim zglobovima i sličnim sustavima u kojima se povećanjem uzdužnih sila u konstrukciji uzrokovanih opterećenjem, automatski stvara i dodatni kontramoment savijanja kojim se parira povećavanju momenta savijanja od povećanog opterećenja.
Naturally, prestresses is achieved by the application of creative structural systems, for example arches, spatial shells, queen-post truss systems with eccentrically set joints and similar systems in which increase of axial forces in the structure is caused by the load, automatically creates an additional counter moment of bending which parries the increase of bending moment from the increased load.
[Mon Dec 08 16:11:23 2003]
Ovim tipovima novih konstrukcija pripadaju i sinergetske konstrukcije ili konstrukcije s udvojenim nosivim sustavima i sklopovima, u kojima se porastom opterećenja aktivira paralelni (spavajući) strukturalni sustav.
Synergetic structures or structures with doubled bearing structures and complexes also belong to to these types of new structures, in which a parallel (sleeping) structural system is being activated by the increase of the load.
[Mon Dec 08 16:12:31 2003]
Uključivanje paralelnog sustava može se aktivirati mehaničkim, električnim ili elektronskim putem.
Activation of a parallel system can be activated in a mechanical, electrical or electronic way.
[Mon Dec 08 16:12:31 2003]
U neku ruku ovi sustavi nadopunjuju organsko prednapinjanje, jer se pobuda spavajuće konstrukcije može integrirati s prednapinjanjem.
In a way these systems complete the organic prestressing, because the impulse of a sleeping structure can be integrated with the prestressing.
[Mon Dec 08 16:19:46 2003]
Dapače, kod nekih se konstrukcija dojavama senzora može i ukloniti nailazeće opterećenje.
Indeed, with some structures even the forthcoming load can be removed by sensor reports.
[Mon Dec 08 16:19:46 2003]
Snijeg koji pada na pokrovnu membranu konstrukcije može se topiti zagrijavanjem membrane toplim zrakom ili električnim otpornim zagrijavanjem, u membranu ugrađene električne otporne mreže.
Snow that falls on the covering construction membrane can be melt by warming the membrane with warm air or by electrical resistant warming, with electrical resistant nets which are built in the membrane.
[Mon Dec 08 16:23:02 2003]
Postoji niz regulacijskih tehnika koje se mogu primijeniti u organskim reakcijama struktura.
There is s series of regulatory techniques that can be used in organic reactions of structures.
[Mon Dec 08 16:23:10 2003]
Posebice je ovaj problem regulacija i povratnih veza (feed back) aktualiziran mogućim primjenama neuronskih ekspertnih sustava, kao i mješovitih ekspertnih sustava u kojima su integrirane neuronske mreže (NN - neural networks) i sustavi zasnovani na pravilima (RBES - rule based expert systems).
Especially this problem of regulation and reflexive connections (feed back) has been actualized by possible usages of neuronal expert systems, as well as mixed expert systems in which neuronal nets (NN neural networks) and systems based on rules (RBES rule based expert systems) are integrated.
[Mon Dec 08 16:26:29 2003]
Na "Yahoo!"
In " Yahoo!"
[Mon Dec 08 16:26:31 2003]
pretraživaču može se naći više od tisuću referenci i web stranica o tzv.
" search engine you can find more than thousand references and web sites about so-called.
[Mon Dec 08 16:26:31 2003]
"smart" konstrukcijama.
" smart " structures.
[Mon Dec 08 16:29:10 2003]
Senzorima i robotskim uređajima regulirane konstrukcije:
Sensors and robotic appliances of a regulated structure:
[Mon Dec 08 16:34:42 2003]
a) organsko prednapinjanje grede;
a) organic prestressing of a beam;
[Mon Dec 08 16:34:57 2003]
b) organski stabilizirana zauzdana konstrukcija mosta;
b) organically stabilized restrained bridge structure;
[Mon Dec 08 16:37:25 2003]
c) organski stabilizirana napeta membrana šatora;
c) organically stabilized tight membrane of a tent;
[Mon Dec 08 16:38:52 2003]
d) sustavom mlaznica poprijeko na raspon, stabilizirana konstrukcija visećeg mosta velikih raspona;
d) stabilized structure of a suspension bridge of a large scale, by the system of nozzles diagonally on the span;
[Mon Dec 08 16:38:52 2003]
e) sinergetska udvojena konstrukcija, koja se napuhuje kad senzor "zamijeti" opterećenje, ES donese odluku o potrebi povećanja unutarnjeg pritiska radi stabilizacije sustava.
e) synergetically doubled structure, which is inflated when the sensor " notices the " load, the ES makes a decision about the need to increase the internal pressure because of the system stabilization.
[Mon Dec 08 16:47:59 2003]
Po svemu sudeći osnove novih tipova drvenih konstrukcija i konstrukcija od polimera su arhitektura i graditeljstvo, ali i kemija, fizika, elektronika, kompjutorska i informacijska tehnika, strojarstvo, dakle i grane znanosti i tehnologije koje se nalaze malo podalje od klasičnog okvira graditeljstva.
To all appearances, basics of new types of wooden and polymer structures are the architecture and building construction, but also chemistry, physics, electronics, computer and information technique, mechanical engineering, and therefore branches of knowledge and technology which are a little bit farther away from the classical framework of the building construction.
[Tue Dec 09 11:46:35 2003]
Dio razvedenih prostornih sustava nije više moguće prikazati rukom rađenim crtežima, ali se ti sustavi mogu prikazati kompjutorski generiranim crtežima na ekranima konzola.
Part of developed spatial systems can no longer be illustrated with manual drawings, but these systems can be illustrated with computer-aided designs on console screens.
[Tue Dec 09 11:47:47 2003]
Neki se od njih mogu prikazati crtežima plotera, no velik broj potpuno slobodnih oblika opire se i tim prikazima:
Some of them can be presented with data plotters drawings, but a big number of entirely free forms resists these illustrations also:
[Tue Dec 09 11:49:27 2003]
naime ima i suviše različitih pogleda s raznih stajališta, pa se izbor mora ograničiti samo na nekoliko njih.
in other words there are too different views from different viewpoints, so a choice must be limited to only on a few of them.
[Tue Dec 09 11:50:20 2003]
Međutim, "sva se raskoš" 3D prikaza može prikazati samo na ekranima radnih stanica.
However, " all the luxury " 3D illustration can be illustrated only on workstation screens.
[Tue Dec 09 11:50:55 2003]
3D prostor se opire prikazu u 2D mediju.
3D space resists a 2D media illustration.
[Tue Dec 09 11:50:55 2003]
Stvarno ih se može prikazati u VR okruženju.
They can really be illustrated in a VR surrounding.
[Tue Dec 09 11:56:16 2003]
Ideja "kibernetske" sinergetske konstrukcije, koju sam predložio pred više od deset godina.
Idea of a " cybernetic " synergetic structure, which I proposed more than ten years ago.
[Tue Dec 09 11:58:18 2003]
Konstrukcija se sastoji od kostura:
The structure consists of a skeleton:
[Tue Dec 09 12:06:23 2003]
3D mreže štapova od metala ili drugih materijala i od na kostur ovješene membrane od trevire.
3D nets of members made from metal or other materials and from a trevira membrane suspended on the skeleton.