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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Fri Dec 19 15:41:08 2003]
Osnova proizvodnje betona je ipak nafta (za pogon strojeva kojima se iskopava i transportira lapor, za mljevenje lapora, za pečenje klinkera, za mljevenje klinkera, za transport cementa, za pripremu betona, za vanjski transport betona do mjesta gradnje, za unutrašnji transport do mjesta ugradnje, za vibriranje pri ugradbi i sl.)
basis concrete production of is still oil (for the running of machines which are used for digging up and transporting marl, for grinding marl, for baking clinker brick, for grinding clinker brick, for transporting cement, for preparing concrete, for transporting concrete outside the building site, for the internal transport to the installation site, for the vibration when installing and alike)

[Fri Dec 19 15:41:55 2003]
. Slično je i s cijenom čelika u betonu.
It is also similar with the price of steel in concrete.

[Fri Dec 19 15:41:55 2003]
Za proizvodnju čelika potrebna je još veća količina energije.
Even a larger energy quantity is necessaryfor the production of steel .

[Fri Dec 19 15:46:22 2003]
U armiranom betonu nedvojbeno se može dokazati da je najskuplja armatura u betonu, i to bez obzira na današnje cijene proizvoda.
In the reinforced concrete, it can be undoubtedly proven that reinforcement in concrete is the most expensive, regardless of current product prices.

[Fri Dec 19 15:49:19 2003]
Utrošak energije u čeliku armiranog betona iznosi oko 55% utrošene energije finalnog proizvoda.
Energy use in steel of reinforced concrete is around 55% of the final product energy.

[Fri Dec 19 15:49:45 2003]
Meki čelik u betonu ima u sebi manje ugrađene energije od tvornički proizvedenih armaturnih mreža i visokovrijednog čelika.
Mild steel in concrete has less implanted energy inside than steelfabric mats and high-priced steel produced in a factory.

[Fri Dec 19 15:49:45 2003]
Odnos je oko 15 do 23, računa li se po jedinici težine proizvoda.
Relation is about 15 to 23, if we count per unit of a product weight.

[Fri Dec 19 15:53:20 2003]
Usporedba utroška energije u dva uobičajena proizvoda građevne industrije.
Comparison of the energy use in two usual products of the building industry.

[Fri Dec 19 15:53:20 2003]
Konstrukcija spregnute konstrukcije zahtijeva neznatno više energije od armiranobetonske kasetirane ploče
Structure of the composite constructions demands slightly more energy than reinforced concrete waffle slabs

[Fri Dec 19 15:59:04 2003]
Standardna čelična stropna konstrukcija
standard steel ceiling component

[Fri Dec 19 16:02:52 2003]
utrošak energije izražen je u
energy use is expressed in

[Fri Dec 19 16:03:18 2003]
standardna armiranobetonska stropna konstrukcija
standard reinforced concrete ceiling structure

[Fri Dec 19 16:07:22 2003]
ugrađeno u marginalijama
implanted in marginalias

[Fri Dec 19 16:17:01 2003]
Tablica količine energije potrebne za proizvodnju jedne tone materijala.
Table of energy quantity necessary for the production one ton of material.

[Fri Dec 19 16:17:31 2003]
kompozit na osnovi ugljikovih vlakana
composite based on carbon fibers

[Fri Dec 19 16:18:16 2003]
Naftni ekvivalent
oil equivalent

[Fri Dec 19 16:22:52 2003]

[Fri Dec 19 16:23:07 2003]

[Fri Dec 19 16:23:50 2003]
Tablica konstrukcijske efikasnosti raznih materijala (prema D.
Table of construction efficiency of different materials (according to D.

[Fri Dec 19 16:23:52 2003]
Gordonu, 1978.)
Gordon, 1978.)

[Fri Dec 19 16:25:04 2003]
tlačnog panela zadane kritične sile
compressive panel of the given critical force

[Fri Dec 19 16:25:46 2003]
osiguranje stabilnosti cijele konstrukcije
stability insurance of the entire structure

[Fri Dec 19 16:26:39 2003]
kompoziti od ugljikovih vlakana
carbon fiber composites

[Fri Dec 19 16:29:54 2003]
U primjeru kojeg se predočava prikazane su dvije stropne konstrukcije koje su obje optimizirane.
In the illustrated example two ceiling components, both optimized, are shown.

[Fri Dec 19 16:31:50 2003]
To su dvije uobičajene stropne konstrukcije stambenih zgrada.
They are two usual ceiling components of residential buildings.

[Fri Dec 19 16:34:47 2003]
Jedna je stropna konstrukcija od spregnutih elemenata:
One is a ceiling component of composite elements:

[Fri Dec 19 16:37:24 2003]
čelični roštilj i armiranobetonska ploča armirana mrežastom armaturom.
steel grid and reinforced concrete board reinforced with mesh reinforcement.

[Fri Dec 19 16:37:28 2003]
Druga stropna konstrukcija je kasetirana armiranobetonska stropna konstrukcija.
The other ceiling component is a cassette reinforced concrete ceiling structure.

[Fri Dec 19 16:38:24 2003]
Obje konstrukcije imaju istu nosivost.
Both structures have the same bearing capacity.

[Fri Dec 19 16:43:57 2003]
Proračun je proveden za površinu 10 x 10 metara stropa.
The calculation is made for a 10 x 10 meter ceiling surface.

[Fri Dec 19 16:43:57 2003]
Na osnovu analize utroška energije u oba stropna sustava može se proračunati da u jednoj racionalno dizajniranoj standardnoj visokogradnji od armiranog betona treba u totalu svega 60% energije koja bi bila potrebna za istovjetnu zgradu od čelika (uključujući i vatrozaštitu čelika).
On the basis of the of energy use analysis in both ceiling systems, we can estimate that in one rationally designed standard building construction made from reinforced concrete only 60% of energy in total is required, which is necessary for the same steel building (including also steel fire protection).

[Fri Dec 19 16:50:04 2003]
Uključe li se u proračun i stupovi, razlika je još veća u korist armiranobetonske konstrukcije, što donosi uštedu (po cijeni) za oko 5/6 galona sirove nafte po kvadratnom metru stropa.
If we include also pillars in the calculation, the difference is even bigger in favor of the reinforced concrete structures, which makes the saving (per price) for about 5/6 of crude oil gallons per square metre of the ceiling.

[Fri Dec 19 16:50:42 2003]
Što da se kaže onda na rasipanje energije kod izvedenih armiranobetonskih konstrukcija stropnih ploča debljine 20 cm?
What can we say then about the energy waste in finished reinforced concrete structures of 20 cm floor slabs?

[Fri Dec 19 16:52:36 2003]
Slične komparacije mogu se izvesti i za druge materijale i druge konstrukcije.
Similar comparisons can be made also for other materials and other structures.

[Fri Dec 19 16:52:37 2003]
Za sada je taj pristup neuobičajen u našim realitetima.
For now this approach is unusual in our realities.

[Fri Dec 19 16:59:52 2003]
Nedavno smo komparirali jednu tipsku armiranobetonsku montažnu konstrukciju hale sastavljenu od grednih nosača, stupova (s kranskom stazom i bez nje) i obodnog zida među stupovima hale, sa istovjetnom lameliranom drvenom konstrukcijom na istovjetnim stupovima.
A while ago we compared one standard reinforced concrete prefabricated structure of a hall composed of beam supports, pillars (with a crane path and without) and boundary wall between the pillars of the hall, with the same laminated wooden structure on the same pillars.

[Fri Dec 19 17:00:14 2003]
Armiranobetonski krovni nosači su prema projektu prednapregnuti s 10 kabela (6 ravnih i 4 povijena kabela).
Reinforced concrete roof trusses are according to the project prestressed with 10 cables (6 straight and 4 bent cables).

[Fri Dec 19 17:00:51 2003]
Na tim nosačima su, prema projektu oslonjene armiranobetonske podrožnice (!)
On these girders, according to the project are supported reinforced concrete purlins !)

[Fri Dec 19 17:01:44 2003]
na koje je pričvršćen lagani pokrov od limenog sendviča.
) to which a light covering made from a tin sandwich is attached.

[Fri Dec 19 17:01:44 2003]
Ovaj dizajn smo usporedili s dizajnom krovne konstrukcije od lameliranih drvenih nosača s drvenim podrožnicama i s istim pokrovnim sendvičem i istovjetnom podkonstrukcijom.
This design was compared to the design of aroof structure made from laminated wooden girders with wooden purlins and with the same covering sandwich and same substructure.

[Fri Dec 19 17:07:06 2003]
S obzirom na utrošak energije, drveni krovni sustav je daleko racionalniji od betonskog, osim toga je i mnogo lakši, što onda ima reperkusija na cijeli sustav sve do dizajna temelja, kao i na transportne troškove prijevoza nosača od tvornice do gradilišta i na rukovanje nosačima do mjesta ugradbe.
In respect to the energy use, wooden roof system is a far more rational than a concrete one, and also much lighter, which then has its repercussions to the whole system until the design of the foundation, as well as to transportation costs of girders from the factory to the building site and to handling of girders until the installation site.

[Fri Dec 19 17:13:20 2003]
Međutim, kad se problem sagledava s gledišta proizvođača, koji ima neiskorištene kapacitete za proizvodnju armiranobetonskih konstrukcija, a ne s gledišta utroška energije i utroška masa, može se donekle shvatiti i težnja proizvođača betonskih konstrukcija za iskorištavanjem svojih slobodnih kapaciteta.
However, when the problem is observed from a manufacturer's point of view, who has unused capacities for the production of reinforced concrete structures, and not from the point of view of energy use and mass consumption, we can also understand to a certan degree aspirations of the manufacturer of concrete structures to use his free capacities.

[Mon Dec 22 09:04:07 2003]
S gledišta nacionalne ekonomije to je, međutim, pogreška, jer se time povećava ukupni nacionalni trošak energenata.
With the viewpoint of the national economy this is, however, a mistake, because in this way the total national cost of energy sources increases.

[Mon Dec 22 09:04:07 2003]
Dakle, unatoč dobronamjernim zamislima o socijalnoj skrbi i iskorištavanja lokalnih neiskorištenih kapaciteta svojega poduzeća, zajednica će biti oštećena.
Therefore, despite well-intentioned ideas about the social care and the utilization of local unused capacities of its companies, the community will suffer losses.

[Mon Dec 22 09:09:15 2003]
Da se kojim slučajem umjesto drvenih podrožnica koristilo čelične WARD podrožnice od profiliranih limova, uštede bi bile još veće.
If by chance instead of wooden purlins were used steel WARD roof purlines made from profiled sheet steel, saving would be even bigger.

[Mon Dec 22 09:17:35 2003]
Sličan slučaj neracionalnog utroška materijala vidljiv je kod konstrukcije lučkog regalnog skladišta u luci Split.
A similar case of irrational material consumption is observable with the structure of port warehouse shelf in the port of Split.

[Mon Dec 22 09:33:48 2003]
Tamo su na armiranobetonske rešetke mamutskih raspona oslonjene armiranobetonske podrožnice na koje je pričvršćen valoviti lagani aluminijski lim (!)
There we can see that on reinforced concrete trusses of great spans, reinforced concrete purlins are supported to which the corrugated light aluminum sheet metal is attached (!)

[Mon Dec 22 09:36:26 2003]
. Na stranu to, što se visokoregalni čelični sustav velike nosivosti moglo "obući" u lagano "ruho" obodnih stijena, a krov direktno osloniti na čelične regale, sama ideja o primjeni armiranobetonskih podrožnica za nošenje laganog valovitog lima je sama po sebi apsurdna i perverzna, a ovaj je projekt svojedobno nagrađen republičkom nagradom!
Not only that the high-regalia steel system of great bearing capacity could be "clothed" in light "dresses" of boundary walls, and the roof directly supported on steel wall systems, the idea about the use of reinforced concrete roof purlines for carrying light corrugated sheet metal itself is in its own absurd and perverted, but this project was once rewarded a Republic reward!

[Mon Dec 22 09:36:47 2003]
! Ovakvih primjera ima više.
There are too many examples like these.

[Mon Dec 22 09:38:28 2003]
Često se ne mogu racionalno objasniti.
They often cannot be rationally explained.

[Mon Dec 22 09:39:41 2003]
U tim primjerima ogleda se dugogodišnja netržna orijentacija privrede, devijacije nastale od nepostojanja tržišta i shodno tome loše gospodarenje resursima.
In these examples a longlasting unmarket orientation economiy, deviations developed from the market nonexistence and also a bad resource management reflect.

[Mon Dec 22 09:40:57 2003]
Naravno, izlaz je samo u striktnoj tržno orijentiranoj privredi i slobodnoj konkurenciji otvorenoj zakonima svjetskog tržišta.
Of course, the only way out is a strict market oriented towards the economy and free competition open to world market laws.

[Mon Dec 22 09:40:57 2003]
No, za to treba i vremena.
But, this takes time.

[Mon Dec 22 09:49:42 2003]
Istovjetna je i situacija s transportom teških betonskih elemenata kad se ne naplaćuje realni iznos troškova prijevoza, korištenje cesta, cijena nafte, a rad je neadekvatno plaćen.
An identical situation is observed in the transport of heavy concrete elements when a real cost of transportation, road use and oil price is not charged, and when the work is inadequately paid.

[Mon Dec 22 09:49:42 2003]
Realna uspostava cijena na razini europske zajednice i svijeta imat će drastičnih posljedica na preorijentaciju cijele struke.
The realistic price establishment at the level the European Community and world will have drastic consequences on the reorientation of the whole profession.

[Mon Dec 22 09:51:24 2003]
O ovim problemima se u obrazovanju građevinara i arhitekata premalo uči i razgovara.
In the education of building constructors and architects, these problems are insufficiently studied and talked about.

[Mon Dec 22 09:55:40 2003]
Mi moramo postati svjesni toga da su rezerve sirovina i rezerve energenata (ugljena, nafte, zemnog plina) ograničene i da neki postupci dobivanja energije uništavaju i floru i faunu planete.
We must become aware that are raw material reserves and of energy sources reserves (coal, oil, natural gas) are limited and that some procedures of obtaining the energy destroy out planet's flora and fauna.

[Mon Dec 22 09:55:49 2003]
Neracionalne odluke ubrzavaju ciklus trošenja raspoloživih resursa koji su bez sumnje ograničeni.
Irrational decisions accelerate the cycle of consuming available resources which are without doubt limited.

[Mon Dec 22 09:56:28 2003]
Postoje tzv.
There are so-called.

[Mon Dec 22 09:56:28 2003]
simulacijske igre u kojima se može simulirati scenarije budućnosti svijeta.
simulation games in which future world scenarios can be simulated.

[Mon Dec 22 09:58:33 2003]
Neracionalnost investicija često započinje već u fazi najranijeg projektiranja.
Irrationality investment often starts already in the stage of the earliest design.

[Mon Dec 22 10:00:55 2003]
Ako je investicija loše zamišljena nikakva racionalnost strukturalnog dizajna i strukturalna akrobatika ne može investiciju učiniti racionalnom:
If the investment is badly designed no rationality of structural design and structural acrobatics can make the investment rational:

[Mon Dec 22 10:00:55 2003]
možda samo malo jeftinijom u izvedbi prije startanja "pogona".
whose execution before starting the "operation" is maybe only a bit cheaper.

[Mon Dec 22 10:06:52 2003]
Suočeni s informatičkom revolucijom, suočeni smo i odlukama koje više ne mogu imati svojeg korijena u prethodno akumuliranim iskustvima i prethodno akumuliranim znanjima (na osnovi prošlih iskustava već viđenog i ranije sagrađenog), jer tih prošlih iskustava i nema.
faced with the computer revolution, we are also confronted with decisions which can no longer have its root in previously accumulated experiences and previously accumulated knowledges (on the basis of past experiences of the already seen and built earlier), because these past experiences do not exist.

[Mon Dec 22 10:07:14 2003]
Međutim, postoje opći zakoni po kojima se ravna priroda i privreda, pa se na osnovu prošlih iskustava mogu načiniti modeli, kojima se u granicama sadašnjih saznanja mogu projicirati budući događaji.
However, there are common laws according to which the nature and economy act, so models, based on past experiences, can be made whose future developments can be projected within the limits of current discoveries.

[Mon Dec 22 10:09:20 2003]
Interakcije su pritom vrlo složene.
Interactions in this matter are very complex.

[Mon Dec 22 10:09:20 2003]
U kompjutorskim simulacijama dinamike okoliša prema svjetskom modelu Forrestera, Mesarovića i Bösela, mogu se simulirati razni ulazni parametri pa proučavati posljedice unesenih vrijednosti.
In computer simulations of environment dynamics based on the world model of Forrester, Mesarović and Bösel, different entry parameters can be simulated and then the results of input values studied.

[Mon Dec 22 10:13:44 2003]
Tako je vidljivo, da pri današnjem tempu korištenja sirovina, po tzv.
So one can notice, that at the current pace of using raw materials, according to a so-called.

[Mon Dec 22 10:15:21 2003]
"status quo" scenariju, čovječanstvo je suočeno s ozbiljnim egzistencijalnim problemima življenja u svijetu budućnosti, dok se prema scenariju racionalnih korištenja sirovinskih resursa (goriva) stvari u budućnosti stoje daleko povoljnije.
"status quo" scenario, the mankind faces serious existential problems of the living in the world of the future, while matters according to the scenario of rationally using raw resources (fuels) in the future seem far more better.

[Mon Dec 22 10:15:57 2003]
Vidljiva je i u scenarij ugrađena opasnost korištenja nuklearne energije u obliku kakvog danas poznajemo.
One can also notice the danger of nuclear energy use built into the scenario in the form which we know today.

[Mon Dec 22 10:17:11 2003]
Ovakve simulacije moguće su na personalnim računalima, te bi trebale biti sastavni dio edukacije građevinskih inženjera.
Such simulations are possible on personal computers, and should be a part of civil engineers education.

[Mon Dec 22 10:19:56 2003]
Igranjem s raznim scenarijima izoštrava se osjećaj za racionalno ponašanje u našem okolišu.
By playing with different scenarios, the feeling for rational behavior in our environment improves.

[Mon Dec 22 10:19:56 2003]
Za složene i isprepletene tijekove energije vidjeti knjigu Bösel-a ili njenu reprodukciju (slika 37) u knjizi Drvene konstrukcije 2, PRETEI, Zgb, 2000.
For complex and intertwined energy flows, see the book of Bösel-or its reproduction (Figure 37) in the book Drvene konstrukcije 2, PRETEI, Zgb, 2000.

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:48 2003]
Simulacija umiranja šuma prema modelu Umweltdynamik (WELT).
Simulations of forests dying according to the Umweltdynamik (WELT) model.

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:49 2003]
Vrijeme opterećenja je tri godine.
Load time is three years.

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:53 2003]

[Mon Dec 22 10:22:54 2003]
Kritično opterećenje lišća.
Critical load of leaves.

[Mon Dec 22 10:23:03 2003]

[Mon Dec 22 10:24:29 2003]
Kritično opterećenje korijena.
Critical load of roots.

[Mon Dec 22 10:24:29 2003]
prikaz količine drvene mase i prirasta za dva simulacijska scenarija.
illustration of of wooden mass quantity and growth for two simulation scenarios.

[Mon Dec 22 10:44:34 2003]
U skupinu problema iracionalnog projektiranja i trošenja novčanih sredstava, materijala, može se uključiti i svaka neracionalna gradnja.
In the group of problems involving irrational designs and spendings of financial resources, material, also every irrational building can be included.

[Mon Dec 22 10:45:19 2003]
Sretna je okolnost ta, da mi pri današnjem pristupu rješavanju problema nemamo razvijen industrijski način masovne proizvodnje u graditeljstvu, jer bi se onda velikom brzinom mogle te iracionalnosti multiplicirati.
It is fortunate that with the today's approach to solving a problem we do not have a developed industrial method of a mass production in the building trade, because then also the irrationality could be multiplied at high speed.

[Mon Dec 22 10:45:53 2003]
Prikazuju se samo dva iracionalna pristupa građenju.
Only two irrational building approaches are shown.

[Mon Dec 22 10:45:54 2003]
Prvi, koji opisuje građenje visokoregalnog (sl.
First, describing the building of a high-regalia (fig.

[Mon Dec 22 10:51:07 2003]
skladišta već je ranije objašnjen ali s drugog aspekta, neracionalnog građenja konstrukcije krova s armiranobetonskim podrožnicama koje pridržavaju lagani valoviti aluminijski lim krova.
) warehouse was already explained earlier but from a different aspect of irrational building of roof structure with reinforced concrete roof purlines which support a light corrugated aluminum sheet metal of the roof.

[Mon Dec 22 10:52:22 2003]
Ovdje se, međutim, opisuje principijelna kriva postavka osnovne zamisli dizajna visokoregalnog skladišta.
Here, however, a fundamentally wrong assumption of the basic design idea of high shelf warehouse is described.

[Mon Dec 22 10:52:22 2003]
U drugom primjeru se pokazuje pogubnost građenja iste tipske konstrukcije hale za razne namjene.
In the second example, the danger of building same standard hall structures for different purposes is shown.

[Mon Dec 22 11:02:00 2003]
Kod visokoregalnog skladišta koje se sastoji od niza čeličnih regala velike nosivosti i velike visine (i do 12 metara), neracionalno je graditi najprije konstrukciju strukture - halu u koju će se smjestiti regali, a zatim unijeti u sagrađenu halu regale.
In a high shelf warehouse which consists of series of steel wall systems of great bearing capacity and great height (up to 12 meters), it would be irrational to build first a structure's construction hall in which wall systems will be placed, and then brought into the built hall wall system.

[Mon Dec 22 11:03:57 2003]
Graditelji razmatrajući svaki svoj problem posebno, inhibirani su graditeljskim naslijeđem i običajima da se prvo mora izgraditi hala - ovojnica, a zatim useliti sadržaj - regal, strojeve, opremu.
Builders, considering every problem separately, are inhibited by their building heritage and customs that the hall - envelope must be built first, and then move the contents - wall system, engines, equipment in.

[Mon Dec 22 11:04:17 2003]
Otuda i ideja da se prvo sagradi visoka - i veliko-rasponska konstrukcija hale, a zatim "useli" regale.
This is where the idea about building first high - and large-spanned hall structures comes from, and then "moving in" wall systems.

[Mon Dec 22 11:04:20 2003]
Taj redoslijed je poguban po financije investitora (čitaj:
This order is fatal for a finance investor (read:

[Mon Dec 22 11:05:25 2003]
vlasnika, društvo, kapital).
owner, society, capital).

[Mon Dec 22 11:08:23 2003]
Visokoregalni sustav je samonosiva konstrukcija, velike nosivosti, koja stoji na obično debeloj armiranobetonskoj ploči koja opterećenja regala prenosi na tlo.
The high-regalia system is a self-supporting structure, of great bearing capacity, which usually stands on a thick reinforced concrete board which transfers loads of wall systems to the ground.

[Mon Dec 22 11:11:03 2003]
Tom nosivom sustavu visokog regala opterećenje snijegom i vjetrom ne predstavlja neko značajno dodatno opterećenje regala.
Load of snow and wind does not represent any significant additionaly load to this bearing structure of the high wall system.

[Mon Dec 22 11:11:40 2003]
Stoga je pri racionalnom dizajnu visokoregalnog skladišta prvo potrebno sagraditi visokoregalni nosivi sustav, a onda na njega osloniti/ovjesiti jeftinu i laganu konstrukciju pokrova i stijena - zaštitnu opnu regala - halu.
Therefore, in the rational design of a high shelf warehouse, it is first necessary to build a high-regalia bearing system, and then support/suspend on it a cheap and light structure of a covering and wall - protective membrane of the wall system - a hall.

[Mon Dec 22 11:11:40 2003]
To je prikazano na skicama prikaza neracionalne i racionalne gradnje visokoregalnog skladišta.
This is shown on drawings of the illustration of irrational and rational building of high shelf warehouse.

[Mon Dec 22 11:16:11 2003]
U Podravskoj Slatini postoji jedno velikorasponsko visokoregalno skladište duhanskih bala.
In Podravska Slatina there is one long-range high shelf warehouse of tobacco balls.

[Mon Dec 22 11:22:05 2003]
Drvena konstrukcija lameliranih okvira je impresivnih dimenzija.
Wooden structure of laminated frameworks is of impressive dimensions.

[Mon Dec 22 11:29:16 2003]
A sve je to nepotrebno, jer se sasvim lagana konstrukcija obloge zaštite (opna od metala) mogla direktno osloniti na nosivu regalnu čeličnu konstrukciju.
All this is unnecessary, because an entirely light structure of protection lining (metal membrane) could be directly supported on the bearing frame structure made from shelves.

[Mon Dec 22 11:33:56 2003]
Slično je i s regalnim skladištem u luci Split, gdje je hala impresivnih dimenzija od armiranog betona s rešetkastom armiranobetonskom konstrukcijom impresivnog raspona i armiranobetonskim podrožnicama ispunjena do vrha gustom čeličnom konstrukcijom regala skladišta!
It is also similar with the warehouse shelf in the port of Split, where the hall has impressive dimensions made from the reinforced concrete with a latticed reinforced concrete structure of impressive span and from reinforced concrete roof purlines filled to the top with a dense steel structure of wall systems of warehouses!

[Mon Dec 22 11:37:16 2003]
Naravno da u konkurenciji s racionalno dizajniranim visokoregalnim skladištima ovakve konstrukcije nemaju šansi.
Of course, such structures stand no chance in competition with rationally designed high shelf warehouses.

[Mon Dec 22 11:38:14 2003]
A radi se samo o principima razmatranja problema, koordinaciji radova, prioritetima građenja i razumijevanju problema.
We are talking only about principles of problem considerations, about work coordination, building priorities and understanding of a problem.

[Mon Dec 22 11:38:14 2003]
Visokoregalno skladište je stroj, a hala je samo ovojnica koja omogućava zaštitu tog stroja i nužni manipulacijski prostor za viljuškare.
High shelf warehouse is an engine, and the hall is only an envelope which makes possible the protection of this engine and a necessary manipulatory area for forklifts.

[Mon Dec 22 11:40:56 2003]
Simulacija korištenja energije u budućnosti, nastavak prikaza s prethodne slike.
Simulations of the energy use in the future, supplement to the illustration from the previous Figure.

[Mon Dec 22 11:41:07 2003]
Prema Bösellu, Umweltdynamik.
According to Bösellu, Umweltdynamik.

[Mon Dec 22 11:41:08 2003]
Provedba dvaju simulacijskih scenarija.
Implementation of two simulation scenarios.

[Mon Dec 22 11:41:50 2003]

[Mon Dec 22 11:41:52 2003]
scenarij linearne ekstrapolacije današnjeg trenda trošenja resursa, STATUS QUO scenarij.
scenario of linear extrapolation of current resource spending trend, the STATUS QUO scenario.

[Mon Dec 22 11:42:00 2003]

[Mon Dec 22 11:43:19 2003]
simulacija boljeg korištenja resursa.
simulation of a better resource use.

[Mon Dec 22 11:43:19 2003]
Prikazano je ukupno trošenje energije, korištenje regenerativne energije, nuklearne energije i struje.
Total energy spending, use of regenerative energy, nuclear energy and power are shown.

[Mon Dec 22 12:22:55 2003]
LIO geodetske kupole, industrijski proizvod laganih konstrukcija od prostorne mreže aluminijskih cijevi i ovješene membrane od trevire
LIO geodetic domes, industrial product made from light structures of spatial meshes of aluminium pipes and suspended trevira membrane

[Tue Dec 23 11:02:50 2003]
Glulam 'drveće' konstrukcije botaničkog vrta Univerziteta Wisconsin (USA).
Glulam 'trees' of the botanic garden structure of Wisconsin University (USA).

[Tue Dec 23 11:03:02 2003]
: Flad & Assoc.
Flad & Assoc.

[Tue Dec 23 11:03:08 2003]
, Madison, izvedba Sentinel Structures Inc.
, Madison, performance Sentinel Structures Inc.

[Tue Dec 23 11:03:09 2003]
Prema Wood Design & Buildings, ljeto 2000.
According to Wood Design & Buildings, summer 2000.

[Tue Dec 23 11:38:57 2003]
Ta je civilizacija čovjeku omogućila bolju kvalitetu fizičkog života i enormno materijalno blagostanje, s jedne strane, ali je isto tako dala značajan doprinos i još uvijek doprinosi pomutnji na planu egzistencijalne orijentacije i ispravne hijerarhije vrijednosti, s druge strane.
This civilization provided a man with a better quality of physical life and an enormous material prosperity, on one hand, but it also significantly contributed and still contributes to the confusion in matters of existential orientations and right hierarchies values, on the other hand.

[Tue Dec 23 11:45:19 2003]
Već smo se polako navikli na govor o raznim vrstama kriza i njihovim uzrocima.
We have already become used to talking about different types of crises and about what causes them.

[Tue Dec 23 11:50:15 2003]
Ipak, treba reći da je kriza svih kriza ona što je općenito zovemo kriza vrijednosti.
However, it needs to be said that the crises of all crises is the one to which we generally refer as the value crises.

[Tue Dec 23 11:58:08 2003]
Ta tvrdnja nipošto nije u suprotnosti s već ranije izrečenom tvrdnjom da se najznačajnija karakteristika krize suvremenog čovjeka sastoji u gubitku smisla Boga.
This statement is by no means in opposition to the already stated statement that the most important characteristic of the modern man's crisis consists of losing the meaning of God.

[Tue Dec 23 12:00:52 2003]
Jer upravo bez Boga, bilo da se Boga sustavno zapostavlja (deizam) ili da se niječe mogućnost spoznaje Boga (agnosticizam) ili da se izričito niječe Boga (ateizam), nastupa pomutnja na planu hijerarhije vrijednosti.
Because precisely without God, be God systematically neglected (deism) or the possibility of conceiving God (agnosticism) denied or explicitly denying God (atheism), the confusion in matters of value hierarchy appears.

[Tue Dec 23 12:00:52 2003]
Jer kriza vrijednosti je u bîti pobrkanost ispravne hijerarhije vrijednosti gdje na mjesto jedne vrijednosti olako dođe neka ne-vrijednost.
Because the value crises is in fact a confusion of the right value hierarchy where a place of one value is easily taken by some nonvalue.

[Tue Dec 23 12:06:48 2003]
Drugo ime za takvo stanje je kaos, koji ovdje nema nikakve veze s fizikalnom teorijom kaosa, već je direktan proizvod gubitka osjećaja za transcendenciju i zanemarivanje duhovnih vrijednosti i mudrosti.
another name for such situation is chaos, which here has no connection to the physical theory of chaos, but represents a direct product of loss of feelings for transcendence and neglect of spiritual values and wisdom.

[Tue Dec 23 12:17:05 2003]
Ako se malo bolje zađe u intimne sfere povijesnog razvoja prirodnih znanosti i tehnike tijekom posljednja tri stoljeća, može se doći do uvida da je tamo projektiran novi tip čovjeka, tzv.
If we only a bit more penetrate intimate spheres of historical developments of natural sciences and techniques through the last three centuries, we can see that in them was created a new type man, so-called.

[Tue Dec 23 12:17:05 2003]
Homo scinetificus et technicus, koji je planski išao prema stavljanju samoga sebe na mjesto Boga.
Homo scinetificus et technicus, who deliberately moved towards putting himself in God's place.

[Tue Dec 23 12:29:35 2003]
Smatram potrebnim naglasiti da se uopće ne slažem s glavnom tezom iznesenom u citiranom djelu spomenutoga autora.
Consider necessary to stress that I do not at all agree with the main thesis presented in the quoted work of the mentioned author.

[Tue Dec 23 12:32:57 2003]
Noble smatra da je religija, točnije kršćanstvo bilo nepresušni izvor mitova (motivacija!)
Noble believes that religion, more precisely Christianity was an infinite source of myths (motivations!)

[Tue Dec 23 12:32:57 2003]
koji su doslovno tjerali čovjeka, posebno tijekom Drugog milenija, na znanstveno-istraživačku djelatnost uz pomoć koje je tragao za konačnim spasenjem od smrti, bolesti, boli, patnje i stanja kontingentnosti
) which literally forced the man, specially during The Second millennium, on scientifically-research activity with which help he searched for the final salvation from death, illness, pain, suffering and contingency conditions

[Tue Dec 23 12:43:14 2003]
To je dovelo do stvaranja ne samo jedne prirodoznanstvene soteriologije, nego i do stvaranja prave eshatologije kao spasenjske vjere u konačnu ovosvjetsku budućnost bez smrti, bolesti, boli, patnje i stanja kontingentnosti.
This led to creations of not only one natural-scientific soteriology, but also to the creation of true eschatology as a salvational faith in the final future of this world without death, illness, pain, suffering and contingency conditions.

[Tue Dec 23 12:46:38 2003]
Razvidno je, smatra Noble, da su u tome odlučujuću ulogu odigrali biblijski mitovi poput onog o stvaranju savršenog čovjeka, zatim o padu prvog čovjeka, o grijehu i težnji za oslobođenjem i spasenjem.
It is obvious, as Noble believes, that biblical myths played a crucial part in that, like the one about the creation of a perfect man, about the fall of the first man, about the sin and desire for liberation and salvation.

[Tue Dec 23 12:46:38 2003]
Stoga se suvremeno stanje krize ne može nikako dovesti u vezu s prirodoznanstvenim napretkom kao takvim, već isključivo s traženjem načina da se i dalje insistira na pretvaranju religioznih mitova u stvarnost uz pomoć tzv
Therefore, the modern condition of the crisis in no way relates to the natural-scientific progress as such, but only to searching a way to still insist on turning religious myths into reality, by so-called

[Tue Dec 23 12:52:31 2003]
Na tu bi tvrdnju trebalo reći da povijesnu uvjetovanost religioznih mitova i znanstveno-tehničkog napretka nije moguće jednoznačno shvatiti.
A response to this statement is that historical relativity of religious myths and scientific-technical progress cannot be understood unambiguously.

[Tue Dec 23 12:52:31 2003]
Naime, Noble je obilato dokumentirao spregu između religioznih mitova i znanstveno-tehničke djelatnosti tijekom Drugoga milenija
In other words, Noble has largely corroborated the relation between religious myths and scientific-technical activities during the Second Millennium to a great extend

[Tue Dec 23 14:01:06 2003]
Tako je nihilistički Ťrequiem aeternam deoť završio u očajničkom uskliku:
So a nihilistic Ťrequiem aeternam deoť ended with the desperate cry:

[Tue Dec 23 14:01:09 2003]
ŤBog je mrtav!
ŤGod is dead!

[Tue Dec 23 14:01:20 2003]
Bog ostaje mrtav!
God remains dead!

[Tue Dec 23 14:04:33 2003]
A mi smo ga ubili!
And we killed him!

[Tue Dec 23 14:07:38 2003]
ť. Ne mala odgovornost u tome je na znanstveno-tehničkoj djelatnosti, tj. na indiferentnom držanju spram konačnom izvoru i temelju istine.
A significant responsibility lies with the scientific-technical activity, i.e. with an indifferent attitude towards the final origin and foundation of the truth.

[Tue Dec 23 14:07:38 2003]
Bilo je predviđeno da na mjesto Boga stupi samostalni i oslobođeni čovjek
It was predicted that would take God's place an independent and liberated man

[Tue Dec 23 14:18:43 2003]
No, uspostavilo se da je stupio čovjek s nepodnošljivim kaosom u sebi samome, s gubitkom osjećaja za orijentaciju i pomutnjom savjesti.
But, it turned out that a man with an unbearable chaos inside himself appeared instead, with no feeling for orientation and with a confused conscience.

[Tue Dec 23 14:22:15 2003]
Može li u takvom stanju ljudskoga duha postojati ispravna hijerarhija vrijednosti?
Can the right value hierarchy exist in such human spirit ?

[Tue Dec 23 14:26:13 2003]
U životu suvremenoga čovjeka Ťsindrom Münchhausenť je uzeo dosta maha, jer čovjek kao da i dalje vjeruje da mu konačno izbavljenje može doći od njega samoga.
The ŤMünchhausen syndromeť has taken enough hold in s modern man's life, because it seems that the man still believes that his final liberation can come only from himself.

[Tue Dec 23 14:27:46 2003]
Baš suprotno od toga, čovjek se koprca u vlastitoj bespomoćnosti bez izgleda da samoga sebe izvuče iz propadanja u bezdan duhovnog kaosa i totalne besmislenosti egzistencije.
Quite the contrary, the man struggles in his own impotence without any chance to pull himself out from the decay into the infinite spiritual chaos and total absurdity of existence.

[Tue Dec 23 14:30:39 2003]
Ideje spasenja, otkupljenja i oslobođenja odavno su stavljene na kocku znanstveno-tehničke učinkovitosti i materijalnoga napretka.
Ideas of salvation, redemption and liberation have long been put to risk of the scientific-technical efficiency and material progress.

[Tue Dec 23 14:30:39 2003]
No, što napredak više odmiče u budućnost to se snažnije i jasnije artikuliraju prijetnje od samouništenja, totalnog istrebljenja i gubitka smisla.
But, as the progress enters more into the future, so self-destruction threats, total annihilation and loss of sense are expressed more strongly and more clearly.

[Tue Dec 23 14:41:00 2003]
Sve su uočljivije razlike između bogatih i siromašnih na svjetskoj razini.
Differences between the rich and the poor have become more evident at the world level.

[Tue Dec 23 14:50:11 2003]
Teško se oteti dojmu sveopće zbrke na planu duhovnih, moralnih i kulturnih vrijednosti uslijed jednostranog procesa globalizacije podržavanog od neoliberalnog kapitalizma kojemu je jedina, glavna i najveća dogma profit.
It is difficult to get rid of the impression of a universal confusion in matters of spiritual, moral and cultural values due to one-sided globalization process supported by the neoliberal capitalism whose only, principal and biggest dogma is a profit.

[Tue Dec 23 14:50:11 2003]
U uvjetima posvemašnje dominacije Ťmaterijalne dogmatikeť (profiterstvo moćnih na štetu slabih), stalnog jačanja etičkog relativizma i ciničkog prezira prema metafizici i svakom prizivu na transcendenciju, nije jednostavno govoriti o važnosti, mjestu i ulozi mudrosti u životu, djelovanju, ponašanju, istraživanju, promišljanju i planiranju suvremenoga čovjeka.
Under the circurmstances of the universal dominance of Ťmaterial dogmatics (profiteering of the powerful to the cost of the weak), constant increase of ethical relativism and cynical disdain towards metaphysics and every transcendence appeal, it is not easy to talk about importance, place and role of the wisdom in life, activity, behavior, research, deliberation and planning of a modern man.

[Tue Dec 23 14:55:23 2003]
Ako pođemo od pretpostavke da je mudar samo onaj čovjek koji neumorno traga za najdubljim uzrokom svoga područja djelovanja, ponašanja, istraživanja, promišljanja i planiranja, tada se teško oteti dojmu da su mudraci u suvremenoj znanstveno-tehničkoj civilizaciji prava rijetkost.
If we assume that a wise man is only that man who tirelessly searches for the deepest cause of his range of activity, behaviour, research, deliberation and planning, then it is hard to get rid of the impression that wise men are a true rarity in the modern scientific-technical civilization.

[Tue Dec 23 15:04:33 2003]
Međutim, treba otvoreno reći da se tu uopće nije radilo o religiji na koju se poziva.
However, it needs to be said openly that this was not at all the religion to which it is refered.

[Tue Dec 23 15:05:20 2003]
Posrijedi se ponekad radilo o krivom razumijevanju, a ponekad opet o svjesnoj zloupotrebi religije.
Sometimes a wrong interpretation was involved, and sometimes an intentional misuse of religion once more.

[Tue Dec 23 15:06:58 2003]
Zaključak bi stoga trebao biti sasvim obrnut od Nobleovoga.
The conclusion, therefore, should be completely different from Noble's.

[Tue Dec 23 15:08:03 2003]
Naime, nije religija stvorila prirodoznanstvenu soteriologiju i eshatologiju, već je sama znanstveno-tehnička djelatnost zloupotrijebila i izopačila sadržaj i poruke religije.
In other words, it is not religion that created the natural-scientific soteriology and eschatology, but the scientific-technical activity itself misused and twisted the contents and messages of religion.

[Tue Dec 23 15:08:03 2003]
Dakako, znanosti i tehnika u smislu kako su ih shvaćali pojedinci kroz povijest
Of course, science and technique in the sense in which individuals through the history have understood them

[Tue Dec 23 15:18:20 2003]
Ako opet pođemo od pretpostavke da je najmudriji samo onaj čovjek koji neumorno traga za najduljim uzrokom čitavoga svemira i svega u njemu postojećega, tada se teško oteti dojmu da su i takvi mudraci u suvremenoj znanstveno-tehničkoj civilizaciji prava rijetkost.
If then again we assume that the wisest man is only that man who tirelessly searches for the longest cause of the whole universe and everything that exists in it, then it is hard to get rid of the impression that such men are also a true rarity in the modern scientific-technical civilization.

[Tue Dec 23 15:20:26 2003]
Ta se tvrdnja ne bi trebala odnositi na teologe, koji ionako imaju mali ili gotovo nemaju nikakav utjecaj na razvoj sekularnoga društva, već se u prvom redu odnosi na tisuće i tisuće prirodnih znanstvenika, filozofa, sociologa, inženjera, tehničara, menadžera, ekonomista i last but not least političara diljem svijeta kojima ideja Boga nije više na pameti ni kao radna hipoteza.
This statement should not refer to theologians, who have a small or almost no influence on the development of the secular society anyway, but it should, first of all, refer to thousands and thousands of natural scientists, philosophers, sociologists, engineers, technicians, managers, economists and, last but not least, politicians from all over the world to whom the idea of God is no longer on their minds, not even as a working hypothesis.

[Tue Dec 23 15:20:26 2003]
Odakle crpsti najvišu mudrost?
From where derive the highest wisdom?

[Tue Dec 23 15:27:10 2003]
U opisanim se uvjetima nameće također pitanje o ideji apsolutne bezuvjetnosti.
The question about the idea of absolute unconditionality also imposes in the described conditions.

[Tue Dec 23 15:30:38 2003]
Postavlja se sudbonosno pitanje o temelju apsolutne bezuvjetnosti u situaciji općeg gubitka smisla Boga, pobrkanosti hijerarhije vrijednosti i kaotičnosti duhovnoga stanja.
One also askes a crucial question about the foundation of absolute unconditionality in the situation of a universal loss of meaning of God, confusion of value hierarchy and of the spiritual state chaos.

[Tue Dec 23 15:30:50 2003]
Koje je to zamjensko tlo na kojem se mogu položiti solidni temelji ideje apsolutne bezuvjetnosti, u situaciji u kojoj vlada zaborav Boga, u kojoj je sve postalo relativno, u kojoj ništa nije sveto, u kojoj je iščezla svijest o apsolutnim i neprolaznim vrijednostima?
Which is a substitute ground on which solid foundations of the idea about absolute unconditionality can be laid down, in the situation in which the oblivion of God rules, in which everything becomes relative, in which nothing is sacred, in which the awareness of absolute and unephemeral values disappears?

[Tue Dec 23 15:32:29 2003]
U takvim okolnostima je doista sve moguće.
In such circumstances everything is really possible.

[Tue Dec 23 15:32:46 2003]
Užasi dvadesetoga stoljeća još uvijek ostavljaju gorak okus u svijesti i izazivaju strah.
Horrors of the twentieth century still leave a bitter taste in the conscience and provoke fear.

[Tue Dec 23 15:34:42 2003]
Jer, kad nema Boga, sve je dopušteno.
Because, since there is no God, everything is allowed.

[Tue Dec 23 15:35:36 2003]
Drugim riječima, kako postulirati ideju apsolutne bezuvjetnosti ako je odbačen Apsolut?
In other words, how to postulate the idea of absolute unconditionality if the Absolute has been thrown away?

[Tue Dec 23 15:42:14 2003]
Time se naravno ne želi obezvrijediti temeljna antropološka vrijednost individualne savjesti.
This of course does not underestimate a basic anthropological value of the individual conscience.

[Tue Dec 23 15:42:43 2003]
No, ako je povijest učiteljica života kao što smo svi skloni tvrditi da jest, onda nije teško uočiti da odbacivanje ideje o jednom Apsolutu, u smislu jednoga transcendentnoga i osobnoga Boga, olako rezultira u misaone forme i praktične programe različitih surogatnih apsoluta kojima se bez problema pripisuju atributi odbačenoga Apsoluta, a koji nužno poprimaju negativne predznake i dakako dovode do tragičnih posljedica.
But, if history is a teacher of life, as we all claim so, then it is not difficult to notice that the rejection of the idea about one Absolute, in the sense of one transcendental and personal God, easily results in contemplative forms and practical programs of different surrogate absolutes which are ascribed attributes of the rejected Absolute without a problem, and which necessarily assume negative signs and, of course, lead to tragic consequences.

[Tue Dec 23 15:42:43 2003]
Povijest je krcata primjerima surogatnih apsoluta.
History is full of examples of surrogate absolutes.

[Tue Dec 23 15:54:44 2003]
Latinska poslovica kaže Ťsapiens nihil affirmat, quod non probetť ili mudrac ništa ne tvrdi, što ne bi dokazao.
The Latin proverb says Ťsapiens nihil the affirmat, quod non probetť or a wise man states as true nothing he does not prove.

[Tue Dec 23 15:56:12 2003]
No, predaleko bi nas odvelo iznošenje povijesnih i suvremenih dokaza o surogatnim apsolutima koji zagađuju prostor humanuma.
But, stating of historical and modern evidence of surrogate absolutes who pollute the space of humanum would take us too far.

[Tue Dec 23 15:58:24 2003]
Sasvim je nebitno odakle su dolazili ili još dolaze i na što ili koga su se pozivali ili se još uvijek pozivaju.
It is completely unimportant where they came from or are still coming and on what or who they refered to or still are refering to.

[Tue Dec 23 15:59:15 2003]
Kršćanska ideja humanizma posjeduje odliku spremnosti za kritiku lažnih i surogatnih antropoloških apsoluta.
The Christian idea of humanism has a characteristic of being prepared for a critique of false and surrogate anthropological absolutes.

[Tue Dec 23 15:59:15 2003]
Treba je samo jaasno artikulirati.
It only needs to be clearly expressed.

[Tue Dec 23 16:09:29 2003]
Pesimizam što se provlači kroz iznesena promišljanja je ipak samo privid.
Pessimism that can be observed in the presented deliberations is still only an illusion.

[Tue Dec 23 16:09:46 2003]
Kad se stvarnosti pogleda u oči, a pogled u oči je uvijek težak i bolan, tada se ona otkriva onakvom kakva uistinu jest, dakle bez intelektualnih uljepšavanja i popustljivih podilaženja.
When one faces the reality, and that is always difficult and painful, then the reality reveals itself as it trully is, that is without intellectual beautifying and submissive complying.

[Tue Dec 23 16:10:36 2003]
ŤImamo dovoljno znanja, ali nam nedostaje mudrostiť.
ŤImamo have enough knowledge, but we lack wisdomť.

[Tue Dec 23 16:13:57 2003]
Ta tvrdnja sintetički sažima misaoni put što smo ga prevalili od početka do sada.
This statement synthetically summarizes the contemplative way which we have from the beginning till now.

[Tue Dec 23 16:15:23 2003]
Nedostatak mudrosti, a kako to osobno razumijemo, glavni uzrok ima u gubitku smisla i osjećaja za najzbiljskiju zbilju svih zbilja - Boga.
Main reason for the lack of wisdom, as we independently understands that, is a loss of meaning and feelings for the truest reality of all realities - God.

[Tue Dec 23 16:17:36 2003]
Ni kršćanske Crkve nisu cijepljene od bolesti stavljanja samih sebe, institucija, tradicija, autoriteta i/ili obreda na mjesto Boga.
Not even Christian Churches are vaccinated against the illness of putting themselves, the institution, tradition, authority and/or rituals in God's place.

[Tue Dec 23 16:17:46 2003]
Mnoga suvremena socio-religijska istraživanja pokazuju da pripadnost Crkvi ne podrazumijeva uvijek i cjelovito prihvaćanje vjerskih i moralnih istina što ih dotična Crkva čuva i naviješta.
Many modern socio-religious research shows that belonging to the Church does not always include also an absolute acceptance of religious and moral truths which the Church in question protects and announces.

[Tue Dec 23 16:19:35 2003]
Opasnost od jednostranih poistovjećivanja je uvijek prisutna.
Danger from one-sided identifications is always present.

[Tue Dec 23 16:19:35 2003]
Stoga se baš danas potencira potreba za mudrim i razboritim razlikovanjem, u svrhu izbjegavanja napasti od totalne poistovjećenosti stvarnoga Apsoluta s bilo kojim proglašenim antropološkim apsolutom.
Therefore exactly today the need for wise and sensible distinction is emphasized, for the purpose of avoiding temptation of total identification of the real Absolute with any declared anthropological absolute.

[Tue Dec 23 16:25:57 2003]
Govor o mudrosti ne podrazumijeva nijekanje ili obezvrjeđivanje ljudskog znanja.
Speech on the wisdom does not include the denial or devaluation of human knowledge.

[Tue Dec 23 16:26:24 2003]
Već je Aristotel na početku svoje Metafizike ustvrdio da Ťsvi ljudi teže znanju po naraviť.
already Aristotle in the beginning of his Metaphysics asserted that Ťall men seek knowledge because of their natureť.

[Tue Dec 23 16:28:17 2003]
Sokrat je tvrdio da je krepost znanje.
Sokrat claimed that chastity is knowledge.

[Tue Dec 23 16:28:53 2003]
Nasuprot općenitom sofističkom odustajanju od traženja istine, Sokrat je trebao upravo istinu.
Opposite to the general sophistic abandoning from searching for truth, what Sokrat exactly needed was truth.

[Tue Dec 23 16:29:30 2003]
Smatrao je da čovjek može doći do istine ako je svojski traži.
Has believed that the man can reach truth if he zealously searches for it.

[Tue Dec 23 16:30:21 2003]
Stoga, budući da mora biti kreposti, mora biti i znanja.
Therefore, since the chastity must exist, so must knowledge.

[Tue Dec 23 16:35:36 2003]
Tako se po prvi puta u povijesti ljudske misli javlja ćudoredna svijest kao spoznajno teorijski postulat.
So for the first time in the history of human thought a moral conscience as a cognitive theoretical postulate appears.

[Tue Dec 23 16:36:20 2003]
No, ovdje nije toliko važna činjenica da je za Sokrata znanost moguća samo kao praktični uvid, tj. kao spoznaja ćudorednoga života, već je važna spoznaja da se svrha čitavog znanstvenoga rada sastoji u Ťdefinicijiť, tj. određivanju što je svaka stvar po sebi.
as the understanding of moral life, is not so much important here, but the cognition that the purpose of an entire scientific work is in a Ťdefinitionť, i.e. determining what each thing itself is means, is important.

[Tue Dec 23 16:36:21 2003]
Samo na taj način se može umaći stalno promjenjivim mnijenjima o stvarima
Only in this way constantly changeable opinions about matters can be avoided

[Tue Dec 23 16:41:28 2003]
Nadalje, još uvijek odzvanja lapidarnošću Kantova definicija projekta Prosvjetiteljstva:
Furthermore, Kant's definition of the Enlightenment project still resounds with lapidary:

[Tue Dec 23 16:45:32 2003]
ŤSapere audeť (usudi se znati).
ŤSapere audeť (dare to think).

[Tue Dec 23 16:46:18 2003]
No, s onu stranu svake ideološke interpretacije svega toga, valja otvoreno reći da insistiranje na ideji mudrosti, posebice na ideji kršćanske mudrosti, niti može niti smije biti sučeljeno ljudskom znanju.
But, beyond every ideological interpretation of all that, it is valid to say openly that insisting on the idea of wisdom, especially on the idea of the Christian wisdom, neither can nor must be confronted to human knowledge neither.

[Tue Dec 23 16:48:52 2003]
Kao što je neprihvatljiv svaki oblik scijentizma, tako je neprihvatljiv svaki oblik fideizma.
As is unacceptable every form of scientism, so is every form of fideism.

[Tue Dec 23 16:50:38 2003]
Odnos između znanja i mudrosti valja promišljati pod vidom ispravne sredine, tj. prave mjere međusobne uvjetovanosti i upućenosti jednog na drugo.
Relation between the knowledge and wisdom must be considered in light of a right environment, i.e. right measures of mutual relativity and acquaintedness of one to another.

[Tue Dec 23 16:50:38 2003]
Prema tome, ne radi se o tome da ljudsko znanje valja odbaciti u ime mudrosti, ili obrnuto, nego se radi o tome da ljudsko znanje treba mudrost koja ga kvalitativno oplemenjuje i usavršava do stvaranja istinskog duhovnog blagostanja čovjeka
Therefore, that does not mean that human knowledge has to be thrown away in the name of wisdom, or vice versa, but it means that human knowledge needs wisdom which qualitatively elevates and improves it until the creation of a true spiritual prosperity of the man

[Tue Dec 23 16:55:35 2003]
Zapodijevanje željenoga partnerskog dijaloga između prirodnih znanosti i teologije bi trebalo voditi računa o tome da prava i istinska mudrost dolazi od Boga, kao temelja i izvora sve dobrote i istine.
By starting a wanted partnership dialogue between natural sciences and theology, one should also keep in mind that true and real wisdom comes from God, represented as foundation and source of all goodness and truth.

[Tue Dec 23 16:59:37 2003]
Peacocke je zabilježio da su bibličari tek posljednjih desetljeća istaknuli bitnu važnost mudroslovne literature i njezinih poruka.
Peacocke noted down that writers of the Bible only in the last decades emphasized the essential importance of the wise literature and its messages.

[Tue Dec 23 17:02:05 2003]
No, poznato je da se Božje djelo stvaranja svijeta i njegov trajan odnos s tim svijetom opisuju različitim slikama i predodžbama u Bibliji.
But, it is known that God's work of the world's creation and his permanent relation with this world are described with different images and conceptions in the Bible.

[Tue Dec 23 17:02:23 2003]
Među njima se posebno ističe Mudrost kao Božji partner u stvaranju i upravljanju svemirom.
Among them, the Wisdom especially stands out as God's partner in the process of creation and ruling of the universe.

[Tue Dec 23 17:02:53 2003]
Mudrost je Providnost što ravna poviješću.
Wisdom is Providence that rules the history.

[Tue Dec 23 17:03:14 2003]
U Novom zavjetu Isus je nazivan božanskim Logosom, koji je drugo ime za Mudrost.
In the New Testament, Jesus is called divine Logos, second name for Wisdom.

[Tue Dec 23 17:03:28 2003]
Štoviše, Isus je sama Božja Mudrost.
What is more, Jesus is God's Wisdom itself.

[Tue Dec 23 17:04:54 2003]
Isus dakle ne saopćava mudrost, nego on jest istinska Mudrost.
Jesus therefore does not announce the wisdom, but is the true Wisdom.

[Tue Dec 23 17:05:24 2003]
Tako nam raspored spasenja otkriva da je osobna božanska Mudrost najprije bila skrivena u Bogu, a zatim se očitovala konačno u osobi Isusa Krista.
So our salvation arrangement reveals that the personal divine Wisdom was at first hidden in God, and then finally appeared in the person of Jesus Christ.

[Tue Dec 23 17:05:55 2003]
Međutim, objava istinske mudrosti se dogodila na paradoksalan način.
However, the announcement of the true wisdom occured on a paradoxal way.

[Tue Dec 23 17:05:55 2003]
Mudrost nije dana mudrima i umnima ovoga svijeta, već je dana malenima i krotkim
Wisdom is not given to the wise and intellectual of this world, but to the small and submissive

[Tue Dec 23 17:14:26 2003]
Stoga se do kršćanske mudrosti ne može dovinuti ljudskim naporima, već samo pomoću Otca koji objavljuje Mudrost.
Therefore the Christian wisdom cannot be reached with human efforts, but only with the help of Father who announces Wisdom.

[Tue Dec 23 17:14:54 2003]
Mudrost je u svojoj biti božansko, tajanstveno i skrovito, dakle nešto do čega ne se dolazi snagom ljudskih umovanja i znanja.
Wisdom is in its essence divine, mysterious and secret, therefore something that cannot be achieved with the power of human reasoning and knowledge.