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[Mon Dec 06 14:09:43 2004]
Ministarstvo europskih integracija.
Ministry of European Integrations.
[Mon Dec 06 14:09:43 2004]
Ministarstvo europskih integracija.
Ministry of European assimilation.
[Tue Dec 07 16:03:00 2004]
[Tue Dec 07 16:19:04 2004]
U okviru projekta Upravljanje okolišem u jadranskom morskom i obalnom području, Republika Hrvatska (UMAK) izrađuje se Studija izvedivosti o organizaciji (povezivanju) prostornog planiranja i upravljanja okolišem
In the framework of the Control of the Environment in the Adriatic Sea and Seaside project, in the Republic Of Croatia (UMAK), the Feasibility Study on the organization (integration) of the physical planning and environmental control has been made
[Thu Dec 09 10:15:47 2004]
Knjiga antologijski naslovljena ŤMiroslav Radman:
Book anthological title ŤMiroslav Radman:
[Thu Dec 09 10:15:47 2004]
čovjek koji je srušio genetski zid.
man that has knocked down the genetic wall.
[Thu Dec 09 10:15:47 2004]
Intervjui i članciť objavljena je krajem 2003. godine u izdavačkoj kući Izvori u sklopu biblioteke ŤLUČť.
Interviews and članciť was published by the end of 2003. year in the publishing house Izvori as part of book collection ŤLUČť.
[Thu Dec 09 10:15:47 2004]
Knjigu je uredila, tekstove u knjizi odabrala i predgovor napisala novinarka dnevnika ŤJutarnji listť Tanja Rudež, koja inače revno prati i piše o prirodoznanstvenoj problematici
edited the book has arranged, selected the texts in the book and wrote foreword write with the daily Jutarnji list Tanja Rudež, that usually eagerly follows and writes about natural-scientific problematics
[Thu Dec 09 10:30:46 2004]
Kako već sam naslov poručuje, sadržaj knjige čine trinaest (13) intervjua, dva (2) stručna članka i sedam (7) novinskih kolumni.
How already the title itself suggests, the book contains thirteen (13) interviews, two (2) professional articles and seven (7) newspaper columns.
[Thu Dec 09 10:30:46 2004]
Vremenski raspon intervjua obuhvaća razdoblje od lipnja 1979. do 05. listopada 2003. godine, a stručnih članaka i novinskih kolumni od prosinca 1966. do rujna 2003. godine.
time span of the interviews covers the period from June 1979. to 05. October 2003., and research papers and newspaper columns cover the period from December 1966. to September 2003..
[Thu Dec 09 10:30:46 2004]
Trinaest intervjua je preneseno iz jedanaest (11) različitih novina, a dani su u svemu devetorici različitih novinara i novinarki
The thirteen interviews have been taken from eleven (11) different newspapers, which had been given in total to nine different journalists
[Thu Dec 09 10:34:09 2004]
Slijedom toga dobiva se slijedeći uvid u činjenično stanje intervjua M.
Subsequently we get the following insight in facts of interviews of Mr.
[Thu Dec 09 10:34:09 2004]
Radmana u ovoj knjizi
Radman in this book
[Thu Dec 09 11:09:19 2004]
čime su otklonjena suvišna pitanja o njezinoj uredničkoj i selekcijskoj ulozi u objavljivanju ove knjige
by which redundant questions about her editorial and selectional role in the publication this books were eliminated
[Thu Dec 09 12:19:16 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:53:59 2004]
prirodoznanstvenu djelatnost i svijet
the natural-scientific work and world
[Thu Dec 09 14:56:10 2004]
humani humanizam
humane humanism
[Thu Dec 09 15:30:44 2004]
Jednom riječju, prof. Radman se otkriva kao slobodouman čovjek, čiju slobodoumnost nije jednostavno vrednovati, ali ne zato jer bi to bilo nemoguće, nego zato jer je bolje da se to razjasni putem upoznavanja s nekim aspektima sadržaja ove knjige.
In one word, Prof. Radman reveals himself as a liberal man, whose liberalism is not easy to value, not because it would be impossible to do so, but because it would be better to explain it by getting to know some aspects of the contents in this books.
[Thu Dec 09 15:30:44 2004]
Jer sadržaj koliko govori o njegovim prirodoznanstvenim dostignućima toliko govori i o osobnosti prof. Radmana
For contents as much as they speak about his natural-scientific accomplishments they also speak about the personality of Prof. Radman
[Thu Dec 09 15:38:03 2004]
Čini se da iznad svih vrlina strši jednostavna skromnost, ako se pod time shvati uporno uključivanje zasluga drugih u vlastite uspjehe, a isključivanje prepotentnosti vlastitoga ja
It seems that above all his virtues there is simple modesty standing out, if by this we mean persistent adding of other people's merits into one's own success, and eliminating the imperious behaviour of one's own self
[Thu Dec 09 15:53:41 2004]
Ova knjiga zasigurno nije nastala samo zbog statističkih podataka iz kratko iznesene, a u mnogo čemu nepotpune biografije prof. Radmana, pri čemu je kao biografski izvor korištena upravo ova knjiga.
This book surely did not result only due to statistical data from a breifly presented, and in much ways, incomplete biography of Prof. Radman, for whose composition exactly this book was used as a biographical source.
[Thu Dec 09 15:53:41 2004]
Jer knjiga je nastala zasigurno zbog značajnih otkrića i dostignuća prof. Radmana na polju evolucijske i molekularne biologije, o čemu možda ponajbolje svjedoče brojne nagrade i priznanja.
Because the book was surely a result important discoveries and accomplishments of Prof. Radman in the field of evolutional and molecular biology, to which maybe numerous prizes and acknowledgments bear witness.
[Thu Dec 09 15:53:41 2004]
Vrijedi ih pojedinačno spomenuti, ali ne samo zbog puke statističke hvalisavosti, već zbog toga da postane jasnije čime se zapravo prof. Radman bavi(o) na polju prirodoznanstvenih istraživanja i zbog čega zavrjeđuje status jednog od najuglednijih prirodnih znanstvenika u svijetu - k tome podrijetlom iz Hrvatske
They are worthy of being metioned separately, not only because of a mere statistical bragging, but to make clearer what actually the Prof. Radman does/did () in the field of natural-scientific research and why he deserves a status of one of the most respectable natural scientists in the world - and, which is more, comes from Croatia
[Thu Dec 09 16:06:11 2004]
je 1979. priskrbila prof. Radmanu nagradu ŤAntoine Lacassagneť Francuske nacionalne lige za borbu protiv raka (str.
1979. earned Prof. Radman "Antoine Lacassagne" Grand Prix, Award of the French Ligue Against Cancer (pg.
[Thu Dec 09 16:06:11 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 16:06:11 2004]
Riječ je o doprinosima u fundamentalnom razumijevanju molekularnog mehanizma promjene u strukturi gena, tzv.
It is about contributions in the fundamental understanding of molecular mechanism of changes in the gene structure, so called.
[Thu Dec 09 16:06:11 2004]
mutacije (str.
mutations (p.
[Thu Dec 09 16:06:11 2004]
14-16), i razumijevanju latentnog razdoblja između izloženosti organizma kancerogenoj supstanciji i samog razvoja kancerogena
14-16), and about understanding the latent period between the exposure of an organism to carcinogenic substance and development of the carcinogen itself
[Thu Dec 09 16:12:37 2004]
Jedan od najuglednijih prirodoznanstvenih časopisa u svijetu ŤNatureť, 23. studenoga 1989., objavio je rezultate istraživanja prof. Radmana u kojima je obznanjeno križanje dviju bakterija, Escherichiae coli i Salmonellae, koje se nisu križale posljednjih 150 milijuna godina (str.
Ones of most prestigious natural-scientific magazines in the world ŤNatureť, 23. November 1989., published the result of to the Prof. Radman research which revealed the crossing of two bacteria, Escherichiae coli and Salmonellae, that had not crossed for the last 150 millions years (p.
[Thu Dec 09 16:12:37 2004]
27-28 ;
[Thu Dec 09 16:12:37 2004]
str. 45;
p. 45 ;
[Thu Dec 09 16:12:37 2004]
str. 73;
p. 73 ;
[Thu Dec 09 16:12:37 2004]
str. 135)
p. 135)
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
Otkriće je pokazalo kako od jedne vrste nastaju dvije, odnosno od dvije neka treća.
Discovery has shown how two species develop from one, that is a third one from these two.
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
Rušenjem mehanizma barijere među vrstama dat je dokaz darvinističkoj teoriji evolucije života (str.
By destroying the barrier mechanism between species we get a proof of the Darwinist theory of evolution (p.
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
Razdvajanje vrste rezultat je aktivnosti enzima, tj. molekula koje vrše funkciju uspoređivanja dvaju različitih genetskih tekstova, majke i oca, u procesu seksualne reprodukcije.
Separation of species is the result of enzyme activities, i.e. of molecules which perform the function of comparing two different genetic texts, of a mother and a father, in the process of sexual reproduction.
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
Zahvaljujući aktivnosti korekcijskih enzima koji uspoređuju genetske tekstove dvaju roditelja, gube se razlike i dvije biološke vrste ponašaju se kao jedna biološka vrsta (str.
Due to the activity of correctional enzymes which compare genetic texts of both parents, the differences are lost and the two biological species behave as one biological species (p.
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 08:58:53 2004]
Posrijedi je primjer za
This is an example for
[Fri Dec 10 09:05:45 2004]
Kamo nas to može odvesti nije besmisleno, nego itekako smisleno i razborito pitanje.
The question where this might lead us is not senseless, but yet very much meaningful and sensible.
[Fri Dec 10 09:05:45 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 09:05:45 2004]
Radman kaže da Ťne vjeruje da bi se itko htio upustiti u križanje između čovjeka i neke druge vrste.
Radman says that he Ťdoe not believes that anyone would want to engage oneself in the criss-crossing between the man and some other species.
[Fri Dec 10 09:05:45 2004]
Tko bi preuzeo takvu odgovornost, sve kad bi i bilo moguće
Who would want to accept such a responsibility, even if it was possible
[Fri Dec 10 09:17:41 2004]
Tom bi pitanju možda dobro pristajao jedan protuargument, a mogao bi glasiti ovako:
Tom asks maybe good fit the one counterargument might be appropriate to this question, and it could go like:
[Fri Dec 10 09:17:41 2004]
odgovornost bi preuzeo onaj isti koji je preuzeo odgovornost za Hirošimu i Nagasaki.
responsibility would be taken over by the same person who took the responsibility for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
[Fri Dec 10 09:17:41 2004]
A to je bio gospodin
And that was mister
[Fri Dec 10 09:25:36 2004]
Iza toga je stajao podastrti dokaz o mogućem učinkovitom zamjenjivanju bolesnih zdravim genima u mišu, a onda najvjerojatnije jednom u samome čovjeku
The award was given for the proof of a possible efficient exchanging of ill with healthy genes in a mouse, and thereupon most probably some time even in the man
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Prije negoli je ugledni prirodoznanstveni časopis ŤScienceť 1997. objavio otkriće molekularne osnove starenja, prof. Radman je priznao da je Ťnametnut embargoť na govor o tom otkriću (str.
Before the prestigious natural-scientific magazine ŤScienceť 1997. announced the discovery of molecular basis of ageing, Prof. Radman had confessed to Ťan imposed embargoť to speak about the discovery (p.
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Tako se, ondje gdje bi se najmanje očekivalo, nađe pokoji autoritet iznad autoriteta.
Thus, it is possible to encounter some authority above the authority, where one would least expect it.
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Na taj se način niša straha od ne-prirodoznanstvene ideologije popunjava strahom od, uvjetno govoreći, Ťnove ideologijeť.
In this way a niche of fear from-natural-scientific ideology becomes filled up with fear from, conditionally speaking, Ťnew ideologyť.
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Valjda se razumijemo.
I presume we understand each other.
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Dakle, prof. Radman i njegov tim otkrili su da se u procesu starenja stanice gomilaju pogreške u sintezi proteina.
Therefore, Prof. Radman and his team discovered that in the process of ageing cells form errors in the synthesis of proteins.
[Fri Dec 10 09:52:31 2004]
Stanice se troše, a trošenje se plaća smanjenjem energetike stanice
Cells wear out, and the wearing out causes the decrease of energetics of cells
[Fri Dec 10 10:06:16 2004]
Konačno je onkogenetika prepoznala važnost rada i na genima za održavanje genetske stabilnosti (str.
Finally the oncogenetics has recognized the importance of the work also on genes for maintaining the genetic stability (p.
[Fri Dec 10 10:06:16 2004]
88), dakle na drugoj skupini gena koja nije izravno vezana za diobu stanice, nego za održavanje samih gena.
88), therefore on the second group of genes that is not directly related to the division of cells, but to the maintenance of genes themselves.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
Sve u svemu, evolucija života, mutacije gena i reparacije DNA stoje u središtu znanstvenoistraživačke djelatnosti prof. Radmana.
Altogether, the evolution of life, mutation of genes and DNA repair are in the centre of the scientific-research work of Prof. Radman.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
Odnedavna je prof. Radman postao redovni član Francuske akademije znanosti (str.
Since recently Prof. Radman has become a full member of the French Science Academy (p.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
161, ondje stoji Ťi umjetnostiť), a koja ima relativno mali numerus clausus - svega 40. A što je s Nobelovom nagradom?
161, there indicated Ťand Artsť), which has a relatively small numerus clausus - only 40. And about the Nobel Prize?
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
Jednom biologu?
To a biologist?
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
Nobelova nagrada za biologiju ne postoji.
There is no Nobel Prize for biology for biology.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
No, ako se pusti po strani njegova skromnost (str.
but, if we put aside his modesty (p.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
146 ;
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
str. 170), možda se, ipak, nešto značajnijega valja iza premještaja 1998. godine na Medicinski fakultet Necker u Parizu.
p. 170), maybe, however, there lies something more important behind the transfer 1998. years to the Necker Medical School in Paris.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
Bliže liječnicima, sadašnjim i budućim, bliže bolnici, bliže liječenju bolesnika, jednom riječju, bliže medicini općenito pa na kraju što bude.
Closer to doctors, present and future, closer to hospital, closer to the treatment of sick persons, in one word, closer to medicine in general so we will see what happens in the end.
[Fri Dec 10 10:46:02 2004]
A možda i bude
And it might happen
[Fri Dec 10 10:52:50 2004]
Pitanja što ih ova knjiga postavlja zainteresiranom čitatelju mogu se razvrstati u četiri skupine.
Questions that they book puts to an interested reader can be classified into four groups.
[Fri Dec 10 10:52:50 2004]
Prvu skupinu čine pitanja povezana s razumijevanjem samih prirodnih znanosti
The first group comprises the questions associated with the understanding of natural sciences themselves
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
Radman je u više navrata u svojim intervjuima tumačio kako zamišlja organizaciju i rad instituta.
Radman on several occasions in his interviews explained the way in which he imagined the organization and work of the Institute.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
Odatle doznajemo cijeli niz detalja.
From that we learn a whole series of details.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
Uzeti zajedno, svi ti detalji vode do jednog sasvim općenitog, ali krucijalnog pitanja što ga nameće ova inicijativa.
Taken together, all these details lead to one entirely general, but crucial question which is imposed by this initiative.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
No, prije toga, evo kako teče inicijativa i kako je zamišljena organizacija i rad instituta.
but, before this, this is how the initiative functions and how the organization and work of institute have been imagined.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
Za tu je svrhu prof. Radman obavio cijeli niz predradnji, uglavnom posjeta i razgovora, koje čine solidan temelj zaključku da će nešto od svega toga i biti.
For that purpose, Prof. Radman performed a whole series of preliminary work, mainly visits and conversations, which make a solid foundation to the conclusion that something will come of it.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
Razgovore i dogovore je imao s prominentnim međunarodnim molekularnim biolozima i drugim znanstvenicima (str.
He talked and made arrangements with prominent international molecular biologists and scientists (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
77-77 ;
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
str. 124;
p. 124 ;
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
str. 127), s bivšim Ministrom znanosti i tehnologije u Vladi RH prof. dr. Hrvojem Kraljevićem (str.
p. 127), with the former Minister of Science and Technology in the Government of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Ph.D. Hrvoje Kraljević (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
96 ;
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
str. 111;
p. 111 ;
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
str. 126;
p. 126 ;
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
str. 171), s bivšim Ministrom znanosti i tehnologije u Vladi RH prof. dr. Dragom Flegom (str.
p. 171), with the former Minister of Science and Technology in the Government of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Ph.D. Drago Flego (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
171), s bivšim gradonačelnikom Splita Ivanom Škarićem (str.
171), with the former mayor of Split, Ivan Škarić (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
112) i s bivšim Rektorom splitskog Sveučilišta prof. dr. Milom Babićem (str.
112) and with the former Of university of the Split University Prof. Ph.D. Milo Babić (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:25:57 2004]
111), a činjenica da je prof. Radman recentno postao savjetnik za znanost dr. Ive Sanadera, predsjednika Vlade RH, te da je dr. Sanader javno podržao inicijativu, govore u prilog potpunoj potpori projektu od sadašnje hadezeove, kao uostalom i od bivše koalicijske Vlade
111), and the fact that Prof. Radman has recently become a counsellor for science to Ph.D. Ivo Sanader, Croatian Prime Minister, also that Ph.D. Sanader publicly has supported the initiative, all speak in favour of a full support to the project from present Croatian Democratic Union, as after all and from the former coalition governments
[Fri Dec 10 11:49:54 2004]
U svemu bi Hrvatska bila donator uporabe zgrade i terena, dok bi E
[Fri Dec 10 11:49:54 2004]
128), preuzela znanstveno vodstvo čime bi institut ili centar dobio status međunarodne znanstvene institucije (str.
128), would take over the scientific management which would provide the Institute or the centre with a status of an international scientific institution (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:49:54 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 11:49:54 2004]
Financiranje plaća i projekata je predviđeno iz inozemstva, čime se i znanstveni kriteriji i financijski troškovi uvoze iz svijeta u Hrvatsku (str.
Salary and project funding would come from abroad, by which both scientific criteria and finance charges would be imported from the world into Croatia (p.
[Fri Dec 10 11:49:54 2004]
125), dok bi se Ťtežinať plaća utvrđivala prema svjetskim, a ne domaćim kriterijima. Splitska znanstvena institucija bi po svemu trebala biti jedinstvena u svijetu (str. 171). U njoj bi se trebalo misliti nezamislivo, gajeći snove uz pomoć najboljih tehničkih sredstava i intelektualnih snaga (str
125), while the Ťburdenť would ne determined based based on international, and Croatian criteria. The Split scientific institution should to all appearances, be the only of that kind in the world (p. 171). There one should think the unthinkable, by cherishing the dreams using the best technical means and intellectual minds (p
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Splitski institut ili centar bi trebao biti prepoznatljiv po svojoj specifičnosti kakvu nemaju ni Harvard ni Stanford (str.
The Split institute or centre should be recognizable for its specific quality that neither Harvard or Stanford have no (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
160), a imao bi jedinstvenu u svijetu povezanost s američkim Cold Spring Harbor Laboratoryjem na Long Islandu nadomak New Yorka (str.
160), and it would have only connection of that kind in the world with the US Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island near New York (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Ovaj potonji bi poslužio kao koncepcijski uzor za organiziranje znanstvenoistraživačkog rada i relaksacije u Splitu (str.
This Laboratory would serve as a conceptional model for the organization of scientific research work and relaxation in Split (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
126), jer osim znanstvenog bavljenja molekularnom biologijom predviđena su također intenzivna obiteljska i prijateljska druženja znanstvenika, njihovih supruga i djece (str.
126), because besides the scientific work in molecular biology, also have been foreseen also intensive family and friendly gatherings of scientists, their wives and children (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Centar ili institut bi imao najviše stotinjak istraživača koji bi potpisivali ugovore na određeno vrijeme (str.
The centre or the institute would have at most about a hundred researchers who would sign the contracts for a determined period (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Zamišljen je kao ekstrateritorijalna zona u kojoj će mladi prirodni znanstvenici igrati one Ťigreť za koje ne postoje Ťigrački uvjetiť u sličnim institutima u svijetu (usp.
The institute or centre is imagined as an extraterritorial zone in which young natural scientists will play the Ťgamesť for which there are no Ťgame conditionsť in similar institutes around the world (compare.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
str. 160).
p. 160).
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Postao bi svjetski rasadnik mladih prirodnih znanstvenika (str.
It would become a world nursery of young natural scientists (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
160), senzibiliziranih za multudisciplinarno i interdisciplinarno razmišljanje.
160), sensitited for a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
Institut ili centar bi nosio ime poznatog hrvatskog molekularnog genetičara i dugogodišnjeg direktora Cold Spring Harbor Laboratoryja Milislava Demerca.
It would bear the name of the known Croatian molecular geneticist and longtime principal of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Milislav Demerac.
[Fri Dec 10 12:13:49 2004]
S radom bi trebao započeti u jesen 2004. godine
It should start working in the autumn 2004.
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
Na samome kraju sričemo prije najavljeno krucijalno pitanje.
At the near end we spell out the previously announced crucial question.
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
Budući da Vlada RH sudjeluje kao donator uporabe zgrade i kao financijer obnove derutne Katunarićeve vojarne (str.
Since the Croatian Government participates as a donor for the building and as a financier for the renowal of the worn-out Katunarićeva barracks (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
160), te svesrdno podržava inicijativu i projekt, postavlja se fundamentalno pitanje o odnosu između znanstvenoistraživačke djelatnosti u budućem centru i pravno-zakonodavnog poretka Republike Hrvatske.
160), and ardently supports the initiative and the project, a fundamental question about the relationship between the scientific research activity in the future centre and judicial-legislative formation of the Republic of Croatia should be asked.
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
Hvale je vrijedna administrativna i financijska potpora ovoj inicijativi, no pravna, zakonska i etička pitanja povezana poglavito s vrstama znanstvenoistraživačkih projekata i dalje ostaju otvorena.
administrative and financial support of this initiative is praiseworthy, but judicial, legal and ethical questions mainly connected to kinds of scientific research projects still remain open.
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
Quod non licet bovi, licet Jovi!
Quod non licet bovi, licet Jovi!
[Fri Dec 10 12:28:52 2004]
Ili je posrijedi nešto treće
Or this is the case ofsomething else
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Da se razumijemo.
Let us get this straight.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Pitanje je postavljeno u duhu humora, shvaćenog kao Ťvježbanje paradoksalnog razmišljanja i detroniziranja bilo koje i bilo čije Ťnedodirljivostiť (str.
The question has been asked in the spirit of humour, understood as Ťpractising the paradoxical thinking and dethroning of any kind and any person's Ťuntouchabilityť (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
226) ili kao Ťmentalna gimnastikať (str.
226) or as Ťmental gymnasticsť (p.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Uostalom, u demokratskom poretku nije zabranjeno postavljati otvorena pitanja.
In any case, in the democratic order it is not forbidden to ask open questions.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Dobronamjernost je suvišno isticati.
It is in good intention to emphasize too much.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Tome u prilog bi mogla najbolje posvjedočiti jedna druga inicijativa, dakako formulirana u obliku ponude prof. Radmanu.
This could be best supported by another initiative, naturally formulated as an to Prof. Radman.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Naime, on bi mogao pokušati, naravno ako bi htio, da na stotinu pitanja koja se nameću tijekom čitanja ove knjige ponudi isto toliko odgovora, ali i više od toga.
In other words, he might try, of course if he wanted, set to work on to hundred questions that are raised during the reading of this book to give the same number of answers, but also more than that.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
To bi zasigurno bilo korisno barem iz dva razloga.
This surely would be useful at least for two reasons.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Prvo, uspostavila bi se neka vrsta interdisciplinarnoga dijaloga između jednog izvrsnog, svjetski poznatog molekularnog biologa, s jedne, i jednog zbunjenog i svjetski zainteresiranog teologa, s druge strane.
First, would establish the some sort of the interdisciplinary dialogue between one great, well-known molecular biologist, on one side, and one confused and internationally interested theologian, on the other.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Partnerski dijalog bi mogao imati šire društvene rezonancije.
Partnership dialogue could have wider social resonances.
[Fri Dec 10 12:52:52 2004]
Neka dobronamjerni ljudi čitaju, jer knjige ostaju, a ljudi odlaze
Let well-meant men read, because books remain, and people pass
[Thu Dec 09 13:21:06 2004]
Drugu skupinu čine pitanja povezana s prvom skupinom, a to su pretpostavljene filozofske postavke o životu, čovjeku i svijetu uopće.
The second group comprises questions related to the first group, and those are assumed philosophical hypotheses about life, human being and the world in general.
[Thu Dec 09 13:21:06 2004]
Treću skupinu čine pitanja povezana s religijom.
The third group comprises questions associated with the religion.
[Thu Dec 09 13:21:06 2004]
Četvrtu skupinu čine pitanja povezana s etikom u prirodoznanstvenim istraživanjima, odnosno sa širim društvenim reperkusijama tih istraživanja.
In the fourth group are questions associated with the ethics in the natural-scientific research, i.e. with wider social repercussions of those research.
[Thu Dec 09 13:21:06 2004]
Bilo bi pretenciozno očekivati od ovoga prikaza da se detaljno bavi svim tim pitanjima.
It would be pretentious to expect from this presentation to deal in detail with all these questions.
[Thu Dec 09 13:21:06 2004]
No, da ne bi sve ostalo u zraku, ipak, valja iznijeti na vidjelo ponešto iz svih tih skupina pitanja
However, in order not to leave it all stays in the air,, it would be good to display something from all these groups of questions
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Najprije jedan ispravak netočnog navoda.
First of all, we should make one correction of inaccurate statement.
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Radman kaže da je genetika mlada znanost, a zatim nastavlja da ju je utemeljio dominikanski redovnik Gregor Mendel u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća (str.
Radman says that genetics is a young science, and then proceeds that it was founded by a Dominican friar Gregor Mendel in the second half of XIX. century (p.
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Ipak, Mendel je bio augustinski monah.
However, Mendel was an Augustan monk.
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Je li to cjepidlačenje?
Is this hairsplitting?
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Ako bi netko rekao da je Einstein bio biolog, a netko drugi ga ispravio i rekao da je bio fizičar, bi li to onda bilo cjepidlačenje?
If someone would say that Einstein was a biologist, and someone else would correct them by saying that he was a physicist, would this then be hairsplitting?
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
To bi bio ispravak netočnog navoda.
It would be the correction of inaccurate statement.
[Thu Dec 09 13:33:24 2004]
Što o prirodnim znanostima
What about natural sciences
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Za objašnjenje svijeta u kojem živimo nama treba samo znanost ť (str.
To explain the world in which we live, all we need is science ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Valjda prof. Radman misli na prirodnu znanost.
Presumably professor Radman refers to the natural science.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Nije li to, ipak, premalo?
Isn't this, nevertheless, too little?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Za objašnjenje strukture, svojstava, zakonitosti i procesa materijalnoga svijeta svakako, jer to spada u opis metode prirodoznanstvene djelatnosti.
To explain the structure, characteristics, laws and processes of material world - certainly, because this belongs to the description of method of natural-scientific activity.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
No, postavlja se pitanje, zar je smisao cjelokupne zbilje i u njoj ljudske stvarnosti, dakle i svijesti i duha, objašnjiv prirodoznanstvenim postupcima i metodama?
But, there arises the question, is the purpose of entire reality - and human reality within it, and accordingly of the conscience and the spirit, explainable by natural-scientific procedures and methods?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Kada budemo, zahvaljujući biologiji i genetici, bolje poznavali ljudsku prirodu, moći ćemo konstruirati norme i regulative koje će više odgovarati prosječnom čovjeku ť (str.
Ť When, thanks to the biology and genetics, we acquire a better knowledge of human nature, we will be able to make up norms and regulations which would be more agreeable to the ordinary person ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Valjda prof. Radman misli na biološku ljudsku prirodu, a ne ujedno i u isti mah na ontološku ljudsku prirodu.
Perhaps professor Radman refers to the biological human nature, but not also to the ontological human nature.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Jer ako moralne norme ponašanja svoje opravdanje duguju spoznajama biologije i genetike, čemu onda ideja kulturalne evolucije?
Because if moral standards of behaviour owe its justification to comprehension of biology and genetics, then why would we need the idea of cultural evolution?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
O tome sam autor kaže:
The author says thereof:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Kulturno i biološko nasljeđe najizravnije razgovaraju na razini živčanog sustava, mozga i žlijezda, hormona i živaca ť (str.
Ť Cultural and biological inheritance communicate most directly on the level of the nervous system, brain and glands, hormones and nerves ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ne zatvara li se tom tvrdnjom naturalistički krug?
Doesn't this claim close the naturalistic circle?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Nije li u njoj sadržana ideja prirodoznanstvenog naturalizma?
Doesn't it contain the idea of natural-scientific naturalism?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Istina, ideja kao takva nije do kraja eksplicirana.
True, the idea as such has not been fully explicated.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Možda je može bolje izreći sam autor:
Perhaps this could be better expressed by the author himself:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Darwinova je teorija evolucije, naoko jednostavna, ključna za razumijevanje života, medicine, kulture, ekonomije, društva:
Ť Darwin's theory of evolution, apparently simple, is essential for understanding life, medicine, culture, economy, society:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
genetika je samo nadgradnja njegovih genijalnih postavki ť (str.
genetics is only a superstructure of his ingenious assumptions ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
133; cf.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
str. 247).
p. 247).
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Za taj je kontekst indikativna misao:
For this context, the following thought is indicative:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Želio bih, dakle, otkriti postoji li znanstvena baza solidarnosti, bratstva i sestrinstva, no da to ne bude novo vjerovanje u 10 zapovijedi kojih se pridržava tako malo ljudi ť (str.
Ť I want, therefore, to discover if there exists a scientific base of solidarity, brotherhood and sisterhood, but not for it to be the belief in 10 commands which few people support ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Zar je moguće da je ama baš sve u genima?
Is it possible that everything, really everything, is in genes?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Mislim da samo preostali zagovornici kreacionizma, koji ponovno buja u Americi te prodire u Europu, mogu tvrditi da nismo genetski determiniraniť (str.
Ť I think that only the remaining advocates of creationism, who fluorishes again in America and penetrates into Europe, can claim that we are not genetically determinedť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Pretpostavljena ideja evolucionizam zajedno s genetičkim determinizmom, čini se, predstavljaju zadnju instanciju za objašnjenje zbilje života, dakako ljudskoga.
The assumed idea, evolutionism together with the genetic determinism, it seems, present the last instance for explaining the reality of life, human life, of course.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Da se razumijemo.
Let this be understood. Biological evolution of life is not questionable.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Nisu upitni ni geni kao najmanje materijalne čestice nasljeđivanja.
Nor are the genes as the smallest particles of inheriting.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Nisu upitne ni zakonitosti nasljeđivanja, mutacija, itd.
Nor the laws of inheriting, mutations, etc.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Upitna je Ť teorija ť, a razlog leži u činjenici što je Ť teorija ť prisiljena objašnjavati stvarnost na metaznanstvenoj - filozofskoj razini, koristeći se pritom idejama, pojmovima i konceptima koji nisu čisto prirodoznanstvenog, nego epistemološkog i metafizičkog karaktera.
What is questionable is the Ť theory ť, and the reason for this lies in the fact that the Ť theory ť is forced to explain the reality on metascientific - philosophical level, while using the ideas, notions and concepts which do not have a clear natural-scientific, but rather epistemological and metaphysical character.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Biološko i kulturno nasljeđe uvjetovalo je jedno drugo - to su dva komplementarna nasljeđa ť (str.
Ť Biological and cultural inheritance has conditioned one another - they are two complementary inheritances ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Zatim nastavlja:
He then continues:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť Čovječanstvo je danas toliko moćno da ne može biti pasivna igračka biološke evolucije, već je dužno upravljati sudbinom svijeta ť (str.
Ť Mankind is today so powerful that it cannot be a passive toy of biological evolution, but is obliged to rule the world's destiny ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Što bi to sve moglo značiti ostaje otvoreno.
What could be the meaning of all this remains unanswered.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
No, valja barem naznačiti dvije super aktualne teme.
However, two highly topical subjects should at least be pointed out.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Prva se tiče prijetnji od samouništenja.
The first concerns the threat of self-destruction.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Druga se tiče odgovornosti za preživljavanje u budućnosti.
The second concerns the responsibility for survival in the future.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Je li mladi prof. Radman već davne 1966. godine shvaćao svu bremenitost napisanih riječi:
Did young professor Radman already in remote 1966 understood all the weight of written words:
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Ť upravljati sudbinom svijeta ť?
Ť rule the destiny of the world ť?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
S tim se mislima otvara filozofska skupina pitanja.
Those thoughts open a philosophical group of questions.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
No, prije toga ostaje i dalje otvoreno pitanje jesu li prirodne znanosti samodostatne za cjelovito objašnjenje svijeta, čovjeka i života pod vidom definitivne istine i, dakako, smisla sveukupne zbilje?
But, before this there is still an open question of whether the natural sciences are self-sufficient for complete explanation of the world, man and life in the light of definite truth and, of course, meaning of entire reality?
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
To je pitanje, ako ništa drugo, barem u stanju zadovoljiti jedan kriterij što ga je predložio prof. Radman, a zove se mentalna gimnastika (Ť mind building ť) koji omogućava da Ť pokažemo roge svetoj kravi ť (str.
This question, if nothing else, is at least able to satisfy one criterion suggested by professor Radman, which is called mental gymnastics (Ť mind building ť) and enables us to Ť show one's horns to the sacred cow ť (pp.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
223-227), ma kako se ta krava zvala.
223-227), whatever the name of that cow.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Zato sad jedno mentalno-gimnastičko pitanje.
Therefore I now pose one mental-gymnastical question.
[Thu Dec 09 14:57:10 2004]
Naime, nisu li se možda u naše vrijeme upravo prirodne znanosti prometnule u novu i nedodirljivu svetu kravu
That is, didn't, by any chance, in our time natural sciences turn into a new and untouchable sacred cow
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Na pitanje:
To the question:
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Ť Što bi za svakog istraživača u njegovu radu trebalo biti najvažnije?
Ť What would be the most important thing for every researcher in his work?
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
ť, prof. Radman odgovara:
ť, professor Radman responds:
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Ť Traganje za istinom.
Ť Searching for the truth.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Istraživači bi trebali učiti mlade, djecu, da je ljubav prema istini najvažnija, jer jedino se uz istinu čovjek može relaksirati ť (str.
Researchers should teach young people, children, that love for truth is the most important, because only with truth a man can relax ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
143 ;
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
str. 195).
p. 195).
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Kao da govori K.
Sounds like the words of K.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Ima li netko tko se s tim odgovorom ne bi složio?
Is there anyone who wouldn't agree with this answer?
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Međutim, što je istina?
However, what is the truth?
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Krucijalno epistemološko pitanje.
The crucial epistemological question.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Ono je sasvim na mjestu, ako se imaju na umu prethodne napomene koje mjestimice ostavljaju dojam da jedinu pravu istinu o svijetu, čovjeku i životu definiraju prirodne znanosti.
It is a very good question, if we keep in mind previous remarks which occassionally leave the impression that the only real truth about the world, man and life is defined by natural sciences.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Da ne bi bilo zabune, prirodoznanstvene istine nisu upitne.
There should be no mistake, natural-scientific truths are not questionable.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Suludo bi bilo dovoditi u pitanje, primjerice, heliocentrični sustav, teoriju (opću i posebnu) relativnosti, biološku evoluciju života, zakonitosti nasljeđivanja, itd.
It would be insane to call into question, for example, heliocentric system, theory (general and particular) of relativity, biological evolution of life, laws of inheriting, etc.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
No, tim se prirodoznanstvenim istinama ne rješava pitanje istine kao takve, već se rješavaju objašnjivost i razumljivost činjeničnog stanja stvari u materijalnome svijetu, tj. njegov razvoj, zakonitosti i procesi, njegovi usponi i padovi, njegove slučajnosti i determiniranosti, njegov kaos i kozmos.
However, these natural-scientific truths do not solve the question of truth as such, but solve the explainability and intelligibility of the factual state of things in material world, i.e. its development, laws and processes, its ascents and descents, its coincidences and determinacies, its chaos and cosmos.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Međutim, je li sve to dovoljno da bi istina bila relaksacijska u strogom smislu?
However, is all this enough for the truth to be relaxative in the strict sense?
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Bliže je istini da nas, primjerice, geološka istina o nastanku zemljotresa frustrira i zastrašuje, nego što nas relaksira.
Closer to truth is that, for example, geologic truth about the origin of earthquakes frustrates and frightens us, rather than relaxes us.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Lijepo je znati (= istina) kako nastaje zemljotres.
It is good to know (= truth) how the earthquake occurs.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Lijepo je znati (= istina) kako zemljotres eventualno možemo predvidjeti u svrhu sprječavanja ljudskih žrtava.
It is nice to know (= truth) that it is possible to predict the earthquake for the purpose of preventings human victims.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
No, teško je zamisliti da bi nas Ť istina o zemljotresu ť ikada mogla relaksirati.
But, it is difficult to imagine that the Ť truth about the earthquake ť could ever relax us.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Takvo znanje (= istina) u svakom slučaju je milijun puta bolje od neznanja.
Such knowledge (= truth) is in any case a million times better than the ignorance.
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
No, takva istina (= znanje) nije ništa bolja od Ť najgore laži ť (dakako, zbog kobnih posljedica izvan moći ljudske kontrole).
However, such truth (= knowledge) is not better than the Ť worst lie ť (of course, because of the fatal consequences which are out of human control).
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Dakle, što je uopće istina?
So, what is truth?
[Thu Dec 09 15:34:28 2004]
Konkretno, koja istina posjeduje apsolutnu relaksacijsku snagu
More specifically, which truth possesses the absolute relaxatory strength
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Treća skupina pitanja odnosi se na religiju.
The third group of questions refers to religion.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Zamjetno je da ideja religije i ideja Boga u knjizi nisu jednoznačno poimane ideje, pa ih je dobro razlučiti.
It is noticeable that the idea of religion and the idea of God are not unambiguously apprehended in the book, so it would be good to distinguish them.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Bez sitničavog zadiranja u dublju problematiku odnosa religije i Boga u ovoj knjizi, možda bi se moglo načelno pretpostaviti da je autor otvoren za neka teološka pitanja, odnosno za teološke implikacije svojih tvrdnji.
Without the pedantic encroachment into deeper problematics of relation of religion and God in this book, perhaps we could principally assume that the author is open to some theological questions, that is, for theological implications of his claims.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
No, što je s religijom u ovoj knjizi?
But, what about the religion in this book?
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Religija se uglavnom javlja u negativnom i raznim bojaznima nabijenom kontekstu.
Religion generally appears in negative and with various anxieties loaded context.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ť Konačno, od ideologija, političkih ili religioznih, i ovisi hoće li se i saznanja iz genetike koristiti protiv ljudi ili ne.
Ť Finally, it depends on ideologies, political or religious, whether the genetic discoveries would be used against people or not.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ali, samo po sebi, saznanja iz genetike nikako ne mogu biti opasna ť (str.
However, the genetic discoveries by themselves, can in no way be dangerous ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Svekolika problematičnost ideološke zatucanosti je neupitna, bila ona motivirana religijskim ili političkim idejama.
The total problematics of ideological bigotry is unquestionable, whether motivated by religious or political ideas.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
No, otkako postoje moderne prirodne znanosti, njihovo koketiranje s ideologijama je bilo prisutno.
But, since there exist modern natural sciences, their flirtation with ideologies was present.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Kao primjer dovoljno je spomenuti Francisa Galtona, začetnika zloglasne eugenike, koja je rasistička u samome idejnom zametku.
As an example it is enough to mention Francis Galton, the originator of the infamous eugenics, which is racist in its sole ideological embryo.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Bilo bi ravno neoprostivom propustu kad se ne bi jasno istaknulo distanciranje prof. Radmana od bilo kakvih Ť dogmatičnih ť zloupotreba genetike (usp.
It would be an inexcusable omission not to clearly emphasize the distancing of professor Radman from any Ť dogmatic ť abuse of genetics (cf.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
str. 55).
p. 55).
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Međutim, bez ikakvih zlonamjernih pretjerivanja valja otvoreno reći da je primjerice F.
However, without any ill-intentioned exaggeration, it should be openly said that, for example, F.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Galton bio oduševljeni prirodoslovac.
Galton was an enthusiastic natural scientist.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Zbog toga je i danas kao i jučer potreban ogroman oprez u baratanju idejama ljudske prirode, upoznavanja samoga sebe putem upoznavanja biološke prirode i rada na samom poboljšanju ljudske - biološke - prirode.
That is why today, as well as yesterday, a great caution is needed in handling the ideas of human nature, getting to know oneself through getting to know the biological nature and work on the improvement of human - biological - nature.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Dobro je znano kako su nacistički liječnici iskoristili Ť iskonsku plemenitost ť eugenike.
It is well known that Nazi doctors had used Ť the primeval generosity ť of eugenics.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Imajući sve to na umu valja otvoreno reći da nije religija kao takva kriva za nikakvo stvarno zlo.
Having all this in mind, we should openly say that religion as such is not guilty for any actual evil.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Krive su religiozne i druge osobe koje su zloupotrebljavale religiju i religijske istine protiv čovjeka i njegove dobrobiti.
It is religious and other individuals, who abused religion and religious truths against the man and his welfare, that are guilty.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Isto tako valja reći da nisu prirodne znanosti kao takve krive za nikakvo stvarno zlo.
Likewise, we should say that natural sciences as such are not guilty for any actual evil.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Krivi su neki prirodni znanstvenici i drugi ljudi koji su zloupotrebljavali prirodoznanstvene istine, otkrića i dostignuća protiv čovjeka i njegove dobrobiti.
It is some natural scientists and other people, who abused the natural-scientific truths, discoveries and accomplishments against the man and his welfare, that are guilty.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Upoznavši erudiciju prof. Radmana, čovjek bi očekivao da se izbjegne napast od bacanja djeteta zajedno s prljavom vodom.
After familiarising himself with the erudition of professor Radman, a man would expect to avoid the danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Dakako u slučaju religije i u slučaju prirodnih znanosti.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
U zadnjoj instanciji neke osobe su problem, a ne ni religija kao takva ni prirodne znanosti kao takve.
In the last instance certain people are the problem, and not religion and natural sciences as such.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ť Sve dok nas opsjeda ideološka varka kako su ljudi po prirodi dobri, sve dok se mase ljudi zavode nekim mitskim i fundamentalističkim vjerovanjem u posebne sposobnosti i vrline za koje nema istinitih dokaza, ljudi će se sukobljavati, ne samo kao pojedinci, nego kao grupe, kao nacije, kao države ť (str.
Ť As long as we are haunted with the ideological deception that people are good by nature, as long as masses of people are mislead by some mythical and fundamentalist belief in special abilities and virtues for which there are no real proofs, people will conflict, not just as individuals, but also as groups, as nations, as states ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Razvidna je pretpostavka da su ljudi po prirodi zli.
The assumption that people are evil by nature is obvious.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
U tome nije teško naslutiti ideju Th.
It is easy to glimpse in that assumption the idea of Th.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Hobbesa Ťhomo homini lupusť, i to ni manje ni više nego po prirodnom određenju (usp.
We can easily glimpse in that assumption Th. Hobbes's idea Ťhomo homini lupusť, and no more nor less than according to the natural determinacy (cf.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
str. 168).
p. 168).
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Drugim, tj. razumljivim jezikom rečeno, čovjek je po prirodnom određenju Ť beštija ť.
Said in other, understandable words, a man, according to natural definition, is a Ť beast ť.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Točno, čovjek je Ť animal ť.
Correct, man is an Ť animal ť.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
No, ne bi trebalo zaboraviti humano određenje Ťrationaleť?
But, we should not forget the humane definition Ťrationaleť?
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Čini se da je daleko bliže istini da se ljudi rađaju i dobri i zli, a ono što će doista postati u životu ponajprije i najviše ima zahvaliti odgoju.
It seems much more closer to the truth that men are born both good and bad, and what they would really become in life first and most of all has depends on their upbringing.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Slijedom toga se neminovno nameće potreba za sučeljavanjem odgoja s mitologijom i fundamentalizmom.
As a result, there inevitably imposes a need for confrontation of upbringing with the mythology and fundamentalism.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ali čemu sučeljavanje?
But why confrontation?
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Treba biti dovoljno otvoren i pošten pa priznati da mitologija i fundamentalizam nisu strani ni prirodnim znanostima, po istom onom čas prije opisanom pravilu po kojemu su neke osobe problem, a ne ni religija kao takva ni prirodne znanosti kao takve.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Radman je i dalje uporan pa kaže:
Radman is still persistent so he says:
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ť Za razliku od neznanja i mitološkog razmišljanja, ideologije i religije su isključive, pretendiraju na apsolutnu istinu - svi drugi su neprijatelji, nevjernici koje treba spriječiti, čak fizički ť (str.
Ť As opposed to ignorance and mythological thinking, ideologies and religions are exclusive, they aspire to the absolute truth - everybody else is the enemy, unbelievers who need to be stopped, even physically ť (p.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Začuđuje činjenica da se još uvijek netolerancija i religija uzimaju gotovo pa u istoznačnom smislu.
What surprises is the fact that intolerance and religion are still comprehended in almost synonymous meaning.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Istina, za takvo što su dali povoda mnoge religiozne osobe i skupine svojim lošim ponašanjem u ime religije.
It is true that, this was caused by misbehaviour of many religious persons and groups, and in the name of religion.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
No, treba otvoreno reći da, ipak, religija kao takva nije simbol netolerancije.
However, it should be openly said that, nevertheless, religion as such is not a symbol of intolerance.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ta tvrdnja apsolutno stoji za evanđeosko kršćanstvo.
This claim is absolutely true for evangelic Christianity.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
U konačnici netolerantne su neke religiozne osobe.
Finally, some religious individuals are those who are intolerant.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Bilo ih je, ima ih i razložno je pretpostaviti da će ih biti i u budućnosti.
They existed, they exist, and it is reasonable to assume that they will exist in the future.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
No, ne bi bilo poželjno upasti u jednostranost.
But, it would be undesirable to fall into partiality.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Ima mnogo netolerantnih osoba koje uopće nisu religiozne.
There are many intolerant people who are not religious at all.
[Thu Dec 09 17:31:55 2004]
Može li itko s apsolutnom sigurnošću tvrditi da među prirodnim znanstvenicima nema netolerantnih osoba?
Can anyone claim with absolute safety that there are no intolerant people among natural scientists?
[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
U tom je pogledu indikativna tzv.
What is indicative in this view is the so called.
[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Ť nova religioznost ť Francisa Cricka (usp.
Ť new religiousness ť of Francis Crick (cf.
[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
str. 116), inače su-otkrivača strukture DNA molekule, zajedno s Jamesom Watsonom, i dobitnika Nobelove nagrade.
p. 116), a co-discoverer of the DNA molecule structure, together with James Watson, and also the winner of the Nobel Prize.