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[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Prema opisu prof. Radmana čini se da je religiozna pozadina veoma bliska ideji raelijanske pseudoreligije koja jednako odbacuje ideju Boga Stvoritelja i činjeničnost biološke evolucije, a promovira pseudovjeru u vanzemaljce koji su navodno prije otprilike dvadeset pet (25) tisuća godina stvorili život na Zemlji uz pomoć genetičkog inženjeringa.
According to the description of professor Radman, it seems that religious background is very close to the idea of Raelian pseudoreligion which equally discards the idea of God Creator and the factuality of biological evolution, and promotes pseudobelief in aliens who had, supposedly, some twenty five (25) thousand years ago, created life on Earth with the aid of genetic engineering.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Kako bilo da bilo, prof. Radman je religiju (ili mitologiju) spomenuo na više drugih mjesta (str.
Be that as it were, professor Radman has mentioned religion (or mythology) on many other places (p.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
39 ;

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
str. 57;
p. 57 ;

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
str. str. 85;
p. 85 ;

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
str. 195;
p. 195 ;

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
str. 224), ali uz najbolju volju nije moguće naslutiti ništa pozitivnoga u njegovim kontekstualnim interpretacijama religije.
p. 224), but even with the best of will it is not possible to glimpse anything positive in his contextual interpretations of religion.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Tome u prilog može poslužiti slijedeća misao:
In favour to this goes the following thought:

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Ť Ja, međutim, mislim da će znanost samo pridonijeti da se smanji obmanjivanje ljudi od strane karizmatskih, religioznih i kvazireligioznih lidera, čije ideje vode izrabljivanju ljudi ť (str.
Ť I, however, think that science will only contribute to decrease of the deceit of people by charismatic, religious and quasi-religious leaders, whose ideas lead to the exploitation of people ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Da znanja i spoznaje prirodnih znanosti doista mogu pridonijeti, a već odavno i pridonose smanjivanju raznih oblika praznovjerja to je neupitna činjenica.
It is indisputable that knowledge and comprehension of natural sciences can really contribute, and have been contributing for some time, to the decrease of various forms of superstitions.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
One doista pridonose pročišćavanju religije od suvišnih iracionalnosti.
They really contribute to the purification of religion from redundant irrationality.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
No, stavljanje na istu ravan karizmatske, religiozne i kvazireligiozne lidere je neshvatljivo, pa je slijedom toga otežano jednoznačno vrednovanje tvrdnje da oni Ť vode izrabljivanju ljudi ť.
But, putting charismatic, religious and quasi-religious leaders on the same level is incomprehensible, and accordingly the unambiguous valuation of the claim that they Ť lead to the exploitation of people ť is aggravated.

[Thu Dec 09 18:07:50 2004]
Uostalom, previše je danas opasnih i bezočnih izrabljivača ljudi, a da bi u tome religijski lideri predstavljali ozbiljnu konkurentsku izrabljivačku snagu
Besides, today there are too many dangerous and shameless exploiters of people, so that religious leaders can hardly present serious competitory exploiting force

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
O Bogu?
About God?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
O toj temi prof. Radman ne razvija teološke misli, već se Bog javlja u nekoliko navrata kao ideja koja bi ukazivala na ljudske granice, ali ne isključivo.
On this theme professor Radman does not develop theological thoughts, but God appears on few occasions as the idea which would point out to human limits, but not exclusively.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
U kontekstu govora o genskom liječenju germinalne linije prof. Radman kaže:
In the context of genetic treatment of germinal line, professor Radman says:

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ť Ne smije se čovjek igrati Boga i budući da ne znamo što će se dogoditi za deset, stotinu ili tisuću godina i koji će defektni gen imati funkciju preživljavanja, veoma je delikatno i opasno upuštati se u gensko liječenje germinalne linije ť (str.
Ť A man must not play God, and since we do not know what will happen in ten, hundred or on emillion years, and which defective gene will have the function of survival, it is very is delicate and dangerous to engage into genetic treatment of germinal line ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Drugim riječima, sloboda znanstvenih istraživanja nije apsolutna.
In other words, the freedom of scientific research is not absolute.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Na pitanje ima li neki metafizički kontekst, neko intimno poimanje Boga, prof. Radman odgovara:
To the question if he has some metaphysical context, some intimate comprehension of God, professor Radman replies:

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ť Evolucija je jednosmjerna, nema, izgleda, nikada povratka unatrag.
Ť Evolution is a one-way process, and it seems that there can never be a return backward.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Rješenja se uvijek nalaze u inovacijama.
Solutions are always found in innovations.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Dakle, ukoliko Bog postoji, onda je on hazarder, onda je on darvinistički evolucionist, što je, na neki način, potvrdila i Papinska akademija [znanosti, op.
Therefore, if God exists, then he is a gambler, then he is a Darwinistic evolutionist, which was, in a way, confirmed by the Papal Academy [of Sciences, remark by

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
].]. Dakle, čak i Papa priznaje da je evolucija realnost, ali da ju je Bog omogućio ť (str.
]. Therefore, even the Pope acknowledges that the evolution is reality, but that God has enabled it ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Odgovor puno obećava za otvaranje partnerskog dijaloga između teologije i biološke teorije evolucije.
The answer has much to promise in opening of partnership dialogue between theology and biological theory of evolution.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Nadalje, veoma su zanimljive opservacije prof. Radmana na temu kloniranja.
Furthermore, professor Radman's observations on the subject of cloning are very interesting.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Jedna u ovom kontekstu zaslužuje pozornost, iako izvučena iz konteksta, kao štošta drugo, gubi na misaonoj snazi.
One of those obsrevations deserves our attention in this context, although when pulled out of the context, as many other things secondly, it loses the contemplative strength.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ť A kako bi Čovjek (s velikim Č) mogao dokazati da stvarno zna o čemu se to Sve radi?
Ť And how could a Man (with big M) prove that he really knows what this was All about?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Tako što bi predviđenom kombinacijom atoma mogao Ť klonirati ť bilo što:
He could prove it by "cloning" things with the proper combination of atoms:

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
mene primjerice, ili kravlji drek!
me for example, or cow's excrements!

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
To ja zovem Kloniranjem (s velikim K!)
That is what I call Cloning (with big K!)

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
. Kad bi bio kadar da tako sve klonira, onda bi Čovjek (s velikim Č), mogao reći da je postao Bog (s velikim B) i polako, u miru Božjem, umrijeti od dosade ť (str.
. If he would be able to clone everything like that, then a Man (with big M), could say that he had become God (with big G) and slowly, in God's peace, die of boredom ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Čišćenje Ť 'korova' iz bogatog, lijepog i korisnog blaga narodnih iskustava i tradicija ť (str.
Removing Ť the 'weed' from rich, beautiful and useful treasure of national experiences and traditions ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
226), odvijalo bi se, po prof. Radmanu, uz pomoć znanstveno-kritičkog razmišljanja i univerzalnoga znanja provjerenoga eksperimentima, kreativnom umjetničkom slobodom koja bi razbijala ustaljene kodekse i stimulirala maštu i, na kraju, humorom (usp.
226), would unwind, according to professor Radman, with the aid of scientific-critical thinking and universal knowledge confirmed with the experiments, creative artistic freedom which would break well-established codices and stimulate the imagination and, finally, with the aid of humour (cf.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
str. 226).
p. 226).

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Humor je specijalni izbor prof. Radmana.
Humour is special choice of professor Radman.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
U navedenome je mnogo toga sadržano što je već ranije problematizirano.
In the abovementioned, a great deal of content was already problematized.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Tendencije su dobro prepoznatljive.
Tendencies are well recognizable.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
No, kakve to sve ima veze s Bogom?
But, what does all this have to do with God?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ima, jer prof. Radman pita:
It must have something, because professor Radman asks:

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ť A zašto bi bilo zabranjeno našaliti se na račun Bogova (monoteističkih religija)?
Ť And why would it be forbidden to make jokes about Gods (monotheistic religions)?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Kako činovnici religija znaju da njihov Bog nema smisla za humor?
How do clerks of religions know that their God has no sense of humour?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
ť (str.
ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
A kako bi inače trebali znati da njihov Bog ima smisla za humor?
And how should they know that he does?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Teško je previdjeti antropomorfizam u govoru o Bogu.
It is hard to overlook the anthropomorphism in the speech about God.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Stvar je sasvim legitimna, no što se njome rješava?
The matter is completely legitimate, but what does it solve?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Radman dodaje:
Radman adds:

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ť Moj Bog ga ima!
Ť My God does!

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
ť (str.
ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Doista nije jasno odakle ta načelna nespojivost humora s idejom Boga?
It is indeed unclear where does this principled incompatibility of humour with the idea of God come from?

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ako ćemo pravo, kršćanski Bog uopće nije neki narogušeni i namršteni vještac.
To be honest, Christian God is not at all some grumpy and gloomy warlock.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Na pitanje o tome je li bliži komediji ili tragediji najtočniji bi odgovor bio da je u svemu apsolutno realan.
To the question of whether he is closer to comedy or tragedy, the most accurate answer would be that he is absolutely realistic about everything.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
No, ni to nije dovoljno.
However, not even this is enough.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Osim što Bog ima smisla za humor, za prof. Radmana je (Ť Božica ť) Ť usto i velikodušna, tolerantna, lijepa i vjeruje u pamet, ljubav, znanje i bratstvo i sestrinstvo ť (str.
Beside the fact that God has a sense of humour, for the professor Radman (Ť the Goddess ť) Ť is also generous, tolerant, beautiful and believes in intellect, love, knowledge, brotherhood and sisterhood ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Implikacije feminističke teologije su evidentne.
Implications of the feminist theology are obvious.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Ali nije posve jasno kojeg je usmjerenja, s obzirom na činjenicu da ima više različitih pravaca feminističke teologije.
Als it is not completely clear of which orientation, regarding the fact that there are many different directions of feminist theology.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Da se Boga može razložno oslovljavati ženskim imenima i atributima, predstavlja pomalo anakronističku temu unutar feminističke teologije.
That God can be reasonably addressed by female names and attributes, presents a bit anachronistic topic within the feminist theology.

[Thu Dec 09 20:12:49 2004]
Svi su došli pameti i shvatili da je Bog samo i jedino Bog, a ostalo su eufemistički antropomorfizmi.
Everyone has come to their senses and realized that God is the one and the only God, and that the rest are euphemistic anthropomorphisms.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Četvrta skupina pitanja tiče se etičkih u užem i društvenih u širem smislu implikacija prirodoznanstvenih istraživanja, iz čega nije isključena ni inicijativa prof. Radmana za osnivanje Mediteranskog instituta za istraživanje života u Splitu.
The fourth group of questions concerns the ethical in narrower, and social broader sense, implication of natural-scientific research, from which is not excluded the initiative of professor Radman for the foundation of Mediterranean Institute for Research of Life in Split.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Pođimo redom.
Let us take this one by one.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Što se tiče kompetencije filozofa, osobito etičara, za teme i dileme na polju biologijskih i medicinskih znanosti, prof. Radman spram toga izražava svojevrsnu skeptičnost.
As for the competence of philosophers, especially the ethicists, for themes and dilemmas in the field of biological and medical sciences, professor Radman expresses a kind of skepticism.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Ť Kontinentalna Europa, posebno Francuska i Njemačka, prenosi raspravu o takvim pitanjima [tj.
Ť Continental Europe, especially France and Germany, conveys the debate about such questions [i.e.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
o pitanjima terapijskog kloniranja, op.
the questions of therapeutic cloning, remark by

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
filozofima, više-manje zdravim specijalistima tradicionalne europske etike!
to philosophers, more or less healthy specialists of traditional European ethics!

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Oni naprosto nisu kompetentni za odlučivanje o primjeni totipotentnih stanica u terapijske svrhe ť (str.
They are simply not competent for making decisions about the use of totipotent stations in therapeutic purposes ť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Da razjasnimo.
Let me explain.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Ť Totipotentne stanice ť je biološki terminus technicus kojim se nazivaju embrionske (matične) stanice koje su podobne za različite vrste biomedicinskih manipulacija u svrhu buduće terapijske upotrebe u liječenju.
Ť Totipotent cell ť is biological terminus technicus which refers to embryonic (parent) cells which are suitable for different kinds of biomedical manipulations for the purpose of future therapeutic usage in medical treatment.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Na temelju iznesenoga citata pita se tko je uopće kompetentan?
Based on the given quotation, he asks himself who is competent at all?

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Što se tiče same tehničke upotrebe i primjene totipotentnih stanica filozofi apsolutno nisu kompetentni.
As for the sole technical usage and use of totipotent cells, philosophers are absolutely not competent.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Ali se tu ne radi o biološkoj ili medicinskoj kompetenciji, nego o jednoj drugoj vrsti kompetencije koja predstavlja lakmusov papir za otvorenost prirodoznanstvene djelatnosti izvanjskoj, tj. ne-prirodoznanstvenoj, dakle etičkoj, pravnoj i uopće društvenoj kontroli.
However, this is not the question of about biological or medical competence, but of one other kind of competence which presents a litmus-paper for the openness of natural-scientific activity to the external, i.e. non-natural-scientific, therefore ethical, judicial and generally social control.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Možda riječ kontrola nije najsretniji izbor, no postavlja se pitanje što je problematično u tome da kontinentalna Europa, u skladu sa svojom kulturnom i filozofskom tradicijom, dođe do sebi svojstvenog etičkog i pravnog rješenja tog problema?
Maybe the word control is not the luckiest choice, but the question is what is problematic in the possibility that continental Europe, according to its cultural and philosophical tradition, comes to its distinctive ethical and judicial solution of this problem?

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Zar bi svi trebali stajati skrštenih ruku pred naletom neumoljivog anglosaksonskog pragmatičnog utilitarizma kojemu su korist i profit jedina preokupacija u razmatranju etičkih i pravnih tema i dilema na biomedicinskom i inom području ljudske djelatnosti?
Should we all just stand cross with arms crossed before the dash of the relentless Anglo-Saxon pragmatic utilitarianism to which benefits and profits are the only preoccupation in consideration of ethical and judicial topics and dilemmas in biomedical and other areas of human activity?

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Jer ako prof. Radman za sebe otvoreno tvrdi da nije Ť nasjedao kratkoročnim ponudama i profitima ť, jer je znao da ga Ťto ne bi ispunjavalo zadovoljstvomť (str.
Because if professor Radman openly claims that he himselt Ť has never been tricked by short-term offers and profits ť, because he knew Ťit would not bring him satisfactionť (p.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
144), te ako mu materijalna dobra nisu nikad bila u prvom planu, onda bi tu ipak trebalo otvoreno reći da, globalno gledano, stvari u praktičnim odnosima između prirodoznanstvene djelatnosti, s jedne, te ekonomije i bussinesa, s druge strane, stoje bitno drugačije.
144), and if tangible goods were never of primary importance to him, then it should nevertheless be openly said that, globally, matters in practical relations between the natural-scientific activity, on one, and economy and business, on the other hand, are in very different positions.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Primjer prof. Radmana, kako ga je osobno izložio, zaslužuje pohvalu.
Professor Radman's example, as he has personally presented it, deserves a compliment.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
No, to je iznimka koja samo potvrđuje pravilo o višestrukoj isprepletenosti prirodoznanstvene - osobito biomedicinske - djelatnosti i kapitala.
However, that is an exception which only confirms the rule about multiple interweavement of natural-scientific - especially biomedical - activity and the capital.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Dovoljno je uzeti za primjer stanje primarne zdravstvene zaštite u znanstveno-tehnički najrazvijenijoj, materijalno najbogatijoj i medicinski najnaprednijoj zemlji svijeta - SAD-u.
It is enough to take the example of the condition in primary health protection in scientifically and technically the most developed, materially the richest and medically the most progressive country in the world - the USA.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Netko bi mogao prigovoriti da je posrijedi politička odluka.
Someone could object that is a matter of political decision.

[Thu Dec 09 20:52:12 2004]
Da, međutim realna politika bez realnog kapitala je nemoćna politika.
Yes, but real politics without real capital is the helpless politics.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Tko bi onda poželio takav zdravstveni sustav uvesti u kontinentalnu Europu, taj bi doista trebao isključiti filozofe, ali ne samo njih, iz biomedicinskih rasprava.
Then those who would wish to introduce such health system in the continental Europe, would really need to exclude philosophers, but not just them, from biomedical debates.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Biomedicina je postala preskupa.
Biomedicine has become too expensive.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
To je tema za sebe.
But that is another subject.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Neka se pažljivo pročita djelo Ť Némésis medicale ť Ivana Illicha.
One should carefully Ivan Illich's work Ť Némésis medicale ť.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Čini se da je teško pronaći protuargumente koji bi bili u stanju razuvjeriti sugovornika o potrebi interdisciplinarnog pristupa u rješavanju biomedicinskih tema i dilema.
It seems difficultly to find the counterarguments which would could dissuade the interlocutor about the need of interdisciplinary access in the solving of biomedical topics and dilemmas.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Međutim, dok prof. Radman za Ť svoj ť budući institut u Splitu kaže da bi Ť prvi produkt tog centra bila generacija novih, mladih profesionalaca, koji bi bili specijalisti iz multidisciplinarnog razmišljanja ť (str.
However, while professor Radman for Ť his ť future institute in Split says that Ť the first product of this centre would be a generation of new, young professionals, who would be specialists of the multidisciplinary thinking ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
160), tj. da će Ť stvarati mlade interdisciplinarne stručnjake ť (str.
160), i.e. that Ť it will create young interdisciplinary experts ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
172), dotle ostaje neumoljiv i kaže:
172), he still remains relentless and says:

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Ť Ne treba miješati politiku i socijalu u istraživanje, treba poći od istine, pa rješavati probleme, a ne Ť rješavati ť probleme tako da se sprečava da se istina ikad dozna ť (str.
Ť We should not bring politics and welfare system into the research, but we should begin from the truth, and then start soilving the problems, but not Ť solving ť the problems so as to prevent the truth from ever being revealed ť (pp.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Misli li se tu na prirodoznanstvenu - biološku - istinu?
Does this refer to the natural-scientific - biological - truth?

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Iz šireg konteksta se dade baš to zaključiti.
The wider context leads us to exactly this conclusion.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Naime, Ť istina ť o kojoj je riječ izbija iz dobrog poznavanja ljudske prirode, koja je gotovo kao u pravilu shvaćena pojmovima atoma, molekula, gena (usp.
That is, Ť the truth ť about which we are talking here springs from good knowledge of human nature, which is almost as as a rule understood through the notions of atoms, molecules, genes (cf.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
str. 57).
p. 57).

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Znači da je polazna Ť istina ť za rješavanje Ť svih ť društvenih problema biološka istina o čovjeku.
This means that the starting Ť truth ť for solving Ť all ť social problems is the biological truth about a man.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Ako je biološka istina o čovjeku zadnja instancija za vrednovanje humanuma u totalitetu, onda više nema prepreka da se takva Ť istina ť prometne u ideologiju.
If the biological truth about a man is the last instance for valuation of humanum in totality, then there are no more obstacles to promote such such Ť truth ť into ideology.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Posljedično, moglo bi se zaključiti da se sve ono što se osporava drugim ideologijama, filozofijama i religijama želi samo nadomjestiti svojom konačnom Ť istinom ť, tj. ideologijom.
Consequentially, we could conclude that all that which is disputed in other ideologies, philosophies and religions is trying only to be replaced by its final Ť truth ť, i.e. ideology.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Zanimljiva je još jedna stvar.
There is one more interesting matter.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Naime, prof. Radman kaže da se Ť humanistička inteligencija mnogo češće vrti oko vlasti nego tehnička inteligencija ť (str.
That is, professor Radman says that Ť humanistic intelligence much more often revolves around the power than technical intelligence ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Preširoki su pojmovi da bi ih se moglo jednoznačno shvatiti.
There concepts are too broad to be understood unambiguously.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Kako bilo, humanistička inteligencija zasigurno misli da stvari stoje obrnuto, barem kad je riječ o bliskosti vlasti i kapitala, odnosno profita.
Be that as it may, humanistic intelligence certainly thinks that things are in an inversed position, at least when talking about the closeness of power and capital, i.e. profit.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Kapital se, među ostalim, umnaža zahvaljujući industrijskoj proizvodnji, a industrijska proizvodnja nije ništa drugo nego tehnička i/ili tehnološka primjena znanja i spoznaja prirodnih znanosti.
Capital, among other things, multiplies thanks to the industrial production, and the industrial production is nothing else but technical and / or technological usage of knowledge and understanding of natural sciences.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
K tome, ne bi se smjelo zaboraviti da u tim okolnostima raznoliko izrabljivanje ljudi nije prestalo, već su samo detaljno razrađene perfidne i sofisticirane metode izrabljivanja.
In addition, we should not forget that various forms of exploitation of people still exist in these circumstances, but the perfidious and sophisticated methods exploitation are elaborated in detail.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Tako se na rad i radne uvjete stavlja Ť socijalna maska ť.
Thus a Ť social mask ť is put on work and working conditions.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Iza te maske se skriva veliki Izrabljivač (s velikim I) koji suptilnim i perfidnim metodama, među kojima nisu isključene metode prijetnje i diskvalifikacije, iskorištava radnike.
Behind this mask hides the big Exploiter (with capital E) who, with subtle and perfidious methods, among which the methods of threat and disqualification are not excluded, exploits the labour force.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
Tu je činjenicu prepoznao i sam prof. Radman (str.
This fact was recognized also by professor Radman (p.

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
168 ;

[Fri Dec 10 11:53:26 2004]
str. 170-171).
pp. 170-171).

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
O problemu reproduktivnog kloniranja, tj. kloniranja usmjerenog na stvaranje genetički identičnog ljudskog bića drugom ljudskom biću - davaocu genetičkog materijala iz jezgre svoje somatske stanice, prof. Radman je jasan i odrješit:
When talking about the problem of reproductive cloning, i.e. the cloning oriented at the creation of a human being genetically identical to other human being - i.e. to a donor of genetic material from the nucleus of somatic station, professor Radman is explicit and resolute:

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Ť Klonirati ljudsko biće moguće je, ali kriminalna djelatnost.
Ť Cloning of a human being is possible, but criminal activity.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Bioetičke komisije odavno rade na regulativi, ali ovdje već izlazimo iz moje domene, jer to je područje zakonodavstva ť (str.
Bioethical committees have long ago started to work on a regulation, but that is out my domain, because it belongs to the area of legislature ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Zatim dodaje, Ť ali ne vidim humanističkoga razloga da se klonira čovjek ť (str.
Then he adds, Ť but I do not see a humanistic reason to clone a man ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Kloniranje čovjeka u tehničkom smislu nije neki problem.
Cloning a man in technical sense is not a big problem.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Ť Stoga bioetičke komitete očekuje nadasve delikatan, golem posao ť (str.
Ť Therefore bioethical committees await extremely delicate, immense work ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Oni koji bi se eventualno odlučili na reproduktivno kloniranje, ističe prof. Radman, mogli bi očekivati sudski proces protiv sebe od strane stvorenoga klona, koji bi mogao reći:
Those who could decide to engage in the reproductive cloning, professor Radman emphasizes, could expect a to be put on trial by the created clone, who could say:

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Ť Ne osjećam se dobro i zato vas po džepu opaliti 100 milijuna dolara/eura!
Ť I do not feel well and therefore I will rip you off for 100 million dollars / euros!

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
ť (str.
ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Time bi problem bio riješen.
That would solve the problem.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Riječima prof. Radmana:
According to professor Radman's words:

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Ť S nekoliko takvih procesa riješili bismo problem reproduktivnog kloniranja bez pomoći moralizatora, bioetičara, filozofa, teologa, itd.
Ť With a few such processes we would solve the problem of reproductive cloning without the help of moralizers, bioethicists, philosophers, theologians, etc.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
ť (str.
ť (p.

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]

[Fri Dec 10 12:29:59 2004]
Bioetičari, filozofi i teolozi to ne shvaćaju tonom obeshrabrenja, već svoje intelektualne i duhovne snage i dalje stavljaju na raspolaganje društvu za rješavanje vrućih tema i dilema na polju prirodnih, poglavito biomedicinskih znanosti
Bioethicists, philosophers and theologians do not perceive this as a tone of discouragements, but keep putting their intellectual and spiritual powers at disposal to the society for solving the hot topics and dilemmas in the field of natural, mainly biomedical sciences

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Pred sam kraj je dobro, makar kratko, zaustaviti se na inicijativi prof. Radmana za osnivanje u više navrata spomenutog centra ili instituta u sklopu Vile Dalmacija u Splitu.
Before I finish, it would be good to pause, although briefly, on the initiative of professor Radman for the foundation of many times mentioned centre or institute within the edifice of Vila Dalmacija in Split.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Bez sustezanja valja priznati da inicijativa uzeta sama za sebe nije problematična.
Without any restraint, it should be admitted that the initiative as such is not problematic.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Nema sumnje da su prirodoznanstvena istraživanja poželjna i dobrodošla.
There is no doubt that natural-scientific research is desirable and welcome.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Međutim, uz njih je usko vezana ideja Ť napretka ť.
However, they are closely connected with the idea of Ť progress ť.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Ona je danas postala toliko ideologizirana da se svako odstupanje od nje u javnom diskursu proskribira kao opskurantistička rabota uperena protiv stečevina modernog doba, začinjena skrivenim namjerama za povratak na staro.
That idea has become so ideologized that every departure from it in the public discourse is proscribed as an obscurantistic action aimed against gains of modern times, spiced with hidden intentions for return to the old.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Takvo gledanje na samu stvar je pretjerano.
Such perception of the matter is unreasonable.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Štoviše, ono je iracionalno.
Indeed, it is irrational.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Ono se temelji na strahu od nečega čemu je definitivno odzvonilo i na što više nema šansi za povratak.
It is based on fear from something which now belongs to the past and which has no chances for reappearing.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Povijest ide svojim linearnim tokom naprijed.
History follows its linear course forward.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Upravo zbog toga nikome ne bi smjelo biti svejedno kamo taj Ť napredak ť vodi, jer prijetnje od samouništenja, destrukcija prirodnoga svijeta, posvemašnje osiromašenje prostora humanuma, samo su neke općenito oslovljene nuspojave već ostvarenoga Ť napretka ť.
That is precisely why nobody should be indifferent to where this Ť progress ť leads, because threat of self-destruction, destruction of the natural world, general impoverishment of humanum, are only some commonly addressed side-effects of the already realized Ť progress ť.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Nihilizam nije ono nešto već ostvareno, nego ono nešto što se kontinuirano ostvaruje, zahvaljujući ponajviše upravo ideologizaciji Ť napretka ť pod svaku cijenu.
Nihilism is not something already achieved, but something that is continuously being realized, primarily thanks to the ideologization of the Ť progress ť at all costs.

[Fri Dec 10 13:06:00 2004]
Dakako, u ime jedne Ť istine ť.
Of course, in the name of one Ť truth ť.