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[Fri Jun 06 14:44:40 2003]
Tehničke i taktičke kompleksne (složene) vježbe
Technical and tactical complex (compound) exercises
[Fri Jun 06 14:45:56 2003]
U prednatjecateljskoj fazi rada složene tehničke i taktičke vježbe postupno
dobivaju sve veću i veću ulogu u radu na treninzima.
During the precompetitive phase of work, compound technical and tactical exercises
are gradually acquiring more important role in the training sessions.
[Fri Jun 06 14:46:30 2003]
U ovome slučaju kompleksnih taktičkih vježbi mislimo uvijek na osnovnu taktiku,
tj. na takve vježbe i pokrete koji razvijaju tjelesne sposobnosti.
In the case of complex tactical exercises we always think of the basic tactics,
i.e. on such exercises and movements which develop physical abilities.
[Fri Jun 06 14:46:42 2003]
Na primjer, u tom razdoblju možemo upotrijebiti ovakvu vrstu složenih vježbi.
For example, in this period we can apply this kind of complex exercises.
[Fri Jun 06 14:46:45 2003]
Složene vježbe koje imaju tehničke karakteristike
Complex exercises which have technical characteristics
[Fri Jun 06 14:53:12 2003]
Igrači broj 1 i broj 3 stoje jedan iza drugoga, a broj 2 njima sučelice na 20
Players number 1 and 3 stand one behind another, and number 2 stands opposite
to them at a distance of about 20 meters;
[Fri Jun 06 14:54:47 2003]
između njih na polovici postojeće udaljenosti nalaze se poneke prepreke udaljene
dva metra jedna od druge.Igrač broj 1 baca loptu u vis udarivši glavom nazad
- u smjeru igrača broj 2, zatim obišavši jedan predmet (kolčić), koji se nalazi
ispred njega na udaljenosti od .1 metra trči za loptom;
between them, in the middle of the existing distance, there are some barriers
at a distance of two meters between them. Player number 1 throws the ball in
the air after heading it back - in the direction of the player number 2, then
after running around some object (picket), which is positioned in front of him
at a distance of.1 meter, runs after the ball;
[Fri Jun 06 14:54:55 2003]
čim stigne loptu koja je odskočila od podloge, punim hrptom je podiže na glavu
igrača broj 2;
as soon as he reaches the ball which has rebounded from ground, he lifts it
up with full back on the head of the player number 2;
[Fri Jun 06 14:57:04 2003]
a on je udari glavom k podlozi.
and he heads toward the base.
[Fri Jun 06 14:57:43 2003]
Igrač broj 1 preskoči prvu preponu, a drugu obilazi te loptu udarenu prema zemlji
zaustavlja i predaje je igraču broj 2.
Player number 1 jumps over the first hurdle, runs around the second and stops
the kicked down ball and hands it over to the player number 2.
[Fri Jun 06 14:57:44 2003]
Nakon toga igrač broj 2 izvodi isto to u suprotnom smjeru (sl.
After that, the player number 2 performs the same but in the opposite direction
[Fri Jun 06 15:07:41 2003]
S punim hrptom udarenu loptu o odbojni zid treba držati stalno u pokretu tako
što će igrač poslije svakog udarca nogom preskočiti jednu postojeću preponu
koja se nalazi 3 do 4 metra postrance od njega.
With the full back hit the ball against the rebounding wall and keep the ball
in the constant movement in such a way that the player after each foot kick
jumps over one hurdle which is postitioned 3 to 4 meters sideways to the player.
[Fri Jun 06 15:09:34 2003]
Igrač broj 1 i broj 2 stoje jedan iza drugoga, a njima sučelice na oko 20 metara
stoji igrač broj 3;
Player number 1 and number 2 stand one behind another, and opposite to them,
at about 20 meters, stands player number 3;
[Fri Jun 06 15:12:14 2003]
na polovici te udaljenosti nalaze se dvije prepone okrenute jedna prema drugoj.
halfway to that distance there are two hurdles are turned one towards the other.
[Fri Jun 06 15:14:19 2003]
Igrač broj 2 s unutarnjim dijelom hrpta prebaci loptu k igraču broj 3 koji je
zaustavlja, te je na isti način udara nazad k igraču broj 1.
Player number 2 throws the ball toward the player number 3 with his inner back,
player 3 then stops the ball, and in the same manner throws it back toward player
number 1.
[Fri Jun 06 15:14:19 2003]
Poslije svakog udarca trčanjem se izmjenjuju mjesta s tim da se ispod prve prepone
treba provući, a preko druge preskočiti.
After each throw they run to exchange their positions by slipping bellow the
first hurdle, and jumping over the second other.
[Fri Jun 06 15:23:44 2003]
Složene vježbe s taktičkim obilježjem
Complex exercises with tactical characteristics
[Fri Jun 06 15:26:52 2003]
Postava igrača prema slici 84.
Line-up of players according to the figure 84.
[Fri Jun 06 15:28:59 2003]
Igrač broj 1 udari loptu unutarnjim dijelom hprta u obliku parabole k igraču
broj 2, koji se nalazi u krugu na sredini igrališta.
Player number 1 kicks the ball with the inner part of backbone in the arc the
toward the player number 2, who is positioned in circle on the midfield.
[Fri Jun 06 15:29:52 2003]
Nakon primitka lopte igrač broj 2 vodi loptu prema desnom rubu šesnaesterca
pa je odatle lobuje pred gol;
After receiving the ball, player number 2 leads the ball towards the right border
of penalty area, and from there lobs it in front of the goal;
[Fri Jun 06 15:30:32 2003]
vratar izlazi s gola, hvata loptu i dodaje je ispred igrača broj 2 koji trči
duž linije šesnaesterca.
goalkeeper comes out from the goal, catches the ball and throws it in front
of the player number 2 who runs along the penalty area line.
[Fri Jun 06 15:31:18 2003]
Igrač broj 2 primi loptu, zatim je dodaje drugoj grupi i stane u njihovo začelje.
Player number 2 receives the ball, then passes it to the other group and goes
to their rear.
[Fri Jun 06 15:32:38 2003]
(Tom prilikom igrač broj 1 preskoči četiri prepone te duž središnje linije utrčava
u krug na sredini igrališta).
(On this occasion player number 1 jumps over four hurdles and along the centre
line runs into to the circle on the midfield).
[Fri Jun 06 15:32:39 2003]
Sada prvi iz suprotne grupe kreće i loptu preuzima sljedeći igrač koji se nalazi
u krugu i vodi loptu.
Now the first player from the opposite group moves and the ball is taken by
the next player who is in the circle and then he leads the ball.
[Fri Jun 06 15:32:39 2003]
Slika 84.
Figure 84.
[Fri Jun 06 15:38:38 2003]
Postava je kao i prije, ali u krugu na igrališta nalazi se po jedan igrač, a
na liniji polovice igrališta (središnjoj liniji) stoji treći igrač.
Line-up is as before, but in there is one player in each circle, and on the
half field line (centre line) stands the third player.
[Fri Jun 06 15:38:53 2003]
(Isti je raspored i suprotne grupe).
(Same arrangement is at the opposite group).
[Fri Jun 06 15:43:32 2003]
Igrač broj 1 lobuje loptu u krug te obilazeći zastavice (kolčiće) trči u središnji
Player number 1 lobs the ball to the circle and going around small flags (pickets)
run to the centre circle.
[Fri Jun 06 15:45:17 2003]
Igrač broj 2 primi loptu u krug i vodi je k mjestu gdje se sijeku središnja
linija i aut-linija, a zatim je udari nogom u obliku parabole pred igrača broj
3 i stane na njegovo mjesto.
Player number 2 takes the ball to the circle and leads is toward the place where
the centre line and thetouchline bisect, and then kicks the ball in the arc
in front of the player number 3 and stands on his position.
[Fri Jun 06 15:45:20 2003]
Igrač broj 3 provuče se ispod jedne prepone, a drugu preskoči i zatim puca na
gol loptu koja još skakuće (sl.
Player number 3 slips under one hurdle, and jumps over the other and then shoots
the ball towards the goal (figure
[Fri Jun 06 15:51:39 2003]
Igrač broj 1 duž središnje linije igrališta izvodi prisilan pas (dupli pas)
da bi se ukopčao s igračem koji se nalazi u krugu na sredini terena, te nakon
vođenja povratne lopte predaje lobovanu loptu igraču broj 3 koji se nalazi na
suprotnoj strani bez lopte;
Player number 1 along the centre line of playground performs the coercive pass
(pass back) in order to join with the player which is inside the circle on the
midfield, and after leading the reflexive ball turns over the lobbed pass to
the player number 3 who is positioned at the opposite side without the ball;
[Fri Jun 06 15:52:10 2003]
zatim nakon preskoka prepona i provlačenja ispod njih stane iza leđa igrača
broj 4.
then after jumping over the hurdle and slipping under below them, he stands
behind the player number 4.
[Fri Jun 06 15:52:13 2003]
Sada stupa u akciju igrač broj 3 (sl.
Now comes the player number 3 (figure
[Fri Jun 06 15:53:08 2003]
Slika 85.
Figure 85.
[Fri Jun 06 15:54:32 2003]
Slika 86.
Figure 86.
[Fri Jun 06 15:55:18 2003]
U prijašnjoj vježbi mogu se postaviti bilo kakve prepone ili prepreke u smjeru
trčanja igrača.
In the previous exercise, any kind of hurdles or barriers can be placed in the
direction of running.
[Fri Jun 06 15:56:58 2003]
Slika 85.
Figure 85.
[Fri Jun 06 15:57:41 2003]
Slika 86.
Figure 86.
[Fri Jun 06 15:58:36 2003]
U prijašnjoj vježbi mogu se postaviti bilo kakve prepone ili prepreke u smjeru
trčanja igrača.
In the previous exercise, any kind of hurdles or barrierscan be placed in the
direction of running.
[Fri Jun 06 15:58:53 2003]
Ali i s drugim vježbama može se pospješiti složno djelovanje.
But also with other exercises we can quicken harmonious activity.
[Fri Jun 06 16:03:21 2003]
(For example,
[Fri Jun 06 16:05:00 2003]
s raznoraznim zamasima noge, uporima, zaletima, stav na rukama, zatim s neprekidnim
prebacivanjem preko glave naprijed).
(For example, with various leg strokes, supports, runs, handstands, and with
continuous forward rolling over).
[Fri Jun 06 16:06:15 2003]
Na treninzima u natjecateljskom razdoblju mogu se nalaziti (figurirati) vježbe
koje su svrstane u drugu i treću grupu.
On trainings during the competition period, we can apply (figure) exercises
which are classified into the second and the third group.
[Fri Jun 06 16:07:34 2003]
Naime, razvoj tjelesnih sposobnosti, odnosno njihovo održavanje na potrebnoj
razini, zadatak je preko cijele godine.
That is, the development of physical abilities, or in other words their maintenance
at the necessary level, is a yearly is task.
[Fri Jun 06 16:10:15 2003]
To znači neprestani rad u vježbanju mladih igrača.
This implies constant work in the training of young players.
[Fri Jun 06 16:11:14 2003]
Razumljivo, za primjenu složenih tehničkih i taktičkih vježbi najbolje su mogućnosti
u natjecateljskom razdoblju.
Understandably, for the employment of the complex technical and tactical exercises
best are the possibilities from the competition period.
[Fri Jun 06 16:11:49 2003]
Tada one imaju i najveću važnost.
Then they also have and greatest importance.
[Fri Jun 06 16:15:11 2003]
Naime, tada su i najsloženiji stručni zadaci.
That is, then professional tasks are the most complex.
[Fri Jun 06 16:15:11 2003]
(Primjeri kompleksnih vježbi koje su karakteristične za natjecateljsko razdoblje
prikazane su u skicama vježbi za stjecanje kondicije, odnosno u skicama kombiniranih
(Examples of complex exercises which are characteristic for the competition
period are presented in outlines of exercises for fitness acquiring, in other
words, in sketches of combined exercises).
[Fri Jun 06 16:21:12 2003]
Primjena i uporaba složenih vježbi kod ekipa koje imaju mali broj treninga znatna
su ušteda u vremenu.
Application and use of complex exercises in teams which have a small number
of training pesents a considerable saving of time.
[Fri Jun 06 17:16:03 2003]
Prednost im je što sa svojim odgovarajućim sastavima omogućuju maksimalan razvoj
individualnih sposobnosti.
Their advantage is that with their adequate structures they enable the maximum
development of individual abilities.
[Mon Jun 09 11:30:04 2003]
Tehničke i taktičke kompleksne (složene) vježbe
Technical and tactical complex (compound) exercises
[Mon Jun 09 11:31:04 2003]
U prednatjecateljskoj fazi rada složene tehničke i taktičke vježbe postupno
dobivaju sve veću i veću ulogu u radu na treninzima.
During the precompetitive phase of work, the compound technical and tactical
exercises gradually acquire a larger role on trainings.
[Mon Jun 09 11:31:32 2003]
U ovome slučaju kompleksnih taktičkih vježbi mislimo uvijek na osnovnu taktiku,
tj. na takve vježbe i pokrete koji razvijaju tjelesne sposobnosti.
In the case of complex tactical exercises, we always think of the basic tactics,
i.e. of such exercises and movements which develop physical abilities.
[Mon Jun 09 11:31:45 2003]
Na primjer, u tom razdoblju možemo upotrijebiti ovakvu vrstu složenih vježbi.
For example, during this period we can apply such kind of complex exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 11:31:47 2003]
Složene vježbe koje imaju tehničke karakteristike
Complex exercises with technical characteristics
[Mon Jun 09 11:42:33 2003]
Igrači broj 1 i broj 3 stoje jedan iza drugoga, a broj 2 njima sučelice na 20
Players number 1 and 3 stand one behind another, and number 2 stands opposite
to them at about 20 meters distance;
[Mon Jun 09 11:44:01 2003]
između njih na polovici postojeće udaljenosti nalaze se poneke prepreke udaljene
dva metra jedna od druge.Igrač broj 1 baca loptu u vis udarivši glavom nazad
- u smjeru igrača broj 2, zatim obišavši jedan predmet (kolčić), koji se nalazi
ispred njega na udaljenosti od .1 metra trči za loptom;
at the middle of the distance between them, there are some barriers removed
two meters from each other. Player number 1 throws the ball up by heading it
backwards - in the direction of player number 2, then after going around the
object (a picket), which is positioned in front of him at a distances of 1 meter,
he runs after the ball;
[Mon Jun 09 11:44:37 2003]
čim stigne loptu koja je odskočila od podloge, punim hrptom je podiže na glavu
igrača broj 2;
as soon as he reaches the ball which has rebounded from the ground, he raises
it with the full back up to the head of player number 2;
[Mon Jun 09 11:46:36 2003]
a on je udari glavom k podlozi.
and player 2 then heads it toward the ground.
[Mon Jun 09 11:47:14 2003]
Igrač broj 1 preskoči prvu preponu, a drugu obilazi te loptu udarenu prema zemlji
zaustavlja i predaje je igraču broj 2.
Player number 1 jumps over the first, and goes around the second hurdle, and
stops the ball which has been kicked downward, and hands it over to player number
[Mon Jun 09 11:47:17 2003]
Nakon toga igrač broj 2 izvodi isto to u suprotnom smjeru (sl.
After that, player number 2 does the same but in the opposite direction (figure
[Mon Jun 09 12:30:24 2003]
Primjena i uporaba složenih vježbi kod ekipa koje imaju mali broj treninga znatna
su ušteda u vremenu.
Application and use of complex exercises for teams with small number of trainings
presents a considerable time saving.
[Mon Jun 09 12:36:30 2003]
Prednost im je što sa svojim odgovarajućim sastavima omogućuju maksimalan razvoj
individualnih sposobnosti.
Their advantage is that with their adequate structures they enable the maximum
development of individual abilities.
[Mon Jun 09 12:37:00 2003]
Povećava se njihovo djelovanje i onda ako igrači te vježbe izvode u okolnostima
koje vladaju na utakmicama tj. u obliku utakmica.
Their effect increases if players perform those exercises in circumstances which
are present at matches, i.e. in the form of matches.
[Mon Jun 09 12:37:51 2003]
Posebno su takve vježbe važne za mlade nogometaše.
Such exercises are particularly important for young players.
[Mon Jun 09 12:39:24 2003]
Ali složene vježbe zahtijevaju od trenera veće zahvate i kvalitetnije pripreme.
But complex exercises demand forom the coach greater interventions and better
[Mon Jun 09 12:40:59 2003]
Organizacija treninga s kompleksnim vježbama i njihovo provođenje podjednako
je težak zadatak.
Organizations of training with complex exercises and their implementation is
equally difficult task.
[Mon Jun 09 12:43:52 2003]
Stoga i najpravilnije slijediti onu metodu rada kojom se iz tjedna u tjedan
postupno povećava broj složenih vježbi.
Therefore it is best to follow that method of work which weekly increases the
number of complex exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 12:45:05 2003]
U prvom tjednu uzeti jednu, eventualno dvije vježbe, a u sljedećem opet jednu
više itd.
During the first week take one, maybe two exercises, and during the next week
one more, etc.
[Mon Jun 09 12:47:36 2003]
Ako smo već postigli optimalnu razinu, onda prijašnje vježbe mijenjamo s novim.
If we have already achieved the optimal level, then we change the earlier exercises
with the new ones.
[Mon Jun 09 12:47:38 2003]
Nedostatak složenih vježbi je u tome što poslije izvjesnog vremena granicu tjelesnih
sposobnosti određuje upravo njihov sastav.
The disadvantage of complex exercises is that after a certain time, limit of
physical abilities is determined by their very structure.
[Mon Jun 09 12:51:02 2003]
Na primjer:
For example:
[Mon Jun 09 12:51:02 2003]
vježbama za razvoj čiste snage može se postići jači učinak već ako se to izvodi
u okviru kompleksnih vježbi.
by exercises for the development of pure strength we can achieve a stronger
effect already if they are performed within a framework of complex exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 14:12:20 2003]
Sastav (konstrukcija) kondicijskog
treninga materija vježbi
Composition (structure) of condition training training matter
[Mon Jun 09 14:16:05 2003]
Ne želim se pozabaviti pitanjem u vezi s kondicijom budući da smo to već raščistili.
I shall deal here with the question of condition, since we have already cleared
that subject.
[Mon Jun 09 14:18:56 2003]
Ali kondicijski rad određuju oni znanstveno-ispitni rezultati čiji su temelji
sastavni dio u tjelesnoj naobrazbi 'švrća' (malih dječaka) i mlađeg naraštaja
But the condition training is determined by those scientific -test results whose
basis is the component part in the physical education of the 'nippers' (small
boys) and younger generation (juniors).
[Mon Jun 09 14:24:25 2003]
U toj dobi igrači usvajaju najlakše pokrete, a to znači da treba početi od tehničke
obuke i od igranja.
In that age, players easily adopt the moves, and this means that we must start
from the technical training and playing.
[Mon Jun 09 14:25:33 2003]
Ali kondicijski rad iz područja sigurnosti treba grupirati (svrstati u skupine),
ali i jače se može opterećivati, čak štoviše i treba, ako kod toga dajemo mogućnosti
za odmor.
But the condition training from the area of safety needs to be grouped (classified
into groups), and also more heavily loaded, and indeed it has to be, if we provide
possibility of the resting periods.
[Mon Jun 09 14:27:40 2003]
Naime, brže se zamara mladi organizam, ali i mnogo brže se oporavlja nego kod
That is, a young organism gets tired more quickly, but it also much more quickly
recovers than the adult one.
[Mon Jun 09 14:30:18 2003]
S gledišta kondicije, možda je ovo najvažnija konstatacija, jer se tako učvršćuje
potrebna osnova za razvoj tjelesnih osobina.
From the viewpoint of condition, this may be the most important observation,
because in this way we strengthen the necessary base for the development of
physical characteristics.
[Mon Jun 09 14:32:11 2003]
Ako je ova osnova široka, raznovrsna - bit će visoka i stabilnija kasnija nadogradnja.
If the base is broad, diverse - then also the later upgrade will be higher and
more stable.
[Mon Jun 09 14:33:40 2003]
Planiranje kondicijskih vježbi unutar pojedinih razdoblja rada (ciklusa), određuje
se prema kondicijskoj razini samih igrača.
Planning of condition exercises within single periods of training (cycle), is
determined according to the condition level of players themselves.
[Mon Jun 09 14:36:27 2003]
Treba jednostavnim metodama rada bez liječničkog pregleda, trener sam ustanoviti
razinu kondicije svojih igrača.
By using simple methods of work without the medical examination, the coach should
determine the condition level of his players.
[Mon Jun 09 14:36:27 2003]
To je polazna osnova na kojoj treba planirati rad i sustavno ga kontrolirati,
odnosno svake godine prije početka priprema ponovno je procijeniti.
That is the starting point on which we need to plan an dsystematically control
our work, in other words, every year before the preparation starts it must be
[Mon Jun 09 14:46:57 2003]
Greška je ako odrasli nogometaši prema svojim individualnim sposobnostima ne
izvršavaju odgovarajuće vježbe.
It would be a mistake if adult players would not perform appropriate exercises
according to their individual abilities.
[Mon Jun 09 14:55:24 2003]
Greška je još veća ako u vježbama mladeži ne vodimo računa o individualnim razlikama
i odstupanjima.
If a player's young organism failed to receive proper impulses and stimulations
according to his abilites, then later those abilities will get intertwined.
[Mon Jun 09 14:58:13 2003]
Kad planiramo kondicijski trening za mlade nogometaše veću pažnju trebamo obratiti
na etape odmora.
When we plan condition training for young players, we should pay greater attention
to resting periods.
[Mon Jun 09 14:58:58 2003]
Kondicijski trening neka bude zabavan, vedrog raspoloženja.
Condition training should be fun, amusing.
[Mon Jun 09 15:01:38 2003]
Ovo raspoloženje treba ostvariti već i u uvodnom pripremnom dijelu treninga.
This mood should be realized already in the introductory preparatory part of
[Mon Jun 09 15:03:03 2003]
Koristiti se vježbama okretnosti - spretnosti, šaljivim vježbama individualno
ili u grupama i raznoraznim natjecanjima itd.
We should apply exercises of agility - skill, amusing exercises, individually
or in groups and various competitions etc.
[Mon Jun 09 15:04:09 2003]
, te unositi u materiju programa već i u uvodno-pripremni dio treninga.
, and introduce the program matter already in the introductory-preparatory part
of training.
[Mon Jun 09 15:08:01 2003]
One neprimjetno stvaraju prikladnu atmosferu i to poslije treba samo održavati.
Those exercises subtly create an appropriate atmosphere which later only needs
to be maintained.
[Mon Jun 09 15:08:32 2003]
Naravno, u uvodno-pripremnom dijelu treba misliti i na gradivo glavnog dijela
treninga te na odgovarajući način među te vježbe uvodimo i pripremne pokrete.
Of course, in the introductory-preparatory part we also need to think of the
main trainig material and of the appropriate way of inroducing the preparatory
movements into those exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 15:09:35 2003]
Ova gledišta vrijede za sve kondicijske treninge (psihofizičke) s obzirom na
pripremni dio treninga.
This viewpoints apply to all condition trainings (psychophysical) in respect
to the preparatory part of the training.
[Mon Jun 09 15:09:35 2003]
Glavni dio treninga - njegovo planiranje, izbor gradiva, sasvim je drukčiji
u raznim razdobljima rada i treniranja.
Main part of the training - its planning, choice of materials, is completely
different in various training periods.
[Mon Jun 09 15:14:12 2003]
U pripremnom razdoblju, u prve dvije trećine rada (prva faza i druga faza) jasno
je da su karakteristične one vježbe koje razvijaju snagu, elastičnosti i izdržljivost.
In the preliminary period, in the first two-thirds of training (first and second
phase) it is clear that characteristic exercises are those which develop strength,
flexibility and endurance.
[Mon Jun 09 15:15:01 2003]
Međutim, ovo ne znači da se u tome razdoblju ne mogu nalaziti i vježbe okretnosti-spretnosti
ili baš i tehničke vježbe.
However, this does not mean that during this the period we cannot apply exercises
of agility-skill, or even technical exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 15:20:17 2003]
Takve vježbe bezuvjetno trebaju biti u vježbanju mladeži.
Such exercises should absolutely be incorporated into the youth training.
[Mon Jun 09 15:21:11 2003]
Za mladi uzrast mogu se uvrštavati poneke vježbe spretnosti ili tehničkog obilježja
kao u obliku odmora-rekreacije, štoviše, ovakvi aktivni odmori su najsvrhovitiji,
For the young age, we can include some exercises of skill or exercises with
technical characteristics, as in the form of the break-recreation, indeed, such
active resting periods are most purposeful, and most economical.
[Mon Jun 09 15:21:57 2003]
Načelo opterećenja i odmora treba provoditi jako brižljivo.
Principle of load and rest should be implemented very carefully.
[Mon Jun 09 15:24:31 2003]
Moglo bi se kazati da je to možda najvažniji zadatak trenera.
We could say that this is maybe the most important task task of the coach.
[Mon Jun 09 15:29:17 2003]
To bi trebali rješavati treneri koji posjeduju istraživačke kvalitete, ali i
jednostavno mjerenje pulsa može biti dobar oslonac za doziranje opterećenja.
Coaches who possess research qualities should be dealing with this problem by,
but also a simple pulse measuring may be a good support for dosing of load.
[Mon Jun 09 15:30:24 2003]
Ovisno o dobi uzrasta i razine kondicije, u pripremnom razdoblju može se održavati
i dva do pet kondicijskih treninga tjedno.
Depending on the age and condition level, in the preliminary period we can keep
two to five condition trainings a week.
[Mon Jun 09 15:37:57 2003]
U tome slučaju radije održavajmo čisto kondicijske treninge, nego kombinirane.
In this case, we should rather keep pure condition trainings, than combined
[Mon Jun 09 15:37:57 2003]
Ali vrijeme trajanja treninga je srazmjerno dulje na treningu mladeži i to zbog
većeg broja odmora.
But the duration of training is relatively longer on the youth training because
of the more of resting periods.
[Mon Jun 09 15:48:26 2003]
Od kraja pripremnog razdoblja i u prednatjecateljskoj fazi rada na kondicijskom
treningu dominiraju vježbe elastičnosti, brzine, okretnosti i tehničke vježbe.
From the end of preliminary period and in the precompetitive phase of work,
the condition training is dominated by the exercises of flexibility, speed and
skill, as well as the technical exercises.
[Mon Jun 09 15:50:20 2003]
Od godine života i njene specijalne svojstvenosti proizlazi da nije dobro i
svrhovito održavati čisto kondicijske treninge u tome razdoblju.
Year of life and its special characteristics suggest that is neither good nor
purposeful to have pure condition trainings in this period.
[Mon Jun 09 15:52:09 2003]
Za vrijeme daljnjeg razvoja tjelesnih sposobnosti uvrstimo u rad i loptu kad
god za to imamo mogućnosti.
In further development of physical abilities we should include the ball into
the training whenever it is possible.
[Mon Jun 09 15:55:49 2003]
U tome razdoblju gradivo treninga postaje sve raznolikije (stvarni oblici nogometne
During that period, the training material becomes more diverse (actual forms
of football matches).
[Mon Jun 09 16:00:30 2003]
Tada je najvažniji zadatak izgraditi i razviti pravilnu proporciju između tjelesne
naobrazbe i tehničko-taktičke naobrazbe.
Then the most important task is to build and develop a regular proportion between
the physical and the technical-tactical education.
[Mon Jun 09 16:02:27 2003]
Na to mogu utjecati raznovrsni uvjeti (igralište, oprema, sredstva za rad itd),
ali ovo ne može mijenjati osnovna načela rada.
That can be influenced by various conditions (the field, the equipment, training
instruments etc.), but it cannot change the basic principles of work.
[Mon Jun 09 16:05:49 2003]
Bitno je da se u sklopu kombiniranog treninga odvija psihofizički rad.
It is important to develop the psychophysical work within the combined training.
[Mon Jun 09 16:06:55 2003]
Uzimajući u obzir razred natjecanja (dječaka), njegovu naobrazbu i mogućnosti
(kluba), preko tjedna se može izvoditi 2 do 4 puta kondicijski rad;
Taking into account the competition class (of a boy), his education and possibilities
(of a club), conditional training can be held 2 to 4 times a week;
[Mon Jun 09 16:07:05 2003]
ali ovo neka bude samo u izuzetnim slučajevima kondicijskog (psihofizičkog)
karaktera (radi lošeg terena npr.)
but this should be restricted only to exceptional cases of condition (psychophysical)
character (because of a bad field, etc.)
[Mon Jun 09 16:10:59 2003]
Natjecateljska faza.
Competition phase.
[Mon Jun 09 16:20:20 2003]
Na izbor materije za kondicijski rad u ovome razdoblju utječu uglavnom dva faktora:
The choice of materials for the condition training in this period is mostly
influenced by two factors:
[Mon Jun 09 16:21:15 2003]
karakteristika same športske grane i obilježja životne dobi.
characteristics of a sports branch itself and characteristics of a life-age.
[Mon Jun 09 16:23:18 2003]
Karakteristika nogometne igra zahtijeva specijalnu okretnost-spretnost, promijenjenu
tehniku treba dalje razvijati.
Characteristic of a football game demands a special agility-skill, a changed
technique needs to be further developed.
[Mon Jun 09 16:30:28 2003]
Ali treba i dalje razvijati tjelesne sposobnosti i to u takvom obliku kakva
je potreba za to u samoj igri.
Also, the physical abilities should be further developed, and in a form which
is necessary for the game itself.
[Mon Jun 09 16:31:11 2003]
Nabrojene tjelesne sposobnosti u isti su mah i njihov redoslijed.
The abovementioned physical abilities are listed by their order.
[Mon Jun 09 16:39:23 2003]
Njihov daljnji razvoj je neosporan zadatak preko cijele godine.
Their further development is the unquestionable task throughout a whole year.
[Mon Jun 09 16:43:37 2003]
Kod odraslih nogometaša u tome razdoblju treba uglavnom samo održavati jednom
već ranije izgrađenu razinu.
Adult players should in this period only maintain the already developed level.
[Mon Jun 09 16:45:24 2003]
A kod igrača mladog uzrasta treba ga neprekidno i dalje razvijati od početka
prednatjecateljske faze rada.
And younger players must constantly develop that level from the beginning of
the precompetitive phase.
[Mon Jun 09 16:47:19 2003]
Taj se zadatak može riješiti s kondicijskim treninzima dva do tri puta tjedno
pa čak i onda ako treninzi i nisu posve kondicijski.
This problem can be solved by the condition trainings twice or thrice a week,
and even when trainings are not entirely conditional.
[Mon Jun 09 16:51:55 2003]
Spomenuti kondicijski treninzi izuzetno i ne štete, ali ovaj povećavaju stručni
razvoj - svrhovito iskorištavanje mogućnosti - zahtijevaju kompleksan trening.
Mentioned condition trainings are not really damaging, but they increase the
professional development - the purposeful exploitation of the possibilities
- and demand a complex training.
[Mon Jun 09 16:54:21 2003]
Neka bude takav na kojem će se daljnji razvoj tjelesnih sposobnosti rješavati
mahom s loptom.
It should be such where further development of physical abilities will be solved
mainly with the ball.
[Mon Jun 09 16:56:42 2003]
U takvom slučaju, u razvoju brzine, okretnosti i spretnosti, vježbe s loptom
prosto su neophodne.
In that case, for the developmet of speed, agility and skill, the ball trainings
are practically essential.
[Mon Jun 09 16:56:42 2003]
Razvoj snage se ne može rješavati bezbrižno u ovakvim formama i oblicima, ali
u interesu razvoja i ostalih sposobnosti preporučljivo je povremeno primjenjivati
vježbe bez lopte.
Strength development cannot be solved airily in such forms and shapes, but for
the sake of development of other abilities it is advisable to periodically apply
exercises without the ball.
[Tue Jun 10 08:19:54 2003]
Kondicijski rad i u glavnom dijelu treninga treba biti zabavan, prema metodici
vođenja treninga i rada.
The condition training should also be amusing in the main part of the training,
in terms of teaching methods of training management and practice.
[Tue Jun 10 08:20:33 2003]
Poslije svake vježbe koja zahtijeva veću upotrebu energije neka se nađu dopunske
vježbe koje utječu na psihičko osvježenje.
After each exercise which demands a greater energy employment we should apply
additional exercises which influence the mental reinvigoration.
[Tue Jun 10 08:21:47 2003]
Završni dio kondicijskog treninga ne razlikuje se od završnog dijela ostalih
Closing part of the condition training does not differ from closing part of
other trainings.
[Tue Jun 10 08:23:44 2003]
Sa bilo kojim zadatkom mogu se rješavati svi oni zahtjevi koji su opravdani
s fiziološkog gledišta.
Any task can fulfill all those requirements which are physiologically justified.
[Tue Jun 10 08:33:23 2003]
Kondicijski rad i u glavnom dijelu treninga treba biti zabavan, prema metodici
vođenja treninga i rada.
The condition training should also be amusing in the main part of the training,
in terms of teaching methods of training management and practice.
[Tue Jun 10 08:33:28 2003]
Poslije svake vježbe koja zahtijeva veću upotrebu energije neka se nađu dopunske
vježbe koje utječu na psihičko osvježenje.
After each exercise which demands a greater energy employment, we should apply
additional exercises which influence the mental reinvigoration.
[Tue Jun 10 08:33:33 2003]
Završni dio kondicijskog treninga ne razlikuje se od završnog dijela ostalih
Closing part of the condition training does not differ from closing part of
other trainings.
[Tue Jun 10 08:49:06 2003]
Sa bilo kojim zadatkom mogu se rješavati svi oni zahtjevi koji su opravdani
s fiziološkog gledišta.
Any task can fulfill all those requirements which are physiologically justified.
[Tue Jun 10 08:49:52 2003]
Međutim, s psihološkog gledišta pravilnije ćemo postupiti ako veću uporabu snage
ili napora ili eventualno 'zagušljivo' raspoloženje deblokiramo sa zabavnim
However, from the psychological standpoint, it would be better if greater strength
or effort employment, or perhaps the 'opressive' mood should be unblocked with
amusing exercises.
[Tue Jun 10 08:54:22 2003]
Natjecanja koja zahtijevaju manje naprezanja (npr.
Contests which demand less effort (e.g.
[Tue Jun 10 09:13:51 2003]
izvođenje jedanaesteraca na ispadanje ili karakteristične zabavne igre) vrlo
su prikladna za završni dio treninga.
penalty shooting with falling out or characteristic amusing games) are very
appropriate for the closing part of the training.
[Tue Jun 10 09:35:24 2003]
U daljnjim izlaganjima, karakterističnim za pojedina razdoblja rada, iznosimo
poneke skice treninga.
In further presentations, characteristic for single training periods, we present
some training outlines.
[Tue Jun 10 09:37:12 2003]
U njima nema broja ponavljanja pojedine vježbe, niti vremena njihova trajanja,
budući da se o tome može razgovarati općenito samo među nogometašima veće granične
In those outlines there is no number of repetitions of a single exercise, nor
their duration, since only among the players of greater marginal age we can
talk about these problems.
[Tue Jun 10 09:41:49 2003]
Prije bih volio ukazati na obilježja vježbi koje bi mogle biti karakteristične
za pojedina razdoblja rada.
I would rather point out to exercise characteristics which could be characteristic
for single training periods.
[Tue Jun 10 09:44:31 2003]
Bit prikazanih skica vježbi nalazi se u njihovim unutarnjim kompozicijama.
The essence of presented exercise sketches is in their internal compositions.
[Tue Jun 10 09:52:43 2003]
Zadaci pojedinih treninga i utrošeno vrijeme na pojedine vježbe očigledno su
drukčiji za pojedine ekipe.
Tasks of single trainings and the time spent on single exercises apparently
differs from team to team.
[Tue Jun 10 09:56:20 2003]
Bilo bi neumjesno obvezati se da poneke taktičke vježbe izvode 10 ili 20 minuta.
It would be inappropriate to oblige oneself to perform some tactical exercises
for 10 or 20 minutes.
[Tue Jun 10 09:56:40 2003]
Može biti da pojedincima treba za uvježbavanje 5 minuta, a drugima 20 minuta.
It is possible that some individuals need 5 minutes for practicing, and that
others need 20.
[Tue Jun 10 09:56:40 2003]
Isto se odnosi na startove i na sprinteve itd.
Same aplies to starts and sprints etc.
[Tue Jun 10 10:12:03 2003]
Skica treninga za mladež
Outlines for youth trainings
[Tue Jun 10 10:12:06 2003]
U pripremnom razdoblju na slobodnom prostoru
Preliminary period exercises in the open space
[Tue Jun 10 10:13:43 2003]
Uvodno-pripremni dio:
Introductory-preparatory part:
[Tue Jun 10 10:14:14 2003]
Trčanje na 800 metara sa zadacima.
Running at 800 meters with tasks.
[Tue Jun 10 10:14:22 2003]
Gimnastičke vježbe za istezanje - opuštanje u parovima (15 minuta).
Gymnastic exercises for stretching - relaxation in pairs (15 minutes).
[Tue Jun 10 10:14:47 2003]
Glavni dio:
Main part:
[Tue Jun 10 10:17:16 2003]
Dinamično trčanje 3x200 metara.
Dynamic running at 3x200 meters.
[Tue Jun 10 10:17:16 2003]
Vježbe u parovima s izmjenama uloga:
Exercises in pairs with changing of roles:
[Tue Jun 10 10:37:46 2003]
Parovi stoje okrenuti leđima jedan drugome, povezani s laktovima:
Pairs stand back-to-back to each other, joining their elbows:
[Tue Jun 10 10:37:56 2003]
na komandu 1 - 2 parovi dižu parne noge, a na komandu 3-4 izvode spuštanje nogu
at the command 1-2 pairs rise both legs, and at the command 3-4 they lower them
down (figure
[Tue Jun 10 10:38:12 2003]
Slika 87.
Figure 87.
[Tue Jun 10 10:54:11 2003]
Parovi stoje jedan iza drugoga u raskoračnom stavu, s rukohvatom u uzručenju:
Pairs stand one behind another in the straddle position, taking each other's
hands and lifting them up:
[Tue Jun 10 10:54:16 2003]
jedan čini pregib trupa naprijed, a drugi oslanjajući mu se na leđa diže noge
i uvija trup (sl.
one player performs a forward arch, and the other, relying on his to back, lifts
his legs and arches his torso (figure
[Tue Jun 10 10:54:20 2003]
Slika 88.
Figure 88.
[Tue Jun 10 11:00:08 2003]
Parovi stoje jedan drugome nasuprot i držeći se rukama:
Pairs stand opposite to each other and hold their hands:
[Tue Jun 10 11:00:08 2003]
na naredbu, jedan skoči na njega, drugi ga drži nekoliko sekundi u zraku, zatim
izvodi 3x250-300 metara brzo trčanje, a sjena ga prati u korak.
on command, one jumps on the other, who then holds him for a few seconds in
the air, then he performs 3x250-300 meters of fast running, and the other player
follows close behind him.
[Tue Jun 10 11:04:20 2003]
Na drvetu koje se nalazi u blizini ili na čemu drugom, izvoditi zgibove (uzvlačenje)
iz visećeg položaja.
On a tree or something similar, player performs pull-ups (liftings up) from
the hanging position.
[Tue Jun 10 11:04:21 2003]
Ponoviti prema mogućnostima sudionika.
Repeat the exercises according to player's abilities.
[Tue Jun 10 11:09:59 2003]
Parovi stoje jedan prema drugome nasuprot, jedan stoji u raznožnom stavu, a
drugi mu na raširenim nogama izvodi upor prednji.
Pairs stand face to face, one player stands in a straddle position, and the
other performs the front support on his teammate's spread legs.
[Tue Jun 10 11:14:59 2003]
U prednjem uporu izvoditi savijanje ruku prema sposobnosti vježbača.
From the front support perform a hand bending according to the abilities of
a player.
[Tue Jun 10 11:15:00 2003]
Nakon toga slijedi zamašno trčanje 3×300-350 metara, uz 'igru tempa' - mijenjati
tempo kretanja, a 'sjena' ga prati u korak, nakon toga slijede gimnastičke vježbe.
After that, there follows an extensive running at 3×300-350 meters, during the
'tempo game' the player changes the tempo of his movement, and the 'shadow'
follows close behind him, after which follow gymnastic exercises.
[Tue Jun 10 11:22:46 2003]
Parovi se nalaze jedan drugom na leđima, zakačeni nogama ispred koljena.
Players are on their teammate's backs, with their legs hooked in front of teammate's
[Tue Jun 10 11:23:13 2003]
'Konj' izvodi savijanje trupa naprijed toliko da 'konjanik' može dodirnuti tlo.
'Horse' bends his torso forward so that 'rider' can touch the ground.
[Tue Jun 10 11:27:37 2003]
Parovi stoje okrenuti jedan prema drugome, držeći se rukama.
Pairs stand face to face, holdin each other's hands.
[Tue Jun 10 11:27:40 2003]
Jedan igrač spušta se dolje, gotovo do položaja potrbuške, a drugi korakne nazad
držeći ga u tome položaju, zatim ga podiže nazad do stojećeg stava (sl.
One player lowers himself down, almost until he gets on his stomach, and the
other player steps back holding the teammate in that position, and then lifts
him up back into the standing position (figure
[Tue Jun 10 11:29:30 2003]
Nakon toga trčanje sa srednjim tempom 3×350-400 metara, a zatim ponovno vježbe
u parovima.
After that follows a medium-tempo running at 3×350-400 meters, and then again
exercises in pairs.
[Tue Jun 10 11:29:30 2003]
Slika 89.
Figure 89.
[Tue Jun 10 11:39:59 2003]
Parovi stoje jedan iza drugog;
Players stand one behind another;
[Tue Jun 10 11:42:31 2003]
Igrač koji se nalazi iza njega uhvativši ga za ručne zglobove spušta ga nazad,
ali ne sasvim u ležeći položaj, zatim ga vraća u stojeći stav (sl.
Player who stands behind him seizes his wrists and lowers him back, but not
to the full lying position, and then he returns him to the standing position
[Tue Jun 10 11:43:00 2003]
Ovo izvesti 5 do 6 puta.
Repeat this exercise 5 to 6 times .
[Tue Jun 10 11:43:44 2003]
Slika 90.
Figure 90.
[Tue Jun 10 12:10:09 2003]
Postava igrača je kao i prije, ali igrač koji se nalazi pozadi u čučnju prihvati
ruke igrača ispred njega (povežu se).Igrač koji se nalazi sprijeda skoči u vis,
a drugi koji se nalazi iza njega, drži ga iznad glave nekoliko sekundi.
Line-up of players is as before, but the player who stands behind gets into
a squatting position and seizes the hands of a player who stands in front of
him (they connect). Player who stands in front performs a high-jump, and the
other player who is behind him, holds him above his head for a few seconds.
[Tue Jun 10 12:10:11 2003]
Daljnje vježbe trčanja (kao i ostale koje slijede nakon toga) mogu se mijenjati
po volji i na odgovarajući način, a prema prilikama.
Further running exercises (as well as the other exercises which follow after)
can be freely and appropriately changed, depending on circumstances.
[Tue Jun 10 12:10:32 2003]
Završni dio treninga:
Closing part of the training:
[Tue Jun 10 12:10:58 2003]
Lagana trčanja, hodanje, vježbe disanja.
Easy running, walking, breathing exercises.
[Tue Jun 10 12:17:54 2003]
Uvodni dio:
Introductory part:
[Tue Jun 10 12:20:43 2003]
Trčanje u parovima 600-800 metara uz vježbe s loptom, 10 minuta izvoditi gimnastičke
vježbe za istezanje i labavljenje.
Running in pairs at 600-800 meters with the ball exercises, then performing
gymnastic exercises for stretching and relaxation for about 10 minutes.
[Tue Jun 10 12:21:10 2003]
Razne 'lovice' s dvije do tri lopte koje imaju obilježje nogometa.
Various 'hunt' games with two or three balls, which have some football characteristics.
[Tue Jun 10 12:28:07 2003]
Glavni dio:
Main part:
[Tue Jun 10 12:28:37 2003]
Tehničke vježbe za izvođenje udaraca i primitka lopte.
Technical exercises for performing shooting the ball and receiving the ball.
[Tue Jun 10 12:29:22 2003]
Sprintevi na 30 metara iz različitih polaznih položaja.
30 meter sprints from different starting positions.
[Tue Jun 10 12:30:17 2003]
Igra 2:2 (držanje lopte).
2 game (handling the ball).
[Tue Jun 10 12:31:27 2003]
Start vježbe na 30 do 50 metara sa sprintom.
Starting exercises at 30 to 50 meters with the sprint.
[Tue Jun 10 12:31:29 2003]
Udarac - primitak lopte - vođenje lopte - dribblinzi:
Shooting receiving the ball leading the ball dribblings:
[Tue Jun 10 12:31:38 2003]
složene vježbe.
complex exercises.
[Tue Jun 10 12:31:38 2003]
Brzinske vježbe s loptom
Speed exercises with the ball
[Tue Jun 10 12:32:46 2003]
brzinske vježbe s loptom
Technical exercises for performing shooting the ball and receiving the ball.
[Tue Jun 10 12:32:56 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 12:40:18 2003]
Parovi stoje na oko 30 metara okrenuti jedan prema drugome.
Players stand at a distance of about 30 meters, facing each other.
[Tue Jun 10 12:40:19 2003]
Jedan udari loptu nogom suigraču i trči na njegovo mjesto, pri tome suigrač
primljenu loptu u brzom tempu vodi nazad na položaj suigrača.
One shoots the ball towards his teammate and runs to his place, while his teammate
leads the ball quickly back to the position of his teammate.
[Tue Jun 10 12:45:07 2003]
Parovi su postavljeni međusobno nasuprot, te brzim vođenjem lopte izmjenjuju
Pairs are positioned opposite to each other, and players exchange their places
while quickly leading the ball.
[Tue Jun 10 12:45:09 2003]
Igra 'mačke i miša' 4:2 ili 5:3 uz stalno kretanje, s dva dodira lopte.
2 or 5:3 with the constant movement, and two ball contacts.
[Tue Jun 10 12:45:09 2003]
Tehničke vježbe
Technical exercises
[Tue Jun 10 12:45:10 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 14:09:14 2003]
Igra se u grupama.
Game is played in groups.
[Tue Jun 10 14:09:18 2003]
Polazak iz kruga sa sredine igrališta, izvesti dupli pas u desnu a zatim u lijevu
stranu, pri tome preskočiti preko postavljenih prepona i prije udarca na gol
načiniti dribbling (varku) tijelom s odvlačenjem lopte u stranu (sl.
Starting from the midfield circle, player performs a double pass to the right
and then to the left, jumps over hurdles and before the shooting he performs
a dribbling (deceiving) by dragging the ball aside (figure
[Tue Jun 10 14:09:21 2003]
Slika 91.
Figure 91.
[Tue Jun 10 14:11:29 2003]
Poslije završene prve vježbe pojačano trčanje na 60 do 80 metara sa dva ubrzanja
After finishing the first exercise, start with the reinforced running at 60
to 80 meters with two speedings 2.
[Tue Jun 10 14:13:00 2003]
Postava prema skici broj 92.
Line-up according to the figure 92.
[Tue Jun 10 14:15:36 2003]
Igrač broj 1 vodeći loptu igra dupli pas s igračem broj 2 koji loptu udara prema
jednoj preponi.
Player number 1 leads the ball and performs a double pass with player number
2, who then kicks the ball towards a hurdle.
[Tue Jun 10 14:23:50 2003]
Igrač 1 poslije predaje lopte preskače prvu preponu koja je postavljena nešto
postrance i prima loptu ispred druge prepone, zatim puca na gol s linije šesnaesterca.
Player 1, after passing the ball jumps over the first hurdle which is positioned
sideways, and receives the ball in front of the second hurdle, then shoots at
the goal from the penalty area line.
[Tue Jun 10 14:26:01 2003]
Igrač broj 2 nakon duplog pasa, obišavši kolčić (zastavicu) pokušava ometati
igrača broj 1, zatim preskače preponu.
Player number 2 , after making a double pass, goes around a picket (streamer)
and tries to obstruct player number 1, and then jumps over a hurdle.
[Tue Jun 10 14:26:23 2003]
Nakon svega toga, igrač broj 1 stane na mjesto igrača 2, a broj 2 ide na začelje
kolone (sl.
Finally, player number 1 goes to the place of player 2, who then goes to the
rear of a column (figure
[Tue Jun 10 14:26:29 2003]
Slika 92.
Figure 92.
[Tue Jun 10 14:27:50 2003]
Postava prema skici broj 93.
Line-up according to figure 93.
[Tue Jun 10 14:31:06 2003]
Igrač broj 1 iz unutar šesnaesterca upućuje loptu u obliku parabole k igraču
broj 3;
Player number 1 from within the penalty area directs the ball in the arc towards
player number 3;
[Tue Jun 10 14:34:16 2003]
on krećući se naprijed primi loptu i prilikom njezina vođenja kreće u lijevo,
zatim je upućuje k igraču broj 5, s kojim je izmijenio mjesta.
player 3, moving ahead, takes the ball and during leading it moves to the left,
then directs it towards player number 5, with whom he has exchanged places.
[Tue Jun 10 14:38:44 2003]
Igrača broj 5 prilikom primitka lopte ometa igrač broj 1;
Player number 1 obstructs player number 5 while he is trying to receive the
[Tue Jun 10 14:43:03 2003]
broj 5 dribla igrača broj 1 i puca na gol.Poslije završene akcije igrač broj
1 ide na mjesto igrača broj 3, a on na mjesto igrača 5.
number 5 dribbles with player number 1 and shoots at the goal. After the action
is completed, player number 1 goues to the place of player number 3, and 3 goes
to the place of number 5.
[Tue Jun 10 14:43:07 2003]
A igrači koji se nalaze na kraju vrste izvode savijanje ruku iz stražnjeg upora
Players who are positioned at the end of a rank perform hand bending from the
back support (figure
[Tue Jun 10 14:55:01 2003]
Vježbe za razvijanje snage izvoditi u parovima s medicinkom 10 minuta.
Exercises for strength development should be performed in pairs with the medicine
ball for about 10 minutes.
[Tue Jun 10 14:55:04 2003]
Igre s taktičkim zadacima 20 do 30 minuta (gol se može postići samo s ubačenom
(lobovanom) loptom s gol-aut linije).Igru svakih 5 minuta prekidati i tada igrači
izvode snažno trčanje najprije na jednoj gol-aut liniji i nazad, a zatim nakon
vježbe disanja - ka gol-aut liniji suprotne strane tamo i nazad.
Games with tactical tasks should be performed for about 20 to 30 minutes (goal
can be achieved only with the thrown in (lobbed) ball from the goal -touchline.
The game should be interrupted) every 5 minutes so the players could perform
vigorous running, first at one goal-touchline and back, and then after breathing
exercises - towards the goal-touchline at the opposite side and back.
[Tue Jun 10 14:55:18 2003]
Završni dio:
Closing part:
[Tue Jun 10 14:55:28 2003]
Lagano trčanje, hodanje, vježbe disanja.
Easy running, walking, breathing exercises.
[Tue Jun 10 15:00:26 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 15:14:31 2003]
Ako se u prednatjecateljskoj fazi rada ne može na igralištu raditi zbog vremenskih
prilika ili lošeg terena, onda je potrebno trening popuniti s karakterističnim
tehničkim vježbama na prikladnom terenu.
If players cannot practice at the field during the precompetitive phase, because
of bad weather conditions or poor terrain, then training must be filled with
characteristic technical exercises on appropriate terrain.
[Tue Jun 10 15:14:31 2003]
Ove tehničke vježbe mogu se izvoditi u polju, na nizbrdici, pa i na brežuljku.
These technical exercises can be performed at field, at slope, and even at hillock.
[Tue Jun 10 15:18:07 2003]
Slika 93.
Figure 93.
[Tue Jun 10 15:21:39 2003]
Jedna takva vježba:
One such exercise:
[Tue Jun 10 15:22:24 2003]
Dva para stoje okrenuti jedan prema drugome na udaljenosti 30 do 40 metara.
Two pairs are turned towards each other at a distance of about 30 to 40 meters.
[Tue Jun 10 15:25:06 2003]
Jedan par je na maloj uzbrdici, a drugi na padini.
One pair is on a small hill, and other at a slope.
[Tue Jun 10 15:26:18 2003]
Prvi član para koji se nalazi na uzbrdici 'šutira' loptu iz ruke k prvom članu
para na suprotnoj strani i pretrči stazu.
The first member of the pair which is positioned on the hill 'shoots' the ball
with the hand towards the first member of the pair positioned at the opposite
side and runs across the track.
[Tue Jun 10 15:26:53 2003]
To isto čini i onaj koji je dohvatio loptu.
The same action is performed by a player who has reached the ball.
[Tue Jun 10 15:27:06 2003]
(Za vrijeme trčanja mogu se izvoditi i drugi zadaci:
(During running, players can also perform some other tasks: