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[Mon Jun 09 12:47:22 2003]
60 minuta, 5 minuta zagrijavanje, žongliranje s loptom, 20-25 minuta tehnika prijema
lopte i dodavanje ili prijem lopte i udarci na gol.
the 60 minute, 5 minute warm-ups, juggling with the ball, 20-25 minutes of techniques
of receptions of balls and adding or the reception balls and shootings.
[Mon Jun 09 12:48:39 2003]
Igrač udaljen oko 36,5 metara (40 jardi) od odbojne površine starta.
Player distant eye 36,5 meters (40 yards) from the repulsive surface starts.
[Mon Jun 09 12:48:40 2003]
Loptu visoko udari ispred sebe, poleti za njom, prihvati je i udari u odbojnu
površinu te nakon odbijanja vodi loptu nazad, vraćajući se nazad može predriblati
dvije do tri zamišljene prepreke, vježbati izvođenje dribblinga.
Ball high strikes in front of himself, flies up for her, has accepted and bumped
into the repulsive surface this after rebound lead the ball back, returns back
can dribble two to three imagined obstacles, practice the execution of dribblings.
[Mon Jun 09 12:49:00 2003]
Trčeći paralelno sa odbojnom površinom, šutira loptu o zid i kada se odbije, dalje
je vodi i ponovo polazi iz suprotnoga pravca.
Running parallelly with the repulsive surface, kicked the ball about the wall
and when rebounds, further has been kept and again starts from the opposite direction.
[Mon Jun 09 14:31:43 2003]
Rezanu loptu uputi u zid tako da se ona odbije nazad povrh glave, zatim se okrene
i prihvati loptu prije nego što se ona odbija dva do tri puta od podloge, zatim
je vodi nazad, i to se ponavlja više puta.
Undercut directs in the wall so that she rebounds back above the head, then turns
around and accepts the ball before than she rebounds two to thrice from the background,
then has been kept back, and this repeats itself several times.
[Mon Jun 09 14:32:18 2003]
S udaljenosti od zida oko 35-45 metara (40-50 jardi) vodi dvije lopte tako da
s jednom gura naprijed drugu loptu.
With the distance from the wall around 35-45 meters (40-50 yards) lead two balls
so that with once pushes forward the another ball.
[Mon Jun 09 14:33:12 2003]
Ako prednju loptu ne pogodi, onda pojuri za njom, vrati je nazad i ponovno pokuša.
If the front ball not hit, then makes after her, has given back back and again
[Mon Jun 09 14:33:12 2003]
Duljinu udarca lopte treba dobro ocijeniti jer ako se cilj promaši potrebno je
izvesti dalje trčanje za vraćanje lopte nazad, s određene udaljenosti od zida
igrač puca loptu u zid, odbijenu loptu prihvati, a zatim obje lopte vodi na polaznu
Length of drop-kick needs good to evaluate because if the goal missed necessary
goes for a ride further the running for the giving back balls back, from the certain
distance from the wall player shoots the ball in the wall, rebounded ball accepts,
and then both balls lead on the baseline.
[Mon Jun 09 14:58:51 2003]
Kao završnicu preporučujemo 10 minuta kružnoga treninga:
As the final recommend the 10 minute of circuit training:
[Mon Jun 09 15:00:03 2003]
kruženje trupom najviše 1 minutu
circulation torso most the 1 minute
[Mon Jun 09 15:00:11 2003]
skok u vis iz čučnja najviše do 60 sekundi
high jump from the squat most to the 60 second
[Mon Jun 09 15:00:27 2003]
10 sklekova
10 push-ups
[Mon Jun 09 15:01:04 2003]
sprinteri na jednu pa na drugu stranu najviše 30 sekundi na udaljenosti od 9 metara
(10 jardi).
sprinters on the one Pa on the reverse most the 30 second on distances of 9 meters
(10 yards).
[Mon Jun 09 15:01:14 2003]
iz čučnja skok u upor i nazad, maksimalno do 60 sekundi.
from the squat jump in the support and back, maximum to the 60 second.
[Mon Jun 09 15:01:28 2003]
iz položaja ležećeg prijeći u sjed najviše 60 sekundi.
from the position lying cross in the sitting position most the 60 second.
[Mon Jun 09 15:02:20 2003]
[Mon Jun 09 15:02:20 2003]
Poslije jednog mjeseca ponovno se izmjeri rezultat kružnog vježbanja, tj. određuje
se pojačana doza opterećenja.
After one of the moon again measured the result of circle training, i.e. determines
increased dose of loads.
[Mon Jun 09 15:15:01 2003]
Poslije kružnog vježbanja igrač izvede repeticiono (ponavljanje) trčanje s loptom
u trajanju od 20 minuta.
After the circle training player performs repetitious (the repetition) the running
with the ball for the length of the 20 minute.
[Mon Jun 09 15:15:48 2003]
Koristeći linije za obilježavanje igrališta, repeticiono trčanje može biti:
Using lines for the marking playgrounds, repetitious running may be:
[Mon Jun 09 15:16:23 2003]
Polazeći od jednoga kornera, pretrčavanje na drugu stranu iza gola na taj način
što igrač nosi loptu na glavi.
Starting of the one corner-kick, running on the reverse behind the goal in this
way what player carries the ball on the head.
[Mon Jun 09 15:16:28 2003]
Od kornera pa do polovice igrališta hodanje, a pri tome igrač drži loptu u zraku,
od polovine igrališta pa do suprotnog kornera vođenje lopte sa punom brzinom,
unakrsno ka drugome korneru lagano vođenje lopte, od kornera do polovice igrališta
izvoditi udarce lopte u vis.
Of corner-kicks so to half fields walking, and by this player holds the ball in
the air, of half fields so to the opposite corner-kick leading the ball with the
full speed, cross towards the another corner-kick easy leading the ball, of the
corner-kick to half fields carry out drop-kicks in the top.
[Mon Jun 09 15:16:44 2003]
Od polovine igrališta do polaznog kornera šetnja.
Of half fields to starting corner-kicks walk.
[Mon Jun 09 15:16:52 2003]
Omjer između laganog rada i brzog trčanja u početku je 3:1, to jest poslije jednog
trčanja, tri puta se toliko vremena odmara.
Proportion between the easy work and fast running in the beginning is 31:, i.e.
after the one running, thrice such times rests.
[Mon Jun 09 15:17:03 2003]
Ali s poboljšanjem kondicije treba nastojati postići omjer 1:1.
Als with the improvement conditions need try achieve the proportion 11:.
[Mon Jun 09 15:17:17 2003]
Cilj je da intenzitet napora dostigne približno onaj stupanj koji odgovara pripremljenosti
za igrača.
Goal is that the intensity of effort reaches approximately that degree which corresponds
readinesses for the player.
[Mon Jun 09 15:17:27 2003]
Kod treninga koji se izvode pojedinačno, najveći je problem dosada.
By trainings which carries out individually, largest is the problem boredom.
[Mon Jun 09 15:17:27 2003]
Zato se najveći dio treninga izvodi s loptom.
Therefore the largest part of trainings carry out with the ball.
[Mon Jun 09 15:50:38 2003]
Primjeri plana treninga pripremljeni su uzimajući u obzir najlošije moguće okolnosti
i prilike.
example of plan of trainings have been prepared taking into account most badly
possible circumstances and conditions.
[Mon Jun 09 15:50:38 2003]
Sve mogućnosti koje pruža zajednički rad treba iskoristiti, sa jednim drugim igračem
izvoditi vježbe težinskog opterećenja bar jednom tjedno.
All possibilities which gives the joint work needs use, with one another players
carry out exercise of weight load for once week.
[Mon Jun 09 15:58:27 2003]
[Mon Jun 09 15:58:55 2003]
60 minuta, 5 minuta žongliranje sa loptom, 20-25 minuta vježbe za pripremljenost
(snaga, elastičnost), 30 minuta vježbe sa loptom.
the 60 minute, 5 minute juggling with the ball, 20-25 minute exercise for the
readiness (the strength, flexibility), 30 minute joint with the ball.
[Mon Jun 09 15:59:11 2003]
Igrač s vremena na vrijeme mijenja trčanje, vođenje lopte, brzinu izvođenja kretnje
i prirodu samih vježbi.
Player from time to time changes the running, leading the ball, speed of execution
of movement and nature of alone exercise.
[Mon Jun 09 15:59:58 2003]
Brze radnje miješa sa laganim.
Fast action mixes with easy.
[Mon Jun 09 15:59:58 2003]
Jedno kratko razdoblje rada, ali oštrim tempom, promijeniti sa dugotrajnim radom
ali sa srednjom jačinom.
The one interlude of work, but the sharp pace, will change with the long-lasting
work but with the medium intensity.
[Mon Jun 09 16:07:10 2003]
Evo jednog treninga u trajanju od 30 minuta.
here one training session for the length of the 30 minute.
[Mon Jun 09 16:07:18 2003]
5 minuta lagano trčanje sa loptom.
the 5 minute easy runnings with the ball.
[Mon Jun 09 16:08:20 2003]
30 sekundi trčanje s jakim tempom i s loptom, 60 sekundi tehnika disanja i opuštanja
ili žongliranje s loptom tako da poslije svakog dodira lopte ona može pasti na
the 30 second runnings with the strong pace and with the ball, 60 seconds of techniques
of breathings and relaxations or juggling with the ball so that after the every
touch of ball she can falls for the floor.
[Mon Jun 09 16:08:36 2003]
Napraviti jednu seriju trčanja 6x30 sekundi, i 6x60 sekundi aktivni odmor.
Do one series runnings 6x30 the second, and 6x60 the second active rest.
[Mon Jun 09 16:08:44 2003]
Sveukupno, rad traje 9 minuta.
In total, work lasts the 9 minute.
[Mon Jun 09 16:08:44 2003]
Pet minuta brzo hodanje uz potiskivanje lopte naprijed.
The five minute fast walkings beside the pushing balls forward.
[Mon Jun 09 16:19:42 2003]
30 sekundi vođenje lopte i s čestim zaustavljanjem pa ponovnim trčanjem, s potpunim
okretajima i promjenama pravca kretanja, iza 30 sekundnog opterećenja slijedi
60 sekundi vježbe za disanje ili šetnja.
the 30 second leadings the ball and with the frequent stopping so the repeated
running, with complete turns and changes of course, behind 30 second loads follows
the 60 second days for the breathing or the walk.
[Mon Jun 09 16:19:43 2003]
Broj ponavljanja može biti 4-6 puta.
Number repetitions may be 4-6 way.
[Mon Jun 09 16:19:54 2003]
Kao završnica, 3-5 minuta trčanje sa loptom srednjom brzinom.
As the final, 3-5 minute runnings with the ball medium speed.
[Mon Jun 09 16:28:21 2003]
Naglašavam važnost da igrači bilježe rezultate rada na treningu.
Emphasize the importance that players record the work result on the training.
[Mon Jun 09 16:28:29 2003]
Bez toga se mogu zavarati u svojoj tjelesnoj sposobnosti.
Without this can deceive in her physical ability.
[Mon Jun 09 16:28:41 2003]
A zatim u sljedeća dva dana neka igrači ponove program rada.
And then in next two days players let them repeat the agenda.
[Mon Jun 09 16:28:56 2003]
Vježbe od ponedjeljka u srijedu, a program od utorka u četvrtak.
exercise of the Monday on Wednesday, and the programme of the Tuesday on Thursday.
[Mon Jun 09 16:29:23 2003]
Često se postavlja pitanje:
Often places the question:
[Mon Jun 09 16:29:55 2003]
koliko pomažu treninzi nogometašu sa drugim igrama.
how anoint trainings to the footballer with another second.
[Mon Jun 09 16:30:25 2003]
Ovisi o tome kakvog je intenziteta dopunska igra.
It depends on the intensity additional game.
[Mon Jun 09 16:30:28 2003]
Na primjer:
For example:
[Mon Jun 09 16:31:35 2003]
igra slična tenisu.
game similar tennis.
[Mon Jun 09 16:32:10 2003]
Igra se s dva igrača, na malome prostoru, s mekanom gumenom loptom pogađamo cilj
na zidanoj ogradi.
play with two players, on the small area, with the soft rubber ball haggles the
target on the bricked fence.
[Mon Jun 09 16:32:16 2003]
Ova igra zahtijeva pokretljivost, vještinu, okretnost, snagu, izdržljivost visokog
stupnja i preciznost.
This plays demands the movability, skill, agility, strength, endurance to the
profundity and precision.
[Mon Jun 09 16:32:19 2003]
Ova igra zahtijeva pokretljivost, vještinu, okretnost, snagu, izdržljivost visokog
stupnja i preciznost.
This plays demands the movability, skill, agility, strength, endurance to the
profundity and precision.
[Mon Jun 09 16:32:36 2003]
[Mon Jun 09 16:32:36 2003]
Trening sa specijalnim zadacima niti u jednoj športskoj igri ne može na odgovarajući
način nadoknaditi druga igra ili aktivnost.
Training with special tasks neither in one sport games not was able on adequate
the way compensate the another game or the activity.
[Tue Jun 10 09:46:48 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 09:46:54 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:07 2003]
trgovačka mreža
trade network
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:09 2003]
unutarnja i vanjska trgovina d.o.o.
inner and foreign trade d.o.o.
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:16 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:29 2003]
Croatia osiguranje d.d.
Croatia insurance d.d.
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:32 2003]
Filijala za osiguranje transporta i kredita Zagreb
Branch office for the insurance of transport and loans Zagreb
[Tue Jun 10 09:47:32 2003]
10000 Zagreb
10000 Zagreb
[Tue Jun 10 14:31:58 2003]
Planski trening i obuka su od osnovne važnosti.
Planned training and coaching are of basic importance.
[Tue Jun 10 14:32:20 2003]
Time je u nogometu osigurano napredovanje i omogućava da igrač procijeni razvoj
svojih kapaciteta te da shvati značaj i važnost treninga za poboljšanje uspjeha
Time is in the football ensure progress and enable that the player estimates the
development one's capacities and also that understands the meaning and importance
of trainings for the improvement of success of team.
[Tue Jun 10 14:32:23 2003]
Trener koji planira program rada neka neprestano misli na ovo:
Coach which plans agenda constantly let him think on this:
[Tue Jun 10 14:32:50 2003]
što čini, radi čega i kako.
what let him do, whereupon and how.
[Tue Jun 10 14:33:10 2003]
Onaj trener koji radi bez analize i plana prije ili kasnije će sa zaprepaštenjem
doći do saznanja da nema određenog cilja.
That coach which works without the analysis and plan sooner or later with the
astonishment gets at understandings that there is no the defined goal.
[Tue Jun 10 14:36:39 2003]
Na treningu i za vrijeme obuke sa igračima treba individualno rukovoditi koliko
je to ljudski moguće.
On the training and during instructions with players need individually will be
guided by how much is this human possibly.
[Tue Jun 10 14:36:39 2003]
Treba upoznati njihova fiziološka, psihološka, anatomska svojstva i tehnička znanja.
Needs get to know their physiological, psychological, anatomic attributes and
technical knowledges.
[Tue Jun 10 14:54:54 2003]
Da je bilo što razlog za skraćenje mrtve sezone, neminovno su rezultati ovi:
That is whatever reason for the shorten dead seasons, surely are results these:
[Tue Jun 10 14:56:28 2003]
u kraćoj pauzi igrač manje gubi od ranije postojeće kondicije i stupnja pripremljenosti.
in the shorter break player less loses of earlier existing conditions and level
of readiness.
[Tue Jun 10 14:57:39 2003]
Najviše je trenera načisto sa tim da za se vrijeme duge ljetne pauze naglo gubi
opća i specijalna psihofizička sprema.
Most is the coach agree about with this that for the time of the long summer break
abruptly loses general and special psychophysical condition.
[Tue Jun 10 14:58:46 2003]
Uprkos tome ipak dokazuju da je poslije prvenstvene sezone od 8-9 mjeseci potreban
duži odmor jer se inače igrači ne mogu odmoriti od jakog psihičkog i tjelesnog
Despite that nevertheless argue that is after the championship season of 8-9 months
required longer rests because otherwise players cannot will rest of strong mental
and physical load.
[Tue Jun 10 14:59:28 2003]
Međutim, jako je sporno je li za to potrebno četiri mjeseca.
However, strongly debatable has been for these required four month.
[Tue Jun 10 14:59:28 2003]
Stupanj opadanja tjelesne sposobnosti može se dobro opaziti poslije izvođenja
jedne serije živahnijih pokreta i kretnji ako iza toga slijedi laganije odmaranje
od napora.
Level decrease physical abilities were able good to notice after the execution
one series of livelier motions and movements if thereafter follows the light rest
of the effort.
[Tue Jun 10 15:11:40 2003]
Poslije vježbanja, broj pulsa će se vratiti na normalu.
After the training, number of pulse switches back the normal.
[Tue Jun 10 15:12:03 2003]
U takvom slučaju igrač vrlo teško izvodi i vježbe izdržljivosti.
In the such case player very hard carries out and exercise endurances.
[Tue Jun 10 15:12:48 2003]
Opadanje forme može se vidjeti na nekim igračima koji su povećali tjelesnu težinu.
decline shape were able see on some players which have enlarged the bodyweight.
[Tue Jun 10 15:13:03 2003]
Izostajanje sa treninga u trajanju od 4-6 tjedana ide na štetu dobre forme, ali
ne u prvome redu u razvoju snage već više u općoj izdržljivosti.
Is not absent with trainings for the length of 4-6 weeks goes to the detriment
of good shapes, but in the first order in development strengths but more in the
general endurance.
[Tue Jun 10 15:13:03 2003]
Svrsishodno bi bilo da mrtvu sezonu, sezonu odmora i pripremno razdoblje rasporedimo
na sljedeći način:
Appropriate would be that the dead season, season of rest and preliminary period
arrange on the next way:
[Tue Jun 10 15:27:17 2003]
Poslije zadnje proljetne prvenstvene utakmice potpuna pauza trajala bi dva tjedna.
After the last spring championship match of entire breaks would last two weeks.
[Tue Jun 10 15:27:37 2003]
Unutar sljedećih deset tjedana igrači bi dobili dva tjedna odsustva tijekom mjeseca
lipnja i srpnja, ali pojedinačno i naizmjence.
Inside next ten weeks players would get two weeks absences throughout the month
of June and July, but individually and by turns.
[Tue Jun 10 15:29:04 2003]
Od trećeg tjedna svibnja mjeseca pa do početka srpnja, izuzimajući one koji su
na odmoru, igrači bi tjedno dva puta (prije podne ili samo poslije podne) izvodili
trening u trajanju od jedan i pol do dva sata.
Of the third week May of months so to the beginning of July, excepts they who
on holliday, players were week two ways (in the morning or only in the afternoon)
carry out the training for the length of one and a half to two hours.
[Tue Jun 10 15:29:45 2003]
Treninzi nisu specijalni već sadržavaju živahne kretnje, predstavljaju postupno
veće angažiranje.
Trainings are not special but contain lively movements, present gradually the
larger engagement.
[Tue Jun 10 15:29:45 2003]
Od tjedna do tjedna kontrolira se stanje snage igrača.
From week to week monitored state the strength of player.
[Tue Jun 10 15:39:13 2003]
Od kraja mjeseca lipnja igrači bi trebali izvoditi na treningu sve veći i veći
Since the end of June players would need carry out on the training growing and
larger work,
[Tue Jun 10 15:39:15 2003]
a za to vrijeme se rad postupno pomiče ka specijalnom treningu nogometaša.
and in the meantime the work gradually moves towards the specific training of
[Tue Jun 10 15:40:07 2003]
U trećem tjednu lipnja angažiranje igrača bi bilo u najjačoj mjeri.
In third week Junes engages in the player in the strongest measure.
[Tue Jun 10 15:40:11 2003]
Ako pripreme traju dulje vremena (a što je vrlo važno) one neće prouzrokovati
sukobe između pripremljenosti za igru i tjelesnih sposobnosti.
If preparations last longer times (and what is very important) they cause clash
between readinesses for the game and physical abilities.
[Tue Jun 10 15:42:55 2003]
Oba faktora su važna.
Both factors are important.
[Tue Jun 10 15:42:55 2003]
U procesu treniranja nogometaša pripreme su sljedeće:
In the process trainings of footballers of preparation are following:
[Tue Jun 10 15:52:22 2003]
Pripremljenost ekipe za igru
Team readiness for the game
[Tue Jun 10 15:52:26 2003]
Individualne sposobnosti i tehnika
Individual abilities and techniques
[Tue Jun 10 15:54:29 2003]
Opća i specijalna kondicija (psihofizička pripremljenost)
General and specific condition (the psychophysical readiness)
[Tue Jun 10 15:54:48 2003]
Raspored mrtve sezone može se prikazati i grafički (vidi skicu 101 a,b i c).
Arrangement dead seasons were able present and graphically (sees the sketch 101
and,b and c).
[Tue Jun 10 15:54:48 2003]
Ovi grafikoni približno označavaju kako se izvode treninzi u mrtvoj sezoni.
These graphs approximately mark how carry out trainings in the dead season.
[Tue Jun 10 16:00:37 2003]
U prilično širokim krugovima rasprostranjeno je mišljenje da igrači ne mogu biti
sposobni za igru u kondicionom pogledu dok ne odigraju tri do četiri prvenstvene
In considerably wide circles has been spread out belief that players cannot fit
for the game in the condition look until take place three to four league matches.
[Tue Jun 10 16:03:21 2003]
Ovo mišljenje, već samo po sebi nameće potrebu da se ponovno preispita kako da
se provede vrijeme u mrtvoj sezoni.
This opinion, but by itself impose the need that again reexamined how that spent
time in the dead season.
[Tue Jun 10 16:03:39 2003]
Na dan početka prvenstva pripremljenost ekipe neka se nalazi u ŠPIC FORMI:
On the day of the beginning of championship team readiness let her find in SPITZ
to the SHAPE:
[Tue Jun 10 16:04:36 2003]
Kako smo već napomenuli, u prvim tjednima prvenstva utakmice su teške, a rezultati
utakmica su vrlo važni.
How are but mention, in first week championships matches are hard, and results
match is very important.
[Tue Jun 10 16:04:36 2003]
Slika 101 (a,b i c) prikazuje program treninga i kako se mogu organizirati pripreme
i natjecanja na odgovarajući način, a prema zahtjevima modernog nogometa.
Image 101 (and,b and c) represents the training programme 1...22. and how can
organize preparations and competitions on the adequate, and as required the modern
[Tue Jun 10 16:20:31 2003]
Trening u mrtvoj sezoni
Training in the dead season
[Tue Jun 10 16:21:02 2003]
Dva tjedna poslije zadnje utakmice iz proljetnog dijela prvenstva (poslije dva
tjedna odmora) počinje ponovno trening, te igrači podijeljeni u grupe, kroz četiri
do pet tjedana sudjeluju dva puta tjedno na poludnevnim treninzima.
Two weeks after the last match from the spring part of championship (after two
weeks rests) start the again training, and players are divided in groups, through
four to five weeks participate two ways week on lasting half a day trainings.
[Tue Jun 10 16:21:06 2003]
Iza ovoga tijekom četiri tjedna pripreme će biti sve jače i jače i postaju sve
Behind this during four week preparations will be increasing and more strongly
and become all more specific.
[Tue Jun 10 16:21:11 2003]
U zadnja tri do četiri tjedna potpuna specijalnost.
In last three to four week complete specialities.
[Tue Jun 10 16:21:11 2003]
Pripreme podijeljene u četiri etape izgledaju ovako:
Preparations are divided in four stages seem like this:
[Tue Jun 10 16:26:52 2003]
Etapa :
[Tue Jun 10 16:26:54 2003]
od trećeg tjedna mjeseca svibnja do sredine lipnja, tjedno dva treninga po pola
dana (misli se na dva puta dnevno).
of the third week of Mays to the middle of June, week two trainings along half
a day (think in two times daily).
[Tue Jun 10 16:27:21 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 16:27:28 2003]
od trećeg tjedna lipnja, pa do kraja prvog tjedna srpnja.
of third week Junes, till the end of first week Julies.
[Tue Jun 10 16:27:29 2003]
Tjedno četiri treninga (dnevno samo jedan).
Week four trainings (daily only one).
[Tue Jun 10 16:28:03 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 16:28:03 2003]
u drugom i trećem tjednu srpnja, tjedno, tri do četiri treninga preko cijeloga
dana (prije podne i poslije podne).
in another and third week July, week, three to four trainings across the whole
day (in the morning and in the afternoon).
[Tue Jun 10 16:28:28 2003]
[Tue Jun 10 16:28:29 2003]
od četvrtog tjedna srpnja pa do trećeg tjedna kolovoza potpuno specijalan trening.
of fourth week Julies so to third week Augusts completely the special training.
[Tue Jun 10 16:30:15 2003]
od trećeg tjedna kolovoza počinje razdoblje treninga u natjecateljskoj sezoni.
of third week August start the period of trainings in the competitive season.
[Tue Jun 10 16:30:15 2003]
Sa takvom raspodjelom rada sa loptom i igara u mrtvoj sezoni ne može doći do većih
i opasnijih povreda igrača.
With the such distribution of work with the ball and games in the dead season
not was able gets at larger and more dangerous injury of players.
[Tue Jun 10 16:38:56 2003]
U 1.
In 1.
[Tue Jun 10 16:39:27 2003]
etapi trening se temelji na raznovrsnim zabavnim natjecanjima.
Stage the training is based upon various amusing competitions.
[Tue Jun 10 16:39:34 2003]
Brojno stanje grupa neka bude sastavljeno od četiri do šest igrača i grupe neka
ostaju iste tijekom jednog treninga dnevno.
The numerous state group let her be composed of four to the six player and groups
let them remain same during the one training daily.
[Tue Jun 10 16:39:38 2003]
Etapa (1 i 2.
Stage (1 and 3.
[Tue Jun 10 16:41:00 2003]
Zagrijavanje 10 minuta, 30 minuta male igre!
Warm-up 10 minute, 30 minute of small game!
[Tue Jun 10 16:41:43 2003]
odbojka, košarka, tenis nogom ili rukomet, 15 minuta pauza, 10 minuta zagrijavanje,
30 minuta natjecanje grupa (šprinteri, trčanje preko prepona, natjecanje u štafetama)
ili igre nogometa 2:2 ili 3:3 ili natjecanje u tehniciranju (žongliranje), 20
minuta vježbe težinskog opterećenja ili kružni trening.
volleyball, basketball, tennis foot or the handball, 15 minutes of breaks, 10
minute warm-ups, 30 minute competition groups (sprinters, hurdles, competition
in relays) or the play of football 22: or 33: or the competition in the juggling
(juggling), 20 minute of hard of weight loads or the circuit training.
[Tue Jun 10 16:41:43 2003]
U svakoj etapi neke aktivnosti neka prethodi 10 minuta zagrijavanja.
In every Stage some activities let her precede 10 minutes of warm-ups.
[Tue Jun 10 16:49:23 2003]
Etapa (1 dan) .
Stage (the 1 day).
[Tue Jun 10 16:50:08 2003]
Primjena vježbi kao i u 1 etapi;
Uses of exercise like in 1 Stage;
[Tue Jun 10 16:50:09 2003]
u svakome slučaju izvoditi kružni trening.
in the every case carry out the circuit training.
[Tue Jun 10 16:51:09 2003]
Etapa (1 dan) .
Stage (the 1 day).
[Tue Jun 10 16:51:10 2003]
Primjena vježbi kao i u 1 etapi;
Uses of every like in 1 Stage;
[Tue Jun 10 16:51:11 2003]
u svakome slučaju izvoditi kružni trening.
in the every case carry out the circuit training.
[Tue Jun 10 16:53:01 2003]
45 minuta igra nogometa na malom igralištu, grupe u sastavu pet ili šest igrača
na četvrtini nogometnog igrališta, 10 minuta pauza, 30 minuta individualno uvježbavanje
tehnike, 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog opterećenja (vježbe na utezima).
the 45 minute game of footballs on the small playground, groups as part of five
or the six player on the quarter of football playground, 10 minutes of breaks,
30 minute individual techniques, 15-20 minute of exercise of weight loads (every
on weight).
[Tue Jun 10 16:53:10 2003]
Kao i 1.
Like 1.
[Tue Jun 10 16:53:10 2003]
etapa, uračunavajući i kružni trening.
Stage, including and circuit training.
[Tue Jun 10 16:54:49 2003]
Za 45 minuta prijeći vježbe prema ulogama u ekipi ili uvježbavanje detalja iz
igre (korner, slobodni udarac, jedanaesterac, bacanje auta).
For the 45 minute go over exercise according to roles in the team or the training
of detail from the amusing (the corner-kick, free blow, hendecasyllable, throw-in).
[Tue Jun 10 16:54:49 2003]
10 minuta pauza, 30 minuta tehniciranja, 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog opterećenja
(s utezima).
10 minutes of breaks, 30 minute jugglings, 15-20 minute of hard of weight loads
(with weights).
[Wed Jun 11 09:26:53 2003]
3 Etapa.
the 3 stage .
[Wed Jun 11 09:26:56 2003]
(1 dan).
(the 1 day).
[Wed Jun 11 09:28:18 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:28:20 2003]
45 minuta igra 11 sa 11 igrača, 10 minuta pauza, 45 minuta funkcionalne vježbe
(odgovarajuće za pojedine uloge u ekipi).
the 45 minute play 11 with the 11 player, 10 minutes of breaks, 45 minute of functional
exercise (adequate for respective role in the team).
[Wed Jun 11 09:28:41 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 09:28:47 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 15-20 minuta vježbe sa utezima.
the 45 minute individually juggling, 15-20 minute exercise with weights.
[Wed Jun 11 09:28:49 2003]
2 dan.
the 2 day.
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:17 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:19 2003]
20 minuta raspravljanje, dogovaranje sa ekipom, 60 minuta trening utakmica, četiri
puta po 15 minuta, s međuodmorima od 5 minuta.
the 20 minute discussions, consultation with the team, 60 minutes of training
games, four ways along the 15 minute, with breaks of the 5 minute.
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:47 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:55 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta vježbe, 15 minuta
kružni trening.
the 45 minute individually juggling, 10 minutes of breaks, 20 minute exercise,
15 minutes of circuit training.
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:57 2003]
Plivanje ako za to postoje mogućnosti.
Swimming if for this exist possibilities.
[Wed Jun 11 09:29:59 2003]
3 dan.
the 3 day.
[Wed Jun 11 09:30:16 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:30:18 2003]
Kao kod treninga u 1.
As by trainings in 1.
[Wed Jun 11 09:30:44 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 09:31:33 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 09:31:33 2003]
45 minuta uvježbavanje (vježbe po linijama, grupama), 10 minuta odmor, 25 minuta
preponsko trčanje s ponavljanjima i ako je moguće plivanje.
the 45 minute trainings (exercise along lines, groups), 10 minute rests, 25 minute
hurdles recurrently and if possible the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 09:41:32 2003]
4 dan.
the 4 day.
[Wed Jun 11 09:42:13 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:42:34 2003]
45 minuta uvježbavanje ekipe (primjenjujući taktičke varijante), 10 minuta pauza,
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje.
the 45 minute training teams (applying tactical variants), 10 minutes of breaks,
45 minute individually jugglings.
[Wed Jun 11 09:43:11 2003]
Poslije podne 60 minuta razne vježbe (taktika, tehnika), 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog
opterećenja (s utezima) i ako je moguće plivanje.
In the afternoon the 60 minute various exercise (the tactics, technique), 15-20
minute exercise of weight loads (with weights) and if possible the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 09:43:35 2003]
Budući da se vrijeme trajanja treninga povećava kao i njegova jačina, toliko je
i korisnije da se dan teškoga treninga završi sa 20 minuta plivanja.
Since the tenure of trainings increase Like 1 his intensity, so much is and more
beneficially that the day of heavy trainings ended with 20 of swimmings.
[Wed Jun 11 09:43:55 2003]
To ne znači da je plivanje sastavni dio plana treninga, već ispunjava ulogu masiranja
u obliku terapije.
This does not mean that swims the component of plan of trainings, but fills the
role massaging in the form therapies.
[Wed Jun 11 09:43:56 2003]
Međutim, u 4 etapi poslije drugog tjedna rada plivanje se ne primjenjuje.
However, in 4 Stage after the second week work does not swim applies.
[Wed Jun 11 09:55:23 2003]
Prvi tjedan
The first week
[Wed Jun 11 09:55:27 2003]
Etapa (1.
Stage (1.
[Wed Jun 11 09:55:29 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 09:55:40 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:55:42 2003]
30 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 60 minuta uvježbavanje utakmice.
the 30 minute agreements with the team, 60 minute training matches.
[Wed Jun 11 09:59:15 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 09:59:16 2003]
45 minuta vježbe detalja iz igre, 10 minuta odmor, 30 minuta intervalno preponsko
trčanje i ako je moguće plivanje.
the 45 minute of training of details from the game, 10 minute rests, 30 minute
interval hurdles and if possible the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 09:59:20 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 09:59:57 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 09:59:58 2003]
20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 90 minuta uvježbavanje utakmice, sa tri etape od
20 minuta i jedna od 30 minuta sa međuprekidima od 10 minuta.
the 20 minute of consultation with the team, 90 minute training matches, with
three stage of the 20 minute and one of the 30 minute with breaks of the 10 minute.
[Wed Jun 11 10:00:53 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 10:00:53 2003]
45 individualne tehničke vježbe, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta vježbe prisilnog opterećenja,
20 minuta kružni trening i ako je moguće plivanje.
45 individual technical practice, 10 minutes of breaks, 20 minute of training
of compulsory loads, 20 minutes of circular trainings and if possible the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 10:12:56 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:15:43 2003]
Prije podne:
In the morning:
[Wed Jun 11 10:15:45 2003]
20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 45 minuta vježbe za uvježbavanje ekipe,10 minuta
odmora, 45 minuta vježbe iz igre (slobodni udarci, korneri, jedanaesterci itd.)
the 20 minute consultation with the team, 45 minute various for the training teams,10
minute the rest, 45 minute practice from the game (free-kicks, corner-kicks, penalty
kick etc.)
[Wed Jun 11 10:16:31 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 10:16:32 2003]
45 minuta individualne tehničke vježbe, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta prisilni trening,
20 minuta kružni trening i plivanje.
the 45 minute of the individual technical practice, 10 minutes of breaks, 20 minute
compulsory trainings, 20 minutes of circuit training and swimmings.
[Wed Jun 11 10:16:58 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:18:00 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 10:25:15 2003]
Razgovor, dogovor sa ekipom, 45 minuta vježbe tehnike, 10 minuta pauza, 45 minuta
vježbe iz same igre (pojedinosti, detalja iz igre) na primjer razne taktičke varijante,
korneri, postavljanje zida, slobodni udarci itd.
Discussion, consultation with the team, 45 minute of minute of techniques, 10
minutes breaks, 45 minute minutes from the alone game (details, detail from the
game) for example various tactical variants, corner-kicks, setting up wall, free-kicks
[Wed Jun 11 10:25:39 2003]
Poslije podne:
In the afternoon:
[Wed Jun 11 10:25:40 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehničko uvježbavanje, 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog opterećenja
(utezi)i ako je moguće plivanje.
the 45 minute individual technical training, 15-20 minute of minute of weight
loads (weights) if possible the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 10:40:19 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:41:30 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 10:41:32 2003]
20 minuta razgovor sa ekipom, 60 minuta utakmica bez odmora.
the 20 minute talking with the team, 60 minutes of matches without the rest.
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:15 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:17 2003]
40 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 10 minuta pauza, 30 minuta vježbe dodavanja,
15-20 minuta kružni trening i ako postoji mogućnost za plivanje.
the 40 minute individually juggling, 10 minutes breaks, 30 minute of exercise
of pass, 15-20 minutes of circuit training and if exists the possibility for the
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:24 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:38 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:40 2003]
Osvježavajuće aktivnosti (tenis, mini golf).
Refreshing activities (tennis, mini golf).
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:54 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 10:42:54 2003]
Vježbe kao u 1 etapi.
exercise as in 1 Stage.
[Wed Jun 11 10:51:16 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:53:38 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 10:53:39 2003]
20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 60 minuta vježbe taktike.
the 20 minute of consultation with the team, 60 minute of practice of tactics.
[Wed Jun 11 10:53:55 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 10:54:01 2003]
Individualno tehniciranje, 40 minuta vježbe za pripremljenost ekipe ili preponsko
The individually juggling, 40 minute exercise for the team readiness or hurdles.
[Wed Jun 11 10:54:36 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 10:54:38 2003]
Prije podne, 20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 90 minuta priprema utakmice sa odmorom
od 10 minuta u poluvremenu.
In the morning, 20 minute consultation with the team, 90 minutes of preparations
of matches with the rest of the 10 minute in the halftime.
[Wed Jun 11 10:56:52 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 10:56:53 2003]
20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 45 minuta vježbe taktike, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta
kružni trening, 10 minuta vježbe sa utezima (vježbe težinskog opterećenja) i ako
imamo uvjete za plivanje.
the 20 minute agreement with the team, 45 minute of minute of tactical exercises,
10 minutes breaks, 20 minutes of circuit training, 10 minute exercise with weights
(the minute of weight load) and if have the condition for the swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 11:05:39 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 11:05:41 2003]
Prije podne, 20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 60 minuta uvježbavanje ekipe.
In the morning, 20 minute consultation with the team, 60 minute coaching teams.
[Wed Jun 11 11:06:30 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:06:32 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta vježbe izdržljivosti,
20 minuta vježbe za pripremljenost ekipe ili preponsko trčanje i po mogućnosti
the 45 minute individually juggling, 10 minutes breaks, 20 minute of exercise
of endurances, 20 minute exercise for the team readiness or hurdles and along
the possibility swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 11:06:36 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 11:06:44 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:08:37 2003]
Prije podne, 20 minuta dogovor sa ekipom, 60 minuta uvježbavanje ekipe.
In the morning, 20 minute consultation with the team, 60 minute coaching teams.
[Wed Jun 11 11:09:52 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:09:53 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 10 minuta pauza, 20 minuta vježbe izdržljivosti,
20 minuta vježbe za pripremljenost ekipe ili preponsko trčanje i po mogućnosti
the 45 minute individual jugglings, 10 minutes of breaks, 20 minute of exercise
of endurances, 20 minute exercise for the team readiness or hurdles and along
the possibility swimming.
[Wed Jun 11 11:10:24 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:10:27 2003]
20 minuta raspravljanje, dogovaranje sa ekipom, 60 minuta trening utakmica, 10
minuta pauza, 45 minuta individualne tehničke vježbe.
the 20 minute discussions, consultation with the team, 60 minutes of training
games, 10 minutes breaks, 45 minute of the individual technical exercise.
[Wed Jun 11 11:11:11 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:11:12 2003]
Kao za vrijeme 1 Etape rada, 20 minuta kružni trening, 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog
opterećenja i plivanje ako je moguće.
As during 1 Stage of training, 20 minutes of circuit training, 15-20 minute of
exercise of weight load and swimming if possible.
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:11 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:14 2003]
Poslije podne 30 minuta utakmica između ekipa u sastavu od pet ili šest igrača,
10 minuta pauza, 30 minuta individualno tehničko vježbanje.
In the afternoon 30 minutes of match between the team as part of of five or six
player, 10 minutes - break, 30 minute individual technical training.
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:25 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:26 2003]
Pauza ili tenis, mini golf itd.
Break or the tennis, mini golf etc.
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:31 2003]
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:53 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:18:55 2003]
45 minuta raspravljanje, dogovaranje sa ekipom, 60 minuta uvježbavanje detalja
iz igre, sa manjim opterećenjem.
the 45 minute discussion, consultation with the team, 60 minute practise of details
from the game, with the smaller load.
[Wed Jun 11 11:19:00 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:19:01 2003]
Pripremna utakmica.
preparatory match.
[Wed Jun 11 11:25:26 2003]
dan .
[Wed Jun 11 11:25:33 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:25:43 2003]
Raspravljanje, dogovaranje sa ekipom.
Discussion, consultation with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 11:26:18 2003]
60 minuta uvježbavanje igre sa manjim opterećenjem.
the 60 minute training games with the smaller load.
[Wed Jun 11 11:26:51 2003]
Poslije podne, 45 minuta individualno tehničko vježbanje, 10 minuta pauza, 30
minuta za pripremljenost ekipe ili preponsko trčanje ili kružni trening.
In the afternoon, 45 minute individually the technical training, 10 minutes breaks,
30 minute for the team readiness or hurdles or the circuit training.
[Wed Jun 11 11:26:56 2003]
Sa obveznim ponavljanjem vježbi.
With the obligatory repetition to the exercise.
[Wed Jun 11 11:28:00 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:28:18 2003]
Raspravljanje, dogovaranje sa ekipom.
Discussion, consultation with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 11:28:38 2003]
60 minuta uvježbavanje igre sa manjim opterećenjem.
the 60 minute training games with the smaller load.
[Wed Jun 11 11:28:44 2003]
Poslije podne, 45 minuta individualno tehničko vježbanje, 10 minuta pauza, 30
minuta za pripremljenost ekipe ili preponsko trčanje ili kružni trening.
In the afternoon, 45 minute individual the technical training, 10 minutes breaks,
30 minute for the team readiness or hurdles or the circuit training.
[Wed Jun 11 11:28:49 2003]
Sa obveznim ponavljanjem vježbi.
With the obligatory repetition to the exercise.
[Wed Jun 11 11:29:04 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:29:06 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 10 minuta odmor, 45 minuta uvježbavanje ekipe.
the 45 minute individually jugglings, 10 minute rests, 45 minute training teams.
[Wed Jun 11 11:29:15 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:29:16 2003]
90 minuta trening utakmica.
90 minutes of training game.
[Wed Jun 11 11:33:41 2003]
Prije podne 30 minuta rasprava sa ekipom.
In the morning 30 minutes of discussion with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 11:33:43 2003]
60 minuta uvježbavanje ekipe.
the 60 minute training teams.
[Wed Jun 11 11:34:15 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:34:16 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehniciranje, 30 minuta vježbe za pripremljenost ekipe
(vidi 1 dan poslije podne).
the 45 minute individually juggling, 30 minute exercise for team readiness (see
1 day in the afternoon).
[Wed Jun 11 11:34:30 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:34:32 2003]
20 minuta razgovor sa ekipom.
the 20 minute talk with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 11:34:34 2003]
60 minuta trening utakmica.
60 minutes of training games.
[Wed Jun 11 11:38:09 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:38:10 2003]
15-20 minuta vježbe za težinsko opterećenje.
15-20 minute consultations for the weight load.
[Wed Jun 11 11:38:29 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:38:31 2003]
45-60 minuta vježbe za opuštanje i relaksaciju.
45-60 minute relaxation exercise.
[Wed Jun 11 11:40:08 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 11:40:08 2003]
Trening utakmica.
training game.
[Wed Jun 11 11:59:19 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 11:59:38 2003]
60 minuta raspravljanje sa ekipom.
the 60 minute discussion with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 11:59:40 2003]
45 minuta taktika igre (ne sa snažnim pokretima i kretanjima).
the 45 minute of tactics of games (no with strong movements and motions).
[Wed Jun 11 12:00:11 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 12:00:28 2003]
45 minuta individualno tehničko uvježbavanje, 30 minuta rad na izdržljivosti i
the 45 minute individual technical trainings, 30 minute work on endurance and
[Wed Jun 11 12:00:33 2003]
(Vidi treći tjedan 1 dan poslije podne).
(see the third week 1 day in the afternoon).
[Wed Jun 11 12:01:18 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 12:01:20 2003]
Individualno tehničko vježbanje, 10 minuta odmor, 15-20 minuta vježbe težinskog
individual technical practice, 10 minute rest, 15-20 minute of exercise of weight
[Wed Jun 11 12:01:31 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 12:01:31 2003]
90 minuta trening utakmica.
90 minutes of training game.
[Wed Jun 11 12:06:34 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 12:06:36 2003]
45 minuta rasprava sa ekipom, 45 minuta uvježbavanje igre sa laganim kretanjima
i pokretima.
45 minutes of discussion with the team, 45 minute practise game with light motions
and movements.
[Wed Jun 11 12:06:39 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 12:06:49 2003]
Kao i u 1.
Like 1 in 1.
[Wed Jun 11 12:06:51 2003]
etapi, 30 minuta rad na izdržljivosti i brzini.
Stage, 30 minute work on endurance and speed.
[Wed Jun 11 12:07:09 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 12:09:30 2003]
30 minuta razgovor sa ekipom.
the 30 minute of talking with the team.
[Wed Jun 11 12:09:32 2003]
45 minuta uvježbavanje igre (korneri, živi zid, slobodni udarci, bacanje auta,
izvođenje jedanaesteraca itd.)
the 45 minute training games (corner-kicks, wall, free-kicks, throw-in, penalty
shooting etc.)
[Wed Jun 11 12:11:16 2003]
. Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 12:11:25 2003]
Individualno tehniciranje.
The individual juggling.
[Wed Jun 11 12:11:26 2003]
15-20 minuta vježbe sa utezima.
15-20 minute exercise with weights.
[Wed Jun 11 12:11:38 2003]
Prije podne.
In the morning.
[Wed Jun 11 12:11:39 2003]
60 minuta vježbe za opuštanje i relaksaciju.
the 60 minute relaxation exercises.
[Wed Jun 11 12:16:25 2003]
Poslije podne.
In the afternoon.
[Wed Jun 11 12:16:26 2003]
Prvenstvena utakmica.
The championship match.
[Thu Jun 12 14:25:58 2003]
Rastezanje gume nogom.
Stretching rubbers foot.
[Thu Jun 12 14:27:16 2003]
Aritmički sprint skipovanjem.
The arhythmic sprint skipping.
[Thu Jun 12 14:29:30 2003]
Na švedskim ljestvama, vježbe za trbušne mišiće.
On Swedish ladders, exercise for abdominal muscles.
[Thu Jun 12 14:31:00 2003]
Dueli u zraku prsima i kolut nazad.
Duels in the air chests and somersault back.
[Thu Jun 12 14:33:05 2003]
Udarci natkoljenice medicinke.
Blows of upper leg of medicine ball.
[Thu Jun 12 14:34:00 2003]
Udarci po visećoj lopti.
Blows along the hanging ball.
[Thu Jun 12 14:35:20 2003]
Jedan igrač nabacuje loptu na glavu, a drugi mu vraća glavom.
The one player suggests the ball on the head, and second he gives back the head.
[Thu Jun 12 14:38:19 2003]
Vježbe snage (sklekovi).
Strength exercises (push-ups).
[Thu Jun 12 14:43:26 2003]
Završni dio sata (vježbe opuštanja)
Closing part of hour (exercise relaxation)
[Thu Jun 12 14:43:47 2003]
Izvođenje jedanaesteraca (natjecanje, svaki igrač izvodi po 3 udarca)
Penalty shooting (the competition, every player take out the 3 shot)
[Thu Jun 12 14:44:52 2003]
Igrači u koloni jedan po jedan idu oko dvorane i na znak dižu ruke (uzdah), a
na drugi znak spuštaju ruke (izdah)
Players in the column one at a time go around the hall and on the sign rise hands
(sigh), and on the second sign lower their hands (betrayed)
[Thu Jun 12 14:45:07 2003]
Jedan igrač drugome masira mišiće.
The one player second massage the muscle.
[Thu Jun 12 14:45:16 2003]
[Thu Jun 12 14:45:17 2003]
U početku idemo na manje opterećenje, na primjer:
In the beginning go on the smaller load, for example:
[Thu Jun 12 14:52:35 2003]
Ako su igrači naučili na intervalni rad onda pojačavamo opterećenja,
If players have learned on the interval work then increase loads,
[Thu Jun 12 14:58:23 2003]
Primjeri kružnog treninga
Examples of circuit training
[Thu Jun 12 15:02:27 2003]
Kružni trening možemo raditi u trojkama po 8 stanica.
Circular training can works in threes along the 8 station.
[Thu Jun 12 15:02:48 2003]
Svi zajedno rade iste vježbe.Svaka stanica se radi po šest minuta.
All together work same obligatory.Svaka the station works along the six minute.
[Thu Jun 12 15:03:20 2003]
Pauza između serija 1-2 minute.
Pause between the series 1-3 minutes.
[Thu Jun 12 15:07:17 2003]
Jedna minuta oštro, jedna minuta lagano, jedna do dvije minute pauza, tj. prijelaz
od stanice na stanicu.
The one minute sharply, one minute light, one to two minutes of breaks, i.e. the
crossing of stations on the station.
[Thu Jun 12 15:07:29 2003]
Ovakav oblik može se posebno napraviti za braniče, na primjer branički ples, udarci
glavom, udarci glavom u padu, presijecanje lopte, uklizavanje duge lopte.
The such pattern was able in particular to make for defenders, for example the
defender dance, headers, headers decreasing, cutting balls, slide tackle in of
long ball.
[Thu Jun 12 15:08:04 2003]
Kružni trening za navalne igrače traži kombinirane vježbe:
Circular training for forwards demand combined exercise:
[Thu Jun 12 15:08:05 2003]
dodavanja, centriranja, driblanja, udarci na gol, kombinacija s promjenom mjesta,
utrčavanje u prazan prostor.
pass, centering, dribbling, shootings, combination with the change places, running
into in the vacancy.
[Thu Jun 12 15:43:08 2003]
Klasični oblik intervalnog treninga
The classic form of interval training
[Thu Jun 12 15:43:34 2003]
Da svi rade jednu vježbu 5 - 6 minuta ili više.
That the all work one exercise 5 the 6 minute or more.
[Thu Jun 12 15:43:46 2003]
Odmori traju 1/2 minute do 15 sekundi ili 45 sekundi, prema tome kako trener osjeti.
Rests last 1/3 minutes to the 15 second or the 45 second, consequently how the
coach feels.
[Thu Jun 12 15:43:47 2003]
Intervalna opterećenja veoma su dobra za podmladak.
Interval loads very are goods for the youth.
[Thu Jun 12 15:52:52 2003]
Za pobjedu na nogometnoj utakmici potreban je tisuću i jedan faktor.
For the victory on the soccer game required is the thousand and one factor.
[Thu Jun 12 15:53:26 2003]
Prije su bili dominantni tehnički faktori, kasnije tjelesni i taktički, a danas
Before have been predominant technical factors, later physical and tactical, and
today mentally.
[Thu Jun 12 15:54:04 2003]
Nogomet je vrlo kompleksno pitanje, čak kompleksnije od šaha.
Soccer is highly complex issue, even complex of the chess.
[Thu Jun 12 15:54:15 2003]
Nogometu se pristupilo nekim objektivnim mjerilima.
Soccer approaches some objective standard.
[Thu Jun 12 15:56:08 2003]
Imamo subjektivni i objektivni kriterij.
Have subjective and objective criterion.