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[Thu Jun 12 15:56:08 2003]
Imamo igru slučaja gdje na osnovu nekog događaja kažemo da je igrač dobar, a u
stvari ne mora to biti.
Have the game of case where on the basis of somebody occurrence say that is the
player good, and in fact must this.
[Thu Jun 12 16:10:31 2003]
Test je eksperimentalni postupak pomoću kojega mjerimo jednu aktivnost.
Test is the experimental procedure using who measure the some activity.
[Thu Jun 12 16:10:34 2003]
U nogometu su testovi važni da bi:
In the soccer are tests important in order to:
[Thu Jun 12 16:12:11 2003]
odredili stupanj treniranosti nogometaša,
determine the level of trainings of footballers,
[Thu Jun 12 16:12:55 2003]
da bi u selekciji izvukli bolje igrače s boljim predispozicijama.
in order to in the selection pull out better players with better predispositions.
[Thu Jun 12 16:12:56 2003]
Danas je potreban trio, trener, liječnik i psiholog.
Today is the required trio, coach, doctor and psychologist.
[Thu Jun 12 16:13:00 2003]
[Thu Jun 12 16:13:36 2003]
Antropometrijska mjerenja
Anthropometric measurements
[Thu Jun 12 16:13:41 2003]
[Thu Jun 12 16:13:56 2003]
Klinički pregled
The clinical examination
[Thu Jun 12 16:14:08 2003]
Psihološka kontrola.
The psychological control.
[Thu Jun 12 16:14:09 2003]
Mjerimo intelektualne sposobnosti igrača.
Measure intellectual abilities of players.
[Thu Jun 12 16:14:25 2003]
Psihomotorna kontrola.
The psychomotor control.
[Thu Jun 12 16:14:35 2003]
Tu grupu određuje trener.
This group determines the coach.
[Thu Jun 12 16:15:17 2003]
Opće psihomotorne sposobnosti, opća brzina, opća snaga, opća preciznost, opća
Communicate psychomotor abilities, general speed, general strength, general precision,
general coordination.
[Thu Jun 12 16:15:18 2003]
Postoji ispitani test za snagu ruku u vidu vježbi skleka.
Exists the examined test for the strength hand in sight the demands of push-up.
[Thu Jun 12 16:40:59 2003]
Mjerenje specifičnih psihomotornih sposobnosti
Measurement of the specific psychomotor abilities
[Thu Jun 12 16:41:15 2003]
Istraživački rad na jednadžbi specifikacije za samu nogometnu igru.
Research on the equation specifications for the alone soccer game.
[Thu Jun 12 16:41:53 2003]
Jednadžba specifikacije za vratare, braniče, vezne igrače.
Equations specifications for goalkeepers, defender, midfielders.
[Thu Jun 12 16:42:20 2003]
Kolike su antropometrijske varijable, koliko su uticajne i koliki su njezini utjecaji
na selekciju za mlađi uzrast.
How large are anthropometric variables, how are influencing and how large is her
influences on the selection for the younger stature.
[Thu Jun 12 16:42:20 2003]
Potrebno je imati testove za selekciju u nogometnim školama za mlađi uzrast.
Required has tests for the selection in soccer schools for the younger stature.
[Thu Jun 12 17:02:07 2003]
Situacioni testovi
Situation tests
[Fri Jun 13 09:20:44 2003]
Study of the Behaviour of Marble and Composite Material Plates
Analiza ponašanje Mramora i kombiniran Materijal pločica
[Fri Jun 13 09:25:31 2003]
Study conducted by sGs U.S Testing Company Inc.
Analiza je provelo od sGs U.S Testiranje Poduzeće Inc.
[Fri Jun 13 09:27:01 2003]
Study conducted at the petition of Litoceramika Co.
Učenje je vodilo kod zahtjev Litoceramika CO.
[Fri Jun 13 09:27:03 2003]
by SGS U.S.
kod SGS U.S.
[Fri Jun 13 09:33:05 2003]
Testing Company Inc.
Testirajući Poduzeće Inc.
[Fri Jun 13 09:33:06 2003]
United States, which corroborates and expands on the results of the AIDCO study.
Sjedinjene Američke Države, koji potkrijepe i proširivati na rezultatima AIDCO
[Fri Jun 13 09:41:31 2003]
sjedinjene američke države, koji potkrijepe i proširivati na rezultatima aidco
[Fri Jun 13 09:44:57 2003]
Situacioni testovi su testovi koji mjere specijalne sposobnosti nogometaša.
Situation test are test who measure specific abilities of footballers.
[Fri Jun 13 09:45:29 2003]
Ti testovi imaju dvojak karakter.
You test have the twofold character.
[Fri Jun 13 09:45:56 2003]
Jedan test je za kontrolu treniranosti, a drugi za selekciju igrača.
The one test is for the control to the trainings, and second for the selection
[Fri Jun 13 09:46:13 2003]
Predstavljaju sposobnost i specifični su bez lopte i sa loptom, za specifičnu
okretnost, specifičnu snagu, specifičnu izdržljivost itd.
Present the ability and specific is out of balls and with the ball, for the specific
agility, specific strength, specific endurance etc.
[Fri Jun 13 09:47:00 2003]
Pojam okretnosti smo ubacili umjesto pojma koordinacije.
idea agility have put in instead of the notion of coordination.
[Fri Jun 13 09:47:10 2003]
Situacioni testovi mogu se podijeliti na analitičke i sintetičke.
Situation test can divides into analytic and synthetic.
[Fri Jun 13 09:47:22 2003]
Test 20 m mjeri samo startnu brzinu.
Test 20 ms of measures only the start speed.
[Fri Jun 13 09:47:33 2003]
Sintetički test mjeri čitav niz sposobnosti.
synthetic test to the measure whole series abilities.
[Fri Jun 13 09:47:33 2003]
Analitički test je prikladniji za seniore, a sintetički test je bolji za selekciju.
The analytic test is more appropriate for seniors, and the synthetic test is better
for the selection.
[Fri Jun 13 09:58:19 2003]
Procjena putem skale
Assessment through a scale
[Fri Jun 13 10:04:53 2003]
Rang funkcionalne sposobnosti
Rank functional ability
[Fri Jun 13 10:05:06 2003]
Rang prema psihološkim sposobnostima
Rank according to psychological abilities
[Fri Jun 13 10:06:47 2003]
Rang prema psihološkim i motornim sposobnostima (tehnika i drugo)
Rank according to psychological and motor abilities (the technique and second)
[Fri Jun 13 10:07:02 2003]
Taktika, taktička ocjena ili ocjena igre.
Tactics, tactical evaluation or the evaluation game.
[Fri Jun 13 10:09:41 2003]
Analitički testovi
Analytic test
[Fri Jun 13 10:10:36 2003]
Testovi brzine 20 i 60 m.
test speeds 20 and 60 m.
[Fri Jun 13 10:13:38 2003]
Testovi brzinske skočnosti.
test of speed jumping ability.
[Fri Jun 13 10:14:24 2003]
Testovi za baratanje s loptom.
test for the manipulation with the ball.
[Fri Jun 13 10:15:45 2003]
[Fri Jun 13 10:21:50 2003]
Praktična izvedba
The practical execution
[Fri Jun 13 10:22:23 2003]
20 metara test je ovisan o subjektivnoj greški mjeritelja na kronometru pa je
to subjektivna greška iako je to još uvijek dobar kriterij.
20 meters tests are dependent about the subjective error of measurer on the chronometer
so is this subjective error although is this still the good criterion.
[Fri Jun 13 10:22:28 2003]
Slika 16.
Figure 16.
[Fri Jun 13 10:22:56 2003]
Osnovna brzina na 60 m.
The basic speed on the 60 m.
[Fri Jun 13 10:24:18 2003]
Mjerila se osnovna brzina i greška je u tome što netko ima dobru startnu brzinu,
a lošu osnovnu brzinu i obratno.
Standards of basic speeds and fault are herein what somebody has the good start
speed, and the bad basic speed and vice versa.
[Fri Jun 13 10:24:21 2003]
Zato smo uveli leteći start, počinje se trčati 10 m prije starta i mjerimo mu
vrijeme tek od 10 m pa dalje plus 60 m.
Therefore have brought in the flying-start, starts run the 10 m before the start
and measure him time only of 10 ms so the farther plus 60 m.
[Fri Jun 13 10:27:31 2003]
Dakle, igrač je trčao 70 metara.
So, player has run 70 meters.
[Fri Jun 13 10:30:14 2003]
Testovi gađanja cilja s loptom po podlozi.
test of aiming of target with the ball along the background.
[Fri Jun 13 10:33:34 2003]
Tri udarca loptom s boljom nogom i tri udarca loptom s lošijom nogom.
Three shots balls with the better leg and three shots balls with the worse foot.
[Fri Jun 13 10:33:34 2003]
Udaljenost između početnog udarca i cilja je 10 m, a za juniore 12 metara
Distance between the kick-off and target is the 10 m, and for juniors 12 meters
[Fri Jun 13 11:04:28 2003]
Test gađanja cilja paraboličnim loptama
Test of aiming of target to the parabolic balls
[Fri Jun 13 11:04:35 2003]
Gađanje je iz mjesta
shoot is from the place
[Fri Jun 13 11:14:09 2003]
Slika 17.
figure 17.
[Fri Jun 13 12:02:52 2003]
[Fri Jun 13 14:39:21 2003]
Study of the Behaviour of Marble and Composite Material Plates
Istraživanje ponašanja mramora i ploča od kompozitnog materijala
[Fri Jun 13 14:55:16 2003]
Study commissioned by Litoceramika Co., from the Polytechnical University of Valencia,
concerning the composite marble and clay product denominated litoceramika
Istraživanje naručeno od Politehničkog sveučilišta u Valenciji, od strane tvrtke
Litoceramika Co., u vezi s proizvodom od kompozitnog mramora i gline nazvanim
[Fri Jun 13 14:58:14 2003]
The present study was conducted at Poly technical University of Valencia, principally
by professors from the Department of Mechanics of the Continuous Medium and Theory
of Structures, headed by Don Jaime Alcalde Gil, Doctor of Industrial Engineering
and professor of the aforementioned department.
Ovo je istraživanje obavljeno na Politehničkom Sveučilištu u Valenciji, uglavnom
od strane profesora s Odsjeka za mehaniku kontinuiranog medija i teoriju struktura,
na čelu s Don Jaime Alcalde Gilom, doktorom industrijskog strojarstva i profesorom
s istog odsjeka.
[Fri Jun 13 14:59:01 2003]
All work was conducted within the framework set forth under the official agreement
between Litoceramika Co.
Sav posao je proveden unutar okvira postavljenih u službenom ugovoru između Litoceramika
[Fri Jun 13 14:59:01 2003]
and the Polytechnical University on the 18th of June 1999.
i Politehničkog sveučilišta od 18. lipnja 1999.
[Fri Jun 13 15:04:57 2003]
Behaviour of Marble and Composite Material.
Ponašanje Mramora i Kompozitnog Materijala.
[Fri Jun 13 15:05:30 2003]
1 Objectives.
1 Ciljevi.
[Fri Jun 13 15:06:03 2003]
2 Theoretical study of a marble beam.
2 Teoretsko istraživanje mramorne grede.
[Fri Jun 13 15:06:47 2003]
3 Theoretical study of a beam composed of two materials.
3 Teoretsko istraživanje grede sačinjene od od dvaju materijala.
[Fri Jun 13 15:07:36 2003]
4 Mechanical characteristics of the materials studied:
4 Mehanička svojstva materijala proučavanih:
[Fri Jun 13 15:07:39 2003]
marbles and clay.
mramora i gline.
[Fri Jun 13 15:13:40 2003]
[Fri Jun 13 15:13:49 2003]
Strength, Longitudinal Elasticity Module, and Poisson coefficient.
Čvrstoća, uzdužne elastičnosti modul, i Poissonov koeficijent.
[Fri Jun 13 15:16:34 2003]
Stress-Strain diagram.
Dijagram rastezanja.
[Fri Jun 13 15:17:31 2003]
5 Acoustic and thermal conductivity of marble and composite.
5 akustična i toplinska provodljivost mramora i kompozitnih materijala.
[Fri Jun 13 15:17:39 2003]
6 Behaviour under cutting and impact.
6 Ponašanja pri rezanja i udar.
[Fri Jun 13 15:17:44 2003]
7 Adhesive Study.
7 Istraživanje adheziva.
[Fri Jun 13 15:17:52 2003]
Aging Study of adhesive.
Istraživanje starenja adheziva.
[Fri Jun 13 15:17:54 2003]
Reports by the AIDICO institute.
Izvještaji AIDICO instituta.
[Fri Jun 13 15:19:04 2003]
Study conducted by SGS U.S Testina Company Inc.
Istraživanje provedeno od strane SGS U.S Testing Company Inc.
[Fri Jun 13 15:19:15 2003]
8 Study of litoceramika and marble plates.
8 Proučavanja litoceramika i mramornih ploča.
[Fri Jun 13 15:20:05 2003]
9 Conclusions.
9 Zaključci.
[Fri Jun 13 15:20:06 2003]
Summary report of this study.
sažetak izvještaja o ovom istraživanju.
[Fri Jun 13 15:30:55 2003]
sažetak izvještaja o ovom istraživanju.
Sav posao je proveden unutar okvira postavljenih u službenom ugovoru između Litoceramika
[Fri Jun 13 15:39:05 2003]
The principle objective of our study is, having determined the appropriate adhesive,
to study the behaviour of a rectangular marble plate and another of composite
material comparing their features, the resistance in this case, for different
load conditions and different support conditions for both plates.
Glavni cilj našeg istraživanja je, nakon što je određen odgovarajući adheziv,
proučavati ponašanje pravokutne mramorne ploče i drugi kompozitnog materijala
usporedbenih njihovih obličja, otpor u ovom slučaju, za drugačije tovarne uvjete
i drugačije uvjete oslanjanja za obje ploča.
[Fri Jun 13 16:06:14 2003]
The theoretical study of a plate based on the elasticity theory only has an exact
solution in some very specific cases such as the circular plate embedded into
its contours and subjected to a uniformly distributed load or the same plate with
an elliptical perimeter.
Teoretsko istraživanje ploče temeljeno na teoriji elastičnosti pruža točno rješenje
samo u nekim vrlo specifičnim slučajevima, kao što je na primjer kružna ploča
umetnuta u konture i podvrgnuta ravnomjerno raspodijeljenom opterećenju ili ista
ploča s eliptičnim perimetrom.
[Fri Jun 13 16:06:54 2003]
Many other cases of rectangular plates with different support conditions in their
contour (embedded, resting, free) and loads on specific points or distributed
over an area can be approached using different methods (Levi series etc.)
Mnogim drugim slučajevima pravokutnih ploča s drugačijim uvjetima oslanjanja u
njihovoj konturi (umetnuta, ležeća, slobodna) i opterećenjima na određenim točkama
ili raspoređenim po određenoj površini, može se pristupiti uz pomoć raznih metoda
(Levi serija itd.)
[Fri Jun 13 16:06:54 2003]
which give a high level of accuracy.
koje pružaju visoku razinu točnosti.
[Fri Jun 13 16:13:40 2003]
In our particular case we have a plate supported over an elastic base which is
furthermore composed of two materials and is inaccessible from a theoretical point
of view.
U našem konkretnom slučaju, imamo ploču poduprtu iznad elastične baze, koja je
osim toga sačinjena od dvaju materijala i s teoretskog stajališta je nedostupna.
[Fri Jun 13 16:17:33 2003]
The problem must be approached with an experimental procedure and with a numerical
method, using a programme of finite elements (in our case the SAP 2000).
Problemu se mora pristupiti pomoću eksperimentalnog postupka i numeričke metode,
koristeći program konačnih elemenata (u našem slučaju SAP 2000).
[Fri Jun 13 16:17:34 2003]
We shall refer to this system of work as "numerical method" which we stress is
of great precision and comparable to the experimental method.
Ovaj sustav rada ćemo nazvati "numeričkom metodom" koja je, ističemo, visoko precizna
i usporediva s eksperimentalnom metodom.
[Fri Jun 13 16:23:47 2003]
Before approaching the problem of the actual marble and composite material plates,
we are going to study in depth the simpler problem of a marble beam and another
of composite material.
Prije nego što pristupimo problemu konkretnih ploča od mramora i od kompozitnog
materijala, temeljito ćemo proučiti jednostavniji problem mramorne grede i druge
grede od kompozitnog materijala.
[Fri Jun 13 16:28:48 2003]
This we shall do for the following reasons:
To ćemo učiniti iz sljedećih razloga:
[Fri Jun 13 16:28:48 2003]
this problem is easily approachable from a theoretical point of view and of course
with experimental methods, and its understanding will give us an adequate perspective
for the subsequent study of the plates.
tom problemu se lako pristupa s teoretskog stajališta i, naravno, pomoću eksperimentalnih
metoda, i njegovo razumijevanje će nam pružiti odgovarajući uvid u kasnije istraživanje
[Fri Jun 13 16:35:21 2003]
Even though the employment of numerical method may not be necessary in this case,
we shall nevertheless use and contrast its results with the theoretical and experimental
method, which will serve to interpret the results of the numerical method and
to "tally" it with other methods of known results.
Iako korištenje numeričke metode u ovom slučaju možda i nije nužno, mi ćemo je
ipak primijeniti i usporediti njene rezultate s teoretskom i eksperimentalnom
metodom, što će nam poslužiti da interpretiramo rezultate numeričke metode i "posložimo"
je s drugim metodama poznatih rezultata.
[Fri Jun 13 16:41:53 2003]
Theoretical study of a marble beam
Teoretsko istraživanje mramorne grede
[Fri Jun 13 16:47:29 2003]
Theoretical study of a marble beam
Teoretsko istraživanje mramorne gred
[Fri Jun 13 16:59:36 2003]
Let us consider in the first instance a marble beam embedded at one end and with
the other end free, to which we shall apply specific loads at its point.
Razmotrimo u prvom slučaju mramornu gredu koja je na jednom kraju ugrađena, a
drugi kraj joj je slobodan, na koju ćemo primijeniti specifično opterećenje u
njenoj (???) točci.
[Fri Jun 13 16:59:36 2003]
The beam has a longitude 1 and its cross-section is of width b and thickness h.
Greda ima longitudu 1 i njen poprečni presjek je širine b i debljine h.
[Mon Jun 16 09:28:57 2003]
Theoretical method:
Teoretska metoda:
[Mon Jun 16 09:38:05 2003]
The axis furthest from the neutral line are those which most lengthen or shorten.
Os najudaljenija od neutralne linije je ta koja najviše produžuje ili skraćuje.
[Mon Jun 16 09:56:10 2003]
This hypothesis of strain "translated" into stresses gives rise to Navier's law:
Ova hipoteza deformacije " prevedena " u naprezanje uzrokuje Navierov zakon:
[Mon Jun 16 09:58:22 2003]
Wz being a geometrical characteristic of the cross-section
Wz je bio geometrijska karakteristika poprečnog presjeka
[Mon Jun 16 09:58:56 2003]
In the case of a rectangular cross-section
U slučaju pravokutnog poprečnog presjeka
[Mon Jun 16 10:07:17 2003]
The greatest force is applied in the cross-section of the embedded piece.
Najveća sila je primijenjena u poprečnom presjeku ugrađenog dijela.
[Mon Jun 16 10:35:53 2003]
This is the theoretical result of the problem endorsed by the experimental method,
loading the beam gradually until breakage occurs.
Ovo je teoretski rezultat problema koji podupire eksperimentalna metoda, opterećujući
gredu postupno dok ne dođe do loma.
[Mon Jun 16 10:41:53 2003]
We have in fact also subjected the marble sample to pure tensile strength tests
obtaining the following values of ultimate stress.
Mi smo zapravo mramorni uzorak podvrgnuli testovima čiste vlačne čvrstoće, dobivajući
sljedeće vrijednosti krajnjeg naprezanja.
[Mon Jun 16 10:44:25 2003]
A is the area of the cross-section.
A je područje poprečnog presjeka.
[Mon Jun 16 10:44:26 2003]
The results obtained by both methods and for different grades of marble and for
clay beams are listed in the appendix .
Rezultati dobiveni pomoću obje metode, i za različite vrste mramora i za glinene
grede su navedeni u dodatku.
[Mon Jun 16 10:49:48 2003]
In the tensile strength tests, values have likewise been determined for the elasticity
modules (relationship between stresses and strains) obtaining test curves and
elasticity module values which are listed in the above-mentioned appendix.
U testovima vlačne čvrstoće, vrijednosti su također bile određene za module elastičnosti
(odnos između napetosti i deformacija) dobivajući testne krivulje i module elastičnosti
čije vrijednosti su navedene u gore spomenutom dodatku.
[Mon Jun 16 10:51:09 2003]
Similarly a further elastic characteristic was determined;
Slično tomu, određena je daljnja elastična karakteristika;
[Mon Jun 16 11:10:37 2003]
Poisson Coefficient of Marble
Poissonov koeficijent Mramora
[Mon Jun 16 11:29:25 2003]
Thermal and acoustic conductivity of marble and litocerámika
Toplinska i akustična provodljivost mramora i litocerámika
[Mon Jun 16 11:39:05 2003]
Images of the 2 tiles
Prikaže od 2 pločica
[Mon Jun 16 11:41:07 2003]
heating plate
grijaća ploča
[Mon Jun 16 11:43:58 2003]
Second tile (with layer of clay):
Druga pločica (sa slojem gline):
[Mon Jun 16 11:44:24 2003]
similar temperature.
slična temperatura.
[Mon Jun 16 11:44:24 2003]
No significant differences observed.
Nisu primijećene bitne razlike.
[Mon Jun 16 11:45:41 2003]
Thermographic inspection conducted by:
Termografsko ispitivanje proveo:
[Mon Jun 16 11:46:18 2003]
Rafael Royo
Rafael Royo
[Mon Jun 16 11:46:18 2003]
Level I Termographer
termograf 1. stupnja
[Mon Jun 16 11:56:22 2003]
Tests were carried out in an echo-less chamber with one centimetre plates of white
marble and plates of litoceramika of the same thickness, in order to compare their
acoustic conductivity, there being no appreciable differences between the two
Testiranja su se provodila u komori bez odzvanjanja, s pločama od bijelog mramora
debelima jedan centimetar, i pločama od litoceramike iste debljine, kako bi se
usporedila njihova akustična provodljivost, bez osjetnih razlika između dvaju
[Mon Jun 16 12:14:20 2003]
Behaviour on cutting and impact
Ponašanje pri rezanju i udaru
[Mon Jun 16 12:30:30 2003]
Original tiles were 30cm x 30cm x 1cm of marble only and the same thickness of
the composite, 0.3cm of marble x 0.6cm of clay.
Izvorne pločice su bile 30cm x 30cm x 1cm samo od mramora, i iste debljine kompozitnog
materijala, 0.3cm mramor x 0.6cm glina.
[Mon Jun 16 12:30:30 2003]
Approximately 10 cuts were made per plate.
Učinjeno je otprilike 10 rezova po ploči.
[Mon Jun 16 12:55:10 2003]
20 plates of cream marble and several others of litocerámika of the same thickness
were subjected to impact tests which in the case of the marble gave widely differing
20 ploča od krem mramora i nekoliko drugih litocerámika ploča iste debljine je
podvrgnuto ispitivanjima žilavosti, što je u slučaju mramora dalo prilično raznolike
[Mon Jun 16 12:59:15 2003]
Approximately half the plates behaved well, whilst the other half gave worse results
owing to the prior existence of fissures.
Otprilike polovica ploča se dobro ponašala, dok je druga polovica dala lošije
rezultate zbog prijašnjeg postojanja raspuklina.
[Mon Jun 16 12:59:15 2003]
The behaviour of the litocerámika plates was In all cases slightly better than
the best behaviour of the marble.
Ponašanje litocerámika ploča je u svim slučajevima bilo nešto bolje od najboljeg
ponašanja mramora.
[Mon Jun 16 14:13:17 2003]
Reports from the AIDCO institute.
Izvještaji AIDCO instituta.
[Mon Jun 16 14:33:22 2003]
Modulus of Rupture of Dimension Stone
Modul pucanja obrađenog kamena
[Mon Jun 16 14:39:40 2003]
Samples identified as "Marble Agglomerate Tile" were received from the client
on 7/09/01.
Uzorci označen kao " Pločica Od mramornog aglomerata " dobiven s klijenta na 7!/09/01.
[Mon Jun 16 14:39:40 2003]
The samples were received in good condition.
Uzorci su primljeni u dobrom stanju.
[Mon Jun 16 15:04:37 2003]
[Mon Jun 16 15:08:47 2003]
This report is issued by SGS U.S.
Ovaj izvještaj izdaje SGS U.S.
[Mon Jun 16 15:09:59 2003]
Testing Company Inc.
Testing Company Inc.
[Mon Jun 16 15:15:22 2003]
Testing's responsibility under this report is limited to proven negligence and
will in no case be more than the amount of the testing fees.
S Testing pod ovim izvještajem se ograničava na dokazani nemar i ni u kojem slučaju
neće biti veća od iznosa honorara za ispitivanje.
[Mon Jun 16 15:19:34 2003]
Anyone relying on this report should understand all of the details of the engagement.
Svatko tko se oslanja na ovaj izvještaj, trebao bi razumjeti sve detalje angažmana.
[Mon Jun 16 15:20:02 2003]
Neither the name, seals, marks nor insignia of SGS U.S.
Nijedno ime, pečat, znak niti simboli časti SGS U.S.
[Mon Jun 16 15:44:57 2003]
Flexural Strength
Fleksijska čvrstoća
[Mon Jun 16 16:19:15 2003]
The tests were performed in accordance with ASTM C 666-92, Section A.
Ispitivanja su provedena u skladu s ASTM C 666-92, Odjeljak A
[Mon Jun 16 16:23:53 2003]
The freezing and thawing cycle period was accelerated to 4 hours freezing, with
4 hours of thawing.
Trajanje ciklusa smrzavanja i odmrzavanja je ubrzano na 4 sata smrzavanja, s 4
sata odmrzavanja.
[Mon Jun 16 16:24:17 2003]
This allowed for the completion of a full cycle in eight (8) hours to proper temperature
requirements for the sample.
To je omogućilo izvršenje potpunog ciklusa u osam (8) sati do odgovarajućih temperaturnih
zahtjeva za uzorak.
[Mon Jun 16 16:25:29 2003]
The temperature range was from 170°F to -10°F.
Raspon temperature je bio od 170°F do 10°F.
[Mon Jun 16 16:44:23 2003]
Perpendicular to Rift
okomito na raspuklinu
[Tue Jun 17 10:43:37 2003]
- In each case the identification is on the inner part of the graphic, along with
the scale of colours and their corresponding tensile strength values.
- U svim slučajevima identifikacija je na unutarnjem dijelu grafičkog prikaza,
zajedno sa skalom boja i njima odgovarajućim vrijednostima vlačne čvrstoće.
[Tue Jun 17 11:08:41 2003]
In the case of the cream marble, the ultimate stresses were also analysed, which
practically coincided, as was to be expected, with stresses 11 measured at axis
x, so we shall therefore continue using these values as an element of comparison,
as we have been doing with the marble plates.
U slučaju krem mramora, maksimalna naprezanja su također analizirana, i praktički
su se podudarala s, kao što se moglo očekivati, naprezanjima 11 izmjerenima na
osi x, pa ćemo stoga nastaviti koristiti ove vrijednosti kao element usporedbe,
kao što smo činili s mramornim pločama.
[Tue Jun 17 11:11:35 2003]
It can be observed that within the same quality, the ultimate stress is equal
to that for the combination of thicknesses 2), (marble 0.3 cm x clay 0.6 cm),
as combination 2), (marble 0.3 cm x clay 0.8 cm).
Može se primijetiti da, unutar iste kvalitete, maksimalno naprezanje je jednako
onom za kombinaciju debljina 2), (mramor 0.3 cm x glina 0.6 cm), kao kombinacija
2), (mramor 0.3 cm x glina 0.8 cm).
[Tue Jun 17 11:25:50 2003]
It can also be observed that the behaviour of the composites of 0.3 marble x 0.6
clay is the same as for the relationship 0.3 x 0.8.
Također se može primijetiti da je ponašanje kompozitnih materijala od 0.3 mramora
x 0.6 gline jednako kao i kod omjera 0.3 x 0.8.
[Tue Jun 17 11:55:28 2003]
Analysis of a plate of cream marble 0.3 x clay 0.6, measuring 23.3 cm x 23.3 cm.
Analiza ploče od krem mramora 0.3 x gline 0.6, dimenzija 23.3 cm x 23.3 cm.
[Tue Jun 17 12:24:34 2003]
Study carried out on the behaviour of marble and clay-based plates and their comparison
with marble plates of the same thickness.
Provedeno je istraživanje ponašanja ploča temeljenih na mramoru i glini i njihova
usporedba s mramornim pločama iste debljine.
[Tue Jun 17 12:33:43 2003]
The results obtained are the following:
Dobiveni su sljedeći rezultati:
[Tue Jun 17 12:43:44 2003]
-The theoretical comparison of resistance in marble and composite plates gives
very similar results in both cases.
-Teoretska usporedba otpornosti mramora i kompozitnih ploča u oba slučaja daje
vrlo slične rezultate.
[Tue Jun 17 15:16:48 2003]
Person responsible for the Research and Development agreement
Osoba odgovorana za Ugovor o istraživanju i razvoju
[Wed Jun 18 10:20:50 2003]
[Wed Jun 18 10:23:56 2003]
. Nogometaš A vodi loptu prema nogometašu B, koji je također krenuo.
Player A leads the ball towards the player B, who also sets forth.
[Wed Jun 18 10:26:39 2003]
Zatim se oba igrača okrenu i ponovno počinju vježbu.
Then both players turn and repeat the game.
[Wed Jun 18 10:27:11 2003]
Ova varijanta nije tako opterećena kao prethodne vježbe i na taj način će se igrači
moći odmoriti.
This variant is not so difficult as the previous exercise and in this way the
players will rest.
[Wed Jun 18 10:29:16 2003]
Slika 30.
Figure 30.
[Wed Jun 18 10:29:58 2003]
Dva igrača stoje jedan prema drugome na udaljenosti od 2 metra (sl.
Two players face each other at 2 meter distance (fig.
[Wed Jun 18 10:31:50 2003]
Kada igrač A stane na podlogu, okrene se, potrči za loptom, stane na nju, zatim
se ponovno okrene i sada se uloge mijenjaju.
When the player A steps on the surface, he turns, runs for the ball, steps on
it, then turns again and now roles change.
[Wed Jun 18 10:31:50 2003]
Slika 31.
Figure 31.
[Wed Jun 18 10:46:23 2003]
Slika 32.
Figure 32.
[Wed Jun 18 10:51:24 2003]
Poslije izvjesnog vremena, uloge se mijenjaju.
After a certain of time, roles change.
[Wed Jun 18 10:51:24 2003]
Slika 33.
Figure 33.
[Wed Jun 18 11:05:53 2003]
Slika 34.
Figure 34.
[Wed Jun 18 11:13:19 2003]
Kod oba krila A i C nalazi se po jedna lopta.
wings A and C have both one ball each.
[Wed Jun 18 11:16:59 2003]
Predaja lopte neka bude kratka, da bi sa time igrača B prisilili na intenzivno
Passing of the ball should be brief to force the player B to move intensely.
[Wed Jun 18 11:17:00 2003]
Slika 35.
Figure 35.
[Wed Jun 18 11:32:24 2003]
je nego što ona padne na podlogu.
than it falls on the ground.
[Wed Jun 18 11:32:30 2003]
[Wed Jun 18 11:32:31 2003]
Slika 36.
Figure 36.
[Wed Jun 18 11:38:24 2003]
Kod srednjeg igrača su dvije lopte.
the medium player has two balls.
[Wed Jun 18 11:38:25 2003]
Dva krilna nogometaša stalno se nalaze u pokretu između predmeta, odnosno obilazeći
ih, te dodane lopte srednjaka u odgovarajućem različitom ritmu dodaju nazad u
Two wing players always move between objects, that is, go around them, and pass
passed balls of the middle player back in the middle in the adequate different
[Wed Jun 18 11:38:25 2003]
Slika 37.
Figure 37.
[Wed Jun 18 11:46:56 2003]
Vježba se može i tako izvoditi da trkači idu uvijek na jednu stranu, a i tako
što će dodavač lopte (to neka po mogućnosti bude trener) za vrijeme predaje lopte
viknuti onoga igrača koji treba trčati.
Another variant of this exercise is when runners always go to one side, and the
player passing the ball (coach, if possible) shouts to the player who needs to
run during the passing of the ball.
[Wed Jun 18 11:48:40 2003]
Slika 38.
Figure 38.
[Wed Jun 18 11:59:20 2003]
loptu koju je bacio igrač A igraču D, on treba proslijediti igraču B.
the player D needs to pass the ball from the player A to the player B.
[Wed Jun 18 12:06:39 2003]
Slika 39.
Figure 39.
[Wed Jun 18 12:11:37 2003]
Stanu na loptu, okrenu se i ponovno počinju vježbu.
They step on the ball, turn and repeat the exercise.
[Wed Jun 18 12:11:37 2003]
Slika 40.
Figure 40.
[Wed Jun 18 12:49:22 2003]
Radi lakšeg razumijevanja i jednostavnijeg izvođenja zadržat ćemo se u početku
na ravninskim problemima.
For easier understanding and simpler deduction, we shall first concentrate on
the plane problems.
[Wed Jun 18 14:26:24 2003]
Ako element zakrenemo u smislu kazaljke na satu
If we rotate the element clockwise
[Wed Jun 18 14:48:16 2003]
Deformacija je mala ako se njen kvadrat može zanemariti u usporedbi sa samom deformacijom.
Deformation is small if its square can be disregarded when compared to deformation
[Wed Jun 18 14:50:02 2003]
Ta pretpostavka je realna kad su u pitanju strojevi i druge uobičajene metalne
i mnoge druge tehničke konstrukcije.
This assumption is realistic when it comes to machines and other common metal
and many other technical structures.
[Wed Jun 18 14:50:02 2003]
Maksimalno naprezanje u čeličnim konstrukcijama je uvijek manje od granice tečenja
Maximum stress in steel structures is always smaller than the yield point.
[Wed Jun 18 15:21:31 2003]
Ovako definirane komponente deformacije nisu komponente tenzora.
Strain components defined in this way are not tensor components.
[Wed Jun 18 15:22:15 2003]
Međutim, ako se kutne deformacije podijele s dva, dobivene veličine bit će komponente
tenzora deformacije.
However, if shearing strains are divided by two, the quantities obtained shall
be strain tensor components.
[Wed Jun 18 16:45:06 2003]
Ako su nam zadane komponente pomaka kao funkcije koordinata
If displacement components are given as coordinate functions
[Fri Jun 20 09:55:16 2003]
primitive character
primitivan karakter
[Fri Jun 20 09:56:31 2003]
mythical character
mitski karakter
[Fri Jun 20 09:58:30 2003]
point of view
[Fri Jun 20 09:59:56 2003]
subject of historical investigation
predmet povijesne istraživanje
[Fri Jun 20 10:00:44 2003]
cautious qualification
oprezna ograđivanje
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:04 2003]
different aspect
drukčiji aspekt
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:06 2003]
great many
veliki broj
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:13 2003]
healthy reaction
zdrava reakcija
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:14 2003]
historical basis
povijesna osnova
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:32 2003]
historical method
povijesna metoda
[Fri Jun 20 10:02:33 2003]
historical point
povijesna točka
[Fri Jun 20 10:03:07 2003]
historical problem
povijesni problem
[Fri Jun 20 10:03:54 2003]
legitimate contribution
legitiman doprinos
[Fri Jun 20 10:07:28 2003]
absurdity or contradiction
apsurd ili proturječje
[Fri Jun 20 10:08:35 2003]
adversely prejudiced mind
negativno pristrana um
[Fri Jun 20 10:08:48 2003]
historical criticism
povijesna kritika
[Fri Jun 20 10:09:41 2003]
mathematical certainty
matematička sigurnost
[Fri Jun 20 10:09:43 2003]
universally accept
opće prihvaćen
[Fri Jun 20 10:09:48 2003]
historical existence
povijesno postojanje
[Fri Jun 20 10:10:24 2003]
unmeaning addition
unmeaning dodatka
[Fri Jun 20 10:10:47 2003]
highly probable
vrlo moguć
[Fri Jun 20 10:11:33 2003]
generally pursue
općenito progone
[Fri Jun 20 10:11:41 2003]
reciprocally produced
recipročno proizvesti
[Fri Jun 20 10:13:21 2003]
unquestionably found
nesporno utemeljen
[Fri Jun 20 10:13:50 2003]
bear upon
se odnose
[Fri Jun 20 10:14:00 2003]
technical language
tehnički jezik
[Fri Jun 20 10:14:37 2003]
technical language of archeology
tehnički jezik arheologije
[Fri Jun 20 10:15:01 2003]
burn the picture
zapaliti sliku
[Fri Jun 20 10:17:02 2003]
conscientious view
savjestan pogled
[Fri Jun 20 10:20:14 2003]
history of the Order
povijest Reda
[Fri Jun 20 10:20:38 2003]
profane writer
svjetovan pisac
[Fri Jun 20 10:22:00 2003]
course of I
tijek Mene
[Fri Jun 20 10:22:23 2003]
credulity of legend
lakovjernost legende
[Fri Jun 20 10:23:45 2003]
critical analysis
kritička analiza
[Fri Jun 20 10:25:08 2003]
deface the picture
unakaziti sliku
[Fri Jun 20 10:25:14 2003]
desire to conform
želja prilagoditi
[Fri Jun 20 10:25:26 2003]
difficult to define
težak definirati
[Fri Jun 20 10:26:06 2003]
discard all speculation
odbace sva nagađanje
[Fri Jun 20 10:26:23 2003]
divide into two
podijeljen u dva
[Fri Jun 20 10:26:30 2003]
domain of legitimate history
domena legitimne povijesti
[Fri Jun 20 10:27:28 2003]
element of fiction
element fikcije
[Fri Jun 20 10:27:37 2003]
element of truth
element istine
[Fri Jun 20 10:27:49 2003]
encounter myth
susresti mit
[Fri Jun 20 10:27:56 2003]
encourage to plunge
ohrabriti baciti
[Fri Jun 20 10:28:01 2003]
erroneous but conscientious
pogrešan ali savjestan
[Fri Jun 20 10:28:50 2003]
symbolic purpose
simbolična svrha
[Fri Jun 20 10:33:29 2003]
Grand Lodge
Velika loža
[Fri Jun 20 10:33:30 2003]
iconoclast of religion
ikonoklast religije
[Fri Jun 20 10:33:41 2003]
Babylonian empire
Babilonsko carstvo
[Fri Jun 20 10:34:43 2003]
secret character
tajni karakter
[Fri Jun 20 10:35:27 2003]
progress of society
razvoj društva
[Fri Jun 20 10:38:54 2003]
prominent scholar as
istaknut učenjak kao
[Fri Jun 20 10:39:28 2003]
pull to piece
[Fri Jun 20 10:39:34 2003]
pursue the inquiry
vršiti istraživanje
[Fri Jun 20 10:39:42 2003]
realm of absurdity
područje apsurda
[Fri Jun 20 10:39:58 2003]
result of civilization
rezultat civilizacije
[Fri Jun 20 10:41:11 2003]
romulus and remus
Romul i Rem
[Fri Jun 20 10:42:41 2003]
sentiment of aesthetic art
osjećaj estetske umjetnosti
[Fri Jun 20 10:43:17 2003]
separate the chaff from the wheat
odvojiti žito od kukolja
[Fri Jun 20 10:43:23 2003]
shatter all faith
razbiti svu vjeru
[Fri Jun 20 10:43:31 2003]
shatter the image
razbiti sliku
[Fri Jun 20 10:46:52 2003]
sign of doubt
znak sumnje
[Fri Jun 20 10:47:45 2003]
four winds of heaven
četiri vjetra nebeska
[Fri Jun 20 10:48:22 2003]
similar in nature
sličan po prirodi
[Fri Jun 20 10:48:24 2003]
Solomon's temple
Solomonov hram
[Fri Jun 20 10:49:38 2003]
supernatural element
nadnaravan element
[Fri Jun 20 10:49:43 2003]
the British museum
britanski muzej
[Fri Jun 20 10:50:32 2003]
patriotic heart of Switzerland
rodoljubno srce Švicarske
[Fri Jun 20 10:50:54 2003]
unworthy of consideration
nedostojan obaziranja
[Fri Jun 20 10:51:30 2003]
varying condition
promjenljiv uvjet
[Fri Jun 20 10:52:00 2003]
with the title of
s naslovom od
[Fri Jun 20 10:52:07 2003]
within the sphere of
unutar područje od
[Fri Jun 20 10:53:28 2003]
without word of
bez riječi od
[Fri Jun 20 10:53:57 2003]
without any discrimination
bez ikakve diskriminacije
[Fri Jun 20 10:53:58 2003]
word of protest
riječ protesta
[Fri Jun 20 10:54:07 2003]
sign of doubt
znak sumnje
[Fri Jun 20 10:54:09 2003]
worship the image
obožavati sliku
[Fri Jun 20 10:54:18 2003]
Divine Being
Božansko Biće
[Fri Jun 20 10:58:18 2003]
legitimate contribution to history
legitiman doprinos povijesti
[Fri Jun 20 10:58:18 2003]
great body of the Fraternity
glavnina članova Bratstva
[Mon Jun 23 09:26:12 2003]
These are the historical and the traditional:
To su povijesna i tradicionalna postavka:
[Mon Jun 23 09:33:21 2003]
So long as its traditional legends are confined to the ritual of the Order, they
are not appropriate subjects of historical inquiry.
Sve dok su tradicionalne legende ograničene na ritual Reda, one ne mogu biti pogodnim
predmetom povijesnog istraživanja.
[Mon Jun 23 09:58:50 2003]
The effect of this course has been, on adversely prejudiced minds, to weaken all
claims of the Institution to an historical existence.
Ovaj način je uzrokovao, kod umova s negativnim predrasudama, oslabljivanje svih
tvrdnji Institucije o povijesnom postojanju.
[Mon Jun 23 10:03:59 2003]
Borrowing the technical language of archeology , I should say that the history
of Masonry may be divided into two periods-the prehistoric and the historic.
Koristeći se tehničkim jezikom arheologije, trebao bih reći da se povijest slobodnog
zidarstva može podijeliti na dva razdoblja - pretpovijesno i povijesno.
[Mon Jun 23 10:04:52 2003]
The former is traditional, the latter documentary.
Prvo je tradicionalno, a drugo dokumentarno.
[Mon Jun 23 10:07:38 2003]
There is also another division, into esoteric and exoteric history.
Postoji još jedna podjela, na ezoteričnu i egzoteričnu povijest.
[Mon Jun 23 10:11:22 2003]
The second properly comes within the sphere of historical study, and is subjected
to all the laws of historical criticism.
Druga se propisno nalazi unutar područja povijesnog istraživanja, i podvrgnuta
je svim zakonima povijesne kritike.
[Mon Jun 23 10:49:47 2003]
It forms no part of the authentic history of the nation, and can be dignified,
at its highest value, with the title of historical speculation only, which claims
no other credence than that which its plausibility or its probability commands.
Ono ne čini nikakav dio autentične povijesti nacije, i može biti počašćeno, na
najvišoj razini, jedino titulom povijesnog nagađanja, koje ne traži nikakvo drugo
vjerovanje od onog koje zahtijeva njegova uvjerljivost ili vjerojatnost.
[Mon Jun 23 11:20:43 2003]
But, even then, it would not altogether lose its mythical character.
Ali, čak i tada, on ne bi sasvim izgubio svoj mitski karakter.
[Mon Jun 23 11:24:41 2003]
It would not be history, for that deals not in what may have been, but only in
that which actually has been.
To ne bi bila povijest, jer se povijest ne bavi onim što je moglo biti, već samo
onim što je zaista bilo.
[Mon Jun 23 12:18:04 2003]
and such works as Goldsmith's Histories of Greece and Rome are no longer deemed
fitting text-books for schools, where nothing but truth should be taught.
i djela poput Goldsmithovih Povijesti Grčke i Rima se više ne smatraju prikladnim
udžbenicima za škole, gdje se treba podučavati isključivo istina.
[Mon Jun 23 12:36:39 2003]
The same rules of critical analysis which are pursued in the separation of what
is true from what is false in the history of a nation should be applied to the
determination of the character of all statements in Masonic history.
Ista pravila kritičke analize koja se slijede u razdvajanju onoga što je istinito
od onoga što je lažno u povijesti nacije, trebaju biti primijenjena kod određivanja
karaktera svih postavki u slobodnozidarskoj povijesti.
[Mon Jun 23 12:43:39 2003]
Many of its legends are unquestionably founded, as I shall endeavor hereafter
to show, on a historical basis;
Mnoge legende su nesporno utemeljene, kao što ću nastojati pokazati u daljem tekstu,
na povijesnoj osnovi;
[Tue Jun 24 09:13:04 2003]
[Tue Jun 24 10:49:38 2003]
These statements, still believed in by all Masons who have not made the history
of the Order an especial study, were, until recently, received by prominent scholars
as veracious narratives.
Te tvrdnje, u koje još vjeruju svi slobodni zidari kojima povijest Reda nije predmet
posebnog istraživanja, su, donedavno, prihvaćane od strane istaknutih znanstvenika
kao istinite priče.
[Tue Jun 24 10:56:32 2003]
But now comes a new school of Masonic students, to whom, borrowing a word formerly
used in the history of religious strifes, has been given the name of "iconoclasts."
Ali sada dolazi nova škola slobodnozidarskih učenika, kojima je, posuđujući riječ
nekad korištenu u povijesti religioznih sukoba, dano ime "ikonoklasti".
[Tue Jun 24 11:11:31 2003]
The word is a good one.
To je dobra riječ.
[Tue Jun 24 11:33:56 2003]
And so these Masonic iconoclasts, with better views, are proceeding to destroy,
by hard, incisive criticism, the intellectual images which the old, unlettered
Masons had constructed for their veneration.
I tako ovi slobodnozidarski ikonoklasti, s boljim stavovima, nastavljaju uništitavati,
snažnom, oštrom kritikom, mentalne predodžbe koje su stari, neuki slobodni zidari
stvorili za strahopoštovanje.
[Tue Jun 24 11:37:29 2003]
They are pulling to pieces the myths and legends, whose fallacies and absurdities
had so long cast a cloud upon what ought to be the clear sky of Masonic history.
Oni lome u komadiće mitove i legende, čije zablude i apsurdi su tako dugo bacali
sjenu na ono što bi trebalo biti vedro nebo (???) slobodnozidarske povijesti.
[Tue Jun 24 11:41:11 2003]
But they have tempered their zeal with a knowledge and a moderation that were
unknown to the iconoclasts of religion.
Ali oni su ublažili svoju gorljivost znanjem i umjerenošću koja nije bila poznata
ikonoklastima religije.
[Tue Jun 24 11:42:52 2003]
Whatever there was of beauty in the work of the sculptor or painter was forever
Sva ljepota koja je postojala u djelu kipara ili slikara je zauvijek bila uništena.
[Tue Jun 24 11:51:14 2003]
Every sentiment of aesthetic art was overcome by the virulence of religious fanaticism.
Žučljivost religijskog fanatizma je prevladala svaki osjećaj za estetsku umjetnost.
[Tue Jun 24 12:04:07 2003]
They have shattered nothing;
Oni ništa nisu razbili;
[Tue Jun 24 12:11:21 2003]
they have destroyed nothing.
ništa nisu uništili.
[Thu Jun 26 14:22:50 2003]
Kako su u jednadžbama (a) i (b) desne strane jednake, bit će im jednake i lijeve
Since in equations (a) and (b) right sides are equal, left sides shall be equal
as well.
[Thu Jun 26 14:46:34 2003]
Izraz (3.15) sadrži šest jednadžbi, dok izraz (3.16) sadrži osamdeset i jednu
15) contains six equations, while the expression (3.16) contains eighty one equations.
[Thu Jun 26 14:59:34 2003]
kao i činjenice da se redoslijed parcijalnog deriviranja može promijeniti, a da
to ne utječe na rezultat deriviranja
and the fact that the order of partial derivation can be changed, without effect
to the result of derivation
[Thu Jun 26 15:05:10 2003]
a) nedeformirano tijelo
a) undeformed body
[Thu Jun 26 15:06:13 2003]
b) deformirano tijelo kad je uvjet kompatibilnosti zadovoljen
b) deformed body when the compatibility condition is satisfied
[Thu Jun 26 15:18:08 2003]
Ako je uvjet kompatibilnosti zadovoljen i ako je tijelo jednostruko povezano,
tijelo će nakon deformiranja ostati također kontinuirano, tj. u njemu se neće
pojaviti pukotine ili preklapanja susjednih deformiranih elemenata.
If the compatibility condition is satisfied and if the body is singly connected,
after deforming the body shall remain continued, i.e. there will be no sign of
cracks or overlapping of neighbouring deformed elements.
[Thu Jun 26 15:25:57 2003]
Slika 3.4 prikazuje nedeformirano i deformirano tijelo.
4 shows the undeformed and the deformed body.
[Thu Jun 26 15:33:18 2003]
Elementi nedeformiranog tijela su pravokutnici koji u procesu deformiranja prelaze
u krivolinijske četverokute kako je prikazano na slici 3.4b.
Elements of the undeformed body are rectangles which in the process of deforming
turn into curvilinear quadrangles, as shown in Figure 3.4b.
[Thu Jun 26 15:50:35 2003]
Ako uvjet kompatibilnosti ne bi bio zadovoljen, dva susjedna elementa se ne bi
potpuno podudarala, tj. došlo bi do pojave pukotina, odnosno preklapanja elemenata,
kako je prikazano na slici 3.4c.
If the compatibility condition were not satisfied, two adjacent elements would
not match completely, i.e. there would be cracks, that is overlapping of elements,
as shown in Figure 3.4c.
[Thu Jun 26 16:01:52 2003]
Izraz (3.12) vrijedi za bilo koji pravokutni koordinatni sustav
12) is valid for any rectangular coordinate system
[Fri Jun 27 14:53:27 2003]
U tom slučaju vrijedi
In that case it holds
[Fri Jun 27 15:26:10 2003]
Koeficijenti i su konstante, pa je
Coefficients and are constants, so is
[Fri Jun 27 15:33:38 2003]
Indeksi u gornjem izrazu su ponovljeni indeksi pa se smiju zamijeniti nekim drugim
indeksom koji nije još upotrijebljen.
in the above expression are repeated indices so they can be replaced by some other
index that has not been used yet.
[Fri Jun 27 15:33:38 2003]
Prema tome možemo pisati
Therefore we can write
[Fri Jun 27 16:17:43 2003]
Pomaci, brzine i druge veličine odnose se na materijalne čestice, a ne na točke
prostora, pa bi njih trebalo upotrijebiti kao nezavisne varijable.
Displacements, velocities and other quantities relate to particles, and not to
spatial points, so they should be used as independent variables.
[Fri Jun 27 16:39:26 2003]
Materijalne koordinate odnose se na materijalne čestice koje možemo najlakše označiti
ili identificirati ako ih označimo s prostornim koordinatama u referentnoj konfiguraciji.
Material coordinates relate to material particles which can most easily be denoted
or identified if we denote them with spatial coordinates in the reference configuration.
[Fri Jun 27 16:39:26 2003]
Kao referentna konfiguracija tijela obično se uzima početni ili nedeformirani
oblik tijela.
The initial or the undeformed shape of the body is usually taken as reference
[Fri Jun 27 16:53:08 2003]
Sve mehaničke i druge fizikalne veličine mogu biti zadane kao funkcije materijalnih
All mechanical and other physical quantities can be given as functions of material
[Fri Jun 27 16:57:19 2003]
Tako, npr. polje pomaka može biti zadano izrazima
a displacement field may be given by expressions