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[Tue Jul 01 10:27:54 2003]
prikazane su međusobne veze svih konstanti elastičnosti izotropnih materijala.
show interrelations among all elasticity constants of isotropic materials.
[Tue Jul 01 11:00:38 2003]
obujamna deformacija
volumetric strain
[Tue Jul 01 11:48:44 2003]
Opći problem određivanja raspodjele pomaka, deformacija i naprezanja u tijelu proizvoljna oblika koje je proizvoljno opterećeno i učvršćeno nije ni do danas riješen egzaktno.
The universal problem of determining the distribution of displacements, strains and stresses in the body of arbitrary shape which is arbitrarily loaded and fixed has not been accurately solved to this day.
[Tue Jul 01 11:52:59 2003]
Doduše, postoje mnoga teorijski zanimljiva i u praksi korisna rješenja posebnih problema.
True, there are many theoretically interesting and practically useful solutions of particular problems.
[Tue Jul 01 11:56:14 2003]
Moguće je, međutim, naći eksperimentalnim ili numeričkim metodama približna rješenja velikog broja problema sa zadovoljavajućom točnošću.
However, it is possible, with the use of experimental or numerical methods, to find approximate solutions of a great number problems with acceptable accuracy.
[Tue Jul 01 11:56:14 2003]
Posebno je uspješna metoda konačnih elemenata
Finite element method is particularly successful
[Tue Jul 01 12:05:19 2003]
Složenost problema analize naprezanja nastaje zbog toga što za određivanje šest komponenata naprezanja imamo na raspolaganju samo tri diferencijalne jednadžbe ravnoteže (2.20).
The complexity of stress analysis occurs because for determination of six stress components we have only three differential equations of equilibrium (2.20) at disposal.
[Tue Jul 01 12:05:46 2003]
Uvođenjem tri uvjeta kompatibilnosti deformacije (3.14) i šest jednadžbi Hookeova zakona (4.25) dolazimo do zatvorenog sustava od 12 jednadžbi s 12 nepoznanica:
By introducing three strain compatibility conditions (3.14) and six Hooke's law equations (4.25) we reach the closed system of 12 equations with 12 unknowns:
[Tue Jul 01 12:12:13 2003]
6 komponenata naprezanja i 6 komponenata deformacije.
6 stress components and 6 strain components.
[Tue Jul 01 12:13:11 2003]
Tri od ovih 12 jednadžbi su parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe prvog reda, a tri su parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe drugog reda.
Three of those 12 equations are first order partial differential equations, and three are second order partial differential equations.
[Tue Jul 01 12:13:54 2003]
Osim toga potrebno je zadovoljiti i rubne uvjete.
Apart from that, boundary conditions need to be satisfied.
[Tue Jul 01 12:13:54 2003]
Ako su rubni uvjeti zadani preko naprezanja, ovaj sustav jednadžbi zadovoljava
If boundary conditions are given through stress, this equation system is satisfactory
[Tue Jul 01 12:24:59 2003]
Međutim, ako su na površini tijela ili jednom njenom dijelu zadani pomaci, broj jednadžbi povećava se na 15 jer se osim navedenih jednadžbi moraju upotrijebiti još i Cauchyjeve jednadžbe (3.9) koje povezuju pomake i deformacije.
However, if displacements are given on the surface of the body or on some part of its surface, the number of equations rises to 15 because, apart from the mentioned equations, Cauchy equations (3.9) must be used as well. They connect displacements and strains.
[Tue Jul 01 12:24:59 2003]
U navedenom sustavu diferencijalnih jednadžbi javlja se 15 zavisnih varijabli i tri nezavisne varijable
In the stated system of differential equations there are 15 dependent variables and three independent variables
[Tue Jul 01 12:37:00 2003]
Ograničit ćemo se samo na razmatranje statičkih ravninskih problema kod kojih su volumenske sile zanemarivo male ili jednake nuli.
We shall restrict ourselves only to the analysis of static plane problems where volume forces are negligibly small or equal to zero.
[Tue Jul 01 12:37:28 2003]
Također ćemo razmatrati samo probleme u kojima su rubni uvjeti zadani preko naprezanja.
We shall also look into only those problems where boundary conditions are given through stress.
[Tue Jul 01 12:37:28 2003]
U tom slučaju preostaje samo šest nepoznanica
In that case there are only six unknowns left
[Tue Jul 01 12:39:43 2003]
jednadžbe ravnoteže
equilibrium equations
[Tue Jul 01 12:52:02 2003]
Dakle, imamo zatvoren sustav od šest jednadžbi sa šest nepoznanica.
So, we have a closed system of six equations with six unknowns.
[Tue Jul 01 12:52:14 2003]
Čak i ovako pojednostavljen problem bilo bi vrlo teško riješiti u općem obliku.
It would be difficult to solve this problem, even when it is so simplified, in the general form.
[Tue Jul 01 12:53:46 2003]
Čak i ovako pojednostavljen problem bilo bi vrlo teško riješiti u općem obliku.
It would be difficult to solve this problem, even when it is so simplified, in the general form.
[Tue Jul 01 12:54:12 2003]
Rješavanje ovog sustava jednadžbi svest ćemo na rješavanje jedne parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe četvrtog reda.
We shall reduce the solving of this equation system to the solving of one fourth order partial differential equation.
[Tue Jul 01 12:54:23 2003]
Postupit ćemo na sljedeći način:
We shall take the following steps:
[Tue Jul 01 12:54:23 2003]
dvostrukim deriviranjem (5.3) dobivamo
by double derivation (5.3) we get
[Tue Jul 01 14:51:17 2003]
Diferencijalna jednadžba (5.13) naziva se biharmonijska diferencijalna jednadžba.
Differential equation (5.13) is called the biharmonic differential equation.
[Tue Jul 01 14:51:17 2003]
Funkcije koje zadovoljavaju tu diferencijalnu jednadžbu nazivaju se biharmonijske funkcije
Functions that satisfy this differential equation are called biharmonic functions
[Tue Jul 01 15:10:37 2003]
Mi ćemo razmatrati samo prvi slučaj.
We shall analyse the first case only.
[Tue Jul 01 15:11:54 2003]
Pravokutne koordinate koriste se pri analizi naprezanja u dijelovima koji su omeđeni ravnim rubovima.
Rectangular coordinates are used in stress analysis in parts which are bounded by straight edges.
[Tue Jul 01 15:11:54 2003]
Koordinatni sustav treba birati, kad je to moguće, tako da su koordinatne osi paralelne rubovima
Coordinate system should be selected, when possible, so that coordinate axes are parallel to edges
[Tue Jul 01 15:57:45 2003]
Budući da konstante elastičnosti ne ulaze niti u diferencijalnu jednadžbu (5.13), niti u rubne uvjete, raspodjela naprezanja ne ovisi o tim konstantama, odnosno o vrsti materijala.
Since elasticity constants do not come into neither the differential equation (5.13), nor the boundary conditions, stress distribution does not depend on those constants, that is on the type of material.
[Tue Jul 01 15:57:45 2003]
Ovo ima dalekosežno značenje u eksperimentalnoj analizi naprezanja, npr. u fotoelasticimetriji gdje je materijal modela različit od materijala originalne konstrukcije
This has a far-reaching significance in the experimental stress analysis, for example in photoelasticity where the material of the model is different from the material of the original structure
[Tue Jul 01 16:25:36 2003]
Dublja analiza, u koju ovdje nećemo ulaziti, pokazala bi da ovo vrijedi samo za jednostruko suvislo povezana područja, tj. modele koji su omeđeni samo s jednom zatvorenom rubnom krivuljom, kao na slici 5.2a.
A deeper analyses, which we shall not carry out here, would show that this applies only to singly coherently connected areas, i.e. model which are bounded only by one closed boundary curve, as in Figure 5.2a.
[Tue Jul 01 16:31:20 2003]
Ako je područje višestruko suvislo, onda raspodjela naprezanja ne ovisi o elastičnim konstantama ako je vanjsko opterećenje u ravnoteži po svakom zatvorenom rubu, kao na slici 5.2a, b i c.
If the area is multiply coherent, then stress distributions in that case does not depend on elasticity constants if the external load is in equilibrium along every closed edge, as in Figure 5.2a, b and c.
[Tue Jul 01 16:31:20 2003]
Međutim, ako sile po svakoj zatvorenoj konturi nisu u ravnoteži, kao na slici 5.2d, raspodjela naprezanja ovisi o Poissonovom koeficijentu
However, if forces along every closed contour are not in equilibrium, as in Figure 5.2d, stress distribution depends on Poisson's ratio
[Tue Jul 01 16:34:17 2003]
Rješenje pomoću polinoma u pravokutnim koordinatama
Solution through the use of polynomials in rectangular coordinates
[Tue Jul 01 16:48:02 2003]
Svrha ovog kratkog izlaganja primjene polinoma u ravninskoj teoriji elastičnosti jest dvostruka.
The purpose of this brief presentation of the use of polynomials in plane theory of elasticity is double.
[Tue Jul 01 16:50:06 2003]
S jedne strane riješit ćemo niz primjera opterećenja nosača na savijanje koje možemo riješiti pomoću nauke o čvrstoći.
On one hand we will solve a series of examples of carrier load to bending (???) which can be solved with the help of strength science.
[Tue Jul 01 16:50:06 2003]
Usporedbom rezultata nauke o čvrstoći i teorije elastičnosti moći ćemo procijeniti točnost i primjenljivost izraza nauke o čvrstoći
By comparing the result of strength science and of theory of elasticity we will be able to assess the accuracy and applicability of strength science expressions
[Tue Jul 01 16:53:45 2003]
S druge strane riješit ćemo niz teorijski interesantnih i za praksu korisnih primjera koje inače ne bismo mogli riješiti metodama nauke o čvrstoći.
On the other hand we will solve a series of theoretically interesting and practically useful examples which otherwise could not be solved by methods of strength science.
[Tue Jul 01 16:59:12 2003]
Pri rješavanju konkretnih zadataka zapravo ćemo uglavnom samo verificirati već postojeća rješenja.
By solving actual problems, we shall in most cases merely verify already existing solutions.
[Tue Jul 01 16:59:12 2003]
Neposredno iznalaženje rješenja izlazi izvan okvira ovog kratkog izlaganja
The direct finding of solutions goes beyond the scope of this brief presentation
[Wed Jul 02 10:23:19 2003]
Polinomi drugog i trećeg stupnja zadovoljavaju jednadžbu (5.13).
Second and third order polynomials satisfy the equation (5.13).
[Wed Jul 02 10:24:12 2003]
Da bi polinomi četvrtog i viših stupnjeva zadovoljavali diferencijalnu jednadžbu (5.13), njihovi koeficijenti moraju zadovoljiti neke dopunske uvjete.
In order for polynomials of the fourth and higher order to satisfy the differential equation (5.13), their coefficients must satisfy some additional conditions.
[Wed Jul 02 10:24:12 2003]
Tako za polinom četvrtog reda vrijedi
So for the fourth order polynomial it holds
[Wed Jul 02 12:05:08 2003]
djeluje na gornjem rubu u točki
acts on the upper edge in the point
[Wed Jul 02 12:26:15 2003]
U dva prethodna primjera upoznali smo se s pojedinostima rješavanja nekih ravninskih problema teorije elastičnosti pomoću Airyjeve funkcije naprezanja.
In two previous examples we learned about some details in solvings certain plane problems of theory of elasticity, with the help of Airy's stress function.
[Wed Jul 02 12:26:15 2003]
Pri daljnjem rješavanju ispustit ćemo neke pojedinosti, u prvom redu određivanje konstanti integracije
In further solving we shall leave some details out, primarily determination of integration constants
[Wed Jul 02 12:44:47 2003]
Kad se te derivacije uvrste u biharmonijsku jednadžbu (5.13), dobit će se identitet, što znači da funkcija (5.25) jest biharmonijska.
When those derivatives are included in the biharmonic equation (5.13), the identity is obtained, which means that the function (5.25) is biharmonic.
[Wed Jul 02 12:44:47 2003]
Naprezanja izvedena iz ove funkcije glase
Stresses derived from this functions are
[Wed Jul 02 14:28:57 2003]
Kad ne možemo strogo udovoljiti rubnim uvjetima, kao u ovom slučaju, nastojimo udovoljiti ublaženim rubnim uvjetima.
When we cannot strictly fulfill boundary conditions, as in this case, we try tu fulfill relaxed boundary conditions.
[Wed Jul 02 14:29:53 2003]
Ublaženi rubni uvjeti su oni kod kojih ne zahtijevamo potpuno podudaranje zadanih i izračunatih rubnih opterećenja.
Relaxed boundary conditions are those wher we do not require a complete correspondence of given and calculated boundary loads.
[Wed Jul 02 15:32:55 2003]
Usporedit ćemo tu pogrešku s najvećim naprezanjem u gredi koje daje nauka o čvrstoći.
We shall compare this error with the greatest stress in the beam which is given by strength science.
[Wed Jul 02 15:32:55 2003]
To naprezanje nastaje u sredini grede
This stress occurs in the centre of the beam
[Wed Jul 02 16:28:27 2003]
posmična naprezanja nisu jednaka nuli, nego imaju vrlo malu vrijednost
shear stresses are not equal to zero, but they have a very small value
[Wed Jul 02 16:37:17 2003]
U tom slučaju funkcija naprezanja glasi
In that case the stress function goes as follows
[Wed Jul 02 17:08:40 2003]
Radi potpunosti razmatranih rješenja navest ćemo rješenje za konzolu promjenljiva presjeka koja je opterećena jednoliko kontinuirano prema slici 5.9.
For the purpose of completeness of considered solutions, we shall state the solution for a cantilever of a variable section which is loaded uniformly and continuously, according to Figure 5.9.
[Wed Jul 02 17:52:52 2003]
Pomoću tih funkcija dobili smo niz rješenja za pravokutna područja, tj. grede.
Using these functions we obtained a series of solutions for rectangular areas, i.e. beams.
[Wed Jul 02 18:09:26 2003]
Lako možemo uočiti da je kod svih riješenih primjera opterećenje kontinuirano raspodijeljeno po čitavom rubu područja ili je jednako nuli.
It is easy to notice that in all examples solved the load is continuously distributed along the entire edge of an area or it is equal to zero.
[Thu Jul 03 09:36:31 2003]
Pomoću tih funkcija dobili smo niz rješenja za pravokutna područja, tj. grede.
With these functions we obtained a series of solutions for rectangular areas, i.e. beams.
[Thu Jul 03 09:37:13 2003]
Lako možemo uočiti da je kod svih riješenih primjera opterećenje kontinuirano raspodijeljeno po čitavom rubu područja ili je jednako nuli.
It is easy to notice that in all examples solved the load is continuously distributed over the entire edge of the area or it is equal to zero.
[Thu Jul 03 09:54:50 2003]
Drugim riječima, za čitav rub vrijedi isti zakon raspodjele opterećenja.
In other words, the same law of load distribution applies to the entire edge.
[Thu Jul 03 09:54:50 2003]
Međutim, kad za čitav rub ne vrijedi isti zakon raspodjele opterećenja, pogotovo kad se ono mijenja skokovito ili kad je opterećenje koncentrirano, onda funkcije naprezanja u obliku redova potencija ne dovode do rješenja
However, when the same law of load distribution does not apply to the entire edge, especially if the load is changed impulsively or if it is concentrated, in that case stress functions in the form of power series do not lead to a solution
[Thu Jul 03 10:03:24 2003]
Ako je opterećenje raspodijeljeno simetrično prema osi y, upotrebljava se prvi dio funkcije koji sadrži
If the load is distributed symmetrically towards the axis y, we use the first part of the function which contains
[Thu Jul 03 10:56:06 2003]
Štap opterećen na krajevima samouravnoteženim spregovima
Rod loaded with self-balanced couples at its ends
[Thu Jul 03 11:11:07 2003]
Ako uvjete za posmično naprezanje iz (5.58) uzastopce uvrstimo u (5.53), dobit ćemo dvije algebarske jednadžbe
If we successively include shear stress conditions from (5.58) into (5.53), we shall get two algebraic equations
[Thu Jul 03 12:26:10 2003]
U praksi se rijetko susreće opterećenje koje je po rubu raspodijeljeno po zakonu je sinusa, odnosno kosinusa kao u prethodnom primjeru.
In practice we rarely meet with the load which is distributed along the edges under the law of sines, that is cosines, as in the previous example.
[Thu Jul 03 12:26:10 2003]
Ako je opterećenje proizvoljno, treba ga rastaviti u Fourierov red
If the load is arbitrary, it should be divided into Fourier series
[Thu Jul 03 12:42:31 2003]
Razvoj opterećenja
Evolution loads
[Thu Jul 03 12:45:38 2003]
Pojas opterećen na duljim stranicama
Belt loaded at longer sides
[Thu Jul 03 14:42:50 2003]
kontinuirano opterećenje
continuous load
[Thu Jul 03 14:49:48 2003]
Venantovim principom to naprezanje naglo opada s udaljavanjem od presjeka
Venantovim principle this stress abruptly decline with the removing of the section
[Thu Jul 03 16:59:38 2003]
Naprezanja u nosačima malog raspona
Stresses in short span beams
[Fri Jul 04 09:28:21 2003]
Ako raspon nosača l nije velik u usporedbi s njegovom visinom h ne mogu se primijeniti izrazi dobiveni u nauci o čvrstoći za određivanje naprezanja.
If beam span l is not large compared to its height h we cannot use the expressions obtained in the strength science for the determination of stress.
[Fri Jul 04 09:32:12 2003]
Ovdje ćemo se pozabaviti analizom naprezanja u visokim nosačima, zapravo u stijenama.
We shall here deal with the stress analysis in high beams, in fact, in walls (???).
[Fri Jul 04 09:32:52 2003]
Raspon među svim osloncima je jednak i iznosi l .
The span between all supports is equal and it amounts to l.
[Fri Jul 04 09:42:16 2003]
Taj problem možemo riješiti upravo opisanom metodom.
This problem can be solved with the method just described.
[Fri Jul 04 09:42:16 2003]
Ne ulazeći u sam postupak navest ćemo samo gotove rezultate
Without getting into the procedure itself, we shall only quote the final results
[Fri Jul 04 09:58:47 2003]
Tu smo raspodjelu odredili metodama teorije elastičnosti i ona se bitno razlikuje od raspodjele koju daje nauka o čvrstoći.
We determined this distribution by methods of theory of elasticity and it is substantially different from the distribution provided by strength science.
[Fri Jul 04 09:58:47 2003]
U presjeku po sredini raspona na gornjem rubu javlja se maksimalno tlačno naprezanje, a na donjem rubu maksimalno vlačno naprezanje
In the section over the center of the span at the upper edge maximum compressive stress occurs, and maximum tensile stress occurs at the lower edge
[Fri Jul 04 10:21:21 2003]
Gornja krivulja odnosi se na naprezanje na gornjem rubu
The upper curve relates to the stress on the upper edge
[Fri Jul 04 11:07:31 2003]
Jednadžbe teorije elastičnosti u polarnim koordinatama
Equations theories of elasticity in polar coordinates
[Fri Jul 04 11:09:00 2003]
Diferencijalni element u polarnim koordinatama prikazan je na slici 5.23.
The differential element in polar coordinates is shown in Figure 5.23.
[Fri Jul 04 11:09:00 2003]
Uvjeti ravnoteže tog elementa glase
Equilibrium conditions of that element are
[Fri Jul 04 11:29:33 2003]
Biharmonijska jednadžba vrijedi u svim koordinatama uz uvjet da je Hamiltonov operator izražen u odabranim koordinatama.
Biharmonic equation is valid in all coordinates on condition that the Hamilton's operator is expressed in chosen coordinates.
[Fri Jul 04 11:30:59 2003]
Transformaciju jednadžbe (5.13) u polarne koordinate mogli bismo provesti čisto matematički.
Transformation of the equation (5.13) into polar coordinates could be carried out in a purely mathematical manner.
[Fri Jul 04 11:32:18 2003]
Osim jednadžbe (5.13) treba transformirati i izraz (5.11).
Apart from the equation (5.13), the expression (5.11) needs to be transformed as well.
[Fri Jul 04 11:33:16 2003]
Pretvorbi izraza (5.11) i (5.13) iz pravokutnih u polarne koordinate pristupit ćemo na nešto promijenjen način.
We shall approach the transformation of expressions (5.11) and (5.13) from rectangular into polar coordinates in a somewhat altered way.
[Fri Jul 04 11:34:42 2003]
Pri tome ćemo se koristiti uz matematiku, i mehanikom.
In dooing that, apart from mathematics, we shall also use mechanics.
[Fri Jul 04 11:35:41 2003]
U prvom redu poslužit ćemo se upravo izvedenim jednadžbama ravnoteže.
Before all, we shall make use of the equilibrium equations just derived.
[Fri Jul 04 11:41:20 2003]
Uz taj je element postavljen pomoćni pravokutni koordinatni sustav
Near that element, an auxiliary rectangular coordinate system
[Fri Jul 04 12:27:44 2003]
Odavde možemo zaključiti da je Hamiltonov operator u polarnim koordinatama dan izrazom
We can conclude from this that Hamilton's operator in polar coordinates is given by the expression
[Fri Jul 04 12:28:50 2003]
Osnosimetrični problemi
Axially symmetric problems
[Fri Jul 04 15:12:39 2003]
Ova dva uvjeta nisu dovoljna da se odrede tri konstante.
These two conditions are not enough to determine the three constants.
[Fri Jul 04 15:12:39 2003]
To se može objasniti tako što je prsten dvostruko suvislo područje, pa se u njemu mogu pojaviti samouravnotežena početna naprezanja koja su nam nepoznata što uvjetuje pojavu treće konstante
This can be explained by the fact that the ring is a double coherent area, so self-balanced initial strains may occur in it. Those strains are unknown to us which causes the appearance of the third constant
[Fri Jul 04 16:30:49 2003]
Rješenje nauke o čvrstoći dobiveno je na temelju pretpostavke o ravnim presjecima
The solution of strength sciences is obtained on the basis of an assumption about straight sections
[Fri Jul 04 16:33:03 2003]
Podrobnija bi analiza pokazala da je cirkularni pomak
A more thorough analysis would show that circular displacement
[Fri Jul 04 16:35:24 2003]
radijalni presjek
the radial section
[Fri Jul 04 16:45:38 2003]
pomaci su proporcionalni koordinati
displacements are proportional to the coordinate
[Mon Jul 07 10:35:51 2003]
Prema tome je pretpostavka o ravnim presjecima, koju smo uveli u nauci o čvrstoći, ispravna.
Therefore, the assumption about straight sections, which we introduced in strength science, is correct.
[Mon Jul 07 10:35:51 2003]
Razlika u oba rješenja nastaje zbog toga jer smo u nauci o čvrstoći pretpostavili da u štapu vlada jednoosno stanje naprezanja
The difference in both solutions occurs because in strength science we assumed that there is the uniaxial state of stress in the bar
[Mon Jul 07 10:51:42 2003]
Postupak dobivanja ovog rješenja može se naći u knjigama o teoriji elastičnosti.
Procedure for obtaining this solution can be found in books about the theory of elasticity.
[Mon Jul 07 10:51:42 2003]
Bilo koji dio općeg rješenja opet je sam za sebe rješenje
Any part of the general solution is again the solution of its own
[Mon Jul 07 11:06:49 2003]
Klin se s desne strane proteže u beskonačnost
On the right side the wedge stretches to infinity
[Mon Jul 07 11:23:22 2003]
Prema (b) ovi su uvjeti uvijek zadovoljeni.
According to (b) these conditions are always satisfied.
[Mon Jul 07 11:25:52 2003]
Rubne uvjete na desnom kraju nećemo razmatrati.
We will not analyze boundary conditions at the right end.
[Mon Jul 07 11:25:52 2003]
Umjesto toga razmatrat ćemo ravnotežu klina uzevši u obzir naprezanje u presjeku
Instead of that, we will analyse the equilibrium of the wedge taking into account the stress at the section
[Mon Jul 07 11:28:16 2003]
naprezanja su raspodijeljena po zakonu kosinusa, kako je prikazano na slici
stresses are distributed according to the law of cosines, as shown in Figure
[Mon Jul 07 11:38:07 2003]
prolaze kroz ishodište
pass through the origin
[Mon Jul 07 11:52:26 2003]
transformacija naprezanja
stress transformation
[Mon Jul 07 14:22:08 2003]
to duž ove kružnice imamo konstantnu razliku glavnih naprezanja
this along this circumferences has the constant difference of principal stresses
[Mon Jul 07 14:46:39 2003]
Klin opterećen poprečnom silom u vrhu
Wedge loaded with shear force at the top
[Mon Jul 07 15:06:15 2003]
Kako pravac djelovanja naprezanja
Since the line of action of the stress
[Mon Jul 07 15:32:07 2003]
za klin sa središnjim kutom
for the wedge with the central angle
[Mon Jul 07 15:37:27 2003]
Klin opterećen spregom
Moment at apex of wedge
[Mon Jul 07 15:46:00 2003]
Na bočnim stranama klina
On lateral sides of wedge
[Mon Jul 07 16:00:17 2003]
Raspodjela naprezanja u presjeku klina
Stress distribution at the section of the wedge
[Mon Jul 07 16:17:39 2003]
Ta rješenja nam omogućuju da odredimo središnji kut
Those solutions enable us to determine the central angle
[Mon Jul 07 17:01:35 2003]
mosna dizalica
bridge crane
[Tue Jul 08 09:18:30 2003]
Poluravnina opterećena kontinuiranim opterećenjem s jedne strane ishodišta.
Half-plane loaded with continuous load on one side of the origin
[Tue Jul 08 09:29:54 2003]
Mnogi praktični problemi u strojarstvu, graditeljstvu i drugim granama tehnike mogu se riješiti superpozicijom rješenja o klinovima.
Many practical problems in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and other branches of technology can be solved by superposing the solutions about wedges.
[Tue Jul 08 09:37:11 2003]
Nosač pola generatora ili elektromotora prikazan je na slici 5.39a.
Beam half the generator or the electric motor has been shown on the figure 5.39a.
[Tue Jul 08 09:40:43 2003]
To opterećenje odgovara superpoziciji klina koji je opterećen jednoliko kontinuirano i klina koji je u vrhu opterećen uzdužnom silom
This load matches the superposition of a wedge which is uniformly continuously loaded and a wedge which is loaded with axial force at the top
[Tue Jul 08 10:13:05 2003]
To je zbog drugačije odabranog koordinatnog sustava
This is because of the differently chosen coordinate system
[Tue Jul 08 10:24:20 2003]
Naprezanja određena iz tri dijela funkcije ne smiju se neposredno zbrojiti, jer se ne odnose na isti koordinatni sustav.
Stresses determined from three parts of the function should not be directly summed up, because they do not relate to the same coordinate system.
[Tue Jul 08 10:24:20 2003]
Zbog toga ćemo ih napisati odvojeno u tablicu 5.3.
That is why we are going to enter them into the Table 5.3 separately.
[Tue Jul 08 11:02:57 2003]
Da bismo mogli naprezanja zbrojiti, moramo ih transformirati na zajednički koordinatni sustav
In order to sum up stresses, we must transform transform them into a common coordinate system
[Tue Jul 08 12:47:08 2003]
Ako je ploča opterećena u smjeru osi
If the plate is loaded in the direction of the axis
[Wed Jul 09 10:43:51 2003]
rastezanje u smjeru osi
expansion in the direction of axes
[Wed Jul 09 10:51:55 2003]
Do istog smo zaključka mogli doći razmatranjem rješenja za debelu cijev
We could have reached the same conclusion by analysing the solutions for the thick pipe
[Wed Jul 09 10:59:45 2003]
U drugom slučaju, koji je prikazan na slici 5.44b, radi se o čistom smicanju intenzitetom
In the second case, shown in Figure 5.44b, there is pure shear with the intensity
[Wed Jul 09 11:03:10 2003]
To se stanje naprezanja može prikazati kao istovremeno rastezanje i sabijanje jednakim intenzitetom
This state of stress can be presented as simultaneous expansion and compression of equal intensity
[Wed Jul 09 11:13:02 2003]
Ako je zatvorena cilindrična posuda opterećena unutarnjim tlakom
If a closed cylindrical vessel is loaded with internal pressure
[Wed Jul 09 11:14:38 2003]
Naprezanje oko malog kružnog otvora u tankoj cilindričnoj ljusci
Stress around the small circular opening in the thin cylindrical shell
[Wed Jul 09 11:38:21 2003]
Pri analizi uvijanja štapa okruglog presjeka uveli smo sljedeće pretpostavke o deformiranju
In analyzing the torsion of a rod with circular section, we have introduced the following assumptions about deforming
[Wed Jul 09 11:42:26 2003]
poprečni presjeci zakreću se kao krute figure, tj. ne deformiraju se u svojoj ravnini
cross sections twist as rigid bodies, i.e. they are not deformed in their plane
[Wed Jul 09 11:56:12 2003]
Pri uvijanju štapova neokruglog presjeka gornje pretpostavke nisu ni približno ispunjene, pa prema tome izrazi (6.1) i (6.2) neće ni približno vrijediti.
In torsion of a rod with the noncircular cross-section the above assumptions are not even nearly fulfilled, so accordingly, the expressions (6.1) and (6.2) are far from being valid.
[Wed Jul 09 11:56:12 2003]
To možemo objasniti pomoću slike 6.1
This can be explained with the help of the Figure 6.1
[Wed Jul 09 11:57:45 2003]
Uočimo diferencijalni element
Let us notice the differential element
[Wed Jul 09 12:16:20 2003]
Prema tome, vidimo da su sve komponente posmičnog naprezanja jednake nuli pa su i sve kutne deformacije jednake nuli.
Consequently, we can see that all shear stress components are equal to zero, so accordingly, all shearing strains are equal to zero.
[Wed Jul 09 12:16:20 2003]
Drugim riječima diferencijalni element ostaje pravokutan i nakon deformiranja štapa
In other words, the differential element remains rectangular after deforming of the rod
[Wed Jul 09 13:00:50 2003]
Analizu naprezanja i deformacija neokruglih štapova provest ćemo uz ove pretpostavke
We are going to carry out the stress and strain analysis of uncircular rods with the following assumptions
[Thu Jul 10 10:58:32 2003]
apsolutne moralne bezuvjetnosti
absolute moral unconditionality
[Thu Jul 10 11:49:04 2003]
institucionaliziranom religijom
the institutionalized religion
[Fri Jul 11 16:28:55 2003]
tehničke izvedivosti
technical feasibility
[Mon Jul 14 09:19:01 2003]
Jedna je nazvana humanističkom, a druga prirodoznanstvenom kulturom.
One is called humanistic, and the other scientific culture.
[Mon Jul 14 09:31:16 2003]
Teologija stvaranja i teologija spasenja predstavljaju lice i naličje jedne te iste stvarnosti.
Theology of creation and theology of salvation present two sides of the same reality.
[Mon Jul 14 12:20:56 2003]
Čovjeka i njegov svijet danas poznajemo više i bolje, nego je to bio slučaj u nekoj prošlosti.
Nowadays we know more and better about man and his world than we did in some past.
[Mon Jul 14 12:24:02 2003]
Znanje se uvijek može kvantificirati.
Knowledge can always be quantified.
[Tue Jul 15 09:27:15 2003]
Religija potvrđuje da taj Bog posjeduje istančane načine komuniciranja sa stvorenim svijetom, a posebno s čovjekom, ukoliko se jedino između Boga i čovjeka događa nikada do kraja shvatljiv interpersonalni odnos.
Religion confirms that this God has sophisticated ways of communicating with the world created, and especially with the man, if there is a kind of interpersonal relation between God and man only, which can never be understood completely.
[Tue Jul 15 09:28:36 2003]
Nepodložnost tog odnosa eksperimentalnoj provjeri ne znači njegovo nepostojanje.
Nonsusceptibility of that relation to experimental verification does not imply its nonexistence.
[Tue Jul 15 09:35:15 2003]
U tom kontekstu se najbolje otkriva metodološko i epistemološko ograničenje prirodnih znanosti.
Methodological and epistemological limitation of natural sciences is best found in this context.
[Tue Jul 15 09:35:15 2003]
Svako insistiranje na istinitosti tvrdnje od strane prirodnih znanosti da svako ljudsko iskustvo izvan dosega prirodoznanstvenog eksperimenta nije stvarno ili da je tek iracionalno i čovjeka nedostojno, ne predstavlja prirodoznanstveni dokaz, već ideološko osporavanje vjere u transcendenciju i negiranje drugačijeg vrijednosnog stava.
Every insistence on the truthfulness natural sciences' claim that every human experience that is beyond reach of the scientific experiment is not real or that it is merely irrational and unworthy of man, does not represent a scientific proof, but ideological disputing of belief in transcendence and a negation of a different value attitude.
[Tue Jul 15 09:45:37 2003]
Kako prirodne znanosti mogu dokazati da Bog ne postoji?
How can natural sciences prove that there is no God?
[Tue Jul 15 09:48:12 2003]
Može li se to izvesti na isti način na koji nisu u stanju ni dokazati da Bog postoji?
Can it be carried out in the same way in which they are not able to prove that there is God?
[Tue Jul 15 09:54:48 2003]
Bog je apsolutna transcendencija te je kao takav uvijek nedostupan našim instrumentima.
God is the absolute transcendence and as such he is always beyond the reach of our instruments.
[Tue Jul 15 09:54:48 2003]
Na teologiji je da objasni kako taj Bog na kojega se ona poziva doista komunicira na svijetom za kojega opet tvrdi da ga je Bog stvorio.
It is up to theology to explain how the God that it calls upon really communicates with the world for which it claims that is created by him.
[Tue Jul 15 10:06:50 2003]
Suvremenoj teologiji je sasvim postalo jasno da je stara i statična slika svijeta otišla u ropotarnicu povijesti te da se mora suočiti s novom i dinamičnom slikom svijeta što je nastala na pretpostavkama rezultata istraživanja i otkrića prirodnih znanosti.
Modern theology is fully aware of the fact that the old and static world view is now in the dustbin of history and that it must face the new and dynamic world view that emerged on the presumptions of the results of natural sciences' research and discoveries.
[Tue Jul 15 10:09:41 2003]
Mnogi segmenti prirodoznanstvene kulture gaje uvjerenje da je Bog ne samo dalek i nezainteresiran za ovaj svijet (deizam), već da je On totalno suvišna hipoteza u razumijevanju podrijetla i kraja svemira (ateistički materijalizam).
Many segments of the scientific culture hold to the belief that God is not only distant and uninterested in this world (deism), but that He is a completely redundant hypothesis in the understanding of origin and end of universe (atheistic materialism).
[Tue Jul 15 10:09:41 2003]
Na taj problem teologija za prvu ruku može odgovoriti provizornim objašnjenjem.
Theology can, at first hand, give provisional explanation to this problem.
[Tue Jul 15 10:12:43 2003]
Naime, prirodoznanstvena kultura prosuđuje odnos Boga i svijeta disparatnim kategorijama i spoznajama.
That is, scientific culture judges the relation of God and world by disparate categories and cognitions.
[Tue Jul 15 10:14:57 2003]
A to uvijek ne daje dobre rezultate.
And that does not always give good results.
[Tue Jul 15 10:16:33 2003]
Datosti nove dinamične slike svijete se konfrontiraju sa starim teološkim objašnjenjima i predodžbama Božjeg djelovanja u svijetu.
Givennesses of the new dynamic world view are confronted with the old theological explanations and ideas of God's work in the world.
[Tue Jul 15 10:18:53 2003]
Svaki prirodni znanstvenik ima pravo ustvrditi:
Every natural scientist has the right to say:
[Tue Jul 15 10:25:00 2003]
ŤTko vam je kriv što vi teolozi ne pratite razvoj prirodnih znanosti i ne učite njezine teorije i postulateť.
ŤTheologians, you have nobody to blame but yourselves for not following the progress of natural sciences and not learning their theories and postulatesť.
[Tue Jul 15 10:25:00 2003]
Ta tvrdnja sadržava veliki dio istine, jer za razliku od stare skolastičke, a zapravo ptolomejsko-aristotelovske slike svijeta u kojoj se znalo mjesto i uloga osobnoga Boga, nova slika svijeta zahtijeva od teologije da to mjesto i tu ulogu redefinira i reinterpretira u skladu s danostima suvremenih prirodoznanstvenih spoznaja i otkrića.
There is a great amount of truth in that claim, because unlike the old scholastic, and in fact Ptolemaic-Aristotelian world view where the place and the role of a personal God were known, the new world view demands that theology redefines and reinterprets that place and the role in accordance with givennesses of modern scientific realizations and discoveries.
[Tue Jul 15 10:32:28 2003]
Istina, time se problem ne rješava do kraja, jer je postalo gotovo pa uobičajeno da se prirodoznanstvena kultura smatra mjesto na kojemu je ideja Boga prevladana.
True, that does not solve the problem completely, because it has almost become common to consider the scientific culture as a place where the idea of God is obsolete.
[Tue Jul 15 10:32:45 2003]
To puno kaže o prevladavajućem mentalitetu unutar prirodoznanstvene kulture, a malo ili ništa o Božjoj egzistenciji i osobnom iskustvu vjere u transcendenciju.
That says a lot about the prevailing mentality within the scientific culture, and it says little or nothing about God's existence and personal experience of belief in transcendence.
[Tue Jul 15 10:32:45 2003]
O čemu se tu radi?
What is it about?
[Tue Jul 15 10:41:20 2003]
Početak razvoja prirodoznanstvene kulture povezan je s novovjekovnim nastankom i uspostavom autonomije prirodnih znanosti, to jest njihovim osamostaljenjem od teoloških i filozofskih autoriteta.
The beginning of scientific culture development is connected with the modern emergence and establishment of the autonomy of natural sciences, i.e. their breakaway from theological and philosophical authorities.
[Tue Jul 15 10:43:10 2003]
Toj uspostavi autonomije prirodnih znanosti je prethodila uspostava autonomije ljudskog razuma od autoriteta institucionalne religije i njene teologije.
This establishment of the autonomy of natural sciences was preceded by the establishment of the autonomy of human reason from the authority of institutional religion and its theology.
[Tue Jul 15 10:43:10 2003]
Drugim riječima, filozofija je prestala biti Ťsluškinja teologijeť, izborivši samostalnost spram nje i crkvenog autoriteta.
In other words, philosophy stopped being Ťthe servant of theologyť, after securing independence in relation to it and the church authority.
[Tue Jul 15 10:52:04 2003]
Nova prirodoznanstvena metoda je zajedno s osamostaljenom filozofijom omogućila uspostavu i razvoj nove filozofije prirode kojoj više nije trebao Ť Bog ť kao nejasna hipoteza, a još manje kao jasna i izričita teza pri objašnjavanju prirodnih fenomena, a pogotovo ne za one fenomene što se tiču početka i uređenosti Kozmosa te nastanka i razvoja života na Zemlja.
The new scientific method together with the independent philosophy enabled the establishment and development of a new philosophy of nature which did not need ŤGodť as a vague hypothesis anymore, and even less as a clear and explicit thesis in explaning the natural phenomena, and especially with those phenomena that concern the beginning and order of Cosmos and the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
[Tue Jul 15 10:56:31 2003]
Descartes sa svojim aksiomom Ť cogito, ergo sum ť omogućio procvat geometrijske oblikovanosti i jasnoće mišljenja.
Descartes with his axiom Ťcogito, ergo sumť enable a flourish of geometric formation (???) and clarity of thought.
[Tue Jul 15 11:01:37 2003]
Ť Ispravna upotreba uma i traženje istine u znanostima ť najbolje dočarava smisao i domete novo-uspostavljene filozofijske, a onda i prirodoznanstvene paradigme utemeljene u autonomnome razumu oslobođenom od autoriteta vjere.
Ť The correct usage of mind and searching for truth in sciences ť best evokes the sense and achievments of a newly established philosophical, and then also natural science paradigm established in the autonomous reason liberated from the authority of religion.
[Tue Jul 15 11:09:20 2003]
Zanimljiva je spoznaja da su se na Descartesa jednako pozivali i oni s desnoga i oni s lijevoga krila filozofijskoga i prirodoznanstvenoga mišljenja, to jest racionalisti, psihologisti i idealisti, s desne, kao i mehanicisti, empiristi i materijalisti, s lijeve strane.
It is interesting to realize that Descartes was equally called upon by those on the right and those on the left wing of philosophical and natural-scientific thinking, i.e. rationalists, psychologists and idealists, on the right, and mechanists, empiricists and materialists, on the left side.
[Tue Jul 15 11:09:39 2003]
Ta spoznaja potvrđuje činjenicu o jedinstvenim misaonim ishodištima prirodoznanstvene kulture.
That realization confirms the fact about the unique thinking origins of the scientific culture.
[Tue Jul 15 11:12:38 2003]
Ta ishodišta se mogu izreći općenitim pojmovima.
That origins can be stated in general terms.
[Tue Jul 15 11:14:33 2003]
Prvo ishodište je autentično nazvani kopernikanski obrat koji je doslovno detronizirao ptolomejsku sliku svijeta poznatu kao geocentrizam, falsificirajući intuitivno njezinu znanstvenu utemeljenost.
The first origin is the authentically called Copernican revolution which literally dethroned the Ptolemaic world view, known as geocentrism, intuitively falsifying its scientific foundation.
[Tue Jul 15 11:14:33 2003]
Posljedica je bila uspostava nove slike svijeta poznate kao heliocentrizam koja će uskoro biti znanstveno dokazana.
The consequence was the establishment of a new world view, known as heliocentrism, which would soon be scientifically proven.
[Tue Jul 15 11:18:55 2003]
Drugo ishodište je autentično zvani kartezijanski obrat koji je detronizirao kršćanski teocentrizam, uspostavljajući novu paradigmu zvanu antropocentrizam.
The second origin is the authentically called Cartesian revolution which dethroned the Christian theocentrism, establishing a new paradigm called anthropocentrism.
[Tue Jul 15 11:21:40 2003]
Tako je izvorna sigurnost definitivno premještena s Boga na čovjeka.
So the original certainty was definitely transferred from God to man.
[Tue Jul 15 11:23:25 2003]
Bacon je svojim aksiomom Ť scientia potestas est ť, omogućio uspostavu pravoga Ť kraljevstva čovjeka ť (regnum hominis).
Bacon with his axiom Ťscientia potestas estť, enabled the establishment of the true Ťkingdom of manť (regnum hominis).
[Tue Jul 15 11:36:00 2003]
Po njemu dvije ljudske težnje se podudaraju u istome.
According to him two human aspirations do not correspond in the same thing.
[Tue Jul 15 11:36:00 2003]
Težnja za znanjem i težnja za moći vode do znanja o prirodi kakva doista jest kroz otkrivanje njenih uzroka.
Aspiration for knowledge and aspiration for power lead to to the knowledge about nature as it really is through discovering of its causes.
[Tue Jul 15 11:42:29 2003]
Tom cilju služe znanosti.
Sciences serve this goal.
[Tue Jul 15 11:46:18 2003]
Znanosti za uzvrat opskrbljuju ljudski život novim otkrićima i novim dobrima.
Sciences in return supply human life with new discoveries and new benefits.
[Tue Jul 15 11:47:36 2003]
Baconovska je vizija znanosti i znanja osigurala sklapanje Ť sporazuma ť između znanosti i tehnike.
Baconian vision of science and knowledge ensured the conclusion of an Ťagreementť between science and technology.
[Tue Jul 15 11:48:28 2003]
Ť Odnos između prirodne znanosti i tehnike bio je od početka odnos uzajamne pomoći ť.
Ť The relation between natural science and technology has since beginning been the relation of mutual assistance ť.
[Tue Jul 15 11:48:33 2003]
Ť Posljednjih 200 godina tehnika je bila neprestano pretpostavka i posljedica prirodne znanosti ť.
Ť For the past 200 years technology has continuously been the presumption and the consequence of natural science ť.
[Tue Jul 15 11:50:15 2003]
I ne samo to.
And not only that.
[Tue Jul 15 11:50:55 2003]
Prirodne znanosti su se stopile s tehnikom te ih je danas teško zamisliti odvojeno.
Natural sciences blended with technology and today it is hard to think of them separately.
[Tue Jul 15 11:53:02 2003]
Ta je činjenica imala za posljedicu radikalnu promjenu u razumijevanju smisla i svrhe prirodnih znanosti.
The result of this fact was a radical change in the understanding of sense and purpose of natural sciences.
[Tue Jul 15 11:53:02 2003]
Prirodne su znanosti u svojim počecima još uvijek gajile kontemplativnu kulturu, bile su fokusirane na otkrivanje uzroka, zakona i procesa u svijetu prirode.
In their beginning, natural sciences still fostered the contemplative culture, they were focused on the detection of causes, laws and processes in the world of nature.
[Tue Jul 15 11:59:35 2003]
To im je priskrbljivalo epistemološki status autentičnog izvora istine.
That provided them with the epistemological status of the authentic source of truth.
[Tue Jul 15 12:00:00 2003]
Prirodne su znanosti istraživale odgovor na pitanje kako priroda funkcionira i na taj su način otkrivale bît prirode.
Natural sciences searched for the answer to the question how the nature functions and in that way they discovered the essence of nature.
[Tue Jul 15 12:02:38 2003]
Galilei (1564-1642), poznat kao začetnik modernih prirodnih znanosti u strogom značenju, ustvrdio da je Božja objava sadržana u dvjema knjigama.
Galilei (1564-1642), known as the originator of modern natural sciences in the strict sense, claimed that God's revelation is contained in two books.
[Tue Jul 15 12:03:16 2003]
Prva knjiga objave je Sveto Pismo.
The first book or revelation are the Scriptures.
[Tue Jul 15 12:05:23 2003]
Druga knjiga objave je sama priroda.
The second book of revelation is the nature itself.
[Tue Jul 15 12:06:25 2003]
Na ljudski razum spada da uz pomoć prirodnih znanosti razotkriva Božju objavu Ť zaključanu ť u zakonima i procesima prirode.
Human reason, with the help of natural sciences, should disclose God's revelation Ťlockedť in the laws and processes of nature.
[Tue Jul 15 12:06:25 2003]
Sukob između istina sadržanih u objema knjigama je nemoguć, budući da im je zajednički autor - Bog.
A conflict between truths contained in both books is impossible, because they both have the same author - God.
[Tue Jul 15 12:16:52 2003]
Kako bilo, najprije neprimjereno i promašeno sukobljavanje među autoritetima, a zatim stvaranje neraskidivog savezništva između prirodnih znanosti i tehnike stvorilo je pretpostavke za napuštanje kontemplativne a prihvaćanje pragmatične kulture bazirane na prirodoznanstvenoj slici svijeta i čovjeka.
Be that as it may, the first inappropriate and useless conflict between authorities, and then the establishment of unbreakable alliance between natural sciences and technology created prerequisites to abandon the contemplative and to accept the pragmatic culture based on the scientific view of world and man.
[Tue Jul 15 12:18:40 2003]
Ta je kultura u znanstvenicima poticala stvaranje koristoljubivog mentaliteta.
That culture encouraged the development of covetous mentality in scientists.
[Tue Jul 15 12:20:51 2003]
Taj se mentalitet nametnuto prirodnim znanostima iznutra, nešto poput unutarnjeg imperativa koji je nalagao da se istražuje odgovor na pitanje što se još može učiniti s prirodom i njenim resursima.
This mentality was imposed to natural sciences from within, something like an internal imperative which commanded that the answer to the question what more can be done with nature and its resources should be explored.
[Tue Jul 15 12:20:51 2003]
Sva su suvremena prirodoznanstvena istraživanja okrenuta nekim budućim praktičnim primjenama od kojih se očekuje određena korist.
All contemporary scientific studies are turned to some future practical applications which are expected to bring certain benefits.
[Tue Jul 15 12:31:59 2003]
Zbog toga je obmanjujuća tvrdnja onih koji kažu da su čak prirodne znanosti u cjelini etički indiferentne ili da postoje neka etički indiferentna znanstvena istraživanja.
Therefore it is deceptive to claim that even natural sciences in their entirety are ethically indifferent or that there are some ethically indifferent scientific researches.
[Tue Jul 15 12:31:59 2003]
Svako prirodoznanstveno istraživanje ima etički naboj, jer nositelj takvog istraživanja je čovjek koji ni u najbezazlenijim prirodoznanstvenim istraživanjima ne prestaje biti motiviran kao etičko biće.
Every scientific research has an ethical charge, because the bearer of such research is a man who, not even in the most harmless scientific researches, does not stop to be motivated as an ethical being.
[Tue Jul 15 12:38:16 2003]
Ne spada na našu temu povijesno-kritička analiza uspostave novovjekovnih prirodnih znanosti te njihov povijesni razvoj do danas.
A historical-critical analysis of the establishment of modern natural sciences and their historical development to this day are not the part of our topic.
[Tue Jul 15 12:39:03 2003]
Ipak, dobro je imati na umu neke opće značajke novo-uspostavljene prirodoznanstvene kulture.
However, it is good to keep in mind some general characteristics of the newly established scientific culture.
[Tue Jul 15 12:39:09 2003]
Za našu je temu mnogo važnija detronizacija ranije uspostavljenog antropocentrizma.
The dethronement of the earlier established anthropocentrism is much more important for our topic.
[Tue Jul 15 12:43:09 2003]
Darwin je konačnom formulacijom teorije evolucije omogućio uspostavu još jednog radikalnog kompernikanskog obrata.
Darwin with his final formulation of the theory of evolution enabled the establishment of another radical Copernican revolution.
[Tue Jul 15 12:48:55 2003]
Taj se obrat očitovao u načinu razumijevanja i tumačenja podrijetla i razvoja života na Zemlji.
That revolution was manifested in the way of understanding and explaining the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
[Tue Jul 15 12:49:17 2003]
Život na planetu Zemlja je nastao iz nežive materije te se od njegove prve pojave, prije otprilike 3,8 milijardi godina, progresivno razvijao i usložnjavao u milijune živih vrsta.
Life on the planet Earth emerged from the non-living matter and from its first manifestation, approximately 3,8 billion years ago, it has been progressively developing and turning more complex into millions of living species.
[Tue Jul 15 12:49:17 2003]
Čovjek nije nikakva izuzetak u tome.
A man is no exception to that.
[Tue Jul 15 12:56:51 2003]
Kao i sve ostale vrste živih bića, vrsta Homo sapiens sapiens je također plod biološke evolucije.
As well as all the other living species, species Homo sapiens sapiens is also the fruit of biological evolution.
[Tue Jul 15 12:58:03 2003]
Čovjek time nije skinut s vrha ljestvice živih bića u prirodi.
That does not remove the man from the top of the scale of living beings in nature.
[Tue Jul 15 12:59:21 2003]
Samo zahvaljujući veličini i kompleksnosti mozga, čovjek je zadržao status najsloženijeg živog bića u prirodi.
Only because of the size and complexity of his brain, man has retained the status of the most complex living being in nature.
[Tue Jul 15 13:00:04 2003]
Međutim, ta spoznaja sama za sebe nije dovoljna da bi se moglo tvrditi kako je čovjek kao biološko biće superioran ostalim živim bićima u prirodi.
However, that cognition alone is not enough in order to claim that man as a biological being is superior to other living beings in nature.
[Tue Jul 15 13:00:04 2003]
Čovjek je tek jedna biološka vrsta unutar nekoliko desetaka milijuna bioloških vrsta.
The man is merely one biological species within tens of millions of biological species.
[Tue Jul 15 14:10:42 2003]
Prirodoznanstvena logika u središte pozornosti stavlja život, a ne Ťovuť ili Ťonuť biološku vrstu.
The logic of natural science puts life in the center of attention, and not Ťthisť or Ťthatť biological species.
[Tue Jul 15 14:11:40 2003]
Posljedica toga je bila i ostala slijedeća:
The consequence of that was and still is the following:
[Tue Jul 15 14:12:26 2003]
antropocentrizam je polako i sigurno ustuknuo pred biocentrizmom.
the anthropocentrism slowly but definitely gave way to the biocentrism.
[Tue Jul 15 14:14:45 2003]
Taj je proces još uvijek u tijeku.
That process is still going on.
[Tue Jul 15 14:16:52 2003]
Održavanje procesa u statusu vitalnosti najviše ima zahvaliti razvoju genetike i molekularne biologije.
The main cause for keeping this process in vital status is the development of genetics and molecular biology.
[Tue Jul 15 14:17:22 2003]
Ove dvije grane biologijske znanosti su omogućile pretpostavke za stvaranje novog projekta pod imenom Ťtehnike transcendencijeť.
These two branches of biology enabled the preconditions for the establishment of a new project under the name Ťtranscendence techniquesť.
[Tue Jul 15 14:18:03 2003]
Među te tehnike D.
Among these techniques D.
[Tue Jul 15 14:18:03 2003]
Noble ubraja atomsko oružje, istraživanje svemira, umjetnu inteligenciju i genetički inženjering.
Noble includes nuclear weapons, exploration of universe, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
[Tue Jul 15 14:22:15 2003]
Primjena raznih tehnika genetičkog inženjeringa je danas veoma rasprostranjena.
Application of various techniques of genetic engineering is widespread today.
[Tue Jul 15 14:23:36 2003]
Štoviše, postala je nezamjenjivim sredstvom za ostvarivanje medicinskih, farmaceutskih, vojnih, veterinarskih, poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih ciljeva.
In fact, it became an irreplaceable instrument in the achievement of medical, pharmaceutical, military, veterinarian, agricultural and nutritional goals.
[Tue Jul 15 14:24:40 2003]
Tko zna gdje bi bio kraj nabrajanju svih vrsta tehnika genetičkog inženjeringa te mjesta i načina njihove primjene?
Who knows where would be the end of listing all kinds of genetic engineering techniques and places and ways of their application?
[Tue Jul 15 14:28:54 2003]
No, to nije toliko važno, koliko je važna spoznaja da su tehnike genetičkog inženjeringa nabijene dvoznačnostima.
But, this is not so important, as is important the realization that techniques of genetic engineering are loaded with ambiguities.
[Tue Jul 15 14:28:54 2003]
One su s jedne strane omogućile ostvarenje mnogih korisnih i čovjeka dostojnih rezultata, posebno u proizvodnji lijekova, liječenju, zdravstvenoj skrbi i zažtiti, dok su s druge strane prouzročile mnoge strahove.
On one hand, they enabled the accomplishment of many results thet were useful and worthy of man, especially in pharmaceutical industry, medical treatments and healthcare, while on the other hand they caused many fears.
[Tue Jul 15 14:30:42 2003]
Ovdje se dovoljno prisjetiti prijetnji bioterorizmom neposredno nakon 11.
Here enough recall the threat bioterrorism immediately after 11.
[Tue Jul 15 14:38:51 2003]
te prijetnji što ih nameće sigurnost i uopće smisao bioloških laboratorija u kojima se čuvaju ogromne količine genetički modificiranih mikroorganizama.
It is enough to remember the threats with bioterrorism immediately after September 11, 2001 and threats imposed by the security and meaning of biological laboratories where large amounts of genetically modified microorganisms are kept.
[Tue Jul 15 14:40:20 2003]
Dovoljna je jedna mala neopreznost da postanemo žrtve nekontrolirane ljudske želje za manipulacijama.
A small oversight is enough for us to become victims of an uncontrolled human desire to manipulate.
[Tue Jul 15 14:44:37 2003]
Hoće li čovječanstvo ikada saznati pravu istinu o uzrocima nastanka virusa HIV, SARS, Ebola i drugih ubojica?
Will humankind ever find out the real truth about the origins HIV, SARS, Ebola and other deadly viruses?
[Tue Jul 15 14:44:37 2003]
Da je prirodoznanstvena kultura došla u situaciju u kojoj više ne može kontrolirati sve znanstvene egzibicionizme i individualni diletantizam, najbolje svjedoči vijest, a zapravo obmana, jer do danas nije potvrđena, o rođenju prvog ljudskog klona zvanog Ť Eva ť.
The best proof that scientific culture has come to the point where it can no more control all of the scientific exhibitionisms and individual dilettantism, is the news, but in fact deceit, because it has not been confirmed yet, about the birth of the first human clone named ŤEveť.