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[Tue Jul 15 14:53:35 2003]
Ovdje nas ne zanima etička dimenzija kloniranja, već samo kloniranje kao tehnički fenomen.
We are not interested in the ethical dimension of cloning here, but only in cloning as a technical phenomenon.
[Tue Jul 15 14:53:44 2003]
Čim je svijet obišla vijest o rođenju prvog ovčjeg klona zvanog Dolly, u središte pozornosti je došla tema o kloniranju čovjeka.
As soon as the news about the birth of the first sheep clone named Dolly was spread around the world, the subject of human cloning was put in the limelight.
[Tue Jul 15 14:55:42 2003]
Zavos preko noći su stekli svjetsku slavu, jer su najavili stvaranje prvog ljudskog klona.
Zavos gained world-wide fame overnight, because they announced the creation of the first human clone.
[Tue Jul 15 15:01:35 2003]
Kloniranje je tako postalo udarna igla svih Ťtehnika transcendencijeť.
Cloning thus became the firing pin of all Ťtranscendence techniquesť.
[Tue Jul 15 15:06:13 2003]
Osim što je molekularna biologija uz pomoć genetičkog inženjeringa u stanju zadirati u molekularnu strukturu živih bića te vršiti ondje razne preinake, stvorivši time pretpostavke za preusmjeravanje tijeka biološke evolucije, uz pomoć kloniranja je u stanju još drastičnije demantirati prirodu.
Apart from the fact that molecular biology with the help of genetic engineering can affect the molecular structure of living beings and performed various alterations there, thereby creating preconditions to redirect the course of biological evolution, with the aid of cloning it can disprove nature even more drastically.
[Tue Jul 15 15:06:13 2003]
Naime, ako je seksualna reprodukcija oduvijek bila ključ uspjeha biološke evolucije, onda je kloniranje tek jedna, ali ne i jedina, gesta bacanja tog ključa u duboki ocean s malo nade da će ga se ponovno naći i izroniti na svjetlo dana.
That is, if sexual reproduction has always been the key to success of biological evolution, then cloning is merely one, but not the only one, gesture of throwing that key into a deep ocean with little hope that it will be found again and brought up to surface.
[Tue Jul 15 15:12:05 2003]
Došao je trenutak da ova promišljanja sistematiziramo i usmjerimo ih prema glavnoj temi.
The time has come to systematize these considerations and direct them towards the main subject.
[Tue Jul 15 15:14:06 2003]
Projekt stvaranja svijeta i čovjeka po mjerilima prirodoznanstvene kulture još nije dovršen.
The project of creating the world and man according to standards of scientific culture is not finished yet.
[Tue Jul 15 15:18:47 2003]
U svakoj prosudbi je važno kloniti se površnih i jednostranih generalizacija.
In every judgment it is important to stay away from superficial and one-sided generalizations.
[Tue Jul 15 15:18:47 2003]
Stoga treba naglasiti da je prirodoznanstvena kultura omogućila da čovjek shvati sebe i svoj svijet onakvima kakvi stvarno jesu, bez suvišnih mitologija i praznovjerja u objašnjavanju zakonitosti i procesa razvoja života, prirode i svemira te svega što na njih spada.
Therefore, it should be pointed out that scientific culture has enabled the man to understand himself and his world as they really are, without needless mythologies and superstitions in explaining the laws and processes of the evolution of life, nature and universe and everything that belongs there.
[Tue Jul 15 15:27:23 2003]
No, prirodoznanstvena kultura se nije zaustavila samo na istraživanju, tumačenju i razumijevanju života, prirode i svemira te svega što na njih spada, već je nerijetko prelazila granice svije metodološke i epistemološke kompetencije te je zaključivala o stvarima koje nisu u domeni prirodoznanstvenog eksperimenta.
However, scientific culture did not stop only at research, interpretation and understanding of life, nature and universe and everything that belongs there, but it has often crossed the boundaries of its methodological and epistemological competence and formed conclusions about matters which are not in the domain of the scientific experiment.
[Tue Jul 15 15:27:23 2003]
Prirodoznanstvena kultura je od samih početaka predstavljala plodno tlo za nastanak i razvoj ideologija usmjerenih protiv nekih bitnih sadržaja humanističke kulture.
Scientific culture has from its very beginnings presented a fertile ground for the emergence and development of ideologies directed against some important elements of the humanistic culture.
[Tue Jul 15 15:32:16 2003]
Znanstveno dokazana te opravdana detronizacija geocentrizma u korist heliocentrizmu, detronizacija teocentrizma i uspostava antropocentrizma, detronizacija znanstveno-istraživačke kontemplacije i uspostava tehnoznanstvenog pragmatizma, detronizacija antropocentrizma i uspostava biocentrizma za mnoge je predstavljalo i još uvijek predstavlja dovoljne razloge za odbacivanje svake religije koja se poziva na osobnog Boga te za prihvaćanje ateizma kao alternative.
Scientifically proven and justified dethronement of geocentrism in favor of heliocentrism, dethronement of theocentrism and the establishment of anthropocentrism, dethronement of scientific-research contemplation and the establishment of techno-scientific pragmatism, dethronement of anthropocentrism and the establishment of biocentrism for many presented and still present sufficient reasons to reject every religion that calls upon a personal God and to accept atheism as an alternative.
[Tue Jul 15 15:38:00 2003]
Vjera u nadnaravno je proglašavana djetinjarijom i nedostojnom zrelog i odraslog čovjeka.
Belief in supernatural was proclaimed childish and unworthy of a mature and adult man.
[Tue Jul 15 15:38:26 2003]
Otvoreno je bojno polje za obračun s institucionaliziranom religijom kao nositeljicom mračnog antiintelektualizma i klerikalizma.
A battlefield was opened for the fight with the institutionalized religion as a bearer of dark anti-intellectualism and clericalism.
[Tue Jul 15 15:38:26 2003]
Jaz je stvoren.
A gap was created.
[Tue Jul 15 15:48:33 2003]
Međutim, valja biti pošten i priznati da prirodoznanstvena kultura sa svojom mesijanskom ideologijom nije bila isključivi krivac za stvaranje jaza između teologije i prirodnih znanosti.
However, we must be fair and admit that scientific culture with its messianic ideology was not the sole culprit for the creation of the gap between theology and natural sciences.
[Tue Jul 15 15:48:54 2003]
Crkveni autoritet s izrazitim pretenzijama na potpuno kontroliranje društvenog, političkog i znanstvenog života, činjenica koja ga je tjerala da zauzme bojovni apologetski stav prema svemu i svakome tko mu se usprotivio na putu ostvarenja tih pretenzija, snosi veliki dio krivice za stvaranje neprijateljskog ozračja u odnosima teologije i prirodnih znanosti.
The church authority with its noticeable pretensions to completely contol the social, political and scientific life, the fact that made it assume the combatant apologetic attitude towards everything and everyone who opposed it in the way of accomplishing those pretensions, bears a large part of the blame for the creation of a hostile atmosphere in relations of theology and natural sciences.
[Tue Jul 15 15:49:02 2003]
Stvari su se dogodile onako kako su se dogodile.
Things happened the way that happened.
[Tue Jul 15 15:49:19 2003]
Jedno je jasno.
One thing is clear.
[Tue Jul 15 15:49:57 2003]
Povijest se ne može mijenjati.
The history cannot be changed.
[Tue Jul 15 15:49:57 2003]
Ono što se može jest ne ponavljanje starih pogrešaka.
What can be done is not to repeat the same mistakes again.
[Tue Jul 15 15:55:50 2003]
Odnos između teologije i prirodnih znanosti je stoljećima bio opterećen nepovjerenjem i predrasudama.
The relation between theology and natural sciences has for centuries been burdened with distrust and prejudices.
[Tue Jul 15 15:59:48 2003]
Odsutnost dijaloga i zajedničkog traženja rješenja velikih društvenih i moralnih problema urodili su zlim plodovima.
Absence of dialogue and of mutual search for solutions of great social and moral problems bore bad fruit.
[Tue Jul 15 15:59:48 2003]
Bog, objava, vjera, religija, nadnaravno, Crkva, teologija i sve što je s njima bilo i ostalo povezano, sve su više odlazile na margine društvenog, a posebno znanstvenog prihvaćanja i interesa.
God, revelation, faith, religion, supernatural, Church, theology and everything connected to them, were more and more discarded to the margins of social, and especially scientific acceptance and interest.
[Tue Jul 15 16:07:45 2003]
Trebalo je nekoliko stoljeća da institucionalizirana religija shvati da je proces sekularizacije nešto pozitivno i oslobađajuće za samu religiju i teologiju, da je autonomija ovozemaljskih stvarnosti, a u prvom redu znanosti, opravdana i sasvim u skladu s planom Božjeg stvaranja, da je stara statična slika svijeta definitivno nestala iz svijesti ljudi te da je zamijenjena novom dinamičnom slikom svijeta, zahvaljujući u prvom redu napretku prirodnih znanosti, nadalje da je razvoj prirodnih znanosti i tehnike omogućio čovjeku svestran napredak i produbljenje spoznaja o samome sebi, svome dostojanstvu, o društvu, o svijetu i o čitavom svemiru.
It took several centuries for the institutionalized religion to realize that the process of secularization is something positive and liberating for religion and theology themselves, that the autonomy of realities of this world, and before all science, is justified and entirely in accordance with God's creation plan, that the old static world view is definitely gon from the minds of people and that it has been replaced by the new dynamic world view, owing primarily to the development of natural sciences, furthermore that the development of natural sciences and technology enabled the universal progress of man and the deepening of cognitions about himself, his dignity, about society, about the world and about the entire universe.
[Tue Jul 15 16:09:51 2003]
Može se reći da se danas stvari stoje prilično drugačije.
It could be said that things are quite different today.
[Tue Jul 15 16:12:50 2003]
No, ne treba pretjerivati s optimizmom.
But, we should not go too far with optimism.
[Tue Jul 15 16:13:19 2003]
Situacija je utoliko drugačija što sa svih strana dolaze pozitivni glasovi o potrebi dijaloga i tolerancije u odnosima teologije i prirodnih znanosti.
The situation is different mainly in the fact that on all sides there are votes supporting the need for dialogue and tolerance in relations of theology and natural sciences.
[Tue Jul 15 16:14:42 2003]
Međutim, povijest nije moguće ni izbrisati ni promijeniti.
However, it is not possible to erase nor change history.
[Tue Jul 15 16:16:58 2003]
Teško ju je zaboraviti, a još teže ju je točno i ispravno protumačiti i shvatiti.
It is hard to forget it, and even harder to properly and accurately interpret and understand it.
[Tue Jul 15 16:18:20 2003]
Upravo zbog niza povijesnih opterećenosti, dijalog teologije i prirodnih znanosti ima mnoge prepreke i bezbroj stigmi iz prošlosti.
Exactly because of the series of historical burdens, there are many obstacles to a dialogue between theology and natural sciences and there is also a multitude of stigmas from the past.
[Tue Jul 15 16:18:20 2003]
Da bi taj dijalog mogao zaživjeti i postati plodonosan potrebno je prethodno učiniti dvije svari.
In order for this dialogue to take hold and to become fruitful two things need to be done first.
[Tue Jul 15 16:23:04 2003]
Prvo, teologija treba iznaći načina, mogućnosti i hrabrosti za prevladavanje naslijeđene svijesti o instanciji koja sve zna unaprijed i kojoj prirodne znanosti nemaju ništa za reći, a kamo li nešto novo za otkriti.
Firstly, theology needs to find the way, possibilities and courage to overcome the inherited awareness about the instance which knows everything in advance and which does not need to hear from natural sciences, nor learn something from them.
[Tue Jul 15 16:24:43 2003]
Teologija treba pobijediti u sebi mentalitet dogmatske arogancije i institucionalne samodostatnosti.
Theology must beat its own mentality of dogmatic arrogance and institutional self-sufficiency.
[Tue Jul 15 16:25:33 2003]
Drugo, prirodne znanosti bi trebale iznaći načina, mogućnosti i hrabrosti za prevladavanje naslijeđene svijesti o instanciji kojoj ne samo Bog ne treba, već je u stanju dokazati da Boga nema.
Secondly, natural sciences need to find the way, possibilities and courage to overcome the inherited awareness about the instance which not only does not need God, but it can prove that he does not exist.
[Tue Jul 15 16:25:33 2003]
Prirodne znanosti bi trebale pobijediti u sebi mentalitet nositeljica mesijanskog oslobođenja i otvorenog zagovaranja materijalizma i ateizma.
Natural sciences should beat their own mentality of bearers of messianic liberation and open advocacy of materialism and atheism.
[Tue Jul 15 16:30:00 2003]
Oba spomenuta mentaliteta počivaju na ideologiji koja se hrani voljom za moć i gaji iluzije o mogućnostima ovladavanja suparničkom stranom.
Both mentalities mentioned rest on the ideology which feeds on the will to power and has illusions about possibilities to take control over the opposing side.
[Tue Jul 15 16:31:32 2003]
Ideološka zloupotreba teologije i prirodnih znanosti je glavna kočnica za uspostavu međusobnog povjerenja i za zapodijevanje otvorenog dijaloga.
Ideological abuse of theology and natural sciences is the main stumbling block in the establishment of mutual trust and the beginning of an open dialogue.
[Tue Jul 15 16:37:51 2003]
Valja reći i to da je dijalog moguć samo u okvirima jasno definiranih i uzajamno priznatih znanstvenih kompetencija.
We should also say that the dialogue is possible only within the framework of clearly defined and mutually acknowledged scientific competences.
[Tue Jul 15 16:37:51 2003]
To znači da prirodne znanosti imaju za objekt materijalni svijet i sve što na njega spada, dok teologija ima za objekt Boga, objavu u Svetom Pismu te Božje djelovanje snagom Duha.
This means that the subject of natural sciences is the material world and everything that belongs to it, while the subject of theology is God, revelation in the Scriptures and God's work through the power of the Spirit.
[Tue Jul 15 16:40:56 2003]
To ne znači da prirodne znanosti ne smiju postaviti pitanje o Bogu, a teologija o materijalnom svijetu.
This does not mean that natural sciences are not allowed to ask questions about God, and that theology is not allowed to ask questions about the material world.
[Tue Jul 15 16:42:59 2003]
To samo znači da svako područje ljudskog istraživanja treba priznati metodološka i epistemološka ograničenja i kompetencije.
This only means that every field of human research should acknowledge methodological and epistemological limitations and competences.
[Tue Jul 15 16:42:59 2003]
U takvim okolnostima sukobi su još uvijek mogući, ali neće biti plod političkog planiranja i ideološkog suprotstavljanja, već plod ograničenosti ljudskog istraživanja, mišljenja i djelovanja.
Conflicts are still possible in such circumstances, but they will not be the fruit of political planning and ideological opposition, but the fruit of the limitation of human research, thinking and action.
[Tue Jul 15 16:46:55 2003]
Teologija i prirodne znanosti nemaju što raditi na projektu međusobnog stapanja do konačnog poništenja razlika, već trebaju raditi na zajedničkom projektu boljeg i dubljeg poznavanja svijeta, čovjeka i života za dobrobit svakog pojedinca i čitavog čovječanstva.
Theology and natural sciences should not work on the project of mutual merging until the final cancelation of differences, but they should work on the joint project of better and deeper understanding of world, man and life for the benefit of every individual and of the entire humankind.
[Tue Jul 15 16:47:32 2003]
To mogu ostvarivati jedino kroz otvoreni i partnerski dijalog.
This can will be achieved only through transparent and partnership dialogue.
[Tue Jul 15 16:47:32 2003]
Prirodne znanosti i vjera ciljaju na jednog te istog povijesnog i kontingentnog čovjeka.
Natural sciences and religion aim at the one and same historical and contingent human being.
[Tue Jul 15 16:53:01 2003]
Genetika je relativno mlada grana biologijske znanosti.
Genetics is a relatively new branch of biology.
[Tue Jul 15 16:54:08 2003]
Prave mogućnosti zahvaćanja u genetičku strukturu živih organizama se više naslućuju, nego što su već sada izvedive.
True possibilities of manipulating with the genetic structure of living organisms is more guessed, than is at the moment feasible.
[Tue Jul 15 16:56:19 2003]
To još ne znači da postignuća na polju genetike uz pomoć genetičkog inženjeringa nisu velika i zadivljujuća.
This still does not mean that accomplishments in the field of genetics with the help of genetic engineering are not great and impressive.
[Tue Jul 15 16:56:46 2003]
Pitanja što ih genetika upućuje teologiji nisu nova, već samo imaju neke nove naglaske.
The questions that genetics places before theology are not new, but they only have some new stresses.
[Tue Jul 15 16:56:46 2003]
To znači da odnos prirodnih znanosti i teologije pretpostavlja neka općenita rješenja.
This means that the relation of natural sciences and theology presupposes some general solutions.
[Tue Jul 15 16:59:37 2003]
Takvih rješenja na žalost nema.
Unfortunately, there are no such solutions.
[Tue Jul 15 16:59:37 2003]
To ne znači da ih uopće nema, već da ona ne predstavljanju općeprihvaćeno zajedničko polazište u razumijevanju odnosa između prirodnih znanosti i teologije.
This does not mean that they do not exist at all, but that they do not represent a universally accepted common starting position in the understanding of the relation between natural sciences and theology.
[Wed Jul 16 09:20:12 2003]
To je samorazumljivo kad se ima u vidu činjenica da velika većina prirodnih znanstvenika odbacuje temeljnu pretpostavku teologije - vjeru.
This is self-understood when keeping in mind the fact that the vast majority of natural scientists reject the fundamental presumption of theology - faith.
[Wed Jul 16 09:21:11 2003]
U odnosu na teologiju stvaranja genetika postavlja neka fundamentalna pitanja.
In respect of theology of creation genetics raises some fundamental questions.
[Wed Jul 16 09:22:23 2003]
Primjerice, gdje je granica do koje se smije zahvaćati u genetičku strukturu živih organizama?
For example, where is the limit of manipulation with the genetic structure of living organisms?
[Wed Jul 16 09:22:50 2003]
Postavljeno pitanje polazi od jedne pretpostavke koju bi se moglo formulirati pitanjem:
That question starts from a presumption which could be formulated with the question:
[Wed Jul 16 09:24:24 2003]
Zašto uopće treba spominjati neku granicu?
Why should a limit be mentioned at all?
[Wed Jul 16 09:25:12 2003]
Teologija stvaranja takvo pitanje ne postavlja, već ga podrazumijeva.
Theology of creation does not raise such question, but it assumes it instead.
[Wed Jul 16 09:26:16 2003]
Što je temelj tog podrazumijevanja?
What is the foundation of that assumption?
[Wed Jul 16 09:27:12 2003]
Najprije se podrazumijeva vjera u Boga stvoritelja i uzdržitelja svega svijeta.
The first thing assumed is faith in God creator and provider of the entire world.
[Wed Jul 16 09:27:12 2003]
Zatim se podrazumijeva vjera u čovjeka stvorenog na sliku i priliku Božju.
Another thing assumed is faith in man made in the image of God.
[Wed Jul 16 09:35:50 2003]
Konačno se podrazumijeva vjera u postojanje apsolutne moralne bezuvjetnosti bez koje ljudsko djelovanje gubi temelj i upada u napast proizvoljnosti i pristranosti.
The final thing assumed is faith in the existence of moral absoluteness without which human activity loses its foundation and succumbs to temptation of arbitrariness and partiality.
[Wed Jul 16 09:37:07 2003]
Namjerno je spomenuta Ť vjera u ť, jer je to osnovna pretpostavka za prihvaćanje teološkog objašnjenja.
ŤThe faith inť is mentioned intentionally, because it is that basic assumption to accept the theological explanation.
[Wed Jul 16 09:37:57 2003]
Teološko objašnjenje, pak, sa svoje strane je racionalno, jer u protivnom ne bi imalo smisla govoriti o objašnjenju.
Theological explanation, on the other hand, is rational on its side, because otherwise it would not make sense to talk about the explanation.
[Wed Jul 16 09:39:32 2003]
Kakva objašnjenja daje teologija stvaranja na ranije spomenuta pitanja?
What kind of explanations does the theology of creation give to the questions mentioned earlier?
[Wed Jul 16 09:40:37 2003]
Prvo, Bog stvoritelj spada na apsolutnu transcendenciju te nije dohvatljiv nikakvom ljudskom eksperimentu, bilo racionalnom bilo tehničkom.
Firstly, God creator falls under the absolute transcendence and he is not the within the reach of any human experiment, wether rational or technical.
[Wed Jul 16 09:42:04 2003]
Drugim riječima, Bog stvoritelj je sakrivena i neuhvatljiva veličina.
In other words, God creator is hidden and inconceivable greatness.
[Wed Jul 16 09:42:04 2003]
To je Bog koji omogućava mišljenje o njemu kao uvjetu mogućnosti postojanja.
This is God who allows to think about him as about the condition for the possibility of existence.
[Wed Jul 16 09:47:53 2003]
Dakle, Bog nije dio stvorenoga svijeta, pa prema tome nije ni dio predmetnog područja genetike.
Therefore, God is not the part of the created world, and accordingly he is not the part of the subject matter of genetics.
[Wed Jul 16 09:48:44 2003]
Takvo objašnjenje istovremeno nešto skriva i nešto otkriva.
Such explanation at the same time hides and reveals something.
[Wed Jul 16 09:49:22 2003]
ŤSkrivať Boga od mogućih ljudskih manipulacija onim što je eminentno božansko.
It Ťhidesť God from possible human manipulations with what is eminently divine.
[Wed Jul 16 09:52:06 2003]
Otkriva da ljudska egzistencija i ljudska djelatnost u svijetu nije apsolutna i zatvorena, već relativna i otvorena.
It reveals that human existence and human activity in the world are not absolute and closed, but relative and open.
[Wed Jul 16 09:53:35 2003]
Bog kao temeljni uvjet mogućnosti postojanja predstavlja zadnju odnosnu točku na koju se čovjek poziva, bilo da je priznaje ili da je negira.
God as the fundamental condition for the possibility of existence presents the last relative point to wich man appeals, whether he acknowledges or denies it.
[Wed Jul 16 09:57:12 2003]
Shvaćanje i prihvaćanje da je Bog uvjet mogućnosti postojanja svega stvorenoga dano je čovjeku, a preko njega svemu stvorenju.
Understanding and accepting that God is the condition for the possibility of existence of everything created is given to man, and through him to every being.
[Wed Jul 16 10:00:11 2003]
Upravo ta činjenica potvrđuje čovjekovu bogosličnost.
And it is precisely this fact that confirms man's godlikeness.
[Wed Jul 16 10:01:41 2003]
Čovjekova bogosličnost niti izbija niti se mjeri molekulama, nukleotidima, genima, kromosomima, organima i tkivima, već izbija iz njegove mogućnosti da uđe u odnos s Bogom.
Man's godlikeness is not manifested nor measured in molecules, nucleotides, genes, chromosomes, organs and tissues, but it is manifestes in his possibility to establish a relation with God.
[Wed Jul 16 10:01:41 2003]
Čovjek stvarno može, zatim kad je dobro promislio i smije, a katkad i mora zahvaćati u materijalni svijet i svijet života.
A man really can, and after thinking it through he is allowed to, and sometimes he must interfere with the material world and the world of life.
[Wed Jul 16 10:08:09 2003]
Svijet i život dakle uživaju status raspoloživosti pred čovjekom i njegovim sposobnostima da istražuje, mijenja i proizvodi.
World and life, therefore, enjoy the status of availability for man and his abilities to explore, change and produce.
[Wed Jul 16 10:09:26 2003]
Teologija stvaranja ne poznaje, to jest ne priznaje apsolutnu zabranu zahvaćanja u živu i neživu prirodu od strane čovjeka.
it does not acknowledge the absolute prohibition of interfering with the living and non-living nature on the part of man.
[Wed Jul 16 10:11:18 2003]
Teologija stvaranja nastoji raspoznati granice do kojih se smije ići u procesu zahvaćanja u prirodni red stvari.
Theology of creation tries to recognize the limits to which it is free to go in the process of interfering with the natural order of things.
[Wed Jul 16 10:13:16 2003]
Teologija ne poznaje te granice izričito i tematski hic et nunc, već se stavlja u situaciju trajne meditacije i ukazivanja na potrebu jasnog utvrđivanja tih granica putem racionalnog otkrivanja i tumačenja.
Theology does not know those limits explicitly and thematically hic et nunc, but it places itself into a situation of permanent meditation and indicating the need to clearly establish those limits through rational detection and interpretation.
[Wed Jul 16 10:13:16 2003]
Naime, stvaranje se ne treba shvatiti kao jedan davno završeni čin (creatio ex nihilo), već ga valja shvatiti kao trajan čin (creatio continua), jer je Bog uvjet mogućnosti postojanja svega stvorenoga.
That is, creation should not be understood as an act completed long ago (creatio ex nihilo), but it should be understood as a permanent act (creatio continua), because God is the condition for the possibility of existence of everything created.
[Wed Jul 16 10:27:06 2003]
Postojanje je kao nastajanje, a nastajanje je kao postojanje.
Existence is as emergence, and emergence is as existence.
[Wed Jul 16 10:27:43 2003]
Uzajamnost među njima garantira njihovu trajnost.
Their mutuality guarantees their continuity.
[Wed Jul 16 10:28:36 2003]
Teološka trajnost se ne da usporediti s prostorno-vremenskim određenjem.
Theological continuity cannot be compared with the definition of space and time.
[Wed Jul 16 10:28:44 2003]
To može biti slučaj u prirodnim znanostima.
This can be the case with natural sciences.
[Wed Jul 16 10:29:41 2003]
Ali to nije slučaj s teologijom stvaranja.
But it is not the case with the theology of creation.
[Wed Jul 16 10:32:41 2003]
Bog je zauvijek uvjet mogućnosti postojanja svijeta.
God is for eternity the condition for the possibility of existence of the world.
[Wed Jul 16 10:33:56 2003]
Prema tome, Božji stvarateljski čin valja misliti na način trajanja, a ne na način konačnog čina koji se dogodio jednom davno prije - na početku svijeta.
Therefore, God's act of creation should be viewed in terms of duration, and not in terms of a definitive act which happened long time ago - at the beginning of the world.
[Wed Jul 16 10:35:55 2003]
Zbog toga genetičar kad zahvaća u živu prirodu, ona zapravo zahvaća u nešto što već postoji.
Therefore, when a geneticist interferes with the living nature, he in fact interferes with something that already exists.
[Wed Jul 16 10:36:39 2003]
A to što već postoji, svoje postojanje treba zahvaliti onom iskonskom činu kao uvjetu mogućnosti postojanja svega svijeta.
And that what already exists owes its existence to that primordial act as the condition for the possibility of existence of the entire world.
[Wed Jul 16 10:36:39 2003]
Taj čin je božanski po izvoru i smislu.
That act is divine by its origin and sense.
[Wed Jul 16 10:45:07 2003]
Genetika, stoga, sa svojim realnim i mogućim metodama i tehnikama zahvaćanja u žive organizme, pa tako i u ljudski organizam, iz perspektive teologije stvaranja ne može raditi što je volja, kad je volja i nad kim je volja.
Genetics, therefore, with its real and potential methods and techniques of intervening in living organisms, as well as in human organism, from the perspective of theology of creation cannot do whatever it desires, whenever it desires and with whoever it desires.
[Wed Jul 16 10:46:04 2003]
Iz teološke perspektive genetičari bi trebali meditirati o granicama (ne)dopustivosti u kontekstu genetičkih zahvata u žive organizme.
From the theological perspective geneticists should contemplate the limits of (un)acceptability in the context of genetic interventions in living organisms.
[Wed Jul 16 10:49:52 2003]
Teologija stvaranja drži da se te granice ne nameću čovjeku izvana, nego iznutra.
Theology of creation beleives that those limits are not imposed to man from the outside, but from the inside.
[Wed Jul 16 10:51:47 2003]
Iznutra utoliko što stvorenje ovisi o svome Stvoritelju, a jedino biće sposobno tematizirati takvo iskustvo je čovjek.
From the inside in so far as a being depends on his Creator, and the only being capable of taking such experience as a theme is a man.
[Wed Jul 16 10:53:22 2003]
Prema tome, granice (ne)dopustivosti zahvaćanja u genetičku strukturu živih organizama čovjeku su dostupne putem njegova razuma.
Therefore, limits of the (un)acceptability of interfering with the genetic structure of living organisms are available to man through his reason.
[Wed Jul 16 10:53:22 2003]
Pri tome je važno naglasiti da teologija stvaranja shvaća i prihvaća ljudski razum u fundamentalnom smislu, jer upravo razum predstavlja signum distinctivum čovjekove bogosličnosti.
It is important to emphasize here that the theology of creation understands and accepts human reason in the fundamental sense, because it is reason what presents signum distinctivum of man's godlikenesses.
[Wed Jul 16 10:59:31 2003]
Čovjek kao razumsko biće stupa u odnos s Bogom.
Man as a rational being establishes a relation with God.
[Wed Jul 16 11:01:33 2003]
Vjera i razum se ne isključuju, osim kad ih se ideološki namjerno želi sukobiti.
Faith and reason are not mutually exclusive, except in cases when there is an ideological intention to confront them.
[Wed Jul 16 11:02:55 2003]
Za razliku od fundamentalnog razuma, prevladavajući načini ophođenja s ljudskom racionalnošću u današnjem dobu su cinizam i instrumentalizam.
Unlike the fundamental reason, prevailing ways of dealing with human rationality in present time are cynicism and instrumentalism.
[Wed Jul 16 11:06:38 2003]
Cinički razum sve izvrgava ruglu i smijehu.
Cynical reason mocks and ridicules everything.
[Wed Jul 16 11:08:08 2003]
Motivi i razlozi za stvaranje cirkusa mogu biti različiti, a čini se da je jedan uvijek prisutan - vjera u smrt kao konačno rješenje ljudskog pitanja, to jest nevjera u transcendenciju.
Motives and reasons for creating a circus may be various, but it seems that one of them is always there - belief in death as a definitive solution to the human issue, i.e. lack of belief in transcendence.
[Wed Jul 16 11:09:13 2003]
U takvim je ozračju jedino rješenje da se podnese teret ljudske egzistencije pretvaranje te iste egzistencije u cirkus.
In that kind of atmosphere the only solution to bear the burden of human existence is to turn that existence into a circus.
[Wed Jul 16 11:14:27 2003]
Instrumentalni razum privilegira logiku stjecanja koristi od cjelokupne ljudske djelatnosti.
The instrumental reason prefers the logic of profiting from the entire human activity.
[Wed Jul 16 11:15:38 2003]
Sve što se misli, čini i djeluje služi jednoj jedinoj svrsi - što većoj koristi.
Everything that is thought, done and acted serves the one and only purpose - profit, as lare as possible.
[Wed Jul 16 11:24:28 2003]
U takvim okolnostima ophođenja s ljudskim razumom teško je insistirati na normativnim i vrijednosnim određenjima što ih nameće fundamentalno određenje razuma.
In such circumstances of dealing with with human reason it is hard to insist on normative and value features which are imposed by the fundamental definition of reason.
[Wed Jul 16 11:25:12 2003]
Kad se izgubi iz vida ta fundamentalna važnost razuma te kad se razum pretvori u neograničeni cirkus te u sredstvo za opravdanje svih mogućih ljudskih zahvata koji donose određenu korist, onda postaje jasno da se prirodne znanosti i teologija stvaranja neposredno razilaze u stvarima koje se tiču ljudske djelatnosti u svijetu, to jest raznih oblika ljudskog djelovanja.
When that basic importance of reason is lost from sight and when reason is turned into a limitless circus and an instrument to justify all potential human interventions which bring certain profit, it then becomes clear that natural sciences and theology of creation at first hand disagree in matters which concern human action in the world, i.e. various types of human activity.
[Wed Jul 16 11:25:37 2003]
To vrijedi i za genetiku kao prirodnu znanost.
That same applies to genetics as a natural science.
[Wed Jul 16 11:27:00 2003]
Uzmimo za primjer kloniranje čovjeka.
Let us take human cloning, for example.
[Wed Jul 16 11:27:00 2003]
Je li takav zahvat moguće etički opravdati?
Is it possible to ethically justify that kind of intervention?
[Wed Jul 16 11:32:45 2003]
Ako se pođe od pretpostavke da neki ljudi mogu imati koristi od kloniranja, kao što su primjerice sterilni bračni partneri, a k tome se ima na umu da ljudski život definitivno završava sa smrću, onda je jasno da svaka etička osuda kloniranja predstavlja udar na ljudsku egzistenciju i ljudsko djelovanje.
If we start from the assumption that some people can benefit from cloning, such as infertile couples, for example, and if we also keep in mind that human life definitely ends with death, it is clear then that any kind of ethical condemnation of cloning present an attack to human existence and human activity.
[Wed Jul 16 11:34:15 2003]
Iz teološke perspektive takav pristup se prepoznaje kao ciničan i instrumentalan.
From the theological perspective such approach is recognized as cynical and instrumental.
[Wed Jul 16 11:35:05 2003]
Prirodne znanosti to mogu ostvariti, a ostvarenje će nekome koristiti, nekome tko bi inače izgubio jedinu životnu šansu.
Natural sciences can accomplish that, and the accomplishment will be of use to someone, someone who would otherwise lose their only chance in life.
[Wed Jul 16 11:36:05 2003]
Teologija stvaranja u ljudskom razumu gleda ono što sama naziva bogosličnost.
Theology of creation looks for what it calls godlikeness in human reason.
[Wed Jul 16 11:42:43 2003]
Bogosličnost zahtijeva da se razum uzima normativno, a ne tek cinično, instrumentalno i koristoljubivo.
Godlikeness requires that reason is taken normatively, and not only cynically, instrumentally and covetously.
[Wed Jul 16 11:42:43 2003]
Da bi se shvatile granice normativnosti takvog stava potrebno je prethodno stvoriti neke načelne pretpostavke u odnosu prirodnih znanosti i teologije.
In order to understand the limits of normativeness of such attitude it is necessary to first create some principled presumptions in the relation of natural sciences and theology.
[Wed Jul 16 11:49:46 2003]
Prva pretpostavka je da čovjek nije ni bog ni Bog, te da ljudski život, kao uostalom cjelokupna živa i neživa stvarnost, radikalno ovise o svome Stvoritelju.
The first assumption is that man is neither god nor God, and also that human life, and as for that matter the entire living and non-living reality, radically depend on their Creator.
[Wed Jul 16 11:50:01 2003]
Teologija stvaranja se nadopunjava i usavršava danostima teologije spasenja.
Theology of creation is completed and improved by the givennesses of theology of salvation.
[Wed Jul 16 11:50:23 2003]
Bog se objavio u Isusu iz Nazareta.
God was revealed in Jesus from Nazareth.
[Wed Jul 16 11:51:05 2003]
Taj je Isus navijestio Radosnu vijest Kraljevstva Božjega.
That Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
[Wed Jul 16 11:53:36 2003]
Baš to ga je koštalo javne osude i gubitka života.
And it was at the cost of public condemnation and the loss of his life.
[Wed Jul 16 11:53:52 2003]
No, Bog ga je treći dan uskrisio od mrtvih, potvrdivši tako njegovo božansko poslanje i otkupiteljsko djelo.
But, on the third day God resurrected him from the dead, thus confirming his divine mission and redeeming work.
[Wed Jul 16 11:54:48 2003]
Vjera u Isusa Krista je stoga spasenjska vjera.
Faith in Jesus Christ is, therefore, salvational faith.
[Wed Jul 16 11:55:11 2003]
Pristup Bogu je moguć samo posredstvom vjere u Isusa Krista.
Approach to God is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ.
[Wed Jul 16 11:55:51 2003]
Krist se nije bavio prirodnim znanostima.
Christ did not deal with natural sciences.
[Wed Jul 16 11:57:32 2003]
Nije govorio o tome kako je Bog stvorio svijet i čovjeka.
He did not speak about how God created the world and man.
[Wed Jul 16 11:57:48 2003]
Nije dao ni naslutiti da postoji nešto zadivljujuće u prirodi poput evolucije života.
He never indicated that there is something wonderful in nature like the evolution of life.
[Wed Jul 16 11:57:48 2003]
Genetiku nije spominjao.
He never mentioned genetics.
[Wed Jul 16 12:07:40 2003]
Od svojih sljedbenika nije zahtijevao da budu ni teolozi ni prirodni znanstvenici.
He did not demand from his followers to be neither theologians nor natural scientists.
[Wed Jul 16 12:08:29 2003]
Ne zaboravimo, Isus Krist je pravi Bog i pravi čovjek, a ipak ni s ljudske ni s božanske strane nije našao za shodno da otkrije znanstvene istine o nastanku i razvoju svemira i života u njemu.
Let us not forget, Jesus Christ is a true God and a true man, and yet, neither from the human nor from the divine part, he never found it necessary to reveal the scientific truths about the origin and development of the universe and life in it.
[Wed Jul 16 12:12:39 2003]
Očito da Božje spasenje predstavlja eminentno teološku i, posljedično, etičku kategoriju.
It is obvious that God's salvation presents an eminently theological and, consequently, ethical category.
[Wed Jul 16 12:15:04 2003]
Bog se objavio u Kristu, očitovavši svoju slavu, to jest svoje Ť boštvo ť.
God was revealed in Christ, manifesting his glory, i.e. his Ťgodshipť.
[Wed Jul 16 12:15:47 2003]
Cjelokupna stvarnost više nije nešto samostojno, u smislu da bi njezin smisao i puninu bilo moguće shvatiti iz nje same, bez Boga.
The entire reality is not self-contained anymore, in the sense that its meaning and fullness could be understood from it alone, without God.
[Wed Jul 16 12:15:56 2003]
Stvarnost se nalazi u radikalnom odnosu.
Reality is found in a radical relation.
[Wed Jul 16 12:17:56 2003]
Prirodne znanosti istražuju tu stvarnost.
Natural sciences explore that reality.
[Wed Jul 16 12:18:15 2003]
Pokušavaju shvatiti njezine zakonitosti, procese, starost, trajnost, itd.
They try to understand its laws, processes, extent, duration, etc.
[Wed Jul 16 12:18:24 2003]
To čine sasvim legitimno.
What they do is fully legitimate.
[Wed Jul 16 12:18:24 2003]
No, prirodne znanosti ne izmišljaju stvarnost.
But, natural sciences do not invent reality.
[Wed Jul 16 12:21:42 2003]
Tako ni genetika ne izmišlja život, kromosome, gene, nukleotide, molekule, DNA.
Similarly, genetics does not invent life, chromosomes, genes, nucleotides, molecules, DNA.
[Wed Jul 16 12:24:06 2003]
Genetika se njima samo bavi na način da ih istražuje, definira i poboljšava.
Genetics only deals with them in a way that it explores, defines and improves them.
[Wed Jul 16 12:24:31 2003]
Uvjerenje da prirodne znanosti mogu donijeti svijetu i čovjeku konačno oslobođenje i spasenje je materijalističlka dogmatika.
A belief that natural sciences can bring the ultimate liberation and salvation to the world and man is a materialistic doctrine.
[Wed Jul 16 12:26:25 2003]
Prirodne znanosti su ljudska tvorba.
Natural sciences are man-made.
[Wed Jul 16 12:29:28 2003]
Sve ljudsko je relativno i podložno propadanju.
Everything human is relative and subject to decay.
[Wed Jul 16 12:29:55 2003]
Uvjerenje da genetičko inženjerstvo može vratiti čovjeku kvalitete koje bi mu osigurale savršenstvo i besmrtnost je contradictio in adjecto, budući da je samo genetičko inženjerstvo izum nesavršenog i smrtnog čovjeka.
A belief that genetic engineering can provide the man with qualities that would ensure his perfection and immortality is contradictio in adjecto, since genetic engineering itself is the invention of an imperfect and mortal man.
[Wed Jul 16 12:30:51 2003]
Tu treba biti veoma oprezan.
One must be very careful here.
[Wed Jul 16 12:33:22 2003]
Nadalje, genetičko inženjerstvo se bavi molekularnom strukturom života, a život je nezamisliv bez smrti.
Furthermore, genetic engineering deals with the molecular structure of life, and life is unimaginable without death.
[Wed Jul 16 12:33:41 2003]
Život i smrt na prirodnoj razini nisu suprotstavljene stvarnosti, već komplementarno inkluzivne.
Life and death are not opposing realities on the natural level, but they are complementary inclusive.
[Wed Jul 16 12:33:58 2003]
Gdje je život tu je i smrt.
Where there is life, there is death.
[Wed Jul 16 12:34:32 2003]
Gdje je smrt tu je i život.
Where there is death, there is life.
[Wed Jul 16 12:34:49 2003]
Što se onda očekuje od genetičkog inženjeringa i genetičke znanosti općenito?
What is then expected from genetic engineering and genetics in general?
[Wed Jul 16 12:35:17 2003]
Poboljšanje kvalitete života?
The improvement of the quality of life?
[Wed Jul 16 12:35:17 2003]
Ali kojeg i kakvog života?
But which and what kind of life?
[Wed Jul 16 12:41:22 2003]
Čovjek može, smije, a ponekad i mora zahvaćati u molekularnu strukturu života, kako svoju tako i drugih živih organizama.
A man is able to, free to, and sometimes he must interfere with the molecular structure of life, his own and of other living organisms.
[Wed Jul 16 12:42:40 2003]
No, do koje granice smije?
But, how far can he go?
[Wed Jul 16 12:43:35 2003]
Teologija stvaranja i spasenja na sasvim općenitoj razini poručuje genetici općenito i genetičkom inženjerstvu posebno:
Theology of creation and salvation, on a completely general level, sends a message to genetics in general and to genetic engineering in particular:
[Wed Jul 16 12:44:18 2003]
čovjek ne smije proizvoljno raspolagati životom, jer život nije proizvod ljudskog genija.
man is not free to arbitrarily control life, because life is not the product of human genius.
[Wed Jul 16 12:47:07 2003]
Čovjek stoga nije vlasnik života, kako svoga tako ni tuđega.
Therefore, man does not own life, neither his own nor someone else's.
[Wed Jul 16 12:47:52 2003]
Kako će se etički vrednovati određeni konkretni zahvat u genetičku strukturu ljudskog organizma kao i drugih organizama bitno ovisi o prihvaćanju ili odbacivanju gore iznesenih pretpostavki.
Ethical valuation of some particular intervention in the genetic structure of human organism as well as other organisms very much depends on the acceptance or rejection of the assumptions presented above.
[Wed Jul 16 12:47:52 2003]
Razlike u etičkim vrednovanjima određenih genetičkih zahvata su već poznate, pa ih je suvišno ovdje ponavljati.
Differences in ethical evaluations of certain genetic interventions are already known, so it is not necessary to repeat them here.
[Wed Jul 16 12:53:46 2003]
Pri tome je važno imati na umu da razlike u etičkim vrednovanjima ne izbijaju iz jednostavnog priziva na poštivanje progresa prirodnih znanosti, već iz načina razumijevanja što se misli pod pojmom Ť progres ť.
It is important to keep in mind that differences in ethical evaluations do not emerge from a simple appeal to respect the progress of natural sciences, but from the way of understanding what is meant by the idea of Ťprogressť.
[Wed Jul 16 12:53:46 2003]
Spada li na ideju progresa također sadašnja realna opasnost od samouništenja?
Does the idea of progress also contain the present actual danger of self-destruction?
[Wed Jul 16 12:57:46 2003]
Umjesto zaključka
Instead of a conclusion
[Wed Jul 16 13:02:23 2003]
U zaključku je dovoljno spomenuti da bavljenje bilo kojom granom prirodnih znanosti samo po sebi nije dovoljan razlog za prihvaćanje ateizma, a odbacivanje teizma, ali i obrnuto.
In the conclusion it is enough to mention that occupation with any branch of natural sciences is by itself not a sufficient reason to accept atheism, and to reject theism, and vice versa.
[Wed Jul 16 14:11:54 2003]
Prirodne znanosti su tek jedan oblik ljudske djelatnosti.
Natural sciences are only one type of human activity.
[Wed Jul 16 14:14:43 2003]
Da bi se prihvatio ateizam a odbacio teizam potrebna je jedna druga ideja koja nema veze s metodom prirodnih znanosti, već ima veze s ideološkom matricom znanstvenika.
In order to accept atheism and reject theism another idea is needed, which is not related to the method of natural sciences, but it is related to the ideological matrix of scientists.
[Wed Jul 16 14:15:02 2003]
Svi oni koji tvrde da kvalitetni i vrhunski prirodni znanstvenik ne može vjerovati u transcendentno, već su unaprijed zauzeli ideološki stav spram transcendentnog.
All those who claim that a top-grade natural scientist cannot believe in transcendent, are beforehand assuming an ideological attitude in relation to transcendent.
[Wed Jul 16 14:18:14 2003]
No, to nema veze s prirodnim znanostima.
But this has nothong to do with natural sciences.
[Wed Jul 16 14:18:45 2003]
To ima veze s ideologijom onoga koji takvo što tvrdi.
This is concerned with the ideology of those who claim such a thing.
[Wed Jul 16 14:20:24 2003]
Istina, on to ima pravo tvrditi.
True, they are entitled to claim it.
[Wed Jul 16 14:20:24 2003]
No, to nije i ne može biti odgovor na pitanje što se nameće spram odnosa prirodnih znanosti i teologije općenito te odnosa genetike i teologije stvaranja posebno.
But, this is not and it cannot be the answer to the question which is imposed concerning the relation of natural sciences and theology in general and the relation of genetics and theology of creation in particular.
[Wed Jul 16 15:04:37 2003]
S glavnom tezom iznesenom u ovoj knjizi se ne slažem.
I do not agree with the main thesis presented in this book.
[Wed Jul 16 15:05:41 2003]
Naime, nisu, kako ih autor zove, Ť religiozni mitovi ť uzeti iz Biblije uzrok svim nedaćama prouzročenim znanstveno-tehničkim napretkom, nego njihovo krivo tumačenje i razumijevanje.
That is, Ťreligious mythsť, as author calls them, taken from the Bible are not the cause of all misfortunes caused by scientific and technical progress, but their misinterpretation and misunderstanding instead.
[Wed Jul 16 15:06:49 2003]
Fanatizam je sastavni dio ljudske egzistencije, ali to još ne znači da je fanatizam prihvatljivo stanje ljudskog uma i duha.
Fanaticism is a constituent part of human existence, but this still does not mean that fanaticism is an acceptable state of human mind and spirit.
[Wed Jul 16 15:10:29 2003]
Fanatizam je jedan u nizu oblika bolesti ljudskog uma i duha.
Fanaticism is one in the series of diseases of human mind and spirit.
[Wed Jul 16 15:10:29 2003]
Stoga je svaki pokušaj da se uz pomoć prirodnih znanosti i tehnike čovjeku povrati prvobitno stanje, to jest stanje besmrtnosti, bezbolnosti i totalnog ovozemaljskog blaženstva simptom bolesti zvan ljudski fanatizam.
Therefore, every attempt to use natural sciences and technology in order to return the man into his primordial state, i.e. the state of immortality, painlessness and absolute worldly bliss is a symptom of a disease called human fanaticism.
[Wed Jul 16 16:38:13 2003]
[Wed Jul 16 16:38:59 2003]
Kvaliteta kreditnog portfelja
Quality of the Credit Portfolio
[Wed Jul 16 16:39:17 2003]
Ukupna izloženost Banke kreditnom riziku sa stanjem na 31.03.2000.
The total bank exposure to credit risk with the balance on 31.03.2000.
[Wed Jul 16 16:42:18 2003]
Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 55 komitenata s ukupnom izloženošću kreditnom riziku u iznosu od 1.193.862 tisuće kuna, što predstavlja 40,45% ukupnog kreditnog portfelja Banke.
The sample encompassed 55 account holders with a total exposure to credit risk in the amount of 1,193,862 thousand kuna, which represents 40.45% of the total credit portfolio of the Bank.
[Wed Jul 16 16:42:19 2003]
Kontrolom je utvrđeno da je Banka dužna izdvojiti dodatne posebne rezerve za identificirane gubitke u iznosu od 308.424 tisuće kuna.
The inspection has established that the Bank is due to set aside additional special reserves for identified losses in the amount of 308,424 thousand kuna.
[Wed Jul 16 16:44:39 2003]
Izloženost Banke prema dioničarima, ukupan iznos velikih izloženosti i izloženost Banke prema jednoj osobi u odnosu na jamstveni kapital u skladu je sa zakonom propisanim postotcima izloženosti.
The Bank exposure towards stockholders, the total of large exposures and Bank exposure towards one individual in respect to risk-based capital is in keeping with the prescribed percentages of exposure by law.
[Wed Jul 16 16:44:40 2003]
S obzirom na visinu jamstvenog kapitala utvrđenog izravnim nadzorom povećava se ukupan iznos svih velikih izloženosti Banke, te izloženosti prema jednoj osobi.
In respect to the height of risk-based capital established by on-site supervision the grand total of the all large bank exposures increases, and the exposure towards one individual.
[Wed Jul 16 16:47:45 2003]
Ulaganja u materijalnu imovinu i vlasničke uloge
Investments in Tangible Assets and Owner's Shares
[Wed Jul 16 16:49:20 2003]
Ulaganja u materijalnu imovinu čine 49,40% jamstvenog kapitala Banke, te zajedno s ulaganjima u vlasničke udjele iznose 1 05,86% jamstvenog kapitala Banke.
Investments in tangible assets make 49,40 % of the risk-based Bank capital, and together with investments in owners' shares make 1 05,86 % of the risk-based Bank capital.
[Wed Jul 16 16:49:21 2003]
Nakon izvršene kontrole, uslijed smanjenja jamstvenog kapitala, ulaganja u materijalnu imovinu čine 285,60% jamstvenog kapitala, te zajedno s ulaganjima u vlasničke udjele iznose 612% jamstvenog kapitala Banke utvrđenog izravnim nadzorom.
After the inspection, owing to the decrease of risk-based capital, investments in physical assets make 285,60 % the risk-based capital, and together with investments in owners' shares amount to 612 % of the risk-based Bank capital determined with on-site supervision.
[Wed Jul 16 16:50:16 2003]
Banka je sa stanjem na 31.03.2000.
Bank with the balance on 31/03/2000
[Wed Jul 16 16:50:24 2003]
iskazala dobit u iznosu 3.
Bank with the balance on 31/03/2000 had the profit in the amount of 3,
[Wed Jul 16 16:51:40 2003]
S obzirom na utvrđeni iznos dodatnih posebnih rezervi za identificirane gubitke, gubitak Banke nakon obavljenog izravnog nadzora iznosi 301.634 tisuća kuna.
In respect to the flat rate of the additional special reserves for identified losses, the loss of the Bank after the completed on-site supervision is 301,634 the thousand kuna.
[Wed Jul 16 16:52:27 2003]
Adekvatnost kapitala
Capital adequacy
[Wed Jul 16 16:53:03 2003]
Jamstveni kapital utvrđen od strane Banke iznosio je 368.341 tisuću kuna, a koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala iznosio je 21,84%.
The risk-based capital established by the Bank was 368,341 thousand kuna, and the capital adequacy ratio was 21.84%.
[Wed Jul 16 16:53:09 2003]
Nakon izvršene kontrole, a s obzirom na utvrđeni gubitak, jamstveni kapital iznosi 63.
After the completed inspection, and in respect to the determined loss, the risk-based capital is 63,
[Wed Jul 16 16:53:33 2003]
Koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala utvrđen izravnim nadzorom iznosi 4,02%.
Capital adequacy ratio determined by the on-site supervision is 4.02 %.
[Thu Jul 17 09:21:39 2003]
[Thu Jul 17 09:22:11 2003]
[Thu Jul 17 09:22:11 2003]
Direkcija za izravni nadzor banaka i štedionica
Department for On-Site Supervision of Banks and Savings Banks
[Thu Jul 17 09:27:40 2003]
U privitku Vam dostavljamo Zapisnik o obavljenoj kontroli poslovanja u obliku nacrta.
We are enclosing the Transcript about the completed inspection of business operations in the form of a draft.
[Thu Jul 17 09:28:59 2003]
Na utvrđeno činjenično stanje iznijeto u ovom Nacrtu zapisnika Banka može dostaviti pisane primjedbe u roku od osam (8) dana od dana primitka Zapisnika.
The Bank can submit written complaints about the facts determined and presented in this Transcript draft within eight (8) days from the day of receiving the Transcript.
[Thu Jul 17 09:28:59 2003]
Za eventualne pogreške pri utvrđivanju odgovornih osoba, potrebno je navesti osobe koje Banka drži odgovornima za nezakonitosti i nepravilnosti u poslovanju utvrđenih ovim Zapisnikom.
For possible mistakes in determining responsible persons, it is necessary to state the individuals which Bank holds responsible for illegalities and irregularities in business operations that are determined by this Transcript.
[Thu Jul 17 09:29:40 2003]
Izvršni direktor
Excutive manager
[Thu Jul 17 09:31:36 2003]
[Thu Jul 17 09:31:38 2003]
Direkcija za izravni nadzor banaka i štedionica
Department for On-Site Supervision of Banks and Savings Banks
[Thu Jul 17 09:35:18 2003]
Ovaj Zapisnik je strogo povjerljiv.
This Transcript is extremely confidential.
[Thu Jul 17 09:36:29 2003]
Nije dozvoljeno objavljivanje podataka iz Zapisnika bez dozvole Hrvatske narodne banke.
It is not allowed to publishing data from the Transcript without the permission of the Croatian National Bank.
[Thu Jul 17 09:37:08 2003]
Svaki član Uprave i Nadzornog odbora mora biti u potpunosti upoznat s njego\'im sadržajem.
Every member of the Management board and the Supervisory board must be completely familiar with its contents.
[Thu Jul 17 09:37:08 2003]
Ovaj Zapisnik nije revizorsko izvješće, i ne smije se takvim smatrati.
This Transcript is not an audit report, and it cannot be considered as such.
[Thu Jul 17 09:40:10 2003]
Kvaliteta aktive
Bank asset quality
[Thu Jul 17 09:40:50 2003]
Upravljanje likvidnošću
Liquidity management
[Thu Jul 17 09:41:15 2003]
Obvezna rezerva u stranoj valuti
Legal reserves in foreign currency
[Thu Jul 17 09:42:53 2003]
Izloženost kreditnom riziku
Exposure to the credit risk
[Thu Jul 17 09:44:08 2003]
Posebne rezerve za osiguranje od identificiranih potencijalnih gubitaka
Special reserves for the insurance from the identified potential losses
[Thu Jul 17 09:47:08 2003]
Pokazatelji kvalitete aktive
Indicators of bank asset quality
[Thu Jul 17 09:53:04 2003]
Planiranje prihoda i rashoda Banke
Planning of revenues and expenditures of the Bank
[Thu Jul 17 09:55:19 2003]
Promjene vlasničke strukture Banke i dokapitalizacija
Changes in ownership structure of the Bank and additional capitalisation
[Thu Jul 17 09:57:27 2003]
Stjecanje dionica od zaposlenika Banke
Acquisition of shares of the employee of Bank
[Thu Jul 17 09:58:29 2003]
Posebne rezerve za neidentificirane gubitke
Special reserves for unidentified losses
[Thu Jul 17 09:58:40 2003]
Koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala
Capital adequacy ratio