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NeuroTran® prijevodi poredani kronološki:

[Mon Jul 21 12:03:25 2003]
Potrebe i potencijalne obveze osiguranja hibridnog ili podređenog instrumenta
Requirements and contingent liabilities of the insurance of a hybrid or the secondary instrument

[Mon Jul 21 12:03:30 2003]
Ukupni odbici od dopunskog kapitala
Total deductions from the additional capital

[Mon Jul 21 12:03:30 2003]
Ukupni dopunski kapital
Total additional capital

[Mon Jul 21 12:04:19 2003]
Dopunski kapital koji se uključuje u jamstveni kapital
Additional capital which is included in the risk-based capital

[Mon Jul 21 12:05:30 2003]
Odbici od bruto jamstvenog kapitala
Deductions from the gross risk-based capital

[Mon Jul 21 12:05:58 2003]
Izravna i neizravna ulaganja u kapital banaka
Direct and indirect investments in the capital of banks

[Mon Jul 21 12:05:58 2003]
Ukupni odbici od bruto jamstvenog kapitala
Total deductions from the gross risk-based capital

[Mon Jul 21 12:11:08 2003]
Koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala
Capital adequacy ratio

[Mon Jul 21 12:13:49 2003]
Jamstveni kapital (u 000 kn)
Risk-based capital (in thousands of kuna)

[Mon Jul 21 12:13:51 2003]
Ponderirana aktiva (u 000 kn)
Weighted assets (in thousands of kuna)

[Mon Jul 21 12:13:51 2003]
Koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala
Capital adequacy ratio

[Mon Jul 21 12:18:55 2003]
Prema odredbi članka 39 Zakona o bankama, Banka je dužna opseg svog poslovanja usklađivati tako da adekvatnost kapitala u svako doba iznosi najmanje 10% ukupnog iznosa aktive i aktivnih izvanbilančnih stavaka banke raspoređenih i ponderiranih po stupnjevima rizika (minimalna adekvatnost kapitala).
Under the provision of the article 39 of the Banking Law, the Bank is obliged to adjust the volume of its operations so that the capital adequacy is at any time at least 10% of the total amount of assets and active off-balance items of the bank distributed and weighted according to risk levels (minimal capital adequacy).

[Mon Jul 21 12:18:55 2003]
Iz prethodne tablice je vidljivo da je koeficijent adekvatnosti kapitala 11.29% što je iznad zakonom propisanog minimuma
The previous table shows that the capital adequacy ratio is 11.29 % which is above the minimum prescribed by law

[Mon Jul 21 12:24:08 2003]
Uzorkom primljenih kredita je obuhvaćeno 11 primljenih kredita od 8 financijskih institucija, što čini 73,34% ukupno primljenih kredita, te su isti prikazani u Tablici 18
The sample of loans received encompassed 11 loans received from 8 financial institutions, which makes 73.34% of total loans received, and they are shown in Table 18

[Mon Jul 21 12:26:38 2003]
Financijska institucija
Financial institution

[Mon Jul 21 12:27:31 2003]
Iznos kredita u valuti (u 000)
Amount of the loan in currency (in thousands)

[Mon Jul 21 12:27:43 2003]
Iznos kredita (u 000 kn)
Amount of the loan (in thousands of kuna)

[Mon Jul 21 12:28:09 2003]
Godišnja kamatna stopa
Annual percentage rate

[Mon Jul 21 12:48:57 2003]
Iz tablice je vidljivo da je na dan 31/12/2000 deponent s najvećim iznosom depozita u Banci Croatia osiguranje d.d.
The Table shows that on 31/12/2000 the depositor with the maximum amount of deposit in the Bank is Croatia osiguranje d.d.

[Mon Jul 21 12:49:52 2003]
Ukupan iznos svih depozita navedenog deponenta iznosi 44.722 tisuće kuna depozita, što čini 3.47% ukupnih depozita Banke
Total amount of all deposits of that depositor is 44.722 thousand kuna of deposits, which makes 3.47 % of all deposits of the Bank

[Mon Jul 21 13:02:36 2003]
Ovakvo ugovaranje kamatnih stopa omogućeno je točkom 41 navedene Odluke, kojom je propisano da Banka ovisno o tržišnim uvjetima ponude i potražnje može u dogovoru s Riznicom ugovoriti uvjete izvan kriterija određenih Odlukom.
of the mentioned Decision, which prescribes that the Bank can, depending upon market conditions of offer and demand, in agreement with the Treasury set conditions outside the criteria defined by the Decision.

[Mon Jul 21 13:04:28 2003]
Uzorak 12 najvećih deponenata - fizičkih osoba čini 3.17% ukupnih depozita stanovništva i 2.07% ukupnih depozita.
The sample of 12 largest depositors - natural persons makes 3.17% of total deposits of citizens and 2.07% of all deposits.

[Mon Jul 21 15:30:21 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:30:38 2003]
Prihodi od kredita državnim jedinicama
Revenues from loans to state entities

[Mon Jul 21 15:30:58 2003]
Prihodi od kredita odobrenih financijskim institucijama
Revenues from loans granted to financial institutions

[Mon Jul 21 15:31:22 2003]
Prihodi od kredita odobrenih ostalim trgovačkim društvima
Revenues from loans granted to other companies

[Mon Jul 21 15:31:49 2003]
Prihodi od kredita odobrenih neprofitnim institucijama
Revenues from loans granted to nonprofit institutions

[Mon Jul 21 15:32:26 2003]
Prihodi od ostalih kredita odobrenih stanovništvu
Revenues from other loans granted to citizens

[Mon Jul 21 15:32:36 2003]
Prihodi od kredita odobrenih stranim osobama
Revenues from loans granted to foreigners

[Mon Jul 21 15:32:41 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:32:49 2003]
Depozit kod središnje banke
Deposit at the central bank

[Mon Jul 21 15:32:57 2003]
Depozit kod stranih financijskih institucija
Deposit at foreign financial institutions

[Mon Jul 21 15:37:22 2003]
Troškovi na kredite primljene od državnih jedinica
Expenses on loans taken from state entities

[Mon Jul 21 15:37:37 2003]
Troškovi na kredite od financijskih institucija
Expenses on loans from financial institutions

[Mon Jul 21 15:37:44 2003]
Troškovi na kredite od stranih osoba
Expenses on loans from foreigners

[Mon Jul 21 15:38:38 2003]
Oročeni depoziti
Deposits which are tied-deposit type

[Mon Jul 21 15:38:53 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:39:03 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:39:03 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:42:48 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:43:57 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:45:12 2003]
Dobit(gubitak) od svođenja deviznih pozicija bilance na srednji tečaj
Profit (loss) from reducing foreign exchange positions of the balance to mean rate

[Mon Jul 21 15:45:17 2003]
Dobit(gubitak) od svođenja pozicije bilance s valutnom klauzulom na ugovoreni tečaj
Profit (loss) from reducing the position of balance with foreign currency clause to fixed rate

[Mon Jul 21 15:45:19 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:47:12 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:47:51 2003]
Neto nekamatni prihodi
Net non-interest revenues

[Mon Jul 21 15:48:53 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:49:11 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:52:14 2003]
Rezerviranja za identificirane gubitke po kreditima.
Reservations for identified losses according to loans,

[Mon Jul 21 15:52:37 2003]
Rezerviranja za identificirane gubitke po kamati.
Reservations for identified losses according to interest,

[Mon Jul 21 15:53:11 2003]
Rezerviranja za identificirane gubitke po izvanbilančnim obvezama
Reservations for identified losses according to off-balance commitments

[Mon Jul 21 15:54:02 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:54:16 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 15:54:16 2003]

[Mon Jul 21 16:12:35 2003]
Banka je plaćala po potencijalnim obvezama.
The Bank was paying according to contingent liabilities.

[Mon Jul 21 16:13:44 2003]
Komitent ne podmiruje obveze po plaćenim potencijalnim obvezama i kamatama tijekom cijele 2000 godine.
The account holder does not pay commitments according to paid contingent liabilities and interests throughout the entire year 2000.

[Mon Jul 21 16:13:44 2003]
Dospjele obveze po plaćenim potencijalnim obvezama i kamatama se zatvaraju iz novog kredita (reprogama) koji je odobren obvezano osobi Litokartonu d.d.
Immediate liabilities according to paid contingent liabilities and interests are closed from the new loan (reprogamming) which was approved under the obligation of the person Litokarton d.d.

[Mon Jul 21 16:17:08 2003]
Mala dobit, prezadužen, kapital 14,6 milijuna kuna
Small profit, overburdened, capital of 14.6 million kuna

[Mon Jul 21 16:20:14 2003]
Tijekom cijele 2000 godine kasni s otplatom plaćenih potencijalnih obveza i kamata.
Throughout the entire year 2000 is late with paying contingent liabilities and interests.

[Mon Jul 21 16:21:46 2003]
Komitent podmirivao plaćene potencijalne obveze, ali nikad ih u potpunosti nije podmirio.
The account holder has been paying contingent liabilities, but never completely settled them.

[Mon Jul 21 16:21:46 2003]
Plaćene potencijalne obveze i kamate su zatvorene iz novog kredita - programa 17/8/2000 koji je odobren Litokarton
Paid contingent liabilities and interests are closed from the new loan - reprogramming on 17/8/2000 which was approved to Litokarton

[Mon Jul 21 16:25:35 2003]
Osnovni promet robne kuće iznosi cca 200 tisuća kuna.
Basic turnover of the department store is approximately 200 thousand kuna.

[Mon Jul 21 16:25:35 2003]
Banka poslala akceptni nalog na naplatu u iznosu 500,491 kunu
Bank sent the acceptance order to be paid in the amount of 500,491 kuna

[Mon Jul 21 16:29:57 2003]
Banka je dužna potraživanja komitenata reklasificirati u rizične skupine sukladno prethodnoj tablici, te izdvojiti adekvatne posebne rezerve za osiguranje od identificiranih potencijalnih gubitaka sa stanjem na 30/06/2001
The Bank is obliged to re-classify the claims of account holders in risk groups in accordance with the previous table, and set aside adequate special reserves for the insurance from identified potential losses with the balance on 30/06/2001

[Wed Jul 23 10:00:16 2003]

[Wed Jul 23 10:00:45 2003]

[Wed Jul 23 10:01:24 2003]

[Wed Jul 23 10:01:24 2003]

[Wed Jul 23 10:10:46 2003]
Uz potporu Vlade RH i Ministarstva prosvjete i športa tijekom cijelog ljeta trajat će druženje i natjecanja u deset sportova širom Hrvatske.
With the support of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of Education and Sports throughout the whole summer all over Croatia there will be social events and competitions in ten sports.

[Wed Jul 23 10:15:56 2003]
Učenici mogu sami okupiti svoje ekipe ili se prijaviti za neki od pojedinačnih sportova:
Students can form their own teams or apply for some of the individual sports:

[Wed Jul 23 10:25:10 2003]
Sedme sportske Igre Mladih od lipnja do sredine rujna 2003.
Seventh Youth Sport Games from mid June to mid September 2003.

[Wed Jul 23 10:27:36 2003]
Osnovci i srednjoškolci imaju priliku slobodno sudjelovati u svim aktivnostima i mogu sami formirati svoje ekipe ili se natjecati u pojedinačnim sportovima bez obzira jesu li članovi nekog sportskog ili školskog kluba
Elementary and high-school students have the chance to freely participate in all the activities and they can form their own teams or compete in individual sports, regardless whether they are members of some sport or school club or not

[Wed Jul 23 10:49:16 2003]
U onim sportovima u kojima će biti velik broj prijavljenih (npr.
In those sports in which will be the number of of the reported (e.g.

[Wed Jul 23 10:55:21 2003]
Pobjednici izlučnih natjecanja dolaze u Split u četiri smjene tijekom kolovoza i početkom rujna.
The winners of preliminary competitions come to Split in four shifts during August and at the beginning of September.

[Wed Jul 23 11:07:07 2003]
Split je živopisan i dinamičan grad pun raznolikosti mediteranskih boja i primorskih mirisa, no među svim odlikama ovog grada ističe se njegova privrženost sportu.
Split is a lively and dynamic city full of diversities of Mediterranean colors and seaside scents, but among all the characteristics of this city its devotion to sport stands out.

[Wed Jul 23 11:07:07 2003]
Srce ovih ljudi kuca za igru, rekorde i medalje, stoga je svako prvenstvo i svaka pobjeda splitskih sportaša ujedno pobjeda cijeloga grada
The heart of these people beats for the game, records and medals, therefore every championship and every victory of Split athletes is at the same time the victory of the entire city

[Wed Jul 23 11:33:12 2003]
Uz potporu Vlade RH i Ministarstva prosvjete i športa od 15 lipnja do 12 rujna ove godine Sportske Igre Mladih će kroz druženje i natjecanja u desetak sportova, okupiti preko trideset tisuća djece osnovnoškolske dobi i srednjoškolske mladeži iz cijele Hrvatske.
With the support of the Croatian Government and the Ministry of Education and Sports, from June 15 to September 12 this year, the Youth Sport Games will through fun and competitions in ten sports gather more than thirty thousand elementary and high-school children from the entire Croatia.

[Wed Jul 23 11:38:25 2003]
Od prošlog, a tako i ovog ljeta djeca i mladež širom Hrvatske imaju mogućnost od prvog do zadnjeg dana potpuno besplatno sudjelovati u natjecanjima na svom području, a najuspješniji pojedinci i ekipe putuju na besplatno mini ljetovanje kao sudionici završnice u Splitu.
Since last year, children and young people all over Croatia have the chance to participate in competitions in their area completely free of charge from the first to the last day, and the most successful individuals and teams go on the free mini summer vacation as participants of the finals in Split.

[Wed Jul 23 11:38:44 2003]
Osnovci i srednjoškolci dakle sami mogu okupiti ekipe i nastupiti u sportovima kao što su:
Elementary and high-school students can, therefore, form their teams and compete in sports such as:

[Wed Jul 23 11:39:26 2003]
Mogu se natjecati i pojedinačno ili u parovima u tenisu, stolnom tenisu, odbojci na pijesku, badmintonu i šahu
They can also compete individually or in pairs in tennis, table-tennis, beach volleyball, badminton and chess

[Wed Jul 23 11:43:15 2003]
Druženje, sport i rekreacija pokazali su se kao najdjelotvornija alternativa svim mogućim negativnim činiocima današnjice.
Fun, sport and activities proved to be the most efficient alternative to all the negative factors of the present time.

[Wed Jul 23 11:43:15 2003]
Stoga je program manifestacije dugoročno vezan uz promotivno edukativnu akciju
Therefore, the program of the event is for a longer period connected with the promotional educational action

[Wed Jul 23 11:50:26 2003]
Najpoznatiji hrvatski ali svjetski sportaši također aktivno sudjeluju u raznim akcijama tijekom igara što je posebna radost za djecu.
The most famous Croatian and world athletes also actively take part in various activities during the games, which is particularly delightful for children.

[Wed Jul 23 11:50:26 2003]
Kao i prethodnih godina organizirati ćemo humanitarne revijalne utakmice u kojima sudjeluju poznati pjevači, glumci, sportaši i druge osobe iz javnog života te druženje istih sa sudionicima igara
As in the previous years, we are going to organize charity matches in which famous singers, actors, athletes and other celebrities will take part, and they will also mingle with the participants of the games

[Wed Jul 23 11:56:36 2003]
Uvijek nastojimo organizirati i bogat program raznih kulturno-zabavnih sadržaja koji se isprepliću sa natjecanjima, a također afirmiraju osnovce i srednjoškolce u pozitivnom i kreativnom smislu.
We are always trying to organize a rich program of various cultural and entertaining events which interweave with competitions, and they also present elementary and high-school students in a positive and creative sense.

[Wed Jul 23 11:56:36 2003]
U suradnji s turističkom zajednicom organiziramo razgledavanja Splita i okolice tijekom završnice u Splitu
In cooperation with the tourist board, we arrange the sightseeing tours of Split and its surroundings during the finals in Split

[Wed Jul 23 12:01:21 2003]
Tijekom trajanja manifestacije svakoga tjedna emitira se emisija o događanjima na terenima na prvom programu HTV-a.
During the games, a program about the events on sports grounds is broadcast every week on HTV Channel 1.

[Wed Jul 23 12:01:54 2003]
Reportaže sa važnijih događanja dio su glavnih informativnih i sportskih emisija kao što su Dnevnik, Meridijan 16, Sport danas i sl.
Stories from more important events are included in the main information and sport programs, such as Dnevnik, Meridijan 16, Sport Today etc.

[Wed Jul 23 12:09:02 2003]
Planiramo da igre do 2007 godine zažive kao igre mladih iz cijele Europe pa onda i svijeta, što predstavlja izrazito pozitivan doprinos u naporima naše zemlje za pridruženje Europskoj uniji, te pokazuje našu spremnost da se okrenemo budućnosti čiji potencijal upravo leži u djeci i mladeži nove, moderne i ujedinjene Europe
We plan that by the year 2007 the games become the games of young people from the entire Europe and later from the entire world, which presents a highly positive contribution in the efforts of our country to join the European Union, and shows our willingness to turn to future whose potential lies in children and young people of the new, modern and united Europe

[Wed Jul 23 12:14:54 2003]
Podrška šire zajednice nužna je kako bi ova manifestacija iznimne sportske i humanističke vrijednosti i nadalje bila izvor radosti i prijateljstva za tisuće malih i velikih srca.
The support of the wider community is necessary in order for this event of an exceptional sport and humanistic value to remain the source of joy and friendship for thousands of little and big hearts.

[Wed Jul 23 12:16:44 2003]
Osim što promiču zdrav život i bavljenje sportom, Sportske Igre Mladih razvijaju pozitivne socijalne vrijednosti u djece i mladeži.
Apart from promoting healthy lifestyle and exercise, Youth Sport Games develop positive social values in children and young people.

[Wed Jul 23 12:17:56 2003]
Držimo da svi mladi imaju pravo na igru, druženje i natjecanje, jer tako promičemo upravo ono što su stari Latini saželi u izreci:
We believe that all young people have the right to play, make friends and compete, because in that way we promote exactly what the ancient Latins summarized in the saying:

[Wed Jul 23 12:17:56 2003]
Zdrav duh u zdravom tijelu
Sanity in the healthy body

[Wed Jul 23 12:28:53 2003]
Stoga pozivamo sve medije, udruge, tvrtke, organizacije, državne institucije i službenike, umjetnike, sportaše, intelektualce i sve građane naše domovine da svim raspoloživim sredstvima daju svoj doprinos održanju i razvoju ove priredbe koja ima iznimnu sportsku i humanističku vrijednost.
Therefore we are inviting all media, associations, companies, organizations, government institutions and employees, artists, athletes, intellectuals and all other citizens of our country to give their contribution, with all means available, to sustaining and developing this event which has an exceptional sport and humanistic value.

[Wed Jul 23 12:28:53 2003]
Ona nas svojom pozitivnim ozračjem i plemenitim ciljevima obvezuje da učinimo sve kako bi Sportske Igre Mladih postale opće dobro svih nas osobno i naše zajednice u cjelini
We are obliged by its positive atmosphere and noble goals to do everything in order for the Youth Sport Games to become a public good of every one of us individually and of our entire community

[Wed Jul 23 12:47:20 2003]
Ovogodišnja velika svečanost zatvaranja bila je zaista fešta za pamćenje.
This year's closing ceremony was indeed a party to remeber.

[Wed Jul 23 12:49:01 2003]
Centralni dio programa održao se u četvrtak 26 rujna u velikoj dvorani SC Gripe od 17 do 20 sati.
The central part of the program was held on Thursday, September 26, in the large hall of SC Gripe from 5 to 8 p.m.

[Wed Jul 23 12:53:48 2003]
Zabavljali su nas Damir Mihanović Čubi, Vesna Pisarović, Vinko Coce, mažoretkinje, plesne skupine:
We were entertained by Damir Mihanović Čubi, Vesna Pisarović, Vinko Coce, majorettes, dance groups:

[Wed Jul 23 14:16:56 2003]
Program je bio potpuno besplatan, a svi posjetitelji su na ulazu mogli dati dobrovoljni prilog za Dječji dom Maestral u Splitu.
The program was completely free of charge, and at the entrance all visitors could give their donations to the Children's home Mistral in Split.

[Wed Jul 23 14:19:17 2003]
Vrhunac humanitarne večeri bila je utakmica između SPLIT STARS TIMA sastavljenog od većine splitskih zvijezda iz svijeta glazbe poput Gorana Karana i Gulianna te SPORTSKIH ZVIJEZDA među kojima su nastupili:
The culmination of the charity event was the match between SPLIT STARS TEAM composed of majority of Split stars from the world of music such ase Goran Karan and Gulianno, and SPORT STARS some of which were:

[Wed Jul 23 14:21:42 2003]
Program je bio bogat i nagradnim igrama, a svih 6000 posjetitelja su na poklon dobili bilježnice za predstojeću školsku godinu i zubne paste našeg sponzora Signala
The program was also rich in contests, and all 6000 visitors were given notebooks for the next school year and tooth-pastes from our sponsor Signal

[Wed Jul 23 14:43:32 2003]
Posebno nam je zadovoljstvo bilo ugostiti delegaciju našeg zlatnog pokrovitelja DaimlerChryslera na čelu s gospodinom Matthiasom Kleinertom koji je za ovu priliku došao čak iz Stuttgarta i kojem je tom prilikom Slaven Bilić također dopredsjednik Igara, uručio posebnu plaketu Sportskih Igara Mladih.
It was a great pleasure to welcome the delegation of our gold sponsor DaimlerChrysler, headed by Mr. Matthias Kleinert, who came all the way from Stuttgart for this occasion, and who was then presented with a special medallion of Youth Sport Games by Slaven Bilić, also a vice-chairman of the Games.

[Wed Jul 23 14:48:25 2003]
Stoga je bilo i prigodno da upravo gospodin Kleinert pobjedničkoj ekipi u finalnoj malonogometnoj utakmici za osnovne škole Tarzan Peče Prošek uruči veliki DaimlerChrysler Cup kao glavni pokrovitelj nogometnog turnira u sklopu Sportskih Igara Mladih 2002.
Kleinert to present the team Tarzan Peče Prošek, the winning team in the final indoor soccer match for elementary schools, with the large DaimlerChrysler trophy as the main sponsor of the soccer tournament within the Youth Sport Games 2002.

[Wed Jul 23 14:56:25 2003]
Nakon programa svečanog zatvaranja natjecatelji iz cijele Hrvatske skupa sa svojim domaćinima iz Splita nastavili su sa veselim ritmom do pola noći na oproštajnoj zabavi u Hotelu Zagreb u Dujilovu gdje su im bile uručene diplome i nagrade za najbolje strijelce i pojedince, a posebna atrakcija bio je izbor za Miss i Mistera Sportskih Igara Mladih.
After the closing ceremony program, competitors from the entire Croatia together with their hosts from Split continued with cheerful rhythm until midnight at the farewell party in Hotel Zagreb in Dujilovo where they were presented with diplomas and awards for best scorers and individuals, and the special attraction was the beauty contest for Miss and Mister of the Youth Sport Games.

[Wed Jul 23 15:00:44 2003]
I to je to.
And that was it.

[Wed Jul 23 15:00:44 2003]
Ostalo nam je još samo da sa svoje goste sutradan odvedemo u obilazak našega lijepoga grada i uz pjesmu i zagrljaje oprostiti se od ovogodišnjih igara do idućeg ljeta i do novih radosti druženja
The only thing left to do was to take our guests to a sightseeing tour of our beautiful city the following day, and with songs and hugs and kisses bid farewell to this year's games until the next summer and new adventures and friendships

[Thu Jul 03 09:24:10 2003]
U prikazanim programima za proračune drvenih konstrukcija važeći standardi za proračun drvenih konstrukcija prikazani su u tzv.
In presented calculation programs of wooden structures valid standards for the wooden structure calculation have been presented in the so called

[Thu Jul 03 09:25:46 2003]
Čitatelje se upućuje na izvorni oblik tih još važećih standarda ili na DIN standarde.
Readers are refered to the original form of these still valid standards, or to the DIN standards.

[Thu Jul 03 09:28:56 2003]
Redukcija dopuštenih naprezanja u odnosu na iskorištenost presjeka i vlažnost građe.
Reduction of allowable stresses in respect to the utilization of cut and humidity structure.

[Thu Jul 03 09:30:26 2003]
Dijagram se može izraziti analitičkim izrazima, pogodnim za kompjutorsku obradu
Diagram can be expressed by analytical expressions, which are suitable for computer processing

[Thu Jul 03 09:33:28 2003]
vlažnost ugrađenog drveta u konstrukciju u
humidity of wood built into construction in

[Thu Jul 03 09:34:41 2003]
promjena vlažnosti drveta u
change of wood moisture in

[Thu Jul 03 09:35:34 2003]
napon savijanja u drvetu (dugotrajni
bending tension in wood (long-lasting

[Thu Jul 03 09:36:05 2003]
dopušteni napon savijanja
allowed bending tension

[Thu Jul 03 09:42:51 2003]
Također je važno voditi računa o bubrenju i skupljanju drveta ovisno o promjenama vlažnosti.
It is also important to consider the swelling and shrinking of wood depending on humidity changes.

[Thu Jul 03 09:42:51 2003]
Te su vrijednosti dane tablično
Those values are presented in tables

[Thu Jul 03 09:45:54 2003]
Tablica srednjih vrijednosti koeficijenata skupljanja i bubrenja drveta
Table of average values of coeficients of shrinking and swelling of wood

[Thu Jul 03 09:48:02 2003]
u tangencijalnom smjeru na godove
in the tangential direction to growth rings

[Thu Jul 03 09:48:40 2003]
u radijalnom smjeru na godove
in the radial direction to growth rings

[Thu Jul 03 09:58:43 2003]
Općenito se osnovni dopušteni naponi izražavaju kao produkt osnovnog dopuštenog napona (tablična vrijednost) sa koeficijentima korekcije koji se mogu izraziti u nekoliko skupova ovisnih o:
Generally, basic allowable stresses are expressed as a product of basic allowable stress (table value) with coefficients of correction which can be expressed in several groups depending on:

[Thu Jul 03 10:00:02 2003]
trajnosti, vlažnosti i geometrijskim karakteristikama.
durability, humidity and geometric characteristics.

[Thu Jul 03 10:02:36 2003]
Ti se korekcijski faktori mogu prikazati kvantitativno dijagramima, ali su njihove vrijednosti dane tablično ili numerički.
These correction factors can be presented quantitatively in diagrams, but their values are presented tabularly or numerically.

[Thu Jul 03 10:02:36 2003]
Sasvim općenito može se pisati da je
Very generally it can be written that

[Thu Jul 03 10:04:40 2003]
Prikazuju se dijagrami korekcijskih faktora
Here are the diagrams of correction factors

[Thu Jul 03 10:13:36 2003]
Grafički prikaz korekcijskih faktora ovisnih o trajanju opterećenja, vlažnosti drveta, te utjecaju oštrine zasijecanja, vitkosti, efekata veličine uzorka i elemenata, zakrivljenosti lamela u lučnim nosačima.
Graphic presentation of correction factors which depend on the load duration, wood moisture, and the influence of cutting sharpness, slenderness, size of the sample and elements, curvature of plates in archs.

[Thu Jul 03 10:16:37 2003]
Tablica dopuštenih proračunskih progiba u visokogradnji prema još važećim propisima
Table of allowed calculation deflections in the building construction according to the still valid regulations

[Thu Jul 03 10:18:57 2003]
Izvođenje s nadvišenjem
Implementation with the lintel

[Thu Jul 03 10:21:26 2003]
Industrijski i sportski objekti
Industrial and sport facilities

[Thu Jul 03 10:23:25 2003]
Rešetkasti nosači i glavni nosači konstrukcije
Trusses and main beams of construction

[Thu Jul 03 10:25:24 2003]
Konzole i konzolna produženja nosača
Cantilevers and console extensions of beams

[Thu Jul 03 10:26:09 2003]
Stambeni, javni i ostali objekti
Housing, public and other facilities

[Thu Jul 03 10:26:41 2003]
sa gipsanom tavanicom
with the plaster roof beam

[Thu Jul 03 10:28:27 2003]
Poljoprivredni objekti, privremena skladišta i privremeni objekti trajnosti do 2 godine
Agricultural facilities, temporary warehouses and temporary facilities with durability up to 2 years

[Thu Jul 03 10:29:26 2003]
Podrožnice i rogovi
Purlins and rafters

[Thu Jul 03 10:31:56 2003]
moraju se uzeti u obzir i štapovi ispune i popustljivost spojnih sredstava
we also have to take into consideration diagonal bars and laxity of joining instruments

[Thu Jul 03 10:36:38 2003]
Prema ISO uzima se 1/300, odnosno 1/250.
According to ISO the usual standard is 1/300, or 1/250.

[Thu Jul 03 10:41:45 2003]
U programima su ovi dijagrami dani kao numerički izrazi.
In programs, these diagrams are presented as numerical expressions.

[Thu Jul 03 10:45:01 2003]
Niz se tih izraza za koeficijente korekcije mijenja s usvajanjem EUROCODE 5 standarda za drvo.
Series of those expressions for correction coefficients changed with the adoption of EUROCODE 5 for wood.

[Thu Jul 03 10:45:42 2003]
Osim toga mijenja se i sam princip dokaza nosivosti i upotrebljivosti, a i neke oznake.
Besides, the principle of confirming the bearing capacity and applicability has also changed, as well as some symbols.

[Thu Jul 03 11:00:32 2003]
Danas se proračuni drvenih konstrukcija po dopuštenim naprezanjima napuštaju i zamjenjuju ih dokazi sigurnosti i stabilnosti po graničnim stanjima nosivosti i upotrebljivosti koji se zasnivaju na modernim naziranjima na sigurnost i upotrebljivost konstrukcija.
Today the wooden structure calculations on allowable stresses are being abandoned and replaced with proofs of safety and stability in marginal bearing capacity and applicability, which are based on modern insights into the safety and usability of constructions.

[Thu Jul 03 11:03:44 2003]
Upravo se nalazimo u tom tranzicijskom vremenskom razdoblju od načina proračuna po dopuštenim naprezanjima ka načinima provjera prema konceptu dimenzioniranja s parcijalnim koeficijentima i graničnim stanjima nosivosti i upotrebljivosti.
At this moment we are in a transitional period from the calculation method on allowable stresses towards the testing method according to the concept of dimensioning with partial coefficients and marginal bearing capacity and applicability.

[Thu Jul 03 11:05:19 2003]
Kod mnogih inženjera iz prakse postoji još i dvojba u skoru primjenu novih standarda
Many engineers still have a practical doubt in the forthcoming employment of new standards

[Thu Jul 03 11:09:57 2003]
je koncept dimenzioniranja s parcijalnim koeficijentima sigurnosti.
is a concept of dimensioning with partial safety coefficients.

[Thu Jul 03 11:10:47 2003]
On se zasniva na statički neujednačenim vjerojatnostima pojedinih veličina, pogotovo utjecaja (djelovanje), te karakteristika materijala.
It is based on a statically uneven probabilities of individual entities, especially the influence (activity), and characteristics of a material.

[Thu Jul 03 11:11:58 2003]
Te se vrijednosti obuhvaćaju postupcima vjerojatnosti i statistike.
These values are included in the procedures of probability and statistics.

[Thu Jul 03 11:16:56 2003]
Kao mjeru sigurnosti uvodi se pojam pouzdanosti.
As a measure of safety, the concept of reliability has been introduced.

[Thu Jul 03 11:17:37 2003]
Cilj novih dokaza sigurnosti je osiguranje nenastupanja graničnih stanja u jednom definiranom razdoblju.
The goal of new proofs of safety is ensuring the non-appearance of marginal conditions within a defined period.

[Thu Jul 03 11:17:37 2003]
Granična stanja su u pravilu podijeljena u dvije kategorije
Marginal conditions are as a rule divided in two categories

[Thu Jul 03 11:18:14 2003]
granično stanje nosivosti
marginal bearing capacity

[Thu Jul 03 11:18:37 2003]
granično stanje upotrebljivosti
state of marginal usability

[Thu Jul 03 11:30:24 2003]
Granično stanje nosivosti definirano je veličinom stanja loma ili gubitka stabilnosti, ravnoteže i sličnim fenomenima, a koja mogu nastupiti
Marginal bearing capacity is defined by the size of fracture or the loss of stability, balance and similar phenomena, and which are likely to appear

[Thu Jul 03 11:31:04 2003]
uslijed gubitka ravnoteže
due to the loss of balance

[Thu Jul 03 11:36:22 2003]
lomom elemenata, spojeva i konstrukcije
due to the fracture of elements, connectors and construction

[Thu Jul 03 11:37:23 2003]
gubitkom stabilnosti dijelova ili konstrukcije
due to the loss of stability of units or construction

[Thu Jul 03 11:37:50 2003]
umorom materijala
due to the fatigue of material

[Thu Jul 03 11:43:48 2003]
Granično stanje upotrebljivosti definirano je kriterijima koji dovode građevinu do neupotrebljivosti.
Marginal state of usability has been defined by criteria which bring the structure to useless condition.

[Thu Jul 03 11:43:48 2003]
To su stanja dana ograničenjima
These states are determined by limitations

[Thu Jul 03 11:48:21 2003]
Utjecajne veličine koje se u smislu novog koncepta moraju promatrati su utjecaji (akcije opterećenja S) i otpori (otpornost R).
Influence qualities which in the sense of new concept must be observed are influences (load actions S) and resistances (resistance R).

[Thu Jul 03 11:48:21 2003]
U daljnjem tekstu opisuju se načelno pravila EUROCODE 5 propisa za projektiranje drvenih konstrukcija
In the further text the rules of EUROCODE 5 for the woodwn structure design arre described

[Thu Jul 03 11:52:53 2003]
U primjeni EC5 propisa koristimo se tekstualnim dijelom propisa (što je danas sasvim uobičajeno), ekspertnim sustavom (što je novost među inženjerima) te programskom podrškom kao što su STEP 5 programi za EXCEL, što je općeprihvaćeno među studentima.
In the application of EC5 we use the textual part of regulations (what is today quite ordinary), the expert system (which is new among engineers) and the program support, as for example STEP 5 programs for EXCEL, which is the generally accepted among the students.

[Thu Jul 03 11:52:53 2003]
Koncept novih EUROCODE standarda je u stalnom razvoju
Concept of new EUROCODE standards is in the constant development

[Thu Jul 03 12:03:24 2003]
Mora se imati na umu da je stvaranje standarda jedan kontinuirani proces podvrgnut raznim silnicama koje su predstavljene potrošačkim interesima, cijenom primjene standarda, indeksima pouzdanosti, vrijednostima prodanog drveta, političkim pritiscima, pritiscima industrije i društva te konačno cijenom razvoja standarda
We must keep in mind that making of standards is a continuous process subjected to various forces which are presented by consumer interests, price of standard application, reliability indexes, values of sold wood, political pressures, pressures of the industry and society, and finally by the price of the standard development

[Thu Jul 03 12:05:16 2003]
Leicesteru moguće je te silnice prikazati grafički.
Leicester, it is possible to present these forces graphically.

[Thu Jul 03 12:07:07 2003]
Prikazuju se četiri složena dijagrama.
There are four complex diagrams.

[Thu Jul 03 12:11:10 2003]
Na prvom je prikazana cijena pouzdanosti (prema potrošačkim kriterijima), naspram efektivne cijene, podvrgnute kriterijima cijene neuspjeha i cijene konstrukcije.
The first shows the price of reliability (according to the consumer criteria), compared to the effective prices, subjected to the criteria of the failure price and construction price.

[Thu Jul 03 12:18:29 2003]
Na drugom dijagramu je prikazan indeks pouzdanosti (ali prema kriterijima projektanata) naspram efektivnoj cijeni, podvrgnutih kriterijima cijene izgubljenog ugleda zbog neuspjeha, kriteriju gubitka povjerenja zbog predimenzioniranja konstrukcije te kriterijima cijene vremena projektiranja.
The second diagram shows the reliability index (but according to the criteria of planning engineers) compared to the effective price, subjected to the criteria of the lost reputation price because of the failure, the criterion of of trust loss because of the excessive size of construction, and the criteria of designing period price.

[Thu Jul 03 12:23:17 2003]
Na trećem dijagramu prikazan je indeks pouzdanosti procijenjen kriterijima proizvođača drveta prema efektivnoj cijeni, podvrgnutog kriterijima gubitka tržišta, gubitku prodaje drveta, vrijednosti prodanog drveta i gubitka tržišta uzrokovanog korištenjem drugih (konkurentnih materijala).
The third diagram shows the reliability index estimated by the criteria of wood manufacturers according to the effective price, subjected to the criteria of market loss, timber sale loss, value of sold timber and loss of the market caused by the use of the other (competitive materials).

[Thu Jul 03 12:23:45 2003]
Na četvrtom dijagramu prikazan je indeks pouzdanosti prema kriterijima zakonodavca stavljen u relaciju s efektivnom cijenom konstrukcije, podvrgnutim kriteriju političkih pritisaka cijeni razvoja standarda i pritiscima industrije i društva u cilju smanjenja prekomjernog povećanja dimenzija konstrukcije.
The fourth diagram shows the reliability indexes according to the legislative criteria in relation to the effective construction price, subjected to the criterion of political pressures of the price of standard development and pressures of industry and society for the purpose of decreasing the excessive increase of construction dimensions.

[Thu Jul 03 12:28:04 2003]
Svaki od tih dijagrama ima svoj određeni optimum.
Each of these diagrams has its defined optimum.

[Thu Jul 03 12:28:04 2003]
Umješnost pisanja standarda za projektiranje konstrukcija je u umješnom kompromisu ovih silnica koje zastupaju razni predstavnici društva, industrije, potrošača i znanosti u tijelima koja raspravljaju o načelima standarda
The skill of writing the standards for design construction lies in the clever compromise of these forces which are represented by various representatives of society, industry, consumers and science, in the bodies which discuss on the principles of standards

[Thu Jul 03 12:32:29 2003]
U interesu je društva i investitora dobiti što jeftiniju, racionalnu i pouzdanu konstrukciju određene nosivosti i trajnosti.
It is in the interest of the society and the investor to obtain a cheaper, rational and reliable construction of of a particular bearing capacity and durability.

[Thu Jul 03 12:35:24 2003]
Također je u interesu proizvođača konstrukcija bitna mogućnost protočnosti materijala i proizvoda preko granice svih zemalja zajedničkog tržišta
For the manufacturer of a construction is also important the possibility of circulation of the material and the product across the borders of all countries in the common market

[Thu Jul 03 12:40:29 2003]
Interes znanstvenika je osiguranje pouzdanosti, ustanovljenja pouzdanih djelovanja na konstrukciju, pouzdanosti materijala, ustanovljenje mehaničkih i reoloških svojstava, trajnosti, sigurnosti primjene, testiranju proizvoda i korištenju suvremenih načina projektiranja, te efikasnog i pouzdanog nadzora nad proizvodnjom
The scientist have the interest in insuring reliability, establishing reliable impacts on construction, reliability of material, establishing the mechanical and rheological characteristics, durability, safety of use, testing of product and the use of modern methods of design, as well as the efficient and reliable supervision of the production

[Thu Jul 03 12:53:48 2003]
Odnosi cijene i indeksa pouzdanosti:
Relation between the price and reliability index:

[Thu Jul 03 12:54:02 2003]
gore, s točke naziranja potrošača;
up, from the point of discerning the consumer;

[Thu Jul 03 12:54:16 2003]
dolje s točke naziranja projektanta.
down from the point of discerning the planning engineer.

[Thu Jul 03 12:54:50 2003]
The Development of Structural Timber Standard, 1991.
The Development of Structural Timber Standard, 1991.

[Thu Jul 03 12:55:01 2003]
TRADA International Timber Engineering Conference London, 2.302-2.307.
TRADA International Timber Engineering Conference London, 2.302-2.307.

[Thu Jul 03 12:59:12 2003]
Odnosi cijena drvenih konstrukcija i indeksa pouzdanosti.
Relation between the prices of wooden structures and reliability indexes.

[Thu Jul 03 12:59:24 2003]
Gore, s točke naziranja proizvođača drveta (tržišnih uvjeta).
Up, from the point of discerning the wood manufacturer (market conditions).

[Thu Jul 03 12:59:29 2003]
Dolje, s točke naziranja zakonodavstva.
Down, from the point of discerning the legislation.

[Thu Jul 03 14:10:32 2003]

[Thu Jul 03 14:12:01 2003]
Ove konstrukcije egzistiraju vjekovima.
These constructions exist for centuries.

[Thu Jul 03 14:12:16 2003]
Prikazati će se neke od tih uobičajenih konstrukcija.
We shall present some of these ordinary constructions.

[Thu Jul 03 14:13:21 2003]
Stolice i višestruke stolice
King-post trusses and multiple king-post trusses

[Thu Jul 03 14:14:50 2003]
Visulje i višestruke visulje
Queen-post trusses and multi queen-post trusses

[Thu Jul 03 14:15:52 2003]
Klasične pajante
Classic queen-post trusses

[Thu Jul 03 14:16:28 2003]
Konstrukcije crkvenih tornjeva
Constructions of church towers

[Thu Jul 03 14:20:43 2003]
Obzirom da postoji veliki izbor tih konstrukcija, prikazati će se samo neke.
Since there is a large choice of these constructions, we shall present only some.

[Thu Jul 03 14:21:52 2003]
Karakterističnost tih konstrukcija su jednostavni ili složeni spojevi, obično zasjeci (jednostruki ili dvostruki), ponekad i smoždeni dijelovi.
Characteristic for these constructions are simple or complex connections, usually cuts (single or double), sometimes also crushed parts.

[Thu Jul 03 14:23:01 2003]
Spojna sredstva su vijci, a tek u novije doba (obično zubati) moždanici.
Joining instruments are screws, and only in recent times (usually toothed) dowels.

[Thu Jul 03 14:27:36 2003]
Kod smoždenih elemenata uglavnom se koriste tesarski moždanici.
With crushed elements we mostly use carpenter dowels.

[Thu Jul 03 14:55:36 2003]
Uglavnom je karakteristike tih konstrukcija su slabo iskorištenje materijala (drva), pa stoga drvene građe ima suviše, ali obično postoji manjak spajala.
Usually the characteristic of these constructions is a poor use of the material (wood), and hence there is too much woodwork, but usually there is a shortage of fasteners.

[Thu Jul 03 14:56:05 2003]
Koristi se obla, tesana, pritesana i piljena drvna građa.
We use round, square, carved and sawn timber.

[Thu Jul 03 14:57:10 2003]
Ponekad su dimenzije elemenata zapanjujuće velike.
Sometimes the dimensions of elements are remarkably large.

[Thu Jul 03 14:57:25 2003]
Također se ponekad teško sagledava strukturalni sustav.
Moreover, it is sometimes difficult to perceive the structural system.

[Thu Jul 03 15:04:55 2003]
Također treba spomenuti krovišta nekih crkava, koja predstavljaju i konstruktorsku i umjetničku vrijednost, npr. krovište katedrale u Zagrebu, katedrale u Osijeku i katedrale u Đakovu, te na drugim mjestima.
We also need to mention roofs of some churches, which present both construction and artistic value, e.g. the roof of the Zagreb cathedral, as well as Osijek and Đakovo cathedrals, and some other places.

[Thu Jul 03 15:05:37 2003]
Krovište katedrale u Zagrebu je zaista velebno tesarsko djelo.
Roof of the Zagreb cathedral is a truly magnificent carpentry.

[Thu Jul 03 15:16:16 2003]
Ponekad su međutim te konstrukcije tzv.
Sometimes, however, these constructions are the so called

[Thu Jul 03 15:21:46 2003]
Danas je u nas kronični nedostatak tesarskih majstora, tesare postupno zamjenjuju CAD upravljani roboti npr. sustav Hundegger, te CAD sustavi SENA i drugi koji upravljaju HUNDEGGER i sličnim robotima za izvođenje tesarskih konstrukcija.
Today we have a constant lack of carpenter craftsmen, carpenters are gradually replaced by CAD controlled robots, e.g. the Hundegger system, CAD SENA systems and other sytems which operate the HUNDEGGER and similar robots for building carpenter constructions.

[Thu Jul 03 15:27:16 2003]
U načelu se kod tih konstrukcija samo promijenio način njihova izvođenja.
Basically, only the building method has changed in these constructions.

[Thu Jul 03 15:27:16 2003]
Nažalost se kod pristupa obnovi nije vodilo računa o današnjim mogućnostima izvođenja konstrukcija krovišta, te se u glavnom koristilo neekonomično projektirane konstrukcije drvenih krovova izvedenih s manualnom tesarskom radnom snagom
Unfortunately, when we started the reconstruction we didn't take into account the current possibilities of constructing roof structures, and we have mostly used the uneconomically projected constructions of wooden roofs built with the help of manual carpenter work force

[Thu Jul 03 15:47:14 2003]
To su konstrukcije koje su obično dvostrešne, i kod kojih je spojna greda samo opterećena na vlak i eventualno lokalno savijanje od vlastite težine i stropnog sustava, a sustav rogova je poduprt stupcima koji se oslanjaju na nosive zidove.
They are usually double-eaved constructions, and their tie beam is loaded only with tension and with possible local bending from the dead load and ceiling system, while the system of rafters is supported with columns which lean against the bearing walls.

[Thu Jul 03 15:51:04 2003]
Rogovi se spajaju s zateznom gredom pomoću zasjeka.
Rafters are connected to the tension beam by using the heel joint.

[Thu Jul 03 15:54:18 2003]
U koliko je krovište dvostruka stolica, postoje i kosnici koji se učepljuju u stupove, a spojeni su s horizontalnom gredom-prečkom koja preuzima tlačnu razupornu silu od kosnika.
If the is roof a double king-post truss, then there are also raking struts which are blocked into pillars, and are connected with the horizontal beam -bar which takes over the pressure bracing force from the raking strut.

[Thu Jul 03 15:55:10 2003]
U tom spoju koriste se obično i zasjeci i čepovi, ali i vezne metalne veze.
In this connection there are usually heel joints and corks, but also the linking metal connections.

[Thu Jul 03 15:55:37 2003]
Ponekad se koriste i ruke koje pridržavaju horizontalnu razupornu gredu.
Sometimes we use arms for supporting the horizontal bracing beam.

[Thu Jul 03 15:55:37 2003]
U podužnom smjeru stabilnost se postiže podužnim gredama s rukama
In the longitudinal direction stability is achieved with longer beams with arms

[Thu Jul 03 15:59:55 2003]
Sustavi se lagano modeliraju s KE kao složeni štapasti sustavi, koristeći KE BEAM2D ili BEAM3D, TRUSS2D i TRUSS3D.
Systems are gradually formed with FE, as assembled bar systems, using FE BEAM2D or BEAM3D, TRUSS2D and TRUSS3D.

[Thu Jul 03 15:59:55 2003]
Detalji se proračunavaju sa STEP programom ili nekim sličnim programom
Details are calculated with the STEP program, or some similar program

[Thu Jul 03 16:05:21 2003]
Klasične stolice s kosim stupcima
Classic king-post trusses with slant columns

[Thu Jul 03 16:06:33 2003]
Razmak među stupcima do 3,5 m
Distance between columns is up to 3,5 m

[Thu Jul 03 16:09:36 2003]
Složena višekatna stolica
Assembled multistorey king-post truss

[Thu Jul 03 16:10:02 2003]
Stolica s kosim stupcima
King-post truss with slant columns

[Thu Jul 03 16:10:37 2003]
Statička shema stolice
Static scheme of a king-post truss

[Thu Jul 03 16:11:19 2003]
Statički sustav stolice
Statical system of a king-post trusses

[Thu Jul 03 16:27:24 2003]
To su konstrukcije koje su obično dvostrešne, i kod kojih je spojna greda opterećena na vlak i savijanje od vlastite težine i stropnog sustava, a sustav rogova je poduprt stupcima koji se nose razupornu gredu.
These constructions are usually double-eaved, and their tie beam is burdened with tension and bending from the dead load and ceiling system, and the system of rafters is supported by columns which bear the bracing beam.

[Thu Jul 03 16:27:44 2003]
Vlačna spojna greda vješa se za vlačne stupce, kako bi joj se smanjio raspon od ležaja do ležaja.
The tensile tie is hanged to tensile columns, in order to reduce its range from one bearing to the other.

[Thu Jul 03 16:31:31 2003]
Rogovi se spajaju s zateznom gredom pomoću zasjeka.
Rafters are connected with the tension beam by using the heel joint.

[Thu Jul 03 16:32:40 2003]
U koliko je krovište dvostruka visulja, postoje i kosnici koji se učepljuju u stupove za koje je ovješena vlačna zatega-greda , a spojeni su s horizontalnom gredom-prečkom koja preuzima tlačnu razupornu silu od kosnika.
If the roof is a double queen-post truss, then there are also raking struts which are blocked into pillars on which the tensile braces-beam is suspended, and connected with the horizontal beam-bar which takes over the compression bracing force from the raking strut.

[Thu Jul 03 16:33:07 2003]
U tom spoju koriste se obično i zasjeci i čepovi, ali i vezne metalne veze.
In this connection we usually use and heel joints and corks, but also the linking metal connections.

[Thu Jul 03 16:36:17 2003]
Ponekad se koriste i ruke koje pridržavaju horizontalnu razupornu gredu.
Sometimes we use arms for supporting the horizontal bracing beam.

[Thu Jul 03 16:37:17 2003]
Kod visulja postoji zazor između donje površine stupa i gornje površine grede, a vlačna se reakcija prenosi na stupac čeličnim stremenima.
With queen-post trusses there is clearance between the ground surface of a column and upper surface of a beam, and the tensile reaction is transfered to the column with steel stirrups.

[Thu Jul 03 16:37:17 2003]
U podužnom smjeru stabilnost se postiže gredama s rukama, kao i kod stolica
In the longitudinal direction stability is achieved by using beams with arms, as well as with king-post trusses

[Thu Jul 03 16:39:41 2003]
Sustavi se lagano modeliraju s KE kao složeni štapasti sustavi, koristeći KE BEAM2D ili BEAM3D, TRUSS2D i TRUSS3D.
Systems are gradually formed with FE, as assembled bar systems, using FE BEAM2D or BEAM3D, TRUSS2D and TRUSS3D.

[Thu Jul 03 16:39:41 2003]
Detalji se proračunavaju sa STEP programom ili nekim sličnim programom
Details are calculated with the STEP program, or some similar program

[Thu Jul 03 16:42:36 2003]
Visulje sa složenim detaljima
Queen-post trusses with complex details

[Thu Jul 03 16:45:47 2003]
Dva načina konstrukcije i opterećenja spojne zatege visulje
Two methods of construction and loading of a queen-post truss tensile chord

[Thu Jul 03 16:47:29 2003]
Složena višestruka visulja
A complex multi queen-post truss

[Thu Jul 03 16:49:03 2003]
Složeni "miješani" sustav visulje i stolice
A complex " mixed " system of a queen-post truss and a king-post truss

[Thu Jul 03 16:51:14 2003]
Korištenje FEA programa COSMOS/M
Use of the FEA program COSMOS/M

[Thu Jul 03 16:54:39 2003]
Razni načini rješenja detalja učepljenja kosnika u gredu
Different ways of solving a detail of raking strut blockage to the beam

[Fri Jul 04 09:17:48 2003]
Pajantna krovišta
Queen-post truss roofs

[Fri Jul 04 09:25:13 2003]
Pri obnovi ratom uništenih krovnih konstrukcija, moguće je brzo obnoviti izgorjela i uništena krovišta zgrada s industrijski izrađenim tipskim pajantnim krovištima, s istovjetnim detaljima.
In reconstruction of roof structures destroyed in war, it is possible to quickly renovate burnt up and destroyed roofs of buildings with industrially constructed standard queen-post truss roofs, with identical details.

[Fri Jul 04 09:31:25 2003]
Svakako da su ta krovišta modernije koncipirana od klasičnih visulja i stolica.
Of course, those roofs are more contemporary construed than classic queen-post trusses and king-post trusses.

[Fri Jul 04 09:37:08 2003]
Stvarno se kod tih pajantnih krovišta mogu samo mijenjati rasponi (razmaci zidova na koje se pajantno krovište oslanja), pa se onda mogu s odgovarajućim rasponom varirati i razmaci pajanti, koji će naravno, biti manji kod većih raspona, a veći kod manjih raspona.
Actually, at these queen-post truss roofs we can only change ranges (distance between walls against which queen-post truss roof is leaned), so that with the suitable range the distances between queen-post truss can be varied, and of course, they will be smaller at larger ranges, and the larger at smaller ranges.

[Fri Jul 04 09:39:13 2003]
Kraci pajantnih krovnih konstrukcija (rogovi), mogli bi biti uvijek istih dimenzija, npr. 6/20 cm ili sl.
Arms of queen-post truss roof structures (rafters), could always have the same dimensions, e.g. 6/20 cm or similar

[Fri Jul 04 09:41:46 2003]
Varira se onda samo duljina horizontalne pajante, i broj spajala priključka pajante za rogove
Only the length of horizontal queen-post truss is varied, as well as the number of fasteners of queen-post truss connections for rafters

[Fri Jul 04 09:44:53 2003]
Pokrov se može varirati, prema mogućnosti dostupnog materijala:
Covering can also vary, depending on the availability of material:

[Fri Jul 04 09:47:36 2003]
od jednostrukog biber crijepa, falcovanog crijepa, kanadske šindre, pa do valovitih krovnih ploča.
from single flat roof tile, interlocking tile, Canadian shingle, to undulated roofing slabs.

[Fri Jul 04 09:48:12 2003]
Horizontalna prečka pajante može se koristiti kao tavanski prostor ili etaža, a sve skupa kao mansarda.
Horizontal bar of a queen-post truss can be used as an attic or a story, and together they can be used as a mansard.