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[Mon Sep 08 13:49:12 2003]
The excess activated sludge with a density of approximately 1-1.5% flows after opening the initial valve to a tank with conical bottom .
Prekobrojno aktivirani mulj s gustoćom od približno 1-1.5% teče nakon otvaranja početan ventil prema spremniku sa stožastim dnom.
[Mon Sep 08 13:56:01 2003]
This tank serves at the same time as sludge thickener and also as a security volume.
Ovaj spremnik služi u isto vrijeme kao uređaj za zgušnjavanje mulja ali i kao sigurnosan spremnik.
[Mon Sep 08 13:58:55 2003]
The operator does not need to be present after opening the valve , as the levels in the conected tanks equalize and the needed excess sludge volume per unit stays in the tank.
Tehničar ne treba biti prisutan nakon otvaranja ventila, budući da se razine u povezanim spremnicima izjednačuju i višak zapremine mulja po jedinici ostaje u spremniku.
[Mon Sep 08 14:01:33 2003]
After approximately 1-2 hour settling period is the settled sludge pumped into the storer, and the cleared water back to the buffer tank.
Nakon približno 1-2 sata perioda taloženja nataloženi mulj se pumpa u spremnik, i pročišćena voda se vraća prema međuspremniku.
[Mon Sep 08 14:01:33 2003]
The excess sludge from storer is regulary, when needed, driven to given place by the means of a septage tank truck .
Višak mulja iz spremnika se obično, ako treba, cisternom prevozi na određeno mjesto .
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:47 2003]
The Leland Manuscript, so called because it is
Lelandov Manuskript, tako nazvan jer je
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:48 2003]
said to have been discovered by the celebrated
naveden da si bio otkriven od proslavljen
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:49 2003]
antiquary John Leland, and sometimes called
trgovac starinama John Leland, i ponekad nazvan
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:54 2003]
supposititious annotations appended to it by
podvaljena primjećivanja su pričvrstila na njega od strane
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:55 2003]
that metaphysician, has for more than a century
taj metafizičar, ima jer više nego stoljeće
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:56 2003]
attracted the attention and more recently excited
privučena pažnja i nedavno je uzbudila
[Thu Sep 18 16:28:57 2003]
the controversies of Masonic scholars.
kontroverze slobodnozidarskih znanstvenika.
[Thu Sep 18 16:29:08 2003]
After having been
Nakon je imao biti
[Thu Sep 18 16:30:02 2003]
The Leland Manuscript, so called because it is
Lelandov Manuskript, tako nazvan jer sje
[Thu Sep 18 16:30:10 2003]
said to have been discovered by the celebrated
smatralo da je ga je otkrio proslavljeni
[Thu Sep 18 16:30:36 2003]
antiquary John Leland, and sometimes called
trgovac starinama John Leland, i ponekad nazvan
[Thu Sep 18 16:36:37 2003]
the Locke Manuscript in consequence of the
Lockeov Rukopis zbog navodnih komentara koje je
[Thu Sep 18 16:37:35 2003]
supposititious annotations appended to it by
Lockeov Rukopis zbog navodnih komentara koje je
[Thu Sep 18 16:39:04 2003]
that metaphysician, has for more than a century
taj metafizičar rukopisu pridodao, pred više od jednog stoljeća
[Thu Sep 18 16:40:12 2003]
attracted the attention and more recently excited
privlačila pažnju i tek nedavno pobudila
[Thu Sep 18 16:41:23 2003]
the controversies of Masonic scholars.
prepirke među slobodnozidarskim učenjacima.
[Thu Sep 18 16:43:19 2003]
After having been
Nakon što su ga
[Thu Sep 18 16:53:07 2003]
cited with approbation by such writers as Preston, Hutchinson,
s pohvalama citirali pisci kao Preston, Hutchinson,
[Thu Sep 18 16:54:30 2003]
examination of later critics.
ispitivanjem kasnijih kritičara.
[Thu Sep 18 16:57:05 2003]
decided to be a forgery - a decision from which very few at this
proglašeno krivotvorinom - čemu bi danas malobrojni
[Thu Sep 18 16:57:05 2003]
day would dissent.
[Thu Sep 18 17:07:10 2003]
It is in fact one of those "pious frauds" intended to strengthen
To je ustvari jedna od onih "pobožnih prijevara " čija je namjera da ojača
[Thu Sep 18 17:08:25 2003]
the mystical schools of the ancients.
mističnim školama antičkih naroda.
[Thu Sep 18 17:09:07 2003]
But as it proposes a theory
Ali kao predlaže teoriju
[Thu Sep 18 17:10:18 2003]
concerning the origin of the Institution, which was long accepted
u vezi s podrijetlom Institucije, što je dugo bilo prihvaćeno
[Thu Sep 18 17:10:28 2003]
history of Freemasonry.
povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 19 09:04:00 2003]
In the Gentleman's Magazine for September, 1753, the so-called
U Časopisu za gospodu u broju od rujna, 1753, takozvani
[Fri Sep 19 09:06:18 2003]
manuscript was printed for the first time under the title
rukopis je bio tiskan prvi puta pod naslovom
[Fri Sep 19 09:09:47 2003]
of "Certayne Questyons with Awnserers to the same, Concernynge
Leland trgovac starinama, vjerno prepisao po zapovjedi Njegova Veličanstva"
[Fri Sep 19 09:12:34 2003]
Johan Leylande Antiquaries, by the Commaunde of His Highnesse."
Johan Leylande Trgovci Starinama, od strane Commaunde njegov Highnesse."
[Fri Sep 19 09:12:54 2003]
Johan Leylande Antiquaries, by the Commaunde of His Highnesse."
Johan Leylande Trgovci Starinama, od strane Commaunde njegov Highnesse."
[Fri Sep 19 10:20:27 2003]
The article in the Gentleman's Magazine is prefaced with these words:
Članak u Časopisu za gospodu započinje predgovor ovim riječima:
[Fri Sep 19 10:21:00 2003]
"The following Treatise is said to be printed at Franckfort, Germany, 1748, under the following Title.
"Smatra se da je sljedeća Rasprava tiskana u Frankfurtu, Njemačka, 1748, pod sljedećim naslovom.
[Fri Sep 19 10:26:09 2003]
That is, A Letter of the famous Mr. John Locke relating to Freemasonry;
Naime, Slovo slavnog Gospodina Johna Lockea u vezi s Freemasonry;
[Fri Sep 19 10:26:09 2003]
found in the Desk or Scritoir of a deceased Brother."
je otkrio u Stol ili Scritoir pokojni Brata."
[Fri Sep 19 10:36:54 2003]
The claim, therefore, is that this document was first published at Frankfort in 1748, five years before it appeared in England.
Tvrdi se, dakle, da je ovaj dokument bio najprije objavljen u Frankfurtu 1748, pet godina prije nego se pojavio u Engleskoj.
[Fri Sep 19 10:40:31 2003]
But this German original has never been produced, nor is there any evidence before us that there ever was such a production.
Ali ovaj njemački izvornik nikada nije bio objavljen, niti imamo bilo kakav dokaz da je tamo ikada bio napisan.
[Fri Sep 19 10:44:31 2003]
The laborious learning of Krause would certainly have enabled him to discover it had it ever been in existence.
Temeljito Krauseovo znanje sigurno bi mu omogućilo da ga otkrije, da je ikada postojao.
[Fri Sep 19 10:44:41 2003]
But, although he accepts the so-called manuscript as authentic, he does not refer to the Frankfort copy, but admits that, so far as he knows, it first made its appearance in Germany in 1780, in J.
Ali, iako prihvaća takozvani rukopis kao vjerodostojan, on ne spominje frankfurtski primjerak, ali priznaje da se, koliko on zna, najprije pojavio u Njemačkoj 1780., u J.
[Fri Sep 19 10:45:15 2003]
Meyer's translation of Preston's Illustrations.
Meyerov prijevod Prestonovih Ilustracija.
[Fri Sep 19 12:36:36 2003]
Kloss, it is true, in his Bibliography, gives the title in German, with the imprint of "Frankfort, 12 pages."
Istina je da Kloss u svojoj Bibliografiji, daje njemački naslov s oznakom "Frankfurt, 12 stranica."
[Fri Sep 19 12:43:09 2003]
But he himself says that the actuality of such a document is to be wholly doubted.
Ali on osobno kaže da je u postojanje takvog dokumenta sasvim sumnjivo.
[Fri Sep 19 12:48:47 2003]
Besides, it is not unusual with Kloss to give the titles of books that he has never seen, and for whose existence he had no other authority than the casual remark of some other writer.
Osim toga, za Klossa nije neobično da navodi naslove knjiga koje nikada nije vidio, i za čije postojanje nema nikakav drugi izvor osim uzgredne napomene nekog drugog pisca.
[Fri Sep 19 12:50:53 2003]
Thus he gives the titles of the Short Analysis o f the Unchanged Rites and Ceremonies of Freemasons, said to have been printed in I676, and the Short Charge, ascribed to 1698, two books which have never been found.
Tako on navodi naslove Kratka Analiza o nepromijenjenim obredima i ceremonijama slobodnih zidara, navodno tiskano 1676., i Kratka Optužba, pripisano godini 1698., dviju knjiga koje nikada nisu bile otkrivene.
[Fri Sep 19 12:56:01 2003]
But he applies to them the epithet of "doubtful" as he does to the Frankfort edition of the Leland Manuscript.
Međutim, daje im epitet "dvojbenih" kao što čini i za frankfurtsko izdanje Lelandovog Rukopisa.
[Fri Sep 19 12:58:23 2003]
But before proceeding to an examination of the external and internal evidence of the true character of this document, it will be expedient to give a sketch of its contents.
Međutim prije nego nastavimo sa ispitivanjem vanjskog i unutarnjeg dokaza o pravoj naravi ovog dokumenta, bit će uputno prikazati skicu njegova sadržaja.
[Fri Sep 19 12:58:23 2003]
It has been published in so many popular works of easy access that it is unnecessary to present it here in full.
On je bio objavljen u tako mnogo lakodostupnih popularnih radova, da ga je ovdje nepotrebno predstavljati u cijelosti.
[Fri Sep 19 13:13:20 2003]
said to be addressed to the Earl of Pembroke, under date of May 6, 1696, in which he states that by the help of Mr. C-ns he had obtained a copy of the MS.
navodno naslovljeno na Grofa od Pembrokea, s datumom od 06. svibanj 1696, gdje izjavljuje da je uz pomoć gospodina C-a dobio primjerak MS-a.
[Fri Sep 19 13:20:01 2003]
in the Bodleian Library, which he therewith had sent to the Earl.
u Bodleyevoj knjižnici, na što ga je odmah poslao grofu.
[Fri Sep 19 13:20:01 2003]
It is accompanied by numerous notes which were made the day before by Mr. Locke for the reading of Lady Masham, who had become very fond of Masonry.
Ono je popraćeno brojnim Lockeovim bilješkama napisanim dan ranije, namijenjenim Lady Masham kao objašnjenje, koja je i sama postala vrlo privržena slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Fri Sep 19 13:32:12 2003]
"The manuscript of which this is a copy, appears to be about 160 years old.
"Rukopis, čija je ovo kopija, čini se da starim oko 160 godina.
[Fri Sep 19 13:34:07 2003]
Yet (as your Lordship will observe by the title) it is itself a copy of one yet more ancient by about 100 years.
Ipak je (kako će Vaše gospodstvo primijetiti prema naslovu) i to prijepis jednog primjerka starijeg od 100 godina.
[Fri Sep 19 13:34:08 2003]
For the original is said to have been the handwriting of K.
Međutim za izvornik se smatra da je bio u rukopisu K.
[Fri Sep 19 14:22:29 2003]
Where the Prince had it is at present an uncertainty, but it seems to me to be an examination (taken perhaps before the king) of some one of the Brotherhood of Masons;
Gdje ga je Princ imao, sada je neizvjesno, ali čini mi se da je to istraživanje nekoga (poduzeto možda po kraljevoj zapovijedi) iz slobodnozidarskog Bratstva;
[Fri Sep 19 14:22:29 2003]
among whom he entered himself, as 'tis said, when he came out of his minority, and thenceforth put a stop to the persecution that had been raised against them."
kojemu je i sam pristupio, kako se navodi, nakon što je izašao iz maloljetnosti, i otada je stao na kraj progonima poduzetim protiv njih."
[Fri Sep 19 14:30:12 2003]
The "examination," for such it purports to be, as Mr. Locke supposes, consists of twelve questions and answers.
"Istraživanje," jer to tvrdi da jest, kako Gospodin Locke pretpostavlja, sastoji se od dvanaest pitanja i odgovora.
[Fri Sep 19 14:31:50 2003]
The style and orthography is an attempted imitation of the language of the 15th century.
Stil i pravopis su pokušaj oponašanje jezika XV. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 14:31:50 2003]
How far successful the attempt has been will be discussed hereafter.
Koliko je taj pokušaj bio uspješan, raspravit će se u nastavku.
[Fri Sep 19 14:46:46 2003]
Masonry is described to be the skill of Nature, the understanding of the might that is therein and its various operations, besides the skill of numbers, weights and measures, and the true manner of fashioning all things for the use of man, principally dwellings and buildings of all kinds, and all other things that may be useful to man.
Slobodno zidarstvo je opisano kao vještina Prirode, kao shvaćanje moći koja je u njoj i njena različita djelovanja, nadalje kao vještina brojeva, težina i mjera, i pravi način oblikovanja svih stvari za ljudsku uporabu, poglavito prebivališta i građevina svake vrste, i svih ostalih stvari koje ne bi li mogle biti čovjeku od koristi.
[Fri Sep 19 14:56:38 2003]
Its origin is said to have been with the first men of the East, who were before the Man of the West, by which Mr. Locke, in his note, says is meant Pre-Adamites, the "Man of the West" being Adam.
Njegovo podrijetlo navodno dolazi od prvih ljudi s Istoka, koji su bili prije Čovjeka sa Zapada, za što Gospodin Locke, u svoj bilješci, kaže da znači Pred-Adamiti, "Čovjek sa Zapada" je bio Adam.
[Fri Sep 19 14:59:44 2003]
The Phonicians, who first came from the East into Phonicia, are said to.
Smatra se da su ga Feničani, koji su prvi došli s Istoka u Feniciju, donijeli na zapad preko Crvenog i Mediteranskog mora.
[Fri Sep 19 14:59:44 2003]
have brought it westwardly by the way of the Red and Mediterranean seas.
je donijelo njega zapadno usput Crvene Boje i sredozemna mora.
[Fri Sep 19 15:20:08 2003]
It was brought into England by Pythagoras, who is called in the document "Peter Gower," evidently from the French spelling of the name, "Pétagore," he having traveled in search of knowledge into Egypt, Syria, and every other land where the Phonicians had planted Masonry.
Slobodno je zidarstvo u Englesku donio Pitagora, koji se u dokumentu naziva "Petera Gower," očito zbog francuskog izgovora njegova imena, "Pétagore," on je, putujući u potrazi za znanjem u Egipat, Siriju, i sve ostale zemlje gdje bijahu Feničani, posijao slobodno zidarstvo.
[Fri Sep 19 15:22:33 2003]
Having obtained a knowledge of the art in the Lodges of Masons into which he gained admission, on his return to Europe he settled in Magna Grecia (the name given by the ancients to Southern Italy), and established a Grand Lodge at Crotona, one of its principal cities, where he made many Masons.
Dobivši znanje o umjetnosti u Loži slobodnih zidara, kojoj je pristupio, pri povratku u Europu smjestio se u Magna Greciu (naziv koji su antički narodi nadjenuli južnoj Italiji), osnovao je Veliku Ložu u Krotoni, jednom od njenih glavnih gradova, gdje je stvorio mnogo slobodnih zidara.
[Fri Sep 19 15:23:33 2003]
Some of these traveled into France and made many Masons, whence in
Neki od njih otputovali su u Francusku i tamo stvorili mnoge slobodne zidare, odakle je
[Fri Sep 19 15:23:33 2003]
process of time the art passed over into England.
tijekom vremena umijeće predano u Englesku.
[Fri Sep 19 15:34:25 2003]
Such is the history of the origin and progress of Masonry which is given in the Leland Manuscript.
To je povijest početka i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva koji prenosi Lelandov Rukopis.
[Fri Sep 19 15:34:25 2003]
The remainder of the document is engaged in giving the character and the objects of the Institution.
Ostatak dokumenta iznosi prirodu i cilj Institucije.
[Fri Sep 19 15:53:07 2003]
The arts taught by Masons to mankind are enumerated as being Agriculture, Architecture, Astronomy, Geometry, Arithmetic, Music, Poetry, Chemistry, Government, and Religion.
Umijeća, kojima su čovječanstvo podučavali slobodni zidari, su poljoprivreda, arhitektura, astronomija, geometrija, aritmetika, glazba, pjesništvo, kemija, upravljanje državom i religija.
[Fri Sep 19 15:55:38 2003]
Masons are said to be better teachers than other men, because the first of them received from God the art of finding new arts, and of teaching them, whereas the discoveries of other men have been but few, and acquired only by chance.
Smatra se da su slobodni zidari bili bolji učitelji od ostalih ljudi, jer je prvi među njima od Boga dobio umješnost otkrivanja novih umijeća, dok su otkrića ostalih ljudi bila malobrojna i stečena posve slučajno.
[Fri Sep 19 16:07:55 2003]
This art of discovery the Masons conceal for their own profit.
Ovu umješnost otkrivanja slobodni su zidara tajili zbog vlastite koristi.
[Fri Sep 19 16:08:05 2003]
They also conceal the art of working miracles, the art of foretelling future events, the art of changes (which Mr. Locke is made in a note to interpret as signifying
Također su tajili umijeće izvođenja čuda, umijeće proricanja budućih događaja, umijeće promjena (gospodin Locke bilježi da to umijeće označava transmutaciju metala).
[Fri Sep 19 16:12:30 2003]
the method of acquiring the faculty of Abrac, the power of becoming good and perfect without the aid of fear and hope, and the universal language.
način stjecanja sposobnosti Abraka, moć da se postane dobar i savršen bez pomoći straha i nade, i univerzalni jezik.
[Fri Sep 19 16:17:19 2003]
And lastly it is admitted that Masons do not know more than other men, but only have a better opportunity of knowing, in which many fail for want of capacity and industry.
I napokon se priznaje da slobodni zidari ne znaju više od ostalih ljudi, samo imaju bolju priliku za stjecanje znanja, u čemu mnogi podbace uslijed nedostatku volje i radinosti.
[Fri Sep 19 16:23:59 2003]
And as to their virtue, while it is acknowledged that some are not so good as other men, yet it is believed that for the most part they are better than they would be if they were not Masons.
A što se tiče njihovih vrlina, dok se priznaje da neki nisu tako dobri kao ostali ljudi, ipak se vjerovalo da su većinom bolji nego što bi bili da nisu slobodni zidari.
[Fri Sep 19 16:23:59 2003]
And it is claimed that Masons greatly love each other, because good and true men, knowing each other to be such, always love the more the better they are.
I tvrdi se da se slobodni zidari uglavnom međusobno vole, jer dobri i pravi ljudi, znajući jedan za drugoga da su takvi, uvijek vole to više što su bolji.
[Fri Sep 19 16:31:47 2003]
There does not appear to be any great novelty or value in this document.
Ne čini se da se u ovom dokumentu pojavljuje bilo kakva velika novost ili vrijednost.
[Fri Sep 19 16:31:47 2003]
The theory of the origin of Masonry had been advanced by others before its Appearance in public, and the characteristics of Masonry had been previously defined in better language.
Teoriju početka slobodnog zidarstva primicali su drugi i prije njegova javnog pojavljivanja, a karakteristike slobodnog zidarstva već su i ranije bile definirane boljim jezikom.
[Fri Sep 19 16:55:14 2003]
It was first printed, as we have seen, in the Gentleman's Magazine, in September, 1753.
Najprije je bio tiskan, kako smo vidjeli, u Časopisu za gospodu, u rujnu, 1753.
[Fri Sep 19 16:57:42 2003]
This, we can hardly doubt, was the Leland Manuscript with a new title.
To, teško da u to možemo sumnjati, je bio Lelandov Rukopis pod novim naslovom.
[Fri Sep 19 17:02:51 2003]
The republications in England pursued the following succession.
Ponovna objavljivanja u Engleskoj su išla ovim slijedom.
[Fri Sep 19 17:09:39 2003]
In 1756 it was printed in Entick's edition of the Constitutions and in Dermott's Ahiman Rezon;
je bio tiskan u Entickovom izdanju Ustavi i u Dermottovu Ahiman Rezon;
[Fri Sep 19 17:16:03 2003]
in Huddesford's Life of Leland, and in Preston's Illustrations of Masonry;
u Huddesfordovom Životu Lelanda, i u Prestonovim Slobodnozidarskim ilustracijama;
[Fri Sep 19 17:28:00 2003]
In Germany it first appeared in 1776, says Krause, in J.
U Njemačkoj se najprije pojavio 1776., kaže Krause, u J.
[Fri Sep 19 17:29:06 2003]
Meyer's translation of Preston;
Meyerovom prijevodu Prestona;
[Fri Sep 19 17:34:49 2003]
In France, Thory published a translation of it, with some comments of his own, in 18 15, in the Acta Latomorum.
U Francuskoj je Thory objavio prijevod, s nekim vlastitim komentarima, 1815., u "Acta Latomorum".
[Fri Sep 19 17:39:25 2003]
In America it was, so far as I know, first published in 1783, in Smith's Ahiman Rezon of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania;
U Americi je, koliko ja znam, najprije objavljen 1783., u Smithovom Ahiman Rezon Velike Lože Pennsylvanie;
[Fri Sep 19 17:50:14 2003]
In none of these republications, with one or two exceptions, is there an expression of the slightest doubt of the genuineness of the document.
Ni u jednom od ovih ponovljenih objavljivanja, osim dvije ili tri iznimke, ne postoji izražavanje niti najneznatnije dvojbe o izvornosti dokumenta.
[Fri Sep 19 17:53:14 2003]
It has on the contrary been, until recently, almost everywhere accepted as authentic, and as the detail of an actual examination of a Mason or a company of Masons, made by King Henry
Naprotiv, donedavno je gotovo svugdje bio prihvaćen kao vjerodostojan, i kao detalj objektivnog istraživanja slobodnog zidarstva ili družbe slobodnih zidara, koji je napisao Kinga Henry VI. od Engleske, ili netko od njegovih ministara, u 15. stoljeću.
[Mon Sep 22 09:12:57 2003]
Of all who have cited this pretended manuscript, Dr. Carl Christian Friederich Krause is perhaps the most learned, and the one who from the possession of great learning, we should naturally expect would have been most capable of detecting a literary forgery, speaks of it, in his great work on The Three Oldest Documents of the Fraternity of Freemasons, as being a remarkable and instructive document and as among the oldest that are known to us.
Carl Christian Friederich Krause je možda najučeniji, i od njega, zbog njegovog velikog znanja, bismo prirodno trebali očekivati da je najsposobniji u otkrivanju književne krivotvorine, govori o njemu, u svom velikom djelu Tri najstarija dokumenta Bratstva slobodnih zidara, kao izvanrednom i instruktivnom dokumentu, među najstarijim nama poznatim dokumentima.
[Mon Sep 22 09:13:15 2003]
In England, he says, it is, so far as it is known to him, accepted as authentic by the learned as well as by the whole body of the Craft, without a dissenting voice.
U Engleskoj su ga, kaže, koliko je njemu poznato, učenjaci i cijelo tijelo Zanata prihvatili kao vjerodostojan dokument, bez razilaženja se u mišljenju.
[Mon Sep 22 09:32:41 2003]
Of all who have cited this pretended manuscript, Dr. Carl Christian Friederich Krause is perhaps the most learned, and the one who from the possession of great learning, we should naturally expect would have been most capable of detecting a literary forgery, speaks of it, in his great work on The Three Oldest Documents of the Fraternity of Freemasons, as being a remarkable and instructive document and as among the oldest that are known to us.
Carl kršćanski Friederich Krause je možda najučeniji, i onaj koji iz vlasništva iz veliko učenja, prirodno bismo trebali očekivati je bilo najsposobniji otkrivanja književne krivotvorine, ono govori o, u svoj veliko utječu Tri najstariji Dokumenti Bratstva Slobodnih zidara, kao je bio izvanredan i instruktivan dokument i kao među najstariji da je poznat nama.
[Mon Sep 22 09:32:46 2003]
In England, he says, it is, so far as it is known to him, accepted as authentic by the learned as well as by the whole body of the Craft, without a dissenting voice.
U Englesku, on kaže, ono je, sve dok ono je poznat da njega, je prihvaćao kao vjerodostojan od učen kao i od čitavog tijela Zanata, bez razilazeći se u mišljenju izraze.
[Mon Sep 22 09:40:22 2003]
And he refers as evidence of this to the fact that the Grand Lodge of England has formally admitted it into its Book of Constitutions, while the Grand Lodge of Scotland has approved the work of Lawrie, in which its authenticity is supported by new proofs.
Kao dokaz toga navodi činjenicu da ga je Velika Loža Engleske formalno priznala u svojoj Knjizi Načela, dok je Velika Loža Škotske odobrila Lawrieovo djelo u kojem je njegova vjerodostojnost poduprta novim dokazima.
[Mon Sep 22 10:23:37 2003]
And Mossdorf, whose warm and intimate relations with Krause influenced perhaps to some extent his views on this as well as they did on other Masonic subjects, has expressed a like favorable opinion of the Leland Manuscript.
I Mossdorf je, čiji je srdačan i prisan odnos sa Krauseom možda donekle utjecao na njegova gledišta kao i na ostale slobodnozidarske teme, izrazio slično povoljno uvjerenje o Lelandovom Rukopisu.
[Mon Sep 22 10:23:37 2003]
In his additions to the Encyclopädie of Lenning, he calls it a remarkable document, which, notwithstanding a singularity about it, and its impression of the ancient time in which it originated, is instructive, and the oldest catechism which we have on the origin, the nature, and the design of Masonry.
U njegovom dodatke Lenningovoj Encyclopädie, naziva ga izvanrednim dokumentom, koji, usprkos neobičnostima i tragovima prošloga doba u kojem je nastao, je instruktivan i najstariji je katekizam koji imamo o početku, prirodi, i ustrojstvu Slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Sep 22 10:32:20 2003]
The editor of Lawrie's History is equally satisfied of the genuine character of this document, to which he confidently refers as conclusive evidence that Dr. Plot was wrong in saying that Henry VI.
Urednik Lawrieve Povijesti je jednako zadovoljan izvornošću ovog dokumenta, koji s potpunom sigurnošću navodi i kao nepobitan dokaz da Dr. Plot griješi kada tvrdi da Henry VI. nije potpomagao slobodno zidarstvo.
[Mon Sep 22 10:32:20 2003]
did not patronize Masonry.
nije patronizirala Slobodno Zidarstvo.
[Mon Sep 22 10:45:41 2003]
Dr. Oliver is one of the most recent and, as might be expected from his peculiar notions in respect to the early events of Masonry, one of the most ardent defenders of the authenticity of the manuscript, although he candidly admits " that there is some degree of mystery about it, and doubts have been entertained whether it be not a forgery."
Oliver je jedan najmodernijih i, kao što bi se moglo očekivati od njegovog neobičnog poimanja ranih događaja slobodnog zidarstva, on je jedan od najvatrenijih branitelja vjerodostojnosti rukopisa, iako iskreno priznaje "da postoji do nekog stupanja misterija oko toga i razmatrane su dvojbe nije li to krivotvorina."
[Mon Sep 22 11:01:38 2003]
"Being thus universally diffused," he says, "had it been a suspected document, its exposure would have been certainly attempted - if a forgery, it would have been unable to have endured the test of a critical examination.
"Budući da je bio posvuda raširen," kaže, "da je dokument sumnjiv, sigurno bi se to pokušalo izložiti - ako je krivotvorina, ne bi bila u mogućnosti podnijeti kušnju kritičkog istraživanja.
[Mon Sep 22 11:01:38 2003]
But no such attempt was made, and the presumption is that the document is authentic."
Međutim takvog pokušaja nije bilo, i pretpostavka je da je dokument vjerodostojan."
[Mon Sep 22 11:22:42 2003]
At a meeting of the Philalethes, a Rite of Hermetic Masonry which had been instituted at Paris in 1775, the Marquis de Chefdebien read a paper entitled Masonic Researches for the use of the Primitive Rite of Narbonne.
Na sastanku filaleta, Obred Hermetičkog slobodnog zidarstva utemeljenog u Parizu 1775., Markiz de Chefdebien je održao referat pod naslovom Slobodnozidarska istraživanja za uporabu Primitivnog Obreda Narbonne.
[Mon Sep 22 11:22:57 2003]
In this paper he presented an unfavorable criticism of the Leland Manuscript.
U ovom je referatu iznio nepovoljnu kritiku Lelandovog Rukopisa.
[Mon Sep 22 11:26:22 2003]
published an essay On the Influence attributed to the Philosophers, the Freemasons and the Illuminati in the French Revolution, in which he pronounces the document to be a forgery and a Masonic fraud.
je objavio esej O utjecaju filozofa, slobodnih zidara i prosvjetitelja u Francuskoj revoluciji, gdje dokument naziva slobodnozidarskom krivotvorinom i prijevarom.
[Mon Sep 22 12:08:26 2003]
Lessing was the first of the German critics who attacked the genuineness of the document.
Lessing je bio prvi njemački kritičar koji je napao izvornost dokumenta.
[Mon Sep 22 12:13:30 2003]
This he did in his Ernst und Falk, the first edition of which was published in 1778.
To je učinio u svom djelu Ernst und Falk (Pravo i lažno) čije je prvo izdanje bilo 1778.
[Mon Sep 22 12:13:38 2003]
Others followed, and the German unfavorable criticisms were closed by Findel, the editor of the Bauhütte, and author of a History of Freemasonry, first published in 1865, and which was translated in 1869 by Bro.
Ostali su slijedili, i njemačke nepovoljne kritike zaključio je Findela, urednik Bauhütte, i autor Povijesti slobodnog zidarstva, prvi puta objavljenog 1865., a 1869 ga je preveo brat Bro. Lyon.
[Mon Sep 22 12:17:24 2003]
"There is no reliance, whatever, to be placed on any assertions based on this spurious document;
"Nema ni najmanje istinitosti u bilo kojoj tvrdnji temeljenoj na ovam lažnom dokumentu;
[Mon Sep 22 12:22:30 2003]
they all crumble to dust.
sve se one pretvarau u prašinu.
[Mon Sep 22 12:22:30 2003]
Not even in England does any well-informed Mason of the present day, believe in the genuineness of this bungling composition."
Čak ni u Engleskoj niti jedan današnji dobro obavješteni slobodni zidar ne vjeruje u izvornost ovog zbrkanog sastava."
[Mon Sep 22 12:35:43 2003]
In England it is only recently that any doubts of its authenticity have been expressed by Masonic critics.
U Engleskoj su tek nedavno kritičari slobodnog zidarstva izrazili neke sumnje u njegovu vjerodostojnost.
[Mon Sep 22 12:42:35 2003]
The first attack upon it was made in 1849, by Mr. George Sloane, in his New Curiosities of Literature.
Prvi je napad na nj izvršio 1849., gospodin George Sloane, u svojoj New Curiosities of Literature.
[Mon Sep 22 12:44:27 2003]
Sloane was not a Freemason, and his criticism, vigorous as it is, seems to have been inspired rather by a feeling of enmity to the Institution than by an honest desire to seek the truth.
Sloane nije bio slobodni zidar, i njegova je kritika, žustra kakva već jest , čini se prije bila inspirarana osjećajem neprijateljstva prema Instituciji negoli iskrenom željom za nalaženjem istine.
[Mon Sep 22 12:44:31 2003]
His conclusions, however, as to the character of the document are based on the most correct canons of criticism.
Njegovi se zaključci, međutim, što se tiče prirode dokumenta, zasnivaju na najispravanijim načelima kritike.
[Mon Sep 22 12:47:57 2003]
Woodford is more cautious in the expression of his judgment, but admits that "we must give up the actual claim of the document to be a manuscript of the time of King Henry VI.
Woodford je oprezniji u izražavanju svoje prosudbe, međutim priznaje da "se moramo odreći sadašnje tvrdnje da je dokumenta rukopis iz vremena Kinga Henrya VI.
[Mon Sep 22 12:53:33 2003]
or to have been written by him or copied by Leland."
ili da ga je kralj napisao ili da ga je prepisao Leland."
[Mon Sep 22 12:54:57 2003]
Yet he thinks "it not unlikely that we have in it the remains of a Lodge catechism conjoined with a Hermetic one."
Ipak misli "nije nemoguće da su u njemu ostaci Ložinog katekizma povezani sa hermetičkim katekizmom."
[Mon Sep 22 12:54:57 2003]
But this is a mere supposition, and hardly a plausible one.
Međutim to je puka pretpostavka i malo vjerojatna.
[Mon Sep 22 13:15:41 2003]
But a recent writer, unfortunately anonymous, in the Masonic Magazine, of London, has given an able though brief review of the arguments for and against the external evidence of authenticity, and has come to the conclusion that the former has utterly failed and that the question must fall to the ground.
Međutim jedan je moderan pisac, nažalost anoniman, u londonskom Časopisu slobodnog zidarstva, naveo kompetentan iako kratak pregled argumenata za i protiv vanjskog dokaza vjerodostojnosti, i došao je do zaključka da su prvi potpuno podbacili i da se pitanje mora početi od početka.
[Mon Sep 22 13:22:50 2003]
Amid such conflicting views, an investigation must be conducted with the greatest impartiality.
Usred takvih kontradiktornih gledišta, istraživanje se mora sprovesti s potpunom nepristranošću.
[Mon Sep 22 13:22:50 2003]
The influence of great names, especially among the German writers, has been enlisted on both sides, and the most careful judgment must be exercised in determining which of these sides is right and which is wrong.
Utjecaj velikih imena je, naročito među njemačkim piscima, bio obostran, i potrebno je najpomnije prosuđivanje da bi se utvrdilo koja je od ovih strana u pravu a koja u krivu.
[Mon Sep 22 13:31:52 2003]
In the investigation of the genuineness of any document we must have resort to two kinds of evidence, the external and the internal.
U istraživanju izvornosti bilo kakvog dokumenta moramo posegnuti za dvije vrste dokaza, vanjske i unutarnje.
[Mon Sep 22 13:36:26 2003]
The former is usually more clear and precise, as well as more easily handled, because it is superficial and readily comprehended by the most unpracticed judgment.
Prvi je obično jasan i precizan i lakše se nositi s njime, jer je površan i brzo shvatljiv čak i potpuno nevještoj sposobnosti prosudbe.
[Mon Sep 22 15:10:09 2003]
But when there is no doubt about the interpretation, and there is a proper exercise of skill, internal evidence is freer from doubt, and therefore the most conclusive.
Međutim kada nema dvojbe oko tumačenja, i postoji prikladna izvježbanost, unutarnji dokaz je slobodniji od dvojbe, i stoga najpresudniji.
[Mon Sep 22 16:35:03 2003]
It is, says a recent writer on the history of our language, the pure reason of the case, speaking to us directly, by which we can not be deceived, if we only rightly apprehend it.
To je, kaže jedan moderan pisac o povijesti našega jezika, pravi razlog, koji nam izravno govori, koji nas ne može zavarati, ako ga samo ispravno shvatimo.
[Mon Sep 22 16:35:03 2003]
But, although we must sometimes dispense with external evidence, because it may be unattainable, while the internal evidence is always existent, yet the combination of the two will make the conclusion to which we may arrive more infallible than it could be by the application of either kind alone.
Međutim, iako mi ponekad moramo ostati bez vanjskog dokaza, jer je možda nedostupan, dok je unutarnji dokaz uvijek prisutan, ipak kombinacija ta dva dokaza će manje pogrešivo dovesti do zaključka negoli primjena samo jedne vrste dokaza.
[Mon Sep 22 17:06:18 2003]
If it should be claimed that a particular document was written in a certain century, the mention of it, or citations from it, by contemporary authors would be the best external evidence of its genuineness.
Ako se želi tvrditi da je neki određeni dokument bio napisan u određenom stoljeću, njegovo spominjanje, ili citati iz njega, kod suvremenih autora bi bio najbolji vanjski dokaz njegove izvornosti.
[Mon Sep 22 17:15:21 2003]
It is thus that the received canon of the New Testament has been strengthened in its authority, by the quotation of numerous
Tako je prihvaćeni kanon Novog Zavjeta bio ojačan u svojoj izvornosti, citiranjem brojnih odlomaka iz Evanđelja i Poslanica koje se nalaze u izvornim spisima ranih crkvenih Otaca. To je vanjski dokaz.
[Mon Sep 22 17:24:05 2003]
If the language of the document under consideration, the peculiar style, and the archaic words used in it should be those found in other documents known to have been written in the same century, and if the sentiments are those that we should look for in the author, are in accord with the age in which he lived, this would be internal evidence and would be entitled to great weight.
Ako su jezik razmatranog dokumenta, specifičan stil, i korištene arhaične riječi otkriveni u ostalim dokumentima za koje se zna da su napisani u istom stoljeću, i ako postoje osjećaji koje bismo trebali tražiti u autora i u skladu su sa dobom u kojem je on živio, onda bi to bio unutarnji dokaz i zadobio bi veliku težinu.
[Mon Sep 22 17:33:12 2003]
But this internal evidence is subject to one fatal defect.
Međutim ovaj unutarnji dokaz je podložan jednom kobnom nedostatku.
[Mon Sep 22 17:41:20 2003]
The style and language of the period and the sentiments of the pretended author and of the age in which he lived may be successfully imitated by a skillful forger, and then the results of internal evidence will be evaded.
Vješti krivotvoritelj može uspješno oponašati stil i jezik razdoblja, osjećaje navodnog autora i doba u kojem je živio i tada će rezultati unutarnjeg dokaza iščeznuti.
[Mon Sep 22 17:45:41 2003]
So the youthful Chatterton palmed upon the world the supposititious productions of the monk Rowley, and Ireland forged pretended plays of Shakespeare.
Tako je mlađahni Chatterton podvalio svijetu lažne radove redovnika Rowleya, i Irska je krivotvorila tobožnje Shakespeareove drame.
[Mon Sep 22 17:45:41 2003]
Each of these made admirable imitations of the style of the authors whose lost productions they pretended to have discovered.
Svaka od njih je bila dojmljivo oponašanje autorova stila čija su izgubiljena djela hinili da su otkrili.
[Mon Sep 22 17:58:14 2003]
But when the imitation has not been successful, or when there has been no imitation attempted, the use of words which were unknown at the date claimed for the document in dispute, or the reference to events of which the writer must be ignorant, because they occurred at a subsequent period, or when the sentiments are incongruous to the age in which they are supposed to have been written, then the internal evidence that it is a forgery, or at least a production of a later date, will be almost invincible.
Međutim kada oponašanje ne uspije, ili kada nije bilo pokušaja imitacije, korištenje riječi koje su bile nepoznanica u vrijeme postanka spornoga dokumenta, ili upućivanje na događaje koji su piscu morali biti nepoznati, jer su se dogodili kasnije, ili kada su osjećaji nespojivi sa dobom u kojem su navodno bili napisani, onda će unutarnji dokaz da je to krivotvorina, ili barem kasniji rad, biti gotovo nepobitan.
[Mon Sep 22 18:00:28 2003]
It is by these two classes of evidence that I shall seek to inquire into the true character of the Leland Manuscript.
S ove dvije klase dokaza ja ću nastojati istražiti pravu prirodu Lelandovog Rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 23 09:07:31 2003]
But in arriving at a fair conclusion, whatever it may be, the rule of Ulpian must be obeyed, and the testimonies must be well considered and not merely counted.
Međutim dolazeći do pravednog zaključka, koji god bi mogao biti, mora se slijediti Ulpijanovo pravilo i svjedočanstva se moraju dobro razmotriti a ne samo nabrojati.
[Tue Sep 23 09:07:31 2003]
It is not the number of the whole but the weight of each that must control our judgment.
Našom prosudbom mora upravljati težina svakog pojedinog svjedočanstva a ne njihov ukupan broj.
[Tue Sep 23 09:09:28 2003]
Those who defend the genuineness of the Leland Manuscript are required to establish these points :
Oni koji brane izvornost Lelandovog Rukopisa moraju utvrditi ove točke:
[Tue Sep 23 09:10:57 2003]
That the document was first printed at Frankfort, in Germany, whence it was copied into the Gentleman's Magazine for September, 1753.
Taj dokument je najprije bio tiskan u Frankfurtu, u Njemačkoj, odakle je bio prepisan u Časopisu za gospodu od rujna, 1753.
[Tue Sep 23 09:15:15 2003]
That this original manuscript, of which Leland made a copy, was written by King Henry VI.
da je taj izvorni rukopis, čiju je kopiju napravio Lelanda, napisao kralj Henry VI.
[Tue Sep 23 09:19:28 2003]
That the manuscript of Leland was deposited in the Bodleian Library.
da je Lelandov manuskript bio pohranjen u Bodleyevoj knjižnici.
[Tue Sep 23 09:55:10 2003]
The failure to establish by competent proof anyone of these six points will seriously affect the credibility of the whole story, for each of them is a link of one continuous chain.
Neuspjeh u utvrđivanju bilo koje od ovih šest točaka kompetentnim dokazom ozbiljno će utjecati na vjerodostojnost čitave priče, jer svaka je od njih karika jednog neprekidnog lanca.
[Tue Sep 23 10:10:13 2003]
Now as to the first point, that the document was first printed at Frankfort in the year 1748.
Dakle, prva točka, da je dokument bio najprije tiskan u Frankfurtu godine 1748.
[Tue Sep 23 10:31:24 2003]
The Frankfort copy has never yet been seen, notwithstanding diligent search has been made for it by German writers, who were the most capable of discovering it, if it had ever existed.
Frankfurtski primjerak nikada nije viđen, usprkos revnoj potrazi njemačkih pisaca, koji bi bili kadar pronaći ga, da je ikada postojao.
[Tue Sep 23 10:49:48 2003]
The negative evidence is strong that the Frankfort copy may be justly considered as a mere myth.
Negativan dokaz snažno upućuje da bi se frankfurtski primjerak mogao opravdano smatrati pukim mitom.
[Tue Sep 23 10:49:48 2003]
It follows that the article in the Gentleman's Magazine is an original document, and we have a right to suppose that it was written at the time for some purpose, to be hereafter considered, for, as the author of it has given a false reference, we may conclude that if he had copied it at all he would have furnished us with the true one.
Slijedi da je članak u Časopisu za gospodu izvorni dokument i imamo pravo pretpostaviti da je bio napisan u to vrijeme s nekom svrhom, što će se u nastavku razmotriti, jer, kako je njegov autor naveo lažni izvornik, možemo zaključiti da ako ga je uopće prepisao, dao bi nam i original.
[Tue Sep 23 10:58:47 2003]
Kloss, it is true, has admitted the title into his catalogue, but he has borrowed his description of it from the article in the Gentleman's Magazine, and speaks of this Frankfort copy as being doubtful.
Kloss je, istina, uvrstio taj naslov u svoj katalog, međutim njegov je opis posudio iz članka Časopisa za gospodu i o tom frankfurtskom primjerku govori kao dvojbenom.
[Tue Sep 23 11:15:39 2003]
He evidently had never seen it, though he was an indefatigable searcher after Masonic books.
Očigledno ga nikada nije vidio, iako je bio neumoran tragač za slobodnozidarskim knjigama.
[Tue Sep 23 11:21:43 2003]
Krause's account of it is, that it first was found worthy of Locke's notice in England;
Krause navodi da je rukopis najprije bio vrijedan Lockeove pažnje u Engleskj;
[Tue Sep 23 11:25:51 2003]
that thence it passed over into Germany - "how, he does not know" - appeared in Frankfort, and then returned back to England, where it was printed in 1753.
da je otuda prešao u Njemačku - "on ne zna kako" - pojavio se u Frankfurtu i zatim se vratio natrag u Englesku gdje je bilo tiskan 1753.
[Tue Sep 23 12:35:47 2003]
But all this is mere hearsay, and taken by Krause from the statement in the Gentleman's Magazine.
Međutim sve je ovo rekla-kazala i Krause je preuzeo tvrdnje iz Časopisa za gospodu.
[Tue Sep 23 12:39:58 2003]
He makes no reference to the Frankfort copy in his copious notes in his Kunsturkunden, and, like Kloss, had no personal knowledge of any such publication.
U svom djelu Kunsturkunden, među svojim obilnim bilješkama, niti jednom se ne osvrće na frankfurtski primjerak i, poput Klossa, nije imao osobno znanje o bilo kojem takvom izdanju.
[Tue Sep 23 12:40:50 2003]
In short, there is no positive evidence at all that any such document was printed at Frankfort-on-the-Main, but abundant negative evidence that it was not.
Ukratko, nema pozitivnog dokaza da je takav dokument uopće bio tiskan u Frankfurtu-na-Majni, međutim postoje obilni negativni dokazi da nije bio.
[Tue Sep 23 12:40:50 2003]
The first point must therefore be abandoned.
Od prve se točke dakle mora odustati.
[Tue Sep 23 12:45:56 2003]
The second point that requires to be proved is that the manuscript was, by command of King Henry VIII.
Druga točka zahtijeva dokaz da rukopis, po zapovijedi kralja Henrya VIII.
[Tue Sep 23 12:54:27 2003]
copied by John Leland from an older document of the age of Henry VI.
prepiše Johna Lelanda prema starijem dokumentu iz doba Henrika VI.
[Tue Sep 23 12:54:46 2003]
Now, there is not the slightest evidence that a manuscript copy of the original document was taken by Leland, except what is afforded by the printed article in the Gentleman's Magazine, the authenticity of which is the very question in dispute, and it is a good maxim of the law that no one ought to be a witness in his own cause.
Ne postoji ni najmanji dokaz da je Leland napravio rukopisni prijepis izvornog dokumenta, izuzevši onong što je nudio tiskani članak u Časopisu za gospodu, čija je vjerodostojnost predmet neslaganja, i dobro je zakonsko pravilo da nitko ne treba biti svjedok u vlastitoj parnici.
[Tue Sep 23 12:58:21 2003]
But even this evidence is very insufficient.
Međutim čak je i ovaj dokaz nedostatan.
[Tue Sep 23 13:00:39 2003]
For, admitting that Locke was really the author of the annotations (an assertion which also needs proof), he does not say that he had seen the Leland copy, but only a copy of it, which had been made for him by a friend.
Jer, dopuštajući da je Locke uistinu bio autor zapažanja (tvrdnja koju također treba dokazati), on ne kaže da je vidio Lelandov primjerak, nego samo njegovu kopiju koju je za njega napravio prijatelj.
[Tue Sep 23 13:05:10 2003]
So that even at that time the Leland Manuscript had not been brought to sight, and up to this has never been seen.
Tako da čak se ni u to vrijeme Lelandov Rukopis nije mogao vidjeti, a do tada ga nitko nikada nije vidio.
[Tue Sep 23 13:11:54 2003]
Amid all the laborious and indefatigable researches of Bro.
Među svim minucioznim i neumornim istraživanjima brata
[Tue Sep 23 13:13:13 2003]
Hughan in the British Museum, in other libraries, and in the archives of lodges, while he has discovered many valuable old records and Masonic Constitutions which until then had lain hidden in these various receptacles, he has failed to unearth the famous Leland Manuscript.
Pored svih minucioznih i neumornih istraživanja brata Hughana u Britanskom muzeju, u drugim knjižnicama, u arhivama loža, i dok je otkrio mnoge dragocjene stare zapise i Slobodnozidarska načela koja su dotada ležala sakrivena u takvim različitim spremištima, on nije uspio iznijeti na vidjelo slavan Lelandov Rukopis.
[Tue Sep 23 14:14:10 2003]
The hope of ever finding it is very faint, and must be entirely extinguished if other proofs can be adduced of its never having existed.
Nada da će se ikada otkriti je vrlo blijeda, i mora se potpuno uništiti ako drugi dokazi potvrđuju da nikada nije postojao.
[Tue Sep 23 14:27:09 2003]
Huddesford, in his Life of Leland;
Huddesford je, u svom djelu Lelandov život,
[Tue Sep 23 14:48:16 2003]
"It also appears that an ancient manuscript of Leland's has long remained in the Bodleian Library, unnoticed in any account of our author yet published.
"Čini se također da je stari Lelandov rukopis dugo ostao u Bodleyevoj knjižnici, nezapažen u bilo kojem već objavljenom prikazu našeg autora.
[Tue Sep 23 14:55:39 2003]
This Tract is entitled Certayne Questyons with Awnsweres to the same concernynge the mystery of Maconrye.
Ova rasprava ima naslov Neka pitanja i odgovori u vezi tajne o slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Tue Sep 23 14:55:46 2003]
The original is said to be the handwriting of K.
Izvornik je navodno bio u rukopisu kralja Henrya VI., po zapovijedi kralja Henrya VIII.
[Tue Sep 23 14:58:34 2003]
And he then proceeds to dilate upon the importance of this "ancient monument of literature, if its authenticity remains unquestioned."
I on onda nastavlja raspredati o važnosti ovog "drevnog spomenika literature, ako njegova vjerodostojnost ostane neupitna."
[Tue Sep 23 16:12:50 2003]
But the remarks on this subject of the anonymous writer in the London Masonic Magazine, already referred to, are so apposite and conclusive that they justify a quotation.
No napomene anonimnog pisca o ovoj temi u londonskom Časopisu slobodnih zidara, već spomenutom, su tako prikladni i uvjerljivi da opravdavaju navod.
[Tue Sep 23 16:35:56 2003]
"Though Huddesford was keeper of the Ashmolean Library, in the Bodleian, he does not seek to verify even the existence of the manuscript, but contents himself with I it also appears' that it is from the Gentleman's Magazine of 1753.
"Iako je Huddesford bio čuvar Ashmoleove knjižnice, u Bodleyevoj, on ne nastoji provjeriti čak ni postojanje rukopisa, nego se zadovoljava sa "također se čini" da je iz Časopisa za gospodu iz 1753.
[Tue Sep 23 16:37:03 2003]
He surely ought not to have put in here such a statement, that an ancient manuscript of Leland has long remained in the Bodleian, without inquiry or collation.
On dakako nije trebao ovdje davati takve tvrdnje, da je stari Lelandov rukopis dugo bio u Bodleyevoj knjižnici, bez raspitivanje ili usporedbi.
[Tue Sep 23 16:38:12 2003]
Either he knew the fact to be so, as he stated it, or he did not;
Ili on je znao za tu činjenicu, kako je i izjavio, ili nije;
[Tue Sep 23 16:40:08 2003]
but in either case his carelessness as an editor is, to my mind, utterly inexcusable.
no u svakom je slučaju njegova nepažnja kao urednika, koliko se meni čini, potpuno neoprostiva.
[Tue Sep 23 16:48:23 2003]
Nothing would have been easier for him than to verify an alleged manuscript of Leland, being an officer in the very collection in which it was said to exist.
Ništa mu ne bi bilo lakše nego provjeriti navodni Lelandov rukopis, budući je bio službenik u samoj zbirci u kojoj se tvrdilo da rukopis postoji.
[Tue Sep 23 16:48:23 2003]
Still, if he did not do so, either the manuscript did exist, and he knew it, but did not think well, for some reason, to be more explicit about it, or he knew nothing at all about it, and by an inexcusable neglect of his editorial duty, took no pains to ascertain the truth, and simply copied others, by his quasi recognition of a professed manuscript of Leland."
Pa ipak, ako to nije učinio, ili je rukopis postojao, i on je za njega znao, no nije mislio da je dobro, iz nekog razloga, biti jasniji u vezi njega, ili nije uopće ništa znao o njemu, te zbog neoprostivog zanemarivanja svoje uredničke dužnosti, nije si uzeo nimalo truda da utvrdi istinu, i jednostavno je prepisao ostale svojim kvazi priznavanjem navodnog Lelandovog rukopisa."
[Tue Sep 23 17:09:50 2003]
But it is utterly incredible that Huddesford could have known and yet concealed his knowledge of the existence of the manuscript.
No potpuno je nevjerojatno da je Huddesford mogao znati, a da je ipak zatajio svoje znanje o postojanju rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 23 17:10:58 2003]
There is no conceivable motive that could be assigned for such concealment and for the citation at the same time of other authority for the fact.
Nema shvatljivog motiva koji bi se mogao pripisati takvom skrivanju i u isto vrijeme citiranju činjenice nekog drugog autoriteta.
[Tue Sep 23 17:11:03 2003]
It is therefore a fair inference that his only knowledge of the document was derived from the Gentleman's Magazine.
Prema tome pravilan zaključak je da je svo svoje znanje o dokumentu crpio iz Časopisa za gospodu.
[Tue Sep 23 17:11:03 2003]
There is, therefore, no proof whatever that Leland ever copied any older manuscript.
Postojim, dakle, nijedan dokaz što god taj Leland ikada je prepisao bilo kakav stariji rukopis.
[Wed Sep 24 13:59:53 2003]
Referring to certain obvious mistakes in the printed copy, such as Peter Gower for Pythagoras, it has been said that it is evident that the document was not printed from Leland's original transcript, but rather from a secondary copy of an unlearned.
S obzirom na neke očigledne pogreške u tiskanom prijepisu, kao na primjer Peter Gower za Pitagoru, rečeno je da očigledno dokument nije bio tiskan prema Lelandovom izvornom rukopisu, nego prije prema sekundarnom prijepisu nekog neukog.
[Wed Sep 24 14:00:54 2003]
Huddesford adopts this view, but if he had ever seen the manuscript of Leland he could have better formed a judgment by a collation of it with the printed copy than by a mere inference that a man of Leland's learning could not have made such mistakes.
Huddesford je usvojio to gledište, no da je ikada vidio Lelandov rukopis, mogao bi bolje prosuditi uspoređujući taj rukopis sa tiskanim prijepisom negoli običnim zaključivanjem da čovjek Lelandova znanja ne bi mogao napraviti takve pogreške.
[Wed Sep 24 14:02:07 2003]
As he did not do so, it follows that he had never seen Leland's Manuscript.
Kako to nije učinio, slijedi da nikada nije vidio Lelandov Rukopis.
[Wed Sep 24 14:02:07 2003]
The second point, therefore, falls to the ground.
Druga točka, dakle, ne stoji.
[Wed Sep 24 14:17:25 2003]
The third point requiring proof is that the original manuscript, of which Leland made a copy, was written by King Henry VI.
Treća točka koja zahtijeva dokaz je da je izvorni rukopis, kojeg je Lelanda kopirao, bio napisao kralj Henry VI.
[Wed Sep 24 14:17:57 2003]
There is a legal rule that when a deed or writing is not produced in court, and the loss of it is not reasonably accounted for, it shall be treated as if it were not existent.
Postoji pravno načelo kada djelo ili pismeni dokument nije predočen sudu, a njegov gubitak nije razumno objašnjen, smatrat će se kao da ne postoji.
[Wed Sep 24 14:18:59 2003]
This is just the case of the pretended manuscript in the handwriting of Henry VI.
I to je upravo slučaj tobožnjeg rukopisa pisanog rukom Henrya VI.
[Wed Sep 24 14:21:20 2003]
No one has ever seen that manuscript, no one has ever had any knowledge of it;
Nitko nikada nije vidio taj rukopis, nitko nikada nije imao bilo kakvo znanje o njemu;
[Wed Sep 24 14:27:39 2003]
the fact of its ever having existed depends solely on the statement made in the Gentleman's Magazine that it had been copied by Leland.
činjenica njegovog postojanja se oslonja samo na tvrdnju Časopisa za gospodu da ga je prepisao Leland.
[Wed Sep 24 14:44:41 2003]
Of a document "in the clouds" as this is, whose very existence is a mere presumption built on the very slightest foundation, it is absurd to predicate an opinion of the handwriting.
Apsurdno je temeljiti uvjerenje na osnovi rukopisa za dokument "u oblacima" kao što je ovaj, čije je samo postojanje puka pretpostavka temeljena na vrlo slabim temeljima.
[Wed Sep 24 14:45:27 2003]
Time enough when the manuscript is produced to inquire who wrote it.
Dovoljno je zapitati se tko ga je napisao nakon što je rukopis predočen.
[Wed Sep 24 14:45:27 2003]
The third point, therefore, fails to be sustained.
Treća se točka, dakle, nije uspjela održati.
[Wed Sep 24 14:53:22 2003]
The fourth point is that the manuscript of Leland was deposited in the Bodleian Library.
Četvrta točka je da je Lelandov rukopis bio pohranjen u Bodleyevoj knjižnici.
[Wed Sep 24 14:54:10 2003]
This has already been discussed in the argument on the first and third point.
O tome se već raspravljalo u argumentima za prvu i treću točku.
[Wed Sep 24 14:59:21 2003]
It is sufficient now to say that no such manuscript has been found in that library.
Sada je dovoljno kazati da takav rukopis nije bio nađen u toj knjižnici.
[Wed Sep 24 15:05:04 2003]
The writer in the London Masonic Magazine, whom I have before quoted, says that he had had a communication with the authorities of the Bodleian Library, and had been informed that nothing is known of it in that collection.
Pisac londonskog Časopis slobodnih zidara, kojeg sam ranije citirao, kaže da je komunicirao sa nadležnima iz Bodleyeve knjižnice, i bio je obaviješten da o se njemu ništa ne zna u toj zbirci.