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[Wed Sep 24 15:11:17 2003]
Among the additional manuscripts of the British Museum are some that were once owned by one Essex, an architect, who lived late in the last century.
Među dodatnim rukopisima Britanskog Muzeja su neki koji su nekada bili u vlasništvu nekog Essexa, arhitekta koji je živio krajem prošlog stoljeća.
[Wed Sep 24 15:16:47 2003]
Among these is a copy of the Leland Manuscript - evidently a copy made by Essex from the Gentleman's Magazine, or some one of the other works in which it had been printed.
Među njima je i prijepis Lelandovog Rukopisa - očigledno ga je prepisao Essex iz Časopisa za gospodu, ili nekog drugog djela u kojem je bio tiskan.
[Wed Sep 24 15:18:00 2003]
I say evidently, because in the same collection is a copy of the Grand Mystery, transcribed by him as he had transcribed the Leland Manuscript, as a, to him per haps, curious relic.
Kažem očigledno, jer je u istoj zbirci i prijepis Velike Misterije, koji je on prepisao kao što je bio prepisao i Lelandov Rukopis, kao, za njega, zanimljivu relikviju.
[Wed Sep 24 15:18:00 2003]
The original Leland Manuscript is nowhere to be found, and there the attempt to prove the fourth point is unsuccessful.
Izvorni Lelandov Rukopis nigdje nije nađen, i tako je pokušaj dokazivanja četvrte točke neuspješna.
[Wed Sep 24 15:29:23 2003]
The fifth point is that a copy of Leland's MS, was made by a Mr. C-ns, and given by him to Locke.
Peta točka je da je prijepis Lelandova MS napravio gospodina C. koji ga je predao Lockeu.
[Wed Sep 24 15:31:33 2003]
The Pocket Companion printed the name as "Collins," upon what authority I know not.
Pocket Companion tiskao je ime kao "Collins," po čijoj nadležnosti, ne znam.
[Wed Sep 24 15:54:01 2003]
There were only two distinguished men of that name who were contemporaries of Locke - John Collins, the mathematician, and Anthony Collins, the celebrated skeptical writer.
Postojala su samo dva istaknuta čovjeka tog imena koji su bili suvremenici Lockea - John Collins, matematičar, i Anthony Collins, proslavljeni skeptički pisac.
[Wed Sep 24 16:03:18 2003]
It could not have been the former who took the copy from the Ashmolean Library in 1696, for he died in 1683, There is, however, a strong probability that the latter was meant by the writer of the prefatory, since he was on such relations with Locke as to have been appointed one of his executors, and it is an ingenious part of the forgery that he should be selected to perform such an act of courtesy for his friend as the transcription of an old manuscript.
Postoji, međutim, jaka vjerojatnost da je uvodničar mislio na potonjega, jer je bio u odnosu s Lockeom u smislu imenovanog među izvršiteljima oporuke, i to je ingeniozan dio krivotvorine da je baš on odabran za izvršenje takvog čina uljudnosti za svog prijatelja kao što je prepisivanje starog rukopisa.
[Wed Sep 24 16:11:19 2003]
Yet there is an uncertainty about it, and it is a puzzle to be resolved why Mr. Locke should have unnecessarily used such a superabundance of caution, and given only the initial and final letters of the name of a friend who had been occupied in the harmless employment of copying for him a manuscript in a public library.
Ipak postoji neizvjesnost oko toga, i to je zagonetka koju treba riješiti, zašto bi gospodin Locke nepotrebno bio tako jako oprezan, i naveo samo početno i završna slova prijateljeva imena koji za njega treba obaviti bezopasnu dužnost prepisivanja rukopisa u javnoj knjižnici.
[Wed Sep 24 16:13:06 2003]
This is Mysterious, and mystery is always open to suspicion.
To je misteriozno, a misterij je uvijek otvoren sumnji.
[Wed Sep 24 16:13:06 2003]
For uncertainty and indefiniteness the fifth point is incapable of proof.
Zbog nesigurnosti i neodređenosti peta se točka ne može dokazati.
[Wed Sep 24 16:27:23 2003]
The sixth and last point is that the notes or annotations were written by Mr. Locke in 1696, and fifty-two years afterward printed in Frankfort-on-the-Main.
Šesta i posljednja točka je da je bilješke ili zapažanja napisao gospodin Lockea 1696., a pedesetdvije godine kasnije su tiskane u Frankfurtu-na-Majni.
[Wed Sep 24 16:27:52 2003]
We must add to this, because it is a part of the story, that the English text, with the annotations of Locke, said to have been translated into German, the question - was it translated by the unknown brother in whose desk the document was found after his death?
Moramo još dodati, jer je to dio priče, da je engleski tekst, sa Lockeovim zabilješkama, navodno bio preveden na njemački, pitanje je - je li ga preveo nepoznati brat u čijem je radnom stolu dokumenta otkriven nakon njegove smrti - i onda ponovo preveden na engleski za Časopis za gospodu?
[Wed Sep 24 16:33:31 2003]
It is admitted that if we refuse to accept the document printed in the magazine in 1753 as genuine, it must follow that the notes supposed to have been written by Locke are also spurious.
Prihvaća se da ako odbijemo priznati dokument tiskan u časopisu 1753. kao izvorni, mora slijediti da su Lockeove bilješke također lažne.
[Wed Sep 24 16:38:38 2003]
The two questions are not necessarily connected.
Ova dva pitanja nisu nužno povezana.
[Wed Sep 24 16:38:38 2003]
Locke may have been deceived, and, believing that the manuscript presented to him by C-ns, or Collins, if that was really his name, did take the trouble, for the sake of Lady Masham, to annotate it and to explain its difficulties.
Locke je možda bio obmanut vjerujući da mu je rukopis predočio C-NS, ili Collins, ako mu je to pravo ime, i uzeo si je truda, zbog Lady Masham, prokomentirati i objasniti njegove poteškoće.
[Wed Sep 24 16:49:12 2003]
But if we have shown that there is no sufficient proof, and, in fact, no proof at all, that there ever was such a manuscript, and therefore that Collins did not transcribe it, then it will necessarily follow that the pretended notes of Locke are as complete a forgery as the text to which they are appended.
No ako smo pokazali da nema dovoljno dokaza, i ustvari, nikakvog dokaza, da je ikada takav rukopis postojao, i stoga ga onaj Collins nije prepisao, onda će nužno slijediti da su tobožnje Lockeove bilješke isto takva potpuna krivotvorina kao i tekst na koji se odnose.
[Wed Sep 24 16:52:29 2003]
Now, if the annotations of Locke were genuine, why is it that after diligent search this particular one has not been found?
Ako su Lockeove zabilješke bile izvorne, zašto ni nakon revne potrage upravo ove nisu nađene?
[Wed Sep 24 16:54:27 2003]
I t is known that Locke left several manuscripts behind him, some of which were published after his death by his executors, King and Collins, and several unpublished manuscripts went into the possession of Lord King, who in 1829 published the Life and Correspondence of Locke.
Poznato je da je Locke ostavio nekoliko rukopisi iza sebe, neke su objavili nakon njegove smrti njegovi izvršitelji oporuke, King i Collins, a nekoliko je neobjavljenih rukopisa ušlo u vlasništvo Lorda Kinga, koji je 1829. objavio Lockeov život i prepiska.
[Wed Sep 24 16:55:00 2003]
But nowhere has the notorious Leland Manuscript appeared.
No nigdje se zloglasan Lelandov Rukopis nije pojavio.
[Wed Sep 24 16:59:02 2003]
"If John Locke's letter were authentic," says the writer already repeatedly referred to, "a copy of this manuscript would remain among Mr. Locke's papers, or at Wilton House, and the original manuscript probably in the hands of this Mr. Collins, whoever he was, or in the Bodleian."
"Ako je pismo John Lockea autentično," kaže pisac već više puta citiran, "prijepis tog rukopisa bi ostao među papirima gospodina Lockea, ili u Kući Wilton, a izvorni rukopis vjerojatno u rukama gospodina Collinsa, tko god on bio, ili u Bodleyevoj knjižnici."
[Wed Sep 24 17:04:08 2003]
But there are other circumstances of great suspicion connected with the letter and annotations of Locke, which amount to a condemnation of their authenticity.
No postoje i druge sumnjive okolnosti povezane s pismom i Lockeovim zabilješkama koje navode na osudu njihove vjerodostojnosti.
[Wed Sep 24 17:07:35 2003]
In concluding his remarks on what he calls "this old paper," Locke is made to say:
Zaključujući svoje napomene o onome što on naziva "ovaj star papir, " Locke je izazvan kazao:
[Wed Sep 24 17:08:36 2003]
"It has so raised my curiosity as to induce me to enter myself into the fraternity;
"To je tako potaklo moju znatiželju da me navodi da uđem u bratstvo;
[Wed Sep 24 17:08:36 2003]
which I am determined to do (if I may be admitted) the next time I go to London, and that will be shortly."
što sam odlučio i učiniti (ako budem primljen) idući put kada idem u London, a to će biti uskoro."
[Wed Sep 24 17:19:13 2003]
Now, because it is known that at the date of the pseudo-letter, Mr. Locke was actually residing at Oates, the seat of Sir Francis Masham, for whose lady he says that the annotations were made, and because it is also known that in the next year he made a visit to London, Oliver says that there "he was initiated into Masonry."
Budući da je poznato da je na datum pseudo-pisma, gospodin Locke zapravo prebivao u Oatesu, prebivalištu gospodina Francisa Mashama, za čiju su gospođu, kaže, zapažanja bila napisana, i budući da je također poznato da je iduće godine obavio posjet u London, Oliver kaže da je tamo "iniciran u slobodno zidarstvo."
[Wed Sep 24 17:24:09 2003]
Now, there is not the slightest proof of this initiation, nor is it important to the question of authenticity whether he was initiated or not, because if he was not it would only prove that he had abandoned the intention he had expressed in the letter.
Ne postoji ni najslabiji dokaz ove inicijacije, niti je važno to pitanje istinitosti je li ili nije bio iniciran, jer ako nije, to bi samo dokazalo da je odustao od namjere izražene u pismu.
[Wed Sep 24 17:24:09 2003]
But I cite the unsupported remark of Dr. Oliver to show how Masonic history has hitherto been written - always assumptions, and facts left to take care of themselves.
Olivera da bih pokazao kako se slobodnozidarska povijest do sada pisala - uvijek pretpostavke, a činjenice ostavljene da se pobrinu same za sebe.
[Thu Sep 25 11:39:56 2003]
But it is really most probable that Mr. Locke was not made a Freemason in 1697 or at any other time, for if he had been, Dr. Anderson, writing the history of Masonry only a few years afterward, would not have failed to have entered this illustrious name in the list of "learned scholars " who had patronized the Fraternity.
ili bilo kada, jer da je bio, Dr. Anderson, pišući povijest slobodnog zidarstva samo nekoliko godine kasnije, ne bi propustio staviti ovo glasovito ime na popis "visoko obrazovanih učenjaka" koji su pomagali Bratstvo.
[Thu Sep 25 11:52:33 2003]
It appears, from what is admitted in reference to this subject, that the Leland Manuscript, having been obtained by Mr. Collins from the Bodleian Library, was annotated by Mr. Locke, and a letter, stating the fact, was sent with the manuscript and annotations to a nobleman whose rank and title are designated by stars (a needless mystery), but who has been subsequently supposed to be the Earl of Pembroke.
Čini se, po onome što je prihvaćeno u vezi ove teme, da je Lelandov Rukopis, nakon što je dobiven od gospodina Collinsa iz Bodleyeve knjižnice, gospodin Locke komentirao , a pismo, navodeći činjenicu, je bio poslano skupa sa rukopisom i zapažanjima plemiću čiji su položaj i ime označeni zvjezdicama (nepotreban misterij), no za kojeg se kasnije pretpostavljalo da je Grof od Pembrokea.
[Thu Sep 25 11:55:05 2003]
All this was in the year 1696.
Sve je to bilo godine 1696.
[Thu Sep 25 11:58:45 2003]
I t then appears to have been completely lost to sight until the year 1748, when it is suddenly found hidden away in the desk of a deceased brother in Germany.
Izgleda da se zatim potpuno izgubio iz vidokruga sve do godine 1748., kada ga se odjednom nalazi sakrivenog u radnom stolu preminulog brata u Njemačkoj.
[Thu Sep 25 12:06:15 2003]
During these fifty-two years that it lay in abeyance, we hear nothing of it.
Tijekom te pedesetdvije godine što je ležao u zaboravu, ništa ne čujemo o njemu.
[Thu Sep 25 12:10:46 2003]
Anderson, the Masonic historian, could not have heard of it, for he does not mention it in either the edition of the Constitutions published in 1723, or in that more copious one of 1738.
Slobodnozidarski povjesničar Anderson nije mogao čuti o njemu, jer ga ne spominje ni u izdanju Konstitucija objavljenih 1723., niti u opširnijem izdanju od 1738.
[Thu Sep 25 12:10:46 2003]
If anyone could have known of it, if it was in existence, it would have been Anderson, and if he had ever seen or heard of it he would most certainly have referred to it in his history of Masonry during the reign of Henry VI.
Ako je itko išta mogao znati o tom rukopisu, ukoliko je postojao, bio bi to Anderson, a da ga je ikada vidio ili o njemu čuo, on bi to najvjerojatnije naveo u svojoj povijesti slobodnog zidarstva tijekom vladavine Henrika VI.
[Thu Sep 25 12:36:20 2003]
He does say, indeed, that according to a record in the reign of Edward IV.
On kaže, doista, da prema zapisu za vladavine Edvarda IV.
[Thu Sep 25 12:39:21 2003]
"the charges and laws of the Freemasons have been seen and perused by our late Sovereign, King Henry VI.
"pristojbe i zakone slobodnih zidara pomno je pregledo i ispitato naš pokojni vladar, kralj Henrik VI.
[Thu Sep 25 12:39:41 2003]
as they have been drawn out and collected from the records of ancient times," etc.
kako oni su bili izvučeni i je skupljao iz zapisa prošlosti, " itd..
[Thu Sep 25 12:52:08 2003]
But it is evident that this is no description of the Leland Manuscript, which does not consist of "charges and laws," but is simply a history of the origin of Masonry, and a declaration of its character and objects.
No očigledno je da ovo nije opis Lelandovog Rukopisa, koji se ne sastoji od "pristojbi i zakona", nego je jednostavno povijest podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva i izjava o njegovoj prirodi i ciljevima.
[Thu Sep 25 12:56:03 2003]
And yet the fact that there is said to have been something submitted by the Masons to Henry VI.
Pa ipak, činjenicu, da je rečeno kako postoji nešto što su slobodni zidari dostavili Henryu VI.
[Thu Sep 25 12:57:58 2003]
and his Council was enough to suggest to the ingenious forger the idea of giving to his pseudo-manuscript a date corresponding to the reign of that monarch.
i njegovu Vijeću, je bilo dovoljno natuknuti ingenioznm krivotvoritelju kako bi on došao na ideju da svom pseudo-rukopisu stavi datum koji odogovara o vladavini tog vladara.
[Thu Sep 25 13:00:36 2003]
But he overleaped the bounds of caution in giving the peculiar form to his forgery.
No prekoračio je granice opreza dajući svojoj krivotvorini neobičan oblik.
[Thu Sep 25 13:00:36 2003]
Had he fabricated a document similar to those ancient constitutions, many genuine manuscripts of which are extant, the discovery of the fraud would have been more difficult.
Da je izradio dokument sličan starim konstitucijama, mnogi takvi originalni rukopisi postoje, otkriće prijevare bilo bi daleko teže.
[Thu Sep 25 13:50:06 2003]
But to continue the narrative:
No da nastavimo priču:
[Thu Sep 25 13:50:06 2003]
The manuscript, having been found in the desk of this unknown deceased brother, is forthwith published at Frankfort, Germany, in a pamphlet of twelve pages and in the German language.
Nakon što je pronađen u radnome stolu tog nepoznatog pokojnog brata, Rukopis je odmah objavljen u Frankfurtu, Njemačka, u brošuri od dvanaest stranica i na njemačkom jeziku.
[Thu Sep 25 14:03:37 2003]
Here again there are sundry questions to be asked, which can not be answered.
Ovdje ponovo postoje raznovrsna pitanja na koja nema odgovora.
[Thu Sep 25 14:03:37 2003]
Had the tale been a true one, and the circumstances such as always accompany the discovery of a lost document, and which are always put upon record, the replies and explanations would have been ready.
Da je priča istinita, i okolnosti onakve kakve uvijek prate otkriće izgubljenog dokumenta, i što se uvijek stavlja u zapis, odgovori i objašnjenja bi bila spremna.
[Thu Sep 25 14:10:37 2003]
Was the letter of Locke, including of course the catechism of the Leland Manuscript, which was found in the desk of the unknown brother, the original document, or was it only a copy?
Je li Lockeovo pismo, uključujući dakako i katekizam Lelandovog Rukopisa, ono što je pronađeno u stolu nepoznatog brata, ili izvorni dokument, ili samo prijepis?
[Thu Sep 25 14:11:29 2003]
If the latter, had it been copied in English by the brother, or translated by him into German?
Ako je ovo potonje, je li ga brat prepisao na engleskom, ili ga je preveo na njemački?
[Thu Sep 25 14:14:51 2003]
If not translated by him, by whom was it translated?
Ako ga nije on preveo, tko ga je preveo?
[Thu Sep 25 14:16:27 2003]
Was the pamphlet printed in Frankfort merely a German translation, or did it also contain, in parallel columns, the English original, as Krause has printed the English documents in his Kunsturkunden, and as, in fact, he has printed this very document?
Je li brošura tiskana u Frankfurtu bila tek njemački prijevod, ili je također sadržavala u paralelnim stupcima engleski izvornik, kao što je Krause tiskao engleske dokumente u svom djelu Kunsturkunden i kao što je, ustvari, tiskao i ovaj dokument?
[Thu Sep 25 14:18:15 2003]
These are questions of very great importance in determining the value and authenticity of the Frankfort pamphlet.
Sva su ta pitanja od vrlo velike važnosti u utvrđivanju vjerodostojnosti frankfurtske brošure.
[Thu Sep 25 14:18:15 2003]
And yet not one of them can be answered, simply because that pamphlet has never been found, nor is it known that anyone has ever seen it.
Pa ipak, ni na jedno se ne može odgovoriti, jednostavno zato što ta brošura nikada nije bila pronađena, niti je poznato da ju je itko ikada vidio.
[Thu Sep 25 14:23:25 2003]
The pamphlet next makes its appearance five years afterward in England, and in an English translation in the Gentleman's Magazine for September, 1753.
Brošura se zatim pojavljuje pet godina kasnije u Engleskoj i u engleskom prijevodu u Časopisu za gospodu od rujna 1753.
[Thu Sep 25 14:38:10 2003]
Nobody can tell, or at least nobody has told, how it got there, who brought it over, who translated it from the German, how it happened that the archaic language of the text and the style of Locke have been preserved.
Nitko ne može kazati, ili barem nitko nije kazao, kako je ona tamo dospjela, tko je je prenio, tko ju je preveo sa njemačkog, te kako se dogodilo da su se arhaični jezik teksta i Lockeov stil očuvali.
[Thu Sep 25 14:38:11 2003]
These are facts absolutely necessary to be known in any investigation of the question of authenticity, and yet over them all a suspicious silence broods.
Prijeko je potrebno da se ove činjenice saznaju za bilo kakvo istraživanje pitanja vjerodostojnosti, pa ipak preko njih se nadvila sumnjiva šutnja.
[Thu Sep 25 14:47:36 2003]
Until this silence is dissipated and these questions answered by the acquisition of new knowledge in the premises, which it can hardly now be expected will be obtained, the stain of an imposture must remain upon the character of the document.
Sve dok se ova šutnja širi i dok se na ova pitanja ne odgovori stjecanjem novog znanja u pretpostavkama, što se sada teško može očekivati, mrlja prijevare mora ostati u karakteru ovog dokumenta.
[Thu Sep 25 14:47:36 2003]
The discoverer of a genuine manuscript would have been more explicit in his details.
Pronalazač originalnog rukopisa bio bi opširniji u objašnjavanju njegovih potankosti.
[Thu Sep 25 14:51:30 2003]
As to internal evidence, there is the most insuperable difficulty in applying here the canons of criticism which would identify the age of the manuscript by its style.
Što se tiče unutarnjeg dokaza, postoje nepremostiva poteškoća u primjeni načela kritike koja bi ustanovila vrijeme nastanka rukopisa prema njegovom stilu.
[Thu Sep 25 14:58:41 2003]
Throwing aside any consideration of the Frankfort pamphlet on account of the impossibility of explaining the question of translation, and admitting, for the time, that Mr. Locke did really annotate a copy of a manuscript then in the Bodleian Library, which copy was made for him by his friend Collins, how, with this admission,
Odbacujući bilo kakvo razmatranje frankfurtske brošure zbog nemogućnosti objašnjenja pitanja prevođenja, i priznajući, zasada, da je gospodin Locke zaista komentiralo primjerak rukopisa tada u Bodleyevoj knjižnici, koji je prijepis za njega napravio g. Collins, kako će se, uz ovakav pristup, slučaj održati?
[Thu Sep 25 15:00:56 2003]
In Mr. Locke's letter (accepting it as such) he says:
U pismu gospodina Lockea (prihvaćajući ga takvim) on kaže:
[Thu Sep 25 15:08:19 2003]
"The manuscript, of which this is a copy, appears to be about 160 years old."
"Rukopis, čiji je ovo prijepis, čini se otprilike 160 godina starim."
[Thu Sep 25 15:12:00 2003]
Locke could have derived his knowledge of this fact only in two ways:
Locke je mogao izvesti svoje znanje o ovoj činjenici na samo dva načina:
[Thu Sep 25 15:12:00 2003]
from the date given in the manuscript, or from its style and language as belonging, in his opinion, to that period.
prema datumu navedenom u rukopisu, ili prema njegovom stilu i jeziku koji, prema Lockeovu mišljenju, pripadaju tom razdoblju.
[Thu Sep 25 15:16:56 2003]
But if he derived his knowledge from the date inserted at the head of the manuscript, that knowledge would be of no value, because it is the very question which is at issue.
No ako je svoje znanje izveo prema datumu umetnutom u zaglavlju rukopisa, to znanje ne bi imalo nikakvu vrijednost, jer upravo to pitanje predstavlja problem.
[Thu Sep 25 15:16:56 2003]
The writer of a forged document would affix to it the date necessary to carry out his imposture, which of course would be no proof of genuineness.
Pisac krivotvorenog dokumenta bi pridodao datum potreban da obavi svoju prijevaru, što dakako ne bi bio dokaz izvornosti.
[Thu Sep 25 15:21:23 2003]
But if Locke judged from the style, then it must be said that, though a great metaphysician and statesman, and no mean theologian, he was not an archaologist or antiquary, and never had any reputation as an expert in the judgment of old records.
No ako je Locke presuđivao prema stilu, onda se mora reći da, iako veliki metafizičar i državnik, niti loš teolog, on nije bio arheolog ili trgovac starinama, i nikada nije imao bilo kakav ugled kao stručnjak u prosudbi starih zapisa.
[Thu Sep 25 15:23:51 2003]
Of this we have a proof here, for the language of the Leland Manuscript is not that of the period in which Leland lived.
Za to imamo dokaz i ovdje, jer jezik Lelandovog Rukopisa nije ono razdoblje u kojem je Leland živio.
[Thu Sep 25 15:23:51 2003]
The investigator may easily satisfy himself of this by a collation of Leland's genuine works, or of the Cranmer Bible, which is of the same date.
Istraživač može lako zadovoljiti svoju radoznalost o tome tako da usporedi Lelandova originalna djela, ili Cranmerove Biblije, koja jednako datira.
[Thu Sep 25 15:27:35 2003]
But it may be said that Locke judged of the date, not by the style, but by the date of the manuscript itself.
Međutim može se reći da je Locke procijenio datum, ne prema stilu, nego prema datumu samog rukopisa.
[Thu Sep 25 15:34:14 2003]
And this is probably true, because he adds:
I to je vjerojatno istina, jer pridodaje:
[Thu Sep 25 15:35:04 2003]
"Yet (as your Lordship will observe by the title) it is itself a copy of one yet more ancient by about 100 years:
"Ipak je (kako će vaše gospodstvo primijetiti prema naslovu) ovo prijepis još jednog starijeg od otprilike 100 godina:
[Thu Sep 25 15:35:20 2003]
For the original is said to have been in the handwriting of K.
jer za izvornik je rečeno da je bio u rukopisu kralja Henrika VI.
[Thu Sep 25 15:41:41 2003]
Locke then judged only by the title - a very insufficient proof, as I have already said, of authenticity.
Locke je onda procijenio samo prema naslovu - vrlo nedostatan dokaz vjerodostojnosti, kao što sam već rekao.
[Thu Sep 25 15:43:49 2003]
So Locke seems to have thought, for he limits the positiveness of the assertion by the qualifying phrase "it is said."
Tako je čini se Locke i mislio, jer ograničava uvjerenost u tvrdnju sa ublažavajućim izrazom "rečeno je."
[Thu Sep 25 15:43:52 2003]
If we accept this for what it is worth, the claim will be that the original manuscript was written in the reign of Henrik VI.
Ako to prihvatimo po onome što vrijedi, tvrdnja će biti da je izvoran rukopis bio napisan za vladavine Henrika VI., ili oko sredine XV. stoljeća.
[Thu Sep 25 15:44:33 2003]
or about the middle of the 15th century.
ili oko sredine XV. stoljeća.
[Thu Sep 25 15:48:03 2003]
But here again the language is not of that period.
Ali opet, jezik ne pripada tom razdoblju.
[Thu Sep 25 15:55:16 2003]
The new English, as it is called, was then beginning to take that purer form which a century and a half afterward culminated in the classical and vigorous style of Cowler.
Novi engleski, kako je nazvan, je tada zadaobivao čišći oblik što je stoljeće i pol kasnije kulminiralo u klasičnojm i živom Cowlerovom stilu.
[Thu Sep 25 16:00:44 2003]
We find no such archaisms as those perpetrated in this document in the Repressor of over-much Blaming of the Clergy, written in the same reign, about 1450, by Bishop Pecock, nor in the Earl of Warwick's petition to Duke Humphrey, written in 1432, nor in any other of the writings of that period.
Ne nalazimo takve arhaizme kakvi su u ovom dokumentu niti u djelu Repressor of over-much Blaming Clergy, napisanom za iste vladavine otprilike 1450. od biskupa Pecocka, niti u peticiji grofa od Warwicka vojvodi od Humphreya, napisanu 1432., niti u bilo kojem drugom tekstu tog vremena.
[Thu Sep 25 16:00:44 2003]
It is not surprising, therefore, that the glossary or list of archaic words used in the document, by which from internal evidence we could be enabled to fix its date, has, according to Mr. Woodford, "always been looked upon with much suspicion by experts."
Ne iznenađuje, dakle, da su glosar, ili popis arhaičnih riječi korišten u tom dokumentu, prema kojem bi unutarnjim dokazom mi mogli odrediti datum, prema gospodinu Woodfordu "stručnjaci uvijek gledali sa mnogo sumnje."
[Thu Sep 25 16:06:44 2003]
If I may advance an hypothesis upon the subject, I should say that the style is a rather clumsy imitation of that of Sir John Mandeville, whose Voiage and Travaile was written in 1356, about a century before the pretended date of the Leland Manuscript.
Ako mogu postaviti pretpostavku na tu temu, ja bih rekao da je stil prije jedno nespretno oponašanje stila gospodina Johna Mandevillea, čiji je Voiage and Travaile bio napisan 1356., otprilike jedno stoljeće prije navodnog datuma Lelandovog Rukopisa.
[Thu Sep 25 16:09:15 2003]
An edition of this book was published at London in 1725.
Izdanje ove knjige je objavljeno u Londonu 1725.
[Thu Sep 25 16:11:55 2003]
It was, therefore, accessible to the writer of the Leland document.
Bilo je, dakle, pristupačno piscu Lelandovog dokumenta.
[Thu Sep 25 16:15:44 2003]
He being aware of the necessity of giving an air of antiquity to his forgery, and yet not a sufficiently skillful philologist to know the rapid strides that had taken place in the progress of the language between the time of Mandeville and the middle of the reign of Henrik VI.
Budući da je bio svjestan potrebe unošenja daha starine svojoj krivotvorini, a ipak nedovoljno vješt filolog da bi znao brze korake napretka koji su se desili u razvoju jezika između vremena Mandevillea i sredine vladavine Henrika VI.
[Thu Sep 25 16:16:39 2003]
adopted, to the best of his poor ability, the phraseology of that most credulous of all travelers, supposing that it would well fit into the period that he had selected for the date of his fraudulent manuscript.
usvojio je, najbolje što je svojom oskudnom sposobnosti mogao, frazeologiju tog najlakovjernijeg od svih putnika, pretpostavljajući da će se dobro uklopiti u razdoblje koje je izabrao kao datum svoj lažnog rukopisa.
[Thu Sep 25 16:21:19 2003]
His ignorance of philology has thus led to his detection.
Njegovo filološko neznanje ga je tako razotkrilo.
[Thu Sep 25 16:21:19 2003]
I am constrained, from all these considerations, to indorse the opinion of Mr. Halliwell Phillips, that "it is but a clumsy attempt at deception, and quite a parallel to the recently discovered one of the first Englishe Mercurie."
Prisiljen sam, prema svim ovim razmatranjima, potpisati mišljenje gospodina Halliwella Phillipsa, da "je to samo nespretan pokušaj u prijevari i prilično sličan nedavno pronađenom jednom od prvih djela Englishe Mercurie."
[Thu Sep 25 16:24:54 2003]
But the strangest thing in this whole affair is that so many men of learning should have permitted themselves to become the dupes of so bungling an impostor.
No najčudnija stvar u cijelom ovom slučaju je da se tako mnogo učenih ljudi dalo nasamariti jednoj tako nespretnoj varalici.
[Fri Sep 26 14:18:17 2003]
Before, however, proceeding to the discussion of these important subjects, and the investigation of the truly mythical character of Hiram Abif, it will be proper to inquire into the meaning of his name, or rather the meaning of the epithet that accompanies it.
Prije nego nastavimo raspravu o ovim važnim temama, i istraživanje pravog mitskog karaktera Hirama Abifa, bit će prikladno istražiti značenje njegova imena, ili bolje rečeno značenje epiteta koji ga prati.
[Fri Sep 26 14:26:21 2003]
In the places in Scripture in which he is mentioned he is called at one time (in 2 Chronicles ii.
Na mjestima u Svetom Pismu gdje je spomenut jednom ga kralj Tira naziva (u 2 Ljetopisa ii.,13)
[Fri Sep 26 14:27:22 2003]
13) by the King of Tyre, in the letter written by him to King Solomon, CHURAM ABI;
13) u pismu napisanom kralju Salomonu, CHURAM ABI;
[Fri Sep 26 14:29:45 2003]
in another place (in 2 Chronicles iv.
drugdje (na 2 Ljetopisa iv.16)
[Fri Sep 26 14:33:26 2003]
16), where the writer of the narrative is recording the work done by him for Solomon, CHURAM ABIV, or, as it might be pronounced according to the sound of the Hebrew letters, ABIU.
16), gdje pisac priče bilježi svoj rad za Salomona, CHURAM ABIV, ili, kako se to moglo izgovoriti u skladu sa zvukom hebrejskih slova, ABIU.
[Fri Sep 26 14:34:38 2003]
But Luther, in his German translation of the Bible, adopted the pronunciation ABIF, exchanging the flat v for the sharp f.
No Luther je, u svom njemačkom prijevodu Biblije, usvojio izgovor ABIF, mijenjajući slabi v za oštar f.
[Fri Sep 26 14:35:02 2003]
In this he was followed by Anderson, who was the first to present the full name of Hiram Abif to the Craft.
U tome ga je slijedio Anderson koji je prvi predstavio puno ime Hirama Abifa Zanatu.
[Fri Sep 26 14:35:32 2003]
This he did in
To je učinio u
[Fri Sep 26 14:35:32 2003]
the first edition of the English book of Constitutions.
prvom izdanju engleske knjige Konstitucija.
[Fri Sep 26 14:56:50 2003]
And since his time at least the appellation of Hiram Abif has been adopted by and become familiar to the Craft as the name of the cunning or skillful artist who was sent by Hiram, King of Tyre, to assist King Solomon in the construction of the Temple.
I barem od njegova vremena ime Hirama Abifa je usvojio Zanat i prihvatio ga kao ime lukava ili vješta umjetnika kojeg je poslao Hiram, kralj Tira, da pomogne kralju Salomonu u izgradnji hrama.
[Fri Sep 26 15:05:56 2003]
Now, the Abi and Abiv, used by the King of Tyre, in the book of Chronicles form no part of the name, but are simply inflections of the possessive pronouns my and his suffixed to the appellative Ab.
Abi i Abiv, kako je koristio kralj Tira, u Ljetopisima ne čine dio imena, nego je to jednostavno sklonidba posvojnih zamjenica moj i njegov nadodana općoj imenici Ab.
[Fri Sep 26 15:09:12 2003]
Ab in Hebrew means father, i is my, and in, iv, or if is his.
Ab na hebrejskom znači otac, i je moj, in, iv ili if je njegov.
[Fri Sep 26 15:18:53 2003]
But the word Ab in Hebrew, though primarily signifying a male parent, has other derivative significations.
No riječ Ab na hebrejskom, iako primarno označava muškog roditelja, ima i druga izvedena značenja.
[Fri Sep 26 15:44:33 2003]
It is evident that in none of the passages in which he is mentioned is it intended to intimate that he held such relationship to either the King of Tyre or the King of Israel.
Očigledno je da ni u jednom odlomku, u kojem je spomenut, nije bilo namjere da se stavi do znanja da on je imao takav odnos bilo sa kraljem Tira ili kraljem Izraela.
[Fri Sep 26 15:46:31 2003]
The word "father" was applied by the Hebrews as a term of honor, or to signify a station of pre-eminence.
Riječ "otac" se koristila kod Hebreja kao termin časti, ili za označavanje položaja prvenstva.
[Fri Sep 26 16:48:13 2003]
Buxtorf says it sometimes signified Master, and he cites the fourth chapter of Genesis, where Jabal is called the father of cattle and Jubal the father of musicians.
Buxtorf kaže da ponekad znači gospodar, i citira četvrto poglavlje Postanka gdje se Jabal naziva ocem stoke a Jubala ocem glazbenika.
[Fri Sep 26 17:12:03 2003]
Hiram Abif was most probably selected by the King of Tyre to be sent to Solomon as a skillful artificer of pre-eminent skill that he might execute the principal works in the interior of the Temple and fabricate the various utensils intended for the sacred services.
Hirama Abifa je najvjerojatnije izabrao kralj Tira i poslao ga Salomonu kao vještog majstora vrhunske umješnosti koji bi mogao izvršiti glavne radovi u unutarašnjosti Hrama i izraditi različite alate namijenjene svetoj službi.
[Mon Sep 29 10:53:31 2003]
But the word Ab in Hebrew, though primarily signifying a male parent, has other derivative significations.
No riječ Ab na hebrejskom, iako primarno označava muškog roditelja, ima i druga izvedena značenja.
[Mon Sep 29 10:54:43 2003]
It is evident that in none of the passages in which he is mentioned is it intended to intimate that he held such relationship to either the King of Tyre or the King of Israel.
Očigledno je da ni jednan odlomak gdje se on spominje nema namjeru staviti do znanja da je on bio u takvom odnosu bilo sa kraljem Tira ili kraljem Izraela.
[Mon Sep 29 10:56:47 2003]
The word "father" was applied by the Hebrews as a term of honor, or to signify a station of pre-eminence.
Riječ "otac" se kod Hebreja koristio kako termin izražavanja počasti ili označavanja položaja prvenstva.
[Mon Sep 29 10:59:47 2003]
Buxtorf says it sometimes signified Master, and he cites the fourth chapter of Genesis, where Jabal is called the father of cattle and Jubal the father of musicians.
Buxtorf kaže da je ponekad značio gospodar i citira četvrto poglavlje Postanka gdje se Jabal zove ocem stoke a Jubal ocem glazbenika.
[Mon Sep 29 11:29:42 2003]
Hiram Abif was most probably selected by the King of Tyre to be sent to Solomon as a skillful artificer of pre-eminent skill that he might execute the principal works in the interior of the Temple and fabricate the various utensils intended for the sacred services.
Hirama Abifa je najvjerojatnije izabrao kralj Tira da bi ga poslao Salomonu kao vještog majstora vrhunskih sposobnosti koji bi mogao izvršiti glavne radove u unutrašnjosti Hrama i izraditi različite alate namijenjene svetoj službi.
[Mon Sep 29 11:32:33 2003]
He was a master in his art or calling, and properly dignified with a title which announced his distinguished character.
Bio je majstor svog zanata ili struke i ispravno počašćen naslovom koji naviješta njegov ugled.
[Mon Sep 29 11:32:33 2003]
The title of Father, which was given to him, denotes, says Smith, the respect and esteem in which he was held, according to the similar custom of the people of the East at the present day.
Naslov oca, koji mu je bio nadjenut, označava, kaže Smith, poštivanje i ugled koje je imao, slično današnjem običaju ljudi s Istoka.
[Mon Sep 29 11:37:17 2003]
I am well pleased with the suggestion of Dr. McClintock that "Hiram my father seems to mean Hiram my counselor;
Ja sam prilično zadovoljan sugestijom Dr. McClintocka da "Hiram moj otac čini se da znači Hiram moj savjetnik;
[Mon Sep 29 11:40:40 2003]
that is to say, foreman or master-workman."
to jest, nadglednik ili majstor-radnik."
[Mon Sep 29 11:53:03 2003]
Applying this meaning to the passages in Chronicles which refer to this artist, we shall see how easily every difficulty is removed and the Craftsman Hiram placed in his true light.
Primjenjujući ovo značenje na odlomke Ljetopisa koji se odnose na ovog umjetnika, vidjet ćemo kako se lako svaka poteškoća uklanja i obrtnik Hiram je postavljen u svom pravom svjetlu.
[Mon Sep 29 11:54:18 2003]
When King Hiram, wishing to aid the King of Israel in his contemplated building, writes him a letter in which he promises to comply with the request of Solomon to send him timber from Lebanon and wood-cutters to hew it, as an additional mark of his friendship and his desire to contribute his aid in building "a house for Jehovah,' he gives him the services of one of his most skillful artisans and announces the gift in these words:
Kada kralj Hiram, želeći pomoći kralju Izraela u izgradnji njegove zamišljene građevine, piše pismo u kojem obećava udovoljiti Salomonovu zahtjevu da mu pošalje drvo iz Libanona i pilare da ga isijeku, kao dodatni znak svog prijateljstva i želje da doprinese gradnji "kuće za Jehovu,' on mu pruža usluge jednog od svojih najvještijih zanatlija i naviješta dar ovim riječima:
[Mon Sep 29 11:54:18 2003]
"And now I have sent a skillful man, endued with understanding, my master-workman Hiram."
"I sada šaljem vješta čovjeka, obdarenog razumijevanjem, mog majstora-radnika Hirama."
[Mon Sep 29 12:35:18 2003]
And when the historian who wrote the Chronicles of the kingdom had recapitulated all the work that Hiram had accomplished, such as the pillars of the porch, the lavers and the candlesticks, and the sacred vessels, he concludes by saying that all these things were made for King Solomon by his master-workman Hiram, in the Hebrew gnasah Huram Abif Lammelech Schelomoh.
I kada je povjesničar koji je napisao Ljetopise kraljevstva je rekapitulirao sve radove koje je Hiram obavio, kao što su stupovi trijema, umivaonici i svijećnjaci i svete posude, on zaključuje da je sve ove stvari za kralja Salomona izradio njegov majstoru-radnik Hiram, na hebrejskom gnasah Huram Abif Lammelech Schelomoh.
[Mon Sep 29 12:37:50 2003]
Hiram or Huram was his proper name.
Hiram ili Huram je bilo njegovo vlastito ime.
[Mon Sep 29 12:38:22 2003]
Ab, father of his trade or master-workman, his title, and i or if, my or his, the possessive pronominal suffix, used according to circumstances.
Ab, otac svog zanata ili majstor-radnik, njegov naslov, a i ili ako, moj ili njegov, posvojni zamjenički nastavak, korišten prema okolnostima.
[Mon Sep 29 12:39:32 2003]
The King of Tyre calls him Hiram Abi, "my master-workman."
Kralj Tira nazivvao ga je Hirama Abi, "moj majstor-radnik."
[Mon Sep 29 12:41:28 2003]
When the chronicler speaks of him in his relation to King Solomon, he calls him Hiram Abif "his master-workman."
Kada kroničar govori o njegovu odnosu sa kraljem Salomonom, naziva ga Hiram Abif "njegov majstor-radnik."
[Mon Sep 29 12:43:40 2003]
And as all his Masonic relations are with Solomon, this latter designation has been adopted, from Anderson, by the Craft.
I kako su svi njegovi slobodnozidarski odnosi sa Salomonom, ovu je potonju oznaku usvojio Zanat od Andersona.
[Mon Sep 29 12:43:40 2003]
Having thus disposed of the name and title of the personage who constitutes the main point in this Masonic Legend, I proceed to an examination of the origin and progressive growth of the myth.
Nakon što sam tako obrazložio ime i naslov osobe koja čini glavni lik u ovoj slobodnozidarskoj legendi, nastavljam istraživanje podrijetla i postupan razvoj mita.
[Mon Sep 29 12:52:49 2003]
"The Legend of the Temple-Builder," as he is commonly but improperly called, is so intimately connected in the ritual with the symbolic history of the Temple, that we would very naturally be led to suppose that the one has always been contemporary and coexistent with the other.
"Legenda o Graditelju Hrama," kako ga se često no neprikladno naziva, je tako blisko povezana u obredu sa simboličnom povijesti Hrama, da nas to vrlo prirodno može dovesti do pretpostavke da su jedan i drugi uvijek postojali zajedno i bili suvremenici.
[Mon Sep 29 13:02:39 2003]
The evidence on this point is, however, by no means conclusive or satisfactory, though a critical examination of the old manuscripts would seem to show that the writers of those documents, while compiling from traditional sources the Legend of the Craft, were not altogether ignorant of the rank and services that have been subsequently attributed by the Speculative Masons of the present day to Hiram Abif.
Dokaz za ovo nije međutim, niti odlučan niti zadovoljavajući, iako se čini da kritičko razmatranje starih rukopisa prikazuje da pisci tih dokumenata, sastavljajući Legendu o Zanatu iz tradicionalnih izvora , nisu svi bili neznalice o položaju i uslugama koje su kasnije pripisali današnji Spekulativni slobodni zidari Hiramu Abifu.
[Mon Sep 29 13:03:40 2003]
They certainly had some notion that in the building of the Temple at Jerusalem King Solomon had the assistance of a skillful artist who had been supplied to him by the King of Tyre.
Nedvojbeno su imali neku ideju da je pri izgradnji Hrama u Jeruzalemu kralj Salomon je imao pomoć vještog umjetnika kojeg mu je poslao kralj Tira.
[Mon Sep 29 13:04:59 2003]
The origin of the Legend must be looked for in the Scriptural account of the building of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Podrijetlo Legende se mora tražiti u biblijskom opisu izgradnje jeruzalemskog Hrama.
[Mon Sep 29 13:04:59 2003]
The story, as told in the books of Kings and Chronicles, is to this effect.
Priča je, kako je ispričana u Knjigama kraljeva i Ljetopisima, u tu svrhu.
[Mon Sep 29 13:13:32 2003]
On the death of King David, his son and successor, Solomon, resolved to carry into execution his father's long-contemplated design of erecting a Temple on Mount Moriah for the worship of Jehovah.
Na samrti kralja Davida, njegov sin i nasljednik Salomon je odlučio sprovesti u djelo dugo planiranu izgradnju hrama na planini Morija za štovanje Jehove.
[Mon Sep 29 13:22:59 2003]
But the Jews were not a nation of artisans, but rather of agriculturists, and had, even in the time of David, depended on the aid of the Phonicians in the construction of the house built for that monarch at the beginning of his reign.
No Židovi nisu bili narod zanatlija, nego prije poljodjelaca, i ovisili su, čak u doba Davida, o pomoći Feničana pri izgradnji kuće za tog vladara u početku njegove vladavine.
[Mon Sep 29 14:20:23 2003]
Solomon, therefore, applied to his ally, Hiram, King of Tyre, to furnish him with trees from Lebanon and with hewers to prepare them, for, as he said in his letter to the Tyrian King, "thou knowest that there is not any among us that can skill to hew timber like unto the Sidonians."
Salomon se, dakle, obratio svom savezniku Hiramu, kralju Tira, da ga opskrbi drvetom iz Libanona i tesarima koji će ga pripremiti, za, kako je kazao u svom pismu tirskom kralju, " vi znate da među nama nema vještih koji mogu istesati drvo poput Sidonaca."
[Mon Sep 29 14:25:10 2003]
Hiram complied with his request, and exchanged the skilled workmen of sterile Phonicia for the oil and corn and wine of more fertile Judea.
Hiram je udovoljio njegovu zahtjevu i zamijenio je majstore neplodne Fenicije za ulje, kukuruz i vino plodonosnije Judeje.
[Mon Sep 29 14:25:10 2003]
Among the artists who were sent by the King of Tyre to the King of Israel, was one whose appearance at Jerusalem seems to have been in response to the following application of Solomon, recorded in the second book of Chronicles, the second chapter, seventh verse:
Među umjetnicima, koje je kralj Tira poslao kralju Izraela, bio je i jedan čije je pojavljivanje u Jeruzalemu, čini se, bio odgovor na sljedeći Salomonov zahtjev, zabilježen u drugoj Knjizi ljetopisa, drugo poglavlje, sedmi stih:
[Mon Sep 29 14:49:55 2003]
"Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple and in crimson, and blue, and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah, and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide."
"Pošaljite mi dakle čovjeka umješna u radu sa zlatom, srebrom, mjedi, željezom i u ljubičastom i u grimiznom, i u plavom, i koji može rezbariti sa umješnim ljudima koji su sa mnom u Judeji i Jeruzalemu, što ih je moj otac David bio našao."
[Mon Sep 29 14:51:42 2003]
In the epistle of King Hiram, responsive to this request, contained in the same book and chapter, in the thirteenth and fourteenth verses, are the following words:
U poslanici kralja Hirama, odgovarajući na ovaj zahtjev, sadržanoj u istoj knjizi i poglavlju, u trinaestom i četrnaestom stihu, su sljedeće riječi:
[Mon Sep 29 14:59:48 2003]
"And now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding, of Huram my father's.
"Poslao sam umješna čovjeka, obdarenog razumijevanjem, od Hurama, moga oca.
[Mon Sep 29 15:06:04 2003]
The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skillful to work in gold and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson;
Sin žene od kćeri Danovih, i njegov otac bijaše čovjek iz Tira, vješt u radu sa zlatom, srebrom, mjedi, željezom, u kamenu, drvu, sa ljubičastim, sa plavim, na finom platnu i sa grimizom;
[Mon Sep 29 15:07:46 2003]
A further description of him is given in the seventh chapter of the first book of Kings, in the thirteenth and fourteenth verses, and in these words :
Daljnji njegov opis sadržan je u sedmon poglavlju prve Knjige kraljeva, u trinaestom i četrnaestom stihu i ovim riječima:
[Mon Sep 29 15:19:12 2003]
"And King Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.
"I kalj Salomon poslaše Hirama iz Tira.
[Mon Sep 29 15:32:54 2003]
He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali - and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass;
Bio je sin udovice iz plemena Naftali - a njegov otac bijaše iz Tira, obrađivač mjedi;
[Mon Sep 29 15:40:37 2003]
and he was filled with wisdom and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass, and he came to King Solomon and wrought all his work."
i bijaše pun mudrosti i znanja i umješan u obradi mjedi i dođe kralju Salomonu i napravi sav njegov posao."
[Mon Sep 29 15:45:42 2003]
It is very evident that this was the origin of the Legend which was incorporated into the Masonic system, and which, on the institution of Speculative Freemasonry, was adopted as the most prominent portion of the Third Degree.
Očigledno je da je ovo bio izvor Legende koja je bila ugrađena u slobodnozidarski sustav, i koja je, pri osnivanju spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, bila usvojena kako najistaknutiji dio Trećeg stupnja.
[Mon Sep 29 15:45:42 2003]
The mediaval Masons were acquainted with the fact that King Solomon had an assistant in the works of the Temple, and that that assistant had been sent to him by King Hiram, But there was considerable confusion in their minds upon the subject, and an ignorance of the scriptural name and attributes of the person.
Srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari su bili upoznati sa činjenicom da je kralj Salomon imao pomoćnika u izgradnji Hrama, i da mu je tog pomoćnika poslao kralj Hiram. Međutim postojala je priličnu pomutnja u vezi teme te neznanje o biblijskim imenima i značajkama osobe.
[Mon Sep 29 15:57:51 2003]
In the Halliwell MS.
U Halliwellovom MS.
[Mon Sep 29 16:05:20 2003]
the earliest known to us, the Legend is not related.
nama najraniji poznatom, Legenda nije ispričana.
[Mon Sep 29 16:05:37 2003]
Either the writers of the two poems of which that manuscript is composed were ignorant of it, or in the combination of the two poems there has been a mutilation and the Hiramic Legend has been omitted.
Ili pisci tih dviju pjesama, od kojih se taj rukopis sastoji, nisu ništa znali o Legendi, ili su kod kombiniranja tih dviju pjesama neki dijelovi otpali pa je Hiramska legenda bila izostavljena.
[Mon Sep 29 16:10:53 2003]
In the Cooke MS.
U Cookeovom MS.
[Mon Sep 29 16:10:59 2003]
which is a hundred years later, we meet with the first allusion to it and the first error, which is repeated in various forms in all the subsequent manuscript constitutions.
sto godina kasnije, susrećemo se s prvom aluzijom na nju i prvom pogreškom, koja se u različitim oblicima ponavlja u svim kasnijim rukopisima.
[Mon Sep 29 16:16:03 2003]
That manuscript says:
Taj rukopis kaže:
[Mon Sep 29 16:16:47 2003]
"And at the makyng of the temple in Salamonis tyme as hit is seyd in the bibull in the iii boke of Regum in tertio Regum capitulo quinto, that Salomon had iiii score thousand masons at his werke.
"I u gradnji hrama u Salamonovo vrijeme, kako je rečeno u Bibliji u Trećoj knjizi kraljeva, u trećem kraljevstvu peto poglavlje, Salomon je imao četiri tisuće zidara na radovima. A sin kralja od Tira bijaše majstor zidar."
[Mon Sep 29 16:24:28 2003]
The reference here made to the third book of Kings is according to the old distribution of the Hebrew canon, where the two books of Samuel are called the first and second books of Kings.
Ovdje se upućuje na treću Knjiga kraljeva prema staroj raspodjeli hebrejskog kanona gdje su dvije knjige Samuela nazvane prva i druge Knjiga kraljeva.
[Mon Sep 29 16:24:55 2003]
According to our present canon, the reference would be to the fifth chapter of the first book of Kings, In that chapter nothing is said of Hiram Abif, but it js recorded there that "Adoniram was over the levy."
Prema našem sadašnjem kanonu, upućivanje bi trebalo biti na peto poglavlje prve Knjige kraljeva. U tom se poglavlju ništa ne govori o Hiramu Abifu, nego je samo zabilježeno da "Adoniram je bio iznad poreza."
[Mon Sep 29 17:08:45 2003]
Now the literal meaning of Adoniram is the lord Hiram.
Doslovno značenje Adonirama je lord Hiram.
[Mon Sep 29 17:10:33 2003]
As the King of Tyre had promised to send his workmen to Lebanon, and as it is stated that Adoniram superintended the men who were there hewing the trees, the old legendist, not taking into account that the levy of thirty thousand, over whom Adoniram presided, were Israelites and not Phonicians, but supposing that they had been sent to Lebanon by Hiram, King of Tyre, and that he had sent Adoniram with them, and viewing the word as meaning the lord Hiram, hastily came to the conclusion that this Lord or Prince Hiram was the son of the King.
Kako je kralj Tira bio obećao poslati svoje radnike u Libanon, i kako je rečeno da je Adoniram nadzirao ljude koji su tesali drvo, stari pisac legendi, ne uzimajući u obzir da je tih trideset tisuća radnika, kojima je upravljao Adoniram, bili Izraelićani a ne Feničani, nego pretpostavljajući da ih je poslao na u Libanon Hiram, kralj Tira, i da je on s njima poslao Adonirama, a smatrajući da riječ znači lord Hiram, prebrzo je došao do zaključka da je taj lord ili princ Hiram bio sin kralja.
[Mon Sep 29 17:10:33 2003]
And hence he made the mistake of saying that the son of the King of Tyre was the person sent to Solomon to be his master-mason or master-builder.
I tako je napravio pogrešku govoreći da je sin kralja Tira bio osoba poslana Salomonu kao njegov majstor-zidar ili majstor-graditelj.
[Mon Sep 29 17:26:40 2003]
conjecturally dated at A.
godine, rečeno
[Mon Sep 29 17:33:44 2003]
"And furthermore there was a Kinge of another region that men called IRAM, and he loved well Kinge Solomon and he gave him tymber to his worke.
"I nadalje, postojao je kralj jedne druge zemlje nazvanog IRAM, i on je jako volio kralja Salomona i dao mu je drvo za njegove radove.
[Mon Sep 29 17:34:27 2003]
And he had a sonn that height (was called) A YNON, and he was a Master of Geometrie and was chief Master of all his Masons, and was Master of all his gravings and carvinge and of all manner of Masonrye that longed to the Temple."
I on je imao sina (nazvanog) AYNON, i on je bio majstor geometrije i glavni majstor svih njegovih zidara, i majstor rezbarenja i svih zidarskih radova na Hramu."
[Mon Sep 29 17:36:36 2003]
There can be no doubt that A ynon is here a corruption of Adon.
Nema sumnje da je Aynon iskrivljeni Adon.
[Mon Sep 29 17:47:42 2003]
It seems almost certain that the initial letter a in this name has been, by careless writing, dislocated from the remaining letters, man, and that the true reading is Aman, which is itself an error, instead of Amon, and this a manifest corruption of Adon.
Čini se gotovo sigurnim da je početno slovo tog imena bilo, zbog nemarnog pisanja, odvojeno od preostalih slova, man (čovjek), i da je ispravno čitanje Aman (jedan čovjek), što je pogrešno, umjesto Amon, i to je očito iskrivljeno od Adon.
[Mon Sep 29 17:47:53 2003]
Number I, which is about forty years later (A.D.
To je također ime lože Hopeovog MS, datiranog iz godine 1680.
[Tue Sep 30 15:20:57 2003]
It, however, retains the statement from the Old Legend, that the artist was the son of King Hiram.
On, međutim, zadržava navod iz starih legendi da je zanatlija bio sin kralja Hirama.
[Tue Sep 30 15:21:48 2003]
But it changes his name to that of Benaim.
Međutim, mijenja mu ime u Benaim.
[Tue Sep 30 15:46:15 2003]
probably an incorrect inflection of the Hebrew word Boneh, a builder, and shows that the writer, in an attempt to correct the error of the preceding legendists who had corrupted Adon into Anon or Amon, or Ajuon, had in his smattering of Hebrew committed a greater one.
vjerojatno netočna sklonidba glasa hebrejske riječi Boneh, graditelj, i ukazuje da je pisac zbog vrlo površnog znanja o hebrejskom pri pokušaju ispravljanja pogreške ranijih pisaca legendi koji su iskrivili Adona u Anon ili Amon, ili Ajuon, počinio još jednu veću.
[Tue Sep 30 15:49:22 2003]
is utterly worthless as authority.
je potpuno bezvrijedan kao izvor.
[Tue Sep 30 15:51:50 2003]
It is a forgery, written most probably, I think I may say certainly, after the publication of the first edition of Anderson's Constitutions, and of course, takes the name from that work.
To je krivotvorina, napisan najvjerojatnije, mislim da mogu kazati sigurno, nakon objavljivanja prvih izdanja Andersonovih Konstitucija, i dakako, preuzima ime iz tog djela.
[Tue Sep 30 15:54:23 2003]
The name of Hiram Abif is first introduced to public notice by Anderson in 1723, in the book of Constitutions printed in that year.
Ime Hirama Abifa je prvi puta predstavio javnosti Anderson, 1723., u Knjizi Konstitucija, tiskanoj te iste godine.
[Tue Sep 30 15:54:23 2003]
In this work he changes the statement made in the Legend of the Craft, and says that the King of Tyre sent to King Solomon "his namesake Hiram Abif, the prince of architects."
U ovome djelu on mijenja navod iz Legende o Zanatu i kaže da je kralj Tira poslao kralju Salomonu "svog imenjaka Hirama Abifa, princa arhitekata."
[Tue Sep 30 16:08:18 2003]
Then quoting in the original Hebrew a passage from the second book of Chronicles, where the name of Hiram Abif is to be found, he explains it "by allowing the word Abif to be the surname of Hiram the Mason;"
Zatim navodeći izvorni hebrejski odlomak iz druge knjige Ljetopisa, gdje se nalazi ime Hirama Abifa, on ga objašnjava "dopuštajući da je riječ Abif prezime Hirama zidara;"