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[Fri Sep 05 12:37:35 2003]
Vratar se postavlja u raskoračni stav ili u raskorak sa pretkorakom u strance s razmakom između nogu oko duljine jednog stopala i to tako da težina tijela bude u većem dijelu na nozi koja se nalazi sprijeda, odnosno na stopalu.
The goalkeeper places himself in a straddle position or in a straddle with a step to the side with the distance between his legs around the length of one soccer boot and so that that the weight of his body is mostly on the leg which is in front, in other words on the foot.
[Fri Sep 05 12:38:07 2003]
U koljenima su obje noge nešto malo savijene.
In knees both legs are slightly bent.
[Fri Sep 05 12:39:08 2003]
Koljena po mogućnosti primaknemo jedno drugom.
If possible the knees should be brought closer to each other.
[Fri Sep 05 12:40:20 2003]
Gornji dio tijela malo se nagne naprijed, a ruke savijene u laktovima pružimo naprijed, a dlanovi su okrenuti gore.
The top part of the body should slightly lean forward, and the arms should be bent and stretched forward in the elbows, and the palms turned up.
[Fri Sep 05 12:42:41 2003]
Ali prije nego što lopta dirne grudni koš dlanove i podlaktice iz laktova potegnemo naviše i pritisnemo loptu uz tijelo.
But before than the ball touches the chest the palms and the forearms from the elbows are pulled upward and we press the ball towards the body.
[Fri Sep 05 12:42:59 2003]
U trenutku kada lopta dirne grudni koš težina tijela s prednje noge premješta se na nogu koja se nalazi pozadi.
At the moment when the ball touches the chest the weight of the body moves from the foreleg to the back leg.
[Fri Sep 05 12:43:55 2003]
Na taj način udarna površina koja stoji nasuprot lopti spusti se unazad.
In this way the striking surface which stands opposite the ball is lowered backward.
[Fri Sep 05 12:44:51 2003]
Dakle snagu lopte umanjujemo u znatnoj mjeri amortiziramo.
Therefore the force of the ball is reduced to a considerable degree.
[Fri Sep 05 12:45:50 2003]
Loptu koja nam dolazi u visini grudi ili više, a stojeći na podlozi, nećemo moći uhvatiti na ranije opisani način.
The ball which is coming at the height of the chst or higher, while standing on the ground, we will not be able to catch in the earlier described way.
[Fri Sep 05 12:47:01 2003]
Tada malo skočimo uvis s jednom ili objema nogama toliko da bi loptu mogli i znali primiti na grudi.
We then jump up slightly with one or both legs enought to be able to and know how to take the onto the chest.
[Fri Sep 05 12:48:33 2003]
Kod branjenja lopti koje se kreću u visini glave postoji još jedan način hvatanja, a koji se uglavnom koristi onda ako protivnika nema u blizini.
When defending against balls which move at the height of the heads there exists another way of catching, and which generally used when the opponent is not close by.
[Fri Sep 05 12:49:31 2003]
Dakle ne treba računati na to da će protivnički navalni igrači napasti vratara.
Therefore we should not count on the opposing forwards to attack the goalkeeper.
[Fri Sep 05 12:50:00 2003]
Iz osnovnog položaja ruke savijene u laktovima podignemo u visinu ispred linije grudnog koša tako da su dlanovi okrenuti naprijed.
From the basic position of arms bent in the elbows we lift the arms up to the line of the chest so that the palms are turned forward.
[Fri Sep 05 12:50:34 2003]
Palci i kažiprst ruku nalaze se blizu jedni drugima.
The thumbs and the index finger of the arms are close to each other.
[Fri Sep 05 12:51:06 2003]
Položaj nogu podudara se s položajem nogu kod osnovnog položaja, a gornji dio tijela skoro je potpuno okomit.
The position of the legs corresponds with the position of the legs in the basic position, and the top of the body is almost completely vertical.
[Fri Sep 05 12:51:18 2003]
U onom trenutku kada lopta dođe u dodir sa dlanovima, ruke malo popustimo unazad.
In the moment when the ball comes in touch with the palms, bring the arms slightly backward.
[Fri Sep 05 12:52:29 2003]
Smanjujemo, amortiziramo snagu lopte.
We diminish, amortize the strength of the ball.
[Fri Sep 05 12:53:23 2003]
Ako ovo popuštanje unazad izvršimo s odgovarajućom brzinom, lopta se umiri u 'gnijezdu' koje sačinjavaju dlanovi s prstima.
If this giving in backwards is done with the appropriate speed, the ball will be calmed down in the "nest' which is made up of the palms and fingers.
[Fri Sep 05 12:54:21 2003]
Nakon što je lopta uhvaćena, ukoliko ne stoji protivnik u blizini i ne smatramo da će nas bilo tko napasti, onda loptu primimo na prsa.
After the ball has been caught, unless the opponent is not standing close by and we do not believe that anyone will attack us, we then bring the all to the chest.
[Fri Sep 05 12:54:23 2003]
Ovo se izvodi tako da dlanovi loptu mekano ispuste, a lopta padne u 'gnijezdo' koje smo u međuvremenu načinili od ruku i grudnog koša (sl.
This is done so that the palms softly drop the ball, and the ball falls into the "nest' which we have in the meanwhile made from our arms and chest (Fig.
[Fri Sep 05 12:54:42 2003]
Hvatanje poluvisoke lopte).
Catching a Semi-High Ball).
[Mon Sep 01 09:31:57 2003]
Ovakva situacija dogodit će se obično onda ako predana lopta u luku nije dovoljno dugačka tj. dolazi iza leđa, a međutim smo već krenuli u nekom pravcu i nagla promjena pravca kretanja predstavljala bi poteškoće.
Such situation occurs usually if a ball passed in the arc is not long enough i.e. it comes behind the back, and as we have are already set forth in some direction a sudden change of course would represent problems.
[Mon Sep 01 09:40:02 2003]
Loptu, koja mu dolazi iza leđa povlači (naprijed) ispred sebe ili je podiže i to s vanjskim dijelovima opružene noge unazad, s petom i vanjskim dijelom stopala.
The ball, coming from behind the back he pulls (forward) in front of himself or raises it with the outer part of the leg streched backward, with the heel and outer part of the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 09:41:57 2003]
U svakom slučaju i bezuvjetno trebamo naglasiti da radi male i prilično neravne podloge (udarne), dodirno primanje lopte s petom ne može biti ravno i takmičiti se s ostalim primanjima lopte.
In any case and absolutely we need to stress that because of a small and quite uneven ground (hitting), receiving the ball with the heel cannot be straight and do not compete with other ball receivings.
[Mon Sep 01 09:44:13 2003]
Ako nam lopta dolazi tako da je možemo preuzeti i s drugim dijelovima tijela, tada treba izbjegavati prijam lopte petom.
If the ball arrives in a way that it can be taken over with another parts of the body also, then the ball receiving with a heel should be avoided.
[Mon Sep 01 09:44:13 2003]
I kod dobrog i uspješnog primanja lopta će prilično daleko i u luku pasti ispred igrača koji je prima, ali to pruža mogućnost da reagira (intervenira) igrač protivničke obrane.
Even in good and successful receivings the ball will fall guite fare away and in the arc in front of the player receiving it, but that gives the possibility to react (intervene) to the player of the opponent defense.
[Mon Sep 01 09:54:34 2003]
Za vrijeme primanja lopte petom težina tijela se nalazi na nozi na koju se oslanjamo ali koja je jako savijena u koljenima.
When receiving the ball with a heel the body weight is on the leg on which we are leaning but which is considerably bent in the knee.
[Mon Sep 01 09:55:20 2003]
Vrh (špic) stopala postavljen je koso i okrenut je naprijed.
Tip (point) of the foot is inclined and turned forward.
[Mon Sep 01 09:56:49 2003]
Gornji dio tijela savijemo naprijed i okrenemo ga malo u pravcu druge noge.
The upper part of the body is bend forward and turned slightly in the direction of another leg.
[Mon Sep 01 09:58:36 2003]
Ruka koja je identična s nogom na koju se oslanjamo držimo opruženu naprijed i to labavo, a druga ruka je u malome zamahu nazad.
The hand identical to the leg on which we are leaning is kept streched forward and loose, and another hand is slightly swung backward.
[Mon Sep 01 10:00:16 2003]
Drugu nogu iz kuka pomalo izvrćemo prema van i umjereno savijenu u koljenima, zamahnemo unazad toliko koliko zahtijeva visina dolazeće lopte.
Another leg from the hip is slowly twisted outward and slightly bent in the knee, swung backward as much as requested by the height of the arriving ball.
[Mon Sep 01 10:02:56 2003]
Stopalo noge držimo tako i u tome položaju da je njena uzdužna os paralelna s tlom i da lopta padne na nju kao na jednu ravnu ploču.
The foot is kept in such a position so that is its longitudinal axis is parallel to the ground and that the ball falls on it as on one flat board.
[Mon Sep 01 10:03:36 2003]
Podizanje i prebacivanje lopte ispred sebe obavlja se s malim zamahom noge prema gore (uvis), a za vrijeme te radnje još više i bolje naprijed nagnemo gornji dio tijela.
Raising and throwing of the ball in front of oneself is performed with slight leg swings upward (up), and while doing so, lean forward even more with the upper part of the body.
[Mon Sep 01 10:03:38 2003]
Za vrijeme izvršavanja tog pokreta pogled je na lopti (sl.
While performing this movement the eyes are on the ball (fig.
[Mon Sep 01 10:04:34 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte petom).
Technique of receiving the ball with a heel).
[Mon Sep 01 10:17:14 2003]
Vanjskom ivicom s unazad zamahnutom nogom i s vanjskom ivicom stopala dodirujemo jedno za drugim više puta donju ivicu prepone koja koristi u lakoj - atletici ili pak donju ivicu ograde.
The outer edge with swung backward the leg swung and with the outer edge of the foot touch in a row several times the lower edge of the groins which is useful in light athletics or the lower edge of the fence.
[Mon Sep 01 10:20:33 2003]
Uvježbavajmo primanje obješene i mirne lopte iz stojećeg stava na jednome mjestu.
drill the receiving of hanged and still balls from a standing position in one place.
[Mon Sep 01 10:21:14 2003]
Vježbe se rade u parovima.
Drills performed in pairs.
[Mon Sep 01 10:21:28 2003]
Jedan igrač izvršava primanje lopte s petom više puta dok drugi zaustavlja lopte.
One player performs the receiving of balls with the heel several times while the other player stops balls.
[Mon Sep 01 10:21:28 2003]
Poslije izvjesnog vremena uloge se mijenjaju.
After some time the roles change.
[Mon Sep 01 10:23:41 2003]
Vježbanje u troje.
Training in three.
[Mon Sep 01 10:25:31 2003]
Jedan učenik (igrač) stane iza drugoga učenika (igrača) i baca loptu uvis okomito na visinu dva metra.
one student (player) stands behind the other student (player) and throws the ball up vertically on the height of two meters.
[Mon Sep 01 10:25:31 2003]
Igrač s petom podiže loptu suigraču koji stoji sprijeda, a zatim malo potrči unaprijed, načini polu okret i čeka loptu koja mu ponovno dolazi.
Player with the heel raises the ball to the teammate who is standing in front, and then slightly runs forward, performs a half turn and waits for the ball arriving towards him again.
[Mon Sep 01 10:45:30 2003]
Najčešća se greška javlja kad 'preuzimač' ne ispruži dovoljno nogu iz kukova unazad već bedra povuče ispod sebe.
The most common mistake is when the "receiver' does not strech the leg out sufficiently backward from the hips but pulls the thighs below himself.
[Mon Sep 01 10:45:30 2003]
Iz takvoga je položaja teško izvršavati potreban mali zamah noge prema gore u trenutku kada se noga dodiruje s loptom.
From such position it is difficult to perform a necessary small leg swing upward in the moment in which the leg touches the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 10:52:52 2003]
se uzdužna os
the longitudinal axis
[Mon Sep 01 10:55:57 2003]
Tada udarna površina nije u vodoravnome položaju već u kosom.
Then the striking surface is not in the horizontal position but leaning.
[Mon Sep 01 10:55:57 2003]
Posljedica je da se lopta ne odbije u pravcu kretanja već se obično skotrlja u stranu s noge.
Consequence of this is that the ball does not rebound in the direction of moving but usually it rolls down to the side from the leg.
[Mon Sep 01 11:02:19 2003]
Za vrijeme igre se događaju i takve situacije kada nemamo vremena podići nogu da bismo zaustavili loptu stopalom.
During the game there are even such situations when there is no time to raise the leg in order to stop the ball with a foot.
[Mon Sep 01 11:02:43 2003]
Lopta koja je pred nama pala na podlogu ili ono češće, da nije posve sigurno loptu zaustaviti stopalom na sklizavom terenu (vlažnoj travi).
The ball fallen in front of us more often on the ground, or that it is not entirely safe the ball to stop with a foot on a slippery ground (wet grass).
[Mon Sep 01 11:02:43 2003]
Naime, lagano se odsklizne u stranu ispred stopala.
In other words, it easily slides away to the side in front of the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 11:10:03 2003]
S obje potkoljenice (eventualno samo s jednom), lopta se može sigurno primiti ili u malim izvršenim pripremama zaustaviti, a koja nam dolazi u susret i pred nama udari u podlogu.
With both lower legs (possibly with only one), the ball can be safely received or stopped in less intensive preparations, and which is coming towards us and hits the ground in front of us.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:40 2003]
Činjenica je da je sigurnije na sklizavom terenu tako loptu zaustaviti već sa stopalom (đonom).
It is a fact that it is more safely to stop the ball in this way on the slippery ground already with the foot (sole).
[Mon Sep 01 11:14:01 2003]
Međutim s gledišta sigurnosti zaustavljanja općenito ne može biti ravan zaustavljanju lopte s nutarnjom stranom stopala.
However from the point of view of stopping safety in general it could not be on the same level with stopping with the inner side of the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 11:16:04 2003]
Naime, radi konstitucije potkoljenice ne može se točno izračunati pravac odbijanja lopte, a naročito ne ako nam dolazi jaka lopta.
In other words, the direction of rebound cannot be accurately calculated because of the lower leg's structure , and especially not if a strong ball is arriving.
[Mon Sep 01 11:22:57 2003]
S cijelom težinom tijela oslonimo se na stopala koje postavimo paralelno jedno do drugog u razmaku od oko 10 cm i to 20-30 cm ispred mjesta gdje očekujemo da će lopta pasti na podlogu.
With the entire body weight lean on feet which are parallel at the distance of about 10 cm and 20-30 cm in front of the place where the ball is expected to fall on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 11:22:57 2003]
Stanemo i postavimo se nasuprot dolazeće lopte.
Stand and take position opposite to the arriving ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:26:43 2003]
Težište tijela nešto malo potiskujemo naprijed tako da oba koljena umjereno savijemo i pete podignemo od podloge.
Push the center body of gravity slightly forward so that both knees are slightly bent and heels lifted from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 11:27:00 2003]
Gornji dio tijela se sasvim blago nagne naprijed, a ruke su ispred tijela, odnosno održavamo ravnotežu.
The upper body leans entirely slightly forward, and hands are in front of the body, that is they maintain balance.
[Mon Sep 01 11:27:00 2003]
Pogledom pratimo loptu.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:34:52 2003]
Ako s loptom imamo druge namjere i ciljeve, a što je nužno činiti da bi ona skočila pred nas, tada se nećemo zadovoljiti s pasivnom ulogom potkoljenice.
If we want to do something else with the ball, which is necessary for making the ball jump in front of us, then the passive role of the lower leg is not satifactory.
[Mon Sep 01 11:36:00 2003]
Tada trebamo izazvati i aktivirati silu koja djeluje suprotno od sile lopte koja nam dolazi odbijena od podloge.
Then we need cause and activate a force which is opposite to the force of the ball which comes to us after the rebound from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 11:37:03 2003]
To postižemo tako da prilikom sudara lopte s potkoljenicama, koljena pritisnemo malo naprijed.
This is achieved by pressing the knees slightly forward during the collision of the ball with lower legs.
[Mon Sep 01 11:37:43 2003]
Uslijed ovog pokreta i potkoljenice će se potisnuti naprijed.
During this movement lower legs will also be pushed forward.
[Mon Sep 01 11:38:21 2003]
Ovaj mali pokret prouzrokovat će kolutanje lopte naprijed.
This little movement will cause the ball to roll forward.
[Mon Sep 01 11:39:09 2003]
Nakon zaustavljanja lopte odnosno poslije potiskivanja, koljena se skoro potpuno ispravljaju.
After stopping the ball that is after the pushing, the knees are almost entirely straight.
[Mon Sep 01 11:39:28 2003]
Pete stavimo na podlogu, a ruke zauzmu prirodno držanje.
Put the heels on the ground, and keep the hands in the natural position.
[Mon Sep 01 11:39:29 2003]
Dakle, zauzimamo pripremni položaj (sl.
Therefore, we are taking the preparatory position (fig.
[Mon Sep 01 11:39:47 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte potkoljenicama).
Technique of receiving the ball with lower legs).
[Mon Sep 01 11:45:08 2003]
Izvršavanje pokreta bez lopte (5-6 puta).
Performing the movement without the ball (5-6 times).
[Mon Sep 01 11:45:08 2003]
Opisane tehničke radnje izvršavajmo najprije u mjestu s blagim opružanjem i stezanjem koljena (klizanjem koljena), a zatim za vrijeme laganog hoda, nakon malog saskoka.
The described technical actions are performed first in the place slighlty stretching and tightening of the knees (sliding of the knees), and then during easy walking, after a slight landing.
[Mon Sep 01 11:48:24 2003]
Sa udaljenosti od 3-4 metra bacimo loptu u luku učeniku (igraču) koji stoji pred nama tako da lopta padne ispred potkoljenica i poslije prvog odskoka s podloge udari u potkoljenice koje se koso naprijed potiskuje.
from the distance of 3-4 meter we throw the ball in the arc to the student (player) who stands in front of us so that the ball falls in front of the lower legs and after the first rebound from the ground hits the lower legs which are pushed forward in a slanting way.
[Mon Sep 01 11:52:37 2003]
Učenik (igrač) sam sebi baci loptu uvis do visine glave te nakon drugog, a kasnije poslije prvog odskoka, zaustavi je ali je gura pred sebe s potkoljenicama.
Student (the player) throws the ball to himself up to the height of the head and after the second, and later after the first rebound, has stops it but it pushes it in front of himself with lower legs.
[Mon Sep 01 12:03:45 2003]
Sami sebi bacimo loptu o zid i to malo ukoso.
We throw the ball to ourselves by hitting it against the wall, slightly diagonally.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:06 2003]
Loptu koja se od zida odbila treba za vrijeme kretanja u stranu (bočno) zaustaviti s potkoljenicama, a zatim je staviti pred sebe.
The ball rebounded from the wall needs to be stopped with lower legs while moving to the side (sideways), and then put in front.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:06 2003]
Pomoću kretanja (manjega pomicanja) nogu naprijed, primanje lopte treba izvršavati najprije poslije drugog a zatim nakon prvog odskoka.
By moving (slightly shifting) the leg forward, the recepetion of the ball needs to be performed first after the second and then after the first rebound.
[Mon Sep 01 12:13:31 2003]
Igrač (učenik) se ne podiže s pete već stojeći na punom stopalu i peti izvršava pokrete.
Player (student) does not raise from the heel but by standing on the entire foot and heel performs movements.
[Mon Sep 01 12:14:21 2003]
Pokreti nogu na taj način neće biti tako mekani, naime djelomično će izostati rad pregiba članka zgloba.
Leg movements will not be soft in this way, that is, the movement of the bend of joint article will be partially missing.
[Mon Sep 01 12:15:22 2003]
Iz ovakvoga položaja mnogo je teže izvršiti i eventualno započinjanje pokreta nakon primanja lopte.
From such position it is much harder to perform and maybe begin the movement after receiving the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:16:38 2003]
Naime, ako tjelesna težina leži na stopalima i na petama tada težište tijela po svojoj prirodi dospije više unazad.
That is, if the bodyweight is on the feet and heels then the center of body gravity to its nature goes more backward.
[Mon Sep 01 12:17:53 2003]
Ako pete pustimo na podlogu onda( iz toga ovo rezultira) što stopala noge ometaju pad lopte na podlogu kao neka prepreka.
If the heels are on the ground then (it actually results from this this results) feet interfere with the fall of the ball on the ground as an obstacle.
[Mon Sep 01 12:18:43 2003]
Ako međutim petu podignemo, onda gornji dio stopala (punim hrptom), stoji u odnosu s podlogom u izvjesnom kutu.
If however the heel rises, then upper part of the foot (with the instep), is in relation with the ground under some angle.
[Mon Sep 01 12:18:43 2003]
Dakle, ne da ometa, već pruža lopti direktno mogućnost, da što bliže padne pod potkoljenice.
Therefore, it does not interfere, but gives the ball a direct possibility, to closer fall under the lower leg.
[Mon Sep 01 12:24:24 2003]
već vrhovi kopački gledaju vani ili unutra.
but tips to the football boot are turned outside or inside.
[Mon Sep 01 12:25:39 2003]
U ovome slučaju ako koljena potiskujemo naprijed, dakle poslije savijanja koljena, niti potkoljenice neće ostati i biti paralelne.
In this case if the knees are pushed forward, therefore after bending the knees, lower legs will not also remain parallel.
[Mon Sep 01 12:26:24 2003]
Ako stopala gledaju van, ako su vrhovi kopački (stopala) okrenuti van, tada se koljena rašire.
If the feet are turned out, if the tips of the football boots (feet) are turned out, then the knees get spread.
[Mon Sep 01 12:27:32 2003]
Međutim, ako su vrhovi stopala okrenuti jedan prema drugom tada i dvije pete stoje dalje jedna od druge.
However, if the tips of the feet are turned one towards the other then even two heels are further one from the other.
[Mon Sep 01 12:27:32 2003]
U oba slučaja postoji opasnost da se lopta kroz nastali otvor provuče i tada neće uspjeti zaustavljanje.
In either case there is a risk to the ball slips through the opening and the stopping is not successful.
[Mon Sep 01 12:33:04 2003]
A uslijed toga sudar (lopte s potkoljenicama) bit će suviše žestok, a lopta će se odbiti od igrača.
And thereby the collision (of the ball with lower legs) will be too violent, and the ball will rebound from the player.
[Mon Sep 01 12:39:22 2003]
Ako lopta dolazi iz zraka u takvoj visini da ju je nemoguće zaustaviti ni sa stopalom, ni s grudima, onda ćemo takvu loptu lagano skinuti s prednjom površinom natkoljenice.
If the ball comes from the air at such height that it is impossible to stop it neither with the foot, nor with chest, then such ball is easily lowered with the front surface of the upper leg.
[Mon Sep 01 12:40:15 2003]
Primanje lopte s natkoljenicom odnosno njenom površinom, predstavlja prilično povoljan uvjet da natkoljenične kosti pokrenu debeli sloj mišića, a što već unaprijed osigurava slabljenje snage lopte u odgovarajućoj mjeri.
Receiving the ball with the upper leg that is with its surface, represents quite a favorable condition that upper leg bones move the fat layer of muscles, which is but in advance insured by the weakening of the intensity of the ball to an appropriate degree.
[Mon Sep 01 12:40:15 2003]
Međutim, nedostaci su u tome što je za vrijeme prijama lopte s natkoljenicom teško promijeniti pravac kretanja.
However, deficiencies are that during the reception of ball with the upper leg it is difficult to change the course.
[Mon Sep 01 12:52:30 2003]
Upoznat ćemo se s tom tehnikom.
Will get to know this technique.
[Mon Sep 01 12:55:47 2003]
Točno stanemo nasuprot lopti koja nam dolazi.
Stand exactly opposite to the arriving ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:57:17 2003]
Tjelesnu težinu prebacimo na nogu na koju se oslanjamo a koju u koljenima savijemo, dok drugu nogu iz kuka podignemo i toliko savijemo u koljenima da uzdužna os natkoljenice i potkoljenice zatvaraju kut od 50-60 stupnjeva.
Bodyweight is shifted to the leg on which we are leaning and which is bent in the knee, while the other leg from the hip is raised and bent in the in knee so that the longitudinal axis of the upper and lower leg closes the angle of 50-60 degrees.
[Mon Sep 01 12:58:37 2003]
Natkoljenicu podignute noge postavimo (u putanju lopte) na put lopte.
The upper leg of of the raised leg is placed (in the path of the ball) on the ball's way.
[Mon Sep 01 12:59:55 2003]
Ako lopta dolazi iz velike visine, tada površinu natkoljenice možemo podići i u položaj više od vodoravnog.
If the ball is coming from a big height, then the surface the upper leg can be raised to the position even more than the horizontal.
[Mon Sep 01 12:59:55 2003]
Međutim, u drugom slučaju dovoljno je ako natkoljenicu držimo u visini oko vodoravnog položaja.
However, in another case it is sufficient if the upper leg is kept at the position close to the horizontal.
[Mon Sep 01 14:07:58 2003]
Bit primanja (skidanja iz zraka) lopte je ista kao što je i kod primanja s punom loptom.
The point of receiving (taking down from the air) the ball is the same as in receiving with the full ball.
[Mon Sep 01 14:09:23 2003]
Odbojnu površinu natkoljenice spustimo dolje u pravcu koji se podudara s pravcem dolaska lopte.
The striking surface of the upper leg moves down in the direction which matches the direction of the arriving ball.
[Mon Sep 01 14:13:35 2003]
Dakle, natkoljenicu postavimo, a lopta na svome putu dobije jednu 'lepršajuću' površinu (amortizacija).
Therefore, the upper leg is set, and the ball in its path gets a "fluttering' surface (amortization).
[Mon Sep 01 14:13:35 2003]
Ako se brzina spuštanja natkoljenice približno izjednači s brzinom pada lopte i izgubi snagu na mekoj odbojnoj površini lopta će lagano pasti pred noge nogometaša.
If the speed of the lowering of the upper leg is approximately even to the falling speed of the ball and loses intensity on the soft striking surface the ball will slowly fall down to the player's feet.
[Mon Sep 01 14:18:38 2003]
Spuštanje lopte natkoljenicom prema dolje moguće je pomoću zamaha noge nazad iz kuka.
Lowering the ball with the upper leg is possible if using the swing of leg backward from the hip.
[Mon Sep 01 14:19:50 2003]
Zamah noge vršimo dotle dok uzdužna ravan potkoljenice ne bude skoro u okomitome položaju.
leg Swing is performed until the longitudinal surface of the lower leg is not almost in the vertical position.
[Mon Sep 01 14:19:50 2003]
Pogled je na lopti do kraja izvršavanja radnje i pokreta.
Eyes are on the ball until the peromance of actions and movements has not finished.
[Mon Sep 01 14:25:02 2003]
U slučaju da lopta dolazi iz zaista velike visine tada put natkoljenice možemo produžiti zahvaljujući tome što se podignemo na prste, vrh noge na koju se oslanjamo prilikom protezanja natkoljenice i pred loptu.
If the ball is coming from a really large height then the path of the upper leg can be extended because of rising the toes, tip of the leg on which we lean when stretching the upper leg and in front of the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 14:29:47 2003]
Ako ne želimo loptu staviti pred sebe tada natkoljenicu ne spuštamo toliko u ranije prikazanoj mjeri.
If we do not want to place the ball in front himself then the upper leg is not lowered as much as shown earlier.
[Mon Sep 01 14:30:45 2003]
Tada je najčešće dozvoljeno i to da se lopta udari u prednju površinu natkoljenice, a kojeg držimo u vodoravnome položaju.
Then it is most often allowed that the ball hits the front surface of the upper leg, which is in the horizontal position.
[Mon Sep 01 14:32:19 2003]
Tada će debeli sloj mišića smanjiti snagu lopte na odgovarajući način.
Then the thick layer of muscles will reduce the intensity of the ball in an adequate way.
[Mon Sep 01 14:35:04 2003]
Lopta će se sa odbojne površine odbiti uvis u malome luku.
The ball will be from the striking surface rebounded upward in a small arc.
[Mon Sep 01 14:37:22 2003]
A zatim loptu zaustavimo nutarnjim dijelom stopala ili je u slučaju potrebe upućujemo na željeno mjesto glavom ili nogom, a dok je još u zraku, dakle prije nego što dođe na podlogu.
And then the ball is stopped with the inner part of the foot or if necessary directed to a desired place with the head or leg, and while still in the air, that is, before it comes to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 14:37:23 2003]
Ako nam lopta dolazi iz male visine, onda je dovoljno samo to da učenik (igrač) natkoljenicu naglo pokrene iz kuka, na kratkome putu trgnemo natkoljenicu uvis da se lopta ne bi odbila od tijela (sl.
If the ball is coming from a small height, then is sufficient for the student (player) the upper leg to quickly move from the hip, in this short time is pulled the upper leg upward so that the ball does does not rebound from the body (fig.
[Mon Sep 01 14:37:40 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte natkoljenicom).
Techniques of receiving the ball with an upper leg).
[Mon Sep 01 14:59:32 2003]
u vodoravan položaj
in the horizontality
[Mon Sep 01 15:21:16 2003]
Primanje lopte koje izvršimo s natkoljenicom relativno je lagano naučiti uslijed svoje veličine, odbojne površine i mekoće.
Reception of the ball performed with the upper leg is relatively easy to learn due to its size, striking surface and softness.
[Mon Sep 01 15:21:16 2003]
Međutim, kao što se neće lopta odbiti i u slučaju pogrešnog izvršavanja tako ni nećemo primijetiti eventualno nastale greške.
However, just as the ball does not rebound in case of an incorrect reception so even are not observed possible mistakes.
[Mon Sep 01 15:24:51 2003]
Kod početnika se obično javlja greška da natkoljenicu spuste ili suviše brzo ili suviše kasno.
With beginners usually make a mistake by lowering the upper leg either too quickly or too late.
[Mon Sep 01 15:26:03 2003]
Veća je greška ako učenik (igrač) ubrza svoje pokrete, to jest prenagli se.
It is a bigger mistake if the student (player) not accelerates his movements, that is acts too quickly.
[Mon Sep 01 15:27:23 2003]
Česta je greška i da se lopta sudari s natkoljenicom na dijelu koji je blizu koljena.
A frequent mistake is when the ball collides with the upper leg in the part close to the knee.
[Mon Sep 01 15:28:47 2003]
Ovaj dio natkoljenice je manje pokriven mišićima, dakle razmjerno je tvrd pa će se i lopta lakše odbiti (odskočiti).
This part of the upper legs is less covered with muscles, therefore it is relatively hard so the balls more easily rebounds (bounces).
[Mon Sep 01 15:28:47 2003]
Krivica leži u tome što učenik (igrač) ne prati loptu očima u cijelosti do trenutka njenog udara u natkoljenicu.
The blame is on the student (player) who does not monitor the ball entirely until the moment in which it hits the upper leg.
[Mon Sep 01 15:37:52 2003]
Zaustavljanje jake lopte koja se odbila od podloge nije uvijek moguće učiniti s nutarnjim dijelom stopala, đonom ili potkoljenicama.
It is not always possible to stop a strong ball which rebounded from the ground with the inner part of the foot, sole or lower legs.
[Mon Sep 01 15:39:10 2003]
U prvome redu je lopta odskočila tako daleko da je ne možemo dokučiti s nutarnjim stopalom ili s potkoljenicama, a u drugome redu što je za spomenuta primanja potrebno imati više vremena za pripremu.
First, the ball rebounded so far that it cannot be reached with the inner foot or with lower legs, and second, because it is necessary to have more time to prepare for the mentioned receivings.
[Mon Sep 01 15:41:22 2003]
Ono nam uvijek ne stoji na raspolaganju.
We do not always have enough time.
[Mon Sep 01 15:41:22 2003]
Za zaustavljanje iznenadne lopte koja je odskočila od podloge, odlično se možemo poslužiti s gornjim dijelovima tijela i trbuhom.
To stop a sudden ball which rebounded from the ground, we can have a great use of the upper part of the body and the stomach.
[Mon Sep 01 15:51:33 2003]
Loptu koja nam dolazi u susret čekamo točno 'oči u oči'.
We wait the ball coming our way exactly "eyes to eyes'.
[Mon Sep 01 15:52:37 2003]
Postavimo se, u mali raskoračni stav.
Take a narrow straddle stand.
[Mon Sep 01 15:52:55 2003]
Oba koljena nešto malo savijemo.
Both knees slightly bent.
[Mon Sep 01 15:53:24 2003]
Težina tijela oslanja se na obje noge.
Body weight is on both legs.
[Mon Sep 01 15:53:24 2003]
Ruke su labave, sa strane.
Hands are loose, on the side.
[Mon Sep 01 15:54:57 2003]
S pogledom pratimo loptu.
monitor the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 15:55:24 2003]
U onome trenutku kada lopta dođe do površine trbuha tada iskoračimo malo unazad s nogom koja je pozadi.
In the moment in which the ball comes to the surface of the stomach step out slightly backward with the leg which is behind.
[Mon Sep 01 15:56:39 2003]
Koljeno noge potpuno se opruži.
The knee is fully stretched.
[Mon Sep 01 16:00:47 2003]
Istovremeno gornji dio tijela izbacimo naprijed iz boka (kuka).
At the same time the upper body is thrown out forward from the flank (hip).
[Mon Sep 01 16:02:29 2003]
I nakon toga što se lopta dotakla s površinom trbuha i dalje će se kotrljati i biti nemirna te zabijati se u dijelove tijela oko trbuha, a odatle će sa znatno umanjenom snagom pasti na podlogu.
Afer having touched the surface of the stomach the ball will still roll and be unstable and kick the body parts around the stomach, and hence with the considerably reduced intensity fall to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 16:04:29 2003]
Primanje lopte će biti savršeno ako u trenutku dodira lopte i trbuha izvršimo i učinimo korak nazad, a trup izbacimo naprijed.
Reception of the ball will be perfect if in the moment of the contact of the ball and the stomach we perform a step backward, and throw the trunk forward.
[Mon Sep 01 16:04:29 2003]
Uslijed učinjenog koraka nazad nastaje i meka odbojna površina opuštena nazad, a to će potpuno umanjiti snagu lopte.
When performing the step backward a soft striking surface loosed backward also develops, and that entirely will reduce the intensity of the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 16:11:47 2003]
Loptu koja se odbila od podloge, neki nastoje primiti s jednim malim skokom naprijed na jednoj nozi, tj. 'napadnemo' loptu ili je za vrijeme trčanja naprijed odnosimo ispred protivnika.
Some try to receive the ball rebounded from the ground with a small jump forward on one leg, i.e. we "attack' the ball, or carry it off in front of the opponent while running forward.
[Mon Sep 01 16:13:12 2003]
I obrambeni i navalni igrači primjenjuju ovu metodu rada, pogotovo onda kada protivnik suviše udobno čeka loptu.
Both defensive and forward players use this method of work, especially when the opponent waits for the ball too comfortably.
[Mon Sep 01 16:13:14 2003]
Kod duljih odskoka lopte ne treba ublažavati snagu lopte (sl.
The intensity of the ball does not have to be reduced in longer rebounds (fig.
[Mon Sep 01 16:13:37 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte trbuhom).
Techniques of receiving the ball with the stomach).
[Mon Sep 01 16:18:14 2003]
S udaljenosti od 8-10 metara bacimo loptu u visokom luku koju treba primiti trbuhom.
From a 8-10 meter distance, throw the ball in a high arc which has to be received with the stomach.
[Mon Sep 01 16:18:14 2003]
Igrač (učenik) kod primanja lopte stoji na mjestu.
Player (student) when receiving the ball stands in one place.
[Mon Sep 01 16:28:23 2003]
Jedan igrač (učenik) baca loptu (u obliku ubacivanja) sa udaljenosti od oko 8-10 metara srednje jačine i to tako da lopta padne na podlogu ispred suigrača na oko 1,5 metara.
one player (student) throws the ball () from the distance of about 8-10 meters with medium intensity so that the ball falls on the ground in front of the teammate on about 1,5 meters.
[Mon Sep 01 16:28:23 2003]
Igrač (učenik) u stojećem stavu vrši prijem lopte.
Player (student) in the standing position receives the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 16:37:41 2003]
Prijam lopte s trbuhom većinom i obično uspijeva upravo radi velike i mekane odbojne površine čak i onda ako u trenutku sudara lopte sa tijelom (trbuhom) izostane načinjeni korak unazad.
Receiving the ball with the stomach mainly and usually is successful exactly because of large and soft striking surfaces even if in the moment of the collision of the ball with the body (stomach) a step backward is not performed.
[Tue Sep 02 09:02:42 2003]
Pogrešno i manjkavo primanje može biti onda kada ne stanemo sasvim i potpuno 'oči u oči', k lopti.
incorrect and faulty receiving may happen when do take the full and complete "eye to eye" stand, towards the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 09:02:42 2003]
Tada se lopta može lagano odsklizati s površine trbuha.
Then the ball can easily slide away from the surface of the stomach.
[Tue Sep 02 09:11:44 2003]
Prilično je pogrešno da lopta padne suviše blizu na podlogu ispred primatelja lopte.
It is quite incorrect if the ball falls too close on the ground in front of the receiver of the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 09:11:44 2003]
Iz ovoga će se obično, a pogotovo na sklizavome terenu dogoditi da lopta sklizne između nogu igrača koji očekuje loptu ili udari o potkoljenicu.
From this usually, and especially on a slippery ground happens that the ball slips between the legs of the player who is waiting for the ball or knocks against the lower leg.
[Tue Sep 02 09:20:58 2003]
Dosta često događa se i to da sa podloge odskočena lopta padne na ruku.
It happens quite often that a ball rebounded from the ground falls on the hand.
[Tue Sep 02 09:20:58 2003]
Stoga je preporučljivo i pravilno da u trenutku udara (pada) lopte o podlogu ruke držimo po strani.
Therefore it is advisable and correct to keep hands aside in the moment in which the ball hits (falls) the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 09:31:42 2003]
Najčešće primanje lopte s grudima primjenjujemo onda ako dolazi iz veće visine ili ako iz taktičkih razloga ne bi bilo prikladno odmah loptu glavom dalje uputiti.
The ball is most often received with the chest if it is coming from a bigger height or if, for tactical reasons, it would not be appropriate to pass it immediately on with the head.
[Tue Sep 02 09:33:02 2003]
Često nogometaši primjenjuju ovaj način primanja lopte jer je primjenjiv s dovoljnim postotkom sigurnosti jer je velika dodirna površina.
Often players use this way of receiving the ball because its is sufficient enough certainty percentage because of the large contact area.
[Tue Sep 02 09:33:02 2003]
Osim toga se kod primanja lopte s grudima i ne treba mnogo pripremati.
Besides, receiving of the ball with the chest does not have to be much prepared.
[Tue Sep 02 09:39:56 2003]
Površina grudi prikladna je i za takva primanja lopte, kod kojih loptu pustimo da padne pred nas na podlogu, a u interesu trenutnog daljeg izvođenja akcije.
The surface of the chest is also appropriate for such receiving of the ball, where the ball falls in front of us on the ground, in order to momentarily perform the activity.
[Tue Sep 02 09:49:35 2003]
Kod prijama lopte s grudima najprije ćemo se upoznati sa ovom tehnikom kod koje lopta pada prema podlozi, a nakon sudara s grudima.
When receiving the ball with the chest we will first get acquainted with the technique when the balls falls to the ground, after the collision with the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 09:55:12 2003]
Kod prijama lopte s grudima najprije ćemo se upoznati sa ovom tehnikom kod koje lopta pada prema podlozi, a nakon sudara s grudima.
In receiving the ball with the chest we will first get acquainted with the technique when the balls falls to the ground, after the collision with the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 09:57:37 2003]
Prijam lopte na ovaj način ima još jedan preduvjet tj. neka luk ne bude suviše okomit.
Receiving the ball in this way has the another precondition i.e. the arc must not be vertical too much.
[Tue Sep 02 09:58:59 2003]
Kod suviše okomitih lopti postoji opasnost da je nećemo znati točno navesti i navući na grudi.
If the balls are too vertical we might not be able to accurately to pull them on the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 09:58:59 2003]
Ako ne pogodimo i ne nađemo potreban pristup k lopti, ona će odskočiti daleko od nas, ali se može dogoditi da uopće ne dirne površinu grudi.
If we do not guess and find a necessary approach to the ball, it will rebound far from us, but it also might not to touches the surface the chest at all.
[Tue Sep 02 10:02:48 2003]
Postavimo se u umjereni raskoračni stav, a licem u pravcu dolaska lopte.
Take a slight straddle stand, and turn the face in the direction of the coming ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:03:13 2003]
Koljena su malo savijena.
Knees are slightly bent.
[Tue Sep 02 10:03:26 2003]
Težinu tijela podjednako podijelimo na obje noge.
Body weight is equally distributed on both legs.
[Tue Sep 02 10:06:33 2003]
Kukove potisnemo malo naprijed.
Hips are pushed slightly forward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:07:40 2003]
Prsni koš izbacimo (istaknemo) tako da gornji dio tijela prije sudara s loptom pokazuje i čini jedan luk koji je unazad savijen.
Thorax is pushed forward (ahead) so that the upper body before the collision with the ball is and makes an arc bent backward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:08:13 2003]
Potiskivanje kukova naprijed pospješuje se i pomoću potiskivanja koljena naprijed iz bokova.
Pushing of the hips forward is more successful by the pushing the knee forward from the flanks.
[Tue Sep 02 10:08:13 2003]
Ruke sa strane balansiraju, a pogled je na lopti.
Hands on the side balance, and eyes are on the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:15:38 2003]
Iz ovoga pripremnoga položaja dočekujemo loptu.
We are expecting the ball from this stand.
[Tue Sep 02 10:16:26 2003]
U onome trenutku kada lopta stigne do grudi, uslijed nagloga potiskivanja unazad bokovi koljena se potpuno istegnu.
In the moment in which the ball reaches the chest, the flanks get entirely stretched because of the sudden backward pushing.
[Tue Sep 02 10:16:26 2003]
Nogu koja je naprijed, povučemo k onoj što je pozadi.
The leg in front, is pulled towards the one behind.
[Tue Sep 02 10:20:08 2003]
U isto vrijeme dok činimo potisak bokova unazad uvući ćemo istureni (izbočeni) grudni koš.
While pushing the flanks backward, we will pull in the sticking (protruding) chest at the same time.
[Tue Sep 02 10:21:09 2003]
Za vrijeme vršenja ovoga pokreta lopta udari u grudi.
While performng this movement the ball hits the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 10:21:09 2003]
U trenutku sudara gornji dio tijela već pokazuje luk koji je malo naprijed povijen.
In the moment of the collision, the upper body makes an arc slightly bent forward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:23:06 2003]
Grudni koš okomito stoji, malo je okrenut prema podlozi i lopta će nastaviti svoj put prema podlozi, nakon sudara s grudima.
The chest is vertical, slightly turned to the ground and the ball continues its path to the ground, after the collision with the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 10:27:55 2003]
Ako se protivnički nogometaš nalazi u blizini kada lopta okomito pada prema dolje, ili ako naše prvobitne namjere ometaju položaj protivničkog igrača, tada smo loptu koja nam dolazi iz zraka prisiljeni u stojećem stavu primiti na grudi.
If the opponent player is near when the ball is vertically falling downwards, or if our primary intentions obstruct the position of the opponent player, then we are forced to receive the ball coming from the air on the chest in the standing position.
[Tue Sep 02 10:30:43 2003]
Lopta će se ponovno odbiti prema gore nakon sudara s grudima, ali u malome luku.
The ball is again rebounded upwards after the collision with the chest, but in a small arc.
[Tue Sep 02 10:32:35 2003]
Međutim, ovaj način primanja lopte je 'paradni', ako se primjenjuje neovisno o taktičkim ciljevima i okolnostima, te se lopta lako može i izgubiti.
However, this receiving method is "showy' if it is used regardless of tactical purposes and circumstances, and the ball can easily be lost.
[Tue Sep 02 10:32:35 2003]
Naime, kada se lopta odbije od grudi, prema gore, protivnik ima vremena da se umiješa u igru, jer smo privremeno izgubili kontrolu nad loptom.
But, when the ball rebounds from the chest, upwards, the opponent has enough time to get involved in the game, because we have temporarily lost control over the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:35:40 2003]
Ako protivnički igrač ovaj trenutak iskoristi, vrlo lagano će odbiti loptu glavom ispred nas.
If the opponent player makes use of this moment, he will very easily strike the ball with the head in front of us.
[Tue Sep 02 10:38:43 2003]
Ovaj način primanja lopte je prilično spor.
This receiving method ball is considerably slow.
[Tue Sep 02 10:41:45 2003]
Cilj i svrha primanja i preuzimanja lopte obično i po pravilu je taj da je bliže ka podlozi prisilimo, bez obzira kretala se ona po podlozi ili po zraku.
Goal and purpose of receiving and taking the ball is, usually and according the rule, to force it closer to the ground, no matter if it is moving on the ground or in the air.
[Tue Sep 02 10:41:45 2003]
Ovaj cilj kod takvoga primanja lopte možemo postići samo onda ako počekamo dok lopta stigne na podlogu ,osim ako je glavom želimo dalje uputiti.
The goal of such receiving can be achieved only if we wait until the ball has arrived on the ground, except if we want to to send it further with the head.
[Tue Sep 02 10:46:27 2003]
Već i samo iščekivanje košta vremena, a da i ne govorimo o tome da loptu trebamo na podlogu zaustaviti i eventualno je trebamo i podešavati.
But the waiting itself is time-consuming, and without mentioning that the ball needs to be on the ground stopped and maybe even adjusted.
[Tue Sep 02 10:58:24 2003]
Uslijed djelovanja suprotne sile lopta će se odbiti od grudnog koša prema gore.
Because of the effect of the opposite force the ball will rebound from the chest upwards.
[Tue Sep 02 11:01:02 2003]
U kakvom će se luku lopta odbiti ovisi o tome kako je postavljen grudni koš.
In what arc the ball will rebound depends on how the chest is positioned.
[Tue Sep 02 11:01:03 2003]
Čim nam lopta dolazi u okomitoj ravni, time se i ravnina prsnog koša približava vodoravnoj ravnini, a ponovo imajući pred očima pravilo da su kut napadanja i kut odbijanja istovjetni (sl.
When the ball is coming vertically, the surface of the thorax becomes more horizontal, having mind the rule that the angle of attack and angle of reflection are identical (fig.
[Tue Sep 02 11:01:24 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte grudima).
Techniques of receiving the ball with the chest).
[Tue Sep 02 11:13:10 2003]
Pri obuci moramo biti obazrivi prema očekivanim smetnjama učenika (igrača).
In training we must be considerate of expected obstructions of students (players).
[Tue Sep 02 11:13:34 2003]
Naime, teške će lopte zadat prilično težak udarac u kosti grudnog koša igrača (učenika).
In other words, heavy balls will strike rather heavy blows to the chest bones of the player (student).
[Tue Sep 02 11:15:15 2003]
Strah od bolova učinit će pokrete nezgrapnima.
Fear of pain will make the movements clumsy.
[Tue Sep 02 11:15:15 2003]
Radi opreznosti postupiti ćemo ispravno ako u početku koristimo lakše i mekše lopte (gumene lopte, lopte za odbojku) kod obuke primanja koje se izvodi s drugima.
Because of precaution we will act correctly if in the beginning we use lighter and softer balls (rubber balls, volleyball balls) when training the receiving performed with others.
[Tue Sep 02 11:26:45 2003]
Početno opuštanje i istezanje izvršavaju iz natkoljenica, kukova i koljena, više puta jedno za drugim na znak zviždaljke (opružanje je brzo).
initial relaxation and stretching are performed from the upper leg, hips and knees, several times one after the other on a whistle signal (stretching is fast).
[Tue Sep 02 11:30:18 2003]
Guranje u vis medicinke koja je stavljena na grudni koš i rukama je podržavamo s iznenadnim opružanjem koljena i kukova.
Pushing a medicine ball up which is placed on the chest and supported by the hands with quick stretching of knees and hips.
[Tue Sep 02 11:30:18 2003]
Loptu koja je u zraku gurnuta, učenici (igrači) prihvate rukama.
The ball pushed in the air, students (players) hold with their hands.
[Tue Sep 02 11:45:04 2003]
Pokret se izvršava bez lopte i to u prvoj stepenici na dva sitna takta.
Movement is performed without the ball in the first stage to two slow beats.
[Tue Sep 02 11:45:39 2003]
Na prvi ritam učenici (igrači) u pripremnome položaju izvršavaju:
At the first rhythm, students (players) in the preparatory position perform:
[Tue Sep 02 11:46:08 2003]
potiskivanje koljena naprijed i savijanje gornjeg dijela tijela nazad.
pushing of the knees forward and bending of the upper body backward.
[Tue Sep 02 11:46:56 2003]
A na drugi ritam izvršavaju:
And at the second rhythm the perform:
[Tue Sep 02 11:46:56 2003]
opružanje koljena i naglo izbacivanje trupa naprijed.
stretching of the knees and quick throwing of the trunk forward.
[Tue Sep 02 11:59:27 2003]
Bočna strana grudi nije u pravoj liniji s pravcem lopte već stoji koso u odnosu na nju.
Lateral side of the chest is not in the straight line with the direction of the ball but is vertical on it.
[Tue Sep 02 11:59:27 2003]
Lopta se nije odbila od grudi u pravcu iz kojega je došla već u stranu.
Ball did not rebounce from the chest in the direction from which it came but to the side.
[Tue Sep 02 12:05:35 2003]
Preuzimanje (primanje ) lopte koja iz zraka dolazi strmo neće biti uspješno kod početnika zato jer se pravac grudnog koša ne postavi dobro.
Taking (receiving) of the ball which from the air is comes steeply will not be performed successfully by the beginner because the direction of the chest is not positioned well.
[Tue Sep 02 12:05:35 2003]
Obično se ne savije nazad u potrebnoj mjeri i lopta pobjegne s grudnog koša.
It usually is not bent backward to a necessary degree and the ball slips from the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 12:11:27 2003]
Nogometaši zakašnjavaju s opuštanjem unazad grudnog koša.
Players are late with the backward relaxation of the chest.
[Tue Sep 02 12:13:26 2003]
To je s jedne strane pogrešno zbog toga jer se lopta neće odbiti nazad prema podlozi, a s druge strane i zbog toga jer će izostati sila koja će amortizirati snagu lopte.
This is incorrect on one hand because the ball does not rebound back to the ground, and on the other hand, because the force which reduces the intensity of the ball is missing.
[Tue Sep 02 12:13:26 2003]
Lopta će jako udariti, dalje će odskočiti od nogometaša no što je potrebno.
The ball will hit hard, further will rebound from the player more than it is necessary.
[Tue Sep 02 12:20:43 2003]
Poluvisoke, a osobito jednim dijelom visoke lopte igrač ne može dokučiti na drugi način već glavom.
Semi-high, and especially in one part of high ball the player cannot reach but with the head.
[Tue Sep 02 12:29:33 2003]
Primanje lopte glavom predstavlja jedan od najtežih načina prijama lopte.
Receiving the ball with the head is one of the most difficult methods for receiving the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 12:30:03 2003]
Čelo glave s kojim i vršimo prijam lopte prilično je tvrdo.
Forehead used for receiving of the ball is quite hard.
[Tue Sep 02 12:32:47 2003]
Lopta odskače od tvrdoga predmeta.
The ball bounces from a hard object.
[Tue Sep 02 12:36:16 2003]
Djelovanje amortizacije lopte glavom ne dolazi do izražaja ni približno u tolikoj mjeri kao kod izvršavanja prijema lopte s natkoljenicom ili sa trbuhom.
Effect of the reduction of the ball's intensity with the head is not as nearly obvious as when performing the reception of ball with the upper leg or with the stomach.
[Tue Sep 02 12:39:24 2003]
Ovdje je potrebna velika sposobnost koordiniranja kretnji nogometaša koji želi da primi loptu glavom, bez obzira dolazi li ona sa srednjom jačinom.
Great ability to coordinate the movements of the player, who wants to receive the ball with the head, is necessary here, regardless of whether it is coming with the medium intensity.
[Tue Sep 02 12:40:11 2003]
Istovremeno i za samo kratko vrijeme izvršavanje opuštanja mišića omogućava da lopta relativno oslabi i stupi u naš posjed.
At the same time and for a short time only the relaxation of muscles makes to the ball relatively weaker and it brings the ball into our possession.
[Tue Sep 02 12:40:11 2003]
Zaista, vrlo je mali broj igrača koji znaju dobro i uspješno skidati loptu glavom.
Really, a very small number players can well and successfully take the ball with the head.
[Tue Sep 02 12:59:06 2003]
Primanje lopte glavom primjenjujemo samo u krajnjoj potrebi i nuždi.
Receiving the ball with the head is used only in case of extreme need and necessity.
[Tue Sep 02 13:00:30 2003]
Ako postoje mogućnosti, loptu odbijamo glavom iz prve.
If there are possibilities, the ball should be headed from immediately.
[Tue Sep 02 14:07:31 2003]
Ako predaja lopte neće biti svrsishodna tada loptu prema svojim sposobnostima spustimo toliko da je primimo s grudima ili s natkoljenicama.
If passing of the ball is not useful then the ball according to one's abilities should be lowered by receiving it with the chest or upper legs.
[Tue Sep 02 14:07:31 2003]
Samo onda primimo loptu s glavom, ako su nabrojene mogućnosti iscrpljene.
Only then the ball is received with the head, if all the mentioned possibilities have been used up.
[Tue Sep 02 14:10:59 2003]
desetinka sekunde
one tenth of a second
[Tue Sep 02 14:28:56 2003]
Loptu koja se kreće po zraku očekujemo u raskoračnom stavu.
The ball moving through the air is wainted in a straddle stand.
[Tue Sep 02 14:35:03 2003]
Noge su u koljenima blago savijene.
Legs are in the knees slightly bent.
[Tue Sep 02 14:35:34 2003]
Kada nam se lopta približava, podižemo se na prste kao da se propinjemo za loptom.
When the ball is approaching, rise on your toes as if reaching for the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 14:37:14 2003]
Trup tijela skoro da je uspravan a ruke balansiraju sa strane.
the trunk is almost vertical and hands balance on the side.
[Tue Sep 02 14:41:19 2003]
Glavu iz ramena potiskujemo malo naprijed i u tome položaju pazimo i motrimo loptu.
Head from the shoulders is pushed slightly forward and in that position take care of and watch the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 14:42:44 2003]
Prije nego što lopta dođe u dodir sa čelom, koljena potisnemo naglo naprijed, iz kuka se savijemo naprijed i glavu zabacimo nazad.
Before the ball comes in touch with the forehead, push the knees quickly forward, bend from the hip forward and throw the head backward.
[Tue Sep 02 14:42:44 2003]
Što više mišića angažiramo u pokret tijela, time smo u većoj mjeri sposobniji amortizirati snagu lopte.
The more muscles we engage for the body movement, the more we are able to reduce the intensity of the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 14:51:14 2003]
Lopta će se nakon što se sudarila sa čelom odbiti s umanjenom snagom i u malome blagom luku past će pred nas.
After the collision with the forehead, the ball rebounds with a reduced intensity and falls in front of us in a slight arc.
[Tue Sep 02 14:53:06 2003]
Više puta da bi se jače umanjila snaga lopte nije dovoljno to da samo koljena opružimo, potisnemo naprijed i trup savijemo nazad u manjoj mjeri.
In order to more reduce the intensity of the balls, it is not sufficient to only stretch and push the knees forward and to bend the trunk backward in a lesser degree.
[Tue Sep 02 14:53:51 2003]
Opuštanje tijela potpomoći ćemo i na taj način da s nogom koja nam se nalazi pozadi, iskoračimo malo nazad, a time ćemo koljeno još više saviti.
Relaxation of the body is also helped when, we step out slightly backward with a leg in the back, so that the knee becomes bent even more.