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[Tue Sep 02 14:54:28 2003]
Uslijed iskoraka unazad savijanje tijela nazad može biti intenzivnije.
while stepping backward the bending of the body backward may be intensive.
[Tue Sep 02 14:56:18 2003]
Naime, ta noga (unazad zakoračena) podupire trup.
That is, this leg (used for stepping back) supports the trunk.
[Tue Sep 02 14:56:18 2003]
Ujedno se opuštanje tijela vrši na daljem putu, dakle smanjenje snage lopte je sigurnije.
The body relaxes futher at the same time, therefore the reduction of the intensity of the ball is surer.
[Tue Sep 02 15:02:15 2003]
Lopta se može skinuti s glavom i skočivši gore u zrak.
The ball can be taken with the head even by jumping in the air.
[Tue Sep 02 15:03:09 2003]
Za ovakav način primanja lopte rijetko kada ima potrebe i mogućnosti.
There are hardly ever requirements and possibilities for such method of receiving.
[Tue Sep 02 15:05:52 2003]
Kod ovakvih primanja lopte neće se moći umanjiti snaga lopte radi pomanjkanja oslonca površine.
With these receivings is not reduced the intensity of the ball because of the lack of surface support.
[Tue Sep 02 15:06:50 2003]
I mirenje lopte ćemo u izvjesnoj mjeri postići već i radi toga jer tijelo nakon skoka uvis počne padati prema dolje, a nakon što je dokučilo svoju najvišu točku.
It is also possible to calm the ball to a certain measure already because the body starts falling down after a jump up, and after having reached its highest point.
[Tue Sep 02 15:08:49 2003]
Pomoću toga lopta će udarati u jednu površinu.
By doing so, the ball will be hitting at one surface.
[Tue Sep 02 15:09:05 2003]
Dakle, snagu će izgubiti uslijed tupog sudara s glavom (Slika 22.
Therefore, the intensity will be lost because of a blunt collision with the head (Figure 22.
[Tue Sep 02 15:09:05 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte glavom).
Techniques of receiving the ball with the head).
[Tue Sep 02 15:19:11 2003]
Nastava dolazi na red tek onda kada su učenici (igrači) u tehničkom pogledu već sposobni na odgovarajući način.
Lessons begin only when when students (players) in the technical sense are already capable in the adequate way.
[Tue Sep 02 15:38:59 2003]
Laktove u trenutku udara po lopti treba ispružiti slično opruzi.
In the moment of kicking the ball, the elbows should be stretched like a spring.
[Tue Sep 02 15:39:06 2003]
Mnogi vratari udaraju u loptu s već potpuno opruženim rukama, a tada pri upućivanju lopte u daljinu iskorištava se samo zamah zaleta i skoka uvis, dok je snaga udarca šaka slaba ili nikakva.
Many goalkeepers kick the ball with already fully streched arms, and then when sending the ball far they use only the swing of a run-up and a jump up, while the intensity of the fist stroke is weak or none.
[Tue Sep 02 15:40:27 2003]
Ali ovo nije dovoljno.
But this is not enough.
[Tue Sep 02 15:40:44 2003]
Učestala je greška i kada vratari kasno opruže laktove poslije izvršenog udarca.
another frequent mistake is when goalkeepers stretch their elbows too late after the performed kick.
[Tue Sep 02 15:41:47 2003]
U oba slučaja rezultat je skoro isti.
In both cases, the result is almost the same.
[Tue Sep 02 15:41:47 2003]
Daljina izboksane lopte bit će manja.
The distance of the boxed ball will be less.
[Tue Sep 02 15:47:23 2003]
Pri boksanju koje se izvodi iz većeg zaleta iskustvena je pogreška što se vratari odraze s površine iz daleka.
While performing the boxing from a bigger run-up, a mistake from experience is that goalkeepers perform a take-off from a great diestance.
[Tue Sep 02 15:49:43 2003]
Prema tome skok je ne dulji već viši.
Therefore the jump is not longer but higher.
[Tue Sep 02 15:53:12 2003]
Trudimo se i nastojimo da snaga odskoka i odraza uvis djeluje prema gore.
Intensity of the rebound and take-off should be effective upward.
[Tue Sep 02 15:53:12 2003]
Ako se vratar ne podiže okomito uvis, uvježbavajmo s njime odskok na taj način što ćemo obilježiti mjesto odraza i pada na podlogu.
If the goalkeeper does not jump vertically up, practice with him the rebound by marking the place of the take-off and of the fall on the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 15:59:41 2003]
Vratar površno stavlja skupa obje šake i ne načini što je moguće bolju, ravniju odbojnu površinu.
Goalkeeper puts together both fists superficially and does not make, a flat striking surface as good as possible.
[Tue Sep 02 15:59:41 2003]
Ukoliko vratar ne zna koncentrirati pažnju na položaj šaka za vrijeme odskoka, onda se za vrijeme obuke dozvoljava da se ruke zavežu u ručnim zglobovima s maramicom ili gumenom trakom.
If the goalkeeper cannot focus his attention on the position of the fists during the rebound, then his hands can be tied in wrists with a handkerchief or a rubber band during training sessions.
[Mon Sep 01 09:22:15 2003]
Ako smjer snage sile koja djeluje na loptu nije točan, onda će udarna noga odnijeti loptu, to jest, lopta će biti odvučena u stranu.
If the direction of the force which acts upon the ball is not correct, then the kicking leg will take away the ball, i.e, the ball will be dragged away to the side.
[Mon Sep 01 09:25:56 2003]
Ako je tome razlog što se zalet na loptu ne izvodi pod odgovarajućim kutom, može se ispraviti da za vrijeme uvježbavanja naglašavamo kut zaleta.
If the reason to this is the fact that the running start is not performed under an adequate angle, we can correct it by putting the stress on the angle of the running start during exercises.
[Mon Sep 01 09:27:05 2003]
Greška može nastati , ako igrač prerano zauzme položaj za udarac, to jest , svoj kuk prerano počne okretati i tijelo postaje vidljivo u cijeloj svojoj širini prije nego što se završi pokret za udarac lopte.
A mistake can happen if a player assumes the position for the shot too early, that is, if he starts to rotate his hip too early and the entire width of the body becomes visible the movement to strike the ball is ended.
[Mon Sep 01 09:27:05 2003]
Greška je ako igrač ne kontrolira pravac noge i što će prerano zamahnuti unakrsno ispred tijela.
It is a mistake is if a player does not control the direction of his leg and if he starts to swing it in front of his body too soon.
[Mon Sep 01 09:39:04 2003]
Što je unakrsni korak, zašto je brže izvedivo bacanje u slučaju primjene unakrsnih koraka?
What is a cross step, why is it a dive performed faster in case of using cross steps?
[Mon Sep 01 09:41:06 2003]
Unakrsni korak izvodi vratar onda ako u odnosu na pravac bacanja suprotnom nogom zakvači, stane unakrst ispred oslona noge na koju se oslanja.
A goalkeeper performs a cross step performs if he hooks the opposite leg in relation to the direction of diving, stands crossways in front of the supporting leg.
[Mon Sep 01 09:41:06 2003]
Na tu nogu prenosi svoju tjelesnu težinu i zatim u mjestu zaostalom nogom iskorači u pravcu bacanja te se s istom nogom odbije od podloge.
He transfers his bodyweight to this leg and, with the leg that remains in place, steps out in the direction of diving and he takes off from the ground with the same leg.
[Mon Sep 01 09:48:13 2003]
Ako vratar ne krene s unakrsnim koracima već koracima postrance, onda najprije iskorači u stranu bližom nogom u odnosu na pravac bacanja i drugu nogu povuče, a zatim se s iskoračnom nogom još jednom pomakne u stranu te se ujedno odbije od podloge.
If a goalkeeper does not start with cross steps but with steps sideways, then he first steps out to the side with the closer leg in respect to the direction of diving and he pulls back the other, and then with the leg stepping forward he moves aside once more and at the same time takes off from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 09:52:07 2003]
Dok kod unakrsnog koraka vratar odbijanje s podloge može izvoditi u isto vrijeme izvođenja drugoga koraka, dotle pri bacanju za loptom iz koraka koji se izvede u stranu, može odbijanje s podloge izvoditi samo s trećim korakom u isto vrijeme.
While with the cross step a goalkeeper can rebound from the ground at the same time as he performs the second step, with diving for the ball from the sideway steps, he can rebound from the ground only simultaneously with the third step.
[Mon Sep 01 09:52:07 2003]
Nakon što smo zauzeli pripremni položaj, uzdužna os stopala okrene se u pravcu bacanja da bi sljedeći pokret, odbijanje od podloge, bio lakše izvediv i efikasniji.
After assuming the preparatory position, the longitudinal axis of the foot rotates in the direction of the dive in order for the following movement, taking off from the ground, to be easier to accomplish and more efficient.
[Mon Sep 01 09:56:35 2003]
Odbijanje iz pripremnog položaja tako izvodimo da tjelesnu težinu u odnosu na pravac bacanja premjestimo daljom nogom na drugu nogu koja je u koljenima više savijena.
Taking off from the preparatory position is performed so that the bodyweight, in respect to the direction of the dive, is transfered with the farther leg to the other leg which is more bent in the knees.
[Mon Sep 01 09:58:18 2003]
Međutim, trup se malo okrene u pravcu bacanja.
However, the trunk is slightly rotated in the direction of the dive.
[Mon Sep 01 09:59:33 2003]
S početkom odbijanja u isto vrijeme ruke, koje su se do sada nalazile sa strane tijela, opruže se u pravcu bacanja prema lopti.
As the goalkeeper starts to take off, his arms, which have so far been at the sides of the body, stretch in the direction of the dive for the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 09:59:33 2003]
Noga kojom se odbijamo od podloge naglo se istegne u koljenima, a koljeno druge noge poleti u pravcu odbijanja.
The leg with which he takes from the ground quickly stretches in the knee, and the knee of the other leg goes in the direction of the rebound.
[Mon Sep 01 10:02:56 2003]
Duljina leta ovisi o jačini odbojne snage od podloge.
The range of the dive depends on the intensity of the rebounding force from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:03:45 2003]
Za vrijeme leta koljena obje noge malo su savijena i u opuštenom stanju slijedi pravac leta trupa.
During the dive, the knees of both legs are slightly bent and they loosely follow the direction in which the trunk dives.
[Mon Sep 01 10:04:19 2003]
Ruke su pored glave savijene malo u laktovima i opružene prema lopti.
Arms are slightly bent in elbows near the head and they strech towards the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 10:04:41 2003]
Bočna strana tijela je okrenuta prema površini.
The lateral side of the body is turned towards the surface.
[Mon Sep 01 10:04:57 2003]
Pogled je čvrsto uperen na loptu.
The eyes are firmly fixed upon the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 10:05:47 2003]
Lopta se često odbije prilikom leta.
The ball all often rebounds during the dive.
[Mon Sep 01 10:05:47 2003]
Ako je let dugačak i vratara nitko ne napada, onda će loptu uhvatiti.
If the dive is long and nobody attacks the goalkeeper, he will catch the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 10:15:23 2003]
Dolazak na podlogu.
Landing on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:17:59 2003]
Za vrijeme leta, a prije njegovog završetka trebamo se već pripremiti na dolazak na podlogu i ublažavanje pada.
During the dive, and before its end we must prepare to land on the ground and cushion the fall.
[Mon Sep 01 10:19:33 2003]
To ćemo postići tako da nogu koja se nalazi bliže ka podlozi podvučemo pod sebe savijenu u koljenima.
We can achieve this if we tuck the leg, which is closer to the ground, under our body so that the leg is bent in knees.
[Mon Sep 01 10:20:32 2003]
Snagu pada na podlogu možemo i tako ublažiti ako za vrijeme leta k sebi privučemo loptu i oba lakta savijemo.
The force of landing can also be eased if during the dive we pull the ball closer to the body and if we bend both elbows.
[Mon Sep 01 10:20:32 2003]
Dolazak na podlogu ublažuje bliža noga pri tlu i ruka, zatim i tijelo padne na podlogu u bočnu stranu.
Landing is cushioned by the leg closer the ground and the arm, and then and the body falls sideways on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:26:34 2003]
Nakon pada na podlogu loptu potpuno privučemo k tijelu, a zatim se ogradimo od protivnika sa savijenim koljenima, a ruke privučemo k sebi.
After falling to the ground we draw the ball completely to the body, and then defend ourselves from the opponent with bent knees, and we pull the arms close to ourselves.
[Mon Sep 01 10:29:30 2003]
Ukoliko prijeti napad protivnika, ispravno ćemo učiniti ako nakon pada na podlogu osiguramo loptu, okrenemo se na koljenima i podlakticama tako da smo leđima okrenuti prema protivniku.
If we are threatened by the opposing attack, it is correct to cover the ball after the fall, turn around on knees and forearms so that the opponent is looking at our back.
[Mon Sep 01 10:29:30 2003]
Međutim posebno ćemo skrenuti pozornost vratara da u vratima ili u blizini gol linije, predbacivanje izvrši od gol linije izvan igrališta jer inače lopta može lagano dospjeti u vrata.
However, we should particularly draw the goalkeeper's attention to the fact that, inside the goal or around the goal line, he should send the ball out of the bounds of the field, because otherwise the ball can easily get inside the goal.
[Mon Sep 01 10:35:29 2003]
Završni trenutak pada na podlogu je priprema za ustajanje.
The concluding moment of landing on the ground is the preparation for getting up.
[Mon Sep 01 10:37:40 2003]
Loptu s jednom rukom pritisnemo uz grudni koš, a s laktovima ruke koja se nalazi bliže podlozi, podbočimo se o podlogu.
With one arm we press the ball to the chest, and we support ourselves with the elbows of the arm which is closer to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:38:12 2003]
Noga koja se nalazi iznad tijela u koljenima dobro se povuče i odupremo se o podlogu.
We pull back the leg which is above the body, in the knees, and brace against the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:38:12 2003]
A zatim se uz pomoć ruku i nogu podignemo po mogućnosti što brže.
And then, using the arms and the legs, we get up as soon as possible.
[Mon Sep 01 10:42:57 2003]
Tehniku poluvisoke lopte i njihovo otklanjanje, tj. bacanja na loptu već poznajemo, ali ćemo se osvrnuti na još neke detalje.
We already know the technique of semi-high balls and their elimination, i.e. dive for ball, but we shall now look into some more details.
[Mon Sep 01 10:45:39 2003]
Najjednostavniji i najbezopasniji proces bacanja je onda kada se lopta na takvoj daljini koluta od vratara da za odraz s podloge nema potrebe.
The simplest and the most riskless process of diving for the ball is when the ball rolls at such distance from the goalkeeper that there is no need for the take-off from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:46:24 2003]
Tada branimo padanjem na podlogu gdje se tijelo ne odvaja od podloge.
In such case we make a save by falling to the ground, where the body does not separate from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:47:57 2003]
Tijelo se kotrlja na podlozi po bočnoj strani.
The body rolls sideways on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 10:49:16 2003]
Najprije pad na podlogu i dolazi u dodir s podlogom, vanjska strana noge koja pada u pravcu bacanja, zatim potkoljenica, natkoljenica pa kuk, a zatim bočna strana gornjeg dijela tijela.
The first to fall down and come in contact with the ground is the outer side of the leg falling in the direction of the dive, then the lower leg, the upper leg and the hip, and then the lateral side of the upper part of the body.
[Mon Sep 01 10:49:16 2003]
Loptu odostraga podupremo dlanom ruke koji je odozdo i sprječava da lopta odskoči iz ruku.
We support the ball from the back with the palm of the hand that is below and it prevents the ball to bounce away from the hands.
[Mon Sep 01 10:55:55 2003]
Izvršavanje ostalih procesa prilikom bacanja na podlogu, pripremni položaj, osiguranje uhvaćene lopte, kotrljanje i predbacivanje radi ograđivanja lopte kao i dizanje s podloge, potpuno se podudara s već prikazanom općom tehnikom bacanja za loptom.
preparatory position, covering the caught ball, rolling and turning over in order to fence the ball off as well as getting up from the ground, completely correspond to the already shown general diving technique.
[Mon Sep 01 10:59:12 2003]
Naprijed spomenuto bacanje za loptom primjenjujemo i nakon istrčavanja koje se obavlja ispred protivnika.
We also use the before-mentioned dive for the ball after running out which is performed in front of the opponent.
[Mon Sep 01 11:01:45 2003]
Tada se što je moguće brže bacamo na podlogu i nastojimo da protivnik ispred nas gurne loptu prema vratima.
In that case we dive down as quick as possible and we try that the opponent in front of us pushes the ball towards the goal.
[Mon Sep 01 11:03:20 2003]
Tehnika koja se izvodi bacanjem ispred nogu, a nakon istrčavanja i bacanje u noge, djelomično odstupa od već prikazane tehnike bacanja za loptom, budući da u trenutku bacanja ne možemo točno odrediti pravac lopte.
The technique of diving in front of the feet, and after running out and diving to the feet, partly departs from the already presented diving techniques, since at the moment of diving we cannot precisely determine the direction of the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:03:20 2003]
Poslije bacanja podignemo ruku i nogu, pripremiti za to, da bi mogli šutnuti loptu, izbiti ili udariti rukom ili nogom.
After the dive we raise our arm and foot, prepared to shoot, parry or strike the ball, either with the hand or with the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 11:09:29 2003]
Kotrljanje poslije istrčavanja to otežava jer bacanje za loptom treba izvesti u okomitom pravcu u odnosu na pravac istrčavanja.
Rolling after running out makes it harder because the dive for the ball must be performed in the direction perpendicular to the direction of running out.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:07 2003]
Ako ispred navedenog igrača koji prodire ka vratima legnemo, postaviti ćemo prilično široku prepreku na put lopte koja ide u vrata.
If we lie down in front of the player who is heading for the goal, we will place a quite wide obstacle on the path of the ball moving towards a goal.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:20 2003]
Mnogo šira prepreka je kao da ćemo se glavom baciti u noge i koja predstavlja opasnost i za vratare (sl.
A much greater obstacle is when we dive with our head to the opponent's feet, which is dangerous for goalkeepers as well(Fig.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:20 2003]
7 Tehnika bacanja za loptom).
7 Diving technique).
[Mon Sep 01 11:22:21 2003]
Čim se lopta s podlogom ne dodiruje, ne trebamo misliti o tome da će odskočiti od podloge, zato sa dlanovima podupremo loptu na isti način kao kod branjenja visokih lopti iz stojećeg stava.
As the ball stops touching the ground, we should not think on how it will rebound from the ground, so we support the ball with the palms in the same way as when saving high balls from the standing posture.
[Mon Sep 01 11:22:47 2003]
Prilikom leta, obje ruke su blago savijene u laktovima, ispred lica opružimo prema lopti dlanove da budu jedan od drugoga i okrenuti naprijed.
During the dive, both arms are slightly bent in elbows, we stretch the palms towards the ball, in front of our face, so that palms are turned frontward.
[Mon Sep 01 11:24:28 2003]
Palac i kažiprst skoro da se dodiruju.
The thumb and the index finger are almost touching each other.
[Mon Sep 01 11:24:28 2003]
Unutrašnji dijelovi dlana i prstiju loptu u njenom napredovanju amortiziraju s radom članaka i zglobova ruku.
Inner parts of palms and fingers cushion the ball in its advancement, together with the activity of arm joints.
[Mon Sep 01 11:28:02 2003]
Osiguranje lopte treba početi po mogućnosti još prilikom leta kroz zrak.
We should start to cover the ball during the dive, if possible.
[Mon Sep 01 11:29:15 2003]
Uhvaćena lopta privuče se rukama k tijelu, a za to vrijeme koljeno noge koja je ispred tijela naglo se povuče naprijed.
The caught ball is pulled closer to the body with the arms, and in the meantime the knee of the leg that is in front of the body is quickly pulled forward.
[Mon Sep 01 11:29:15 2003]
U trenutku pada na podlogu lopta se već nalazi u 'gnijezdu' koje čine ruke i zgrčena noga.
At the moment of falling to the ground, the ball is already in the 'nest' formed by the arms and the bent leg.
[Mon Sep 01 11:31:37 2003]
Kod branjenja visoke lopte tijekom dolaska na podlogu pojedini vratari ne iskorištavaju amortizirajuće djelovanje noge koja se nalazi ispred tijela.
When saving high balls, some goalkeepers do not use the cushioning effect of the leg which is in front of the body, when getting to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 11:34:29 2003]
Kod rutiniranih, prekaljenih i spretnih vratara to i nije greška.
With experienced and skilled goalkeepers this need not be a mistake.
[Mon Sep 01 11:37:04 2003]
Takvi vratari visoko lete i dolazak i pad na podlogu ublaže tako što se najprije skotrljaju na podlogu s laktovima, zatim s ramenima, plećima, a kasnije postupno s bočnom stranom tijela.
Such goalkeepers dive high and they cushion coming and falling on the ground in a way that they roll down on the ground first with elbows, then with shoulders, with the back, and later gradually with the lateral side of the body.
[Mon Sep 01 11:37:04 2003]
Međutim naglašavamo da ovaj spektakularni i paradni način branjenja mogu primjenjivati bez opasnosti od povreda samo potkovani i svestrano pripremljeni vratari.
However, we must point out that such spectacular and showy way of saving can be used without the risk of getting injuried only by well-trained and versatilely prepared goalkeepers.
[Mon Sep 01 11:47:54 2003]
Tehnika bacanja na loptu povezana je s velikim rizicima.
Technique of diving for the ball is connected with great risks.
[Mon Sep 01 11:50:37 2003]
Vratar početnik koji nije na odgovarajući način pripremljen tjelesno i psihički, neka ne primjenjuje teže oblike branjenja vrata padanjem (hvatanje visoke lopte bacanjem).
A beginner goalkeeper, who is not physically and mentally prepared in the adequate way, has not been prepared , should not use difficult forms of saving the goal by diving (diving for the high ball).
[Mon Sep 01 11:51:31 2003]
U tom pogledu trener, nastavnik dužan je veliku pozornost obratiti da se njegov učenik (igrač) ne povrijedi.
In that respect, the coach (teacher) must pay a great attention that his student (player) doesn't get injured.
[Mon Sep 01 11:52:06 2003]
Prije nego što počnemo s obukom bacanja na loptu, moramo proći s vratarom mnoge vježbe:
Before we start to train diving for the ball, we must go through many exercises with the goalkeeper:
[Mon Sep 01 11:57:48 2003]
spretnosti snage, razne vježbe skokova, gimnastike koje razvijaju vještinu.
agility, strength, various exercises of jumping, gymnastics which develops the skill.
[Mon Sep 01 11:59:04 2003]
Među njima bezuvjetno neka se nalaze vježbe prebacivanja preko glave, valjanja i kotrljanja naprijed-nazad, leteći kolut, sklopka na podlozi, preokretanje na rukama u stranu i naprijed, različiti skokovi preko konja, kozlića i švedskog sanduka.
Among them should under any circumstances be the exercises of rolling over, rollings back and forth, the flying somersault, kip at the ground, cartwheel sideways and forward, different jumps over the horse and the Swedish box.
[Mon Sep 01 11:59:48 2003]
Uz pomoć tih vježbi učenik (igrač) će se priučiti na letenje kroz zrak, znat će se orijentirati i vladati tijelom u zraku.
With the help of these exercises, the student (player) will grow accustomed to diving, he will be able to orientate and control his body in the air.
[Mon Sep 01 12:01:26 2003]
Priviknut će se i uvježbati dolazak na podlogu.
He will grow accustomed to and skilled in landing on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:17 2003]
U početku će biti bolno naglo padanje na podlogu i razna bacanja će očeličiti učenike (igrače) i naučit će padati na podlogu.
In the beginning, sudden falling to the ground will be painful, but various dives will strengthen the students (players) and they will learn how to fall on the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:17 2003]
Bez ovakvih sposobnosti bilo bi nesavjesno vratara učiti da se baca ili uvježbavati ga a da nismo učinili neki prijelaz na te radnje.
It would unconscientious to teach a goalkeeper without such abilities how to dive, or to train him without making some transition to this activity.
[Mon Sep 01 12:12:11 2003]
Kad se vratar već ne boji leta po zraku i padanja na podlogu, dobro se zna snalaziti za vrijeme leta kroz zrak, zna se snalaziti u složenim situacijama pri prebacivanju i u skokovima, tek onda prelazimo na obuku bacanja na loptu.
When the goalkeeper stops being afraid of flying through the air and falling on the ground, when he can manage being in the air, when he can manage complex situations during rolling over and jumping, only then can we start to train diving for the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:14:03 2003]
Najprije naučimo kotrljanje u mjestu, a zatim prilikom kretanja u stranu.
First we teach rolling in the place, and then during moving sideways.
[Mon Sep 01 12:16:06 2003]
Poslije prelazimo na odbacivanja u zrak povezana s letom kroz zrak.
After that we move on to taking off connected with flying through the air.
[Mon Sep 01 12:16:06 2003]
Uvjete obuke bacanja za loptom olakšajmo prema mogućnostima nogometnog kluba.
Conditions of diving training should be facilitated according to possibilities of the soccer club.
[Mon Sep 01 12:24:25 2003]
Prve vježbe izvodimo u debljim dresovima, trenirkama, vatiranim gaćicama, s koljenicama i laktobranima.
First exercises should be performed in thicker outfits, sweat suits, padded shorts, with shin guards and elbow guards.
[Mon Sep 01 12:26:56 2003]
Prva bacanja za loptom neka ne izazivaju neprijatna osjećanja jer će to stvoriti smetnje kod predloženog kandidata za vratara.
The first dives for the ball should not cause unpleasant feelings because that will disturb the candidate for the goalkeeper.
[Mon Sep 01 12:26:56 2003]
Kada smo potrebne preduvjete osigurali, dakle osnovnu tjelesnu pripremu i uvjete koji se odnose na tehničke poglede, prilazimo na metodičnu nadgradnju obuke u bacanju na loptu i to po sljedećem redu:
basic physical training and conditions related to technical issues, we approach the methodic upgrade of training diving for the ball, in the following order:
[Mon Sep 01 14:31:18 2003]
Greška je ako se presijecanje izvodi u pravcu vratnica.
It is a mistake to cut the path of the ball in the direction of the goal.
[Mon Sep 01 14:34:48 2003]
I to predstavlja opasnost.
This too is dangerous.
[Mon Sep 01 14:36:20 2003]
Odbijanje od podloge počnimo ispred gol-linije, a ako je moguće let neka je usmjeren pod blagim uglom i koso naprijed.
The take-off should start in front of the goal line and, if possible, the dive should be directed under a slight angle and slanting forward.
[Mon Sep 01 14:36:20 2003]
To ima posebnost jer ćemo na taj način bolje zatvoriti i ugao lopte.
The particularity of this is that it closes the angle of the ball better.
[Mon Sep 01 14:40:18 2003]
Osobito se kod hvatanja niske lopte ili one koje se kolutaju po podlozi događa da loptu poklope samo odozgo obje šake.
Especially when catching low balls or those which roll on the ground it happens that the ball is covered only from above with both hands.
[Mon Sep 01 14:41:03 2003]
Posljedice su da lopta odsklizne ispod ruku ako dlan u potrebno vrijeme ne udari u loptu.
As a result, the ball may slide under the arms if the palm does not hit the ball at the required time.
[Mon Sep 01 14:42:58 2003]
Međutim i to je greška ako oba dlana samo pozadi podboče loptu.
However, it is a mistake if both palms support the ball only from behind.
[Mon Sep 01 14:42:58 2003]
Osobito na neravnom terenu može odskočiti budući da vratar leži na podlozi i nije u stanju stići loptu.
The ball can bounce, especially on the rough field, since the goalkeeper is lying on the ground and he cannot reach the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 14:53:06 2003]
Najvećem broju vratara može se prigovoriti što nakon padanja za loptom dugo ostanu ležati.
An objection which can be made to the majority of goalkeepers is that thay stay on the ground too long after a dive.
[Mon Sep 01 14:54:21 2003]
Nakon što su pali na podlogu treba se podići što je moguće prije i loptu uputiti u polje.
After falling on the ground, they should get up as soon as possible and send the ball into the field.
[Mon Sep 01 14:54:21 2003]
Brzo ispucavanje lopte ili izbacivanje s taktičkog je stanovišta velika prednost.
Quick kicking or throwing the ball into the field is a great advantage from the tactical viewpoint.
[Mon Sep 01 15:21:43 2003]
S prstima otklanja loptu ako je u bacanju kratak, dakle ako druge mogućnosti nema.
They use their fingers to kick the ball away (parrying) if they are short in the dive, i.e. if there are no other options.
[Mon Sep 01 15:22:36 2003]
Tada labavo držeći savijenim prstima skrene loptu iz svoga pravca.
Then keeping his fingers loosely bent, he turns the ball away from his direction.
[Mon Sep 01 15:22:36 2003]
Obično vratari običavaju s prstima produljiti let lopti koja ide u ugao i ispred gornje prečke.
Goalkeepers usually extend the flight of the ball which goes to the angle and in front of the crossbar.
[Mon Sep 01 15:25:48 2003]
Izbijanje koje se izvodi prstima vratari povezuju i s bacanjem.
Goalkeepers connect parrying with diving.
[Mon Sep 01 15:27:05 2003]
Pojedini vratari, ukoliko lopta leti niže u odnosu na visinu bacanja, ispruže ruku koja je odozdo, a ako je lopta viša onda ispruže ruku prema gore.
Some goalkeepers, if the ball flies lower then the height of the dive, streched out the arm which is below, and if the ball is higher, then they streched out the arm upward.
[Mon Sep 01 15:27:23 2003]
Ovo ima praktične koristi jer ćemo u datim situacijama lakše dokučiti loptu ispruženom rukom iz onoga ramena koje se nalazi bliže lopti.
This has a good practical use because in given situations it will be easier to reach the ball with the arm extending from the shoulder which is closer to the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 15:27:23 2003]
Produžit ćemo svoje bacanje za loptom.
We will extend our dive.
[Mon Sep 01 15:36:59 2003]
Izbijanje lopte prstima primjenjujemo samo u krajnjim slučajevima.
Deflecting the balls with fingers is only used in extreme cases.
[Mon Sep 01 15:37:30 2003]
Prsti su dosta slabi te u slučaju jakih udaraca na vrata nisu uvijek u stanju promijeniti pravac lopte.
Fingers are rather weak and in case of strong shots they are not always capable of changing the direction of the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 15:38:19 2003]
Često dolazi i do ozljeda kod ovoga načina obrane vratnica.
Such way of saving often leads to injuries.
[Mon Sep 01 15:39:10 2003]
Međutim, ova primjena obrane vratnica izrazito je poželjna u slučaju kiše kada je vanjska površina lopte sklizava.
However, such way of saving is highly desirable in the case of rain, when the outer surface of the ball is slippery.
[Mon Sep 01 15:40:18 2003]
Dakle hvatanje i lovljenje lopte je nesigurno.
Therefore, catching the ball is risky.
[Mon Sep 01 15:44:22 2003]
Jake udarce pod prečku u takvim slučajevima nije preporučljivo uhvatiti.
In such circumstances, it is not recommended to catch strong balls directed under the crossbar.
[Mon Sep 01 15:45:43 2003]
Ovakve udarce moguće je djelotvorno otkloniti ako obje ruke postavimo jednu pored druge i koso držeći ih unazad, sa zbijenim prstima te s opružanjem laktova u obliku opruge, lopte prebacimo preko vratnice.
Such balls can be efficiently deflected if we place both arms next to each other, keeping them slantingly backward, and with fingers pressed together and with stretching the elbows in the form of a spring, we send the balls over the crossbar.
[Mon Sep 01 15:49:01 2003]
Postoje vratari koji jednom rukom prebace loptu iznad vratnice.
There are goalkeepers who use one hand to throw the ball over the goalpost.
[Mon Sep 01 15:49:01 2003]
Kod prebacivanja lopte preko vrata trebamo paziti na to da ruke dotaknu loptu ispred vratnice, prečke na oko 25-30 centimetara jer će u suprotnom lopta lagano proći ispod prečke.
When kicking balls over the goal, we must pay attention to the fact that hands should touch the ball in front of the goalpost (crossbar) at around 25-30 centimeters, because otherwise the ball will easily go under the crossbar.
[Mon Sep 01 15:53:05 2003]
Tada lopta naiđe na prepreku s dijelovima dlana i pregibom ruku
In that case the ball is obstructed by the parts of the palm and the crook of the arms
[Mon Sep 01 16:06:22 2003]
Izbijanje nije prvorazredno obrambeno oružje vratara.
Kicking the ball away is not a goalkeeper's most important tool.
[Mon Sep 01 16:06:22 2003]
Samo onda je slobodno i pravilno ga je primjenjivati ako nema mogućnosti da se lopta uhvati.
He should feel free to use it only if there is no other way to catch the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 09:18:24 2003]
Poslije hvatanja rukama loptu treba što je brže moguće uputiti u igralište bacanjem, ispucavanjem ili kolutanjem po podlozi.
After the ball is caught, it should be sent back into the field as quickly as possible, by throwing it, kicking it or rolling it on the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 09:19:56 2003]
Nije uvijek moguće odmah loptu uputiti u polje.
It is not always possible to send the ball into the field immediately after catching it.
[Tue Sep 02 09:20:39 2003]
S druge strane, s taktičkog stanovišta, jer je položaj naših navalnih igrača nepovoljan pa će loptu uhvatiti protivnička obrana.
On the other hand, from the tactical viewpoint, if our forwards are not positioned well, the opposing defense will catch the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 09:22:02 2003]
Poželjno je da izvjesno vrijeme pričekamo s izbacivanjem ili ispucavanjem lopte.
It is desirable to wait for a while before we kick or throw the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 09:22:39 2003]
U interesu spomenutih i drugih taktičkih ciljeva je dobivanje na vremenu, izbjegavanje protivničkih nasrtaja itd.
For the purpose of mentioned and other tactical goals is winning time, avoiding opposing attacks etc.
[Tue Sep 02 09:24:12 2003]
Vratari često primjenjuju vođenje lopte rukama, udaranjem lopte o podlogu.
Goalkeepers often handle the ball by hitting it on the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 09:24:12 2003]
Vođenje i zadržavanje lopte rukama u krajnjoj liniji teško je definirati.
In the end, handling the ball is hard to define.
[Tue Sep 02 09:33:15 2003]
Nesumnjivo služi u interesu napada, ako je npr. dobivanja na vremenu cilj vođenja lopte.
Beyond a doubt it is used for the purposes of attacking, if for example, the goal of handling the ball is to gain time.
[Tue Sep 02 09:34:22 2003]
Ali ako imamo pred očima jedno od osnovnih gledišta suvremenog nogometa, a to je brzina i ako nam je cilj da lopta što brže dođe u polje, onda vođenje lopte ne opravdava kvalitete navalno tehničkih elemenata.
But if we keep in mind one of the basic viewpoints of modern soccer, and that is speed, and if our aim is to send the ball back into the field as quick as possible, then ball handling does not justify the qualities of offensive technical elements.
[Tue Sep 02 09:35:16 2003]
Vođenje lopte rukama, zajedno s bacanjem auta je također element u nogometnoj igri kojega ograničavaju pravila nogometne igre.
Handling the ball, together with throw-ins, is another element in soccer which is restricted by the rules of the soccer game.
[Tue Sep 02 09:35:16 2003]
Naime pravila kažu da nakon šest sekundi loptu treba ubaciti u teren.
That is, the rules prescribe that the ball must be back in the field after six seconds.
[Tue Sep 02 09:40:48 2003]
Ovih se pravila trebaju pridržavati vratari, iako najveći broj sudaca ne primjenjuje rigorozno ovaj propis.
Goalkeepers must stick to these rules, although majority of referees are not strict about these regulations.
[Tue Sep 02 09:40:48 2003]
Nepravilno vođenje lopte rukama i zadržavanje donosi protivniku indirektan udarac koji može biti koban za vratara.
If the ball is handled or kept irregularly, the opponent may be awarded an indirect kick, which may be fatal for the goalkeeper.
[Tue Sep 02 09:44:11 2003]
Vođenje lopte ne zahtijeva posebnu vještinu.
Handling the ball does not require some special skill.
[Tue Sep 02 09:45:51 2003]
Loptu držimo ispred sebe objema rukama.
We keep the ball in front of us, holding it with both hands.
[Tue Sep 02 09:47:17 2003]
Jedna ruka opuštenim i otvorenim prstima odozgo podboči loptu, a druga odozdo ili sa strane.
One hand, with loose and open fingers, supports the ball from above, and the other from below or sideways.
[Tue Sep 02 09:48:41 2003]
Gornja ruka uz jaki pokret ručnih zglobova udari o podlogu onda kada suprotna noga zakorači naprijed.
With the strong movement of wrists, the above hand knocks the ball against the ground when the opposite leg takes a step forward.
[Tue Sep 02 09:48:41 2003]
Lopta odbijena od podloge, prihvati se ponovo u ruke istim rukohvatom.
The rebounded ball is again received with hands, in the same manner as before.
[Tue Sep 02 09:51:07 2003]
Za vrijeme vođenja lopte pazimo na to da je uvijek udaramo u podlogu na daljoj strani tijela od protivnika.
As we handle the ball, we must be careful to always hit the ground on the side of the body further from the opponent.
[Tue Sep 02 09:53:15 2003]
Na taj ćemo je način u izvjesnom stupnju ograditi tijelom od protivnika.
In this way our body will, to a certain level, fence it off from the opponent.
[Tue Sep 02 09:55:08 2003]
Prilikom vođenja lopte vratar se umjereno nagne naprijed da bi loptu držao što bliže podlozi te da bi na taj način bila što kraće vrijeme van njegovog posjeda ili kontrole.
As he leads the ball, the goalkeeper slightly leans forward in order to keep the ball close to the ground and to reduce the time in which the ball is out of his possession or control.
[Tue Sep 02 09:55:08 2003]
U trenutku udaranja o podlogu i hvatanja lopte pogled je uperen na loptu a za vrijeme držanja lopte u rukama, pogled motri po igralištu.
At the moment of striking against the ground and catching the ball, the eyes are fixed upon the ball, and when the ball is held in hands, we watch the field.
[Tue Sep 02 10:18:57 2003]
Izbacivanje lopte po podlozi u današnjem modernom nogometu radi brzih protunapada dobiva u igri vratara sve veći prostor kao tehnički element.
Throwing the ball on the ground is gaining more importance as a technical element in goalkeeping in today's modern soccer because of quick counter-attacks.
[Tue Sep 02 10:19:46 2003]
Naravno, ispucavanje nogom u daljinu nije precizno, ali se na kraće razdaljine može primjenjivati brže i točnije.
Naturally, kicking the ball far away is not accurate, but on shorter distances it can be used more quickly and more accurately.
[Tue Sep 02 10:19:46 2003]
Velika je prednost što lopta kotrljajući se po podlozi dođe do svoga suigrača.
A great advantage of the ball which is rolling on the ground is that it can reach the teammate.
[Tue Sep 02 10:37:58 2003]
Kretnje pri bacanju lopte su slične pokretima igrača koji baca kuglu u kuglani.
Movements in rolling the ball are similar to movements of a player who rolls the ball in a bowling alley.
[Tue Sep 02 10:39:29 2003]
Za vrijeme bacanja pred očima nam je cilj lopte.
During rolling, we keep are eyes on the target of the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:39:29 2003]
Loptu ne trebamo gledati jer se preko perifernog pogleda orijentiramo prema njenom položaju
We don't have to look at the ball because, through peripheral vision, we are oriented towards its position
[Tue Sep 02 11:18:46 2003]
Tehnika izbacivanja lopte po zraku može se izvoditi na dva načina.
The technique of throwing the ball through the air can be performed in two ways.
[Tue Sep 02 11:18:46 2003]
Kod prvoga načina loptu se pokreće u visini glave iza leđa, a kod drugog je bacamo u polje pokretima sličnim kao kod bacanja diska.
In the first way the ball is set in motion at the height of the head, behind the back, and in the other it is thrown into the field with movements similar as in discus throw.
[Tue Sep 02 12:15:09 2003]
Pogrešno je izbacivanje i tada ako ruku koja baca suviše podignemo iza linije glave prilikom zauzimanja zamaha.
It is also wrong to throw in a way when the throwing arm is raised behind the line of the head too much, when we perform a swing.
[Tue Sep 02 12:17:00 2003]
Tada lopta relativno nezaštićena leži na dlanu i leži dalje od tijela.
In that case the ball lies on the palm relatively unprotected and it is further from the body.
[Tue Sep 02 12:17:04 2003]
U slučaju iznenadnog napada protivnika vratar će se lagano zbuniti, ispustit će loptu, izložiti je opasnosti izbijanja glavom iz ruke.
In the case of a sudden attack of the opponent, a goalkeeper will be somewhat confused, drop the ball and expose it to the danger of being kicked away from the hands with the head.
[Tue Sep 02 12:42:20 2003]
Ispucavanje mirne lopte.
Kicking the still ball.
[Tue Sep 02 12:43:20 2003]
Ako vratar želi izvoditi ispucavanje mirne lopte u polje, tada treba uzeti u obzir sve one neminovne zahtjeve koji nogometna taktika zahtijeva u odnosu od predaje lopte.
If a goalkeeper wants to kick a still ball into the field, then he must take into consideration all of the inevitable requirements that soccer tactics demands in respect to the ball passing.
[Tue Sep 02 12:46:09 2003]
Ukoliko je daljina ispucavanja mjerodavna onda se preporučuje udarac punim hrptom.
If the distance of the kick is relevant, in that case the laces drive is recommended.
[Tue Sep 02 12:47:13 2003]
Ali ako je cilj upućivanje lopte, onda treba primjenjivati nutarnji udarac.
But if our aim is to send the ball to a desires target, then the inside kick should be used.
[Tue Sep 02 12:48:40 2003]
Ali tim načinom udarca ne može se postići veća daljina od 15-20 metara, a da o ograničenoj visini lopte ni ne govorimo.
But the maximum range achieved with this way of kicking is 15-20 meters, not to mention the limited height of the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 12:48:42 2003]
Vratari ih i ne koriste u druge svrhe osim da odgurnu loptu vlastitom suigraču koji se nalazi u visini šesnaesterca.
Goalkeepers only use them to pass the ball to their teammate who is at the level of the penalty area.
[Tue Sep 02 12:58:59 2003]
Kod izvođenja ispucavanja lopte zahtjeve za daljinom i točnošću leta lopte treba postaviti u prikladnu proporciju.
When performing kicks, the requirements for distance and accuracy of the ball should set in the adequate ratio.
[Tue Sep 02 13:00:10 2003]
Ne smijemo ne uzeti u obzir niti gledišta suigrača koji očekuju loptu.
We should not disregard the viewpoints of our teammates who await the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 13:00:12 2003]
Udarac trebamo izvoditi tako da lopta padne u igru i da je suigrač može primiti na lagan način.
A kick should be performed in a way that it returns to the game and that a teammate can easily receive it.
[Tue Sep 02 14:33:08 2003]
Kod ispucavanja lopte suvišno je ponovno govoriti o metodičnoj nadgradnji prilikom obuke.
With goalkeeper kicks it is not necessary to once again speak about the methodic upgrade during training.
[Tue Sep 02 14:34:37 2003]
To smo učinili prilikom izlaganja o udarcima nogom.
This was done in the presentation of kicks.
[Tue Sep 02 14:34:38 2003]
Stoga bih želio samo ukazati na glavne elemente tijekom obuke.
Therefore, I would only like to specify primary elements during training.
[Tue Sep 02 15:11:31 2003]
Bacanjem se mogu otkloniti niske, poluvisoke i visoke lopte.
Diving can be used to save low, semi-high and high balls.
[Tue Sep 02 15:11:34 2003]
U tehnici padanja postoje odstupanja samo u pojedinostima, ovisno o visini dolazeće lopte, međutim u biti tehnika pokreta i kretanja je identična kod svakog padanja za loptom.
In diving technique there are variations in details, depending upon the height of the approaching ball, however the technique of movement is in its essence identical for each dive for the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 15:20:53 2003]
Pripremni položaj je ravan osnovnom stavu vratara, najviše što raznožni stav može biti nešto širi.
The preparatory position is equal to goalkeeper's basic posture, except that feet may be wider apart.
[Tue Sep 02 15:20:58 2003]
U slučaju ako lopta od vratara dolazi u stranu, u takvoj daljini da nije dokučiva ako se baci iz mjesta, onda vratar pripremni položaj nastoji zauzeti čineći korake u stranu koji se podudaraju s pokretima pri postavljanju ili s unakrsnim koracima.
If the ball comes sideways to the goalkeeper, at such distance that it cannot be reached if he dives from place, then the goalkeeper tries to assume the preparatory position by making sideway steps which correspond with movements during positioning or with cross steps.
[Tue Sep 02 15:21:01 2003]
Odlični vratari primjenjuju obje.
Excellent goalkeepers apply both.
[Wed Sep 03 11:00:20 2003]
Igrač koristi puno stopalo i to tako da sudar punog stopala i lopte bude pod loptom.
The player uses the entire foot, in a way that the collision of the foot and the ball is under the ball.
[Wed Sep 03 11:00:37 2003]
Vrh udarne noge mora se zamahnuti između lopte i podloge.
The tip of the kicking leg must swing between the ball and the ground.
[Wed Sep 03 11:01:24 2003]
Pokrenuti vrh kopačke pod loptu.
Put the toes under the ball.
[Wed Sep 03 11:01:51 2003]
Potkoljenica, stopalo nije potpuno napregnuto prema dolje, ali se drži čvrsto.
The lower leg and the foot are not fully tightened downwards, but we keep them tight.
[Wed Sep 03 11:02:40 2003]
Nastojimo udarac po lopti postići po njenoj površini koja je po mogućnosti najniža.
We try to strike the lowest surface of the ball.
[Wed Sep 03 11:03:51 2003]
Lopta će se podizati pod djelovanjem dane snage sile i unatrag će se kretati za vrijeme leta.
The ball will be raised under the effect of the given force and it will move backward during the flight.
[Mon Sep 01 09:16:58 2003]
Lopta se vodi desnom pa lijevom nutarnjom stranom, pravo, te nakon 5-6 metara načini se cijeli krug od 360 stupnjeva, jednom ulijevo, drugi put udesno, tj. kada se okreću u desno počinju voditi s nutarnjim lijeve noge i obratno, kada se okreću lijevo, vode s nutarnjom desnom nogom.
A player leads the ball first with the right and then with the left inner side of the leg, ahead, then after 5 - 6 meters he makes full circle of 360 degrees, first to the left, then to the right, i.e. when he turns to the right he starts to lead with the inner side of the left leg and vice versa, when he turns to the left, he leads with the inner side of the right leg.
[Mon Sep 01 09:20:35 2003]
Cilj je da se igrači u što kraćem vremenu okrenu.
The aim is that players turn around in the shortest possible period.
[Mon Sep 01 09:20:35 2003]
To će postići najlakše kada s gornjim dijelom tijela naprave jaki trzaj, a sa slobodnom nogom naprave kratak i brz pokret loptom
This will be easily achieved if with the upper part of their body they make a strong jolt, and with their free leg they make a short and quick movement with the ball
[Mon Sep 01 09:22:35 2003]
Prednje vježbe raditi desnom pa lijevom vanjskom stranom stopala
Front drills are performed with the right and then with the left outer side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 09:26:17 2003]
Vođenje lopte s đonom, stojeći na jednom mjestu lopta se unazad vodi.
Leading the ball with the sole, standing at one place a player leads the ball backward.
[Mon Sep 01 09:26:17 2003]
Igrači pod pravim kutem stavljaju đon na loptu (drže) i skakuću (poskakujući) vode unazad loptu
Players place the sole on the ball at the right corner (they hold the ball) and hop (skip) leading the ball backward
[Mon Sep 01 09:27:20 2003]
Vođenje lopte unazad đonom, u jednom pravcu
Leading the ball backward with the sole, in one direction
[Mon Sep 01 09:30:25 2003]
Vođenje lopte unaprijed hrptom stopala te nakon 5-6 metara čini se okret od 360 stupnjeva i nakon toga vodi loptu s đonom (oko sebe)
Leading the ball ahead with the instep, and after 5 - 6 meters a player turns at 360 degrees and then leads the ball with the sole (around himself)
[Mon Sep 01 09:32:27 2003]
Glavom, koljenom, hrptom podižući loptu, vode polako i povećavaju tempo
A player slowly leads the ball lifting it with his head, knee, and instep, and gradually increasing the pace
[Mon Sep 01 09:33:59 2003]
Korištenje različitih načina pri vođenju lopte
Using different ways of leading the ball
[Mon Sep 01 09:40:43 2003]
Dobar nogometaš treba poznavati i koristiti sva tri načina vođenja lopte (punim hrptom, vanjskim i nutarnjim).
A good player must be familiar with all three ways the ball leading (with the full instep, outer instep and inner instep).
[Mon Sep 01 09:41:31 2003]
Kruto se ne mogu odabrati pojedini načini vođenja ili ih isključivo primjenjivati.
We cannot strictly choose particular ways of leading the ball, nor can we apply them in such way.
[Mon Sep 01 09:42:21 2003]
Za vrijeme jedne igre redovito se događaju sva tri načina naizmjenično.
During one game it regularly occurs that all three ways are used alternately.
[Mon Sep 01 09:42:21 2003]
Najmanje se događa vođenje lopte punim hrptom
Most rarely used is the ball leading with the full instep
[Mon Sep 01 09:45:40 2003]
Od čega ovisi koju ćemo metodu odabrati?
On what does our choice of the ball leading method depend?
[Mon Sep 01 09:48:59 2003]
Izbor računa vođenja lopte ovisi u prvome redu o položaju (situaciji) igrača kao i o okolnostima.
A choice of the ball leading method depends primarily on the position (situation) of a player, as well as on circumstances.
[Mon Sep 01 09:49:56 2003]
Kod vođenja lopte u ravnome pravcu razmjerno se malo problema pojavljuje u odnosu na odabiranje načina za vođenje.
In the straight-line ball leading there are relatively few problems in the choice of a method for leading the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 09:50:30 2003]
Ali time se više problema pojavljuje ako vođenje lopte povezujemo sa izvršavanjem specijalnih zadataka (npr.
But more problems appear if the ball leading is connected with performing special tasks (for example
[Mon Sep 01 09:50:30 2003]
razni okreti) ili ako primjenjujemo druge tehničke elemente (prijem lopte, dribling, dodavanje lopte)
But more problems appear if the ball leading is connected with performing special tasks (for example various turns) or if we apply other technical elements (reception of the ball, dribbling, passing the ball)
[Mon Sep 01 09:54:04 2003]
Izbor ovisi i o položaju protivničkog igrača.
Choice also depends on the position of the opponent player.
[Mon Sep 01 09:55:19 2003]
Ako npr. protivnik trči pored nas, paralelno s nama, tada loptu vodimo s drugom nogom, onom koja je dalje od njega (da je tijelo između lopte i protivnika), a po mogućnosti s vanjskim stopalom ili unutarnjim.
If, for example, the opponent runs beside us, parallelly with us, then we lead the ball with the other leg, that which is further from the opponent (with our body between the ball and the opponent), if possible with the outer or the inner side of the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 09:56:55 2003]
Ako pak protivnik trči nama u susret, redovito vodimo loptu s nutarnjim stopalom.
On the other hand, if the opponent runs towards us, we always lead the ball with the inner side of the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 09:56:55 2003]
Tada ćemo lakše obići, prevariti protivnika (predriblati)
That way it will be easier for us to go around the opponent, and to trick him (dribble)
[Mon Sep 01 10:00:32 2003]
Hoćemo li primijeniti ovu ili onu metodu vođenja lopte ovisi i od brzine trčanja.
Which method of ball leading we choose to apply also depends on the running speed.
[Mon Sep 01 10:02:08 2003]
Kod sporog vođenja lopte može se koristiti bilo koji način.
In the slow ball leading it is possible to use any method.
[Mon Sep 01 10:05:25 2003]
Međutim kod brzog vođenja prednost ima vanjsko stopalo, a rjeđe se događa da se vodi punim hrptom.
However, in the fast leading the outer side of the foot is preferable, and the full instep is rarely used.
[Mon Sep 01 10:06:47 2003]
Naime, za vrijeme trčanja os duljine stopala potpuno pada na pravac kretanja (poklapa se s njim) ili od njega malo odstupa, tj. ulazi malo koso naprijed unutra.
That is, during runnings the foot length axis completely falls upon the course line (coincides with it) or slightly departs from it, i.e. enters slightly sloping forward inside.
[Mon Sep 01 10:06:47 2003]
Stoga je za vrijeme brzoga trčanja teško izvoditi vođenje lopte nutarnjim stopalom, a bez prekidanja ritma trčanja ili ritma zamaha (poleta)
Therefore, during the quick running it is hard to perform the ball leading with the inner foot, and without breaking the rhythm of running or the rhythm of swinging (bouyancy)
[Mon Sep 01 10:15:42 2003]
Koju će metodu vođenja koristiti igrač, ovisi o tome (utječe) i oblik noge.
Which method of ball leading will a player use, also depends on (is affected by) the shape of his legs.
[Mon Sep 01 10:15:44 2003]
Igrači sa 'X' nogama vole loptu voditi s nutarnjom stranom stopala, a dok s 'O' nogama radije loptu vode sa vanjskim stopalom (sl.
Players with knock-knees like to lead the ball with the inner side of the foot, while bow-legged players preferably lead the ball with the outer side of the foot (Figure
[Mon Sep 01 10:16:03 2003]
Vođenje lopte hrptom stopala)
Leading the ball with the instep)
[Mon Sep 01 10:16:52 2003]
Metodika u vođenju lopte
Methodology in the ball leading
[Mon Sep 01 10:20:56 2003]
Pored jednog ili drugog načina vođenja lopte, bilo bi neispravno vezati se samo za jedan ili drugi način vođenja.
Alongside with one or the other method of ball leading, it would be incorrect to attach oneself solely to one or the other way of leading.
[Mon Sep 01 10:21:19 2003]
Sva tri učimo, vježbajmo, ali kod toga dopustimo i da se razvija individualnost.
Players study all three ways, they train them, but it is allowed to develop individuality.
[Mon Sep 01 10:21:19 2003]
Interveniramo samo tamo gdje je bezuvjetno potrebno
A coach should intervene only where it is absolutely necessary
[Mon Sep 01 10:30:11 2003]
Ako između ove tri tehnike ipak želimo načiniti neki redoslijed, po mome mišljenju ispravno je da s početnicima počnemo obuku vođenja lopte koja omogućava najlabavije kretanje (kretnje).
If we still want to make some order among these three techniques, I think that the beginners should start with the ball leading training which allows for the most lax movements.
[Mon Sep 01 10:31:58 2003]
Osim toga, vanjsko stopalo je najprikladnije i za brzo vođenje.
Apart from this, the outer foot is most suitable and for fast ball leading.
[Mon Sep 01 10:31:58 2003]
Ako međutim želimo postići brzi uspjeh kod usvajanja tehnike vođenja, možemo vježbu početi i sa nutarnjim stopalom, a naročito tada ako učenici (igrači) poznaju udarce s nutarnjim stopalom
However, if we want to achieve quick success in adopting the ball leading technique, we can start the drill with the inner foot, and particularly if students (players) have learned the shots with the inner foot
[Mon Sep 01 10:34:34 2003]
Samo nakon usvajanja vođenja lopte koje se vrši s vanjskim i nutarnjim stopalom, neka dođe na red metodika tehnike vođenja lopte i s punim stopalom
Only after adopting the ball leading which is performed with the outer and the inner foot, should come a methodology of ball leading technique with the full foot
[Mon Sep 01 10:36:27 2003]
Kod metodike tehnike vođenja lopte bez obzira o kojoj je tehnici riječ radimo po sljedećim stepenicama
In the ball leading methodology, regardless of the technique, we work according to the following steps