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[Mon Sep 01 10:38:11 2003]
pokazati kako se drži tijelo i noga (pomažu medicinke)
demonstrate how keep the body and legs (with the help of medicine balls)
[Mon Sep 01 10:39:46 2003]
vođenje s jednom nogom (za vrijeme hoda isto medicinkom
leading the ball with one leg (during walking the same with medicine ball
[Mon Sep 01 10:41:19 2003]
ali za vrijeme laganog trčanja
the same as 3, but during the easy running
[Mon Sep 01 10:42:54 2003]
vođenje u pravoj liniji s jednom nogom, a za vrijeme laganog trčanja i to nogometnom loptom
leading the ball in the straight line with one leg, during the easy running with the football
[Mon Sep 01 10:43:48 2003]
vođenje u pravoj liniji s naizmjeničnim nogama (lijevom i desnom) za vrijeme laganog trčanja s nogometnom loptom
leading the ball in the straight line with alternating legs (left and right) during the easy running with the football
[Mon Sep 01 10:44:32 2003]
vođenje lopte s naizmjeničnim nogama, za vrijeme laganog trčanja u cik-cak linijama
leading the ball with alternating legs, during the easy running in zig-zag lines
[Mon Sep 01 10:45:14 2003]
vođenje s naizmjeničnim nogama (lagano trčanje u obliku osmice
leading the ball with alternating legs (easy running in the form eight
[Mon Sep 01 10:46:08 2003]
vođenje lopte, brzo trčeći, u pravoj liniji, a zatim u cik-cak linijama naizmjenično
leading the ball, quickly running, in the straight line, and then in zig-zag lines alternately
[Mon Sep 01 10:48:55 2003]
Greške koje se događaju za
Mistakes which occur during
[Mon Sep 01 10:52:31 2003]
Naravno u niže navedenome ćemo raščlanit samo tehničke greške.
Naturally, in the below mentioned text we will separate only technical mistakes.
[Mon Sep 01 10:52:50 2003]
S taktičkim neispravnostima upoznat ću vas kasnije.
Tactical irregularities will be introduced later.
[Mon Sep 01 10:52:50 2003]
Najglavnije su greške
The most important mistakes are
[Mon Sep 01 10:56:22 2003]
U tome slučaju osjećaj kretanja je teži, vođenje lopte izvršavajmo sa dobro napuhanom loptom i sa meko napuhanom loptom
In that case he feels the movements harder, and the ball leading ahould be performed with well inflated ball and with the softly inflated ball
[Mon Sep 01 10:58:38 2003]
Učenik (igrač) dodiruje loptu s ukočenim, nategnutim stopalom u članku noge (tada nema tako lijep osjećaj guranja lopte
Student (player) touches the ball with stiff, taut foot in the joint (this way there is no pleasant feeling of pushing the ball
[Mon Sep 01 11:03:39 2003]
Nogometaš pušta loptu pred sebe da ode suviše daleko.
Player lets the ball go too far in front of him.
[Mon Sep 01 11:04:13 2003]
Ovu grešku ispravljamo tako da učenik (igrač) vodi loptu prema 'protivniku' koji pred njime uzmiče okrenut licem u lice.
This mistake is corrected so that the student (player) leads the ball towards 'the opponent' who retreats in front of him, turned face to face.
[Mon Sep 01 11:05:18 2003]
Dakle ide natraške pred onim koji vodi loptu.
Therefore, he runs backward in front of the player who leads ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:06 2003]
Protivnik koji ometa neka ne bude bliže od 2-3 metra onome koji vodi.
The obstructing opponent should not be closer than 2 - 3 meters to the player who is leading the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:43 2003]
I ovo je dobra metoda rada, ako ispred igrača koji vodi loptu povučemo jednu pravu liniju duljine od 10-15 metara.
It is also a good working method, if in front of a player who leads the ball we draw a straight lines of 10 - 15 meters.
[Mon Sep 01 11:11:43 2003]
Odredimo koliko puta igrač (učenik) treba dodirnuti loptu do kraja linije
We determine how many times a player (student) must touch the ball by the end of the line
[Mon Sep 01 11:14:54 2003]
Gornji dio tijela drži ukočeno, uspravno, ne naginje se naprijed
Player keeps the upper part of his body rigid, vertical, without inclining forward
[Mon Sep 01 11:15:42 2003]
Ritam trčanja za vrijeme vođenja lopte se prekida
Rhythm of running interrupts during the ball leading
[Mon Sep 01 11:16:28 2003]
Za vrijeme vođenja nogometaš stalno koristi samo jednu nogu
During the ball leadings, a player constantly uses only one leg
[Mon Sep 01 11:17:13 2003]
Obraća stalno pozornost na loptu
A player constantly pays attention to the ball
[Mon Sep 01 11:18:18 2003]
Tehnika udarca unutarnjom
Technique of shooting the ball
[Mon Sep 01 11:20:47 2003]
U trenutku udarca lopte, stajna noga čini pravi kut sa zamašnom nogom.
In the moment of shot, landing leg makes the right angle with the swinging leg.
[Mon Sep 01 11:22:43 2003]
Tijelo se naginje na stajnu nogu, lijeva ruka je spuštena prema naprijed, a desna povučena unazad, te tako drže ravnotežu.
Body inclines towards the landing leg, left hand is lowered forward, and the right hand is pulled backward, so that they keep balance.
[Mon Sep 01 11:23:25 2003]
Zamah je iz koljena gdje dolazi do izražaja potkoljenica.
At the moment of shooting, the foot is parallel to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 11:24:15 2003]
U trenutku udaranja lopte, rame i suprotna ruka su ispruženi naprijed
The shoulder and the opposite hand are extended forward in the moment of shooting the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:25:38 2003]
Izvršavanje pokreta bez lopte
Performing movements without the ball
[Mon Sep 01 11:26:54 2003]
Jedan igrač (učenik) rukom dodaje loptu suigraču koji udara loptu unutarnjom stranom stopala
One player (student) hands the ball to his teammate, who hits the ball with the inner side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 11:27:59 2003]
Ista vježba kao pod točkom 2, samo su uloge izmijenjene
The same drill as under 2, but with changed roles
[Mon Sep 01 11:29:15 2003]
Dva igrača jedan drugome dodaju loptu unutarnjom stranom stopala
Two players pass the ball to each other with the inner side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 11:30:29 2003]
Greške koje se događaju kod udarca
Mistakes which occurs when shooting
[Mon Sep 01 11:30:29 2003]
unutarnjom stranom stopala
the ball with the inner side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 11:36:00 2003]
Šutnuta lopta i pokraj naše volje dobije jaku rotaciju.
The kicked ball, regardless of our will, receives strong rotation.
[Mon Sep 01 11:36:59 2003]
Razlog je nepravilno držanje stopala noge.
The reason for this is incorrect posture of feet.
[Mon Sep 01 11:38:14 2003]
Stopalo noge ne pada na loptu pod pravim kutem na pravac kretanja lopte.
Foot does not fall on the ball under the right angle of the the ball's course line.
[Mon Sep 01 11:38:14 2003]
Na taj način snaga udarca ne udari loptu točno u centar i radi toga slijedi neželjena rotacija
In this way, the shot strength does not hit the ball directly to the centre and hence follows the undesired rotation
[Mon Sep 01 11:41:54 2003]
Ova greška nastaje i radi toga što početnik ne stane točno u pravcu kretanja lopte.
This mistake occurs also because a beginner does position himself in the precise direction of the ball movement.
[Mon Sep 01 11:41:54 2003]
U ovom slučaju iako drži ispravno stopalo pa udari loptu, ona će ipak dobiti neželjenu rotaciju i otići u stranu u neželjenom pravcu
In this case, although he holds his foot correctly and hits the ball, it will still obtain the unwanted rotation and go sideways in the unwanted direction
[Mon Sep 01 11:43:43 2003]
Pored toga nogometaši koji slabije poznaju nogometnu abecedu često griješe u trenutku udaranja lopte.
Besides, players who are less familiar with the soccer alphabet often make mistakes in the moment of shooting the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:44:10 2003]
Oni često udarac izvode netočno.
They frequently perform the shot incorrectly.
[Mon Sep 01 11:45:18 2003]
Oni zaborave da se nalaze daleko postrance od lopte.
They forget that they are standing far off sideways from the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:46:22 2003]
Tada noga mora činiti jaki pokret 'kosaca'.
Then the leg must perform a strong movement like a 'reaper'.
[Mon Sep 01 11:46:22 2003]
Takav udarac gubi na snazi i lopta ide slabije
Such shot loses its force and the ball travels slower
[Mon Sep 01 11:49:40 2003]
Rijetko se kad događa da pojedini igrači udaraju loptu nutarnjom stranom stopala s palcem, to jest sa 'vrhom'.
It rarely occurs that a certain players hits the ball with the inner side of the foot with the thumb, i.e. with the 'tip'.
[Mon Sep 01 11:51:41 2003]
Greška je često i posljedica neke smetnje.
A mistake is often a result of some disturbance.
[Mon Sep 01 11:52:59 2003]
Vjerojatno da igrač ima i razmjerno dužu nogu i boji se povreda.
It is possible that a player has a relatively long leg and is afraid of injuries.
[Mon Sep 01 11:53:20 2003]
Ako je takav igrač iz obrane greška i nije velika, jer točno dodavanje i nije od prvorazrednog značaja za užu obranu.
If such player is in defense, a mistake and is not that large, because correct passing is not of major importance for the defense.
[Mon Sep 01 11:55:38 2003]
Ali kod pomagača i napadača ovu grešku moramo ispravljati.
But with assistants and forwards this mistake must be corrected.
[Mon Sep 01 11:57:14 2003]
Ako se igrač boji da će zabiti nogom podlogu, tada nogu na koju se oslanjamo treba dalje u stranu staviti pored lopte.
If a player is afraid that he will bump his the leg on the ground, then the supporting leg must be positioned further aside next to the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 11:57:14 2003]
A ako je greška osjećaja pokretljivosti noge, tada je potrebno loptu staviti na malo uzvišenje
And if the mistake is in the feeling of leg mobility, then we must position the ball at a small elevation
[Mon Sep 01 11:58:58 2003]
udarca lopte i metodika
of shooting the ball and methodology
[Mon Sep 01 12:03:05 2003]
Stopalo noge podignemo iz zgloba tako da đon s podlogom zatvara jedan kut.
We raise the foot from the joint so that the sole closes the right angle with the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:03:21 2003]
Kut neka bude velik da lopta može stati između noge i podloge.
The angle should be large so that the ball can stand between the leg and the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:03:49 2003]
Lopta odjednom dodirne podlogu i nogu.
The ball suddenly touches the ground and the leg.
[Mon Sep 01 12:04:43 2003]
Koljeno je nešto malo savijeno, a cijela noga se drži labavo.
Knee is a little bent, and the entire leg is loose.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:57 2003]
Čim lopta dođe u dodir s nogom i podlogom, noga se treba popustiti da bi dočekala loptu.
As soon as the ball comes into contact with the leg and the ground, the leg should ease off in order to receive the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:05:59 2003]
Ovaj pokret noge uzrokuje rotacija lopte u nazad te na taj način lopta ostaje pod kontrolom (sl.
This leg movement causes backwards ball rotations and in this way the ball remains under control (Figure
[Mon Sep 01 12:06:13 2003]
Primanje lopte đonom
Receiving the ball with the sole
[Mon Sep 01 12:08:48 2003]
Kut se izgrađuje tako da se tijelo drži nešto malo postrance u odnosu na dolazeću loptu.
Angle is built so that the body is kept a little sideways in relation to the arriving ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:10:09 2003]
Noga kojom se obavlja zaustavljanje podigne se unazad.
Leg which performs the stopping is lifted backward.
[Mon Sep 01 12:10:12 2003]
Lopta se dodirne s podlogom i s nogom, a snaga udara lopte se usklađuje sa popuštanjem noge koja izvodi pokret (sl.
The ball touches the ground and the leg, and the impact strength adjusts with the easing off of the leg which performs the movement (Figure
[Mon Sep 01 12:10:39 2003]
The ball touches the ground and the leg, and the impact strength adjusts with the easing off of the leg which performs the movement (Figure 15.
[Mon Sep 01 12:10:39 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte nutarnjom stranom stopala
Technique of receiving the ball with the inner side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 12:15:59 2003]
Koristi se samo onda ako igrač poslije preuzimanja lopte želi u drugom pravcu povesti loptu i dalje je uputiti, ako se želi odmah i pod strogu kontrolu staviti lopta.
This technique is used only if a player, after taking over the ball, wants to lead it in the other direction ball and pass it on, if he wants to put the ball immediately under strict control.
[Mon Sep 01 12:16:13 2003]
Na primjer, branič, srednji pomagač hoće zaustaviti loptu i želi je udaljiti od vrata.
For example, a defender, a central half, wants to stop the ball and remove it from the goal.
[Mon Sep 01 12:17:09 2003]
U tom se slučaju primjenjuje sljedeća tehnika:
In this case the following technique applies:
[Mon Sep 01 12:18:25 2003]
nogu s kojom se lopta zaustavlja ispružimo naprijed i stopalo okrenemo prema van.
the leg which stops the ball is streched out forward and the foot is turned outward.
[Mon Sep 01 12:18:26 2003]
To je sklopka koju čine vanjski dio noge, zglob i podloga, budući da se lopta kreće redovito u istome pravcu s igračem i ode ispred igrača (sl.
This is the switch made from the outer part of the leg, joint and ground, since the ball moves regularly in the same direction with the player and goes in front of the player (Figure
[Mon Sep 01 12:18:47 2003]
Tehnika primanja lopte vanjskom stranom stopala
Technique of receivings the ball with the outer side of the foot
[Mon Sep 01 12:21:02 2003]
Obuka primanja lopte stopalom
Training of receiving the ball with the foot
[Mon Sep 01 12:23:44 2003]
Budući smo prethodno više puta ponavljali i izvršavali pokrete bez lopte, pođimo sljedećim stepenicama rada
Since we have previously repeatedly performed movements without the ball, let us proceed from the following steps
[Mon Sep 01 12:28:32 2003]
Učenik (igrač) zauzme već prikazani stav i položaj, dakle nogu s kojom loptu zaustavlja postavi unaprijed, a stopalo drži koso (gore).
Student (player) takes the previously shown posture and position, i.e. the leg which ball stops the ball is in front, and the foot is inclined (upward).
[Mon Sep 01 12:29:43 2003]
Suigrač koji stoji nasuprot njemu na udaljenosti od oko 2-3 metra, loptu baca tako da nakon prvoga odskoka udari u stopalo noge koja je postavljena naprijed.
A teammate who stands oppositely at the distance of about 2 - 3 meters, throws the ball so that after the first rebound it hits the foot of the front leg.
[Mon Sep 01 12:29:43 2003]
Dobro je i ispravno ako kod ovoga stupnja rada obilježimo na igralištu mjesto gdje želimo da lopta udari u podlogu
It is good and correct if at this level of work we mark the place on the field where we want the ball to hit the ground
[Mon Sep 01 12:33:23 2003]
Loptu ispuštenu iz visine grudi, a nakon drugoga odskoka s podloge treba zaustaviti stopalom, odnosno dogurati i postaviti ispred sebe.
The ball is dropped from the chest height, and after the second rebound from the ground it must be stopped with the foot, that is, push over and set in front of a player.
[Mon Sep 01 12:33:23 2003]
Ova se radnja izvodi stojeći u mjestu a stopalo je koso postavljeno u odnosu na podlogu
This action is performsed standing in place, and the foot is inclined in relation to the ground
[Mon Sep 01 12:35:52 2003]
Loptu bačenu u luku ili odbijenu od zida treba zaustaviti.
A player must stop the ball which was thrown in the arc or rebound from the wall.
[Mon Sep 01 12:36:42 2003]
I to poslije drugoga odskoka, a zatim nakon što je uslijedio prvi odskok s podloge.
He should do that after the second rebound, and after the first rebound from the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:36:42 2003]
Radnje se trebaju izvoditi nakon učinjenog odgovarajućeg pristupa lopti
The actions should be performed after the adequate approach to the ball
[Mon Sep 01 12:38:19 2003]
Loptu koja se kreće u luku zaustavljamo ili je stavljamo ispred sebe nakon trčanja prema njoj
The ball which moves in the arc is stopped, or put in front of a player after running towards it
[Mon Sep 01 12:39:09 2003]
Greške koje se događaju za vrijeme
Mistakes which occurs during
[Mon Sep 01 12:39:09 2003]
primanja lopte stopalom
receiving the ball with the foot
[Mon Sep 01 12:43:50 2003]
Tu je najčešća greška što se težište (težina) tijela ne nalazi potpuno na nozi na koju se oslanjamo za vrijeme izvršavanja prijama lopte.
The most frequent mistake here is that the gravity center (weight) of the body is not placed entirely on the supporting leg when receiving the ball ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:45:15 2003]
Radi toga što učenik (igrač) stane tako da održava ravnotežu na objema nogama te poslije dodira lopte jedan dio tjelesne težine prenosi na nogu koja je postavljena ispred tijela, obično nagazi i stane na loptu.
Because a student (igrač) stands so that he maintains the balance on both legs, and after the contact with the ball, he transfers one part of the bodyweight on the leg which is placed in front of the body, he usually steps on the ball.
[Mon Sep 01 12:47:18 2003]
I poslije sudara lopte o stopalo (đon), težina tijela i dalje neka ostane na nozi na koju se oslanja (oslona noga).
And after the collision of the ball and the foot (sole), bodyweight should still remain on the supporting leg.
[Mon Sep 01 12:47:18 2003]
Težina tijela neka se samo onda podijeli ako iskoračimo s nogom kojom smo 'štopali' (zaustavljali) loptu
Bodyweight should be distributed only if a player steps out with the leg with which he has stopped the ball
[Mon Sep 01 12:49:58 2003]
Ugao koji sačinjavaju i zatvaraju stopalo s tlom nije odgovarajući.
The angle which close the foot and the ground is not appropriate.
[Mon Sep 01 12:50:53 2003]
Loptu koja se kreće u malom luku početnici nastoje zaustaviti stopalom koje drže potpuno vodoravno.
The ball which moves in a small arc beginners try to stop with horizontally positioned foot.
[Mon Sep 01 12:50:53 2003]
Hoće stati na loptu i prirodno je da će se lopta često odskliznuti ispod stopala (đona)
They want to step on the ball and naturally the ball will often slide away below the foot (sole)
[Mon Sep 01 12:55:08 2003]
Često smo promatrali da se lopta nalazi na vrhu noge (kopačke), a ne sa stopalom.
We have often observed that the ball is positioned on the tip of the leg (football boot), and with the foot.
[Mon Sep 01 12:56:42 2003]
Odatle odskoči i dobije rotaciju (felš) koja je vuče unazad.
It rebounds from there and obtains the rotation (spin) which draws it backward.
[Mon Sep 01 12:58:06 2003]
Ovakva se lopta ponovo uzdiže uvis, načinimo novi pokret i treba nam dosta vremena da je približimo podlozi.
Such ball lifts up again, a player makes a new movement and needs a lot of time to bring the ball closer to the ground.
[Mon Sep 01 12:58:06 2003]
Ova će se greška naročito onda zbiti ako je noga na koju se oslanjamo suviše udaljena od mjesta gdje lopta treba pasti
This mistake will occur especially if the supporting leg is too far from the place where the ball will fall
[Mon Sep 01 14:03:14 2003]
Također, početnici često čine i tu grešku što članak stopala noge drže suviše ukočeno.
Also, beginners often make a mistake when they keep their foot joint too much rigid.
[Mon Sep 01 14:03:14 2003]
Dapače, pojedinci, sa ukrućenim držanjem stopala te sa započetim pokretima iz kuka i koljena jako pritisnu loptu, a lopta će odskočiti daleko od primatelja radi tvrde i krute udarne podloge
Indeed, individual players, with rigid feet and with movements started from the hip and knee press the ball too much, so the ball will rebound far from the receiver because of the hard and stiff ground
[Mon Sep 01 15:20:55 2003]
Za vrijeme kretanja često nam lopta dolazi tako da na drugi način nije dokučiva, a da se ne promijeni pravac kretanja, osim s unazad opruženom petom, odnosno s drugim vanjskim dijelom stopala.
During movings often us ball come so that otherwise are not graspable, and that not was changed the course line, except with backward the streched heel, that is with the other outer part feet.
[Mon Sep 01 15:22:20 2003]
Ovakva situacija dogodit će se obično onda ako predana lopta u luku nije dovoljno dugačka tj. dolazi iza leđa, a međutim smo već krenuli u nekom pravcu i nagla promjena pravca kretanja predstavljala bi poteškoće
The such situation happens usually then if the devoted ball in the arc is not enough long i.e. comes behind the back, and however are already start in some direction and sudden change of course would represent problems
[Mon Sep 01 15:22:20 2003]
Ovakva situacija dogodit će se obično onda ako predana lopta u luku nije dovoljno dugačka tj. dolazi iza leđa, a međutim smo već krenuli u nekom pravcu i nagla promjena pravca kretanja predstavljala bi poteškoće
comes behind the back, and however are already start in some direction and sudden change of course would represent problems The such situation happens usually then if the devoted ball in the arc is not enough long i.e. comes behind the back, and however are already start in some direction and sudden change of course would represent problems
[Mon Sep 01 15:22:44 2003]
Za vrijeme kretanja često nam lopta dolazi tako da na drugi način nije dokučiva, a da se ne promijeni pravac kretanja, osim s unazad opruženom petom, odnosno s drugim vanjskim dijelom stopala.
During movings often us ball come so that otherwise is not graspable, and that not was changed the course line, except with backward the streched heel, that is with the other outer part feet.
[Mon Sep 01 15:35:59 2003]
Za vrijeme kretanja često nam lopta dolazi tako da na drugi način nije dokučiva, a da se ne promijeni pravac kretanja, osim s unazad opruženom petom, odnosno s drugim vanjskim dijelom stopala.
During moving often us ball come so that otherwise is not graspable, and that not was changed the course line, except with the backward stretched heel, that is with the other outer part feet.
[Mon Sep 01 15:39:08 2003]
Za vrijeme kretanja često nam lopta dolazi tako da na drugi način nije dokučiva, a da se ne promijeni pravac kretanja, osim s unazad opruženom petom, odnosno s drugim vanjskim dijelom stopala.
During movings often us ball come so that otherwise is not graspable, and that not was changed the course line, except with backward the streched heel, that is with the other outer part feet.
[Mon Sep 01 15:44:16 2003]
U takvoj situaciji snaći će se onaj nogometaš koji će biti sposoban preuzeti loptu s bilo kojim dijelom tijela.
Such situation will be managed by a player who is able to take over the ball with any part of his body.
[Mon Sep 01 15:47:28 2003]
Loptu, koja mu dolazi iza leđa povlači (naprijed) ispred sebe ili je podiže i to s vanjskim dijelovima opružene noge unazad, s petom i vanjskim dijelom stopala.
The ball, which comes behind his back he pulls (forward) in front of himself or lifts it with outer parts of his backward streched leg, with the heel and outer part of his foot.
[Mon Sep 01 15:49:26 2003]
U svakom slučaju i bezuvjetno trebamo naglasiti da radi male i prilično neravne podloge (udarne), dodirno primanje lopte s petom ne može biti ravno i takmičiti se s ostalim primanjima lopte.
In any case, it certainly needs to be stressed that because of the small and rather uneven ground (rebound ground), the contact wceiving of the ball with the heel cannot be straight and it cannot compete with other types of ball receiving.
[Mon Sep 01 15:52:39 2003]
Ako nam lopta dolazi tako da je možemo preuzeti i s drugim dijelovima tijela, tada treba izbjegavati prijam lopte petom.
If the ball comes towards us so that we can take it over with other parts of our body, then we should avoid receiving the ball with the heel.
[Mon Sep 01 15:52:39 2003]
I kod dobrog i uspješnog primanja lopta će prilično daleko i u luku pasti ispred igrača koji je prima, ali to pruža mogućnost da reagira (intervenira) igrač protivničke obrane.
With good and successful reception, the ball will be rather far and in the arc will fall in front of the player who receivs it, but that provides the possible reaction (intervention) of the opposing defense player.
[Tue Sep 02 10:05:37 2003]
Obuku hvatanja poluvisokih lopti izvodimo na ovaj način
Training of catching semi-high balls is performed in the following way
[Tue Sep 02 10:09:05 2003]
Zauzmemo pripremni položaj za branjenje.
A player takes a preparatory position for defending.
[Tue Sep 02 10:10:39 2003]
Raskorak u bočnu stranu ili raskorak u bočnu stranu s pretkorakom naprijed, ruke u laktovima savijene s unaprijed opruženim rukama i dlanovima.
Straddle in the lateral side or straddle in the lateral side with a step forward, hands bent in elbows with arms and palms streched in front.
[Tue Sep 02 10:10:39 2003]
Lopta se postavi na dlanove, a zatim se nekoliko puta povlači ka grudima i zatvaramo loptu u 'gnijezdo'
Ball is placed on palms, and then it is pulled towards the chest several times and closed into a 'nest'
[Tue Sep 02 10:15:15 2003]
Loptu bačenu s udaljenosti od 3-4 metra vratar brani u stojećem položaju
A goalkeeper defends from the standing position a ball which was thrown from a distance of 3 - 4 meters
[Tue Sep 02 10:16:30 2003]
Lopta bačena sa 8-10 metara prima se na grudi prilikom istrčavanja
A ball which was thrown from a distance of 8 -10 meters is received upon the chest during the run out
[Tue Sep 02 10:20:11 2003]
Sa udaljenosti od 8-10 metara bačenu loptu u bočnu stranu vratara na oko 1-1,5 metara koju vratar brani sa opisanom tehnikom, a s poznatim manevarskim pokretima u stranu.
From a distance of 8 - 10 meters a ball thrown to the lateral side of a goalkeeper at about 1 - 1.5 meters which a goalkeeper defends with the described technique, and with familiar maneuver movements to the side.
[Tue Sep 02 10:20:11 2003]
Poskakivanje u vidu sitnih koraka
Hopping in the form of small steps
[Tue Sep 02 10:22:53 2003]
Sa udaljenosti od 14-16 metara pucamo oštru loptu nogom.
From a distance of 14 - 16 meters a player shoots a sharp ball with his leg.
[Tue Sep 02 10:22:53 2003]
Vratar je hvata bilo prilikom kretanja u stranu ili naprijed ili eventualno sa jednim malim skokom uvis
A goalkeeper catches it, either while moving to the side or forward, or perhaps with a little high jump
[Tue Sep 02 10:24:34 2003]
Dalji prikaz obuke branjenja poluvisokih lopti povezat ćemo skupa s obukom branjenja visokih lopti jer ove dvije kretnje u suštini su skoro potpuno identične
Further display of training of defending semi-high balls will be connected with training of defending high balls, because these two movements are basically almost entirely identical
[Tue Sep 02 10:25:32 2003]
Greške koje se događaju prilikom
Mistakes which occur while
[Tue Sep 02 10:25:33 2003]
branjenja poluvisokih lopti
defending semi-high balls
[Tue Sep 02 10:29:24 2003]
Prilikom branjenja lopte koje se hvataju na grudima često se dogodi ta greška da podlaktica kasni prema gore.
When defending a ball which is caught at the chest it often happens that the forearm is late on its way up.
[Tue Sep 02 10:32:04 2003]
Onda će se lopta odbiti od grudnog koša i vratar će ispustiti loptu.
Then the ball will rebound from the chest and a goalkeeper will drop the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:32:04 2003]
Kada lopta dodirne unaprijed opružene podlaktice potrebno je odmah i brzo zatvoriti odskočni put lopte
When the ball touches the spread forearms it is necessary to immediately close the take-off path of the ball
[Tue Sep 02 10:35:22 2003]
Dosta je česta greška i to što pojedini vratar drži laktove raširene.
A rather frequent mistake is that certain goalkeepers keep their elbows extended.
[Tue Sep 02 10:35:22 2003]
Ovakav položaj laktova daje mogućnost da lopta odbijena od grudnog koša neoprezno klizne između dva lakta
Such position of elbows provides a possibility of the ball which rebounced from the chest unguardedly slides between the elbows
[Tue Sep 02 10:39:44 2003]
Pri hvatanju lopti koje se kreću povrh glave trebamo posebnu pozornost obratiti na položaj ruku, naime između ruku nema preprečne površine koja bi loptu zaustavila u njenom daljem putu.
When catching the balls which move above the head, we need to pay special attention to the position of arms, that is, between the arms there is no blocking surface which would stop the ball on its further path.
[Tue Sep 02 10:39:44 2003]
Stoga na položaj ruku trebamo jako obratiti pažnju
Therefore, we need to pay full attention to the position of the arms
[Tue Sep 02 10:40:27 2003]
Tehnika hvatanja visokih lopti
Technique of catching high balls
[Tue Sep 02 10:42:06 2003]
Visoku loptu možemo uhvatiti stojeći na podlozi i skočivši u zrak
We can catch a high ball while standing on the ground and then jumping in the air
[Tue Sep 02 10:45:53 2003]
Ako lopta leti u takvoj visini da je dokučiva rukama i na podlozi se vratar postavlja u mali raskoračni stav s iskorakom naprijed, a težinu tijela premjesti na nogu koja se nalazi naprijed.
If the ball flies at such height on which it can be reached by the hands and on the ground, a goalkeeper positions himself in little straddle stand with the step forward, and shifts his bodyweight to the front leg.
[Tue Sep 02 10:46:05 2003]
Oba koljena su malo savijena.
Both knees are slightly bent.
[Tue Sep 02 10:48:38 2003]
Ovaj položaj osigurava potrebnu ravnotežu.
This position ensures the necessary balance.
[Tue Sep 02 10:49:09 2003]
Ruke malo savijene u laktovima podignemo više glave u uzručenje u koso.
The arms are slightly bent in the elbows and lifted above the head slantingly.
[Tue Sep 02 10:49:41 2003]
Dlanovi su jedan pored drugog i okrenuti naprijed.
Palms are one next to one another and turned frontward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:50:00 2003]
Prsti ruku malo su otvoreni, a dva palca skoro da se dodiruju.
Fingers are slightly opened, and two thumbs are almost touching.
[Tue Sep 02 10:50:00 2003]
Šake su zatvorene nešto malo naprijed
Fists are closed a little forward
[Tue Sep 02 10:53:37 2003]
Onoga trenutka kada lopta dirne prste ruku, težina tijela naglo se prebaci na nogu koja se nalazi pozadi, a šake opustiti unazad.
In the moment when the ball touches the fingers, bodyweight is quickly shifted on the leg which is behind, and the fists are loosened backward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:55:37 2003]
Time smanjujemo snagu lopte.
This diminishes the power of the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 10:56:08 2003]
Ako trebamo uhvatiti veoma jaku loptu onda prema potrebi i ruke iz ramena popustimo unazad.
If we need to catch a very the powerful ball then, if necessary, we ease off the arms from the shoulders backward.
[Tue Sep 02 10:56:50 2003]
Loptu pratimo očima dok je ne uhvatimo.
We monitor the ball with the eyes until we catch it.
[Tue Sep 02 10:58:09 2003]
Uhvaćenu loptu često trebamo sakriti (ukloniti) ispred protivnika koji nas napada.
The caught ball often needs to be hidden (removed) before the opponent who attacks us.
[Tue Sep 02 10:58:09 2003]
U takvim slučajevima slično je kao kod opisa hvatanja poluvisokih lopti
In such cases the procedure is similar to the description of catching semi-high balls
[Tue Sep 02 11:01:32 2003]
Nakon zaustavljanja lopte za jedan trenutak je ispustimo, a ruke u laktovima savijene pustimo dolje, a zatim, kada je lopta u tako pripremljeno gnijezdo upala, zatvorimo je odozgo s dlanovima
After stopping the ball we drop it for a moment, and put down the arms which are bent in the elbows, and then, when the ball is caught in the nest so prepared, we close it from above with palms
[Tue Sep 02 11:04:19 2003]
Kod zaista jakih udaraca hvatanje lopte koje se kreću visoko prilično je riskantno, a osobito tada ako je lopta radi nekih razloga sklizava.
With really strong kicks catching a ball which moves high is rather risky, and especially if the ball is slippery for some reason.
[Tue Sep 02 11:07:03 2003]
Hvatanje lopte stoga je riskantno jer između dlanova ne postoji osiguravajuća površina.
Catching balls is therefore risky because there is no the securing surface between the palms.
[Tue Sep 02 11:10:33 2003]
Da bi izbjegli iznenađenja vratari koji se trude i nastoje biti sigurni ne nastoje pod svaku cijenu uhvatiti sklizavu ili jaku loptu.
In order to avoid surprises, goalkeepers who try and strive to be sure do not try to catch a slippery and powerful ball at any price.
[Tue Sep 02 11:13:06 2003]
Ako nema u blizini protivnika tada najprije loptu sa čvrsto zatvorenim i stisnutim dlanovima udare u podlogu i zatim je hvataju u ruke.
If there is no opponent around, then they first hit the ball on the ground with firmly closed and squeezed palms and then they catch it with their hands.
[Tue Sep 02 11:13:06 2003]
Međutim ukoliko se očekuje napad protivnika, a hvatanje lopte nije sigurno, onda izbijamo loptu i prebacujemo je preko vrata
However, if they anticipate the attack from the opponent, and catching the ball is not safe, then they knock out the ball throw it over the goal
[Tue Sep 02 11:16:04 2003]
Ukoliko je nemoguće loptu uhvatiti stojeći na podlozi, treba je uhvatiti skočivši u zrak.
If it is impossible to catch the ball while standing on the ground, it needs to be caught with jumping up.
[Tue Sep 02 11:18:46 2003]
Hvatanje lopte i donošenje na grudi izvodi se na isti način kao i hvatanje na podlozi.
Catching the ball and bringing it on the chest is performed in the same way as the catching on the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 11:19:27 2003]
Odraz s podloge može se izvoditi s jednom nogom ili s objema nogama, ovisno o tome na koju visinu treba skočiti, odnosno ima li dovoljno mjesta za zalet za skok u visinu.
Take-off from the ground can be performed with one leg or with both legs, depending at which height a goalkeeper needs to jump, that is, if there is enough space for the run-up before the high jump.
[Tue Sep 02 11:19:36 2003]
Kod skokova uvis značajnu ulogu igra elastičnost.
In high jumps, flexibility plays a significant role.
[Tue Sep 02 11:25:43 2003]
Naime, zamah ruku ne možemo tako iskoristiti kod zaleta, spuštanja na tlo ili nakon odskoka kao što je to moguće kod drugih skokova uvis.
That is, the swing of the arms cannot be used in such way with the run-up, getting down on the ground or after the rebound, as it is possible with other high jumps.
[Tue Sep 02 11:25:43 2003]
Vratar prilikom odskoka za loptom uvis umjesto zamaha rukom pruža ruke prema gore
A goalkeeper during the jump for the ball instead of swinging the arms extends his arms upward
[Tue Sep 02 11:29:23 2003]
Doskok na podlogu obično se događa tako da se tijelo spusti na podlogu u raskoraku sa pretkorakom postrance i to na taj način da podlogu dirne najprije odrazna noga a zatim zamahna noga.
Landing on the ground usually happens in such a way that the body comes down on the ground in the straddle with the forward sideways step, and in such a way that first the reflex leg touches the ground, and then the swinging leg.
[Tue Sep 02 11:30:19 2003]
Rjeđe stanemo na podlogu (padamo na podlogu) s obje noge.
PLayers rarely step on the ground (fall on the ground) with both legs.
[Tue Sep 02 11:30:21 2003]
Pad se amortizira tako da nakon silaska na podlogu koljena umjereno savijemo (sl.
The fall is amortized so that after coming down the knees are slightly bent (Figure
[Tue Sep 02 11:30:27 2003]
Hvatanje visokih lopti
Catching of high balls
[Tue Sep 02 11:31:18 2003]
Obuka u hvatanju visokih lopti
Training of catching high balls
[Tue Sep 02 11:35:27 2003]
Radi identičnosti u hvatanju lopti, obuku hvatanja visokih lopti počinjemo prvo s hvatanjem poluvisokih lopti.
Because of the identity of catching the balls, training of catching the high balls will start first with catching of the semi-high balls.
[Tue Sep 02 11:35:27 2003]
Kod obuke branjenja visokih lopti preporučujem da se poslužite sljedećim redom
In training of defending the high balls I recommend to use the following order
[Tue Sep 02 11:44:27 2003]
Držimo loptu ispred lica s dvije ruke.
We hold the ball in front of our face with both hands.
[Tue Sep 02 11:44:27 2003]
Iz ručnih zglobova propuštajmo je nazad, a zatim je ponovno guramo naprijed da bismo tim putem dobili osjećaj opuštanja ruku unazad
We let it slide back from the wrists, and then we push it forward again in order to get the feel of loosening up of the hands backward
[Tue Sep 02 11:47:58 2003]
Držimo loptu u visini glave s obje ruke podupirajući trećinu koja pada prema nama.
We hold the ball at the head height with both hands, supporting the one third of the ball which fall towards us.
[Tue Sep 02 11:47:58 2003]
Zatim loptu ispustimo i pustimo da padne u ugao što ga sačinjavaju podlaktica sa grudnim košem
Then we drop the ball and let it fall into the corner which make the lower arm and the chest
[Tue Sep 02 11:49:26 2003]
Loptu bačenu u visini grudnog koša s udaljenosti od 4-5 metara branimo stojeći na podlozi
A ball thrown at the chest height from a distance of 4 - 5 meters is defended while standing on the ground
[Tue Sep 02 11:51:28 2003]
Loptu bačenu u visini glave s udaljenosti od 4-5 metara hvatamo stojeći na podlozi.
A ball thrown at the head height from a distance of 4 - 5 meters is caught while standing on the ground.
[Tue Sep 02 11:51:28 2003]
Uhvaćenu loptu primi na grudi
A player receives the caught ball upon the chest
[Tue Sep 02 11:53:36 2003]
Iza toga slijedi, uhvatiti loptu koja je bačena u dokučivoj visini i zatim slijedi pad lopte na grudi.
After that, a player catches a ball which was thrown at a reachable height and then the ball on his chest.
[Tue Sep 02 11:55:01 2003]
Najprije se trudimo da loptu savršeno uhvatimo.
First a player tries to catch the ball perfectly.
[Tue Sep 02 11:55:01 2003]
Kada smo to usvojili, vježbajmo povezano s padom lopte na grudni koš
When he has acquired that, he trains this drill with the ball falling on the chest
[Tue Sep 02 11:56:27 2003]
Hvatanje visokih lopti i donošenje na grudi uz skok uvis na jednoj i s obje noge
Catching of high balls and bringing them on the chest with the high jump on one and both legs
[Tue Sep 02 12:04:12 2003]
Hvatanje visokih lopti i donošenje na grudi uz skok uvis na jednoj i s obje noge
The ball now must be defended in place after moving (positioning) with the high jump on both legs and on one leg
[Tue Sep 02 12:04:52 2003]
Greške koje se događaju prilikom
Mistakes which occurs when
[Tue Sep 02 12:04:52 2003]
branjenja visokih lopti
defending the high balls
[Tue Sep 02 12:07:51 2003]
Kod vratara početnika česta je greška što loptu ne podboče rukama pozadi, već sa strane.
An inexperienced goalkeepers often make a mistake when they don't support the ball with their hands behind, but sideways.
[Tue Sep 02 12:10:56 2003]
Ova metoda hvatanja kod visokih lopti osobito je opasna jer između ruku nema osiguranja.
This method of catching high balls is particulary dangerous because there is no security between the hands.
[Tue Sep 02 12:10:56 2003]
Ako vratar loptu sa strane podboči dlanovima, vlažna lopta lagano će iskliznuti iz ruku i povrh glave uletjet će u mrežu
If a goalkeeper supports the ball sideways with his palms, the damp ball will easily slip out of his hands and will fly into the net above his head
[Tue Sep 02 12:15:21 2003]
Izvođenje hvatanja lopte sa krutim zglobovima ruke česta je greška koja se događa kod manje sposobnih vratara.
Catching the ball with firm joints is a frequent mistake which happens to less capable goalkeepers.
[Tue Sep 02 12:15:21 2003]
Snaga jako pucane lopte neće se umanjiti, dapače uslijed čvrstog i krutog držanja ruku lagano će je odbiti od ruke
Strength of a strongly kicked ball will not decrease, quite the contrary, as a result of firm and stiff hand hold it will easily rebound from the hand
[Tue Sep 02 12:19:53 2003]
Nema uvijek mogućnosti da se lopta uhvati rukama.
It is not always possible to catch a ball with hands.
[Tue Sep 02 12:21:22 2003]
Pred vratima često se stvaraju takve gužve koje onemogućavaju vrataru da izabere najpovoljnije mjesto da bi loptu obranio.
In front of a goal there are often such jams which make it impossible for a goalkeeper to choose the most favorable place to defend a ball. Several players jumps up after one high ball, so catching that ball is not safe.
[Tue Sep 02 12:24:43 2003]
Događa se da vratara za vrijeme branjenja ometaju, napadaju i nastoje ga gurnuti u vrata.
It happens that a goalkeeper gets obstructed, attacked and pushed inside the goal while defending.
[Tue Sep 02 12:26:06 2003]
Ali nije uvijek sigurno hvatanje lopte niti onda ako je lopta vlažna i sklizava.
And it is not always safe to catch a ball when if is damp and slippery.
[Tue Sep 02 12:26:06 2003]
U takvim i sličnim slučajevima vratar je prisiljen odustati od hvatanja lopte i mjesto toga odbije je šakama
In such and similar cases a goalkeeper is forced to give up on catching the ball and instead rebounds it with his fists
[Tue Sep 02 12:28:21 2003]
Boksanje je neizvjestan, opasan način branjenja lopte.
Boxin is uncertain, dangerous way of defending the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 12:29:15 2003]
U prvome redu radi toga jer udarna površina šaka je malena, dakle pogodak u loptu nije siguran.
Primarily because the hitting surface of fists is small, so the hit in the ball is not certain.
[Tue Sep 02 12:29:46 2003]
Nesigurno je boksanje i radi toga jer lopta nakon što se sudarila s šakom ponovno ode na igralište.
Boxing is also unsafe because the ball, after colliding with the fist, returns to the field.
[Tue Sep 02 12:31:07 2003]
Vratar loptu kontrolira samo za jedan kratak trenutak.
A goalkeeper controls the ball only for one short moment.
[Tue Sep 02 12:32:41 2003]
Ako pak prilikom boksanja slučajno vratara odgurnu, onda će privremeno akcija vratara biti neizvjesna.
On the other hand, if a goalkeeper gets accidentally pushed away during boxing, then his activity will be temporarily uncertain.
[Tue Sep 02 12:34:59 2003]
Istovremeno ako ga odgurnu poslije hvatanja lopte, lopta koja je prikliještena uz njega i dalje je u njegovom posjedu.
At the same time, if he gets pushed away after catching the ball, the ball which is pressed against to him is still in his possession.
[Tue Sep 02 12:34:59 2003]
Dakle, ako vratar loptu uhvati on je gospodar u daljem tijeku igre, a dok putem boksanja on se samo umiješa (intervenira) u tijek igre
Therefore, if a goalkeeper catches the ball he is the master in the following course of the game, and if he boxes the ball, he only involves (intervenes) in the course of the games
[Tue Sep 02 12:37:04 2003]
Pored svih negativnih strana, boksanje lopte je važno oružje vratara.
Besides all negative aspects, boxing of a ball is an important weapon of a goalkeeper.
[Tue Sep 02 12:38:16 2003]
Mogu reći i da je neophodno.
We could even say that it is necessary.
[Tue Sep 02 12:38:53 2003]
Vratari sve svoje mogućnosti koriste da se dočepaju lopte (da uhvate loptu), ali ne nastoje i pod svaku cijenu.
Goalkeepers use their every chance to seize the ball (to catch the ball), but they do not try it at all costs.
[Tue Sep 02 12:38:53 2003]
Kada vide da je hvatanje lopte nesigurno, onda boksaju loptu
When they see that catching the ball is unsafe, then they box it
[Tue Sep 02 12:41:06 2003]
Boksanje nije rasprostranjeno u širem krugu.
Boxing is not a widespread practice.
[Tue Sep 02 12:41:06 2003]
Razlog tome uglavnom sastoji se iz toga jer navalni igrači napadaju vratare, ne puštaju ga da mirno brani vrata
The reason is mostly because forward players attack a goalkeeper, and they don't let him to defend the goal peacefully
[Tue Sep 02 12:44:10 2003]
Boksanje se obično izvodi povezano sa odskokom uvis na jednoj nozi.
A goalkeeper is forced to jump on both legs only when there is a big crowd
[Tue Sep 02 12:45:07 2003]
Objema nogama vratar je prisiljen skočiti uvis samo za vrijeme velike gužve.
A goalkeeper is forced to jump on both legs only when there is a big crowd
[Tue Sep 02 12:45:07 2003]
Shodno tome pokreti pri boksanju lopte sastoje se iz sljedećih dijelova
A goalkeeper is forced to jump on both legs only when there is a big crowd Accordingly, the movements during boxing the ball consist of the following parts
[Tue Sep 02 12:52:23 2003]
Pribijanje na podlozi
Hammering on the ground
[Tue Sep 02 12:52:55 2003]
Odraz sa podloge
Take-off from the ground
[Tue Sep 02 12:58:40 2003]
Za zalet nema uvijek dovoljno mjesta i vremena.
There is not always enough time and place for the run-up.
[Tue Sep 02 13:00:56 2003]
Duljina zaleta određuje pravac dolazeće lopte i njene brzine.
Length of the run-up determines direction of the coming ball and its speed.
[Tue Sep 02 14:08:05 2003]
Nije potrebno nastojati da je zalet brz, naime vratar ima prednost nad svim ostalim igračima jer koristi i ruke.
It is not necessary to have a fast run-up, that is, a goalkeeper havs the advantage over all the other players because he also uses his hands.
[Tue Sep 02 14:08:25 2003]
Zalet po mogućnosti neka se izvodi u pravcu izbijanja lopte ukoliko to čine igrači koji se nalaze ispred vratara.
If possible, run-up the should be performed in the direction of the ball break-out if it is performed by players who are in front of a goalkeeper.
[Tue Sep 02 14:09:20 2003]
Zadnji trčeći korak neka bude dulji od uobičajenih.
The last running step should be longer than usual.
[Tue Sep 02 14:13:51 2003]
Težište tijela nešto malo padne naniže.
Gravity center of the body should fall down a little.ž
[Tue Sep 02 14:13:53 2003]
Poslije spuštanja na podlogu podupremo se petom, nogom kojom ćemo se odraziti sa podloge, a zatim opružanjem koljena noge koja je pozadi, težište prebacimo iznad odrazne noge, a koja je u koljenima umjereno savijena (sl.
After coming down to the ground we support ourselves on the heel, of the leg with which we will take off from the ground, and then, by stretching out the knee of the back leg, we shift the gravity center above the reflex leg, which is slightly bent in the knee (Figure
[Tue Sep 02 14:14:06 2003]
Tehnika boksanja lopte)
Technique of boxing a ball)
[Tue Sep 02 14:21:19 2003]
Odraz započinjemo na peti odrazne noge, a zatim se premještamo na stopalo odrazne noge i s odlučnim opružanjem koljena te se naglim i snažnim trzajem koljena druge noge podižemo u zrak.
Take-off begins from the heel of the reflex leg, and then we transfer on the foot of the reflex leg with resolute stretching of the knee and with a sudden and strong jerk of the knee of the other leg we raise up.
[Tue Sep 02 14:22:14 2003]
Podizanje u zrak potpomaže tjelesna težina postavljena na odraznu nogu i kada se obje ruke pored tijela snažno zamahnu prema gore.
Raising up is helped by a bodyweight which is set on the reflex leg and when we vigorously swing both hands upward alongside the body.
[Tue Sep 02 14:23:43 2003]
Nakon završnog odraza s površine, dakle pri početku leta obje se pesnice postave jedna pored druge.
After the final take-off from the surface, at the beginning of the flight, both fists are placed one next to the other.
[Tue Sep 02 14:23:43 2003]
Ruke ispred tijela savijene u laktovima opružaju se prema dolazećoj lopti
Hands are in front of the body, bent in the elbows and stretched out towards the coming ball
[Tue Sep 02 14:28:12 2003]
Ruke ispred tijela savijene u laktovima opružaju se prema dolazećoj lopti
A swing, an upward jerk of the knee has an important role in raising the body up with a take-off on one leg.
[Tue Sep 02 14:31:48 2003]
Kada je tijelo po svojoj krivulji leta dospjelo u zenit, onda se ruke u laktovima naglo ispruže i šakom udare po lopti.
When the body on its flight curve reaches the peak, then the hands quickly stretch in the elbows and hit the ball with the fists.
[Tue Sep 02 14:39:31 2003]
Kako da izgradimo udarnu površinu pesnice?
How should we make a striking surface of a fist?
[Tue Sep 02 14:40:20 2003]
Za vrijeme boksanja lopte ovo je udarna površina
When boxing the ball, this is a hitting surface
[Tue Sep 02 14:44:05 2003]
Doskok na podlogu odvija se u raskoračnom stavu sa pretkorakom postrance.
Landing on the ground is performed in the straddle with a forward sideways step.
[Tue Sep 02 14:44:05 2003]
Da bi se ublažio pad na površinu koljena su umjereno savijena i unutar najkraćeg vremena ponovno zauzmemo osnovni položaj tijela
In order to soften the fall on the ground, the knees are slightly bent and within the shortest period we resume the basic body posture
[Tue Sep 02 14:47:50 2003]
U interesu sigurnosti i djelovanja izboksane lopte, obje šake uzmimo u obzir.
For the sake of safety and impact of the boxed ball, both fists should be taken into consideration.
[Tue Sep 02 14:51:00 2003]
Ukoliko nema dovoljno vremena za skok uvis i eventualno nećemo moći loptu dokučiti sa dvije ruke, onda je prihvatljivo da se boksanje izvede i s jednom rukom.
If there is not enough time for the high jump, and if we won't be able to reach the ball with both hands, then it is acceptable to perform a boxing with one hand.
[Tue Sep 02 14:52:44 2003]
U takvome slučaju odbojnu udarnu površinu načinimo od prvih članaka prstiju dotične ruke koja boksa loptu.
In that case, a rebounding hitting surface is made from the frontmost finger joints of the hand which boxes the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 14:54:07 2003]
Ovaj način boksanja je nesiguran s gledišta upravljanja i bacanja lopte u određene pravce upravo radi malene odbojne površine.
This way of boxing is uncertain from the position of handling and throwing the ball in certain directions exactly because of the small rebounding surface.
[Tue Sep 02 14:56:26 2003]
S jednom rukom možemo više dokučiti u visinu i povrh glave onih igrača koji su skočili uvis i dokučili loptu.
With one hand, we can reach higher up and above the heads of those players who had jumped up and reach the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 14:56:26 2003]
Primjena ovog boksanja je bezuvjetno opravdana onda ako je nesigurno prilikom boksanja pomoću dvije ruke da ćemo loptu dokučiti
This type of boxing is completely justified if it is uncertain that we will reach the ball by boxing with both hands
[Tue Sep 02 14:57:36 2003]
Obuka boksanja lopte
Training of boxing the ball
[Tue Sep 02 14:59:16 2003]
U obuci boksanja lopte služimo se sljedećim redom
In training of boxing the ball we use the following sequence
[Tue Sep 02 15:01:37 2003]
Obuku u boksanju lopte započinjemo prvo s pravilnom izgradnjom i razvojem rada ruku.
Training of boxing the ball begins first with the correct development and improvement of the hand work.
[Tue Sep 02 15:04:45 2003]
Igrač, učenik stane u mali raskorak.
A player, a student, stands in the little straddle.
[Tue Sep 02 15:06:56 2003]
Suigrač baca loptu s udaljenosti od 2-3 metara u okomitom luku, a učenik, vratar stoji u mjestu i s dvije šake izbija je nazad na već prikazani način rada ruku.
His teammate throws the ball from a distance of 2 - 3 meters in vertical arc, and a student, a goalkeeper, stands in place and with two fists throws it back in the already shown way.
[Tue Sep 02 15:06:56 2003]
Ako bi rad ruku kod ove jednostavne vježbe bio izveden pogrešno onda prije izvršimo više puta iste pokrete ruku bez lopte
If the hand work in this simple drill would be performed wrongly, then the players should previously perform the same hand movements without the ball
[Tue Sep 02 15:11:36 2003]
Ako rad ruku pri boksanju lopte učenik, igrač već dobro prikazuje, povežemo skupa rad ruku sa odskokom od površine, ali prije bez lopte.
If a student, a player, already has a good hand work in boxing, then he should integrate it with the rebound from the surface, but first without the ball.
[Tue Sep 02 15:12:46 2003]
Iz osnovnog položaja, a nakon jednog učinjenog koraka neka vratar izvede odraz sa površine.
From the basic position, and after he has made one step, a goalkeepers should perform a take-off from the ground. He should stretch his hands up in front of his body.
[Tue Sep 02 15:13:29 2003]
Ruke ispred tijela neka opruži u visinu.
It would be good to perform these movements with the back turned to the goal.
[Tue Sep 02 15:14:53 2003]
Učenik, igrač neka nastoji da rukama dodirne što više iznad gornje grede
A student, a player, should try to reach with his hands as high as possible above the post
[Tue Sep 02 15:20:47 2003]
Poslije ovoga poslužimo se sa obješenom loptom.
After this, we use the hanged ball.
[Tue Sep 02 15:21:47 2003]
Nakon dva koraka odrazi se uvis, te s pravilnim radom ruku izboksa loptu prema gore
After two steps he takes off upward, and with correct hand work boxes the ball upward
[Tue Sep 02 15:25:31 2003]
Dalje treba loptu nazad udariti ali nakon učinjenih nekoliko koraka iz zaleta.
Then a player hits the ball back but after he has taken several steps from the run-up.
[Tue Sep 02 15:26:21 2003]
Suigrač koji stoji ispred vratara baca mu loptu u okomitom luku.
A teammate who stands in front of a goalkeeper throws the ball at him in vertical arc.
[Tue Sep 02 15:26:26 2003]
U početku daljina bacanja neka bude 6-8 metara.
At first, a throwing distance should be 6-8 meters.
[Tue Sep 02 15:26:26 2003]
Ova udaljenost se postupno povećava
This distance gradually increases
[Tue Sep 02 15:27:32 2003]
Ponovno se vraćamo na obješenu loptu.
We return to the hanged ball.
[Tue Sep 02 15:30:41 2003]
U njihanju loptu treba izboksati.
The ball should hang at such a height that it can be reached only after the high jump, and when the cord is completely vertical.
[Tue Sep 02 15:31:27 2003]
Na taj način učenik, igrač je prisiljen da odabere točan trenutak za odskok
In this way a student, a player, is forced to pick the right moment for the jump
[Tue Sep 02 15:34:14 2003]
Vratar ponovno stane na vrata.
A goalkeeper returns in front of the goal.
[Tue Sep 02 15:34:50 2003]
Trener, nastavnik baca okomite lopte sa udaljenosti oko 10-16 metara u pravcu bočne strane vrata, što vratar nakon kretanja u bočnu stranu i odskoka uvis boksa loptu nazad u igralište.
A coach, a teacher, throws vertical balls from a distance of about 10 - 16 meters towards the lateral side of the goal, and a goalkeeper after moving to the lateral side and jumping up boxes the ball back on the field.
[Tue Sep 02 15:36:38 2003]
U ovome stupnju pravac izboksane lopte treba odrediti.
We stick a peg or draw a circle in the direction of touchlines.
[Tue Sep 02 15:37:41 2003]
Vratar nastoji loptu uputiti na označeno mjesto ili cilj
A goalkeeper tries to direct the ball towards the marked place or the target
[Tue Sep 02 15:40:54 2003]
Na kraju se boksanje uvježbava uz asistenciju protivnika.
Not only a goalkeeper, but also two opponents who try to obstruct the boxing jump at the thrown ball.
[Tue Sep 02 15:44:25 2003]
Kod obuke boksanja, a osobito ako je riječ o početnicima, bezuvjetno dajemo lakše lopte učenicima, igračima (odbojkaške lopte).
When training the boxing, and especially if working with beginners, we must unconditionally give lighter balls to students, players (volleyballs).