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[Tue Sep 09 14:29:09 2003]
in Greece it was Dionysus, and in Persia Mithras
u Grčku je to bio Dioniz, a u Perziji Mitra

[Tue Sep 09 14:38:20 2003]
and to excite in the spectators alternately conflicting sentiments of terror and calmness, of sorrow and fear and hope
te kako bi pobudio kod gledatelja naizmjenično sukobljavanje osjećaja užasa i smirenosti, tuge i straha, te nade

[Tue Sep 09 14:50:36 2003]
the ancient and the modern initiations are prone to call degrees.
antičkim i modernim inicijacijama rado nazivaju stupnjevima.

[Tue Sep 09 15:06:12 2003]
The first step was called the Lustration, or purification by water.
Prvi korak se zvao Obred čišćenja, ili pročišćivanje vodom.

[Tue Sep 09 15:12:42 2003]
It has been sought to find in this preparatory ceremony an analogy to the first degree of Masonry.
U ovom pripremnom obredu se pokušava pronaći analogija s prvim stupnjem slobodnog zidarstva.

[Tue Sep 09 15:14:57 2003]
An ablution, lustration, or cleansing by water, as a religious rite was practiced among all the ancient nations.
Ispiranje, čišćenje, ili pranje vodom, prakticirano je kao religiozan obred među svim drevnim narodima.

[Tue Sep 09 15:17:48 2003]
it observed among the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans.
je zapaženo kod Hebreja, Grka, i Rimljana.

[Tue Sep 09 15:18:45 2003]
With the Hebrews the lustration was a preliminary ceremony to every act of expiation or sin-offering.
Hebrejima je obred čišćenja predstavljao pripremni obred prije svakog čina kajanja ili priznavanja grijeha.

[Tue Sep 09 15:20:51 2003]
Among the Greeks lustration was always connected with their sacrifices.
Kod Grka je obred čišćenja uvijek bio vezan uz prinošenje žrtvi.

[Tue Sep 09 15:21:27 2003]
It consisted in the sprinkling of water by means of an olive or a laurel branch.
Sastojalo se od prskanja vodom pomoću maslinove ili lovorove grančice.

[Tue Sep 09 15:23:18 2003]
Among the Romans, the ceremony was more common than among the Greeks.
Kod Rimljana, obred je bio mnogo uobičajeniji nego kod Grka.

[Tue Sep 09 15:24:19 2003]
It was used not only to expiate crime, but also to secure the blessing of the Gods.
Služio je ne samo za ispaštanje grijeha, već i da osigurava blagoslove bogova.

[Tue Sep 09 15:26:41 2003]
colonies when they were first established, and armies before they proceeded to battle.
kolonije su se pročišćavale pri njihovom utemeljivanju, a vojske prije kretanja u borbu.

[Tue Sep 09 15:26:45 2003]
At the end of every fifth year, the whole people were thus purified by a general lustration.
Krajem svake pete godine, cijeli narod je tako bio pročišćen u općem obredu čišćenja.

[Tue Sep 09 15:52:36 2003]
The third and last of the progressive steps or grades in the Mysteries was Perfection.
Treći i posljednji progresivni korak ili stupanj u Misterijama bilo je Savršenstvo.

[Tue Sep 09 15:56:14 2003]
It was the ultimate object of the system.
Ono je bilo krajnji cilj sustava.

[Tue Sep 09 15:58:08 2003]
It was also called the autopsy, from a Greek word which signifies seeing with one's own eyes.
Također se nazivalo i autopsija, prema grčkoj riječi koja znači gledanje vlastitim očima.

[Tue Sep 09 16:25:28 2003]
But of this more hereafter
Ali time ćemo se detaljnije pozabaviti nešto kasnije

[Tue Sep 09 16:36:17 2003]
These were the unity of God and the immortality of the soul in a future life.
Te dvije istine su jedinstvo Boga i besmrtnost duše u budućem životu.

[Tue Sep 09 16:41:24 2003]
The interpretation was, however, always the same
Tumačenje je, međutim, uvijek bilo isto

[Tue Sep 09 16:55:14 2003]
Indeed, the ancients held that the Demeter of the Greeks was identical with the Isis of the Egyptians, and Dionysus with Osiris.
I doista, antički narodi su smatrali da je grčka božica Demetra bila identična Egipatskoj Izidi, a da je Dioniz identičan Ozirisu.

[Tue Sep 09 16:55:14 2003]
Their adventures were certainly very similar
Njihove dogodovštine su zasigurno bile vrlo slične

[Tue Sep 09 16:56:44 2003]
The place of Osiris in Egyptian history is unknown to us.
Ozirisovo mjesto u egipatskoj povijesti nama je nepoznato.

[Tue Sep 09 16:57:58 2003]
The fragments of Sanchoniathon speak of Isiris, the brother of Chna or Canaan;
Ostaci Sanchoniathona govore o Izirisu, koji je bio brat od Chna ili Kanaan;

[Tue Sep 09 16:59:37 2003]
in the lists of Manetho, he is made the fifth king under the dynasty of the demi-gods, being con joined with Isis;
na popisima Manetha, on je imenovan petim kraljem u dinastiji polu-bogova, jer je bio pridružen Izidi;

[Tue Sep 09 17:00:27 2003]
but as the four preceding kings are named as Hephrestus, Helios, Agathodomon and Kronos, the whole is evidently a mere mythological fable, and we have as far to seek as ever.
ali s obzirom da se prethodna četiri kralja zovu kao Hefest, Helij, Agatodomon i Kronos, sve je očito puka mitološka bajka, i moramo tražiti dalje u prošlost nego ikada ranije.

[Tue Sep 09 17:00:29 2003]
Herodotus is not more satisfactory, for he says that Osiris and Isis were two great deities of
Herodot nije ništa više zadovoljavajući, jer on kaže da su Oziris i Izida bili dva velika egipatska božanstva

[Tue Sep 09 17:01:38 2003]
the Egyptians.
Herodot nije ništa više zadovoljavajući, jer on kaže da su Oziris i Izida bili dva velika egipatska božanstva.

[Tue Sep 09 17:05:54 2003]
Banier, however, in his Mythology thinks that he was the same as Mizraim, the son of Cham, and grandson of Noah.
Banier, međutim, u svojoj Mitologiji smatra da je on bio isto što i Mizraim, Chamin sin, i Noin unuk.

[Tue Sep 09 17:06:05 2003]
Bishop Cumberland concurs in this and adds that Cham was the first king of Egypt, that Osiris was a title appropriated by him, signifying Prince, and that Isis was simply Ishah, his wife.
Biskup Cumberland se slaže s tim te dodaje da je Cham bio prvi vladar Egipta, da je Oziris titula koja mu je bila namijenjena, a koja označava Princa, te da je Izida jednostavno bila Išah, njegova žena.

[Tue Sep 09 17:07:17 2003]
Diodorus Siculus says that he was Menes, the first King of Egypt.
Diodor Siculus kaže da je on bio Menes, prvi egipatski kralj.

[Tue Sep 09 17:07:17 2003]
Some later writers have sought to identify Osiris and Isis with the
Nekim kasniji pisci su pokušali prepoznati Ozirisa i Izidu kao

[Tue Sep 09 17:21:34 2003]
There is certainly a great deal of etymological plausibility in this last conjecture
Zasigurno postoji velika etimološka vjerojatnost u ovoj posljednjoj pretpostavci

[Wed Sep 10 10:05:22 2003]
Zasigurno postoji velika etimološka vjerojatnost u ovoj posljednjoj pretpostavci.
Zasigurno postoji velika etimološka vjerojatnost da je ova posljednja pretpostavka istinita.

[Wed Sep 10 10:06:03 2003]
The ubiquitous character of Osiris as a personality among the ancients is best shown in an epigram of Ausonius, wherein it is said that in Greece, at Eleusis, he was called Bacchus;
Široko rasprostranjen karakter Ozirisa kao osobe među drevnim narodima narode najbolje se vidi u epigramu Ausoniusa, koji kaže da je u Grčkoj, u Eleusisu, on bio poznat kao Bakho;

[Wed Sep 10 10:06:33 2003]
the Egyptians thought that he was Osiris, the Mysians of Asia Minor named him Phanreus or Apollo;
Egipćani su mislili da je on Oziris, Mizijci iz Male Azije su ga nazivali Phanreus ili Apolon;

[Wed Sep 10 10:07:29 2003]
the Indians supposed that he was Dionysus;
Indijci su pretpostavljali da je Dioniz;

[Wed Sep 10 10:07:45 2003]
the sacred rites of the Romans called him Liber;
u svetim obredima Rimljana ime mu je bilo Liber;

[Wed Sep 10 10:07:45 2003]
and the Arabians, Adonis
a Arapi su ga zvali Adonis

[Wed Sep 10 10:10:13 2003]
God - symbolized the doctrine of a future life
Boga - simbolizirala doktrinu budućeg života

[Wed Sep 10 10:15:02 2003]
them into other nations, leaving the government of his kingdom, during his absence, to his wife Isis.
na druge narode, napuštajući upravljanje kraljevstvom, tijekom svoga odsustva, svojoj ženi Izidi.

[Wed Sep 10 10:16:15 2003]
According to the legend, his brother Typhon had been a rival claimant for the throne, and his defeat had engendered a feeling of ill-will.
Prema legendi, njegov brat Typhon bio je suparnički tražitelj prava na prijestolje, a njegov poraz je izazvao osjećaj bijesa.

[Wed Sep 10 10:16:15 2003]
During the absence of Osiris, he, therefore, formed a secret conspiracy with some of his adherents to usurp the throne
Tijekom Ozirisova odsustva, on je, stoga, sklopio tajnu zavjeru s nekima od svojih sljedbenika kako bi osvojio prijestolje

[Wed Sep 10 10:23:53 2003]
On the return of Osiris from his travels he was invited by Typhon to a banquet, ostensibly given in his honor, at which all the conspirators were present.
Kad se Oziris vratio sa svojih putovanja Typhona ga je pozvao na gozbu, tobože pripremljenu u njegovu čast, a na kojoj su svi urotnicima bili prisustni.

[Wed Sep 10 10:25:37 2003]
Osiris tried the experiment, but as soon as he had laid himself in the chest, Typhon closed and nailed down the lid
Oziris se okušao u eksperimentu, ali čim je stavio poprsje na sebe, Typhon ga je zaklopio i pribio poklopac

[Wed Sep 10 10:30:12 2003]
Isis, the wife of Osiris
Izida, Ozirisova žena

[Wed Sep 10 10:32:25 2003]
overwhelmed with grief for the loss of her husband, commenced a search for the body, being accompanied by her son, Anubis, and his nurse, Nepthe
obuzeta tugom uslijed gubitka svoga supruga, upustila se u potragu za tijelom, zajedno sa svojim sinom, Anubis, i njegovom dadiljom, Nepthe

[Wed Sep 10 10:36:06 2003]
She returned with it to Egypt.
Vratila se s tijelom s u Egipat.

[Wed Sep 10 10:58:20 2003]
They allegorized in a dramatic form the sufferings, the death, and the resurrection of some god or hero.
Oni su u dramatičnom obliku alegorizirali patnje, smrt, i uskrsnuće stanovitoga boga ili junaka.

[Wed Sep 10 10:58:20 2003]
There was a death, most generally by violence, to symbolize, as certain
Dogodila bi se smrt, najčešće nasilna, da bi simbolizirala, kako neki

[Wed Sep 10 11:10:48 2003]
This search for the body, in which all the initiates
Ta potraga za tijelom, u kojoj su se udružili svi kandidati za inicijaciju

[Wed Sep 10 11:12:54 2003]
This was accompanied by the greatest demonstrations of joy.
Nakon toga je slijedio najveći prikaz veselja.

[Wed Sep 10 11:24:33 2003]
in Freemasonry, will be at no loss to account for the reasons which have led so many writers to attribute the origin of the Masonic system to these mystical associations of antiquity
u slobodno zidarstvo, će biti na nijednom gubitku objasniti razloge što su vodili tako mnogo pisce do atributa porijekla slobodnozidarskog sistema do ovih tajanstvenih društava antiknosti

[Wed Sep 10 11:28:58 2003]
in Freemasonry, will be at no loss to account for the reasons which have led so many writers to attribute the origin of the Masonic system to these mystical associations of antiquity
u slobodno zidarstvo, neće ništa izgubiti ako navede razloge koji su naveli mnoge pisce da pripišu porijeklo slobodnozidarskog sustava ovim tajanstvenim drevnim društvima

[Wed Sep 10 11:38:00 2003]
It has been a favorite theory with several German, French and British scholars to trace the origin of Freemasonry to the Mysteries of Paganism, while others, repudiating the idea that the modern association should have sprung from them, still find analogies so remarkable between the two systems as to lead them to suppose that the Mysteries were an offshoot from the pure Freemasonry of the Patriarchs
Omiljena teorija nekolicine njemačkih, francuskih i britanskih znanstvenika u potrazi za porijeklom slobodnog zidarstva bila je da ga pripišu poganskim Misterijama, dok ostali, odbacujući ideju da bi moderno društvo trebalo niknuti iz njih, još uvijek pronalaze analogiju tako zapanjujuću između dvaju sustava da ih to dovodi do pretpostavke da su Misterije izdanak čistog slobodnog zidarstva Patrijarha

[Wed Sep 10 11:38:55 2003]
In my opinion there is not the slightest foundation in historical
Po mome mišljenju, ne postoji ni najmanja osnova u povijesnim

[Wed Sep 10 11:42:27 2003]
evidence to support either theory, although I admit the existence of many analogies between the two systems, which can, however, be easily explained without admitting any connection in the way of origin and descent between them
dokazima koji bi podržao ijednu od tih teorija, iako priznajem postojanje mnogih analogija između tih dvaju sustava, što se pak može,, lako objasniti i bez priznavanja bilo kakve veze s obzirom na porijeklo i naslijeđe među njima

[Wed Sep 10 14:33:09 2003]
In the corruption and ignorance of after ages, those hallowed places were polluted with idolatry;
U iskvarenosti i neznanju kasnijih vremena, ta posvećena mjesta bila su onečišćena idolatrijom;

[Wed Sep 10 14:33:59 2003]
the unenlightened mind mistook the type for the original, and could not discern the light from darkness;
neprosvijetljeni um je zamijenio je primjerak s originalom, i nije mogao raspoznati svjetlost od mraka;

[Wed Sep 10 14:36:35 2003]
the sacred groves and hills became the objects of enthusiastic bigotry and superstition;
sveti lugovi i brežuljci su postali predmeti ushićenog slijepog vjerovanja i praznovjerja;

[Wed Sep 10 14:40:39 2003]
the devotees bowed down to the oaken log and the graven image as being divine.
odanici su se klanjali hrastovim deblima i urezbarenim slikama kao da su božanskoga podrijetla.

[Wed Sep 10 14:42:38 2003]
wise men, soothsayers, and astrologers among the Chaldeans;
mudraci, proroci, i astrolozi među Haldejcima;

[Wed Sep 10 14:43:07 2003]
among the Greeks and Romans;
filozofi među Grcima i Rimljanima;

[Wed Sep 10 14:43:52 2003]
Druids and bards among the Britons;
Druidi i bardi među Britancima;

[Wed Sep 10 15:02:14 2003]
His own language on this subject, which is as follows, leaves no doubt of the nature of his views.
Njegov vlastiti govor o ovoj temi, koji slijedi u daljnjem tekstu, ne ostavlja ni najmanju sumnju u prirodu njegovih stavova.

[Wed Sep 10 15:02:14 2003]
In a note to his History of Initiation, an elaborate and learned work on certain of these Mysteries, he says
U bilješci o svojoj Povijesti Inicijacije, opširnom i učenom radu o nekima od ovih Misterija, on kaže

[Wed Sep 10 15:10:53 2003]
and to those who contend that Masonry is nothing more than a miserable relic of the idolatrous Mysteries (vide Fab.
a onima koji tvrde da slobodno zidarstvo nije ništa više doli bijedna relikvija idolopokloničkih Misterija (vidi Fab.

[Wed Sep 10 15:40:48 2003]
I wish to be distinct and intelligible on this point, as some misapprehensions are afloat respecting the immediate object of my former volume of Signs and Symbols;
Htio bih ovdje biti jasan i razgovijetan, jer su se pojavila neka pogrešna shvaćanja vezana uz neposredan predmet moga prethodnog sveska Znakovlje i Simboli;

[Wed Sep 10 15:44:15 2003]
and I have been told that the arguments there used afford an indirect sanction to the opinion that Masonry is derived from the Mysteries.
i rečeno mi je da argumenti koje sam tamo upotrijebio neizravno odobravaju mišljenje da je slobodno zidarstvo nastalo iz Misterija.

[Wed Sep 10 15:51:29 2003]
In answer to this charge, if it requires one, I only need reply to the general tenor of that volume, and to declare explicitly my firm opinion, founded on intense study and abstruse research, that the science which we now denominate Speculative
Kao odgovor na ovu optužbu, ako je odgovor uopće potreban, samo trebam odgovoriti u općemu duhu toga sveska, i izreći jasno svoje čvrsto mišljenje, zasnovano na dubokom proučavanju i mukotrpnom istraživanju, da je znanost koju sada nazivamo Spekulativnim

[Wed Sep 10 15:51:29 2003]
Masonry, was coeval, at least, with the creation of our globe and the far-famed Mysteries of idolatry were a subsequent institution founded on similar principles, with the design of conveying unity and permanence to the false worship, which it otherwise could never have acquired
slobodnim zidarstvom, postojala još u vrijeme, barem, stvaranja našega globusa, a nadaleko čuvene Misterije idolatrije bile su sljedeća institucija zasnovana na sličnim načelima, s planom sprovođenja jedinstva i trajnosti pogrešnog obožavanja, koje ono inače nikada ne bi steklo

[Wed Sep 10 15:53:45 2003]
I do not know of any other prominent Masonic writer who
Ne poznajem niti jednoga drugog istaknutog slobodnozidarskog pisca koji

[Wed Sep 10 15:58:24 2003]
entertains the theory of the common origin but diverse descent of the Mysteries and Freemasonry, although there are many who, subscribing with implicit faith to the teachings of Dr. Oliver as a Masonic historian, necessarily give their assent to his opinion on this subject
podržava teoriju zajedničkog podrijetla, ali različitoga nasljedstva Misterija i slobodnog zidarstva, iako postoje mnogi koji, podupirući bezuvjetnom vjerom učenje Dr. Olivera kao slobodnozidarskoga povjesničara, nužno daju svoj pristanak njegovom mišljenju o ovoj temi

[Wed Sep 10 16:03:52 2003]
There is another class of Masonic scholars who have advanced the theory that the Speculative Freemasonry of the present day is derived directly from and is a legitimate successor of the Mysteries of antiquity.
Postoji još jedna skupina slobodnozidarskih znanstvenika koji su unaprijedili teoriju po kojoj Spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo današnjice potječe izravno iz drevnih Misterija i njihov je valjani nasljednik.

[Wed Sep 10 16:08:34 2003]
The Abbé Robin was, perhaps, the first writer who advanced this idea in a distinct form.
Opat Robin je bio, možda, prvi pisac koji je usavršio ovu ideju u posebnom obliku.

[Wed Sep 10 16:15:02 2003]
In order to associate with them in their labors and functions only such as had sufficient merit and capacity, they appointed strict courses of trial and examination.
Da bi se povezali u svome radu i djelovanju isključivo s onima koji su bili dovoljno vrijedni i sposobni, postavili su stroga pravila iskušavanja i ispitivanja.

[Wed Sep 10 16:27:31 2003]
From these ancient initiations he deduces the orders of Chivalry which sprang into existence in the Middle Ages
On dalje smatra da su iz ovih drevnih inicijacija nastali Viteški redovi koji su se pojavili u srednjem vijeku

[Wed Sep 10 16:30:19 2003]
and certain branches of these, he thinks, produced the institution of Freemasonry
i određeni ogranci tih redova su, po njemu, izrodili instituciju slobodnog zidarstva

[Wed Sep 10 16:33:54 2003]
The theory of the Abbé Robin therefore traces the institution of Masonry to the ancient Mysteries, but in an indirect way, through the orders of Chivalry.
Prema tome, teorija opata Robina prati početke institucije slobodnog zidarstva do drevnih Misterija, ali na neizravan način, preko Viteških redova.

[Wed Sep 10 16:33:54 2003]
He might therefore more correctly be classed among those who maintain the doctrine of the Templar origin of Freemasonry
Stoga bi možda bilo ispravnije svrstati ga među one koji podupiru doktrinu templarskog porijekla slobodnog zidarstva

[Wed Sep 10 16:50:11 2003]
Omitting, therefore, all reference to these as matters of no real importance, he confines himself to a comparison of the Masonic with the ancient rites of initiation.
Izostavljajući, stoga, sve osvrte na njih kao na pitanja bez stvarne važnosti, on se ograničio na usporedbu slobodnozidarskih i drevnih obreda inicijacije.

[Wed Sep 10 16:52:19 2003]
This theory has been embraced by nearly all the French Masonic writers except Rebold, who traces Masonry to the Roman Colleges of Artificers
Ovu teoriju su prihvatili gotovo svi francuski slobodnozidarski pisci osim Rebolda, koji korijene slobodnog zidarstva pronalazi kod rimskih majstorskih učilišta

[Wed Sep 10 17:00:01 2003]
But the tedious ceremonies and painful trials of the candidate as they are practiced in the French Rite constitute no part of the original English Masonry whence the French Masonry derives its existence, and were adopted as a pure innovation
Ali dosadni obredi i mučna ispitivanja kandidata koja se vrše u francuskom Obredu ne tvore niti jedan dio izvornog engleskog slobodnog zidarstva iz kojega francusko slobodno zidarstvo vuče svoje postojanje, jer su usvojeni kao čista inovacija

[Wed Sep 10 17:01:20 2003]
long after the establishment of the Order in France by the Grand Lodge of England
dugo nakon uspostave Reda u Francuskoj od strane Velike lože Engleske

[Thu Sep 11 10:20:28 2003]
As well might Mr. Turner or any other writer on Anglo-Saxon history have cited, as authentic materials for his description of the customs of the Anglo-Saxon, the romantic incidents given by Sir Walter Scott in his novel of Ivanhoe
Turner ili bilo koji drugi pisac koji se bavio anglo-saksonskom povijesti mogli su citirati, kao izvorni materijal svoga opisa anglo-saksonskih običaja, romantične događaje koje je naveo Sir Walter Scott u svome romanu Ivanhoe

[Thu Sep 11 10:42:03 2003]
which finally assumed the form of Freemasonry.
koje su naposljetku poprimile oblik slobodnog zidarstva.

[Thu Sep 11 10:43:22 2003]
I have said that this theory is a plausible one.
Rekao sam da je ova teorija je uvjerljiva.

[Thu Sep 11 10:43:22 2003]
It is so because its salient points are sustained by historical evidence
To je stoga jer su njene istaknute točke podržane povijesnim dokazima

[Thu Sep 11 10:50:42 2003]
They afforded a constant topic of denunciation to the fathers of the church, who feared and attacked what they supposed to be their idolatrous tendencies.
Oni su bili stalna tema javnog osuđivanja crkvenih očeva, koji su se bojali i napadali ono za što su smatrali da su njihove idolopokloničke sklonosti.

[Thu Sep 11 11:03:15 2003]
that rites instituted in honor of them were, in the 5th century, celebrated with the utmost freedom and impunity in the western empire;
da su ti obredi uspostavljeni u njihovu čast u petome stoljeću bili slavljeni krajnje slobodno i nekažnjivo u zapadnom carstvu;

[Thu Sep 11 11:07:10 2003]
During all this time it is known that secret associations, such as the Roman Colleges of Artificers, existed in Europe, and that from them ultimately sprang up the organizations of Builders, which, with Como in Lombardy as their center, spread over Europe in the Middle Ages, and whose members, under the recognized name of Traveling Freemasons were the founders of Gothic architecture
Tijekom svog tog vremena zna se da su ta tajna društva, kao na primjer rimsko majstorsko učilište, postojala u Europi, i da su iz njih naposljetku niknule organizacije Graditelja, koje su se, s Comom u Lombardiji kao njihovim centrom, proširile Europom u srednjem vijeku, i čiji su članovi, pod priznatim imenom putujućih slobodnih zidara bili utemeljitelji gotičke arhitekture

[Thu Sep 11 11:23:25 2003]
It may not be altogether true, but it has so many elements of truth about it that it claims our serious consideration
Ona možda nije potpuno istinita, ali sadrži mnogo elemenata istine u sebi, tako da je ipak trebamo ozbiljno razmotriti

[Thu Sep 11 12:10:43 2003]
both made use of symbols and allegories and a dramatic form of instruction.
su oboje koristili simbole i alegorije te dramatičan oblik poučavanja.

[Thu Sep 11 12:10:43 2003]
But these analogies do not necessarily support the doctrine of descent, but may be otherwise satisfactorily explained
Ali te analogije nužno ne potvrđuju doktrinu nasljedstva, no mogu se na drugi način zadovoljavajuće objasniti

[Thu Sep 11 12:34:42 2003]
It is sufficient to know that there has been no period in the world's history, however dark, in which some rays of this doctrine have not been thrown upon the general gloom.
Dovoljno je znati da nije postojalo nijedno razdoblje u svjetskoj povijesti, koliko god bilo mračno, u kojemu neke zrake ove doktrine nisu obasjale sveopću tminu.

[Thu Sep 11 12:35:46 2003]
It has inspired the verses of poets and tempered and directed the discussions of philosophers
Ono je nadahnjivalo stihove pjesnika i ublažavalo i usmjeravalo rasprave filozofa

[Thu Sep 11 12:45:57 2003]
As to the secret character of the two institutions, the argument is equally untenable.
Što se tiče tajnog karaktera tih dviju institucija, argument je jednako neodrživ.

[Thu Sep 11 12:48:03 2003]
Under the benighted rule of Pagan idolatry the doctrine of a future life was not the popular belief.
Pod mračnom vladavinom poganske idolatrije doktrina o budućem životu nije bila općeprihvaćeno vjerovanje.

[Thu Sep 11 12:53:41 2003]
Yet there were also some who aspired to a higher thought - philosophers like Socrates and Plato, who nourished with earnest longing the hope of immortality.
Pa ipak su postojali i oni koji su stremili uzvišenijim idejama - filozofi poput Sokrata i Platona, koji su njegovali s iskrenom čežnjom nadu u besmrtnost.

[Thu Sep 11 12:56:09 2003]
But opposed as this doctrine was to the
Ali koliko go je ta doktrina bila suprotstavljena

[Thu Sep 11 12:56:09 2003]
general current of popular thought, it became, necessarily and defensively
općoj struji popularne misli, postala je, nužno i zaštitnički

[Thu Sep 11 12:57:30 2003]
esoteric and exclusive
tajanstvena i isključiva

[Thu Sep 11 14:12:48 2003]
"They were kept secret," says Warburton, " from a necessity of teaching the initiated some things improper to be communicated to all
" One su se održavale u tajnosti, " kaže Warburton, " iz potrebe podučavanja kandidata za inicijaciju nekim stvarima koje se ne bi trebale priopćiti svima

[Thu Sep 11 14:19:28 2003]
"Nothing," he says, "excites our curiosity like that which retires from our observation, and seems to forbid our search
" Ništa", " kaže on, " ne pobuđuje našu radoznalost kao ono što uzmiče našem opažanju, i što se doima kao da priječi naše traganje

[Thu Sep 11 14:32:00 2003]
Synesius, who lived in the 4th century, before the Mysteries were wholly abolished, says that they owed the veneration in which they were held to a popular ignorance of their nature
Sinezije, koji je živio u četvrtom stoljeću, prije nego što su Misterije posve ukinute, kaže da su strahopoštovanje kojim su se slavile dugovale općem nepoznavanju njihove prirode

[Thu Sep 11 14:36:23 2003]
Freemasonry also teaches the doctrine of a future life.
Slobodno zidarstvo također naučava doktrinu o budućem životu.

[Thu Sep 11 14:39:58 2003]
But although there was no necessity, as in the Pagan Mysteries, to conceal this doctrine from the populace;
Ali iako nije postojala potreba, kao u poganskim Misterijama, za skrivanjem te doktrine od prostoga puka;

[Thu Sep 11 14:42:54 2003]
It was this spirit that caused Jesus to speak to the Jewish multitudes in parables whose meaning his disciples, like initiates, were to comprehend, but which would be unintelligible to the people, so that "seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand
Taj isti duh je potaknuo Isusa da govori židovskim masama u parabolama čiji su smisao njegovi učenici, slično kandidatima za inicijaciju, trebali shvatiti, ali koji bi bio nerazumljiv ostalim ljudima, tako da " iako gledaju oni možda neće vidjeti, i iako slušaju oni možda neće razumjeti

[Thu Sep 11 17:51:07 2003]
In this way may be explained the analogy between the two institutions which arises from their secret character and their esoteric method of instruction.
Na taj način može se objasniti analogija između tih dviju institucija koja proizlazi iz njihova tajnoga značaja i tajanstvenoga načina poučavanja.

[Thu Sep 11 18:00:07 2003]
The symbolic form of imparting the doctrines is another analogy which may be readily explained.
Simboličan oblik priopćavanja doktrine predstavlja još jednu analogiju koju nije teško objasniti.

[Thu Sep 11 18:02:48 2003]
secret associations of every character have restricted the knowledge which they imparted to their initiates only
su tajna društva svakoga značaja ograničavala širenje znanja što se prenosilo samo onima koji su prošli obred inicijacije

[Fri Sep 12 10:05:13 2003]
Again, in the Mysteries, the essential doctrine of a resurrection from death to eternal life was always taught in a dramatic form.
Ponovo, u Misterijama, temeljna doktrina uskrsnuća iz smrti u vječni život uvijek je bila naučavana u dramatičnom obliku.

[Fri Sep 12 10:06:13 2003]
Hence in all the Mysteries there were the thanatos, the death or slaying of the victim;
S obzirom da je u svim Misterijama postojao thanatos, smrt ili ubijanje žrtve;

[Fri Sep 12 10:06:36 2003]
the aphanism, the concealment or burial of the body by the slayers;
afanizam, skrivanje ili pokapanje tijela od strane ubojica;

[Fri Sep 12 10:07:53 2003]
and the heuresis, the finding of the body by the initiates.
i heuresis, pronalazak tijela od strane iniciranih članova.

[Fri Sep 12 10:07:53 2003]
This drama, from the character of the plot, began with mourning and ended with joy
Ova drama, prema značaju radnje, započinjala je oplakivanjem i završavala veseljem

[Fri Sep 12 10:22:51 2003]
There is the same thanatos, or death;
Postoji isti thanatos, ili smrt;

[Fri Sep 12 10:23:35 2003]
the same aphanism, or concealment of the body, and the same heuresis, or discovery of it.
isti afanizam, ili skrivanje tijela, i isti heuresis, ili pronalazak tijela.

[Fri Sep 12 10:24:20 2003]
The drama of the Master's degree begins in sorrow and ends in joy.
Drama o stupnju Majstora započinje u žalosti, a završava u veselju.

[Fri Sep 12 10:25:58 2003]
Everything is so similar that we at once recognize an analogy between Freemasonry and the ancient Mysteries;
Sva je toliko slično da odmah možemo prepoznati analogiju između slobodnog zidarstva i drevnih misterija;

[Fri Sep 12 10:27:48 2003]
Another analogy between the Mysteries and Freemasonry is
Druga analogija između Misterija i slobodnog zidarstva je

[Fri Sep 12 10:33:43 2003]
the division of both into steps, classes, or degrees - call them what you may - which is to be found in both.
podjela i jednog i drugog u korake, razrede, ili stupnjeve - nazovimo ih bilo kako - koje nalazimo i u Misterijama i u slobodnom zidarstvu.

[Fri Sep 12 10:36:12 2003]
But this analogy, remarkable as it may at first view appear, is really an accidental one, which in no w ay shows an historical connection between the two institutions
Ali ova analogija, koliko god na prvi pogled djelovala zapanjujuće, je zapravo slučajna, što nikako ne ukazuje na povijesnu vezu između dviju institucija

[Fri Sep 12 10:51:20 2003]
Hence the ladder, with its various
Zato su ljestve, sa svojim različitim

[Fri Sep 12 10:51:20 2003]
steps, has from the earliest times been accepted as a symbol of moral or intellectual progress from an inferior to a superior sphere
stepenicama, od najranijeg doba bile prihvaćene kao simbol moralnog ili intelektualnog napredovanja iz nižeg u viši stupanj

[Fri Sep 12 11:03:05 2003]
The fact that there existed in both institutions secret modes of recognition presents another analogy.
Činjenica da je u obje institucije postojao tajni oblik prepoznavanja predstavlja još jednu analogiju.

[Fri Sep 12 11:04:56 2003]
It is known that in the Mysteries, as in Freemasonry, there was a solemn obligation of secrecy, with penalties for its violation, which referred to certain methods of recognition known only to the initiates.
Poznato je da je u Misterijama, kao i u slobodnom zidarstvu, postojala svečana obveza tajnosti, s kaznama za njeno kršenje, što se odnosilo na određene metode prepoznavanja poznate jedino iniciranim članovima.

[Fri Sep 12 11:06:26 2003]
But this may safely be attributed to the fact that such peculiarities are and always will be the necessary adjuncts of any secret organization, whether religious, social, or political.
Ali to se bez straha može pripisati činjenici da su takve osobitosti bile i uvijek će biti nužna obilježja svake tajne organizacije, bila ona religiozna, društvena, ili politička.

[Fri Sep 12 11:07:17 2003]
On such analogies it is, therefore, scarcely worth while to dilate
O takvim je analogijama, stoga, jedva vrijedno raspravljati

[Fri Sep 12 11:08:55 2003]
Thus, then, I have traced the analogies between the ancient
Prema tome,, ja sam tragao za analogijama između drevnih

[Fri Sep 12 11:10:42 2003]
Mysteries and modem Freemasonry in the following points of resemblance
Misterija i modernog slobodnog zidarstva u sljedećim točkama sličnosti

[Fri Sep 12 11:14:10 2003]
The Preparation, which in the Mysteries was called the Lustration.
Priprema, koja se u Misterijama nazivala Obred čišćenja.

[Fri Sep 12 11:14:40 2003]
It was the first step in the Mysteries, and is the Entered Apprentice's degree in Freemasonry, In both systems the candidate was purified for the reception of truth by washing.
To je bio prvi korak u Misterijama, i to je stupanj Pripravnika u slobodnom zidarstvu. U oba sustava kandidat je prvo bio pročišćen pranjem da bi mogao primiti istinu.

[Fri Sep 12 11:14:47 2003]
In one it was a physical ablution;
U jednom je to bilo fizičko pranje;

[Fri Sep 12 11:15:10 2003]
in the other a moral cleansing;
u drugom moralno čišćenje;

[Fri Sep 12 11:15:10 2003]
but in both the symbolic idea was the same
ali u oba je simbolična ideja bila ista

[Fri Sep 12 11:18:22 2003]
In Masonry it is partly in the Fellow Craft's, but more especially in the Master's degree
U slobodnom zidarstvu ona se dijelom vrši na stupnju Pomoćnika, ali većim dijelom na stupnju Majstora

[Fri Sep 12 11:22:15 2003]
The Perfection, which in the Mysteries was the communication to the aspirant of the true dogma - the great secret symbolized by the Initiation, In Freemasonry it is the same.
Savršenstvo, koje je u Misterijama predstavljalo priopćavanje istinite dogme kandidatu - velike tajne simbolizirane Inicijacijom. U slobodnom zidarstvu je isto tako.

[Fri Sep 12 11:24:53 2003]
The dogma communicated in both is, in fact, identical.
Dogma koja se priopćava u obje institucije je, zapravo, jednaka.

[Fri Sep 12 11:26:58 2003]
This Perfection came in the Mysteries at the end of the Greater Mysteries, In Masonry it is communicated at the close of the Master's degree, In the Mysteries the communication was made in the saceeum or holiest Place.
To Savršenstvo se u Misterijama događalo na kraju velikih Misterija, U slobodnom zidarstvu ono se odigrava u završnom dijelu stupnja Majstora, U Misterijama je priopćavanje vršeno u saceeum ili najsvetijem Mjestu.

[Fri Sep 12 11:26:58 2003]
In Masonry it is made in the Master's Lodge, which is said to represent the holy of holies of the Temple
U slobodnom zidarstvu vršilo se u majstorskoj Loži, za koju se kaže da u Hramu predstavlja svetinju nad svetinjama

[Fri Sep 12 11:28:20 2003]
The secret character of both institutions
Tajni karakter obje institucije

[Fri Sep 12 11:32:38 2003]
And the adoption by both of secret methods of recognition.
I usvajanje tajnih metoda prepoznavanja kod obje institucije.

[Fri Sep 12 11:32:38 2003]
These analogies, it must be admitted, are very striking, and, if considered merely as coincidences, must be acknowledged to be very singular
Ove analogije, mora se priznati, su vrlo upadljive, i, ako ih smatramo samo slučajnim podudarnostima, mora se priznati da su prilično neobične

[Fri Sep 12 11:38:12 2003]
Is modem Freemasonry a lineal and uninterrupted successor of the ancient Mysteries, the succession being transmitted through the Mithraic initiations which existed in the 5th and 6th centuries;
Je li moderno slobodno zidarstvo linijski i neprekinuti slijednik drevnih misterija, čije se nasljedstvo prenijelo putem mitrijskih inicijacija koje su postojale u petom i šestom stoljeću;

[Fri Sep 12 11:38:12 2003]
or is the fact of the analogies between the two systems to be attributed to the coincidence of a natural process of human thought, common to all minds and showing its development in symbolic forms
ili se činjenična analogija između ta dva sustava treba pripisati slučajnosti prirodnog toka ljudske misli, koja je zajednička svim umovima i koja prikazuje svoj razvoj simboličnim oblicima

[Fri Sep 12 11:57:03 2003]

[Fri Sep 12 12:02:38 2003]
Hence he suggests the probability that the Druids retained among them many usages similar to those of Masons;
Stoga on spominje vjerojatnost da su Druidi zadržali mnoge običaje slične običajima slobodnih zidara;

[Fri Sep 12 12:02:38 2003]
but he candidly admits that this is a mere conjecture
ali iskreno priznaje da je to ipak biti samo pretpostavka

[Fri Sep 12 12:06:33 2003]
Paine, who knew, by the way, as little of Masonry as he did of the religion of the Druids, dogmatically asserts that "Masonry is the remains of the religion of the ancient Druids, who, like the Magi of Persia and the priests of Heliopolis in Egypt, were priests of the sun
Paine, koji je znao, usput rečeno, jednako malo o slobodnom zidarstvu koliko i o religiji Druida, dogmatski tvrdi da je " slobodno zidarstvo ostatak religije drevnih Druida, koji su, poput Magova iz Perzije i svećenika iz Heliopolisa u Egiptu, bili svećenici sunca

[Fri Sep 12 12:09:34 2003]
The learned Faber, a much more competent authority than Paine, expresses the opinion that the Druidical Bards "are probably the real founders of English Freemasonry
Učeni Faber, koji je bio mnogo mjerodavniji autoritet od Painea, izražava mišljenje da su druidski Bardi " vjerojatno stvarni utemeljitelji engleskog slobodnog zidarstva

[Fri Sep 12 12:21:15 2003]
Godfrey Higgins, whose inventive genius, fertile imagination, and excessive credulity render his great work, the Anacalypsis, altogether unreliable, says that he has "no doubt that the Masons were Druids, Culidei, or Chaldei, and Casideans
Godfrey Higgins, čiji su domišljati genij, plodna mašta, i pretjerana lakovjernost urodili sjajnim djelom, Anacalypsis, sasvim nepouzdanim, kaže kako on " ni malo ne sumnja da su slobodni zidari bili Druidi, Kulidejci, ili Kaldejci, i Kasidejci

[Fri Sep 12 12:32:07 2003]
He thinks that the latter were a branch of what he calls the Spurious Freemasonry, which was a secession from the Pure Freemasonry of the Patriarchs.
On smatra da su Druidi bili ogranak nečega što on naziva Lažnim slobodnim zidarstvom, koje se otcijepilo od čistog slobodnog zidarstva Patrijarha.

[Fri Sep 12 12:32:07 2003]
But he finds many analogies in the rites and symbols of the two institutions
Ali on pronalazi mnoge analogije u obredima i simbolima tih dviju institucija

[Fri Sep 12 12:34:16 2003]
which indicate their common origin from a primitive system, namely, the ancient Mysteries of the Pagans
što ukazuje na njihovo zajedničko podrijetlo iz primitivnog sustava, to jest, iz drevnih poganskih Misterija

[Fri Sep 12 12:45:42 2003]
This is a topic which, irrespective of any Masonic reference, is not devoid of interest
To je vrlo zanimljiva tema bez obzira na bilo kakvu slobodnozidarsku aluziju

[Fri Sep 12 13:00:46 2003]
The skepticism of Ferguson is, however, not less objectionable in a critical inquiry than the credulity of Stukely.
Fergusonov skepticizam je, međutim, jednako manjkav u strogom ispitivanju kao i Stukelyjeva lakovjernost.

[Mon Sep 15 11:32:17 2003]
The skepticism of Ferguson is, however, not less objectionable in a critical inquiry than the credulity of Stukely.
Fergusonova skeptičnost, međutim, je jednako manjkava pri kritičkom istraživanju kao i Stukelyeva lakovjernost.

[Mon Sep 15 11:32:17 2003]
There is evidently a middle way between them
Očigledno je da je istina negdje u sredini

[Mon Sep 15 11:34:57 2003]
Ferguson can not deny the existence of Druids in Gaul and Britain, since the fact is stated by Casar.
Ferguson ne može zanijekati postojanje Druida u Galiji i Britaniji, jer je tu činjenicu ustanovio Casara.

[Mon Sep 15 11:39:14 2003]
He supposes that there were two distinct races in the island;
On pretpostavlja da su na otoku živjele dvije različite rase;

[Mon Sep 15 11:49:14 2003]
Among the former he thinks that the religion of Druidism, consisting of tree and serpent worship, may have been practiced.
Casar smatra da su izvorni stanovnici možda pripadali religiji druidizma, koja se sastojala od obožavanja stabla i zmije.

[Mon Sep 15 11:49:14 2003]
And he accounts for the error of the classical writers in describing the priests of the latter race as Druids by attributing it to the confounding of the two races by the "uncritical Romans
Grešku klasičnih pisaca, koji su opisivali svećenike keltske rase kao Druide, Casar objašnjava činjenicom da "nekritični Rimljani" nisu raspoznavali Kelte od izvornih stanovnika

[Mon Sep 15 12:04:49 2003]
It was then first suggested to them that they were descendants of the ancient, renowned Celtic nation;
Tada im je prvi put natuknuto da su oni nasljednici drevnoga, znamenitog keltskog naroda;

[Mon Sep 15 12:08:01 2003]
and to keep alive this Celtic national pride they introduced an institution of New Druids, a sort of secret society like the Freemasons.
i da bi očuvali taj keltski nacionalni ponos uveli su instituciju Novih Druida, neku vrstu tajnoga društva nalik na slobodne zidare.

[Mon Sep 15 12:08:32 2003]
The New Druids, like the old ones, taught a sort of national religion, which, however, the people having long become Christian and preserved no independent national traditions, they had mostly to invent themselves.
Novi Druidi, kao i stari, naučavali su neku vrstu nacionalne religije, koju su, međutim, s obzirom da je narod odavno usvojio kršćanstvo i nije sačuvao nikakvu neovisnu nacionalnu tradiciju, morali većinom sami izmisliti.

[Mon Sep 15 12:08:58 2003]
Thus arose the so-called Celtic mythology of the god Hu and the goddess Ceridolu (Ceridwen ), etc.
Tako je nastala takozvana keltska mitologija boga Hu i božice Ceridolu (Ceridwen), itd.

[Mon Sep 15 12:08:58 2003]
- mere poetical fictions which never lived in popular belief
- puke pjesničke fikcije koje nikad nisu zaživjele u popularnom vjerovanju

[Mon Sep 15 12:20:35 2003]
They presided over and directed the education of the youths;
Oni su nadgledali i usmjeravali obrazovanje mladeži;

[Mon Sep 15 12:20:54 2003]
they decided without appeal all judicial controversies;
oni su odlučivali, bez mogućnosti žalbe, o svim sudskim kontroverzama;

[Mon Sep 15 12:22:48 2003]
they were exempted from all taxes and legal impositions;
bili su izuzeti od svih poreza i pravnih nameta;

[Mon Sep 15 12:22:48 2003]
and whoever refused to submit to their decisions on any question was subjected to excommunication, by which he was forbidden access to the altars or the performance of religious
i tko god je odbio podrediti se njihovim odlukama o bilo kakvom pitanju bio je izbačen iz zajednice, čime mu je ujedno bio zabranjen pristup oltaru ili vršenje religijskih

[Mon Sep 15 12:30:53 2003]
rites, and was debarred from all intercourse with his relatives, his friends, or his countrymen.
obreda, bio mu je zabranjen svaki kontakt s rođacima, prijateljima, ili zemljacima.

[Mon Sep 15 12:30:53 2003]
Hence no superstition was ever more terrible than that of the priest-ridden Britons
Stoga niti jedno praznovjerje nije bilo strašnije od onoga pod svećeničkom upravom drevnih Britanaca

[Mon Sep 15 12:34:01 2003]
The Druids were under the chief authority of an Archdruid, which office was for life, but originally elective.
Druidi su bili pod glavnom nadležnošću Nad-druida, koji je stolovao doživotno, ali izvorno je bio izabran.

[Mon Sep 15 12:36:48 2003]
They were divided into three orders, the highest being the Druids, below which were the Prophets and the Vates or Bards.
Bili su podijeljeni na tri reda, od kojih je najviši bio red Druida, a ispod njega red Proroka i Vidovnjaka ili Barda.

[Mon Sep 15 12:37:38 2003]
They held an annual assembly, at which litigated questions were decided and new laws were made or old ones abrogated.
Održavali su godišnji skup, na kojem se odlučivalo o parničnim pitanjima i na kojem su se donosili novi zakoni, ili su stari bili ukidani.

[Mon Sep 15 12:39:44 2003]
They held also four quarterly meetings, on the days of the equinoxes and the solstices.
Također su održavali četiri tromjesečna sastanka, u dane ekvinocija i solsticija.

[Mon Sep 15 12:40:09 2003]
They permitted none of their doctrines or ceremonies to be committed to common writing, but used a cipher for their concealment.
Nisu dozvoljavali da se ijedna njihova doktrina ili obred zapiše običnim rukopisom, nego su koristili šifrirano pismo kako bi ih prikrili.

[Mon Sep 15 12:41:35 2003]
This, Casar says, consisted of the letters of the Greek alphabet;
To pismo, kaže Cezar, se sastojalo od slova grčke abecede;

[Mon Sep 15 12:48:52 2003]
The opinion of Toland is more plausible - that the characters used were those of the Irish Ogum alphabet.
Tolandovo mišljenje je vjerojatnije - on smatra da su koristili znakove irske Ogum abecede.

[Mon Sep 15 12:49:56 2003]
Sir James Ware, who wrote in Latin, about the middle of the 17th century, a work on the Antiquities of Ireland, says that "the ancient Irish, besides the vulgar characters, used also various occult or artificial forms of writing, called Ogum, in which they wrote their secrets;"
Sir James Ware, koji je negdje sredinom sedamnaestog stoljeća na latinskom napisao djelo o Starinama Irske, kaže da su "drevni Irci, osim prostih znakova, koristili također i različite okultne ili umjetne oblike pisanja, zvane Ogum, koje su koristili u pisanju svojih tajni;"

[Mon Sep 15 12:58:41 2003]
Stukely and other antiquaries of his school suppose that the megalithic monuments found in Britain, such as at Stonehenge and Avebury, were Druidical temples, but Ferguson denies this, and asserts that "there is no passage in any classical author which connects the Druids either directly or indirectly with any stone temples or stones of any sort."
Stukely i ostali antički stručnjaci njegove škole pretpostavljaju da su megalitski spomenici pronađeni u Britaniji, kao što su Stonehenge i Avebury, bili druidski hramovi, ali Ferguson to opovrgava, i tvrdi da " nema niti jednog odlomka kod bilo kojeg klasičara koji bi povezao Druide izravno ili neizravno s bilo kakvim kamenim hramovima ili kamenjem bilo kakve vrste."

[Mon Sep 15 12:58:41 2003]
The question remains unadjudicated, but the position taken by Ferguson seems to be supported by better archaological evidence
Pitanje ostaje nerazriješeno, ali čini se da je stav koji je zauzeo Ferguson potkrijepljen značajnijim arheološkim dokazima

[Mon Sep 15 13:01:10 2003]
Their worship, like that of the ancient Mysteries, was accompanied by a secret initiation.
Njihovo obožavanje, kao i ono kod drevnih misterija, bilo je popraćeno tajnom inicijacijom.

[Mon Sep 15 13:01:11 2003]
Their doctrines were communicated only to the initiated, who were strictly forbidden to expose them to the profane
Njihove doktrine su bile priopćene samo iniciranim članovima, kojima je bilo strogo zabranjeno razotkriti ih običnom puku

[Mon Sep 15 13:23:01 2003]
The Druids themselves, wedded to their oral system of instruction, have left no records.
Sami Druidi, vezani za svoj usmeni sustav poučavanja, nisu ostavili nikakve zapise.

[Mon Sep 15 13:25:34 2003]
The account is entirely too long for reproduction, but a condensed view of it will not be uninteresting
Taj opis je predugačak da bismo ga ovdje prikazali, ali sažet prikaz neće biti nezanimljiv

[Mon Sep 15 13:28:52 2003]
Previous to admission to the first degree, or that of the Vates, the candidate was submitted to a careful preparation, which in especial cases extended to the long period of twenty years
Prije pristupanja prvome stupnju, to jest stupnju Vidovnjaka, kandidat je bio podvrgnut pažljivoj pripremi, koja se u posebnim slučajevima znala proteći i do dvadeset godina

[Mon Sep 15 13:54:53 2003]
The sanctuary being now prepared for the business of initiation, the Druids are duly arranged, being appropriately clothed and crowned with ivy.
Svetište je sada bilo pripremljeno za obavljanje inicijacije, Druidi su bili propisno razmješteni, prikladno odjeveni i okrunjeni bršljanom.

[Mon Sep 15 14:02:07 2003]
A pageant is then formed, and the candidate makes a circumambulation of nine times around the sanctuary, in circles from east to west by the south.
Tada su načinili svečanu povorku, a kandidat je ceremonijalno napravio devet krugova oko svetišta, u smjeru od istoka do zapada prema jugu.

[Mon Sep 15 14:07:28 2003]
The procession is first slow and amid a death-like silence;
Povorka je isprva bila spora i tekla bi u smrtnoj tišini;

[Mon Sep 15 14:15:11 2003]
This, according to Oliver, concluded the first part of the ceremony
Ovo je, prema Oliveru, označavalo svršetak prvoga dijela obreda

[Mon Sep 15 14:31:59 2003]
Thus it is contended that the Druids were Arkite worshippers - a concession by Oliver to the theories of Faber and Bryant
Stoga se tvrdi da su Druidi su bili arkitski štovatelji - ustupak koji je učinio Oliver teorijama Fabera i Bryanta

[Mon Sep 15 14:37:56 2003]
The light was then withdrawn and the candidate was again involved in chaotic darkness The most dismal howlings, shrieks, and lamentations salute his astonished ear.
Svjetlost se tada povukla i kandidat je ponovo bio obavijen kaotičnom tamom. Najzlosretniji urlici, krikovi, i naricanja pozdravljali su njegovo zaprepašteno uho.

[Mon Sep 15 14:40:24 2003]
Thus the figurative death of Noah, typified by his confinement in the ark, was commemorated with every external mark of sorrow.
Time je slikovita Noina smrt, obilježena njegovom zatvorenošću u arci, bila štovana sa svakim vanjskim znakom žalosti.

[Mon Sep 15 14:53:42 2003]
This change produced in the attendants corresponding emotions, which were expressed by shouts and loud paans that testified their rejoicings at the resuscitation of their god
Ova promjena je kod prisutnih izazvala odgovarajuće emocije, koje su bile izražene povicima i glasnim pjesmama zahvalnicama koje su svjedočile o njihovom veselju uslijed oživljavanja njihovog boga

[Mon Sep 15 15:00:58 2003]
In the second degree, where the trials appear, from Oliver's
U drugom stupnju, u kojem se pojavljuju kušnje, prema Oliverovom

[Mon Sep 15 15:03:47 2003]
to have been of a less severe character, the candidate underwent lustration, or a typical ablution, which was followed by his enlightenment.
manje strogoga značaja, kandidat je bio podvrgnut obredu čišćenja, ili tipičnom pranju, nakon kojega je slijedilo njegovo prosvjetljenje.

[Mon Sep 15 15:04:32 2003]
He was now instructed in the morality of the order;
On je sada bio upućen u moralnost reda;

[Mon Sep 15 15:07:56 2003]
taught that souls are immortal and must live in a future state;
znao je da su duše besmrtne i da moraju živjeti u budućem stanju;

[Mon Sep 15 15:09:59 2003]
and was invested with some of the badges of Druidism.
i bio je okićen nekim oznakama druidizma.

[Mon Sep 15 15:11:02 2003]
Among these was the crystal, the unequivocal test of his initiation.
Među njima je bio kristal, nedvosmislen test njegove inicijacije.

[Mon Sep 15 15:11:48 2003]
This crystal, or talisman against danger, was manufactured exclusively by the Druids, and its color varied in the three degrees.
Taj kristal, ili talisman protiv opasnosti, proizvodili su isključivo Druidi, i njegova boja je varirala u tri stupnja.

[Mon Sep 15 15:12:44 2003]
In the first it was green, in the second blue, and in the third white.
U prvom je boja bila zelena, u drugom plava, a u trećem bijela.

[Mon Sep 15 15:17:05 2003]
Beyond the second degree very few advanced.
Malobrojni su napredovali dalje od drugog stupnja.

[Mon Sep 15 15:19:49 2003]
The third was conferred only on persons of rank and consequence, and in it the aspirant passed through still more arduous ceremonies of purification.
Treći stupanj je bila dodjeljen jedino osobama važnoga statusa i značaja, i u njemu je kandidat prolazio kroz još mukotrpnije obrede čišćenja.

[Mon Sep 15 15:23:32 2003]
He was again submitted to a symbolic death and regeneration, by ceremonies different from those of the first degree.
Ponovo je bio podvrgnut simboličnoj smrti i oživljenju, putem obreda različitih od onih iz prvog stupnja.

[Mon Sep 15 15:26:57 2003]
He was then supposed to represent a new-born infant, and, being placed in a coracle or boat, was committed to the mercy of the waters.
Tada je kandidat predstavljao novorođeno dijete, i, nakon što je smješten u čamac ili lađicu, bio je prepušten na milost i nemilost vodi.

[Mon Sep 15 15:26:57 2003]
The candidate, says Oliver, was actually set adrift in the open sea, and was obliged to depend on his own address and presence of mind to reach the opposite shore in safety
Kandidat, kaže Oliver, zaista ostavljen da pluta otvorenim morem, i morao je ovisiti o vlastitoj spretnosti i prisebnosti da bi se dokopao sigurnosti na suprotnoj obali

[Mon Sep 15 15:35:33 2003]
This was done at night, and this nocturnal expedition, which sometimes cost the candidate his life, was the closing act of his initiation.
Ovo se činilo noću, i ta noćna ekspedicija, koja je kandidata ponekad koštala i vlastitog života, predstavljala je završni čin njegove inicijacije.

[Mon Sep 15 15:37:16 2003]
Should he refuse to undertake it, he was contemptuously rejected and pronounced unworthy of a participation in the honors to which he aspired and for which he was forever afterward ineligible.
Ako bi se kandidat odbio podvrgnuti kušnji, bio bi posprdno odbačen i proglašen nedostojnim sudjelovanja u počastima kojima je stremio i koje su mu zauvijek nakon toga postale nedostupne.

[Mon Sep 15 15:38:48 2003]
But if he courageously entered on the voyage and landed safely, he was triumphantly received by the Archdruid and his companions.
Ali ako bi hrabro pristupio putovanju i ako bi ga sigurno okončao, slavodobitno bi ga primio Nad-druidu i njegovi drugovi.

[Mon Sep 15 15:39:26 2003]
He was recognized as a Druid, and became eligible for any ecclesiastical, civil, or military dignity.
Bio mu je priznat status Druida, i postao je sposoban za bilo kakav svećenički, građanski, ili vojnički visoki položaj.

[Mon Sep 15 15:40:16 2003]
"The whole circle of human science was open to his investigation;
" Čitav krug ljudske znanosti bio je spreman na njegovu istragu;

[Mon Sep 15 15:40:37 2003]
the knowledge of divine things was communicated without reserve;
poznavanje božanskih stvari priopćavano je bez ustezanja;

[Mon Sep 15 15:42:47 2003]
to perform the mysterious rites of worship, and had his understanding enriched with an elaborate system of morality
obavljati tajanstvene obrede štovanja, a njegovo razumijevanje je bilo obogaćeno složenim sustavom moralnih vrijednosti

[Mon Sep 15 15:51:06 2003]
"Among those institutions," says Toland, "which are thought to be irrecoverably lost, one is that of the Druids;
"Među onim institucijama, " kaže Toland, " za koje se smatra da su nepovratno izgubljene, jedna pripada Druidima;

[Mon Sep 15 15:53:43 2003]
of which the learned have hitherto known nothing but by some fragments concerning them out of the Greek and Roman authors."
o kojima učenjaci do sada nisu znali ništa ali su ih prema nekim odlomcima razlikovali od grčkih i rimskih autora."