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[Mon Sep 22 11:56:16 2003]
nor will he communicate those doctrines to anyone otherwise than as he has himself received them;
niti će prenositi te doktrine ikome na način drukčiji od onoga na koji ih je sam primio;
[Mon Sep 22 12:02:32 2003]
The mystery of the name of God was then, as it is now, a prominent feature in all Oriental philosophy and religion
Tajna Božjega imena bila je tada, kao i danas, istaknuta značajka u svim istočnjačkim filozofijama i religijama
[Mon Sep 22 12:13:40 2003]
But whether they were one or the other, any hypothesis which seeks to connect them with Freemasonry through tile Knights Templars is absolutely untenable
No da li su oni bili jedno ili drugo, svaka pretpostavka koja ih nastoji spojiti sa slobodnim zidarstvom preko vitezova templara potpuno je neodrživa
[Mon Sep 22 12:17:48 2003]
At the time of the Crusades, and indeed long before, the Essenes had ceased to hold a place in history.
U vrijeme Križarskih ratova, pa čak i davno prije njih, Eseni su prestali posjedovati mjesto u povijesti.
[Mon Sep 22 12:23:29 2003]
What little remained of them was to be found in settlements about the north-western shore of the Dead Sea.
Ono malo njih koji su preostali obitavali su u naseljima oko sjeverozapadne obale Mrtvoga mora.
[Mon Sep 22 12:26:18 2003]
They still retained, however, their Judaic faith and much of their primitive austerity, and it is therefore improbable that there could have been any congenial intercommunion between them and the
No ipak su zadržali, naime, svoju judejsku vjeru i velik dio svoje primitivne strogosti, pa je stoga nemoguće da je mogla postojati biti bilo kakva istovrsna međuzajednica između njih i
[Mon Sep 22 12:40:15 2003]
As to the similarity of Essenism and Freemasonry in the establishment by each of a brotherhood distinguished by love, charity, and a secret initiation, we can draw no conclusion from these coincidences that there was a connection of the two associations, since the same coincidences will be found in all fraternities ancient and modern.
Što se tiče sličnosti esenizma i slobodnog zidarstva u uspostavi, kod obaju, bratstava koja se odlikuju ljubavlju, milosrđem, i tajnom inicijacijom, ne možemo izvući nikakav zaključak o postojanju veze između dvaju društava iz tih podudarnosti, jer iste podudarnosti postoje u svim bratstvima, kako drevnima, tako i modernima.
[Mon Sep 22 12:40:15 2003]
They arise from no spirit of imitation or fact of descent, but are the natural outgrowth of the social condition of man, which is ever developing itself in such mystical and fraternal associations
One ne proizlaze ni iz kakvoga duha oponašanja ili zajedničkog podrijetla, već su prirodan rezultat društvenog stanja čovjeka, koje se uvijek razvija u takvim tajanstvenim i bratskim društvima
[Mon Sep 22 12:51:01 2003]
The Druses were another mystical religion with which the Templars are said to have come in contact and from whom they are said to have derived certain dogmas and usages which were transmitted to Europe and incorporated into the system of Freemasonry
Druzi su još jedna tajanstvena religija za koju se smatra da je došla u dodir s templarima, te se pretpostavlja da su od njih templari usvojili određene dogme i običaje, koje su zatim prenijeli u Europu i ugradili u sustav slobodnog zidarstva
[Mon Sep 22 12:59:00 2003]
Of the communication of the Templars with the Druses there is some evidence, both traditional and historic, but what influence that communication had upon either Templarism or Masonry is a problem that admits only of a conjectural solution.
Postoji nešto malo dokaza o komunikaciji između templara i Druza, kako tradicionalnih, tako i povijesnih, ali kakav utjecaj je ta komunikacija imala na templarstvo ili slobodno zidarstvo, problem je koji dopušta tek nagađanje o odgovoru.
[Mon Sep 22 12:59:00 2003]
The one proposed by King, in his work on the Gnostics, will hereafter be referred to
Odgovor koji je ponudio King, u svome djelu o gnosticizmu, razmotriti ćemo u nastavku
[Mon Sep 22 14:15:31 2003]
They trace their origin to Hakim, who was Sultan of Egypt in 926, but derive their name from Mohammed Ben Israel Darasi, under whose leadership they fled from Egypt in the 10th century and settled in Syria, in that part around Lebanon which they still inhabit
Njihovo podrijetlo seže do Hakima, koji sam bio egipatski Sultan 926, ali njihovo ime potječe po Mohammeda Bena Izraela Darasiija, pod čijim vodstvom su pobjegli iz Egipta u desetom stoljeću i naselili se u Siriji, u onome dijelu oko Libanon koji još uvijek nastavaju
[Mon Sep 22 14:16:29 2003]
Their religion appears to be a mixture of Judaism, Christianity
Čini se da je njihova religija mješavina judaizma, kršćanstva
[Mon Sep 22 14:23:45 2003]
Of this initiation, Churchill says that there is a probation of twelve months before the candidate can be admitted to full membership.
O toj inicijaciji, Churchill kaže da postoji probni rok od dvanaest mjeseci prije nego kandidat može biti primljen u punopravno članstvo.
[Mon Sep 22 14:25:17 2003]
These mysteries refer altogether to dogma, for their religion is without ceremonies of any kind, and even without prayer
Te tajne upućuju sve zajedno na dogmu, jer njihova religija ne sadrži obrede bilo kakve vrste, pa čak niti molitvu
[Mon Sep 22 14:28:17 2003]
Their doctrines have been summarized as follows:
Njihove doktrine su sažete na sljedeći način:
[Mon Sep 22 14:28:37 2003]
There is one God, unknown and unknowable, without personal form and of whom we can only predicate an existence.
Postoji jedan Bog, nepoznt i neupoznatljiv, bez osobnoga oblika i čije postojanje možemo jedino tvrditi.
[Mon Sep 22 14:30:35 2003]
Nine times he has appeared on earth in the form of man.
Devet puta se pojavio na zemlji u liku čovjeka.
[Mon Sep 22 14:35:01 2003]
These were not incarnations, for God did not assume flesh, but merely put on flesh as a man puts on a garment.
To nisu bile inkarnacije, jer Bog nije poprimio tijelo, nego ga tek odijenuo na sebe kao što čovjek odijeva odjeću.
[Mon Sep 22 14:42:21 2003]
The second is the Universal Soul, personated by Ismael, and is the female principal as to the first, as the Universal Intelligence is the male.
Druga je Univerzalna Duša, koju predstavlja Išmael, i glavna je ženska inteligencija u odnosu na prvu, jer je Univerzalna Inteligencija muška.
[Mon Sep 22 14:50:12 2003]
From these two proceed the Word, which is personated by Mohammed Wahab.
Iz te dvije proizlazi Riječ, koju predstavlja Mohammed Wahab.
[Mon Sep 22 15:04:19 2003]
Yet their sacred books assert that none can possess the knowledge of Drusism except he knows all these Ministers of Religion
Pa ipak njihove svete knjige tvrde da nitko ne može posjedovati znanje o druzizmu ako ne poznaje sve ove Svećenike Religije
[Mon Sep 22 15:06:26 2003]
They have also seven precepts or commandments, obedience to
Oni također imaju i sedma pravila ili zapovijedi, čijem pokoravanju
[Mon Sep 22 15:16:31 2003]
which is enjoined but very seldom observed by the modern Druses, and never in their intercourse with unbelievers
podliježu, ali mu se vrlo rijetko pokoravaju, moderni Druzi, a nikada ga se ne pridržavaju kad opće s nevjernicima
[Mon Sep 22 15:34:26 2003]
To renounce all error
Odbaciti sve zablude
[Mon Sep 22 15:36:19 2003]
To separate from the ignorant and wicked
Odvojiti se od neukih i opakih
[Mon Sep 22 15:39:41 2003]
To always assert the eternal unity of God
Uvijek zagovarati vječno jedinstvo Boga
[Mon Sep 22 15:43:59 2003]
To be submissive under trials and sufferings
Biti krotak pod kušnjama i patnjama
[Mon Sep 22 15:48:12 2003]
To be content in any condition, whether of joy or sorrow
Biti zadovoljan u svakoj prilici, bila ona radosna ili žalosna
[Mon Sep 22 15:52:19 2003]
Of their outward forms and ceremonies we have no reliable information, for their worship is a secret one.
O njihovim vanjskim običajima i obredima nemamo pouzdane podatke, za njihovo obožavanje je tajno.
[Mon Sep 22 15:53:48 2003]
In their sacred edifices, which are embowered among high trees or placed on the mountain summit, there are no ornaments.
U njihovim svetim zdanjima, koja su ograđena visokim drvećem ili smještena na planinskim vrhovima, nema nikakvih ukrasa.
[Mon Sep 22 15:58:44 2003]
They have no prescribed rites and do not offer prayer, but in their worship sing hymns and read the sacred books.
Nemaju propisane obrede i ne upućuju molitve, već u svome štovanju pjevaju himne i čitaju svete knjige.
[Mon Sep 22 16:00:15 2003]
Churchill gives evidence of the profound secrecy in which the Druses envelop their religion.
Churchill navodi dokaze o dubokoj tajnosti kojom su Druzi obavili svoju religiju.
[Mon Sep 22 16:08:59 2003]
Sheiks, akkals, and peasants alike baffled my inquiries, either by jocose evasion or by direct negation
Šeici, mudraci, i seljaci jednako su zbunili moje istraživanje, kako šaljivim izbjegavanjem, tako i izravnim negiranjem
[Mon Sep 22 16:25:53 2003]
continental Freemasons in modern times
europski slobodni zidari u suvremenom dobu
[Mon Sep 22 16:31:39 2003]
This statement I have found confirmed by other writers.
Saznao sam da su ovu tvrdnju potvrdili i ostali pisci.
[Mon Sep 22 17:05:13 2003]
We may, however, judge of the weight to be attached to Mr. King's arguments from the fact that he deems it to be a "singular coincidence" that our Freemasons are often spoken of by German writers as the "Scottish Brethren."
Možemo, međutim, suditi o važnosti koja se pripisuje tvrdnji gosp. Kinga iz činjenice što on smatra da je "neobična podudarnost " to što njemački pisci često govore o našim slobodnim zidarima kao o "škotskoj Braći."
[Mon Sep 22 17:12:10 2003]
This was the sect of the Assassins
To je bila sekta Asasina
[Mon Sep 22 17:21:27 2003]
The sect was founded about the end of the 11th century, in Persia, by Hassan Sahab.
Sekta je utemeljena krajem XI. stoljeća, u Perziji, a osnovao ju je Hassan Sahab.
[Mon Sep 22 17:25:53 2003]
who, when he had a theory to sustain, became insane upon the subject of etymology, translates it as "the sage of the Kabbala or Traditions," but the plain Arabic words admit of no such interpretation
koji je, kada je trebao potkrijepiti teoriju, poludio za predmetom etimologije, i preveo njegovo ime kao "mudrac Kabale ili Tradicije, " ali jednostavne arapske riječi ne priznaju takvo tumačenje
[Mon Sep 22 17:36:21 2003]
This calumny has been exploded by the researches of modern scholars, who now class them as a philosophical sect whose doctrines and instructions were secret.
Ovu klevetu pobila su istraživanja modernih znanstvenika, koji ih sada svrstavaju u filozofsku sektu čije doktrine su i pouke čuvane u tajnosti.
[Mon Sep 22 17:36:21 2003]
Of the Sofis, from whom the Ishmaeleeh or Assassins derived their doctrine, it will be necessary soon to speak
O Sofistima, od kojih su Ismaelićani ili Asasini usvojili svoju doktrinu, morat ćemo uskoro reći nešto više
[Mon Sep 22 17:40:20 2003]
Von Hammer, who wrote a history of the Assassins, has sought to trace a close connection between them and the Templars.
Von Hammer, koji je pisao o povijesti Asasina, nastojao je odrediti blisku povezanost između njih i templara.
[Mon Sep 22 17:42:43 2003]
He has shown himself rather as a prejudiced opponent than as an impartial critic, but the sophistry of his conclusions does not affect the accuracy of his historical statements.
Pokazao se kao pristrani protivnik prije nego nepristrani kritičar, ali izvrtanje činjenica u njegovim zaključcima ne utječe na točnost njegovih povijesnih postavki.
[Mon Sep 22 17:45:20 2003]
The Assassins were a secret society having a religion and religious instructions which they imparted only to those of their tribe who had gone through a prescribed form of initiation.
Asasini su bili tajno društvo koje je imalo religiju i religijsku nauku koju su priopćavali samo onim članovima njihovog plemena koji su prošli kroz propisani oblik inicijacije.
[Mon Sep 22 17:48:42 2003]
According to Von Hammer, that system of initiation was divided into three degrees.
Prema Von Hammeru, taj sustav inicijacije bio je podijeljen na tri stupnja.
[Mon Sep 22 17:51:02 2003]
They administered oaths of secrecy and of passive obedience and had modes of mutual recognition, thus resembling in many respects other secret societies which have at all times existed.
Vršili su prisege o tajnosti i strpljivoj poslušnosti i imali su načine uzajamnog prepoznavanja, te su stoga umnogome nalikovali ostalim tajnim društvima koja su ikada postojala.
[Mon Sep 22 17:52:00 2003]
Their religious views he states to have been as follows
Njihova religijska stajališta on navodi na sljedeći način
[Tue Sep 23 10:15:28 2003]
as the last representative of the Deity on earth
kao posljednjeg predstavnika Božanstva na zemlji
[Tue Sep 23 10:45:19 2003]
Von Hammer, whose testimony is given in the face of his adverse prejudices.
Von Hammer, čije je svjedočenje pruženo unatoč njegovim negativnim predrasudama,
[Tue Sep 23 10:53:40 2003]
"It is very certain," he says, "that the Ishmalians or Society of Assassins is a Mohammedan sect;
"Sasvim je sigurno, " kaže on, " da su Ismaelićani ili Društvo Asasina bili muhamedanska sekta;
[Tue Sep 23 10:54:46 2003]
that it was at once both a military and religious association, like the Templars and Teutonic Knights;
da su istovremeno bili i vojno i religiozno udruženje, poput templara i teutonskih vitezova;
[Tue Sep 23 10:55:18 2003]
and that, like the Jesuits, it had its members scattered over extensive countries.
i da su, poput Isusovaca, njihovi članovi bili raštrkani diljem mnogih zemalja.
[Tue Sep 23 10:56:13 2003]
It was a link that connected ancient and modern Freemasonry."
Bila je to veza koja je spajala drevno i moderno slobodno zidarstvo."
[Tue Sep 23 11:07:20 2003]
And so he goes on speculating, that Templarism and Ishmaelism were identical, and Freemasonry sprung from them both, or rather from the latter through the former.
I tako on dalje nagađa, da su templarstvo i Ismaelizam bili identični, a da je slobodno zidarstvo niknulo iz oboje, ili bolje rečeno, iz Ismaelizma posredstvom templarstva.
[Tue Sep 23 11:07:20 2003]
But as Higgins has advanced several other theories of the origin of Masonry, we may let the present one pass
Ali s obzirom da je Higgins usavršio nekoliko drugih teorija o podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva, možemo dopustiti i ovu upravo navedenu
[Tue Sep 23 11:23:20 2003]
The name is generally supposed to be derived from the Greek Sophia, wisdom, and they bore also the name of philosauph, which will easily suggest the word philosopher.
Obično se pretpostavlja da njihov naziv dolazi od grčke riječi Sophie, što znači mudrost, a također su nosili naziv philosauph, što lako upućuje na riječ filozof.
[Tue Sep 23 11:23:49 2003]
The former derivation is, however, the most plausible
Prvospomenuta teorija je, ipak, najvjerojatnija
[Tue Sep 23 11:27:30 2003]
Sir John Malcolm, who has given a very good account of them in his History of Persia, says that among them may be counted some of the wisest men of Persia and the East.
Sir John Malcolm, koji ih je vrlo dobro opisao njih u svome djelu Povijest Perzije, kaže da su se u njihove redove ubrajali neki od najmudrijih ljudi Perzije i Istoka.
[Tue Sep 23 11:34:07 2003]
In Sofism there is a system of initiation, which is divided into
U Sofizmu postoji sustav inicijacije, koji je podijeljen u
[Tue Sep 23 11:40:14 2003]
In the first or preparatory degree, the novice is required to observe the rites of the popular religion in its ordinary meaning.
Na prvom ili pripremnom stupnju, od početnika se zahtijeva promatra obrede popularne religije u njihovom uobičajenom značenju.
[Tue Sep 23 11:46:15 2003]
In the second degree, called the Pale of Sofism, he exchanges these exoteric rites for a spiritual and secret worship.
Na drugom stupnuj, zvanom Ograda Sofizma, on zamjenjuje ove egzoteričke obrede duhovnim i tajnim obožavanjem.
[Tue Sep 23 11:56:30 2003]
Sir William Jones has given a summary of their doctrines, so far as they have been made known, as follows
Sir William Jones dao je sažetak njihovih doktrina, u onoj mjeri u kojoj su mu bile poznate, na sljedeći način
[Tue Sep 23 12:00:33 2003]
Nothing exists absolutely but God;
Ništa ne postoji apsolutno osim Boga;
[Tue Sep 23 12:08:08 2003]
the human soul is but an emanation from His essence, and, though temporarily separated from its divine source, will eventually be united with it.
ljudska duša je tek izljev Njegove biti, i, iako privremeno odvojena od svoga božanskoga izvora, naposljetku će se ujediniti s njim.
[Tue Sep 23 12:26:08 2003]
The German historian of the Assassins says that a certain House of Wisdom was formed in Cairo at the end of the 10th century by the Sultan, which had thus arisen.
Njemački povjesničar koji je proučavao Asasine kaže da je Sultan krajem desetog stoljaća utemeljio u Kairu izvjesnu Kuću Mudrosti, koja je tako nastala.
[Tue Sep 23 12:29:30 2003]
Under Maimun, the seventh Abasside Caliph, a certain Abdallah established a secret society, and divided his doctrines into seven degrees, after the system of Pythagoras and the Ionian schools.
Pod vladavinom Maimuna, sedmoga abasidskog Kalifa, neki Abdallah je osnovao tajno društvo, i podijelio njegove doktrine na sedam stupnjeva, po uzoru na Pitagorin sustav i jonske škole.
[Tue Sep 23 12:31:39 2003]
He sent missionaries abroad to enlist disciples and to initiate them in the different degrees, according to their aptitude
Poslao je misionare u strane zemlje da okupe učenike i prime ih u različite stupnjeve, u skladu s njihovim sposobnostima
[Tue Sep 23 12:35:09 2003]
In a short time Karmath, one of his followers, improved this system.
Za kratko vrijeme je Karmath, jedan od njegovih sljedbenika, usavršio ovaj sustav.
[Tue Sep 23 12:41:45 2003]
was explained as the duty of paying him tithes.
objašnjena je kao dužnost plaćanja poreza.
[Tue Sep 23 12:41:45 2003]
Fasting was only silence in respect to the secrets of the sect
Post je označavao tek šutnju u odnosu na tajne sekte
[Tue Sep 23 12:54:33 2003]
The more prudent portion, under the general name of Ishmaelites, continued to work in secret, and finally succeeded in placing one of their sect upon the throne.
Umjerenija frakcija, pod općenitim imenom Ismaelićani, nastavila je djelovati u tajnosti, i naposljetku je uspjela u postaviti člana svoje sekte na prijestolje.
[Tue Sep 23 12:58:37 2003]
Men and women were admitted to the enjoyment of these treasures, and scientific and philosophical disputations were held.
Muškarcima i ženama dopustili su da uživaju u tim dragocjenostima, a održavali su i znanstvene i filozofske rasprave.
[Tue Sep 23 14:15:26 2003]
But in about a year it resumed its functions and established a new House of Wisdom.
Ali za otprilike godinu ono je nastavilo svoje djelovanje i utemeljilo novu Kuću Mudrosti.
[Tue Sep 23 14:21:30 2003]
There were other societies in Syria, resembling these in doctrine and ceremonies, who for some especial reasons not now known had seceded from the main body, which appears to have been the Assassins
Postojala su i druga društva u Siriji, sa sličnim doktrinama i obredima, koja su iz nekih razloga danas nepoznata, a nastala su otcjepljivanjem od glavnoga društva, a to su su, čini se, bili Asasini
[Tue Sep 23 14:25:12 2003]
Such were the Ansyreeh, who were the followers of that Karmath of whom I have just spoken, who had seceded at an early period from the Sofis in Persia and had established his sect in Syria, on the coast, in the plain of Laodicea, now Ladikeeh
Jedno takvo društvo bila je sekta Ansyreeh, koji su sačinjavali sljedbenici Karmatha kojega smo upravo spomenuli, a koji se odcijepio u ranom razdoblju od Sofista u Perziji i uspostavio svoju sektu u Siriji, na obali, u nizini Laodiceje, sada Ladikeeh
[Tue Sep 23 14:30:52 2003]
From them arose another sect, called the Nusairyeh, from the name of their founder, Nusair.
Od njih je nastala još jedna sekta, nazvana Nusairyeh, po imenu njihova utemeljitelja, Nusaira.
[Tue Sep 23 14:45:55 2003]
Rather, I should say, that Von Hammer and Higgins believed these Syrian societies to be Masonic, and that they taught the principles of the institution to the Templars, who were thus the founders of Freemasonry in Europe
Bolje rečeno, kazao bih, Von Hammer i Higgins su vjerovali da su ta sirijska društva bila slobodnozidarska, i da oni su poučili templare načelima institucije, pa su templari prema tome bili utemeljitelji slobodnog zidarstva u Europi
[Tue Sep 23 15:01:12 2003]
When we come to examine the authentic history of the origin of Freemasonry, it will be seen how such an hypothesis is entirely without support
Kada počnemo razmatrati vjerodostojnu povijest podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva, pokazat će se da takva pretpostavka nema nikakvo uporište
[Tue Sep 23 15:28:17 2003]
But that the Templars did have frequent communication with those secret societies, that they acquired a knowledge of their doctrines, and were considerably influenced in the lives of many of their members, and perhaps in secret modifications of their Order, is an hypothesis that can not be altogether denied or doubted, since there are abundant evidences in history of such communications, and since we must admit the plausibility of the theory that the Knights were to some extent impressed with the profound doctrines of Sofism as practiced by these sects
Ali da su Templari ostvarivali česte kontakte s tim tajnim društvima, da su stekli znanje o njihovim doktrinama, i da su životi mnogih njihovih članova bili pod njihovim znatnim utjecajem, pa su možda i potajno uveli neke izmjene u svoj red, je pretpostavka koja se ne može u potpunosti niti poreći, niti se u njih može sumnjati, jer postoje bogati povijesni dokazi o takvim kontaktima, i s obzirom da moramo priznati uvjerljivost teorije po kojoj su vitezovi donekle bili pod utjecajem dubokoumnih doktrina Sofizma na način na koji su ih provodile ove sekte
[Tue Sep 23 15:36:50 2003]
and to this we must now direct our attention
i tome sada moramo usmjeriti svoju pažnju
[Tue Sep 23 15:48:51 2003]
But, before entering upon this subject, we may as well notice one significant fact.
Ali, prije nego pristupimo toj temi, možemo se osvrnuti na jednu važnu činjenicu.
[Tue Sep 23 15:59:39 2003]
acquainted with the Ishmaeleeh or Assassins than either of the others.
upoznati s Ismaelićanima ili Asasinima od ostalih dvaju redova.
[Tue Sep 23 15:59:39 2003]
It is also known that while the admission to membership in the Hospitaller and Teutonic Orders was open and public, the Templars alone had a secret initiation, and held their meetings in houses guarded from profane intrusion
Također je poznato da dok je pristupanje hospitalskim i teutonskim redovima bilo otvoreno i javno, samo su templari imali tajnu inicijaciju, i održavali svoje sastanke u kućama zaštićenima od svjetovnog ometanja
[Tue Sep 23 16:16:10 2003]
Now, at what time the Templars adopted this secret formula of initiation is not known.
Međutim, ne zna se kada su templari usvojili ovaj tajni obrazac inicijacije.
[Tue Sep 23 16:16:46 2003]
Now, this question naturally suggests itself:
Sada, ovo pitanje prirodno predloži sebe:
[Tue Sep 23 16:30:04 2003]
Did the Templars borrow the idea and in part the form of their initiation from the Assassins, among whom such a system existed, or, having obtained it from some other source, was it subjected at a later period of their career, but long before they left Palestine, to certain modifications derived from their intercourse with the secret societies of Syria?
Jesu li templari posudili ideju i djelomice oblik svojih inicijacijea od Asasina, među kojima je takav sustav postojao, ili su, usvojivši ih iz nekog drugog izvora, inicijacije bile podvrgnute u kasnijem razdoblju njihove karijere, ali mnogo prije nego što su napustili Palestinu, određenim izmjenama koje su proistekle iz njihovog kontakta s tajnim društvima Sirije?
[Tue Sep 23 16:32:41 2003]
This is a question that can not be historically solved.
Ovo je pitanje na koje povijest ne može dati odgovor.
[Tue Sep 23 16:35:26 2003]
We must rest for any answer on mere conjecture.
Morati ćemo utemeljiti bilo kakav odgovor na pukoj pretpostavci.
[Tue Sep 23 16:42:36 2003]
And yet the facts of the Templars being of the three Orders the only secret one, and of their intercourse with the Assassins, who were also a secret order, are very significant.
Pa ipak, vrlo je važna činjenica da su templari bili jedini tajni red među tri navedena viteška reda, te činejnica o njihovim kontaktima s Asasinima, koji su također bili tajni red.
[Tue Sep 23 16:47:08 2003]
Rejecting this theory as wholly untenable, it will, however, be necessary to inquire what were the real influences exerted upon Europe by the Knights
Odbacujući ovu teorija kao u cijelosti neodrživu, biti će, naime, neophodno istražiti kakav je bio stvarni utjecaj koji su vitezovi izvršili na Europu
[Tue Sep 23 17:03:24 2003]
cities of the continent, and became familiar with the people who lived around their preceptories.
gradovima na kontinentu, i upoznali su se s ljudima koji su živjeli oko njihovih preceptorata.
[Tue Sep 23 17:03:24 2003]
They alone came in contact with the inhabitants, and they alone could have exercised any influence upon the popular mind or taste
Samo oni su stupili u doticaj sa stanovništvom, i samo oni su mogli imati izvršiti bilo kakav utjecaj na svijest i sklonosti naroda
[Wed Sep 24 15:15:12 2003]
These were the Crusades and the extension or the establishment of the Freemason's institution in the north and west of Europe.
To su bili križarski ratovi i proširenje ili uspostava institucije slobodnog zidarstva po sjeveru i zapadu Europe.
[Wed Sep 24 15:20:59 2003]
The adventurers who returned from the Holy Land brought back some ideas of various improvements,
Pustolovi koji su se vratili iz Svete zemlje donijeli su sa sobom neke zamisli o raznim poboljšanjima,
[Wed Sep 24 15:30:02 2003]
and in all countries where they settled we find the same style of architecture from that period, but differing in some points of treatment as suited the climate
a u svim zemljama gdje su se nastanili pronalazimo isti stil arhitekture iz toga razdoblja, s malim razlikama u detaljima prilagođenih klimi u kojoj su nastale
[Wed Sep 24 15:53:29 2003]
Rejecting as fabulous all hypotheses which trace the foundation of the Order to the Patriarchs, to Enoch, Noah, or Salomon, he finds its origin in the time of the Crusades
Odbacujući kao izmišljene sve pretpostavke koje slijede temelje Reda do Patrijarha, Enoha, Noe, ili Salomona, on nalazi njegovo podrijetlo u razdoblju križarskih ratova
[Wed Sep 24 16:04:52 2003]
They communicated these words only to those who had previously sworn a solemn oath, often taken at the altar, that they would not reveal them.
Prenosili su ove riječi jedino onima koji su prethodno položili svečanu prisegu, često položenu na oltaru, kojom su se zaklinjali da ih neće otkriti.
[Wed Sep 24 16:04:52 2003]
Some time after, this Order was united with that of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, for which reason in all countries our Lodges are called
Nakon nekog vremena, ovaj Red se spojio s redom vitezova Sv. Ivana od Jeruzalema, što je razlog zbog kojega se naše Lože u svim zemljama zovu
[Wed Sep 24 16:21:54 2003]
The kings, princes, and nobles, when they returned from Palestine into their native dominions, established Lodges.
Kraljevi, prinčevi, i plemići, kada su se vratili iz Palestine u svoje rodne dominione, utemeljili su Lože.
[Wed Sep 24 16:21:54 2003]
At the time of the last Crusade several Lodges had already been erected in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and from the last in Scotland, in consequence of the intimate relations which existed between those two countries
Za vrijeme posljednjega križarskog rata već je bilo izgrađeno nekoliko Loža u Njemačkoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, Francuskoj, a nakon rata i u Škotskoj, uslijed bliskih odnosa koji su postojali između tih dviju zemalja
[Wed Sep 24 16:25:57 2003]
This Scottish Lord received the Earls of Gloucester and Ulster;
Ovaj škotski lord primio je grofove od Gloucestera i Ulstera;
[Wed Sep 24 16:30:47 2003]
By degrees our Lodges, our festivals, and solemnities were neglected in most of the countries in which they had been established.
Malo po malo, naše Lože, naše proslave, i svečanosti postajala su zanemarena u većini zemalja u kojima su bila utemeljena.
[Thu Sep 25 14:30:55 2003]
The religious dissensions which so fatally pervaded and rent all Europe during the 16th century caused our Order to degenerate from the grandeur and nobility of its origin.
Religiozna neslaganja koja su tako kobno prožimala i cijepala čitavu Europu tijekom XVI. stoljeća prouzročila su propadanje našega Reda od njegove prvobitne raskoši i otmjenosti.
[Thu Sep 25 14:32:46 2003]
Several of our rites and usages, which were opposed to the prejudices of the times, were changed, disguised, or retrenched.
Nekoliko naših obreda i običaja, koji su se protivili predrasudama doba, promijenili su se, prikrili, ili umanjili.
[Thu Sep 25 14:33:20 2003]
But from the British islands the ancient science is now beginning to pass into France
No s britanskoga otočja drevna znanost sada počinje prelaziti u Francusku
[Thu Sep 25 14:40:57 2003]
This Rite might be called the mother of all the Rites which followed it and which in a few years covered the continent with a web of high degrees and of Masonic systems.
Taj Obred bismo mogli prozvati majkom svih Obreda koji su uslijedili i koji su u nekoliko godina prekrili kontinent mrežom visokih stupnjeva i slobodnozidarskih sustava,
[Thu Sep 25 14:53:14 2003]
As Mossdorf says, since he cites no authority we are not bound to believe him on his simple word
Kao što Mossdorf kaže, s obzirom da ne navodi nikakav autoritet, ne trebamo vjerovati njegovim priprostim riječima
[Thu Sep 25 14:55:00 2003]
Ramsay's influence, however, as a man of ability, had its weight, and the theory of the origin of Freemasonry among the Crusaders
Ramsayev utjecaj, međutim, jer bio je sposoban čovjek, imao je svoju težinu, pa je teorija o porijeklu slobodnog zidarstva među križarima
[Thu Sep 25 15:32:27 2003]
for the armies consisted of various nations and various languages
jer vojske su se sastojale od različitih naroda i koji su govorili različitim jezicima
[Thu Sep 25 15:45:47 2003]
No project or device," he thinks, "could answer the purpose of the Crusaders better than those of Masonry.
Nikakav projekt ili sredstvo", smatra on, "ne bi mogao bolje poslužiti svrsi križara od slobodnog zidarstva.
[Thu Sep 25 16:05:20 2003]
Oliver have called "Patriarchal Masonry
Oliver nazvali " Patrijarhalnim slobodnim zidarstvom
[Thu Sep 25 16:18:35 2003]
The higher stage represented by the Master's degree was of course unknown to the Saracens, as it was of Christian origin, and the possession of this degree only could form any distinctive mark between the Crusaders and their Moslem foes.
Viši stupanj predstavljen stupnjem Majstora bio je dakako nepoznat Saracenima, jer je bio kršćanskog podrijetla, i samo je posjedovanje ovog stupnja moglo tvoriti nekakvu razliku između križara i njihovih muslimanskih neprijatelja.
[Thu Sep 25 16:28:57 2003]
The full force of the language bears only this interpretation, that Freemasonry was used by the Crusaders not for purposes of peace, but for those of war, a sentiment so abhorrent to the true spirit of the institution that nothing but a blind adhesion to a preconceived theory could have led so good a Mason as Hutchinson to adopt or to advance such an opinion
Puna snaga jezika nosi isključivo ono tumačenje, prema kojem su križari koristili slobodno zidarstvo ne u svrhu mira, već u svrhu rata, što je osjećaj tako mrzak istinskome duhu institucije da je jedino slijepa privrženost unaprijed stvorenoj teoriji moglo navesti tako dobroga slobodnog zidara kakav je bio Hutchinson da usvoji ili unaprijedi takvo uvjerenje
[Thu Sep 25 16:32:21 2003]
Differing still more from Ramsay, who had attributed the origin of Masonry to the Knights and nobles of the Crusades, Hutchinson assigns the task of introducing it into Palestine to the religious and not the military element of these expeditions
Još različitijega mišljenja od Ramsaya, koji je pripisao podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva vitezovima i plemićima iz križarskih ratova, Hutchinson pripisuje zadaću uvođenja slobodnog zidarstva u Palestinu religioznim, a ne vojnim elementima ovih pohoda
[Thu Sep 25 17:01:59 2003]
should happen during its progress, and so that the rank and office of each fellow-laborer might be distinguished and ascertained beyond the possibility of doubt;
mnogi od njih bili su uvedeni u tajne slobodnog zidarstva, bili su zasnivači križarskih ratova, i, poput Salomona koji je pri izgradnji Hrama uveo redove i pravila za obavljanje poslova, kojima je njegova mudrost bila obogaćena posredstvom drevnih mudraca, tako da nikakva pomutnja ne nastane tijekom gradnje, i tako da se položaj i služba svakog radnika može razaznati i utvrditi izvan mogućnosti dvojbe;
[Thu Sep 25 17:19:49 2003]
that he was induced to believe was of Scottish origin.
da je potaknut vjerovati da je škotskoga podrijetla.
[Fri Sep 26 11:09:56 2003]
He obtained this idea probably from the theory of Ramsay.
Tu ideju je vjerojatno preuzeo iz Ramsayeve teorije.
[Fri Sep 26 11:10:57 2003]
But be that as it may, he thinks "it conclusively proved that the Masons were Crusaders;"
No kako god bilo, on smatra da je " zaključno dokazano da su slobodni zidari bili križari;"
[Fri Sep 26 11:13:03 2003]
The fact (if it be admitted) that these higher degrees were invented in Scotland by no means proves that the Masons who possessed them went to the Crusades.
Činjenica (ako bismo ju prihvatili) da su ti viši stupnjevi bili osmišljeni u Škotskoj nikako ne dokazuje da su slobodni zidari koji su ih posjedovali išli u križarske ratove.
[Fri Sep 26 11:13:09 2003]
It is impossible, indeed, to find any natural connection or sequence between the two
Nemoguće je, doista, pronaći bilo kakvu prirodnu vezu ili slijed između te dvije
[Fri Sep 26 11:29:07 2003]
Von Hammer shows to what shifts for arguments those are reduced who pretend that the institution of Freemasonry was derived at the Crusades, by the Knights Templars, from the secret societies of the East.
Von Hammer pokazuje na kakve su promjene argumenata primorani oni koji pogrešno tvrde da je institucija slobodnog zidarstva uspostavljena u križarskim ratovima, od strane vitezova templara, iz tajnih društava istoka.
[Fri Sep 26 11:47:04 2003]
A series of arguments like this is scarcely worthy of a serious refutation.
Niz argumenata poput ovoga jedva da zaslužuje ozbiljnije opovrgavanje.
[Fri Sep 26 12:02:13 2003]
military instinct which teaches all armies to provide the means of defense when in the presence of an enemy.
vojničkog instinkta koji uči sve vojske da osiguraju sredstva obrane kada je neprijatelj u blizini.
[Fri Sep 26 12:04:04 2003]
The best refutation of the slanders of Von Hammer is the fact that to sustain his views
Najbolje opovrgnuće Von Hammerovih kleveta je činjenica da je za podržavanje svojih stavova
[Fri Sep 26 12:04:04 2003]
he was obliged to depend on such poverty of argument
bio prisiljen ovisiti o tako siromašnom argumentu
[Fri Sep 26 12:18:24 2003]
Of this theory there is not the slightest evidence.
O toj teoriji ne postoje ni najmanji dokazi.
[Fri Sep 26 12:24:25 2003]
No contemporary historian of the Crusades makes any mention of such a fact.
Nijedan suvremeni povjesničar križarskih ratova nigdje ne spominje takvu činjenicu.
[Fri Sep 26 12:35:58 2003]
As a mere conjecture it wants every element of probability.
Budući da je to puka pretpostavka, potreban joj je svaki element vjerojatnosti.
[Fri Sep 26 12:48:38 2003]
which has the air of greater plausibility at least.
koji barem nosi ozračje veće uvjerljivosti.
[Fri Sep 26 12:50:14 2003]
The theory that he has advanced will be best given in his own language:
Teorija koju je on promicao najbolje će biti prikazana njegovim vlastitim jezikom:
[Fri Sep 26 12:51:39 2003]
"The traveling bodies of Freemasons (who existed in Europe at the time of the Crusades) consisted of brethren well skilled in every branch of knowledge;
"Putujuća tijela slobodnih zidara (koji su postojali u Europi tijekom križarskih ratova) sastojala su se od braće prilično vješte u svakoj grani znanosti;
[Fri Sep 26 14:15:26 2003]
among their ranks were many learned ecclesiastics, whose names survive to the present day in the magnificent edifices which they assisted to erect.
među njihovim redovima bili su mnogi učeni svećenici, čija imena žive i danas do danas u veličanstvenim građevinama koje su pomogli podići.
[Fri Sep 26 14:30:20 2003]
And it is worthy of remark that in the records of the Order we find no mention of individual architects or builders;
Vrijedi spomenuti da u zapisima Reda ne pronalazimo nikakav spomen o pojedinim arhitektima ili graditeljima;
[Fri Sep 26 14:44:43 2003]
Such a silence would rather seem to indicate that there was no such class among the Knights.
Takva šutnja vjerojatnije ukazuje na činjenicu da među vitezovima nije postojala takva skupina.
[Fri Sep 26 14:49:00 2003]
would be any disposition on the part of the Knights devoted to a warlike vocation to take any share in their peaceful association
je postojala ikakva sklonost vitezova posvećenih ratničkome zvanju ka sudjelovanju u njihovom miroljubivom udruženju
[Fri Sep 26 14:58:12 2003]
This theory is the direct opposite of the former, and, like it, has neither history to sustain its truth as a statement nor probability to support it as a conjecture
Ova teorija je potpuno suprotna prethodnoj, i poput nje, nema niti povijesne činjenice koje bi podržale njenu istinu, niti vjerojatnost koja bi bi joj pružila neko uporište
[Fri Sep 26 15:03:56 2003]
It was the doctrine of a German writer, Adler, who advanced it in his treatise, De Drusis Montis Libani, published in 1786 at Rome.
Bila je to doktrina njemačkog pisca Adlera koji ju je promicao u svojoj raspravi De Drusis Montis Libani, objavljenoj 1786. godine u Rimu.
[Fri Sep 26 15:07:04 2003]
But its most prominent advocate was Von Hammer, an avowed and prejudiced foe of both Templarism and Freemasonry, and who made it the basis of his charges against both institutions.
No njezin najistaknutiji zagovornik bio je Von Hammer, očitovani i pristrani neprijatelj templarstva i slobodnog zidarstva, i koji ju je iskoristio kao temelj svojih napada na obje institucije.
[Fri Sep 26 15:07:04 2003]
Notwithstanding this, it has been accepted with his wonted credulity by Higgins in his ponderous work entitled Anacalypsis
Unatoč tomu, doktrinu je prihvatio sa svojom uobičajenom lakovjernošću i Higginsa u svome opsežnom djelu pod nazivom Anacalypsis
[Fri Sep 26 15:18:17 2003]
Brewster, in the work attributed to Lawrie on the History of Freemasonry, has adopted the same hypothesis.
Brewster, u djelu koje se pripisivalo Lawrieu o Povijesti slobodnog zidarstva, usvojio je istu pretpostavku.
[Fri Sep 26 15:18:17 2003]
"As the Order of the Templars," he says, "was originally formed in Syria, and existed there for a considerable time, it would be no improbable supposition that they received their Masonic knowledge from the Lodges in that quarter
"S obzirom da je Red templara", navodi on, "bio izvorno organiziran u Siriji, i s obzirom je tamo postojao poprilično dugo, ne bi bilo nemoguće pretpostaviti da su usvojili poznavanje slobodnog zidarstva iz Loža sa toga područja
[Fri Sep 26 15:28:51 2003]
But as Brewster, or the author of the work called Lawrie's History, had previously, with equal powers of sophistry and with a similar boldness of conjecture, attributed the origin of Freemasonry to the ancient Mysteries, to the Dionysiac Fraternity of Artificers, to the Essenes, the Druids, and to Pythagoras, we may safely relegate his hypothesis of its Templar origin to the profound abyss of what ought to be, and probably are, exploded theories.
No kako je Brewster, ili pisac djela nazvanog Lawrieva povijest, prethodno, s jednakim energičnim mudrovanjem i sličnim odvažnim pretpostavkama, pripisao podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva drevnim Misterijama, dionizijskom Bratstvu Majstora, Esenima, Druidima, i Pitagori, možemo bez straha usmjeriti njegovu pretpostavku o templarskom podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva u duboki ponor onoga što bi trebale biti, i vjerojatno jesu, rasprsnute teorije.
[Fri Sep 26 15:29:41 2003]
All these various arguments tend only to show how the prejudices of preconceived
Svi ovi različiti argumenti sklone su jedino pokazati kako predrasude unaprijed stvorenih uvjerenja
[Fri Sep 26 15:29:41 2003]
opinions may warp the judgment of the most learned scholars
mogu iskriviti prosuđivanje i najobrazovanijih učenjaka
[Fri Sep 26 15:41:04 2003]
With the Crusades and the Crusaders.
S križarskim ratovima i križarima
[Fri Sep 26 15:41:04 2003]
Freemasonry had no connection
S križarskim ratovima i križarima slobodno zidarstvo nije imalo nikakvu vezu
[Fri Sep 26 15:47:42 2003]
that can be sustained by historical proof or probable conjecture.
koja bi se mogla potkrijepiti povijesnim dokazom ili mogućom pretpostavkom.
[Fri Sep 26 15:58:49 2003]
The story which connects the Knights Templars with Freemasonry in Scotland, after their return from the Crusades and after the suppression of their Order, forms one of the most interesting and romantic legends connected with the history of Freemasonry.
Priča koja povezuje vitezove templare sa slobodnim zidarstvom u Škotskoj, nakon njihovog povratka iz križarskih ratova i nakon potiskivanja njihovog Reda, tvori jednu od najzanimljivijih i najromantičnijih legendi vezanih uz povijest slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 26 16:21:53 2003]
Here, as in most other cases, the middle course appears to be the safest.
Ovdje, kao i u većini drugih slučajeva, čini se da je srednji pravac najsigurniji.
[Mon Sep 29 10:06:18 2003]
At this period Philip IV.
U ovom razdoblju je Filip IV.
[Mon Sep 29 10:26:35 2003]
James de Molay, the Grand Master of the Templars, accordingly repaired to the papal court.
James De Molay, Veliki Majstor templara, sukladno tome otputio se na papinski dvor.
[Mon Sep 29 10:29:31 2003]
The events that subsequently occurred have been well called a black page in the history of the Order.
Događaji koji su nakon toga uslijedili prikladno su nazvani crnom stranicom u povijesti Reda.
[Mon Sep 29 10:40:47 2003]
Twenty-six princes and nobles of the court of France appeared as their accusers;
Dvadeset i šest prinčeva i plemića pojavilo se na francuskome sudu kao njihovi tužitelji;
[Mon Sep 29 10:43:18 2003]
The trials which ensued were worse than a farce, only because of their tragical termination.
Parnice koje su zatim uslijedile bile su gore od lakrdije, isključivo zbog njihovoga tragičnog svršetka.
[Mon Sep 29 10:43:18 2003]
The rack and the torture were unsparingly
Sprave za mučenje bile su neštedimice
[Mon Sep 29 10:46:57 2003]
Those who continued firm in a denial of guilt were condemned either to perpetual imprisonment or to the stake.
Oni koji su čvrsto ustrajali u poricanju krivnje bili su osuđeni ili na doživotni zatvor ili na lomaču.
[Mon Sep 29 10:46:57 2003]
Addison says that one hundred and thirteen were burnt in Paris and others in Lorraine, in Normandy, at Carcassonne, and at Senlis
Addison kaže da ih je stotinu i trinaest bilo spaljeno u Parizu, a ostali u Lotaringiji, Normandiji, Carcassonneu, i Senlisu
[Mon Sep 29 10:53:15 2003]
The Order was thus totally suppressed in France and its possessions confiscated.
Red je na taj način tako potpuno potisnut u Francuskoj, a njegovi posjedi zaplijenjeni.
[Mon Sep 29 10:55:53 2003]
but, in a more merciful spirit, they refrained from inflicting capital punishment upon the Knights.
no ipak, u milosrdnijem duhu, suzdržavali su se od osuđivanja vitezova na smrtnu kaznu.
[Mon Sep 29 10:55:53 2003]
Outside of France, in all the other kingdoms of Europe, not a Templar was condemned to death
Izvan Francuske, u svim ostalim kraljevstvima Europe, niti jedan templar nije bio osuđen na smrt
[Mon Sep 29 11:17:20 2003]
It is to their acts in Scotland that we are now to direct our attention
Njihovim djelima u Škotskoj ćemo sada usmjeriti našu pažnju
[Mon Sep 29 11:23:47 2003]
Their Preceptories were scattered in various parts of the country.
Njihovi Preceptorati su bili razbacani po raznim dijelovima zemlje.
[Mon Sep 29 11:24:39 2003]
A papal inquisition was held at Holyrood in 1309 to try and, of course, to condemn the Templars.
Papinska inkvizicija održana je u Holyroodu 1309. godine s ciljem suđenja i, dakako, osuđivanja templara.
[Mon Sep 29 11:28:53 2003]
At this inquisition only two knights, Walter de Clifton, Grand Preceptor of Scotland, and William de Middleton appeared.
Na toj su se inkviziciji pojavila samo dva viteza, Walter de Clifton, Veliki Učitelj Škotske, i William de Middleton.
[Mon Sep 29 11:30:01 2003]
The others absconded, and as Robert Bruce was then marching to meet and repel the invasion of King Edward of England, the Templars are said to have joined the army of the Scottish monarch.
Ostali su potajno pobjegli, a kako je Robert Bruce tada krenuo u suzbijanje najezde kralja Edvarda od Engleske, pričalo se kako su se templari priključili vojsci škotskoga vladara.
[Mon Sep 29 11:33:13 2003]
But Oliver thinks very justly that the two Orders were unconnected with each other
No Oliver opravdano smatra kako ta dva Reda nisu bila međusobno povezana
[Mon Sep 29 11:50:50 2003]
Thory says that Robert Bruce, King of Scotland under the title of Robert I.
Thory kaže da je Robert Bruce, kralj Škotske pod imenom Robert I.
[Mon Sep 29 11:52:26 2003]
He reserved for himself and his successors the title of Grand Master and founded at Kilwinning the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Heredom
Za sebe i svoje nasljednike namijenio je naziv Velikog Majstora i utemeljio u Kilwinningu Veliku ložu Kraljevskoga Reda Heredom
[Mon Sep 29 12:04:02 2003]
None of these statements are susceptible of historical proof
Nijedan ovih navoda nije potvrđen povijesnim dokazom
[Mon Sep 29 12:10:00 2003]
At this day the two are entirely distinct.
U ovom trenutku ta dva Reda su potpuno različiti.
[Mon Sep 29 12:13:11 2003]
On this subject the remarks of Bro.
Na ovu temu vrijedi citirati opaske brata
[Mon Sep 29 12:13:11 2003]
Lyon, who has made the Masonry of Scotland his especial study, are well worth citation
Na ovu temu vrijedi citirati opaske brata Lyona, koji je posebno proučavao slobodno zidarstvo u Škotskoj,
[Mon Sep 29 12:31:24 2003]
It is further asserted that the Royal Order and the Masonic Fraternity of Kilwinning were governed by the same head.
Daljnje je ustvrđeno da je Kraljevskim Redom i Bratstvom slobodnih zidara Kilwinninga upravljao isti poglavar.
[Mon Sep 29 12:35:00 2003]
As regards the claims to antiquity, and a royal origin that are advanced in favor of this rite, it is proper to say that modem inquiries have shown these to be purely fabulous.
Što se tiče prava na drevnost, i kraljevsko podrijetlo koje je promaknuto u korist ovog obreda, valja kazati da su suvremena istraživanja pokazala da su to čiste izmišljotine.
[Mon Sep 29 12:36:32 2003]
But such is not the case.
No to nije istina.
[Mon Sep 29 12:42:27 2003]
The fraternity of Kilwinning never at any period practiced or acknowledged other than the Craft degrees;
Bratstvo Kilwinninga nikada u svojoj prošlosti nije vršilo ili priznalo druge stupnjeve izvan Zanata;
[Mon Sep 29 12:42:27 2003]
neither does there exist any tradition worthy of the name, local or national, nor has any authentic document yet been discovered that can in the remotest degree be held to identify Robert Bruce with the holding of Masonic Courts, or the institution of a secret society at Kilwinning
također ne postoji bilo kakva tradicija vrijedna imena, lokalnoga ili nacionalnoga, niti je otkriven bilo kakav vjerodostojan dokument koji bi i na najmanji način ustanovio da je Robert Bruce predsjedao slobodnozidarskim Sudom, ili institucijom tajnog društva u Kilwinningu
[Mon Sep 29 13:01:17 2003]
After such a statement made by a writer who from his position and opportunities as a Scottish Mason was better enabled to discover proofs, if there were any to be discovered, we may safely conclude that the Bruce and Bannockbum Legend of Scottish Templarism is to be deemed a pure myth, without the slightest historical element to sustain it
Nakon što je takvu tvrdnju iznio pisac koji je svojim položajem i mogućnostima škotskoga slobodnog zidara imao bolje mogućnosti da otkrije dokaze, ako su uopće postojali, možemo sa sigurnošću zaključiti da su legende škotskog templarstva o Bruceu i Bannockburnu čisti mitovi, bez najmanjeg povijesnog elementa koji bi ih podržao
[Mon Sep 29 13:02:25 2003]
There is another Legend connecting the Templars in Scotland with Freemasonry which demands our attention
Postoji još jedna legenda koja povezuje templare u Škotskoj sa slobodnim zidarstvom i koja zahtijeva našu pozornost
[Mon Sep 29 14:36:45 2003]
Such is the Legend as given by a writer in the Dutch Freemasons' Almanac, from which it is cited in the London Freemasons' Quarterly Review
To je legenda koju je naveo jedan pisac u Nizozemskom almanahu slobodnih zidara, iz kojega je je citirana u Londonski tromjesečnik slobodnih zidara
[Mon Sep 29 14:38:24 2003]
Clavel, in his Picturesque History of Freemasonry, gives it more in detail, almost in the words of Von Hund
Clavel, u svojoj Slikovitoj povijesti slobodnog zidarstva, daje više pojedinosti, gotovo riječima Von Hunda
[Mon Sep 29 14:43:10 2003]
Having landed on the Scottish Island of Mull they
Kada su se iskrcali na škotski otok Mull
[Mon Sep 29 14:46:41 2003]
there met the Grand Commander George Harris and several other brethren, with whom they resolved to continue the Order.
susreli su se s Velikim Zapovjednikom Georgeom Harrisom i nekolicinom druge braće, s kojima su odlučili nastaviti Red.
[Mon Sep 29 14:51:24 2003]
To protect themselves from all chance of discovery and persecution they adopted symbols taken from architecture and assumed the title of Freemasons.
Kako bi se zaštitili se od svakog rizika otkrivanja i progona, usvojili su simbole preuzete iz arhitekture i preuzeli ime slobodnih zidara.
[Mon Sep 29 15:11:59 2003]
This doctrine, though making but slow progress in Germany, was more readily accepted in France, where already it had been promulgated by the Chapter of Clermont, into whose Templar system Von Hund had been initiated
Ta doktrina, iako je ostvarivala spor napredak u Njemačkoj, bila je spremnije prihvaćena u Francuskoj, gdje je već bila obznanjena na Kaptolu u Clermontu, u čiji je templarski sustav Von Hund bio učlanjen
[Mon Sep 29 15:16:18 2003]
The Chevalier Ramsay was the real author of the doctrine of the Templar origin of Freemasonry, and to him we are really indebted (if the debt have any value) for the d' Aumont Legend.
Vitez Ramsay je bio pravi tvorac doktrine o templarskom podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva, i njemu zapravo dugujemo (ako dug ima bilo kakvu vrijednost) za legendu o D' Aumontu.
[Mon Sep 29 15:17:26 2003]
The source whence it sprang is tolerably satisfactory evidence of its fictitious character.
Izvor iz kojega je potekla je dovoljno zadovoljavajući dokaz njezinoge izmišljene naravi.
[Mon Sep 29 15:22:37 2003]
The inventive genius of Ramsay, as exhibited in the fabrications of high degrees and Masonic legends, is well known.
Ramseyev stvaralački genij, kako je vidljivo u izmišljanju visokih stupnjeva i legendi o slobodnim zidarima, dobro je poznat.
[Mon Sep 29 15:39:46 2003]
If his genius, his learning, and his zeal had been consecrated, not to the formation of new Masonic systems, but to a profound investigation of the true origin of the Institution, viewed only from an authentic historical point, it is impossible to say what incalculable benefit would have been derived from his researches.
Ako je njegov genij, nejgovo učenje, i njegova predanost bila posvećena, ne stvaranju novih slobodnozidarskih sustava, nego temeljitom istraživanju pravog podrijetla Institucije, promatranog isključivo s izvornog povijesnog stajališta, nemoguće je kazati kakvu bismo neizmjernu korist dobili iz njegovih istraživanja.
[Mon Sep 29 15:41:49 2003]
The Masonic scholars of that long period, which began with Ramsay and has hardly yet wholly terminated, assumed for the most
Slobodnozidarski učenjaci koji us pripadali tom dugom razdoblju, koje je započelo s Ramsayem i koje još nije sasvim jzavršeno, većinom su
[Mon Sep 29 15:42:50 2003]
part rather the role of poets than of historians
preuzimali uloge pjesnika umjesto povjesničara
[Mon Sep 29 15:47:24 2003]
They did not remember the wise saying of Cervantes, that the poet may say or sing, not as things have been, but as they ought to have been, while the historian must write of them as they really were, and not as he thinks they ought to have been.
Nisu se prisjetili mudre Cervantesove izreke, koja kaže da pjesnik može govoriti ili pjevati, ne o tome kako je bilo, već o tome kako je trebalo biti, dok povjesničar mora pisati onako kako je zaista bilo, a ne kako on misli da je trebalo biti.
[Mon Sep 29 15:57:55 2003]
Of this rubbish is the Legend of Peter d' Aumont and his resuscitation of the Order of Knights Templars in Scotland.
Od tih besmislica se sastoji i legenda o Peteru D' Aumontu i njegovu oživljavanju Reda vitezova templara u Škotskoj.
[Mon Sep 29 16:06:19 2003]
We find its effects looming out in the most important rites and giving a Templar form to many f the high degrees.
Pronalazimo njezine posljedice kako izranjaju iz najvažnijih obreda i kako daju templarski oblik mnogim visokim stupnjevima.
[Mon Sep 29 16:06:19 2003]
And it cannot be doubted that the incorporation of Templarism into the modern Masonic system is mainly to be attributed to ideas suggested by this d'Aumont Legend
I bez sumnje se uključivanje templarstva u moderni slobodnozidarski sustav prvenstveno treba pripisati zamislima izloženima u toj legendi o d'Aumontu
[Mon Sep 29 16:19:09 2003]
But as this Legend has not met with many supporters and was never strongly urged, it is scarcely necessary to do more than thus briefly to allude to it
No kako ova legenda nije našla veću potporu i nikad nije bila snažnije zagovarana, jedva da je potrebno više nego samo ju kratko spomenuti