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[Wed Sep 10 15:16:26 2003]
Among them was an epistle addressed "To all lovers of true chemistry throughout Germany, and especially to that Order which has hitherto lain concealed, but is now probably made known by the Report of the Fraternity (Fama Fraternitatis) and their admirable Confession."
Među tim djelima se nalazila i poslanica oslovljen na " Sve ljubitelje prave kemije diljem Njemačku, a posebno na onaj Red koji je dosad bio pritajen, ali je sada vjerojatno postao poznat knjigom Izvještaj o bratstvu (Fama Fraternitatis) i njihovim divnim Priznanjem."
[Wed Sep 10 15:16:26 2003]
In this work he uses the following language:
U svom se djelu služi sljedećim jezikom:
[Wed Sep 10 15:19:49 2003]
"What is contained in the 'Fama' and 'confessio' is true.
"Ono što sadrže 'Fama' i 'confessio' istinito je.
[Wed Sep 10 15:25:21 2003]
Like the Pythagoreans and the Egyptians, the Rosicrucians extract vows of silence and secrecy.
Kao Pitagorejci i Egipćani, Rosenkreutzeri zahtijevaju zavjete šutnje i čuvanja tajne.
[Wed Sep 10 15:27:00 2003]
Ignorant men have treated the whole as a fiction;
Neupućeni ljudi su smatrali da je sve fikcija;
[Wed Sep 10 15:27:00 2003]
but this has arisen from the probation of five years to which they subject even well qualified novices,
ali to je nastala iz probni rok od pet godina kojem se podvrgavaju čak dobro izučen početnici,
[Wed Sep 10 15:56:44 2003]
A Compendious Apology clearing the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross from the stains of suspicion and infamy cast upon them
Jezgrovita Isprika koja uklanja s Bratstva ružinog (?) križa mrlja sumnje i sramote koje su na njih bačene
[Wed Sep 10 16:23:18 2003]
mere sciolists
puki tobožnji učenjaci
[Wed Sep 10 16:48:43 2003]
But we have the clearest documentary testimony of the existence of a Hermetic degree or system at the beginning of the 18th century, and about the time of what is called the Revival of Masonry in England, by the establishment of the Grand Lodge at London, and which, from other undoubted testimony, we know were not Masonic.
Ali imamo najsigurnije dokumentarno svjedočanstvo postojanja hermetičnog stupnja ili sistem na početku osamnaestog stoljeća, i oko razdoblje koje se naziva Obnavljanje Slobodnog Zidarstva u Engleskoj, osnivanjem Velike Lože u Londonu, i za koje, iz drugih nedvojbenih svjedočanstava, znamo da nisu bili slobodnozidarski.
[Wed Sep 10 16:48:43 2003]
This testimony is found in a rare work, some portions of whose contents, in reference to this subject, are well worthy of a careful review.
To je svjedočanstvo pronađeno u rijetkim djelima, neki dijelovi čiji sadržaji, s obzirom na ovu temu, s pravom zaslužuju pomni osvrt.
[Thu Sep 11 09:02:16 2003]
A curious History of such Persons of both Sexes who have liv'd several Ages and grown Young again:
Neobična Povijest takvih Osoba obaju spolova koji su imati proživjeli nekoliko vijekova i ponovo postali mladi:
[Thu Sep 11 09:02:46 2003]
the rare Secret of Rejuvenescency of Amoldus de Villa Nova.
rijetkom tajnom Pomlađivanja Amoldusa de Vila Nove.
[Thu Sep 11 09:12:53 2003]
And a great many approv'd and invaluable Rules to prolong Life:
I mnogI su odobrili i neprocjenjiva pravila za produljenje života:
[Thu Sep 11 09:15:10 2003]
Also how to prepare the Universal Medicine.
I kako pripremiti univerzalni lijek.
[Thu Sep 11 09:26:26 2003]
Eugenius Philalethes was the pseudonym of Thomas Vaughn, a celebrated Rosicrucian of the 17th century, who published, in 1652, a translation of the Fama Fraternitatis into English.
Eugenije Philalethes je bio pseudonim Thomasa Vaughna, proslavljen Rosenkreutzera iz sedamnaestog stoljeća, koji je objavio, u 1652, prijevod Fama Fraternitatis na engleski.
[Thu Sep 11 09:27:19 2003]
But, as he was born in 1612, it is not to be supposed that he wrote the present work.
Ali, pošto on se rodio 1612, ne možemo pretpostaviti da on je napisao sadašnje djelo.
[Thu Sep 11 09:31:45 2003]
It is, however, not very important to identify this second Philalethes.
Nije, naime, vrlo važno identificirati ovog drugog Philalethesa.
[Thu Sep 11 09:36:41 2003]
It is sufficient for our purpose to know that it is a Hermetic treatise written by a Rosicrucian, of which the title alone - the references to the renewal of youth, one of the Rosicrucian secrets, to the recipe of the great Rosicrucian Villa Nova, or Arnold de Villaneuve, and to the Universal Medicine, the Rosicrucian Elixir Vita - would be sufficient evidence.
je dovoljno za našu potrebu znati da je to hermetička monografija koju je napisao rosenkreutzer, čiji sam naslov osvrt na obnovljanje mladosti, što je jedna tajna rosenkreutzera, prema receptu velikog rosenkreutzera Vile Novae, ili Arnolda de Villaneuvea, i prema univerzalnom lijeku, rosenkreutzerski Elixir Vita (eliksir života) bi bio dovoljan dokaz.
[Thu Sep 11 10:05:01 2003]
But what I here say, those of you who are not far illuminated, who stand in the outward place and are not worthy to look behind the veil, may find no disagreeable or unprofitable entertainment;
Ali što ovdje želim reći, vi kojeg niste dovoljno prosvijetljeni, koji stojite na vanjskoj strani i niste dostojni na gledati iza vela, možda nećete pronaći neprijatnu ili neunosnu zabavu;
[Thu Sep 11 11:08:56 2003]
Its form is a quadrate sublimely placed on six others, blazing all with celestial jewels, each angularly supported with four lions.
Njegov je oblik je četverokutan uzvišeno postavljen na šest ostalih četverokuta, na kojima sjaje nebeski dragulji, svaki pod kutem poduprt sa četiri lava.
[Thu Sep 11 11:10:47 2003]
Here repose our mighty King and Queen, (I speak foolishly, I am not worthy to be of you), the King shining in his glorious apparel of transparent, incorruptible gold, beset with living sapphires;
Ovdje počivaju naši moćni kralj i kraljica, (govorim nerazborito, nisam vrijedan biti jedan od vas), kralj sjaji u svojoj veličanstvenoj odjeći od prozirnog, vječnog zlata, koja je ukrašena sa živućim safirima;
[Thu Sep 11 11:12:19 2003]
he is fair and ruddy, and feeds among the lilies;
on je svijetao i rumen, i hrani se među ljiljanima;
[Thu Sep 11 11:13:41 2003]
his eyes, two carbuncles, the most brilliant, darting prolific never-dying fires;
njegove oči, dva dragulja, najsjajnije, naživlje plodne besmrtne vatre;
[Thu Sep 11 11:15:59 2003]
his royal consort vested in tissue of immortal silver, watered with emeralds, pearl and coral.
njegova kraljevska družica odjevena u veo besmrtnog srebra, obasuta smaragdima, biserima i koraljima.
[Thu Sep 11 11:16:50 2003]
O mystical union!
O tajanstvena unijo!
[Thu Sep 11 11:16:50 2003]
O admirable commerce!
O čudesna trgovino!
[Thu Sep 11 11:24:51 2003]
Ponder this well and consider.
Razmislite o tome dobro i razmotrite.
[Thu Sep 11 11:26:24 2003]
Haunt no more the woods and forests;
Ne lovite više kroz šume i lovišta;
[Thu Sep 11 11:26:51 2003]
(I speak as a fool) haunt no more the fleet;
(govorim kao budala) ne lovite više vodeni tok;
[Thu Sep 11 11:28:29 2003]
let the flying eagle fly unobserved;
neka orao leti nepromatran;
[Thu Sep 11 11:32:15 2003]
busy yourselves no longer with the dancing idiot, swollen toads, and his own tail-devouring dragon;
ne zamarajte se više s idiotom koji pleše, napuhanim žabama, i-zmajem koji proždire svoj vlastiti rep;
[Thu Sep 11 11:32:15 2003]
leave these as elements to your Tyrones.
ostavite ih kao elemente svojim novacima.
[Thu Sep 11 11:38:52 2003]
"The object of your wishes and desires (some of you may, perhaps, have attained it, I speak as a fool), is that admirable thing which has a substance, neither too fiery nor altogether earthy, nor
"Predmet vaših želja i požuda (neki su ih od vas, možda, ostvarili njega, govorim kao budala), je ta čudesna stvar koja ima suštinu, niti previše vatrenu niti potpuno zemaljsku, niti
[Thu Sep 11 11:53:05 2003]
in short, that one only thing besides which there is no other, and yet everywhere possible to be found, the blessed and most sacred subject of the square of wise men, that is .
ukratko, ova samo jedna stvar pored koje koji nema druge, a koju je pak ipak svugdje moguće pronaći, blagoslovljen i najsvetiji predmet četverokuta mudrih ljudi, jest.
[Thu Sep 11 12:03:00 2003]
I shall therefore speak of it with a circumlocution yet more dark and obscure, that none but the Sons of Science and those who are illuminated with the sublimest mysteries and profoundest secrets of MASONRY may understand.
Stoga ja ću govoriti o tome opširnim izlaganjem na još tajanstveniji i nejasniji način, da nitko osim Sinovi znanosti i onih koji su prosvijetljeni najuzvišenijim misterijima i najdubljim tajnama SLOBODNOG ZIDARSTVA ne može razumjeti.
[Thu Sep 11 12:04:05 2003]
It is then what brings you, my dearest Brethren, to that pellucid, diaphanous palace of the true disinterested lovers of wisdom, that triumphant pyramid of purple salt, more sparkling and radiant than the finest Orient ruby, in the center of which reposes inaccessible light epitomized, that incorruptible celestial fire, blazing like burning crystal, and brighter than the sun in his full meridian glories, which is that immortal, eternal, never-dying PYROPUS;
tada vas dovodi, moja predraga braćo, do te bistre, prozračne palača istinito nezainteresiranih ljubitelja mudrosti, ta pobjednička piramida grimizne soli, svjetlucaviji i sjajnija od najsjajniji orijentalnog rubin, u čijem središtu počiva nedostižno simbolično svjetlo, ta nepotkupljiva nebeska vatra, koja plamti poput gorućeg kristala, i koja je svjetlija od sunce kad je u svom punom podnevnom sjaju, koji predstavlja tog besmrtnog, vječnog, neumirećeg PYROPUS-a;
[Thu Sep 11 12:04:05 2003]
the King of genius, whence proceeds everything that is great and wise and happy.
kralj genija, odakle se nastavlja sve što je izvrsno i mudro i sretno.
[Thu Sep 11 14:40:26 2003]
The answer is readily at hand.
Odgovor nam je pri ruci.
[Thu Sep 11 15:17:17 2003]
It is because no such system of initiation, so far as Freemasonry was concerned, existed.
Zato što nijedan takav sustav inicijacije, što se tiče slobodnog zidarstva, nije postojao.
[Thu Sep 11 15:17:52 2003]
The Master's degree was at that day the consummation and perfection of Speculative Masonry.
Stupanj majstora je tada bila dovršavanje i usavršavanje Spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Thu Sep 11 15:19:39 2003]
There was nothing above or beyond it.
Nije ništa postojalo iznad ili izvan toga.
[Thu Sep 11 15:20:09 2003]
The Rosicrucians, who, especially in their astrological branch, were then in full force in England, had, as we see from this book, their
Rosenkreutzeri, koji, posebno u svojoj astrološkoj grani, su bili tada u punoj snazi u Engleskoj, imali su, kao što vidimo iz ove knjige, svoju
[Thu Sep 11 15:21:13 2003]
own initiation into their Hermetic and theosophic system.
vlastitu inicijaciju u svoj hermetički i teozofski sustav.
[Thu Sep 11 15:22:47 2003]
Freemasonry then beginning to become popular and being also a mystical
Slobodno zidarstvo tada je počelo biti popularno i tajanstveno
[Thu Sep 11 15:24:17 2003]
society, these mystical brethren of the Rosy Cross were ready to enter within its portals and to take advantage of its organization.
društvo, ta tajanstvena braća Ružinog križa su bili spremni stupiti unutar njegovih portala i iskoristiti njegovu organizaciju.
[Thu Sep 11 15:24:58 2003]
But they soon sought to discriminate between their own perfect wisdom and the imperfect knowledge of their brother Masons, and,
Ali uskoro su pokušali napraviti razliku između vlastite savršene mudrost i nesavršenog znanja njihove braće Slobodnih Zidara, i,
[Thu Sep 11 15:25:44 2003]
Rosicrucian-like, spoke of an arcana which they only possessed.
poput rosenkreutzera-, govorili o arkani koju su samo oni posjedovali.
[Thu Sep 11 15:25:44 2003]
There were some Rosicrucians who, like Philalethes, became Freemasons, and some Freemasons, like Elias Ashmole, who became Rosicrucians.
Su postojali neke rosenkreutzeri koji su, poput Philalethesa, postali slobodni zidari, i nekim slobodni Zidari, poput Elias Ashmolea, koji su postali rosenkreutzeri.
[Thu Sep 11 15:32:12 2003]
But there was no legitimate derivation of one from the other.
Ali nije postojalo nijedno zakonsko izvođenje jednog iz drugog.
[Thu Sep 11 15:32:22 2003]
There is no similarity between the two systems-their origin is
Nema sličnosti između ta dva sustava-njihovo porijeklo je
[Thu Sep 11 15:40:54 2003]
their symbols, though sometimes identical, have always a different interpretation;
njihovi simboli, iako ponekad identični, uvijek su imali drugačije tumačenje;
[Thu Sep 11 15:40:54 2003]
and it would be an impossible task to deduce the one historically from the other.
i bi bio nemoguć zadatak zaključiti koji je povijesno potekao od drugog.
[Thu Sep 11 15:49:00 2003]
Yet there are not wanting scholars whose judgment on other matters has not been deficient, who have not hesitated to trace Freemasonry to a Rosicrucian source.
Ipak ne postoje nedorasli znanstvenici čija procjena o drugim pitanjima nije bila nedovoljna, koji nisu oklijevali da uđu u trag slobodno zidarstvu u rosenkreutzerstvu.
[Thu Sep 11 15:49:00 2003]
Some of these, as Buhle, De Quincey, and Sloane, were not Freemasons, and we can easily ascribe their historical errors to their want of knowledge, but such writers as Nicolai and Reghellini have no such excuse for the fallacy of which they have been guilty.
Neki od njih, kao što su Buhle, De Quincey, i Sloane, nisu bili slobodni Zidari, i možemo im bez problema pripisivati povijesne greške njihovom nedostatku poznavanja, već pisci poput Nicolaia i Reghellinija nemaju takvu ispriku za pogrešan zaključak za koji su bili krivi.
[Thu Sep 11 15:54:13 2003]
Johann Gottlieb Buhle was among the first to advance the hypothesis that Freemasonry was an offshoot of Rosicrucianism.
Johann Gottlieb Buhle je bio među prvima koji su promicali hipotezu da je slobodno Zidarstvo bio ogranak rosenkreutzerstva.
[Thu Sep 11 15:57:09 2003]
This he did in a work entitled On the Origin and the Principal Events of the Orders of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, published in 1804.
To je činio u djelu pod naslovom O Porijeklu i najvažnijim događajima Redova rosenkreutzerstva i slobodnog zidarstva, koje je objavljeno 1804.
[Fri Sep 12 08:58:23 2003]
The flippancy and egotism of De Quincey, with his complete ignorance as a profane, of the true elements of the Masonic institution, hardly entitle his arguments to a serious criticism.
neozbiljnost i koristoljublje De Quinceya, s njegovim potpunim neupućenosti kao svjetovnjaka, u ispravnost elemenata Institucije Slobodnog zidarstva, teško da njegove argumente mogu odrediti kao ozbiljnu kritiku.
[Fri Sep 12 08:58:23 2003]
His theory and his self-styled facts may be epitomized as follows:
Njegova teorija i njegov samoodređene činjenice mogu biti primjer u malom kako slijedi:
[Fri Sep 12 09:31:53 2003]
The same building that was used by the guild of Masons offered a desirable means for the secret assemblies of the early Freemasons, who, of course, were Rosicrucians.
Ista građevina koja je koristio ceh Slobodnih Zidara pružala željeno sredstvo za tajna sakupljanja ranih slobodnih Zidara, koji su, naravno, bili rosenkreutzeri.
[Fri Sep 12 09:32:22 2003]
Into this Lodge he tells us that Elias Ashmole was admitted.
U tu Ložu on kaže nas da Elias Ashmole je bio primljen.
[Mon Sep 15 08:25:56 2003]
Private meetings, he says, may have been held, and one at Warrington in Lancashire, which is mentioned in Ashmole's Life, but the name of a Freemasons' Lodge, with the insignia, attributes, and circumstances of a Lodge, first, he assures us, came forward at the date above mentioned.
Privatni su se sastanci, kaže, možda održavali, i jedan u Warringtonu u Lancashire, koji se spominje u Ashmoleovoj knjizi "Život", ali ime Lože slobodnih zidara, sa simbolima časti, značajkama, a okolnostima lože, ponajprije, uvjerava nas, javilo se datuma koji je gore spomenut.
[Mon Sep 15 08:31:36 2003]
Now, all these statements we know, from authentic records, to be false.
Sada, sve te izjave koje poznajemo, iz izvornih zapisa, su lažne.
[Mon Sep 15 08:34:34 2003]
It has already been seen, by the extracts heretofore given from Ashmole's diary, that there is no record of a Lodge held in 1646 at
Već smo vidjeli, pomoću izvadaka koje nam je dosad pružio iz Ashmoleov dnevnika, da nema zapisa o loži održanoj 1646 u
[Mon Sep 15 08:43:20 2003]
that Ashmole was then and there initiated as a Freemason, and not at London;
da Ashmole je tada i tamo postao slobodni Zidar, a ne u Londonu;
[Mon Sep 15 08:43:20 2003]
and finally, that the record of the Lodge held at Masons' Hall, London, which is made by the same Ashmole, was in 168 3 and not in 1646, or thirty-five years afterward.
i naposljetku, da zapis o Loži održanoj u Dvorani Slobodnih zidara, u Londonu, kojeg je napravio sam Ashmole, iz 168 3 a ne 1646, ili trideset pet godina kasnije.
[Mon Sep 15 08:50:18 2003]
An historian who thus falsifies records to sustain a theory is not entitled to the respectful attention of a serious argument.
Povjesničar koji stoga krivotvori zapise da bi podržao teoriju ne zaslužuje uvažavajuću pažnju za ozbiljno raspravljanje.
[Mon Sep 15 08:52:37 2003]
And so De Quincey may be dismissed for what he is worth.
I stoga De Quincey može biti zanemaren potpuno.
[Mon Sep 15 08:52:37 2003]
I do not concede to him the excuse of ignorance, for he evidently must have had Ashmole's diary under his eyes, and his misquotations could only have been made in bad faith.
ne priznajem mu ispriku za neznanje, jer je očito da je imao Ashmoleov dnevnik u svojim rukama, i njegovi pogrešni navodi su mogli biti samo učinjeni u zloj namjeri.
[Mon Sep 15 08:57:02 2003]
Nicolai is more honorable in his mode of treating the question.
Nikolaj je časniji u svom načinu obrađivanja problema.
[Mon Sep 15 09:08:35 2003]
The theory and the arguments of Nicolai have already been considered in the preceding chapter of this work, and need no further discussion here.
Teorija i raspravljanja Nicolai su već bila razmotrena u prethodnom poglavlju, pa stoga nikakva daljnja rasprava ovdje nije potrebna.
[Mon Sep 15 09:11:34 2003]
The views of Rhigellini are based on the book of Nicolai, and differ from them only in being, from his Gallic ignorance of English history, a little more inaccurate.
Stajališta Rhigellinijeva se zasnivaju na knjizi Nicolai, i se razlikuju od njih samo u tome što su malo netočnija postojeći, zbog njegovog galskog neupućenosti o engleskoj povijesti,.
[Mon Sep 15 09:11:34 2003]
The views of Rhigellini have already been referred to on a preceding page.
Stajališta Rhigellinija već su raspravljena na o prethodnoj stranici.
[Mon Sep 15 09:18:01 2003]
And now we meet with another theorist, who is scarcely more respectful or less flippant than De Quincey, and who, not being a Freemason, labors under the disadvantage of an incorrect knowledge of the principles of the Order.
sada mi se susrećemo s još jednim teoretičarem, koji je jedva pun poštovanja ili manje manje neozbiljan od De Quincey, i koji, pošto nije bio slobodni Zidar, radi pod utjecajem nedostatakom točnog saznanja o načelima reda.
[Mon Sep 15 09:18:01 2003]
Besides we can expect but little accuracy from one who quotes as authentic history the spurious Leland Manuscript.
Pored toga možemo očekivati malu točnost od onog koji navedi kao izvornu povijest lažan Lelandov manuskript.
[Mon Sep 15 09:43:30 2003]
Adopting the theory that the latter are derived from the former, he contends, from what he calls proofs, but which are no proofs at all, that "the Freemasons are not anterior to the Rosicrucians;
Usvajajući teoriju da su potonji potekli od prvospomenutih, on izjavljuje, prema onome što on naziva dokazima, ali koji uopće nisu dokazi, da "slobodni Zidari nisu prethodili na rosenkreutzerima;
[Mon Sep 15 09:43:30 2003]
and their principles, so far as they were avowed about the middle of the 17th century, being identical, it is fair to presume that the Freemasons were, in reality, the first incorporated body of Rosicrucians or Sapientes."
i pošto su njihova načela, sve dok su bila deklarirana oko sredina sedamnaestog stoljeća, identična, je pošteno pretpostaviti da slobodni Zidari su bili, u stvarnosti, prvo priključeno tijelo Rosenkreutzera ili Sapientesa."
[Mon Sep 15 09:54:04 2003]
As he admits that this is but a presumption, and as presumptions are not facts, it is hardly necessary to occupy any time in its discussion.
Pošto priznaje da se radi samo o pretpostavka, i pošto pretpostavke nisu činjenice, teško da je nužno potrošiti vrijeme na tu raspravu.
[Mon Sep 15 10:08:03 2003]
This is not correct.
To nije točno.
[Mon Sep 15 10:08:44 2003]
Freemasonry needed not to seek the model of such a constitution from the Rosicrucians.
Slobodno zidarstvo nije trebalo tražiti model za takvo osnivanja kod Rosenkreutzera.
[Mon Sep 15 10:19:03 2003]
both, too, derived their wisdom from Adam, adopted the same myth of building, connected themselves in the same unintelligible way with Solomon's Temple,
oba, također, su dobila svoju mudrost od Adama, usvojili isti mit o gradnji, povezali se na podjednako nerazumljiv način sa Salomonovim hramom,
[Mon Sep 15 10:28:02 2003]
affected to be seeking light from the East - in other words, the Cabala - and accepted the heathen Pythagoras among their adepts."
skloni traženju svjetlo s Istoka drugim riječima, traženju Kabale i prihvatili poganina Pitagoru među svoje stručnjake."
[Mon Sep 15 10:32:04 2003]
In this long passage there are almost as many errors and misstatements as there are lines.
U ovom dugom odlomku broj grešaka i netočnih prikaza je gotovo podjednak broju linija.
[Mon Sep 15 10:33:09 2003]
The emblems of the two Orders were not the same in any respect.
Simboli dvaju Redova nisu bili jednaki ni u bilo kojem pogledu.
[Mon Sep 15 10:38:23 2003]
The square and compasses were not ordinary nor usual Rosicrucian emblems.
Četverokut i kompasi nisu bili normalni ni uobičajeni rosenkreutzerski znakovi.
[Mon Sep 15 10:40:23 2003]
In one instance, in a plate in the Azoth Philosophorum of Basil Valentine, published in the 17th century, we will, it is true, find these implements forming part of a Rosicrucian figure, but they are there evidently used as phallic symbols, a meaning never attached to them in Freemasonry, whose interpretation of them is derived from their operative use.
U jednom primjeru, u tanjur u knjizi Azoth Philosophorum Basila Valentinea, koja je objavljena u sedamnaestom stoljeću, mi ćemo, istina je, otkriti da te oruđe sačinjava dio Rosenkreutzera prikaz, ali je očito korišten kao falusni simbol, značenje koje im nikad pridodano u slobodnom zidarstvu, čije je tumačenje poteklo iz operativne uporabe.
[Mon Sep 15 14:26:39 2003]
Again, the Rosicrucians had nothing to do with the Temple of Solomon.
Još jednom, rosenkreutzeri nisu imali nikakve veze sa Salomonovim hramom.
[Mon Sep 15 14:30:56 2003]
the early Freemasons, like their successors of the present day, in "seeking light from the East," intended no reference to the Cabala, which is never mentioned in any of their primitive rituals, but alluded to the East as the source of physical light-the place of sunrising, which they adopted as a symbol of intellectual and moral light.
rani slobodni Zidari, poput njihovi današnji nasljednici, u " potrazi svjetla s Istoka, " nisu uopće aludirali na Kabalu, koja se nikad ne spominje u nijednom od njihovih primitivnih obreda, ali su aludirali na Istok kao izvor fizičkog svjetla-mjesto izlaženja sunca, kojeg su usvojili kao simbol intelektualnog i moralnog svjetla.
[Mon Sep 15 14:38:45 2003]
If anyone will take the trouble of toiling through the three books of Cornelius Agrippa's Occult Philosophy, which may be
Ako će se itko htjeti mučiti traženjem kroz tri knjige Corneliusa Agrippe o okultnoj filozofiji, koji bi mogle biti
[Mon Sep 15 14:48:13 2003]
considered as the text-book of the old Rosicrucian philosophy, he will see how little there is in common between Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry.
udžbenicima-stare rRosenkreutzerske filozofije, vidjet će kako malo toga zajedničkog postoji između rosenkreutzerstva i slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Sep 15 14:49:21 2003]
The one is a mystical system founded on the Cabala;
Jedan je tajanstven sustav utemeljen na Kabali;
[Mon Sep 15 14:55:54 2003]
symbols derived from the usages and the implements of an operative art.
simbola koji su dobiveni upotrebom i primjenom operativne umjetnosti.
[Mon Sep 15 15:03:20 2003]
The Alchemists, who have been called "physical Rosicrucians," adopted the metals and their transmutation, the elixir of life, and their universal solvent, as symbols, if we may believe Hitchcock, by which they concealed the purest dogmas of a religious life.
Alkemičari, koji su se zvali " fizički rosenkreutzeri, " prihvatili su metale i njihovu potpuna promjenu, eliksir života, i njihovo univerzalno otapalo, kao simbole, ako možemo vjerovati Hitchcocku, kojima su sakrivali najčišće dogme religioznog života.
[Mon Sep 15 15:08:29 2003]
But Freemasonry has not and never had anything of this kind in its system.
Ali slobodno Zidarstvo nema i nikad nije imalo ništa slično u svom sustavu.
[Mon Sep 15 15:10:31 2003]
Its founders were, as we will see when we come to the historical part of this work, builders, whose symbols, applied in their architecture, were of a religious and Christian character;
Njegovi utemeljitelji su bili, kao što ćemo vidjeti kada dođemo do povijesni dijela ove knjige, graditelji, čiji simboli, primjenjivani u njihovoj arhitekturi, su bili religiozne i kršćanske naravi;
[Mon Sep 15 15:11:23 2003]
and when their successors made this building fraternity a speculative association, they borrowed the symbols by which they sought to teach their philosophy, not from Rosicrucianism, not from magic, nor from the Cabala, but from the art to which they owed their origin.
i kada su njihovi nasljednici su pretvorili to građevinsko bratstvo u spekulativno društvo, su posudili simbole kojima su koji nastojali poučiti svoju filozofiju, ne od rosenkreutzerstva, ne od magije, niti od Kabale, već od umjetnosti kojoj su dugovali svoje podrijetlo.
[Mon Sep 15 15:13:57 2003]
Every part of Speculative Masonry proves that it could not have been derived from Rosicrucianism.
Svaki dio Spekulativnog slobodnog Zidarstva dokazuje da nije mogao proizaći iz rosenkreutzerstva.
[Mon Sep 15 15:24:52 2003]
Andreä sought, it is true, in his Fama Fraternitatis, to elevate Rosicrucianism to a more practical and useful character, and to make it a vehicle for moral and intellectual reform.
Andreä je pokušao, istina je, u svojoj knjizi Fama Fraternitatis, rosenkreutzerstvu dati praktičniju i upotrebljiviju narav, i učiniti ga sredstvom moralne i intelektualne reforme.
[Mon Sep 15 15:24:52 2003]
But even his system, which was the only one that could have exerted any influence on the English philosophers, is so thoroughly at variance in its principles from that of the Freemasonry of the 17th century, that a union of the two, or the derivation of one from the other, must have been utterly impracticable.
No čak i njegov sustav, jedini koji bi mogao upotrijebiti bilo kakav utjecaj na engleske filozofe, toliko je potpuno različit u svojim načelima od sustava slobodnog Zidarstva sedamnaestog stoljeća, ta savez tih dvaju udruženja, ili proizlaženje jednog od drugog jednog od drugi, mora da je bilo potpuno neizvedivo.
[Mon Sep 15 15:28:35 2003]
This is possible, although, during his brief visit to London, Agrippa was the guest of the learned Dean Colet, and spent his time with his
To je moguć, iako, za vrijeme njegovog kratkog posjeta Londonu, Agrippa je bio gost učenog Deana Coleta, i proveo svoje vrijeme sa svojim
[Mon Sep 15 15:43:43 2003]
host in the study of the works of the Apostle to the Gentiles.
domaćina u proučavanju djela Apostola do Pogana (?).
[Mon Sep 15 15:45:00 2003]
"I labored hard," he says himself, "at the Epistles of St. Paul."
"Jako sam se trudio, " on sam kaže, " s Poslanicama sv. Pavla."
[Mon Sep 15 16:18:03 2003]
I have said that while the hypothesis that Freemasonry was originally derived from Rosicrucianism, and that its founders were the English Rosicrucians in the 17th century, is wholly untenable, there is no doubt that at a later period, a century after this, its supposed origin, a Rosicrucian element, was very largely diffused in the Hautes Grades or High Degrees which were invented on the continent of Europe about the middle of the 18th century.
Rekao sam da dok pretpostavka da slobodno Zidarstvo je izvorno proizišlo iz rosenkreutzerstva, i da njegovi utemeljitelji su bili engleski rosenkreutzeri u sedamnaestom stoljeću, je u cijelosti neodrživa, nema sumnje da u kasnijem razdoblju, narednom stoljeću, njegovo navodno podrijetlo, rosenkreutzerski element, je bilo vrlo uvelike rašireno u Hautes razinama ili visokim stupnjevima koji su bili izumljeni na europskom kontinentu sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća.
[Tue Sep 16 09:14:24 2003]
But the inventions of Ram say had nothing in them of a Rosicrucian character.
Međutim, izmišljeni nazivi Ram say nisu u sebi sadržavali nikakvo rosekreutzersko obilježje.
[Tue Sep 16 09:14:48 2003]
They were intended by him to support his hypothesis that Freemasonry originated in the Crusades, and that the first Freemasons were Templars.
Njihova je namjena bila pomoću da podupru njegova pretpostavka da slobodno Zidarstvo u križarskim ratovima, i da su prvi slobodni Zidari bili Templari.
[Tue Sep 16 09:27:34 2003]
His degrees were therefore not philosophic but chivalric.
Njegovi stupnjevi stoga nisu bili filozofski već viteški.
[Tue Sep 16 10:08:24 2003]
But it was not until long after the Masonic labors of Ramsay had ceased that the element of Hermetic philosophy began to intrude itself into still newer degrees.
Ali nije bilo dugo nakon što su Ramsayevi napori oko slobodnog zidarstva popustili da je element hermetičke filozofije se počeo nametati bi mogao u još uvijek novije stupnjeve.
[Tue Sep 16 10:37:52 2003]
Pernelty was at first a Benedictine monk, but, having at the age of forty-nine obtained a dispensation from his vows, he removed from Paris to Berlin, where for a short time he served Frederick the Great as his librarian.
Pernelty je bio isprva benediktinac, no, budući da je u dobi od četrdeset-devet godina bio razrješen svojih zavjeta, sklonio se iz Pariza u Berlin, gdje nakratko je služio Fredericka Velikog kao njegov knjižničar.
[Tue Sep 16 10:50:35 2003]
He then repaired to Avignon, where he established a new Rite, which, on its transferrence to Montpellier, received the name of the "Academy of True Masons."
Zatim je otišao u Avignon, gdje je utemeljio novi obred, koji, s njegovom premještajem u Montpellier, zadobio naziv " Akademij pravih Slobodnih Zidara."
[Tue Sep 16 10:54:05 2003]
It will be remembered that the late General Hitchcock, who was learned on mystical topics, wrote a book to prove that Swedenborg was a Hermetic philosopher;
Bit će zapamćeno da pokojni general Hitchcock, koji se obrazovao u mističnim temama, napisao je knjigu da bi dokazao da je Swedenborg bio hermetički filozof;
[Fri Sep 19 16:06:56 2003]
But Pernelty was not a Swedenborgian only.
međutim Pernelty nije bio pristaša Swedenborga samo.
[Fri Sep 19 16:24:24 2003]
Accordingly we find him inventing other degrees, and among them one, the "Knight of the Sun," which is in its original ritual a mere condensation of Rosicrucian doctrines, especially as developed in the alchemical branch of Rosicrucianism.
sukladno tome ustanovljujemo da je on osmislio ostale stupnjeve, i između kojih je i onaj, " Vitez sunca, " koji predstavlja u svom originalan obred ništa drugo nego sažimanje rosenkreutzerskih doktrina, naročito one kako su razvijene u alkemijskoj grani rosenkreutzerstva.
[Fri Sep 19 16:37:06 2003]
There is not in the wide compass of Masonic degrees, one more emphatically Rosicrucian than this.
U širok rasponu slobodnozidarskih stupnjeva, nijedan nije izrazitije rosenkreutzerski od ovog.
[Fri Sep 19 16:37:50 2003]
The reference in its ritual to Sylphs, one of the four elementary spirits of the Rosicrucians;
Aluzija u njegovim obredima na Silfe, jedan iz četiri glavnih duhova rosenkreutzera;
[Fri Sep 19 16:46:59 2003]
to the seven angels which formed a part of the Rosicrucian hierarchy;
na sedam anđela što su tvorili dio rosenkreutzerske hijerarhije;
[Fri Sep 19 17:29:41 2003]
The list might be increased by fifty more, at least,
Popis bi se mogli dodati barem još pedeset stupnja,
[Fri Sep 19 17:31:15 2003]
were time and space convenient.
kad bi vrijeme i mjesto bili podobni.
[Fri Sep 19 17:33:08 2003]
There have been whole rites fabricated on the basis of the Rosicrucian or Hermetic philosophy,
Čitavi su obredi osmišljeni na temelju rosenkreutzerske ili Hermetičke filozofije,
[Mon Sep 22 08:59:27 2003]
or, rather, the French writers have always translated the Rosenkreutzer of the German and the Rosicrucian of the English by their own words Rose Croix, and to this philological inaccuracy is to be traced an historical error of some importance, to be soon adverted to.
ili, bolje rečeno, francuski su pisci uvijek prevodili njemačku riječ Rosenkreutzer i englesku riječ Rosicrucian francuskim riječima Rose Croix (Ružin križ), i na ovoj se filološkoj netočnost je mora odrediti povijesnu grešku neke važnosti, na koju ćemo uskoro skrenuti pažnju.
[Mon Sep 22 09:14:34 2003]
The first that we hear in history of a Rosicrucian Masonry, under that distinctive name, is about the middle of the 18th century.
Prvi puta se u povijesti rosenkreutzersko slobodno zidarstvo, pod tim određenim nazivom, javlja oko sredine osamnaestog stoljeća.
[Mon Sep 22 09:18:01 2003]
The society to which I allude was known as the "Gold-und-Rosenkreutzer," or the "Golden Rosicrucians."
Društvo na koji aludiram bilo je poznato kao " Gold-und-Rosenkreutzer, " ili " Zlatni rosenkreutzeri."
[Mon Sep 22 09:27:25 2003]
We first find this
Ovaj naslov najprije otkrivamo
[Mon Sep 22 09:28:39 2003]
In it is contained the laws of the brotherhood, which Findel thinks bear unmistakable evidence of Jesuitical intervention.
Nalazi se u zakonima bratstva, za koje Findel smatra da predstavljaju očigledan dokaz o jezuitskoj intervenciji.
[Mon Sep 22 09:41:03 2003]
The book of Richter describes a society which, if founded on the old Rosicrucians, differed essentially from them in its principles.
Richterova knjiga opisuje društvo koje se, ako utemeljeno na starim rosenkreutzerima, bitno razlikovalo od njih po svojim načelima.
[Mon Sep 22 09:42:00 2003]
If formed at that early period, in the beginning of the 18th century
Ako su se razvili u tako ranom razdoblju, početkom osamnaestog stoljeća
[Mon Sep 22 10:08:12 2003]
But the Order, as an appendant to Masonry, was not really perfected until about the middle of the 18th century.
Međutim red, kao dodatak slobodnom zidarstvu, nije zapravo usavršen do otprilike sredine osamnaestog stoljeća.
[Mon Sep 22 10:08:13 2003]
Findel says after 1756, The Order consisted of nine degrees, all having Latin names, viz, :
Findel kaže da se nakon 1756, Red se sastojao od devet stupnjeva, od kojih su svi latinski nazivi, npr.,:
[Mon Sep 22 10:21:51 2003]
It based itself on the three primitive degrees of Freemasonry only as giving a right to entrance;
Temeljio se na tri primarna stupnja slobodnog zidarstva koji su se odnosili na (?) davanje prava na pristup;
[Mon Sep 22 10:33:24 2003]
the ancient Rosicrucians, and of possessing all their secrets, and of being the only body that could give a true interpretation of the Masonic symbols, and it claimed, therefore, to be the head of the Order, There is no doubt that this brotherhood was a perfect instance of the influence sought to be cast, about the middle of the 18th century, upon Freemasonry by the doctrines of Rosicrucianism.
drevnih rosenkreutzera, i posjedovanjem svih njihovih tajni, i da je bio jedino tijelo koje je moglo dati pravo tumačenje slobodnozidarskih simbola, i ono je tvrdilo, stoga, da je glavni dio Reda, Nema dvojbe da ovo bratstvo je bio savršen primjer utjecaja koji se nastojao nametnuti, otprilike sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća, na slobodnog Zidarstva prema doktrinama Rosenkreutzerstva.
[Mon Sep 22 10:49:58 2003]
The effort, however, to make it a Hermetic system failed.
Međutim, pokušaj da ga se pretvori u hermetičan sustav nije uspio.
[Mon Sep 22 10:49:58 2003]
The Order of the Golden Rosicrucians, although for nearly half a century popular in Germany, and calling into its ranks many persons of high standing, at length began to decay, and finally died out, about the end of the last century.
Red zlatnih rosenkreutzera, iako je bio gotovo pola stoljeća popularan u Njemačkoj, i pozivanjem u svoje redove mnoge uglednih osoba, konačno je počeo propadati, i naposljetku je nestao, otprilike krajem prošlog stoljeća.
[Mon Sep 22 10:58:35 2003]
Since that period we hear no more of Rosicrucian Masonry, except what is preserved in degrees like that of the Knight of the Sun and a few others, which are still retained in the catalogue of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
Od tog razdoblje više nemamo nikakva saznanja o rosenkreutzerskom slobodni zidarstvo, osim onoga što se očuvalo u stupnjeve kao što je Viteza sunca i nekoliko ostalih, koji se još uvijek čuvaju u katalogu drevnog i prihvaćenog škotskog obreda.
[Mon Sep 22 11:10:11 2003]
This is the confounding of the French degree of "Rose Croix," or "Knight of the Eagle and Pelican," with Rosicrucianism, to which it has not the slightest affinity.
Odnosi se na miješanje francuskog stupnja " Ružinog Križ, " ili " Vitez orla i Pelikana, " s rosenkreutzerstvom, s kojim nemaju niti najmanju sličnost.
[Mon Sep 22 11:10:11 2003]
Thus Dr. Oliver, when speaking of this degree, says that the earliest notice that he finds of it is in the Fama Fraternitatis, evidently showing that he deemed it to be of Rosicrucian origin.
Oliver, kada govori o ovom stupnju, kaže da najranija zabilježba koju on otkriva iz je u Fame Fraternitatis, što očito ukazuje na to da je smatrao da je rosenkreutzerskog podrijetla.
[Mon Sep 22 11:29:23 2003]
I speak of it, of course, as it appears in its original form.
Naravno, aludiram na takav Ružinom križu kakav se pojavljuje u svom originalnom obliku.
[Mon Sep 22 11:44:38 2003]
This has been somewhat changed in later days.
To se malo promijenilo u zadnje vrijeme.
[Mon Sep 22 11:46:02 2003]
The French Masons, objecting to its sectarian character, substituted for it a modification which they have called the "Philosophic Rose Croix."
Francuski slobodni zidari, protiveći se njegovoj sektaškoj narav, zamijenili su ga promjenom koju su nazvali " Filozofski Ružin križ."
[Mon Sep 22 12:03:51 2003]
But the original Rose Croix, most probably first introduced to notice by Prince Charles Edward, the "Young Pretender," in the Primordial chapter which he established in 1747, at Arras, in France, was a purely Christian, if not a Catholic degree.
Međutim originalni Ružin križ, kojeg je najvjerojatnije dao zamijetiti princ Karlo Edvard, " Mladi pretendent, " u starovjekovnom kaptolu kojeg utemeljio u 1747, u Arrasu, u Francusku, je bilo potpuno kršćanski, ako ne i katolički stupanj.
[Mon Sep 22 12:25:02 2003]
The Rose Croix, as we find it in its pure and uncorrupted ritual, was an attempt to apply the rites, symbols, and legends of the primitive degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry to the last and greatest dispensation;
Ružin Križ, kao što se vidi iz njegovog čistog i nepromijenjenog obreda, je bio pokušaj se primijene obrede, simbole, i legende primarnih stupnjeva Drevnog zanatskog slobodnog Zidarstva za posljednje i najveće oproštenje;
[Mon Sep 22 12:36:56 2003]
In all this there is nothing alchemical, Hermetic, or Rosicrucian and it is a great error to suppose that there is anything but Christian philosophy in the degree as originally invented.
U svemu tome ne postoji ništa alkemijsko, hermetičko, ili rosenkreutzersko i velika je pogreška pretpostavljati da postoji bilo što drugo osim kršćanske filozofije u stupanj kako je izvorno osmišljeno.
[Mon Sep 22 12:39:22 2003]
The name of the degree has undoubtedly led to the confusion in its history.
Naziv stupnja nesumnjivo je doveo do pomutnja u njegovu povijest.
[Mon Sep 22 12:43:24 2003]
The name of the degree has undoubtedly led to the confusion in its history.
Naziv stupnja nesumnjivo je doveo do zbrke u njegovoj povijesti.
[Mon Sep 22 12:46:41 2003]
But, in fact, the words "Rosa Crucis," common both to the ancient Rosicrucian philosophers and to the modern Rose Croix Masons, had in each a different meaning, and some have supposed a different derivation.
Međutim, ustvari, riječi " Rosa Crucis, " zajedničke i drevnim rosenkreutzerskim filozofa i modernim slobodnim zidarima Ružina križa, imale su kod svakog drukčije značenje, pa neki pretpostavljaju različito podrijetlo.
[Mon Sep 22 12:46:46 2003]
In the latter the title has by many writers been thought to allude to the ros, or dew, which was deemed by the alchemists to be a powerful solvent of gold, and to crux, the cross, which was the chemical hieroglyphic of light.
Kod modernih slobodnih zidara Ružina križa Za naslov mnogi su pisci smatrali da aludira na ros, ili rosu, za koju su alkemičarima smatrali da je moćno otapalo zlata, i na crux, križ, koji je bio kemijski hijeroglif svjetlosti.
[Mon Sep 22 14:26:26 2003]
science of chemistry;
znanosti kemije;
[Mon Sep 22 14:37:03 2003]
Of all natural bodies dew is the most powerful solvent of gold.
Od svih prirodnih tijela rosa je najjače otapalo za zlato.
[Mon Sep 22 14:59:34 2003]
Now, lux is called by this sect the seed or menstruum of the red dragon;
Prema tomu, ova sekta lux naziva sjemenom ili otapalom crvenog zmaja;
[Mon Sep 22 14:59:34 2003]
or, in other words, that gross and corporeal, when properly digested and modified, produces gold."
ili, drugim riječima, ono što je grubo i materijalno, kad se na pravilan način otopi i promijeni, proizvodi zlato."
[Mon Sep 22 15:39:27 2003]
There is certainly a controversy about the derivation of Rosicrucian as applied to the Hermetic philosophers, but there is none whatever in reference to that of the Masonic Rose Croix.
U povezivanju podrijetla naziva s Hermetičkim filozofima zasigurno postoji proturječnost Rosenkreutzera kao sam se odnosila na hermetičke Filozofe, dok nema nikakvog proturječja s obzirom na slobodnozidarski Ružin križ.
[Mon Sep 22 15:46:19 2003]
most probably the latter.
najvjerojatnije ovu drugu.
[Mon Sep 22 16:04:23 2003]
Thus the writer of the book of Exodus, in allusion to the
Prema tome pisac Knjige Izlaska, kad aludira na
[Mon Sep 22 16:30:24 2003]
lief that the eagle assists its feeble younglings in their first flights by bearing them on its pinions, represents Jehovah as saying, "Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself."
vjerovanje da orao pomaže svojoj slaboj mladunčadi u prvim letovima tako da ih nosi njih na svojim krilima iz krila, predstavljajući Jehovu kako govori, " Vidjeste što učinih Egipćanima, i kako vas nosih na krilima orla i dovedoh vas k sebi."
[Mon Sep 22 16:35:55 2003]
Hence, appropriating this idea, the Rose Croix Masons selected the eagle as a symbol of Christ in his divine character, bearing the children of his adoption in their upward course, and teaching them with unequalled love and tender.
Stoga, nakon što su ukrali ovu ideju, slobodni Zidari Ružina križa su izabrali orla za simbol Krista u njegovoj božanskoj naravi, odvodeći svoju posvojenu djecu u visine, i podučavajući ih s nevjerojatnom ljubavi i nježnosti.
[Mon Sep 22 16:36:51 2003]
ness to poise their unfledged wings, and soar from the dull corruptions of earth to a higher and holier sphere.
da bi mogli održati ravnotežu svojim nerazvijenim krilima, i vinuti se u visinu iz guste zemalske iskvarenosti prema sve višoj i svetijoj sferi.
[Mon Sep 22 16:36:51 2003]
And hence the eagle in the jewel is represented with expanded wings, as if ready for flight.
I stoga je orao u dragulj prikazan s raširenim krilima, kao da se sprema poletjeti.
[Tue Sep 23 09:52:22 2003]
"The cross," says Didron, "is more than a mere figure of Christ;
" Križ, " kaže Didron, " nije samo puki prikaz Krista;
[Tue Sep 23 09:53:05 2003]
it is, in iconography, either Christ himself or his symbol."
on predstavlja, u ikonografiju, bilo samog Krista ili njegov simbol."
[Tue Sep 23 09:53:05 2003]
As such it is used in the Masonry of the Rose Croix.
Kao takav se koristi u slobodnom zidarstvu Ružina križ.
[Tue Sep 23 10:00:45 2003]
There was no intention of its founders to borrow for its construction anything from occult philosophy, but simply to express in its symbolization a purely Christian sentiment.
Njegovi osnivači nisu imali nikakvu namjeru nijednu namjeru njegovih utemeljitelja posuditi za njegove izradu bilo što iz okultne filozofije, već jednostavno izraziti u njegovoj simbolici čisto kršćanski osjećaj.
[Tue Sep 23 10:30:32 2003]
while Rosicrucianism had no concern, as has been alleged, with the origination of Freemasonry in the 17th century I yet that in the succeeding century, under various influences, especially, perhaps, the diffusion of the mystical doctrines of Swedenborg, a Hermetic or Rosicrucian element was infused into some of the High Degrees then newly fabricated.
dok Rosenkreutzerstvo nije bilo zaokupljeno, kako se pretpostavlja, s porijeklom slobodnog zidarstva u sedamnaestom stoljeća pa ipak je da u narednom stoljeću, pod različitim utjecajima, naročito, možda, širenjem Swedenborgovih mističnih doktrina, hermetički ili rosenkreutzerski element bio uveden u neke od Visokih Stupnjeva koji su tada bili novoosmišljeni.
[Tue Sep 23 10:31:34 2003]
But the diffusion of that element went no farther;
No taj se element nije dalje proširio;
[Tue Sep 23 10:32:12 2003]
it never affected the pure Masonic system;
nikad nije imao utjecaja na čist slobodnozidarski sustav;
[Tue Sep 23 10:35:39 2003]
Especially was it not connected with one of the most important and most popular of those degrees.
Naročito ako nije bio povezan s jedan jednim od najvažnijih i najpopularnijih među tim stupnjevima.
[Tue Sep 23 10:47:18 2003]
From the beginning of the 19th century Rosicrucianism has been dead to Masonry, as its exponent, the Hermetic philosophy, has been to literature.
Od početka devetnaestog stoljeća Rosenkreutzerstvo je mrtvo za Slobodno Zidarstvo, kao što je njegov zagovaratelj, hermetička filozofija, za književnost.
[Tue Sep 23 10:47:18 2003]
It has no life now, and we preserve its relics only as memorials of a past obscuration which the sunbeams of modem learning have dispersed.
Sada ne postoji, a čuvaju njegove se relikvije samo kako spomenici nekadašnjeg mračnog razdoblja koje su zrake sunca modernog učenja rastjerale.
[Tue Sep 23 11:44:46 2003]
The notion was most probably derived from what has been called the Leland Manuscript, because it is said to have been found in the Bodleian Library, in the handwriting of that celebrated antiquary.
Ideja je najvjerojatnije dobivena iz onoga što se zove Lelandov Manuskript, jer se za njega kaže da je otkriven u Bodleyevoj Knjižnica, napisan rukom tog proslavljenog trgovca starinama.
[Tue Sep 23 11:53:42 2003]
The original is said to be the handwriting of King Henry VI.
Za izvornik se kaže da je rukopis kralja Henrika VI.
[Tue Sep 23 12:03:06 2003]
and copied by Leland by order of his highness, King Henry VIII.
kojeg je prepisao Leland po nalogu njegovog visočanstva, kralja Henrika VIII.
[Tue Sep 23 12:17:40 2003]
If the authenticity of this ancient monument of literature remains unquestioned, it demands particular notice in the present publication, on account of the singularity of the subject, and no less from a due regard to the royal writer and our author, his transcriber, indefatigable in every part of literature.
Ako vjerodostojnost ovog prastarog spomenika književnosti ostane neupitan, treba pokloniti posebna pažnja u njegovom se sadašnjem izdanju, zbog jedinstvenosti teme, a pojednako iz dužnog poštavanja prema kraljevskom piscu i našem autoru, njegovom prepisivaču, neumornom u svakom dijelu književnosti.
[Tue Sep 23 12:50:06 2003]
The opinion of Masonic critics of the present day is that the document is a forgery.
Mišljenje je suvremenih slobodnozidarskih kritičara da je dokument krivotvorina.
[Tue Sep 23 12:58:41 2003]
It was most probably written about the
Najvjerojatnije je napisan otprilike u
[Tue Sep 23 14:30:17 2003]
They accepted the manuscript, or rather the printed copy of it - for the original codex has never been seen-with unhesitating faith as an authentic document.
Prihvatili su rukopis, ili bolje rečeno njegov tiskani primjerak jer se za izvoran kodeks nikad nije smatralo-s neupitnim povjerenjem da je vjerodostojan dokument.
[Tue Sep 23 14:32:25 2003]
In none of these is there the faintest hint of its being anything but an authentic document.
U nijednom od ovih djela ne postoji ni najmanji aluzija da se radi o svemu drugom samo ne o o vjerodostojnom dokumentu.
[Tue Sep 23 14:34:31 2003]
"I entertain no doubt of the genuineness and authenticity of this valuable Manuscript."
"Nimalo ne sumnjam u izvornost i vjerodostojnost ovog dragocjenog Rukopisa."
[Tue Sep 23 14:39:58 2003]
Mr. Halliwell was perhaps the first of English scholars to express a doubt of its genuineness.
Halliwell je bio možda prvi engleskih učenjak koji je izrazio sumnju u njegovu izvornost.
[Tue Sep 23 14:45:51 2003]
After a long and unsuccessful search in the Bodleian Library for the original, he came, very naturally, to the conclusion that it is a forgery.
Nakon duge i neuspješne potrage za izvornikom u Bodleyevoj knjižnici, došao je, vrlo prirodno, do zaključka da se radi o krivotvorini.
[Tue Sep 23 14:53:52 2003]
It is not, however, without its value.
Međutim, ima neku vrijednost.
[Tue Sep 23 14:53:52 2003]
To its appearance about the middle of the last century, and the unhesitating acceptance of its truth by the Craft at the time, we can, in all probability, assign the establishment of the doctrine that Freemasonry was of a
Do njegovog pojavljivanja otprilike sredinom prošlog stoljeća, i bez oklijevanja prihvaćanje njegove istine od strane Zanata u to vrijeme, možemo, vrlo vjerojatno, prihvatiti utemeljenje doktrine da je slobodno zidarstvo imalo
[Tue Sep 23 14:59:53 2003]
though it had been long before adverted to by Dr. Anderson.
iako je na to ono puno prije skrenuo pažnju dr. Andersona.
[Tue Sep 23 15:45:26 2003]
Before proceeding to an examination of the rise and progress of this opinion, it will be proper to cite so much of the manuscript as connects Pythagoras with Masonry.
Prije nastavljanja s proučavanjem napretka i razvoja ovog mišljenja, ispravno će biti citirati onaj dio rukopisa koji Pitagoru povezuje sa slobodnim zidarstvom.
[Tue Sep 23 16:04:48 2003]
The document purports to be answers by some Mason to questions proposed by King Henry VI.
Dokument tvrdi da se radi o odgovorima nekog slobodan zidar na pitanja koja je sastavio kralj Henrik VI.
[Tue Sep 23 16:05:05 2003]
who, it would seem, must have taken some interest in the "Mystery of Masonry," and had sought to obtain from competent authority a knowledge of its true character.
kojega, moglo bi se činiti, mora da je pomalo zanimao " Misterij Slobodnog Zidarstva, " i koji je nastojao dobiti od mjerodavnog stručnjaka saznanje o njegovom pravom naravi.
[Tue Sep 23 16:05:05 2003]
The following are among the questions and answers:
Sljedeći se primjeri nalaze među pitanjima i odgovorima:
[Wed Sep 24 09:14:46 2003]
Thus we meet with Peter Gower, evidently derived from Pythagore, pronounced Petagore, the French for Pythagoras;
Stoga mi susrećemo Petera Gowera, što očito dolazi od riječi Pythagore, koja se izgovara Petagore, francuska riječ za Pitagoru;
[Wed Sep 24 09:19:35 2003]
Maconrye and Maconnes, for Masonry and Masons, the Frenchc in the word being used instead of the English s;
Maconrye i Maconnes, za Slobodno Zidarstvo (masonstvo) i Slobodne Zidare (masone), u čijoj se riječi francusko c koristi umjesto engleskog s;
[Wed Sep 24 09:20:10 2003]
the phrase wynnynge the Facultye of Abrac, which is a pure Galli~ idiom, instead of acquiring the faculty, the word gayner being indifferently used in French as signifying to win or to acquire;
izraz wynnynge the Facultye of Abrac, čisti galski~ idiom, umjesto stjecanja sposobnost (na eng. acquiring the faculty), riječ gayner koja se normalno koristi u francuski u značenju usvojiti ili steći;
[Wed Sep 24 09:22:23 2003]
the word Freres for Brethren;
riječ Freres za braću;
[Wed Sep 24 09:22:23 2003]
and the statement, in the spirit of French nationality, that Masonry was brought into England out of France.
i na tvrdnju, koja je u duhu francuskog nacionalizma, da je Slobodno Zidarstvo u Englesku došlo iz Francuske.
[Wed Sep 24 09:35:42 2003]
But be this as it may, the document had no sooner appeared than it seemed to inspire contemporary Masonic writers with the idea that Masonry and the school of Pythagoras, which he established at Crotona, in Italy, about five centuries before Christ, were closely connected - an idea which was very generally adopted by their successors, so that it came at last to be a point of the orthodox Masonic creed.
Ali budi ovaj kao ono može, dokument je nemao ranije se pojavio od ono se činilo nadahnuti suvremene slobodnozidarske pisce s idejom to Slobodno Zidarstvo i Pitagorina škola, što on je utemeljio u Crotoni, u Italiju, otprilike pet stoljeća prije Krista, su bila izbliza su spojila ideja što je bila vrlo općenito usvojena od strane njihovih nasljednika, tako da ono je došlo konačno biti mjesto ortodoksnog vjerovanja slobodnih zidara.
[Wed Sep 24 09:51:32 2003]
Thus Preston, in his Illustrations of Masonry, when commenting on the dialogue contained in this document, says that "the
Stoga Preston, u svojim Ilustracijama Slobodnog Zidarstva, kad komentira razgovor koji se nalazi u tom dokumentu, kaže da "
[Wed Sep 24 09:53:56 2003]
records of the fraternity inform us that Pythagoras was regularly initiated into Masonry;
zapisi o bratstvu nam govore da Pitagora je bio pravilno primljen u Slobodno Zidarstvo;
[Wed Sep 24 10:13:37 2003]
Hutchinson, in his Spirit of Masonry, quotes this "ancient Masonic record," as he calls it, and says that "it brings us positive evidence of the Pythagorean doctrine and Basilidian principles making the foundation of our religious and moral duties.
Hutchinson, u svom Duhu Slobodnog Zidarstva, navodi taj " drevni slobodnozidarski zapis, " kako ga on naziva, i kaže da nam " daje pozitivni dokaz Pitagorine doktrine i Basilidijskih načela koji su temelj naših religioznih i moralnih dužnosti.
[Wed Sep 24 10:32:31 2003]
But this theory of the Pythagorean origin of Freemasonry does not owe its existence to the writers of the middle of the 18th century.
Ali ova teorija o podrijetlu slobodnog Zidarstva od Pitagore ne duguje svoje postojanje piscima iz sredine osamnaestog stoljeća.
[Wed Sep 24 10:40:38 2003]
It had been advanced at an early period, and soon after the Revival in 1717 by Dr. Anderson.
U ranom ju je razdoblju i nedugo nakon Preporoda iz 1717. godine, promicao dr. Anderson.