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[Wed Sep 24 10:51:01 2003]
Now, how are we to explain the way in which this tradition of the connection of the Philosopher of Samos first acquired a place among the legends of the Craft?
Prema tomu, kako ćemo objasniti način na koji je ova tradicija povezanosti filozofa sa Samosa isprva zavrijedila svoj položaj među legendama Zanata?

[Wed Sep 24 10:58:47 2003]
of the Craft, is there, with a single exception, any allusion to the name of Pythagoras.
o zanatu, ne postoji, s jednom iznimkom, bilo kakva aluzija na Pitagorino ime.

[Wed Sep 24 11:06:18 2003]
the flood, adds, in lines 318-326, this statement:
poplava, dodaje, u stihovima 318-326, ovu tvrdnja:

[Wed Sep 24 11:51:51 2003]
Of these interpolations, the story of the finding of one of the pillars by Pythagoras is one.
Od svih tih umetenja interpolacija, samo je jedna priča o Pitagorinom pronalasku jednog stupa.

[Wed Sep 24 11:54:25 2003]
The writer acknowledges his indebtedness for the statement to Higden's Polychronicon.
Pisac priznaje da duguje zahvalnost za tvrdnju Higdenovom polikronikonu.

[Wed Sep 24 11:54:25 2003]
But it formed no part of the Legend of the Craft, a1ld hence no notice is taken of it
Međutim ona se ne nalazi niti u jednom dijelu Legende o zanatu, a1ld pa se stoga na nju ne obraća pozornost

[Wed Sep 24 12:03:18 2003]
in the subsequent manuscript copies of the Legend.
u narednim primjercima rukopisa Legende.

[Wed Sep 24 12:03:18 2003]
In none of them is Pythagoras even named.
Pitagora se ne spominje čak niti u jednom.

[Wed Sep 24 12:13:10 2003]
There is no safer rule than that of the old schoolmen, which teaches us that we must reason alike concerning that which does not appear and that which does not exist -"de non apparentibus et de non existentibus, eadem est ratio."
Nema sigurnijeg pravila od onog starih srednjovjekovnih skolastika, koji nauči nas da moramo rasuđivati pojednako o onome što se ne pojavljuje i onim što ne postoji " de non apparentibus et de non existentibus, eadem est ratio."

[Wed Sep 24 12:14:26 2003]
The old craftsmen who fabricated the Legend were workmen and not scholars;
Stari zanatlije koji su osmislili Legendu bili radnici i ne učenjaci;

[Wed Sep 24 12:31:34 2003]
Although in the 17th, and perhaps in the 16th century, many persons were admitted into the Lodges of Operative Masons who were not professional builders, it is, I think, evident that the society did not assume a purely speculative form until the year 1717.
Iako su u sedamnaestom, a možda u šesnaestom stoljeću, mnoge osobe koje nisu bile profesionalni graditelji primljene u lože operativnih slobodnih zidara, mislim da je očigledno da društvo nije poprimilo čisto spekulativan oblik do 1717. godine.

[Wed Sep 24 12:34:44 2003]
The Revival in that year, by the election of Anthony Sayer, "Gentleman," as Grand Master;
Preporod te godine, izabiranjem Anthonyja Sayera, " Gospodina, " za Velikog Majstora;

[Wed Sep 24 12:34:44 2003]
Jacob Lamball, a "Carpenter," and Joseph Elliott, a "Captain," as Grand Wardens, proves that the control of the society was to be taken out of the hands of the Operative Masons.
Jacoba Lamballa, " Stolara, " i Josepha Elliotta, " Kapetana, " za Glavne čuvare, dokazuje da nadzor nad društvom trebalo biti oduzeto iz ruku operativnih Slobodnih Zidara.

[Wed Sep 24 14:25:02 2003]
There he freely associated with the Magi in their religion and their studies, and, having obtained a thorough knowledge of music, the science of numbers, and other arts, he finally returned to Greece.
Tamo se slobodno povezao s Mudracima u njihovoj religiji i njihovim proučavanjima, i, nakon što je usvojio temeljito znanje o glazbi, znanosti brojeva, i ostalim umijećima, konačno se vratio u Grčku.

[Wed Sep 24 15:19:27 2003]
And if, among those who were engaged with them in the construction of this new and improved school of speculative Masonry, there were any whose limited scholastic attainments would not enable them to consult the Greek biographies of Pythagoras by Jamblichus and by Porphyry, they had at hand and readily accessible an English translaton of M.
I ako, među onima koji su bili uključeni s njima u izgradnju ove nove i poboljšane škole Spekulativnog slobodnog zidarstva, su postojali i oni čija im ograničena skolastička dostignuća ne bi omogućila da se savjetuju s biografijama o Pitagori na grčkom koje su napisali Jamblih i Porfirij, su imali pri ruci i lako dostupan engleski prijevod M.

[Wed Sep 24 15:19:27 2003]
Dacier's life of the philosopher, containing
Život Dacier's filozofa, sadržavajući

[Wed Sep 24 15:33:09 2003]
also an elaborate explication of his symbols, together with a translation of the Commentaries of Hierodes on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras, all embraced in one volume and published in London in the year 1707, by the celebrated bibliopole Jacob Tonson.
i opširno objašnjenje njegovih simbola, zajedno s prijevodom Hierodovih Komentara o zlatni Stihovi Pitagore, od kojih su svi sakupljeni u jednom svesku i objavljeni u London u godinu 1707, od strane proslavljenog prodavača knjiga Jacoba Tonsona.

[Wed Sep 24 15:49:32 2003]
It is not, therefore, surprising that these "Revivalists," as they have been called, should have delighted, as Anderson has done in his Defense of Masonry, to compare the two schools of the Pythagoreans and the Freemasons;
Stoga ne iznenađuje,, da su ti ovi " Nositelji preporoda Propovjednici, " kako ih se naziva, su uživali, poput Andersona u svojoj Obrani Slobodnog Zidarstva, u usporedbi dviju škola Pitagorejaca i slobodni Zidari;

[Wed Sep 24 15:51:40 2003]
that they should have dwelt on their great similarity;
da su naglašavali njihovu veliku sličnost;

[Wed Sep 24 15:51:40 2003]
and in the development of their speculative system should have adopted many symbols from the former which do not appear to have been known to or used by the old Operative Masons whom they succeeded.
i da su u razvoj svog spekulativnog sustava usvojili mnoge simbole iz ranijeg sustava za koje se čini da nisu bili poznati ili korišteni pored starih operativnih Slobodnih Zidara koje su naslijedili.

[Wed Sep 24 16:15:29 2003]
It was the work of the Revivalists, who, as scholars familiar with the mystical philosophy of Pythagoras, deemed it expedient to introduce it into the equally mystical philosophy of Speculative Masonry.
To je bilo djelo Nositelja preporoda, koji, kao učenjaci upoznat s mističkom Pitagorinom filozofijom, su smatrali da ga je korisno uvesti u istu mističku filozofiju Spekulativnog slobodnog Zidarstva.

[Wed Sep 24 16:23:25 2003]
In fact, the Traveling Freemasons, Builders, or Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, who were the real predecessors of the Speculative Masons of the 18th century, did not, so far as we can learn from their remains, practice any of the symbolism of Pythagoras.
Ustvari, putujući slobodni zidari, graditelji, ili operativni slobodni zidari iz srednjeg vijeka, stvarni prethodnici spekulativnih slobodnih zidara iz osamnaestog stoljeća, nisu, iz onoga što možemo saznati iz njihovih ostataka, primjenjivali nijedan Pitagorin simbolizam.

[Wed Sep 24 16:23:25 2003]
Their symbols, such as the vesica piscis, the cross, the rose
Njihovi simboli, kao što su vesica piscis, križ, ruža

[Thu Sep 25 09:52:27 2003]
or certain mathematical figures, were derived either from the legends of the church or from the principles of geometry applied to the art of building.
ili neke matematičke brojke, dobiveni ili iz crkvenih legendi ili iz geometrijskih načela koji su se primjenjivali na umjetnost građenja.

[Thu Sep 25 09:52:27 2003]
These skillful architects who, in the dark ages, when few men could read or write, erected edifices surpassing the works of ancient Greece or Rome, and which have never been equalled by modern builders, were wonderful in their peculiar skill, but were wholly ignorant of metaphysics or philosophy, and borrowed nothing from Pythagoras.
Ti vješti arhitekti koji, u mračnom dobu, kad je malo ljudi znalo čitati ili pišu, izgradili su građevine koje su premašivale djela antičke Grčke ili Rima, i koje moderni graditelji nisu nikada dostigli, su bili čudesni u svojoj svojstvenoj vještini, ali su bili sasvim neupućeni u metafiziku ili filozofiju, i i ništa nisu usvojili od Pitagore.

[Thu Sep 25 11:08:36 2003]
Drake, in his speech before the Grand Lodge of York, delivered in 1726, does, indeed, speak of Pythagoras, not as the founder of Masonry, but only in connection with Euclid and Archimedes as great proficients in Geometry, whose works have been the basis "on which the learned have built at different times so many noble superstructures."
Drake, u svom govoru pred Velike Lože Yorka, kojeg je održao 1726, čini se da, doista, govori o Pitagori, ne kao o utemeljitelju Slobodnog Zidarstva, već samo o njegovoj povezanosti s Euklidom i Arhimedom kao veliki stručnjaci u geometriji, čija su djela temelj " na kojem učenjaci su izgradili u različitim razdobljima tako mnogo plemenitih nadgradnji."

[Thu Sep 25 11:08:36 2003]
And of Geometry, he calls it "that noble and useful science which must have begun and goes hand-in-hand with
I o geometriji, koju naziva " ta plemenita i korisna znanost koja mora da je započela i ide ruku-pod-ruku sa

[Thu Sep 25 11:18:06 2003]
an assertion which, to use the old chorus of the Masons, "nobody will deny."
tvrdnja koju, da se poslužimo starim pripjevom Slobodnih Zidara, " nitko će poreći."

[Thu Sep 25 11:20:22 2003]
But to say that Geometry is closely connected with Operative Masonry, and that Pythagoras was a great geometrician, is very different from saying that he was a Mason and propagated Masonry in Europe.
Ali izjava da Geometrija je blisko povezana s operativnim Slobodnim Zidarstvom, i da Pitagora je bio velik geometričar, vrlo je različita od one koja kaže da je on bio Slobodan Zidar i da je širio Slobodno Zidarstvo po Europu.

[Thu Sep 25 11:32:01 2003]
In a Discourse Upon Masonry, delivered before a Lodge of England in 1742, now lying before me, in which the origin of the Order is fully discussed, there is not one word of reference to Pythagoras.
U Raspravi o Slobodnog Zidarstva, održanoj pred engleskom Ložom 1742, koja se sada nalazi laganje preda mnom, u kojoj se podrijetlo Reda detaljno razmatra, ne postoji niti jednu riječ koja bi aludirala na Pitagoru.

[Thu Sep 25 11:36:37 2003]
The same silence is preserved in a Lecture on the Connection Between Freemasonry and Religion, by the Rev. C.
Ne spominje se niti u Predavanje o povezanosti slobodan zidarstvo i Religije, koje je napisao vlč. C.

[Thu Sep 25 12:33:48 2003]
As to this statement in the Leland MS.
Što se tiče ovog navoda u Lelandovom rukopisu.

[Thu Sep 25 14:14:19 2003]
So far from disseminating its Lodges or schools after the Christian era, we may cite the authority of the learned Dacier, who says that "in after ages there were here and there some disciples of Pythagoras, but these were only private persons who never established any society, nor had the Pythagoreans any longer a public school."
Dosad iz širenja svojih loža ili škola nakon razdoblja kršćanstva, mogli bismo citirati izvor učenog Daciera, koji kaže da " u kasnijim razdobljima su postojali tu i tamo neki Pitagorini učenici, ali to su bile samo privatne osobe koji nikad nisu utemeljile nikakvo društvo, niti su Pitagorejce više imali javne škole."

[Thu Sep 25 14:21:18 2003]
And so the result of this investigation into the theory of the Pythagorean origin of Freemasonry may be briefly epitomized thus:
Stoga rezultat ovog istraživanja o teoriju o porijeklu slobodan zidarstvo od Pitagore bi mogla biti sažeta u sljedeće:

[Thu Sep 25 14:25:00 2003]
The mediaval Freemasons never entertained any such theory, nor in their architectural labors did they adopt any of his symbols.
Srednjovjekovni slobodni Zidari nikad nisu uzeli u obzir nijednu takvu teoriju, niti su u svojim arhitektonskim radovima usvojili bilo koji njegov simbol.

[Thu Sep 25 14:54:35 2003]
Upon the Revival, in 1717, which was really the beginning of genuine Speculative Masonry, the scholars who fabricated the scheme, finding the symbolic teaching of Pythagoras very apposite, adopted some of its symbols, especially those relating to numbers in the new Speculative system which they were forming.
Oko Preporoda, 1717, što je bio zapravo početak pravog Spekulativnog slobodnog Zidarstva, učenjaci koji su izmislili shemu, nakon što su uvidjeli da je simboličko podučavanje Pitagore vrlo prikladno, usvojili su neke od njegovih simbola, naročito one koji su se odnosili na na brojeve u novom spekulativan sustav kojeg su osnivali.

[Thu Sep 25 15:06:10 2003]
Neither early Masonic tradition nor any historical records exist which support such a belief.
Niti rana slobodnozidarska tradicija niti bilo kakvi povijesni zapisi ne postoje koje podupiru takvo vjerovanje.

[Thu Sep 25 16:20:25 2003]
But King, it must be admitted, was not the first writer who sought to trace Freemasonry to a Gnostic origin.
No King nije, mora se priznati, prvi pisac koji je pokušao slobodnom zidarstvu odrediti sa gnostičko podrijetlo.

[Thu Sep 25 16:29:52 2003]
The First concerning the Society of Free-Masons.
Prvi se odnosi na društvo slobodnih zidara.

[Thu Sep 25 16:30:19 2003]
we find, in the first letter, on the Freemasons, the following passage:
pronalazimo, u prvom pismu, o slobodnim zidarima, sljedeći odlomak:

[Thu Sep 25 16:34:06 2003]
But now, Sir, to draw towards a conclusion;
No sada, gospodine, da se približimo zaključku;

[Thu Sep 25 16:35:21 2003]
and to give my opinion seriously, concerning these prodigious Virtuosi;
i da ozbiljno iznesem svoje svojem mišljenje, koje se odnosi na te čudesne Virtuoze;

[Thu Sep 25 16:35:21 2003]
- My belief is, that if they fall under any denomination at all, or belong to any
- Moje uvjerenje je, da ako se uopće mogu nekako nazvati, ili ako pripadaju nekoj

[Fri Sep 26 08:58:25 2003]
which has hitherto appeared in the world, they may be ranked among the GNOSTICS, who took their original from Simon Magus;
koja do sada se pojavila u svijetu, moglo bi ih se svrstati među GNOSTIKE, koji su preuzeli (?) svoje podrijetlo od Simona Magusa;

[Fri Sep 26 09:00:52 2003]
these were a set of men, which ridiculed not only Christianity, but even rational morality;
to je bila skupina ljudi, koji nisu ismijavali samo kršćanstvo, već i racionalni moral;

[Fri Sep 26 09:03:19 2003]
teaching that they should be saved by their capacious knowledge and understanding of no mortal man could tell what.
podučavajući da trebaju biti spašeni svojim obilnim znanje i spoznajom od onoga što nijedan smrtnik ne bi mogao shvatiti.

[Fri Sep 26 09:06:50 2003]
They babbled of an amazing intelligence they had, from nobody knows whence.
su blebetali o zapanjujućoj inteligenciji koju su posjedovali, od za koju nitko ne zna odakle su ju dobili (?).

[Fri Sep 26 09:07:55 2003]
They amused and puzzled the hair-brained, unwary crowd with superstitious interpretations of extravagant talismanic characters and abstruse significations of uncommon Cabalistic words;
su zabavljali i zbunjivali nepromišljenu, neopreznu gomilu praznovjernim tumačenjima ekstravagantne talismanske prirode i kompliciranim značenjima neobičnih kabalističkih riječi;

[Fri Sep 26 09:07:55 2003]
which exactly agrees with the proceedings of our modern Freemasons."
što točno se slaže s djelovanjem naših modernih slobodnih zidara."

[Fri Sep 26 09:32:46 2003]
Basilides, the founder of the sect which bears his name, was the most eminent of the Egyptian Gnostics.
Basilid, utemeljitelj sekte koja nosi njegovo ime, bio je najugledniji egipatski gnostik.

[Fri Sep 26 09:46:55 2003]
About the time of the fabrication of the High Degrees on the continent of Europe, a variety of opinions of the origin of Masonry - many of them absurd - sprang up among Masonic scholars.
Otprilike u vrijeme stvaranja Visokih stupnjeva na europskom kontinentu, različitost mišljenja o podrijetlu Slobodnog Zidarstva od kojih su mnogi besmisleni pojavila se među slobodnozidarskim učenjacima.

[Fri Sep 26 09:46:55 2003]
Among these theorists, there were not a few who traced the Order to the early Christians, because they found it, as they supposed, among the Gnostics, and especially its most important sect, the Basilidians.
Među tim teoretičarima, postojali su i oni koji su povezali red s ranim kršćanima, jer su ih pronašli, kako su pretpostavljali, među gnosticima, a posebno njihovu najvažnija sektu, sljedbenike Basilidesa.

[Fri Sep 26 09:49:40 2003]
Some German and French writers have also maintained the hypothesis of a connection, more or less intimate, between the Gnostics and the Masons.
Neki njemački i francuski pisci također su poduprli pretpostavku povezanosti, više-manje blisku, između Gnostika i Slobodnih Zidara.

[Fri Sep 26 09:54:30 2003]
I do not know that any German writer has positively asserted the existence of this connection.
Ne znam da je neki njemački pisac pozitivno iznio mišljenje o postojanju te povezanosti.

[Fri Sep 26 09:54:30 2003]
But the doctrine has, at times, been alluded to without any absolute disclaimer of a belief in its truth.
No na tu se doktrinu je, ponekad, aludiralo bez nekog tko bi potpuno poricao istinitost takvog uvjerenja.

[Fri Sep 26 09:58:32 2003]
Treatise on the Phonician mysteries
Rasprava o feničkim misterijima

[Fri Sep 26 10:30:39 2003]
In this essay he adverts to the theory of the Gnostic origin of Freemasonry.
U tom eseju skreće pažnju na teoriju o gnostičkom podrijetlu slobodnog zidarstva.

[Fri Sep 26 10:32:44 2003]
in the intervening centuries.
u stoljećima u međuvremenu.

[Fri Sep 26 10:45:10 2003]
But, in fact, the Gnosticism of Clement was something entirely different from that of Basilides, to whom Hutchinson and King attribute the origin of our symbols, and whom Clement vigorously opposed in his works.
No, ustvari, Gnosticizam clement je bio nešto potpuno drugačiji iz Basilidojevog gnosticizma, kojem Hutchinson i King pripisuju podrijetlo naših simbola, i kojem se clement energično suprotstavljao u svojim djelima.

[Fri Sep 26 10:47:19 2003]
I t was what he himself calls it, "a true gnosis or Christian philosophy on the basis of faith.
To je bila kako on sam kaže, "prava gnosa ili kršćanska filozofija temeljena na vjeri.

[Fri Sep 26 11:01:25 2003]
Finally, I may refer to the Leland MS.
Konačno, mogao bih aludirati na Lelandov rukopis.

[Fri Sep 26 11:16:57 2003]
But before we can enter into a proper discussion of this
No prije nego što započnemo u odgovarajuću raspravu o

[Fri Sep 26 11:42:01 2003]
Scarcely had the light of Christianity dawned upon the world before a multitude of heresies sprang up to disturb the new religion.
svjetlo Kršćanstva je jedva svanulo nad svijetom prije nego što je niknuo velik broj hereza koje su ometale novu religiju.

[Fri Sep 26 11:42:17 2003]
Among these Gnosticism holds the most important position.
Gnosticizam je najvažniji među tim herezama.

[Fri Sep 26 12:31:16 2003]
Of this true Gnosticism, Clement declared himself to be a follower.
Klement se proglasio sljedbenikom tog pravog gnosticizma.

[Fri Sep 26 12:31:16 2003]
With it and Freemasonry there can be no connection, except that modified one admitted by Michaeler, which relates only to the investigation of philosophical and historical truth.
Između takvog gnosticizmom i slobodan zidarstvo ne može postojati nikakva povezanost, osim one izmijenjene koju je prihvatio Michaeler, koja se odnosi samo na proučavanje filozofske i povijesne istina.

[Fri Sep 26 12:34:10 2003]
The false Gnosis to which the Apostle refers is the Gnosticism which is the subject of our present inquiry.
Lažno Gnosa o kojoj govori apostol jest gnosticizam koji je tema našeg trenutnog istraživanje.

[Fri Sep 26 12:49:33 2003]
These various systems were then,
Ti različiti sustavi tada bili,

[Fri Sep 26 15:01:18 2003]
This new system was Gnosticism, which derived its leading doctrines from Plato, from the Zend-Avesta, the Cabala, the Vedas, and the hieroglyphs of Egypt.
Gnosticizam je bio taj novi sustav, koji je svoje dobio glavne doktrine od Platona, Zend-Aveste, Kabale, Veda, a egipatskih tajanstvenih simbola.

[Fri Sep 26 15:09:57 2003]
One of these aons, the lowest of all, called the Demiurge, created the world out of matter, which, though eternal, was inert and formless.
Jedan od tih eona, najniži od svih, nazvan Stvoritelj Svijeta, je stvorio svijet iz tvari, koja, iako vječna, bila nepokretna i bez oblika.

[Fri Sep 26 15:55:23 2003]
These successive aons or emanations appear to have been inferior each to the preceding;
Čini se da su svaki sljedeći eon ili emanacija bili niži u odnosu na onaj prethodni;

[Fri Sep 26 15:56:22 2003]
and their existence was indispensable to the Gnostic scheme, that they might account for the creation of the world, without making God the author of evil.
i njihovo postojanje bilo neophodno za gnostičku shemi, tako da se njima moglo pripisati stvaranje svijeta, bez da se Boga učini tvorcem zla.

[Fri Sep 26 15:58:05 2003]
These aons lived through countless ages with their first Father.
Ti eoni su proživjeli mnoge vjekove sa svojim prvim Ocem.

[Fri Sep 26 15:58:05 2003]
But the system of emanations seems to have resembled that of concentric circles, and they gradually deteriorated
Međutim sustav emanacija čini se da je nalikovao sustavu koncentričnih krugova, i postupno su oslabili

[Fri Sep 26 16:21:05 2003]
as they approached nearer and nearer to the extremity of the pleroma.
dok su se sve više približavali najvećem stupnju (?) plerome.

[Fri Sep 26 16:25:12 2003]
Beyond this pleroma was matter, inert and powerless, though co-eternal with the Supreme God, and like him without beginning.
Izvan te plerome nalazila se materija, nepokretna i neučinkovita, iako-vječan kao i Vrhovni Bog, i poput njega bez početka.

[Fri Sep 26 16:37:44 2003]
The advent of Christianity found this old Gnosticism prevailing in Asia and in Egypt.
Pojavom kršćanstva ustanovljeno je da je ovaj stari gnosticizam najrašireniji u Aziji i Egiptu.

[Fri Sep 26 16:37:44 2003]
Some of its disciples became converts to the new religion, but brought with them into its fold many of the mystical views of their Gnostic philosophy and sought to apply them to the pure and simple doctrines of the Gospel.
Neki od njegovih učenika preobratili su se na novoj religiji, ali su sa sobom doveli u njene redove mnoge mistične nazore te gnostičke filozofije i nastojali ih se primjenjivati na čistim i jednostavnim doktrinama Evanđelja.

[Mon Sep 29 12:25:33 2003]
Their aim was to construct, not merely a theory of redemption, but of the universe - a cosmogony.
Njihov cilj je bio izgraditi, ne samo teorija o izbavljenju, već i svemira - kozmogonija.

[Mon Sep 29 12:28:27 2003]
No subject was beyond their investigations.
Ništa nije bilo izvan njihovih istraživanja.

[Mon Sep 29 12:28:52 2003]
Whatever God could reveal to the finite intellect they looked upon as within their range.
Što god je Bog mogao otkriti krajnjem intelektu su smatrali dijelom svog područja.

[Mon Sep 29 12:28:52 2003]
What to others seemed only speculative ideas,
Ono što se ostalima činilo samo kao spekulativne ideje,

[Mon Sep 29 12:42:03 2003]
were by them hypostatized or personified into real beings or historical facts.
oni su ih ili hipostazirali ili personificirali u stvarna bića ili povijesne činjenice.

[Mon Sep 29 12:42:17 2003]
consciousness of reality."
svijesti o stvarnosti."

[Mon Sep 29 12:56:10 2003]
The most important of these sects, and the one from which the moderns have derived most of their views of what Christian Gnosticism is, was established in the 2d century by Basilides, the chief of the Egyptian Gnostics.
Najvažniji među tim sektama, i ona pomoću koje su suvremenici došli do većine svojih zaključaka o tome što je kršćanski gnosticizam, utemeljena je u 2d drugom stoljeću od strane Basilida, poglavar egipatskih gnostika.

[Mon Sep 29 14:09:08 2003]
The doctrine of Basilides and the Basilidians was a further development of the original Gnostic system.
Doktrina Basilida i njegovi sljedbenici su bili daljnji razvoj izvornog gnostičkog sustava.

[Mon Sep 29 14:17:13 2003]
Unfolded from his perfection were seven attributes or personified powers, namely, Mind, Reason, Thought, Wisdom, Power, Holiness, and Peace.
iz njegovog savršenstva razvilo se sedam osobina ili personificiranih (?) moći, to jest, um, razum, Misao, Mudrost, Moć, Svetost, i Mir.

[Mon Sep 29 14:19:53 2003]
Seven was a sacred number, and these seven powers referred to the seven days of the week.
Sedam je bio sveti broj, a tih se sedam moći odnosilo na sedam dana u tjednu.

[Mon Sep 29 14:29:24 2003]
These three hundred and sixty-five regions were so many heavenly mansions between the earth and the empyrean, and he supposed the existence of an equal number of angels.
Tih tristo i šezdeseto-pet područja su bili velika nebeska prebivališta između zemlje i nebeskog svoda, pa je pretpostavljao da postoji i jednak broj anđela.

[Mon Sep 29 14:34:45 2003]
Hence he fabricated the word A B R A X A S, because the Greek letters of which it is composed have the numerical value, when added together, of exactly three hundred and sixty-five.
Stoga je osmislio riječ B R X A S, jer grčka slova od kojih se riječ sastoji imaju numeričku vrijednost, koja kad se zbroji je pridodala zajedno, iznosi točno tristo i šezdeset-pet.

[Mon Sep 29 14:34:45 2003]
The learned German theologian, Bellerman,
Učen njemački teolog, Bellerman,

[Mon Sep 29 14:45:04 2003]
thinks that he has found the derivation in the Captu, or old Egyptian language, where the words abrah, signifying "word," and
misli da on je pronašao da riječ potječe iz Captua, ili starog egipatskog jezika, u kojem riječi abrah, što znači " riječ, " i

[Mon Sep 29 14:46:25 2003]
sadsch, signifying "blessed," "holy," or "adorable," and therefore abrahsadsch, Hellenized into Abraxas, would denote "the holy,
sadsch, što znači " blagoslovljen, " " svetinja, " ili " divan, " pa bi stoga riječ abrahsadsch, helenizirana u Abraxas, označavala "svetu,

[Mon Sep 29 14:46:25 2003]
blessed, or adorable Word," thus approximating to the spirit of the Jewish Cabalists in their similar use of a Holy Name.
blagoslovljenu, ili divnu Riječ, " približavajući se na taj način duhu židovskih Kabalista u njihovoj sličnoj uporabi Svetog Imena.

[Mon Sep 29 14:53:56 2003]
Whether the word was thus derived or was invented by Basilides on account of the numerical value of its letters, is uncertain.
Nije sigurno potječe li dakle riječ od Basilida ili ju je izmislio na temelju numeričke vrijednosti njenih slova.

[Mon Sep 29 14:59:28 2003]
This word Abraxas, like the Tetragrammaton of the Jews, became one of great importance to the sect of Basilidians.
Ta riječ Abraxas, poput Tetragramaton Židova, postala je od velike važnosti za sektu sljedbenika Basilida.

[Mon Sep 29 14:59:28 2003]
Their reverence for it gave origin to what are called "abraxas gems."
Njihovo štovanje te riječi je stvorilo ono što se naziva " abraxas dragulji."

[Mon Sep 29 15:04:58 2003]
They are inscribed with the word Abraxas and an image supposed to designate the Basilidian god.
Na njima je urezana riječ Abraxas i slika koja bi trebala predstavljati Basilidijskog boga.

[Mon Sep 29 15:04:58 2003]
Some of them have on them Jewish words, such as Jehovah or Adonai, and others contain Persian, Egyptian, or Grecian symbols.
Neki imaju urezane židovske riječi, kao što su Jehovah ili Adonai, i ostali perzijske, egipatske, ili grčke simbole.

[Mon Sep 29 15:10:02 2003]
Montfaucon, who has treated the subject of "abraxas gems " elaborately, divides them into seven classes.
Montfaucon, koji se opširno bavio temom " abraxas dragulja ", dijeli ih u sedam kategorija.

[Mon Sep 29 15:11:30 2003]
Those having the head of a lion, to denote the heat of the sun, and the word Mithras.
Oni koji imaju glavu lava, koja označava toplinu sunca, i riječ Mithras.

[Mon Sep 29 15:13:59 2003]
Those having the image of the Egyptian god Serapis.
Oni s prikazom egipatskog boga Serapisa.

[Mon Sep 29 15:14:54 2003]
Those having the images of sphinxes, apes, and other animals.
Oni s prikazima sfinga, majmuna, i ostalih životinja.

[Mon Sep 29 15:15:27 2003]
Those having human figures with the words Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, etc.
Oni s ljudskim prikazima s riječima Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, itd..

[Mon Sep 29 15:16:16 2003]
Those having inscriptions without figures.
Oni s urezanim natpisima bez slika.

[Mon Sep 29 15:17:59 2003]
Those having monstrous forms.
Oni sa strahovitim oblicima.

[Mon Sep 29 15:30:00 2003]
The principal of these Gnostic symbols is that of the Supreme God, Abraxas.
Glavni među tim gnostičkim simbolima je onaj Vrhovnog Boga, Abraxas.

[Mon Sep 29 15:35:47 2003]
Other symbols, known to be of a purely Gnostic or rather Basilidian origin,
Ostali simboli, za koje se zna da su potpuno gnostičkog ili bolje rečeno Basilidijskog podrijetla,

[Mon Sep 29 15:55:49 2003]
from the accompanying inscription, Abraxas, or Iao, or both, are Horus, or the Sun, seated on a lotus flower, which is supported by a double lamp, composed of two phallic images conjoined at their bases;
prema dodatnim urezanim natpisima, Abraxas, ili Iao, ili jedno i drugo, su Horus, ili Sunce, koji sjedi na lotusu cvijeta, koji je poduprt dvostrukim svjetiljkama, sastavljen od dviju falusnih prikaza koji se spajaju u svojim temeljima;

[Mon Sep 29 15:58:45 2003]
the tan cross surmounted by a human head;
žućkastosmeđi križ postavljen pored ljudske glave;

[Mon Sep 29 16:00:29 2003]
the Egyptian god, Anubis;
egipatski bog, Anubis;

[Mon Sep 29 16:02:36 2003]
and Father Nilus, in a bending posture and holding in his hand the double, phallic lamp of Horus.
i Otac Nilus, u povijenom stavu i držeći u ruci dvostruk, falusna svjetiljku Horusa.

[Mon Sep 29 16:11:48 2003]
Evidently in both the Gnostic and the Mithraic symbolism the sun plays a very important part.
Očigledno je da u i gnostičkom i u mitrijskom simbolizmu sunce igra vrlo važnu ulogu.

[Mon Sep 29 16:23:39 2003]
Certainly they would not have been accepted by these orthodox Christians with anything of their real Gnostic interpretation.
Nesumnjivo ih ne bi bili prihvatili ti ortodoksni kršćanin s bilo kojim njihovim stvarnim gnostičkim tumačenjem (?).

[Mon Sep 29 16:28:49 2003]
We may apply to the use of Gnostic symbols by the mediaval architects the remarks made by Mr. Paley on the subject of the adoption of certain Pagan symbols by the same builders.
Na korištenje gnostičkih simbola od strane srednjovjekovnih arhitekti možemo primijeniti primjedbe gosp. Paley na temu prihvaćanja nekih nečistih simbola od strane tih istig graditelja.

[Mon Sep 29 16:29:27 2003]
Their Gnostic origin was a mere accident.
Gnostičko je podrijetlo potpuno slučajno.

[Mon Sep 29 16:30:45 2003]
They were employed not as
Ti se simboli nisu koristili za

[Mon Sep 29 16:31:37 2003]
the symbolism of any Gnostic doctrine, but in the spirit of Christianity, and "the Church, in perfecting their development, stamped
simbolizam bilo koje gnostičke doktrine, već u duhu kršćanstva, i "Crkva, za usavršavanje njihovog razvoja, ih je označila

[Mon Sep 29 16:31:37 2003]
them with a purer and sublimer character."
čišćim i dostojanstvenijim karakterom (?)."

[Mon Sep 29 16:38:16 2003]
On a comparison of these Gnostic symbols with those of Ancient Craft or Speculative Masonry, I fail to find any reason to subscribe to the opinion of Hutchinson, that "the Basilidian system of religion furnished Freemasonry with some tenets, principles, and hieroglyphics."
U usporedbi tih gnostičkih Simbola s onima drevnog zanata ili Spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo, ne pronalazim nijedan razlog da poduprem mišljenje Hutchinsona, da je "Basilidijski Sustav Religije Slobodan zidarstvo dao s neka pravila, načela, i tajanstvene simbole."

[Wed Sep 03 15:57:06 2003]
If we change capacity (e.g.
Ako promijenimo kapacitet (npr.

[Wed Sep 03 15:59:10 2003]
by adding new equipment or closing a factory), the result is an inflow or outflow of a certain number of tons/week this quarter" (this is a special one-off inflow that will be dealt with shortly).
dodavanjem nove opreme ili zatvaranjem tvornice), rezultat je priljev ili odljev određenog broja tona/tjedno u ovom tromjesečju" (ovo je poseban jednokratan priljev s kojim ćemo se uskoro baviti).

[Wed Sep 03 15:59:38 2003]
Delivery lead time poses a similar risk of confusion - it is measured in "days", but any improvement we make during a quarter means that the change in delivery lead time has units of "change in delivery lead-time days this quarter".
Vrijeme isporuke predstavlja sličan rizik od nejasnoće - mjeri se u "danima", ali svako poboljšanje nastalo tijekom tromjesečja znači da promjena u vremenu isporuke ima jedinice "promjene u danima isporuke za ovo tromjesečje".

[Wed Sep 03 15:59:38 2003]
Fortunately, there are few such examples to worry about.
Nasreću, malo je takvih primjera zbog kojih bi se trebalo brinuti.

[Wed Sep 03 16:04:34 2003]
Choose a time period that is appropriate to both the timescale of the issue you are trying to address, and to the rate at which changes are actually occurring in the resource.
Odaberite vremensko razdoblje koje odgovara vremenskom okviru problema kojem pristupate, kao i stopi po kojoj se promjene zaista odvijaju u resursu.

[Wed Sep 03 16:05:41 2003]
Referring back to the three cases from Chapter I, the bank is losing customers at a rate of many thousands per quarter;
Vraćajući se na tri slučaja iz Poglavlja I, banka gubi klijente brzinom od mnogo tisuća po tromjesečju;

[Wed Sep 03 16:07:13 2003]
a rate that may well vary considerably, and be amenable to our countermoves, from month to month.
stopa koja može znatno varirati, i biti podložna našim protupotezima, iz mjeseca u mjesec.

[Wed Sep 03 16:10:21 2003]
Choosing a time period of years will lose this dynamic, whereas a timescale of weeks may include too much noise, or random fluctuations, to be useful.
Odabiranje godišnjeg vremenskog razdoblja će izgubiti ovu dinamiku, dok tjedni vremenski okvir može sadržavati previše buke, ili nasumične fluktuacije, da bi bio koristan.

[Wed Sep 03 16:10:21 2003]
In contrast, for the pharmaceuticals firm, the feared loss of sales will reflect some very rapid events - in this particular case, the manager had his team monitor customer losses on a daily basis, and watched the overall trajectory of the situation as it emerged week by week.
Nasuprot tome, u farmaceutskoj tvrtki, strahovani gubitak prodaje će odražavati neke vrlo brze fenomene - u ovom konkretnom slučaju, direktor je naložio svom timu da svakodnevno nadzire gubitke kupaca, i pratio je općenitu putanju situacije kako se pojavljivala iz tjedna u tjedan.

[Wed Sep 03 16:14:13 2003]
Intangibles often create measurement difficulties.
Nematerijalni sredstva često uzrokuju teškoće u mjerenju.

[Wed Sep 03 16:15:45 2003]
The best tip here is "if there's a sound measurement available, use it" , but choose the measure that really matters.
Najbolji je savjet ovdje "ako postoji raspoloživa čvrsta mjera, upotrijebite ju", ali odaberite mjeru koja je zaista bitna.

[Wed Sep 03 16:16:49 2003]
For product quality, for example, is reject fraction most important or mean time to failure?
Kod kvalitete proizvoda, na primjer, je li najbitnija frakcija odbacivanja ili prosječno vrijeme za neuspjeh?

[Wed Sep 03 16:19:56 2003]
The first may be an important driver of unit cost, while the second may drive customer-loss rate.
Prvo može biti važan pokretač jediničnog troška, dok drugo može pokretati stopu gubitaka klijenata.

[Wed Sep 03 16:20:21 2003]
Similarly, customer losses may depend on delivery performance, but which measure or mix of measures really make customers give up - "delivery lead time (days)", "fraction of on-time deliveries", or "fraction of complete deliveries"?
Slično tomu, gubici kupaca mogu ovisiti o učinkovitosti isporuke, ali zbog kojih mjera ili mješavine mjera kupci zapravo odustaju - "vrijeme isporuke (u danima)", "udio isporuka na vrijeme", ili "udio potpunih dostava"?

[Wed Sep 03 16:21:11 2003]
A change in one resource may drive a change in another (e.g.
Promjena u jednom resursu može pokrenuti promjenu u drugom (npr.

[Wed Sep 03 16:21:57 2003]
an increase in capacity drives a cash outflow).
porast obujma uzrokuje novčani izdatak).

[Wed Sep 03 16:21:57 2003]
This is one example of interdependence between resources that will be central to seeing the firm as an integrated system.
Ovo je jedan primjer međuzavisnosti resursa koji će biti ključan u promatranju tvrtke kao integriranog sustava.

[Wed Sep 03 16:25:37 2003]
Always identify inflows and outflows separately if possible.
Ako je moguće, uvijek identificirajte priljeve i odljeve odvojeno.

[Wed Sep 03 16:27:34 2003]
This does not simply mean "when we have the data".
Ovo ne znači samo "kad imamo podatke".

[Wed Sep 03 16:28:05 2003]
You may not happen to have separate numbers for the rates at which you are winning and losing customers, but these two separate numbers are critically important, each is driven by different forces, and you must find out what is going on.
Možda nećete imati odvojene brojeve za stope po kojima dobivate i gubite klijente, ali ova dva zasebna broja su od ključne važnosti, svakog pokreću drukčije sile, a vi morate otkriti što se događa.

[Wed Sep 03 16:28:05 2003]
A good estimate is better than simply ignoring this distinction.
Dobra procjena je bolja nego jednostavno ignoriranje ove razlike.

[Wed Sep 03 16:32:30 2003]
Although many common structures and relationships arise in applying these ideas, every situation has its own unique characteristics.
Iako mnoge česte strukture i odnosi proizlaze iz primjene ovih zamisli, svaka situacija ima vlastite jedinstvene karakteristike.

[Wed Sep 03 16:33:07 2003]
Consequently, while there is much to learn from others' experiences, your issues are unique to your enterprise.
Prema tome, dok se iz iskustva drugih može mnogo naučiti, vaši problemi su jedinstveni za vaše poduzeće.

[Wed Sep 03 16:34:37 2003]
This observation is both alarming and liberating.
Ova primjedba je istovremeno uznemirujuća i oslobađajuća.

[Wed Sep 03 16:35:42 2003]
It may be demoralizing to realize, contrary to the impression given by many commentators, that there are no "standard" answers to pull from the shelf.
Moglo bi biti demoralizirajuće shvatiti, suprotno od dojma kojeg ostavljaju mnogi komentatori, da ne postoji nijedan "standardni" odgovor kojeg se može skinuti s police.

[Wed Sep 03 16:35:42 2003]
On the other hand, we hope it is reassuring to know that you can take control of a situation that is entirely your own.
S druge strane, nadamo se da je umirujuće znati da možete ovladati situacijom koja je u potpunosti vaša.

[Wed Sep 03 16:40:54 2003]
Separating inflows and outflows for some intangibles is both difficult and unnecessary.
Razdvajati priljeve i odljeve za neka nematerijalna sredstva je i teško i nepotrebno.

[Wed Sep 03 16:42:39 2003]
Staff morale, for example, may either rise of fall in response to work pressure.
Moral osoblja, na primjer, može ili porasti ili pasti kao reakcija ne pritisak posla.

[Wed Sep 03 16:43:56 2003]
More pressure may lead to failing morale, less pressure may raise morale - or, of course, morale may actually improve with pressure, if your people thrive on being busy.
Veći pritisak može dovesti do pada morala, manji pritisak može podići moral - ili, naravno, moral se čak može poboljšati s pritiskom, ako vaši ljudi bolje napreduju kad imaju puno posla.

[Wed Sep 03 16:45:03 2003]
Dealing with the numbers in such tangible cases is tricky, and will be dealt with in Chapter 7.
Bavljenje brojevima u takvim konkretnim slučajevima je komplicirano, i bit će obrađeno u Poglavlju 7.

[Wed Sep 03 16:49:01 2003]
It may be wondered why the "stock and flow" structure is needed here at all - surely staff morale simply depends directly on work pressure, pay rates, and so on, and reputation depends directly on product quality and service?
Možete se zapitati zašto je ovdje uopće potrebna struktura "stoka i toka" - svakako da moral osoblja izravno ovisi o pritisku posla, plaćama, i tako dalje, a ugled izravno ovisi o kvaliteti proizvoda i usluge?

[Wed Sep 03 16:49:59 2003]
Unfortunately, though life would be much simpler if this were the case, it is never so.
Nažalost, iako bi u tom slučaju život bio mnogo jednostavniji, nikad nije tako.

[Wed Sep 03 16:51:19 2003]
Staff may continue to be highly motivated for some time after workloads rise, but continued pressure will start to deplete morale.
Osoblje može nastaviti biti vrlo motivirano neko vrijeme nakon što količina posla poraste, ali kontinuirani pritisak će početi iscrpljavati moral.

[Wed Sep 03 16:51:19 2003]
Similarly, reputation can stay depressed in spite of long periods of high quality and good service, but these will eventually cause a progressive increase in reputation.
Slično tome, reputacija može ostati oslabljena usprkos dugim razdobljima visoke kvalitete i dobre usluge, ali one će s vremenom uzrokovati postupan porast reputacije.

[Wed Sep 03 16:57:26 2003]
The first step in building the resources needed for future performance is to define them properly, both tangible and intangible items, and identify those that apply to your enterprise (whether to pursue current objectives or alternative opportunities).
Prvi korak u izgradnji resursa potrebnih za buduću učinkovitost je valjano ih definirati, i materijalne i nematerijalne stavke, i identificirati one koji vrijede za vaše poduzeće (treba li slijediti sadašnje ciljeve ili alternativne prilike).

[Wed Sep 03 16:58:28 2003]
It is also vital to identify clear measures for strategic resources, and sources for this information.
Također je ključno ustanoviti jasne mjere za strategijske resurse, i izvore za ove informacije.

[Wed Sep 03 17:00:02 2003]
Resources provide advantage if they are durable and not easy for rivals to buy, copy, or substitute with alternatives.
Resursi pružaju prednost ako su trajni i ako ih suparnik teško može kupiti, kopirati ili zamijeniti alternativama.

[Wed Sep 03 17:00:51 2003]
However, these are neither black-and-white nor static criteria - performance over time depends on how much of the necessary resources on has, and at what rate they are being accumulated.
Ipak, ovo nisu crno-bijeli niti statični kriteriji - učinkovitost tijekom vremena ovisi o tome koliko potrebnih resursa imamo, i kojom brzinom se akumuliraju.

[Wed Sep 03 17:00:51 2003]
Consequently, viewing resource ownership as a "barrier to entry" is of little value.
Dakle, gledanje na posjedovanje resursa kao na "uvozno ograničenje" je od male vrijednosti.

[Wed Sep 03 17:03:42 2003]
Resources must also be complementary (i.e.
Resursi također moraju biti komplementarni (tj.

[Wed Sep 03 17:04:50 2003]
work well together, both to build upon each other and to deliver performance).
dobro zajedno surađivati, kako bi se međusobno nadogradili i donijeli učinkovitost).

[Wed Sep 03 17:05:57 2003]
So, for managers to use resources to build performance over time, some mechanism for understanding complementarity is vital.
Dakle, da bi menadžeri koristili resurse za izgradnju učinkovitosti tijekom vremena, ključan je neki mehanizam za razumijevanje komplementarnosti.

[Wed Sep 03 17:06:33 2003]
Although firms possess a rich array of strategic resources, those that directly determine current performance are largely tangible items.
Iako tvrtke posjeduju velike nizove strategijskih resursa, ono što izravno određuje sadašnju učinkovitost su uglavnom konkretni proizvodi.

[Wed Sep 03 17:06:54 2003]
The key challenge for management is therefore to identify, win, and keep these resources.
Ključni izazov za menadžment je stoga prepoznati, osvojiti i zadržati te resurse.

[Wed Sep 03 17:06:54 2003]
Resources share common characteristics
Resursi imaju zajedničke karakteristike

[Wed Sep 03 17:10:46 2003]
they accumulate and deplete over time, so the level of resource at any moment depends on the total of all historic gains and losses.
oni se akumuliraju i troše tijekom vremena, tako da razina resursa u bilo kojem trenutku ovisi o zbroju svih historijskih dobitaka i gubitaka.

[Wed Sep 03 17:11:19 2003]
To understand resource changes properly, they must be clearly defined and measured.
Da bi se promjene resursa shvatile kako treba, one moraju biti jasno definirane i izmjerene.

[Wed Sep 03 17:13:10 2003]
Their rate of change is always defined in the same units "per time period".
Njihova stopa promjene se uvijek definira u istim jedinicama "po vremenskom razdoblju".

[Wed Sep 03 17:14:19 2003]
Since rates of gain and loss are critical to future resource levels, the drivers of these gains and losses for each resource must be identified and the strength of their influence understood.
Budući da su stope dobiti i gubitka ključne za buduće razine resursa, pokretači tih dobitaka i gubitaka za svaki resurs moraju biti identificirani i mora se razumjeti snaga njihovog utjecaja.

[Wed Sep 03 17:14:19 2003]
These drivers will include issues under management's control, other factors internal to the firm, and external forces.
Ti pokretači će uključiti pitanja pod kontrolom uprave, druge interne čimbenike u tvrtki i vanjske sile.

[Thu Sep 04 15:58:28 2003]
It is on this very principle that the iconoclastic Masonic writers, such as Hughan and Woodford, are pursuing their researches into the early history of Freemasonry.
Upravo se ovog načela drže ikonoklastički slobodnozidarski pisci, kao na primjer Hughan i Woodford, u svojim istraživanjima rane povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.

[Thu Sep 04 16:02:34 2003]
They do not reject those events related in the old legends, which have certainly happened, because in them they find also mythical narratives.
Oni ne odbacuju događaje ispričane u starim legendama, koji su se nedvojbeno dogodili, zbog toga što u njima pronalaze i mitske pripovijetke.

[Thu Sep 04 16:03:46 2003]
They do not yield to the tendency which George Smith says is now too general, "to repudiate the earlier part of history, because of its evident inaccuracies and the marvelous element generally combined with it."
Oni se ne pokoravaju tendenciji za koju George Smith kaže da je sada također uobičajena, "odbacivati stariji dio povijesti, zbog svojih očitih netočnosti i nevjerojatnog elementa koji je obično s njim u kombinaciji."

[Thu Sep 04 16:10:21 2003]
Made up, as it has been for centuries past, of a commingled tissue of historical narrative and legendary invention, it has been heretofore read without judicious discrimination.
Sastavljena od, kako je bilo u proteklim stoljećima, kombiniranog tkiva povijesne priče i legendarne izmišljotine, do sada je bila čitana bez promišljenog razlikovanja.

[Thu Sep 04 16:10:21 2003]
Either the traditional account has been wholly accepted as historical, or it has been wholly rejected as fabulous, and thus, in either case, numerous errors have been the consequence.
Ili je tradicionalni prikaz bio u cijelosti prihvaćen kao povijesni, ili je bilo u potpunosti odbačen kao nevjerojatan, i tako, u bilo kojem slučaju, posljedica su bile brojne greške.

[Thu Sep 04 16:14:43 2003]
As an example of the error which inevitably results from pursuing either of these methods of interpretation, one of which may be distinguished as the school of gross credulity, and the other as that of great skepticism
Kao primjer greške koja neminovno proizlazi iz inzistiranja na bilo kojoj od ovih metoda tumačenja, jedna od kojih se može smatrati školom velike lakovjernosti, a druga školom velike skeptičnosti

[Thu Sep 04 16:19:37 2003]
let us take the legend of the Temple origin of Masonry - that is to say, the legend which places the organization of the Institution at the time of the building of the temple at Jerusalem
uzmimo legendu podrijetla slobodnog zidarstva iz Hrama - to jest, legendu koja stavlja organiziranje Institucije u vrijeme izgradnje hrama u Jeruzalemu

[Thu Sep 04 16:53:19 2003]
Now, the former of these schools implicitly receives the whole legend as true in all its details, and recognizes King Solomon as the first Grand Master, with Hiram of Tyre and Hiram as his Wardens, who, with him, presided over the Craft, divided into three degrees, the initiation into which was the same as that practiced in the lodges of the present day, or at least not very unlike it.
Sad, prvospomenuta od ovih dviju škola bezuvjetno prihvaća čitavu legendu kao točnu u svim potankostima i prepoznaje kralja Solomona kao prvog Velikog Majstora, s Hiramom iz Tira i Hiramom kao njegovim čuvarima, koji su s njim bili na čelu Zanata, podijeljenog u tri stupnja, a inicijacija u koji je bila jednaka onoj koja se odvija u današnjim ložama, ili se barem od nje nije mnogo razlikovala.

[Thu Sep 04 17:03:45 2003]
King Hiram was Grand Master at Tyre, and Hiram Abif had been Master of Work."
Kralj Hiram je bio Veliki Majstor u Tiru, a Hiram Abif je bio Majstor Rada."

[Fri Sep 05 09:34:21 2003]
The modern rituals have made some change in these details, but we evidently see here the original source of the legend as it is now generally believed by the Fraternity.
Moderni rituali su ponešto izmijenili ove detalje, ali ovdje jasno možemo vidjeti originalan izvor legende, onakve u kakvu se uglavnom vjeruje u Bratstvu.

[Fri Sep 05 09:34:21 2003]
Indeed, so firmly convinced of its truth are the believers in this legend, that the brand of heterodoxy is placed by them on all who deny or doubt it.
Doista, oni koji vjeruju u tu legendu su toliko čvrsto uvjereni u njenu istinitost, da na one koji ju poriču ili u nju sumnjaju stavljaju oznaku inovjerstva.

[Fri Sep 05 09:42:52 2003]
On the contrary, the disciples of the latter school, whose skepticism is as excessive as is the credulity of the former, reject as fabulous everything that tends to connect Freemasonry with the Solomonic temple.
Suprotno tome, učenici kasnije škole, čija je skeptičnost jednako pretjerana kao i lakovjernost prvospomenute škole, odbacuju kao nevjerojatno sve što je sklono povezati slobodno zidarstvo sa solomonskim hramom.

[Fri Sep 05 09:46:02 2003]
To the King of Israel they refuse all honor, and they contemptuously repudiate the theory that he was a Masonic dignitary, or even a Freemason at all.
Kralju Izraela uskraćuju svaku počast, i posprdno odbacuju teoriju da je on bio slobodnozidarski dostojanstvenik, ili čak uopće slobodni zidar.

[Fri Sep 05 09:46:02 2003]
One of these Pyrrhonists has gone so far as to defile the memory of the Jewish monarch with unnecessary and unmerited abuse.
Jedan od ovih pironista je otišao toliko daleko da je uspomenu na židovskog vladara uprljao nepotrebnom i nezasluženom grdnjom.

[Fri Sep 05 09:55:43 2003]
Between these two parties, each of which is misdirected by an intemperate zeal, come the conoclasts - impartial inquirers, who calmly and dispassionately seek for truth only.
Između ove dvije strane, od kojih je svaka zavedena pretjeranom gorljivošću, nalaze se ikonoklasti - objektivni ispitivači, koji mirno i nepristrano traže jedino istinu.

[Fri Sep 05 09:56:15 2003]
These disavow, it is true,
Ovi poriču, doduše,

[Fri Sep 05 09:58:48 2003]
the authenticity of the Temple legend in its present form.
Ovi poriču, doduše, vjerodostojnost legende o Hramu u njenom sadašnjem obliku.

[Fri Sep 05 09:58:48 2003]
They deny that there is any proof which a historian could, by applying the just canons of criticism, admit as competent evidence, that Freemasonry was organized at the building of the temple of Solomon,
Opovrgavaju da postoji bilo kakav dokaz koji bi povjesničar mogao, primjenjujući pravedna načela kritike, priznati kao kompetentan dokaz da je slobodno zidarstvo utemeljeno pri izgradnji Solomonovog hrama,

[Fri Sep 05 10:02:44 2003]
and hence they look for its origin at some other period and under different circumstances.
te mu stoga traže porijeklo u nekom drugom razdoblju i u drukčijim okolnostima.

[Fri Sep 05 10:08:35 2003]
But they do not reject the myth connected with the temple as being wholly unworthy of consideration.
Ali ne odbacuju mit povezan s hramom kao potpuno nedostojan razmatranja.

[Fri Sep 05 10:10:37 2003]
On the contrary, they respect this legend as having a symbolic significance, whose value can not be overestimated.
Naprotiv, uvažavaju ovu legendu zbog njenog simboličnog značenja, čija vrijednost ne smije biti precijenjena.

[Fri Sep 05 10:12:01 2003]
They trace its rise in the Old Constitutions;
Prate njen nastanak u Starim Konstitucijama;

[Fri Sep 05 10:12:45 2003]
they find it plainly alluded to in the Legend of the Craft .
pronalaze očite aluzije na nju u Legendi o Zanatu.

[Fri Sep 05 10:19:48 2003]
They thus recognize the influence that the story of the temple and its builders has exerted on the internal construction of the Order, and hence they feel no disposition to treat it, notwithstanding its historical inaccuracy, with contumely.
Tako priznaju utjecaj koji je priča o hramu i njegovim graditeljima imala na unutarnju izgradnju Reda, i stoga nisu skloni podrugljivo se odnositi se prema njoj, bez obzira na njenu povijesnu netočnost.

[Fri Sep 05 10:30:57 2003]
Knowing what an important part the legends and symbols of Freemasonry have performed in the progress of the Institution, and how much its philosophic system is indebted to them for all that is peculiar to itself, they devote their literary energies, not to the expurgation of this or any other myth or legend, but to the investigation of the questions how and when it arose, and what is its real significance as a symbol, or what foundation as a narrative it may have in history.
Imajući na umu kakvu su važnu ulogu legende i simboli slobodnog zidarstva obavile u razvoju Institucije, i koliko im njegov filozofski sustav duguje za sve što je njemu svojstveno, oni posvećuju svoje književne energije, ne pročišćavanju ove ili bilo koje druge legende ili mita, nego istraživanju pitanja kako i kad se pojavila, i što je njeno stvarno značenje kao simbola, ili kakav temelj kao pripovijetka može imati u povijesti.

[Fri Sep 05 10:30:57 2003]
And thus they are enabled to add important items to the mass of true Masonic history which they have been accumulating.
I tako im je omogućeno dodati važne elemente glavnini istinite slobodno zidarske povijesti koju su skupljali.

[Fri Sep 05 10:40:10 2003]
In short, the theory of the iconoclastic school is that truth and authenticity must always, and in the first place, be sought;
Ukratko, teorija ikonoklastičke škole je da se uvijek, i prije svega, moraju tražiti istina i vjerodostojnost;

[Fri Sep 05 10:43:34 2003]
that nothing must be accepted as historical which has not the internal and external evidences of historical verity, and that in treating the legends of Masonry - of almost every one of which it may be said, "Se non vero, e' ben trovato " - if it is not true, it is well invented - we are not to reject them as altogether fabulous, but as having some hidden and occult meaning, which, as in the case of all other symbols, we must diligently seek to discover.
da se ništa na smije prihvatiti kao povijesno ako nema unutarnje i vanjske dokaze povijesne istinitosti, i da u obrađivanju legendi slobodnog zidarstva - za gotovo svaku za koju se može reći, " Se ne vero, e' ben trovato" ako nije točno, dobro je izmišljeno - ne smijemo ih odbaciti kao sasvim nevjerojatne, nego im priznati neko skriveno i okultno značenje, koje, kao u slučaju svih drugih simbola, moramo marljivo pokušati otkriti.