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[Fri Sep 05 10:43:34 2003]
But if it be found that the legend has no symbolic significance, but is simply the distortion of a historical fact, we must carefully eliminate the fabulous increment, and leave the body of truth to which it had been added, to have its just value.
Ali ako se otkrije da legenda nema nikakvo simbolično značenje, nego je jednostavno iskrivljen prikaz povijesne činjenice, moramo pažljivo eliminirati fantastičan dodatak, i ostaviti glavnini istine na koju je bio dodan, njenu istinitu vrijednost.
[Fri Sep 05 10:47:00 2003]
Such was the method pursued by the philosophers of antiquity;
Te su se metode držali antički filozofi;
[Fri Sep 05 10:47:51 2003]
To this school I have for years been strongly attached, and in the composition of this work I shall adopt its principles.
Ovoj sam školi godinama bio snažno privržen, i u sklopu ovog rada ću usvojiti njena načela.
[Fri Sep 05 11:02:59 2003]
I do not fear that the claims of Freemasonry to a time-honored existence will be injured by any historical criticism, although the era in which it had its birth may not be admitted to be as remote as that assigned to it by Anderson or Oliver.
Ne bojim se da će povijesna kritika oštetiti tvrdnje slobodnog zidarstva o starodrevnom postojanju, iako se možda ne može priznati da je razdoblje u kojem je stvoreno bilo tako davno kao što tvrde Anderson ili Oliver.
[Fri Sep 05 11:08:58 2003]
Iconoclastic criticism can not depreciate, but will rather elevate, the character of the Institution.
Ikonoklastička kritika ne može umanjiti, nego će prije uzdići, karakter Institucije.
[Fri Sep 05 11:14:26 2003]
It will relieve it of absurdities, will often explain the cause of anachronisms, will purify the fabulous element, and confine it within the strict domain of history.
Oslobodit će ga apsurdnosti, često će objasniti uzrok anakronije, pročistit će fantastične elemente, i ograničiti ga unutar stroge domene povijesti.
[Fri Sep 05 11:15:16 2003]
It was a common reproach against the great Niebuhr that he had overthrown the whole fabric of early Roman history, and yet Dr. Arnold, the most competent of critics, has said of him that he had built up much more than he had destroyed, and fixed much that
Velikom Niebuhru se često prigovaralo da je izvrnuo čitavo tkivo rane rimske povijesti, a ipak je Dr. Arnold, najkompetentniji od svih kritičara, za njega rekao da je pojačao mnogo više toga nego što je uništio, postavio na
[Fri Sep 05 11:15:16 2003]
modern skepticism had rejected as fabulous on firmer historic grounds.
na čvršće povijesne temelje mnogo toga što je moderni skepticizam odbacio kao nevjerojatno.
[Fri Sep 05 11:19:07 2003]
Following such a method as that pursued by the most learned of modern historians, it will be necessary, for a faithful and comprehensible investigation of the history of Masonry, to discriminate between the two periods into which it is naturally divided,
Slijedeći takvu metodu kojom se služe najučeniji moderni povjesničari, bit će neophodno, u svrhu pouzdanog i razumljivog istraživanja povijesti slobodnog zidarstva, razlikovati dva razdoblja na koje je ono prirodno podijeljeno,
[Fri Sep 05 11:25:18 2003]
The HISTORIC embraces the period within which we have authentic documents in reference to the existence of the Order, and will be considered in the second part of this book.
POVIJESNO je razdoblje ono unutar kojeg imamo vjerodostojne dokumente u vezi postojanja Reda, i bit će razmotreno u drugom dijelu ove knjige.
[Fri Sep 05 11:26:35 2003]
The PREHISTORIC embraces the period within which we have no authentic memorials, and when we have to depend wholly on legends and traditions.
PRETPOVIJESNO je razdoblje ono unutar kojeg ne postoje vjerodostojni spomenici, i kad se moramo u cijelosti oslanjati na legende i tradicije.
[Fri Sep 05 11:26:35 2003]
The legendary history of Masonry will, therefore, be commenced in the next chapter.
U idućem ćemo poglavlju, stoga, započeti s legendarnom poviješću slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 05 11:35:31 2003]
In the history of every ancient nation there is a prehistoric and a historic period.
U povijesti svake drevne nacije postoji pretpovijesno i povijesno razdoblje.
[Fri Sep 05 11:37:47 2003]
The prehistoric period is that which has no records to prove the truth of the events that have been attributed to it.
Pretpovijesno razdoblje je ono koje nema zapise koji bi dokazali istinitost događaja koji mu se pripisuju.
[Fri Sep 05 11:37:47 2003]
It is made up of myths and legends, founded - some of them, in all probability - on a distortion of historical facts, and some of them indebted entirely to imagination for their invention.
Sastoji se od mitova i legendi, temeljenih - neki od njih, vrlo vjerojatno - na iskrivljavanju povijesnih činjenica, a neki od njih svoj nastanak duguju isključivo mašti.
[Fri Sep 05 12:15:45 2003]
The historic period is that which begins with the narration of events which are supported by documents, either contemporary with the events or so recently posterior to them as to have nearly all the validity of contemporary evidence.
Povijesno razdoblje je ono koji započinje kazivanjem događaja koje podupiru dokumenti, ili iz vremena događaja ili netom nakon događaja tako da imaju gotovo svu vjerodostojnost suvremenog dokaza.
[Fri Sep 05 12:15:45 2003]
Just such a division of periods as this we find in the history of Freemasonry.
Upravo takvu podjelu razdoblja pronalazimo u povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 05 12:24:25 2003]
The prehistoric period, more commonly styled the legendary history, embraces the supposed history of the rise and progress of the Institution in remote times, and details events said to have occurred, but which have no proof of their occurrence other than that of oral tradition, unsupported by that sort of documentary evidence which is essentially necessary to give a reliable character to an historical statement.
Pretpovijesno razdoblje, češće nazivano legendarna povijest, obuhvaća pretpostavljenu povijest nastanka i razvoja Institucije u davna vremena, i potanko opisuje događaje koji su se navodno dogodili, ali za koje ne postoje dokazi osim usmene predaje, i ne podupire ih onakva dokumentacija koja je esencijalno neophodna da povijesnoj postavci pruži pouzdan karakter.
[Fri Sep 05 12:24:25 2003]
The historic period of Freemasonry commences with the time when written or printed records furnish the necessary testimony that the events narrated did actually occur.
Povijesno razdoblje slobodnog zidarstva započinje s vremenom kad pisani ili tiskani zapisi pružaju nužno svjedočanstvo da su se kazivani događaji zaista dogodili.
[Fri Sep 05 12:35:27 2003]
In treating of the history of nations, scholars have found great difficulty in precisely defining the point of separation between the prehistoric and the historic periods.
U obrađivanju povijesti nacija, znanstvenicima je vrlo teško točno definirati točku razdvajanja pretpovijesnog i povijesnog razdoblja.
[Fri Sep 05 12:37:32 2003]
As in natural history, it is almost impossible to define the exact line of demarkation between any two consecutive classes of the kingdoms of nature so as to distinguish the highest species of a vegetable from the lowest of an
Kao u prirodopis, gotovo je nemoguće definirati točnu liniju razgraničenja među bilo koja dva konsekutivna razredu u prirodnim kraljevstvima tako da se najviša biljna vrsta razlikuje od najnižeg
[Fri Sep 05 12:37:33 2003]
animal organization, so in political history it is difficult to tell when the prehistoric period ends and the historic begins.
životinjskog ustroja, tako je u političkoj povijesti teško odrediti kad pretpovijesno razdoblje završava, a povijesno započinje.
[Fri Sep 05 12:52:48 2003]
In Freemasonry we meet with the same embarrassment, and this embarrassment is increased according to the different standpoints from which we view the institution.
U slobodnom zidarstvu nailazimo na istu takvu neugodnu situaciju, a ona se povećava u skladu s različitim gledištima s kojih promatramo instituciju.
[Fri Sep 05 12:52:48 2003]
If we adopt the theory (as has been done by a few writers too iconoclastic in their views) that Speculative Masonry never was anything but that which its present organization presents, with Grand Lodges, Grand Masters, and a ritual of distinct degrees, then we are compelled to place the commencement of the historic era at that period which has been called the Revival in the second decade of the 18th century.
Ako usvojimo teoriju (kao što su učinili neki pisci previše ikonoklastičkih nazora) da spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo nikad nije bilo ništa osim onoga što njegov sadašnji ustroj predstavlja, s Velikim Ložama, Velikim Majstorima, i ritualima različitih stupnjeva, tada smo primorani smjestiti početak povijesnog razdoblja u doba koje se naziva Preporod, u drugo desetljeće XVIII. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 05 14:17:01 2003]
If, with more liberal views, we entertain the opinion that Speculative Masonry was founded on, and is the offspring of, the Operative system of the Stonemasons, then we must extend our researches to at least the Middle Ages, where we shall find abundant documentary evidence of the existence and character of the Operative parent to which the Freemasonry of the present day, by a well-marked transition, has succeeded.
Ako, uz liberalnije nazore, razmotrimo stajalište da je spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo utemeljeno na, te da je plod, operativnog sustava kamenorezaca, tada moramo proširiti naša istraživanja barem do srednjeg vijeka, gdje ćemo pronaći bogatu dokumentaciju s dokazima o postojanju i karakteru operativnog roditelja kojeg je današnje slobodno zidarstvo, lako raspoznatljivim prijelazom, naslijedilo.
[Fri Sep 05 14:30:23 2003]
Connecting the written history of the Operative Masons with that of its speculative offshoot, we have an authentic and continuous history that will carry us back to a period many centuries anterior to the time of the so-called Revival in the year 1717.
Povezujući pisanu povijest operativnih slobodnih zidara sa onom spekulativne loze, imamo vjerodostojnu i kontinuiranu povijest koja će nas vratiti unatrag u razdoblje mnogo stoljeća prije vremena takozvanog Preporoda iz 1717. godine.
[Fri Sep 05 14:30:31 2003]
If I were writing a history of Speculative Masonry merely, I should find myself restricted to an era, somewhere in the 17th century , when there is documentary evidence to show that the transition period began, and when the speculative obtruded into the
Kada bih pisao samo povijest spekulativnog slobodnog Zidarstva, bio bih ograničen na razdoblje negdje u 17. stoljeću, kad postoji dokumentaciju s dokazima koji pokazuju da je počelo prijelazno razdoblje, i kad se spekulativno nametnulo u
[Fri Sep 05 14:50:42 2003]
But as I am really writing a history of Freemasonry, of which the Operative and the Speculative systems are divisions, intimately connected, I am constrained to go farther, and to investigate the rise and the progress of the Operative art as the precursor and the founder of the Speculative science.
Ali budući da ja u stvari pišem povijest slobodnog zidarstva, čiji su blisko povezani dijelovi operativni i spekulativni sustav, prisiljen sam ići dalje i istraživati nastanak i razvoj operativne umjetnosti kao preteče i utemeljiteljice spekulativne znanosti.
[Fri Sep 05 14:50:42 2003]
The authentic details of the condition of Operative Masonry in the Middle Ages, of its connection, if it had any, with other organizations, and its transmutation at a later period into Speculative Masonry , will constitute the historic narrative of Freemasonry.
Vjerodostojne pojedinosti o stanju operativnog slobodnog zidarstva u srednjem vijeku, o njegovim eventualnim vezama s drugim organizacijama, i njegova kasnija pretvorba u spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo, sačinjavat će povijesni prikaz slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 05 14:58:21 2003]
Its prehistoric narrative will be found in the myths and legends which were, unfortunately, for a long time accepted by the great body of the Craft as a true history, but which, though still credited by many, are yet placed by most modern Masonic scholars in their proper category.
Njegova pretpovijesni prikaz će se naći u mitovima i legendama koje je, nažalost, glavnina Zanata dugo prihvaćala kao istinitu povijest, ali koje, iako mnogi još uvijek vjeruju u njih, moderni slobodnozidarski znanstvenici ipak stavljaju u prikladnu kategoriju.
[Fri Sep 05 15:09:33 2003]
These legends, some of which are preserved in the rituals, and some are becoming almost obsolete, have a common foundation in that traditional narrative which is known as the Legend of the Craft, 1 and which must first be understood before we can with satisfaction attempt to study the legendary history of the Institution.
Ove legende, neke od kojih su očuvane u ritualima, a neke od kojih su gotovo zaboravljene, imaju zajednički temelj u tradicionalnoj pripovijesti koja je poznata kao Legenda o zanatu, 1 i koja se mora razumjeti prije nego što se možemo na zadovoljavajući način upustiti u istraživanje legendarne povijesti Institucije.
[Fri Sep 05 15:09:33 2003]
But this legend is of such length and of so much importance that it demands for its consideration a separate and distinct chapter.
Ali ova legenda je toliko opsežna i toliko važna da je za njeno razmatranje potrebno posebno poglavlje.
[Fri Sep 05 15:20:13 2003]
I, by no means, intend to advance the proposition that all the myths and legends now taught in the Lodges, or preserved in the works of Masonic writers, are to be found in the Legend of the Craft, but only the most important - those that are still recognized by the more credulous portion of the Fraternity as genuine and authentic narratives - receive their first notice in the Legend of the Craft, although they are indebted for their present, fuller form, to a development or enlargement, subsequently made in the course of the construction of the modern ritual.
Ja nipošto ne namjeravam promicati tvrdnju da se svi mitovi i legende koji se danas uče u Ložama, ili su očuvani u djelima slobodnozidarskih pisaca, mogu pronaći u Legendi o zanatu, nego se jedino oni najvažniji - oni koje lakovjerniji dio Bratstva još uvijek priznaje kao nepatvorene i vjerodostojne pripovijesti - prvi put spominju u Legendi o zanatu, iako svoj sadašnji, potpuniji oblik duguju razvoju ili povećanju do kojeg je došlo kasnije tijekom sastavljanja modernog rituala.
[Fri Sep 05 15:31:59 2003]
Woodford calls it the "Legend of the Guild."
Woodford ju naziva "Legenda o gildi."
[Fri Sep 05 15:31:59 2003]
But I prefer the title here used, because it does not lead to embarrassing questions as to the relation of the mediaeval Guilds to Freemasonry.
Ali ja više volim naslov koji se ovdje koristi, zato što ne dovodi do neugodnih pitanja u vezi odnosa srednjovjekovnih cehova i slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 05 15:55:38 2003]
Fortunately, this destruction was not universal.
Nasreću, ovo uništavanje nije bilo sveopće.
[Fri Sep 05 15:55:40 2003]
The manuscripts to which Anderson alludes were undoubtedly those Old Constitutions of the Operative Masons, several copies of which, that had escaped the holocaust described by him, have since been discovered in the British Museum, in old libraries, or in the archives of Lodges, and have been published by those who have discovered them.
Rukopisi na koje Anderson aludira su bez sumnje Stare Konstitucije operativnih slobodnih zidara; nekoliko kopija, koje su uspjele izbjeći opisani holokaust, su od tada otkrivene u Britanskom Muzeju, u starim knjižnicama ili u arhivima Loža, i njihovi pronalazači su ih objavili.
[Fri Sep 05 16:00:27 2003]
These are the documents which have received the title of "Old Records," "Old Charges," or "Old Constitutions."
To su dokumenti koji su dobili nazive "Stari zapisi ", "Stare pristojbe" ili "Stare Konstitucije".
[Fri Sep 05 16:02:32 2003]
Their general character is the same.
Njihov generalni karakter je jednak.
[Fri Sep 05 16:04:56 2003]
Indeed, there is so much similarity, and almost identity, in their contents as to warrant the presumption that they are copies of some earlier document not yet recovered.
Doista, postoji toliko sličnosti, i gotovo istovjetnosti, u njihovom sadržaju da je opravdana pretpostavka da su oni kopije nekog starijeg dokumenta koji još nije pronađen.
[Fri Sep 05 16:05:34 2003]
The earliest of these documents is a manuscript poem, entitled the Constitutiones artis geometriae secundum Eucleydem, which is preserved in the British Museum, and which was published in 1840 by Mr Halliwell, in his Early History of Freemasonry in England.
Najstariji od ovih dokumenata je rukom pisana pjesma, pod naslovom Constitutiones artis geometriae secundum Eucleydem, koja se čuva u Britanskom Muzeju, i koju je 1840. godine objavio gosp. Halliwell, u svojoj Ranoj povijesti slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj.
[Fri Sep 05 16:05:45 2003]
The date of this manuscript is supposed to be about the year 1390.
Pretpostavlja se da ovaj rukopis datira iz 1390. godine.
[Fri Sep 05 16:05:45 2003]
A second and enlarged edition was published in 1844.
Drugo i prošireno izdanje je objavljeno 1844.
[Fri Sep 05 16:11:14 2003]
Among these writers we must not omit to mention Bro.
Među ovim piscima, moramo spomenuti br.
[Fri Sep 05 16:11:15 2003]
William James Hughan, facile princeps of all Masonic antiquarians, who made, in 1872, a valuable contribution to this literature, under the title of "The Old Charges of the British Freemasons," the value of which is enhanced by the learned Preface of Bro.
William James Hughan, facile princeps svih slobodnozidarskih antikvar, koji je napravio, u 1872, vrijedan doprinos na ovoj literaturi, pod naslovom "Starih pristojba britanskih Slobodnih zidar, "vrijednost kojeg povećati od stručan Predgovor br.
[Fri Sep 05 16:23:57 2003]
The next of the English manuscripts is that which was published in 1861 by Bro.
Sljedeći engleski rukopis je onaj kojeg je 1861. objavio br.
[Fri Sep 05 16:23:57 2003]
Matthew Cooke from the original in the British Museum, and which was once the property of Mrs. Caroline Baker, from whom it was purchased in 1859 by the Curators of the Museum.
Matthew Cooke iz originala u Britanskom Muzeju, a koji prije bio vlasništvo gđe Caroline Baker, od koje su ga 1859. otkupili kustosi Muzeja.
[Fri Sep 05 16:32:27 2003]
The date of this manuscript is supposed to be about 1490.
Pretpostavlja se da rukopis datira iz 1490.
[Fri Sep 05 16:34:12 2003]
All the English Masonic antiquarians concur in the opinion that this manuscript is next in antiquity to the Halliwell poem, though there is a difference of about one hundred years in their respective dates.
Svi engleski slobodnozidarski antikvari se slažu u stajalištu da je ovaj rukopis po starosti odmah iza Halliwellove pjesme, iako postoji razlika od oko stotinu godina u njihovim datumima.
[Fri Sep 05 16:35:36 2003]
It is, however, mere guesswork to say that there were not other manuscripts in the intervening period.
Ipak, bilo bi puko nagađanje reći da u međuvremenu nije bilo drugih rukopisa.
[Fri Sep 05 16:42:51 2003]
But as none have been discovered, they must be considered as non-existent, and it is impossible even to conjecture, from any groundwork on which we can stand, whether, if such manuscripts did ever exist, they partook more of the features of the Halliwell or of the Cooke document, or whether they presented the form of a gradual transmission from the one to the other.
Ali budući da nisu otkriveni, mora ih se smatrate nepostojećima, i nije moguće niti naslutiti, bez obzira s koje osnove polazimo, jesu li ti rukopisi, ako su ikada postojali, uzeli više obilježja Halliwellova ili Cookeova dokumenta, ili su predstavljali oblik postupnog prijelaza s jednog na drugi.
[Fri Sep 05 16:49:43 2003]
The Cooke manuscript is far more elaborate in its arrangement and its details than the Halliwell, and contains the Legend of the Craft in a more extended form.
Cookeov rukopis je daleko složeniji u uređenju i detaljima od Halliwellovog, i sadržava Legendu o zanatu u proširenijem obliku.
[Fri Sep 05 16:49:43 2003]
In the absence of any other earlier document of the same kind, it must be considered as the matrix, as it were, in which that Legend, in the form in which it appears in all the later manuscripts, was moulded.
U nedostatku drugih starijih dokumentata iste vrste, mora se smatrati matricom, što je i bio slučaj, po kojoj se oblikovala Legenda, u obliku u kojem se pojavljuje u svim kasnijim rukopisima.
[Fri Sep 05 17:00:54 2003]
In the year 1815, Mr James Dowland published, in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1 the copy of an old manuscript which had lately come into his possession, and which he described as being "written on a long roll of parchment, in a very clear hand, apparently early in the 17th century, and very probably is copied from a manuscript of an earlier date."
James Dowland je u Časopisu za gospodu 1 objavio primjerak starog rukopisa kojem je nedavno prije toga postao vlasnik, i kojeg je opisao kao "napisanog na dugačkom svitku pergamenta, vrlo čitkim rukopisom, očito na početku 17. stoljeća, i vrlo vjerojatno prepisanog iz nekog rukopisa ranijeg datuma."
[Mon Sep 08 09:22:29 2003]
Although not as old as the Halliwell and Cooke manuscripts, it is deemed of very great value, because it comes next to them in date, and is apparently the first of that series of later manuscripts, so many of which have, within the past few years, been recovered.
Iako nije tako star kao Halliwellov i Cookeov rukopis, smatra se da je od vrlo velike vrijednosti, zato što ih slijedi po starosti, i očito je prvi iz niza kasnijih rukopisa, mnogi od kojih su bili otkriveni u proteklih nekoliko godina.
[Mon Sep 08 09:25:53 2003]
It is evidently based on the Cooke manuscript, though not an exact copy of it.
Očito se temelji na Cookeovom rukopisu, iako nije njegov točan prijepis.
[Mon Sep 08 09:25:53 2003]
But the later manuscripts comprising that series, at the head of which it stands, so much resemble it in details, and even in phraseology, that they must either have been copies made from it, or, what is far more probable, copies of some older and common original, of which it also is a copy.
Ali kasniji rukopisi koji čine taj niz, na čijem je on čelu, toliko mu nalikuju u detaljima, i čak u frazeologiji, tako da mora da su ili njegove kopije, ili, što je daleko vjerojatnije, prijepisi nekog starijeg i zajedničkog originala, čija je i on kopija.
[Mon Sep 08 09:33:12 2003]
The original manuscript which was used by Dowland for the publication in the Gentleman's Magazine is lost, or can not now be found.
Izvoran rukopis kojeg je Dowland koristio za objavljivanje u Časopisu za gospodu je izgubljen, ili se sada ne može pronaći.
[Mon Sep 08 09:33:44 2003]
But Mr. Woodford and other competent authorities ascribe the year 1550 as being about its date.
Woodford i ostali mjerodavni autoriteti mu pripisuju 1550. kao godinu njegovog postanka.
[Mon Sep 08 09:39:17 2003]
Several other manuscript Constitutions, whose dates vary from the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 18th century , have since been discovered and published, principally by the industrious labors of Brothers Hughan and Woodford in England, and Brother Lyon in Scotland.
do početka 18. stoljeća je odonda bilo otkriveno i objavljeno, uglavnom zahvaljujući marljivom trudu Braće Hughana i Woodforda u Engleskoj i Brata Lyona u Škotskoj.
[Mon Sep 08 09:39:19 2003]
The following list gives the titles and conjectural dates of the most important of these manuscripts:
Sljedeći popis prikazuje naslove i vjerojatne datume najvažnijih od tih rukopisa:
[Mon Sep 08 09:48:22 2003]
All of these manuscripts begin, except the Halliwell poem, with an invocation to the Trinity.
Svi ovi rukopisi počinju, osim Halliwellove pjesme, sa zazivanjem Trojstva.
[Mon Sep 08 09:49:48 2003]
Then follows a descant on the seven liberal arts and sciences, of which the fifth, or Geometry, is said to be Masonry.
Zatim slijedi varijacija na temu sedam humanističkih umjetnosti i znanosti, od kojih se za petu, tj. Geometriju, kaže da je slobodno zidarstvo.
[Mon Sep 08 09:51:21 2003]
This is succeeded by a traditional history of Masonry, from the days of Lamech to the reign of King Athelstan of England.
Nakon toga slijedi tradicionalna povijest slobodnog zidarstva, od doba Lameka do vladavine engleskog kralja Athelstana.
[Mon Sep 08 09:51:21 2003]
The manuscripts conclude with a series of "charges," or regulations, for the government of the Craft while they were of a purely operative character.
Rukopisi završavaju nizom "pristojbi", ili pravila, za upravljanje Zanatom dok su bili potpuno operativne naravi.
[Mon Sep 08 09:52:56 2003]
I have relied on the excellent authority of Rev. A.
Ja sam se oslonio na vrhunski autoritet Rev..
[Mon Sep 08 10:02:54 2003]
The traditional history which constitutes the first part of these "Old Records" is replete with historical inaccuracies, with anachronisms, and even with absurdities.
Tradicionalna povijest, koja sačinjava prvi dio ovih "Starih zapisa" je puna povijesnih netočnosti, pogrešaka u računanju vremena, čak i apsurdnosti.
[Mon Sep 08 10:02:54 2003]
And yet it is valuable, because it forms the germ of that system of Masonic history which was afterward developed by such writers as Anderson, Preston, and Oliver, and from w hose errors the iconoclasts of the present day are successfully striving to free the Institution, so as to give its history a more rational and methodic form.
A ipak je dragocjena, jer čini zametak onog sustava slobodno zidarske povijesti koji su kasnije razvili pisci poput Andersona, Prestona i Olivera, i zbog čijih grešaka današnji ikonoklasti uspješno nastoje osloboditi Instituciju, odnosno dati njenoj povijesti racionalniji i metodičan oblik.
[Mon Sep 08 10:10:32 2003]
This traditional history is presented to us in all the manuscripts, in an identity of form, or, at least, with very slight verbal differences.
Ta tradicionalna povijest nam je prikazana u svim rukopisima, u istovjetnom obliku, ili, barem, s vrlo malim usmenim razlikama.
[Mon Sep 08 10:12:13 2003]
These differences are, indeed, so slight that they suggest the strong probability of a common source for all these documents, either in the oral teaching of the older Masons, or in some earlier record that has not yet been recovered.
Te razlike su, doista, tako male da sugeriraju veliku vjerojatnost zajedničkog izvora za sve te dokumente, ili u usmenom podučavanju starijih slobodnih zidara, ili u nekom ranijem zapisu koji još nije pronađen.
[Mon Sep 08 10:12:13 2003]
The tradition seems always to have secured the unhesitating belief of the Fraternity as a true relation of the origin and the progress of Masonry, and hence it has received the title of the Legend of the Craft.
Čini se da si je tradicija uvijek osiguravala spremno vjerovanje Bratstva kao istinit odnos porijekla i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva, i stoga je dobila naziv Legenda o zanata.
[Mon Sep 08 10:18:12 2003]
From the zealous care with which many manuscripts containing this legend were destroyed in 1719 by "scrupulous brothers" who were opposed to its publication, we might believe that it formed a part of the esoteric instructions of the Guild of Operative Masons.
Iz fanatičnog opreza zbog kojeg su mnogi rukopisi koji su sadržavali ovu legendu bili uništeni 1719. od strane "skrupulozne braće" koja su se protivila njenom objavljivanju, mogli bismo povjerovati je ona činila dio ezoteričnih uputstava Ceha operativnih slobodnih zidara.
[Mon Sep 08 10:18:12 2003]
If so, it lost this secret character by the publication of Roberts's edition of the "Constitutions" in 1722.
U tom slučaju, izgubila je taj tajni karakter objavljivanjem Robertsovog izdanja "Konstitucija" 1722.
[Mon Sep 08 10:22:44 2003]
In the earlier German and French Masonic records, such as the Ordenung der Steinmetzen at Strasburg in 1462, and the RegIements sur les Arts et Metiers at Paris in the 12th century , there is no appearance of this legend.
U starijim njemačkim i francuskim slobodnozidarskim zapisima, kao što su Ordenung der Steinmetzen iz Strasburga 1462. godine, i RegIements sur les Arts et Metiers iz Pariza u dvanaestom stoljeću, ova se legenda ne pojavljuje.
[Mon Sep 08 10:24:13 2003]
But it does not follow from this that no such legend existed among the French and German Masons.
Ali iz toga ne slijedi da takva legenda nije postojala među francuskim i njemačkim slobodnim zidarima.
[Mon Sep 08 10:24:13 2003]
Indeed, as it is well known that early English Operative Masonry was derived from the continent, it is natural to suppose that the continental Masons brought the legend into England.
Štoviše, kako je dobro poznato da je rano englesko operativno slobodno zidarstvo proizašlo s kontinenta, prirodno je pretpostaviti da su kontinentalni slobodni zidari donijeli legendu u Englesku.
[Mon Sep 08 10:30:32 2003]
There is, besides, internal evidence in the English manuscripts of both French and German interpolations.
Osim toga, u engleskim rukopisima postoje interni dokazi o francuskim i njemačkim umecima.
[Mon Sep 08 10:30:37 2003]
The reference in the Legend to Charles Martel connects it with the French Masonry of the 12th century, and the invocation to the "Four Crowned Martyrs" in the Halliwell MS.
Spominjanje Karla Martela povezuje Legendu s francuskim slobodnim zidarstvom iz dvanaestog stoljeća, a prizivanje "Četiri okrunjena mučenika" u Halliwellovom rukopisu
[Mon Sep 08 10:42:04 2003]
The importance of this Legend in the influence that it exerted for a long period on the Craft as the accredited history of the Institution makes it indispensably necessary that it should form a part of any work that professes to treat of the history of Masonry.
Važnost ove Legende i utjecaj koji je dugo vremena imala na Zanat kao službeno priznata povijest Institucije ju čini neophodnom, tako da bi trebala činiti dio svakog rada koji polaže pravo na obrađivanje povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Mon Sep 08 10:45:15 2003]
For this purpose I have selected the Dowland rukopis, because it is admitted to be the oldest of those that assumed that general form which was followed in all the subsequent manuscripts, between which and it there is no substantial difference.
U tu svrhu sam izabrao Dowlandov rukopis, zato jer je priznat kao najstariji od onih koji su poprimili općeniti oblik koji su slijedili svi kasniji rukopisi, među kojima nema bitne razlike.
[Mon Sep 08 10:49:17 2003]
Findel thinks that this invocation to the Four Crowned Martyrs "must be regarded as a most decided proof of the identity of the German and English stonemasons, and of their having one common parentage."
Findel misli da se ovo prizivanje Četiri okrunjena mučenika "mora smatrati najjasnijim dokazom o podudaranju njemačkih i engleskih kamenorezaca, i o njihovom zajedničkom podrijetlu."
[Mon Sep 08 10:50:21 2003]
Woodford does not concur with this view, but I think without good reason.
Woodford se ne slaže s ovim gledištem, po mom mišljenju neopravdano.
[Mon Sep 08 11:09:11 2003]
Our purpose is to tell you how and in what manner this worthy science of Masonrye was begunne, and afterwards how it was favoured by worthy Kings and Princes, and by many other worshippfull men.
Naš je cilj reći vam kako i na koji način je nastala ta ugledna znanost slobodnog zidarstva, i kako su je kasnije odobravali ugledni kraljevi i prinčevi i mnogi drugi cijenjeni ljudi.
[Mon Sep 08 11:11:16 2003]
And also to those that be willinge, wee will declare the charge that belongeth to any true Mason to keepe for in good faith.
I za one koji su voljni, proglasit ćemo dužnosti koje pripadaju svakom pravom slobodnom zidaru da ih se pridržava u dobroj volji.
[Mon Sep 08 11:12:31 2003]
And yee have good heede thereto;
A vi na to dobro pazite;
[Mon Sep 08 11:12:31 2003]
it is well worthy to be well kept for a worthy craft and a curious science.
dostojno je biti dobro pripremljen za ugledan zanat i vještu znanost.
[Mon Sep 08 12:20:03 2003]
This is an instance of the inaccuracy of these old records in historical lore.
Ovo je primjer netočnosti u ovim starim zapisima povijesnog nauka.
[Mon Sep 08 12:25:06 2003]
So far from Jabal being the first who "wrought house of stone and tree," he was the originator of the nomadic life, in which such buildings are never used.
Daleko od toga da je Jabal bio prvi koji je "sagradio kuću od kamena i drveta", on je bio začetnik nomadskog života, gdje se takve građevine nisu koristile.
[Mon Sep 08 12:25:06 2003]
He invented tents, made most probably of skins, to be the temporary residence of a pastoral people, led by the exigency of a want of food to remove their flocks from time to time to new pastures.
On je izumio šatore, napravljene najvjerojatnije od kože, kao privremena boravišta pastira, koje je krajnja nužda nedostatka hrane tjerala na to da s vremena na vrijeme prijeđu na nove pašnjake.
[Mon Sep 08 15:46:55 2003]
This name has been a Sphinxian enigma which many a Masonic Edipos has failed to solve.
Ovo je ime Sfingina zagonetka koju mnogi slobodnozidarski Edipi nisu uspjeli riješiti.
[Mon Sep 08 15:46:55 2003]
I shall recur to it in a subsequent page.
Vratit ću mu se na sljedećoj stranici.
[Tue Sep 09 09:45:50 2003]
Alban, the protomartyr of England.
Albin, prvi mučenik Engleske.
[Tue Sep 09 09:45:50 2003]
Of his connection with the Legend, more hereafter
O njegovoj povezanosti s Legendom, više u nastavku
[Tue Sep 09 09:48:30 2003]
A corruption of the old English word noonshun, from which comes our modem luncheon.
Iskrivljena staroengleska riječ noonshun, od koje dolazi novija riječ ručak.
[Tue Sep 09 09:49:06 2003]
It meant the refreshment taken at noon, when laborers desist from work to shun the heat.
Označavala je zakusku oko podneva, kad radnici prekidaju rad da se sklone od vrućine.
[Tue Sep 09 09:49:46 2003]
It may here mean food or subsistence in general.
Ovdje može označavati hranu ili općenito sredstva za život.
[Tue Sep 09 09:50:17 2003]
St. Alban gave his Masons two shillings a week and three pence for their daily food.
Albin je davao svojim slobodnim zidarima dva šilinga tjedno i tri penija za svakodnevnu hranu.
[Tue Sep 09 09:50:20 2003]
(See Nonesynches in Mackey's "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry."
(Vidi Nonesynches u Mackeyevoj "Enciklopediji slobodnog zidarstva".
[Tue Sep 09 10:18:16 2003]
Then follow the charges that are thus said to have been enacted at York and at other General Assemblies, but which properly constitute no part of the Legend, at least no part connected with the legendary details of the rise and progress of the Institution.
Zatim slijede dužnosti za koje se smatra da su ozakonjene u Yorku i na drugim Općim Skupštinama, ali koje propisno ne sačinjavaju nijedan dio Legende, barem nijedan dio povezan s legendarnim detaljima nastanka i razvoja Institucije.
[Tue Sep 09 10:18:16 2003]
The Legend ends with the account of the holding of an Assembly at York, and other subsequent ones, for the purpose of enacting laws for the government of the Order.
Legenda završava opisom održavanja Skupštine u Yorku, i narednih skupština, u svrhu ozakonjavanja zakona za upravljanje Redom.
[Tue Sep 09 10:20:50 2003]
This part of the Legend which refers to Prince Edwin and the Assembly at York is so important that it demands and will receive a future comprehensive examination.
Ovaj dio Legende koji se odnosi na princa Edwina i Skupštinu u Yorku je tako značajan da zahtijeva, i dobit će, kasniji opsežan pregled.
[Tue Sep 09 10:36:01 2003]
I allude to what is known to Masonic antiquaries as the Halliwell manuscript.
Ciljam na ono što je slobodnozidarskim antikvarima poznato kao Halliwellov rukopis.
[Tue Sep 09 10:38:15 2003]
As this is admitted to be the oldest Masonic document extant, and as some very important conclusions in respect to the early history of the Craft are about to be deduced from it, a detailed account oi it will not be deemed unnecessary.
Kako je priznato da je to najstariji postojeći slobodnozidarski dokument, i kako će se iz njega izvući neki vrlo važni zaključci u vezi s ranom povijesti Zanata, bit će nužan njegov podroban opis.
[Tue Sep 09 10:41:28 2003]
This work was first published in 1840 by Mr James Orchard Halliwell, under the title of "A Poem on the Constitutions of Masonry", from the original manuscript in the King's Library of the British Museum.
James Orchard Halliwell 1840. godine, pod naslovom "Pjesma o osnivanju slobodnog zidarstva", iz izvornog rukopisa u Kraljevoj knjižnici Britanskog Muzeja.
[Tue Sep 09 10:41:28 2003]
Mr Halliwell, who subsequently adopted the name of Phillips, is not a member of the Brotherhood, and Woodford appropriately remarks that "it is somewhat curious that to Grandidier and Halliwell, both non-Masons, Freemasonry owes the impetus given at separate epochs to the study of its archaeology and history."
Halliwell, koji je kasnije usvojio ime Phillips, nije član Bratstva, i Woodford prikladno primjećuje da "je malo neobično da Grandidieru i Halliwellu, od kojih niti jedan nije slobodni zidar, slobodno zidarstvo duguje poticaj koji mu je pružen u pojedinim razdobljima u proučavanju njegove arheologije i povijesti."
[Tue Sep 09 10:44:32 2003]
Halliwell says that the manuscript formerly belonged to Charles Theyer, a well-known collector of the 17th century.
Halliwell kaže da je rukopis nekoć pripadao Charlesu Theyeru, poznatom kolekcionaru iz 17. stoljeća.
[Tue Sep 09 10:44:46 2003]
It is undoubtedly the oldest Masonic manuscript extant.
Bez sumnje je to najstariji slobodnozidarski postojeći rukopis.
[Tue Sep 09 10:45:58 2003]
Bond and Egerton of the British Museum consider its date to be about the middle of the 15th century.
Gospoda Bond i Egerton iz Britanskog Muzeja smatraju da datira iz sredine 15. stoljeća.
[Tue Sep 09 10:46:23 2003]
Kloss thinks that it was written between the years 1427 and 1445.
Kloss misli da je napisan između 1427. i 1445.
[Tue Sep 09 10:47:00 2003]
of the Book of Constitutions adopted by the General Assembly
Knjige Konstitucija koju je usvojila Generalna Skupština
[Tue Sep 09 10:50:27 2003]
In a brochure entitled " The Early History of Freemasonry in England."
U brošuri pod naslovom "Rana povijest slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj."
[Tue Sep 09 10:50:27 2003]
A later and improved edition was published in 1844.
Kasnije i dopunjeno izdanje je objavljeno 1844.
[Tue Sep 09 10:59:15 2003]
Halliwell himself places the date of the manuscript at 1390.
Sam Halliwell smješta datum rukopisa u 1390. godinu.
[Tue Sep 09 10:59:50 2003]
Woodford concurs in this opinion.
Woodford se slaže s ovim mišljenjem.
[Tue Sep 09 10:59:50 2003]
I am inclined to think that this is the true date of its transcription.
Sklon sam mišljenju da je ovo točan datum njegovog prijepisa.
[Tue Sep 09 11:05:57 2003]
The manuscript is in rhymed verse, and consists of 794 lines.
Rukopis je pisan rimovanim stihom, a sastoji se od 794 stiha.
[Tue Sep 09 11:06:01 2003]
At the head of the poem is the inscription:
Na početku pjesme je inskripcija:
[Tue Sep 09 11:11:53 2003]
The language is more archaic than that of Wicliffe's version of the Bible, which was written toward the end of the 14th century, but approaches very nearly to that of the Chronicles of Robert of Gloucester, the date of which was at the beginning of the same century.
Jezik je arhaičniji nego u Wicliffeovoj verziji Biblije, koja je napisana krajem 14. stoljeća, ali vrlo je blizak onom iz Ljetopisa Roberta Gloucestera, koji datira s početka istog stoljeća.
[Tue Sep 09 11:12:25 2003]
Therefore, if we admit that the date of 1390, attributed by Halliwell and Woodford to the transcription in the British Museum, is correct, we may, I think, judging by the language, safely assign to the original the date of about 1300.
Prema tome, ako priznamo da je godina 1390, koju Halliwell i Woodford pripisuju prijepisu u Britanskom Muzeju, točna, mislim da možemo, sudeći po jeziku, bez straha pripisati originalu datum postanka oko 1300. godine.
[Tue Sep 09 11:12:25 2003]
Further back than this, philology will not permit us to go.
Filologija nam neće dopustiti da idemo dalje od ovoga.
[Tue Sep 09 11:18:10 2003]
Lines 1-86 of this manuscript contain the history of the origin of geometry, or Masonry , and the story of Euclid is given at length, much like that which is in the Legend of the Craft.
Stihovi 1-86 ovog rukopisa sadržavaju pripovijest o porijeklu geometrije, ili slobodnog zidarstva, a priča o Euklidu je opširno ispričana, slično kao u Legendi o Zanatu.
[Tue Sep 09 11:20:04 2003]
But no other parts of that Legend are referred to, except the portion which records the introduction of Masonry into England.
Ali ostali dijelovi te Legende se ne spominju, osim dijela koji bilježi uvođenje slobodnog zidarstva u Englesku.
[Tue Sep 09 11:23:22 2003]
From the narrative of the establishment of Masonry in Egypt by Euclid, the poem passes immediately to the time when the "craft com ynto Englond."
S pripovijesti o Euklidovom osnivanju slobodnog zidarstva u Egiptu, pjesma odmah prelazi na doba kad je "zanat došao u Englesku".
[Tue Sep 09 11:23:22 2003]
Here the legendary story of King Athelstan and the Assembly called by him is given, with this variation from the common Legend, that there is no mention of the city of York, where the Assembly is said to have been held, nor of Prince Edwin, who summoned it.
Ovdje je dana legendarna priča o kralju Atelstanu i o Skupštini koju je on sazvao, s odstupanjem od zajedničke Legende, jer se ne spominje grad Yorka, gdje je Skupština navodno održana, niti princ Edwin, koji ju je sazvao.
[Tue Sep 09 11:27:07 2003]
Lines 87-470 contain the regulations which were adopted at that Assembly, divided into fifteen articles and the same number of points.
Stihovi 87-470 sadržavaju pravila koja su na toj Skupštini bila usvojena, podijeljena u petnaest članaka i isti broj točaka.
[Tue Sep 09 11:28:40 2003]
There is a very great resemblance, substantially, between these regulations and the charges contained in the subsequent or second set of Manuscript Constitutions.
Postoji vrlo velika sličnost, u osnovi, između ovih pravila i dužnosti koje su sadržane u sljedećem ili drugom nizu Načela Manuskripta.
[Tue Sep 09 11:28:40 2003]
But the regulations in the Halliwell poem are given at greater length, with more particularity and generally accompanied with an explanation or reason for the law.
Ali pravila u Halliwellovoj pjesmi su opširnije prikazana, s puno potankosti i obično su popraćena objašnjenjem ili razlogom zakona.
[Tue Sep 09 11:31:43 2003]
After an interpolation, to be referred to hereafter, the poem proceeds under the title of "Ars quatuor coronatorum,"
Nakon umetka, na koji ćemo se kasnije osvrnuti, pjesma se nastavlja pod naslovom " Ars quatuor coronatorum, "
[Tue Sep 09 11:40:01 2003]
a title never applied to Masonry in the later and purely English manuscripts.
naziv koji se nikad nije odnosio na slobodno zidarstvo u kasnijim i isključivo engleskim rukopisima.
[Tue Sep 09 11:40:01 2003]
We have first an invocation to God and the Virgin, and then the Legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs, which ends on line 534.
Prvo imamo zazivanje Boga i Djevice, a zatim Legendu o četiri okrunjena mučenika, koja završava u 534. stihu.
[Tue Sep 09 11:45:47 2003]
Now this Legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs - die Vier Gekronten - is found in none of the purely English manuscripts, but is of German origin, and peculiar to the German Steinmetzen or Stone Masons of the Middle Ages.
Ta Legenda o četiri okrunjena mučenika - die Vier Gekronten - se ne nalazi ni u jednom od isključivo engleskih rukopisa, nego je njemačkog porijekla, i svojstvena je njemačkim Steinmetzen ili kamenorescima iz srednjeg vijeka.
[Tue Sep 09 11:45:47 2003]
Its introduction in this manuscript is an evidence of the German origin of the document, and, as Findel says, "must be regarded as a most decided proof of the identity of the German and English Stone Masons, and of their having one common parentage".
Njeno uvođenje u ovaj rukopis je dokaz njemačkog porijekla dokumenta i, kako Findel kaže, "mora se smatrati najjasnijim dokazom o podudaranju njemačkih i engleskih kamenorezaca, i o njihovom zajedničkom podrijetlu".
[Tue Sep 09 11:56:03 2003]
The details of this Legend close at the 534th line, and the poem then proceeds to give a small and imperfect portion of what is known in our later manuscripts as the Legend of the Craft.
stihu, a pjesma se tada nastavlja pružajući mali i nepotpuni dio onoga što je u našim kasnijim rukopisima poznato kao Legenda o Zanatu.
[Tue Sep 09 11:58:27 2003]
I am persuaded that all this part of the poem has been dislocated from its proper place, and that in the original the lines from 535 to 576 formed a portion of the Legend of the Craft, as it must have been inserted in the introductory part of the second manuscript.
Uvjeren sam da je čitav ovaj dio pjesme pomaknut sa svog pravog mjesta, i da su u originalu stihovi od 535. do 576. činili dio Legende o Zanatu, kao što mora da je bila umetnuta u uvodni dio drugog rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 09 12:01:00 2003]
I think so, first, because in all other manuscripts the Legend forms the exordium and precedes the charges;
Tako mislim ponajprije zato što u svim drugim rukopisima Legenda čini uvodni dio i prethodi dužnostima;
[Tue Sep 09 12:04:00 2003]
secondly, because it has no proper connection with or sequence to the Legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs which precedes it, and which terminates on the 354th line;
drugo, zato jer nema nikakvu pravu vezu ili slijed s Legendom o četiri okrunjena mučenika, koja joj prethodi i koja završava s 354. stihom;
[Tue Sep 09 12:04:00 2003]
and lastly, because it is evidently an interruption of the religious instructions which are taken up on line 577, and which naturally follow line 534.
i napokon, zato jer je očito prekid religijskih uputa koje počinju u stihu 577, i koje prirodno slijede stih 534.
[Tue Sep 09 12:15:34 2003]
The writer having extolled the Christian steadfastness and piety of the four martyrs whose feast he tells us is on the eighth day after Allhalloween, proceeds on line 576 to admonish his readers to avoid pride and covetousness and to practice virtue.
Nakon što je pisac uzveličao kršćansku ustrajnost i religioznost četiriju mučenika, čiji je blagdan, kaže nam, osmi dan nakon Svih Svetih, nastavlja u stihu 576 opominjati svoje čitatelje da izbjegavaju ponos i pohlepu i da budu kreposni.
[Tue Sep 09 12:18:00 2003]
There is here a regular and natural connection, which, however, would be interrupted by the insertion between the two clauses of an imperfect portion of a legend which has reference to the very beginning of the history of Masonry.
Ovdje postoji ispravna i prirodna veza, koja bi, međutim, bila prekinuta umetanjem između dvije rečenice nepotpunog dijela legende koja se odnosi na sam početak povijesti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Tue Sep 09 12:18:00 2003]
Hence I conclude that all that part of the Legend which described the events that were connected with Noah's flood and the Tower of Babel is an interpolation, and belongs to another manuscript and to another place.
Stoga zaključujem da je čitav taj dio Legende koji opisuje događaje povezane s Noinim potopom i Babilonskom Kulom interpolacija, i da pripada nekom drugom rukopisu i na neko drugo mjesto.
[Tue Sep 09 12:33:59 2003]
In fact, the copyist had two manuscripts before him, and he transcribed sometimes from one and sometimes from the other, apparently with but little judgment, or, rather, he copied the whole of one and then interpolated it with extracts from the other without respect to any congruity of subjects.
Zapravo, prepisivač je pred sobom imao dva rukopisa, i prepisivao je nekad iz jednog, a nekad iz drugom, očito uz slabo prosuđivanje, ili je, štoviše, prepisao jedan čitav, a zatim u njega umetnuo izvatke iz drugog, ne vodeći računa o bilo kakvom podudaranju tema.
[Tue Sep 09 12:35:28 2003]
The rest of the poem is occupied with instructions as to behavior when in church, when in the company of one's superiors, and when present at the celebration of the mass.
Ostatak pjesme se bavi uputama u vezi ponašanja u crkvi, u društvu pretpostavljenih, i pri slavljenju mise.
[Tue Sep 09 12:35:28 2003]
The whole ends with what we find in no other manuscript, the now familiar Masonic formula, " Amen, So mote it be."
Cjelina završava nečim što ne nalazimo ni u jednom drugom rukopisu, a to je sada poznata slobodnozidarska formula, "Amen, tako neka bude."
[Tue Sep 09 12:43:22 2003]
Line 471 furnishes, I think, internal evidence that the poem was originally composed of two distinct works, written, in all probability, by two different persons, but in the copy which we now have, combined in one by the compiler or copyist.
Vjerujem da stih 471 pruža interni dokaz da je pjesma bila izvorno sastavljena od od dvaju različitih djela, napisanih, vrlo vjerojatno, od strane dvije različite osobe, ali u prijepisu koji sada imamo, ih je kompilator ili prepisivač sastavio u jedno.
[Tue Sep 09 12:50:47 2003]
The former gentleman says that "it seems to be in truth two legends, and not only one."
Prvospomenuti gospodin kaže da "se čini da zapravo postoje dvije legende, a ne samo jedna".
[Tue Sep 09 12:52:25 2003]
This is evident, from the fact that this second part is prefaced by the title, "Alia ordinacio artis gemetriae," that is, "Another Constitution of the art of geometry."
Ovo je jasno iz činjenice predgovor tom drugom dijelu ima naslov "Alia ordinacio artis gemetriae" odnosno, "Drugo osnivanje umjetnosti geometrije".
[Tue Sep 09 12:56:58 2003]
This title would indicate that what followed was a different Ordinacio or Constitution and taken from a different manuscript.
Taj bi naslov ukazivao na to da je ono što slijedi drugačiji Ordinacio ili Osnivanje i uzet iz drugog rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 09 13:01:58 2003]
Besides, line 471, which is the beginning of the other or second Constitution, does not fall into its proper place in following line 470, but is appropriately a continuation of line 74.
Osim toga, stih 471, koji je početak druge Konstitucije, ne dolazi na svoje pravo mjesto slijedeći stih 470, nego je prikladan nastavak stiha 74.
[Tue Sep 09 13:01:58 2003]
To make this evident, I copy lines 70-74 from the poem, and follow them by lines 471-474, whence it will be seen that the latter lines are an appropriate and natural continuation of the former"
Da ovo pojasnim, navodim stihove 70-74 iz pjesme, a odmah nakon njih stihove 471-474, odakle će se vidjeti da su potonji stihovi odgovarajući i prirodan nastavak prvo navedenih"
[Tue Sep 09 14:23:20 2003]
The second manuscript seems to have been copied from line 471, as far as line 496.
Čini se da je drugi rukopis prepisan od stiha 471, sve do stiha 496.
[Tue Sep 09 14:23:20 2003]
There, I suppose, the charges or regulations to have followed, which having been given from the first manuscript the copyist omitted, as a needless repetition, but went on immediately with the "ars quatuor coronatorum".
Tu su, pretpostavljam, slijedile dužnosti ili pravila, koje je s obzirom na prvi rukopis prepisivač ispustio, kao nepotrebno ponavljanje, nego je odmah nastvio s "ars quatuor coronatorum".
[Tue Sep 09 14:29:36 2003]
It is now evident that he went back to a preceding part of the second manuscript and copied the early account of Masonry from line 535 to 576.
Sad je očito da se vratio na prethodni dio drugog rukopisa i prepisao rani opis slobodnog zidarstva od stiha 535 do 576.
[Tue Sep 09 14:29:36 2003]
The bare reading of these lines will convince the reader that they are not in their proper place, and must have formed a part of the beginning of the second poem.
Pukim čitanjem ovih stihova, čitatelj će se uvjeriti da nisu na svom odgovarajućem mjesto, i da mora da su sačinjavali dio početka druge pjesme.
[Tue Sep 09 14:36:22 2003]
Line 577 appropriately follows line 534, when the interpolation is left out, and then the transcription is correctly made to the end of the poem.
Stih 577 prikladno slijedi stih 534, kad se interpolacija izostavi, a zatim je prijepis ispravno nastavljen do kraja pjesme.
[Tue Sep 09 14:37:43 2003]
The first manuscript was apparently copied correctly, with the exception of the two interpolations from the second manuscript.
Izgleda da je prvi rukopis ispravno prepisan, s izuzetkom dvije interpolacije iz drugog rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 09 14:38:45 2003]
There is a doubt whether the Legend of the Crowned Martyrs belonged to the first or to the second poem.
Postoji dvojba je li Legenda o okrunjenim mučenicima pripadala prvoj ili drugoj pjesmi.
[Tue Sep 09 14:39:13 2003]
If to the first, then we have the whole of the first poem, and of the second only the interpolations.
Ako je pripadala prvoj, tada imamo čitavu prvu pjesmu, a od druge jedino interpolaciju.
[Tue Sep 09 14:39:35 2003]
This is, however, a mere conjecture without positive proof.
Ovo je, međutim, puka pretpostavka bez pozitivnog dokaza.
[Tue Sep 09 14:39:35 2003]
Yet it is very probable.
Ipak je vrlo vjerojatna.
[Tue Sep 09 14:42:44 2003]
On the whole, the view I am inclined to take of this manuscript is as follows :
U cjelini, sklon sam zauzeti sljedeći stav u vezi ovog rukopisa:
[Tue Sep 09 14:45:16 2003]
There were two original manuscripts, out of which the copyist made a careless admixture.
Postojala su dva originalna rukopisa, od kojih je prepisivač napravio nemarnu mješavinu.
[Tue Sep 09 14:46:17 2003]
The first manuscript began with line 1 and went on to the end at line 794.
Prvi rukopis je počinjao sa stihom 1 i nastavljao se do kraja u stihu 794.
[Tue Sep 09 14:46:58 2003]
But this is only conjectural.
Ali ovo je tek nagađanje.
[Tue Sep 09 14:47:00 2003]
It may have ended, or rather the copying ceased, at line 470.
Možda je završavao, ili je prepisivanje prestalo, u stihu 470.
[Tue Sep 09 14:50:44 2003]
If the conjecture just advanced be correct, then from a second manuscript the copyist made interpolations, in the following way.
Ako je upravo iznesena pretpostavka točna, onda je prepisivač iz drugog rukopisa napravio interpolacije, na sljedeći način.
[Tue Sep 09 14:54:59 2003]
The beginning of the second manuscript is lost.
Početak drugog rukopisa je izgubljen.
[Tue Sep 09 14:55:16 2003]
But from very near the commencement, which probably described the antediluvian tradition of Lamech, the copyist had selected a portion which begins with line 535 and ends at line 576.
Ali vrlo blizu početka, koji je vjerojatno opisivao pretpotopnu tradiciju Lameka, prepisivač je izabrao dio koji počinje stihom 535 i završava 576. stihom.
[Tue Sep 09 14:55:18 2003]
He had previously interpolated the lines from 471 to 496.
Prije toga je bio interpolirao stihove od 471 do 496.
[Tue Sep 09 14:57:07 2003]
We have, then, the whole of the first manuscript, from the 1st line to the 794th, with the addition of two interpolations from the second, consisting only of 68 lines, namely:
Imamo, onda, čitav prvi rukopisa, od prvog do 794. stiha, s dodatkom dviju interpolacija iz drugog, koje se sastoje od samo 68 stihova, to jest:
[Tue Sep 09 14:57:07 2003]
from line 471 to 496, and from line 535 to 576.
od stiha 471 do 496, i od stiha 535 do 576.
[Tue Sep 09 15:02:40 2003]
The first manuscript is deficient in any references to antediluvian Masonry , but begins with the foundation of Masonry in Egypt, as its title imports.
Prvi rukopis je manjkav što se tiče bilo kakvih osvrta na pretpotopno slobodno zidarstvo, nego počinje s osnivanjem slobodnog zidarstva u Egiptu, kao što nagoviještava njegov naslov.
[Tue Sep 09 15:02:58 2003]
This deficiency was, in part, supplied by the second interpolation (535-596).
Taj je nedostatak, djelomično, popunjavala druga interpolacija (535-596).