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[Tue Sep 09 15:02:58 2003]
This part begins with the building
Taj dio započinje s izgradnjom
[Tue Sep 09 15:11:06 2003]
But it is evident from the words, "many years after," that there was a preceding part to this manuscript that has not been copied.
Ali iz riječi "mnogo godina poslije" je jasno da je postojao dio koji je prethodio ovom rukopisu, a koji nije bio prepisan.
[Tue Sep 09 15:12:18 2003]
The "many years after" refer to some details that had been previously made.
"Mnogo godina poslij " se odnosi na neke potankosti koje su bile prije iznesene.
[Tue Sep 09 15:12:44 2003]
The account of the Seven Sciences, found in all later manuscripts, is not given in the first poem.
Navođenje Sedam Znanosti, koje se nalazi u svim kasnijim rukopisima, ne postoji u prvoj pjesmi.
[Tue Sep 09 15:12:44 2003]
It is inserted in this from the second.
Umetnuto je u nju iz druge.
[Tue Sep 09 15:19:32 2003]
So of the poem in the form we now have it, the parts copied from the second manuscript consist only of 68 lines, which have been interpolated in two places into the first manuscript - namely, lines 471-496, and lines 535-576;
Tako u pjesmi u obliku u kojem sada postoji, dijelovi prepisani iz drugog rukopisa se sastoje samo od 68 stihova, koji su interpolirani u prvi rukopis na dva mjesta, i to, stihovi 471-496, i stihovi 535-576;
[Tue Sep 09 15:20:01 2003]
and these have been dislocated from their proper places.
i koji su bili premješteni sa svojih pravih mjesta.
[Tue Sep 09 15:24:26 2003]
All the rest of the poem constitutes the original first manuscript.
Ostatak pjesme sačinjava originalni prvi rukopis.
[Tue Sep 09 15:25:46 2003]
If I hesitate at all in coming to the positive conclusion that the first and last parts of the poem were composed by the same author, it is because the latter is written in a slightly different metre.
Ako imalo oklijevam u donošenju pozitivnog zaključka da je prvi i završni dio pjesme sastavio isti autor, to je zbog toga što je potonji napisan u nešto drukčijem metru.
[Tue Sep 09 15:25:46 2003]
This, therefore, leaves the question where the first poem ends and where the second begins, still open to discussion.
Time pitanje gdje prva pjesma završava i gdje druga počinje, i dalje ostaje otvoreno za raspravu.
[Tue Sep 09 15:34:56 2003]
The variations which exist between the Halliwell poem, or, rather, poems, and other Masonic manuscripts of later date, are very important, because they indicate a difference of origin, and, by the points of difference, suggest several questions as to the early progress of Masonry in England.
Varijacije koje postoje između Halliwellove pjesme, ili, bolje rečeno, pjesama, i drugih slobodnozidarskih rukopisa kasnijeg datuma, su vrlo važne, zato jer ukazuju na različito porijeklo, i, u mjestima razlikovanja, sugeriraju nekoliko pitanja što se tiče ranog razvoja slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj.
[Tue Sep 09 15:37:27 2003]
The form of the Halliwell manuscript differs entirely from that of the others.
Forma Halliwellovog rukopisa potpuno odstupa od forme ostalih rukopisa.
[Tue Sep 09 15:40:10 2003]
The latter are in prose, while the former is in verse.
Potonji su u prozi, dok je prvospomenuti u stihovima.
[Tue Sep 09 15:41:26 2003]
The language, too, of the Halliwell manuscript is far more antiquated than that of the other manuscripts, showing that it was written in an earlier stage of the English tongue.
I jezik Halliwellovog rukopisa je mnogo arhaičniji od onoga u drugim rukopisima, što pokazuje da je bio napisan u ranijoj fazi engleskog jezika.
[Tue Sep 09 15:41:52 2003]
It belongs to the Early English which succeeded the Anglo-Saxon.
Pripada ranom engleskom koji je naslijedio anglo-saksonski.
[Tue Sep 09 15:41:52 2003]
The other manuscripts were written at a later period of the language.
Ostali rukopisi su napisani u kasnijem razdoblju tog jezika.
[Tue Sep 09 15:46:53 2003]
The Halliwell manuscript is evidently a Roman Catholic production, and was written when the religion of Rome prevailed in England.
Očito je da je Halliwellov rukopis rimokatolički proizvod, i napisan je kad je religija Rima prevladala u Engleskoj.
[Tue Sep 09 15:46:56 2003]
The later manuscripts are all Protestant in their character, and must have been written after the middle of the 16th century, at least, when Protestantism was introduced into that country by Edward VI.
Svi kasniji rukopisi su po svom karakteru protestantski, i morali su biti napisani najranije u drugoj polovici 16. stoljeća, kad su Edward VI i kraljica Elizabeta uveli protestantizam u tu zemlju.
[Tue Sep 09 15:51:45 2003]
the interval was occupied by the Roman Catholic reign of Mary.
u međuvremenu je na snazi bila rimokatolička vladavina kraljice Mary.
[Tue Sep 09 15:51:45 2003]
But the archaic style of the " Halliwell manuscript" forbids any theory of its having been written during that intermediate period.
Ali arhaičan stil "Halliwellovog rukopisa" sprječava svaku teoriju da je bio napisan tijekom tog međurazdoblja.
[Tue Sep 09 16:05:53 2003]
We see ecclesiastical influence very strongly manifested in the Halliwell manuscript.
U Halliwellovom rukopisu se crkveni utjecaj vrlo snažno očituje.
[Tue Sep 09 16:05:53 2003]
So marked is this that Mr. Halliwell supposes that it was written by a priest, which, I think, is not impossible, although not for the reason he assigns, which is founded on his incorrect translation of a single word.
Halliwell pretpostavlja da je rukopis napisao svećenik, što, po meni, nije nemoguće, iako ne iz razloga koji on pripisuje, a koji se zasniva na njegovom netočnom prijevodu jedne riječi.
[Tue Sep 09 16:12:18 2003]
But the Roman Catholic character of the poem is proven by lines 593-692, which are occupied in directions how the mass is to be heard;
No, rimokatolički karakter pjesme se pokazuje u stihovima 593-692, koji se bave uputama kako se treba slušati misa;
[Tue Sep 09 16:12:18 2003]
and, so ample are these directions as to the ritual observance of this part of the Roman Catholic worship, that it is very probable that they were written by a priest.
i, te upute u vezi praćenja obreda ovog dijela katoličkog bogoštovlja su tako opsežne, da je vrlo vjerojatno da ih je napisao svećenik.
[Tue Sep 09 16:20:28 2003]
In the subsequent manuscripts we find no such allusions.
U kasnijim rukopisima ne nalazimo takve aluzije.
[Tue Sep 09 16:21:26 2003]
Freemasonry , when these documents were written, was Christian in its character, but it was Protestant Christianity.
Slobodno zidarstvo je, u doba kad su ti dokumenti pisani, bilo kršćansko po svom karakteru, ali to je bilo protestantsko kršćanstvo.
[Tue Sep 09 16:22:03 2003]
The invocation with which each one begins is to the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
Svaki od njih započinje sa zazivanjem Trojstva Oca, Sina i Duha Svetoga;
[Tue Sep 09 16:26:30 2003]
but no mention is made, as in the Halliwell manuscript of the Virgin and the saints.
ali ne spominju se Djevica i sveci, kao u Halliwellovom rukopisu.
[Tue Sep 09 16:26:30 2003]
The only reference to the Church is in the first charge, which is, "that you shall be a true man to God and the holy Church, and that you use no heresy nor error by your understanding or teaching of discreet men" - a charge that would be eminently fitting for a Protestant Christian brotherhood.
"da ćete biti vjerni Bogu i svetoj Crkvi, i da nećete koristiti krivovjerje niti greške u svojem razumijevanju ili učenju razboritih ljudi" - dužnost koja bi bila osobito prikladna za protestantsko kršćansko bratstvo.
[Tue Sep 09 16:32:38 2003]
On referring to the first charge adopted after the revival in 1717 by the Grand Lodge of England, we find that then, for the first time, the sectarian character was abandoned, and the toleration of a universal religion adopted.
Osvrćući se na prvu dužnost koju je Velika Loža Engleske usvojila nakon preporoda 1717, otkrivamo da je tada, po prvi puta, napušten sektaški karakter, a usvojena tolerancija univerzalne religije.
[Tue Sep 09 16:36:47 2003]
A philological note may, here, be not uninteresting.
Ovdje bi mogla biti zanimljiva filološka napomena.
[Tue Sep 09 16:38:54 2003]
Mr. Halliwell, in support of his assertion that the writer of the poem was a priest, quotes line 629 :
Gosp Halliwell, kao dokaz svojoj tvrdnji da je pisac pjesme bio svećenik, citira stih 629:
[Tue Sep 09 16:40:43 2003]
"And, when the Gospel me rede schal " - where he evidently supposes that me was used instead of I, and that the line was to be translated -" when I shall read the Gospel."
"And, when Gospel me rede schal" - gdje očigledno pretpostavlja da se me koristi umjesto I (ja), i da se taj stih mora prevesti sa - "kad ću čitati Evanđelje".
[Tue Sep 09 16:45:09 2003]
But in none of the old manuscripts is the flagrant blunder committed of using the accusative me in place of the nominative Y or I.
Ali ni u jednom od starih rukopisa nije učinjena očita greška korištenja akuzativa me umjesto nominativa Y ili I.
[Tue Sep 09 16:45:09 2003]
The fact is, that the Anglo-Saxon man, signifying one, or they, like the French on in "on dit," as " man dyde," one or they did, or it was done, gave way in Early English to me, used in the same sense.
Činjenica je da je anglo-saksonska riječ man, koja je neodređena zamjenica, poput francuske on u "on dit", kao " man dyde, "učinilo se", ili "bilo je učinjeno", popustila pred staroengleskom riječi me, korištenom u istom značenju.
[Tue Sep 09 16:51:42 2003]
Examples of this may be found in the writers who lived about the time of the composition of the "Halliwell manuscript" A few may suffice.
Primjeri za ovo se mogu naći kod pisaca koji su živjeli u doba sastavljanja "Halliwellovog rukopisa". Bit će dovoljno navesti ih nekoliko.
[Tue Sep 09 16:52:46 2003]
In the Ayenbite of Inwyt is the following line:
U Ayenbite of Inwyt postoji sljedeći stih:
[Tue Sep 09 16:54:17 2003]
Again, in Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle are these phrases:
Nadalje, u Ljetopisu Roberta Gloucestera postoje ovi izrazi:
[Tue Sep 09 16:55:33 2003]
"By this tale may be seen," Story of Lear, line 183.
"Po ovoj se priči može vidjeti", Priča o Learu, stih 183
[Tue Sep 09 16:56:09 2003]
: "And they may be trusted best," ib.
"Njima se može najbolje vjerovati" ib.
[Tue Sep 09 16:58:10 2003]
"The stude that he was at yslawe me cleputh yet Morgan," i.e.
" The Stude that he was at yslawe me cleputh yet Morgan," odnosno
[Tue Sep 09 16:58:11 2003]
"The place where he was slain is called Morgan still," ib.
"Mjesto gdje je ubijen se još uvijek zove Morgan", ib.
[Tue Sep 09 17:00:33 2003]
And the line in the HalIiwell poem, which Mr. Halliwell supposed to mean, " And when I shall read the Gospel," properly translated, is, " And when the Gospel shall be read."
Halliwell pretpostavio da znači "I kad ću (ja) čitati Evanđelje", pravilno preveden glasi "I kad će se čitati Evanđelje".
[Tue Sep 09 17:00:33 2003]
It furnishes, therefore, no proof that the writer was a priest.
Prema tome, ne pruža nikakav dokaz da je pisac bio svećenik.
[Wed Sep 10 09:49:51 2003]
"Though in ancient times Masons were charged in every country to be of the religion of that country or nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that religion in which all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves."
"Iako je u davna vremena dužnost slobodnih zidara bila da štuju religiju te zemlje ili naroda, koja god bila, danas se smatra uputnijim obavezati ih na onu religiju s kojom se svi slažu, ostavljajući njima samima njihova pojedinačna uvjerenja."
[Wed Sep 10 09:56:03 2003]
Now, comparing the religious views expressed in the oldest Masonic Constitution of the 14th century, with those set forth in the later ones of the 16th and 17th, and again with those laid down in the charge of 1717, we find an exact record of the transitions which from time to time took place in the religious aspect of Freemasonry in England and in some other countries.
stoljeća, s onima izloženim u kasnijima iz 16. i 17. stoljeća, i opet s onima navedenim u dužnosti iz 1717., nalazimo točan zapis promjena do kojih je s vremena na vrijeme dolazilo u religioznom aspektu slobodnog zidarstva u Engleskoj i u nekim drugim zemljama.
[Wed Sep 10 09:56:03 2003]
At first it was Roman Catholic in its character, and under ecclesiastical domination.
Isprva je bio rimokatoličkog karaktera, i pod crkvenom dominacijom.
[Wed Sep 10 10:03:17 2003]
Then, after the Reformation, rejecting the doctrines of Rome and the influence of the priesthood, it retained its Christian character, but became Protestant in its peculiar views.
Zatim, nakon Reformacije, odbijajući doktrine Rima i utjecaj svećenstva, zadržalo je svoj kršćanski karakter, ali postalo protestantsko u sebi svojstvenim stavovima.
[Wed Sep 10 10:03:17 2003]
Lastly, at the time of the so-called Revival, in the beginning of the 18th century, when Speculative Masonry assumed that form which it has ever since retained, it abandoned its sectarian character, and adopted a cosmopolitan and tolerant rule, which required of its members, as a religious test, only a belief in God.
stoljeća, kad je spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo poprimilo model koji je do danas zadržalo, napustilo je svoj sektaški karakter i usvojio kozmopolitsko i liberalno načelo, koje je od svojih članova zahtijevalo, kao religijsku kušnju, jedino vjeru u Boga.
[Wed Sep 10 11:40:23 2003]
All these facts concerning the gradual changes in the religious character of the Institution, which by a collation of the old manuscripts we are enabled to derive from the Legend of the Craft, are corroborated by contemporaneous historical documents, as will be hereafter seen, and thus the "Legend," notwithstanding the many absurdities and anachronisms which deface it, becomes really valuable as an historical document.
Sve te činjenice u vezi s postupnim promjenama u religioznom karakteru Institucije, koje uspoređivanjem starih rukopisa možemo izvući iz Legende o Zanatu, su potkrijepljene suvremenim povijesnim dokumentima, kao što će se kasnije vidjeti, i tako "Legenda", bez obzira na mnoge apsurdnosti i anakronizme koji ju nagrđuju, postaje uistinu dragocjena kao povijesni dokument.
[Wed Sep 10 11:48:37 2003]
But this is not all.
Ali to nije sve.
[Wed Sep 10 11:49:09 2003]
In comparing the Halliwell poem with the later manuscripts, we not only find unmistakable internal evidence that they have a different origin, but we learn what that origin is.
Uspoređivanjem Halliwellove pjesme s kasnijim rukopisima, ne samo da otkrivamo nedvojbene interne dokaze da su oni drukčijeg porijekla, nego saznajemo i koje je to porijeklo.
[Wed Sep 10 11:53:11 2003]
The Halliwell poem comes to us from the Stonemasons of Germany.
Halliwellova pjesma nam dolazi od njemačkih kamenorezaca.
[Wed Sep 10 11:56:05 2003]
It is not, perhaps, an exact copy of any hitherto undiscovered German document, but its author must have been greatly imbued with the peculiar thoughts and principles of the German "Steinmetzen " of the Middle Ages.
Ona možda nije točan prijepis nekog do sada nepronađenog njemačkog dokumenta, ali njegov autor je morao biti uvelike prožet idejama i načelima njemačkih "Steinmetzen" iz srednjeg vijeka.
[Wed Sep 10 11:56:05 2003]
The proof of this is very palpable to anyone who will carefully read the Halliwell poem, and compare its idea of the rise and progress of Geometry with that exhibited in the later manuscript Constitutions.
Dokaz za ovo je vrlo jasan svakome tko će pažljivo čitati Halliwellovu pjesmu, i usporediti njenu ideju o nastanku i razvoju geometrije s onom koja je izložena u kasnije pisanim Konstitucijama.
[Wed Sep 10 12:04:34 2003]
These latter trace the science, as it is always called, from Lamech to Nimrod, who " found " or invented the Craft of Masonry at the building of the Tower of Babel, and then to Euclid, who established it in Egypt, whence it was brought by the Israelites into Judea, and there again established by David and Solomon, at the building of the Temple.
Ovi potonji slijede razvoj znanost, kako je uvijek nazivana, od Lameka do Nimroda, koji je "pronašao" ili izumio Zanat slobodnog zidarstva pri gradnji Babilonske Kule, i onda do Euklida, koji ju je utemeljio u Egiptu, odakle su je Izraelićani donijeli u Judeju, gdje su ju opet utemeljili David i Solomon, za vrijeme izgradnje Hrama.
[Wed Sep 10 12:05:08 2003]
Thence, by a wonderful anachronism it was brought into France by one Namus Grecus, who had been a workman at the Temple, and who organized the Science in France under the auspices of Charles Martel.
Otuda ju je čudesnim anakronizmom u Francusku donio Namus Grecus, koji je bio radnik na Hramu, i koji je organizirao znanost u Francuskoj pod pokroviteljstvom Karla Martela.
[Wed Sep 10 12:05:08 2003]
From France it was carried to England in the time of St. Alban.
Iz Francuske je donijeta u Englesku u doba Sv. Albina.
[Wed Sep 10 12:13:28 2003]
After a long interruption in consequence of the Danish and Saxon wars, it finally took permanent root at York, where Prince Edwin called an Assembly, and gave the Masons their charges under the authority of a Charter granted by King Athelstan.
Nakon dugog prekida zbog danskih i saskih ratova, konačno se ukorijenio u Yorku, gdje je princ Edwin sazvao Skupštinu, i dao slobodnim zidarima njihove dužnosti prema zapovijedima Povelje koju je dodijelio kralj Atelstan.
[Wed Sep 10 12:18:55 2003]
It will be observed that nowhere in this later Legend is there any reference to Germany as a country in which Masonry existed.
Primjećuje se da se nigdje u ovoj kasnijoj Legendi ne spominje Njemačka kao zemlja u kojoj je postojalo slobodno zidarstvo.
[Wed Sep 10 12:21:42 2003]
On the contrary, the Masonry of England is supposed to have been derived from France, and due honor is paid to Charles Martel as the founder of the Order in that kingdom.
Naprotiv, slobodno zidarstvo je u Englesku navodno uvezeno iz Francuske, i Karlu Martelu je odana dužna počast kao utemeljitelju Reda u tom kraljevstvu.
[Wed Sep 10 12:23:02 2003]
Hence we may rationally conclude that the Legend of the Craft was modified by the influence of the French Masons, who, as history informs us, were brought over into England at an early period.
Stoga možemo racionalno zaključiti da je Legenda o Zanatu bila izmijenjena zahvaljujući utjecaju francuskih slobodnih zidara, koji su, kako nas uči povijest, u ranom razdoblju dovedeni u Englesku.
[Wed Sep 10 12:23:02 2003]
In this respect, authentic history and the Legend coincide, and the one corroborates the other.
U tom pogledu, autentična povijest i Legenda se podudaraju, i jedna potkrijepljuje drugu.
[Wed Sep 10 12:27:37 2003]
Different from all this is the Legend of the Halliwell poem, the internal evidence clearly showing a Germanic origin, or at least a Germanic influence.
Legenda Halliwellove pjesme se razlikuje od svega ovog; interni dokazi jasno ukazuju na njeno germansko porijeklo, ili barem germanski utjecaj.
[Wed Sep 10 12:28:55 2003]
The Rev. Brother Woodford objects to this view, because, as he says, " the Legend was then common to both countries."
Brat Woodford se protivi ovom gledištu, jer, kako on kaže, "Legenda je tada bila zajednička za obje zemlje".
[Wed Sep 10 12:33:05 2003]
But with all due respect, I can not but look upon this argument as a sort of petitio principii:
Ali uz svo dužno poštovanje, na ovaj argument moram gledati kao na neku vrstu petitio principii:
[Wed Sep 10 12:35:16 2003]
The very question to be determined is, whether this community of belief, if it existed at that time, did not owe its origin to an importation from Germany.
Pravo pitanje koje se treba utvrditi je, nije li ovo zajedništvo vjerovanja, ako je postojalo u to vrijeme, dugovalo svoje porijeklo uvoženju iz Njemačke.
[Wed Sep 10 12:35:16 2003]
It is certain that in none of the later English manuscripts is there any allusion to the Four Crowned Martyrs, who were the recognized patrons of German Operative Masonry.
Sigurno je da se ni u jednom od kasnijih engleskih rukopisa nigdje ne spominju Četiri okrunjena mučenika, koji su bili priznati zaštitnici njemačkog operativnog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Wed Sep 10 12:41:12 2003]
The variations of the Halliwell poem from the later manuscripts are as follows:
Odstupanja Halliwellove pjesme od kasnijih rukopisa su sljedeća:
[Wed Sep 10 12:42:32 2003]
It omits all reference to Lamech and his sons, but passing rapidly over the events at the Tower of Babel, the building of which it ascribes to Nebuchadnezzar, it begins (if we except a few lines interpolated in the middle of the poem) with the Legend of Euclid and the establishment of Masonry by him in Egypt.
Nigdje se ne spominju Lamek i njegovi sinovi, nego brzo prolazeći kroz događaje oko Babilonske Kule, čija se izgradnja pripisuje Nabukodonozoru, započinje (ako izuzmemo nekoliko stihova interpoliranih usred pjesme) s Legendom o Euklidu i o njegovoj uspostavi slobodnog zidarstva u Egiptu.
[Wed Sep 10 12:42:32 2003]
There is no mention of King Solomon's Temple, whereas the history of the building of that edifice, as a Masonic labor, constitutes an important part of all the later manuscripts.
Ne spominje se hram kralja Solomona, dok povijest izgradnje te građevine, kao slobodnozidarski rad, tvori važan dio svih kasnijih rukopisa.
[Wed Sep 10 12:55:03 2003]
These were the tutelar saints of the German Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, but there is no evidence that they were ever adopted as such by the English brotherhood.
Oni su sveci zaštitnici njemačkih operativnih slobodnih zidara u srednjem vijeku, ali nema dokaza da ih je englesko bratstva ikad kao takve usvojilo.
[Wed Sep 10 13:01:13 2003]
There is no allusion in the Halliwell poem to Charles Martel, and to the account of the introduction of Masonry into England from France, during his reign, which forms a prominent part of all the later manuscripts.
U Halliwellovoj pjesmi se ne spominje Karlo Martel, niti se opisuje uvođenje slobodnog zidarstva u Englesku iz Francuske, za vrijeme njegove vladavine, što činiti istaknut dio svih kasnijih rukopisa.
[Wed Sep 10 13:01:14 2003]
Neither is there any notice of the Masonry in England during the time of St. Alban, but the poem attributes its entrance into that country to King Athelstan.
Ne spominje se ni slobodnog zidarstvo u Engleskoj u doba Sv. Albina, ali pjesma navodi njegov dolazak u tu zemlju kralju Atelstanu.
[Wed Sep 10 14:57:17 2003]
Lastly, while the later manuscripts record the calling of the Assembly at the city of York by Prince Edwin, the Halliwell makes no mention of York as the place where the Assembly was called, nor of Edwin as presiding over it.
Naposljetku, dok kasniji rukopisi bilježe da je princ Edward sazvao Skupštinu u gradu Yorku, Halliwell ne spominje York kao mjesto gdje je Skupština bila sazvana, niti da je Edwin njome predsjedao.
[Wed Sep 10 14:57:17 2003]
This fact demolishes the theory of Dr. Oliver, that the Halliwell poem is a copy of the so-called Old York Constitutions.
Olivera, da je Halliwellova pjesma prijepis takozvanih Starih Konstitucija iz Yorka.
[Wed Sep 10 15:14:34 2003]
From all these considerations, I think that we are justified in assigning to the Halliwell poem and to the other later manuscripts two different sources.
Iz svih ovih razloga, mislim da je opravdano Halliwellovoj pjesmi i ostalim kasnijim rukopisima pripisati dva različita izvora.
[Wed Sep 10 15:16:56 2003]
The former is of Germanic, and the latter of French origin.
Prvospomenuti rukopis je germanskog, a potonji su francuskog porijekla.
[Wed Sep 10 15:18:19 2003]
They agree, however, in a general esemblance, diversified only in the details.
Među njima ipak postoji općenita sličnost, a razlikuju se jedino u detaljima.
[Wed Sep 10 15:18:19 2003]
This suggests the idea of a common belief, upon which, as a foundation, two different structures have been erected.
Ovo sugerira ideju zajedničkog vjerovanja, na kojem su, kao na temelju, izgrađene dvije različite strukture.
[Wed Sep 10 15:25:58 2003]
The Legend of the Craft, as it has been given in the fourth chapter of this work from the exemplar in the Dowland manuscript, appears to have been accepted for centuries by the body of the Fraternity as a truthful history.
Čini se da je glavnina Bratstva stoljećima prihvaćala Legendu o Zanatu, onakvu kakva je prikazana u četvrtom poglavlju ovog rada iz uzorka u Dowlandovom rukopisu, kao istinitu povijest.
[Wed Sep 10 15:34:50 2003]
Even at the present day, this Legend is exerting an influence in the formation of various parts of the ritual.
Čak i danas, ova Legenda ima utjecaja na oblikovanje raznih dijelova rituala.
[Wed Sep 10 15:34:50 2003]
This influence has even been extended to the adoption of historical views of the rise and progress of the Institution, which have, in reality, no other foundation than the statements which are contained in the Legend.
Taj se utjecaj čak proširio na usvajanje povijesnih gledišta o nastanku i razvoju Institucije, koja u stvarnosti nemaju nikakve druge temelje osim tvrdnji koje su sadržane u Legendi.
[Wed Sep 10 15:39:07 2003]
For these reasons, the Legend of the Craft is of great importance and value to the student of Masonic history, notwithstanding the absurdities, anachronisms, and unsupported theories in which it abounds.
Iz ovih razloga, Legenda o Zanatu je od velike važnosti i koristi za proučavatelja slobodno zidarske povijesti, usprkos apsurdnostima, anakronizmima i nepodržanim teorijama kojima obiluje.
[Wed Sep 10 16:25:52 2003]
Accepting it simply as a document which for so long a period claimed and received the implicit faith of the Fraternity whose history it professed to give - a faith not yet altogether dead - it is worthy of our consideration whether we can not, by a careful examination of its general spirit and tenor, irrespective of the bare narrative which it contains, discover some key to the true origin and character of that old and extensive brotherhood of which it is the earliest record.
Prihvaćajući ju jednostavno kao dokument koji je dugo vremena zahtijevao i uživao bezuvjetno vjerovanje Bratstva čiju povijest navodno opisuje - vjerovanje koje još nije sasvim mrtvo - valja razmotriti možemo li, pažljivim proučavanjem njenog općeg duha i smisla, bez obzira na samu pripovijest koju sadržava, otkriti neki ključ točnog porijekla i naravi tog starog i velikog bratstva, čiji je ona najstariji zapis.
[Wed Sep 10 16:25:52 2003]
I think that we shall find in it the germ of many truths, and the interpretation of several historic facts concerning which it makes important suggestions.
Mislim da ćemo u njoj otkriti začetak mnogih istina, i tumačenje nekih povijesnih činjenica u vezi kojih pruža važne sugestije.
[Wed Sep 10 16:34:53 2003]
In the first place, it must be remarked that we have no way of determining the precise period when this Legend was first composed, nor when it was first accepted by the Craft as a history of the Institution.
Prije svega, mora se napomenuti da ne postoji način utvrđivanja točnog razdoblja kad je ova Legenda prvi put sastavljena, niti kad ju je Zanat prvi put prihvatio kao povijest Institucije.
[Wed Sep 10 16:38:06 2003]
The earliest written record that has been discovered among English Masons bears a date which is certainly not later than about the end of the 14th century.
Najstariji zapis koji je otkriven među engleskim slobodnim zidarima datira najkasnije s kraja 14. stoljeća.
[Wed Sep 10 16:38:06 2003]
But this by no means proves that no earlier exemplar ever existed, of which the Constitutions, which have so far been brought to light, may only be copies.
Ali to nikako ne dokazuje da nije postojao neki stariji uzorak, a Konstitucije, koje su dosad iznesene na svjetlo dana, bi mogle biti tek njegovi prijepisi.
[Wed Sep 10 16:43:48 2003]
On the contrary , we have abundant reason to believe that all the Old Records which have been published are, with the exception of the Halliwell manuscript, in fact derived from some original text which however, has hitherto escaped the indefatigable researches of the investigators.
Naprotiv, imamo mnogo razloga vjerovati da su svi Stari Zapisi koji su objavljeni, s izuzetkom Halliwellovog rukopisa, zapravo dobiveni iz nekog originalnog teksta koji je, ipak, do sada uspijevao umaći neumornim istraživanjima proučavatelja.
[Wed Sep 10 16:47:51 2003]
If, for instance, we take the Sloane manuscript, No.
Ako, na primjer, uzmemo Sloaneov rukopis, br.
[Wed Sep 10 16:48:14 2003]
3,848, the assumed date of which is A.D.
3,848, za koji se pretpostavlja da datira iz
[Wed Sep 10 16:50:16 2003]
1646, and the Harleian manuscript, No.
D. i Harleyev rukopis, br.
[Wed Sep 10 16:56:30 2003]
2,054, the date of which is supposed to be A.D.
2,054 koji navodno datira iz
[Wed Sep 10 16:56:30 2003]
1650, and if we carefully collate the one with the other, we must come to the conclusion either that the latter was copied from the former, or that both were copied from some earlier record, for whose exhumation from the shelves of the British Museum, or from the archives of some old Lodge, we may still confidently hope.
i ako pažljivo usporedimo jedan s drugim, moramo doći do zaključka ili da je potonji prepisan iz prvospomenutog, ili da su oba prepisana iz nekog starijeg zapisa, čijem se iskapanju s polica Britanskog Muzeja, ili iz arhiva neke stare Lože, još možemo sa sigurnošću nadati.
[Thu Sep 11 09:22:54 2003]
The resemblances in language and ideas, and the similarity of arrangement that are found in both documents, very clearly indicate a common origin, while the occasional verbal discrepancies can be safely attributed to the carelessness of an inexpert copyist.
Sličnosti u jeziku i idejama, i sličnost u rasporedu koju nalazimo u oba dokumenta, vrlo jasno ukazuju na zajedničko podrijetlo, dok se povremene verbalne nepodudarnosti mogu sa sigurnošću pripisati nepažnji neiskusnog prepisivača.
[Thu Sep 11 09:23:05 2003]
Brother Hughan, who is high authority, styles the Harleian, from its close resemblance," an indifferent copy " of the Sloane.
Brat Hughan, koji je veliki autoritet, naziva Harleyev rukopis, zbog njegove velike sličnosti, "nemarnom kopijom" Sloanevog.
[Thu Sep 11 09:31:09 2003]
Woodford, who assigns the earlier date of 1625 to the original Harleian, says it " is nearly a verbatim copy of Dowland's form, slightly later, and must have been transcribed either from an early, and almost contemporary, copy of Dowland's, or it is really a copy of Dowland's itself."
Woodford, koji originalnom Harleyevom rukopisu pripisuje postanak prije 1625, kaže da je "gotovo doslovna kopija Dowlandovog obrasca, nastao nešto kasnije, i mora da je bio prepisan ili iz starijeg, i gotovo istodobnog, prijepisa Dowlanda, ili je zapravo prijepis samog Dowlanda".
[Thu Sep 11 09:31:09 2003]
These opinions by experts strengthen the view I have advanced, that there was a common origin for all of these manuscripts.
Ova stručna mišljenja osnažuju stav koji sam iznijeo, da svi ti rukopisi imaju zajedničko porijeklo.
[Thu Sep 11 09:39:58 2003]
If we continue the collation of the manuscripts of later date, as far, even, as the Papworth, which is supposed to have been transcribed about the year 1714, the same family likeness will be found in all.
Ako nastavimo uspoređivati rukopise kasnijeg datuma, sve do Papwortha, koji je navodno prepisan oko godine 1714, u svima ćemo pronaći istu obiteljsku sličnost.
[Thu Sep 11 09:42:54 2003]
It is true, that in the transcription of the later manuscripts - those, for example, that were copied toward the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries -the language has been improved, some few archaisms have been avoided, and more recent words substituted for them.
Istina je da u je prijepisu kasnijih rukopisa - na primjer, onih koji su bili prepisivani krajem 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća - jezika bio poboljšan, neki arhaizmi su izbjegnuti i zamijenjeni novijim riječima.
[Thu Sep 11 09:42:54 2003]
Scriptural names have been sometimes spelt with a greater respect for correct orthography, and a feeble attempt has been made to give a modern complexion to the document.
Biblijska imena su se ponekad pisala uz veće poštivanje točnog pravopisa, a bilo je i slabih pokušaja da se dokumentu podari moderan izgled.
[Thu Sep 11 09:50:10 2003]
But in all of them there is the same misspelling of words, the same violations of the rules of grammar, the same arrangement of the narrative, and a preservation and repetition of all the statements, apocryphal and authentic, which are to be found in the earliest exemplars.
Ali u svima od njih postoje iste greške u pravopisu, ista kršenja gramatičkih pravila, isti raspored naracije, i očuvanje i ponavljanje svih navoda, apokrifnih i autentičnih, koji su nađeni u najstarijim uzorcima.
[Thu Sep 11 09:57:12 2003]
I have said that the Legend of the Craft, as set forth in the later manuscripts, was for centuries accepted by the Operative Masons of England, with all its absurdities of anachronism, as a veritable history of the rise and progress of Masonry from the earliest times, and that the influence of this belief is still felt among the Speculative Masons of the present day, and that it has imbued the modern rituals with its views.
Već sam rekao da su Legendu o Zanatu, onakvu kakva je izložena u kasnijim rukopisima, operativni slobodni zidari Engleske stoljećima prihvaćali kao istinsku povijest nastanka i razvoja slobodnog zidarstva od najranijih vremena, uza sve njene apsurdnosti i anakronizme, te da se utjecaj ovog vjerovanja još uvijek osjeća među današnjim spekulativnim slobodnim zidarima, kao i da su moderni rituali prožeti njegovim gledištima.
[Thu Sep 11 09:59:46 2003]
This fact gives to this Legend an importance and a value irrespective of its character as a mere Legend.
Ova činjenica daje Legendi značaj i vrijednost bez obzira na njenu narav puke Legende.
[Thu Sep 11 10:04:45 2003]
value will be greatly enhanced if we are able to show that, notwithstanding the myths with which it abounds, the Legend of the Craft really contains the germ of historical truth.
I njena vrijednost će biti uvelike povećana ako uspijemo pokazati da, usprkos mitovima kojima obiluje, Legenda o Zanatu zaista sadržava klicu povijesne istine.
[Thu Sep 11 10:05:16 2003]
It is, indeed, an historical myth - one of that species of myths so common in the mythology of antiquity, which has a foundation in historical truth, with the admixture of a certain amount of fiction in the introduction of personages and circumstances;
Ona je, uistinu, povijesni mit - jedan od one vrste mitova toliko uobičajenih u drevnoj mitologiji, koji se temelji na povijesnoj istini, s primjesom određene količine fikcije i uz uvođenje likova i okolnosti;
[Thu Sep 11 10:07:46 2003]
that are either not historical, or are not historically treated.
koji nisu niti povijesni, niti povijesno obrađeni.
[Thu Sep 11 10:07:46 2003]
Indeed, it may be considered as almost rising into the higher class of historical myths, in which the historical and truthful greatly predominate over the fictitious.
Doista, može se smatrati gotovo kao da se uzdiže u višu klasu povijesnih mitova, gdje povijesno i istinito uvelike prevladavaju nad fiktivnim.
[Thu Sep 11 10:16:58 2003]
In the contemplation of the Legend of the Mediaeval Masons from this point of view, it would be well if we should govern ourselves by the profound thought of Max Miiller, who says, in writing on a cognate subject, that "everything is true, natural, significant, if we enter with a reverent spirit into the meaning of ancient art and ancient language.
Razmatrajući Legendu o srednjovijekovnim slobodnim zidarima s ovog stajališta, bilo bi dobro kad bismo se ravnali prema dubokoumnoj misli Maxa Mullera, koji kaže, pišući o srodnoj temi, da je "sve istinito, prirodno, značajno, ako mi s duhom punim poštovanja ulazimo u smisao drevne umjetnosti i drevnog jezika.
[Thu Sep 11 10:16:58 2003]
Everything becomes false, miraculous, and unmeaning, if we interpret the deep and mighty words of the seers of old in the shallow and feeble sense of modern chroniclers".
Sva postaje lažno, čudnovato i beznačajno, ako duboke i snažne riječi starih proroka interpretiramo na površan i traljav način modernih kroničara ".
[Thu Sep 11 10:30:51 2003]
Examined in the light of this sentiment, which teaches us to look upon the language of the myth, or Legend, as containing a deeper meaning than that which is expressed upon its face, we shall find in the Legend of the Craft many points of historical reference, and, where not historical, then symbolical, which will divest it of much of what has been called its absurdities.
Promatrajući ju u svjetlu ovog nazora, koji nas uči promatrati jezik mita, ili Legende, kao nešto što ima dublji smisao od onog izraženog na prvi pogled, u Legendi o Zanatu ćemo na mnogim mjestima otkriti povijesne aluzije, i, ako ne povijesne, onda simbolične, koje će ju osloboditi mnogih apsurdnosti.
[Thu Sep 11 10:38:01 2003]
It is to an examination of the Legend in this philosophic spirit that I now invite the reader.
Pozivam čitatelje na proučavanje Legende u ovom filozofskom duhu.
[Thu Sep 11 10:38:09 2003]
Let it be understood that I direct my attention to the Legend contained in the later manuscripts, such as the Dowland, Harleian, Sloane, etc, of which a copy has been given in preceding pages of this work, and that reference is made only as occasion may require to the Halliwell MS.
Neka bude jasno da svoju pažnju usmjeravam na Legendu sadržanu u kasnijim rukopisima, kao što su Dowlandov, Harleyev, Sloaneov, itd., prijepis koje je pružan na prethodnim stranicama ovog rada, i da do osvrta na Halliwellov rukopis dolazi tek povremeno.
[Thu Sep 11 10:42:24 2003]
This is done because the Legend of the later manuscripts is undoubtedly the one which was adopted by the English Masons, while that of the Halliwell manuscript appears to have been of exotic growth, which never took any extensive root in the soil of English Masonry.
To je zbog toga što je upravo Legenda iz kasnijih rukopisa bez sumnje bila ta koju su usvojili engleski slobodni zidari, dok je ona iz Halliwellovog rukopisa izgleda bila egzotična biljka, koja nikad nije čvrsto pustila korijenje u tlo engleskog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Thu Sep 11 10:46:14 2003]
In the subsequent chapters devoted to this subject, which may be viewed as Commentaries on the Legend of the Craft, I shall investigate the signification of the various subordinate Legends into which it is divided.
U sljedećim poglavljima posvećenim ovoj temi, koja se mogu smatrati komentarima uz Legendu o Zanatu, istražit ću značenje raznih sporednih legendi na koje je ona podijeljena.
[Thu Sep 11 10:53:42 2003]
The manuscript begins with an invocation to the Trinity.
Rukopis započinje zazivanjem Trojstva.
[Thu Sep 11 10:55:03 2003]
This invocation is almost identical with that which prefaces the Harleian, the Sloane, the Landsdowne, and, indeed, all the other manuscripts, except the Halliwell and the Cooke.
Ovo zazivanje je gotovo istovjetno onome kojim započinju Harleyev, Sloaneov, Landsdowneov, i, štoviše, svi ostali rukopisi, osim Halliwellovog i Cookeovog.
[Thu Sep 11 10:55:03 2003]
From this fact we may justly infer that there was a common exemplar, an "editio princeps", whence each of these manuscripts was copied.
Iz ove činjenice možemo opravdano zaključiti da je postojao zajednički uzorak, "editio princeps", iz kojeg je prepisan svaki od ovih rukopisa.
[Thu Sep 11 11:02:35 2003]
The very slight verbal variations, such as "Father of Kings" in the Dowland, which is "Father of Heaven" in the others, will not affect this conclusion, for they may be fairly attributed to the carelessness of copyists.
Neznatne verbalne varijacije, kao na primjer "Otac kraljeva" u Dowlandu, što je "Otac nebesa" u ostalima, neće utjecati na ovaj zaključak, jer ih se objektivno može pripisati nepažnji prepisivača.
[Thu Sep 11 11:05:13 2003]
The reference to the Trinity in all these invocations is also a conclusive proof of the Christian character of the building corporations of the Middle Ages - a proof that is corroborated by historical evidences.
Spominjanje Trojstva u svim ovim zazivanjima je također definitivan dokaz kršćanskog značaja graditeljskih društava u srednjem vijeku - dokaz koji je povijesno potkrijepljen.
[Thu Sep 11 11:06:35 2003]
As I have already shown, in the German Constitutions of the Stonemasons, the invocation is "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in the name of the blessed Virgin Mary, and also in honor of the Four Crowned Martyrs " - an invocation that shows the Roman Catholic spirit of the German Regulations;
Kao što sam već pokazao, u njemačkim Konstitucijama kamenorezaca, zazivanje je "U ime Oca, Sina i Svetoga Duha, u ime blažene Djevice Marije, i u čast Četiri okrunjena mučenika" - zazivanje koje ukazuje na rimokatolički duh njemačkih propisa;
[Thu Sep 11 11:06:35 2003]
while the omission of all reference to the Virgin and the Martyrs gives a Protestant character to the English manuscripts.
dok izostavljanje spominjanja Djevice i Mučenika engleskim rukopisima daje protestantski značaj.
[Thu Sep 11 11:13:00 2003]
Next follows a descant on the seven liberal arts and sciences, the nature and intention of each of which is briefly described.
Zatim slijedi varijacija na temu sedam humanističkih umjetnosti i znanosti, i ukratko je opisana priroda i svrha svake od njih.
[Thu Sep 11 11:18:05 2003]
In all of the manuscripts, even in the earliest - the Halliwell - will we find the same reference to them, and, almost literally, the same description.
U svim rukopisima, čak i u najstarijem, Halliwellovom, naći ćemo isto njihovo navođenje i gotovo doslovno isti opis.
[Thu Sep 11 11:19:03 2003]
It is not surprising that these sciences should occupy so prominent a place in the Old Constitutions, as making the very foundation of Masonry, when we reflect that an equal prominence was given to them in the Middle Ages as comprehending the whole body of human knowledge.
Ne iznenađuje da ove znanosti zauzimaju tako istaknuto mjesto u Starim Konstitucijama, gdje čine sam temelj slobodnog zidarstva, kad razmislimo da su jednaku važnost imale u srednjem vijeku, kad su obuhvaćale čitav korpus ljudskog znanja.
[Thu Sep 11 11:19:03 2003]
Thus Mosheim tells us that in the 11th century they were taught in the greatest part of the schools
Tako nam Mosheim kaže da su se u 11. stoljeću podučavale u najvećem dijelu škola
[Thu Sep 11 11:28:06 2003]
and Holinshed, who wrote in the 16th century, says that they composed a part of the curriculum that was taught in the universities.
stoljeću, kaže da su činile dio programa koji se predavao na sveučilištima.
[Thu Sep 11 11:29:16 2003]
Speculative Masonry continues to this day to pay an homage to these seven sciences, and has adopted them among its important symbols in the second degree.
Spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo i dandanas odaje počast ovim znanostima, i usvojilo ih je kao važne simbole u drugom stupnju.
[Thu Sep 11 11:29:16 2003]
The connection sought to be established in the old manuscripts between them and Masonry, would seem to indicate the existence of a laudable ambition among the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages to elevate the character of their Craft above the ordinary standard of workmen - an elevation that, history informs us, was actually effected, the Freemasons of the Guild holding themselves and being held by others as of higher rank and greater acquirements than were the rough Masons who did not belong to the corporation of builders.
Veza je tražila biti utemeljen u stare rukopise među njima i Masonry, bi se činio ukazivati postojanje pohvalne ambicije među operativne Slobodne Zidare srednjih Vjekova uzdići narav njihovog Zanata nad običnim standardom radnika elevacija taj, povijest kaže nas, je bila ustvari je obavila, slobodni Zidari Ceha držeći se i budući držan od strane ostalih od višeg ranga i sjajnije spreme od su bile grubi Slobodni Zidari tko nisu pripadali korporaciji graditelja.
[Thu Sep 11 11:48:03 2003]
The manuscript continues by a declaration that Geometry and Masonry are identical.
Rukopis se nastavlja izjavom da su geometrija i slobodno zidarstvo jednaki.
[Thu Sep 11 11:50:53 2003]
Thus, in enumerating and defining the seven liberal arts and sciences, Geometry is placed as the fifth, "the which science," says the Legend, " is called Masonrye."
Tako je u nabrajanju i definiranju sedam humanističkih umjetnosti i znanosti, geometrija postavljena kao peta, "čija znanost", kaže Legenda, "se naziva slobodno zidarstvo".
[Thu Sep 11 11:51:36 2003]
Now, this doctrine that Geometry and Masonry are identical sciences, has been held from the time of the earliest records to the present day by all the Operative Masons who preceded.
Tu doktrinu da su geometrija i slobodno zidarstvo jednake znanosti, su od doba najstarijih zapisa do danas zadržali svi operativni slobodni zidari prije 18. stoljeća, kao i spekulativni slobodni zidari nakon tog razdoblja.
[Thu Sep 11 11:55:20 2003]
In the ritual of the Fellow Craft's degree used ever since, at least from the middle of the last century , the candidate is informed that "Masonry and Geometry are synonymous terms."
U ritualu stupnja Pomoćnika koji se odonda koristi, barem od sredine prošlog stoljeća, kandidata se obavještava da su "slobodno zidarstvo i geometrija sinonimi".
[Thu Sep 11 11:55:20 2003]
The Lodgeroom, wherever Speculative Masonry has extended, shows, by the presence of the hieroglyphic letter in the East, that the doctrine is still maintained.
Lodgeroom, gdje god se spekulativno slobodno zidarstvo pružalo, pokazuje, prisutnošću hijeroglifskog pisma na Istoku, da je ta doktrina još sačuvana.
[Thu Sep 11 12:02:22 2003]
Gadicke, the author of a German Lexicon of Freemasonry, says, that as Geometry is among the mathematical sciences the one which has the most especial reference to architecture, we can, therefore, under the name of Geometry, understand the whole art of Freemasonry.
Gadicke, autor njemačkog Leksikona slobodnog zidarstva, kaže da budući da je od svih matematičkih znanosti geometrija ta koja se najosobitije odnosi na arhitekturu, možemo, stoga, pod nazivom geometrija, shvatiti čitavo umijeće slobodnog zidarstva.
[Thu Sep 11 12:02:22 2003]
Hutchinson, speaking of the letter G, says that it denotes Geometry, and declares that as a symbol it has always been used by artificers - that is, architects - and by Masons.
Hutchinson, govoreći o slovu G, kaže da ono označava geometriju, i tvrditi da su ga kao simbol uvijek koristili majstori - tj. arhitekti - i slobodni zidari.
[Thu Sep 11 12:24:40 2003]
The modern ritual maintains this legendary idea of the close connection that exists between Geometry and Masonry, and tells us that the former is the basis on which the latter, as a superstructure, is erected.
Suvremeni ritual je sačuvao ovu legendarnu ideju o bliskoj povezanosti geometrije i slobodnog zidarstva, i kaže nam da je geometrija osnova na kojoj je, kao nadgradnja, podignuto slobodno zidarstvo.
[Thu Sep 11 12:28:19 2003]
Hence we find that Masonry has adopted mathematical figures, such as angles, squares, triangles, circles, and especially the 47th proposition of Euclid, as prominent symbols.
Zato je, otkrivamo, slobodno zidarstvo usvojilo matematičke figure, kao na primjer kuteve, kvadrate, trokute, krugove, i posebno 47. Euklidov poučak, kao istaknute simbole.
[Thu Sep 11 12:28:19 2003]
And this idea of the infusion of Geometry into Masonry as a prevailing element - the idea that is suggested in the Legend -was so thoroughly recognized, that in the 18th century a Speculative Mason was designated as a "Geometrical Mason."
I ta ideja prožimanja geometrije i slobodnog zidarstva kao prevladavajući element - ideja koja je sugerirana u Legendi - je bila tako savjesno priznata, da je u 18. stoljeću spekulativni slobodni zidar bio označen kao "geometrijski slobodni zidar".
[Thu Sep 11 12:32:05 2003]
We have found this idea of Geometry as the fundamental science of Masonry, set forth in the Legend of the Craft.
Tu ideju o geometriji kao temeljnoj znanosti slobodnog zidarstva, smo našli izloženu o Legendi o Zanatu.
[Thu Sep 11 12:33:12 2003]
It will be well to see how it was developed in the Middle Ages, in the authentic history of the Craft.
Bit će uputno vidjeti kako se razvijala u srednjem vijeku, u autentičnoj povijesti Zanata.
[Thu Sep 11 12:33:12 2003]
Thus we shall have discovered another link in the chain which unites the myths of the Legend with the true history of the Institution.
Tako ćemo otkriti još jednu kariku u lancu koja spaja mitove Legende s pravom poviješću Institucije.
[Thu Sep 11 12:44:53 2003]
The Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, who are said to have derived the knowledge of their art as well as their organization as a Guild of Builders from the Architects of Lombardy, who were the first to assume the title of "Freemasons", were in the possession of secrets which enabled them everywhere to construct the edifices on which they were engaged according to the same principles, and to keep up, even in the most distant countries, a correspondence, so that every member was made acquainted with the most minute improvement in the art which had been discovered by any other.
Operativni slobodni zidari u srednjem vijeku, koji su navodno preuzeli znanje svog umijeća kao i svoj ustroj kao Ceh Graditelja od Arhitekata Lombardije, koji su prvi uzeli naziv "slobodni zidari", poznavali su tajne koje su im omogućavale da svugdje sagrade građevine na kojima su radili po istim načelima, i da se dopisuju, čak u najudaljenijim zemljama, tako da je svaki član bio upoznat i s najmanjim poboljšanjem u umijeću koji je otkrio netko drugi.
[Thu Sep 11 12:44:53 2003]
One of these secrets was the knowledge of the science of symbolism, and the other was the application of the principles of Geometry to the art of building.
Jedna od ovih tajni je bilo poznavanje znanosti simbolizma, a druga je bila primjena načela geometrije na umjetnosti gradnje.
[Thu Sep 11 12:56:43 2003]
and he adds that "probably the equilateral triangle was the basis of most formations."
i on dodaje da "je istostraničan trokut vjerojatno bio osnova većine tvorevina."
[Thu Sep 11 12:56:43 2003]
The geometrical symbols found in the ritual of modern Freemasonry may be considered as the debris of the geometrical secrets of the Mediaeval Masons, which are now admitted to be lost.
Geometrijski simboli koje nalazimo u ritualima suvremenog slobodnog zidarstva bi se mogli smatrati ostacima geometrijskih tajni srednjovjekovnih slobodnih zidara, za koje se danas priznaje da su izgubljene.
[Thu Sep 11 14:29:46 2003]
As these founded their operative art on the knowledge of Geometry, and as the secrets of which they boasted as distinguishing them from the "rough Masons " of the same period consisted in an application of the principles of that science to the construction of edifices, it is not surprising that in their traditional history they should have so identified architecture with Geometry, and that with their own art of building, as to speak of Geometry and Masonry as synonymous terms.
Kako su oni temeljili svoje operativno umijeće na poznavanju geometrije, i kako su se tajne kojima su se ponosili jer su ih odvajale od "običnih slobodnih zidara" iz tog razdoblja sastojale od primjene načela te znanosti u izgradnji građevina, ne iznenađuje da su u svojoj tradicionalnoj povijesti toliko izjednačili arhitekturu s geometrijom, a nju s vlastitim umijećem gradnje, da su o geometriji i slobodnom zidarstvu govorili kao o sinonimima.
[Thu Sep 11 14:30:14 2003]
"The fifth science," says the Dowland manuscript, is " called Geometry, .
"Peta znanost", kaže Dowlandov rukopis "se zove geometrija,.
[Thu Sep 11 14:35:07 2003]
Remembering the tendency of all men to aggrandize their own pursuits, it is not surprising that the Mediaeval Masons should have believed and said that "there is no handycraft that is wrought by man's hand but it is wrought by Geometry."
Imajući na umu općeljudsku sklonost veličanja vlastitog zanimanja, nije iznenađenje da su srednjovjekovni slobodni zidari vjerovali i govorili da "nijedan proizvod ne radi ljudska ruka, nego ga radi geometrija".
[Thu Sep 11 14:39:16 2003]
In all this descant in the old manuscripts on the identity of Geometry and Masonry, the Legend of the Craft expresses a sentiment the existence of which is supported by the authentic evidence of contemporaneous history.
U svim varijacijama na temu sličnosti geometrije i slobodnog zidarstva u starim rukopisima, Legenda o Zanatu izražava osjećaj čije je postojanje poduprto vjerodostojnim dokazima suvremene povijesti.
[Thu Sep 11 15:26:06 2003]
The traditional history of Masonry now begins, in the Legend of the Craft, with an account of the three sons of Lamech, to whom is attributed the discovery of all sciences.
Tradicionalna povijest Slobodnog Zidarstva započinje, u Legendi o Zanatu, pričom o tri Lamekova sina, kojima se pripisuje otkriće svih znanosti.
[Thu Sep 11 15:26:06 2003]
But the most interesting part of the Legend is that in which the story is told of two pillars erected by them, and on which they had inscribed the discoveries they had made, so that after the impending destruction of the world the knowledge which they had attained might be communicated to the post-diluvian race.
Ali najzanimljiviji dio Legende je onaj u kojem se pripovijeda o dva stupa koja su oni podigli, i u koje su urezali svoja otkrića, tako da bi se nakon predstojećeg uništenja svijeta, njihova stečena znanja mogla prenijeti na post-potopnu rasu.
[Thu Sep 11 15:28:51 2003]
This story is not mentioned in the Bible, but is first related by Josephus in the following words :
Ova priča se ne spominje u Bibliji, nego ju je prvi put ispričao Josip Flavije sljedećim riječima:
[Thu Sep 11 15:45:04 2003]
"They also [the posterity of Seth] were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order.
"Oni su također [Šetovi potomci] bili pronalazači te osobite vrste mudrosti koja se bavi nebeskim tijelima i njihovim poretkom.
[Thu Sep 11 15:47:51 2003]
And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone ;
I da se ti njihovi izumi ne bi izgubili prije nego što ih se dovoljno upozna, prema Adamovu proročanstvu da će svijet biti uništen jedanput silom vatre, a drugi put žestinom i velikom količinom vode, napravili su dva stupa, jedan od opeke, drugi od kamena;
[Thu Sep 11 15:51:37 2003]
they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain and exhibit those discoveries to mankind, and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them.
u oba su urezali svoje izume, da ukoliko bi stup od opeke bio uništen u poplavi, stup od kamena bi preostao i izložio te izume ljudskom rodu, ali i obavijestio ga da je postojao još jedan stup od cigle koji su oni podigli.
[Thu Sep 11 15:51:37 2003]
Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day".
Taj i dandanas postoji u zemlji egipatskoj".
[Thu Sep 11 15:57:38 2003]
Although this traditional narrative has received scarcely any estimation from scholars, and Josephus has been accused either of "incredible audacity or frivolous credulity,"still it has formed the foundation on which the Masonic Legend of the pillars has been erected
Iako znanstvenici gotovo uopće nisu cijenili ovu tradicionalnu pripovijest, a Josip je bio optuživan ili "za nevjerojatnu smionost ili ispraznu lakovjernost" ipak je ona stvorila temelj na kojem je podignuta slobodnozidarska Legenda o stupovima.