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[Thu Sep 11 16:10:36 2003]
although inclined to doubt the story, thinks it not impossible if we suppose hieroglyphics like those of the Egyptians to have been used for the inscriptions, instead of letters
iako nije sklon povjerovati u priču, misli da nije nemoguća ako pretpostavimo da su hijeroglifi, kakve su koristili Egipćani, bili upotrijebljeni kao inskripcije, umjesto slova
[Fri Sep 12 09:34:04 2003]
But in passing from the Jewish historian to the Legend-maker of the Craft, the form of the story has been materially altered.
Ali prelazeći od židovskog povjesničara do stvaraoca Legendi o zanatu, oblik priče se bitno izmijenio.
[Fri Sep 12 09:34:33 2003]
In Josephus the construction of the pillars is attributed to the posterity of Seth;
Kod Josipa se izgradnja stupova pripisuje Šetovim potomcima;
[Fri Sep 12 09:35:22 2003]
in the Legend, to the children of Lamech.
a u Legendi, Lamekovoj djeci.
[Fri Sep 12 09:37:00 2003]
Whence was this important alteration derived ?
Odakle je proizašla ova važna promjena?
[Fri Sep 12 09:37:52 2003]
The Dowland and all subsequent manuscripts cite the fourth chapter of Genesis as authority for the Legend.
Dowland i svi kasniji rukopisi navode četvrto poglavlje Knjige Postanka kao izvor Legende.
[Fri Sep 12 09:38:48 2003]
But in Genesis no mention is made of these pillars.
Ali u Knjizi Postanka se nigdje ne spominju ovi stupovi.
[Fri Sep 12 09:39:26 2003]
But in the Cooke manuscript, which is of an earlier date, we can trace the true source of the Legend
Ali u Cookeovom rukopisu, koji je ranijeg datuma, možemo odrediti pravi izvor Legende
[Fri Sep 12 09:39:26 2003]
in its Masonic form, which could not be done until that manuscript was published.
u svom slobodnozidarskom obliku, što nije bilo moguće prije nego što je rukopis bio objavljen.
[Fri Sep 12 09:45:33 2003]
To the Cooke manuscript has been accorded the date of 1490.
Cookeovom rukopisu je dodijeljen datum nastanka 1490. godine.
[Fri Sep 12 09:47:10 2003]
It differs materially in form and substance from the Halliwell manuscript, which preceded it by at least a century, and is the first of the Old Constitutions in which anything like the present form of the Legend appears.
U obliku i sadržaju se bitno razlikuje od Halliwellovog rukopisa, koji je od njega stariji barem jedno stoljeće, i prvi je od Starih Konstitucija u kojem se pojavljuje nešto što nalikuje na sadašnji oblik Legende.
[Fri Sep 12 09:47:10 2003]
The way in which the Legend of Lamech is treated by it, enables us to discover the true source whence this part of the Legend of the Craft was derived.
Način na koji obrađuje Legendu o Lameku nam omogućuje da otkrijemo pravi izvor odakle je ovaj dio Legende dobiven.
[Fri Sep 12 09:52:13 2003]
It must be remarked, in the first place, that the Halliwell poem, the earliest of the old manuscripts, the date of which is not later than the close of the 14th century , contains no allusion to this Legend of Lamech and his children.
Mora se, prije svega, primijetiti da Halliwellova pjesma, najstarijji od starih rukopisa, nastao najkasnije krajem 14. stoljeća, nigdje ne spominje Legendu o Lameku i njegovoj djeci.
[Fri Sep 12 09:53:17 2003]
The Cooke manuscript is the first one in which we find the details.
Cookeov rukopis je prvi u kojem nalazimo te detalje.
[Fri Sep 12 09:54:02 2003]
The Cooke manuscript is assigned, as has been before said, to the end of the 15th century , about the year 1490.
Cookeovom rukopisu se pripisuje, kao što je već rečeno, nastanak krajem 15. stoljeća, oko godine 1490.
[Fri Sep 12 09:54:02 2003]
In it the Legend of the pillars is given (from line 253 to 284) in the following words:
U njemu je Legenda o stupovima opisana (od stiha 253 do 284) sljedećim riječima:
[Fri Sep 12 10:18:52 2003]
Comparing this Legend with the passage that has been cited from Josephus, it is evident that the Legend-maker had not derived his story from the Jewish historian.
Uspoređujući ovu Legendu s odlomkom navedenim iz Josipa, jasno je da autor Legende nije izveo svoju priču iz priče židovskog povjesničara.
[Fri Sep 12 10:19:33 2003]
The latter attributes the building of the pillars to the children of Seth, while the former assigns it to the children of Lamech.
Potonja pripisuje gradnju stupova Šetovoj djeci, dok ju prva pripisuje Lamekovoj.
[Fri Sep 12 10:20:54 2003]
How are we to explain this change in the form of the Legend?
Kako ćemo objasniti ovu promjenu u obrascu Legende?
[Fri Sep 12 10:23:47 2003]
We can only solve the problem by reference to a work almost contemporary with the legendist.
Problem možemo riješiti jedino osvrćući se na djelo gotovo suvremeno s piscem legendi.
[Fri Sep 12 10:23:47 2003]
Ranulph Higden, a Benedictine monk of St. Werburg's Abbey, in Chester, who died in the latter half of the 14th century, wrote a Universal history, completed to his own times, under the title of Polychronicon.
Werburga u Chesteru, koji je umro u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća, napisao je Opću povijest, zaključno s njegovim vremenom, pod naslovom Polikronikon.
[Fri Sep 12 10:29:58 2003]
The Polychronicon was written in the Latin language, but was translated into English by Sir John Trevisa.
Polikronikon je napisan na latinskom, ali ga je na engleski preveo Sir John Trevisa.
[Fri Sep 12 10:31:31 2003]
This translation, with several verbal alterations, was published in London by William Caxton in 1482, about ten years before the date of the Cooke manuscript.
Taj je prijevod, uz nekoliko jezičnih promjena, u Londonu objavio Williama Caxton 1482. godine, desetak godine prije datuma Cookeovog rukopisa.
[Fri Sep 12 10:32:04 2003]
With this work, the compiler of the Legend in the Cooke manuscript appears to have been familiar.
Čini se da je sastavljač Legende iz Cookeovom rukopisu bio upoznat s ovim djelom.
[Fri Sep 12 10:32:04 2003]
He cites it repeatedly as authority for his statements.
Često ju navodi kao izvor za svoje tvrdnje.
[Fri Sep 12 10:47:33 2003]
It is to be regretted that in nearly all the recent printed copies of the old scripts, the editors have substituted the double ff for the capital F which is in the original.
Možemo žaliti što su u gotovo svim novijim tiskanim primjercima starih tekstova urednici zamijenili duplo ff s velikim F, koje je u originalu.
[Fri Sep 12 10:48:45 2003]
The scribes or amanuenses of the Middle Ages were fond of employing capital letters often when there was really no use for them, but they never indulged in the folly of unnecessarily doubling initial letters.
Pisari ili tajnici u srednjem vijeku su rado koristili velika slova, često i kad za to nije bilo razloga, ali nikad se nisu upuštali u glupost nepotrebnog udvostručavanja početnih slova.
[Fri Sep 12 10:49:30 2003]
What the modern editors of the manuscripts have mistaken for a double ff was really the ff or ff the capital F of the scribes.
Ono što su suvremeni urednici rukopisa shvatili kao duplo ff, je zapravo ff ili ff, veliko slovo F pisara.
[Fri Sep 12 10:51:41 2003]
This is not of much importance, but even in small things it is well to be accurate.
Ovo nije od velike važnosti, ali dobro je biti točan i u malim stvarima.
[Fri Sep 12 10:52:21 2003]
Brother Hughan, in his edition of the "Old Charges," is, as we might expect, generally correct in this particular.
Brat Hughan je, u svom izdanju "Starih Dužnosti", kao što bi se moglo očekivati, uglavnom točan u ovom detalju.
[Fri Sep 12 10:52:21 2003]
But sometimes, perhaps inadvertently, he has printed the double instead of the capital letter
Ali ponekad, možda nehotice, piše duplo umjesto velikog slova
[Fri Sep 12 11:37:15 2003]
The reader will at once perceive whence the composer of the Legend in the Cooke manuscript derived his information about the family of Lamech.
Čitatelj će odmah zamijetiti odakle je sastavljač Legende u Cookeovom rukopisu izvukao podatke o Lamekovoj obitelji.
[Fri Sep 12 11:37:15 2003]
And it will be equally plain that the subsequent writers of the Old Constitutions took the general tone of their Legend from this manuscript.
I bit će jednako očito da su kasniji pisci Starih Konstitucija iz ovog rukopisa preuzeli općeniti stil svoje Legende.
[Fri Sep 12 11:42:02 2003]
The Polychronicon, after attributing the discovery of music to Pythagoras, proceeds to descant upon the wickedness of mankind immediately after the time of Seth, and repeats the biblical story of the intermarriage of the sons of God and the daughters of men, which he explains as signifying the sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain.
Polikronikon, nakon što je Pitagori pripisao otkriće glazbe, nastavlja s temom iskvarenosti ljudskog roda odmah nakon Šetovog doba, i ponavlja biblijsku priču o braku između sinova Božjih i ljudskih kćeri, što objašnjava kao označavajući Šetove sinove i Kajinove kćeri.
[Fri Sep 12 11:42:02 2003]
Then follows the following passage :
Zatim slijedi ovaj odlomak:
[Fri Sep 12 11:56:15 2003]
Here we find the origin of the story of the two pillars as related in the Legend of the Craft.
Ovdje nalazimo porijeklo priče o dva stupa, kako je ispričana u Legendi o Zanatu.
[Fri Sep 12 11:56:15 2003]
But how can we account for the change of the constructors of these pillars from the children of Seth, as stated in Josephus, and from him in the Polychronicon, to the children of Lamech, as it is given in the Legend?
Ali kako možemo objasniti promjenu graditelja ovih stupova od Šetove djece, kako se navodi kod Josipa Flavija, i slijedom toga u Polikronikonu, do Lamekove djece, kako stoji u Legendi?
[Fri Sep 12 12:14:14 2003]
with which Trevisa begins his translation of that part of Higden's work, he undoubtedly referred to the "tyme" contemporary with the children of Seth, of whom he had immediately before been speaking.
kojim Trevisa započinje svoj prijevod tog dijela Higdenovog rada, nesumnjivo je označio "vrijeme" iz doba djece Šetove, jer je o njemu bio govorio neposredno prije toga.
[Fri Sep 12 12:14:14 2003]
But the writer of the Legend engaged in recounting the narrative of the invention of the sciences by the children of Lamech, and thus having his attention closely directed to the doings of that family, inadvertently, as I suppose, passed over or omitted to notice the passage concerning the descendants of Seth, which had been interposed by the author of the Polychronicon, and his eye, catching the account of the pillars a little farther on, he applied the expression, "that tyme," not to the descendants of Seth, but to the children of Lamech, and thus gave the Masonic version of the Legend.
Ali pisac Legende, zauzet pripovijedanjem priče o izumu znanosti od strane Lamekove djece, s pažnjom čvrsto usmjerenom na djela te obitelji, je, pretpostavljam nehotice, prešao preko ili nije primijetio odlomak o Šetovim potomcima, koji je umetnuo autor Polikronikona, i kako mu je pogled pao na opis stupova malo dalje, on je izraz, "u to doba" primijenio ne na Šetove nasljednike, nego na Lamekovu djecu, i tako je dao slobodnozidarsku verziju Legende.
[Fri Sep 12 12:23:11 2003]
I have called this ascription of the pillars to the children of Lamech a "Masonic version," because it is now contained only in the Legend of the Craft, those who do not reject the story altogether as a myth, preferring the account given by Josephus.
Ovo pripisivanje stupova Lamekovoj djeci sam nazvao "slobodnozidarskom verzijom", jer je danas sadržana jedino u Legendi o Zanatu, oni koji priču potpuno ne odbacuju kao mit, više vole opis koji daje Josip.
[Fri Sep 12 12:29:07 2003]
But, in fact, the error of misinterpreting Josephus occurred long before the Legend of the Craft was written, and was committed by one of the most learned men of his age.
Ali, u stvari, pogreška krivog tumačenja Josipa se dogodila mnogo prije nego je Legenda o Zanatu napisana, i počinio ju je jedan od najučenijih ljudi svog doba.
[Fri Sep 12 12:29:07 2003]
St. Isidore, Bishop of Seville, who died in the year 636, was the author of many works in the Latin language, on theology, philosophy, history , and philology Among other books written by him was a Chronicon, or Chronicle, in which the following passage occurs, where he is treating of Lamech:
godine, bio je autor mnogih djela na latinskom jeziku, iz područja teologije, filozofije, povijesti i filologije. Među ostalim njegovim knjigama nalazi se Chronicon, ili Kronika, u kojoj se pojavljuje sljedeći odlomak, gdje obrađuje Lameka:
[Fri Sep 12 12:41:18 2003]
In the year of the world 1642, Lamech being 190 years old, begat Noah, who, in the five hundredth year of his age, is commanded by the Divine oracle to build the Ark.
Godine 1642, kad je Lameku bilo 190 godina, rodio mu se sin Noa, kojem je, kad mu je bilo petsto godina, Božje proročanstvo zapovijedilo da sagradi Arku.
[Fri Sep 12 12:42:11 2003]
In these times, as Josephus relates, those men knowing that they would be destroyed either by fire or water, inscribed their knowledge upon two columns made of brick and of stone, so that the memory of those things which theyhad wisely discovered might not be lost.
U to doba, kako Josip pripovijeda, ljudi su znali da će ih uništiti ili vatra ili voda, pa su urezali svoja znanja na dva stupa napravljena od opeke i kamena, tako da se ne izgubi sjećanje na te stvari koje su oni mudro otkrili.
[Fri Sep 12 12:42:11 2003]
Of these columns the stone one is said to have escaped the Flood and to be still remaining in Syria
Kažu da je stup od kamena umakao Poplavi i da i dandanas postoji u Siriji
[Fri Sep 12 12:52:04 2003]
It is very evident that in some way the learned Bishop of Seville had misunderstood the passage of Josephus, and that to him the sons of Lamech are indebted for the honor of being considered the constructors of the pillars
Vrlo je očito da je na neki način učeni seviljski biskup pogrešno razumio Josipov odlomak, i da je on zaslužan što Lamekovi sinovi imaju čast da ih se smatra graditeljima stupova
[Fri Sep 12 14:13:03 2003]
It is doubtful whether the author of the Legend of the Craft was acquainted with the works of Isidore, or had read this passage.
Dvojbeno je je li autor Legende o Zanatu bio upoznat s djelima Izidora, i je li pročitao ovaj odlomak.
[Fri Sep 12 14:14:09 2003]
His Etymologies are repeatedly cited in the Cooke manuscript, but it is through Higden, whose Polychronicon contains many quotations from the Libri Etymologiarum of the Spanish Bishop and Saint.
Njegova Etimologija se često navodi u Cookeovom rukopisu, ali kroz Higdena, čiji Polikronikon sadržava mnoge navode iz Libri Etymologiarum španjolskog biskupa i sveca.
[Fri Sep 12 14:14:09 2003]
But I prefer to assume that the Legend-maker got his ideas from the Polychronicon in the method that I have described.
Ali radije ću pretpostaviti da je autor Legende crpio ideje iz Polikronikona, na način koji sam opisao.
[Fri Sep 12 14:21:33 2003]
In the last century a new Legend was introduced into Masonry, in which the building of these pillars was ascribed to Enoch.
U prošlom stoljeću je u slobodno zidarstvo uvedena nova Legenda, u kojoj se izgradnja stupova pripisuje Henoku.
[Fri Sep 12 14:21:33 2003]
But this Legend, which is supposed to have been the invention of the Chevalier Ramsay, is altogether modern, and has no connection with the Legend of the Craft.
Ali ova Legenda, koju je navodno izmislio Vitez Ramsay, je sasvim moderna, i nema nikakve veze s Legendom o Zanatu.
[Fri Sep 12 14:33:14 2003]
In borrowing the story of the antediluvian pillars from Josephus, through the Polychronicon , though they have made some confusion in narrating the incidents, the Old Operative Masons were simply incorporating into their Legend of the Craft a myth which had been universal among the nations of antiquity, for all of them had their memorial columns.
Posuđujući priču o pretpotopnim stupovima od Josipa, kroz Polikronikon, iako su uzrokovali neke pomutnje u kazivanju događaja, stari operativni slobodni zidari su u svoju Legendu o Zanatu jednostavno ugradili mit koji je bio univerzalan među drevnim narodima, jer svi oni su imali svoje memorijalne stupove.
[Fri Sep 12 14:33:14 2003]
Sesostris, the great Egyptian king and conqueror, sometimes called Sethos, or Seth, and who, Whiston thinks, has been confounded by Josephus with the Adamic Seth, erected pillars in all the countries which he conquered as monuments of his victories.
Sesostris, veliki egipatski kralj i osvajač, koji se ponekad naziva Setos, ili Šet, i kojeg je, misli Whiston, Josip Flavije pomiješao s Adamovim Šetom, je podizao stupove u svim zemljama koje je osvojio, kao spomenike svoje pobjede.
[Fri Sep 12 14:44:19 2003]
The Polychronicon , with which we see that the old Masons were familiar, had told them that Zoroastres, King of Bactria, had inscribed the seven liberal arts and sciences on fourteen pillars, seven of brass and seven of brick.
Polikronikon, s kojim su, kao što vidimo, stari slobodni zidari bili upoznati, im je rekao da je Zaratustra, kralj Baktrije, urezao sedam humanističkih umjetnosti i znanosti na četrnaest stupova, sedam od mjedi i sedam od opeke.
[Fri Sep 12 14:44:19 2003]
Hercules was said to have placed at the Straits of Gades two pillars, to show to posterity how far he had extended his conquests.
Kažu da je Heraklo na tjesnacu Gades (???) postavio dva stupa, da pokaže potomstvu dokle su došle njegove pobjede.
[Fri Sep 12 14:49:14 2003]
In conclusion, it should be observed that the story of the pillars as inserted in the Legend of the Craft has exerted no influence on the modem rituals of Freemasonry , and is never referred to in any of the ceremonies of Ancient Craft Masonry.
U zaključku, treba primijetiti da priča o stupovima, onakva kakva je umetnuta u Legendu o Zanatu, nije utjecala na suvremene rituale slobodnog zidarstva, i nikad se ne spominje u obredima drevnog zanatskog slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 12 14:50:12 2003]
The more recent Legend of the pillars of Enoch belongs exclusively to the higher and more modem degrees.
Novija Legenda o stupovima Henoka pripada isključivo višim i modernijim stupnjevima.
[Fri Sep 12 14:51:31 2003]
The only pillars that are alluded to in the primitive degrees are those of Solomon's temple.
Jedini stupovi koji se spominju u prvotnim stupnjevima su stupovi Solomonovog Hrama.
[Fri Sep 12 14:51:31 2003]
But these develop so important a portion of the symbolism of the Institution as to demand our future consideration in a subsequent part of this work.
Ali oni zauzimaju tako važan dio simbolizma Institucije, da zahtijevaju daljnje razmatranje u narednom dijelu ovog rada.
[Fri Sep 12 15:01:25 2003]
The next part of the Legend of the Craft which claims our attention is that which relates to Hermes, who is said to have discovered one of the pillars erected by the sons of Lamech, and to have communicated the sciences inscribed on it to mankind.
Sljedeći dio Legende o Zanatu koji zahtijeva našu pažnju je onaj koji se odnosi na Hermesa, za kojeg se kaže da je otkrio jedan od stupova koje su podigli Lamekovi sinovi, i koji je ljudskom rodu prenio znanosti urezane u njega.
[Fri Sep 12 15:01:25 2003]
This may, for distinction, be called "The Legend of Hermes."
Taj se dio može, radi razlikovanja, nazvati "Legendom o Hermesu".
[Fri Sep 12 15:06:46 2003]
The name has suffered cruel distortion from the hands of the copyists in the different manuscripts.
Ovo ime je pretrpjelo teška iskrivljavanja od strane prepisivača u raznim rukopisima.
[Fri Sep 12 15:07:01 2003]
In the Dowland manuscript it is Hermarynes ;
U Dowlandovom rukopisu je Hermarynes;
[Fri Sep 12 15:07:10 2003]
in the Landsdowne, Herminerus ;
u Landsdownovom Herminerus;
[Fri Sep 12 15:08:19 2003]
in the York, Hermarines ;
u Yorku Hermarines;
[Fri Sep 12 15:08:58 2003]
in the Sloane, 3,848, Hermines and Hermenes, who was afterwards called Hermes" ;
u Sloaneovom, 3,848, Hermines i Hermenes, "kojeg su kasnije zvali Hermes";
[Fri Sep 12 15:13:40 2003]
and worst and most intolerable of all, it is in the Harleian, Hermaxmes.
i najgore i najmanje dopustivo, u Harleyevom - Hermaxmes.
[Fri Sep 12 15:15:25 2003]
But they all evidently refer to the celebrated Hermes Trismegistus, or the thrice great Hermes.
Ali očito se sva ta imena odnose na slavnog Hermesa Trismegista, ili tri puta velikog Hermesa.
[Fri Sep 12 15:17:46 2003]
The Cooke manuscript, from which the story in the later anuscripts is derived, spells the name correctly, and adds, on the authority of the Polychronicon, that while Hermes found one of the pillars, Pythagoras discovered the other.
Cookeov rukopis, iz kojeg su izvedene priče u kasnijim rukopisima, pravilno piše ime, i dodaje, navodeći Polikronikon kao izvor, da je Hermes pronašao jedan od stupova, a Pitagora je pronašao drugi.
[Fri Sep 12 15:17:46 2003]
Pythagoras is not mentioned in any of the later manuscripts, and we first find him referred to as a founder in Masonry in the questionable manuscript of Leland, which fact will, perhaps, furnish another argument against the genuineness of that document.
Pitagora se ne spominje ni u jednom od kasnijih rukopisa, i prvi put se navodi kao utemeljitelj slobodnog zidarstva u dvojbenom Lelandovom rukopisu, što je činjenica koja, možda, pruža još jedan argument protiv izvornosti tog dokumenta.
[Fri Sep 12 15:22:32 2003]
As to Hermes, the Legend is not altogether without some historical support, although the story is in the Legend mythical, but of that character which pertains to the historical myth.
Što se tiče Hermesa, Legenda nije sasvim bez povijesne podrške, iako je priča u Legendi mitska, ali takve naravi koja pripada povijesnom mitu.
[Fri Sep 12 15:23:38 2003]
He was reputed to be the son of Taut or Thoth, whom the Egyptians deified, and placed his image beside those of Osiris and Isis.
Navodno je bio sin Tauta ili Tota, kojeg su Egipćani štovali kao božanstvo, i stavljali su njegove slike pored slika Ozirisa i Izide.
[Fri Sep 12 15:23:38 2003]
To him they attributed the invention of .letters, as well as of all the sciences, and they esteemed him as the founder of their religious rites.
Pripisivali su mu pronalazak pisma, kao i svih znanosti, i štovali su ga kao utemeljitelja njihovih religioznih obreda.
[Fri Sep 12 15:34:06 2003]
Hodges says, in a note on a passage of Sanchoniathon, that "Thoth was an Egyptian deity of the second order.
Hodges kaže, u bilješci uz odlomak o Sanchoniathonu, da je "Tot bio egipatsko božanstvo drugog stupnja.
[Fri Sep 12 15:36:28 2003]
The Graeco-Roman mythology identified him with Hermes or Mercury.
Grčko-rimska mitologija ga je izjednačavala s Hermesom ili Merkurom.
[Fri Sep 12 15:38:20 2003]
He was reputed to be the inventor of writing, the patron deity of learning, the scribe of the gods, in which capacity he is represented signing the sentences on the souls of the dead."
Vjerovalo se da je bio izumitelj pisma, bog zaštitnik učenja, pisar bogova, po čijem ovlaštenju je donosio presude dušama umrlih."
[Fri Sep 12 15:38:20 2003]
Some recent writers have supposed that Hermes was the symbol of Divine Intelligence and the primitive type of Plato's " Logos."
Neki kasniji pisci misle da je Hermes je bio simbol Božanske Inteligencije i primitivnog tipa Platonovog "Logosa".
[Fri Sep 12 15:52:05 2003]
Manetho, the Egyptian priest, as quoted by Syncellus, distinguishes three beings who were called Hermes by the Egyptians.
Manetho, egipatski svećenik, kako navodi Syncellus, razlikuje tri bića koja su Egipćani zvali Hermes.
[Fri Sep 12 15:54:00 2003]
The first, or Hermes Trismegistus, had, before the deluge, inscribed the history of all the sciences on pillars;
Prvi, ili Hermes Trismegist, je prije potopa urezao povijest svih znanosti u stupove;
[Fri Sep 12 15:54:43 2003]
the second, the son of Agathodemon, translated the precepts of the first;
drugi, sin Agatodemonov, je preveo pouke drugog;
[Fri Sep 12 15:55:39 2003]
and the third, who is supposed to be synonymous with Thoth, was the counsellor of Osiris and Isis.
i trećina, koji bi trebao biti izjednačen s Totom, je bio savjetnik Ozirisa i Izide.
[Fri Sep 12 15:55:43 2003]
But these three were in later ages confounded and fused into one, known as Hermes Trismegistus.
Ali kasnije su oni bili pobrkani i sjedinjeni u jedno biće, znano kao Hermes Trismegist.
[Fri Sep 12 15:59:23 2003]
He was thus considered as a type of the Supreme Being.
Tako je bio smatran vrstom Najvišeg Bića.
[Fri Sep 12 15:59:23 2003]
Through him man was elevated and put into communication with the gods.
Kroz njega čovjeka se čovjek uzdizao i komunicirao s bogovima.
[Fri Sep 12 16:07:22 2003]
The Egyptians attributed to him the composition of 36,525 books on all kinds of knowledge.
Egipćani su mu pripisivali sastavljanje 36,525 knjiga o svim vrstama znanja.
[Fri Sep 12 16:10:56 2003]
But this mythical fecundity of authorship has been explained as referring to the whole scientific and religious encyclopaedia collected by the Egyptian priests and preserved in their temples.
Ali ova mitska plodnost autorstva se objašnjava tako što se odnosi na sve znanstvene i religiozne knjige koje su sakupili egipatski svećenici i sačuvali u svojim hramovima.
[Fri Sep 12 16:10:56 2003]
Under the title of Hermetic books, several works falsely attributed to Hermes, but written, most probably, by the Neo-Platonists, are still extant, and were deemed to be of great authority up to the 16th century.
Nekoliko djela pogrešno pripisivanih Hermesu, ali napisanih, najvjerojatnije, od strane Neo-Platonista, još uvijek postoje pod nazivom Hermesove knjige, i do 16. stoljeća su ih smatrali velikim autoritetom.
[Fri Sep 12 16:15:25 2003]
It was a tradition very generally accepted in former times that this Hermes engraved his knowledge of the sciences on tables or pillars of stone, which were afterward copied into books.
U prošla vremena je bila općeprihvaćena tradicija da je Hermes urezao na ploče ili stupove od kamena svoje znanje o znanostima, koje je kasnije prepisano u knjige.
[Fri Sep 12 16:15:29 2003]
Manetho attributes to him the invention of stylae, or pillars, on which were inscribed the:
Manetho mu pripisuje pronalazak stylae, ili stupova, na kojima su bila urezana
[Fri Sep 12 16:25:05 2003]
The principal of these is the "Poemander," or of the Divine Power and Wisdom.
Glava ovih je "Poemander " ili Božanska Snaga i Mudrost.
[Fri Sep 12 16:29:28 2003]
And Jamblichus says that when Plato and Pythagoras had read the inscriptions on these columns they formed their philosophy.
I Jamblih kaže da kad su Platon i Pitagora pročitali natpise na ovim stupovima, uobličili su svoju filozofiju.
[Fri Sep 12 16:32:02 2003]
Hermes was, in fact, an Egyptian legislator and priest.
Hermes je, ustvari, bio egipatski zakonodavac i svećenik.
[Fri Sep 12 16:33:12 2003]
Thirty six books on philosophy and theology, and six on medicine, are said to have been written by him, but they are all lost, if they ever existed.
Navodno je napisao trideset šest knjiga o filozofiji i teologiji, i šest o medicini, ali sve su izgubljene, ako su ikada postojale.
[Fri Sep 12 16:33:52 2003]
The question, indeed, of his own existence has been regarded by modern scholars as extremely mythical.
Dapače, moderni znanstvenici drže pitanje o njegovom postojanju izrazito mitskim.
[Fri Sep 12 16:34:54 2003]
The Alchemists, however, adopted him as their patron.
Međutim, alkemičari su ga usvojili kao svog zaštitnika.
[Fri Sep 12 16:34:54 2003]
Hence Alchemy is called the Hermetic science, and hence we get Hermetic Masonry and Hermetic Rites.
Zato se alkemija naziva hermetičkom znanošću, i otuda dolaze hermetičko slobodno zidarstvo i hermetički obredi.
[Fri Sep 12 16:42:05 2003]
At the time of the composition of the Legend of the Craft, the opinion that Hermes was the inventor of all the sciences, and among them, of course, Geometry and Architecture, was universally accepted as true, even by the learned.
Za vrijeme sastavljanja Legende o Zanatu, vjerovanje da je Hermes bio izumitelj svih znanosti, i među njima, dakako, geometrije i arhitekture, je bilo općeprihvaćeno kao istinito, čak i od strane učenih ljudi.
[Fri Sep 12 16:42:05 2003]
It is not, therefore, singular that the old Masons, who must have been familiar with the Hermetic myth, received it as something worthy to be incorporated into the early history of the Craft, nor that they should have adopted him, as they did Euclid, as one of the founders of the science of Masonry.
Nije, stoga, neobično da su ga stari slobodni zidari, koji su morali poznavati mit o Hermesu, prihvatili kao nešto vrijedno uključivanja u ranu povijest Zanata, niti da su ga usvojili, kao i Euklida, kao jednog od utemeljitelja znanosti slobodnog zidarstva.
[Fri Sep 12 16:44:50 2003]
The idea must, however, have sprung up in the 15th century, as it is first broached in the Cook manuscript.
Ideja je, međutim, morala niknuti u 15. stoljeću, budući da je prvi put načeta u Cookovom rukopisu.
[Fri Sep 12 16:45:37 2003]
And it was, in all
I bila je, najvjerojatnije
[Fri Sep 12 16:47:35 2003]
The next important point that occurs in the Legend of the Craft is its reference to the Tower of Babel, and this will, therefore, be the subject of the next chapter
Sljedeća važna točka u Legendi o Zanatu je spominjanje Babilonske Kule, i ona će, stoga, biti tema narednog poglavlja
[Wed Sep 17 11:23:20 2003]
Unlike the legend of Hermes, the story of the Tower of Babel appears in the Halliwell poem, which shows, if my theory of the origin of that poem be correct, that the Legend was not confined at an early period to the English Masons.
Za razliku od legende o Hermesu, priča o Babilonskoj kuli se pojavljuje u Halliwellovoj pjesmi, što pokazuje, ako je moja teorija o podrijetlu te pjesme točna, da Legenda nije bila ograničena na rano razdoblje engleskih slobodnih zidara.
[Wed Sep 17 11:23:20 2003]
In the second of the two poems, which I have heretofore said are united in one manuscript, the legend of Babel, or Babylon, is thus given
U drugoj od te dvije pjesme, koje su kao što sam već prije rekao spojene u jedan rukopis, legenda o Babelu, ili Babilonu, je navedena ovako
[Wed Sep 17 16:34:41 2003]
The statements of this Halliwell Legend are very meagre, nor is it possible to say with any certainty whence the writer derived his details.
Navodi u ovoj Halliwellovoj Legendi su prilično nepotpuni, niti je moguće sa sigurnošću reći odakle je pisac dobio svoje detalje.
[Wed Sep 17 16:40:49 2003]
From neither the Book of Genesis, nor Berosus, nor Josephus could he have derived the information which has given its peculiar form to the legend.
Podatke koji su legendi dali njen osebujan oblik nije mogao dobiti niti iz Knjige Postanka, niti od Berosusa, niti od Josipa Flavija.
[Wed Sep 17 16:40:49 2003]
The anachronism of making Nebuchadnezzar, who lived about sixteen centuries after the event, the builder of the tower is worthy of notice
Anakronizam po kojem je Nabukodonozor, koji je živio oko šestnaest stoljeća nakon događaja, graditelj tornja zaslužuje obavijest
[Wed Sep 17 17:04:47 2003]
It would appear that the writer of the poem had a general acquaintance with the well-known tradition of Babel, and that in loosely giving an account of it, he had confused the time and place of the erection and the supposed name of the builder.
Čini se da je pisac pjesme bio uglavnom upoznat s čuvenom predajom o Babilonu, i da je u svom nepreciznom opisu, pomiješao mjesto i vrijeme podizanja kule i navodno ime graditelja.
[Thu Sep 18 09:23:42 2003]
At all events, the subsequent Masonic legendists did not accept the Halliwell writer as authority, or, more probably, were wholly unacquainted with his poem.
U svakom slučaju, kasniji slobodnozidarski pisci legendi nisu prihvatili pisca Halliwellove pjesme za izvor podataka, ili, vjerojatnije, nisu uopće bili upoznati s njegovom pjesmom.
[Thu Sep 18 09:25:22 2003]
It did not exert any influence over the subsequent manuscripts.
Ona nije nikako utjecala na kasnije rukopise.
[Thu Sep 18 09:25:57 2003]
The next time that the Babel legend appears is in the Cooke manuscript, written at least a century after the Halliwell.
Legenda o Babilonu se sljedeći put pojavljuje u Cookeovom rukopisu, koji je napisan barem stoljeće nakon Halliwellovog.
[Thu Sep 18 09:25:57 2003]
The legend, as there given, is in the following words :
Legenda je tamo navedena sljedećim riječima:
[Thu Sep 18 10:08:03 2003]
The author of the manuscript had previously maintained that measure and geometry were identical.
Autor rukopisa je prethodno ustvrdio da su mjerenje i geometrija jednaki.
[Thu Sep 18 10:08:03 2003]
So here "the craft of mesuri" means the craft of geometry, and geometry was always supposed to be the same as Masonry.
Tako ovdje "zanat mjerenja" znači zanat geometrije, a geometrija se uvijek smatrala jednakom slobodnom zidarstvu.
[Thu Sep 18 10:32:03 2003]
We next meet with the Legend in the later manuscripts, in a form differing but little from that of the Cooke manuscript.
U kasnijim se rukopisima Legenda pojavljuje u obliku koji se ponešto razlikuje od onog iz Cookeovog rukopisa.
[Thu Sep 18 10:36:03 2003]
Dowland, which is the earliest of these manuscript Constitutions, and the date of which is supposed to be about the year 1550, has already been printed in this work.
Dowlandov, najstariji od tih pisanih Konstitucija, za kojeg se pretpostavlja da je nastao oko 1550, je već iznesen u ovom djelu.
[Thu Sep 18 10:37:30 2003]
But for the convenience of the reader, in comparing the three forms of the Legend, so much of it as refers to the Babel legend is again inserted.
Ali da bi čitatelju bilo lakše pri uspoređivanju tri oblika Legende, dio koji se odnosi na legendu o Babilonu se ponovo navodi.
[Thu Sep 18 10:37:30 2003]
It is in these words, which, it may be remarked, are very closely followed by all the subsequent manuscripts up to the beginning of the 18th century:
Napisan je ovim riječima, koje se, može se primijetiti, vrlo pažljivo slijede u svim kasnijim rukopisima do početka 18. stoljeća:
[Thu Sep 18 11:09:00 2003]
In the Halliwell poem the legend is very brief, and by its abrupt termination would impress the opinion upon the reader that Masonry had no part in the building of the Tower of Babel, the only effect of which was to produce a confusion of languages and the dispersion of mankind.
U Halliwellovoj pjesmi legenda je vrlo kratka, i zbog njenog iznenadnog završetka čitatelj bi mogao steći dojam da slobodno zidarstvo nije imalo udjela u izgradnji Babilonske kule, čiji je jedini učinak bio stvaranje pomiješanosti jezika i raspršenosti ljudskog roda.
[Thu Sep 18 11:10:15 2003]
It was only "many years after " that the "craft of geometry," or Masonry, was taught by Euclid.
Bilo je tek "mnogo godina poslije" kad je Euklid podučavao "zanat geometrije" tj. slobodno zidarstvo.
[Thu Sep 18 11:12:30 2003]
In fact, the whole tendency of the Halliwell legend is to trace the origin of Masonry to Euclid and the Egyptians.
Ustvari, svo nastojanje Halliwellove legende je da podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva pripiše Euklidu i Egipćanima.
[Thu Sep 18 11:12:30 2003]
In his account of the Tower of Babel, the writer of the Halliwell poem seems to have been indebted only to the Scriptural narrative, although he has confounded Nebuchadnezzar, the repairer of Babylon, with Nimrod, its original founder.
Čini se da autor Halliwellove pjesme svoj opis Babilonske dule duguje jedino biblijskoj pripovijesti, iako je pomiješao Nabukodonozora, ponovnog izgraditelja Babilona, s Nimrodom, njegovim prvotnim utemeljiteljem.
[Thu Sep 18 11:20:46 2003]
But the writer of the Cooke manuscript took his details of the legend from another source.
Ali pisac Cookeovog rukopisa je potankosti o legendi preuzeo iz drugog izvora.
[Thu Sep 18 11:24:27 2003]
Only a few years before the composition of this manuscript, Caxton had published, and thus placed in the hands of the English Masons, Trevisa's translation of Ranulph Higden's Polychronicon, or Universal History.
Samo nekoliko godina prije sastavljanja ovog rukopisa, Caxton je objavio, i na taj način engleskim slobodnim zidarima uručio, Trevisin prijevod Higdenovog Polikronikona, ili Opće povijesti.
[Thu Sep 18 11:26:14 2003]
Of this book, rich in materials for legendary composition, the writer of the Cooke manuscript readily availed himself.
Pisac Cookeovog rukopisa se rado okoristio ovom knijgom, punom materijala za sastavljanje legendi.
[Thu Sep 18 11:29:24 2003]
This he honestly acknowledges in several places.
To iskreno priznaje na nekoliko mjesta.
[Thu Sep 18 11:29:24 2003]
And although he quotes as other authorities Herodotus, Josephus, and Methodius, it is very evident that he knows nothing of these historians except from the citations from them made by the monk Higden in the Polychronicon.
I iako navodi i druge izvore podataka, kao što su Herodot, Josip i Metod, očigledno je da o ovim povjesničarima ne zna ništa, osim njihovih citata koje redovnik Higden navodi u Polikronikonu.
[Thu Sep 18 11:34:07 2003]
The English Masons were probably already acquainted with the legend in the imperfect form in which it is given in the Halliwell poem.
Engleski slobodni zidari su vjerojatno već poznavali legendu u nepotpunom obliku, u kakvom se nalazi u Halliwellovoj pjesmi.
[Thu Sep 18 11:40:38 2003]
But for the shape which it assumed from the time of the composition of the manuscript, and which was adopted in the Dowland and all the later manuscripts, the Craft were, I think, undoubtedly indebted to the Polychronicon of the Monk of Chester, through its translation by Trevisa and its publication by Caxton.
Ali za oblik koji je poprimila u vrijeme sastavljanje rukopisa, i koji je usvojen u Dowlandovom i svim kasnijim rukopisima, Zanat ima, vjerujem, nedvojbeno biti zahvalan Polikronikonu redovnika iz Chestera, preko Trevisinog prijevoda i Caxtonovog objavljivanja.
[Thu Sep 18 11:40:38 2003]
There are two other forms of the Babylonian legend, of later date, which must be read before we can thoroughly understand the growth of that legend.
Postoje još dva oblika babilonske legende, kasnijeg datuma, koja se moraju pročitati da bismo mogli potpuno razumjeti razvoj te legende.
[Thu Sep 18 12:14:55 2003]
In 1723 Anderson published, by authority of the Grand Lodge of England, the Constitutions of the Free-Masons.
Anderson je objavio, uz ovlaštenje Velike Lože Engleske, Konstitucije slobodnih zidara.
[Thu Sep 18 12:23:18 2003]
But as this work was of an official character, and was written and published under the sanction of the Grand Lodge, and freely distributed among the Lodges and Masons of the time, the form of the Legend adopted by him was accepted by the Fraternity for a very long period as authentic.
Ali kako je ovo djelo bilo službene naravi, i bilo je napisano i objavljeno uz odobrenje Velike Lože, i slobodno se dijelilo među tadašnjim ložama i slobodnim zidarima, Bratstvo je dugo vremena prihvaćalo oblik Legende koji je u njemu usvojen kao autentičan.
[Thu Sep 18 12:23:18 2003]
The Andersonian legend of the Tower of Babel molded, therefore, the belief of the English Craft for at least the whole of the 18th century.
Andersonova legenda o Babilonskoj kuli je, dakle, oblikovala vjerovanje engleskog Zanata, barem u čitavom 18. stoljeću.
[Thu Sep 18 12:35:48 2003]
Before giving any citations from the Andersonian version of the legend, it will be necessary to refer to another copy of the Old Constitutions.
Prije nego što navedemo ikakve citate iz Andersonove verzije legende, bit će neophodno osvrnuti se na još jedan primjerak Starih Konstitucija.
[Thu Sep 18 12:46:52 2003]
Of this document Krause gives the following account.
Krause daje sljedeći opis tog dokumenta.
[Thu Sep 18 12:50:18 2003]
He says that Brother Schneider, of Altenberg, had written communication from Brother Bottger, who stated that in the year 1799 he had seen at London a copy of the York Constitutions in a very old manuscript, consisting of 107 leaves in large folio, almost one-third of which he had been unable to read, because it was written in the early English language, and hence he was forced to employ a learned Englishman as an interpreter.
u Londonu vidio primjerak Konstitucija iz Yorka u jednom vrlo starom rukopisu, koji se sastojao od 107 listova velikog formata, gotovo trećinu kojeg nije mogao pročitati, jer je bio napisan na staroengleskom jeziku, te je stoga bio prisiljen uposliti učenog Engleza kao tumača.
[Thu Sep 18 12:50:18 2003]
Schneider made diligent inquiries after this manuscript, and eventually received a certified Latin translation, made in 1806, from which, in 1808, he composed a German version.
Schneider se marljivo raspitivao o ovom rukopisu, i naposlijetku je dobio ovjeren prijevod na latinski, napravljen 1806, iz kojeg je, 1808, sastavio njemačku verziju.
[Fri Sep 19 09:08:11 2003]
This document Krause supposes to be a genuine exemplar of the Constitutions enacted at York in 926.
Krause pretpostavlja da je to originalni uzorak Konstitucija donešenih u Yorku 926.
[Fri Sep 19 09:12:28 2003]
The original manuscript has, however, never been found;
Originalan rukopis, međutim, nikad nije pronađen;
[Fri Sep 19 09:13:20 2003]
it is not referred to in any of the records of the old Grand Lodge of York, and seems to have remained in mysterious obscurity until seen in 1799 by this Brother Böttger while on a visit to London.
ne navodi se ni u jednom od zapisa stare Velike Lože Yorka, i izgleda da je bio obavijen misterioznom tamom sve dok ga 1799. Brat Böttger nije vidio za vrijeme svog posjeta Londonu.
[Fri Sep 19 09:18:27 2003]
For these reasons, Findel deems it a spurious document.
Zbog tih razloga, Findel smatra da je dokument lažan.
[Fri Sep 19 09:18:35 2003]
Brother Woodford, than whom there is none more competent to judge of questions of this kind, does not assent to this opinion, but, having his doubts, thinks the matter should remain in abeyance for the present.
Brat Woodford, od kojeg nema kompetentnijeg u procjenjivanju pitanja ove vrste, ne slaže se s ovim mišljenjem, ali, dvojeći, misli da bi pitanje zasad trebalo staviti na stranu.
[Fri Sep 19 09:19:17 2003]
Hughan, another accomplished critic, believes that it is probably a compilation of the early part of the last century.
Brat Hughan, još jedan vrstan kritičar, vjeruje da je dokument vjerojatno kompilacija iz prve polovice prošlog stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 09:25:24 2003]
When the reader shall have collated the extracts about to be given from Anderson's Constitutions and the Krause manuscript, he will, I think, concur with me, that either Anderson had seen the latter manuscript, or that the author of it had been familiar with the work of Anderson
Kad čitatelj bude uspoređivao izvatke iz Andersonovih Konstitucija i Krauseovog rukopisa, mislim da će se složiti sa mnom, da je Anderson ili vidio potonji rukopis, ili da je njegov autor bio upoznat Andersonovim djelom
[Fri Sep 19 09:36:01 2003]
The general similarity of Ideas, the collocation of certain words, and the use of particular phrases, must lead to the conclusion that one of the two writers was acquainted with the production of the other.
Općenita sličnost ideja, kolokacija nekih riječi i korištenje određenih izraza, moraju navesti na zaključak da je jedan od ta dva pisca poznavao djelo onog drugog.
[Fri Sep 19 09:36:01 2003]
Which was the earlier one is not easily determined, nor is it important, since they were almost contemporaneous documents, and, therefore, they both show what was the form assumed by the legend in the early part of the 18th century.
Nije lako utvrditi koji je dokument stariji, a nije ni važno, jer su bili gotovo istodobni, i stoga oba pokazuju kakav je oblik poprimila legenda u prvoj polovici 18. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 09:49:07 2003]
"About 101 years after the Flood we find a vast number of them [the offspring of the sons of Noah], if not the whole race of Noah, in the vale of Shinar, employed in building a city and large tower, in order to make themselves a name and to prevent their dispersion.
"Oko 101 godinu nakon Potopa nalazimo golem broj njih [potomaka Noinih sinova], ako ne i čitavu Noinu rasu, u dolini Šinear, zaposlene na izgradnji grada i velike kule, kako bi sebi stvorili ime i spriječili svoje raštrkavanje.
[Fri Sep 19 10:01:32 2003]
And though they carried on the work to a monstrous height, and by their vanity provoked God to confound their devices, by confounding their speech, which occasioned their dispersion;
I iako su podigli svoje djelo do monstruozne visine, i svojom taštinom izazvali Boga da im pobrka planove, miješajući im jezik, što je izazvalo njihovo raspršenje;
[Fri Sep 19 10:08:01 2003]
yet their skill in Masonry is not the less to be celebrated, having spent above 53 years in that prodigious work, and upon their dispersion carried the mighty knowledge with them into distant parts, where they found the good use of it in the settlement of their kingdoms, commonwealths, and dynasties.
ipak njihova vještina u slobodnom zidarstvu nije ništa manje slavna, jer su proveli više od 53 godine na tom čudesnom djelu, i po svom raspršenju su ponijeli silno znanje u daleke krajeve, gdje su od njega imali velike koristi u uspostavljanju svojih kraljevstava, država i dinastija.
[Fri Sep 19 10:08:01 2003]
And though afterwards it was lost in most parts of the earth it was especially preserved in Shinar and Assyria, where Nimrod, the founder of that monarchy, after the dispersion built many splendid cities, as Ereck, Accad and Calneh in Shinar, from whence afterwards he went forth into Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth, Caleh, and Rhesin.
I iako se nakon toga izgubilo u većem dijelu zemlje, posebno se očuvalo u Šinearu i Asiriji, gdje je Nimrod, utemeljitelj tog kraljevstva, nakon raspršenja izgradio mnoge velike gradove, poput Ereka, Akada i Kalnea u Šinearu, odakle je nakon toga on išao dalje u Asiriju i sagradio Ninivu, Rehobot, Kalah i Resen.
[Fri Sep 19 10:17:21 2003]
In these parts, upon the Tigris and the Euphrates, afterwards flourished many learned Priests and Mathematicians, known by the names of Chaldees and Magi, who preserved the good science, Geometry , as the kings and great men encouraged the Royal Art."
U ove krajevima, na Tigrisu i Eufratu, je kasnije bilo mnogo učenih Svećenika i Matematičara, poznatih kao Kaldejci i Mudraci, koji su sačuvali dobru znanost, Geometriju, budući da su kraljevi i velikani podupirali Kraljevsku Umjetnost."
[Fri Sep 19 10:24:24 2003]
The oftener I read this document, and the more I reflect on its internal evidence, the more I become convinced that it was written after the first edition of Anderson's "Constitutions," and, perhaps, after the second.
Što češće čitam ovaj dokument, i što više razmišljam o njegovim internim dokazima, to više postajem uvjeren da je bio napisan nakon prvog izdanja Andersonovih "Konstitucija", a, možda, i nakon drugog.
[Fri Sep 19 10:24:24 2003]
Indeed, I am almost prepared to assign any part of the 18th century for the date of its composition.
Štoviše, gotovo sam spreman pripisati mu datum nastanka bilo kad u 18. stoljeću.
[Fri Sep 19 10:31:56 2003]
See it in Hughan's "Old Charges of the British Freemasons," p. 80.
Vidjeti u Hughanovim "Starim dužnostima britanskih slobodnih zidara, " str. 80.
[Fri Sep 19 10:33:34 2003]
It must be remembered that it is there an English version of the German which had been translated from a Latin translation of the original old English - ut dicitur.
Ne smije se zaboraviti da je ovo engleska verzija njemačkog teksta koji je prijevod latinskog prijevoda staroengleskog originala - ut dicitur.
[Fri Sep 19 10:33:34 2003]
I have corrected a few errors in the translation in the "Old Charges" by a collation with the German of Krause.
Ispravio sam neke greške u prijevodu u "Starim dužnostima" uspoređujući s Krauseovim njemačkim.
[Fri Sep 19 10:49:38 2003]
Two generations after Noah, his descendants, proud of their knowledge, built on a plain, in the land of Shinar, a great city and a high tower of lime, stones, and wood, in order that they might dwell together, under the laws which their ancestor, Noah, had made known, and that the names of Noah's descendants might be preserved for all time.
Dvije generacije nakon Noe, njegovi potomci, ponosni na svoje znanje, sagradili su u nizini, u zemlji Šinearu, velik grad i visoku kulu od vapna, kamena i drva, kako bi bi mogli zajedno obitavati, prema zakonima što ih je njihov predak, Noa, bio obznanio, i da imena Noinih potomaka mogu biti sačuvana za sva vremena.
[Fri Sep 19 10:51:25 2003]
This arrogance, however, did not please the Lord in heaven, the lover of humility, therefore he caused a confusion of their speech before the tower was finished, and scattered them in many uninhabited lands, whither they brought with them their laws and arts, and then founded kingdoms and principalities, as the Holy Books often testify.
Ova se oholost, međutim, nije svidjela Gospodu na nebesima, ljubitelju poniznosti, stoga im je pomiješao govor prije nego što je kula bila završena, i raštrkao ih je u mnoge nenaseljene zemlje, kamo su ponijeli svoje zakone i umijeća, i tada utemeljili kraljevstva i kneževine, kako Svete Knjige često svjedoče.
[Fri Sep 19 11:03:00 2003]
Nimrod, in particular, built a town of considerable size;
Nimrod je, poglavito, podigao prilično velik grad;
[Fri Sep 19 11:03:00 2003]
but Noah's son, Shem, remained in Ur, in the land of the Chaldeans, and propagated a knowledge of all the arts and sciences abroad, and taught also Peleg, Serug, Nahor, Terah, and Abraham, the last of whom knew all the sciences, and had knowledge, and continued to instruct the sons of free-born men, whence afterwards the numerous learned priests and mathematicians who have been known under the name of the wise Chaldeans
ali Noin sin, Šem, je ostao u Uru, u zemlji Kaldejaca, i širio znanje o svim umijećima i znanostima na sve strane, i učio je i Pelega, Seruga, Nahora, Teraha i Abrahama; ovaj posljednji je poznavao sve znanosti, i imao je znanje, i nastavio je podučavati sinove slobodnih ljudi, odakle nakon toga brojni učeni svećenici i matematičari koji su bili poznati kao mudri Kaldejci
[Fri Sep 19 11:10:24 2003]
We have now five different documents presenting three different forms of the Legend of the Tower of Babel:
Sad imamo pet različitih dokumenata koji prikazuju tri različita oblika Legende o Babilonskoj kuli:
[Fri Sep 19 11:12:21 2003]
The Halliwell poem.
Halliwellova pjesma.
[Fri Sep 19 11:13:41 2003]
This Legend briefly recounts the facts of the building of the tower and the subsequent interruption of the work by the confusion of tongues and the dispersion of the builders.
Ova Legenda ukratko iznosi činjenice o izgradnji kule i kasnijem prekidu rada zbog pomiješanosti jezika i raštrkanosti graditelja.
[Fri Sep 19 11:14:29 2003]
By an anachronism, Nebuchadnezzar is designated as the monarch who directed the construction.
Zbog anakronizma, Nabukodonozor je označen vladarom koji je vodio izgradnju.
[Fri Sep 19 11:17:02 2003]
Not a word is said about the Institution of Masonry at that time.
Ništa se ne govori o Instituciji slobodnog zidarstva u to vrijeme.
[Fri Sep 19 11:17:02 2003]
In fact, the theory of the Halliwell manuscript seems rather to be that Masonry was, "many years after," taught for the first time in Egypt by Euclid.
U biti, čini se da je teorija u Halliwellovom rukopisu da je slobodno zidarstvo bilo prvi put podučavano "mnogo godina poslije", od strane Euklida u Egiptu.
[Fri Sep 19 11:20:14 2003]
The form of the Legend was never accepted by the Operative Masons of the Guild, certainly not after the end of the 15th century.
Operativni slobodni zidari Ceha nikad nisu prihvatili ovaj oblik legende, sigurno ne nakon završetka 15. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 11:21:13 2003]
The Cooke and later manuscripts.
Cookeov i kasniji rukopisi.
[Fri Sep 19 11:22:54 2003]
This form of the Legend ascribes the origin of Masonry to the era of the building of the tower.
Ovaj oblik Legende pripisuje podrijetlo slobodnog zidarstva u doba izgradnje kule.
[Fri Sep 19 11:24:16 2003]
Nimrod is made the Grand Master and makes the first charge - that is, frames the first Constitution that the Masons ever had.
Nimrod je postavljen za Velikog Majstora i izdaje prvu dužnost - odnosno, sastavlja prve Konstitucije koje su slobodni zidari ikad imali.
[Fri Sep 19 11:24:49 2003]
Asshur, the son of Shem, is also represented as a great Mason, the builder of the city of Nineveh, and to whom Nimrod sent workmen to assist him.
Ašur, Šemov sin, je također predstavljen kao znameniti slobodni zidar, graditelj grada Ninive, kojem je Nimrod poslao radnike da mu pomognu.
[Fri Sep 19 11:24:49 2003]
From Babylon, Masonry was carried next into Egypt.
Iz Babilona je slobodno zidarstvo prenijeto u Egipat.
[Fri Sep 19 11:32:32 2003]
This form of the Legend, first presented in the Cooke manuscript, and followed almost literally in the Dowland and all the succeeding manuscript Constitutions, seems to have embodied the prevailing belief of the Fraternity until about the end of the 17th or the beginning of the 18th century.
Čini se da je ovaj oblik Legende, koji je prvi put predstavljen u Cookeovom rukopisu, i koji se gotovo doslovno slijedi u Dowlandu i svim kasnijim pisanim Konstitucijama, utjelovljavao prevladavajuće vjerovanje Bratstva sve do kraja 17. ili početka 18. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 11:35:59 2003]
The Andersonian and the York Constitutions.
Andersonove i Konstitucije iz Yorka.
[Fri Sep 19 11:38:37 2003]
In these the form of the Legend is greatly improved.
U njima je oblik Legende znatno usavršen.
[Fri Sep 19 11:41:03 2003]
The idea that Masonry was first established with appropriate laws at the Tower of Babel under the superintendence of Nimrod is still preserved.
Ideja da je Slobodno Zidarstvo prvi put utemeljeno s odgovarajućim zakonima kod Babilonske kule pod nadzorom Nimroda je još uvijek očuvana.
[Fri Sep 19 11:43:47 2003]
But Asshur no longer appears as a builder of cities, assisted by "his cosen," but is transformed, and correctly too, into the kingdom of Assyria, where Nimrod himself built Nineveh and other cities.
Ali Ašur se više ne pojavljuje kao graditelj gradova, kojem pomaže "njegov rođak", nego je prebačen, i to ispravno, u kraljevinu Asiriju, gdje je sam Nimrod podigao Ninivu i ostale gradove.
[Fri Sep 19 11:43:47 2003]
And the next appearance of Masonry is said to be, not in Egypt, as in the preceding manuscripts, but is said to have been propagated after the dispersion by the Magi in the land of the Chaldeans.
A sljedeći se put slobodno zidarstvo ne pojavljuje u Egiptu, kao u ranijim rukopisima, nego se kaže da su ga nakon raštrkavanje Mudraci proširili u zemlji Kaldejaca.
[Fri Sep 19 11:51:59 2003]
This form of the Legend prevailed during perhaps the whole of the 18th century.
Ovaj oblik Legende je prevladavao za vrijeme vjerojatno čitavog 18. stoljeća.
[Fri Sep 19 11:56:42 2003]
It became the settled conviction of the Masons of that period that Masonry was instituted at the Tower of Babel by Nimrod and thence propagated to the Chaldeans.
Postalo je ukorijenjeno vjerovanje tadašnjih slobodnih zidara da je slobodno zidarstvo utemeljeno kod Babilonske kule, od strane Nimroda, a otud je prenijeto Kaldejcima.
[Fri Sep 19 12:00:25 2003]
Thus, in Smith's Use and Abuse of Freemasonry, published in 1783, it is said that after the Flood the Masons were first called Noachidae, and afterwards sages or wise men, Chaldeans, etc.
Tako se u Smithovom djelu Uporaba i zloporaba slobodnog zidarstva, objavljenom 1783, kaže da su se nakon Potopa slobodni zidari prvo zvali Noachidae, a nakon toga mudraci ili mudri ljudi, Kaldejci, itd.